511559-UEN AM SAM600 3p0
511559-UEN AM SAM600 3p0
511559-UEN AM SAM600 3p0
The software and hardware described in this document are furnished under a license and may be used
or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
All other brand or product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective holders.
Please inquire about the terms of warranty from your nearest Hitachi Energy representative.
The products are designed to be connected to and to communicate information and data via a network
interface. It is the user’s sole responsibility to provide and continuously ensure a secure connection
between the product and the user’s network or any other network (as the case may be). The user shall
establish and maintain any appropriate measures (such as but not limited to the installation of firewalls,
application of authentication measures, encryption of data, installation of antivirus programs, etc.) to
protect the product, the network, its system and the interface against any kind of security breaches,
unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information. Hitachi Energy
is not liable for damages and/or losses related to such security breaches, any unauthorized access,
interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information.
The data, examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for the concept or product
description and are not to be deemed as a statement of guaranteed properties. All persons responsible
for applying the equipment addressed in this manual must satisfy themselves that each intended
application is suitable and acceptable, including that any applicable safety or other operational
requirements are complied with. In particular, any risks in applications where a system failure and/or
product failure would create a risk for harm to property or persons (including but not limited to personal
injuries or death) shall be the sole responsibility of the person or entity applying the equipment, and
those so responsible are hereby requested to ensure that all measures are taken to exclude or mitigate
such risks.
This document has been carefully checked by Hitachi Energy but deviations cannot be completely ruled
out. In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the manufacturer. Other
than under explicit contractual commitments, in no event shall Hitachi Energy be responsible or liable for
any loss or damage resulting from the use of this manual or the application of the equipment.
This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European Communities on the
approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC Directive
2014/30/EU) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage
directive 2014/35/EU). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by Hitachi Energy in accordance
with the product standard EN 60255-26: 2013 for the EMC directive, and with the product standards
EN 60255-27: 2014 for the low voltage directive. The product is designed in accordance with the
international standards of the IEC 60255 series.
1MRK511559-UEN Rev. B Table of contents
Table of contents
Section 1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 9
1.1 This manual................................................................................................................................9
1.2 Intended audience......................................................................................................................9
1.3 Product documentation.............................................................................................................. 9
1.3.1 Product documentation set.......................................................................................................9
1.3.2 Document revision history...................................................................................................... 10
1.3.3 Related documents................................................................................................................ 10
1.4 Document symbols and conventions........................................................................................ 11
1.4.1 Symbols..................................................................................................................................11
1.4.2 Document conventions........................................................................................................... 11
Section 3 Application....................................................................................................... 14
3.1 General IED application........................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Application................................................................................................................................14
3.3 Basic control functions............................................................................................................. 15
3.3.1 Function instances................................................................................................................. 15
3.4 Breaker operation functions..................................................................................................... 16
3.4.1 Function instances................................................................................................................. 16
3.5 Function overview - basic logic functions................................................................................. 16
3.5.1 Function instances................................................................................................................. 16
3.6 Function overview - basic configurable logic blocks.................................................................17
3.6.1 Function instances................................................................................................................. 17
3.7 Function overview - basic configurable logic blocks with quality..............................................17
3.7.1 Function instances................................................................................................................. 17
3.8 Function overview - Monitoring functions................................................................................. 18
3.8.1 Function instances................................................................................................................. 18
3.9 Function overview - Breaker monitoring functions................................................................... 18
3.9.1 Function instances................................................................................................................. 18
3.10 Function overview - basic IED functions.................................................................................. 19
3.10.1 Function instances................................................................................................................. 19
3.11 Function overview – time, user interface and access point management................................20
3.11.1 Function instances................................................................................................................. 20
Section 6 Control.............................................................................................................. 46
6.1 Apparatus control..................................................................................................................... 46
6.1.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................46
6.1.2 Overview................................................................................................................................ 46
6.1.3 Single-phase circuit breaker SXCBR..................................................................................... 47 Interaction and signal flow.................................................................................................48 Communication models and selection extension.............................................................. 48
6.1.4 Three-phase circuit breaker S3XCBR.................................................................................... 50
6.1.5 Circuit switch SXSWI..............................................................................................................50 Interaction and signal flow.................................................................................................51 Communication models and selection extension.............................................................. 51
6.1.6 Setting guidelines................................................................................................................... 53 Switch (SXCBR and SXSWI)............................................................................................ 53 Three-phase circuit breaker S3XCBR............................................................................... 53
6.1.7 Installation and commissioning.............................................................................................. 54 Apparatus control APC......................................................................................................54
6.2 Bay control QCBAY.................................................................................................................. 54
6.2.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................54
6.2.2 Identification........................................................................................................................... 54
6.2.3 Application..............................................................................................................................54
6.3 Logic rotating switch for function selection SLGAPC............................................................... 55
6.3.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................55
6.3.2 Identification........................................................................................................................... 55
6.3.3 Application..............................................................................................................................56
6.3.4 Setting guidelines................................................................................................................... 56
6.4 Selector mini switch VSGAPC..................................................................................................56
6.4.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................56
6.4.2 Identification........................................................................................................................... 56
6.4.3 Application..............................................................................................................................57
6.4.4 Setting guidelines................................................................................................................... 57
6.5 Generic communication function for Double Point indication DPGAPC...................................57
6.5.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................57
6.5.2 Identification........................................................................................................................... 57
6.5.3 Application..............................................................................................................................57
6.5.4 Setting guidelines................................................................................................................... 58
6.6 Single point generic control 8 signals SPC8GAPC.................................................................. 58
6.6.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................58
6.6.2 Identification........................................................................................................................... 58
6.6.3 Application..............................................................................................................................58
6.6.4 Setting guidelines................................................................................................................... 58
Section 7 Logic................................................................................................................. 60
7.1 Tripping logic SMPPTRC .........................................................................................................60
7.1.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................60
7.1.2 Identification........................................................................................................................... 60
7.1.3 Application..............................................................................................................................60 Three-phase tripping ........................................................................................................ 61 Single- and/or three-phase tripping .................................................................................. 61 Single-, two- or three-phase tripping ................................................................................ 62 Lockout..............................................................................................................................63 Blocking of the function block............................................................................................63
7.1.4 Setting guidelines................................................................................................................... 63
7.2 Trip matrix logic TMAGAPC..................................................................................................... 64
7.2.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................64
7.2.2 Identification........................................................................................................................... 64
7.2.3 Application .............................................................................................................................64
7.2.4 Setting guidelines................................................................................................................... 64
7.3 Logic for group alarm ALMCALH............................................................................................. 65
7.3.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................65
7.3.2 Identification........................................................................................................................... 65
7.3.3 Application..............................................................................................................................65
7.3.4 Setting guidelines................................................................................................................... 65
7.4 Logic for group alarm WRNCALH............................................................................................ 65
7.4.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................65
7.4.2 Identification........................................................................................................................... 65
7.4.3 Application..............................................................................................................................65
7.4.4 Setting guidelines................................................................................................................... 65
7.5 Logic for group indication INDCALH........................................................................................ 66
7.5.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................66
7.5.2 Identification........................................................................................................................... 66
7.5.3 Application..............................................................................................................................66
7.5.4 Setting guidelines................................................................................................................... 66
7.6 Configurable logic blocks......................................................................................................... 66
7.6.1 Application..............................................................................................................................66
7.6.2 Setting guidelines................................................................................................................... 66
7.6.3 Configuration.......................................................................................................................... 67
7.7 Fixed signal function block FXDSIGN...................................................................................... 68
7.7.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................68
7.7.2 Application .............................................................................................................................68
7.8 Boolean 16 to Integer conversion B16I.................................................................................... 68
7.8.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................68
7.8.2 Identification........................................................................................................................... 69
7.8.3 Application..............................................................................................................................69
7.9 Boolean to integer conversion with logical node representation, 16 bit BTIGAPC...................70
7.9.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................70
7.9.2 Identification........................................................................................................................... 70
7.9.3 Application..............................................................................................................................70
7.10 Integer to Boolean 16 conversion IB16.................................................................................... 71
7.10.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................71
7.10.2 Identification........................................................................................................................... 71
7.10.3 Application..............................................................................................................................71
7.11 Integer to boolean conversion with logical node representation, 16 bit ITBGAPC...................72
7.11.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................72
7.11.2 Identification........................................................................................................................... 72
7.11.3 Application..............................................................................................................................72
Section 8 Monitoring........................................................................................................ 74
8.1 Measurement........................................................................................................................... 74
8.1.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................74
8.1.2 Identification........................................................................................................................... 74
8.1.3 Application .............................................................................................................................74 Zero clamping....................................................................................................................75
8.1.4 Setting guidelines................................................................................................................... 76 Power system measurement.............................................................................................76 Phase current measurement ............................................................................................ 77 Phase-phase voltage measurement..................................................................................77 Reporting settings per monitored quantity.........................................................................77 Setting examples...............................................................................................................79 Measurement function application for a 400kV OHL.........................................................79 Measurement function application for a power transformer.............................................. 81 Measurement function application for a generator............................................................ 82
8.2 Gas medium supervision SSIMG............................................................................................. 83
8.2.1 Function revision history.........................................................................................................83
8.2.2 Identification........................................................................................................................... 83
8.2.3 Application..............................................................................................................................83
Section 14 Glossary..........................................................................................................133
Section 1 Introduction
1.1 This manual GUID-1F208276-BE10-4E46-B82E-DF8D6FB41A3D v1
The application manual contains application descriptions and setting guidelines sorted per function. The
manual can be used to find out when and for what purpose a typical function can be used. The manual
also provides assistance for calculating settings.
This manual addresses the protection and control engineer responsible for planning, pre-engineering
and engineering.
The protection and control engineer must be experienced in electrical power engineering and have
knowledge of related technology, such as protection schemes and communication principles.
This manual is part of the product documentation covering specific workflows or activities, as shown in
Figure 1.
Quick start
User manual
Application manual
Technical manual
protocol manual
deployment guideline
IEC21005000 V1 EN-US
The quick start guide contains instructions on how to setup the IED to get started.
The product guide provides an overview of the applications used in the product. The product guide helps
customers order the IED.
The engineering manual contains instructions on how to engineer the IEDs using the various tools
available within the PCM600 software. The manual provides instructions on how to set up a PCM600
project and insert IEDs into the project structure. The manual also recommends a sequence for the
engineering of control functions, as well as communication engineering for IEC 61850.
The user manual contains instructions on how to install, commission, and operate the IED once it has
been commissioned. This manual provides procedures for mechanical and electrical installation, along
with instructions for the monitoring and setting of the IED. The system engineers and maintenance
personnel can use this document for assistance during the testing phase. It provides procedures for the
checking of external circuitry and energizing the IED, as well as parameter setting and configuration. It
describes the process of testing an IED in a substation that is not in service and also describes how to
identify disturbances and how to view calculated and measured power grid data to determine the cause
of a fault. The sections are organized in the chronological order in which the IED should be installed,
commissioned, and operated. The relevant procedures may also be followed during the service and
maintenance activities.
The application manual contains application descriptions and setting guidelines sorted by function. The
manual can be used to find out when and for what purpose a typical function can be used. The manual
can also provide assistance for calculating settings.
The technical manual contains operation principle descriptions and lists of function blocks, logic
diagrams, input and output signals, setting parameters, and technical data, sorted by function.
The manual can be used as a technical reference during the engineering phase, installation and
commissioning phase, and during normal service.
The communication protocol manual describes the communication protocols supported by the IED. The
manual concentrates on the vendor-specific implementations.
The cybersecurity deployment guideline describes the process for handling cybersecurity when
communicating with the IED. Certification, authorization with role-based access control, and product
engineering for cybersecurity related events are described and sorted by function. The guidelines can be
used as a technical reference during the engineering phase, installation and commissioning phase, and
during normal service.
The following symbols and document conventions are used throughout the documentation:
The electrical warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in an
electrical shock.
The warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in personal injury.
The caution icon indicates important information or a warning related to the concept
discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard that could result in the
corruption of software or damage to equipment or property.
The information icon alerts the reader of important facts and conditions.
The tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project or how to use a
certain function.
Although warning hazards are related to personal injury, it is necessary to understand that, under
certain operational conditions, the operation of damaged equipment may result in degraded process
performance, leading to personal injury or death. It is important that the user fully complies with all
warning and cautionary notices.
• Abbreviations and acronyms used in this manual are spelled out in the glossary. The glossary also
contains definitions of important terms.
• WebUI menu paths are presented in bold.
For example, select Navigation button.
• Parameter names are shown in italics.
For example, the function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting.
• Dimensions are provided both in inches and millimeters. If it is not specifically mentioned, then the
dimension is in millimeters.
This section contains a list of all the symbols found on the product, as well as warnings and cautions that
should be followed during any type of work with the product.
The electrical warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in an
electrical shock.
Read the entire manual before doing installation or any maintenance work on the product.
Take adequate measures to protect your eyes and do not view directly with optical
Observe the warnings during all types of work related to the product.
GUID-9295A557-66CA-4751-930B-CDE7310ED6C5 v1
Only electrically skilled persons with the proper authorization and knowledge of any safety
hazards are allowed to carry out the electrical installation.
GUID-D4B9C44F-C85C-43A6-A25E-938668343970 v1
National and local electrical safety regulations must always be followed. Working in a high-
voltage environment requires a serious approach to avoid human injuries and damage to
GUID-ED7A9B67-F651-47D9-877A-5B140C7CBCBA v1
Do not touch circuitry during operation. Potentially lethal voltages and currents are present.
GUID-F49E36F8-F287-4FC0-8A7C-C34BAFA9A449 v1
Always use suitably isolated test pins when measuring signals in open circuitry. Potentially
lethal voltages and currents are present.
GUID-A95F0DB8-EB65-46DC-B6CD-410EB28F5534 v1
Never connect or disconnect a wire and/or a connector to or from an IED during normal
operation. Hazardous voltages and currents are present that may be lethal. The operation
may be disrupted and IED and measuring circuitry may be damaged.
GUID-224668F5-0CD7-4B5D-BCA9-EDC89A7B0CBA v1
Dangerous voltages can occur on the connectors, even though the auxiliary voltage has
been disconnected.
GUID-E0166C20-AE48-4B07-9F67-698445A6E935 v1
Always connect the IED to the protective earth, regardless of the operating conditions.
This also applies to special occasions such as bench testing, demonstrations, and off-site
configuration. This is class 1 equipment that shall be earthed.
GUID-A9085D12-F60E-4EB8-98FD-ECEA9EC311BC v1
Never remove any screw from a powered IED or from an IED connected to powered circuitry.
Potentially lethal voltages and currents are present.
GUID-22A441C9-25B3-4825-A470-BDAD9F181807 v1
Take adequate measures to protect the eyes. Never look into the laser beam.
GUID-444BE612-387A-4E95-9EF6-65C5688030BF v1
The IED with accessories should be mounted in a cubicle in a restricted access area within a
power station, substation, or industrial or retail environment.
Observe the caution signs during all types of work related to the product.
GUID-F0C42DB3-84D2-4E4F-9CE8-A6EAF8A2A333 v1
Whenever changes are made in the IED, measures should be taken to avoid inadvertent
GUID-B55816D8-3C0A-41E5-A215-F42FAF7120C4 v1
The IED contains components that are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Electrostatic
discharge (ESD) precautions shall always be observed before touching components.
GUID-91A986F4-6CE2-4228-B502-F224CE599C06 v1
GUID-E2CC2CA3-A67A-4CC0-B45F-C241013171C6 v1
Do not connect live wires to the IED. Internal circuitry may get damaged.
GUID-394278D1-A515-46B9-B85E-21E3313BFF84 v1
Always use a conductive wrist strap connected to protective earth when replacing modules.
ESD may damage the module and IED circuitry.
GUID-7B5DF1B5-28D9-486C-B3C9-E71036436107 v1
GUID-3AF0CABA-0833-4D44-ADEC-746B8D99AAB7 v1
Changing the active setting group will inevitably change the IED's operation. Be careful and
check regulations before making the change.
Section 3 Application
3.1 General IED application
SAM600 Process Interface Unit (SAM600-PIU) is a versatile and modular merging and switchgear
interface unit. SAM600-PIU is used in digital substation applications for measuring secondary analog
values and operating and monitoring primary apparatus, such as circuit breakers, disconnectors, earth
switches, by means of IEC 61850. SAM600-PIU is based on a modular design, both from a device
hardware perspective as well as from the available software and application functions. This allows to
configure the device optimally for different types of applications and placements, such as a dedicated
merging unit, a combined merging and I/O unit, or as a dedicated unit for operating primary apparatus.
SAM600-PIU modular design allows for two form factors: 3U 1/2 and 3U 1/1, with 8 or 16 available
hardware slots, respectively. Hardware modules can be changed or added depending on changing
configuration needs and can be serviced directly in the field. Rack mount or wall mount mounting
accessories allows for flexibility of placing the device in outdoor marshalling kiosks or substation panels.
The device supports up to four SFP communication ports on the processing and communication module.
The ports can be configured as individual access points or up to two redundant access points for PRP,
according to IEC 62439-3. SAM600-PIU supports IEC/IEEE 61850-9-3 time synchronization as slave
clock on all access points and allows the device for integration into state-of-the-art IEC 61850 station
and process bus architectures in digital substations. Two local service ports on the device can be used
for configuration purposes and for firmware upgrade purposes.
SAM600-PIU supports the latest protocols, such as IEC 61850 Edition 2.1 and IEC 61869 for station
bus and process bus communication, in addition to legacy protocols IEC 61850 Edition 2 and Edition 1.
IEC 61850-8-1 (GOOSE, MMS) and IEC 61869 (Sample Values) can be configured independently
for each available access point, supporting advanced communication schemes for digital substations.
Control operations of the primary switchgear are performed from remote via bay control IEDs through
IEC 61850 (GOOSE). Flexible Product Naming allows customers to use an IED vendor independent
IEC 61850 model of the IED. This customer model will be used as the IEC 61850 data model, and all
other aspects of the IED will remain unchanged (for example, names in the tools). This offers significant
flexibility to adapt the IED to the customer's system and standard solution.
IEC 61869 sampled value publishing is supported with default F4800 profile for protection applications
with configurable datasets. In addition, the device supports IEC 61850-9-2 LE (Light Edition) as legacy
profiles for protection applications. The device supports publishing up to four IEC 61869 sampled value
streams simultaneously depending on the order options.
SAM600-PIU has a built-in web-based user interface (WebUI), which can be accessed either via the
service ports or communication ports. The WebUI provides functionalities for device diagnostics, viewing
or changing parameters, view disturbance records and events, perform testing and forcing operations,
visualizing measurements, and using the maintenance menu for restore points and the network analyzer
tool. The device supports up to five WebUI sessions in parallel.
A configurable disturbance recorder allows to record both analog and binary signals and all inputs and
outputs with a recording frequency of 4.8kHz and configurable pre- and post-fault recording intervals.
The device supports COMTRADE 2013 format and the recordings can be retrieved through PCM600
tool or as local download through WebUI, which also allows to perform manual recordings.
Forcing of analog and binary inputs as well as binary outputs is a convenient way to test the wiring in
substations as well as testing configuration logic in the IEDs. SAM600-PIU can be put into test mode
using either the PCM600 or the integrated WebUI, which allows all binary inputs and outputs on the
installed hardware to be forced to arbitrary values. Analog inputs can be forced to their nominal values
configured as primary and secondary ratios. This allows for an easy check of testing sampled value
publishing functionality on subscribing IEDs.
PCM600 device configuration tool is used for configuring SAM600-PIU. IEC 61869 sampled value
streams can be imported from a system configuration tool or created within PCM600 tool. The
configuration tool is used to configure application logic interfacing primary apparatus and apparatus
monitoring, setting function parameters, and mapping I/O signals to device hardware. Management
tasks, such as user and user role management, uploading disturbance records, online debugging
features and testing and forcing of the application are also available through PCM600. The device
tool interacts with other system engineering tools for IEC 61850, such as IET600, for defining device to
device data exchange, such as IEC 61869 and IEC 61850-8-1 between merging units and protection
and control IEDs
SAM600-PIU's basic configuration includes communication module CB40 with up to four access points
and power supply PSN2. The device can be configured according to application needs for two different
form factors with optional packages for configuring merging unit publishing functionality and interfacing
primary apparatus for operation and monitoring. Hardware modules can be configured for different
application needs, including a 4 channel voltage input module, a 4 channel current input module with
either 1 A or 5 A terminal connectors, an 8 channel binary input module with isolated channels, a 12
channel relay output module, and a 4 channel fast output module for direct breaker tripping, including
trip coil supervision, with two additional relay output contacts.
Analog input channels must be configured and set properly in order to get correct measurement results
and correct protection operations. For power measuring, all directional and differential functions, the
directions of the input currents must be defined in order to reflect the way the current transformers
are installed/connected in the field (primary and secondary connections). Measuring and protection
algorithms in the IED use primary system quantities. Setting values are in primary quantities as well and
it is important to set the data about the connected current and voltage transformers properly.
The PRIMVAL function and its parameters AngleRefModule and AngleRefCh1-4 can be defined to
facilitate service values reading. This analog channel's phase angle will always be fixed to zero degrees
and remaining analog channel's phase angle information will be shown in relation to this analog input.
During testing and commissioning of the IED, the reference channel can be changed to facilitate testing
and service values reading.
GUID-2C129312-FB8C-49B2-9738-7DB2A46BC6A6 v1
The available setting parameters related to analog inputs are depending on the actual
hardware (AIC4 and AIV4) and the logic configuration made in PCM600.
All phase angles are calculated in relation to a defined reference. An appropriate analog input channel
is selected and used as phase reference. The parameters AngleRefModule and AngleRefCh1-4 defines
the analog channel that is used as phase angle reference.
Usually the L1 phase-to-earth voltage connected to the first VT channel of the Analog Input Voltage
module (AIV4) is selected as the phase reference.
In this case, the settings will be AngleRefModule=AIV4_xxx and AngleRefCh1-4=1, where xxx=position
of AIV4 (303-308).
The direction of a current to the IED is depending on the connection of the CT. Unless indicated
otherwise, the main CTs are supposed to be star connected and can be connected with the earthing
point to the object or from the object. This information must be set in the IED. The convention of the
directionality is defined as follows: A positive value of current, power, and so on means that the quantity
has the direction into the protected object and a negative value means direction out from the protected
object. For directional functions the direction into the object is defined as Forward and the direction out
from the object is defined as Reverse. See Figure 2.
IEC05000456 V1 EN-US
Figure 2: Internal convention of the directionality for IED when connected to MU with properly set parameter CTStarPoint
With correct setting of the primary CT direction, CTStarPoint set to FromObject or ToObject, a positive
quantities always flowing towards the protected object and a direction defined as Forward always is
looking towards the protected object. The following example show the principle.
Transformer Ip Ip
Reverse Forward
Definition of direction
for directional functions
Is Is
protection Line protection
IEC05000753 V3 EN-US
Figure 3 shows the normal case where the objects have their own CTs. The settings for CT direction
shall be done according to the figure. To protect the line, direction of the directional functions of the line
protection shall be set to Forward. This means that the protection is looking towards the line. Examples on how to connect, configure and set CT inputs for most
commonly used CT connections GUID-3E214270-6AA8-4EE7-B47E-050DBA647014 v1
Figure 4 defines the marking of current transformer terminals commonly used around the world:
IEC06000641 V2 EN-US
a) is symbol and terminal marking used in this document. Terminals marked with a square indicates the
primary and secondary winding terminals with the same (that is, positive) polarity
b) and c) are equivalent symbols and terminal marking used by IEC (ANSI) standard for CTs. Note that
for these two cases the CT polarity marking is correct!
It shall be noted that depending on national standard and utility practices, the rated secondary current of
a CT has typically one of the following values:
• 1A
• 5A
However, in some cases, the following rated secondary currents are used as well:
• 2A
• 10A
It is recommended to:
• use 1A rated CT input into the IED in order to connect CTs with 1A and 2A secondary
• use 5A rated CT input into the IED in order to connect CTs with 5A and 10A secondary
rating Example on how to connect a star connected three-phase CT set to the IED GUID-85C3D33B-EDE6-4AE1-A44F-25DF6EE7CDDA v1
Figure 5 gives an example about the wiring of a star connected three-phase CT set to the IED. It
gives an overview of the actions which are needed to make this measurement available to the built-in
monitoring functions within the IED and in the published stream as well.
Current connector
terminal (CTT)
IL1 1 CH1 (I) 1
CT 600/5
Star Connected IL2 IL1
2 2
7 CH4 (I) 7
1 8 8
Protected Object
IEC20231 V1 EN-US
Figure 5: Star connected three-phase CT set with star point towards the protected object
1. The drawing shows how to connect three individual phase currents from a star connected three-
phase CT set to the four CT inputs of the IED.
2. The current inputs are located in the AIC4 module. It shall be noted that for all these current inputs
the following setting values shall be entered for the example shown in Figure 5.
• CTprim=600A
• CTsec=5A
• CTStarPoint=ToObject
Ratio of the first two parameters is only used inside the IED. The third parameter
(CTStarPoint=ToObject) as set in this example causes no change on the measured currents. In other
words, currents are already measured towards the protected object.
Setting for the NeutralCurrent parameter shall be then typically set to IN - Measured value. Note that for
such setting IN value will be reported in the stream (that is, exactly the same primary value as actually
measured on the fourth current input).
If for any reason it is instead required to calculate the 3I0 current from the three phase CT inputs then
setting for the NeutralCurrent parameter shall be set to 3I0 - Calculated value. Note that for such setting
the fourth channel does not need to be wired at all and that calculated value for 3I0=(IL1+IL2+IL3) will be
reported in the stream.
Another alternative is to have the star point of the three-phase CT set as shown in Figure 6:
L1 L2 L3
Analog input current module (AIC4)
Current connector
terminal (CTT) 2
1 CH1 (I) 1
2 2
3 CH2 (I) 3
CT 600/5 IL1 4 4 IL2
Star Connected
5 CH3 (I) 5
6 6 IL3
7 CH4 (I) 7
8 8
Protected Object
IEC20232 V1 EN-US
Figure 6: Star connected three-phase CT set with its star point away from the protected object
For such CT arrangement everything is done in a similar way as in the above described example (Figure
5). The only difference is the setting of the parameter CTStarPoint of the used current inputs on the
AIC4 module (item 2 in Figure 6) shall be set as:
• CTStarPoint=FromObject
Figure 7 gives an example how to connect the single-phase CT to the IED. It gives an overview of the
required actions by the user in order to make this measurement available to the built-in protection and
control functions within the IED and the published stream as well.
5 CH3 (I) 5
(x) IL3
6 6
CT 1000/1
IEC20236 V1 EN-US
Setting for the NeutralCurrent parameter shall be then set to IN - Measured value. Note that for such
setting IN value will be reported in the stream (that is, exactly the same primary value as actually
measured on the fourth current input). For such installation the three phase current inputs can be wired
and used as described previously.
As the IED uses primary system quantities, the main VT ratios must be known to the IED. This is done
by setting the two parameters VTsec and VTprim for each voltage channel. The phase-to-phase value
can be used even if each channel is connected to a phase-to-earth voltage from the VT.
13.8kV 110V
3 3
EQUATION2016 V2 EN-US (Equation 1)
The following setting should be used: VTprim=13.8 (value in kV) VTsec=110 (value in V) Examples how to connect, configure and set VT inputs for most commonly
used VT connections SEMOD55055-60 v8
Figure 8 defines the marking of voltage transformer terminals commonly used around the world.
+ + A a A da A a
(H1) (X1) (H1) (X1) (H1) (X1)
UPri USec
N n N dn B b
(H2) (X2) (H2) (X2) (H2) (X2)
a) b) c) d)
IEC06000591 V1 EN-US
a) is the symbol and terminal marking used in this document. Terminals marked with a square indicate
the primary and secondary winding terminals with the same (positive) polarity
b) is the equivalent symbol and terminal marking used by IEC (ANSI) standard for phase-to-earth
connected VTs
c) is the equivalent symbol and terminal marking used by IEC (ANSI) standard for open delta connected
d) is the equivalent symbol and terminal marking used by IEC (ANSI) standard for phase-to-phase
connected VTs
It shall be noted that depending on national standard and utility practices the rated secondary voltage of
a VT has typically one of the following values:
• 100 V
• 110 V
• 115 V
• 120 V
• 230 V
The IED fully supports all of the above given secondary rated voltage values. Examples on how to connect a three phase-to-earth connected VT to the IED GUID-ADAAE17A-9D70-4160-B150-A700ABD6B54F v1
Figure 9 gives an example on how to connect a three phase-to-earth connected VT to the IED. It gives
an overview of required actions by the user in order to make this measurement available to the built-in
monitoring functions within the IED and the published stream as well.
3 CH2 (U) 3
4 4
66 kV
3 5 CH3 (U) 5
110V UL3
6 6 UL3
7 CH4 (U) 7
8 8
66 kV
IEC20237 V1 EN-US
1. shows how to connect secondary side of Ph-Gnd connected VT to the IED voltage inputs
2. is the AIV4 module where these voltage inputs are located. It shall be noted that for these three
voltage inputs the following setting values shall be entered:
VTprimx 66kV
GUID-CF0DC863-F206-4549-B2EF-CB77FABF5664 V1 EN-US (Equation 2)
VT sec x 110V
GUID-A27B812E-9B5D-4ED6-9FAE-E2B6E8582B4A V1 EN-US (Equation 3)
x=1, 2, 3
Inside the IED, only the ratio of these two parameters is used. It shall be noted that the ratio of the
entered values exactly corresponds to ratio of one individual VT.
Setting for NeutralVoltage parameter shall be set to 3U0 - Calculated value. Note that
3U0=(UL1+UL2+UL3) value will be then reported in the stream for residual quantity.
Alternatively open delta VT can be connected to the fourth voltage channel as described in one of the
following sections in this document.
Figure 10 gives an example how to connect a phase-to-phase connected VT to the IED. It gives
an overview of the required actions by the user in order to make this measurement available to the
monitoring functions within the IED and the published stream as well. It shall be noted that this VT
connection is only used on lower voltage levels (that is, rated primary voltage below 40 kV).
Analog input voltage module (AIV4)
L3 Voltage connector 2
terminal (VTT) Value Reported in
13.8kV 13.8kV
120V 120V X1 Stream
1 CH1 (U) 1
2 2
3 CH2 (U) 3
4 4 UL2 UL2L3
5 CH3 (U) 5
6 6
7 CH4 (U) 7
8 8
IEC20239 V1 EN-US
1. shows how to connect the secondary side of a phase-to-phase VT to the VT inputs on the IED
2. is the AIV4 module where these voltage inputs are located. It shall be noted that for these three
voltage inputs the following setting values shall be entered:
VTprimx 13.8kV
GUID-59BB5867-37D3-4EF8-B5AD-C74C1F316EB9 V1 EN-US (Equation 4)
VT sec x 120V
GUID-4CCD8123-CB0B-4EA0-B7D4-9070204F749A V1 EN-US (Equation 5)
x=1, 2, 3
Inside the IED, only the ratio of these two parameters is used. It shall be noted that the ratio of the
entered values exactly corresponds to ratio of one individual VT. Also note that Ph-Ph voltages will be
reported in the stream as measured values (that is, instead of phase-to-ground voltage values).
Also the setting for NeutralVoltage parameter shall NOT be set to 3U0 - Calculated value because it
is not possible to calculate residual voltage from connected Ph-Ph voltages. Additionally either neutral
point VT or open delta VT can be connected to the fourth voltage channel as described in one of the
following sections in this document if they are available in such installation in order to measure the
residual 3U0 quantity. Example on how to connect an open delta VT to the IED for high impedance
earthed or unearthed networks GUID-3C073426-7F7D-44A1-992C-87A6693FFEFA v1
Figure 11 gives an example about the wiring of an open delta VT to the IED for high impedance earthed
or unearthed power systems. It shall be noted that this type of VT connection presents a secondary
voltage proportional to 3U0 to the IED.
In case of a solid earth fault close to the VT location the primary value of 3U0 will be equal to:
3U 0 3 .U Ph Ph 3.U Ph N
EQUATION1921 V4 EN-US (Equation 6)
The primary rated voltage of an open Delta VT is always equal to UPh-E. Three series connected VT
secondary windings gives a secondary voltage equal to three times the individual VT secondary winding
rating. Thus the secondary windings of open delta VTs quite often have a secondary rated voltage equal
to one third of the rated phase-to-phase VT secondary voltage (110/3V in this particular example).
Figure 11 gives overview of required actions by the user in order to make this measurement available to
the built-in monitoring functions within the IED and in the published stream as well.
5 CH3 (U) 5
6 UL3
6.6kV 6
3 7 CH4 (U) 7
+3U0 UN 3U0
3 8 8
1 2
IEC202310 V1 EN-US
Figure 11: Open delta connected VT in high impedance earthed power system
1. shows how to connect the secondary side of the open delta VT to the fourth voltage input on the
2. is the fourth voltage input located on the AIV4 module. It shall be noted that for this fourth input the
following setting values shall be entered:
VT sec 4 3 110V
EQUATION1924 V2 EN-US (Equation 8)
Inside the IED, only the ratio of these two parameters is used. It shall be noted that the ratio of the
entered values exactly corresponds to ratio of one individual open delta VT.
3 6.6 3
110 110
EQUATION1925 V2 EN-US (Equation 9)
Setting for NeutralVoltage parameter shall be set to 3U0 - Open Delta value. Note that +3U0 value will be
reported in the stream (that is, exactly the same primary value as actually measured). Example how to connect the open delta VT to the IED for low impedance
earthed or solidly earthed power systems GUID-19F538B9-1D20-431B-BB9F-F12FEA92AD22 v1
Figure 12 gives an example about the connection of an open delta VT to the IED for low impedance
earthed or solidly earthed power systems. It shall be noted that this type of VT connection presents
secondary voltage proportional to 3U0 to the IED.
In case of a solid earth fault close to the VT location the primary value of 3U0 will be equal to:
U Ph Ph
3U 0 U Ph E
EQUATION1926 V2 EN-US (Equation 10)
The primary rated voltage of such VT is always equal to UPh-E Therefore, three series connected VT
secondary windings will give the secondary voltage equal only to one individual VT secondary winding
rating. Thus the secondary windings of such open delta VTs quite often has a secondary rated voltage
close to rated phase-to-phase VT secondary voltage, that is, 115V or 115/√3V as in this particular
example. Figure 12 gives an overview of the actions which are needed to make this measurement
available to the built-in protection and control functions within the IED and in the published stream as
L1 Voltage connector
terminal (VTT)
L3 1 CH1 (U) 1
138kV 2 2
3 3 CH2 (U) 3
3 4 4 UL2
5 CH3 (U) 5
6 6 UL3
3 7 CH4 (U) 7
3 +3Uo 8 8 UN 3U0
IEC202311 V1 EN-US
Figure 12: Open delta connected VT in low impedance or solidly earthed power system
1. shows how to connect the secondary side of open delta VT to the fourth voltage input on the IED.
2. is the fourth voltage input located on the AIV4 module. It shall be noted that for this voltage input the
following setting values shall be entered:
VTprim 4 3 138 kV
EQUATION1928 V2 EN-US (Equation 11)
VT sec 4 3 115V
EQUATION1929 V2 EN-US (Equation 12)
Inside the IED, only the ratio of these two parameters is used. It shall be noted that the ratio of the
entered values exactly corresponds to ratio of one individual open delta VT.
138 3
115 115
EQUATION1930 V1 EN-US (Equation 13)
Setting for NeutralVoltage parameter shall be set to 3U0 - Open Delta value. Note that +3U0 value will be
reported in the stream (that is, exactly the same primary value as actually measured).
Figure 13 gives an example on how to connect a neutral point VT to the IED. This type of VT connection
presents secondary voltage proportional to U0 to the IED.
In case of a high impedance earthed system the primary value of U0 voltage will be equal to:
U Ph Ph
U0 U Ph E
EQUATION1931 V3 EN-US (Equation 14)
Figure 13 gives an overview of required actions by the user in order to make this measurement available
to the built-in monitoring functions within the IED and in the published stream as well.
L1 L2 L3 UL1
2 2
3 CH2 (U) 3
4 4 UL2
5 CH3 (U) 5
6 6 UL3
7 CH4 (U) 7
R +U0 UN 3U0
8 8
IEC202312 V1 EN-US
1. shows how to connect the secondary side of neutral point VT to the fourth voltage input on the IED.
2. is the fourth voltage input located on the AIV4 module. For this voltage input the following setting
values shall be entered:
VTprim4 3.81kV
EQUATION1933 V2 EN-US (Equation 15)
VT sec 4 100V
EQUATION1934 V3 EN-US (Equation 16)
Inside the IED, only the ratio of these two parameters is used. It shall be noted that the ratio of the
entered values exactly corresponds to ratio of the neutral point VT.
Note that +3U0 value will be reported in the stream (that is, three times bigger primary value than
actually measured).
Figure 14 shows the different steps of the engineering process of the WebUI and their relative order.
Set function
keys and LEDs
IEC21000329 V1 EN-US
• Application Configuration tool with the possible assistance of Signal Matrix tool
• To use the function keys and LEDs on the WebUI, it is necessary to insert the corresponding
function blocks for these operation element groups.
• The function blocks for the LEDs are organized as a single function block per LED but are indexed
to the group identification, for example, GRP1_LED3 (indication LED 3 in virtual LED group 1).
• The function blocks for the WebUI are visible by default for the Parameter Setting tool.
• Use the Application Configuration tool to connect binary input signals from application functions to
LED function blocks.
The WebUI provides a set of special function blocks to be utilized in the Application Configuration tool:
• GRP1_LED1 to GRP1_LED15
• GRP2_LED1 to GRP2_LED15
• GRP3_LED1 to GRP3_LED15
The function blocks for the LEDs are organized in function blocks per LED. They can be placed close to
the logic where the information per LED is built in the Application Configuration tool.
Figure 15, Figure 16, Figure 17, and Figure 18 describe the basic WebUI and the operation element
GUID-CF8E4CD5-49AE-4107-BFF2-345CF9C7C306 V1 EN-US
GUID-8FF7E1D0-2A07-4A3E-BCB5-2FF2373A29C8 V1 EN-US
GUID-F56DF831-F5E7-4EEB-902E-42A26FADF4E8 V1 EN-US
GUID-4F5E0DD0-AB91-4AF7-A9D1-52F789EF57C8 V1 EN-US
GUID-E3B76DE2-9FDA-4A07-A228-3D96FD136865 V1 EN-US
2. In the Clear all alarm LEDs popup screen, click Clear alarm LEDs.
GUID-4B225F45-9A84-420A-B7B0-B46964750E1F V1 EN-US
2. In the Clear Start/Pickup and Trip LEDs? popup screen, click Clear status LEDs.
There are three LED groups in the WebUI, and each group has 15 LEDs. The default names
of the LEDs in all three groups can be changed in the PCM600.
• The 45 LEDs on the right side of the WebUI can indicate a total of 135 alarms, warnings, or other
signals to the operator. They are organized into three groups, from 1 to 3.
• Each signal group belongs to one function block.
• Each LED illuminates in one of the three colors: RED, YELLOW, or GREEN.
• The organization of flashing, acknowledgment, and group selection is done directly between the
function blocks and the basic WebUI keys.
• Only the programming of the signals is needed for the LEDs.
• The operation mode of the LEDs is defined in the Parameter Setting tool.
• LED labels cannot be kept as empty strings.
• Pulsed signal
• Each push forces a pulse of a configured time.
• The pulse time can be set in the Parameter Setting tool.
• The default pulse time is 200 ms.
• Toggle signal
• Each push changes the state of the signal: OFF-ON-OFF-ON-OFF.
• The default position after power-up or reset is OFF.
IEC09000656 V2 EN-US
The LEDs have a number of different operation modes, see Section 5.1.2.
• General definitions
• Each LED can illuminate in one of three colors: RED, YELLOW, or GREEN.
• Only one color is illuminated at a time.
• The priority for illumination and the color is linked.
• Prio 1 = RED
• Prio 2 = YELLOW
• Prio 3 = GREEN
• When RED and YELLOW are ON at the same time, the LED will illuminate in RED.
• The operator's acknowledgement for the LED signals is done for all three signals (RED, YELLOW,
GREEN) of the LED.
• A reset of the LEDs operate also on all three signals of the LEDs.
• Follow-S
• The LED illumination follows the status of the signal. The LED illuminates steady (S).
• Follow-F
• The LED illumination follows the status of the signal. The LED illuminates flashing (F).
• LatchedAck-F-S
• The LED latches the signal change OFF-ON and flashes (F) until it is acknowledged.
• When the signal is still ON at the time the signal is acknowledged, the LED changes to steady (S)
• When the signal has already changed to OFF before the time it is acknowledged, the LED turns to
• LatchedAck-S-F
• The same as LatchedAck-F-S but the LED starts with steady state and flashes after
• LatchedColl-S
• The LED illuminates in all cases in steady mode only
• The LED latches a signal change from OFF-ON until it is acknowledged by the operator.
• The LED stays in steady mode when it is reset and the signal is still in ON state.
• The LED is OFF only after the signal has changed to OFF state AND it is reset by the operator via
'Clear' operation.
• LatchedReset-S
• This mode is used for all LEDs that are used to indicate a disturbance. The LEDs will stay in the last
state after the disturbance run time until they are reset after a defined time.
• The timers are set in the Parameter Setting tool in the function block LEDGEN.
IEC09000657 V2 EN-US
The SequenceType parameter enables each LED to operate in one out of six different modes.
• Follow-S
• Follow-F
• LatchedAck-F-S
• LatchedAck-S-F
• LatchedColl-S
• LatchedReset-S
IEC08000395 V2 EN-US
In the Follow-S mode, the LED adopts a steady behavior. It is lit on a binary On signal and switched off
on a binary Off signal. See for details.
IEC08000396 V2 EN-US
In the Follow-F mode, the LED starts flashing when receiving a steady binary On signal. At other times it
is unlit, see Figure 24. This mode may be used to indicate that a tap changer or Petersen coil is moving.
IEC08000397 V2 EN-US
The LatchedAck-F-S mode is used to indicate unconfirmed alarms or warnings. On a binary On signal
(steady or pulse), the LED enters a flashing state. If acknowledged and if the signal is still On, the LED
transitions into a steady state. If the signal at this point is Off, the LED is switched off (for this color), see
Figure 26 for details.
IEC08000398 V2 EN-US
Each LED has one binary input for each of the colors: red, yellow and green representing high, medium
and low priority respectively. Each priority also applies to the presentation of the state (acknowledged
or unacknowledged) of each color. Excluding Off signals, the presentation of a state of higher priority
always overrides the presentation of any state of lower priority.
IEC08000399 V2 EN-US
IEC08000402 V2 EN-US
A LED operating in the LatchedColl-S mode enters a steady lit state on receiving a binary On signal. The
LED remains lit even if the signal immediately transitions to Off (pulse). When acknowledged, the LED is
switched off, unless the attached signal remains On, see Figure 28 for details.
IEC08000400 V2 EN-US
The LatchedReset-S mode is designed for multi-signal disturbance monitoring. For this reason, the
General LED indication function block (LEDGEN) has two parameters: tRestart and tMax. Both are
timers used to determine the end of a disturbance window.
A disturbance window starts when a LED receives a binary On signal. The LED then enters a steady
lit state. At the point where all signals, related to the LEDs in this particular mode, are Off, the timer
tRestart is triggered. This timer is common for all LEDs and when it elapses, the disturbance window
The second timer, tMax, starts whenever a LED is lit. If there are no activities until tMax elapses,
tRestart is triggered. This means that the disturbance window eventually ends even if a signal remains
On for a long time, see Figure 30.
IEC08000401 V2 EN-US
To get IED events to the WebUI event list and indications for Ready, Alarm and Trip indication LEDs,
disturbance report needs to be engineered.
Section 6 Control
6.1 Apparatus control GUID-274E76F4-A52D-4528-BE16-F8FFA291C80A v1
The apparatus control functions are used for control and supervision of circuit breakers, disconnectors,
and earthing switches at bay level or at process level.
When primary apparatus is modelled in SAM600 at the process level, the following three types of
apparatus control functions are used.
These functions are intended to be controlled and interacted with by switch controller, protection,
autorecloser, or synchronizer functions residing in bay level IEDs.
The commands to an apparatus can be initiated from the Control Centre (CC), the station WebUI, or the
LHMI on the bay level IED. The control action is then towards the CSWI in the bay level IED. The CSWI
function evaluates if the command is allowed, for example regarding reservation and synchronization,
then it extends the command via GOOSE to SXCBR or SXSWI in the process level IED. When the
SXCBR or SXSWI receives the command, it evaluates if the apparatus can perform the command,
issues the activation to the physical device, and monitor the result of the command.
The CSWI in the bay level IED does not have access to the cause identified by the
SXCBR(s)/SXSWI in SAM600 through IEC 61850. It has to rely on its own command
evaluation to detect when and how a command has failed. Further, it does not have access
to all the information that is accessible at the process level. Therefore, the cause of a failed
command, shown on the L_CAUSE output of SXCBR/SXSWI, and the cause identified by
the CSWI may differ, and it is the cause identified by the CSWI function that is given as
response to the command originator.
Station WebUI
Station Level
Station bus
Process bus
Figure 31: Overview of apparatus control, when a primary apparatus is modelled at the process level
Circuit breaker function SXCBR represents a single-phase circuit breaker, with or without selection. It is
used to close and interrupt an AC power circuit under normal conditions, or to interrupt the circuit under
fault or emergency conditions.
SXCBR can be controlled by a switch controller function residing in another IED via GOOSE
communication. It can also be used by protection, autorecloser, or synchronizer functions. It provides the
functionality regarding the verification of the control conditions and the operation of a circuit breaker.
Figure 32 illustrates a simplified signal flow and interaction between SXCBRs modelled in SAM600 and
the associated protection and control functions residing in a bay level IED, for example REC670, with
GOOSE over process bus communication.
The information between the SXCBR and the switch controller is limited only to those
described in the IEC 61850 standard.
Station Level
IEC 61850
over station bus
(GOOSE receiver (Proxy for switching SCSWI
from switching device) device via GOOSE) (Switch controller)
(GOOSE receiver (Proxy for switching
from switching device) device via GOOSE)
Bay Level (GOOSE receiver (Proxy for switching
from switching device) device via GOOSE)
(Synchrocheck &
GOOSEBINRCV circuit breaker )
(GOOSE receiver
from switch controller)
GUID-5875146D-17AD-49B7-97CD-0EA2780FE877 V1 EN-US
Figure 32: Simplified signal flow and interaction between SXCBRs modelled in SAM600 and the associated control functions
resided in a bay level IED with GOOSE communication
When SXCBR is modelled in SAM600 at process level, different communication models are in use for
different control functions.
• The communication between SXCBR and protection functions, autorecloser, or synchronizer functions
is always direct control
• The communication between SXCBR and CSWI always uses enhanced security. However, it can be
direct control or SBO control (select-before-operate). With the SBO model, a client must select the
control object before any operation. After the selection, the selecting client is the only one allowed to
perform control actions.
The selection is initialized through the switch controller function of the CSWI type. The usage of
selection depends on the control model type defined by the switch controller function. If the switch
controller function uses selection, it is then possible to extend the initialized selection to SXCBR via
GOOSE communication for further evaluation.
SXCBR is used together with the other two functions, GOOSECSWIRCV and S3XCBR.
GOOSECSWIRCV is the function to receive from CSWI via GOOSE. S3XCBR represents a three-phase
circuit breaker and provides state reporting, if SXCBR is used for single phase operation. SXCBR
receives the commands and selection requests via GOOSECSWIRCV through the group input XIN.
Figure 34 show that the extension of a selection requires the inputs SELOPN and SELCLS of
GOOSECSWIRCV to be mapped to SelOpn and SelCls of the CSWI in the IEC 61850 configuration.
Only when the selection connections are configured, the selection is possible to be extended to SXCBR
for further evaluation, and the selection can be stopped/reset by all blocking conditions for a command.
It implies that the selection can be stopped/reset by operating capability, external equipment health, or
different external blockings.
If selection extension is desired, and IEC 61850 Edition 1 is used for the communication,
the data objects for selection, SelOpn, and SelCls are missing in the CSWI logical node.
Therefore, data objects for the selection information from CSWI need to be added, for
example, through Ind data objects in GGIO.
circuit breaker)
Circuit breaker)
(GOOSE receiver
OPCLS from switch controller)
Single connection
Group connection
IEC 61850 single GOOSE
IEC 61850 multiple GOOSE
GUID-74111AF6-C8AE-483A-AE1F-2AB1993F0453 V1 EN-US
Figure 33: Simplified configuration without selection extension via GOOSE, where SXCBR is modelled in SAM600
circuit breaker)
Circuit breaker)
(GOOSE receiver
OPOPN from switch controller)
Single connection
Group connection
IEC 61850 single GOOSE
IEC 61850 multiple GOOSE
GUID-72E08AA3-63C5-4A3C-9A94-2423ECC337C3 V1 EN-US
Figure 34: Simplified configuration with selection extension via GOOSE, where SXCBR is modelled in SAM600
S3XCBR represents a three-phase circuit breaker and provides state reporting, without control involved,
based on the state of up to three SXCBR functions. The combined state can be, for example, used by
S3XCBR also collects the phase wise information from the SXCBR functions that is needed for the
monitoring functions SSCBR and CBSOPM.
Circuit switch function, SXSWI, provides control for primary disconnectors and earthing switches, with
or without selection. It provides the actual position status and passes the commands and possibly also
performs selection to the primary disconnectors and earthing switches. It also supervises the switching
positions and operation.
SXSWI can be controlled by a switch controller function residing in another IED via GOOSE
communication. It provides functionality regarding the verification of the control conditions and the
operation of a circuit switch.
Figure 35 illustrates a simplified signal flow and interaction between SXSWIs modelled in SAM600 and
the associated protection and control functions residing in a bay level IED, for example REC670, with
GOOSE over process bus communication.
The information between the SXSWI and the switch controller is limited only to those
described in the IEC 61850 standard.
Station Level
IEC 61850
over station bus
(GOOSE receiver (Proxy for switching
from switching device) device via GOOSE)
Bay Level (GOOSE receiver
from switching device)
(Proxy for switching
device via GOOSE)
Circuit switch)
(GOOSE receiver
from switch controller)
GUID-41771CBA-B0A6-4919-B8EE-5523BEFD449C V1 EN-US
Figure 35: Simplified signal flow and interaction between SXSWIs modelled in SAM600 and the associated control functions
resided in a bay level IED with GOOSE communication
When SXSWI is modelled in SAM600 at the process level, the communication between SXSWI and the
switch controller of the CSWI type uses enhanced security. However, it can be direct control or SBO
control (select-before-operate). With enhanced security, the command is evaluated with an additional
supervision of the status value of the control object.
The selection is initialized through the switch controller function of the CSWI type. The usage of
selection depends on the control model type defined by the switch controller function. If the switch
controller function uses selection, it is then possible to extend the initialized selection to SXSWI via
GOOSE communication for further evaluation.
Figure 37 show how SXSWI is used together with the function GOOSECSWIRCV. GOOSECSWIRCV is
the function to receive from a switch controller function of the CSWI type via GOOSE. SXSWI receives
the commands and selection requests via GOOSECSWIRCV through the group input XIN.
The figures also show that the extension of a selection requires the inputs SELOPN and SELCLS of
GOOSECSWIRCV to be mapped to SelOpn and SelCls of the CSWI in the IEC 61850 configuration.
Only when the selection connections are configured, the selection is possible to be extended down
to SXSWI for further evaluation. The selection can be stopped/reset by all blocking conditions for a
command. It implies that the selection can be stopped/reset by operating capability, external equipment
health, or different external blockings.
If selection extension is desired, and IEC 61850 Edition 1 is used for the communication,
the data objects for selection, SelOpn, and SelCls are missing in the CSWI logical node.
Therefore, data objects for the selection information from CSWI need to be added, for
example, through Ind data objects in GGIO.
Circuit switch)
(GOOSE receiver
from switch controller)
Single connection
Group connection
IEC 61850 single GOOSE
IEC 61850 multiple GOOSE
GUID-A2E2C885-6039-41F8-AD4F-373EA97EAF44 V1 EN-US
Figure 36: Simplified configuration without selection extension via GOOSE, where SXSWI is modelled in SAM600
Circuit switch)
(GOOSE receiver
OPOPN from switch controller)
Single connection
Group connection
IEC 61850 single GOOSE
IEC 61850 multiple GOOSE
GUID-DAB56134-B05E-4B91-9781-0FA704CF1294 V1 EN-US
Figure 37: Simplified configuration with selection extension via GOOSE, where SXSWI is modelled in SAM600
tStartMove is the supervision time for the apparatus to start moving after a command execution is done
from the switch controller function. When the time has expired, the command supervision is reset, and
an error cause is given.
During the time defined by tIntermediate, the position indication is allowed to be in an intermediate (00)
state. When the time has expired, the command supervision is reset, and a cause code is given.
In the corresponding switch controller function of a switch, there may also be similar timers to provide
movement supervision. If movement supervision redundancy is desired for the switch function, the same
values can be used as those defined in the switch controller function. If the movement supervision in the
switch functions is used as a backup for the supervision in the switch function, the timers of the switches
can be set to the maximum allowed values.
GUID-A2CF6146-D320-4B4E-8A50-4F68E17E5DBD v1
If the parameter AdaptivePulse is set to “Adaptive”, the command output pulse resets when a new
correct end position is reached. If the parameter is set to “Not adaptive” the command output pulse
remains active until the timer tOpenPulse/tClosePulse has elapsed.
tOpenPulse is the output pulse length for an open command. If AdaptivePulse is set to “Adaptive”, it is
the maximum length of the output pulse for an open command.
tClosePulse is the output pulse length for a close command. If AdaptivePulse is set to “Adaptive”, it is
the maximum length of the output pulse for a close command.
The time limit for detection of pole discrepancy should be set high enough to accommodate for the
difference in reaction time and movement time between the single-phase breakers. It should not be set
below two-third of a power system period to allow for the time difference between the zero crossings in
the phases.
The apparatus control function consists of four types of function blocks, which are connected in a
delivery-specific way between bays and to the station level. For that reason, test the total function in a
system, that is, either in a complete delivery system as an acceptance test (FAT/SAT) or as parts of that
If a block/unblock command is sent from remote to function while the IED is shut down, this
command will not be recognized after the start up, thus the command that was sent prior
to the shut down is used. In such cases, where there is a mismatch, the user is advised to
make a complete cycle of block/unblock operations to align the statuses.
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Bay control QCBAY - -
The Bay control (QCBAY) is used to handle the selection of the operator place per bay. The function
gives permission to operate from two main types of locations: either from Remote (for example, control
centreor station WebUI), or from Local (WebUI on the IED) or from all (Local and Remote). The
Local/Remote switch position can also be set to Off, which means no operator place selected; that
is, operation is not possible either from local or from remote.
For IEC 61850-8-1 communication, the Bay Control function can be set to discriminate between
commands with the orCat station and remote (2 and 3). The selection is then done through the IEC
61850-8-1 edition 2 command LocSta.
QCBAY also provides blocking functions that can be distributed to different apparatuses within the bay.
There are two different blocking alternatives:
IEC13000016 V3 EN-US
If the parameter AllPSTOValid is set to No priority, all originators from local and remote are accepted
without any priority.
If the parameter RemoteIncStation is set to Yes, commands from IEC 61850-8-1 clients at both station
and remote level are accepted when the QCBAY function is in Remote. If set to No, the command
LocSta controls which operator place is accepted when QCBAY is in Remote. If LocSta is true, only
commands from the station level are accepted, otherwise only commands from the remote level are
The parameter RemoteIncStation has only an effect on the IEC 61850-8-1 communication.
Further, when using IEC 61850 edition 1 communication, the parameter should be set to Yes,
since the command LocSta is not defined in IEC 61850-8-1 edition 1.
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Logic rotating switch for SLGAPC - -
function selection
The logic rotating switch for function selection (SLGAPC) (or the selector switch function block, as it is
also known) is used to get a selector switch functionality similar to the one provided by a hardware multi-
position selector switch. Hardware selector switches are extensively used by utilities in order to have
different functions operating on pre-set values. However, hardware switches are sources of maintenance
issues, lower system reliability, and an extended purchase portfolio. Virtual selector switches eliminate
all of these issues.
The SLGAPC function block has two operating inputs (UP and DOWN), one blocking input (BLOCK),
and one operator position input (PSTO).
SLGAPC can be activated from external sources (switches) via the IED binary inputs. It also allows
operation from a remote (like the station computer). SWPOSN is an integer value output, giving the
actual output number. Since the number of positions of the switch can be established by settings (see
below), one must be careful in coordinating the settings with the configuration (if one sets the number of
positions to x in settings, for example, there will be only the first x outputs available from the block in the
configuration). Also, the frequency of the (UP or DOWN) pulses should be lower than the setting tPulse.
The following settings are available for the logic rotating switch for function selection and WebUI
presentation (SLGAPC) function:
tPulse: In the case of a pulsed output, it gives the length of the pulse (in seconds).
tDelay: The delay between the UP or DOWN activation signal positive front and the output activation.
StopAtExtremes: Sets the behavior of the switch at the end positions – if set to Disabled, when pressing
UP while on first position, the switch will jump to the last position; when pressing DOWN at the last
position, the switch will jump to the first position; when set to Enabled, no jump will be allowed.
6.4.2 Identification
GUID-066906B6-F321-496F-89CF-3E5612501D10 v1
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Selector mini switch VSGAPC - 43
The selector mini switch (VSGAPC) function is a multipurpose function used in the configuration tool
in PCM600 for a variety of applications as a general purpose switch. VSGAPC can be used for both
acquiring an external switch position (through the IPOS1 and the IPOS2 inputs) and representing it
through the single line diagram symbols (or using it in the configuration through the outputs POS1 and
POS2), as well as a command function (controlled by the PSTO input), giving switching commands
through the CMDPOS12 and CMDPOS21 outputs.
The output POSITION is an integer output, showing the actual position as an integer number 0 – 3,
where 0 = MidPos, 1 = Open, 2 = Closed and 3 = Error.
VSGAPC is also provided with IEC 61850 communication so it can be controlled from SA system as
The selector mini switch (VSGAPC) function can generate pulsed or steady commands (by setting the
Mode parameter). When pulsed commands are generated, the length of the pulse can be set using the
tPulse parameter. Also, being accessible on the single line diagram (SLD), this function block has two
control modes (settable through CtlModel): Dir Norm and SBO Enh.
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Generic communication DPGAPC - -
function for Double Point
The generic communication function for Double Point indication (DPGAPC) function block is used to
send double point position indication to other systems, equipment, or functions in the substation through
IEC 61850-8-1 or other communication protocols. It is especially intended to be used in the interlocking
station-wide logics. To be able to get the signals into other systems, equipment, or functions, one must
use other tools, described in the Engineering manual, and define which function block in which systems,
equipment, or functions should receive this information.
More specifically, the DPGAPC function reports a combined double point position indication output
POSITION by evaluating the value and the timestamp attributes of the inputs OPEN and CLOSE,
together with the logical input signal VALID.
When the input signal VALID is active, the values of the OPEN and CLOSE inputs determine the two-bit
integer value of the output POSITION. The timestamp of the output POSITION will have the latest
updated timestamp of the inputs OPEN and CLOSE.
When the input signal VALID is inactive, the DPGAPC function forces the position to an intermediated
When the value of the input signal VALID changes, the timestamp of the output POSITION will be
updated as the time when the DPGAPC function detects the change.
Refer to Table 12 for a description of the input-output relationship in terms of the value and the quality
The function does not have any parameters available in the WebUI or PCM600.
6.6.2 Identification
SEMOD176456-2 v5
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Single point generic control 8 SPC8GAPC - -
The Single point generic control 8 signals (SPC8GAPC) function block is a collection of 8 single point
commands that can be used for direct commands, for example, the reset of LED's or putting an IED
in "ChangeLock" state from a remote. In this way, simple commands can be sent directly to the IED
outputs without confirmation. Confirmation (status) of the result of the commands is supposed to be
achieved by other means, such as binary inputs and SPGAPC function blocks.
The parameters for the single point generic control of 8 signals (SPC8GAPC) function are set via the
WebUI or PCM600.
There are two settings for every command output (totally 8):
PulseModex: decides if the command signal for output x is Latched (steady) or Pulsed.
tPulsex: if PulseModex is set to Pulsed, then tPulsex will set the length of the pulse (in seconds).
Section 7 Logic
7.1 Tripping logic SMPPTRC IP14576-1 v5
7.1.2 Identification
GUID-285F2897-C78A-4A54-A526-2882A4982A40 v1
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Tripping logic SMPPTRC 94
1 -> 0
IEC15000314 V1 EN-US
All OPERATE signals from the different protection IEDs shall be routed through the trip logic. All start
signals and directional information can be routed through the trip logic as well. In its simplest form, the
trip logic will only link the OPERATE signal to a breaker and make sure that the pulse time is long
The logic also issues a three-phase tripping command when phase selection within the operating
protection functions is not possible, or when external conditions request three-phase tripping. To meet
the different double, 1½ breaker, and other multiple circuit breaker arrangements, multiple identical
SMPPTRC function blocks are provided within the IED. In such installation, use one instance of
SMPPTRC function per circuit breaker.
If the OHL is connected to the substation via more than one breaker, one SMPPTRC function block
should be used for each breaker. For example, when single-phase tripping and autoreclosing are used
on the line, both breakers are normally set up for single/three-phase tripping and single/three-phase
autoreclosing. Alternatively, the breaker chosen as master can have single-phase tripping, while the
slave breaker could have three-phase tripping and autoreclosing. In the case of a permanent fault, only
one of the breakers has to be operated when the fault is energized a second time. In the event of a
transient fault, the slave breaker performs a three-phase reclosing onto the non-faulted line.
The same philosophy can be used for two-phase tripping and autoreclosing.
To prevent the closing of a circuit breaker after a trip, the function offers a lockout function.
Connect the inputs from the protection IEDs to the input TRINALL. The TMGAPC function block is used
to combine up to 32 inputs into one output. Connect the output TRIP to the TRIP input of SXCBR.
The three outputs TRL1, TRL2, and TRL3 will always be activated on every trip and can be utilized on
individual trip outputs if single-phase operating devices are available on the circuit breaker even when a
three-phase tripping scheme is selected.
Set the function block to Program = three-phase and set the required length of the trip pulse to, for
example, tTripMin = 150 ms.
3 phase protection trip from TRINALL TRL2
bay level IEDs TRINL1 TRL3
IEC05000544 V6 EN-US
Figure 39: Tripping logic SMPPTRC is used for a simple three-phase tripping application
The single-/three-phase tripping operation mode will give single-phase tripping for single-phase faults
and three-phase tripping for multi-phase fault. This operating mode is always used together with a
single-phase autoreclosing scheme.
The single-phase tripping operation mode can include different options and the use of the different
inputs in the function block. Inputs TRINL1, TRINL2, and TRINL3 shall be used for trip signals from
functions with built-in phase selection logic such as distance or line differential protection functions.
The inputs 1PTRZ and 1PTREF are used for single-phase tripping from functions which do not have
built-in phase selection logic:
• 1PTRZ can be connected to the carrier aided trip signal from the distance protection scheme (it means
that another distance protection function has seen or detected the fault)
• 1PTREF can be connected to an earth fault function such as EF4PTOC or a carrier aided operate
signal from the earth fault protection scheme.
These two inputs are combined with the external phase selection logic. Phase selection signals from the
external phase selector must be connected to the inputs PSL1, PSL2, and PSL3 to achieve the tripping
on the respective single-phase trip outputs TRL1, TRL2, and TRL3. The output TRIP is a general
trip and is always activated independent of which phase is involved. Depending on which phases are
involved, the outputs TR1P and TR3P will be activated as well.
When single-phase tripping schemes are used, a single-phase autoreclosing attempt is expected to
follow. For cases where the autoreclosing is not in service or will not follow for some reason, the input
prepare three-phase trip P3PTR must be activated. This input is normally connected to the output
PREP3P on the autorecloser function SMBRREC via GOOSE but can also be connected to other
signals, for example, an external logic signal. If two circuit breakers are involved, one SMPPTRC block
instance is used for each circuit breaker. This will ensure the correct operation and behavior of each
circuit breaker.
The output TR3P must be connected to the input TR3P on the SMBRREC function in a bay level IED in
order to switch SMBRREC to perform a three-phase reclosing. If this signal is not activated, SMBRREC
will use single-phase dead time.
If a second line protection is utilizing the same SMBRREC, the three-phase trip signal must
be generated as OR conditions from both line protections.
Other back-up functions are connected to the input TRIN as described above for three-phase tripping. A
typical connection for a single-phase tripping scheme is shown in Figure 40.
(in bay level IED) PREP3P
To prepare 3 phase trip
for any trip signal
To activate lockout
To reset lockout
IEC05000545 V8 EN-US
Figure 40: The trip logic function SMPPTRC used for single-phase tripping application
The single-/two-/three-phase tripping mode provides single-phase tripping for single-phase faults, two-
phase tripping for two-phase faults and three-phase tripping for three-phase faults. The operating mode
is always used together with an autoreclosing scheme with the setting ARMode = single/two/three-phase
or ARMode = single/two-phase.
The functionality is very similar to the single-phase scheme described above. However, in addition to
the connections for single-phase, SMBRREC must also be informed that the trip is two phases by
connecting the output TR2P to the input TR2P in the SMBRREC function.
The SMPPTRC function block is provided with the possibility to initiate lockout, see Section 7.1.3 for
more information. The lockout can be set to only activate the circuit breaker lockout output CLLKOUT
or to both initiate the circuit breaker lockout output and to maintain the trip signal outputs TRIP, TRL1,
TRL2, TRL3, and TR3P (latched).
If external conditions are required to initiate a circuit breaker lockout, it can be achieved by activating
input SETLKOUT. The setting AutoLock = Off means that the internal three-phase trip will not activate
lockout, so only initiation of the input SETLKOUT will result in lockout. This is normally the case for
overhead line protection, where most faults are transient. Unsuccessful autoreclosing and back-up zone
tripping can in such cases be connected to initiate lockout by activating the input SETLKOUT.
If CLLKOUT is set by an external trip signal from another protection function, that is by activating the
SETLKOUT input, or internally by a three-phase trip, that is with the setting AutoLock = On and the
setting TripLockout = On, then all trip outputs will latch the activation status, that is, they will stay active
until the lockout is reset.
The lockout can be manually reset after checking the primary fault by activating the reset lockout input
The BLKLKOUT input blocks the circuit breaker lockout output CLLKOUT.
The total block of the trip function is done by activating the input BLOCK and can be used to disable the
outputs of the trip logic in the event of internal failures. A block of lockout output is achieved by activating
the input BLKLKOUT.
The parameters for the trip function SMPPTRC are set via the WebUI or PCM600.
Operation: Sets the mode of operation. Off switches the tripping off. The normal selection is On.
Program: Sets the required tripping scheme. Normally three-phase or single-phase/three-phase is used.
TripLockout: Sets the scheme for lockout. Off only activates the circuit breaker close lockout output.
On activates the circuit breaker close lockout output and latches the TRIP related outputs. The normal
selection is Off.
All lockout: Sets the scheme for lockout. Off only activates lockout through the output CLLKOUT. On
additionally allows lockout activation via the trip inputs. The normal selection is Off.
tTripMin: Sets the required minimum duration of the trip pulse. It should be set to ensure that the circuit
breaker is opened correctly. The normal setting is 0.150 s.
tWaitForPHS: Sets a duration during which external phase selection must operate in order to get a
single-phase trip, after any of the inputs 1PTRZ or 1PTREF has been activated. If no phase selection
has been achieved, a three-phase trip will be issued after this time has elapsed.
tEvolvingFault: Secures two- or three-pole tripping depending on Program selection during evolving
7.2.2 Identification
GUID-1C34871F-3AE0-4F53-9AB7-A788EBBAF0A1 v1
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Trip matrix logic TMAGAPC - -
The trip matrix logic (TMAGAPC) function is used combining the trip signals from different sources to
one signal to the SMPPTRC function.
The trip matrix logic function has 3 output signals and these outputs can be connected the different trip
inputs of SMPPTRC.
PulseTime: Defines the pulse time when in Pulsed mode. When used for direct tripping of circuit
breaker(s) the pulse time delay shall be set to approximately 0.150 seconds in order to obtain
satisfactory minimum duration of the trip pulse to the circuit breaker trip coils.
OnDelay: Used to prevent output signals to be given for spurious inputs. Normally set to 0 or a low
OffDelay: Defines a delay of the reset of the outputs after the activation conditions no longer are fulfilled.
It is only used in Steady mode. When used for direct tripping of circuit breaker(s) the off delay time shall
be set to at least 0.150 seconds in order to obtain a satisfactory minimum duration of the trip pulse to the
circuit breaker trip coils.
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Logic for group alarm ALMCALH - -
Group alarm logic function ALMCALH is used to route alarm signals to different LEDs and/or output
contacts on the IED.
ALMCALH output signal and the physical outputs allows the user to adapt the alarm signal to physical
tripping outputs according to the specific application needs.
Operation: On or Off
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Logic for group warning WRNCALH - -
Group warning logic function WRNCALH is used to route warning signals to LEDs and/or output
contacts on the IED.
WRNCALH output signal WARNING and the physical outputs allows the user to adapt the warning
signal to physical tripping outputs according to the specific application needs.
Operation On or Off
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Logic for group indication INDCALH - -
Group indication logic function INDCALH is used to route indication signals to different LEDs and/or
output contacts on the IED.
INDCALH output signal IND and the physical outputs allows the user to adapt the indication signal to
physical outputs according to the specific application needs.
Operation: On or Off
• Configurable logic blocks that do not propagate the time stamp and the quality of signals. They do not
have the suffix QT at the end of their function block name, for example, SRMEMORY.
• Configurable logic blocks that propagate the time stamp and the quality of signals. They have the
suffix QT at the end of their function block name, for example, SRMEMORYQT.
A set of standard logic blocks, like AND, OR etc, and timers are available for adapting the IED
configuration to the specific application needs. Additional logic blocks that, beside the normal logical
function, have the capability to propagate timestamp and quality are also available. Those blocks have a
designation including the letters QT, like ANDQT, ORQT etc.
There are no settings for AND gates, OR gates, inverters or XOR gates as well as, for ANDQT gates,
ORQT gates or XORQT gates.
For normal On/Off delay and pulse timers the time delays and pulse lengths are set from the WebUI or
via the PST tool.
Both timers in the same logic block (the one delayed on pick-up and the one delayed on drop-out)
always have a common setting value.
For controllable gates, settable timers and SR flip-flops with memory, the setting parameters are
accessible via the WebUI or via the PST tool.
Execution of functions as defined by the configurable logic blocks, which run according to a generated
execution order by PCM600 for the different cycle times.
The automatic calculation of the execution order is done when the ACT configuration is saved.
For each cycle time, a set of instances are available for the configuration, see example below.
GUID-A1C371FB-47B9-463D-9D44-2C4B9AE9FD31 V1 EN-US
Figure 41: Example designation, serial execution number and cycle time for logic function
GUID-8DA62AA7-33AD-406A-A43B-168F1903F192 V1 EN-US
Figure 42: Example designation, serial execution number and cycle time for logic function that also propagates timestamp
and quality of input signals
Always be careful when connecting function blocks with a fast cycle time to function blocks
with a slow cycle time.
Remember to design the logic circuits carefully and always check the execution sequence
for different functions. In other cases, additional time delays must be introduced into the logic
schemes to prevent errors, for example, race between functions.
The Fixed signals function (FXDSIGN) has nine pre-set (fixed) signals that can be used in the
configuration of an IED, either for forcing the unused inputs in other function blocks to a certain
level/value, or for creating certain logic. Signals of type boolean, integer, floating point and string are
7.8.2 Identification
SEMOD175721-2 v3
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Boolean 16 to integer B16I - -
Boolean 16 to integer conversion function B16I is used to transform a set of 16 binary (logical) signals
into an integer. It can be used – for example, to connect logical output signals from a function (like
distance protection) to integer inputs from another function (like line differential protection). B16I does
not have a logical node mapping.
The Boolean 16 to integer conversion function (B16I) will transfer a combination of up to 16 binary
inputs INx where 1≤x≤16 to an integer. Each INx represents a value according to the table below from
0 to 32768. This follows the general formula: INx = 2x-1 where 1≤x≤16. The sum of all the values on
the activated INx will be available on the output OUT as a sum of the values of all the inputs INx
that are activated. OUT is an integer. When all INx where 1≤x≤16 are activated that is = Boolean 1 it
corresponds to that integer 65535 is available on the output OUT. B16I function is designed for receiving
up to 16 booleans input locally. If the BLOCK input is activated, it will freeze the output at the last value.
Values of each of the different OUTx from function block B16I for 1≤x≤16.
The sum of the value on each INx corresponds to the integer presented on the output OUT on the
function block B16I.
The sum of the numbers in column “Value when activated” when all INx (where 1≤x≤16) are active that
is=1; is 65535. 65535 is the highest boolean value that can be converted to an integer by the B16I
function block.
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Boolean to integer BTIGAPC - -
conversion with logical node
representation, 16 bit
Boolean to integer conversion with logical node representation, 16 bit (BTIGAPC) is used to transform a
set of 16 binary (logical) signals into an integer. BTIGAPC has a logical node mapping in IEC 61850.
The BTIGAPC function will transfer a combination of up to 16 binary inputs INx where 1≤x≤16 to an
integer. Each INx represents a value according to the table below from 0 to 32768. This follows the
general formula: INx = 2x-1 where 1≤x≤16. The sum of all the values on the activated INx will be
available on the output OUT as a sum of the values of all the inputs INx that are activated. OUT is
an integer. When all INx where 1≤x≤16 are activated that is = Boolean 1 it corresponds to that integer
65535 is available on the output OUT. BTIGAPC function is designed for receiving up to 16 booleans
input locally. If the BLOCK input is activated, it will freeze the output at the last value.
Values of each of the different OUTx from function block BTIGAPC for 1≤x≤16.
The sum of the value on each INx corresponds to the integer presented on the output OUT on the
function block BTIGAPC.
The sum of the numbers in column “Value when activated” when all INx (where 1≤x≤16) are active that
is=1; is 65535. 65535 is the highest boolean value that can be converted to an integer by the BTIGAPC
function block.
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Integer to boolean 16 IB16 - -
Integer to boolean 16 conversion function (IB16) is used to transform an integer into a set of 16 binary
(logical) signals. It can be used – for example, to connect integer output signals from one function to
binary (logical) inputs to another function. IB16 function does not have a logical node mapping.
The Boolean to integer 16 conversion function (IB16) will transfer an integer with a value between 0
to 65535 connected to the input INP to a combination of activated outputs OUTx where 1≤x≤16. Each
output correspond to the xth bit of the binary representation of INP. Thus INP = ∑ OUTx * 2x-1.
The values of the different OUTx are according to the Table 15.
If the BLOCK input is activated, it freezes the logical outputs at the last value.
The sum of the numbers in column “Corresponding component in INP” when all OUTx (where 1≤x≤16)
are active that is=1; is 65535. 65535 is the highest integer value that can be converted to booleans by
the B16I function block.
7.11.2 Identification
SEMOD167944-2 v6
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Integer to boolean ITBGAPC - -
conversion with logical node
representation, 16 bit
Integer to boolean 16 conversion with logic node representation function (ITBGAPC) is used to
transform an integer into a set of 16 boolean signals. ITBGAPC function can receive an integer from
a station computer – for example, over IEC 61850–8–1. This function is very useful when the user
wants to generate logical commands (for selector switches or voltage controllers) by inputting an integer
number. ITBGAPC function has a logical node mapping in IEC 61850.
The Integer to Boolean 16 conversion with logic node representation function (ITBGAPC) will transfer an
integer with a value between 0 to 65535 communicated via IEC 61850 and connected to the ITBGAPC
function block to a combination of activated outputs OUTx where 1≤x≤16.
The values of the different OUTx are according to the Table 16.
If the BLOCK input is activated, it freezes the logical outputs at the last value.
The sum of the numbers in column “Corresponding component in INP” when all OUTx (1≤x≤16) are
active equals 65535. This is the highest integer that can be converted by the ITBGAPC function block.
Section 8 Monitoring
8.1 Measurement GUID-B0E9EBB4-E92E-4E3A-8246-5853BD5A3A97 v1
GUID-ED9C1329-008C-4183-A8D4-4E254468CD1C v1
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Power system CVMMXN -
P, Q, S, I, U, f
Measurement functions are used for power system measurement, supervision and reporting to the
WebUI, monitoring tool within PCM600 or to station level for example, via IEC 61850. The possibility
to continuously monitor measured values of active power, reactive power, currents, voltages, frequency,
power factor etc. is vital for efficient production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy. It
provides to the system operator fast and easy overview of the present status of the power system.
Additionally, it can be used during testing and commissioning of protection and control IEDs in order to
verify proper operation and connection of instrument transformers (CTs and VTs). During normal service
by periodic comparison of the measured value from the IED with other independent meters the proper
operation of the IED analog measurement chain can be verified. Finally, it can be used to verify proper
direction orientation for distance or directional overcurrent protection function.
The available measured values from an IED are depending on the actual hardware and the
logic configuration made in PCM600.
All measured values can be supervised with four settable limits that is, low-low limit, low limit, high limit
and high-high limit. A zero clamping reduction is also supported, that is, the measured value below a
settable limit is forced to zero which reduces the impact of noise in the inputs.
Dead-band supervision can be used to report measured signal value to station level when change in
measured value is above set threshold limit or time integral of all changes since the last time value
updating exceeds the threshold limit. Measure value can also be based on periodic reporting.
The measurement function, CVMMXN, provides the following power system quantities:
The CVMMXN function calculates three-phase power quantities by using fundamental frequency
phasors (DFT values) of the measured current and voltage signals. The measured power quantities
are available either, as instantaneously calculated quantities or, averaged values over a period of time
(low pass filtered) depending on the selected settings.
The measuring functions CMMXU, VMMXU and VNMMXU provide physical quantities:
The measuring functions CMSQI and VMSQI provide sequence component quantities:
It is possible to calibrate the measuring function above to get better then class 0.5 presentation. This is
accomplished by angle and amplitude compensation at 5, 30 and 100% of rated current and at 100% of
rated voltage.
Measuring functions CVMMXN, CMMXU, VMMXU and VNMMXU have no interconnections regarding
any settings or parameters.
Zero clamping is handled separately for each output, decided by its ZeroDb parameter. For example,
zero clamping of U12 is handled by UL12ZeroDb in VMMXU, zero clamping of I1 is handled by
IL1ZeroDb in CMMXU, and so on.
• When system voltage falls below UGenZeroDB, values for S, P, Q, PF, ILAG, ILEAD, U and F are
forced to zero.
• When system current falls below IGenZeroDB, values for S, P, Q, PF, ILAG, ILEAD, U and F are
forced to zero.
• When the value of a single signal falls below its set deadband, the value is forced to zero. For
example, if the apparent three-phase power falls below SZeroDb, the value for S is forced to zero.
The available setting parameters of the measurement function CVMMXN, CMMXU, VMMXU, CMSQI,
VMSQI, VNMMXU are depending on the actual hardware and the logic configuration made in PCM600.
The parameters for the Measurement functions CVMMXN, CMMXU, VMMXU, CMSQI, VMSQI,
VNMMXU are set via the WebUI or PCM600.
GlobalBaseSel: Selects the global base value group used by the function to define IBase, UBase and
SBase. Note that this function will only use IBase value.
Operation: Off/On. Every function instance (CVMMXN, CMMXU, VMMXU, CMSQI, VMSQI, VNMMXU)
can be taken in operation (On) or out of operation (Off).
Mode: Selection of measured current and voltage. There are 9 different ways of calculating monitored
three-phase values depending on the available VT inputs connected to the IED. See parameter group
setting table.
UGenZeroDb: Minimum level of voltage in % of UBase, used as indication of zero voltage (zero point
clamping). If measured value is below UGenZeroDb calculated S, P, Q and PF will be zero.
IGenZeroDb: Minimum level of current in % of IBase, used as indication of zero current (zero point
clamping). If measured value is below IGenZeroDb calculated S, P, Q and PF will be zero.
For each monitored quantity there are a number of settings for controlling the reporting. The names of
these settings start with the name of the concerned output.
Xmin: Minimum value for analog signal X set directly in applicable measuring unit. This forms the
minimum limit of the range.
Xmax: Maximum value for analog signal X. This forms the maximum limit of the range.
XZeroDb: Zero point clamping. A signal value less than XZeroDb is forced to zero.
The main purpose is to get a stable zero value when there is nothing to measure, thus it should be set
large than the expected noise level. Set in m% of range, Max - Min, XZeroDb=1000, with XMin=-200 and
XMax=200, give a zero deadband of 4% of base.
Observe the related zero point clamping settings in Setting group N for CVMMXN (UGenZeroDb and
IGenZeroDb). If measured value is below UGenZeroDb and/or IGenZeroDb calculated S, P, Q and PF
will be zero and these settings will override XZeroDb.
XRepTyp: Reporting type. Cyclic (Cyclic), amplitude deadband (Dead band), integral deadband (Int
deadband) or Deadband and xx se cyclic (xx: 5 sec, 30 sec, 1 min). The reporting interval is controlled
by the parameter XDbRepInt.
XDbRepInt: This setting handles all the reporting types. If setting is deadband in XRepTyp, XDbRepInt
defines the deadband in m% of the measuring range. For cyclic reporting type (XRepTyp : cyclic),
the setting value reporting interval is in seconds. Amplitude deadband is the setting value in m% of
measuring range. Integral deadband setting is the integral area, that is, measured value in m% of
measuring range multiplied by the time between two measured values.
The deadband limit should be set so that only significant changes trigger reporting. To accommodate for
the noise and measurement errors, the deadband should not be set lower than 1% of the range of the
analogue input card.
XHiHiLim: High-high limit. Set as % of YBase (Y is SBase for S,P,Q UBase for Voltage measurement
and IBase for current measurement).
XHiLim: High limit. Set as % of YBase (Y is SBase for S,P,Q UBase for Voltage measurement and IBase
for current measurement).
XLowLim: Low limit. Set as % of YBase (Y is SBase for S,P,Q UBase for Voltage measurement and
IBase for current measurement).
XLowLowLim: Low-low limit. Set as % of YBase (Y is SBase for S,P,Q UBase for Voltage measurement
and IBase for current measurement).
All phase angles are presented in relation to defined reference channel. The parameter PhaseAngleRef
defines the reference, see Analog inputs.
Calibration curves
It is possible to calibrate the functions (CVMMXN, CMMXU, VMMXU and VNMMXU) to get class
0.5 presentations of currents, voltages and powers. This is accomplished by amplitude and angle
compensation at 5, 30 and 100% of rated current and voltage. The compensation curve will have the
characteristic for amplitude and angle compensation of currents as shown in Figure 43 (example). The
first phase will be used as reference channel and compared with the curve for calculation of factors. The
factors will then be used for all related channels.
IEC05000652 V2 EN-US
For each of them detail explanation and final list of selected setting parameters values will be provided.
The available measured values of an IED are depending on the actual hardware and the
logic configuration made in PCM600.
400kV Busbar
1000/1 A
400 0 ,1 IED
/ kV
3 3
400kV OHL
IEC09000039-1-EN V3 EN-US
In order to monitor, supervise and calibrate the active and reactive power as indicated in Figure 44 it is
necessary to do the following:
1. Set correctly CT and VT data and phase angle reference channel PhaseAngleRef (see Section
4.2.1) using PCM600 for analog input channels.
2. Connect, in PCM600, measurement function to three-phase CT and VT inputs.
3. Set under General settings parameters for the Measurement function:
• general settings as shown in Table 17.
• level supervision of active power as shown in Table 18.
• calibration parameters as shown in Table 19.
110kV Busbar
31,5 MVA
110/36,75/(10,5) kV IED
35 / 0,1kV
In order to measure the active and reactive power as indicated in Figure 45, it is necessary to do the
1. Set correctly all CT and VT and phase angle reference channel PhaseAngleRef (see Section 4.2.1)
data using PCM600 for analog input channels.
2. Connect, in PCM600, measurement function to LV side CT & VT inputs.
3. Set the setting parameters for relevant Measurement function as shown in the following Table 20:
220kV Busbar
100 MVA
242/15,65 kV
15 / 0,1kV
UL1L2 , UL2L3
100MVA G
IEC09000041-1-EN V1 EN-US
In order to measure the active and reactive power as indicated in Figure 46, it is necessary to do the
1. Set correctly all CT and VT data and phase angle reference channel PhaseAngleRef (see Section
4.2.1) using PCM600 for analog input channels.
2. Connect, in PCM600, measurement function to the generator CT & VT inputs.
3. Set the setting parameters for relevant Measurement function as shown in the following table:
8.2.2 Identification
GUID-E1998067-27FC-4F81-B0F8-6D35AAF8C82A v1
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Insulation gas monitoring SSIMG - 63
Gas medium supervision (SSIMG) is used for monitoring the circuit breaker condition. Proper arc
extinction by the compressed gas in the circuit breaker is very important. When the pressure becomes
too low compared to the required value, the circuit breaker operation shall be blocked to minimize
the risk of internal failure. Binary information based on the gas pressure in the circuit breaker and
temperature is used as an input signal to the function. Also, the function can be used with the analog
values of gas pressure and temperature of the insulation medium and binary inputs. The function
generates alarms based on the received information.
The parameters for Gas medium supervision SSIMG can be set via Protection and Control Manager
Operation: To disable/enable the operation of gas medium supervision, that is, Off/On.
PresAlmLimit: To set the limit for a pressure alarm condition in the circuit breaker.
PresBlkLim: To set the limit for a pressure block condition in the circuit breaker.
PresTripLim: To set the limit for a pressure trip condition in the circuit breaker.
TempAlmLim: To set the limit for a temperature alarm condition in the circuit breaker.
TempBlkLim: To set the limit for a temperature block condition in the circuit breaker.
tDelayAlm: To set the time delay for pressure and temperature alarm indication, given in s.
tDelayBlk: To set the time delay for pressure and temperature block indication, given in s.
tDelayTrip: To set the time delay for pressure and temperature trip indication, given in s.
tOffAlm: For the pressure and temperature alarm indication to reset after a set time delay in s.
tOffBlk: For the pressure and temperature block indication to reset after a set time delay in s.
tOffTrip: For the pressure and temperature trip indication to reset after a set time delay in s.
Gas medium supervision SSIMG is used to monitor the gas pressure in the circuit breaker and
temperature of the medium. The gas pressure is monitored to detect low pressure. The temperature of
the medium is monitored to detect high temperature. Three stages of indication are provided, including
both gas pressure and temperature - alarm, block, and trip stage.
Additional time delays can be included using tDelayAlm, tDelayBlk, and tDelayTrip. If the gas pressure
goes below or temperature goes above the corresponding threshold settings for longer than these
time delays, the corresponding gas pressure alarm PRESALM or temperature alarm TEMPALM or
insulation alarm INSALM or insulation block INSBLK or insulation trip INSTR will be initiated. The setting
parameters for SSIMG function can be set as shown in the Table 22.
The circuit breaker maintenance is usually based on regular time intervals or the number of operations
performed. This has some disadvantages because there could be several abnormal operations or
few operations with high-level currents within the predetermined maintenance interval. Hence, condition-
based maintenance scheduling is an optimum solution in assessing the condition of circuit breakers. Contact travel time, auxiliary time and reaction time GUID-09FB84C4-1AF9-4985-9422-B9B9EADAF395 v1
Auxiliary contacts and wiper contact provide information about the mechanical operation, opening time
and closing time of a breaker. Detecting an excessive traveling time is essential to indicate the need for
maintenance of the circuit breaker mechanism. The excessive travel time can be due to problems in the
driving mechanism or failures of the contacts.
Every time the breaker operates, the circuit breaker life reduces due to wear. The wear in a breaker
depends on the interrupted current. For breaker maintenance or replacement at the right time, the
remaining life of the breaker must be estimated. The remaining life of a breaker can be estimated using
the maintenance curve provided by the circuit breaker manufacturer.
Circuit breaker manufacturers provide the number of make-break operations possible at various
interrupted currents. An example is shown in Figure 47.
IEC21001516 V1 EN-US
The line connecting P1 and P2 can be described by means of the following exponential equation:
n = b x (Ib/Ir)m
The graph shows that there are 10000 possible operations at the rated operating current and 900
operations at 10 kA and 50 operations at rated fault current. Therefore, if the interrupted current is 10
kA, one operation is equivalent to 10000/900 = 11 operations at the rated current. It is assumed that
prior to tripping, the remaining life of a breaker is 10000 operations. The remaining life calculation for
three different interrupted current conditions is as below.
• Breaker interrupts at and below the rated operating current, that is, 2 kA, the remaining life of the CB is
decreased by 1 operation and therefore, 9999 operations remaining at the rated operating current.
• Breaker interrupts between rated operating current and rated fault current, that is, 10 kA, one
operation at 10kA is equivalent to 10000/900 = 11 operations at the rated current. The remaining
life of the CB would be (10000 – 10) = 9989 at the rated operating current after one operation at 10
• Breaker interrupts at and above rated fault current, that is, 50 kA, one operation at 50 kA is equivalent
to 10000/50 = 200 operations at the rated operating current. The remaining life of the CB would
become (10000 – 200) = 9800 operations at the rated operating current after one operation at 50 kA.
Monitoring the contact erosion and interrupter wear has a direct influence on the required maintenance
frequency. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately estimate the erosion of the contacts and condition of
interrupters using cumulative summation of Iyt. The factor "y" depends on the type of circuit breaker. The
energy values were accumulated using the current value and exponent factor for CB contact opening
duration. When the next CB open operation is started, the energy is accumulated from the previous
value. The accumulated energy value can be reset to initial accumulation energy value by using the
Reset accumulating energy input, RSTIPOW. Energy accumulated in latest open operation and peak
current observed in open operation also need to be monitor which are key information of the breaker.
Routine breaker maintenance like lubricating breaker mechanism is based on the number of operations.
A suitable threshold setting helps in maintenance. This can also be used to indicate the requirement for
oil sampling for dielectric testing in case of an oil circuit breaker.
By monitoring the activity of the number of operations, it is possible to calculate the number of days the
breaker has been inactive. Long periods of inactivity degrade the reliability for the protection system.
Coil open indicates that opening coil is being operated through manual open command and the
command from protection function.
Indicates the Operation time of the physical device since start of the operation (last power-up).
Monitoring Mechanical Health indicates health status of breaker all the time.
SSCBR get the information about if it is one breaker mechanism for all poles, or if two or three single
pole breakers are used through the input XIN3PH. If it is connected to S3XCBR, single phase operating
mechanisms are used. If it is connected to SXCBR the mechanism is assumed to be for all three
The parameters for the condition monitoring of circuit breaker SSCBR are set using the WebUI or
through the dedicated software tool in Protection and Control Manager (PCM600).
Common base IED values for primary current (IBase), primary voltage (UBase) and primary power (SBase)
are set in Global base values for settings function GBASVAL.
GlobalBaseSel: To select the base value (IBase) for the phase current from the GBSVAL function.
• If this parameter is set to ‘Position’, Position input and correction factors are used to calculate travel
• If this parameter is set to ‘Wiper Contact', Wiper Contact is used to calculate travel time.
CurrExponent : Set the current exponent value used for energy calculation.
AlmAccCurrPwr : Set alarm level for accumulated I^CurrExponent integrated over CB open operating
WrnAccCurrPwr : Set warning level for accumulated I^CurrExponent integrated over CB open operating
ContTrCorr : Set correction for time difference in auxiliary and main contacts open time.
AccStopCurr : Set minimum RMS current level below which energy accumulation stops.
tConfirmDelay : Time delay between change of status of trip/exec open and start of main contact
separation and wiper
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Circuit breaker operating CBSOPM - -
mechanism supervision
Circuit breakers require an operating mechanism to perform the open and close operation. To perform
the operation, it needs energy which is stored in the operating mechanism. The mechanism can be
mechanical or a combination of mechanical and power. Examples for energy storage medias are
springs and compressed gas. To operate the switch, the energy is transferred by a mechanical linkage
connected to the storage device spring or hydraulic spring. A charger motor compensates the energy
losses due to leakages or recharges the storage (hydraulic spring) after a switch operation. Springs
provide the necessary force to the open or close operation of a circuit breaker. Spring charging is to
expand or compress the spring by a motor to get the necessary force.
Another example is motor drive operated circuit breaker. It uses motor for rotating the shaft to which
the moving contacts are connected. The mechanical actuation energy is transmitted from the motor to
the actuation shaft by a spindle gear. Operating mechanism will shut down automatically when the end
position is reached.
While designing the operating mechanism, it is ensured that the circuit breaker can perform an opening
operation in an emergency. Furthermore, depending on the energy required to operate, the circuit
breaker may be equipped with one operating mechanism per phase or one mechanism for all three
phases. For single-pole operation (single-phase operation), each phases of the circuit breaker is
operated by its own operating mechanism, which in turn makes the single-phase and three-phase
auto-reclosing possible. For three-pole operation (ganged operation), all three poles are operated by
a common operating mechanism. The three poles are mechanically linked together for three-phase
Supervision of a circuit breaker operating mechanism (CBSOPM) function is used to assess the
condition of the operating mechanism of a circuit breaker and to indicate any possible malfunction.
Binary information based on the motor running status is used as an input signal to the function.
Alarms are initiated if the measured values exceed the set threshold values.
The CBSOPM function monitors if the circuit breaker is ready for next breaker operation based on the
input signal status of fully charged spring or alarm signal from the physical equipment. The CBSOPM
function also indicates the health of various system parts in the drive, such as heater and hydraulic
system, through dedicated alarms.
The parameters for supervision of a circuit breaker operating mechanism (CBSOPM) function can be set
via Protection and Control Manager PCM600.
Operation: To disable/enable the supervision operation of a circuit breaker operating mechanism, that is,
MotStrNum: To set the alarm level for the number of motor starts since the last reset for all phases.
MotStrNum24h: To set the alarm level for the number of motor starts during the last 24 hours for all
MotStrNum24hUnf: To set the alarm level for the number of unforced motor starts during the last 24
hours for all phases.
TimeWindOps: To set the time window for the motor operation to define the forced motor start after each
CB operation for all phases.
InitMotStrNumL1: To set the initial number of motor starts after reset for phase L1.
InitMotStrNumL2: To set the initial number of motor starts after reset for phase L2.
InitMotStrNumL3: To set the initial number of motor starts after reset for phase L3.
InitMotRTmL1: To set the initial motor run time after reset in hours for phase L1.
InitMotRTmL2: To set the initial motor run time after reset in hours for phase L2.
InitMotRTmL3: To set the initial motor run time after reset in hours for phase L3.
MotWrnTms: To set the warning level for operation time of motor in seconds for charging the mechanism
for all phases.
MotAlmTms: To set the alarm level for operation time of motor in seconds for charging the mechanism
for all phases.
Let us consider a live tank circuit breaker with a separate drive for each pole (single pole operation).
The closing spring in the operating mechanism generates the required driving force to close the circuit
breaker and charge the opening spring. The mechanical energy required for the opening operation is
always stored in the opening spring when the circuit breaker is in the closed position. While performing
closing operation, the circuit breaker is always prepared to make immediate opening operation.
Every closing operation is succeeded by charging the closing spring with the start of a charging motor,
so that it will be ready for the next closing operation. To perform full auto-reclosure sequence (O - t - CO
- t’ – CO), the closing spring needs to be charged after the first CO operation of the previously described
operating sequence. The t’ time depends on the motor charging time and the time required for thermal
stability inside the interrupter chamber. Assuming that the charging time of a motor as 10 seconds and
the time t’ as more than 20 seconds, the parameters for CBSOPM function can be set as shown in the
Table 24.
For this drive, it is assumed that 20 close operations (motor starts) are allowed per day and alarm limit is
set accordingly. Referring to the TimeWindOps setting, it is expected that the motor to charge the closing
spring will start within 5 seconds of the finishing of previous closing operation. In the spring-spring
operating mechanism, it is not expected that the charging motor will start without any closing operation
executed. Therefore, the unforced motor start is not possible for this type of drive and setting of this
parameter is 1.
The connection diagram between SXCBR, S3XCBR and CBSOPM for phase-wise operation is shown
in Figure 48 and the connection diagram between SXCBR and CBSOPM for three phase or ganged
operation is shown in Figure 49.
GUID-437C759A-A68A-4DC5-9833-FC3BCF09CDF2 V1 EN-US
GUID-46BD122A-5F3D-4611-BBE0-4D76B45F2DAA V1 EN-US
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Circuit switch operating SWISOPM - -
mechanism supervision
Disconnectors are widely used for isolation of the power equipment and circuit breakers during
maintenance requirements for them. They are occasionally used for switching very small currents,
for example, during bus transfer operation. Operating mechanism of the disconnector can be a hand-
operated or motorized. Motor operated disconnector uses motors for rotating the shaft to which the
moving contacts are connected. The mechanical actuation energy is transmitted from the motor to the
actuation shaft by a spindle gear. The operating mechanism will shut down automatically when the end
position is reached.
Alarms are initiated if the measured values exceed the set threshold values.
The parameters for supervision of a circuit switch (disconnector) operating mechanism (SWISOPM)
function can be set via Protection and Control Manager PCM600.
Operation: To disable/enable the operation of supervision of a circuit switch operating mechanism, that
is, Off/On.
MotStrNum: To set the alarm limit for the total number of motor starts since last reset.
MotStrNum24h: To set the alarm limit for the number of motor starts during last 24 hours.
InitMotRunTm: To set the initial motor run time after reset in hours.
MotWrnTms: To set the warning level for operation time of motor in seconds for charging the
MotAlmTms: To set the alarm level for operation time of motor in seconds for charging the mechanism.
Supervision of a circuit switch (disconnector) operating mechanism function monitors the motor running
status to assess the condition of the operating mechanism. Based on the set threshold level, total
number of motor starts, number of motor starts during last 24 hours, time interval between last two
charging operations, motor run time during last charging operation, and total motor run time since
the last reset are monitored and alarms are initiated. For monitoring the operating mechanism of a
disconnector, the parameters for SWISOPM function can be set as shown in the Table 25.
Condition based maintenance has numerous advantages over the periodic maintenance of circuit
switches or disconnectors. It helps in identifying the drive mechanism failures at an early stage.
Auxiliary contacts provide information about the mechanical operation, opening time and closing time of
a circuit switch. Detecting an excessive traveling time is essential to indicate the need for maintenance
of the circuit switch. The excessive travel time can be due to problems in the driving mechanism or
failures of the contacts.
Routine circuit switch/disconnector maintenance like lubricating the mechanism is based on the number
of operations. A suitable threshold setting helps in preventive maintenance.
It indicates the operation time of the physical device since the start of operation of circuit switch (last
Monitoring mechanical health indicates health status of breaker all the time.
The parameters for the condition monitoring of circuit switch or disconnector SSSWI are set using either
the WebUI or in Protection and Control Manager (PCM600).
tOperOpnAlm : Set alarm level for circuit switch open operating time.
tOperClsAlm : Set alarm level for circuit switch close operating time.
GUID-2A2C91C3-9099-4F32-8808-9F18FB186F6A v1
To get fast, complete and reliable information about disturbances in the primary and/or in the secondary
system it is very important to gather information on fault currents, voltages and events. It is also
important having a continuous event-logging to be able to monitor in an overview perspective.
These tasks are accomplished by the disturbance report function DRPRDRE and facilitate a better
understanding of the power system behavior and related primary and secondary equipment during and
after a disturbance. An analysis of the recorded data provides valuable information that can be used to
explain a disturbance, basis for change of IED setting plan, improve existing equipment, and so on. This
information can also be used in a longer perspective when planning for and designing new installations,
that is, a disturbance recording could be a part of Functional Analysis (FA).
Disturbance report DRPRDRE, always included in the IED, acquires sampled data of all selected analog
and binary signals connected to the function blocks that is,
Disturbance report function is a common name for several functions; Indications (IND), Event recorder
(ER), Event list (EL), Trip value recorder (TVR), and Disturbance recorder (DR).
Disturbance report function is characterized by great flexibility as far as configuration, starting conditions,
recording times, and storage capacity are concerned. Thus, disturbance report is not dependent on the
operation of protective functions, and it can record disturbances that were not discovered by protective
functions for one reason or another. Disturbance report can be used as an advanced stand-alone
disturbance recorder.
Every disturbance report recording is saved in the IED. The same applies to all events, which are
continuously saved in a ring-buffer. WebUI can be used to get information about the recordings, and the
disturbance report files may be uploaded in the PCM600 using the Disturbance handling tool, for report
reading or further analysis (using WaveWin, that can be found on the PCM600 installation CD). The user
can also upload disturbance report files using FTP or MMS (over 61850–8–1) clients.
If the IED is connected to a station bus (IEC 61850-8-1), the Disturbance recorder (DR) (record made)
information is available.
The setting parameters for the Disturbance report function DRPRDRE are set via the WebUI or
It is possible to handle up to 30 analog and 160 binary signals, either internal signals or signals coming
from external inputs. The binary signals are identical in all functions that is, Disturbance recorder (DR),
Event recorder (ER), Indication (IND), Trip value recorder (TVR), and Event list (EL) function.
User-defined names of binary and analog input signals are set using PCM600. The analog and binary
signals appear with their user-defined names. The name is used in all related functions, that is,
Disturbance recorder (DR), Event recorder (ER), Indication (IND), Trip value recorder (TVR), and Event
list (EL).
Figure 50 shows the relations between Disturbance report, included functions and function blocks. Event
list (EL), Event recorder (ER) and Indication (IND) uses information from the binary input function blocks
(BxRBDR). Trip value recorder (TVR) uses analog information from the analog input function blocks
(AxRADR). Disturbance report function acquires information from both AxRADR and BxRBDR.
Disturbance Report
Analog signals
Trip value rec
BxRBDR Disturbance
Binary signals
Event list
Event recorder
IEC22005703 V1 EN-US
For Disturbance report function there are a number of settings which also influences the sub-functions.
Three LED indications placed in the WebUI makes it possible to get quick status information about the
LED indication
Table 27: LED indication
Green LED:
Steady light In Service
Flashing light Internal failure
Dark No power supply
Yellow LED:
Steady light Triggered on binary signal N with SetLEDx = Start (or Start
and Trip)
Flashing light The IED is in test mode
Red LED:
Steady light Triggered on binary signal N with SetLEDx = Trip (or Start
and Trip)
Flashing The IED is in configuration mode
The operation of Disturbance report function DRPRDRE has to be set On or Off. If Off is selected, note
that no disturbance report is registered, and none sub-function will operate (the only general parameter
that influences Event list (EL)).
Operation = Off:
Operation = On:
• Disturbance reports are stored, disturbance data can be read from the WebUI and from a PC for
example using PCM600.
• LED information (yellow - start, red - trip) is stored.
Every recording will get a number (0 to 999) which is used as identifier (WebUI, disturbance handling
tool and IEC 61850). An alternative recording identification is date, time and sequence number. The
sequence number is automatically increased by one for each new recording. The maximum number
of recordings stored in the IED is 200. The oldest recording will be overwritten when a new recording
arrives (FIFO).
The IED flash disk should not be used to store any user files. This causes lack of space for
new disturbance recordings.
The different recording times for Disturbance report are set (the pre-fault time, post-fault time, and limit
time). These recording times affect all sub-functions more or less but not the Event list (EL) function.
Prefault recording time (PreFaultRecT) is the recording time before the starting point of the disturbance.
The setting should be at least 0.1 s to ensure enough samples for the estimation of pre-fault values in
the Trip value recorder (TVR) function.
Postfault recording time (PostFaultRecT) is the maximum recording time after the disappearance of the
trig-signal (does not influence the Trip value recorder (TVR) function).
Recording time limit (TimeLimit) is the maximum recording time after trig. The parameter limits the
recording time if some trigging condition (fault-time) is very long or permanently set (does not influence
the Trip value recorder (TVR) function).
If the IED is in test mode and OpModeTest = Off. Disturbance report function does not save any
recordings and no LED information is displayed.
If the IED is in test mode and OpModeTest = On. Disturbance report function works in normal mode and
the status is indicated in the saved recording.
Disturbance report function does not automatically respond to any new trig condition during a recording,
after all signals set as trigger signals have been reset. However, under certain circumstances the fault
condition may reoccur during the post-fault recording, for instance by automatic reclosing to a still faulty
power line.
In order to capture the new disturbance it is possible to allow retriggering (PostRetrig = On) during the
post-fault time. In this case a new, complete recording will start and, during a period, run in parallel with
the initial recording.
When the retrig parameter is disabled (PostRetrig = Off), a new recording will not start until the post-fault
(PostFaultrecT or TimeLimit) period is terminated. If a new trig occurs during the post-fault period and
lasts longer than the proceeding recording a new complete recording will be started.
Up to 160 binary signals can be selected among internal logical and binary input signals. The PCM600
tool is used to configure the signals.
For each of the 160 signals, it is also possible to select if the signal is to be used as a trigger for the start
of the Disturbance report and if the trigger should be activated on positive (1) or negative (0) slope.
OperationN: Disturbance report may trig for binary input N (On) or not (Off).
TrigLevelN: Trig on positive (Trig on 1) or negative (Trig on 0) slope for binary input N.
Up to 30 analog signals can be selected from external analog input signals. PCM600 is used to
configure the signals.
The analog trigger of Disturbance report is not affected if analog input M is to be included in the
disturbance recording or not (OperationM = On/Off).
If OperationM = Off, no waveform (samples) will be recorded and reported in graph. However, Trip value,
pre-fault and fault value will be recorded and reported. The input channel can still be used to trig the
disturbance recorder.
If OperationM = On, waveform (samples) will also be recorded and reported in graph.
OverTrigOpM, UnderTrigOpM: Over or Under trig operation, Disturbance report may trig for high/low
level of analog input M (On) or not (Off).
OverTrigLeM, UnderTrigLeM: Over or under trig level, Trig high/low level relative nominal value for
analog input M in percent of nominal value.
Indications GUID-4B31D1CB-00FF-4634-ACE9-DC20E423013E v1
IndicationMaN: Indication mask for binary input N. If set (Show), a status change of that particular input,
will be fetched and shown in the disturbance summary on WebUI. If not set (Hide), status change will not
be indicated.
OperationM: Analog channel M is to be recorded by the disturbance recorder (On) or not (Off).
If OperationM = Off, no waveform (samples) will be recorded and reported in graph. However, Trip value,
pre-fault and fault value will be recorded and reported. The input channel can still be used to trig the
disturbance recorder.
If OperationM = On, waveform (samples) will also be recorded and reported in graph.
SetInfoInDrep: Parameter used to enable or disable the settings information in disturbance file.
ZeroAngleRef: The parameter defines which analog signal will be used as a phase angle reference
for all other analog input signals. This signal will also be used for frequency measurement, and the
measured frequency is used when calculating trip values. It is suggested to point out a sampled voltage
input signal, for example, a line or busbar phase voltage (channels 1–30).
The density of recording equipment in power systems is increasing, since the number of modern IEDs,
where recorders are included, is increasing. This leads to a vast number of recordings at every single
disturbance and a lot of information has to be handled if the recording functions do not have proper
settings. The goal is to optimize the settings in each IED to be able to capture just valuable disturbances
and to maximize the number that is possible to save in the IED.
The recording time should not be longer than necessary (PostFaultrecT and TimeLimit).
• Should the function record faults only for the protected object or cover more?
• How long is the longest expected fault clearing time?
• Is it necessary to include reclosure in the recording or should a persistent fault generate a second
recording (PostRetrig)?
• Binary signals: Use only relevant signals to start the recording that is, protection trip, carrier receive
and/or start signals.
• Analog signals: The level triggering should be used with great care, since unfortunate settings will
cause enormously number of recordings. If nevertheless analog input triggering is used, chose
settings by a sufficient margin from normal operation values. Phase voltages are not recommended for
• Manual trigger: A disturbance report can be manually triggered from the WebUI, PCM600 or via
station bus (IEC 61850). When the trigger is activated, the manual trigger signal is generated. This
feature is especially useful for testing. Refer to the operator's manual for procedure.
GUID-390F698D-1188-4E16-A4C7-C9DC9EE37D0A V1 EN-US
There is a risk of flash wear out if the disturbance report triggers too often.
Remember that values of parameters set elsewhere are linked to the information on a report. Such
parameters are, for example, station and object identifiers, CT and VT ratios.
8.8.2 Identification
GUID-6CBDFCF9-AD4E-4F85-9884-5D34DD5485B9 v1
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Measured value expander RANGE_XP - -
The current and voltage measurements functions (CVMMXN, CMMXU, VMMXU and VNMMXU),
current and voltage sequence measurement functions (CMSQI and VMSQI) and IEC 61850 generic
communication I/O functions (MVGAPC) are provided with measurement supervision functionality. All
measured values can be supervised with four settable limits, that is low-low limit, low limit, high limit and
high-high limit. The measure value expander block ( RANGE_XP) has been introduced to be able to
translate the integer output signal from the measuring functions to 5 binary signals, that is below low-low
limit, below low limit, normal, above high-high limit or above high limit. The output signals can be used
as conditions in the configurable logic.
There are no settable parameters for the measured value expander block function.
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Limit counter L4UFCNT -
Limit counter (L4UFCNT) is intended for applications where positive and/or negative flanks on a binary
signal need to be counted.
The limit counter provides four independent limits to be checked against the accumulated counted value.
The four limit reach indication outputs can be utilized to initiate proceeding actions. The output indicators
remain high until the reset of the function.
It is also possible to initiate the counter from a non-zero value by resetting the function to the wanted
initial value provided as a setting.
If applicable, the counter can be set to stop or rollover to zero and continue counting after reaching
the maximum count value. The steady overflow output flag indicates the next count after reaching the
maximum count value. It is also possible to set the counter to rollover and indicate the overflow as a
pulse, which lasts up to the first count after rolling over to zero. In this case, periodic pulses will be
generated at multiple overflow of the function.
The parameters for Limit counter L4UFCNT are set via the WebUI or PCM600.
Function Description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Running hour-meter TEILGAPC - -
The function is used for user-defined logics and it can also be used for different purposes internally
in the IED. An application example is to accumulate the total running/energized time of the generator,
transformer, reactor, capacitor bank or even line.
Settable time limits for warning and alarm are provided. The time limit for overflow indication is fixed to
99999.9 hours. At overflow the accumulated time resets and the accumulation starts from zero again.
The settings tAlarm and tWarning are user settable limits defined in hours. The achievable resolution of
the settings is 0.1 hours (6 minutes).
tAlarm and tWarning are independent settings, that is, there is no check if tAlarm > tWarning.
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Station battery supervision SPVNZBAT U<> -
Usually, the load on the DC system is a constant resistance load, for example, lights, LEDs, electronic
instruments and electromagnetic contactors in a steady state condition. A transient resistive or inductive
load exists when breakers are tripped or closed.
The battery voltage has to be continuously monitored as the batteries can withstand moderate
overvoltage and undervoltage only for a short period of time.
• If the battery is subjected to a prolonged or frequent overvoltage, it leads to ageing of the battery,
which may lead to early failure of the battery. Other issues may be thermal runaway, generation
of heat or increased amount of hydrogen gas and the depletion of fluid in case of valve regulated
• If the value of the charging voltage drops below the minimum recommended float voltage of the
battery, the battery does not receive sufficient charging current to offset internal losses, resulting in a
gradual loss of capacity.
• If a lead acid battery is subjected to a continuous undervoltage, heavy sulfation occurs on the plates,
which leads to the loss of the battery capacity.
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Breaker close/trip circuit TCSSCBR - -
TCSSCBR detects faults in the electrical control circuit of the circuit breaker. The function can supervise
both open and closed coil circuits. This kind of supervision is necessary to find out the vitality of the
control circuits continuously.
If TCS is required only in a closed position, the external shunt resistance can be omitted. When the
circuit breaker is in the open position, TCS sees the situation as a faulty circuit. One way to avoid TCS
operation in this situation would be to block the supervision function whenever the circuit breaker is
If the external shunt resistance is used, it has to be calculated not to interfere with the functionality
of the supervision or the trip coil. Too high a resistance causes too high a voltage drop, jeopardizing
the requirement of at least 20 V over the internal circuit, while a resistance too low can enable false
operations of the trip coil.
At lower (<48V DC) auxiliary circuit operating voltages, it is recommended to use the circuit breaker
position to block unintentional operation of TCSSCBR. The use of the position indication is described
earlier in this section.
The access points are the network adapters used to connect the device to the ethernet communication
buses (like the station bus or the process bus), where communication protocols and time
synchronization data are exchanged. The access points can be configured for single and redundant
data communication.
The physical ports allocated to access points 2–4 have to be added in the hardware tool in
PCM600 before the access points can be configured. The factory setting only includes the
physical ports allocated to the service port front/rear (access point 0) and the access point 1.
The settings for the access points are configured using the Ethernet configuration tool (ECT) in
The access point is activated if the Operation checkbox is checked for the respective access point and a
partial or common write to IED is performed.
To increase security, it is recommended to deactivate the access point when it is not in use.
Redundancy and PTP cannot be set for the service port (Access point 0) as redundant communication
and PTP are only available for the rear optical Ethernet ports.
Subnetwork shows the SCL subnetwork to which the access point is connected. This column shows
the SCL subnetworks available in the PCM600 project. SCL subnetworks can be created/deleted in the
Subnetworks tab of IEC 61850 Configuration tool in PCM600.
When saving the ECT configuration after selecting a subnetwork, ECT creates the access
point in the SCL model. Unselecting the subnetwork removes the access point from the SCL
model. This column is editable for IEC 61850 Edition 2 and Edition 2.1 IEDs and not editable
for IEC 61850 Edition 1 IEDs because in IEC 61850 Edition 1 only one access point can be
modelled in SCL.
The IP address can be set in IP address. ECT validates the value, the access points have to be on
separate subnetworks.
The subnetwork mask can be set in Subnet mask. This field will be updated to the SCL model based on
the Subnetwork selection.
To select which communication protocols can be run on the respective access points, check or uncheck
the check box for the relevant protocol. The protocols are not activated/deactivated in ECT, only filtered
for the specific access point. For information on how to activate the individual communication protocols,
see the communication protocol sections.
To increase security it is recommended to uncheck protocols that are not used on the access
The default gateway can be selected by entering the IP address in Default gateway. The default
gateway is the router that is used to communicate with the devices in the other subnetwork. By default
this is set to which means that no default gateway is selected. ECT validates the entered
value, but the default gateway has to be in the same subnetwork as the access point. The default
gateway is the router that is being used as default, that is when no route has been set up for the
destination. If communication with a device in another subnetwork is needed, a route has to be set
up. For more information on routes, see the Routes section in the SAM600-PIU Technical manual
If a service port is used to communicate with the PC point-to-point, the PC will be assigned automatically
an IP address in the same subnetwork as the IED (through Remote NDIS Compatible device Network
connection automatically created on connection to PC). See Menu /Settings /IED Configuration /
Communication /Ethernet configuration /Service port /AP_SERVICE.
9.2.1 Identification
GUID-C5AAE217-F1DB-4894-9D11-2102D369901B v1
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
IEC 62439-3 Parallel PRP - -
redundancy protocol
Access point diagnostic for RCHLCCH - -
redundant Ethernet ports
Dynamic access point diagnostic (RCHLCCH) is used to supervise and assure redundant Ethernet
communication over two channels. This will secure data transfer even though one communication
channel might not be available for some reason
Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) provides redundant communication over station bus running the
available communication protocols. The redundant communication uses two Ethernet ports.
Device 1 Device 2
PhyPortA PhyPortB PhyPortA PhyPortB
Switch A Switch B
Device 3 Device 4
GUID-73DA902B-73FA-4C04-B310-DF47DE8CFC53 V1 EN-US
Redundancy: redundant communication is activated when the parameter is set to PRP. The settings for
the next access point will be hidden and PhyPortB will show the second port information. Redundant
communication is activated after a common write to IED is done.
If the access point is not taken into operation, the write option in Ethernet Configuration Tool can be
used to activate the access point.
GUID-29695521-7C90-43E0-94D0-8240F688AADE V1 EN-US
Figure 52: ECT screen with Redundancy set to PRP on Access point 1
9.3 Routes
Setting up a route enables communication to a device that is located in another subnetwork. Routing is
used when the destination device is not in the same subnetwork as the default gateway.
The route specifies that when a package is sent to the destination device it should be sent through the
selected router. If no route is specified the source device will not find the destination device.
Operation for the route can be set to On/Off by checking and unchecking the check-box in the operation
Each IED is provided with several communication interfaces enabling it to connect to one or many
substation level systems or equipment, either on the Substation Automation (SA) bus or Process bus.
The LPHD.PhyHealth reflects the physical health of the IED. The status is set to Alarm when
there is an internal failure in the IED or Warning if any active communication link fails.
GUID-507172C8-C887-4FD6-BD73-B390FA96E1DF v1
Figure 53 shows the topology of an IEC 61850–8–1 configuration. IEC 61850–8–1 specifies only the
interface to the substation LAN. The LAN itself is left to the system integrator.
IEC09000135 V2 EN-US
Station HSI
Station Bus
Process Bus
GUID-4DD69224-71E0-4C5D-B3B3-23F8CB992742 V1 EN-US
GOOSEPortEd1: Selection of the Ethernet link where GOOSE traffic shall be sent and received. This
is only valid for Edition 1 and can be ignored if Edition 2 and 2.1 is used. For Edition 2 and 2.1, the
Ethernet link selection is done with the Ethernet Configuration Tool (ECT) in PCM600.
In addition to the data object and data attributes of the logical nodes, it is possible to send the outputs
of the function blocks using the generic communication blocks. The outputs of this function can be set in
a dataset and be sent in a GOOSE Control Block to other subscriber IEDs. There are different function
blocks for different type of sending data.
Generic communication function for Single Point indication SPGAPC, SP16GAPC GUID-DFDF1D4E-1EA2-4524-9965-F1DF07B928A5 v1
Application GUID-47BBFE10-3DD2-48A5-B6E2-C08626A0623C v1
Generic communication function for Single Point Value (SPGAPC) function is used to send one single
logical output to other systems or equipment in the substation. SP16GAPC can be used to send up to
16 single point values from the application functions running in the same cycle time. SPGAPC has one
visible input and SPGAPC16 has 16 visible inputs that should be connected in the ACT tool.
Application GUID-84676B74-1D08-4EDC-BFF3-6440D835BC53 v1
Generic communication function for measured values (MVGAPC) function is used to send the
instantaneous value of an analog signal to other systems or equipment in the substation. It can also
be used inside the same IED, to attach a RANGE aspect to an analog value and to permit measurement
supervision on that value.
The settings available for Generic communication function for Measured Value (MVGAPC) function
allows the user to choose a deadband and a zero deadband for the monitored signal. Values within the
zero deadband are considered as zero.
The high and low limit settings provides limits for the high-high-, high, normal, low and low-low ranges of
the measured value. The actual range of the measured value is shown on the range output of MVGAPC
function block. When a Measured value expander block (RANGE_XP) is connected to the range output,
the logical outputs of the RANGE_XP are changed accordingly.
The GOOSE data must be received at function blocks. There are different GOOSE receiving function
blocks depending on the type of the received data. Refer to the Engineering manual for more information
about how to configure GOOSE.
Application GUID-2AB90865-231F-4079-9494-26314CC1E4BA v1
The GOOSE receive function blocks are used to receive subscribed data from the GOOSE protocol.
The validity of the data value is exposed as outputs of the function block as well as the validity of the
communication. It is recommended to use these outputs to ensure that only valid data is handled on the
subscriber IED. An example could be to control the external reservation before operating on a bay. In the
figure below, the GOOSESPRCV is used to receive the status of the bay reservation. The validity of the
received data is used in additional logic to guarantee that the value has good quality before operation on
that bay.
IEC16000082 V2 EN-US
Figure 55: GOOSESPRCV and AND function blocks - checking the validity of the received data
GUID-FD352FFD-E3AD-4412-896B-55BF37FF770A v1
The IEC 61869-9 protocol defines the process bus communication based on sampled values (SV).
The SAM600-PIU acts as a merging unit (MU), sampling the analog data from the current and voltage
transformer modules and encoding it into SV streams in the format defined by the IEC 61869-9 protocol.
The merging units (MU) are called so because they can gather analog values from one or more
measuring transformers, sample the data and send the data over process bus to other clients (or
subscribers) in the system.
IEC 61850-8-1
IEC 61850-8-1
Other IED
Ethernet Switch
Conventional VT
GUID-5619F341-0512-4B19-9E16-1A2D73A62C74 V1 EN-US
Figure 56: An example of a station configuration with a SAM600-PIU (merging unit) publishing sampled values
Different error situations and synchronization state transitions have different consequences in the SV
data published by the IED:
• Resynchronization due to loss of synch for a long period of time (more than 30 seconds)
• After 30 seconds (holdover time), smpSynch becomes 0
• At resynchronization:
• At the most 16 seconds after resynchronization, data quality is set to invalid, failure for about 15
ms with smpSynch still being 0
• After that smpSynch becomes 1 or 2 (depending on PTP GrandMaster class) and data quality
becomes good
• Switchover between clocks with the same time (less than 4 us apart)
• Nothing is affected (seamless transition during holdover time)
• Hardware errors in analog modules (AIC4/AIV4), which are the source of the published SV data
• The faulty analog module is unable to deliver data
• The corresponding channels are filled with the value 0 and the quality is invalid, failure Setting examples for IEC 61869 and time synchronization GUID-BA6F1F44-D112-4968-9EE5-3A69E3ED5156 v1
The SAM600-PIU and the IEDs that subscribe to the IEC 61869 sampled values published by SAM600-
PIU should use the same time reference. The time source shall be either an external PTP source (for
instance, an external clock using GPS) or one of the subscriber IEDs acting as the PTP master. The
SAM600-PIU shall enable PTP in the access points through which the PTP communication to the time
source is established. The operation of those access points shall be On too.
• Operation: On
• PTP: On
PTP Domain must be set to match the PTP master domain in Settings/IED Configuration/Time
Section 11 Security
11.1 Authority status ATHSTAT SEMOD158575-1 v3
Authority status (ATHSTAT) function is an indication function block, which informs about two events
related to the IED and the user authorization:
• the fact that at least one user has tried to log on wrongly into the IED and it was blocked (the output
• the fact that at least one user is logged on (the output LOGGEDON)
The two outputs of ATHSTAT function can be used in the configuration for different indication and
alarming reasons, or can be sent to the station control for the same purpose.
Change lock function CHNGLCK is used to block further changes to the IED configuration once
the commissioning is complete. The purpose is to make it impossible to perform inadvertent IED
configuration and setting changes.
However, when activated, CHNGLCK will still allow the following actions that do not involve reconfiguring
of the IED:
• Monitoring
• Reading events
• Resetting events
• Reading disturbance data
• Clear disturbances
• Reset LEDs
• Reset counters and other runtime component states
• Control operations
The binary input controlling the function is defined in ACT or SMT. The CHNGLCK function is configured
using ACT.
LOCK Binary input signal that will activate/deactivate the function, defined in ACT or SMT.
Turning off the change-lock will override the change lock function until the next reboot of the IED. In
this case, the change lock function cannot be activated, and the override output will indicate that the
change-lock is overridden.
GUID-255F910A-1EE4-434D-8A71-7F6F357AD787 v1
When CHNGLCK has a logical one on its input, then all attempts to modify the IED
configuration and settings will be denied and the message "Error: Changes blocked" will
be displayed on the WebUI; in PCM600, the message will be "Operation denied by active
ChangeLock". The CHNGLCK function should be configured so that it is controlled by a
signal from a binary input card. This guarantees that by setting that signal to a logical
zero, CHNGLCK is deactivated. If any logic is included in the signal path to the CHNGLCK
input, that logic must be designed so that it cannot permanently issue a logical one to the
CHNGLCK input. If such a situation would occur in spite of these precautions, then please
contact the local Hitachi Energy representative for remedial action.
The denial of service functionality is designed to limit the CPU load that can be produced by Ethernet
network traffic on the IED. The communication facilities must not be allowed to compromise the
primary functionality of the device. All inbound network traffic will be quota controlled so that too heavy
network loads can be controlled. Heavy network load might for instance be the result of malfunctioning
equipment connected to the network.
The functions Access point diagnostics function block measure the IED load from communication and, if
necessary, limit it for not jeopardizing the IEDs control and protection functionality due to high CPU load.
The function has the following denial of service related outputs:
• LINKSTS indicates the Ethernet link status for the rear ports (single communication)
• CHALISTS and CHBLISTS indicates the Ethernet link status for the rear ports channel A and B
(redundant communication)
• LinkStatus indicates the Ethernet link status for the front port
The function does not have any parameters available in the WebUI or PCM600.
The included self-supervision with the event list provides good supervision of the IED. The fault signals
make it easier to analyze and locate a fault.
Both hardware and software supervision are included, and it is also possible to indicate possible faults
through the connector on the power supply module and/or through the communication protocols.
Events are generated by the built-in supervisory functions. The supervisory functions supervise the
status of the various modules in the IED, and, in case of failure, a corresponding event is generated.
Similarly, when the failure is corrected, a corresponding event is generated.
Apart from the built-in supervision of the various modules, events are also generated when the status
changes for the:
The events are time-tagged with a resolution of 1 ms and stored in a list. The list can store up to 40
events. The list is based on the FIFO principle, that is, when it is full, the oldest event is overwritten. The
list contents cannot be modified, but the whole list can be cleared using the Clear menu in the WebUI.
The list of events provides valuable information that can be used during commissioning and fault tracing.
The information can, in addition to being viewed on the built-in WebUI, also be retrieved with the aid of a
PC with PCM600 installed and by using the Event Monitoring Tool. The PC can either be connected to
the front port or to the port at the back of the IED.
The IED identifiers (TERMINALID) function allows the user to identify the individual IED in the system,
not only in the substation but in a whole region or a country.
Use only characters A-Z, a-z and 0-9 in station, object and unit names.
Product identification contains unchangeable data that uniquely identifies the IED.
Product identification data is visible on the WebUI under Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/Product
GUID-2400E2AC-B5FD-4B47-9D7B-F3F98E452716 V1 EN-US
This information is very helpful when interacting with Hitachi Energy's product support (for example,
during repair and maintenance).
The factory defined settings are very useful for identifying a specific version and are very helpful in
the cases of maintenance, repair, interchanging IEDs between different Substation Automation Systems
and upgrading. The factory made settings can not be changed by the customer. They can only be
viewed. The settings are found in the WebUI under Main menu /Diagnostics /IED status /Product
• ProductType
• Describes the type of the product. Example: SAM600
• ProductVer
• Describes the product version. Example: x.y.z
x is the major version of the manufactured product. This means a new product platform.
y is the minor version of the manufactured product. This means new functions or new hardware have been added to
the product.
z is the tool version of the manufactured product. This means functions or hardware are either changed or added,
which requires the tool interface to be updated.
• ArticleNo
• Describes the article number of the manufactured product.
• ProductDef
• Describes the release number of the product from production. Example: x.y.z.t
• FirmwareVer
• Describes the application firmware version in the product. Example: x.y.z.t
• OSVer
• Describes the operating system version in the IED. Example: x.y.z
x is the major version where major changes are made in the operating system platform.
y is the minor version where new features are added in the operating system platform.
z is the bug fix version/ maintenance release version.
• SerialNo
• OrderingNo
• Describes the ordering number where the IED was included.
• ProductionDate
• Describes the date when the IED was produced.
Six sets of settings are available to optimize IED operation for different power system conditions. By
creating and switching between fine tuned setting sets, either from the WebUI or configurable binary
inputs, results in a highly adaptable IED that can cope with a variety of power system scenarios.
Different conditions in networks with different voltage levels require highly adaptable protection and
control units to best provide for dependability, security, and selectivity requirements. Protection units
operate with a higher degree of availability, especially, if the setting values of their parameters are
continuously optimized according to the conditions in the power system.
Operational departments can plan for different operating conditions in the primary equipment. The
protection engineer can prepare the necessary optimized and pre-tested settings in advance for different
protection functions. Six different groups of setting parameters are available in the IED. Any of them can
be activated through the different programmable binary inputs by means of external or internal control
A function block, SETGRPS, defines how many setting groups are used. Setting is done with parameter
MAXSETGR and shall be set to the required value for each IED. Only the number of setting groups set
will be available in the Parameter Setting tool for activation with the ActiveGroup function block.
The setting ActiveSetGrp is used to select which parameter group to be active. The active group can
also be selected with configured input to the function block SETGRPS.
The length of the pulse, sent out by the output signal SETCHGD when an active group has changed, is
set with the parameter t.
The parameter MAXSETGR defines the maximum number of setting groups in use to switch between.
Only the selected number of setting groups will be available in the Parameter Setting tool (PST) for
activation with the ActiveGroup function block.
12.5.2 Identification
GUID-FDE6FF0F-9656-499A-95C9-C28C7FD9B61A v1
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Primary system values PRIMVAL - -
The rated system frequency, phase rotation direction, and reference channel for phase angle
presentation are set under Main menu/IED Configuration/Power system/PrimaryValues in the WebUI
and PCM600 parameter setting tree.
Set the system rated frequency. Refer to Section 12.9 for a description on frequency tracking.
The angle reference can be defined with the two parameters AngleRefModule and AngleRefCh1-4 to
facilitate service values reading. This analog channel's phase angle will always be fixed at zero degrees,
and the remaining analog channel's phase angle information will be shown in relation to this analog
input. During testing and commissioning of the IED, the reference channel can be changed to facilitate
testing and service values reading.
12.6.2 Identification
GUID-7C608337-F8DE-4EF4-B242-D22FC92EF584 v1
Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device
Global base values GBASVAL - -
The Global base values function (GBASVAL) is used to provide global values common for all applicable
functions within the IED. One set of global values consists of values for current, voltage, and apparent
power, and it is possible to have twelve different sets.
This is an advantage since all applicable functions in the IED use a single source of base values. This
facilitates consistency throughout the IED and also facilitates a single point for updating values when
Each applicable function in the IED has a parameter, GlobalBaseSel, defining one out of the twelve sets
of GBASVAL functions.
UBase: Phase-to-phase voltage value to be used as a base value for applicable functions throughout the
IBase: Phase current value to be used as a base value for applicable functions throughout the IED.
SBase: Standard apparent power value to be used as a base value for applicable functions throughout
the IED, typically SBase=√3·UBase·IBase.
The Signal matrix for binary inputs function SMBI is used within the Application Configuration tool in
direct relation with the Signal Matrix tool. SMBI represents the way binary inputs are brought in for one
IED configuration.
There are no setting parameters for the Signal matrix for binary inputs SMBI available to the user in
Parameter Setting tool. However, the user shall give a name to the SMBI instance and the SMBI inputs,
directly in the Application Configuration tool. These names will define the SMBI function in the Signal
Matrix tool. The user-defined name for the input or output signal will also appear on the respective
output or input signal.
The Signal matrix for binary outputs function SMBO is used within the Application Configuration tool in
direct relation with the Signal Matrix tool. SMBO represents the way binary outputs are sent from one
IED configuration.
There are no setting parameters for the Signal matrix for binary outputs SMBO available to the user in
Parameter Setting tool. However, the user must give a name to the SMBO instance and SMBO outputs,
directly in the Application Configuration tool. These names will define the SMBO function in the Signal
Matrix tool.
Signal matrix for analog inputs (SMAI), also known as the preprocessor function block, analyses
the connected four analog signals (three phases and neutral) and calculates all relevant information
from them like the phasor magnitude, phase angle, frequency, true RMS value, harmonics, sequence
components, and so on. This information is then used by the respective functions connected to this
SMAI block in ACT (for example, protection, measurement, or monitoring functions).
The SMAI function includes a functionality based on the level of positive sequence voltage,
MinValFreqMeas, to validate if the frequency measurement is valid or not. If the positive sequence
voltage is lower than MinValFreqMeas, the function freezes the frequency output value for 500 ms, and
after that, the frequency output is set to the nominal value. A signal is available for the SMAI function to
prevent operation due to non-valid frequency values. MinValFreqMeas is set as % of UBase.
If SMAI setting ConnectionType is Ph-Ph, at least two of the inputs GRPxL1, GRPxL2 and GRPxL3,
where 1≤x≤12, must be connected in order to calculate the positive sequence voltage. Note that phase
to phase inputs shall always be connected as follows: L1-L2 to GRPxL1, L2-L3 to GRPxL2, L3-L1 to
GRPxL3. If SMAI setting ConnectionType is Ph-N, all three inputs GRPxL1, GRPxL2 and GRPxL3 must
be connected in order to calculate the positive sequence voltage.
If only one phase-phase voltage is available and the SMAI setting ConnectionType is Ph-Ph, the user
is advised to connect two (not three) of the inputs GRPxL1, GRPxL2 and GRPxL3 to the same voltage
input as shown in Figure 58 to make SMAI calculate a positive sequence voltage.
GUID-B28D17A0-457D-47E4-AB6B-5E873A31CF1F V1 EN-US
In some configurations SMAI may produce incorrectly calculated phase-earth values, when this is the
case, a hint will be available in WebUI with text as below.
Calculated phase-earth values are used from one or more SMAIs configured for phase-phase inputs,
without connection to N input.
However, this configuration, combined with unbalanced three-phase input, results in incorrect calculated
phase-earth values.
This in turn may result in maloperation of functions connected to SMAIs configured in this way, if the
function uses phase-earth based values.
Further, if SUM3PH is connected to such a SMAI, then its output values will be incorrect, and the
connected functions may maloperate.
The parameters for the signal matrix for analog inputs (SMAI) functions are set via the WebUI or
Every SMAI function block can receive four analog signals (three phases and one neutral value), either
voltage or current. SMAI outputs give information about every aspect of the three-phase analog signals
acquired (phase angle, RMS value, frequency and frequency derivates, and so on – 244 values in total).
Besides the block “group name”, the analog inputs type (voltage or current) and the analog input names
can be set directly in ACT.
Application functions should be connected to a SMAI block with same task cycle as the application
function, except for example measurement functions that run in slow cycle tasks.
These DFT reference block settings decide DFT reference for DFT calculations. The setting
InternalDFTRef will use fixed DFT reference based on set system frequency. DFTRefGrp(n) will use
DFT reference from the selected group block, when own group is selected, an adaptive DFT reference
will be used based on calculated signal frequency from own group. The setting ExternalDFTRef will use
reference based on what is connected to input DFTSPFC.
The setting ConnectionType: Connection type for that specific instance (n) of the SMAI (if it is Ph-N
or Ph-Ph). Depending on connection type setting the not connected Ph-N or Ph-Ph outputs will be
calculated as long as they are possible to calculate. E.g. at Ph-Ph connection L1, L2 and L3 will be
calculated for use in symmetrical situations. If N component should be used respectively the phase
component during faults IN/UN must be connected to input 4.
Negation: If the user wants to negate the three-phase signal, it is possible to choose to negate only
the phase signals Negate3Ph, only the neutral signal NegateN or both Negate3Ph+N. negation means
rotation with 180° of the vectors.
GlobalBaseSel: Selects the global base value group used by the function to define (IBase), (UBase) and
MinValFreqMeas: The minimum value of the voltage for which the frequency is calculated, expressed as
percent of UBase (for each instance n).
Using the current channel values as base for frequency measurement is not
recommendable for a number of reasons, not last among them being the low level of
currents that one can have in normal operating conditions.
The examples shows a situation with adaptive frequency tracking with one reference selected for all
instances. In practice each instance can be adapted to the needs of the actual application. The adaptive
frequency tracking is needed in IEDs that belong to the protection system of synchronous machines
and that are active during run-up and shout-down of the machine. Also, adaptive frequency tracking is
needed in PMU application to be compliant to PMU standards. In other application the usual setting of
the parameter DFTReference of SMAI is InternalDFTRef.
Example 1
Assume instance SMAI7 in task time group 1 has been selected in the configuration to control the
frequency tracking . Observe that the selected reference instance (i.e. frequency tracking master) must
be a voltage type. Observe that positive sequence voltage is used for the frequency tracking feature.
For task time group 1 this gives the following settings (see Figure 59 for numbering):
DFTReference = DFTRefGrp7 for SMAI1 to use SMAI7 as reference, SMAI2 - SMAI12: DFTReference =
DFTRefGrp7 for SMAI2 - SMAI12 to use SMAI7 as reference.
The protection and control IEDs may have a complex configuration with many included functions. To
make the testing procedure easier, the IEDs include the feature that allows individual blocking of a
single-, several-, or all functions.
This means that it is possible to see when a function is activated or trips. It also enables the user to
follow the operation of several related functions to check correct functionality and to check parts of the
configuration, and to check parts.
The function block TESTMODE has implemented the extended testing mode capabilities for IEC
61850 Edition 2 systems. Operator commands sent to the function block TESTMODE determine the
behavior of the functions. The command can be given remotely from an IEC 61850 client or from
the WebUI under the Main menu/Test/Function Status/Communication/Station Communication/
IEC61850 LD0 LLN0/LDLLN0:1. The possible values of the function block TESTMODE are described in
Communication protocol manual, IEC 61850 Edition 1 and Edition 2.
To be able to set the function block TESTMODE remotely, the setting via path on
WebUI and in PST: Settings/IED Configuration/Communication/Station Communication/
IEC61850-8-1/IEC61850-8-1:1 RemoteModControl may not be set to Off. The possible
values of the parameter RemoteModControl are Off, Maintenance or All levels. The Off value
denies all access to function block TESTMODE from remote, Maintenance requires that the
category of the originator (orCat) is Maintenance and All levels allow any orCat.
The DataObject Mod of the Root LD.LNN0 can be set on the WebUI under Main menu/Test/
Function Status/Communication/Station Communication/IEC61850 LD0 LLN0/LDLLN0:1 to On,
Off, TestBlocked,Test or Blocked.
When the setting of the DataObject Mod is changed at this level, all Logical Nodes inside the logical
device update their own behavior according to IEC 61850-7-4. The supported values of the function
block TESTMODE are described in Communication protocol manual, IEC 61850 Edition 2. When the
function block TESTMODE is in test mode the Start LED on the WebUI is turned on with steady light.
The parameter Mod of any specific function block can be configured under Main menu/Test/Function
Status/Function group/Function block descriptive name.
The parameter Mod can be set on the WebUI to the same values as for the DataObject Mod of the Root
LD.LNN0 to On, Off, TestBlocked,Test or Blocked.
It is possible that the behavior of the function block TESTMODE is also influenced by other sources
as well, independent of the mode communicated via the IEC 61850-8-1 station bus. For example the
insertion of the test handle into the test switch with its auxiliary contact is connected to a BI on the IED
and further inside the configuration to the input IED_TEST on the function block TESTMODE. Another
example is when loss of Service Values appears, or as explained above the setting via the WebUI.
When setting via PST or WebUI the parameter Operation of any function in an IED is set to Off, the
function is not executed and the behavior (beh) is set to Off and it is not possible to override it. When a
behavior of a function is Off the function will not execute. The related Mod keeps its current state.
When IEC 61850 Mod of a function is set to Off or Blocked, the Start LED on the WebUI will
be set to flashing to indicate the abnormal operation of the IED.
The IEC 61850-7-4 gives a detailed overview over all aspects of the test mode and other states of
mode and behavior. The status of a function block behavior Beh is shown on the WebUI under the Main
menu/Test/Function Status/Function group/Function block descriptive name/LN name/Outputs.
• When the Beh of a function block is set to Test, the function block is not blocked and all control
commands with a test bit are accepted.
• When the Beh of a function block is set to Test/blocked, all control commands with a test bit are
accepted. Outputs to the process via a non-IEC 61850 link data are blocked by the function block.
Only process-related outputs on function blocks related to primary equipment are blocked. If there is
an XCBR function block used, the outputs EXC_OP and EXC_CL are blocked.
• When the Beh of a function block is set to Blocked, all control commands with a test bit are accepted.
Outputs to the process via a non-IEC 61850 link data are blocked by the function block. In addition,
the function block can be blocked when their Beh is blocked. This can be done if the function block
has a block input.
The block status of a component is shown on the WebUI as the Blk output under the same path as for
Beh:Main menu/Test/Function Status/Function group/Function block descriptive name/LN name/
Outputs. If the Blk output is not shown, the component cannot be blocked.
Remember always that there are two possible ways to place the IED in the TestMode= On state. If, the
IED is set to normal operation (TestMode = Off), but the functions are still shown being in the test mode,
the input signal IED_TEST on the TESTMODE function block is activated in the configuration.
Forcing of binary input and output signals is only possible when the IED is in IED test mode.
The Time synchronization function is used to provide means for synchronized sampling in a digital
substation. The time synchronization also makes it possible to compare events and disturbance data
between all IEDs within a substation and in between sub-stations.
Time-tagging of internal events and disturbances are an excellent help when evaluating faults. Without
time-synchronization, only events within one IED can be compared with each other, With time
synchronization, events and disturbances within the whole network can be compared and evaluated.
In digital substations where merging units are used in combination with IEC 61850-9-2LE or IEC
61869-9, synchronization via PTPv2, IEC61850-9-3 is required.
The time is set with years, month, day, hour, minute, and second.
SNTP provides a ping-pong method of synchronization. A message is sent from an IED to an SNTP
server, and the SNTP server returns the message after filling in a reception time and a transmission
time. SNTP operates via the normal Ethernet network that connects IEDs together in an IEC 61850
network. For SNTP to operate properly, there must be an SNTP server present, preferably in the same
station. The SNTP synchronization provides an accuracy that gives +/- 1 ms accuracy for binary input
PTP according to IEEE 1588-2008 and specifically its profile IEC/IEEE 61850-9-3 for power utility
automation is a synchronization method that differs from SNTP, for instance, by providing much better
accuracy and by being not predefined. By not predefined is meant that it is not mandatory to have a
predefined synchronization tree, as the master (Grand Master) may shift.
Consider instead PTP as a synchronization grouping, i.e. all devices connected to the PTP group will
be synchronized to the same source or, if there is no external source the group will at least maintain a
common time. The group is synchronized by connecting one or more “Grand Master” clocks to it. The
clocks can be part of the devices in the group or be specialized synchronization devices, as for instance
a GPS clock or similar. If several synchronization devices are connected to the group, the “Best Master
Algorithm” in the PTP protocol will assure that only one is the “Grand Master”.
In a network there may be variety of possible masters that are connected where the masters by
selection, using the priority of PTP (also called the Best Master Algorithm, or BMC) to determine which
of them that is the best master.
• GM class given from the type of device, for instance “6” for a GPS clock, “7” for a GPS clock that has
lost synch during a hold-over time, “187” for a clock that can also be a slave.
• GM Accuracy how accurate the time is as a enumerated value.
• Offset Scaled Variance.
• Identity, that is the MAC-address of the port. MAC address of the access points can be seen in WebUI
under the settings of each access point.
PTP is set via a parameter of each Access Point. If any access point is configured for PTP, SNTP is not
The product SAM600-PIU cannot become a PTP master (that is, it is fixed as “Slave Only”) and prevents
it from selecting to become the best master.
Section 13 Requirements
13.1 SNTP server requirements GUID-0B4840AF-279C-4908-A338-5F9121F35052 v1
The SNTP server to be used is connected to the local network and is not more than 4-5 switches
or routers away from the IED. The SNTP server is dedicated to its task, or at least equipped with a
real-time operating system; that is, it is not a PC with SNTP server software. The SNTP server should
be stable, that is, either synchronized from a stable source like GPS, or local without synchronization.
Using a local SNTP server without synchronization as a primary or secondary server in a redundant
configuration is not recommended.
For PTP to perform properly, the Ethernet equipment that is used needs to be compliant with IEC/IEEE
61850-9-3. The clocks used must follow the IEC/IEEE 61850-9-3 standard BMC (Best Master Algorithm)
and shall, for instance, not claim class 7 for a longer time than it can guarantee 1us absolute accuracy.
The merging units that supply the IED with measured values via the process bus must fulfill the IEC
61850-9-2 standard according to the communication profiles in IEC 61869-9.
The 9-2 part of the IEC 61850 is specifying “Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) – Sampled
values over ISO/IEC 8802”, in other words – sampled data over Ethernet. The 9-2 part of the IEC
61850 protocol uses also definitions from 7-2, “Basic communication structure for substation and feeder
equipment – Abstract communication service interface (ACSI)”. The set of functionality implemented in
the IED (IEC 61869) is a subset of the IEC 61850-9-2. For example the IED covers the client part of the
standard, not the server part.
The standard does not define the sample rate for data, but in the IEC 61869-9 standard, several profiles
are defined.
The SAM600-PIU supports the publishing of three different IEC 61869-9 profiles:
• 4000 Hz sampling rate with a 4000 Hz report rate, according to the legacy profile for 9-2LE 50 Hz
• 4800 Hz sampling rate with a 4800 Hz report rate, according to the legacy profile for 9-2LE 60 Hz
• 4800 Hz sampling rate with a 2400 Hz report rate, according to the preferred protection profile for 50
Hz and 60 Hz systems
AC Alternating current
ACSI Abstract communication service interface
ACT Application configuration tool within PCM600
ANSI American National Standards Institute
BI Binary input
BMC Best Master Algorithm
CB Circuit breaker
CC Control Centre
CO cycle Close-open cycle
CPU Central processing unit
CT Current transformer
DC Direct current
DFT Discrete Fourier transform
DR Disturbance recorder
DST Day Light saving time
ECT Ethernet configuration tool
EL Event list
ER Event recorder
ESD Electrostatic discharge
FA Functional Analysis
FAT/SAT Factory acceptance test/Site acceptance test
FIFO First in first out
FTP File transfer protocol
GM Grand Master
GOOSE Generic object-oriented substation event
GPS Global positioning system
IEC International Electrical Committee
IEC 61850 Substation automation communication standard
IED Intelligent electronic device
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE 61850 Substation automation communication standard
IND Indications
INP Input
LAN Local area network
LED Light-emitting diode
LHMI Local human machine interface
LV Low voltage
MCB Miniature Circuit Breaker