IOT-Machine To Machine
IOT-Machine To Machine
IOT-Machine To Machine
IoT & M2M
• M2M
• Differences & Similarities between M2M & IoT
• SDN and NFV for IoT
Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
• Machine-to-Machine (M2M) refers to
networking of machines (or devices) for the
purpose of remote monitoring, control and
data exchange.
• M2M connection is a point-to-point
connection between two network devices that
allows them to transmit information via public
networking technologies such as Ethernet and
cellular networks. (e.g. ATM)
• The ATM’s internal computer is constantly
communicating with a host processor that
routes transactions to the appropriate banks
and accounts. The banks then send back
approval codes through the host processor,
allowing transactions to be completed.
• An M2M area network comprises of machines
(or M2M nodes) which have embedded
hardware modules for sensing, actuation and
• Various communication protocols can be used
for M2M local area networks such as ZigBee,
Bluetooh, ModBus, M-Bus, Wirless M-Bus,
Power Line Communication (PLC), 6LoWPAN,
IEEE 802.15.4, etc.
• The communication network provides connectivity to
remote M2M area networks.
• The communication network can use either wired or
wireless networks (IP-based).
• While the M2M area networks use either proprietary
or non-IP based communication protocols, the
communication network uses IP-based networks.
• IoT takes the basic concepts of M2M and expands
them outward by creating large “cloud” networks of
devices that communicate with one another through
cloud networking platforms.
M2M Gateway
• Since non-IP based protocols are used within
M2M area networks, the M2M nodes within one
network cannot communicate with nodes in an
external network.
• To enable the communication between remote
M2M area networks, M2M gateways are used.
M2M Vs IoT
➢ IoT is a subset of M2M technology and expands the
power and potential of M2M technology. IoT involves
communication between machines without human
input, making it by definition a form of M2M
➢ The biggest difference between M2M and IoT is that an
M2M system uses point-to-point communication. An
IoT system, meanwhile, typically places its devices
within a global cloud network that allows larger-scale
integration and more sophisticated applications.
Difference between IoT and M2M
➢Communication Protocols
✓ M2M and IoT can differ in how the
communication between the machines or
devices happens.
✓ M2M uses either proprietary or non-IP based
communication protocols for communication
within the M2M area networks.
Difference between IoT and M2M
➢Machines in M2M vs Things in IoT
✓ The "Things" in IoT refers to physical objects
that have unique identifiers and can sense and
communicate with their external environment
(and user applications) or their internal
physical states.
✓ M2M systems, in contrast to IoT, typically
have homogeneous machine types within an
M2M area network.
Difference between IoT and M2M
➢Hardware vs Software Emphasis
✓While the emphasis of M2M is more on
hardware with embedded modules, the
emphasis of IoT is more on software.
➢Data Collection & Analysis
✓M2M data is collected in point solutions and
often in on-premises storage infrastructure.
✓ In contrast to M2M, the data in IoT is collected
in the cloud (public/private/hybrid cloud).
Difference between IoT and M2M
✓M2M data is collected in point solutions and can
be accessed by on-premises applications such as
diagnosis applications, service management
applications, and on-premises enterprise appl.
✓IoT data is collected in the cloud and can be
accessed by cloud applications such as analytics
applications, enterprise applications, remote
diagnosis and management applications, etc.
Communication in IoT vs M2M
M2M may be a better choice if
• Application requires point-to-point communication
between machines
• Application has a limited set of specific machine
communication needs that need to be executed quickly
and reliably
• Application needs to be operational whether or not a
WiFi connection is available
• Rapid scalability is not a primary concern for network
• Device network needs to be isolated for security reasons
IoT may be a better choice if
• Application requires real-time syncing of many different
devices throughout a networking cloud
• Devices have access to a fast and reliable WiFi
• Devices on the network need the ability to communicate
with multiple other devices simultaneously
• Application requires smooth and easy scalability for
large numbers of devices and users
• Application requires the ability to make its data and
devices compatible with multiple standards
Difference between M2M & IoT
• Both M2M and IoT technologies are about data sharing
• IoT is a network of devices that are connected to the internet while
M2M is a process of communicating among two or more
electronics-enabled systems (or machines or devices) in an
automated manner.
• M2M has been around before the term IoT was coined and before
the emergence of the commercial internet in the mid-1990s.
• The origin of M2M can be traced back to telemetry applications that
emerged after the advent of two-way radio in the early part of the
twentieth century.
• However, the launch of GSM, the first digital cellular network,
brought a new phase of development to M2M communications in
the 1990s.
Difference between M2M & IoT Cont…
• When a sensor monitoring the heart rate of a patient is connected to
an external device or medical-grade server to keep the doctor
informed about the patient’s health, it could be achieved via an M2M
• Instead, the heart rate sensor is integrated into an interactive device
proximal to the patient that sends alerts to a patient’s doctor or
family members on their smart phones. This is an IoT applicaton.
• M2M applications employing wired, wireless, and cellular
connectivity mechanisms include automated reading of utility
meters, intelligent connectivity with traffic lights, and surveillance
camera-based home security and assisted living.
Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
• It is an approach to networking that uses S/W based
controllers or APIs to communicate with underlying H/W
infrastructure and direct traffic on a network
• SDN is a networking architecture that separates
control plane from data plane and centralizes the network
• It differs from traditional networks, which use dedicated
H/W devices (routers and switches) to control network
• The underlying infrastructure in SDN uses simple packet
forwarding hardware as opposed to specialized hardware in
conventional networks.
SDN Architecture
Key elements of SDN
➢ Centralized Network Controller
✓ With decoupled control and data planes and centralized network
controller, the network administrators can rapidly configure the
➢ Programmable Open APIs
✓ SDN architecture supports programmable open APIs for interface
between the SDN application and control layers (Northbound
➢ Standard Communication Interface (Open Flow)
✓ SDN architecture uses a standard communication interface between
the control and infrastructure layers (Southbound interface).
✓ OpenFlow, which is defined by the Open Networking Foundation
(ONF) is the broadly accepted SDN protocol for the Southbound
SDN Summery
• SDN architecture defines how a networking and
computing system can be designed to use a mix of
open, software-based technologies with commodity
networking hardware.
• SDN architecture separates the control and data planes
of the network stack.
• The OpenFlow protocol is an open source way to have
the different planes of a network communicate.
• SDN controller communicate with applications via the
northbound API and with the network infrastructure
via southbound APIs.
Advantages & Disadvantages
• Advantages
– Centralized Provisioning (flexibility & speed)
– Scalability
– Robust Security
– Reduced Hardware Footprint (Sharable)
• Disadvantages
– Latency
– Complex Network Management
SDN vs Traditional Networking
• Traditional networks rely on physical
infrastructure such as switches and routers to
make connections and run properly.
• SDN allows the user to control the allocation of
resources at a virtual network level through the
control plane. User is interacting with software
to provision new devices rather than interacting
with physical infrastructure.
SDN vs Traditional Networking
• SDN has more ability to communicate with
hardware devices throughout the network
than a traditional switch.
• SDN virtualizes your entire network and
virtualization creates an abstract version of
your physical network which allows resources
to be provisioned from a centralized location.
SDN vs Traditional Networking
• In SDN the control plane becomes software-based and
can be accessed through a connected device.
(Administrator controls n/w traffic from a centralized
user interface).
• This gives users more control over how their network
functions. You can also change your network’s
configuration settings from the comfort of a centralized
• Managing configurations in this way is particularly
beneficial with regards to segmentation of the network
as the user can process many configurations promptly.
SDN vs Traditional Networking
• SDN has become an alternative as it allows
administrators to provision resources and
bandwidth instantaneously.
• It does so while eliminating the requirement
to invest in more physical infrastructure. In
contrast, a traditional network would need
new hardware if its network capacity was to
• The traditional model is to buy more
equipment, not to press a button on a screen.
Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
• It is the replacement of network appliance hardware
with virtual machines.
• It is a network architecture concept that uses the
technologies of IT virtualization to virtualize all
classes of network functions into building blocks that
chain together to create communication services.
• The virtual machines use a hypervisor to run
networking software and processes such as routing
and load balancing.
• NFV is complementary to SDN as NFV can provide
the infrastructure on which SDN can run.
Key elements of NFV
➢Virtualized Network Function (VNF)
✓ VNF is a software implementation of a
network function which is capable of running
over the NFV Infrastructure (NFVI).
➢NFV Infrastructure (NFVI)
✓NFVI includes compute, network and storage
resources that are virtualized.
Key elements of NFV