Strawberry Jolan Rebatis
Strawberry Jolan Rebatis
Strawberry Jolan Rebatis
The Ice Blanket Theory suggests that the Earth or other celestial
bodies were once entirely or partially covered by a thick layer of
ice, forming an "ice blanket." The Ice Blanket Theory says that
Earth or other space rocks were once totally or partly wrapped in a
thick ice layer, like a big frozen coat.This idea is sometimes talked
about when we're trying to understand how planets form, what the
weather was like on the very first Earth, or in some ideas about
why Earth had big ice ages.
Community Clay Theory
A Community Clay Theory is
theory that is based on the fact that growing
crystals are able to pass on traits to new crystal
generations, and that clay crystals may have
acted as precursors to genetic genetic material. ??
•Organic chemist Alexander Graham Cairns Smith
proposed the idea that clay surfaces may have
facilitated the gathering and organization of the
earliest molecules of life, similar to genetic patterns.
This theory provides insights into how organic
molecules could have structured themselves.
Life may have started with basic
cycles of chemical reactions
contained in simple capsules,
Simple Beginnings
leading to the evolution of more
complex molecules over time.
This theory contrasts the gene-
The Simple Beginnings Theory of science states that
first model, emphasizing
life must have begun from simple, basic forms of
metabolism as the initial step in
matter. It further posits that the first living things
life's origins.
would have had simple molecules that, over time,
through natural chemical activities began to get
more complex. These simple molecules go on to
bond up into more complex structures and eventually
lead to the development of cells, which then
culminates into all other life forms.
In contrast, to the theory that life began as highly
complex systems, this idea does support the view
of life beginning in a more straightforward,
primitive state evolving in complexity over
millions of years.
Panspermia Theory
According to the concept of panspermia, life may have been brought to Earth from outer
space, possibly through meteorite transport. Some researchers speculate that bacteria from
Mars could have reached Earth through cosmic collisions, challenging the idea of life
originating solely on our planet.
•The RNA world theory explores how genetic information and protein synthesis
could have coexisted without DNA. RNA, acting as a versatile molecule, could have
played crucial roles in storing information, aiding in enzyme functions, and
contributing to the formation of DNA and proteins.