M - Shri Guru Poultry

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Project at a glance

Name & Address of Unit



Activity : Poultry farm

Email : targetbank2015@gmail.com

Phone : 9494949494

Constitution : Proprietorship

Scheme : sme

Number of employment : Get 5Full Project Report

Total project cost :
Some 2,98,75,000.00
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free version of the project report.
Fixed Capital : 2,40,00,000.00
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Working Capital purchase
: our Pro plan now!

Total Bank loan : 2,27,00,000.00

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Promoter(s) contribution : 71,75,000.00

Term loan : 1,80,00,000.00 Interest : 11.00 %

Working capital loan : 47,00,000.00 Interest : 11.00 %

Name & address of promoter(s)

Name : Sachin danbaljan

Address : Gudur

Phone : 9494949494

Designation : Founder

Category : General

E-mail : targetbank2015@gmail.com
Project Feasibility Ratio

Debt Service Coverage Ratio (Average) : 1.95

Current ratio (Average) : 3.26

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Current ratio xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.76 xx.xx

Quick ratio xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.01 xx.xx

Interest coverage ratio xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 5.60 xx.xx

Debt equity ratio xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.42 xx.xx

TOL/TNW xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.42 xx.xx

DSCR xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 1.66 xx.xx

Gross profit Sales Percentage % xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 100.00 % xx.xx

Net profit Sales Percentage % xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 69.46 % xx.xx

Return On Capital Employed xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.17 xx.xx

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Net profit Sales % Quick ratio
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Project Feasibility graph
Revenue v/s Expense

Expense Splitup

India’s poultry industry contributes about 1% of the total GDP and is observed to be growing at a healthy rate
of 8-10%. India with a population of 1.25 billion people is highly focussing on “Development” i.e. Good Food,
Better Health & Living conditions for everyone. With the increase in incomes, people can now afford better
nutrition, and hence, for the last two decades, the demand for eggs and chicken is growing. The recent data
for the year 2020 states that the egg production in India is 75 billion and the broiler production is 4.2 million
tonnes per annum. The growth rate of the layer market is 6-7 percent per annum and the broiler market is 8-10
percent per annum. Approx. 75 percent of egg production is contributed by commercial poultry farms,
remaining comes from household/backyard poultry. India is leading with 10 percent in the poultry growth
followed by Brazil with 7 percent, the USA with 2.1 percent, and China with 2 percent. Increasing Incomes
Coupled by Changing Food Habits: Broiler meat in the past had been considered to be a delicacy. As a result
of increasing levels of urbanization and higher levels of disposable incomes, poultry meat is increasingly seen
as less of a luxury product and more as a daily staple. Further with changing food habits and increasing
exposure to global cuisines, the Indian population is increasingly converting to a non-vegetarian diet. Poultry
meat is preferred over other meat products as it is considered more hygienic and is available throughout the
year across the country at relatively lesser prices than fish/mutton.
Plant & Machinery / Equipments

Chaff cutter, Silo pit, Milking machine, Feed grinder and mixer, Milking pails/milk cans, Biogas plant, Bulk
coolers, Equipment for manufacture of products.
Market potential & Strategy

The Indian poultry market, consisting of broilers and eggs was worth INR 1,494 Billion in 2020. The market is
further projected to reach INR 3,775 Billion by 2023, at a CAGR of 16.5% during 2018-2023. India today is one
of the world's largest producers of eggs and broiler meat. The poultry industry in India has undergone a major
shift in structure and operation during the last two decades transforming from a mere backyard activity into a
major industry with the presence of a large number of integrated players. This transformation has involved a
sizeable investment in breeding, hatching, rearing, and processing activities. Large Unpenetrated Market: The
annual per capita consumption of broiler meat and eggs remains one of the lowest in the world and is
significantly lower than many emerging and developed markets. As a result of the low penetration levels and
continuously increasing income levels, however, we expect the per capita consumption of both broiler meat
and eggs to increase continuously during the next five years.
Project Cost
Sl. no Item Amount Rs.

1 Shed/building /Tank xx.xx

2 Seeds/Livestock xx.xx

3 Working Capital xx.xx

Total xx.xx
Working Capital Computation
Sl. no Item Amount Rs.

1 Consumables / stock in hand xx.xx

2 Working expense. xx.xx

3 Total working capital xx.xx

4 Own Contribution xx.xx

5 Working capital loan xx.xx

Annual Sales / Revenue
Sales is calculated from October 2024

Sl. no Item Rate Quantity Month Unit Total Rs.

1 Chicken sales xx.xx xx.xx 770 xx.xx 6 xx.xx 34,08,354.00

Total xx.xx
Total Yearly Expense
Expense is calculated from October 2024 .

Sl. no Item Amount Rs.

1 Rent xx.xx

Total xx.xx
Application of Fund
Sl. no Item Subsidy % No. Rate Amount Rs.

1 Shed/building /Tank xx.xx xx.xx 1,93,00,000.00 xx.xx

2 Seeds/Livestock xx.xx xx.xx 47,00,000.00 xx.xx

Total Investment xx.xx

Total Subsidy xx.xx

Net Investment xx.xx

Means of Finance
Sl. no Item Amount

1 Term Loan xx.xx

2 Working capital Loan xx.xx

3 Total loan xx.xx

4 Promoters contribution on term loan xx.xx

5 Promoters contribution on working capital loan xx.xx

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Profitability Statement
All figures are in lakhs
31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28 31/03/29

Revenue from operation xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Chicken sales xx.xx xx.xx 78.73 xx.xx 95.26

Add : xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Closing stock xx.xx xx.xx 35.25 xx.xx 35.25

Total xx.xx xx.xx 113.98 xx.xx 130.51

Less : xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Opening stock xx.xx xx.xx 35.25 xx.xx 35.25

Total xx.xx xx.xx 35.25 xx.xx 35.25

Gross profit xx.xx xx.xx 78.73 xx.xx 95.26

Less : xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Rent xx.xx xx.xx 2.77 xx.xx 3.35

Total xx.xx xx.xx 2.77 xx.xx 3.35

Profit before interest, tax and depreciation xx.xx xx.xx 75.96 xx.xx 91.91

Depreciation Get Fullxx.xx

Project Report
xx.xx 8.93 xx.xx 8.06

Interest on TL xx.xx xx.xx 13.59 xx.xx 5.42

Some values are masked as **.** in the
Interest on WC xx.xx
free version of the xx.xx
project report. 5.17 xx.xx 5.17

Profit before tax To view the xx.xx complete report,

xx.xx please 48.25 xx.xx 73.25

Income Tax purchase our Proxx.xx

plan now! xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0

Profit after tax xx.xx xx.xx 48.25 xx.xx 73.25

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Cash flow statement
All figures are in lakhs
Cash Inflow Pre operative period 31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28 31/03/29
Capital xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Subsidy xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Termloan xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Profit before tax with interest xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 67.02 xx.xx 83.84
Increase in WC loan xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Depreciation xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 8.93 xx.xx 8.06
Increase in Current liability xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Total Cash Inflow xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 75.96 xx.xx 91.91

Cash Outflow
Fixed Assets xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Increase in Current asset xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Interest on TL xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 13.59 xx.xx 5.42
Interest on WC xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 5.17 xx.xx 5.17
Income Tax xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Decrease in Term loan Get Full Project
xx.xx xx.xx Report
xx.xx 33.37 xx.xx 41.54
Drawing xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Total Cash Outflow Some values
xx.xx are maskedxx.xx as **.**xx.xx
in the 52.13 xx.xx 52.13
Opening balance free version
xx.xxof the project
xx.xxreport. xx.xx 86.40 xx.xx 141.65
Net Cashflow
To viewxx.xxthe complete xx.xx
report, xx.xx
please 23.82 xx.xx 39.77
purchase our Pro plan now!
Closing balance xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 110.22 xx.xx 181.43

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Balance sheet
All figures are in lakhs
Liability Pre operative period As of 31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28 31/03/29

A. Share holders funds xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Capital xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 71.75 xx.xx 71.75

Reserve & Surplus xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 138.36 xx.xx 271.78

B.Non current Liabilities xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Termloan xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 105.19 xx.xx 26.41

C.Current Liabilities xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Working capital loan xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 47.00 xx.xx 47.00

Account payable xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0

Total Liability 240.00 339.90 347.41 362.30 385.23 416.95

Asset xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

A. Non current Assets xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Fixed Assets xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 216.82 xx.xx 200.26

B. Current Assets xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Inventory Get
xx.xx Full Project
xx.xx Reportxx.xx 35.25 xx.xx 35.25

Trade receivables xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0

Some values are masked as **.** in the
Cash and cash equivalence xx.xx of the project
free version xx.xx
report. xx.xx 110.22 xx.xx 181.43

Total Asset To view

240.00the complete339.90 report, 347.41
please 362.30 385.23 416.95
purchase our Pro plan now!

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Repayment of Term loan
All figures are in lakhs
Outstanding at the Principal Amount Outstanding at the
Year Month Installment Interest
beginning repayment paid end

1 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.26 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

1 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.28 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

1 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.30 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

1 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.32 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

1 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.34 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

2 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.36 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

2 xx.xx xx.xx 2.39 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx


2 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.41 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

2 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.43 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

2 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.45 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

2 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.47 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

2 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.50 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

2 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.52 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

2 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.54 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

2 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.57 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

2 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.59 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

2 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.61 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

3 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.64 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

3 xx.xx xx.xx 2.66 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx


3 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.69 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

3 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.71 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

3 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.74 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

3 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.76 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

3 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.79 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

3 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.81 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

3 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.84 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

3 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.86 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

3 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.89 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

3 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.92 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

4 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.94 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

4 xx.xx xx.xx 2.97 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx


4 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.00 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

4 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.03 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

4 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.05 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

Outstanding at the Principal Amount Outstanding at the
Year Month Installment Interest
beginning repayment paid end

4 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.08 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

4 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.11 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

4 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.14 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

4 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.17 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

4 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.20 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

4 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.23 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

4 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.26 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

5 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.29 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

5 xx.xx xx.xx 3.32 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx


5 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.35 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

5 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.38 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

5 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.41 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

5 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.44 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

5 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.47 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

5 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.50 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

5 xx.xx xx.xx
Get Full Project Report
xx.xx 3.53 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

5 xx.xx xx.xx Some values xx.xx 3.57 in the

are masked as **.** xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

5 xx.xx xx.xx free version ofxx.xx

the project report.3.60 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

5 xx.xx xx.xx To view thexx.xx complete report,

3.63 please
xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

6 xx.xx xx.xx
purchase our Pro
plan now! 3.67 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

6 xx.xx xx.xx 3.70 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx


6 xx.xx xx.xx Get Fullxx.xx

Report Now 3.73 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

6 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.77 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

6 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.80 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

6 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.84 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

6 xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.87 xx.xx 3.91 xx.xx

Debt Service Coverage Ratio
All figures are in lakhs
Particulars 31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28 31/03/29


a).Net Profit xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 60.16 xx.xx

b).Depreciation xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 8.49 xx.xx

c).Interest on termloan xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 9.73 xx.xx

Total xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 78.38 xx.xx


a).Loan Principal xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 37.23 xx.xx

b).Interest on termloan xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 9.73 xx.xx

Total xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 46.96 xx.xx

DSCR xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 1.67 xx.xx

Average DSCR : 1.95

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All figures are in lakhs
Particulars Rate 31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28 31/03/29

Shed/building /Tank xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 178.76 xx.xx 161.33

Less Depreciation xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 8.93 xx.xx 8.06

Written down value xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 169.82 xx.xx 153.26

Total less depreciation xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 8.93 xx.xx 8.06

Total written down value xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 216.82 xx.xx 200.26

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The entire projection is based on the assumption that the sales for 5 years will be

All figures are in lakhs

31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28 31/03/29

xx.xx xx.xx 113.98 xx.xx 130.52

Chicken sales : 6816708

Also the total expense for the firm during the projection years will be as follows

31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28 31/03/29

xx.xx xx.xx 2.77 xx.xx 3.35

• The depreciation is as follows

Particulars Value

Shed/building /Tank Get Full Project Report xx.xx

Some values are masked as **.** in the

• Cost of the land or building is based on the basis of current rate
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• Cost of Machinery is based To on direct
view purchase from thereport,
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on deepest study
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• Value of raw materials & utility charges as per the current market conditions

• All other assumptions are calculated based on the basis of experience of the promoter and deep study

on the working of similar model Get Full Report Now

This report is created using www.finline.in . Finline have bears no financial responsibility on or behalf of any
of the authorized signatories
The project as a whole describes the scope and viability of the agriculture industry and mainly of the financial,
technical and its market potential.The project guarantee sufficient fund to repay the loan and also give a good
return on capital investment. When analyzing the social- economic impact, this project is able to generate an
employment of 5 and above. It will cater the demand of agriculture and thus helps the other business entities
to increase the production and service which provide service and support to this industry. Thus more cyclic
employment and livelihood generation. So in all ways, we can conclude the project is technically and socially
viable and commercially sound too.

When we take a close look at the Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR), the avg: DSCR is 1.95 : 1, which is at a
healthy proposition & proposes a profitable venture

The Profit and Loss shows a steady growth in profit throughout the year and the firm has a higher Current
Ratio (average) of 3.26, this shows the current assets and current liabilities are managed & balanced well.

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