Thoroughly identifying hazards
and ensuring compliance.
MS Engineering Pvt.Ld, Islamabad — HSE OFFICER Risk Assessment: Evaluating
2022 to 2024 potential risks and developing
strategies to mitigate them.
Client : Pakistan PWD
Communication: Clearly
Project: Cancer Hospital PIMS Islamabad
conveying safety procedures and
Location: G-8/2 Islamabad.
training to workers.
Problem-Solving: Quickly
addressing safety concerns and
1. Safety Inspections: Regularly check the site to identify potential
finding effective solutions.
hazards and ensure safety measures are in place.
Knowledge of Regulations:
2. Risk Assessment: Evaluate risks and develop strategies to
Understanding and applying
minimize accidents and injuries.
relevant safety and
3. Training: Conduct safety training sessions for workers to
environmental laws and
educate them on safe practices and emergency procedures.
4. Incident Reporting: Document and report any accidents,
Organizational Skills: Managing
injuries, or near misses that occur on-site.
documentation, reports, and
5. Emergency Preparedness: Create and maintain emergency
safety records efficiently.
response plans, including evacuation procedures and first aid
Training and Coaching:
Educating employees on safety
6. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the construction site
practices and proper use of
complies with local, state, and federal safety and environmental
Emergency Response: Preparing
7. Safety Equipment: Make sure that all workers have and use the
for and managing emergency
necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), like helmets,
situations effectively.
gloves, and safety boots.
Leadership: Guiding and
8. Hazardous Materials Management: Oversee the safe handling,
influencing others to prioritize
storage, and disposal of hazardous materials and chemicals.
9. Safety Meetings: Organize and lead regular safety meetings with
Technical Proficiency:
workers and management to discuss safety issues and updates.
Understanding the technical
10. Documentation and Record-Keeping: Maintain accurate records
aspects of safety equipment and
of safety inspections, training sessions, incidents, and
compliance efforts.