Insectsymbiont 4
Insectsymbiont 4
Insectsymbiont 4
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3 authors:
Charles Godfray
University of Oxford
All content following this page was uploaded by Enric Frago on 05 November 2019.
There is growing evidence of the importance of microbi- and become a pest. Experimental exchange of the gut sym-
al mutualistic symbioses in insect–plant interactions. biont ‘Candidatus Ishikawaella capsulata’ between the two
Mutualists may affect host plant range and enable species showed that the ability to grow succesfully and
insects to manipulate plant physiology for their own develop on the crop is purely determined by the bacterium
benefit. The plant can also be a route for the horizontal [7]. The pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) is known to be
transfer of mutualistic microorganisms among their host associated with at least seven species of facultative symbi-
insects. Where this occurs, selection for improved trans- ont and the chestnut weevil (Curculio sikkimensis) with six;
mission might cause the insect mutualist to damage the their frequency of occurrence varies across the multiple host
plant and become a plant pathogen. Insect microbial plants on which the insects feed [6,8]. There is some evidence
associates can influence ecological communities by suggesting that these symbionts may affect host plant use,
changing the way the plant interacts with their hosts’ although a recent systematic study of A. pisum failed to find
competitors and natural enemies. We review recent any consistent effects [9]. However, Tsuchida and coworkers
research in this field and suggest that insect mutualists [10] showed recently that injection of a symbiont from a
may be more important ‘hidden players’ in insect–plant clover-adapted pea aphid allowed another aphid species
interactions than is currently realised. that normally could not feed on clover to use this host plant.
The extent to which symbionts directly influence host range
Insect symbionts and host plant use thus remains unclear and requires more experimental stud-
Plants are unpromising food for insects, because they large- ies. A particular issue is that associations may reflect not
ly comprise indigestible structural compounds such as cel- causation but the influence of correlated third factors, or
lulose and lignin marinated in a diversity of deterrent or might be a function of the history of symbiont colonisation. It
toxic chemicals [1]. Insects have evolved many different will be interesting to see whether symbionts are important
strategies to feed on plants including associations with in allowing their hosts to exploit novel ecological niches such
mutualistic symbionts (see Glossary), which can be impor- as non-native crops, as was found in the stinkbug.
tant mediators of direct and indirect interactions between The effects of microbial symbionts on their insect hosts
herbivorous insects and their host plants [2] (Figure 1). For may be considerably subtler than allowing them to utilise
example, almost all aphids carry an obligate bacterial sym- different plant species and here we argue that their role as
biont (Buchnera) that synthesizes certain essential amino hidden players in insect–plant interactions may be far
acids and hence allows the insect to feed on a purely phloem greater than currently appreciated. We begin by showing
diet that otherwise would not sustain development. In the that symbionts may actively manipulate food plant physi-
past decade, it has become apparent that these symbiotic ology and antiherbivore defences to their hosts’ advantage.
interactions can be much more complex than hitherto appre-
ciated and that they can have ramifications that affect whole
ecosystems [3–5]. Although obligatory symbionts like Buch-
nera are required for survival in every individual of a Glossary
species, and in many ways are more like organelles than
Commensalistic symbiosis: a symbiotic relationship in which one partner
independent organisms, many facultative or secondary sym- benefits with no associated costs to the other.
bionts have been discovered. These are not essential for host Facultative (or secondary) symbiont: a symbiont that is not essential for the
survival and are often found in only a fraction of the popu- survival of its host, although it is often beneficial.
Horizontal transmission: transmission of symbionts (including mutualists and
lation, in which they can have striking effects on host pathogens) other than from parent to offspring (may be interspecific or
phenotype [5,6], including host plant utilisation. intraspecific).
Indirect plant-mediated interaction: the effect of one species of herbivore on
The stinkbugs Megacopta punctatissima and M. cri-
another through changes in the quality of a shared host plant.
braria provide a clear example of insect symbiont involve- Insect vector: an insect that carries and transmits a pathogen.
ment in host plant use. Both species feed on native plants Mutualistic symbiosis: a reciprocally beneficial symbiosis.
Obligate (or primary) symbiont: a symbiont that is required for the survival of
in Japan, but only M. punctatissima can colonize soy bean its host.
Pathogen: an antagonistic microorganism that causes disease.
Corresponding author: Frago, E. ( Symbiosis: a lasting interaction between two species in an intimate associa-
Keywords: bacterial symbionts; fungal symbionts; community ecology; facultative tion. The term is sometimes restricted to cases in which both partners benefit.
symbiosis; horizontal transmission; host plant use; indirect plant-mediated interac- Vertical transmission: transmission of symbionts from parent to offspring.
tions; mutualism; induced plant defences.
0169-5347/$ – see front matter ß 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, December 2012, Vol. 27, No. 12 705
Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution December 2012, Vol. 27, No. 12
Phyllonorycter blancardella, the bacterial endosymbiont example of a bacterial symbiont using this route was found.
Wolbachia is involved in the production of cytokinins. A Rickettsia, one of numerous endosymbionts carried by
When the symbiont is removed, cytokinin concentrations the whitefly Bemisia tabaci, can colonize phloem cells,
are reduced in the mine and the green islands disappear, spread throughout the plant, and infect a symbiont-free
leading to increased moth mortality [24]. It would be insect [31]. B. tabaci is a highly polyphagous species, but
interesting to study whether the same strategy is used plant-mediated horizontal transmission could be demon-
by other leaf miners. strated only in cotton. If horizontal transmission is influ-
The molecular techniques needed to study insect–mi- enced by plant species, and if symbionts influence insect
crobe–plant interactions have only become available for fitness, this three-way interaction may affect selection for
non-model organisms in the past decade and we suspect host plant specialisation and population differentiation on
that many more examples of microbial manipulation of the different food plants.
host plant will supplement the relatively few examples we With few exceptions, natural selection acts on host and
review here. In particular, modern high-throughput mo- vertically transmitted symbionts in exactly the same way:
lecular methods that allow the complete metabolome or what is good for one is good for the other and their
transcriptome of the insect or plant to be profiled in the evolutionary interests are identical. However, horizontal
presence or absence of a symbiont is a highly efficient transmission through the plant implies that their evolu-
technique to discover potential new ways that microbial tionary interests may differ, with important ramifications
symbionts use to manipulate eukaryotes. for the biology of the symbiosis. In particular, the selection
on the symbiont to become an insect or plant mutualist or a
Plant-mediated transmission of insect symbionts parasite may be stronger. Symbionts found in the gut flora
Although insect symbionts are predominantly transmitted of insects are often closely related to microorganisms found
vertically, phylogenetic studies show that most facultative in the environment and in many cases the gut may be one
and many obligate symbionts can also be transmitted of a continuum of habitats they exploit and in which they
horizontally [25]. However, in many cases exactly how replicate. Some insect bacterial pathogens differ little from
horizontal transmission occurs is not known, although relatives in the soil except that they possess cassettes of
there are several examples where the host plant is impli- genes or ‘pathogenicity islands’ that enable them to attach
cated. The simplest way the plant may be involved is as a to and invade the host [32]. Were an insect symbiont to be
passive surface. For example, strict vertical transmission able to use a host plant not just as a passive route for
is not possible for some gut symbionts and in these species transmission but also for replication, it might greatly
successful inoculation of the next generation requires increase its rate of horizontal transmission. However,
juveniles to feed on material inoculated or contaminated when replication in the plant harms the plant, we are
with the adult gut flora. In the stink bug Riptortus pedes- more likely to think of the microorganism as a plant
tris, obligate gut mutualists are deposited in capsules pathogen than as an insect mutualist. By classifying micro-
beside the eggs on the leaf surface, where they are eaten organisms as one or the other, we risk missing an impor-
by the nymphs just after they hatch [26]. From phyloge- tant part of their biology, especially if they are studied by
netic data, the facultative secondary symbionts of aphids different research communities.
are known to be regularly transferred among host lineages
[27]. Although the mechanism involved in horizontal trans- When is a plant pathogen also an insect mutualist?
mission is not fully understood, bacteria can be found in In the same way that there are insect symbionts and
honeydew and siphuncular fluids, and can survive on plant pathogens that use the plant to infect new hosts, there
surfaces, where they might be picked up by other aphids are many examples of plant pathogens that use insects as
[28]. Transmission through surface contamination of the vectors to move among their hosts. Vectoring a plant
host plant is a relatively unspecialised means of passing on pathogen can directly or indirectly affect the vector’s fit-
symbionts and may facilitate the sharing of symbionts ness. The direct effects involve the costs or conceivably the
among different insect species feeding on the same plant benefits of pathogen carriage; the indirect effects include
species. the consequences for the insect of feeding on a diseased
There has been much discussion about whether insect plant. There are some examples of highly virulent patho-
symbionts can move between herbivore hosts systemically gens compromising transmission by causing plant mortal-
via the interior of the plant, especially the mutualists of ity [33,34], but others in which the diseased plant is less
species such as homopterans that feed with their mouth- able to defend itself against insect attack and becomes a
parts embedded in the plant’s vascular system. Systemic better food source for the herbivorous insect [35]. The plant
colonization of plant tissues might not only provide sym- pathogen is now also an insect mutualist. Such a mutual-
bionts with the opportunity to reach new insect hosts but ism may occur through crosstalk between signalling path-
could also provide a refuge for the microorganism at times ways involved in plant responses to plant pathogens and
when the insect is rare or absent. Symbionts might be herbivorous insects, in particular the salicylic and the
selected to reside in long-lived plants in a manner analo- jasmonic acid pathways [11,13,15,36]. These two signal-
gous to that of delayed germination in seeds. Numerous transduction pathways interact and upregulation of one
mutualistic insect viruses are known to be transmitted via can result in the attenuation of defence responses mediat-
plants [29] and entomopathogenic fungi may do likewise, ed by the other, with important implications for insect
because they can be found inside plant tissues where they fitness [36]. Numerous insects, including aphids, thrips,
seem to have no detrimental effects [30]. Recently, the first whiteflies, and leafhoppers, that vector plant viruses or
Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution December 2012, Vol. 27, No. 12
pathogenic bacteria and fungi, perform better on, and are mounting evidence that microorganisms associated with
more attracted to, plants infected with the pathogen insects can affect community structure and processes in a
[29,35,37–39]. A particularly clear example is provided similar manner. When symbionts manipulate plant phys-
by the success of the invasive B biotype of the whitefly iology in ways that benefit their insect hosts, other herbi-
B. tabaci, which is spreading rapidly around the world vores sharing the same plant might also be affected.
partially due to mutualism with a virus. The B biotype has Successful attack of jack pines, Pinus banksiana, by the
increased fitness on diseased plants, whereas the fitness of bark beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae, is thought to be
the native biotype is harmed [40,41]. Virus suppression of facilitated by its fungal associate Grosmannia clavigera.
the jasmonic acid-mediated defences in the plant by the B However, inoculation of the fungus by the beetle leads to
biotype may provide it a competitive advantage and ac- increased monoterpene concentrations in needles, which in
count for its invasion and spread [42]. turn increases the rate of feeding by the jack pine bud-
The establishment of new symbioses can also lead to worm, Choristoneura pinus pinus, presumably to compen-
novel plant pathogens and hence affect the importance of sate for decreased food quality [53]. This example suggests
an insect as a pest. Particularly dramatic examples occur that D. ponderosae might benefit from its symbiotic part-
in invasive bark and ambrosia beetles, where novel beetle– ner not only through increased success when infesting the
fungus associations can markedly increase the damage the tree, but also by reduced food quality for interspecific
beetle causes and in some cases allows beetles that nor- competitors.
mally attack dead trees to colonise live ones [43]. The In a similar manner, insect symbionts may benefit their
beetle Dendroctonus valens has recently colonized China, hosts by influencing the degree to which they can vector
where it has acquired novel indigenous isolates of its plant pathogens. Given that virus infection of plants has an
fungal associate Leptographium procerum. The new mutu- enormous influence on host plant quality, the symbiont
alisms make the beetle a much more serious pest than it is status of these insects will have major consequences for the
in its original home, partly because the fungus alters the trophic web of insects based on that host plant. In aphids
tree’s profile of volatile chemicals in a way that recruits and whiteflies, GroEL chaperone proteins are produced by
more beetles to the tree [44,45]. symbiotic bacteria and are known to bind plant viruses
Phylogenetic studies provide further evidence of the [54,55]. The whitefly B. tabaci harbours a range of different
porous boundary between plant pathogens and insect facultative symbionts known to produce GroEL proteins,
mutualists. Most bacteria in the genus Spiroplasma are but the tomato yellow leaf curl virus binds only to those
insect mutualists or pathogens, although some species are synthesised by the bacterium Hamiltonella, so that virus
known to be plant pathogens vectored by leafhoppers or transmission is most efficient in B. tabaci biotypes carrying
psyllids [46]. The clade Arsenophonus is one of the most this species [56].
widely distributed bacterial symbionts colonising insects
and other arthropods, but has two known species that Interactions with natural enemies
infest plants [47]. One of the latter, ‘Candidatus A. phy- Insect symbionts are known to affect interactions among
topathogenicus’ is vectored among plants by the planthop- herbivores and their natural enemies. Some parasitoid
per Pentastiridius leporinus, in which it can also be species are known to use volatiles produced directly or
transmitted vertically. This intimate association with indirectly by their host’s symbiont at the host location [57–
the insect may reflect its evolutionary origin as an arthro- 59]. This was first demonstrated in the laboratory with
pod symbiont [48]. parasitoids of the wood wasp Sirex noctilio, which home in
Thus, evidence is accumulating that at least some mu- on volatiles produced by the mutualistic wood-rotting
tualistic insect symbionts might have more intimate con- fungus Amylostereum [60]. Recent studies of bark beetles
nections with their host’s food plant than previously have shown that the composition of the parasitoid com-
appreciated and that some insect-transmitted plant patho- munity attracted to logs treated with different fungal
gens may benefit their vectors. Due to the extent that these mutualists is influenced by the particular fungal species
different interactions are studied by different research present [61,62].
communities, we may falsely be seeing a dichotomy in Insect symbionts may also affect interactions with nat-
what is actually a continuum of interactions. ural enemies through their influence on their host’s sus-
ceptibility and resistance. This has been most intensively
Symbiont interactions at the community level studied in the pea aphid A. pisum, in which one facultative
Plant-mediated indirect effects symbiont, Hamiltonella defensa, confers resistance to
Ecologists have for many years built food webs that de- parasitoids [63], whereas another, Regiella insecticola,
scribe the trophic interactions between herbivores and provides protection from a fungal pathogen [64]. An endo-
their natural enemies. However, recent studies have symbiont in the genera Rickettsiella is also likely to affect
shown that there are many further unsuspected non-tro- aphid interactions with higher trophic levels, because it
phic indirect interactions in such webs, often mediated by affects aphid colour [65], a phenotype known to influence
changes in plant quality [49,50]. Symbionts can further the rate at which insects are predated or parasitized.
modulate these interactions; for instance, the structure of Symbionts that reduce risk of natural enemy mortality
the food web based on a particular plant species (a source are particularly common in aphids on certain host plant
web) can be influenced by whether the plant is infected by species, although the hypothesis that varying natural
an endophytic fungus or a soil-borne microorganism enemy pressure on different plant species selects for dif-
[51,52]. Although currently less well understood, there is ferent symbiont communities [66,67] has yet to be tested.
Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution December 2012, Vol. 27, No. 12
As discussed above, some insect vectors of plant viruses Box 1. Research challenges
benefit from the disease the pathogen causes. In the case of Ecological understanding of insect–plant interactions has made
the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, the tremendous progress in recent decades. A major development has
insect exhibits increased growth rates when feeding on been to investigate insect–plant interactions in a multitrophic
infected plants, although its size at maturity is not affect- perspective comprising dynamic communities of plant-associated
ed. It appears that the chief advantage of growing faster is species [75–78]. In recent years, appreciation of the complexity of
such systems has increased profoundly with the recognition that
that larvae are vulnerable to the predatory mites Neoseiu- insect–plant interactions may be decisively influenced by microbial
lus cucumeris and Iphiseius degenerans for a shorter period symbionts that in themselves may comprises complex commu-
of time, leading to reduced predation on virus-infested nities, as reviewed here. Integrating research on such hidden
plants [68]. players is likely to provide new breakthroughs in our understanding
of the ecology of insect–plant interactions. Some of the research
challenges ahead are:
Complex interaction among symbiont communities obtaining a more integrated ecological and mechanistic under-
Multiple infections of symbionts in the same insect host are standing of the role of facultative symbionts of herbivorous
common and may lead to complex community interactions insects in manipulating host plant physiology, in particular
with important consequences for plants. The plant-associ- through effects on the plant’s induced response to herbivory;
discovering the routes by which facultative symbionts are
ated bacteria Xylella fastidiosa and Alcaligenes xylosoxi-
transmitted horizontally in the plant, in particular the frequency
dans subsp. denitrificans both colonise the cibarial region with which plants act as conduits for symbiont movement
of the alimentary track of their vector, the glassy-winged between insects;
sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis, where they com- understanding what determines when a symbiont transmitted via
pete for adhesion sites [69]. Their relative success may a plant becomes pathogenic or mutualistic to both the insect and
the plant;
have important consequences for the plant, because X.
unravelling the effects of insect symbionts on their hosts
fastidiosa causes Pierce’s disease in grapes whereas A. competitors through changes in plant quality;
xylosoxidans colonizes plants as a commensal [69,70]. understanding how the viruses (including phages) and other
Complex interactions among insect symbionts can also mobile genetic elements found in symbionts may mediate the
occur between microorganisms as distant as fungi and fitness effects they have on their host;
exploring how the domestication of plants has affected symbiont–
bacteria. The southern pine beetle, Dendroctonus frontalis, insect–plant interactions (to the benefit or detriment of agricultur-
has two fungal associates: one (Entomocorticium sp.) that al productivity); and
digests wood for the developing larvae and another understanding why the creation of novel symbioses can affect the
(Ophiostoma minus) that is thought to be involved in importance of the insect host as a pest.
combating tree defences during initial colonization. Once
the beetle has become established, O. minus ceases to be
beneficial to the insect because it competes with Entomo- the intricate responses of plants to herbivore and pathogen
corticium [71]. It has been found that yet another beetle attack, and how plant antagonists manipulate signalling
symbiont, a bacterium (Streptomyces sp.), produces an pathways for their own benefit. We are only just beginning
antibiotic that inhibits O. minus growth [72,73]. This to understand how insect mutualists may modulate these
illustrates the complexity of the effects of symbiont com- interactions and the next decade is likely to see major
munities on the phenotype of their host. progress in unravelling the mechanistic basis of these
interactions. In Box 1, we list what we believe are some
Concluding remarks and future perspectives of the most interesting challenges faced by researchers in
Aphids are among the best-studied of all insects because of the immediate future.
their great importance as pests in temperate agriculture. Finally, how insect mutualists interact with plants is
Yet in the last two decades, our understanding of their potentially of major applied significance. The invasion of
biology has been overturned: their capacity to withstand new pests has often been facilitated by their mutualists
environmental insults and to protect themselves from and some novel interactions have resulted in new and more
parasitoids and pathogenic fungi is greatly influenced by virulent insect pests [41,43,45,74]. Manipulating sym-
the facultative symbionts they carry. Although we knew bionts may be exploited to improve pest control. Finding
before that their primary symbiont Buchnera affects their out more about insects, plants, and their microbial associ-
nutritional biology, we now know that their facultative ates will be both fascinating and useful.
symbionts also play a role and that they have other com-
plex effects on the aphid’s interaction with the host plant. Acknowledgements
M.D. was supported by the ESF EUROCORES programme EUROVOL
As with aphids, so with whiteflies, leaf miners, and bark and an NWO TOP-grant (854.10.010). E.F. was funded by the ESF
beetles; increasingly, we are finding unexpected influences Frontiers In Speciation Research (Short Visit Travel Grants) programme
of symbiotic microorganisms – hidden players in the inter- (FroSpects4090) and by the Conselleria d’Educació de la Generalitat
actions between herbivorous insects, their food plants and Valenciana (Spain) Programa VALi+d per a Investigadors en Fase
Postdoctoral programme (APOSTD/2010/062). The authors are grateful
their natural enemies. Although it would be wrong to
to Paul Craze and four anonymous reviewers for their insightful and
expect symbionts to be involved in all aspects of their hosts’ helpful comments on an earlier version of this manuscript, and to Sara
biology, the possibility of a hidden player should always be Mitri for help in designing the figure.
kept in mind.
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