L D S M C S C S N C: Earning EEP Emantic Odel For ODE Earch Using ODE Earch ET Orpus
L D S M C S C S N C: Earning EEP Emantic Odel For ODE Earch Using ODE Earch ET Orpus
L D S M C S C S N C: Earning EEP Emantic Odel For ODE Earch Using ODE Earch ET Orpus
Semantic code search is the task of retrieving relevant code snippet given a natural language query.
Different from typical information retrieval tasks, code search requires to bridge the semantic gap
between the programming language and natural language, for better describing intrinsic concepts
and semantics. Recently, deep neural network for code search has been a hot research topic. Typical
methods for neural code search first represent the code snippet and query text as separate embed-
dings, and then use vector distance (e.g. dot-product or cosine) to calculate the semantic similarity
between them. There exist many different ways for aggregating the variable length of code or query
tokens into a learnable embedding, including bi-encoder, cross-encoder, and poly-encoder. The goal
of the query encoder and code encoder is to produce embeddings that are close with each other for a
related pair of query and the corresponding desired code snippet, in which the choice and design of
encoder is very significant.
In this paper, we propose a novel deep semantic model which makes use of the utilities of not
only the multi-modal sources, but also feature extractors such as self-attention, the aggregated
vectors, combination of the intermediate representations. We apply the proposed model to tackle
the CodeSearchNet challenge [1] about semantic code search. We align cross-lingual embed-
ding for multi-modality learning with large batches and hard example mining, and combine dif-
ferent learned representations for better enhancing the representation learning. Our model is
trained on CodeSearchNet corpus and evaluated on the held-out data, the final model achieves
0.384 NDCG and won the first place in this benchmark. Models and code are available at
1 Introduction
Recently, We have witnessed increasing interests in natural language to code search. More and more people use search
engines like Goolge and Bing to search for the code snippet with text query. The ability to retrieve relevant code
snippet to a developer’s intent is very essential. Sites such as GeekforGeek and Stack Overflow gain their popularity
because they are easy to search for code relevant to user’s natural question. The goal of code search is to retrieve
code snippets from a large code corpus that best match a developer’s intent, which is expressed in natural language.
Searching for code is one of the most common tasks for software developers, while search engine results are often
frustrating. Fortunately, recent works from both industry and academia have taken steps towards enabling advanced
code search by using deep learning. These have been driven by the advent of large datasets, substantial computational
capacity, and a number of advances in machine learning models.
The CodeSearchNet challenge is defined on top of of the CodeSearchNet Corpus which encourages academic and
industry researchers to study this interesting task and test out new ideas on the semantic code search. The organizers
collect the corpus from publicly available open-source GitHub repositories, using libraries.io to identify all projects
Corresponding author
Human Machine
Mutual understanding Machine task completion
Closed vocabulary Open vocabulary
Imprecise grammar Precise grammar
Ambiguity expected Ambiguity is unacceptable
which are used by at least one other project, and sort them by “popularity” as indicated by the number of stars and
forks. Then, they remove all the projects that do not have a license or whose license does not explicitly permit the
re-distribution of parts of the project. The detailed descriptions can be found in [1].
The goal of this challenge is to predict search relevance of code snippets according to query search. In the search chal-
lenge, both the “multiple languages” and “single language” scenarios are considered. The final evaluation performance
is a mean NDCG on six programming languages (Go, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and Ruby).
We define the challenge as a ranking problem and adopt the learning to rank approach. This paper describes our
solution at this competition. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows, Section 2 briefly reviews related
work. Section 3 describes our model for code search. The result is shown in section 4, followed by the conclusion in
section 5.
2 Related Work
We formulate code search as a multi-modality task. Our work is based on two recent extensions to the latent seman-
tic models for IR. The first is the exploration of deep learning methods for semantic modeling. The second is the
introduction of multi-modality latent interaction.
A conventional Lucene-based search tool could be used for code search. The main problem is that the query expressed
with natural language is quite different from the source code snippets that contain the intended results. An effective
code search engine should be able to understand the semantic meanings of natural language queries and source code
in order to improve the accuracy of code search.
Joint Embedding (also known as multi-model embedding) is a technique to jointly embed heterogeneous data into a
unified vector space so that semantically similar concepts across different modalities occupy nearby regions of the
Neural code search model learns embeddings such that a query description and its corresponding code snippet are both
mapped to a similar point in the same shared embedding space. Then given a natural language query, it can embed the
query in the vector space and search for nearby code snippets. Compared to text retrieval-powered code search tools,
the recently proposed deep learning-based methods give excellent results.
We mainly consider three different neural model architectures listed as below: bi-encoder, cross-encoder, poly-
A fundamental trade-off between effectiveness and efficiency needs to be balanced when designing an online search
engine. Effectiveness comes from sophisticated functions such as cross attention, while efficiency is obtained from
improvements in preliminary retrieval components such as representation pre-computing and embedding indexing.
Given the complexity of the real-world code search scenario, it is difficult to jointly optimize both in an end-to-end
system. To address this problem, we develop a novel deep learning model based on bi-encoder.
Figure 1: Framework
Given a text query in natural language as input, the task aims to find the most semantically related code from a
collection of candidate codes. Based on this, given a query or question, the machine needs to first read and understand
the query, and then finds the code snippet to answer the query according to the relevance score. The query is described
as a sequence of word tokens q = {wtq }nt=1 and the code snippet is described as c = {wtc }m t=1 where n is the number
of tokens in the query and m is the number of words in the candidate code snippet. The relevance score r is designed
as the semantic similarity between a query q and a code snippet c. The object function for semantic code search is to
learn a function f (q, c) = argmaxc∈CSN P (c|q), where CSN is the total CodeSearchNet corpus. The training data
is a set of the relevant query and code tuples hq, ci from CodeSearchNet corpus.
Next We will describe our framework from the bottom up. The proposed model consists of three main components: a
code embedding network to embed source code snippets as vectors, a description embedding network to embed natural
language descriptions as vectors, and a cosine similarity module to measure the degree of similarity between code and
descriptions. The overall framework is shown in Figure 1.
Encoder Layer could be seen as a language model which utilizes contextual cues from surrounding words. En-
coder layer converts the query and code snippet from tokens to the semantic representations respectively. There are
many popular architectures such as CBoW, LSTM, CNN and Transformer Encoder. We take CBoW as our encoder
architecture in terms of efficiency.
The query embedding network encode the natural language description from the user query in online inference, while
in training stage the method comment will be used as “virtual” query. Both the descriptions of query and code snippet
(a method) are first turned into a set of tokens, where We leverage BPE to do the tokenization. In CBoW, the tokens
have no strict order and they are embedded using a conventional multi-layer perception network, after which are further
aggregated using a pooling method.
Match Layer employs a match function to compute the relevance between the query and code representation on
method level.
Output Layer uses pairwise or list-wise ranking function to rank the code snippet based on the relevance score to the
given query.
The main contribution of this work lies in the novel encoder layer, where a hybrid/fusion pooling strategy is used
to make use of different aspects of the representations, in order to capture the semantic representations of natural
language and programming language. A linear self-alignment function is introduced to better obtain the contextual
representations. The detailed description of the model is provided as follows.
Embedding alignment was originally studied for word vectors with the goals of enabling cross-lingual transfer, where
the embeddings for two languages are in alignment with word translations. Multi-modal learning is a challenging task
as it has different types of inputs such as code snippet, natural language text. In our work, code token vectors are learnt
independently for each language, and we learn a linear map Wlang for each language and use it to project the code
token vectors to a same semantic space, as defined in Equation 1.
e = Wlang e (1)
Pooling is an important component of a wide variety of sentence representation and embedding models. Different from
the widely used max-pooling and mean-pooling, we explore inner/self-sentence attention mechanism for sentence
embedding. We follow the encoding method used in [3] and adopt a linear transformation to encode the query and
code snippet representation to a single vector, respectively.
First, the encoder network is applied on the query/code inputs. Then we aggregate the resulting hidden outputs into
one single vector as Equation 2, with a linear self-alignment as Equation 3:
e00 = γj · E0:j , ∀j ∈ [1, . . . , m] (3)
where we is a weight vector to learn, we self-align the refined query/code representations into a single vector ac-
cording to the learnt self-attention weight, which can be further used to compute the matching with the code/query
Inspired by ELMo language model [2], we propose a hybrid method to fuse all aggregated vectors in encoder part into
a single vector, and then compute language-specific weights to generate a fusion representation:
FUSEDtask task task
stask hLM
k = E Rk ; Θ = γ j k,j (4)
In Equation 4, stask
j are softmax-normalized weights and the scalar parameter Θtask allows the language encoder to
scale the entire fused vector.
3.6 Tokenization
According to CodeSearchNet [1], We tokenize all Go, Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP and Ruby functions (or methods)
using TreeSitter and BPE, where available, their respective documentation text using a heuristic regular expression.
Table 2: CodeSearchNet
Partition Go Java JavaScript Php Python Ruby
Train 317832 454451 123889 523712 412178 48791
Test 14291 26909 6483 28391 22176 2279
Valid 14242 15328 8253 26015 23107 2209
Table 3: Benchmark
Model NDCG Go Java JavaScript Php Python Ruby
NBoW+Weighted 0.3841 0.3253 0.4248 0.3611 0.3399 0.4717 0.3816
NBoW+Self-Attn 0.3732 0.3415 0.4075 0.3455 0.3235 0.4551 0.366
NBoW Baseline 0.340 0.278 0.355 0.311 0.291 0.448 0.360
We use TreeSitter parser to parse the code snippet which help to identify the function name, variable name and
keywords etc. Based on the tree-sitter results, we further apply BPE tokenization to reduce the vocabulary size.
During training, we use a similarity measure (e.g. cosine) in the loss function to encourage the joint mapping of query
and code.
Training instances are given as triples (C, D+, D-), where C is a code snippet, D+ is the correct (actual) description
of C, and D- is an incorrect description, where D- is randomly chosen from the pool of all descriptions. The loss
function seeks to maximize the cosine similarity between C and D+, and make the distance between C and D- as large
as possible.
The training corpus is based on the corpus on CodeSearchNet.
To index a codebase, we embed all code snippets in the codebase into vectors via offline processing. Then for online
searching, we embed the user query, and estimate the cosine similarities between the query embedding and pre-
computed code snippet embeddings. The top K closest code snippets are returned as the query results.
5 Experiments
6 DataSet Overview
The CodeSearchNet dataset consists of 2 million comment-code pairs from open source libraries. Specifically, a
comment is a top-level function or method comment (e.g. docstrings in Python), and code is an entire function or
method. Currently, the dataset contains Python, Javascript, Ruby, Go, Java, and PHP code. Throughout this paper, we
refer to the terms docstring/fucntion, comments and query interchangeably. We partition the data into train, validation,
and test splits such that code from the same repository can only exist in one partition. Currently this is the only dataset
on which we train our model. Summary statistics about this dataset can be found in Table 2.
The metric we use for evaluation is Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG). All code is indexed (including
methods without any comments), resulting in just over-indexed methods. To qualify, the questions must be about a
concrete programming task and include a code snippet in the accepted answer.
6.2 Results
The performance of the proposed model with ablation study is shown in table 3.
7 Conclusion
In this paper, we propose a novel deep semantic model for code search. Aligning cross-lingual embedding for multi-
modality learning and combining different learned representations with novel self-attention pooling method are intro-
duced to better understand the query and code snippets. Experimental results demonstrate that the model can obtain
new state-of-the-art results in the popular CodeSearchNet benchmark.
8 Acknowledgement
Thank the organizers of CodeSearchNet and Github for generously providing the opportunity and data resources for
training and testing our solutions.
[1] Hamel Husain, Ho-Hsiang Wu, Tiferet Gazit, Miltiadis Allamanis, and Marc Brockschmidt. Codesearchnet chal-
lenge: Evaluating the state of semantic code search. arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.09436, 2019.
[2] Matthew E Peters, Mark Neumann, Mohit Iyyer, Matt Gardner, Christopher Clark, Kenton Lee, and Luke Zettle-
moyer. Deep contextualized word representations. arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.05365, 2018.
[3] Wei Wang, Ming Yan, and Chen Wu. Multi-granularity hierarchical attention fusion networks for reading com-
prehension and question answering. arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.11934, 2018.