Me8792 QB
Me8792 QB
Me8792 QB
2. What is a super critical boiler? Give two advantages. (A/M 13, 18, N/D 15)
A supercritical boiler is a type of boiler that operates at supercritical pressure,
frequently used in the production of electric power. A supercritical boiler operates at
pressures above the critical pressure 22 MPa in which liquid water immediately becomes
steam. Water passes below the critical point as it does work in a high pressure turbine and
enters the generator's condenser, resulting in slightly less fuel use and therefore less
greenhouse gas production.
Higher unit cycle efficiency (40 - 42%)
Lower heat rate and electricity generation cost is lower
Lower water losses because no continuous blow down
Reduced auxiliary power consumption.
3. What is pulversier and why it is used? (M/J 14, N/D 13, 15)
The pulveriser is used to pulverise the coal in order to increase the surface
exposure. Pulverised coal enables rapid combustion. The different types of pulverising
mills are
1. Ball mill
2. Hammer mill
3. Ball and race mill.
4. What are the functions of draught system? (or) What are the purposes of Draught?
(or) What do you understand by the term boiler draught? (M/J 16, N/D 16, 18)
Draught is defined as a small pressure difference required between the fuel bed
(furnace) and outside air is to maintain constant flow of air and to discharge the gases
through chimney to the atmosphere. The uses of draught in thermal power plants are
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
ME8792 Power Plant Engineering
9. Why majority of coal based thermal power plants are located near Seashore? (N/D
Sea water is used for cooling purposes and also coal transportation through ship.
10. Reason out why Cogeneration is quite viable in Sugar industries compared to that in
other industries. (N/D 17)
Byproduct Sugarcane molasses is available in sugar industries. It is used as a fuel
in cogeneration unit.
1. What are the applications of Diesel engine power plants? (A/M 17, N/D 14)
(a)It is quite suitable for mobile power generation
(b) It is used as peak load plants in combined with thermal or hydro plants
(c) It is used as stand by plants for emergency service.
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
ME8792 Power Plant Engineering
2. What are the applications of gas turbine power plants? (A/M 18)
(a) Peak load plants: gas turbine power plants are used to supply peak loads in steam
or hydro plants
(b) Standby plants: They are used as Standby plants for hydro – electric plants
(c) They are used in industries for driving compressors & electric generators
(d) They are used in Jet planes, aircrafts & ships.
3. What are the advantages of closed cycle gas turbine over open cycle gas turbine?
(N/D 18)
(i) Efficiency is same throughout the cycle
(ii)The turbine blades do not wear away since the combustion is external
(iii)Starting of the plant is easy
(iv) Low quality fuel can be used since the combustion is external.
(i) A separate pre cooler arrangement is necessary
(ii)The size & weight are more
(iii)Initial cost & maintenance cost are more
(iv)Combustion efficiency is less.
6. What are the different types of lubrication system in diesel power plant? (M/J 14)
Mist lubricating system
Wet sump lubrication system
Dry sump lubrication system
7. Why power generation by gas turbine is more attractive than other turbines? (N/D
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
ME8792 Power Plant Engineering
Gas turbine power plant is attractive because of their ability to quickly ramp up
power production
8. List down the various processes of the Brayton cycle. (A/M 17)
Isentropic compression
Constant pressure heat addition
Isentropic expansion
Constant pressure heat rejection
10. Mention the major difference between Otto cycle and diesel cycle. (N/D 15)
S.NO Otto cycle Diesel Cycle
1 Otto cycle consists of two Diesel cycle consists of two
isentropic and two constant isentropic and one constant
volume processes. volume and one constant pressure
2 Heat addition takes place at Heat addition takes place at
constant volume constant pressure
3 Compression ratio is equal to Compression ratio is greater than
expansion ratio expansion ratio
1. What is the function of control rods in nuclear reactor? (A/M 17, N/D 15)
The control rods are used to start the chain reaction, maintain the chain reaction at
required level and to shut down the reactor during emergency.
4. Reflectors
5. Reactor vessel
6. Biological shielding
7. Coolant
4. Define “electron Volt” with reference to Nuclear Power Plants. (N/D 17)
It is defined as the amount of energy one electron gains by moving through a
potential difference of one volt.
5. How do you cater for safety of nuclear power plant? (M/J 14, N/D 15)
a. Radiological protection of workers
b. Dose limit
c. Radioactive waste management
1. Enumerate the factors affecting the suitability of the site for the tidal power plant.
(A/M 15)
i) The location of the plant must be near the ocean
ii) Site selection for the plant should be in such a way that tidal range of ocean is
large iii) The sluice gates of dam should allow water to or from basins
iv) There should also be a nearby demand for electricity, otherwise the energy which
is produced has to be stored in some way or transported to where it is needed which
increases the cost.
The surge tank is used to provide better regulation of water pressure in the
system. The surge tank controls the water when the load on the turbine decreases and
supplies water when the load on the turbine increases. Thus, surge tank controls the
pressure variations resulting from the rapid changes in water flow in penstock and hence
prevents water hammer.
It’s a renewable energy source
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
ME8792 Power Plant Engineering
iv)The power transmission cost is high because the tidal power plants are located away
from load centres.
10. Why is a tall tower essential for mounting a horizontal axis wind turbine? (M/J 16)
The wind speed increases with height. So, taller towers enable turbines to capture
more energy and generate more electricity. Generally output power of the wind system
1. What is fixed and operating cost? What are fixed costs in power plants? What
includes fixed cost? (A/M 17, M/J 14,16, N/D 14)
Fixed costs are the cost required for the installation of complete power plant.
Fixed cost includes the following cost: 1. Cost of land 2. Cost of building 3. Cost of
equipment 4. Cost of installation, 5. Interest 6. Depreciation cost 7. Insurance 8.
Management cost.
Operating cost includes the following cost. 1. Cost of fuel, 2. Cost of operating
labour 3. Cost of maintenance, labours and materials. 4. Cost of supplier like Water for
feeding boilers, for condenser and for general use.
6. Define load curve. (or) What is the significance of load curve? (A/M 13, N/D 15, 18)
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
ME8792 Power Plant Engineering
Load curve is a graphical representation between load in kW and time in hours. It.
shows variation of load at the power station. The area under the load curve -represents the
energy generated in a particular period. It shows the value of a specific load for each unit
of the period covered. The unit of time considered may be hour, days, weeks, months or
1. With a neat sketch explain in detail about Diesel engine power plant.(May-15,16,19,
2. Mention the various methods of lubrication system and explain it.(Nov-14)
3. Gas Turbine power plant. (May-15,16,17, Nov-14,17)
4. Explain in detail about combined cycle power plant. (May-16,18, Nov-18)
5. Explain in detail about Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle. (May-16,17,19)
1. Write about nuclear fission.(May-17) & Write about chain reaction. (May-17, Nov-18)
2. With neat diagram, explain the various components of nuclear power plant. (May-15,19,
3. Explain the BWR and PWR with neat layout. (May-15,16, Nov-14,17,18)
4. Explain CANDU reactor with neat sketch. And also write its advantages and
disadvantages. (Nov-15,16,17)
5. Discuss about safety measures adopted in nuclear power plant. (Nov-16,18)
1. Explain the hydroelectric power plant with neat layout. (May-17,18, Nov-14,15,16,18)
2. Explain the construction and working of wind mill. (May-15, Nov-16,18)
3. With neat diagram, explain the working of biogas plant. And also write its advantages
and disadvantages. (May-17,18, Nov-15,18)
4. Write short notes about solar photovoltaic cell. (May-16,17, Nov-15)
5. Write short notes about Fuel cell. (May-16,18,19, Nov-15,16)
1. What is meant by tariff? Explain the different types of tariff rate. (May-17,18 Nov-
2. Write about capital cost and operating cost of power plants. (May-16,18 Nov-14,17)
3. Explain the types of load. (May-16,17,18)
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
ME8792 Power Plant Engineering
4. Explain the Site selection criteria for various power plants. (May-16,18,19 Nov-14,16)
5. Explain the control of emission from coal power plant. (May-17, Nov-15,16,17,18)