Five Year Plans (Ques)

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Five Year Plans MCQ


Borrowed from — USSR

1st Five Year Plan — 1951-56
2nd Five Year Plan — PC Mahalanobis
Economic Reforms — 8th Five year Plan
Yellow Revolution — Oilseeds Production
The main objective of the First Five Year Plan
of India was?
भारत की प्रथम पंचवर्षीय योजना का मुख्य उद्देश्य था ?

• Time – 1951 -56

a) Development of Industries • Under( Jawahar lal Nehru)
b) Development of Agriculture • Based on – Harrod domar model
• Main focus – Agriculture development
c) Development of Ports • Plan – successful
• Why ?
d) None • Target – 2.1 %
• 3.6% growth rate
Option : b • At the end of this plan ,five iits were set up
in the country
Mixed economy in india was first introduced in
which five year plan ?
भारत में मममित अथथव्यवस्था भारत में सवथप्रथम मकस पंचवर्षीय
योजना में लागू की गई थी ?

a) First • Second five year plan

• Time – 1956-61
b) Second
• Based on Mahalanobis Model.
c) Third • focus –Industrial Development of the
d) Fourth • The plan lagged behind the target growth
rate of 4.5% and achieved a growth rate of
Option : b
Which of the following five-year plans was affected
due to drought and two wars?
मनम्नमलखित में से कौन सी पंचवर्षीय योजना सूिे और दो युद्ों के
कारण प्रभामवत हुई थी?

a) First • Third five year plan

• Time period – 1961-66
b) Second • Complete faliure due to Unforseen
c) Third
• Viz Chinese aggression (1962)
d) Fourth • Indo pak war 1965
• Severest drought in 100 years
Option : c
Which Five Year Plan had the primary goal to establish
India as a self-reliant and self-generating economy?
मकस पंचवर्षीय योजना का प्राथममक लक्ष्य भारत को एक आत्ममनभथर और
स्व-उत्पादक अथथव्यवस्था के रूप में स्थामपत करना था?

a) First • Also called Gadgil yojana

b) Second
c) Third
d) None

Option : C
• First five year plan
• Time – 1951-1956
• It was based on the Harrod-Domar model.
• 3rd five-year plan
• Time -1961 to 1966
• Also called as Gadgil Yojna
• 4th five-year plan
• Time -1969 to 1974
• Aim –Growth with stability and progressive
achievement of self-reliance are two main objectives.
Which five year plan was launched with the specific
objective of “Growth with stability”
खस्थरता के साथ मवकास के मवमिष्ट उद्देश्य के साथ कौन सी पंचवर्षीय
योजना िुरू की गई थी?

a) Fourth • Fourth Five Year Plan

b) First • From 1969 to 1974.
• The two main objectives of this plan were
• growth with stability and
c) Second • progressive achievement of self-reliance.
• Indo-Pak war of 1971 was during this
d) Third five-year plan.
• Operation flood was launched during this

Option : a

Garibi Hatao slogan was given in which five year plan ?

गरीबी हटाओ का नारा मकस पंचवर्षीय योजना में मदया गया था?

• Fifth Five Year Plan

a) Fourth • From 1974 to 1979.
b) Fifth • Priority was given to agriculture, industry,
and mines.
c) Sixth • The draft of this plan was prepared and
launched by the D.P. Dhar.
d) Third • 20 Point Program Launched During this
• Objective: ‘removal of poverty and
Option : b attainment of self-reliance’

Focus of second five year plan was?

मितीय पंचवर्षीय योजना का फोकस था?

a) Agriculture
b) Industralization
c) Education
d) Foriegn Direct Investment

Option : b
During which five year plan,the Green revolution
was started in india?
भारत में मकस पंचवर्षीय योजना के दौरान हररत क्ांमत की िुरुआत
हुई थी?

a) Third
b) Fourth
c) Fifth 1961-66
d) Sixth

Option : a

• Red Revolution – Meat and Poultry sector;

• Pink Revolution – Onion production, Pharmaceuticals, and Prawn
• White Revolution – Increasing Milk production
• Yellow Revolution – Increasing Edible Oilseeds production
• Green Revolution – Increasing Foodgrains production
• Golden Revolution – Increasing Horticulture and Honey production
• Golden Fibre Revolution – Increasing Jute Production
Human development is the core of all developmental
efforts was recognised in
मानव मवकास सभी मवकासात्मक प्रयासों का मूल है, को मकसने
मान्यता दी थी?
a) Sixth
b) Seventh
c) Eight
d) Ninth

Option : c
Five year plans
• Sixth Five Year Plan:
• Time – From 1980 to 1985.
• Aim Poverty eradication and technological self-reliance .
• NABARD was established in 1982.
• Seventh Five Year Plan:
• Time –From 1985 to 1990.
• The plan laid stress on the production of food grains and generating
employment opportunities.
• It gave importance to making India an independent economy.

Which year plan targeted the per capita income of

मकस वर्षथ की योजना ने भारत की प्रमत व्यखि आय को लमित मकया?
a) Eighth
b) Ninth
c) Tenth
d) Eleventh

Option : C
Imp Facts

• 9th five-year plan

• Time -1997 to 2002
• Aim – The main focus was ‘“Growth with Social
Justice and Equality”.
• 10th five-year plan
• Time – 2002 to 2007
• Aim – Aimed to double the Per Capita Income of
India in the next 10 years.

The period of the Annual Plan is from?

वामर्षथक योजना की अवमि से है

a) 1964-66 to 1967-69
b) 1966-67 to 1968-69
c) 1965-68 to 1969 -70
d) None

Option : b
Annual plans in five year plans

• Three Annual plans 1966-69

• Plan holiday for 3 years
• (1966-67, 1967-68, and 1968-69). The Sino-Indian War and the
Indo-Pak War, which caused the Third Five Year Plan to fail, were
the primary causes of the plan holidays.
Under which five year plan “Blue Revolution”
was started in India?
भारत में “नीली क्ांमत” मकस पंचवर्षीय योजना के तहत िुरू की
गई थी?

a) Fifth
b) Sixth
c) Seventh
d) Eighth

Option : c
Imp Facts

• 7th five-year plan

• Time - 1985 to 1990
• Aim - Aimed at the establishment of a self-
sufficient economy

• 8th five-year plan
• Time -1992 to 1997
• Aim –The main focus was on the development
of Human Resources
Inclusive growth was the target of which five
year plan ?
समावेिी मवकास मकस पंचवर्षीय योजना का लक्ष्य था?

a) Tenth
b) Eleventh
c) Twelfth
d) None

Option : b
Imp Facts

• 11th five-year plan

• Time - 2007 to 2012
• Aim – Its main theme was “rapid and more
inclusive growth”.

• 12th five-year plan
• Time -2012 to 2017
• Aim – Its main theme is “Faster, More
Inclusive and Sustainable Growth
Khadi and village industry commission was
established in which five year plan?
िादी एवं ग्रामोद्योग आयोग की स्थापना मकस पंचवर्षीय योजना में
की गई थी?
a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Fourth

Option : b
For the first time Private Sector was given priority
compared to the public sector in?
सावथजमनक िेत्र की तुलना में पहली बार मनजी िेत्र को प्राथममकता
दी गई थी?
a) Seventh
• Time – 1985-90
b) Eighth • Under pm Rajiv Gandhi
c) Ninth • Aim – to increase the productivity
d) None level of various industries By
upgrading technology
Option : A • Increase in food grain
Five year plans

• Sixth Five Year Plan:

• Time – 1980 to 1985.
• Poverty eradication and
technological self-reliance were
the main focus of this plan.
• NABARD was established in 1982.
The final approval to the five year plans of India is given
भारत की पंचवर्षीय योजनाओं को अंमतम स्वीकृमत मकसके िारा दी
जाती है?
• National Development Council –
a) Niti Aayog • Established – 1952
• Type – Non statutory/ extra
b) President of India constitutional body
• Function – It is the apex body to take
c) National development council decisions on matters related to
approval of five year plans of the
d) Ministry of finance country.
• Prime minister is the ex-officio
chairman of the NDC.
Option : C

Twenty Point Programme” was launched in the

ट्वें टी पॉइं ट प्रोग्राम” मकस वर्षथ िुरू मकया गया था?

a) 1969
• The Twenty Point Programme
b) 1977 (TPP) was launched by the
c) 1980 Government of India in 1975
• . The programme was first revised in
d) none 1982 and again in 1986.

Option : c
Rolling plan 1978-80

• Rolling Plan (1978-80)

• This was a period of instability. The Janata Party government
rejected the fifth five-year Plan and introduced a new Sixth Five-
Year Plan. This, in turn, was rejected by the Indian National
Congress in 1980 upon Indira Gandhi’s re-election.
• A rolling plan is one in which the effectiveness of the plan is
evaluated annually and a new plan is created the following year
based on this evaluation.
The economic reforms are initiated by Narasimha
Rao Government in?
आमथथक सुिारों की िुरुआत नरमसम्हा राव सरकार िारा की गई
a) Third
b) Eighth
c) Second
d) None

Option : b
The employment generating programmes like
Jawahar Rozgar Yojana was started in?
जवाहर रोजगार योजना जैसे रोजगार पैदा करने वाले कायथक्म कब िुरू
मकए गए थे?

a) 7th • 7th five year plan

b) 8th
c) 9th
d) None

Option : a
The Plan launched in the 50th Year of Indian
Independence was?
भारतीय स्वतंत्रता के 50वें वर्षथ में िुरू की गई योजना थी?

a) Seventh
b) Eight
c) Ninth
d) None

Option : c
1st Five year Plan -1951-1956
2nd Five year Plan- 1956-1961
3rd Five year Plan -1961-1966
4th Five year Plan -1969-1974 Five year plans
5th Five year Plan -1974-1978
Time period
6th Five year Plan -1980-1985
7th Five year Plan -1985-1990
8th Five year Plan -1992-1997
9th Five year Plan -1997-2002
10th Five year Plan -2002-2007
11th Five year Plan -2007-2012
12th Five year Plan-2012-2017
Human development is the core of all developmental
efforts was recognised in?
मानव मवकास सभी मवकासात्मक प्रयासों का मूल है, को मकसने
मान्यता दी थी?

a) Seventh • The eighth five-year planning was between 1992 and

b) Eighth • Priority was given to the development of human
resources(Human Model).
• The plan acted as the working engine of Rao and
c) Ninth Manmohan’s model of economic developments.
• It was the beginning of liberalization, privatization, and
d) None globalization (LPG) in India.
• New Economic Policy was introduced during the eighth
five-year plan.
Option : b

The main aim of the Eleventh Five Year Plan was?

ग्यारहवी ं पंचवर्षीय योजना का मुख्य उद्दे श्य था?

a) Eradication of Regional imbalances

b) Food work and productivity
c) Inclusive growth in all sectors
d) Eradication of poverty

Option : c
LPG Model of development was introduced in India in the
मवकास का एलपीजी मॉडल मकस वर्षथ भारत में पेि मकया गया था?

a) 1991 • LPG model of reforms consists of

Liberalisation, Privatisation and
b) 1992 Globalisation. Liberalisation resulted
in several economic reforms which
c) 1993
reduced the tariffs and made policies
d) 1994 less constraining.

Option : a

Economic planning is in ?
आमथथक मनयोजन है ?

a) Union list
b) State list
c) Concurrent list
d) none

Option : c
Revision at glance
• 1st five-year plan - (1951 to 1956) Agriculture,Based on Harrod Domar
• 2nd five-year plan - (1956 to 1961) Industry ,Based on Mahalanobis Model
• 3rd five-year plan (1961 to 1966) Also called as Gadgil Yojna, panchayat
• 4th five-year plan (1969 to 1974) Growth with stability and progressive
achievement of self-reliance are two main objectives.
• 5th five-year plan (1974 to 1978) This plan focussed on Garibi Hatao,
employment, justice, agricultural production, and defense
• 6th five-year plan (1980 to 1985) Focused on economic liberalization
Revision at Glance
• 7th five-year plan (1985 to 1990) Aimed at the establishment of a self-
sufficient economy
• 8th five-year plan (1992 to 1997) The main focus was on the development of
Human Resources
• 9th five-year plan (1997 to 2002) “Growth with Social Justice and Equality”.
• 10th five-year plan (2002 to 2007) Aimed to double the Per Capita Income of
India in the next 10 years.
• 11th five-year plan (2007 to 2012) Its main theme was “rapid and more inclusive
• 12th five-year plan (2012 to 2017) Its main theme is “Faster, More Inclusive and
Sustainable Growth”.
From which country the concept of Five Year Plan was
पंचवर्षीय योजना की अविारणा मकस दे ि से ली गई थी?

a) USA
b) Russia
c) China
d) Japan

Option : b
Question for You

Sustainable growth was the main focus of which five year plan?
मटकाऊ मवकास मकस पंचवर्षीय योजना का मुख्य फोकस था?

a) 12th
b) 11th
c) 10th
d) 9th
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