PowerPoint 2016-Day 2 Handout - FINAL
PowerPoint 2016-Day 2 Handout - FINAL
PowerPoint 2016-Day 2 Handout - FINAL
Note: All course guides are in PDF format, and you must have an appropriate PDF reader
installed on your computer to open and print these course guides. If you do not already
have one, you can find and download a free copy of Acrobat Reader at:
Slide Show Options: During a slide show presentation, you Select the slide you want to add the action button to.
can take advantage of some of the features PowerPoint To add an action button to multiple slides, open the
offers, such as the pen feature to highlight something on a slide master for your presentation.
slide for your audience. Here are a few of those features and Click the Insert command tab of the ribbon and select
how to activate them: the Action button in the Links group of the ribbon.
In the Action Settings window, you will see the
Pen: Allows you to draw on a slide during a slide show. default action setting for the button. Change the
While the slide show is running, right-click with your Hyperlink to action if need be, and click the OK
mouse. From the shortcut menu that appears, select button.
Pointer Options and then click Pen. Click and drag with Move, resize, and format the action button as desired.
your mouse to draw with the pen. You can also press
CTRL+P while running a slideshow to activate the pen. Broadcasting a Presentation Online: PowerPoint
Blackout: When you want to temporarily black out the presentations can be shared or broadcasted over the web so
screen so that your audience sees nothing, press the B they can be viewed by others remotely:
key on your keyboard. Press the B key again to Click on the File tab in the upper left of the screen
reactivate the presentation. then click on Share.
Start and Stop Automated Timings: If you have set Select from various options to save and present your
automatic timings in a slide show and find yourself either slideshow online.
falling behind or moving ahead of your slide show during
Package a presentation for CD (or other storage device):
a presentation, press the S key to both stop and start the
Copy your presentation file and all attached files, such as
automated timing.
movies or sounds, onto a compact disk for convenient
Using MS Word to Print Speaker Notes or mobility and delivery.
Audience Handouts: Click the File tab in the upper left of the screen and then
Click the File tab in the upper left of the screen and then point to activate the PowerPoint backstage view.
point to activate the PowerPoint backstage view. Click the Export option.
Click the Export option. Click the Package presentation for CD button.
Click the Create Handouts button. Save a Slideshow as a Video: Slideshows can be saved in
Saving a Presentation in Slide Show Format: PowerPoint video format to be viewed online or in a video player.
presentations can be saved in a format such that when the Select Export from the File tab.
presentation file is opened, it launches directly into the slide Click on the Create a Video option.
show view (as opposed to the normal PowerPoint working Tips for Building Effective Presentations:
view.) It’s as if you are only saving the slide show itself. To
save a presentation in this format: Do not use too many colors or different font options on
your slides, as this can make your presentation look
Click the File button in the upper-left of the screen and cluttered and more difficult for the audience to read.
then click Save As, or else press the F12 key on your
keyboard. Keep bullet points succinct. It’s your job as the
Browse to a location in the Save As screen, click the Save presenter to elaborate on the bulleted text.
as Type drop-down list, and select PowerPoint Show. Use graphics, such as digital photos, as a slide’s
The file will be saved with the .ppsx extension. background to have a bigger impact on the audience.
Do not read text to your audience. Though some think
Hyperlinks: A hyperlink is a string of text or a graphic that this is a good thing to do, this actually lowers the
when clicked can be used to navigate from a slide to a retention and recall ability of the audience!
location on the internet, another slide in the presentation, or
another file altogether. To insert a hyperlink into a slide: