Application For Admission To Study in 2025 Qualification: Conditional Place
Application For Admission To Study in 2025 Qualification: Conditional Place
Application For Admission To Study in 2025 Qualification: Conditional Place
Mr KBJ Sikhauli
2053 Hamakhuvha
If you have applied for more than one degree programme in the College, please note that this offer is for your highest
ranked choice for which you qualify. In addition, you may have been shortlisted for any other choices in the College
for which you qualify.
This offer does not include financial assistance from the University. You need to make your own arrangements for
funding. However, you may qualify for a financial award from the University if you have performed exceptionally well
in the final Grade 12 exams. This will automatically be credited to your fee account when you register. If you have any
queries, please contact the College Financial Aid Office. See contact details enclosed.
The fees for 2025 have not been finalised. However, a minimum tuition payment of R4850 (which includes the R250
acceptance of offer fee) will be required before registration.
Merit scholarships of R25 000 and R20 000 are available to top achievers with level 7 or greater NSC results in at least
six academic subjects (R25 000) or in at least five academic subjects (R20 000). This excludes Life Orientation and
Mathematics Literacy.
All new students are required to attend an academic orientation, which forms part of the orientation programme and
takes place the week before the academic programme starts. Details of the programme including an invitation to the
Parents’ Day will be sent to you prior to the start of the academic year in 2025. The information will also be posted
on our website
Please note that the University has adopted an on-line learning management system and all first year students must
have a laptop or tablet. Fortunately, UKZN has negotiated affordable deals on laptops for students through the Student
Technology Programme (STP). For more information, visit
The student funding office will provide funding for the new students who receive NSFAS to purchase a laptop.
To accept this offer, please complete and forward the following documents (below), to your relevant Consultant (note
the qualification and alphabetical surname allocation) within ten (10) days of the date of this letter:
Enclosed please also find the Section 18 POPIA notice applicable to prospective students, which highlights the
personal information that the University will need to collect from you and store safely. You do not need to return this
Please note the College office details below for return of completed documents. Please ensure that you return your
forms to the relevant campus of study.
We welcome you to the University of KwaZulu-Natal and look forward to you joining our College.
Yours faithfully,
pp Manager, College Academic Services (C)
This form is to be returned to the University at the email address listed at the end of the form
ID No:…………………………………………................. Campus:…...………………………………..........
Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Accept the CONDITIONAL offer of a place for a degree/diploma on the clear understanding that my acceptance of this offer
does not in any way oblige the University to provide me with financial assistance during my course of studies.
I understand and accept that unless the offer of a place in residence has been made to me, the University is not obliged to provide
me with residence accommodation.
a. Maintaining or improving my current standard of academic performance. Failing to do so will result in this offer being
automatically withdrawn.
b. Offers being withdrawn in terms of the ranking of final National Senior Certificate (NSC) scores within the programme
I have applied for.
c. Submitting a certified copy of my NSC (issued by the relevant authority) within my first year of study.
d. My acknowledgment that this conditional offer is for the 2025 academic year only.
I enclose the R250.00 acceptance of offer deposit. The deposit will be credited to my 2025 academic fee account on registration.
By signing this form, I hereby understand and accept that this amount will NOT be refunded if I do not register.
NOTE: Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the University, the suretyship must be completed by the
applicant’s parent or guardian.
I, the undersigned, parent/lawful guardian of the Applicant, do hereby bind myself to the University of KwaZulu-Natal
as surety in solidium and co-principal debtor with the above named applicant for the due payment of all fees and other
charges due and payable to the University of KwaZulu-Natal in terms of the relevant applicable annual schedule of
fees. This suretyship shall operate as a continuing covering suretyship for all debts incurred by the applicant and
shall continue operating for the duration of study at the University until such time as the debts are discharged.
Which address shall be my domicilium citandi et executandi which address I may change provided written
notice is given and which will only take effect upon receipt of such notice by the Registrar via the College.
If the parent/guardian is married in community of property, the following clause must be signed by his/her spouse:
Date:…………………………………… Signature:……………………………………………..
As Witnesses:
Date:…………………………………… Signature:……………………………………………..
Date:……………………………………. Signature:……………………………………………..
Standard Bank
Name of Account: UKZN StudentDeposit (For all campuses: Edgewood, Howard College, Medical School,
Pietermaritzburg & Westville)
Type of Account: Business Current Account
Bank Account Number: 05 308 1072
Branch: Westville
Branch Code: 045426
Reference Number: Student Number must be entered
To ensure that the payment is credited correctly, it is essential that the student’s name (in block letters) and the correct
student number is entered on a deposit slip and that a bank stamped copy, is emailed without delay together with your
acceptance forms to the relevant College Office (see details on the Letter of Offer)
Payment may be made via Internet quoting student number under the “Beneficiary” reference. A bank stamped
deposit slip must be produced in the case of a query.
Please note the College office details below for return of completed documents. Please ensure that you return your
forms to the relevant campus of study.
Student Funding
Mrs Nonkululeko Ngcongo, Senior Financial Aid Advisor WVL, 2nd Floor, Oliver Tambo, email -
Ms Marcia Ntamote, Financial Aid Advisor, PMB, Ground Floor, Admin Building, Main Campus, email -
Mrs Heather Theresa Singh, Financial Aid Advisor, PMB, Ground Floor, Admin Building, Main Campus, email -
Mr Mbongiseni (Eric) Mkhize, Financial Aid Advisor, WVL, 2nd Floor, Oliver Tambo, email -
Ms Lindiwe Mdondolo, Financial Aid Advisor, WVL, 2nd Floor, Oliver Tambo, email -
Mr Gerald Naicker, Financial Aid Advisor, HC,1st floor, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Bldg, email -
Ms Linda Mdunge, Financial Aid Advisor, HC, 1st floor, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Bldg, email -
Please indicate with an “X” in the appropriate block your reason for not accepting the offer of a place at this University
in 2025:
Father…………………………………ID: ……………………………………………
Mother………………………………...ID: ……………………………………………
Do each of us agree that: Name of Student: ……………………………………………………... Participate in the activities of the University
of KwaZulu-Natal, whether conducted at the University or extramurally including, but not limited to, studies, field trips, games, athletics,
tours and excursions of general vocational, educational, historical, social or scientific interest, on the following conditions: 1. We fully
understand and accept that participation in all such activities will be at our own risk. 2. We hereby authorise the University and its
employees or agents to act on our behalf in respect of any circumstances pertaining to any accident or illness arising from, during,
or in connection with such activities in the manner that the University, its employees, and agents in its absolute discretion deems
fit. We fully accept full liability for all expenses incurred thereby or in connection therewith. 3. On behalf of ourselves, our heirs, and
executors we hereby undertake to and hereby do, indemnify, absolve and hold harmless the University, its officers, its employees,
agents, any person(s) acting on its behalf, or invitees against any loss in respect of all claims, proceedings, damages, costs and
expenses whatsoever that may arise in the course of, or in connection with, such activities, howsoever arising, and whether as a
result of negligence or otherwise. 4. I further undertake to comply with any rule or regulation relating to safety and/or the University’s
obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act or similar legislation as well as any reasonable instruction by any official of
the University relating to the aforegoing. 5. This indemnity will operate as a continuing indemnity and cover all periods of attendance
The University of KwaZulu-Natal, located at King George V Ave, Glenwood, Durban, 4001, South Africa (hereinafter
referred to as “UKZN” an/or “the University”) is required to process your personal information for any or all of the following
· to complete your application and/or registration for admission and/or re-admission and/or placement at the
· to facilitate your application for residence and/housing (if relevant);
· to facilitate the application process for bursaries for yourself (if relevant);
· to facilitate any internship and/or employment placement opportunities that may be identified by UKZN on your
behalf (if relevant);
· to facilitate the process of allowing you access to the various University systems and premises;
· to facilitate the process of providing you with your class test and examination results;
· to communicate with you regarding University activities both for the duration of your study and thereafter;
· to facilitate the graduation process;
· for the various reasons pertaining to your studies and/or attendance of various University activities and/or forums
and/or enquiries;
· for statistical purposes;
· for marketing, communication and/or information purposes;
· for soliciting donations;
· as a good governance practice;
· for verification of degree completion, which will include your details being placed on the Alumni database,
whereafter you may be contacted on occasion for information and/or marketing purposes.
The types of information that may be processed (dependant on the reason for processing as stated above) may
include your:
The afore-mentioned information must be provided by yourself and/or your parent/guardian (if you are younger than
18 years of age). The provision of the afore-mentioned information is both a mandatory and a contractual requirement
(to fulfil the contractual agreement between the University and yourself should you be accepted into the University for
study) and the failure to provide same and/or an objection to use the information may result in your non-acceptance
and/or registration at the University as your information is required for the legitimate reasons as mentioned in this
Your personal details may also be utilised by the University for marketing and/or communication and/or branding
The University may also be bound by legislative requirements (such as those contained in the Higher Education Act
101 of 1997) and/or good governance practices to obtain and/ or retain the information for record keeping and/or
statistical purposes.
UKZN will endeavour to ensure that the appropriate security measures are in place and/or implemented, for both
electronic and paper based formats used for processing your personal information, to avoid any and all instances of
security breaches.
Should a cross border transfer of your information be required, the University undertakes to ensure that the recipient
of the information is bound to safe-guard your information in accordance with the requirements of the Protection of
Personal Information Act 4 of 2013.
Recipients of your information may include the University, government structures, potential employers and/or
research institutions. Where your information is required for the research purposes, the University will endeavour to
ensure that same is fully anonymised and de-identified.
You have the right to access and amend your personal information using the relevant University platform and you
remain solely responsible for ensuring that your information is correct and up to date at all times.
The continuation and completion of the application and/or registration process by yourself is interpreted as your
specific and informed expression of will as required by the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013.
Should you wish to lodge a complaint in this regard, kindly contact the Information Regulator. The contact details are
as follows:
Telephone:012 4064818