Od Occ Renewal-Unlocked

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Outstanding Amt | In words

Priority/Non Priority
Drawing power
Guarantee Cover
Other Information 1
Other Information 2
Other Information 3
Other Information 4
Pre sanction Visit
Collateral Security Details

If any corrections/suggestions kindly contact pikkikoti@canarabank.com


1.RISK RATING AS PER ----190/2020

https://bit.ly/3GCPMyZ OR

Certificate Of Loan Papers Obtained (NF 482)
(To be prepared in duplicate for HO/CO/RO power accounts)

From To
Canara Bank Canara Bank
Name of the Borrower::
Sanctioning Authority:: Branch Incharge
Sanction letter dated / ref::

1. All loan papers required have been obtained by us and we have not deviated from
the terms of sanction.
2. Personal guarantee / Corporate Guarantee have been obtained by us on
_______________ as per sanction terms.
3. The charge / modification of charge in favour of our bank in r/o the above advance
wherever required has been got registered / have been filed with the Registrar of
Companies on ______________________.
4. We confirm having registered the applicable assets* with CERSAI. Date of
CERSAI registration: ______________ and applicable charges are collected to the
debit of party's account. (* Movables & Intangibles, Equitable Mortgages involving non-
agricultural immovable properties created on or after 31.03.2011)
5. The advance has been properly classified as PRIORITY / NON PRIORITY sector
6. Bank guarantee has been issued in the model form prescribed / format approved
by R&L section of Circle office.
7. We confirm having obtained stamped counter indemnity and / or pledge in our
usual forms.
8. Prescribed upfront fee / processing fee of Rs.___________0 has been collected on
9. Other charges of Rs.__________________________ collected on ___________
10. Stipulated/Applicable ROI ______________ % is fed in the system and checked.
11. We confirm compliance to pre-release audit observations before disbursement.
12. The loan papers were prepared by __________________________ and checked
by _____________________________________________ and wherever
required have been forwarded to the R&L section of the Circle Office




Note : Send one copy to branches with apportioned limits.

NF 803/2L (50)/12-2013/SOP

.................................................................. emIm/Branch
oXZmßH$/Date ............................

ÒWmZ/Place ..............................

h_ AYm{hÒVmjar, `h [woÔ> H$aV{ h¢ oH$ _{gg© .................................................... (CYmaH$Vm© H{$ Zm_)

H$m{ _ßOyar J`r gwodYm Zm_eï ................................................................... H{$ gß]ßY _| oZÂZoboIV ‡b{I
(oZÓ[mXH$ AWm©V≤ CYmaH$Vm© `m JmaßQ>rH$Vm© H{$ Zm_)
¤mam, ................................................................................................................ H$m{ h_mar
C[pÒWoV _| oZÓ[moXV oH$`{ J`{ h¢$&
We, the undersigned confirm that the following loan documents were executed by

(Name of the Executants i.e. Borrower or Guarantor)

on ......................................... in respect of the credit facilities viz. ............................................

granted to M/s ............................................................................................in our presence.

(Name of the Borrower)


1. NF 493 Letter of Renewal

3. NF 721 Letter of Undertaking
4. NF 998 Application

Zm_/Name [XZm_/Designation hÒVmja/Signature


BRANCH: ___________

To: (Borrower's Name, Office address & Unit address)

Mobile No: I Landline: I Email:

Dear Sir/Madam,

SUBJECT: Credit Facility: _______________________

REF.: Your Application Dated: _______________________

We are pleased to sanction the following credit facility/ies on terms and conditions set out here below:

Name of the Borrower M/s

Name of the Proprietor/ix M:
Partners/Directors M:
Partners/Directors M:
Line of Business
Date of incorporation
Banking Since Guarantee I
Coobligation 1
Guarantee I Coobligation 2
Guarantee I Coobligation 3 M:
Nature of Facility1
Loan Amount
Margin Amount
Usance Period (NFB) Rate
Rate of Interest{%) p.a. RLLR+
RLLR at present being ......................... (on the date of sanction). However, Applicable RLLR shall be as on the date of first
Disbursement of the credit facility. The interest rate is linked to RLLR. The RLLR and the actual lending rate are subject to review
and variation from time to time as per RBI guidelines, the Bank's cost and also subject to any changes in the financial position;
Credit Rating (Internal and/or External) of the borrower. The changes in the RLLR and the actual lending rate will be notified by
Bank from time to time in Branch Notice Board/ Bank's Website www.Canarabank.com. The respective RLLR prevailing as on
the date of first disbursement, whether partial or full, shall be applicable till the next reset date, irrespective of the changes in the
benchmark during the interim period.
Subsidy Received Aoolicable / NA I
If Aoolicable ( Rs. )
Classification Priority / Non priority I
Sub Classification:
Guarantee Cover
Collateral Security 1

Additional Comforts2:

1 WC - OCC/0D; TL 1; TL 2; NFB -LC; NFB-BG; Bills, Single Transaction; etc.

2 Term deposits with other banks, Unapproved Equity shares of limited companies, Negative lien on assets, Letter of comfort,
second charge on assets can also be accepted for risk mitigation for advances but only as an additional comfort.

©o1l1 qcp � Canara Bank
"V -
Repayment Holiday4 -NA-
Disbursement & Utilization
Sanctioning Authority
Periodicity of Stock statement I Book Debt Statements MONTHLY
Periodicity of CA Certified Book debt statement
Periodicity of Inspection of Stock MONTHLY
Periodicity of Inspection of Outstation Godowns
Other Conditions:
01. The Bank may revoke in part or in full or withdraw / stop financial assistance, at any stage by giving
reasonable notice to the borrower for any proposal whatsoever.
02. This sanction does not vest in any one right to claims any damage against bank for any reason
03. Unconditionally Cancellable Credit (UCC): 'Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, the
Bank at any time reserves the absolute right to cancel the limits (either fully or partially)
unconditionally without prior notice: (a) In case the limits/part of the limits are not utilized by you
and/or; (b) In case deterioration in the loan accounts in any manner whatsoever and/or; (c) In case
of non-compliance of terms and conditions of sanction.
04. Credit facilities sanctioned are to be availed as under: Working Capital / Term Loan - 3 Months from
the date of this letter / sanction; For Short Term Loans / Ad hoc limits - 30 days from the date of this
letter / sanction. Failing which the limits will automatically stand cancelled. "The Bank in its absolute
discretion may extend the said period to a maximum of similar period with or without any change in
the sanction terms mentioned herein. The Bank also reserves the right to revise the rate of interest
at the time of such extension or at or before availment by you".
05. In the case of prepayment of loan or pre-closure by transfer of your loan account to other
banks/financial institutions, you shall be liable to pay a pre-payment penalty of 2% on the
outstanding liability.
06. Unit / Borrower should submit Annual Financial Statements; ABS; GST returns periodically. Penal
interest of 2% on the outstanding liability will be collected if the Audited financial statement is not
submitted before 31st October of every year or within 7 months from the date of closing if accounting
year ending is other than 31st March or within a fortnight from the date of Audit of financial accounts
of the company whichever is earlier. (This shall not be applicable to PSUs/ Government
07. As the pricing6 of loan is based on the Provisional financial statements, the Bank reserves the right
to reprice the credit exposure permitted on receipt of audited financial statements.
08. Borrower to ensure completion of mortgage/Registration of Charge with ROG within 30
days/Stipulated time
09. Co-obligant also should join the borrower for executing the loan papers.
10. Stock statemenUBook debts are to be submitted 7th day of succeeding month on
monthly/quarterly/Half yearly basis as per requirements of the bank. Penal interest @ 2% will be
charged to you for the delayed period, if submitted with delay.
11. You are required to maintain suitable records for stock, purchases, sales, debtors, creditors as the
same are required to be verified by the bank as and when required.
12. Recovery of installments will be effected through ECS Debit mandate and borrower/s shall provide
sufficient balance in their Salary AccounUOperative Business Account at the destination Bank
13. Display Board: "We bank with Canara Bank; ................................. Branch" should be displayed
in the office premises and "Hypothecated/Pledged to Canara bank" should be displayed at the
factory premises/godown.

3 For Term Loans

4 Also called as Moratorium Period or Gestation Period.
5 For Working Capital Loans and 0O/OCC accounts.
6 Strike out, if not applicable.



Type of facility

Security offered
Rate of interest
�1:1,'l<:111 �l<:1
Repayment terms
3fl cl{� I 'tel Overdraft
�;[Uf/Cash credit
�;[111 ftj-n"lll'i/ RUNNING LIMIT
Book debt finance
-qfcf;Tr;[Uf/Packing credit
��/Bill finance
- l!.-Etsl<S1°1 /SDB
"C;ffl�i�Q.'8�1 C%4l1
Other short term loan
Term loan/DPG
� -'G";f/Letter of credit
tsi·cn 1 11 �cl/Bank guarantee

1s.cfl) i) cm l!fil!.�Q,1-1{ � � M c€t � (mf.ttff) ..............

�m-, w
Whether the MSME unit is ZED rated ( Yes/No) ......................
ii) l!.1-lQ,-Etl!.1-lf�cflri�>ffC{f�(aq9,cf<:1 �R:cfl"CR)/
If yes, the gradation obtained by the MSME unit (Tick appropriate one)
�/ Bronze � I Silver �/ Gold �/ Diamond �R'il-l/ Platinum

��if�.�. 1-1�n+u1
fl:rney;[UfcITTd-llc!�llcti<:11 �cfif�m'5'fRTt11n case of term loan requirements, the
details of land, building, machinery / equipments to be given

3llfu'fcfifVcITT"- �/Type of asset - Land

�� �/� ��� �lfil¥1� �

�cITT/�/ (��"Q,q 9ITT9<'f;[Uf/
��/ TN/Whether �I
Name of the authority 4\Jllcfi{OI �E)/ Loan
Purpose for allotted/ Total cost of acquisition Promoter's
who allotted the land/ (including stamp duty required
which required purchased contribution
Vendor & registration)

3llfu'fcfifVcITT"- �/ Type of asset - Building

�� �� ��/cllfgftj� ��/ � 9ITT9<'f;[Uf/

��/ TN/Whether cfif�/
Name of the vendor/
Rl-lfur/Total of �/ Loan
Purpose for constructed I acquisition/ Promoter's
which required purchased contractor I architect required
construction contribution
‡{fH$ /From ....................................................................... g{dm _|/To
‡]ßYH$/dna> ‡]ßYH$/The Manager/Senior Manager
H{$Zam ]¢H$/CANARA BANK......................................
odf`/Sub : H$m{ Am[ ¤mam ‡XmZ H$s OmZ{dmbr/H$s JB© ]¢H$ gwodYmE±/Banking Facilities Extended/to be Extended by you to ................................................
Am[ ¤mam............................................................................H$m{ ‡XmZ H$s OmZ{dmbr/H$s JB© ]¢H$ gwodYmAm| H{$ obE _¢ JmaßQ>a/gh Am^mar ]ZZ{ H{$ obE V°`ma h±y VWm „`m{am EVX≤ZrM{ ‡ÒVwV H$aVm h±ˇ $&
I offer to stand as a guarantor/co-obligant for the banking facilities extended/to be extended by you to..................................................and furnish the particulars herebelow.

1. [yam Zm_/Full Name: .............................................................................. 5. ∑`m CYmaH$Vm©/Xyga{ gh-Am^mar/JmaßQ>rH$Œmm© H{$ ZmV{Xma h¢ ?

Whether related to the borrower/other co-obligant/guarantor
2. o[Vm/[oV H$m Zm_/Father's/Husband's Name: ................................................. `oX hm±, Vm{ „`m{am ‡ÒVwV H$a|/ If so, furnish the details.
6. ∑`m h_ma{ ]¢H$ H{$ oH$gr H$_©Mmar H{$ naÌV{Xma h¢ ?
3. Am`w (df© _|)/Age (In years):....................................................................
(`oX hm±, Vm{ naÌV{ H$s ‡H•$oV)
Whether related to any of the Employees of our Bank.......................................................
4. [Vm/Address: (If yes, nature of relationship)
Amdmg/Residential H$m`m©b`/H$mam{]ma/Office/Business 7. ].]¢./Mm.Im.gß. .........................................Im{bZ{ H$s VmarI..................................
......................................... ......................................... SB/CA No. .................................................Opened on.............................................

......................................... .........................................
8. ew’ dmof©H$ Am`ï È. ..................................... 9. ew’ _mob`V : È...............................
Net Annual Income : Rs. .................................. Net Worth: Rs. ..................................
......................................... ......................................... 10. X{`VmE±, `oX hm{?/Liabilities, if any...............................................................................
gh - Am^mar/JmaßQ>ma ¤mam ÒdmoYH•$V AmpÒV`m| H$m „`m{am /Particulars of Assets Owned by Co-obligant/Guarantor
Mb/Movables AMb/Immovables
AZw_moZV AßoH$V ^maJ´ÒVVm, `oX hm{ AZw_moZV AßoH$V AoYH$ma ‡XŒm H$aZ{ H{$ gß]ßY _| ^maJ´ÒVVm, `oX hm{
H´$_ gß. gß[oŒm H$m „`m{am H´$_ gß. gß[oŒm H$m „`m{am odÒVaU AdpÒWoV d gr_m`|
_yÎ` (È) Approx. („`m{am ‡ÒVwV H$a|) Sl. Location & _yÎ` (È.) Approx. XÒVmd{Om| H$m „`m{am („`m{am ‡ÒVwV H$a|)
Sl. Description of Description of Extent
Market Value Encumbrance, if any Boundaries Market Value Details of documents Encumbrance, if any
No. property No. property
(Rs.) (Furnish particulars) (Rs.) conferring Rights (furnish particulars))

[ /W
_¢ Km{fUm H$aVr/H$aVm h±ˇ oH$ _¢ hr AmpÒV H$m Agbr dmnag h±ˇ, VWm _{a{ [mg _{a{ AoYH$ma H$m ‡b{I h° $& _¢ EVX≤¤mam Km{ofV H$aVm/H$aVr h±y oH$ _{a{ ¤mam D$[a ‡ÒVwV oH$`m J`m „`m{am _{a{ [yU© kmZ d odÌdmg H{$ AZwgma gÀ` h° &
I declare that I am the true owner of the assets, and I am in possession of documents conferring rights on me. I further declare that the particulars furnished by me herein above are true
to the best of my knowledge and belief.

oXZmßH$/Date: JmaßQ>a/gh - Am^mar H{$ hÒVmja/]m`| AßJyR>{ H$m oZemZ/Signature/LTI of Guarantor/Co-obligant
Amd{XH$ (CYmaH$Vm©) H{$ Zm_ H$s AmpÒV`m| H$m „`m{am/Particulars of Assets Standing in the Name of the Applicant (Borrower)....................................................................................

Mb/Movables AMb/Immovables
AZw_moZV AßoH$V ^maJ´ÒVVm, `oX hm{ AZw_moZV AßoH$V AoYH$ma ‡XŒm H$aZ{ H{$ gß]ßY _| ^maJ´ÒVVm, `oX hm{
H´$_ gß. gß[oŒm H$m „`m{am H´$_ gß. gß[oŒm H$m „`m{am odÒVaU AdpÒWoV d gr_m`|
_yÎ` (È) Approx. („`m{am ‡ÒVwV H$a|) Sl. Location & _yÎ` (È.) Approx. XÒVmd{Om| H$m „`m{am („`m{am ‡ÒVwV H$a|)
Sl. Description of Description of Extent
Market Value Encumbrance, if any Boundaries Market Value Details of documents Encumbrance, if any
No. property No. property
(Rs.) (Furnish particulars) (Rs.) conferring Rights (Furnish particulars))

[ /W
C /N
_¢ Km{fUm H$aVr/H$aVm h±ˇ oH$ _¢ hr AmpÒV H$m Agbr _mobH$ h±ˇ, VWm _{a{ AoYH$ma CÎb{I _{a{ [mg h° $& _¢ Km{ofV H$aVm/H$aVr h±y oH$ _{a{ ¤mam D$[a ‡ÒVwV oH$`m J`m „`m°am _{a{ [yU© kmZ d odÌdmg H{$ AZwgma gÀ` h° $&
I declare that I am the true owner of the assets, and I am in possession of documents conferring rights on me. I Further declare that the particulars furnished by me herein above are true
to the best of my knowledge and belief.

oXZmßH$/Date: Amd{XH$ (CYmaH$Vm©) H{$ hÒVmja/]m`| AßJyR>{ H$m oZemZ/Signature/LTI of Applicant (Borrower)

emIm H{$ ‡`m{JmW© OJh/Space for Branch Use: gmI na[m{Q>© gß. H$m gßbΩZH$/Enclosure to Credit Report No........................................................................
1. Cg \$_© H$m Zm_ oOg_| JmaßQ>a/gh-Am^mar H$s Ao^ÈoM h° $&/Name of the firm in which the guarantor/co-obligant is interested...............................................................................
2. ∑`m h_g{ H$m{B© gmI gr_m ‡m· H$s h° (`oX hm±, Vm{ [yU© „`m{am ‡ÒVwV H$a|) hm±/Zht
Whether enjoying any credit limit with us (If yes, furnish full particulars): Yes/No

3. ]¢H$m| g{ Jm{[Zr` na[m{Q>© /Confidential Reports from Banks:

4. gm_m›` A‰`wo∫$`m±/General Remarks:
(H$) h_ ‡_moUV H$aV{ h¢ oH$ CYmaH$Vm©/JmaßQ>rH$Vm©/gh-Am^mar H$m{ AoYH$ma/hH$ ‡XŒm H$aZ{dmb{ ‡b{Im| H{$ gßX^© _| \$m∞_}Q> _| CoÑoIV OmZH$mar H$m gÀ`m[Z h_Z{ gwoZpÌMV oH$`m h° $&
(a) We certify that we have verified information furnished in the format with reference to the documents conferring rights/title to the borrower/Guarantor/co-obligant, and
the existence of the property, its market value, marketability.
I) `hm± CoÑoIV oddaUm| H$m gÀ`m[Z/H$s VwbZm [hb{ (EZ E\$ 589) _| gyoMV OmZH$mar H{$ gmW $oH$`m h¢/H$s h° Am°a Cgr H$s `WmVœ`Vm H{$ ]ma{ _| h_ gßVwÔ> h¢ (A] H{$ [moQ>©`m| H{$ _m_b{ _| bmJy)
(b) The details furnished herein are verified/compared with the information furnished earlier (in NF 589) and we are satisfied about the veracity of the same (applicable in
case of existing parties).

oXZmßH$/Date: ‡]ßYH$/dnaÔ> ‡]ßYH$/Manager/Senior Manager
(For an individual trading under a trade name)

From: (Name and Residential Address in individual capacity)

To: The Senior Manager, Canara Bank, __________________ Branch.

Dear Sir,

I wish to inform you that I ________________________________________________________

am trading under the name and style of ______________________________________________
and that I am the sole proprietor of the said concern. I shall be responsible for all transactions in
my account with you and obligations incurred with you or arising from the operation of my
account whether such obligations or transactions are in the course of business under the said trade
name and style or otherwise. Notwithstanding any changes in the constitution of my concern or
disposal of my proprietary interest in business in the said name and style of my business is closed
for any reason I shall continue to be liable to discharge all my obligations to you at all times and
undertake to intimate you about such changes and also reconstitute or close the account as may be

Yours faithfully,


Date: _____________

Place: _____________

Pre Sanction Visit Report

I have visited M/S……………………………………………………………………., for the purpose of

verifying the business activities carried out at ……………………………………………………

on …………………………………….. Borrower is having ……………… years of experience in

the ………………………………….. business and found borrower credit worthy. No
adverse remarks about customer found from local inquiries.


Date: ……………………………



Post Sanction Visit Report

I have visited M/S. ……………………………………………………… who availed the loan from

our branch for an amount ………………………… under the loan ……………MSME.............

at his business place ………………………………………. on ………………….. I found the

activities carried out by him are satisfactory and no fund diversion is observed.

Date: ……………………………
NF 795 DTD
NF 493 DTD
NF 493 DTD


Letter of Undertaking re: Loans/Advances (NF 721)
From: To :
Canara Bank,

Dear Sir,

Sub: My/Our application for loan/Advance.

With reference to my/our application for certain credit facilities to me/our firm/our Company
(mention the name of firm or Company, as the case may be) and the grant of loan / advance / credit
facilities to me/us by the Bank to such extent as it may deem fit from time to time, l/we hereby agree
and undertake with the Bank as follows:

1. I/We agree to repay the principal sum borrowed by me/us with interest thereon at such times and
at such rates as may be prescribed by the Bank, while sanctioning the credit facility and/or
subsequently from time to time.
2. l/We agree to abide by all the terms and conditions as the Bank may impose in its
sanction/advance/order or other communications relating to the grant of loans/advance/credit
3. The terms, conditions and undertakings herein contained shall be supplementary to the terms and
conditions contained in the loan/ security document which l/We may execute now or hereafter in
favour of the Bank in connection with the said loan/advance/credit facility.
4. Notwithstanding anything contained in the loan/ Advance/credit facilities sanction order, I/We agree
that the
(a) Bank in its discretion may reduce or otherwise vary the limits, margins or other conditions or
types of credit facilities so sanctioned.
(b) Bank is also at liberty to disburse the sanctioned credit facility either in one lump sum or in
instalments or stages as it deems fit.
(c) Bank shall not be obliged to grant or continue any facility / accommodation except that it shall in
its absolute discretion consider fit and that the Bank shall always be at liberty to cancel the unavailed
facilities / limits at any time without prior notice and without assigning any reason. The Borrower /
guarantor shall not be entitled to claim any amount from the Bank, as compensation, damages or
otherwise on exercising Bank's discretion in this regard.

5. Notwithstanding anything contained herein or in the loan/security documents executed by me/us in

favour of the Bank, I/we agree that the whole advance shall forthwith become due and payable by
me/us to the Bank and the Bank shall be entitled to enforce recovery of the same either personally
from me/us and/or by enforcing the securities furnished by me/us upon the happening of any of the
following events, namely:

a) any instalments or portion of the principal monies remaining unpaid after due date;
b) any interest or portion remaining unpaid and in arrears for a space of three months after the
same shall have become due, whether demanded or not;

c) My/Our committing any breach or default in the performance or observance of these presents
and the terms of sanction of the credit facility or the conditions contained in loan/security
documents and/or proposal and/or any other terms or conditions imposed by the Bank relating
to the advance, from time to time; .
d) My/Our entering into any arrangement or composition with my/our creditors or committing any
act of insolvency/winding up;
e) Execution or distress being enforced or levied against the whole or any part of my/our property;
f) Our (in the case of a Company / LLP) going into liquidation/bankruptcy (except for the purpose
of amalgamation or reconstruction);
g) Any of the partners (in the case of a firm) being adjudged insolvent or taking advantage of any
Law for the relief of insolvent debtors;
h) A Receiver being appointed in respect of the whole or any part of my/our property;
i) My/Our ceasing or threatening to cease to carry on business;
j) The occurrence of any circumstance which in the opinion of the Bank is prejudicial to or impairs,
imperils or depreciates or likely to prejudice, impair, imperil or depreciate the security, if any,
given to the Bank;
k) The occurrence of any event or circumstance which in the opinion of the Bank would or is likely
to prejudicially or adversely affect in any manner my/our capacity to repay the loan;
l) Failure or neglect to utilise the credit facility or any part thereof for the purpose for which it was
sanctioned by the Bank; or if the Bank suspects or has reason to believe that the Borrower/s
has/have violated or is/are violating this undertaking.
m) Any representation or information of facts given in our loan application or subsequent
communications to the Bank being found to be untrue;

On the question whether any of the above events has happened, the decision of the bank shall
be conclusive and binding on me/us.

6. I/We will furnish the Bank with all such information as you may reasonably require for your
satisfaction as to due compliance with the terms of the advance and all such periodical reports,
statements, audited and/or unaudited financial papers and information at such times, in such form
and containing such particulars, as you may call for, for the purpose of ascertaining the results of
the utilisation of the said advance.

7. I/ We expressly agree that any notice addressed to anyone of us regarding enhancement in the
rate of interest shall be deemed to be notice given to all and such notice shall sufficient and binding
on all of us and each one of us expressly authorises the others severally to receive such notice on
each one's behalf.

8. I/we, hereby undertake/s to maintain sufficient balance at all times in in our operative account to
enable the Bank to appropriate loan instalments, interest and other charges as may be necessary
from time to time.

9. I/We further agree and authorise the Bank to furnish to any of the refinancing / credit guarantee
institutions / Credit Information Companies / Central Fraud Registry / CRILC, as the Bank may
deem fit, such information relating to our borrowing, repayment, the financial position, defaults
and/or irregularities if any, from time to time, without any further authorisation.

10. I/WE further agree that the Bank is at liberty to appoint its nominee to be on our Board of Directors
or Management as the case may be or to appoint a Manager to supervise our operations and
transactions. Any remuneration payable to such nominee/Manager and any expense which may be
incurred by him may be debited to our account and be recovered from us.

11. In the event of my/our failure to pay the bill amount on the due date of maturity of the bill received
under LC or invoked bank guarantees or any other devolved liability, I /we authorize the Bank to
make the payment to the negotiating Bank or beneficiary of guarantee by debiting any of my/our
operative account. Further, I/We undertake to clear the devolved liability under the LC / invoked
guarantee amount within the stipulated number of days from the date of devolvement / invoking of
bank guarantee.

12. If the Bank thinks that the security/ies is/are in jeopardy, the Borrower undertakes to deliver to the
Bank, on demand made by the Bank, the said hypothecated goods without raising any question to
enable the Bank to sell or otherwise dispose of the same for the purpose of realization of the
balance due.

13. I/We further undertake as follows:

a) I/We will not enter upon any scheme of expansion programme or take up any new activity
without the prior written consent of the Bank;
b) I/We will not invest or lent money except in the normal course of business or act as Surety or
Guarantor without getting the written consent of the Bank;
c) Any shortfall in the resources for financing the project estimated at present would be met by
me/us from my/our resources and/or by way of unsecured borrowing from friends and relatives.
d) Any outside borrowings already made and/or to be made by me/us shall be subordinated to the
Bank towards the term loan/working limits made available/to be made available to me/us by the
e) I/We will confine my/our entire banking with you;
f) I/We will not lease out or dispose of the building / Machinery / vehicle/other assets or any part
of the building/machinery/-vehicle/other assets mortgaged/hypothecated to the Bank without
the prior written consent of the Bank, nor shift the plant and machinery/vehicle/other assets to
any other' place without the prior written consent of the Bank;
g) I/we, undertake/s not to create any further mortgage, pledge, second charge or further charge,
hypothecate, sell or cause to be sold / disposed of in any manner, to keep the hypothecated
goods in good condition and to make no alteration thereon, deletion or addition thereto without
the previous written consent of the Bank.
h) In the event of the closure of the factory or stoppage of work due to strike, lock-out, mechanical
breakdown, want of raw materials, non-movement of finished goods, power shortage or/and tor
any other reason, intimation will be sent to the Bank by me/us within 3 days of the occurrence,
i.e. closure or stoppage of work;
i) I/We will duly and punctually pay/discharge all taxes as and when due, unless contested in
good faith;
j) I/We will maintain proper records and accounts and furnish statements and reports thereof as
and when required by the Bank;
k) During the currency of the loan, I/We agree not to dissolve and/or to reconstitute and/or to make
any alterations or change in the existing partnership without the prior written permission of the
Bank. (This clause is applicable in the case of partnership firms only.)
l) The claims of the Banks hall have precedence over the claim of the partners/Directors by way
of remuneration, interest, etc.,
m) I/We agree to keep you informed of the changes in top level management, from time to time.

14. I/We hereby request and authorise you to debit a sum of Rs ……………………………………………
from my/ our SB/Current/Overdraft account No ……………………………………………… being the
margin amount along with the loan component and pay the cost of the vehicle / machinery directly
to the supplier M/s ………………… …………… ………… …………………… ………………………
……… …… ……… ……. by NEFT/RTGS/DD at my/our risk and cost. I/We also request and
authorise you to debit a sum of Rs……………………. (Rupees
……………………………………………………………………….) from my/our abovementioned
account being the margin amount and pay the cost of body building charges to M/s
……………………………………………………………….. along with the loan component. I/We
undertake to bring the vehicle for inspection when the body building is completed.

The Borrower/s agrees and undertakes to notify the Bank in writing of any circumstances / matter
affecting the value of hypothecated asset / vehicle within 10 days after occurrence of any such

The borrower/s, hereby, agree/s and undertakes to (a) purchase the hypothecated vehicle / assets
and to register or re-register (in case of loans for pre-owned vehicles) the same immediately and in
any case not later than 10 days and (b) produce/handover the copy of RC / RC Book / Smart Card
/ B Register Extract, Bills, Vouchers, Stamped Receipt, Insurance & other necessary documents /
details to bank within a fortnight (c) Arrange for physical inspection of vehicle immediately after
delivery and there after every year or at such other intervals required by the bank (d) create charge
with Registrar of Companies - ROC (in the case of loans to limited companies) within the stipulated

The Registration Certificate / Smart Card or B Register Extract issued in respect of the
hypothecated vehicles shall contain requisite entry / lien regarding hypothecation of the vehicle/s in
favour of the Bank.

The Borrower shall furnish to the Bank periodically or as and when required by it, true statements
of account showing the business, assets and liabilities as also particulars of the vehicles and its
location details and satisfy the Bank as to the correctness thereof.

15. I/We, declare that the information and data furnished by me/us to the CANARA BANK are true and

16. In order to monitor the usage of the funds borrowed under this agreement. I/We agree and authorise
the Bank, access to my/our auditors. (a) As per the authorisation given by me/us to the Bank, the
Bank can at its desire and requirement, at any point during the subsistence of this agreement call
for from my/our auditors, directly or through me/us, any specific certification/details regarding the
usage of the funds borrowed under this agreement, so as to verify the end usage of the funds.
(b) I/We agree to give suitable instruction to my/our auditors for complying the direction of the Bank
for obtaining the certificate within a reasonable time stipulated by the Bank. In this connection I/We
agree to give full details of my/our auditors to the Bank. (c) If I/We change my/our auditors, then
such changes shall be intimated to the Bank immediately. (d) If there is any undue delay in
submitting the information by me/us or by my/our auditors or if my/our auditors/myself/ourselves
refuse to submit the required certificate/details called for or if it is subsequently found that there is
some manipulation in the certificate/details given by me/us or by my/our auditors, then, I/We agree
that the Bank has full discretion to recall the loan.

17. The borrowers hereby undertake/s that he/they will not induct a person who is Director on the Board
of the company/partner in a partnership firm which has been identified as a Wilful Defaulter as per
the guidelines for classification as wilful defaulter and in case such a person is found to be
Partner/Director on the Board of the borrower company the borrower/s would take expeditious and
effective steps for remove of such persons from its Board/Partnership firm.

18. The Borrower/s hereby agrees that he / she is fully aware that in case of borrower fails / refuses to
comply with the demand made by the Bank / commits any default in pursuance to this agreement,
despite having sufficient means to pay the dues of the Bank, the borrower will be declared as a
Wilful Defaulter in terms of the guidelines issued by RBI / Bank.

19. “The borrower/ guarantor/ co-obligant hereby agrees as a pre-condition for granting assistance to
the borrower by the Bank that, in case the borrower/ guarantor/ co-obligant commit default in
repayment of the loan/ advances or in the repayment of interest thereon or any of the agreed
instalment of the loan on the due date/s, the Bank and/or the Reserve Bank of India will have an
unqualified right to disclose or publish his/her/their name or the name of the company/ firm/ unit
and its directors/ partners/ proprietors along with the photographs of borrower/ guarantor/ co-
obligant in such manner and through such medium as the Bank or Reserve Bank of India in their
absolute discretion may think fit.”

I/We confirm that the rules governing this loan have been explained to me/us and I/we have
understood the same.

I/We also enclose the Memorandum of Pledge/Agreement/other documents/together with securities

referred to therein.

Yours faithfully,

Borrower / s


Place :

NF 622/(50)/04-2019/SESHAASAI


emIm H$m Zm_/Name of the Branch oXZmßH$/Date
gmI na[m{Q>© gß./Credit Report No. ÒdmÒœ` Hy$Q>$ gr_m g_mo· VmarI
Health Code Date of expiry of limits

I. Ï`o∫$JV „`m{am/PERSONAL DATA:

[mQ>u H$m [yam Zm_
Name of the party in full

H$mam{]ma H$s _wª` ‡H•$oV

Main line of business
C[OrodH$m, `oX H$m{B© hm{
Side line, any
emIm g{ Xyar
Distance from the branch
ÒWmZ Ohm± H$mam{]ma ewÈ oH$`m J`m h°
Places where business is carried on
BH$mB©/Ï`m[ma H$s ÒWm[Zm H$m df©
Year of Establishment of the Unit/Business
g_yh H{$ gß]‹X/gh`m{Jr gßÒWm H{$ Ï`m{a{
Details of Allied/Associated concerns in the group:

gß]’ gh`m{Jr `yoZQ> H$m Zm_ J°a-oZoY

gr_m H$m ÒdÍ$[ oZoY AmYmnaV AmYmnaV AoVX{`, `oX H$m{B©
Nature of
gr_m gr_m hm{ Overdues, ÒdmÒœ` Hw$Q>
Name of the Allied/Associate unit Fund based Non-Fund if any
Limit Health Code
limits based limits


∑`m H$mam{]ma [naga Òd`ß/oH$am`{/[Q≤>Q>{ H$s h°

Whether business premises are own/rented/leased

¤mam [mnaM` H$am`m J`m H$m{ Im{bm J`m ImVm

Introduced by A/c opened on

H$) Ï`o∫$JV (`oX Q≠>{S> Zm_ H{$ AßVJ©V Ï`m[ma h° Vm{ Òdmo_Àd [Ã oXZmßH$ _______________________________________________)
a) Individual (if trading under a trade name, copy of the proprietorship letter dated____________________________________________)
I) gß`w∫$ oh›Xw [nadma (gß`w∫$ oh›Xw [nadma [Ã oXZmßßH$ _________________________________________________________ ‡m· H$s JB©)
b) Joint Hindu Family (Copy of Joint Hindu Family letter dated NA
J) gmP{Xmar (‡m· oH$`m ∑`m oXZmßH$ _______________ H$m gmP{Xmar H{$ ‡oV_______________[a \$_© H{$ aoOÒQ≠>ma H{$ gmW J°a [ßOrH•$V/[ßOrH•$V
___________________________________________ gß. H{$ Í$[ _| h_mar ]wH$ _| [ßOrH•$V H$s J`r odb{I)
c) Partnership (Un-registered/registered with Registrar of Firms at ______________________________________________________
NA copy
of Partnership letter dated _____________ obtained; deed of partnership registered in our books as No.________________________)
K) gmd©OoZH$/‡mBd{Q> ob.Hß$. (oXZmßH$
____________________________________ H$m gßH$Î[ H$s ‡oV gßbæ h°/^{Or Om MwH$s h°) Am°a `Wm
________________________________________________ H$s VwbZ erQ> gßbæ h° (km[Z Am°a gmP{X H$m AZw¿N>{X gßbΩZ h°)
d) NIL
Public/Private Limited Company (Copy of resolution dated _____________________ enclosed/already sent) and Balance Sheet as on
__________________________________ attached. (Memorandum and Article of Association enclosed.

_mobH$/gXÒ`m|/gmP{Xmam|/oZX{eH$m| H{$ Zm_ ZrM{ Xr`{ J`{ h¢ * Hw$b _yÎ` È. _|

Names of Proprietors/Members/Partners/Directors are given below * Net worth in Rs.

* EZ E\$ 589 H{$ AZwgma „`m{a{ gßbΩZ h°ß / Details as per NF 589 enclosed.
`oX H$mam{]ma AQ>mZu ¤mam gÂ^mbm J`m h° Vm{ CgH$m Zm_ _________________________________________________________________________
EZ E\$ 114 ‡moYH$mar [Ã ‡oV oXZmßH$ _______________________________________________________________________________ ‡m· h˛B©
_w∫$ma Zm_{ g{ gßß]ßoYV gma H$s ‡oV oXZmßH$ ____________________________________________________________________ h_ma{ [mg [ßOrH•$V h°
_w.Zm. gß. _______________________
If the business is managed by an Attorney, his name ____________________________________________________________________
Copy of NF 114 Letter of Authority dated __________________________________________________ obtained.
Copy of relevent extracts from Power of Attorney dated ______________________________________________ registered with us.
P.A. No. _______________________________

A›` ]¢H$ H$m Zm_ oOgH{$ gmW [mQ>u H$m b{Z-X{Z h° ‡m· H$s J`r gmI gr_m, `oX H$mB© hm{
Name of other banks with whom the party is having dealings Credit limits enjoyed, if any


A›` ]¢H$m| g{ ‡m· Jm{[Zr` odMma / Confidential opinion received from other banks:

‡]ßYH$ ¤mam A‰`wo∫$

Remarks by Manager:

III. `Wm H$m{ ImVm| H$s pÒWoV


gwodYm gr_m ‡oV^yoV H$m _yÎ` AmhaU AoYH$ma X{`Vm AoVX{`

Facility Limit Value of Security Drawing Power Liability Overdue


AZw]ßY H{$ Í$[ g{ EZ E\$ 563 _| EH$ df© H{$ gmߪ`H$s` [yd©dVu 30 ogVß]a AWdm 31 _mM© H$m{ ‡ÒVwV oH$`m Om`{ $&
Statistical resume for one year with preceding 30th September or 31st March to be submitted in NF 563 as annexure.


a) Character of borrower

I) Ï`dgm` MbmZ{ dmb{ Ï`o∫$ H$s Ï`dmgm`j_Vm

b) Business ability of the person conducting the business

J) H$mam{]ma H$s dV©_mZ pÒWoV SATISFACTORY

c) Present condition of business

K) ∑`m H$^r odŒmr` H$Ô> _| W{? NO

d) Whether ever in financial difficulties?

L>) ∑`m H$mam{]ma H$m{ N>m{∂S>H$a A›` C‘{Ì`m| H{$ obE ^r CYma ob`{ W{?
e) Whether borrowings for purpose other than business NO

M) ∑`m [mQ>u, gmP{Xma AmoX H{$ Zm_ _| O_mamoe`m± h°ß? `oX hm±, Vm{
„`m{a{ X|
f) Whether there are deposits in the name of the party, NIL
partner etc. If so, give details

N>) oH$g df© VH$ Am`-H$a/o]H´$s H$a _yÎ`mßoH$V h˛`{ h¢? ∑`m d{ ‡XŒm
h¢? „`m{a{ X|
g) Upto which year income-tax/sales tax assessed? Has
it been paid? Give particulars

∑`m CYmaH$Vm©/BH$mB© [a oH$gr Vah H$s gmßodoYH$ X{ZXmar/X{`Vm`| ]H$m`m h¢? `oX hm±, Vm{ oZÂZmßoH$V oddaU X|†:
Does the borrower/unit have any sort of statutory Dues/Liabilities? If so, please furnish the particulars as below:

1. H$_©Mmar ^odÓ` oZoY/Employees' Provident Fund NIL

2. [mnadmnaH$ [{›eZ/Family Pension NIL

3. O_m g{ Ow∂S>m ]r_m/Deposit Linked Insurance


4. A›` H$m{B© gmßodoYH$ X{`Vm`|/Any other statutory dues. NIL

IV. odŒmr` pÒWoV : (VwbZ [Ã H$m odÌb{fU, VrZ dfm~ H{$ VwbZ [Ãm| H$m odÌb{fU, `oX C[b„Y hm{)
FINANCIAL POSITIONS (Analysis of balance sheet, Analysis of three years balance sheet)

X{`Vm`|/LIABILITIES † 20 20 20 AmpÒV`m±/ASSETS 20 20 20

dV©_mZ X{`Vm`| dV©_mZ AmpÒV`m±

Current liabilities Current Assets
h_mam ]¢H$/Our bank ZH$X/Cash
A›` ]¢H$/Other banks oZd{e/Investment
\w$Q>H$a b{ZXma ÒQ>m∞∑g/Stocks
Sundry creditors gßM`/Stores
Ï``/Expenses \w$Q>H$a b{ZXma
F$U/Loans Sundry Debtors
(H$) (A) (K) (D)
gmdoY X{`Vm`| AMb ApÒV`m±
Term Liabilities Fixed Assets

h_mam ]¢H$/Our bank ^yo_ VWm ^dZ

Land & Building
Eg.E\$.gr., AmoX/S.F.C., etc.
gß`ßà d _erZarATTACHED
Plant & Machinery
Borrowings from others
(I) (B) (M) (E)
[ßyOr VWm ‡maojV oZoY
Capital & Reserve ododY
[ßyOr/Capital Miscellaneous

gm_m›` ‡maojV oZoY gh`m{Jr gßÒWmAm| _| oZd{e

Investment in associates
General reserves
odH$mg na`m`V _| oZd{e/Intangibles
Development rebate A›`/Others

(J) (C) (N>) (F)

Hw$b`m{J (H$+I+J) Hw$b`m{J (K+M+N>)


Vab AmoY∑` (dV©_mZ AmpÒV`m± - dV©_mZ X{`Vm`|) È./Liquid Surplus (Current Assets - Current Liabilities) Rs.....................................
KmQ>m (dV©_mZ X{`Vm`| - dV©_mZ AmpÒV`m±) È./Deficit (Current Liabilities - Current Assets) Rs..........................................................

VwbZ [Ã odÌb{fU/Balance sheet analysis:

i) Hw$b [ `mdV©/Total turnover:
ii) Hw$b IarX/Total purchase:

iii) oZdb bm^/Net profit:

iv) oZdb bm^/o]H´$s/(%) Net profit/sales(%): AS PER ANNEXURE ATTACHED
v) dV©_mZ AZw[mV/Current ratio:
(dV©_mZ AmpÒV`m±/dV©_mZ X{`Vm`|)
(Current assets / Current liabilities)

vi) o]H´$s, bm^, VabVm Am°a gm_m›` odŒmr` pÒWoV _|

‡mo· [a A‰`wo∫$
Remarks on the trend in sales, profit, liquidity
and in general financial position.


oddaU JV df© Bg df© ‡{j[ oddaU JV df© Bg df© ‡{j[
Particulars Last Year This Year Projections Particulars Last Year This Year Projections
1) AW ÒQ>mH$ o]H´$s/Sales
Opening Stock
2) H´$`/Purchases BoV ÒQ>mH$/Closing Stock
3) ‡emgoZH$ IM©
Administrative A›` Am`/Other Income
4) _yÎ` ımg Hw$b hmoZ, `oX H$m{B© hm{
Depreciation Net loss, if any
5) Hw$b bm^/Net Profit
6) bm^ [a H$a
Tax on Profit
7) Hw$b AoYe{f
Net Surplus
Hw$b 1 g{ 5 Hw$b/Total
Total of 1 to 5

I) ]mX _| [ `mdV© o]H´$s o[N>br odŒmr` oddaUr g{ AmO VH$



dmof©H$ [wZA©Xm`Jr ]m‹`Vm

Annual repayment obligations
H$) ]¢H$ g{ od⁄_mZ _r`mXr F$U H{$ ‡oV È.
a) Towards existing term loan from Bank Rs.
I) ]¢H$ g{ ‡ÒVmodV _r`mXr F$U H{$ ‡oV
b) Towards proposed term loan from Bank Rs.

J) ]¢H$ g{ H$m`©H$mar [±yOr F$U H{$ ‡oV

(`oX oZYm©naV H$s J`r h° Vm{) È.
c) Towards working capital loan from Bank Rs.
(If stipulated)

K) A›` _r`mXr ]m‹`Vm odoZoX©Ô> H$s Om` È.

d) Other term obligations to be specified Rs.

Hw$b/Total È. Rs.
[wZA©Xm`Jr j_Vm
Repayment Capacity

i) AZw_moZV oZdb AoYe{f (oZÓ[mXZ odÌb{fU H$s _X 7)

Net surplus anticipated (item 7 of performance analysis)

ii) _yÎ` ımg Om{∂S>| (oZÓ[mXZ odÌb{fU H$s _X 4)

Add depreciation (item 4 of performance analysis)

iii) Hw$b ZH$X C[oMZ (i +ii)

Total cash accruals (i+ii)
AoJ´_ X{Z{ H{$ obE gh-Am^mar AWdm JmaßQ>am| H$m Zm_ (AZw]ßY EZ E\$ 589 _| AbJ g{ oddaU X|)
Name of the co-obligant or guarantors, if any, to the advance (Give particulars separately in NF 589 as annexure)

gß[moed©H$ ‡oV^yoV`m| H{$ „`m{a{, `oX H$m{B© hm{ / Details of collateral securities, if any:

]mhar CYma oOgH{$ obE AYrZVm C[b„Y H$s J`r h°/Outside borrowings for which subordination is available:

VI. od⁄_mZ gr_m Am°a og\$mnae H$s J`r gr_m

od⁄_mZ gr_m og\$mnae H$s J`r gr_m
b{Im Existing limits Limits recommended A‰`wo∫$`m±
Account gr_m „`mO H$s Xa _moO©Z „`mO H$s Xa
_moO©Z gr_m Remarks
Limit Margin Rate of Int. Limit Margin Rate of Int.


i) `oX og\$mnae H$s J`r gr_m AWdm eV~ od⁄_mZ gr_m AWdm og\$mnae H$s J`r AoVna∫$ gr_m g{ o^fi hm{ Vm{ H$maU ]Vm`| $&
If the limits or terms recommended vary from the existing limits or additional limits recommended, give reasons.

ii) `oX H$m{B© gr_m H$m C[`m{J Zht oH$`m J`m h° AWdm [ `mdV© _| H$m{B© oJamdQ> h° Vm{ gr_m Omar aIZ{ H{$ obE H$maU ]Vm`| $&
If any of the limits have not been utilised or there is any fall in turnover, give reasons for recommending continuation of
VII. gm_m›` A‰`w∫$`m±

1) ‡mWo_H$Vm/J°a ‡mWo_H$Vm

2) ‡mWo_H$Vm H{$ AYrZ C[-dJ©

Sub-category under priority

3) `oX J°a-‡mWo_H$Vm h° Vm{ oH´$`mH$bm[ H$s ‡H•$oV

Nature of activity, if non-priority

4) `m{OZm oOgH{$ AYrZ F$U H$m{ ‡XŒm oH$`m OmZm h°

Scheme under which loan is to be granted:
5) `oX C⁄m{J hm{ Vm{, C⁄m{J H$m ÒdÍ$[
Nature of industry, if an industry
i) J´m_ Am°a Hw$Q>ra C⁄m{J
Village and cottage industry
ii) N>m{Q>m C⁄m{J/Tiny industry
iii) hÒVmja/`m{Ω`Vm ‡m· C⁄_r
Craftsman/Qualified entrepreneurs
6) H$_Om{a dJ© H{$ AßVJ©V CYmaH$Vm© H$m dU©Z
Description of the borrower under the weaker section NA
i) AOm/AOOm / SC/ST
ii) emarnaH$ Í$[ g{ odH$bmßJ
Physically handicapped
7) AÎ[ gߪ`H$ g_wXm` -
grI/_wpÒb_/oH´$oeM`Z/Om{am{pÒQ≠>`Z/Z` ]m°°’ NA
Minority Community -

8) JmaßQ>r ‡mdaU H$s C[b„YVm-grOrE\$EgAmB© bC/bKw F$U, B©grOrgr AmoX

Availability of guarantee cover - CGFSI-SSI/Small loan, ECGC, etc.

9) ∑`m AmB©S>r]rAmB©/Z]mS>©/A›`m| H{$ AßVJ©V [wZod©Œm H{$ obE [mà h°

Whether eligible for refinance under IDBI/NABARD/others NO

10) ∑`m CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam ÒQ>m∞H$ ]wH|$ CoMV Í$[ g{ aIr J`r hß°?
Whether the stock books are maintained properly or not by REGULAR
the borrowers

11) H$) ∑`m ÒQ>mH$ oddaUr g_` [a AWdm odbß] g{ ‡m· H$s J`r?
a) Whether the stock statements are received regularly in YES
time or with delay
I) ∑`m odbß] ‡ÒVwVr H{$ _m_b{ _| XßS> „`mO dgybm J`m h°
b) Whether penal interest on delayed submission has been
collected in cases of delay
12) H$) ∑`m emIm Z{ _mJ©Xeu og’mßVm|/_ßOyar H{$ AZwgma Jm{Xm_ H$m
oZarjU oH$`m h°? YES
a) Whether branch has inspected the godown as
per guidelines / sanction.
I) ÒQ>m∞H$ ‡oV^yoV`m| H{$ oZarjU H$s AßoV_ VmarI
b) Date of last inspection of stock/securities
J) ‡oVHw$b oQ>fl[Ur, `oX H$m{B© hm{
c) Adverse features noticed, if any
K) CR>m`{ J`{ H$X_
d) Steps taken
13) H$) dÒVwAm| H$m gßMbZ ∑`m gßVm{fOZH$ h°?
a) Movement of goods whether statisfactory SATISFACTORY
I) ∑`m ]¢H$ H$m{ —oÔ>]ßYH$ dÒVw`| 6 _hrZ{ g{ AoYH$ ]H$m`m hß°?
b) Whether goods hypothecated to bank more than
6 months back are outstanding.

14 H$) emIm oZarjU A‰`wo∑V`m± , `oX hm{ SATISFACTORY

a) Branch inspection remarks, if any
I) gwYmaZ{ h{Vw CR>mE H$X_
b) Steps taken for rectification:

15) A›` gyMZm/og\$mnae : A›` _wª` odf` `hm± CÑ{I H$a|, Om{ na[m{Q>© _| H$ht Am°a ‡mdnaV Zht h° $&
Other Information/Recommendations: Mention here any important matter that has not been covered.

_¢/h_ ‡_moUV H$aVm h±ˇ/H$aV{ h¢ oH$ _¢/h_ km[H$ H{$ gmW [mQ>u H{$ ]ma{ _|
Om±M H$s h° Am°a na[m{Q>© gßVm{fOZH$ [m`r J`r h° $& gmI A›d{fU na[m{Q>© h_ma{ `hm± C∫$ [mQ>u H$s \$mBb _| \$mBb H$a Xr J`r h° $&
I/We certify that I/we made enquiries about the party with
informants and that the reports have been found satisfactory. The credit investigation reports are filed in the subject party's file at this

AoYH$mar/Officer ‡]ßYH$/dna> ‡]ßYH$/Manager/Senior Manager

emIm _|/At Branch

‡ÒVmd H$s ‡mo· H$s VmarI
Date of receipt of proposal

...............H$m{ Omar oH$`m J`m g{dm Bemam

Token of service issued on................

j{.H$m./ßAß.H$m.H$m{ ^{Om J`m ‡ÒVmd

Proposal sent to RO/CO on

oZ[Q>mZ H$s VmarI

Date of disposal

AßMb H$m`m©b` _|/At Circle Office ‡YmZ H$m`m©b` _|/At Head Office
j{.H$m. _|
At R.O.
AoYH$mar dna> ‡]ßYH$ _ß.‡/g_‡/C[_‡ _‡/H$moZ/‡oZ gm _ß g/‡g/]m{S>©
Officer Senior Manager DM/AGM/DGM GM/ED/MD CSC/MC/Board

‡mo· H$s VmarI

Date of receipt

oZ[Q>mZ H$s VmarI

Date of disposal
NF 1003/(50)/04-2019/SESHAASAI
(©. 10 ueeKe lekeÀ keÀer keÀe³e&Meerue $eÝCe HetBpeer efueefceìeW kesÀ efueS) (For working capital credit limits upto Rs. 10 lacs)
Òes<ekeÀ / From mesJee ceW / To
............................................ kesÀveje yeQkeÀ / Canara Bank
............................................ ............................................
............................................ ............................................
Dear Sir/s,
DeeHekesÀ meeLe cesjs/nceejs peceevele jefnle vekeÀo $eÝCe/HewefkebÀie $eÝCe/Sme Dees meer meer efueefceì kesÀ meboYe& ceW ceQ/nce ³eLee ................. lekeÀ kesÀ
nceejs mìe@keÀ Deewj osveoejeW keÀe efJeJejCe veer®es os jne ntB/jns nQ~ With reference to my / our Open Cash Credit/Packing Credit /
SOCC limit with you, I/we give below statement of our stock and debtors as on ...................
I. mìe@keÀ keÀe y³eewje / Particulars of Stock : (jeefMe npeejeW ceW) (Amount in thousands)
ÒeejbefYekeÀ DeJeefOe kesÀ oewjeve Kejero/ DeJeefOe@ kesÀ oewjeve efye¬eÀer/
mìe@keÀ keÀe y³eewje mìe@keÀ HeefjJeOe&ve* DeeJeepeener* Debeflece mìe@keÀ
Description Opening Purchases/Additions* Sales / movement* Closing Stock
of stock Stock during the period during the period@
(1) (2) (3) (1) + (2) - (3)
keÀ®®ee ceeue / Raw Materials
DeOe&-efveefce&le GlHeeove /
Work in Progress
lew³eej ceeue / Finished Goods
kegÀue / Total
@ ueeYe Ieìeles ngS efye¬eÀer cetu³e ³ee ueeiele cetu³e, pees Yeer DeeefOekeÀ nes, keÀes efue³ee peeS/Value to be stated at sale price less profit or cost price, whichever is higher
* HeefjJeOe&ve/DeeJeepeener keÀe DeLe& nw keÀ®®es ceeue mes DeOe&-efveefce&le GlHeeove, DeOe&-efveefce&le GlHeeove mes lew³eej ceeue~ Additions/movement represents
movement from raw materials to work in progress, work in progress to finished goods.
ieesoece keÀe Helee / Godown address :
ieesoece/mìe@keÀ keÀe ª................. keÀe yeercee nw Deewj Hee@efuemeer ............... lekeÀ JewOe nw~
Godown / Stocks are insured for Rs......................... and the policy is valid till...............
II. osveoejeW keÀe y³eesje / Particulars of Debtors :
Devegcele DeJeefOe (efove) lekeÀ yekeÀe³ee yener $eÝCe
Book Debts outstanding upto the period permitted ( days) ..............................
Devegcele DeJeefOe (efove) kesÀ yeeo yekeÀe³ee yener $eÝCe
Book Debts outstanding beyond the period permitted ( days) ..............................
kegÀue yener $eÝCe / Total Book Debts ..............................
III. DeoÊe mìe@keÀeW keÀe y³eesje / Particulars of Unpaid Stocks :
$eÝCe Hej Kejeros ie³es mìe@keÀ / Stocks purcahsed on credit ..............................
SHeerpeer/[erSSuemeer/men-mJeerke=Àle efyeue Deeefo kesÀ lenle ¢efäyebOekeÀ mìe@keÀ
Stocks hypothecated under APG/DALC/co-acceptance etc. ..............................
DeoÊe mìe@keÀeW keÀe kegÀue cetu³e / Total value of unpaid stocks ..............................
IV. efmLej mìe@keÀeW keÀe cetu³e / Value of non-moving stocks :
V. keÀ. Je<e& kesÀ efueS Devegceeefvele efye¬eÀer / a. Estimated sales for the year :
Ke. ceen kesÀ oewjeve efveJeue efye¬eÀer / b. Net sales during the month :
ie. Je<e& kesÀ efueS meb®e³eer efye¬eÀer / c. Cumulative sales for the year :
01. ceQ/nce SleodÜeje Iees<eCee keÀjlee ntB/keÀjles nQ efkeÀ DeeHekesÀ Üeje ¢efäyebOekeÀ mìe@keÀ/ceeue cesjer/nceejer mebHeefÊe nw Deewj Fme ceeue Hej keÀesF& HetJe&
$eÝCe-Yeej veneR nQ Deewj GHejeskeÌle efmLeefle mener nw leLee Fme efove keÀer meceeefHle Hej cesjs/nceejs Üeje jKee ie³ee mìe@keÀ, efpemes ceQves/nceves DeeHekesÀ
He#e ceW efve<Heeefole ¢efäyebOekeÀ keÀjej keÀer MeleeX kesÀ Devegmeej jKee nw, cesjer/nceejer peevekeÀejer kesÀ cegleeefyekeÀ mener nw~
I/we hereby delcare that the stock/goods hypothecated to you are my/our absolute property and that no
prior charge has been created on the goods and that the above position is correct and true statement to
the best of my/our knowledge of the stock held by me/us on the close of this day which I am/We are
holding in trust for you as per the terms of the hypothecation agreement executed by me/us on
........................... in your favour.
02. ceQ/nce SleodÜeje Iees<eCee keÀjlee ntB/keÀjles nQ efkeÀ efJeJejCe ceW efo³es ie³es yener $eÝCe JewOe nQ Deewj nceejs keÀejesyeej keÀer meeceev³e keÀe³e&ÒeCeeueer ceW ngS
JeeefmleJekeÀ mebJ³eJenej mes nw~ yener $eÝCe DeMeesO³e ³ee meebefoiOe veneR nQ Deewj ve ner Fve Hej efkeÀmeer keÀesì& keÀe keÀesF& ef[¬eÀer ³ee keÀesF& efJeJeeo nw Deewj
ve ner osveoejeW kesÀ efJe©× keÀesF& keÀej&JeeF& uebefyele nw~ Deeies Fve yener $eÝCeeW Hej yeQkeÀ kesÀ DeueeJee efkeÀmeer Deewj leermejer Heeìea keÀe $eÝCe Yeej veneR nw~
I/We hereby declare that the book debts declared in the statement are valid and arisen out of bonafide
transaction in the ordinary course of our business. The book debts are exclusive of bad or doubtful of
recovery or for which there is any decree of any court or any dispute or cause of action pending against
the debtor. Further, these book debts are free from encumbrances to any third party other than the Bank.
03. ceQ/nce SleodÜeje Iees<eCee keÀjlee ntB/keÀjles nQ efkeÀ cesjs/nceejs Üeje Dee³ekeÀj, efye¬eÀer keÀj, YeefJe<³e efveefOe, keÀeceieej os³elee, ûeenkeÀ MegukeÀ Deeefo
pewmes meebefJeefOekeÀ os³eleeDeeW keÀe Deepe keÀer leejerKe lekeÀ Yegieleeve efkeÀ³ee pee ®egkeÀe nw Deewj kegÀí Yeer yekeÀe³ee ³ee cesjs/nceejs Üeje kegÀí Yeer Yegieleeve
veneR efkeÀ³ee peevee nw~ cew/nce Fme yeele keÀe Yeer GÊejoeef³elJe ueslee ntB/uesles nQ efkeÀ ÒeeefOekeÀejer ³ee Dev³e Üeje ceeBie efkeÀ³es peeves Hej meYeer keÀj/
MegukeÀ keÀe Yegieleeve legjble keÀªBiee/keÀjWies~ ³eefo GkeÌle keÀLeve/GÊejoeef³elJe ieuele Hee³ee ie³ee/DevegHeeueve veneR efkeÀ³ee ie³ee lees yeQkeÀ keÀes
DeefOekeÀej nw efkeÀ Jees cesjs/nceejs efJe©× keÀej&JeeF& keÀjs ³ee $eÝCe keÀes JeeHeme ues ues~
I/We do hereby declare that all statutory dues like Income Tax, Sales Tax, Provident Fund, Workmen dues,
customs duty etc as on date are fully paid by me/us and there are no arrears, whatsoever to be paid by
me/us. I/We also undertake to promptly make payment of all tax/duty demanded by the authority or
otherwise. In case the above-said statement/undertaking is found to be false/not complied with, bank
shall be at liberty to take any action against me/us including recalling the loan.
ceen kesÀ efueS os³e meebefJeefOekeÀ os³elee / Statutory dues payable for the month... ª./Rs. ....................
ceen kesÀ efueS ÒeoÊe meebefJeefOekeÀ os³elee / Statutory dues paid for the month... ª./Rs. ....................
os³e Mes<e / Balance payable... ª./Rs. ....................
mLeeve / Place :
efoveebkeÀ / Date : GOeejkeÀlee&/Sb / Borrower/s
keÀe³ee&ue³e Òe³eesie kesÀ efueS / FOR OFFICE USE
mìe@keÀ efvejer#eCe efjHeesì& / Stock Inspection Report
01. ................ keÀes DeOeesnmlee#ejer Üeje mìe@keÀ keÀe efvejer#eCe efkeÀ³ee ie³ee Lee~
Stock was inspected by the undersigned on .......................
02. mìe@keÀ keÀer DeeJeepeener meblees<epevekeÀ/Demeblees<epevekeÀ nw~
Movement of Stock is Satisfactory / Not satisfactory
03. efye¬eÀer yeveece Devegceeefvele kegÀue keÀejesyeej Hej efìHHeCeer
Comments on Sales vis-a-vis projected turnover :
04. Dev³e keÀesF& efìHHeefCe³eeB / Any other observations :
efoveebkeÀ / Date : DeefOekeÀejer/ÒeyebOekeÀ/Jeefjÿ ÒeyebOekeÀ / Officer/Manager/Senior Manager
veece, keÀce&®eejer mebK³ee Je Heoveece / Name, Staff Number and Deisgnation
mìe@keÀ efJeJejCe efJeMues<eCe efjHeesì& / Stock Statement Analysis Report
01. DeenjCe MeeqkeÌle HeefjkeÀueve / Drawing Power calculation :
mìe@keÀ keÀe kegÀue cetu³e + yener $eÝCe (peneB keÀneR ueeiet nes)
Total value of stock + Book Debts (wherever applicable)
keÀce : DeHeJeefpe&le Jeie& kesÀ mìe@keÀ Je yener $eÝCeeW keÀe cetu³emìe@keÀ keÀe
kegÀue cetu³e + DeenjCe MeeqkeÌle kesÀ efueS Hee$e yener $eÝCe
Less : Value of excluded category of stock & Book Debts
Total value of stock + Book debts eligible for D.P.
keÀce : ceeefpe&ve ( %) / Less : Margin ( %)
DeenjCe MeeqkeÌle / Drawing power
02. mebmJeerke=Àle meercee / Sanctioned Limit
03. yekeÀe³ee os³elee / Outstanding Liability
04. mìe@keÀ efJeJejCe ÒeeefHle keÀer leejerKe / Date of receipt of Stock statement
05. .............. Hej ª............ keÀe oebef[keÀ y³eepe SkeÀef$ele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee (efJeuebye kesÀ ceeceues ceW)
Penal interest of Rs. ................... collected on ..................... (in case of delay)
06. ieesoece keÀe ª................... keÀe yeercee nw Deewj Jen .............. lekeÀ JewOe nw~
Godown is insured for Rs............................ & valid upto ................ (DD/MM/YY)
07. efìHHeefCe³eeB / Remarks

$eÝCe ÒeyebOekeÀ/MeeKee ÒeYeejer Credit Manager / Branch in charge

veece, keÀce&®eejer mebK³ee Je Heoveece Name, Staff Number and Designation

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