Risk Management-WPS Office
Risk Management-WPS Office
Risk Management-WPS Office
There are four phases in which hazard in the operating room can be managed and these are
1 Administration
2 Prevention
3 Correction
4 Documentation
1 Administration
b. Policies and procedures should be written, reviewed periodically, and updated as appropriate. All
employees should have access to them.
c. Protective attire and safety equipment should be made available to employees, as appropriate.
e. Employee health services should be provided for immunizations and in the event of injury.
2. Prevention
a. Regular inservice programs should be conducted to keep employees informed about hazards and
b. Employees should be taught how to use and care for new equipment before it is put into service.
c. Employees must know the location and use of emergency equipment, such as fire extinguishers and
shut off valves.
e. Routine preventive maintenance should be provided for all potentially hazardous equipment.
3. Correction
b. Any injury should be reported, with medical attention sought as soon as possible.
4. Documentation
a. Records of preemployment medical examinations and periodic examinations for the surveillance and
early detection of disease should be maintained for each employee. These
records should be retained in a permanent file after termination of employment in case there is a future
health problem.
b. At the time of employment, new employees may be given a letter explaining the occupational risks.
c. Accident reports regarding injuries to personnel and patients should be filed with the administration
of the facility.