Mechanics Unit - 2
Mechanics Unit - 2
Mechanics Unit - 2
MSBTE Question bank
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Model Answer Summer 2018
1 State principle of transmissibility of force.
An State principle of transmissibility of force.
s Principle of transmissibility of force states that, “if a force acts at a
point on a rigid body, it is assumed to act at any other point on the line
of action of force within the same body”.
As per this principle force of push nature can be made pull by
extending the line of a force in opposite quadrant.
General force system :- A force system in which all forces act in
different planes and do not possess on single point of concurrency is
kNown as general force system.
An Statics is the branch of applied mechanics which deals with forces and their 2
s action on bodies at rest.
Dynamics is the branch of applied mechanics which deals with forces and
their action on bodies in motion.
12 State law of parallelogram of forces.
An Law of Parallelogram of force states, “If two forces acting at and away
s from point be represented in magnitude and direction by the two adjacent
sides of parallelogram, then the diagonal of the parallelogram passing 2
through the point of intersection of the two forces, represents the resultant 2
in magnitude and direction”.
13 Define force and state its S.I unit.
An Force: It is an external agency either push or pulls which changes or tends
s to change the state of rest or of uniform motion of a body, upon which it
acts. 2
S. I. Unit of force – Newton (N)
14 Write classification of force system and explain any one in detail.
An Classification of force system: 4
s It is classified mainly into two types. 1
(1) Coplanar force system
(a) Collinear force system
(b) Concurrent force system
(c) Non-concurrent force system
(d) Parallel force system
(i) Like parallel
(ii) Unlike parallel
Coplanar Collinear force system: The force system in which forces lies
on the same plane and act along the same line of action are known as 1
Coplanar Collinear force system.
Coplanar Concurrent force system: The force system in which forces
lies on the same plane and meet at a point are known as Coplanar
Concurrent force system.
Coplanar Non-concurrent force system: The force system in which
forces lies on the same plane but meet at different points are known as
Coplanar Concurrent force system.
Coplanar parallel force system:
(i) Like parallel force system: The force system in which forces lies on
the same plane and are parallel to each other acting in same direction are
known as Coplanar Like parallel force system.
(ii) Unlike parallel force system: The force system in which forces lies on
the same plane and are parallel to each other but acting in opposite
direction are known as Coplanar Unlike parallel force system.
Non-coplanar concurrent force system: The force system in which
forces lies in different planes but meet at a point are known as Non-
coplanar Concurrent force system.
Non-coplanar parallel force system: The force system in which forces
lies in different planes but are parallel to each other are known as Non-
coplanar parallel force system.
General force system: The force system in which forces act in different
planes and they do not possess one single point of concurrency are known
as General force system.
15 State triangle law of forces with sketch and state it’s use.
An Triangle law of forces: It states that, “ if forces acting simultaneously on a 4
s particle be represented in magnitude and direction by two sides of a triangle
taken in order, then their resultant may be represented in magnitude and
direction by the third side of the triangle taken in opposite order.” e.g. – 2
Let, P and Q are forces acting at point O. Using Bow’s notation, P = AB
and Q = BC. Using suitable scale draw line ‘ab’ parallel to AB
Define solar and vector quantities giving two examples of each.
State four properties of couple.