Me8792 - Power Plant Engineering Unit 2: Diesel, Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Power Plants
Me8792 - Power Plant Engineering Unit 2: Diesel, Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Power Plants
Me8792 - Power Plant Engineering Unit 2: Diesel, Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Power Plants
1) Mention the major difference between Otto cycle and diesel cycle. [N/D 2015]
S.No Otto Cycle Diesel Cycle
It consists of two isentropic and two It consists of two isentropic, one constant
constant volume processes volume and one constant pressure processes
Heat addition takes place at constant
2 Heat addition takes place at constant pressure
Compression ratio is equal to expansion Compression ratio is greater than expansion
ratio ratio
4 Efficiency is more Efficiency is less
2) Why power generation by gas turbine is more attractive than other turbine? [N/D 2015]
Gas turbines are attractive because of their ability to quickly ramp up power production.
3) Name the essential components of a diesel electric plant. [M/J 2016], [N/D 2018-N]
i) Engine
ii) Air intake system
iii)Engine stating system
iv) Fuel system
v) Exhaust system
vi) Cooling system
vii) Lubricating system
viii) Governing system
4) Give examples of combined cycle power plant. [M/J 2016], [N/D 2018]
i) Gas turbine-steam turbine power plant
ii) MHD-Thermionic steam power plant
iii)Thermo electric-steam power plant
iv) MHD-steam power plant
v) Nuclear-steam combined power plant
vi) MHD-gas turbine power plant
7) What are the applications of Diesel engine power plants? [M/J 2017]
i) It is quite suitable for mobile power generation.
ii) It is used as peak load plants in combined with thermal or hydro plants.
iii)It is used as stand by plants for emergency service.
8) List down the various processes of the Brayton cycle. [M/J 2017]
i) Process 1-2: Isentropic Compression Process
ii) Process 2-3: Constant pressure heat addition Process
iii)Process 3-4: Isentropic Expansion Process
iv) Process 4-1: Constant pressure heat rejection Process
9) Justify: Auxiliary power consumption of Brayton cycle is almost twice that of Rankine Cycle
despite the thermodynamic processes adopted are similar. [N/D 2017]
More than 50 percent of the power is used to drive the compressors, motors and fans such as induced draft
fans and forced draught fans. So, the remaining power generated by turbine is used to generate electrical
power. Thus, auxiliary power consumption of Brayton cycle is almost twice that of Rankine cycle even the
same thermodynamic processes are adopted.
10) State the significance of Load factor and Capacity factor of a gas based power plant. [N/D 2017]
Significance of Load Factor:
Load factor is always less than unity. It plays an important part on the cost of power generation per unit.
Higher is the load factor, lesser will be the cost of power generation per unit for the same maximum
Significance of Capacity Factor:
Capacity factor decides to ramp power production, grid demand, plant maintenance, feedstock
availability etc.,
11) Draw the P-V diagram of dual cycle. [M/J 2018]
12) What are the applications of gas turbine power plants? [M/J 2018]
i) Gas turbine power plants are mainly used as peak load power plants, emergency stand-by unit or hydro-
station stand-by unit and base load plant under specific conditions.
ii) It has low installation cost per KW installed capacity recommended source of peaking or emergency
iii)The quick starting and good response characteristics of the gas turbine plant make the gas turbine as
desirable peak load and essential stand-by plant.
iv) The gas turbine can be used as base load plant where the gas turbine fuel is relatively cheap.
13) What are the advantages of closed cycle gas turbine over open cycle gas turbine? [N/D 2018]
i) Efficiency is same throughout the cycle.
ii) The turbine blades do not wear away since the combustion is external.
iii)Starting of the plant is easy.
iv) Low quality fuels can be used since the combustion is external.
v) Thermal stresses are low.
vi) It does not need for internal cleaning.
14) Mention the methods of improving a simple gas turbine cycle efficiency? [N/D 2018-N]
i) Inter cooling
ii) Reheating
iv) Combination of inter cooling, reheating and regenerator.
15) List the various thermodynamic processes involved in Otto cycle. [A/M 2019]
i) Process 1-2: Isentropic Compression Process
ii) Process 2-3: Constant volume heat addition Process
iii)Process 3-4: Isentropic Expansion Process
iv) Process 4-1: Constant volume heat rejection Process