Comelec Resolution No. 11064

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Republic of the Philippines

Intramuros, Manila


CAMPAIGN AND THE MACEDA, JR., Ernesto Ferdinand P. Commissioner
CELIS, Nelson I. Commissioner


x x


WHEREAS, Article IX-C, Sec. 2(1) of the Philippine Constirution

empowers the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) to enforce and
administer all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of an election,
plebiscite, initiative, referendum, and recall;

WHEREAS, Article X-C, Section 4 of the Constitution further

authorizes the COMELEC, during an election period, to supervise or
regulate the enjoyment or utilization of all franchises or permits for the
operation of transportation and other public utilities, media of
communication or information, all grants, special privileges, or concessions
granted by the Govemment or any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality
thereof, including any goverrrment-owned or controlled corporation or its

WHEREAS, Article IX-C, Section 4 of the Constitution further states

that such supervision or regulation by the Commission shall aim to ensure
equal opportunity, time,, and space, and the right to reply, including
reasonable, equal rates therefor, for public inJormation campaigns and
forums among candidates in connection with the objective of holding free,
orderly, honest peaceful, and credible elections;

WHEREAS, Article X-C, Section 2($ of the Constitution authorizes

the COMELEC to deputize, with the concurrence of the president, law
enforcement agencies and instrumentalities of the Governmenf including
the Armed Forces of the Philippines, for the exclusive purpose of ensuring
free, orderly, honest, peaceful, and credible elections;

WHEREAS, Article III, Section 4 of the Constitution further provides

that no law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expressiorl
or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition
the govemment for redress of grievances;

WHEREAS, Section 261, (z) (11) of the Omnibus Election Code (OEC)
provides that any person who, for the purpose of disrupting or obstructing
the election process or causing confusion among the voters, propagates false
and alarming reports or information or transmits or circulates false orders,
directives or messages regarding any matter relating to the printing of
official ballots, the postponement of the election, the transfer of polling place
or the general conduct of the election, shall be guilty of an election offense.

WHEREAT Section 3 of Republic Act No. 9006, otherwise known as

The Fair Elections Act, allows election propaganda whether on television,
cable televisiory radio, newspapers or 6rny other medium, subject to the
limitation on authorized expenses of candidates and potitical parties,
observance of truth in advertising, and subject to the supervision and
regulation by the Commission;

WHEREAT Section 13 of Republic Act No. 9006, further provides for

the authority of the COMELEC to promulgate rules and regulations for the
implementation of the Fair Elections Act and the filing of a complaint for an
election offense for the violation of the Act and its rules and regulations;

WHEREAS, Section 15 of Republic Act No. g436, asamended

by R.A.
9369, provides that unrawful acts or omissions applicabre
to a candidate shal
take effect only upon the start of the aforesaid campaign

WHEREAS, the COMELEC promulgated Resolution No. .1,0730,

amended, providing for the rures and regurations imprementing
the Fair
Elections Act, in relation to the 2022 Nationar and Locar
Erections which
classified social media posts and paid ads on the intemet
as rawfur election
propaganda, and provided for the requirements and./or
limitations on the
use of election propaganda through internet, mobile and
social mediai

WHEREAS, the COMELEC, through Minute Resolution No.

issued last17 JuJy 2023 created the Task Force Kontra Fake
News to combat
the threats of disinformation, and misinformation. It was
later renamed and
officially launched as the Task Force sa Katotohanan, Katapatan,
Katarungan sa Halalan (Task Force KKK sa Halalan) under
Resolution No. 24-0486;

NOW, THEREFORE the COMELEC, by virtue of the powers vested

in it by the Constitution, the omnibus Election Code, the Fair Erections
and other related election laws, ru1es, and regulations has RESoLVED,
as it
hereby RESOLVES, to promulgate the folowing guidelines on
the use of
social media, artificial interligence, and intemet technorogy for
election campaign in relation to the 2025 National and Local Elections
the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Musrim Mindanao (BARI 4)
parliamentary elections, and the prohibition and punishment of its misuse
for disinformatiory and misinformation as an election offense pursuant to
Section 261. (z) (11) Omnibus Election Code:



section 1. scope - The coverage of these guiderines shar be limited

to the regulation of the use, and the prohibition, and punishment of the
misuse of social media, artificial intelligence, and internet technology, for
purposes of digital election campaigning for the 2025 National and Local
Elections and the BARMM parliamentary Elections.

seetion 2. Implementing Arm - The Task Force KKK sa Halalan, led

by the Education and Information Department (EID) and the Law
Department of the COMELEC, with the assistance of the deputized law
enforcement agencies, and relevant government instrumentalities, shall be
tasked to implement and enforce these guidelines, in cooperation with
accredited citizens' arms, and parhler organizations of the COMELEC.


The following terms, as used in these guidelines, are defined:

7 "Algoithm" refers to a defined set of rules or instructions,

usually executed by a computer or computational system, to
accomplish a specific task, or solve a particular problem.

2. "Artificial lntelligence Techruology,, refers to computer systems

or machines that simulate human intelligence processes with
focus on learning, reasoning problem solving, perception, use of
language, and image manipulation irr{luencing real or virtual

3 "Astroturfing" refers to a practice designed to mask the source

of a message so that it appears as though it has broad support
from grassroots participants, rather than originating from a
small group or organization.

4. "Auilio watermarks" refer to embedded, detectable signals

within an audio file that shall be audible to the listener, and used
to verify the authenticity, ownership, or source of the audio
content and prevent unauthorized alterations or misuse.

5 "Bots" (abbreviation for robot/s) refers to a software program or

computer system designed to perform automated, repetitive,
pre-defined tasks on the internet often used on social media to
simulate or imitate human user behavior.
6. "Candidate" refers to any person seeking an elective public
office, who has filed his or her certificate of candidacy, and who
has not died, withdrawn his or her certificate of candidary, had
his or her certificate of candidary denied due course or cancelled,
or has been otherwise disqualified before the start of the
campaign period for which he or she filed his certificate of
candidacy. Provided, that, unlawful acts or omissions applicable
to a candidate shall take effect only upon the start of the aforesaid
campaign period. It
also refers to any registered national,
regional, or sectoral party, orgar'zation or coalition thereof that
has filed a manifestation of intent to participate under the party_
list system, which has not withdrawn the said manifestatiorL or
which has not been disqualified before the start of the campaign

It further refers to individuals who filed their Certificate

Candidary within the period prescribed by the Commission for
the purpose of participatiog i. the elections 1 , regional
parliamentary political parties, parliamentary sectoral
or ganizations, and Coalitions.

7. "Cheapfakes" refer to forms of visual disinformation for which

authentic images or videos are re-contextualized to deliberately
a-lter their meaning.

8. "Computer" refers to an electronic, magnetic, optical,

electrochemical, or other data processing or communications
device, or grouping of such devices, capable of performing
logical, arithmetic, routing, or storage functions and which
includes any storage facfity or equipment or communications
facility or equipment directly related to or operatirg i.
conjunction with such device. It covers any type of computer
device including devices with data processing capabilities like
mobile phones, smartphones, computer networks, and other
devices connected to the internet.

1 Artide I, Sec- 6 of Comelec Resolution No. 10984 Impleurenting Rules arld Regulations of the Bangsamoro
Electoral Code of 2023

9 "Content Prouenaflce" refers to the documentation and tracking

of the origirs, history, and any modifications of digital content.
It provides a verifiable record of how, when, and by whom the
content was created and altered, ensuring transparency and
authenticity throughout its lifecycle.

1-0. "Coordinated inauthentic behaztior,' refers to deliberate and

coordinated actions carried out by individuals, groups, or
organizations to deceive or mislead the public by spreading
false, misleading, or manipulated information online, typically
involving automated or semi-automated meErns.

17. "Cryptographic Metadatq" refers to encrypted data embedded

within digital content that contains key information about the
origin, creation date, and any modifications made to the content.
This metadata provides a secure means to verify the authenticity
and integrity of the content through cryptographic algorithms.

72. "Cybey'' refers to a computer or a computer network, the

electronic medium in which online communication takes place.

13. 'Deepfakes" refer to digitally manipulated images, videos, or

audio files created using artificial intelligence to fabricate
realistic representations of people, events, or statements and
falsely make it appear that an actio4 statement, or event
transpired but did not occur in reality.

1,4. 'Digital election cwflpeign" refers to an election campaign

conducted t}rough online channels, including digital plafforms,
social media, websites, and other intemet-based tools, aimed at
promoting the election or defeat of a particular candidate or
candidates to a public office, or to irfluence voter behavior
during campaign period, and shall include any, or a combination
of the following:

a Creating, on any social media plafform, online calling or

messaging apps/ or podcast and music skeaming pla$orms,
user groups or community pages digital images, videos, or

audio content for the purpose of conducting campaigns or

related partisan political activity;

b. Holding political caucuses, conferences, meetings, rallies, or

other similar assemblies conducted virtually or online for the
purpose of soliciting votes and/or undertaking any campaign
or propaganda for or against a candidate;

c. Making online, digital, or virtual speeches, announcements or

commentaries, or holding interviews for or against the election
of any candidate for public office on digital plafforms;

d. Publishing, displaying, or distributing campaign literature or

materials designed to support or oppose the election of any
candidate through online and digitai plafforms;

e. Enhancing or amplifying the visibility or exposure of digital

images, video, or audio in digital plafforms, social media,
websites, and other intemet-based tools to a targeted audience
for purpose of conducting campaigns or related partisan
political activity;

f. Directly or indirectly soliciting votes, pledges, or support for

or against any candidate through online and digital plafforms.

15. 'Disinformation" refers to false information that is spread, or

hformation that is based on facf but removed from its original
context and is maliciously manipulated, and used in a partisan
political activity or digital election campaign, with the intent to
mislead, harm, or manipulate public opinion or voter behavior.

'l.,6. 'Take social meilia &ccounts" are

social media profiles created
using false, misleading, or inauthentic identities, or otherwise
manipulated to deceive users into believing they are interacting
with genuine individuals or entities, often with the intent to
mislead, manipulate, or influence pubtic opinion or voter
17. 'Take neuts" as used herein, is the colloquial, collective, and
common term used by ordinary Filipinos to refer to
misinformatiory malinformatiorL or disinformation deliberately
presented as legitimate news and disseminated through digital
plafforms, traditional media, or other communication channels,
with the intent to deceive, mislead, or manipulate public opinion
or voter behavior.

18. 'Talse amplifiers" refer to entities or mechanisms that artificially

increase the visibility or reach of digital partisan or political
messages or narratives, typically through the use of bots, fake
accounts, or organized networks on social media plafforms or
other online channels.

19. "Hyperactiae users" refer to inauthentic individuals who engage

in disproportionately high levels of activity on online platforms,
including posting, sharing, or interacting with content at a
significantly higher rate than the average user, with the intent to
distort or manipulate online discourse or influence public
perception using misinformation, or disinformation.

20. "lntetnet technology" refers to hardware, software, protocols,

and services that enable the transmission, processing, and
exchange of data and information over the Intemet or web.

27. "Mass media" refers to diversified technologies, and operating

on various plafforms, that have for their primary purpose the
transmission of information and communication to a large
audience. These plafforms include broadcas! intemet and
mobile, print, and outdoor.

22. "Media practitioner" refers to a person or group of persons

actively engaged in the pursuit of information gathering and
reporting or distributiory in any rrumner or form, including but
not limited to the following:

a Broadcasters or othentrise engaged in the writing, editing, or

conveying/transmitting of news and information to the

r Joumalists (TV, Radio, Print and Ontine)

o Editors, publishers, mErrragers or proprietor of a publication
or broadcast station
o Reporter, editot radio and television program producer and
presenter employed by a media institution

23. "Misinformation" refers to false or inaccurate information that

is spread in a partisan political activity or digital election
campaign, regardless of whether there is intent to mislead.

24. "Party" refers to a political party, whether national, regional, or

sectoral party, or a coalition of parties, and party-list
organizations duly registered/accredited with the COMELEC,
or regional parliamentary politicat parties, parliamentary
sectoral organizations, and coalitions intending to participate in
the parliamentary elections.

25. "Podcasf'refers to a radio program that is stored in a digitai

form that can be streamed live and downloaded from the intemet
and stored and played on a computer or on a cell phone.

26. "Softfakes" refers to a type of media manipulation that involves

subtle and often imperceptible alterations to content, such as
editing photos or videos, to influence perceptions or opinions
without the more evident distortions characteristic of deepfakes.

27. "Social media" refers to digital plafforms and applications that

enable users to create, share, and exchange content, engage in
social networkin& and interact with others in real-time or
asynchronously, often involving user-generated content and
facilitated through various forms of communication and media
sharing. For purposes of these guidelines, social media is
categorized as a form of mass media.

28. "Socialmedia account, refers to a user,s personalized access to

a social networking site or application, typically using a
username and password combination, ald generally used to
posf share, and publish online any text, audio, or video content
by the user.

29. 'Yisible Wat*tnarks,, reter to identifiable marks, symbols, or

text embedded directly into visual or digital media that are
clearly discernible to the viewer. These marks verify the content's
authenticity and ownership, preventing unauthorized alteration
or misuse during dissemination.

30. 'Watermark Technology,, refers to the method of embedding a

visible or invisible mark, identifier, or metadata in digital content
to indicate authenticity, origin, or ownership for purposes of
ensuring the legitimacy of digital provenance.


section 1. social media accounts, websites, digital and internet-

based campaign pladorms to be registered - All official social media
accounts and pages, websites, podcasts, blogs, vlogs, and other online and
internet-based campaign plafforms of candidates, and parties intending to
participate in the 2025 national and local elections and parliamentary
elections, and their respective campaign teams, and those created, or
managed by *y person or entity, other than the candidates or parties
themselves, that are primarily designed or primarily used to promote the
election or defeat of a particular candidate or candidates, shall be duly
registered with the EID.

section 2. when to register - Registration shall be made within thirty

(30) calendar days #ter the filing of the Cerdficates of Cand.idacy until
December 13,2024.

section 3' Election and Campaign period - For purposes of the May
12' 2025 National and Local Elections, the erection period shall be from
January 12,2025 (Sunday) to June 11, 2025 (Wedaesday), while the campaign
period shall be:

February 71.,2025 (Tuesday) to May Candidates for senator and party-

10, 2025 (Saturday), excluding April list groups participating in
17, 2025 (Maundy Thursday) and party-list system of representation
April 18, 2025 (Good Friday)

March 28,2025 (Friday) to May 10, Campaign period for Member,

2025 (Saturday), excludin g April 17, House of Representatives, and
2025 (Maundy Thursday) and April parliamentary, provincial, city, and
18,2025 (Good Friday) municipal officials

section 4. who may submit registration form- onry the candidates

and their authorized representatives, as well as authorized representatives
of registered political parties/coalitions, and party-list organizations, may
submit their registration forms for their official social media accounts and
pages/ websites, podcasts, blogs/vlogs, and other online and intemet-based
campaign plafforms.

Any person or entity other than a candidate or political party, who

shall create, or manage simitar social media accounts and pages, websites,
podcasts, blogs, vlogs, and other online and internet-based campaign
plafforms primarily designed or used during the election period to solicit
votes and promote the election or defeat of a particular candidate or
candidates, shall also submit the registration forms and comply with the
requirements of this guidelines.

submission shall be made to the EID through the official online

channels that will be provided by the COMELEC.

Section 5. Registration - The following shall be required to be

submitted online to the EID during the registration period, and a hard copy
must be transmitted to the EID within five (5) days from submission:

1. A duly accomplished Registration Form which will be

accomplished and submitted online;

2. Anotarized authorization if the registration shall be submitted by

the authorized representative of the candidate ot party, or the
private individual or entity;

3. A notarized a{fidavit of undertaki.g by the candidate or the

authorized official of the political party or coalition, and partyJist
organizations and their official digital or social media campaign
manager/ stating that the registered social media and online
election campaign plafforms shall not misuse social media,
artificial intelligence, and internet technology for disinformatiorl
or mishformation, against any party or the electoral process, the
COMELEC, and the Philippine election system, nor will the same
social media campaign be funded or used by *y foreign entity to
hfluence and intervene in the Philippine election and COMELEC

Private individuals or entities who are covered under these

guidelines shall also submit a similar notarized affidavit of

4. Photocopy of one (1) valid government-issued ID of the candidate.,

the authorized representative of the political party/coalition or
party-list organization submitting the registration, and their official
digital/online/social media campaign manager, or the person or
entity covered by these guidelines;

Section 6. Approval by the Commission En Banc and Publication of

registered social media accounts and digital campaign platforms - A1l
social media accounts and digital campaign plafforms for registration to the
COMELEC shall be submitted and evaluated by the EID, and subsequently
reviewed by the Task Force KKK sa Halalan. Thereafter, the Task Force KKK
sa Halalan shall make an endorsement and recommendation for approval or
deniai of the reviewed applications to the CommissionEnBanc.

All approved registrations by the Commission En Banc shall be

endorsed to the EID for publication in the CoMELEC,s official
website and
social media accounts at the nationar, regionar, and rocar
lever. The social
media accounts and digital campaign plafforms created and
managed by
private individuals and entities or organizations registered
with the EID
shall also be pubtished.

section 7. Failure to register - The concemed candidate, political

party/coalitiory party-list organization, and their respective socii
campaign managers, and the covered private individuals or
entities, shan be
required to explain why a compraint for violation of these guidetines
not be filed against them for their failure to register their sociar
accounts, websites, digitar and intemet-based campaign platforms
accordance with these rures. A request for the removar,
takedown, or
blocking of the said content, sociar media or digital prafforms, or accounts
shall also be madeby the CoMELEC through the TaskForce KKK
sa Ha]alan
to the technology platforms and providerc, and.f or the concerned law
en-forcement agency.




section 1. Disclosure and discraimer requirements Al1 erection

propaganda and campaign materiars of candidates and poritical parties,
utilize artificial intelligence technology shall be required to disclose the fact
of its use and appropriate technology is employed to identify its authenticity
and legitimate source.

section 2. How to make disclosures or disclaimers - Disclosures or

disclaimers, which shall be clear, conspicuous, and not easily removed or
altered, must remain visible or audible for a su{ficient duration both before
and after the campaign material is presented. The disclosure or disclaimer
shall explicitly state that the content has been manipulated using artificial
intelligence, providing a detailed explanation of the nature and extent of the
manipulation. Additionally, it must include a statement confirming that

prior consent has been obtained from all individuals depicted in the AI-
manipulated election material. The said disclosure shall be contained in the
same campaign material and not in a separate file.

Any entity involved in diskibuting synthetic election-related media is

also required to ensure that the media contains the necessary disclosures and
disclaimers as mandated.

The following requirements apply based on the form of media:

1. Visual Media
The text of the disclosure or disclaimer must appear in a font size no
smaller than the largest font used within the campaign material. If
no other text is present, the disclosure or disclaimer must be large
enough to be easily readable by the average viewer.

The disclosure or disclaimer must also be clearly distinguished from

other content, with su{ficient color contrastbetween the text and the
background to ensure legibility. The disclosure or disclaimer must
also be enclosed in a printed box or set apart in a manner that
visually distinguishes it from other content.

2. Audio-Visual Media (Video or Animated Content)

For campaign materials that include both visual and audio elements,
the disclosure or disclaimer must be presented both in written form
and as an audible statement. The written form shall remain visible,
and the audible form shall be spoken clearly for a considerable
amount of time at the beginning and end of the media, in both cases
ensuring that the content is understandable to the average viewer.

3. Audio-OnlyMedia
For campaign materials consisting solely of audio content the
disclosure or disclaimer must be spoken in a clear and audible
manner and at a volume that can be easi-ly heard by the average
listener at the beginning and the end of the audio content.

For all forms of media, whether visual, audio-visual, or audio-only,

digital technologies, including but not limited to visible watermarks (for
visual), audio watermarks (for audio-only and audio-visual), cryptographic

metadata/ or any technology that ensures content provenance, must be

employed to verify the authenticity of the visual media. These technologies
shall provide details on when the content was created and how it has been
edited or modified, thereby ensuring transparency and integrity of the

section 3. Platform Disclosure obligations- - once an online and

digital platform that hosts election-related content has been notified by the
Task Force KKK sa Halalan that media has been manipulated with artificial
intelligence technology, they shall be required to implement reasonable
mechanisms that disclose the same. such disclosures must be clearly visible
or audible to all audiences, ensuring that viewers or listeners are adequately
informed that the content has been altered in compliance with the
requirements of these guidelines.

section 4. Failure to disclose the use of artificial intelligence

technology - If the COMELEC, tluough the Task Force KKK sa Halalan,
detects the use of artificiat intelligence technology in ar.ry campaign material
disseminated or published through the sociar media accounts without any
proper disclosures or use of watermark technology as required by the
COMELEC, the concemed candidate or party, and their respective social
media campaign managers, shall be required to explain why a complaintfor
violation of these guidelines should not be filed against them.

A request for the removal, takedown, or blocking of the said content,

social media or digital plafforms, or accounts shall also be made by the
COMELEC through the Task Force KKK sa Halalan to the technology
plafforms and providers, Ntdf or the concerned law enJorcement agenry.




Section 1. Prohibited acts - The following acts, by any individual,

shall be considered misuse and malicious use of social media, artificial
intelligence technology, and internet technology, and may constitute as an

election offense under Section 261 (z) (11) of the OEC, if committed for
purposes of propagating disinformation and misinformation to endorse or
campaign against a candidate, a political party/coalition, and pafiy-list
organizations, and for propagating disinformation or misinformation
against the Philippine election system, the COMELEC, and the electoral
processes in the Philippines during the election and campaign period:

1. Use of "false amplifiers", such as fake accounts, bots, and astroturf

groups filled with fake users to propagate disinformation and
misinformation in endorsing or campaignrng against a candidate, a
political party/coalition, or party-list organizations, or to propagate
disinformation, and misinformation targeting the philippine
election system, the COMELEC, and electoral processes during the
election and campaign period;

2. Coordinated inauthentic behavior and utilization of hyperactive

users for the aforementioned purposes;

3. Creation and dissemination of deepfakes, cheapfakes, and soft fakes

for the aforementioned purposes;

4. Use of fake and unregistered social media accounts during the

election and campaign period for the same purposes; and

5. Creation and dissemination of fake news in furtherance of the

af orementioned purposes.

6. Use of content produced tlrrough AI

technology but without
compliance to the transparency and disclosure requirements under
these guidelines.

Section 2.
Procedures upon detection of prohibited acts - Once the
prohibited misuse of social media, arti{icial intelligence technology, and
intemet technology is reported to, detected, and monitored by the Task
Force KKK sa Halalan, through its own initiative and monitoring, or through
the aid of deputized law enJorcement agencies and government
instrumentalities, the following shall be immediately undertaken:

1. Gathering, documenting, recording, and preserving evidence by the

Task Force KKK sa Halalan;

2. Initial validation and investigation of reports, complaints, or

detections by the Task Force KKK sa Halalan, of the prohibited acts
under these rules;

3. Issuance of a show cause order to the alleged perpekator, registered

candidate, political party /coalinon, party-list organizatio& and
their respective social media campaign managers;

4. Motu proprio filing of an election offense complaint before the Law

Department against the Respondent.

5. Submission of a request to the technology plaform or internet

service provider, or a complaint to the National
Telecommunications Commission (\ITC), Cybercrime Investigation
and Coordinating Center (CICC), the NBI Cybercrime Divisiory the
MTRCB, and other relevant government agencies, with a demand.
for the takedown of the subject content, and the erring social media
account/ website, or broadcast.

A request to the technology plafform shall contain, among others:

(a) the specific provision of the Guidelines violated; (b) specific
internet addresses, Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) or cyber
addresses on the web, websites, or any contents to be blocked,
removed, or taken down; (c) name and signature of the authorized
COMELEC official submitting the reques! and (d) such other facts
as may be necessary to justify the request for takedown.

6. In violation of other laws such as, but not limited

case of a possible
to, Republic Act No. 10173 @ata Pioacy Act of 2012), Republic Act
No. 10175 (Cybercrime Pretsention Act of 2012), or the refusal of the
concemed technology plafform to comply with the demand of the
Task Force KKK sa Halalan to stop the continued disinformation or
misinformation, a complaint shall be referred to the relevant
agencies for appropriate action.

7. The immediate debunking of fake news published and disseminated

against the Philippine election system, the COMELEC, or the
electoral processes, shall also be undertaken by the Task Force KKK
sa Halalan through publication by the EID in the official
website and social media plafforms.




section 1.. Creation and Composition of the TF KKK sa Halalan Lr

accordance with the commission En Banc Minute Resoiution No. 23-0423,
the TF KKK sa Halalan shall be headed by the Director rV of the EID
as the
Chairpersory while the Director rv of the Law Department as Co-

In addition to the composition of the Task Force KKK sa Halalan, as

provided under the same Resolution, the following shall also form part of
the TF KKK sa Halalan to help in the implementation of these guidelines:

a. Designated lawyers, special investigators, agents, and

representatives from the Office of the Chairman, Office of the
Commissioners, and the Law Deparhen!

b. Designated cybersecurity officials from the COMELEC;

c. Highly technical experts or professionals hired by the COMELEC,

or by the deputized agencies or instrumentalities of the governmen!
assigned to facilitate the necessary digitat forensics, and to monitor
and help in the detection of the prohibited misuse and malicious use
of social media, AI, and internet technology by candidates, parties,
voters, or by private individuals and entities.

section 2. Deputized and partner Agencies of the Task Force KKK

sa Halalan - In accordance with relevant election laws, the CoMELEC shall
deputize, or enter into an agreement, with the appropriate law enforcement
agencies, and government instrumentalities to assist in monitoring,

preventing, investigating the prohibited acts outlined

in these

The Task Force KKK sa Hararan sha, arso seek corlaboration

partnerships with accredited citizens' arms, the legal academic
and other non-partisan and registered organizations to help
educate voters,
candidates, and other erection stakehorders on the responsibre
and lawful
use of social media, artificial intelligence technolo gy, and intemet
technology during the election and campaign period.

section 3. Functions of the Task Force KKK sa Halalan The

- Task
Force KKK sa Halalan shall have the foltowing functions:

1. Reception and review of registration forms, validation, and

endorsement to the Commission En Banc of approval for
publication and monitoring of official social media arrd,/ or online
accounts of candidates, their campaign arms/groups, political
parties/ coalitions, and partyJist organizations;

2' Monitoring of registered and unregistered sociar media and online

accounts or websites which are used to endorse or campaign
against candidates, political parties/coalitions, party_list
organizations, or to propagate false information on the philippine
elections, election system, and the COMELEC;

3. Issuance of show Cause order, and initiar investigation of detected

or reported prohibited acts under these guidelines;

4. Motu proprio filing of complaints against erring candidates,

parties, individuals, and other entities, submission of requests to
technology platforms for the takedown of fake accounts and
contents in violation of these guidelines, as well as reporting and
immediate coordination with the National Bureau of Investigation
(NBI) and Philippine National police (pNp) for the preservation of
information necessary to investigate and prosecute those involved
in the commission of prohibited acts under these guidelines or
relevant special laws;

5' Endorsement to the Commission En Banc

toenter partnerships and
collaborations for effective voter education
and campaign o.r th"
responsible use of social media, artificial
intelligence, ani internet
technology in elections;

6' Endorsement to the Commission En Bancto

enter into agreements
or deputize relevant law enforcement agencies
and government
instrumentalities such as, but not limited
to the Department of
Justice (DOI), NBI Cybercrime Division, Cybercrime Investigation
and Coordinating Center (CICC), National
Commission (MC), pNR to aid in the preventiory
monitoring, and
investigation of prohibited misuse and
malicious use of iocia_l
media, artificial intelligence technology,
and internet technology
during election and campaign period; Ld

7. Perform such other powers and duties as ma

y be directed to it by
the Com:rLiss ion En B anc.


section 1. Applicability of the relevant

election laws and
resolutions of the COMELEC - The provisions of
the Fair Elections Act, the
omnibus Election Code, Republic Act No. g4z6 asamended
by Republic Act
No' 9369, CoMELEC Resorution No. 10730, and other
rerevant erection raws
and resolutions of the COMELEC, shall, as far
as practicable or appropriate,
be applicable to the implementation of these
..MELEC guiderines.

Section 2. Task Force KKK sa Halalan Operational plan

Budgetary Requirements - The Task Force KKK sa
Hararan sha, submit to
the CommissionEn Banc its proposed operationar
plan which shau incrude
the financial and human resources required for
the effective implementation
of these guidelines.

section 3. Effectivity - This Resorution shalr take effect on the

seventh (7m) calendar day folowing its publication
in two (2) newspapers of
general circulation in the philippines.
section 4'
publication and Dissemination
- The EID and ITD sharl
cause the publication of this Resorution
through the officiar ..MELEC
website and social media accounts,
and the dissemination of the same
through media.









Commissioner Commissioner


APPROVED for publicatioru September 17,2024.

Director IV
Office of the Commission Secretary

This Resolution can be verified at this number

comsec@comeiec .gov ph.
(02)85272987 ; email address

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