40 An Analysis of Health Benefits of Carrot
40 An Analysis of Health Benefits of Carrot
40 An Analysis of Health Benefits of Carrot
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2 authors, including:
Kirti Mishra
Sanskriti University Mathura
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ABSTRACT: carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) is grown in Europe before eleventh century, according to
root vegetation that available in diversity of colors, written sources. Carrot root flesh may be white, yellow,
comprising purple, black, red, white, & yellow. Carrots orange, red, purple, or very dark purple in hue. Yellow &
include carotenids, flavonoid, polyacetylens, vitamins, & purple skinned carrot varieties were first to be developed.
minerals, all which provide diversity of nutritional & Orange carrots, which are more common now, were
health advantages. Carotenoids, polyphenols, & vitamins created in Central Europe during 15th & 16th centuries.
found in carrots function as antioxidants, anticarcinogens, With discovery of its high provitamin A concentration,
& immune enhancers, proving ancient saying that carrots orange carrots have seen a fast increase in popularity.
are excellent for eyes. Carrot has shown to have anti- main antioxidant pigments present in carrots are
diabetic, cholesterol & cardiac disease reducing, anti- carotenoids & anthocyanins. Carrot cultivar differences
hypertensive, hepatoprotective, renoprotective, & wound are based on pigments present. Carotenoids are
healing properties. Carrot seed extracts have cardio- & phytochemicals that are yellow, orange, or red in color &
hepatoprotective, antibacterial, antifungal, anti- present in majoryellow & orange fleshed varieties.
inflammatory, & analgesic properties. All of se topics are commonly consumed orange carrot is high in - & -
covered in this review essay. Carrots are important tuber carotene, as well as provitamin A. yellow hue of carrots
crop that is high in biochemical elements like carotenoid is attributable to lutein, which helps to prevent macular
and soluble fiber, as well as variety of other functional degeneration. red water-soluble anthocyanin pigment &
elements with wellness properties.. Carrot consumption is red water-insoluble lycopene pigment found in certain
gradually rising as a result of its recognized as a valuable cultivars' roots do not add to provitamin A levels. high
source of natural antioxidants with anticancer properties. lycopene concentration of carrots gives m ir red color.
Apart from being utilized in salads & curries in India, Carrots high in anthocyanins, on or h&, are purple [2].
carrot roots may be professionally processed into Pigments are scarce in white flesh cultivars. Carotene
nutritionally rich processed goods like as juice, levels in orange & yellow skinned cultivars rise as y
concentrate, dry powder, tinned, preserve, c&y, pickle, & mature. More carotenes are found in cortical area than in
gazrailla. Carrot pomace, which contains approximately core. Through conventional breeding, overall carotenoid
50% -carotene, may be used to enhance goods such as levels have risen significantly in last four decades,
cake, bread, & biscuits, as well as to make a diversity of reaching 1000 ppm carotenoids on renewed weight basis.
useful products. nutritional content, health-promoting Furrmore, owing to high bio-availability of carrot
phytonutrients, functional characteristics, product carotenoids, it may offer considerable quantity of vitamin
creation, & by-products usage of carrot & carrot pomace, A in human diet when compared to or vegetables.
as well as ir prospective application, are all highlighted in Kaempferol, quercetin, & luteolin are all flavonoids
this study. found in carrots, making m a one-of-a-kind combo. Or
phenols found in m include chlorogenic, caffeic, & p-
KEYWORDS: Carrot, Health, Pigment, Plant, hydroxybenzoic acids, as well as a diversity of cinnamic
Vegetable. acid derivatives. Chlorogenic acid, a derivative of
hydroxycinnamic acid, accounts for 42.2 percent to 61.8
I. INTRODUCTION percent of total phenolic chemicals found in tissue of
Carrots are tamed version of wild carrot, Daucus carota, carrot. [3].
which grows wild throughout Europe & sourn Asia. plant Falcarinol content in fresh carrots is affected by carrot
was initially grown for its leaves & seeds in Persia, & it is tissue cultivar & water stress. Falcarinol is major
thought to have originated re. taproot is majorfrequently bioactive of polyacetylenes found in carrots. This
consumed portion of plant, but greens are sometimes chemical is thought to activate cancer-fighting systems in
consumed as well. Carrots are a biennial plant in human body. Falcarinol's beneficial impact may be owing
Apiaceae family of umbellifers. It produces a rosette of to its hydrophobicity & capacity to create a very stable
leaves at initially while exp&ing taproot. Apiaceae carbocation with forfeiture of water, serving as a highly
family's majorsignificant crop is carrot. It's a root reactive alkylating agent toward proteins & or
vegetationthat's grown all throughout globe [1]. macromolecules. Apart from or sesquiterpenes that have
Carrots were originally utilized for medicinal reasons detected in different biochemical studies, daucuside &
before becoming popular as a cuisine. Carrots were daucuso are sesquiterpenoids that were recently extracted
from carrot seeds & have a cytotoxic impact on human impact. A lack of vitamin A may cause photoreceptors in
gastric cell lines [4]. eyes to degenerate, resulting in visual difficulties.
Various biochemical analyses have shown existence of Carotene ( carotenoid with highest provitamin A activity)
coumarins. When carrots are kept, a bitter coumarin in carrots protects eyesight, particularly night vision, &
chemical is produced. Carrots were rated 10th in protects against macular degeneration. Carrots are one of
nutritional value out of 39 fruits & vegetables. Carrots are best sources of provitamin A, & a high carotenoids
high in dietary fiber & trace mineral molybdenum, which consumption has associated to a lower risk of
is uncommon in vegetables. Molybdenum is necessary for postmenopausal breast cancer. Carrots are high in beta-
iron absorption & helps in fat & carbohydrate carotene & or carotenoids, as well as vitamins C & K, all
metabolism. Magnesium & manganese are abundant in of which are essential for carbohydrate & protein
this fruit. Magnesium is required for bone formation, metabolism, as well as healthy development. Vitamin C
protein synsis, B vitamin activation, nerve & muscle aids in absorption of non-heme iron & is necessary in
relaxation, blood coagulation, & energy generation. fight against infections, while vitamin K aids in
Magnesium is required for insulin secretion & action. prevention of bleeding. Potassium is abundant in carrots.
Manganese aids glucose metabolism by working in t&em As a result, drinking carrot juice may help you avoid this
with enzymes in body. Manganese is a cofactor for issue while keeping humanskin moisturized. Carrots are
antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase in body. beneficial in prevention & treatment of a diversity of
Carrots include potassium & magnesium, which aid skin conditions. Skin disorders like as pimples & acne,
muscular function [5]. rashes, dermatitis, & or skin issues caused by Vitamin A
deficiency may be treated with antioxidants included in
A. Health Benefits of Carrots
this crop.
a. Antioxidant
Carrots, like many or colourful vegetables, are high in c. Benefits for Wound Healing
antioxidants. Carrots' biological & rapeutic effects may Carrots offer anti-inflammatory properties. In excision
be due to ir high concentration of antioxidant carotenoids, wound model, treatment of rats with lidocaine lotion of
particularly -carotene. Antioxidants are found in carrots methanol extracts of carrots root made at various dosages
in form of carotenoids, polyphenols, & vitamins. showed significant decreases in wound area, epilization
Carotenoids, which are found in abundance in orange time, and scar width when compared with untreated group
carrots, are powerful antioxidants that may counteract mice. Nevertheless, the rate of wound closure increased
effects of free radicals. Carrot roots contain flavonoids & significantly. Furthermore, animals given topical crème
phenolic derivate, both of which act as antioxidants. y formulation containing a methanol extract of carrot seeds
have anticarcinogenic properties, as well as ability to exhibited major improvements in scar strength properties,
decrease inflammatory insult & regulate immunological hydroxyproline composition, and crude protein..
response [6].
d. Cardio- & Hepatoprotective Benefits
b. Anticarcinogen & Immuno enhancer Cardio- & Hepatoprotective Benefits: Consumption of
Dietary carotenoids have proven to have anti-cancer foods rich in carotenoids has proven to reduce risk of
properties owing to ir antioxidant ability to reduce free heart disease in studies. Carrots contain alpha-carotene &
radicals in body. A potential connection between diets lutein, in addition to being high in beta-carotene. Carrots
high in carotenoids & a reduced incidence of prostate protect humanheart from oxidative damage, plaque
cancer has discovered in studies. According to a meta- development, & harmful cholesterol increase when
analysis published in 2008, individuals who consume a consumed regularly. This is due to presence of soluble
lot of carotenoids had a 21% reduced risk of lung cancer. fibers that bind to bile acids. Carrot seed oil promotes
Carrot intake has found to decrease risk of lung cancer, cardioprotection and muscular contraction regulation in
breast cancer, & colon cancer in studies. . Carrots are rats with neuroprotective effects myocardial injury
high in dietary fiber & trace mineral molybdenum, which through maintaining transmembrane domain enzymes.
is uncommon in vegetables. Molybdenum is necessary for Reported in this study, the authors conclude whether
iron absorption & helps in fat & carbohydrate carrot seed oil may have occlusive effects. Serum
metabolism. Magnesium & manganese are abundant in concentrations of aspartame alanine aminotransferase,
this fruit. Magnesium is required for bone formation, alanine transaminase, and glutamate dehydrogenase were
protein synsis, B vitamin activation, nerve & muscle all significantly lower in rats administered carrot seed
relaxation, blood coagulation, & energy generation r. extraction.. Carrot seeds have a hypolipidemic effect in
Carrots have a lot of health advantages, & this is one of rats. When rats given carrot seeds were compared to rats
m. Carrots include a wide range of minerals & fed a control group, total cholesterol & triglyceride HLD
antioxidants, as well as vitamin C, which will help to & VLDL levels were found to be lower.
strengn humanimmune system. Carrots provide a
e. Anti-Diabetic
protective barrier for our bodies when consumed on a
regular basis. 24 albino rats were used to test Carrots' antioxidants & phytochemicals may help control
immunomodulatory impact of carrot-extracted carotenoid. blood sugar levels, making m anti-diabetic. To prevent
percentage change in lymphocytes, eosinophils, high blood pressure & heart disease, American Heart
monocytes, & platelet count was assessed. concentration Association (AHA) recommends eating a fiber-rich diet
of lymphocytes, eosinoplils, monocytes, & platelets & boosting potassium while lowering salt consumption.
increased significantly in carotenoid-treated rats. - & - Carrots are an excellent source of all of se nutrients.
carotenoids in carrots were responsible for positive According to se researchers, study participants with lower
levels of carotenoids had higher blood glucose levels as
carrot & carrot pomace, as well as ir prospective goods like as juice, concentrate, dry powder, tinned,
application, are highlighted in this study [9]. preserve, c&y, pickle, & gazrailla. Carrot pomace, which
Scarano A et al. discussed Phytochemical analysis & contains approximately 50% -carotene, may be used to
antioxidant properties in colored tiggiano carrots in which enhance goods such as cake, bread, & biscuits, as well as
y explained how In human diet, carrot (Daucus carota to make a diversity of useful products. nutritional
L.) is a significant source of bioactive chemicals. Local content, health-promoting phytonutrients, functional
farmers in Apulia (Sourn Italy) have cultivated colorful characteristics, product creation, & by-products usage of
l&races of carrots throughout years, which are closely carrot & carrot pomace, as well as ir prospective
linked to local rituals & customs. carrot of Saint Ippazio, application, are all highlighted in this study.
known as Tiggiano carrot, is a notable l&race among m.
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Carrots are high in dietary fiber & trace mineral
molybdenum, which is uncommon in vegetables.
Molybdenum is necessary for iron absorption & helps in
fat & carbohydrate metabolism. Magnesium &
manganese are abundant in this fruit. Magnesium is
required for bone formation, protein synsis, B vitamin
activation, nerve & muscle relaxation, blood coagulation,
& energy generation. Magnesium is required for insulin
secretion & action. Manganese aids glucose metabolism
by working in t&em with enzymes in body. Carrot
consumption is gradually rising as a result of its
recognized as a valuable source of natural antioxidants
with anticancer properties. Apart from being utilized in
salads & curries in India, carrot roots may be
professionally processed into nutritionally rich processed