Self-Healing of Cracks in Concrete: July 2011
Self-Healing of Cracks in Concrete: July 2011
Self-Healing of Cracks in Concrete: July 2011
17 3,144
4 authors, including:
Folker H. Wittmann
ETH Zurich
All content following this page was uploaded by Folker H. Wittmann on 09 March 2015.
K. Van Tittelboom, N. De Belie, P. Zhang and F.H. Wittmann
Self-healing of Cracks in Concrete
Furthermore, carriers are needed which contain the healing agent and
which are able to sense damage and trigger the healing mechanism by
releasing the healing agent. Brittle materials which are embedded inside
the cementitious matrix and break whenever cracks in the matrix appear
may be suitable. In addition, the encapsulation material should exhibit
good adhesion to the matrix and limited extension in order to rupture upon
concrete cracking.
Several types of healing agents have already been tested in research on
self-healing of concrete. Mostly single-component, air-curing healing
agents, such as cyanoacrylates [1-3], epoxy [4-5], silicons [2] or alkali-
silica solutions [6], are preferred above multi-component healing agents,
because incomplete mixing of the different components is feared.
However, Dry et al. [7] stated that the potentially short shelf life of single-
component healing agents might be disadvantageous. They mentioned
that multi-component healing agents have more stability than single-
component healing agents because they are activated at a later date, i.e.
in situ. Therefore, they proposed the use of a multi-component
methylmethacrylate system [7-8] and a two-component epoxy resin [2].
In most investigations hollow glass tubes are used as encapsulation
material [1-3, 5-9]. In that case, the release of healing agent is activated
by crack formation, which results in breakage of the embedded brittle
glass tubes. The internal diameter of the tubes used ranges from 0.8 mm
[1] to 4 mm [5]. Although these diameters are quite large, Joseph et al. [3]
found that after crack formation only small amount of the healing agent
was drawn into the crack and that most of it remained inside the tubes due
to the capillary forces. Therefore, they decided that tubes with open ends
would be better as this would eliminate the suction effects of the closed
ends [3]. Also Mihashi et al. [6] and Dry et al. [9] made use of this
technique in which continuous hollow glass tubes were embedded inside
the specimens and were connected with a reservoir at the outside.
Another advantage of the latter technique is that an additional amount of
healing agent may be supplied when needed, so that larger cracks or a
greater amount of cracks may be healed. However, as the healing agent
needs to be supplied into the reservoir, this technique cannot be fully
considered as self-healing.
K. Van Tittelboom, N. De Belie, P. Zhang and F.H. Wittmann
Self-healing of Cracks in Concrete
Code Description
UNCR Uncracked beams
REF Reference beams (no crack healing)
MAN Manual crack healing with polyurethane
SHC Self-healing of cracks with polyurethane
When beams of the test series ‘SHC’ were made, the moulds were filled in
several layers. First, a 10 mm mortar layer was brought into the moulds.
When this layer was compacted by means of vibration, six couples of
ceramic tubes (with one tube of each couple filled with polyurethane and
the other tube filled with a mix of accelerator and water) were placed on
top of it. Afterwards, the moulds were further filled with mortar until a layer
of approximately 40 mm was obtained. After this layer was vibrated, again
six couples of tubes were positioned onto this layer. Finally the moulds
were completely filled with mortar and vibrated.
K. Van Tittelboom, N. De Belie, P. Zhang and F.H. Wittmann
a b
Figure 1: Position of the steel reinforcement and the cutting lines (a) and resulting
specimen on which water sorption was measured (b)
Besides, four more test series were prepared in the same way as described
above, however, samples belonging to these series contained only
reinforcement bars. Beams containing to the first test series were left
uncracked (UNCR), the following series was used as reference (REF), which
would be cracked but from which the cracks were left untreated, the last series
was used for manual healing after crack formation with polyurethane (MAN).
After preparation, all beams were placed in an air conditioned room with a
temperature of 20°C and a relative humidity of more than 90%. Specimens
were demoulded 24 hours later. Then, the steel reinforced prisms were cut with
a diamond saw into three slices along the long axis of the prisms, as shown in
Fig. 1a.
After 14 days curing the obtained slices could be loaded in three point
bending in order to create cracks.
At the age of 14 days, all test series, except the series ‘UNCR’, were
cracked by means of a crack width controlled three-point-bending test.
The crack width was measured by means of a linear variable differential
transformer with a measurement range of ± 5 mm and an accuracy of
5 µm. This LVDT was attached at the bottom of the sample and measured
the transformation over a distance of 8 cm. During the bending test,
mortar samples were placed onto two steel bars (diameter 40 mm)
creating a span of 280 mm. The force was applied, by means of a third
steel bar (diameter 16 mm), positioned in the middle of the specimen.
Self-healing of Cracks in Concrete
The crack width was increased with a velocity of 0.5 µm/sec until a crack
of 400 µm was reached. At that point, the specimen was unloaded causing
a decrease in crack width. The resulting crack width amounted
approximately 200 µm.
a b
Figure 2: Leakage of glue out of the crack (a) and foaming of the polyurethane (b)
K. Van Tittelboom, N. De Belie, P. Zhang and F.H. Wittmann
Self-healing of Cracks in Concrete
0 5 10 15 20
√Time [√hour]
Figure 3: Increase in mass due to water sorption (n = 3)
K. Van Tittelboom, N. De Belie, P. Zhang and F.H. Wittmann
0 0,05
0 0,05
0 0,05
Water content in
sample [g/cm³]
Figure 4: Neutron images of water penetration into cracked and healed reinforced
mortar prisms after contact with water for 2h, and corresponding quantitative water profiles
along a vertical axis of the sample (the crack is indicated by means of a rectangle)
Self-healing of Cracks in Concrete
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