Codet5: Identifier-Aware Unified Pre-Trained Encoder-Decoder Models For Code Understanding and Generation
Codet5: Identifier-Aware Unified Pre-Trained Encoder-Decoder Models For Code Understanding and Generation
Codet5: Identifier-Aware Unified Pre-Trained Encoder-Decoder Models For Code Understanding and Generation
Yue Wang1 , Weishi Wang12 , Shafiq Joty12 , and Steven C.H. Hoi1
Salesforce Research Asia
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
guages (PL) and largely benefit a broad set of ods for programming language (PL) (Svyatkovskiy
code-related tasks. Despite their success, most et al., 2020; Kanade et al., 2020; Feng et al., 2020),
current methods either rely on an encoder-only showing promising results on code-related tasks.
(or decoder-only) pre-training that is subopti-
mal for generation (resp. understanding) tasks However, despite their success, most of these
or process the code snippet in the same way models rely on either an encoder-only model simi-
as NL, neglecting the special characteristics of lar to BERT (Svyatkovskiy et al., 2020; Feng et al.,
PL such as token types. We present CodeT5, 2020) or a decoder-only model like GPT (Kanade
a unified pre-trained encoder-decoder Trans- et al., 2020), which is suboptimal for generation
former model that better leverages the code se- and understanding tasks, respectively. For exam-
mantics conveyed from the developer-assigned ple, CodeBERT (Feng et al., 2020) requires an
identifiers. Our model employs a unified
additional decoder when applied for the code sum-
framework to seamlessly support both code un-
derstanding and generation tasks and allows marization task, where this decoder cannot bene-
for multi-task learning. Besides, we propose a fit from the pre-training. Besides, most existing
novel identifier-aware pre-training task that en- methods simply employ the conventional NLP pre-
ables the model to distinguish which code to- training techniques on source code by regarding it
kens are identifiers and to recover them when as a sequence of tokens like NL. This largely ig-
they are masked. Furthermore, we propose to nores the rich structural information in code, which
exploit the user-written code comments with a
is vital to fully comprehend the code semantics.
bimodal dual generation task for better NL-PL
alignment. Comprehensive experiments show In this work, we present CodeT5, a pre-trained
that CodeT5 significantly outperforms prior encoder-decoder model that considers the token
methods on understanding tasks such as code type information in code. Our CodeT5 builds on
defect detection and clone detection, and gen- the T5 architecture (Raffel et al., 2020) that em-
eration tasks across various directions includ- ploys denoising sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq)
ing PL-NL, NL-PL, and PL-PL. Further analy- pre-training and has been shown to benefit both
sis reveals that our model can better capture
understanding and generation tasks in natural lan-
semantic information from code. Our code
and pre-trained models are released at https: guage. In addition, we propose to leverage the
// developer-assigned identifiers in code. When writ-
ing programs, developers tend to employ informa-
1 Introduction tive identifiers to make the code more understand-
Pre-trained language models such as BERT (De- able, so that these identifiers would generally pre-
vlin et al., 2019), GPT (Radford et al., 2019), and serve rich code semantics, e.g., the “binarySearch”
T5 (Raffel et al., 2020) have greatly boosted per- identifier in Figure 2 directly indicates its func-
formance in a wide spectrum of natural language tionality. To fuse such code-specific knowledge,
processing (NLP) tasks. They typically employ we propose a novel identifier-aware objective that
a pre-train then fine-tune paradigm that aims to trains the model to distinguish which tokens are
derive generic language representations by self- identifiers and recover them when they are masked.
supervised training on large-scale unlabeled data, Furthermore, we propose to leverage the code
"Summarize Python: def inc_value(x):..." "increment value"
Figure 1: Illustration of our CodeT5 for code-related understanding and generation tasks.
Output Output
MASK0 binary search MASK1 right ) // 2 MASK0 binarySearch MASK1 arr MASK2
MASK2 [ mid ] left MASK3 right MASK4 x MASK5 mid
Figure 2: Pre-training tasks of CodeT5. We first alternately train span prediction, identifier prediction, and identi-
fier tagging on both unimodal and bimodal data, and then leverage the bimodal data for dual generation training.
encoder-decoder models based on T5 for program- noising Seq2Seq objective in T5 by proposing two
ming language pre-training and support a more identifier tagging and prediction tasks to enable the
comprehensive set of tasks. model to better leverage the token type informa-
Some emerging work (Clement et al., 2020; Mas- tion from PL, which are the identifiers assigned by
tropaolo et al., 2021; Elnaggar et al., 2021) in the developers. To improve the NL-PL alignment, we
recent literature also explore the T5 framework on further propose a bimodal dual learning objective
code, but they only focus on a limited subset of for a bidirectional conversion between NL and PL.
generation tasks and do not support understand- In the following, we introduce how CodeT5 en-
ing tasks like us. Apart from these, PLBART (Ah- codes PL and NL inputs (§3.1) and our proposed
mad et al., 2021) based on another encoder-decoder identifier-aware pre-training tasks (§3.2), followed
model BART can also support both understanding by the fine-tuning with task-specific transfer learn-
and generation tasks. However, all the above prior ing and multi-task training (§3.3).
work simply processes code in the same way as nat-
ural language and largely ignores the code-specific 3.1 Encoding NL and PL
characteristics. Instead, we propose to leverage the
identifier information in code for pre-training. At the pre-training stage, our model would receive
Recently, GraphCodeBERT (Guo et al., 2021) either PL-only or NL-PL as inputs depending on
incorporates the data flow extracted from the code whether the code snippet has accompanying NL
structure into CodeBERT, while Rozière et al. descriptions or not. For the NL-PL bimodal in-
(2021) propose a deobfuscation objective to lever- puts, we concatenate them into a sequence with
age the structural aspect of PL. These models only a delimiter token [SEP] and represent the whole
focus on training a better code-specific encoder. input sequence into the format as x = ([CLS],
Zügner et al. (2021) proposes to capture the rela- w1 , ..., wn , [SEP], c1 , ..., cm , [SEP]), where n
tive distances between code tokens over the code and m denote the number of NL word tokens and
structure. By contrast, we specifically focus on PL code tokens, respectively. The NL word se-
the identifiers that reserve rich code semantics and quence will be empty for PL-only unimodal inputs.
fuse such information into a Seq2Seq model via In order to capture more code-specific features,
two novel identifier tagging and prediction tasks. we propose to leverage token type information from
code. We focus on the type of identifiers (e.g., func-
3 CodeT5 tion names and variables) as they are one of the
most PL-agnostic features and reserve rich code
Our CodeT5 builds on an encoder-decoder frame- semantics. Specifically, we convert the PL segment
work with the same architecture as T5 (Raffel et al., into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and extract the
2020). It aims to derive generic representations node types for each code token. Finally, we con-
for programming language (PL) and natural lan- struct a sequence of binary labels y ∈ {0, 1}m for
guage (NL) via pre-training on unlabeled source the PL segment, where each yi ∈ {0, 1} represents
code. As illustrated in Figure 2, we extend the de- whether the code token ci is an identifier or not.
3.2 Pre-training Tasks tropy loss for sequence labeling:
We now introduce our proposed pre-training tasks m
that enable CodeT5 to learn useful patterns from LIT (θe ) = −[yi log pi + (1 − yi ) log(1 − pi )],
either PL-only or NL-PL bimodal data. i=1
where θe are the encoder parameters. Note that by
Identifier-aware Denoising Pre-training. De-
casting the task as a sequence labeling problem, the
noising Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) pre-
model is expected to capture the code syntax and
training has been shown to be quite effective in
the data flow structures of the code.
a broad set of NLP tasks (Song et al., 2019; Raf-
fel et al., 2020; Lewis et al., 2020). This denois- • Masked Identifier Prediction (MIP) Differ-
ing objective typically first corrupts the source se- ent from the random span masking in MSP, we
quence with some noising functions and then re- mask all identifiers in the PL segment and employ
quires the decoder to recover the original texts. In a unique sentinel token for all occurrences of one
this work, we utilize a span masking objective sim- specific identifier. In the field of software engi-
ilar to T5 (Raffel et al., 2020) that randomly masks neering, this is called obfuscation where changing
spans with arbitrary lengths and then predicts these identifier names does not impact the code seman-
masked spans combined with some sentinel tokens tics. Inspired by Rozière et al. (2021), we arrange
at the decoder. We refer this task to Masked Span the unique identifiers with the sentinel tokens into
Prediction (MSP), as illustrated in Figure 2 (a). a target sequence I as shown in Figure 2 (c). We
Specifically, we employ the same 15% corrup- then predict it in an auto-regressive manner:
tion rate as T5 and ensure the average span length |I|
to be 3 by uniformly sampling spans of from 1 to X
LM IP (θ) = − log Pθ (Ij |x\I , I<j ), (3)
5 tokens. Moreover, we employ the whole word j=1
masking by sampling spans before subword tok- where x\I is the masked input. Note that deobfus-
enization, which aims to avoid masking partial sub- cation is a more challenging task that requires the
tokens and is shown to be helpful (Sun et al., 2019). model to comprehend the code semantics based on
Notably, we pre-train a shared model for various obfuscated code and link the occurrences of the
PLs to learn robust cross-lingual representations. same identifiers together.
We describe the masked span prediction loss as: We alternately optimize these three losses with
an equal probability, which constitutes our pro-
X posed identifier-aware denoising pre-training.
LM SP (θ) = − log Pθ (xmask
t |x\mask , xmask
<t ),
t=1 Bimodal Dual Generation. In the pre-training
(1) phase, the decoder only sees discrete masked spans
where θ are the model parameters, x\maskis the
masked input, xmask is the masked sequence to pre- and identifiers, which is disparate from the down-
dict from the decoder with k denoting the number stream tasks where the decoder needs to gener-
of tokens in xmask , and xmask ate either fluent NL texts or syntactically correct
<t is the span sequence
generated so far. code snippets. To close the gap between the pre-
To fuse more code-specific structural informa- training and fine-tuning, we propose to leverage
tion (the identifier node type in AST) into the the NL-PL bimodal data to train the model for a
model, we propose two additional tasks: Identi- bidirectional conversion as shown in Figure 2 (d).
fier Tagging (IT) and Masked Identifier Prediction Specifically, we regard the NL→PL generation and
(MIP) to complement the denoising pre-training. . PL→NL generation as dual tasks and simultane-
ously optimize the model on them. For each NL-
• Identifier Tagging (IT) It aims to notify the PL bimodal datapoint, we construct two training
model with the knowledge of whether this code instances with reverse directions and add language
token is an identifier or not, which shares a similar ids (e.g., <java> and <en> for Java PL and En-
spirit of syntax highlighting in some developer- glish NL, respectively). This operation can be also
aided tools. As shown in Figure 2 (b), we map seen as a special case of T5’s span masking by
the final hidden states of the PL segment at the either masking the full NL or PL segment from
CodeT5 encoder into a sequence of probabilities the bimodal inputs. This task aims to improve the
p = (p1 , ..., pm ), and compute a binary cross en- alignment between the NL and PL counterparts.
3.3 Fine-tuning CodeT5 PLs W/ NL W/o NL Identifier
Ruby 49,009 110,551 32.08%
After pre-training on large-scale unlabeled data, we
125,166 1,717,933 19.82%
adapt CodeT5 to downstream tasks via either task-
Go 319,132 379,103 19.32%
vs. Understanding Tasks. Code-related tasks CSharp 228,496 856,375 27.85%
can be categorized into generation and understand- Total 3,158,313 5,189,321 8,347,634
ing tasks. For the former one, our CodeT5 can
Table 1: Dataset statistics. “Identifier” denotes the pro-
be naturally adapted with its Seq2Seq framework. portion of identifiers over all code tokens for each PL.
For understanding tasks, we investigate two ways
of either generating the label as a unigram target CodeT5, which consists of six PLs with both uni-
sequence (Raffel et al., 2020), or predicting it from modal and bimodal data. Apart from that, we ad-
the vocabulary of class labels based on the last ditionally collect two datasets of C/CSharp from
decoder hidden state following Lewis et al. (2020). BigQuery1 to ensure that all downstream tasks have
overlapped PLs with the pre-training data. In total,
Multi-task Learning. We also explore a multi-
we employ around 8.35 million instances for pre-
task learning setting by training a shared model
training. Table 1 shows some basic statistics. To
on multiple tasks at a time. Multi-task learning
obtain the identifier labels from code, we leverage
is able to reduce computation cost by reusing the
the tree-sitter2 to convert the PL into an abstract
most of model weights for many tasks and has
syntax tree and then extract its node type informa-
been shown to improve the model generalization
tion. We filter out reserved keywords for each PL
capability in NL pre-training (Liu et al., 2019a).
from its identifier list. We observe that PLs have
We follow Raffel et al. (2020) to employ the same
different identifier rates, where Go has the least
unified model for all tasks without adding any task-
rate of 19% and Ruby has the highest rate of 32%.
specific networks but allow to select different best
checkpoints for different tasks. To notify the model 4.2 Code-specific Tokenizer
with which task it is dealing with, we design a Tokenization is a key ingredient for the success of
unified format of task control codes and prepend pre-trained language models like BERT and GPT.
it into the source inputs as shown in Figure 1. For They often employ a Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) to-
instance, we employ “Translate Java to CSharp:” as kenizer (Sennrich et al., 2016) to alleviate the Out-
the source prompt for the code-to-code translation of-Vocabulary (OoV) issues. Specifically, we train
task from Java to CSharp. a Byte-level BPE tokenizer following Radford et al.
As different tasks have different dataset sizes, (2019) and set the vocabulary size to 32,000 as T5.
we follow Conneau and Lample (2019) to employ We add additional special tokens ([PAD], [CLS],
a balanced sampling strategy. For N number of [SEP], [MASK0], ..., [MASK99]). This token-
datasets (or tasks), with probabilities {qi }N
i=1 , we zier is trained on all of our pre-training data with
define the following multinomial distribution to non-printable characters and low-frequent tokens
sample from: (occurring <3 times) filtered. We compare it with
T5’s default tokenizer and find that our tokenizer
rα ni
qi = PN i , where ri = PN , (4) largely reduces the length of tokenized code se-
j=1 rj k=1 nk quence by 30% - 45% on downstream tasks. This
will accelerate the training and especially benefit
where ni is number of examples for i-th task and generation tasks due to the shorter sequence to pre-
α is set to 0.7. This balanced sampling aims to dict. We also spot a severe problem for applying
alleviate the bias towards high-resource tasks. the T5’s default tokenizer on source code, where it
would encode some common code tokens such as
4 Experimental Setup brackets [‘{’, ‘}’] into unknown tokens.
4.1 Pre-training Dataset 1
We follow Feng et al. (2020) to employ Code- 2
SearchNet (Husain et al., 2019) to pre-train tree-sitter/
Methods Ruby JavaScript Go Python Java PHP Overall Methods EM BLEU CodeBLEU
RoBERTa 11.17 11.90 17.72 18.14 16.47 24.02 16.57 GPT-2 17.35 25.37 29.69
CodeBERT 12.16 14.90 18.07 19.06 17.65 25.16 17.83 CodeGPT-2 18.25 28.69 32.71
DOBF - - - 18.24 19.05 - - CodeGPT-adapted 20.10 32.79 35.98
PLBART 14.11 15.56 18.91 19.30 18.45 23.58 18.32 PLBART 18.75 36.69 38.52
CodeT5-small 14.87 15.32 19.25 20.04 19.92 25.46 19.14 CodeT5-small 21.55 38.13 41.39
+dual-gen 15.30 15.61 19.74 19.94 19.78 26.48 19.48 +dual-gen 19.95 39.02 42.21
+multi-task 15.50 15.52 19.62 20.10 19.59 25.69 19.37 +multi-task 20.15 35.89 38.83
CodeT5-base 15.24 16.16 19.56 20.01 20.31 26.03 19.55 CodeT5-base 22.30 40.73 43.20
+dual-gen 15.73 16.00 19.71 20.11 20.41 26.53 19.75 +dual-gen 22.70 41.48 44.10
+multi-task 15.69 16.24 19.76 20.36 20.46 26.09 19.77 +multi-task 21.15 37.54 40.01
Table 2: Smoothed BLEU-4 scores on the code summarization task. The “Overall” Table 3: Results on the code generation task. EM de-
column shows the average scores over six PLs. Best results are in bold. notes the exact match.
4.3 Downstream Tasks and Metrics same functionality. We experiment with the Java
data provided by Wang et al. (2020). We employ
We cover most generation and understanding tasks F1 score and accuracy for evaluating these two
in the CodeXGLUE benchmark (Lu et al., 2021) tasks respectively. In total, our CodeT5 supports
and employ the provided public datasets and the six tasks and fourteen sub-tasks in CodeXGLUE
same data splits following it for all these tasks. with a unified encoder-decoder model.
We first consider two cross-modal generation
tasks. Code summarization aims to summarize a 4.4 Comparison Models
function-level code snippet into English descrip- We compare CodeT5 with state-of-the-art (SOTA)
tions. The dataset consists of six PLs including pre-trained models that can be categorized into
Ruby, JavaScript, Go, Python, Java, and PHP from three types: encoder-only, decoder-only, and
CodeSearchNet (Husain et al., 2019). We employ encoder-decoder models. As encoder-only mod-
the smoothed BLEU-4 (Lin and Och, 2004) to eval- els, we consider RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019b),
uate this task. Code generation is the task to gen- RoBERTa (code) trained with masked language
erate a code snippet based on NL descriptions. We modeling (MLM) on code, CodeBERT (Feng et al.,
employ the Concode data (Iyer et al., 2018) in Java 2020) trained with both MLM and replaced to-
where the input contains both NL texts and class ken detection (Clark et al., 2020), GraphCode-
environment contexts, and the output is a function. BERT (Guo et al., 2021) using data flow from code,
We evaluate it with BLEU-4, exact match (EM) and DOBF (Rozière et al., 2021) trained with the
accuracy, and CodeBLEU (Ren et al., 2020) that identifier deobfuscation objective. Note that al-
considers syntactic and semantic matches based on though DOBF employs a Seq2Seq model during
the code structure in addition to the n-gram match. pre-training, it only aims to train a better encoder
Besides, we consider two code-to-code gener- for downstream tasks without exploring the poten-
ation tasks. Code translation aims to migrate tial benefit of the pre-trained decoder.
legacy software from one PL to another, where we For decoder-only models, we compare GPT-
focus on translating functions from Java to CSharp 2 (Radford et al., 2019) and its adaptations on
and vice versa. Code refinement aims to convert code domain including CodeGPT-2, and CodeGPT-
a buggy function into a correct one. We employ adapted. The difference is that the latter one uti-
two Java datasets provided by Tufano et al. (2019) lizes a GPT-2 checkpoint for model initialization
with various function lengths: small (fewer than while the former one is trained from scratch. As
50 tokens) and medium (50-100 tokens). We use encoder-decoder models, the current SOTA model
BLEU-4 and exact match to evaluate them. for the CodeXGLUE benchmark is PLBART (Ah-
We also investigate how CodeT5 performs on mad et al., 2021) based on BART (Lewis et al.,
two understanding-based tasks. The first one is 2020) architecture. For pre-training data, most of
defect detection that aims to predict whether a these models employ CodeSearchNet (Husain et al.,
code is vulnerable to software systems or not. We 2019) except DOBF and PLBART. DOBF is pre-
use the C dataset provided by Zhou et al. (2019) trained on 7.9M Java and 3.6M Python files from
for experiment. The second task is clone detection BigQuery while PLBART employs a much larger
which aims to measure the similarity between two data with 470M Python and 210M Java functions,
code snippets and predict whether they have the and 47M NL posts from StackOverflow.
Java to C# C# to Java Refine Small Refine Medium Defect Clone
Methods Methods
Table 4: BLEU-4 scores and exact match (EM) accuracies for code translation (Java to Table 5: Results on the code defect detec-
C# and C# to Java) and code refinement (small and medium) tasks. tion and clone detection tasks.
4.5 Model Configurations generation (dual-gen) and show the results with
We build CodeT5 based on Huggingface’s T5 (Raf- multi-task fine-tuning. The results of all compari-
fel et al., 2020) PyTorch implementation3 and son models are obtained from their original papers
employ two sizes of CodeT5-small (60M) and and also the CodeXGLUE paper (Lu et al., 2021).
CodeT5-base (220M). We set the maximum source Code Summarization. We show code summa-
and target sequence lengths to be 512 and 256, re- rization results of smoothed BLEU-4 on six PL
spectively. We use the mixed precision of FP16 to data in Table 2. We observe all our model vari-
accelerate the pre-training. We set the batch size ants significantly outperform prior work with either
to 1024 and employ the peak learning rate of 2e-4 an encode-only (RoBERTa, CodeBERT, DOBF)
with linear decay. We pre-train the model with the or encoder-decoder framework (PLBART). More-
denoising objective for 100 epochs and bimodal over, the salient performance gap between these
dual training for further 50 epochs on a cluster of two groups of models confirms that encode-only
16 NVIDIA A100 GPUs with 40G memory. The frameworks are suboptimal for generation tasks.
total training time for CodeT5-small and CodeT5- Compared to the SOTA encoder-decoder model
base is 5 and 12 days, respectively. PLBART, we find that even our CodeT5-small
In the fine-tuning phase, we find that the tasks in yields better overall scores (also on Python and
CodeXGLUE (Lu et al., 2021) are quite sensitive Java) given that our model is much smaller (60M
to some hyper parameters such as learning rate, vs. 140M) and PLBART is pre-trained with much
training steps, and batch size. We conduct a grid larger Python and Java data (> 100 times). We at-
search and select the best parameters based on the tribute such improvement to our identifier-aware
validation set. In multi-task learning, we cover all denoising pre-training and better employment of bi-
downstream tasks except clone detection. modal training data4 . By increasing the model size,
our CodeT5-base boosts the overall performance
5 Results and Analysis by over 1.2 absolute points over PLBART.
In this section, we compare CodeT5 with SOTA Code Generation. We compare CodeT5 with
models on a broad set of CodeXGLUE downstream GPT-style models and PLBART in Table 3. Our
tasks (§5.1), and investigate the effects of our CodeT5-small outperforms all decoder-only mod-
bimodal dual generation and multi-task learning els and also the SOTA PLBART, which again
(§5.2), followed by a detailed analysis on the pro- confirms the superiority of encoder-decoder mod-
posed identifier-aware pre-training (§5.3). els at generating code snippets. Moreover, our
CodeT5-base further significantly pushes the SOTA
5.1 CodeXGLUE Downstream Tasks results across three metrics. Particularly, it achieves
around 4.7 points improvement on CodeBLEU over
We evaluate two sizes of our model: CodeT5-
PLBART, indicating our CodeT5 can better com-
small and CodeT5-base that are pre-trained with
prehend the code syntax and semantics with the
identifier-aware denoising. In addition, we consider
help of identifier-aware pre-training.
the model that continues to train with bimodal dual 4
Apart from bimodal dual generation, we concatenate NL
3 and PL for training while PLBART deals with them separately.
Type Code Sum-PY Code-Gen Refine Small Defect
public long ramBytesUsed(){ (BLEU) (CodeBLEU) (EM) (Acc)
Target return BASE_RAM_BYTES_USED+((index!=null)?
index.ramBytesUsed() : 0);} CodeT5 20.04 41.39 19.06 63.40
public long ramBytesUsed(){ -MSP 18.93 37.44 15.92 64.02
long sizeInBytes = BASE_RAM_BYTES_USED;
CodeT5 if (index != null){ -IT 19.73 39.21 18.65 63.29
sizeInBytes += index.ramBytesUsed();} -MIP 19.81 38.25 18.32 62.92
return sizeInBytes;}
Figure 3: One translation (C# to Java) example that is seman- Table 6: Ablation study with CodeT5-small on four se-
tically correct but with a 50.23% BLEU-4 score. lected tasks. “Sum-PY” denotes code summarization
on Python and “Code-Gen” denotes code generation.
Code-to-Code Generation Tasks. We compare
two code-to-code generation tasks: code translation tection in Table 5. Specifically, we generate the
and code refinement in Table 4 and further consider binary labels as a unigram sequence from the de-
one naive copy baseline by copying the source in- coder for the defect detection task, while for the
put as the target prediction. In the code translation clone detection task, we first obtain the sequence
task, our CodeT5-small outperforms most of base- embedding of each code snippet using the last
lines and obtains comparable results with PLBART, decoder state following Lewis et al. (2020) and
which shows the advantages of encoder-decoder then predict the labels by measuring their simi-
models in the code-to-code generation setting. Our larity. Both CodeT5-small and CodeT5-base out-
CodeT5-base further achieves consistent improve- perform all baselines on the defect detection task
ments over PLBART across various metrics for while CodeT5-base yields 2.6 accuracy score im-
translating from Java to C# and vice versa. provement than PLBART. For the clone detection
Here we show one CodeT5’s output of translat- task, our CodeT5 models achieve comparable re-
ing C# to Java in Figure 3. In this case, despite sults to the SOTA GraphCodeBERT and PLBART
the poor BLEU score, CodeT5 is able to gener- models. These results demonstrate that with an
ate a function that reserves the same functionality encode-decoder framework, our CodeT5 can still
and even has better readability compared to the be adapted well for understanding tasks.
ground-truth. This reveals that CodeT5 has a good
generalization ability instead of memorizing and re- 5.2 Effects of Bimodal Dual Generation and
peating what it has seen before. On the other hand, Multi-task Learning
it also suggests that BLEU score is not a perfect
evaluation metric for code generation tasks, where We examine the effects of bimodal dual genera-
sometimes a higher score can instead reflect the tion at pre-training and multi-task learning at fine-
problematic copy issues of neural models. tuning. The bimodal pre-training brings consistent
Another code-to-code generation task is code improvements for code summarization and genera-
refinement, a challenging task that requires to de- tion tasks on both CodeT5-small and CodeT5-base.
tect which parts of code are buggy and fix them However, this pre-training task does not help and
via generating a bug-free code sequence. Due to even sometimes slightly hurts the performance for
the large overlap of source and target code, even PL-PL generation and understanding tasks. We
the naive copy approach yields very high BLEU anticipate this is because bimodal dual generation
scores but zero exact matches. Therefore, we fo- learns a better alignment between PL and NL that
cus on the exact match (EM) metric to evaluate naturally benefits the former tasks involving both
on this task. As shown in Table 4, we observe PL and NL. As a side effect, this objective could
that EM scores for the small data are consistently bias the model towards the PL-NL tasks and affect
higher than the medium one, indicating that it is its performance on PL-PL tasks.
harder to fix bugs for a longer code snippet. Our In multi-task learning, it generally improves
CodeT5-base significantly outperforms all base- most of downstream tasks except the code trans-
lines on EM and especially boosts over 4.8 points lation and defect detection. Particularly, it largely
for the more challenging medium task (13.96 vs. boosts the performance on code summarization,
GraphCodeBERT’s 9.10), reflecting its strong code which is not surprising as code summarization
understanding capability. takes up the largest portion of sub tasks (six out
of thirteen) and thereby benefit the most from
Understanding Tasks. We compare with two un- the multi-task learning. Besides, we observe that
derstanding tasks of defect detection and clone de- multi-task learning consistently improves the per-
Type Code MSP MIP
Text: returns the string value of the Methods
specified field. the value is obtained from Acc #Pred M Acc #Pred M
whichever scan contains the field.
Env: Scan s1 ; Scan s2 ; boolean hasField
MSP-only 50.13 99.80 2.94 1.60
String function (String arg0){
if ( s1 . hasField (arg0)) MIP-only 1.68 82.40 42.75 98.80
CodeT5 return s1 .getString(arg0); MIP+MSP 48.26 99.60 42.72 98.60
else return s2 .getString(arg0);}
String function (String arg0){
W/o MIP+IT return s1 .getString(arg0);}
Table 7: Compare MSP and MIP on a subset of Java in
CodeSearchNet. “#Pred M” denotes the ratio of predic-
Figure 4: One code generation example on Concode tion numbers that matches the sentinel token numbers.
test set, where our CodeT5 gives a correct prediction.
The important identifiers are highlighted.
We also investigate the identifier tagging perfor-
formance of code refinement, which might benefit mance and find it achieves over 99% F1 for all PLs,
from the joint training of both small and medium showing that our CodeT5 can confidently distin-
refinement data. Another possible reason is that guish identifiers in code. We then check whether
multi-task training with defect detection would en- MSP and MIP tasks would have conflicts as they
able the model to better comprehend the code se- employ the same sentinel tokens for masking. In
mantics for bug detection, which is also a necessary identifier masking, all occurrences of one unique
intermediate step for code refinement. identifier are replaced with the same sentinel token,
resulting in a many-to-one mapping compared to
5.3 Analyzing Identifier-aware Pre-training the one-to-one mapping in span prediction. We
compare models pre-trained with either MSP or
We provide an ablation study to examine the con-
MIP, and both on these two tasks in Table 7. We
tribution of each component in our identifier-aware
report the prediction accuracy and also the ratio of
objective. Specifically, we compare the perfor-
how often they can generate the same number of
mance of our CodeT5-small on four selected tasks
predictions as the sentinel tokens. We observe that
by ablating each of the three objectives: masked
pre-training only with either MIP or MSP would
span prediction (MSP), identifier tagging (IT), and
bias the model towards that task, achieving poor
masked identifier prediction (MIP). As shown in
accuracy and higher mismatch in number of predic-
Table 6, we observe that generally removing one
tions when applied to the other task. Interestingly,
of the objectives would reduce the performance for
we find that MIP-only objective can better recover
all tasks, indicating that all objectives contribute to
the correct number of predictions in the MSP task
the better code understanding of our CodeT5. How-
than MSP-only does for the MIP task, meaning
ever, the effect of each objective differs across tasks.
that it is easier to adapt from many-to-one mapping
Specifically, removing MSP would largely reduce
to one-to-one mapping and difficult for the oppo-
the performance of all generation tasks but instead
site. At last, combining them can help our model
increase the defect detection performance. This
to make a good trade-off on both tasks.
shows that masked span prediction is more crucial
for capturing syntactic information for generation 6 Conclusion
tasks. On the contrary, removing MIP would hurt
the defect detection task the most, indicating that it We have presented CodeT5, a pre-trained encoder-
might focus more on code semantic understanding. decoder model that incorporates the token type in-
By combining these objectives, our CodeT5 can formation from code. We propose a novel identifier-
better capture both syntactic and semantic informa- aware pre-training objective to better leverage the
tion from code. identifiers and propose a bimodal dual generation
We further provide outputs from CodeT5 and its task to learn a better NL-PL alignment using code
variant without MIP and IT on code generation in and its comments. Our unified model can sup-
Figure 4. We observe that CodeT5 can correctly port both code understanding and generation tasks
generate the exact function, while the model with- and allow for multi-task learning. Experiments
out MIP and IT fails to recover the identifiers of “s2” show that CodeT5 significantly outperforms all
and “hasField”. This shows our identifier-aware prior work in most CodeXGLUE tasks. Further
denoising pre-training can better distinguish and analysis also reveals its better code comprehension
leverage the identifier information. capability across various programming languages.
Broader Impact and Ethical Consideration set by the provider. Furthermore, we release our
pre-trained models publicly to avoid repeated train-
Our work generally belongs to NLP applications ing for the code intelligence research community.
for software intelligence. With the goal of improv-
ing the development productivity of software with Automation bias. As CodeT5 can be deployed
machine learning methods, software intelligence to provide coding assistance such as code genera-
research has attracted increasing attention in both tion for aiding developers, automation bias of ma-
academia and industries over the last decade. Soft- chine learning systems should be carefully consid-
ware code intelligence techniques can help develop- ered, especially for developers who tend to over-
ers to reduce tedious repetitive workloads, enhance rely on the model-generated outputs. Sometimes
the programming quality and improve the overall these systems might produce functions that superfi-
software development productivity. This would cially appear correct but do not actually align with
considerably decrease their working time and also the developer’s intents. If developers unintention-
could potentially reduce the computation and oper- ally adopt these incorrect code suggestions, it might
ational cost, as a bug might degrade the system per- cause them much longer time on debugging and
formance or even crash the entire system. Our work even lead to some significant safety issues. We sug-
addresses the fundamental challenge of software gest practitioners using CodeT5 should always bear
code pre-training, our study covers a wide range in mind that its generation outputs should be only
of code intelligence applications in the software taken as references which require domain experts
development lifecycle, and the proposed CodeT5 for further correctness and security checking.
method achieves the state-of-the-art performance
on many of the benchmark tasks, showing its great Security implications. We train CodeT5 on ex-
potential benefit towards this goal. isting code corpus including CodeSearchNet (Hu-
We further discuss the ethical consideration of sain et al., 2019) and a small fraction of Google
training CodeT5 and the potential risks when ap- BigQuery, both of which are originally collected
plying it into real-world downstream applications: from public Github repositories. Pre-trained mod-
els might encode some sensitive information (e.g.,
Dataset bias. The training datasets in our study personal addresses or identification numbers) from
are source code including user-written comments the training data. Though we have conducted multi-
from open source Github repositories and publicly rounds of data cleaning to mitigate this before train-
available, which do not tie to any specific appli- ing our models, it is still possible that some sen-
cation. However, it is possible that these datasets sitive information cannot be completely removed.
would encode some stereotypes like race and gen- Besides, due to the non-deterministic nature of gen-
der from the text comments or even from the source eration models like CodeT5, it might produce some
code such as variables, function and class names. vulnerable code to harmfully affect the software
As such, social biases would be intrinsically embed- and even be able to benefit more advanced malware
ded into the models trained on them. As suggested development when deliberately misused.
by Chen et al. (2021), interventions such as filtra-
tion or modulation of generated outputs may help Acknowledgements
to mitigate these biases in code corpus.
We thank Akhilesh Deepak Gotmare, Amrita Saha,
Computational cost. Our model pre-training re- Junnan Li, and Chen Xing for valuable discussions.
quires non-trivial computational resources though We thank Kathy Baxter for the ethical review. We
we have tried our best to carefully design our ex- also thank our anonymous reviewers for their in-
periments and improve experiments to save unnec- sightful feedback on our paper.
essary computation costs. In fact, compared to the
recent large-scale language model Codex (Chen
et al., 2021), our CodeT5-base has a much smaller
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