I Year B.Tech. L T/P/D C 3 -/-/- 6
ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY UNIT I: Electrochemistry & Corrosion: Electro Chemistry – Conductance - Specific, Equivalent and Molar conductance and their Units; Applications of Conductance ( Conductometric titrations). EMF: Galvanic Cells, types of Electrodes – ( Calomel, Quinhydrone and glass electrodes); Nernst equation and its applications ; concept of concentration cells, electro chemical series, Potentiometric titrations, determination of PH using glass electrode-Numerical problems. Batteries: Primary cells ( dry cells) and secondary cells (lead-Acid cell, Ni-Cd cell, Lithium cells). Applications of batteries. Fuel cells – Hydrogen – Oxygen fuel cell; methanol – oxygen fuel cell ; Advantages and Applications. Corrosion and its control: Causes and effects of corrosion; Theories of corrosion – Chemical & Electrochemical corrosion; Types of corrosion ( Galvanic, Water line, Pitting and Intergranular); Factors affecting rate of corrosion –Nature of metal and Nature of Enviornent – Corrosion control methods – Cathodic protection (sacrificial anodic and impressed current). Surface coatings: Metallic coatings & methods of application of metallic coatings - hot dipping (galvanization & tinning), Cementation, cladding, electroplating ( copper plating ) Electroless plating ( Ni plating) -Organic coatings – Paints - constituents and their functions. UNIT II: Engineering Materials: Polymers:Types of Polymerization (Chain & Step growth). Plastics: Thermoplastic & Thermo setting resins;Compounding & fabrication of plastics (Compression and injection moulding ).Preparation, properties, engineering applications of PVC, Teflon and Bakelite. Fibers- Charcterstics of fibers – preparation, properties and uses of Nylon – 6,6 and Dacron – Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP) – applications. Rubbers – Natural rubber and its vulcanization. Elastomers – Buna-s, Butyl rubber and Thiokol rubber. Conducting polymers: Polyacetylene, Polyaniline, Mechanism of Conduction, doping; applications of Conducting polymers. Bio-degradable Polymers- preparation and Applications of Poly vinyl acetate and Poly lactic acid – Cement: composition of Portland cement, setting & hardening of cement (reactions), Lubricants: Classification with examples- Characterstics of a good lubricant & mechanism of lubrication (thick film , thin film and extreme pressure)– properties of lubricants: viscosity , Cloud point, flash and fire points. Refractories: Classification, charactersitcs of a good refractory and applications. Nanomaterials: Introduction, preparation by sol-gel & chemical vapour deposition methods. Applications of nanomaterials. UNIT III: Water and its Treatment: Hardness of Water: Causes of hardness, expression of hardness – units – types of hardness, estimation of temporary & permanent hardness of water by EDTA method - numerical problems. Boiler troubles – Scale & sludges, Priming and foaming, caustic enbrittlement and boiler corrosion; Treatment of boiler feed water – Internal treatment (Phosphate, Colloidal and calgon conditioning) – External treatment – Lime Soda process, Zeolite process and ion exchange process. Numerical Problems. Potable Water- Its Specifications – Steps involved in trtament of potable water – Disinfection of water by chlorination and ozonisation. Reverse osmosis & its significance. Unit – IV : Fuels & Combustion Fuels – Classification – soild fuels : coal – analysis of coal - proximate and ultimate analysis and their significance.Liquid fuels – petroleum and its refining – cracking – types – fixed bed catalytic cracking. Knocking – octane and cetane rating, synthetic petrol, Bergius and Fischer- Tropsch’s process: Gaseous fuels - constituents, characterstics and applications of natural gas, LPG and CNG. Analysis of flue gas by Orsat’s apparatus – Numerical Problems. Combustion – Definition, Calorific value of fuel – HCV , LCV; Determination of calorific value by Junker’s gas calorimeter – theoretical calculation of Calorific value by Dulong’s formula – Numerical problems on combustion. UNIT V: Phase Rule & Surface Chemistry : Phase Rule: Definition of terms : Phase, component, degree of freedom, phase rule equation. Phase diagrams –one component system- water system. Two component system Lead- Silver, cooling curves, heat treatment basedon iron-carbon phase diagram - hardening, annealing and normalization. Surface Chemistry: Adsorption – Types of Adsorption, Isotherms – Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherm, applications of adsorption; Colloids: Classification of Colloids; Electrical & optical properties, micelles, applications of colloids in industry. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Engineering Chemistry by R.P. Mani,K.N. Mishra, B. Rama Devi /CENGAGE learning. 2. Engineering Chemistry by P.C Jain & Monica Jain, Dhanpatrai Publishing Company (2008). REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Engineering Chemistry by B. Siva Shankar Mc.Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi(2006) 2. Engineering Chemistry J.C. Kuriacase & J. Rajaram, Tata McGraw Hills Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi (2004). 3. Text Book of Engineering Chemistry by S.S. Dara & Mukkati S. Chand & Co Publishers, New Delhi(2006) 4. Chemistry of Engineering Materials by CV Agarwal,C.P Murthy, A.Naidu, BS Publications.