DSMR v4.2.3 Final Main

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Main Document

Dutch Smart Meter Requirements

Date: February 13th, 2019

Version: 4.2.3
Status: Final

File name: 20190213 Dutch Smart Meter Requirements v4.2.3 Final Main.docx Date: 23-02-2019
Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 1 of 140

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 5
1.1 The Dutch standard for smart metering (NTA 8130) .................................................. 5
1.2 Short description of the metering installation ............................................................. 5
1.3 Business Use cases .................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Installation and Maintenance functionality ................................................................. 6
1.4.1 Installation and Deployment ...................................................................................... 6
1.4.2 Maintenance ............................................................................................................. 7
1.5 Presentation of processes ......................................................................................... 7
1.6 Presentation of requirements .................................................................................... 7
1.7 Explanation of sequence diagrams ........................................................................... 8
1.8 General remarks ....................................................................................................... 9
1.8.1 Use cases for thermal, water and electricity sub-meters ........................................... 9
1.8.2 Dependency of use cases on medium....................................................................... 9
1.8.3 Modularity of the E meter .......................................................................................... 9
1.8.4 Referenced documents ........................................................................................... 10
1.9 Document list .......................................................................................................... 10

2 Definitions and Abbreviations .................................................................................. 11

2.1 General definitions .................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Parties involved ....................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Meter readings ........................................................................................................ 12
2.3.1 Meter reading electricity (E) .................................................................................... 12
2.3.2 Meter reading gas (G) ............................................................................................. 12
2.4 Equipment ............................................................................................................... 13
2.5 Equipment state ...................................................................................................... 14
2.5.1 Measuring equipment state ..................................................................................... 14
2.6 Auxiliary reference information ................................................................................ 17
2.7 Relation between the various time parameters........................................................ 18

3 General requirements ............................................................................................. 21

3.1 Measuring equipment.............................................................................................. 21
3.2 E meter ................................................................................................................... 26
3.3 G meter ................................................................................................................... 34
3.4 Communication channels ........................................................................................ 41
3.5 Event logging and error reporting ............................................................................ 42
3.5.1 Logging ................................................................................................................... 42
3.5.2 Errors ...................................................................................................................... 42
3.5.3 Error reporting ......................................................................................................... 43
3.5.4 Software errors ....................................................................................................... 44

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 2 of 140
4 Access and security ................................................................................................ 45
4.1 Threats and critical actions...................................................................................... 45
4.2 Assumptions ........................................................................................................... 45
4.3 Access, Use Control and Authenticity...................................................................... 46
4.4 Data Integrity........................................................................................................... 51
4.5 Data Confidentiality ................................................................................................. 52

5 Requirements derived from NTA 8130 and AMvB ................................................... 54

5.1 Use case 1: Provide periodic meter reads ............................................................... 54
5.1.1 Requirements for electricity ..................................................................................... 55
5.1.2 Requirements for gas .............................................................................................. 56
5.1.3 Error reporting ......................................................................................................... 58
5.1.4 Performance ........................................................................................................... 58
5.2 Use case 2: Provide actual meter reads through P3................................................ 59
5.2.1 Requirements for electricity and gas ....................................................................... 60
5.2.2 Error reporting ......................................................................................................... 61
5.2.3 Performance ........................................................................................................... 61
5.3 Use case 3: Provide actual meter reads through P1................................................ 62
5.3.1 Requirements for electricity and gas ....................................................................... 63
5.3.2 Performance ........................................................................................................... 64
5.4 Use case 4: Provide interval values ........................................................................ 65
5.4.1 Requirements for electricity ..................................................................................... 66
5.4.2 Requirements for gas .............................................................................................. 68
5.4.3 Error reporting ......................................................................................................... 68
5.4.4 Performance ........................................................................................................... 68
5.5 Use case 5: Provide equipment status to P1 ........................................................... 69
5.5.1 Requirements for electricity and gas ....................................................................... 70
5.5.2 Performance ........................................................................................................... 70
5.6 Use case 6: Provide power quality information ........................................................ 71
5.6.1 Power quality .......................................................................................................... 72
5.6.2 Performance ........................................................................................................... 73
5.7 Use case 7: Sending power quality information to P1 .............................................. 74
5.7.1 Requirements for electricity ..................................................................................... 75
5.7.2 Performance ........................................................................................................... 75
5.8 Use case 8: Provide outage information .................................................................. 76
5.8.1 Outage information.................................................................................................. 77
5.8.2 Performance ........................................................................................................... 78
5.9 Use case 9: Provide tamper history (tamper detection) ........................................... 78
5.9.1 Tamper detection .................................................................................................... 80
5.9.2 Tamper history ........................................................................................................ 80

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 3 of 140
5.9.3 Performance ........................................................................................................... 81
5.10 Use case 10: Display standard messages on meter display and P1 ........................ 82
5.10.1 Display standard messages .................................................................................... 83
5.10.2 Performance ........................................................................................................... 84
5.11 Use case 11: Sending long messages to port P1 .................................................... 85
5.11.1 Long messages....................................................................................................... 86
5.11.2 Error reporting ......................................................................................................... 86
5.11.3 Performance ........................................................................................................... 87
5.12 Use case 12: Shift tariff times electricity .................................................................. 88
5.12.1 Set tariff times ......................................................................................................... 89
5.12.2 Logging and events ................................................................................................. 89
5.13 Use case 13: Synchronise time E meter.................................................................. 90
5.13.1 Synchronise time .................................................................................................... 91
5.13.2 Performance ........................................................................................................... 92
5.14 Use case 14: Synchronise time G meter ................................................................. 93
5.14.1 Synchronise time .................................................................................................... 94
5.14.2 Error reporting ......................................................................................................... 95
5.15 Use case 15: Provide communication information ................................................... 96
5.15.1 Communication session information ........................................................................ 98
5.16 Use case 16: Provide partial power outage information ......................................... 101

6 Business use cases for installation and maintenance............................................ 104

6.1 Measuring equipment use cases ........................................................................... 104
6.1.1 Use case: Receive equipment ............................................................................... 104
6.1.2 Use case: Firmware upgrade ................................................................................ 107
6.1.3 Use case: Planned on-site maintenance ............................................................... 113
6.1.4 Use case: Adjust equipment before installation ..................................................... 116
6.1.5 Use case: Install Measuring equipment ................................................................. 121
6.1.6 Use case: Un-install Measuring equipment ........................................................... 126
6.1.7 Use case: Retrieve Measuring equipment state .................................................... 129
6.1.8 Use case: Perform self-check Measuring equipment............................................. 133
6.1.9 Use case: Unplanned on-site maintenance ........................................................... 138

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 4 of 140

1.1 The Dutch standard for smart metering (NTA 8130)

The Ministry of Economic Affairs has at first commissioned the Netherlands Normalization Insti-
tute, NEN, to formulate and describe a standardized minimum set of basic functions for remotely
readable metering for electricity, slave E meters, gas, thermal energy (heat) and water for do-
mestic consumers (in this document we use the expression domestic consumers although small
scale consumers might be more appropriate). Under the auspices of the NTA 8130 project
group, set up for this purpose by NEN, work has been performed on the drafting of require-
ments that ‘smart metering systems’ must satisfy. During the formulation process, the formal
field of view of mandatory functions has been reduced to electricity and gas. For water and
thermal energy, recommendations are given in an appendix. This process has been finalized in
April 2007, as its result, a so-called National Technical Agreement called “Minimum set of func-
tions for metering of electricity, gas and thermal energy for domestic customers” has been
brought out. The reference number of this Netherlands Technical Agreement is NTA 8130.

In March 2011 the ministry of EL&I has issued the Algemene maatregel van Bestuur “Besluit op
afstand uitleesbare meet- inrichtingen” (AMvB) as an amendment to the Dutch E and G acts.
Where the NTA8130 and the AMvB are in conflict, the AMvB takes precedence.

The document “Dutch Smart Meter Requirements” is an elaboration of the NTA8130 and the
AMvB, commissioned by the Dutch grid companies, and aimed at meter interoperability. Also
requirements have been added, mainly with respect to installation & maintenance, privacy &
security, and performance.

1.2 Short description of the metering installation

Services Provider


P1 Metering P3 P4
system Supplier
Services CS

E P2

Grid operator
G W/T Slave

Figure 1-1 – Communication ports, part of the metering installation

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 5 of 140
As well as the displays on various parts of equipment, the metering installation has the following
communication ports:

 Port P0 for communication with external devices (e.g. hand-held terminal) during installa-
tion and on-site maintenance of the metering installation. The P0 port is only present on the
E meter.
 Port P1 for the communication between the metering installation and auxiliary equipment (a
maximum of 5 appliances can be connected). P1 is a read-only interface, i.e. it cannot be
used for sending data to the metering system. The specification of P1 is included in the rel-
evant companion standard.
 Port P2 for the communication between the metering system and one to four metering in-
struments and/or grid operator equipments. The specification of P2 is included in the rele-
vant companion standard.
 Port P3 for the communication between the metering installation and the Central System
 Port P4 for the communication between the CS and independent service providers, suppli-
ers and grid companies. Note that P4 is outside the scope of this document.

1.3 Business Use cases

The structure of the document is largely based on the business use cases that the smart meter
product will support. These use cases are used as the framework in which the detailed require-
ments are placed. Regarding these business use cases, largely two main parts can be distin-
 Use cases based on operational requirements derived from the NTA 8130 and Novelle;
 Use cases with respect to the topics Installation and Maintenance (I&M).

This document provides the requirements for metering equipment (henceforth the term ‘Measur-
ing equipment’ will be used) with respect to installation and maintenance processes.

1.4 Installation and Maintenance functionality

The base set of functionalities for the equipment is described in NTA 8130. As the functionalities
with respect to installation and maintenance (I&M) in that document are incomplete, this docu-
ment provides the complete set of requirements for I&M. The scope for the requirements in this
document has been defined in the project initiation document as described below.

1.4.1 Installation and Deployment

Requirements for installation are focussed on facilitating a fast, safe and flawless installation
and deployment of equipment. Furthermore the requirements shall be specified in such a way
that personnel that performs installation, deployment and maintenance need not be highly quali-
fied. Deployment means integrating the metering device in the operational metering chain. The
requirements include physical characteristics and functionality to configure equipment.

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 6 of 140
1.4.2 Maintenance
Requirements for maintenance are focused on enabling remote maintenance. The equipment
shall facilitate remote maintenance through functionality for:
 Automatic error detection (hardware, software, metrology etc.) and reporting
 Gathering diagnostics;
 Configuration of the metering installation (as a whole and individual components);
 Gathering the state of the metering installation (parameters).
Although on-site maintenance shall be kept to a minimum, it is important that the requirements
address on-site maintenance, especially planned maintenance including replacement of com-
Chapter 6 of this document provides use cases for equipment, network and communication.
These use cases are presented in a generic form, i.e. are not focused on any specific network
or communication technology.

1.5 Presentation of processes

The metering and equipment responds to triggers. Each trigger initiates a process. The triggers
for the presented use cases originate in CS or metering installation itself, or are time-initiated
triggers. Typical examples of external events are a request for actual data, the detection of an
outage, the installation of a meter, and so on. Trigger descriptions as used in the different use
cases are presented in tabular form like in the example below.
Trigger Description
Deploy E meter On installation the E meter starts registering periodic meter readings and on
deployment these meter readings are made available to the CS.

1.6 Presentation of requirements

In this document all requirements originating from the NTA 8130, or additionally added by the
Working Group DSMR of Netbeheer Nederland, are presented in tables. Each requirement is
tightly connected to one or more business use cases presented in the document. The ultimate
goal of this procedure is to prevent ambiguity of the requirements due to a better understanding
of the requirement. The table below presents the template for a requirement; the explanation for
the attributes in the table is given in brackets.

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 7 of 140
[Unique identifier for the requirement.]
Descrip- [This is the general description of the requirement. The description itself gives a general
tion idea of what is required. Other attributes will provide the specifics for the requirement.]
Rationale [This attribute provides information on why the requirement is defined; it provides the
background for the requirement.]
Fit criteri- [This attribute provides insight on the criteria that will be used to verify if the requirement
on is met. It provides the framework for the logical test case that will be used to verify the
History [Date the Origin [Indicates Port [Port that Applicable [Indicates the
require- the origina- is being applicability
ment was tor of the addressed of the re-
accepted] require- by re- quirement,
ment, e.g. quire- e.g. E meter,
NTA 8130.] ment ] G meter etc.

Table 1-1: Presentation of requirements

The Unique identifier for the requirement is constructed as follows: [DSMR ver-

Although in the applicable field the parties are mentioned for which the requirements are appli-
cable, this does not mean that other parties should not take note of these requirements and
consider the direct or indirect consequences for their products and/or services.

The requirements description in this document is based on the business processes of the grid
operators. The processes are provided as use cases. As a result the requirements are grouped
based on functional relationships. The actual requirements are provided in a format based on
the Volere requirements template.

1.7 Explanation of sequence diagrams

CS E meter G meter

Register status G meter

Provide G status

Register status E meter

Publish G and E status

Retrieve equipment status

Equipment status E and G

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 8 of 140
This document refers to sequence-diagrams according to the UML-method (Unified Modelling
Language). UML is frequently used for software and system design. This example / model de-
scribes various, so-called ‘’entities’’ as the CS (Central System), the ”E meter’’ and ”G meter’’
for the meter infrastructure.

A function-call from one to the other entity is shown as a solid line with brackets (see ‘Retrieve
equipment status()’’). The result of the function-call, a message, is shown in case this will be
handed over to another entity as a dotted line (see ‘Equipment status E and G’). These two ar-
rows show the function-call and the response.

In other cases such as ‘Register status E meter()’ a function call will be made within an entity.
The response is not transferred to another entity, so in this case the dotted line is absent.

The half arrow (see ‘Provide G status’) represents non synchronized communication. The recip-
ient has no request but receives uninvited information from another entity.

1.8 General remarks

1.8.1 Use cases for thermal, water and electricity sub-meters
In this document only the requirements and use cases for the electricity and gas equipment are
specified. The functional requirements and use cases for thermal, water and electricity sub-
meters (slave E meters) could be specified in a similar way (i.e. comparable to gas). The gen-
eral requirements (see Chapter 2) will differ for thermal and water meters, yet these are not de-
scribed in this document.

1.8.2 Dependency of use cases on medium

P2 interface
The communication on P2 will optionally be wired or RF. The meter readings will be collected
once every hour.

P3 interface
The medium for P3 will be GPRS, as described in the NTA 8130 (§ The P3 companion
standard describes the communication between a central infrastructure (CS) and the metering
system. The specific GPRS requirements are described in the separate DSMR GPRS require-
ments document.

1.8.3 Modularity of the E meter

This document presumes that the Communication module and Electricity meter are integrated.
Therefore the terms “Electricity meter” and “Electricity equipment” are interchangeable.

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 9 of 140
1.8.4 Referenced documents
This document provides the requirements for metering and for shared communication equip-
ment. The process of determining the requirements is conducted by multiple parties and disci-
plines. In order to enable maintenance on the requirements each requirement has an associat-
ed origin. The origin indicates the party or discipline that introduced or accepted the requirement
and therefore is responsible for it.
All references in this document to “NTA” or “NTA 8130” refer to: Netherlands Technical Agree-
ment, NTA 8130 (e), “Minimum set of functions for metering of electricity, gas and thermal ener-
gy for domestic customers”, Netherlands Normalization Institute (NEN), August 2007, reference
ICS 17.120.10.

The origin used for the requirements are stated in the table below:
Origin Description
EN Derived from EN 50470.
NTA Derived from the NTA 8130.
I&M Based on information from the installation and maintenance work group.
Q&P Based on information from the performance and quality work group.
TST Technical Specification Team of Netbeheer Nederland
P&S Based on the guidelines from the privacy and security work group version 1.5.
WGDSMR Working Group DSMR

Table 1-2: Origin of Requirements

1.9 Document list

Following table shows the complete set of documents that build up the Dutch Smart Meter Re-
quirements, of which this main document is a part of.
# Document Description
name postfix
[1] Main The main document of the Dutch Smart Meter Requirements, containing all
definitions and most of the use cases and requirements.
[2] P1 Companion standard P1
[3] P2 Companion standard P2
[4] P3 Companion standard P3
[5] GPRS Additional document describing the requirements for the GPRS infrastruc-
ture as part of the Dutch Smart Meter Specification.

Table 1-3: Document List

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 10 of 140

2.1 General definitions

This section provides general definitions for terms used throughout this text.
Name Description
Timestamp A timestamp is used to indicate a moment in time. In order to be useful the time stamp
shall include the date as well as the time. The time in a timestamp shall be specified
including hours, minutes and seconds. The format of a time stamp is defined as: yyyy-
mm-dd h24:min:sec. The timestamps in the E meter are always in Local Time and in-
clude Deviation to UTC. Only on P2 level the time stamp is in UTC time.
Local time This is the National Standard Time related to UTC time.
In the Netherlands during the winter this equals UTC+1 hour, in summer it equals
UTC+2 hours (Daylight Savings Time).
Batch identi- A vendor delivers goods in batches. Each batch has a unique identifier assigned by the
fier vendor. The batch identifier is part of the configuration information of equipment. This
enables a GO to determine which equipment was part of a batch.
Meter data Meter readings that can be used to determine the quantity of electricity or gas that was
consumed. Meter data thus includes daily and monthly meter readings, interval read-
ings and actual meter readings.
Legally Rel- Programs, data and type specific parameters that belong to the measuring instrument
evant or sub-assembly, and define or fulfil functions, which are subject to legal control.
Logical All functionalities belonging to each other in an object (in DLMS this is called OBIS ob-
Component jects)
Installation When in installation mode, the E meter scans for physically wired connected M-Bus
mode devices, the E meter accepts and processes installation mode requests from wireless
M-Bus devices.

Table 2-1: General Definitions

2.2 Parties involved

This section provides general definitions for involved parties, used throughout this text.
Name Description Abbr.
Consumer The consumers of electricity and/or gas where smart meters are installed. _
Grid operator The grid operator responsible for the equipment and the services deliv- GO
ered through the equipment.
Grid operator The grid operator responsible for the gas equipment and the services de- GOG
gas livered through that equipment.
Grid operator The grid operator responsible for the installation of equipment for electrici- GOE
electricity ty and gas and the services delivered through the electricity equipment.
Independent A company independent of grid operators, supply companies or metering ISP
service provider companies that provides a service to the connections in the grid using the
infrastructure provided by the grid operator and the metering company.
Supply company The company that is responsible for delivery of electricity and/or gas to the SC

Table 2-2: Parties Involved

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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2.3 Meter readings
This section provides general definitions for meter readings, used throughout this text.

2.3.1 Meter reading electricity (E)

A meter reading for E contains the register values for all tariffs in both energy directions. As E
meters support two tariffs for both energy directions, each meter reading E contains four register
values with an indication for tariff and direction associated to each register value. The meter
reading E also contains two registers for interval data (totals).
Attribute Description
Equipment iden- Identifier for the equipment that registered the meter reading, i.e. the equipment
tifier identifier for the E meter.
Time stamp Date and time of the meter reading in local time (see table 2.1).
Tariff In case of a periodic meter read or an actual meter read:
- Identifier for the tariff that the register value applies to.
In case of an interval meter read:
- Not applicable.
Energy direction The energy direction (delivery or consumption) that the register value applies to.
State Meter state (for example logging information, error reports) at the time of the meter
In case of a periodic meter read or an actual meter read:
Register value - The register value is the value of the (periodic or actual) meter reading.
In case of an interval meter read:
- The register value contains 960 values of the 15 minutes interval data.
Unit of meas- The unit of measurement that applies to the register value.

Table 2-3: Meter Readings Electricity

2.3.2 Meter reading gas (G)

Attribute Description
Equipment iden- Identifier for the equipment that registered the meter reading, i.e. the equipment
tifier identifier for the G meter.
Time stamp Date and time of the meter reading in UTC time (see table 2.1).
State Meter state (for example logging information, error reports) at the time of the meter
In case of a periodic meter read or an actual meter read:
Register value - The register value is the last available meter reading.
In case of an interval meter read:
- The register value contains 240 values of the hourly interval data.
Unit of meas- The unit of measurement that applies to the register value.
Converted Indication if the meter reading was converted for temperature (yes/no).

Table 2-4: Meter Readings Gas

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2.4 Equipment
This section provides general definitions for the equipment, used throughout this text. This doc-
ument differentiates between equipment and the place where equipment can be installed.
Throughout the document the following terminology is used for equipment:
Name Description Abbrev.
Measuring All equipment installed at the premises of the consumer for measur-
equipment ing consumption of commodities. The equipment therefore includes:
E meter, G meter and a communication module.
Metering instru- Equipment with measurement functions for electricity or gas. The
ment equipment therefore includes E meters and G meters.
Meter Residential measuring device for either electricity or gas. Meters
include E meters and G meters.
E meter Residential measuring device for registration of electricity consump-
tion and communication. The communication module is an integrat-
ed part of the E meter.
G meter Residential measuring device for registration of gas consumption.
Communication The equipment that is responsible for communication between
module Measuring equipment at a connection and other entities (i.e. central
Central System The ICT infrastructure, equipment and software used by the GO for CS
meter management, meter readings and handling requests of ISP
and SC.
Equipment iden- A global identifier for the equipment. The equipment identifier is
tifier composed of three parts: meter type, serial number and year of
manufacturing. Equipment identifiers are represented as bar codes
and also human readable codes.
Local host The equipment installed on a connection is composed of multiple
pieces of equipment. This equipment is connected through a local
network (P2). The E meter functions as a local host for this network
and is referred to as the local host in the context of its function as a
network component.
Auxiliary equip- Equipment provided by an Independent Service Provider or Supply OSM
ment Company that can be attached to the P1 port and can receive and
process the information provided on P1, e.g. an in-house Energy
Monitor. Also referenced as “Other Service Module” (OSM).
Installation mode Installation mode is the state of the E and G meter where it is possi-
ble to bind a G meter to an E meter.

Table 2-5: Equipment Terminology

This document minimizes the assumptions on the physical design of the equipment. For this
reason, NTA 8130 introduces the notion of a metering installation. This metering installation
provides a number of interfaces with other equipment. The interfaces are provided through
ports. The table below provides a description of these ports.

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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Port Origin Description
P0 I&M Port P0 for communication with external devices (e.g. hand-held terminal) during
installation and on-site maintenance of the metering installation. The P0 port is
only available on the E meter.
P1 NTA Port P1 for the communication between the metering installation and auxiliary
equipment (a maximum of 5 appliances can be connected). P1 is a read-only
interface, i.e. it cannot be used for sending data to the metering system. The
specification of P1 is included in the relevant companion standard.
P2 NTA Port P2 for the communication between the metering system and one to four
metering instruments. The specification of P2 is included in the relevant compan-
ion standard.
P3 NTA Port P3 for the communication between the metering installation and the Central
System (CS).

Table 2-6: Port Description

In NTA 8130 another port, P4, is defined as well. This port is not relevant for the equipment for
which the requirements are presented in this document as this port handles communication be-
tween the CS and external parties.

For a functional description of the ports P1 through P4 is referred to NTA 8130.

2.5 Equipment state

Throughout the text the term ‘equipment state’ is used. Each piece of equipment is considered
to have a state. The following sections present the definitions of the state of the various types of

2.5.1 Measuring equipment state

The equipment state for Measuring equipment is divided in two groups of information: opera-
tional parameters and configuration. The operational parameters are configuration items indi-
cated as changeable by the GO in tables 2-7 and 2-8 and can be explicitly changed via the cli-
ent service interface.

The configuration items indicated as “initially filled by the manufacturer” are set in the equipment
by the manufacturer on behalf of the GO. The parameters for both operational parameters and
configuration differ for E and G. The tables below provide the definition of the state for both E
and G meter.

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 14 of 140 E configuration
Name Description Initially filled by Changeable
manufacturer by GO
Equipment identi- The GO decides to use the equipment identi- Yes No
fier fier or the serial number as the value for the
equipment identifier in the E configuration.
Operational hard- The version identifier of the hardware in the Yes No
ware version meter.
Operational firm- The version identifier of the firmware that is Yes No
ware version operational in the meter.
Non-operational The version identifier for the firmware that is No No
firmware version uploaded in the meter for a future firmware
upgrade. This version of the firmware is not
operational yet.
Initial hw/sw con- Device initial hardware, software and config- Yes No
figuration version uration information
Ordering info Grid operators device ordering information Yes No
Location infor- The location information of the meter, i.e. an No Yes
mation indication of where the meter is installed.
Typical examples are GPS coordinates or zip
code and house number.
Hosted equipment List of equipment identifiers for equipment No Yes
connected to the E meter by means of P2
(M-Bus). The E meter functions as a host for
equipment connected to P2.
Date - Time Date and time of the internal clock. Yes Yes
Daylight savings Indication if the clock in the meter has ap- Yes Yes
plied daylight savings time (DST) active
Duration of voltage Definition of voltage swell in terms of dura- Yes Yes
swells tion, cf. use case “Provide power quality in-
Threshold for volt- Definition of voltage swell in terms of thresh- Yes Yes
age swells old, cf. use case “Provide power quality in-
Duration of voltage Definition of voltage sag in terms of duration, Yes Yes
sags cf. use case “Provide power quality infor-
Threshold for volt- Definition of voltage sag in terms of thresh- Yes Yes
age sags old, cf. use case “Provide power quality in-
Threshold long Definition of long power outage (upper bound Yes Yes
power outage for duration), cf. use case “Provide power
Maximum time Definition of time adjustment allowed without Yes No
adjustment generating an event, cf. use case “Synchro-
nise time E meter”.
Tariff information Time table indicating during which times of Yes Yes

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Name Description Initially filled by Changeable
manufacturer by GO
day and on what weekdays the various tariffs
Special days table List of days where the tariff deviates from Yes Yes
the standard (low instead of normal)
Alarm Filter Indicates what events will be handled as Yes Yes
Local port readout List of objects that is output to the P1 inter- Yes Yes
list face
Administrative Indicates whether the meter will be read out No Yes
in/out on P3 via P3
Connection The duration after which the P3 connection is Yes Yes
watchdog timer for reset
Discover on open Indicates whether the M-Bus discovery pro- Yes Yes
cover cess is automatically started when the cover
is opened
Discover on power Indicates whether the M-Bus discovery pro- Yes Yes
on cess is automatically started when the power
of the E meter is switched on
Dynamic M-BUS Indicates whether M-Bus devices that are Yes Yes
address installed have their address initially config-
ured as 0 or as a predefined value
Send commission- Indicates whether an alarm should be raised Yes Yes
ing notification when a new M-Bus device is discovers
Send power up Indicates whether an alarm when the device Yes Yes
notification is powered on
P0 enabled Indicates whether communication via P0 is Yes Yes
enabled or not.
HLS 3 and 4 ena- Indicates which security levels are enabled Yes Yes
bled on P3 on the P3 port
IP message con- A configurable attribute that contains con- Yes Yes
tent tents of the IP message send when a PDP
context is established.
IP message target A configurable attribute that defines the ad- Yes Yes
address dress of the receiver of the IP message,
which is send after establishing PDP context
GPRS operation Defines the GPRS operation mode: always Yes Yes
mode on, external trigger or internal trigger
PPP set up Defines username and password for GPRS Yes Yes
Master key The key used to exchange new encryption Yes No
Encryption key The key used to encrypt / decrypt messages Yes Yes

Table 2-7: E Configuration

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Name Description Initially filled by Changeable
manufacturer by GO
Equipment iden- The GO decides to use the equipment identi- Yes No
tifier fier or the serial number as the value for the
equipment identifier in the G configuration.
Operational The version identifier of the firmware that is Yes No
firmware operational in the meter.
Time Date and time of the internal clock (if present). Yes Yes
Encryption key The key used to encrypt / decrypt messages Depending on GO Yes

Table 2-8: G Configuration

2.6 Auxiliary reference information

Additionally, the following abbreviations will be used:
Abbreviation Description
DSMR Dutch Smart Meter Requirements (Main)
E Electricity
FMEA Failure Mode Effect Analysis
G Gas
PQ Power Quality

Table 2-9: Auxiliary Reference Information

Other information entities are defined as:

Name Description
The interval values (register readings) provided for E shall at least contain the
following information:
 Time stamp of the interval value;
 E status
Interval values E  Interval value specified in kWh (three decimals);
 Indication for energy direction (consumption or production).
The interval has been chosen to be 15 minutes.
In Annex A of the P3 document the minimal numbers of digits used throughout
the whole metering chain are shown.
The interval values (register readings) for G shall contain the following infor-
 Time stamp of the interval values;
 G status
Interval values G
 Interval values specified in m 3 (two or three decimals);
The interval has been chosen to be 60 minutes.
In Annex A of the P3 document the minimal numbers of digits used throughout
the whole metering chain are shown.
Power Quality information shall contain the following information:
Power Quality infor-  Number of voltage swells;
mation  Number of voltage sags;
 Identification of the period in which this information has been registered.

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See also the specifications in NEN-EN 50160:2000.
The instantaneous voltage information shall contain the following information:
Instantaneous Volt-  Instantaneous voltage specified in V (with a precision of 1 V).
age information

Average Voltage in- The average voltage information shall contain the following information:
formation  Average voltage specified in V (with a precision of 1 V).
The outage information shall contain the following information:
 The number of short power outages (<T seconds);
Outages information  For outages >T seconds:
o Time stamp of the end of the outage.
The electricity meter shall provide the outage information for each phase.

Table 2-10: Other Information Entities

2.7 Relation between the various time parameters

This section provides general definitions for time parameters, used throughout this text.

Time_zone: Attribute 3 of IC Clock in minutes. It is a constant depending on the geographic

location (eg. Amsterdam: -60 minutes) = UTC – local time in winter (DST not ac-
Deviation: Part of type “date_time” in minutes. It is dynamic and changes depending on the
time_zone and if DST is active or not. It is calculated by the CS
Local_time: Local time (current time)
DSToffset: Daylight saving time offset in minutes (“summer time” – “winter time”)
DST active: Clock status bit 7 is set to true when DST is active (summer)
UTC: Universal Time Code

The following relations apply:

Deviation = UTC - local_time
Deviation = time_zone – DSToffset (if DST is active)

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= constant
= -60 0

Day- Day-
light_savings_begin light_savings_end

Example Amsterdam July: Example Amsterdam December:

SUMMER TIME (Daylight Saving Time active) WINTER TIME (DST not active)
local time = 15:00 local time = 15:00
UTC = 13:00 UTC = 14:00
Deviation = -120 Deviation = -60
DST offset = +60 DST offset = +60 but not active
Time_zone = -60 Time_zone = -60

The table below shows an overview of the time definitions for different purposes.
Timestamps regis- Timestamps Synchroni- Synchronisation
tervalues in E me- registervalues sation E of G meter by E Execution time of
ter in G meter meter meter commands
E meter Local Time n.a. Local Time UTC Time Local Time
G meter Local Time UTC Time n.a. UTC Time Local Time1
P1 port Local Time n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Table 2-11: Overview of the time definitions for the different purposes.

The device shall always be able to deduce the UTC time from the timestamp in the synchronisa-
tion command. Therefore the timestamp shall contain the deviation.
When the E meter receives a time synchronisation it shall calculate the UTC time based on the
deviation. The deviation will show the total deviation between the timestamp in the synchronisa-

1 The E meter is responsible for the execution time of the command.

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tion command and the UTC time. The deviation can be added to the timestamp in the synchro-
nisation command to calculate the UTC time.

The G Meter shall use UTC time for time synchronisation and for time stamping of the register
values. The E meter shall convert the time stamps from the G meter register values from UTC
time into local time.

E meter clock synchronisation:

The time in the Electricity meters is set by applying the SET service to the attribute “time” of the
“clock” object. The time attribute can be written as:
Date & Time Deviation Clock status

Date & Time according to Deviation of the device 0x80 or 0x00 representing whether DST is
the local time at the loca- local time to UTC active or not active at the date & time of the
tion of the device. chosen location.
Table 2-12: Time attribute in type date-time

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This section provides the requirements that apply to all Measuring equipment in this document.

3.1 Measuring equipment

DSMR-M 4.3.2
Description All metering instruments shall comply with the Dutch ‘Metrologiewet’ (Metrology Act).
Rationale The ‘Metrologiewet’ is the Dutch implementation of the EU Measurement Instruments
Directive (MID). Hence, it is concerned with reliable and accurate measurement of
commodities in the Dutch market.
Fit criterion The vendor shall supply a certificate from a notified body for the metering instrument
stating that it complies with the Dutch ‘Metrologiewet’.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

Description It is not allowed to have a breaker or valve present in the meter
Rationale Because the decision of the department of Economic Affairs, a breaker and valve are
removed from the ‘AmvB metereisen GSA’
Fit criterion The meter does not have a breaker or valve installed .
History Mar. 2014 Origin WGDSMR Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.3
Description The type plate of metering instruments shall provide standardised information.
Rationale For operational convenience the type plate shall show standardised information. The
layout of the type plate and the information shown will be determined in consultation
with the grid operator.
Fit criterion The meter type plate shall clearly show the following information (in consultation with
the grid operator):
 Legally required information;
 Equipment identifier (includes meter code, serial number and year of manufactur-
ing. The internal digital ID number must match the number shown on the type
 Barcode specified by the grid operator
 For E meters the meter code
 For G meters the meter code

Furthermore if the grid operator requires this the type plate shall also show:
 A description of the communication medium (GPRS)
 Ownership identification (text or logo) of grid operator
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

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DSMR-M 4.3.4
Description The vendor of equipment has to meet the requirements for life time expectancy.
Rationale The minimum life time expectancy must be 20 years
Fit criterion Suppliers should clearly show the expected life time of their products. The minimum
technical lifetime for all the components of E and G meters is 20 years without
maintenance or replacement of the battery.
Life time expectancy of the battery of the G meter is calculated using the following
 The use of the display
 Hourly communication between G meter and E meter
 Yearly update of software (if applicable)
 Normal operation of the meter under normal operating conditions
Reliability predictions must be done as described in IEC 62059-41. Estimation of the
product life time must be done as described in IEC 62059-31-1.
For FMEA calculations MIL-HDBK-217 (Electronic Reliability Design handbook) must
be used.
The results shall be clearly documented and must be available for the grid operator
or an external party representing the grid operator.
History Dec. 2008 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter, Comm.

DSMR-M 4.3.5
Description Each clock that is part of the metering instrument shall be accurate.
Rationale The accuracy of the measurements depends on the accuracy of the registration time of
the measurement. For this reason all clocks in the system shall be accurate.
Fit criterion Any clock in a metering instrument shall meet the following criteria:
 Any clock that is NOT part of a P2 device shall deviate no more than 0.5 seconds
per 24 hours. (According to NEN-EN-IEC 62054-21 Electricity metering (a.c.) Tarif and
Load Control Part 21: Particular requirements for time switches, Clause Re-
quirements for crystal controlled time switches)
 Any clock that is part of a P2 device shall deviate no more than 10 seconds per 24
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.6
Description During power outage the clock time and date will remain within specifications.
Rationale Normally the clock is synchronised during communication. Sometimes communication
is not possible during several days. When during a power outage the clock time be-
comes inaccurate, and after a power outage there is no communication for some time,
the registration of the energy, registration of alarms and logs is not correct.
Fit criterion It is guaranteed that during a power outage of 5 days the clock time and date will re-
main within specifications (See IEC 62054-21).
History Sep. 2009 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

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DSMR-M 4.3.7
Description The metrological functionality of the metering instrument shall not be affected by power
Rationale An outage shall not lead to a loss of data in any way. This means that during the out-
age no meter data shall be lost or that information on the configuration of the meter or
operational parameters are lost or modified even with an empty battery or a dis-
charged supercap.
Fit criterion The following information shall be available after the outage as it was available before
the outage:
 Meter data;
 E/G configuration;
 E/G operational parameters.
History Nov. 2007 Origin EN Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.8
Description Metering instruments shall re-connect to all communication channels automatically
after a power outage in case the medium is available, using a randomising algorithm to
Rationale A power outage can affect a large number of connections. It is therefore required that
the equipment can re-establish communication channels without any intervention from
external entities. In order to prevent that many disconnected meters re-establish a
connection simultaneously, a randomising reconnect algorithm is to be used.
Fit criterion Metering instrument shall start the reconnect algorithm within 5 minutes after power
was re-established after an outage using a randomising algorithm to reconnect.
History Nov. 2007 Origin EN Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.9
Description Metering instruments shall issue a tamper alarm when exposed to a magnetic field for
which the meter is susceptible (metrological and functional).
Rationale Metering instruments shall not be susceptible for static magnetic fields from permanent
magnets (as described in EN 50470-1 7.4.11 Immunity to continuous magnetic fields
of external origin). However, very strong permanent magnets that can influence the
metrological or the functional part of the meter are readily available. These magnets
can even permanently damage meters.
Fit criterion Meters shall not be susceptible to magnetic fields up to 200 mT. The manufacturer
shall define the value of the intensity of the magnetic field for which the meter is sus-
ceptible as well as the location on the meter where the highest sensitivity is present.
The alarm shall be adjusted to 90% of the magnetic field value. If the meter is not sus-
ceptible, or the value at which the meter becomes susceptible for magnetic fields is not
defined, the alarm value shall be 500 mT. The alarm shall comply with the require-
ments for error handling defined in this document.
Magnetic field values are applicable at a stable temperature of 23°C for a meter with-
out load (open current circuits) and after the voltage circuits have been energized for
at least one hour to reach thermal stability.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

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DSMR-M 4.3.10
Description The metering instruments must be able to safely and correctly operate within the tem-
perature range of -25 °C till 55 °C, for G meters a range of -10°C till 40 °C applies.
Rationale When selecting metering equipment, attention shall be paid to the fact that the climatic
conditions inside buildings depend on the outside (open-air) conditions, which can vary
widely throughout the year. The metering equipment must be able to operate safely and
correctly within the temperature range as described in EN 60721-3-3 and described in
the MID.
Fit criterion The metering equipment must be able to operate safely and correctly within the tem-
perature range as described in EN 60721-3-3 Table 1: 3K6 (-25 °C till 55 °C) and for G
meters as described in the MID -10 °C till 40 °C applies. If the metering equipment is
compliant to a higher class, the manufacturer must indicate which class.
History Aug. 2009 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.11
Description The M-Bus cable between the Electricity meter and the M-Bus device shall be stand-
Rationale The M-Bus cable shall be standardized to avoid interoperability problems and prevent
having to use different type’s op M-Bus cables depending on the meter manufacturers.
The cable can then safely be used in a wide range of configurations and installations.
Fit criterion The M-Bus cable shall meet the following criteria:
 Standard 2-core cable LiYY cross section of 0,25 mm2
 Exterior diameter maximum 4.5mm
 Length 2 meter (As a result of the short length there is no need to use the speci-
fied 0.5 mm2 cross section as described in EN 13757-2:2004)
 Color coded according DIN 47100 (White, Brown)
 Exterior color shall be yellow (RAL 1021) for Gas meters*.
 Exterior color shall be grey (RAL 7001) for Water meters
 Exterior color shall be red (RAL 3020) for Thermal meters
 Exterior color shall be blue (RAL 5015) for other M-Bus devices
 The cable must have cable end sleeves for the connection with the E meter
 The terminal connection shall be constructed to ensure strain relief and simple in-
stallation of the products but prevent access to the terminal connection by non-
certified persons. When an increasing tensile force is applied on the cable, after
installation in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction, either the cable shall
break or the cable shall disconnect from the terminal connection, without any fur-
ther damage to the gas* meter or electricity meter.
 Flame behavior in accordance with IEC 60332-1
History May 2009 Origin TST WG1 Port P2 Applicable G meter

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DSMR-M 4.3.12
Description The M-Bus terminals shall have unified coding.
Rationale During installation it will be necessary to have the same terminal coding on every de-
Fit criterion On both E meters and M-Bus devices, terminals will be clearly coded using M1 M2.
Whenever it is possible to connect multiple M-Bus devices, the coding shall be repeat-
History Oct 2010 Origin TST Port P2 Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.13
Description The noise produced by the Measuring equipment will remain within acceptable limits.
Rationale Some meters produce noise as a result of the measuring method. The sound level
produced by the Measuring equipment shall not annoy consumers.
Fit criterion The E meter shall not produce noise exceeding 35dB(A) measured at a distance of 1
m from the meter. At half of the maximum flow rate the G meter shall not produce
noise exceeding 35dB(A) measured at a distance of 1 m from the meter.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.14
Description The design of the devices must take in account that the security functionality is future
Rationale In the design of devices (i.e. processing power, memory) consideration must be given
to the following possible changes.
o Asymmetric security algorithms
o Key size
o Key generation in the meter
o Authentication on P2
o Firmware upgrade of M-Bus devices
o Signed measurements
o Up to 16 energy registers for E meters, 2 register for G meters (including storage)
o Extend the number of M-Bus devices
Fit criterion The design of the device allows the mentioned future changes.
History Jan. 2011 Origin P&S 1.5 Port , P3 Applicable E meter

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3.2 E meter
DSMR-M 4.3.16
Description Power consumption of the E meter shall be minimised and shall not be registered by
the E meter.
Rationale From both an environmental and economic point of view, the energy consumption
shall be minimized. In case there is no load at the customer premises the register
values of the E meter shall not increase.
Fit criterion The average power consumed by the E meter shall meet the following criteria:
 The maximum allowed power consumption without communication and uncon-
nected P1 device is for:
- Single Phase Meters 2W / 10 VA
- Poly phase Meters 4W / 20 VA
 For single phase meters, average power consumption shall not exceed 4 W dur-
ing communication.
For poly phase meters, average power consumption shall not exceed 8 W during
 Power consumption of the E meter itself shall not lead to increasing register val-
ues of the E meter.
 M-Bus transmitters and receivers shall be switched off when no M-Bus devices
are attached. During the M-Bus discovery process the transmitters and receivers
shall be switched on.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.17
Description A connection diagram for the E meter shall be available on the meter.
Rationale For safe installation and maintenance it is convenient to have a connection diagram
readily available.
Fit criterion The connection diagram (as described in DIN 43856) shall be place on either the type
plate of the meter or in the cover of the terminal block.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.18
Description Non-mechanical displays on the E meter shall provide functionality to display meter
readings, standardized messages and other required information in a convenient way.
Rationale For consumers the display is the only means to communicate with the meter. The me-
ter shall therefore provide information in a convenient format.
Fit criterion The non-mechanical display for metering instruments shall meet the following criteria:
 Characters on the display shall have a minimal height of 8 mm;
 The display shall be able to display minimally 8 characters simultaneously.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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DSMR-M 4.3.94
Description During power-up of the meter the Legally Relevant Firmware version should be visible
Rationale The MID requires that the Legally Relevant Firmware version must be easily retrieved
from the metering device. Next to showing this Firmware version in the Service mode
of the meter (DSMR-M 4.3.55) it must also be visible during power up of the meter.
The duration for which this is shown must be long enough to easily read the Legally
Relevant Firmware version number.
Fit criterion During power up of the E meter the Legally Relevant Firmware version (Active Firm-
ware Identifier) must be shown for 5 seconds.
History Sep. 2013 Origin WG DSMR Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.19
Description Several configurable readout definitions are needed to define display output in several
modes (manual, auto and service) and the P1 output. The Standard Readout Object
List is shown in P3, Annex B.
Rationale For the customer the display of the meter must have two readouts. In ‘auto scroll
mode’, on the display a defined (minimal) set of items is visible. By the use of a button
‘manual scroll mode’ is activated. In manual scroll mode it is possible to show a sec-
ond set of items. By pressing the button a new item will be shown.
For P1 output is must be possible to define a third set of items.
For service or test purposes it must be possible to define a fourth set of items. These
items are only visible when the terminal cover is removed.
Fit criterion It must be possible to define four configurable readouts:
 P1 output (general local port read out).
 Auto scroll mode (general display readout).
 Manual scroll mode (alternate display readout).
 Service mode (service display readout).
History Apr. 2011 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.20
Description In auto-scroll mode of the display, register values, instantaneous power and a display
test are shown.
Rationale In auto-scroll mode of the display the register values for the defined tariffs, instantane-
ous power and a display test are shown.
Fit criterion In auto-scroll mode of the display is shown:
 The register values for the defined tariffs in both energy directions
 Active instantaneous power delivered and received (resolution 1 Watt).
 Blinking display test.
The values are displayed simultaneously with the relevant tariff number including an
identification for the energy direction. Each value is visible during a period of 5 sec-
History Apr. 2011 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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DSMR-M 4.3.21
Description In manual-scroll mode of the display more information as the basic information showed
in auto-scroll mode is shown.
Rationale In manual-scroll mode of the display the basic information shown in auto-scroll mode is
extended with the ID’s of the connected M-Bus devices
Fit criterion In manual-scroll mode of the display, the information of auto-scroll mode is extended
with M-BUS ID’s of connected M-Bus devices.
Manual scroll mode is activated by pressing a button.
Every time the button is pressed, a new item is shown.
When the button is not touched during a period of 30 seconds, display mode changes
from manual mode to auto scroll mode.
History Apr. 2011 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.22
Description Service mode of the display is activated when the terminal cover is removed.
Rationale During installation (while the terminal cover is removed) most detailed information is
needed for a quick installation, trouble shooting and testing.
Fit criterion Service mode of the display is activated when the terminal cover is removed.
In service mode the next information should be visible:
 Actual date and time
 The register values for all tariffs in both energy directions in Wh resolution
 ID’s of connected M-Bus devices
 Version of Legally Relevant and Non Legally Relevant Software
 Active instantaneous power per phase for both energy directions.
During installation of M-Bus devices, if there are more than 10 devices available to
choose from, at least 10 device ID’s must be shown.
Every time a button is pressed, a new item is shown.
When the terminal cover is installed the display changes to auto scroll mode.
The values are displayed simultaneously with the relevant reduced OBIS codes (value
group C,D,E i.e.1.8.1) whenever the second display row is not occupied for other spec-
ified information.
History Apr. 2011 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.22a
Description It must be possible to set E meters into ”Installation mode” at the moment of installing
metering instruments at a customer’s premises.
Rationale During installation, G meters have to be commissioned to the E meter according to the
P2 companion standard. Only after this process, regular communication between the E
meter and the G meter will be able to start.
Fit criterion The method (power up and/or removal of the M-Bus cover), by which the E meter is
set to “installation mode” is configurable via the configuration object.
History June Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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DSMR-M 4.3.23
Description The E meter shall provide electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
Rationale For more reliability the meter shall be immune to all disturbances that can happen in
Fit criterion In order for the E meter to be considered electro magnetically compatible, it shall meet
the EMC criteria in the following standards:
 EN 50470-1 Electricity Metering Equipment (a.c.) – Part 1 General Requirements
paragraph 7.4 Electromagnetic compatibility
 Special test levels for Immunity to damped oscillatory waves.
IEC 61000-4-12, Ring wave immunity test (Chapter 5, testlevel x)
Test levels for ring wave: Line to ground: 6 kV
Line to line: 6 kV
History Nov. 2007 Origin EN Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.24
Description The E meter shall be compliant with NEN-EN-50470
Rationale The E meter is compliant with NEN-EN 50470-1 Electricity Metering Equipment (a.c.) –
Part 1 General Requirements, and the E meter is compliant with NEN-EN 50470-3
Electricity Metering Equipment (a.c.) – Part 3: Particular requirements, Static meters
class index A, B en C.
Fit criterion The E meter is compliant with NEN-EN-50470-1 and NEN-EN 50470-3
History Sep. 2009 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.25
Description The E meter shall not be susceptible for electrostatic discharge.
Rationale For more reliability the meter shall be immune to all disturbances that can happen in
Fit criterion The E meter shall be immune for electrostatic fields. The test shall be carried out ac-
cording EN 50470-1 par. 7.4.5.
History Nov. 2007 Origin EN Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.91
Description The E meter shall be immune for electromagnetic disturbances in the frequency range
of 2 - 150 kHz.
Rationale Static Watt-hour meters shall be immune for electromagnetic disturbances in the fre-
quency range of 2kHz-150 kHz.
As an extension for EN 50470-1 and EN 50470-3 the specific requirements and tests
are described in NPR-CLC TR 50579.
Fit criterion The meter must comply to NPR-CLC TR 50579, Class B. Tests are part of the MID
approval and the test results are described in the evaluation report of the MID approv-
Also the meter documentation shall clearly state that electromagnetic disturbances in
the frequency range of 2 kHz – 150 kHz are tested conform NPR-CLC TR 50579,
Class B
History Sep. 2013 Origin WG DSMR Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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DSMR-M 4.3.26
Description The poly-phase E meter shall be suitable to use in installations with right or left phase
Rationale The meter must be safely usable in a wide range of configurations and installations.
Fit criterion It shall be stated in the EC type-examination certificate or EC design examination that
the meter is not sensitive to the applied phase sequence (influence due to reverse
phase sequence ≤ 10% of the class accuracy, i.e. 0,2%, 0,1%, 0,05% respectively).
Also the meter documentation shall clearly state that reversed phase sequence does
not influence the accuracy of the energy measurement.
No blinking indication on the display is allowed to identify phase sequence.
History Nov. 2007 Origin EN Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.92
Description The poly-phase E meter shall be suitable to be used in case of simultaneous con-
sumption and delivery of energy
Rationale Meters are more often used in situations with distributed energy production.
Fit criterion The use of the poly phase watthour meter for simultaneous consumption and delivery
has to be stated in the EC type-examination Certificate.
History Sep. 2013 Origin WG DSMR Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.27
Description The poly-phase E meter shall use the Ferraris energy measurement method.
Rationale Poly-phase E meter shall use the Ferraris method in which both energy directions of
the 3 phases are summed and depending of the results, stored in a “+” or “-” register.
The integration period shall be small enough for an accurate registration of delivered
(A-) and consumed (A+) energy in separate registers.
Fit criterion The poly-phase E meter shall use the Ferraris energy measurement method.
History Nov. 2007 Origin EN Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.28
Description The display shall indicate every connected phase.
Rationale The network of the grid operators can have both right and left phase sequence. In both
cases the phase indicators on the display shall show normal operation and not start
flashing since this will cause unnecessary calls from customers to the GO.
Fit criterion Phase indicator will light constantly when phase is connected. For example: when L1
is disconnected, only indicators for L2 and L3 are shown.
History Jun 2009 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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DSMR-M 4.3.29
Description The display shall indicate the energy flow of each phase during installation when the
terminal cover is removed.
Rationale To prevent wrong connection of “phase in” and “phase out” we must have a mecha-
nism in the meter to indicate the energy flow at each phase during installation.
Fit criterion Phase indicator will light constantly when energy is delivered to the customer. Phase
indicator will blink when energy is received from the customer at this phase. This func-
tionality is only present while the terminal cover is removed.
History Oct 2010 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.30
Description It must be possible to read the actual value and direction of the energy flow of each
Rationale There must be a method to check the proper wiring of an E meter during normal op-
eration on distance, because an installer can make mistakes. By combining infor-
mation from the customer and the actual power of each phase, it is possible to deter-
mine the right order of the phase in – phase out connections of each phase.
Fit criterion The actual power of each phase must be available for readout.
History Nov 2010 Origin TST Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.31
Description The registration of energy shall start at a load as low as possible.
Rationale Energy efficient equipment makes it necessary to start an accurate registration of en-
ergy at low loads. This can be achieved by choosing a low value for Iref.
Fit criterion The current range for direct connected kWh meters will be: Imin=0,25A; Iref= 5A
The current range will be: 0,25 - 5(Imax) A.
(Compliant with NEN-EN50740-1)
History Jan 2011 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.93
Description When there is only flow of energy in one direction (consumption or delivery), the E me-
ter shall just register energy for this specific direction.
Rationale Some electric energy meters have turned out to register very small amounts of energy
over a long period of time for the energy direction where no load occurs.
Example: For a premise without energy generation, a very small amount of energy was
registrated on the delivery registers (A-). This should never occur.
This is an additional requirement on MID Annex MI-003 section 5.4.
Fit criterion When there is only flow of energy in one direction (consumption or delivery), the E me-
ter shall just register energy for this specific direction.
History Sep. 2013 Origin WG DSMR Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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DSMR-M 4.3.32
Description The E meter shall be protective class II.
Rationale The meter must be safely usable in a wide range of installations.
Fit criterion The E meter shall comply with EN 50470-1 sub clause 5.7 (Insulating encased meter
of protective class II)
History Nov. 2007 Origin EN Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.33
Description AC Voltage Test according to an E meter protective class II
Rationale The meter must be safely usable in a wide range of installations.
Fit criterion The test shall be carried out according EN 50470-3 sub clause 7.2 (AC voltage test)
table 3.
History Sep. 2009 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.34
Description The E meter shall be class B, with class A mentioned on the type plate.
Rationale Class A instruments are sufficient for the purpose of residential usage. GO’s however
want a higher accuracy than class A and therefore require the metering instrument to
fulfil class B requirements.
Fit criterion Testing for class A and B will be performed in two steps:
 A notified body for certifying meters will test the equipment to fulfil class A re-
 The GO will test the equipment to fulfil class B requirements.
History Nov. 2007 Origin EN Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.35
Description The status information displayed on the E meter by flags shall be standardised.
Rationale Through standardization of the status information on the display, the customer pro-
cesses can be standardized.
Fit criterion For status information flags are required:
 An indication if the meter is administrative on or off.
Two flags for three possibilities
Undefined (Factory setting) (value attribute 2 = 0); flag 1 and 2 off
Administrative off (value attribute 2 = 1): flag 1 on or
Default (value attribute 2 = 2): flag 2 on

Identification is based on OBIS code 0-1: attribute 2

 An indication if the communication module is attached to the network
 An indication per phase if the voltage is present
 An indication for a successful self-check (Only visible in service mode)
 Minimal 3 reserved flags for future use

Flags are (together with register values) always visible in manual scroll mode, auto-
scroll mode and service mode.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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DSMR-M 4.3.36
Description The information displayed on the E meter other than mentioned in DSMR-M 4.3.35
shall be standardised.
Rationale Through standardization of the information displayed on the E meter, the customer
processes can be standardized.
Fit criterion Additional to flags, the display shall at least contain the following symbols:
 GPRS Signal Strength (4 levels).
 Actual energy Direction.

History Apr. 2011 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.37
Description Terminal screws shall be of sufficient quality.
Rationale Screws shall not be worn during or after mounting.
Fit criterion The tightening torque to ensure a good connection shall be less then 3 Nm. This val-
ue shall be specified by the manufacturer. With a value of 1.5 times the value speci-
fied by the manufacturer, with a minimum of 3.5 Nm, it shall be possible to tighten
and loose the screws 25 times without damage.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.38
Description Meters shall be able to withstand currents related to the main fuses
Rationale The related currents to the main fuses are specified in the Meetcode.
Fit criterion Poly phase meters must be delivered in an Imax ≥ 100A version.
Single phase meters must be delivered in an Imax ≥ 80A version.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.43
Description The E meter shall convert the time stamps of the M-Bus register values from UTC time
to Local Time.
Rationale The G meter has only UTC time information available while the interface on P1 and P3
is based on Local Time.
Fit criterion The E meter shall convert the time stamps of the M-Bus register values from UTC time
to the Local Time of the E meter at the moment these register values are received via
History Apr. 2011 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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3.3 G meter
DSMR-M 4.3.45
Description G meters that are implemented as diaphragm meters shall comply with the latest re-
lease of EN 1359.
Rationale Multiple methods exist for measuring the amount of gas consumer. For each of these
methods a specific standard is defined.
Fit criterion The vendor shall supply a certificate from a notified body for the metering instrument
stating that it complies with the latest release of EN 1359.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.46
Description G meters that are implemented as ultrasonic meters shall comply with EN 14236.
Rationale Multiple methods exist for measuring the amount of gas consumer. For each of these
methods a specific standard is defined.
Fit criterion The vendor shall supply a certificate from a notified body for the metering instrument
stating that it complies with EN 14236.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.47
Description G meters that are implemented as rotary displacement meters shall comply with
EN 12480.
Rationale Multiple methods exist for measuring the amount of gas consumer. For each of these
methods a specific standard is defined.
Fit criterion The vendor shall supply a certificate from a notified body for the metering instrument
stating that it complies with EN 12480.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.48
Description The G meter is equipped with temperature conversion.
Rationale The G meter is equipped with temperature conversion. The G meter will convert the
uncorrected measured volume to a volume at 0°C. and an absolute pressure at base
conditions of 1013,25 mbar taking into account a pressure of 1043,5 mbar (average
atmospheric pressure + working pressure; 1015,5+28mbar,) i.e.using the following
𝟐𝟕𝟑,𝟏𝟓 [𝑲] 𝟏𝟎𝟒𝟑,𝟓 [𝒎𝒃𝒂𝒓]
∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟑,𝟐𝟓 [𝒎𝒃𝒂𝒓]
𝒕𝒈𝒂𝒔 [𝑲]
Fit criterion The G meter will convert the uncorrected measured volume to a volume at 0°C and
1013,25 mbar taking into account a pressure of 1043,5 mbar
History Jan. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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DSMR-M 4.3.49
Description G meters that are implemented with an electronic index and temperature conversion
shall comply with MID (Measuring Instruments Directive), appendix MI-002, part 1, §
2.2 en part 2.
Rationale Multiple methods exist for temperature conversion, electronically or mechanically. For
each of these methods a specific standard is defined. All new gas meters in The Neth-
erlands such as diaphragm meters, ultrasonic meters etc. with an electronic index and
temperature conversion need to comply with MID appendix MI-002, part 1, § 2.2 en
part 2. The MID in turn refers to EN 1359:1998/A1:2006 (annex B) and EN 14236 (an-
nex C)
Fit criterion The vendor shall supply a certificate from a notified body for the metering instrument
stating that it complies with the MID, appendix MI-002, part 1, § 2.2 en part 2.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.50
Description G meters that are implemented with a mechanical index and mechanical temperature
conversion must have a MID approval and comply with EN 1359:1998 Annex-B sup-
plemented with EN 1359:1998/A1:2006 Annex-B.
Rationale Multiple methods exist for temperature conversion, electronically or mechanically. For
each of these methods a specific standard is defined.
Fit criterion The vendor shall supply a certificate from a notified body for the metering instrument
stating that it complies with the MID, appendix MI-002, part 1, § 2.2 en part 2 and
complies with EN 1359:1998 Annex-B supplemented with EN 1359:1998/A1:2006 An-
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.51
Description G meter shall transmit only the temperature converted interval value ( the temperature
converted interval value is also the only value indicated on the display).
Rationale In the Netherlands there are two types of temperature converted meters, G meters that
are implemented with a mechanical temperature conversion and G meters that are
implemented with an electronic temperature conversion. Only the temperature con-
verted interval values will be transmitted to the CS. The unconverted interval values
may only be used internally by the G meter.
Fit criterion By default only the temperature converted interval value will be transmitted and shown
on the display. The unconverted interval values may only be used internally by the G
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P2, P3 Applicable G meter

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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DSMR-M 4.3.52
Description G meters shall comply with the latest release of EN 12405
Rationale In the standards for measuring volume conversion is not included. G meters that con-
vert the volume to mn3 shall comply with the latest release of EN 12405
Fit criterion The vendor shall supply a certificate from a notified body for the metering instrument
stating that it complies with the latest release of EN 12405
History Sep. 2009 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.53
Description The meter shall withstand a vertical drop as described in NEN-EN 1359 and keep full
Rationale In case of a vertical drop as described in NEN-EN 1359, not only metrological perfor-
mance has to work properly but also other functions like communication.
Fit criterion All functions of the G meter must be able to withstand a vertical drop of the meter as
described in NEN-EN 1359.
History Sep. 2009 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.54
Description It should be possible to activate additional functions of the G meter.
Rationale Only one button is used for all functions.
Fit criterion Only one button is used to activate service mode and show Legally Relevant software
History Mar. 2011 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.54a
Description It must be possible to set wireless G meters into “installation mode” at the moment of
installing metering instruments at a customers premises.
Rationale During installation G meters have to be commissioned to the E meter according to the
P2 companion standard. Only after this process, regular communication between the E
meter and the G meter will be able to start.
Fit criterion It must be possible to set G meters into installation mode with the button functionality.

History June. 2011 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.55
Description As required by MID the software version identification of Legally Relevant software
shall be easily provided by the measuring instrument.
Rationale The version identification of Legally Relevant software shall easily be shown on the
Fit criterion The version identification of Legally Relevant software must be shown on the display in
the service mode of the G meter.
History Mar. 2011 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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DSMR-M 4.3.56
Description It must be possible to activate a service mode in the G meter.
Rationale Testing of a meter must be done in a reasonable time. This is not possible if the
standard resolution is not precise enough. In that case it must be possible to activate a
service mode in the G meter during which the registers have a 0,1 litre resolution for
G4 meters and a 1 litre resolution for meters > G6.
In service mode the Legally Relevant Software is shown in the display
Fit criterion It must be possible to activate a service mode in the G meter during which the regis-
ters have a 0,1 litre resolution for G4 meters and a 1 litre resolution for meters > G6.
In this service mode also the Legally Relevant Software is shown in the display.

In case of a display with sleeping mode functionality:

 After activating the display by pushing the button, service mode is activated by
a manufacturer specific action.. The code for the LR software is shown in ser-
vice mode in the next sequence: Display test  Index value  LR  Display
test ……
 Return to sleeping mode after a manufacturer specific timeout (and optional by
an action)

In the case of a display without sleeping mode functionality activating of the service
mode is done:
 by a manufacturer specific action. The code for the LR software is shown in
service mode in the next sequence: Display test  Index value  LR  Dis-
play test  …..
 Return to normal mode after a manufacturer specific timeout (and optional by
an action).
 Testing at Qmin may not take more than 30 minutes.
 Test results shall be reproducible and repeatable (as described in MID).
History Nov. 2010 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.57
Description Power consumption of G meter shall be minimised.
Rationale For economic and environmental reasons the power consumption of the meter shall be
minimized. Besides this it is important to reduce power consumption in G meters that
are powered by a battery as replacement of batteries is expensive. Finally the power
used by G meters that use M-Bus as a power source shall not exceed the maximum
power delivered by M-Bus.
Fit criterion The lifetime of the battery in the G meter shall exceed the lifetime of the G meter in
situations where communication is restricted to the requirements stated in this docu-
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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DSMR-M 4.3.58
Description The G meter shall be compatible with the PN-class ≥ 0.2 bar.
Rationale The G meters will be used to connect customers to 30 and 100 mbar grids. In some
cases standard 100 mbar grids are operated at 200 mbar. In case the household pres-
sure regulator fails, the G meter can be subjected to 200 mbar.
Fit criterion No leakage and no permanent damage shall occur and all functionalities will be main-
tained in a 200 mbar pressure test.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.59
Description The G meter must comply with the standard G series.
Rationale Only meters in the standard G range 1.6 to 25 are considered, as meters that can
handle larger volumes require different installation environments than the ones envi-
sioned for the product.
Fit criterion The respective G meters shall in accordance with the G series have maximum flow
rates of:
 G1.6 2.5 m3/h
 G2.5 4.0 m3/h
 G4 6.0 m3/h
 G6 10.0 m3/h
 G10 16.0 m3/h
 G16 25.0 m3/h
 G25 40.0 m3/h
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.60
Description No leakage and no permanent damage shall occur in a 500 mbar pressure test.
Rationale G meters of G series 10 or higher will be used to connect customers to grids with
higher pressures than 100 mbar. In case the pressure regulator fails, the G meter can
be subjected to 500 mbar.
Fit criterion G meters of G series 10 or higher shall be compatible with the PN-class ≥ 0.5 bar.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.61
Description G meters of G series 10 or higher the resolution will be in 0.01 m3
Rationale The NTA specifies 0.001 m3 resolution but these gas meters do not supply this resolu-
Fit criterion The G meters of G series 10 or higher use a resolution of 0.01 m3. The E meter shall
handle automatically the proper M-Bus attribute (VIF)
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter, E meter

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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DSMR-M 4.3.62
Description The metering instrument shall be class 1, with class 1.5 mentioned on the type plate.
Rationale Class 1.5 instruments are sufficient for the purpose of residential usage. GO’s however
want a higher accuracy than class 1.5 and therefore require the metering instrument to
fulfil class 1 requirements.
Fit criterion Testing for class 1 and 1.5 will be performed in two steps:
 A notified body for certifying meters will test the equipment to fulfil class 1.5 re-
 The GO will test the equipment to fulfil class 1 requirements.
History Nov. 2007 Origin Q&P Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.63
Description The frequency of planned onsite maintenance on the G meter shall be minimized.
Rationale Onsite maintenance activities on the meter disturbs the consumer and shall therefore
be kept to a minimum. Another reason to keep maintenance on location to a minimum
is that it is very expensive.
Fit criterion No planned maintenance needed during the lifetime of the meter.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.64
Description The G meter shall be suitable for Dutch Gas of second family group L.
Rationale In the Netherlands low calorific gas is used. In order to measure correctly, the meter
needs to be suitable for this gas.
Fit criterion The G meter shall be suitable for Dutch Gas of second family group L.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.65
Description Gas meters shall comply with Nederlandse Praktijk Richtlijn (NPR) 7028.
Rationale NPR 7028 contains the Dutch standards for diaphragm meters but is also considered
applicable for ultrasonic gas meters. This standard contains some requirements (main-
ly about dimensions and connections) which are not described in EN 1359.
Fit criterion G meters shall comply with the requirements for connections and dimensions in NPR
In contradiction to NPR 7028; for a G25 gasmeter the maximum width of the gasmeter
is 540 mm.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.66
Description All G meters shall be supplied with removable end caps installed.
Rationale The end caps serve to prevent ingress of dust and dirt into the meter during transport
and installation.
Fit criterion Removable end caps will be installed on both inlet and outlet
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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DSMR-M 4.3.76
Description G meters shall have a flow direction from left (Gas in) to right (Gas out) when looking
at the index.
Rationale The G meters have a standardized flow direction from left to right when looking at the
Fit criterion G meters shall comply with the standardized flow direction of left (Gas in) to right (Gas
out) when looking at the index.
History Dec. 2009 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.77
Description G meters shall have reverse flow protection or prevent the register value (for gas de-
livery) to change in case of a reversed flow direction.
Rationale Since the G meter has a standardized flow direction from left to right it could be possi-
ble to mount the meter in a reversed flow direction. If the G meter is mounted in a re-
versed flow direction the register values (for gas delivery) shall not change.
Fit criterion G meters shall have reverse flow protection or prevent the register value (for gas de-
livery) to change in case of a reversed flow direction.
History Dec. 2009 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.78
Description In case a reversed flow direction is detected the G meter shall register this as a fraud
Rationale Since the G meter has a standardized flow direction from left to right it could be possi-
ble to mount the meter in a reversed flow direction. If the G meter is mounted in a re-
versed flow direction the G meter shall register an event.
Fit criterion The G meter shall register a fraud attempt in case a reversed flow direction is detect-
History Dec. 2009 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.79
Description Displays shall provide easy to read values.
Rationale The characteristics of mechanical displays are defined in EN 1359. This document
specifies the size of numerals for meter readings. Electronic displays shall conform to
the sizing requirements.
Fit criterion The digits of displays shall have a minimal height of 4 mm and a minimal width of 2.4
mm. The distinction between the numbers before and after the decimal point must be
clearly marked with for example a red frame on the meter plate.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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3.4 Communication channels
DSMR-M 4.3.80
Description The E meter shall have a standardized local port for installation and maintenance pur-
poses (P0).
Rationale The maintenance personnel want to access all meters in a similar fashion.
Fit criterion The P0 interface shall be implemented as an optical port. Only 1 local maintenance
port P0 will be present per device.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.80a
Description The protocol to be used on the P0 interface shall be standardized.
Rationale The maintenance personnel want to access all meters in a similar fashion.
Fit criterion The protocol on the P0 interface shall be IEC 62056-21, mode E using 8 data bits. The
application level shall be according to the P3 companion standard.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.81
Description Communication on the P1 interface shall be standardized.
Rationale The OSM is provided by a third party, therefore interoperability on P1 is required.
Fit criterion The P1 interface shall be implemented according to the P1 Companion Standard.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P1 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.82
Description Communication on the P2 interface shall be standardized.
Rationale Interoperability is required on the P2 interface, to allow for communication with differ-
ent Gas (and water and thermal) meters.
Fit criterion The P2 interface shall be implemented according to the P2 Companion Standard.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P2 Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.3.83
Description Communication on the P3 interface shall be standardized.
Rationale Interoperability is required on the P3 interface, to prevent vendor lock-in and to simplify
the data acquisition process in the CS.
Fit criterion The P3 interface shall be implemented according to the P3 Companion Standard. The
P3 Companion Standard is based on the DLMS/COSEM protocol.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter

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3.5 Event logging and error reporting
This section describes mandatory constraints from the point of view of installation and mainte-

3.5.1 Logging
DSMR-M 4.3.84
Description The log items shall facilitate the verification of the state of equipment and the process
of troubleshooting.
Rationale Logging information is used in combination with the state of equipment to verify the
correct functioning of Measuring and communication equipment. The logging shall
therefore facilitate the construction of a history of activities that took place in the
Fit criterion Each log item shall contain at least the following information:
 Timestamp of the logged event;
 Activity type of the logged event (event code);
 Parameters of the logged event (if specified in use case).
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a Applicable E meter,

DSMR-M 4.3.85
Description Equipment shall log all activities that modify the state of equipment.
Rationale The GO may need to determine what caused the state of equipment to change. In
case of problems with equipment he can derive the possible cause of the problem by
‘walking back’ through the logging information and derive the state of the equipment
‘along the way’.
Fit criterion The logging information for a designated period shall enable the reconstruction of the
state at the start of that period given the state at the end of the period. All event codes
shall have a value from a pre-defined range as defined in the Companion Standards
for P2 and P3.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a Applicable E meter

3.5.2 Errors
In this section we will distinguish between:
 Normal errors: The term normal error is used for errors which occur during operation of the
meter. These are logged as normal errors, i.e. an event log entry is generated and an error
or alarm bit is set in the corresponding register, i.e. flat battery, memory errors, communica-
tion errors.
 Logical errors: The term logical error is used in case of errors in command parameters, i.e.
the start date is after the end date, the activation date lies in the past, etc. These errors al-
ways lead to an error message sent back in the answer to the command. This kind of errors
is not logged in the event log and no error bit is set in the error register.
 Software errors: General wisdom states that all software contains defects. This will be true
for firmware that is part of the equipment too. People involved in maintenance of the equip-

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ment shall therefore be informed on any software error that occurs. Examples of software
errors include: index out of range, out of memory, invalid parameter etc.

DSMR-M 4.3.86
Description The equipment shall support a uniform description for errors exchanged through P3.
Rationale In order to facilitate error handling by central systems, the equipment shall exchange
uniform errors. This may involve functionality for the E meter for converting errors re-
ceived through P2 before these errors are forwarded through P3. For individual errors
presented throughout the document, additional attributes may be defined.
Fit criterion All errors exchanged with external entities shall at least contain the following infor-
 Error code for the type of error.
 A corresponding event shall be stored, including the timestamp of when the error
was raised.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.3.87
Description The error code used in errors shall have a value from a pre-defined range as defined
in the Companion Standards for P2 and P3.
Rationale For maintenance purposes a uniform error code for errors facilitates the process of
handling the error. In case of uniform error codes the personnel does not need any
knowledge of the equipment in order to determine what type of error occurred.
Fit criterion The value of error codes shall be in the range of error codes as defined in the Com-
panion Standards for P2 and P3. Vendor specific alarms are not allowed.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a Applicable E meter, G meter

3.5.3 Error reporting

The equipment shall support two methods of event reporting. The first method is based on a
request of a time frame specified by the CS. The second is a direct way of sending errors to a
central system. The latter method is referred to as alarms.

DSMR-M 4.3.88
Description The equipment shall include an event report through P3 if the Measuring equipment
state is retrieved.
Rationale The personnel involved in maintenance of the equipment shall be regularly informed
on new events. The event report is used for this purpose. Based on the error report
maintenance personnel can decide on further actions. Events are retrieved from the
equipment by Use case: Retrieve Measuring equipment state.
Fit criterion It shall be possible to retrieve a list of events through the P3 port.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P3 Applicable E meter

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3.5.4 Software errors
DSMR-M 4.3.89
Description The equipment shall raise an error in case a malfunction of the software occurs.
Rationale General wisdom states that all software contains defects. This will be true for firmware
that is part of the equipment too. People involved in maintenance of the equipment
shall therefore be informed on any software error that occurs. Examples of software
errors include: index out of range, out of memory, invalid parameter etc.
Fit criterion A watchdog that checks software activity shall detect software errors. If the watchdog
detects an anomaly, the event is logged and the corresponding error is set in the error
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P3 Applicable E meter, G meter

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Cyber-security is a well-known issue in classical IT systems. For some years, attention has
been focussed on cyber-security concerning industrial systems which are more complex, inde-
pendent and interconnected.

Authorities put a special emphasis on Critical Infrastructure Protection and Industrial Automation
Control Systems, especially infrastructure supporting energy, transport, telecommunications,
and water..

Metering is directly affected by this focus. Security is everywhere in the metering process, from
the meter to the central system, including each network and media used to communicate (home
network, public network and enterprise network). All partners, from manufacturers to suppliers
and regulation authorities have to work together in raising awareness and securing the metering

4.1 Threats and critical actions

Risks for actors of an Advanced Meter Infrastructure (grid operator, supply company, customer)
are multiple and of different natures:

 Access or alteration of information by unauthorized persons: intrusions and illicit changes.

 Willful actions by intruders, resulting in modifying settings of assets and confidence.
 Denial of service on a component of the system (meter, back-office, communication sys-
tem): loss of system availability, leading to compromised process functionality or security.
 Hijacking of the automated meter by unauthorized persons, leaving the grid operator with
no other option as to remediate the meters on customer premises.
 Privacy and legislation: many countries protect customer's and people's rights by laws, to
ensure that personal and confidential information will not be disclosed within communi-
cating systems; Grid systems shall not be a way to reveal information: theft and publication
of information to unauthorized destinations should be prevented.

. Compromising security for a company could lead to Millions of Euros in damages (for equip-
ment and responsibility).

For all these reasons, the entire metering infrastructure has to be protected and shall offer secu-
rity services for all data, networks, and the components of which it is composed.

4.2 Assumptions
It is recommended that proven standards and industry best practices used for IT systems are
implemented. This includes technologies deployed in other domains, such as the finance sector.
Existing systems should be considered and adapted, and security measures not reinvented. As

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threats and risks evolve along the life-span of the metering infrastructure, special attention shall
be given to updating the security mechanisms.
The concept of “defense in depth” shall be applied to the entire system: security at each layer of
the metering infrastructure, from the centralized system to the end-point meter, including net-
works. The WELMEC Software Guide 7.2 issue 4 gives guidance about software security which
is extended to data communications networks (extension T). The requirements below are in ac-
cordance with Welmec Guide, taking into consideration that the metering infrastructure must
offer the functionality necessary to cover risk categories B-C-D (requirements T1 to T6) of the
Welmec Guide.

Security Assumptions:
 If physical intrusion of a meter happens, the compromising of one device shall not permit
compromising all of the system.
 Sensitive information and commands will have to be protected.
 Most communications at application level between the device and the CS is encrypted, us-
ing the published and acknowledged encryption mechanism AES-128. Usage of trusted
equipment, such as cryptographic processor embedded in smart-cards shall be considered
because they are tamper resistant.
 Since security standards are available for IT systems and Industrial Automation and Control
Systems, they shall be applied, from the very conception of the systems to the deployment
of devices and system.

The metering infrastructure shall prevent:

 Unauthorized access, theft or misuse of confidential information (data cannot be read or al-
tered in the meter or in transit across all networks).
 Loss of integrity or reliability of process data and production information.
 Loss of system availability (back-office and data processing is secured).
 Intrusions and illicit changes – for example illicit firmware upgrade.
 Process upsets leading to compromising of process functionality or loss of system capacity
(separation of responsibilities for appropriate actions).

Identified requirements to complete these needs are:

 Access and Use Control
 Authenticity
 Data integrity
 Data Confidentiality

4.3 Access, Use Control and Authenticity

Only the grid operator is allowed to have access to the P3 port. In case there is a separate grid
operator for electricity and for gas, only the electricity grid operator shall have direct access to
the metering installation via the P3 port. The electricity grid operator is responsible for the cor-
rect data communication between the electricity meter and M-Bus devices, and is also respon-
sible for the correct data communication from the metering installation to the central system and

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vice versa. The manufacturer of equipment must ensure the correct implementation of the iden-
tification, authentication and authorization concerning the metering installation, and confidenti-
ality of the data communication from the metering installation to the central system and between
the metering installation and the connected Gas, Water, Thermal, end Slave E meter (P2 port),
regardless of the communication medium used.

DSMR-M 4.4.1
Description No physical port or interface can be accessed without opening the cover(s), except for
P0 and P1.
Rationale For security reasons and to avoid any unauthorized person from accessing or modify-
ing system components or data, it is necessary that no physical port or interface can
be accessed without opening the cover(s), except for P0 and P1.
Fit criterion Physical ports or interfaces cannot be accessed without opening the cover(s), except
for P0 and P1
History Sep. 2009 Origin TST Port P2, P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.4.2
Description The system shall be capable of automatically generating an event when the terminal
cover is opened.
Rationale For security reasons and to avoid any unauthorized person from accessing or modify-
ing system components or data, it is necessary to detect physical intrusion. The sys-
tem must therefore be capable of automatically generating an event when the terminal-
cover is opened.
Fit criterion An event for opening the terminal cover will be generated. Adequate measures must
be taken to prevent false alarms (i.e by vibrations, humidity).
History July. 2009 Origin P&S 1.5 Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.4.3
Description The construction of the E meter shall prevent intruding into the E meter and tampering
with the E meter.
Rationale Intrusion and tamper attempts shall be visible on visual inspection.
Fit criterion The E meter and the block cap are protected by separate seals in order to prevent in-
truding into the E meter and tampering with the E meter.
History Nov. 2007 Origin P&S 1.5 Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.4.4
Description The construction of the G meter shall prevent intruding into the G meter and tampering
with the G meter.
Rationale Intrusion and tamper attempts shall be visible on visual inspection.
Fit criterion The connections of the G meter can be sealed on both sides (inlet and outlet). Any
communication cables, batteries and similar, shall be locked behind sealable covers.
History Nov. 2007 Origin P&S 1.5 Port n.a. Applicable G meter

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DSMR-M 4.4.5
Description The M-Bus terminals on the E meter must be safely accessible.
Rationale Connecting the cable of the M-Bus device should be possible in a safe way. It should
not be possible to touch live parts of the meter.
Fit criterion The M-Bus terminals on the E meter shall be accessible without breaking the
seal of the terminal cover of the E meter. The M-Bus terminals on the E meter shall be
separately sealable from the other terminals. For every M-Bus device separate termi-
nals are required.
History Sep. 2009 Origin TST Port P2 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.4.6
Description The equipment shall provide functionality for authentication on the communication
ports P0 and P3.
Rationale For security reasons it is important that equipment is able to determine authenticity of
communication partners to ensure that data is not modified or compromised by any
unauthorized entity.
Fit criterion No port can be accessed without correct authentication by applying an encryption al-
gorithm that includes authentication mechanisms.
History Nov. 2007 Origin P&S 1.5 Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.4.7
Description The equipment shall support functionality to configure whether the P0 port is usable or
not usable.
Rationale Some Grid Operators use a PDA connected to the P0 port for commissioning the E
meter, or for some local maintenance tasks (e.g. Calibration Rack).
Fit criterion When the P0 port is configured as not usable then there shall be no method, including
brute force attack, to gain access to the meter via the P0 port.
History Jan. 2011 Origin Port P0 Applicable E Meter

DSMR-M 4.4.8a
Description The equipment shall support functionality to configure the supported authentication
mechanism on P0 and P3 port.
Rationale This functionality give the opportunity to the Central System to select another authen-
tication mechanism when one authentication mechanism is not safe anymore.
Fit criterion It shall be possible to configure for HLS mechanism 3,4 and 5 or any combination for
both P0 and P3 whether the meter accepts the authentication request or reject the au-
thentication request.
History Jan. 2011 Origin Port P0, P3 Applicable E Meter

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DSMR-M 4.4.8b
Description The equipment shall support functionality to configure different HLS mechanisms for
P0 and P3 port. .
Rationale Some Grid Operators use a PDA connected to the P0 port for commissioning the E
meter using HLS mechanism 4 with a secret that is shared with a group of meters. Ac-
cess to the meter via the P3 port using such shared secret shall be prevented.
Fit criterion The HLS mechanism on P0 and P3 port can be configured independently from each
History Jan. 2011 Origin Port P0, P3 Applicable E Meter

DSMR-M 4.4.9
Description The equipment must be capable of managing access rights for any of its logical com-
ponents, with an adequate granularity.
Rationale Users shall be authenticated and authorized to access the logical components of the
Fit criterion Access control will be offered for any of its logical components on attribute level. .
History July. 2009 Origin TST Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.4.10
Description The equipment shall provide functionality for the authorisation of data communications
on all of its communication interfaces.
Rationale For security reasons it is important that equipment is able to determine the authorisa-
tion of all communication partners.
Fit criterion Authorisation functionality shall be provided by access control mechanisms.
History July. 2009 Origin P&S 1.5 Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.4.11
Description All communications interfaces shall only support DSMR specified functionality. All oth-
er functionality on the communication interfaces shall be disabled. This also is applica-
ble for the developer interface (e.g. JTAG).
Rationale It is important that the equipment does not respond to and is not adversely affected by
communications using protocols and functionality other than those required for com-
munications with other metering infrastructure equipment.
Fit criterion All communications interfaces shall only support DSMR specified functionality. All oth-
er functionality on the communication interfaces shall be disabled (Read and Write).
This also is applicable for the developer interface (e.g. JTAG).
History July. 2009 Origin P&S 1.5 Port P0, P2 Applicable E meter, G
P3 meter

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DSMR-M 4.4.12
Description Interfaces shall not accept unauthorized or erroneous communications and are capable
of handling (dropping) such communication (including TCP) without adverse effects on
the operation of the equipment or the interface.
Rationale It is important that the interfaces do not accept unauthorized or erroneous communica-
tions and are capable of handling (dropping) such communication (including TCP)
without adverse effects on the operation of the equipment or the interface.
Fit criterion Interfaces shall not accept unauthorized or erroneous communication and unauthor-
ised communications will not adversely affect the operation of the remainder of the
History July. 2009 Origin P&S 1.5 Port P0, P2 P3 Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.4.13
Description Unused physical interfaces will be disabled by default, including the installation mode
of the meter.
Rationale For security reasons it is important that management of physical interfaces shall be
possible to enforce the security for local access.
Fit criterion Unused ports and interfaces are disabled by default. Mechanisms are implemented for
enabling or disabling the interfaces.
History July. 2009 Origin P&S 1.5 Port P0, P2 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.4.14
Description All keys (except the master key) that can be used by the grid operator can be changed
via either the local maintenance port P0 or remotely via P3.
Rationale It must always be possible to change keys. This ensures that compromised keys do not
lead to uncontrollable exposure of a (large group of) meter(s). A compromised mas-
ter/default key alone does not allow the change of; software, settings, meter readings,
Fit criterion Functionality must be implemented to change all keys (except the master/default key)
via either the local maintenance port P0 or remotely via P3.
History July. 2009 Origin P&S 1.5 Port P0, P2, Applicable E meter,
P3 G meter

DSMR-M 4.4.15
Description The E meter will forward the key as soon as possible to the M-Bus device.
Rationale The new key needs to be used for communication as soon as possible. For wireless
communication this means that it will be included in the next communication session that
is initiated by the M-Bus device.
Fit criterion The E meter will forward the key at the first opportunity to communicate to the M-Bus
History May 2010 Origin TST Port P2 Applicable E meter

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DSMR-M 4.4.16
Description Every attempt to access ports and components with an incorrect key must result in lock-
ing the port or component for 10 seconds and a message in a log file.
Rationale For security reasons it is important that for every attempt made to access port or com-
ponents with an incorrect key, the port or component is locked for 10 seconds before
another attempt can be made. Also this event must be logged in a log file.
Fit criterion The port or component must be locked for 10 seconds for every access attempt made
with an incorrect key. Also this event must be logged in a log file.
History July. 2009 Origin P&S 1.5 Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.4.17
Description Illegal access to one device shall not lead to gaining access to multiple devices
Rationale Intercommunication between E meters is not allowed. M-Bus devices are only al-
lowed to communicate with their designated E meter.
Fit criterion Illegal access to one device shall not lead to gaining access to multiple deployed
History Jan. 2011 Origin P&S 1.5 Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

4.4 Data Integrity

DSMR-M 4.4.18
Description The equipment shall provide functionality to preserve the integrity of data storage, in-
cluding integrity of equipment firmware.
Rationale It is important that the integrity of data and firmware stored in the equipment is main-
Fit criterion Security mechanisms shall be implemented to ensure the protection of data and en-
cryption keys stored on the equipment. For example, keys shall be located in a dedi-
cated place of the system and access shall be restricted to avoid alteration.
History July 2009 Origin P&S 1.5 Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G

DSMR-M 4.4.19
Description The equipment shall provide functionality to report and log loss of integrity of data
storage, including loss of integrity of equipment firmware.
Rationale It is important that any loss of integrity of data and firmware stored in the equipment is
reported and logged, i.e. it shall provide some method of indicating when data or firm-
ware has been changed without its control (for example report firmware hash).
Fit criterion Loss of integrity of data storage, including loss of integrity of equipment firmware is
reported and logged. For example a regular hash check is performed to identify firm-
ware changes and perhaps also a hash of metering data. For the G meter this is re-
ported as a Fraud attempt, for the E meter this is reported as a specific memory error.
History July. 2009 Origin P&S 1.5 Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G

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DSMR-M 4.4.20
Description The E meter shall raise an event if the configuration is changed after the meter is de-
Rationale When the configuration of the meter is altered after it is deployed, it may indicate that
the meter is hacked or has been tampered with. This has to be detected and an event
shall be raised to inform the GO of this occurrence.
Fit criterion The E meter shall raise an event if the configuration is changed after the meter is de-
The following read/write items are not considered as a configuration change:
- Change of the clock of the meter
- Change of the IP address of the meter
- Change of the Error register
- Change of the Alarm register
- Change of the Consumer Short message
- Change of the Consumer Long message
History Jan. 2011 Origin P&S1.5 Port P0, Applicable E Meter
P2, P3

DSMR-M 4.4.21
Description The equipment shall implement anti-replay mechanism.
Rationale It is necessary to prevent message replay. For example critical messages such as dis-
connects, alarms, etc. must be prevented from being replayed.
Fit criterion Classical encryption mechanisms (including time stamp or numbering with initial vec-
tor) based on open standards will be implemented to ensure the identification of each
message and its uniqueness.
History July. 2009 Origin P&S 1.5 Port P0, P2, P3 Applicable E meter, G meter

4.5 Data Confidentiality

DSMR-M 4.4.22
Description The E meter and all connected devices (connected via P0, P2 and P3) shall provide
functionality to prevent eavesdropping.
Rationale It is necessary to ensure confidentiality for data that have been identified as critical by
owners, or legal authorities (commercial data, nominative data, etc). Implementation of
encryption mechanisms is necessary on appropriate layers of the communication sys-
tem to prevent eavesdropping.
Fit criterion All communication at application-level between the E meter and all connected devices
(connected via P0, P2 and P3)is encrypted, using AES-128 as the encryption mecha-
History Nov. 2007 Origin P&S 1.5 Port P0, P2, P3 Applicable E meter

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DSMR-M 4.4.23
Description The device provides functionality for management of security keys, including safe stor-
age and change.
Rationale Encryption keys must be managed such that they can be exchanged, stored, used and
replaced, all in a secure manner.
Fit criterion Functionality for management of the security keys is provided.
History July. 2009 Origin P&S 1.5 Port P2, P3 Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.4.24
Description All communication pertaining to privacy sensitive data shall be secured so that integri-
ty, authenticity, confidentiality and uniqueness are guaranteed.
Rationale Privacy sensitive data shall be protected at all times
Fit criterion o No common secrets (including cryptographic keys) shall be present in smart
meters. Thus, each smart meter shall have its own unique meter master key.
o The meter master and encryption keys shall be stored on meters in a secure
manner which resists attempts to discover them.
o The message encryption key and message authentication key shall be updat-
ed using the meter master key with a secure key wrapping function.
o The authentication secrets shall be updated using the meter master key with a
secure key wrapping function.
o The message encryption key and authentication key shall be unique per meter
and shall be stored in a secure manner that resists attempts to discover them.
o All cryptographic keys and random data involved in any cryptographic opera-
tion shall be cryptographically random.
o Software which implements the security functions (e.g., authentication hand-
shake protocol, message encryption/decryption, access control, etc) shall be
protected from unauthorized access and modification.
o Smart meter software for the E meter shall be renewable/updatable in case
that a security compromise or a security vulnerability is found or there is a
need to update meter functionality including cryptographic algorithm update.
o Smart meter software for the E meter (as a whole or only a module) shall be
updated in a secure manner that only authorized software can be loaded into
the meter.
History Dec. 2010 Origin P&S 1.5 Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

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This chapter provides the business use cases for metering equipment installed at the premises
of the customers. Some of the requirements will occur in multiple use cases, to avoid confusion
they are numbered separately.

5.1 Use case 1: Provide periodic meter reads

This section describes the process of gathering and providing periodic meter reads (see
NTA 8130, §5.2.1). This process is triggered on the installation of the E meter.

This use case is concerned with periodic meter readings. Periodic meter readings are daily and
monthly meter readings. Definitions for meter readings for E and G are provided in Chapter 2.
All meter readings mentioned in this use case shall comply with these definitions. The trigger
description, block diagram and UML sequence diagram are depicted in Figure 5-1.

Trigger Description
Deploy E meter On installation the E meter starts registering periodic meter readings (also for G,
and, if desired, for W and T) and on deployment these meter readings are made
available to the CS.

Figure 5-1a: Provide periodic meter reads – trigger description


Register daily meter Register daily meter

reads E reads G

Register monthly meter Register monthly meter

reads E reads G

Make meter reads available


Figure 5-1b: Provide periodic meter reads – block diagram

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CS E meter G meter

Register periodic meter reads E Register periodic meter reads G

Request periodic meter reads G

Provide periodic meter reads G

Publish periodic meter reads G

Retrieve periodic meter reads

Frequency depends on implementation M-Bus:
Periodic meter reads E and G and error report

Reset error report

Figure 5-1c: Provide periodic meter reads – UML sequence diagram

 Not all necessary periodic meter reads are available in the E meter. The internal trigger to
gather periodic meter reads occurred.

 Equipment identifier for the E meter.
 The interval for which the periodic meter readings are requested.

 All necessary meter reads are available.
 Error report.

5.1.1 Requirements for electricity

DSMR-M 4.5.1
Description The E meter shall register a meter reading E at 00:00 hours every day.
Rationale This is required in NTA 8130 (see §5.2.1 in conjunction with definition of “daily meter
reading”). Market processes (switching, moving, etc.) require the availability of daily
meter reads.
Fit criterion The E meter shall register a meter reading as defined in Chapter 2 at 00:00 hours eve-
ry day.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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DSMR-M 4.5.2
Description The E meter shall provide the 40 most recent daily meter readings for E.
Rationale The period of forty days guarantees that no meter readings will be lost within a period
of forty days in cases where the data can not be collected immediately after it was reg-
istered. The minimum and maximum retaining period for daily meter readings for E in
the meter is 40 days.
Fit criterion The E meter shall have available meter readings E for the 40 most recent days in the
past. The minimum and maximum retaining period for daily meter readings for E in the
meter is 40 days. The information provided as periodic meter readings shall at least
contain the following information:
 Meter readings E for the designated period using kWh as the unit of measurement
 Event report for the designated period.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.3
Description The E meter shall provide the 13 most recent monthly meter reads for E.
Rationale It is necessary to keep a one-year history of E consumption and/or production data
available in the meter, e.g. in case of disturbances and data loss in the CS or on behalf
of the customer. The minimum and maximum retaining period for E consumption
and/or production data in the meter is 13 months.
Fit criterion The E meter shall have available meter readings E for each first day of the 13 most
recent calendar months in the past. The minimum and maximum retaining period for
monthly meter reads in the meter is 13 months. The information provided as periodic
meter readings shall at least contain the following information:
 Meter readings E for the designated period using kWh as the unit of measurement
 Event report for the designated period.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P3 Applicable E meter

5.1.2 Requirements for gas

DSMR-M 4.5.4
Description The 00.00 reading of the G meter is also used as daily meter reading.
Rationale The hourly readings are stored in the E meter in the hourly load profile and the 00.00
reading is copied into the daily load profile (combined).
This is required in NTA 8130 (see §5.2.1 in conjunction with definition of “daily me-
terreading”). Market processes (switching, moving etc.) require the availability of dai-
lymeter reads.
Fit criterion The 00:00 hour reading is stored in the E meter copied into the daily load profile.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port n.a. Applicable G meter

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DSMR-M 4.5.5
Description The exchange of meter reading between E meter and G meter takes place once an
Rationale To extend the life time of the battery of the G meter, the communication between E
meter and G meter is minimized.
Fit criterion The exchange of meter readings between the E meter and G meter takes place only
once an hour.
History Mar. 2011 Origin TST Port P2 Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.5.6
Description The E meter shall provide the 40 most recent daily meter readings for G.
Rationale The period of forty days guarantees that no meter readings will be lost within a period
of forty days in cases where the data can not be collected immediately after it was reg-
istered. The minimum and maximum retaining period for daily meter readings for G in
the meter is 40 days.
Fit criterion The E meter shall have available meter readings G for the 40 most recent days in the
past. The minimum and maximum retaining period for daily meter readings for G in the
meter is 40 days. The information provided as periodic meter readings shall contain
the following information:
 Meter readings G for the designated period using m 3 as the unit of measurement;
 Event report for the designated period.
The E meter will store the most recent captured M-Bus master value at 11 minutes
past the hour in the profile(s). The 11 minutes gives the E Meter sufficient time to re-
ceive or to capture the recent hourly value from the G meter.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P3 Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.5.7
Description Wireless devices must prevent congestion on the frequency band.
Rationale It can happen that a number of G meters are installed next to each other (for example
in apartment buildings). To prevent congestion on the wireless frequency band, all
wireless communication sessions shall be randomized.
Fit criterion Wireless devices shall randomly start their communication sessions within a window of
10 minutes past each whole hour.
History Jan. 2011 Origin TST Port P2 Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.5.8
Description The E meter shall provide the 13 most recent monthly meter readings for G.
Rationale It is necessary to keep a one-year history of G consumption data available in the
E meter, e.g. in case of disturbances and data loss in the CS or on behalf of the cus-
tomer. The minimum and maximum retaining period for monthly meter readings for G
in the E meter is 13 months.
Fit criterion The E meter shall have available meter readings G for each first day of the 13 most
recent calendar months in the past. The minimum and maximum retaining period for
monthly meter readings for G in the E meter is 13 months. The information provided as
periodic meter readings shall at least contain the following information:

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 Meter readings G for the designated period using m 3 as the unit of measurement;
 Event report for the designated period.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P3 Applicable E meter, G meter

5.1.3 Error reporting

DSMR-M 4.5.9
Description The E meter shall provide an indication that an error was registered by the equipment
as part of a periodic meter read.
Rationale By providing error information the CS will be informed that the metering installation
registered an error.
Fit criterion The meter shall provide information indicating an error was registered.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.10
Description The equipment shall issue a logical error in case the end date of the requested period
is prior to the begin date.
Rationale The current use case has a parameter indicating for which period meter readings shall
be retrieved. The interval can be provided as open or closed interval. For an open in-
terval the timestamp for either the start or for the end of the interval is provided. In
case of a closed interval timestamps for both start and for the end are provided. In the
latter case the timestamp for the start shall be before the timestamp of the end of the
interval otherwise a logical error is issued.
Fit criterion The logical error issued shall at least contain the generic attributes for errors.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

5.1.4 Performance

DSMR-M 4.5.11
Description The E meter shall supply the periodic meter reads on P3 soon after the request was
Rationale If the information retrieval takes too much time, this will cause delays in the meter
data collection process.
Fit criterion Total time to retrieve all requested information from the meter and publish it through
P3 shall be less than 5 seconds.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter

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5.2 Use case 2: Provide actual meter reads through P3
This section describes the process of gathering and providing actual meter reads in the meter-
ing equipment to the CS (see NTA 8130: § 5.2.4). This process is triggered on the request of an
actual meter read by a market participant. The trigger description, block diagram and UML se-
quence diagram are depicted in Figure 5-2.
Definitions for meter readings for E and G are provided in Chapter 2. All meter readings men-
tioned in this use case shall comply with these definitions.

Trigger Description
Request for actual meter read A market participant requests an actual meter read.

Figure 5-2a: Provide actual meter reads – trigger description.


Register actual meter

reads E

Gather last available meter

read G

Make actual meter reads



Figure 5-2b: Provide actual meter reads – block diagram.

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CS E meter G meter

Request actual meter reads ( )

Register actual meter read

Gather last meter read G

Actual meter reads E and G

Figure 5-2c: Provide actual meter reads – UML sequence diagram.

 A market participant requires actual meter reads for a connection.

 Equipment identifier for the E meter.

 The actual meter reads are available.

5.2.1 Requirements for electricity and gas

DSMR-M 4.5.12
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to register the actual meter readings E on re-
Rationale An actual meter reading is a meter reading on request. The E meter registers a meter
reading at the moment it receives the request. Actual meter readings can be used to
handle complaints from customers.
Fit criterion The E meter shall register a meter reading as defined in Chapter 2.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.13
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to retrieve actual meter reads.
Rationale Under some circumstances an actual meter read is needed (for example, consider a
call-centre agent handling a customer complaint). This is required in NTA 8130 (see §
Fit criterion The information provided as actual meter readings shall at least contain the following
 Actual meter reading E using kWh as the unit of measurement;
 Most recent meter reading G available in the E meter using m 3 as the unit of

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History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P3 Applicable E meter

5.2.2 Error reporting

DSMR-M 4.5.14
Description The E meter shall issue an error as soon as the scheduled G meter reading was not
Rationale The communication between the E meter and the G meter is not ‘always on’, depend-
ing on the communication medium. For this reason the E meter provides the most re-
cent meter reading G it has available. If the most recent scheduled meter reading G is
not available an error is generated.
Fit criterion The E meter shall issue an error as soon as the scheduled G meter reading was not
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

5.2.3 Performance
DSMR-M 4.5.15
Description The E meter shall have actual meter reads available on P3 immediately after the
request was received.
Rationale Actual meter readings can be used to handle complaints from customers. An actual
meter reading is a meter reading on request. The E meter registers a meter reading
at the moment it receives the request; these must be provided immediately. The in-
formation needs to be actual.
Fit criterion Total time to retrieve all requested information from the meter and publish it through
P3 shall be less than 5 seconds.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter

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5.3 Use case 3: Provide actual meter reads through P1
This section describes the process of gathering and providing actual meter reads in the meter-
ing equipment to the other services module (port P1). See also §5.2.5, § and Appendix B
of NTA 8130. Port P1 is intended to be used simultaneously by multiple types of equipment (a
maximum of 5 appliances can be connected), and is implemented using a RJ12 physical inter-
face. This process is triggered if an external device is connected to the RJ12 plug (connector #2
– see Appendix B of NTA 8130). The trigger description, block diagram and UML sequence dia-
gram are depicted in Figure 5-3.

Trigger Description
Request input of RJ12 plug is Actual meter reads are requested by connecting an external de-
high. vice. The metering installation will henceforth deliver the actual
(for E) and most recent (for G) meter data.

Figure 5-3a: Provide actual meter reads through P1 – trigger description.


Register actual meter read

and actual electric power

Gather last available meter

read G

Make actual meter reads



Figure 5-3b: Provide actual meter reads through P1 – block diagram.

OSM is connected E meter G meter

Register actual meter read

Gather last meter read G

Register actual electric power

Actual meter reads E and G

Figure 5-3c: Provide actual meter reads through P1 – UML sequence diagram.

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 Actual meter reads are requested by the other services module (through P1).

 None.

 The actual meter reads are available to auxiliary equipment connected to P1.

5.3.1 Requirements for electricity and gas

DSMR-M 4.5.16
Description On connecting an auxiliary equipment (on P1), the E meter shall register actual meter
reads for electricity with a regular interval.
Rationale The actual meter readings are provided to give the consumer insight in the amount of
electrical energy he uses in a near real-time fashion. The auxiliary equipment is re-
sponsible for providing the information to the consumer in a convenient way.
Fit criterion The E meter shall register actual meter readings every 10 seconds.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.17
Description On connecting auxiliary equipment (on P1), the E meter shall determine the actual
electrical power.
Rationale The actual power is provided to the consumer in order to inform in a near real-time
fashion. The auxiliary equipment is responsible for providing the information to the
consumer in a convenient way.
Fit criterion The E meter shall determine the average electrical power (delivery and consumption)
for every 10 second interval.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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DSMR-M 4.5.18
Description The E meter shall provide the actual meter readings and actual power to the OSM eve-
ry 10 seconds.
Rationale For the benefit of the customer, actual meter reads and the actual power are to be
provided to the OSM through P1.
Fit criterion The information provided at P1 shall at least contain the following information:
 Equipment identifier(s);
 Actual meter reading E using kWh (three decimals) as the unit of measurement;
 Actual electrical power (delivery and consumption) specified with a resolution of 1
 Most recent hourly meter reading G available in the metering equipment using m 3
as the unit of measurement (number of decimals depending on G meter type).
When a utility service person is at a customer’s premise and is communicating to the
meter over its optical port (P0), the P1 port can be temporarily interrupted.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P1 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.18a
Description Detection of connection of equipment on the P1 port
Rationale GO wants to have insight in the use of P1 devices/P1 service by the customer
Fit criterion The E-meter shall detect and register the connection of auxiliary equipment to the P1
port. The GO shall be able to determine (via P3) the status of the P1 port being either:
• P1 auxiliary equipment connected
• P1 auxiliary equipment not connected

Detection of a connected P1 device shall be done by monitoring the request line of the
P1 interface
History Dec. 2018 Origin SMR5.0 Port P1 Applicable E meter

5.3.2 Performance

DSMR-M 4.5.19
Description The E meter shall have the actual meter reads available on P1.
Rationale For the benefit of the customer, actual meter reads are to be provided to the auxiliary
equipment through P1. This information needs to be actual; therefore the information
will be refreshed every 10 seconds.
Fit criterion Total time to retrieve all information from the meter and publish it through P1 shall be
less than 10 seconds.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P1 Applicable E meter

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5.4 Use case 4: Provide interval values
This section provides the description of the process of making interval values available to the
CS. The interval values are made available through the E meter (both interval values for elec-
tricity and gas). The process of providing interval values is an uninterrupted process that runs
throughout the lifecycle of the metering equipment. This process is hence triggered on the de-
ployment of the electricity meter. The trigger description, block diagram and UML sequence dia-
gram are depicted in Figure 5-4.

Interval values are in fact time series composed of meter readings. This means that interval val-
ues differ from periodic meter reads only in the density of the measurements. As a result the
interval values presented in this use case shall comply with the definitions of meter readings.
Definitions for meter readings for E and G are provided in Chapter 2.

Trigger Description
Deploy E meter On installation the E meter starts registering interval meter reads and on de-
ployment these meter reads are made available to the CS.
Figure 5-4a: Provide interval values – trigger description


Register interval values E Register interval values G

Make interval values



Figure 5-4b: Provide interval values – block diagram

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CS E meter G meter

Register interval values E Register last hourly value G

! Only if a clock is installed

Request (last hourly) value G

Provide (last hourly) value G

Register interval values E and G

Publish interval values E and G

Retrieve interval values E and G(Date)

Interval values E and G

Figure 5-4c: Provide interval values - UML sequence diagram

Interval values E and G have been registered in the E meter. The G meter shall register the last
hourly meter reading in case the gas meter has a clock.
In case the gas meter doesn’t have a clock, the gas meter doesn’t register the last hourly value,
but the E meter requests the actual value and registers this value.

 Equipment identifier for the E meter.
 The interval for which the interval values are requested.

 Interval values for the requested period are provided on the designated ports.


5.4.1 Requirements for electricity

DSMR-M 4.5.20
Description The E meter shall register meter readings E (from the total consumption and delivery
registers) for 15 minute intervals.
Rationale Interval values are useful for both grid operator and supplier. The grid operator can
use the interval values for fraud detection; the supplier can use the interval values for
energy advice to customers or for analysis of consumption patterns.
Fit criterion The E meter shall register a meter reading E as defined in Chapter 2 every 15
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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DSMR-M 4.5.21
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to retrieve the interval values for a designated
Rationale Interval values are useful for both grid operator and supplier. The grid operator can
use the interval values for fraud detection; the supplier can use the interval values for
energy advises to customers or for analysis of consumption patterns.
Fit criterion The interval values for the designated period shall at least contain the following infor-
 Meter readings E with a measurement period of 15 minutes using kWh (3 deci-
mals) as the unit of measurement;
 Meter readings G with a measurement period of 60 minutes using m 3 (three deci-
mals for <= G6, two decimals for > G6) as the unit of measurement.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.22
Description The E meter shall provide on request interval data E for the 10 most recent days.
Rationale Interval data is used for analysis purposes. In order to be able to perform an analysis
on interval data, interval data has to be available for a reasonable period. The interval
data for that period can then be retrieved in a single request. The minimum and maxi-
mum retaining period for interval data for E in the meter is 10 days.
Fit criterion The E meter shall store a minimum and maximum of 10 days of interval data E.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P1, P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.23
Description The meter shall register interval data for the most 10 recent days. The meter shall also
provide partly available interval data, for example if only 5 days are available, the me-
ter shall give this data back on a request of 10 days.
Rationale If the requested interval data is only partly available in the meter then the meter must
provide the available interval data.
For example: The CS request 10 day’s interval data and only 5 days are available, the
meter shall provide the 5 days load profile
Fit criterion The meter shall also provide partly available interval data, and no logical error shall be
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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5.4.2 Requirements for gas
DSMR-M 4.5.24
Description G meters shall register the last hourly meter reading.
Rationale Interval values are useful for both grid operator and supplier. The grid operator can
use the interval values for fraud detection; the supplier can use the interval values for
energy advises to customers or for analysis of consumption patterns. The G meter in-
terval values will be stored in the E meter.
Fit criterion The G meter shall register a meter reading (as defined in Chapter 2) each whole hour
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port n.a. Applicable G meter, E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.25
Description The E meter shall provide on request interval data G for the 10 most recent days.
Rationale Interval data is used for analysis purposes. In order to be able to perform an analysis
on interval data, interval data has to be available for a reasonable period. The interval
data for that period can then be retrieved in a single request. The minimum and maxi-
mum retaining period for interval data for G in the E meter is 10 days.
Fit criterion The E meter shall store a minimum and maximum of 10 days of interval data G.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P1, P3 Applicable E meter, G meter

5.4.3 Error reporting

DSMR-M 4.5.26
Description The equipment shall issue a logical error in case the end date of the requested period
is prior to the begin date.
Rationale In the function call to provide interval meter reads two parameters are given to identify
the requested period. If (end date < begin date) a logical error will occur.
Fit criterion The equipment shall issue a logical error in case the end date of the requested period
is prior to the begin date. The logical error issued shall at least contain the generic at-
tributes for logical errors.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

5.4.4 Performance
DSMR-M 4.5.27
Description The E meter shall have interval values available on P3 soon after the request was
received (by the metering installation).
Rationale If the information retrieval takes too much time, this will cause delays in the meter
data collection process.
Fit criterion Total time of retrieving the interval data for 1 day (both E and G) and publishing it on
P3 shall be less than 5 seconds.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter, G

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5.5 Use case 5: Provide equipment status to P1
This use case provides a description of the process of providing the state of the metering
equipment to auxiliary equipment. See also §, § and Appendix B of NTA 8130. The
trigger description, block diagram and UML sequence diagram are depicted in Figure 5-5.

Trigger Description
Request input of RJ12 plug is Equipment status is requested by auxiliary equipment. The meter-
high. ing installation will provide the equipment status every 10 sec-

Figure 5-5a: Provide equipment status to P1 – trigger description.


Register status E Register status G

Publish status E and G


Figure 5-5b: Provide equipment status to P1 – block diagram.

CS E meter G meter

Bericht1 Register status G meter

Request G status

Provide G status

Publish G status
Retrieve equipment status

Equipment status E and G

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Figure 5-5c: Provide equipment status to P1 – UML sequence diagram.

 Request is activated by auxiliary equipment.

 None.

 The current status of the equipment is available to auxiliary equipment.

 None.

5.5.1 Requirements for electricity and gas

DSMR-M 4.5.28
Description The E meter shall provide on the P1 port every 10 seconds the actual status of the E
meter and the last known status for the G meter available in the E meter.
Rationale The actual status of the metering equipment is to be provided to the external service
module through the P1 port.
Fit criterion The current status of the equipment is provided on the P1 port:
 Equipment identifier for the E meter;
 Equipment identifier for the G meter;
 Actual tariff E;

History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 ((§, Port P1 Applicable E meter
§ and Appendix

5.5.2 Performance
DSMR-M 4.5.29
Description The E meter shall have the actual status available on P1.
Rationale For the benefit of the customer, the actual status reads is to be provided to the auxil-
iary equipment through P1. This information needs to be actual; therefore the infor-
mation will be refreshed every 10 seconds.
Fit criterion Total handling time of registering E meter status, retrieving most recent G meter sta-
tus and publish all information on P1 shall be less than 10 seconds.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P1 Applicable E meter

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5.6 Use case 6: Provide power quality information
This use case describes the process of gathering power quality measurements. Figure 5-6d
provides the power quality parameters. See also § of the NTA 8130. The trigger descrip-
tion, block diagram and UML sequence diagram are depicted in Figure 5-6.
Trigger Description
Deployment of E On installation the E meter starts registering information on power quality and
meter on deployment this information is made available to the CS. The Grid operator
uses the power quality information for monitoring the grid for distribution of

Figure 5-6a: Provide power quality information – trigger description


Register power quality


Make power quality

information available


Figure 5-6b: Provide power quality information – block diagram

CS E meter G meter

Register power quality measurement()

Publish power quality measurements()

Retrieve power quality measurements()

Power quality measurements

Figure 5-6c: Provide power quality information – UML sequence diagram

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Value Unit
Voltage Volt
Current Ampere
Active Power kW
Reactive power kVAr
Figure 5-6d: Capturing E parameters

 The grid operator wants to determine the quality of electricity supply.

 Equipment identifier for the E meter;
 Period in which the power swells and sags have to be registered.
 Power quality information is available for the designated equipment.

 It is assumed that the sample population of electricity meters can be addressed in the soft-
ware of the CS.
 CS needs to retrieve the power quality information regularly, in order to assign the quality
measurements to specific periods.

5.6.1 Power quality

DSMR-M 4.5.30
Description The E meter shall provide information on the voltage swells and sags.
Rationale The definition of voltage swells and power sags is specified in a local standard (NEN-
EN 50160:2000). The Grid operators use the information to determine the quality of
electricity supply.
Fit criterion The E meter shall provide the following:
 Equipment identifier for the E meter that the information originates from;
 Number of voltage swells (configurable for duration and threshold);
 Number of voltage sags (configurable for duration and threshold);
In case of a polyphase meter the settings for duration and threshold are valid for all
phases; the sags and swells have to be counted for every phase individually.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.31
Description The E meter shall have the functionality to record specific E-parameters.
Rationale For grid operational purposes it is necessary to be able to record E-parameters like
Current and Voltages.
Fit criterion The E meter shall have the functionality to record instantaneous values and average
values for measuring E parameters as described in figure 5.6d.
History Sep. 2009 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter

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DSMR-M 4.5.32
Description Accuracy of measurement Voltage and Current parameters shall be at least 0.5%.
Rationale For grid operational purposes it is necessary to be able to record E-parameters like
Current and Voltages within the specified accuracy.
Fit criterion The accuracy of the E meter for measuring the instantaneous values shall be at least
0.5% for Voltage (at 230 Volt) and Current (Imax) parameters.
History Sep. 2009 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.33
Description The interval time for capturing values shall be adjustable.
Rationale For grid operational purposes it is necessary to be able to adjust the interval period of
Fit criterion The interval period for E-parameters shall be adjustable between N seconds and N
minutes per value, where N is adjustable.
History Sep. 2009 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.34
Description The E meter shall provide the average value for voltage, current, active power and re-
active power.
Rationale Under some circumstances the average voltage is necessary (for the maintenance of
the grid). The average voltage is determined for periods of N minutes.
Fit criterion The E meter shall provide the average value for voltage, current, active power and re-
active power.
The average voltage shall at least contain the following information:
 Equipment identifier for the meter from which the values originate;
 Time stamp for end of the period during which the average voltage was deter-
 Parameter name.
 Parameter value.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.35
Description Constant recording of interval parameters in a circular buffer of the E meter.
Rationale The E meter’s interval data memory is limited; therefore the oldest data will be over-
written after at least 960 recordings.
Fit criterion The Ring-buffer size of the E meter shall be at least 960 recordings per parameter.
History Sep. 2009 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter

5.6.2 Performance
DSMR-M 4.5.36
Description The E meter shall have the power quality information available on P3 soon after the
request was received by the E meter.
Rationale Capturing the available interval information on P3 can take some time, therefore the
E meter shall publish this information as soon as possible after the request for pub-
lishing is received.
Fit criterion Total handling time of retrieving power quality information and publish all information
on P3 shall be less than 5 seconds.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter

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5.7 Use case 7: Sending power quality information to P1
This use case provides a description of the process of providing the power quality information to
auxiliary equipment. The trigger description, block diagram and UML sequence diagram are de-
picted in Figure 5-7.

Trigger Description
Request input of RJ12 plug is Equipment status is requested by auxiliary equipment. The meter-
high. ing installation will provide the equipment status every 10 sec-

Figure 5-7a: Provide Power Quality Information to P1 – trigger description.


Register Power Quality


Publish Power Quality



Figure 5-7b: Provide Power Quality Information to P1 – block diagram.

External Service Module E meter G meter

Register Power Quality Information

Publish Power Quality Information

Retrieve Power Quality Information

Power Quality Information

Figure 5-7c: Provide Power Quality Information to P1 – UML sequence diagram.

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 Request is activated by auxiliary equipment.

 None.

 The power quality information is available to auxiliary equipment.

 None.

5.7.1 Requirements for electricity

DSMR-M 4.5.37
Description The E meter shall provide every 10 seconds the power quality information available in
the E meter.
Rationale The power quality information is to be provided to the external service module through
Fit criterion The power quality information which is provided:
 Number of power failures in any phases;
 Number of long power failures in any phases;
 Power Failure Event Log;
 Number of voltage sags in phase L1;
 Number of voltage sags in phase L2 (poly phase meters only)
 Number of voltage sags in phase L3 (poly phase meters only);
 Number of voltage swells in phase L1;
 Number of voltage swells in phase L2 (poly phase meters only);
 Number of voltage swells in phase L3 (poly phase meters only)
History Jan. 2011 Origin TST Port P1 Applicable E Meter

5.7.2 Performance

DSMR-M 4.5.38
Description The E meter shall have the power quality information available on P1.
Rationale For the benefit of the customer, the power quality information is to be provided to the
auxiliary equipment through P1. This information needs to be up to date; therefore
the information will be refreshed every 10 seconds.
Fit criterion Total handling time of retrieving the power quality information and publishing all in-
formation on P1 shall be less than 10 seconds.
History Jan. 2011 Origin TST Port P1 Applicable E meter

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5.8 Use case 8: Provide outage information
This section describes the use case for retrieving outage information. NEN-EN 50160:2000 is a
standard for the Dutch market. In this standard the duration (T) for short and long outages has
been defined as 3 minutes, to differentiate between short and long outages. In the future this
definition might change. Therefore it is required that T is configurable. The trigger description,
block diagram and UML sequence diagram are depicted in Figure 5-8.

Trigger Description
Deployment of E On installation the E meters starts registering outages and on deployment this
meter information is made available to the CS. Two types of outages exist: short and
long outages. Short outages are detected for grid operating purposes while
long outages can lead to retributions. In order to determine the value of the
retribution, the duration of outages is used.

Figure 5-8a: Provide outage information – trigger description


Register outage information

Make outage information



Figure 5-8b: Provide outage information – block diagram

CS E meter G meter

Register outage information

Publish outage information

Retrieve outage information

Outage information

Figure 5-8c: Provide outage information – UML sequence diagram

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 T is configured (set to a certain duration);
 The meter has counted short outages (<T);
 The meter has logged long outages (>T).

 Equipment identifier for the E meter.

 The GO has information on power quality available from the designated meter.

 It is assumed that the sample population of electricity meters can be addressed in the soft-
ware of the CS.
 CS needs to retrieve the outage information regularly, in order to assign these measure-
ments to specific periods.

5.8.1 Outage information

DSMR-M 4.5.39
Description The E meter shall provide the number of short (<T) power outages.
Rationale The grid operator uses the information to determine the quality of the electricity supply.
Fit criterion The E meter shall provide at least the following information:
 Equipment identifier for the meter from which the measurements originate;
 Number of short electricity outages.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 ((§ Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.40
Description The E meter shall provide information on long (>T) power outages.
Rationale The grid operator uses this information to determine retributions to customers for dis-
turbances of electricity supply.
Fit criterion The electricity meter shall provide the following information on long outages:
 Equipment identifier for the meter from which the measurements originate;
 Outage duration;
 Time stamp for end of the outage.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 ((§ Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.41
Description The electricity meter shall record and provide on request the 10 most recent long pow-
er outages.
Rationale § of NTA 8130 requires that the electricity meter shall provide the 10 most re-
cent long power outages.
Fit criterion The electricity meter shall provide the 10 most recent long power outages.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 ((§ Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.42
Description In the case of a 3-phase metering installation, a record is also kept in case there is an

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outage on one or more of the phase(s). See § of NTA 8130.
Rationale The grid operator uses the information to determine the quality of the electricity supply.
Fit criterion The electricity meter shall provide the power outage information for each phase in the
same way as this is done in the case of a 1-phase metering installation.
An outage on any of the phases (in the case of a 3-phase metering installation) will be
handled as if it was an outage of a 1-phase metering installation. Hence, only the
number of outages shall be counted (in the case of short outages) or recorded (in the
case of long outages). No record need to be kept on which phase (R, S or T – or alter-
natively L1, L2, L3) the outage occurred.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P3 Applicable E meter
5.8.2 Performance

DSMR-M 4.5.43
Description The E meter shall have the outage information available on P3 soon after the request
was received by the metering installation.
Rationale If the information retrieval takes too much time, this will cause delays in the data col-
lection process.
Fit criterion Total handling time of retrieving outage information and publish all information on P3
shall be less than 5 seconds.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter

5.9 Use case 9: Provide tamper history (tamper detection)

This use case describes the activities associated with tamper. Attempts to violate (parts of) the
metering installation or the removal of the meter cover must be detected and registered with a
time stamp; this detection applies for both the electricity meter and the gas meter. Further, fraud
attempts using magnetic fields must be registered in the metering equipment. The metering in-
stallation must be able to register at least the last 30 fraud attempts. Tamper detection (fraud
and violation) is always active on all equipment (even during outages). The current process de-
scribes the retrieval of tamper detection (fraud detection). The trigger description, block diagram
and UML sequence diagram are depicted in Figure 5-9.

Trigger Description
Deployment of me- On installation the metering equipment starts registering tamper attempts and
tering equipment on deployment this information is made available to the CS. The GO will col-
lect information on tamper attempts periodically. Attempts of fraud (tamper
signals) on the electricity and gas meter are registered and provided, so the
grid operator is able to take appropriate actions to stop fraud.

Figure 5-9a: Provide tamper history – trigger description

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Register fraud attempt

Make fraud history available


Figure 5-9b: Provide tamper history – block diagram

CS E meter G meter

Register tamper attempt E Register tamper attempt G

Receive tamper attempt G

Publish tamper history E and G

Retrieve tamper history

Tamper history

Figure 5-9c: Provide tamper history – UML sequence diagram

 The grid operator wants to retrieve tamper information from a meter.

 Equipment identifier of the meter.

 The tamper information is published.

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 In general, the retrieval of an alarm byte in use case 1 (provide periodic meter reads) will be
the trigger for CS to request the fraud history.

5.9.1 Tamper detection

DSMR-M 4.5.44
Description Metering equipment shall detect physical tamper attempts.
Rationale The internals of metering equipment are protected by seals in order to prevent tamper-
ing. As breaking the seals cannot be detected automatically the meter shall provide
other means to detect intervention with components protected by these seals.
Fit criterion Metering equipment register the following information for physical intervention:
 Equipment identifier for the meter that detected the physical intervention;
 Time stamp of the moment of the intervention if a clock is present.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.5.45
Description Metering equipment shall detect tamper attempts with magnetic fields if it is suscepti-
ble to these magnetic fields.
Rationale Not all metering equipment is immune for magnetic fields of various strengths. The
equipment shall therefore be able to detect magnetic fields that it is susceptible for.
Fit criterion Metering equipment register the following information for magnetic intervention:
 Equipment identifier for the meter that detected the physical intervention;
 Time stamp of the moment of the intervention (if a clock is present in the G meter).
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

5.9.2 Tamper history

DSMR-M 4.5.46
Description The E meter shall provide a reasonable number of detected tamper attempts.
Rationale The E meter shall be able to store a number of tamper attempts that provides the GO
a reasonable timeframe to collect tamper information without any information getting
Fit criterion The E meter shall be able to store the following numbers of tamper attempts:
 30 most recent tamper attempts on G meter;
 30 most recent tamper attempts on E meter.
 The registration of identical tamper events shall be limited to once per 15 minutes
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P3 Applicable E meter

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5.9.3 Performance

DSMR-M 4.5.47
Description The E meter shall have the tamper history available on P3 soon after the request
was received by the metering installation.
Rationale If the information retrieval takes too much time, this will cause delays in the data col-
lection process.
Fit criterion Total handling time of retrieving the tamper history and publish all information on P3
shall be less than 5 seconds.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter

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5.10 Use case 10: Display standard messages on meter display and P1
It must be possible for grid companies and suppliers to send standard messages concerning the
supply of energy to the metering installation via port P3. These messages are displayed on the
display of the metering installation and are also offered at port P1. The metering installation
shall enable display of these messages. Messages concerning gas will also be displayed on the
display of the electricity metering system; it must, however, be clear which messages apply to
which commodity. The trigger description, block diagram and UML sequence diagram are de-
picted in Figure 5-10.

Trigger Description
The GO or supplier The grid operator or supplier informs the customer of executed or pending ac-
wants to send a tions.

Figure 5-10a: Display messages on meter display and P1 – trigger description


Receive display Generate display

message message

Display message


Figure 5-10b: Display messages on meter display and P1 – block diagram

CS E meter External Service Module

Display Messages

Display Messages

Figure 5-10c: Display messages on meter display and port P1 – UML sequence diagram

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 The GO or supply company wants to inform the customer of executed or pending actions.

Parameters, either
 A message with syntax code NN, where NN numerical, or
 A concatenated message with syntax code NN+MM+LL…, where NN, MM, LL, and so on,
are numerical (maximum 8 characters, see also P1 document), or
 An empty message.

Post-conditions, either
 The message is presented on P1 and on the display of the metering installation, or
 (In case of an empty message) the previous message is removed from P1 and the display
of the metering installation.

 The assumption is made that the equipment that receives the information on P1 provides
functionality to handle the messages in the appropriate way
 The CS shall decide which messages must be presented, when more than one needs to be
presented, concatenation is handled in the CS.

5.10.1 Display standard messages

DSMR-M 4.5.75
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to display received standard messages and
standard messages generated by the meter.
Rationale Messages are used by the GO, the supplier, or by the meter in order to inform the cus-
Fit criterion The received standard message or the generated message (added to the received
standard message) is shown on the display of the metering installation and it has the
following characteristics:
 It can be displayed on a numerical display;
 Horizontal scrolling will be used if the message does not fit on the display;
 A new message will override the current message on the display;
 An empty message will result in the removal of the current message on the dis-
play, and return the display to auto scroll mode;
 Maximum length is 8 characters.
 The message shall be shown continuously on the display, until the consumer
presses a button.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.76
Description The electricity meter shall provide functionality to provide standard messages to auxil-
iary equipment.
Rationale Auxiliary equipment is usually installed at a convenient location for the consumer to
view information whereas the metering installation can be in a less convenient place.

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For this reason the standard messages are provided to auxiliary equipment.
Fit criterion The standard message is provided to the auxiliary equipment.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P1 Applicable E meter

5.10.2 Performance
DSMR-M 4.5.77
Description The E meter shall display a message on the meter display soon after the request
was received by the metering installation.
Rationale The received message has to be shown on the display on short notice.
Fit criterion Total handling time after receiving the message shall be less than 5 seconds.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.78
Description The E meter shall send a message to P1 soon after the request was received by the
metering installation.
Rationale The received message has to be shown on the auxiliary device on short notice.
Fit criterion Total handling time after receiving the message shall be less than 5 seconds. The E
meter continues to send the message to P1 (every 10 seconds) until the next mes-
sage has been received.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P1 Applicable E meter

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5.11 Use case 11: Sending long messages to port P1
For the market participant involved with the connection (GO, supply company and independent
service provider), it is possible to send a long message to the metering installation. A long mes-
sage differs from standard messages by the way the metering installation handles them. On ar-
rival in the metering installation the long messages are directly forwarded to the auxiliary
equipment. The long messages are not interpreted or displayed in the metering installation in
any way. The trigger description, block diagram and UML sequence diagram are depicted in
Figure 5-11.

Trigger Description
A market participant A market participant involved wants to send a data string through P3 to the
wants to send a OSM on P1.

Figure 5-11a: Sending messages to port P1– trigger description


Receive service module


Send message to
Services module


Figure 5-11b: Sending messages to port P1– block diagram

CS E meter External Service Module

Send message()

Forward message to P1

Figure 5-11c: Sending messages to port P1– UML sequence diagram

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 A market participant involved with a connection wants to send a data string to the auxiliary

 A long message (maximum 1024 characters).

 The long message is provided to the auxiliary equipment. The central system assures at
least 1 hour availability of the long message at the end customer device. In case another
message is offered for processing, the new message is hold back by the CS in case the
previous message was processed less than 1 hour ago"

5.11.1 Long messages

DSMR-M 4.5.79
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to receive long messages.
Rationale Market participants can provide specific information to consumers through the auxiliary
equipment. Note the difference with standard messages. The standard messages are
provided to auxiliary equipment too, but are also displayed by the E meter itself..
Fit criterion The E meter shall accept long messages with a maximum of 1024 characters for dis-
tribution to the auxiliary equipment.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.80
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to forward long messages to the auxiliary
Rationale The contents of long messages are no concern for the metering installation. The con-
tents are therefore forwarded to the auxiliary equipment directly. The E meter contin-
ues to send the message to the auxiliary equipment until the next message has been
Fit criterion The displayed message is available to the auxiliary equipment until the next message
has been received.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P1 Applicable E meter

5.11.2 Error reporting

DSMR-M 4.5.81
Description The equipment shall issue a logical error in case it cannot handle the received long
message due to its size.
Rationale Messages can be modified during transport (e.g. differing character sets). This could
lead to situations where a message is longer than the size that can be handled by the
Fit criterion The equipment shall issue a logical error in case it cannot handle the received long
message due to its size. The logical error issued shall at least contain the generic at-

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tributes for errors.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

5.11.3 Performance
DSMR-M 4.5.82
Description The E meter shall publish the message on the P1 port soon after the request was
received by the metering installation.
Rationale The message shall become available for the external service module on short no-
Fit criterion Total handling time after receiving the message shall be less than 5 seconds. The E
meter continues to send the message to the auxiliary equipment until the next mes-
sage has been received.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P1 Applicable E meter

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5.12 Use case 12: Shift tariff times electricity
The supply company can deliver electricity for a flat rate (single tariff) or two tariffs. In the latter
case, a calendar day is divided in two parts. The times during the day where a shift from one
tariff to another takes place are denoted tariff shift times. The trigger description, block diagram
and UML sequence diagram are depicted in Figure 5-12.

Trigger Description
Change of tariff The supply company requests a change in the tariff switch times.
Figure 5-12a: Shift tariff times electricity – trigger description


Receive new tariff times

Apply tariff times

Provide change results


Figure 5-12b: Shift tariff times electricity – block diagram

CS E meter G meter

Set tariff times

Apply tarif times

Figure 5-12c: Shift tariff times electricity – UML sequence diagram

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 A shift of the tariff period is required

 date at which the new shift times have to applied (activation date);
 tariff shift time to ‘on-peak’ tariff;
 tariff shift time to ‘off-peak’ tariff.

 The tariff shift times have been set at the activation date;
 If setting of the tariff shift time has failed, an error is issued. The current active shift times
must be not affected by this failure and must stay active.

 None.

5.12.1 Set tariff times

DSMR-M 4.5.83
Description The electricity meter shall provide functionality to set two tariff shift times at a desig-
nated date.
Rationale A supplier may want to differentiate tariffs e.g. to satisfy customers with a specific con-
sumption pattern. For this purpose the supplier can set tariff shift times per connection.
Tariff shift times are applied at 00:00h in order to let the change coincide with a period-
ic meter read.
Fit criterion After 00:00h on the designated date the tariff shift times are applied and consumption
is assigned to the correct tariff according to the tariff shift times.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P3 Applicable E meter

5.12.2 Logging and events

DSMR-M 4.5.85
Description The E meter shall log info when the new Tariff Shift Time is applied.
Rationale It is important to have the means to verify when and which tariff is used and what the
meter register values were.
Fit criterion The E meter shall log info when the new Tariff Shift Time is applied. The following info
is logged:
 Activation date and time
 Event 9 and/or 19 will be used
History Sep. 2009 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter

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5.13 Use case 13: Synchronise time E meter
The general requirement DSMR-M 4.3.5 states the required accuracy of the time of the meter.
To be able to verify that the internal clock of the metering equipment is operating and set cor-
rectly, the CS has to be able to synchronise the time of the metering equipment. This use case
only applies to meters that use the CS for clock synchronisation, other methods are allowed as
long as general requirement DSMR-M 4.3.5 is met. The trigger description, block diagram and
UML sequence diagram are depicted in Figure 5-13.

Trigger Description
Synchronise request A synchronise request is received from CS specifying the local time.
from CS
Figure 5-13a: Synchronise time E meter – trigger description


Receive actual time E

Register deviation E
of time E

Set equipment time E

Publish deviation E


Figure 5-13b: Synchronise time E meter – block diagram

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CS E meter G meter

Update Time

Set Time E

{ In case the difference

between the actual meter
time and the given time
is too large
. }

Publish time deviation E and error report

Time deviation E

Figure 5-13c: Synchronise time E meter – UML sequence diagram

 The internal clock of the E meter can deviate from the local time.

 Local time (possibly with the time needed for communication accounted for).

 The internal clock of the metering equipment is within the limits of accuracy.
 If the clock is adjusted more than a predefined amount of time, this is logged as an error.

 The time it takes to send the local time from the CS to the meter can be neglected.
 After retrieval of the alarm byte concerning the time shift (in use case Provide periodic me-
ter reads) and retrieval of the error logging including the applied time shift (use case Provide
error history), it is the responsibility of CS to ascertain the quality of the periodic meter reads
and interval values.

5.13.1 Synchronise time

DSMR-M 4.5.86
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to synchronise its internal clock, and to adjust
the maximal deviation that is accepted compared to the local time from the CS.
Rationale It is required that the accuracy of the time of the meter is within limits. As it is not rea-
sonable to equip meters with clocks that meet the accuracy during their lifetime, the
meter shall provide functionality to synchronise its clock to external entities.
Fit criterion  The E meter shall provide functionality to synchronise its internal clock.
 The deviation of the clock shall be within the limits of accuracy.
 The maximum deviation in seconds can be adjusted in the E meter (typically 60

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History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.87
Description The E meter shall issue an event if the time adjustment is larger than the maximum
deviation time.
Rationale In order for meter readings to be accurate, the time of registration has to be accurate
too. Therefore the equipment shall provide information on large time adjustments.
Fit criterion If the time adjustment is more than the maximum deviation time in Seconds, two
events are issued. The corresponding log entry contains the event Clock adjusted (old
date/time) and the event Clock adjusted (new date/time).
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter

5.13.2 Performance
DSMR-M 4.5.88
Description The E meter shall have the logging information on large time shifts available for both
E and G on P3 soon after the request was received by the metering installation.
Rationale If the information retrieval takes too much time, this will cause delays in the data col-
lection process.
Fit criterion The retrieval of the stored information and publication on P3 shall take no more than
5 seconds.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E meter

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5.14 Use case 14: Synchronise time G meter
The general requirement DSMR-M 4.3.5 states the required precision of the time of the meter.
To be able to verify that the metering equipment is operating accordingly and correct the time
when necessary the E meter has to be able to synchronise the time of the G meter. The trigger
description, block diagram and UML sequence diagram are depicted in Figure 5-14.
Trigger Description
Deployment of At deployment the time of the metering equipment is probably not correct, so it has
gas equipment to be synchronized. If the P2 device has an internal clock, it shall be synchronised
by the E meter via an M-Bus time set action after the first encrypted response is
Note that time synchronisation is always initiated by the E meter. In wireless (RF)
configurations the G meter allows the E meter to send commands once every hour.
Time change Synchronisation is done at every time change of the bus master (including daylight
savings time related changes)
Communication Synchronisation is done at every restart of the communication (after communication
restart breakdown, after M-Bus master breakdown, and after M-Bus slave breakdown).
Periodically Synchronisation is done every 24 hours, to ensure a maximum deviation below 60

Figure 5-14a: Synchronise time G meter – trigger description


Receive actual time G

Set time G


Figure 5-14b: Synchronise time G meter – block diagram

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CS E meter G meter

Update Time()

Set Time()

Register alarm()()

Publish G error() (In case the difference

Register error()() between the given time
and the system time is
too large)

Figure 5-14c: Synchronise time G meter – UML sequence diagram

 The internal clock of the G meter can deviate from the E meter time.

 Local time.

 The time of the G meter is within the limits of accuracy.
 If the clock is adjusted more than a predefined amount of time, this is logged as an error.

 The time to send the local time from the E meter to the G meter can be neglected.

5.14.1 Synchronise time

DSMR-M 4.5.89
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to synchronise the time of the G meter.
Rationale It is required that the accuracy of the time of the meter is within limits. As it is not rea-
sonable to equip meters with clocks that meet the accuracy during their lifetime, the E
meter shall provide functionality to synchronise the clock of the G meter. Synchronisa-
tion is done:
 At every time change of the bus master (including daylight savings time related
 At every restart of the communication (after communication breakdown, after M-
Bus master breakdown, and after M-Bus slave breakdown).
 Every 24 hours, to ensure a maximum deviation below 60 seconds.
 The E meters shall automatically perform a M-Bus time set action after installation
of a G meter.
Fit criterion The G meter can be synchronized. Deviation of the clock shall be within the limits of

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History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P2 Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.5.90
Description The G meter shall provide functionality to synchronise its clock.
Rationale It is required that the accuracy of the time of the meter is within limits. As it is not rea-
sonable to equip meters with clocks that meet the accuracy during their lifetime, the
meter shall provide functionality to synchronise its clock to external entities.
Fit criterion The G meter can be synchronized
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P2 Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.5.91
Description The G meter shall provide functionality to publish large time shifts.
Rationale Time shifts shall be known in the CS in order to determine the quality of certain interval
Fit criterion Upon synchronisation, if the clock deviates more than 60 seconds, an alarm is raised.
Upon first communication, the alarm is reported to the E meter.
History 16-07-07 Origin NTA 8130 Port P2 Applicable G meter

5.14.2 Error reporting

DSMR-M 4.5.92
Description The E meter shall issue a normal error for large time adjustments that occur in the G
Rationale In order for meter readings to be accurate, the time of registration has to be accurate
too. Therefore the equipment shall provide information on large time adjustments.
Fit criterion If the time adjustment is more than S (typically 1 minute), an error is issued that con-
tains the generic attributes for normal errors.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA 8130 Port P2 Applicable E meter

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5.15 Use case 15: Provide communication information

This use case is derived from the AmvB and describes the process of gathering information
about communication sessions between CS and E meter. The trigger description, block diagram
and UML sequence diagram are depicted in Figure 5-15. Figure 5-15d provides the communica-
tion log parameters.
Trigger Description
Deployment of E On installation the E meter starts registering communication sessions and on
meter deployment this information is made available to the customer and the CS.
The information is used to provide the customer with information about the
time and reason for communication with central system of the Grid operator.

Figure 5-15a: Provide communication session information – trigger description


Register communication
session information

Make communication
session information


Figure 5-15b: communication session information – block diagram

CS E meter G meter

Register Communication Session information

Publish Communication Session information

Retrieve Communication Session Information

Communication Session Information

Figure 5-15c: Provide communication session information – UML sequence diagram

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Comlog Meaning Number of Purpose Explanation
code meter read-
ings in dis-
1 Technical mainte- None time synchronisation,
nance of the meter setting of tariff, spe-
cial days table, status
of meter (alarms and
events) firmware up-
2 Technical mainte- None Power quality, defina-
nance of the grid ble load profile, in-
stantaneous and ac-
tive values.
3 Meter readings E Yes Actual, daily and 1 meter reading is de-
monthly meter read- fined as one set of
ings data for consumption
and delivery on all
active tariffs at one
4 Meter readings G Yes Actual (last hourly 1 meter reading is de-
value), daily and fined as one set of
monthly meter read- data for all connected3
ings M-Bus devices at one
5 Interval data E Yes Interval data E meter 1 meter reading is de-
fined as one set of
data for consumption
and delivery at one

6 Interval data G Yes Interval data all M-bus 1 meter reading is de-

2 The timestamp for daily and monthly meter readings is defined as the date and time stored in the profile.
The timestamp for actual reading (last hourly value for G) is defined as the time of the reading of
the registers. All actual readings are considered to have the same timestamp and will always be different
from the timestamp in the daily and monthly profiles. If daily and monthly meter readings are read in com-
bination with the actual readings, the comlog counter must be incremented twice.
3Connected means that the M-Bus device is installed and not-connected means that the M-Bus device is
de-installed or has never been installed.
4 Timestamp is defined as the date and time of the measurement values.

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devices fined as one set of
data for all connected5
M-Bus devices at one
Figure 5-18d: Table of Comlog codes and explanation

 The customer wants to check when the GO has communicated with the E- and G meter and
what type of information is exchanged.

 Equipment identifier for the E meter;
 Period for which the communication session information has to be retrieved

 Communication session information is available on the E meter display and/or the P3 port

 None

5.15.1 Communication session information

DSMR-M 4.5.93
Description The E meter must log for every communication session the date and time of the ses-
sion, the type of data and if applicable the number of meter readings retrieved. This
information must be made available on the display of the E meter and the P3 port.
Rationale The customer must have the possibility to verify if the Grid operator does not retrieve
more data than the customer has given permission for.
Fit criterion The communication session log should comply to the following:
 The E meter must log for every communication session over P0 and P3; the date
and time of the session, type of data exchanged and if applicable the number of
meter readings retrieved.
 The date and time stamp logged is the end of the communication session.
 The information must be made available on the display of the E meter and the P3
 The information must be stored for a year. (The number of entries is based on one
communication session per day with all types of data exchange.
 Logging older than a year must be deleted.
History Sep. 2013 Origin AmvB Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.94
Description The communication session information shall be available per comlog code in a stand-
ardized way.
Rationale The customer has to be able to check in an easy way when the GO has communicated
with the E- and M-bus device and for which reason and how many data has been re-

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Fit criterion The information must be displayed according to the navigation structure from figure 5-
 In manual scroll the date and timestamp of the most recent communication ses-
sion with the corresponding com log code is displayed,
 Detailed com log information can be obtained by pressing the button for >5 sec-
 The first level of the com log menu shows the six com log types (when applicable)
with corresponding date and timestamp of the most recent communication ses-
 The second level of the com log menu can be entered by pressing the button for
>5 seconds,
 The second level of the com log menu shows:
o The date and timestamps of all communication sessions of this com log
o The first entry shall be the most recent communication session and there-
fore this entry has the same timestamp as depicted in the first level
o The number of meter readings retrieved by the CS (only applicable for
com log codes 3 thru 6).
 From the second level, the first level can be entered again via a button press of >5
 With a short button press <1 sec the next item within the menu will be selected,
 Returning to auto scroll will occur after a timeout of 30 seconds (no button press),
 The next item will be shown after releasing the button.
History Sep. 2013 Origin AmvB Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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Figure 5-15.1 Communication session log navigation structure

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5.16 Use case 16: Provide partial power outage information
This chapter describes the Use Case for detecting and sending Partial power outage in-
formation on a poly phase meter to the central system. The trigger description, block dia-
gram and UML sequence diagram are depicted in Figure 5-16.

Trigger Description

Power outage on On detecting a partial power outage on one or two out of three phases on a poly
one or two phases phase meter, the E meters starts registering this outages and if configured the
event(s) will be pushed to the CS.

Figure 5-16a: Provide partial power outage information – trigger description

Figure 5-16b: Provide partial power outage information – block diagram

CS E meter G meter

Register outage information

Publish outage information

Outage information

Figure 5-16c: Provide partial power outage information – UML sequence diagram

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 The meter has detected a partial power outage;

 The meter has logged partial power outages;


 Equipment Identifier for the E meter.


 The GO has information on a partial power outage available from the designated meter.


 None

DSMR-M 4.5.95
Description The poly phase E-Meter shall be able to detect partial power failure for outage signal-
Rationale In about 90% of power outages in the field only one or two phases are disconnected.
When all poly phase meters send power outage information the GO immediately gets
a complete picture of the scale of power outage and can respond efficiently.
Fit criterion If for a poly phase E-Meter the voltage of one or two phases reaches a low value
(same as used for the power outage mentioned in DSMR-M 4.5.39 DSMR-M 4.5.40)
for a period longer than 3 sec, then a Partial Power Outage message is sent by the E
Meter, if that function is configured and enabled in the E Meter.
Time of detection is 3 sec. All parameters are the same for all phases. The message
contains the situation at the detection moment.
History Dec. 2018 Origin SMR5.0 Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.96
Description The Partial Power Outage message shall contain identification of the phases that
suffered power outage.
Rationale Partial Power Outage can occur on any of the 3 phases so information about the af-
fected phase is needed
Fit criterion Identification of the disconnected phase is send.
History Dec. 2018 Origin SMR5.0 Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.97
Description The poly-phase E Meter shall be able to handle a new Partial Power Outage mes-
sage immediately after completion (sending) the previous Partial Power Outage

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Rationale A second phase could suffer a power outage soon after the previous one.
Fit criterion Completion of the Partial Power Outage messages includes handling on all protocol
History Dec. 2018 Origin SMR5.0 Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.98
Description The Meter shall have the ability to test the Partial Power Outage function without the
need for an interrupted main supply.
Rationale Testing of Partial Power Outage function in the field.
Fit criterion The Meter shall have a precisely timed event that triggers the activation of the Partial
Power Outage message. With a programmable time-based event, an emulation of a
massive outage is possible.
History Dec. 2018 Origin SMR5.0 Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.5.99
Description It shall be possible to disable and enable the Partial Power Outage Signaling func-
Rationale There are situations where it may be useful to prevent unwanted Partial Power Out-
age messages (e.g. in case of signaling load issues).
Fit criterion Partial Power Outage Signalling can be disabled
History Dec. 2018 Origin SMR5.0 Port P3 Applicable E meter

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In this chapter the requirements are provided in a framework of use cases. The use cases represent
the building block for business processes for installation and maintenance in which the equipment
participates. The entity that executes the use cases is external to the equipment. The actual type of
the external entity (system, user or other) is irrelevant for the requirements in this section. What is
however important, is to have a clear division between the activities internal to the equipment and
the external entity. Where gas meters are mentioned this could also be replaced with thermal, wa-
ter, or slave E meters.

6.1 Measuring equipment use cases

This section provides the use cases that apply to all equipment.

6.1.1 Use case: Receive equipment

This use case provides descriptions of the activities that start after the equipment is pro-
duced and are completed at the moment the equipment is ready to be installed.

Trigger Description
The GO has or- The GO has ordered equipment from a vendor.
dered equipment

Reception of equipment is handled per batch, i.e. the GO considers each delivery of
equipment as a single batch of equipment.

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Pre-configure equipment

Set operational parameters


Delivery of equipment


Figure 6-1: Receive equipment

 The equipment is in the initial state as produced.

 Default configuration information;
 Default values for operational parameters.

 The equipment is ready to be installed in the production environment

 -none- Pre-configure equipment

The vendor handles pre-configuring the equipment. It involves setting values for the con-
figuration and the operational parameters for the equipment. Refer to section 2.5 of the
main document for a description of the configuration attributes for various types of equip-

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The GO will deliver a complete set of values for pre-configuring the equipment that is part
of a batch of equipment, i.e. for each batch a new set of configuration values is provided.

The pre-configuration information for Measuring as provided by the GO consists of the fol-
lowing categories of information for each of the values in section 2.5.1:
Value Description
Name The name of the configuration item.
Value The actual value to be pre-configured.
Displayable Indicates if the name and value of the configuration item shall be displaya-
ble on the metering installation or not.

The activity of pre-configuring equipment is based on the assumption that it is more effi-
cient and less error prone to do this separately from the physical installation. Another ad-
vantage of pre-configuring is that configuration information does not need to be distributed.

As the vendor performs the activity of pre-configuring the equipment, there are no re-
quirements associated with this activity. Set operational parameters equipment

The vendor will set the operational parameters for equipment prior to delivery. For this
purpose the GO provides a complete set of values for the operational parameters. Refer to
section for a description of the operational parameters for the E meter and to sec-
tion for a description of operational parameters for G meter.

As the vendor performs the activity of setting the operational parameters for the equipment
there are no requirements associated with this activity. Delivery of equipment

The current section describes the requirements for delivery of equipment. All equipment is
pre-configured by the vendor. After the vendor has preconfigured the equipment and set
the operational parameters, the equipment is shipped to the GO.

The GO can verify that all requirements in this section are met through random samples
determined before or after arrival of the equipment.

DSMR-M 4.6.1
Description During the packaging of each E meter a mounting clip shall be included.
Rationale Sometimes it is necessary for installation purposes to use a mounting clip to fit the E
meter on the meter board.
Fit criterion During the packaging of each E meter a mounting clip shall be included.
History Dec. 2008 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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DSMR-M 4.6.2
Description Measuring equipment shall have an equipment identifier according to the U.S.S code
128 bar code system.
Rationale GO’s need an identifier for the meter that is used throughout its lifetime: the equip-
ment identifier. The identifier for E and G meters contains the meter code. The meter
code implicitly indicates that the meter is certified to be used in the Dutch market.
The equipment identifier also includes the serial number for the equipment. The seri-
al number is assigned by the vendor. Finally the equipment identifier contains the
last 2 digits of the year of manufacturing (i.e. year of century). However, these last
two digits can’t be used to make the equipment ID unique.
Fit criterion The equipment identifier shall be compiled of three parts:
 Meter code, 5 character code (with leading spaces if is code is shorter than 5
 Serial number, 10 characters, assigned by the vendor, with leading zeroes if the
number is shorter than 10 characters
 Year of manufacturing, 2 characters, assigned by the vendor as year of century.
However, these last two digits can’t be used to make the equipment ID unique.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.6.3
Description The equipment identifier shall be printed in a form that is readable for both humans
and machines.
Rationale The equipment identifier shall be provided in both machine readable and human
readable form as this facilitates installation and maintenance processes. In order to
improve readability the background colour of the bar code shall preferably be white.
Fit criterion The printed representation of the equipment identifier shall meet the following criteria:
 The bar code must comply with Code 128 bar code (also known as ANSI/AIM
128 or USS code 128) specifications;
 The width of the thinnest line or space in the bar code, also known as the ‘signifi-
cant dimensional parameter X’ must be at least 0.3 mm;
 The blank zones preceding and following the bar code, also known as the ‘quiet
zone’ must be a minimum of 6 mm;
 The height of the bar code must be a minimum of 7 mm;
 A written out representation of the contents of the bar code must be printed di-
rectly underneath the bar code with a minimum character height of 3 mm;
 The size of the label shall not exceed a height of 30 mm and a length of 75 mm;
 The label shall remain legible throughout the lifetime of the meter.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

6.1.2 Use case: Firmware upgrade

This use case provides a description of the requirements to equipment with respect to
firmware upgrades.

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Please note that NTA 8130 states that firmware upgrades for the metering installation are
required. In this document this is interpreted as firmware upgrades for only E meters (no G
Trigger Description
Add functionality The GO wants to add new functionality on existing hardware and therefore
installs new firmware.
Add optimisations The GO wants to deploy optimised version of the firmware.
Fix software defects The current version of the software contains flaws (bugs, incompatibilities
etc) and is therefore replaced with a new version.


Upload new firmware

Verify firmware upgrade

yes Successful? no

Deploy new firmware Discard new firmware

Perform self-check


Figure 6-2: Firmware upgrade

 The current version of the firmware is incomplete, incorrect or outdated.

 Date to deploy the new version of the firmware;
 New version of the firmware.

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 The new version of the firmware is deployed successfully or discarded;
 Verification of the new firmware is logged;
 The change of firmware is logged.

 The meter data in the metering instrument are not affected in any way by the firm-
ware update;
 The state of the equipment (operational parameters and configuration) is not af-
fected in any way by the firmware update;
 The metrological functions of metering instruments shall not be affected by a firm-
ware upgrade. Upload new firmware
DSMR-M 4.6.4
Description The equipment shall provide functionality to upload new firmware to equipment.
Rationale It is expected that the firmware will be upgraded multiple times during the lifecycle of
the equipment. Multiple reasons exist for upgrading firmware: new functionality added
to firmware, optimisations in firmware, defects in firmware etc. For economic reasons it
may not be feasible to upgrade firmware on-site, therefore both remote and local up-
loads of firmware are required.
Fit criterion The new version of the firmware shall be stored by the equipment. The fact that a new
version of firmware is available can be verified through the state of the equipment.
History Nov. 2007 Origin NTA Port P3, P0 Applicable E meter Verify firmware upgrade

DSMR-M 4.6.7
Description The equipment shall issue a logical error in case the new firmware is incomplete,
inconsistent or incompatible with the equipment-type.
Rationale A firmware upgrade is preceded by thorough testing and it is therefore not ex-
pected that firmware is not compatible. Incompatible firmware of a single piece of
equipment usually implies that the upgrade will fail for other equipment too. As a
firmware upgrade is a time-consuming activity users have to be informed of incom-
patible firmware immediately.
Fit criterion The logical error issued for incomplete, inconsistent (invalid identification or sign-
ing) or incompatible with the equipment-type firmware shall at least contain the ge-
neric attributes for logical errors. The new firmware shall not be deployed.
History Nov Origin I&M Port P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.6.8
Description The equipment shall log the event of successful verification of a new version of the

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Rationale For maintenance reasons it is important to verify if new firmware was received by
the equipment and at what time and date it was verified.
Fit criterion The log information for the event shall at least contain the following information:
Time stamp at which the new version of the firmware was verified
History Nov. Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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DSMR-M 4.6.9
Description The metering equipment shall deploy the new version immediately.
Rationale The metering equipment shall deploy the new version immediately.
Fit criterion The new version of the firmware is the operational version of the firmware in the

History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.6.10
Description Deployment of new firmware shall not result in modification or deletion of any meter
data, configuration parameters or operational parameters in the equipment.
Rationale The deployment of new firmware shall not have any additional activities as a result
in order to have the equipment function correctly. This means that the firmware is
supplied as ‘plug-n-play’ software.
Fit criterion No operational changes in the functioning of the meter shall occur after deployment
of new firmware other than the documented changes for the new firmware.
History Nov. Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.6.11
Description A firmware upgrade for metering instruments shall not affect the metrological part
of the instruments in any way.
Rationale According to European law and legislation it is not allowed to change the metrolog-
ical characteristics or functionality in metering instruments. A firmware upgrade
shall therefore not affect it. By following Welmec 7.2 Issue 4 (Software Guide –
measuring Instruments Directive 2004/22/EC –) a compliancy with the software-
related requirements contained in the MID (e.g. Annex 1, 7.6, 8.3, 8.4) can be as-
Fit criterion The equipment shall comply with Welmec 7.2 Issue 4 (Software Guide – measuring
Instruments Directive 2004/22/EC –)
History Nov. Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.6.12
Description The equipment shall log the event of deploying a new version of the firmware.
Rationale For maintenance reasons it is important to know at which time and date the firm-
ware was deployed or discarded.
Fit criterion The log information for the event shall contain the following information:
 Time stamp at which the new version of the firmware was deployed.
History Nov. Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 111 of 140 Perform self-check
DSMR-M 4.6.13
Description Immediately after the new firmware is deployed, a self-check is executed by the
equipment. The results consist of the outcome of Use case: Perform self-check Meas-
uring equipment’.
Rationale A self-check is executed to establish the correct running of the newly installed soft-
ware. This can be considered as the final check performed during the process of a
firmware upgrade.
Fit criterion The self-check that is executed as part of the firmware upgrade shall be performed
within 10 seconds after the completion of the firmware update process,.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P3 Applicable E meter Discard new firmware

In case the verification of correct operation failed the new firmware shall not be deployed.
DSMR-M 4.6.14
Description The equipment shall discard the new version of the firmware in case it is incomplete,
inconsistent or incompatible with the equipment-type.
Rationale Equipment is able to store two versions of firmware: the version deployed and the ver-
sion to be deployed. If the verification for correct delivery of the new version of the
firmware fails, that version of the firmware shall not be deployed.
Fit criterion In case the firmware is incomplete, inconsistent or incompatible with the equipment-
type, the new version of the firmware is prevented from activation by the equipment.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter Performance
DSMR-M 4.6.15
Description The equipment shall complete a firmware upgrade within a limited period of time.
Rationale A remote firmware upgrade of firmware (P3) is not an online activity whereas a local
firmware upgrade (P0) is considered an online activity (as on-site personnel may be
waiting for it to complete).
Fit criterion The completion rates and times for execution of the use case for the respective ports
P3 P0
80 %: 24 hours void
95 %: 48 hours void
99 %: 120 hours 5 minutes
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter

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6.1.3 Use case: Planned on-site maintenance
This section describes the use case for periodical on-site maintenance. This use case ap-
plies to Measuring equipment The equipment shall be implemented is such a way that
planned on-site maintenance is kept to a minimum.

Trigger Description
The battery of The GO has determined that the battery of the equipment needs to be re-
equipment is low placed.
New communication The GO want to change the communication technology for the equipment
and therefore replaces the communications module.


Replace communications
Replace battery

Perform self-check


Figure 6-3: Planned on-site maintenance

 The equipment needs on-site maintenance.

 -none-

 The maintenance on the equipment was completed and the equipment functions

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 -none- Replace battery
The lifetime of the battery is required to be at least as long as the technical lifetime of the
equipment. However, it is anticipated that a battery in individual meters can have a shorter
lifetime than the meter itself. For this purpose the possibility of replacing the battery is nec-

DSMR-M 4.6.16
Description Equipment that contains a battery shall be constructed in such a way that re-
placement of the battery can be performed safely without disconnecting the
equipment from the grid.
Rationale Lifetime of a battery can under some circumstances be shorter than the lifetime
of the equipment.
Fit criterion Replacement of the battery module shall not lead to modification or loss of data in
the equipment. The configuration and operational parameters of equipment will
not be affected and need not to be changed as the result of replacing a battery.
For metering instruments the meter data will not be affected by the replacement
of the battery.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.6.17
Description Equipment that contains a battery shall be constructed in such a way that replace-
ment of the battery can be performed without breaking the metrological seal.
Rationale In case the metrological seal is broken, the equipment has to be recalibrated in order
to be used. Replacing the battery shall not lead to mandatory recalibration as this is
too time-consuming.
Fit criterion The battery can be replaced without breaking the metrological seal
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.6.18
Description The battery lifetime counter must reset itself to the default value after changing the
battery also the “battery low” bit must be reset
Rationale It must be possible to reset the battery lifetime counter without tools.
Fit criterion The battery lifetime counter and the battery low bit must be reset after a battery
change by detecting the power down – power up sequence when exchanging the
battery for a new one.
History Jan. 2011 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.6.19
Description The activity of replacing the battery in equipment that contains a battery shall be
completed in a limited period of time.
Rationale The design of equipment shall enable fast replacement of the battery. The battery is
located behind the non-metrological seal. The performance criterion presented here

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is based on the assumption that trained personnel replace the battery.
Fit criterion The battery is located behind the non-metrological seal. The completion rates and
times for replacing the battery need to be 99 % in 5 minutes.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable G meter Replace communications module

The state-of-the-art in communications technology changes quickly. It is therefore ex-
pected that the communications module that is part of the equipment may need replace-
ment earlier than the equipment itself.
There are two concepts for the communication module: modular and integrated. If there is
a separate (modular) communication module than the requirements in this paragraph ap-
ply. The communication module is located in the meter and can contain application and
communication functionality.

DSMR-M 4.6.20
Description The equipment shall be constructed in such a way that replacement of the com-
munication module can be performed safely without disconnecting the equipment
from the grid.
Rationale If the communications technology provides better means to communicate or a
more cost-effective solution for communication, the GO may want to replace the
communications module in the equipment with a new one that uses the better or
more cost-effective means of communication.
Fit criterion Replacement of the communications module shall not lead to loss of data in the
equipment. The configuration and operational parameters will not be affected and
need not to be changed as the result of replacing a communications module. The
meter data for metering instruments will not be lost or modified as the result of
replacing the communications module.
History Nov. Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.6.21
Description The meter shall be constructed in such a way that replacement of the communi-
cations module can be performed without breaking the metrological seal.
Rationale In case the metrological seal is broken, the equipment has to be recalibrated in
order to be used. Replacing the communications module shall not lead to manda-
tory recalibration as this is too time-consuming.
Fit criterion The communications module can be replaced without mandatory recalibration of
the equipment.
History Nov. Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.6.22
Description The activity of replacing the communications module in equipment shall be complet-

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ed in a limited period of time.
Rationale The design of equipment shall enable fast replacement of the communications mod-
ule. The performance criterion presented here is based on the assumption that
trained personnel replace the communications module.
Fit criterion The completion rates and times for replacing the communications module need to be
99 % in 5 minutes.
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter Perform self-check

DSMR-M 4.6.23
Description The equipment shall provide functionality to present the results of a self-check and
retrieve the results from the local port during installation. The results consist of the
outcome of ‘Use case: perform self-check Measuring equipment’.
Rationale The maintenance personnel want to verify that the equipment functions correctly after
the maintenance work is completed.
Fit criterion The self-check process shall comply with the description of the respective self-checks
for the different types of equipment. The self-check process shall be completed within
10 seconds after initiation.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0 Applicable E meter

6.1.4 Use case: Adjust equipment before installation

This use case handles the process of adjusting the equipment to the installation location.
Adjustment of the equipment can be executed in two occasions during the installation pro-
cess. The first occasion is prior to physical installation. Adjustment is then performed on
attributes that are not depending on the location where the equipment is installed. The
second occasion to adjust the equipment can take place after the equipment is physically
installed. This will involve attributes that depend on the location where the equipment is

It is important to note that the GO strives to minimize the number of adjustments to the
equipment, hence the pre-configuration of the equipment by the vendor. The vendor shall
thus handle the majority of the work during the activity of pre-configuring the equipment.

Trigger Description
Measuring equip- The equipment is installed in a location where the default configuration or
ment is not config- parameters applied during pre-configuration are not correct.
ured correctly
Measuring equip- The equipment is installed in a location where the additional configuration
ment is not config- values or parameters are required.
ured completely

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Install Measuring During installation of the equipment the configuration and operational pa-
equipment rameters of the equipment may need to be modified.


Adjust configuration
Measuring equipment

Adjust operational
parameters Measuring

Register Measuring


Figure 6-4: Adjust equipment

 The equipment is not configured correctly for the location where it is to be installed.

 Configuration for the equipment
 Operational parameters for the equipment.

 The equipment is configured correctly for the location where it is to be installed

 None. Adjust configuration Measuring equipment

Although the vendor has pre-configured the equipment before shipping it, the GO may
need to modify the configuration. There are multiple reasons to do this, consider the ex-
amples below:
 The default values for configuration provided by the GO have changed since the
values were provided to the vendor;

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 A sub-set of the equipment needs specific values (different from the default values)
for configuration.

The GO thus needs facilities to adjust the configuration of the equipment. It should be not-
ed that the adjustment of the configuration shall be kept to a minimum. It is the responsibil-
ity of the GO to minimize the amount of adjustment of equipment.

DSMR-M 4.6.24
Description The vendor of the Measuring equipment shall deliver an integrated software
package that supports adjusting the pre-configuration of the Measuring equip-
ment and setting the operational parameters for all the Measuring equipment.
Rationale Although the vendor will pre-configure the meters according to the specifications
of the GO, the GO needs a facility to modify the pre-configuration. The configura-
tion process by the GO does not apply to the communication facilities used dur-
ing the operational phase of the equipment (i.e. P3), but utilizes a local tool and
port (i.e. P0).
Fit criterion The tool provided by the Measuring equipment vendor shall support the adjust-
ment of pre-configuration functionality and setting operational parameters for all
Measuring equipment as described in ‘Use case: Adjust equipment’
History Nov. Origin TST Port P0 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.6.25
Description The meter shall provide functionality to set the internal clock to local time after the me-
ter is physically installed.
Rationale The clock in the meter will not be adjusted to local time on delivery. Before the meter is
deployed however, it needs to have the time set correctly in order to measure con-
sumption correctly.
Fit criterion The meter shall provide functionality to set the internal clock to local time after the me-
ter is physically installed.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.6.26
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to automatically adjust to daylight savings time
and back.
Rationale Local time includes two shifts of an hour every year: switch to daylight savings time
and back. The meter shall automatically perform these shifts according to the rules for
applying daylight savings time.
Fit criterion The time and date of the internal clock will deviate less than 60 seconds from local
time at any time.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 118 of 140 Adjust operational parameters Measuring equipment
During the activity of setting operational parameters the GO sets all parameters on behalf
of external parties like SC’s. After this activity is concluded, the meter is prepared to func-
tion according to the wishes of external parties.

DSMR-M 4.6.29
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to set the periods for different tariffs for elec-
tricity before and after the meter is physically installed.
Rationale The periods for different tariffs will differ per SC and possibly per connection. In
order to register consumption correctly for the different tariffs, the periods for the
tariffs are configured before the E meter is installed.
Fit criterion The adjusted tariff periods will be applied at the time the E meter is deployed.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0,P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.6.30
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to set the table for special days before and
after the E meter is physically installed.
Rationale Currently the Dutch market uses a flat rate for electricity on special days like East-
er, Christmas etc. This means that no differentiated tariffs are applied on these
special days. The system shall therefore provide functionality to specify the special
Fit criterion The table for special days shall contain at least 30 positions to store the dates of
special days. The special days can be set a year at a time or multiple years at
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.6.31
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to set the standard messages in the meter
before and after it is physically installed.
Rationale The meter uses standard messages. The contents of these messages are fixed for
the Dutch market.
Fit criterion The adjusted standard messages will be applied at the time the meter is deployed.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter Performance
DSMR-M 4.6.32
Description The activities for the process of adjusting Measuring equipment (excluding regis-
tering the equipment) shall be completed in a limited period of time.
Rationale This process is typically executed after the meter is physically installed. The pro-
cess does not support relaying a command and shall therefore be completed
within a limited amount of time.

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Fit criterion The completion rates and times to be met are:
P3 P0
99 %: 2 minutes 1 minute
History Nov. 2007 Origin TST Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter

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6.1.5 Use case: Install Measuring equipment

This use case provides a description of the installation process of Measuring equipment
and the requirements on the equipment needed to support the process. Most activities in
the process are executed by personnel on-site. The activities are therefore required to
complete swiftly in order to reduce the amount of time personnel spends waiting.
Trigger Description
Measuring equip- The GO replaces old Measuring equipment that does not meet regulatory
ment does not meet standards or does not meet the requirement in the policy of the GO.
regulatory standards
Malfunctioning The GO replaces the equipment as a result of malfunctioning of the meter.
End of lifecycle The GO replaces the Measuring equipment at the end of the lifecycle of the


Adjust equipment I

Physical installation
Measuring equipment

Deploy Measuring

Adjust equipment II

Perform self-check

Set up communication


Figure 6-5: Install Measuring equipment


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 The Measuring equipment is in the initial state as produced.

 -none-

 The Measuring equipment is ready to be deployed in the production environment

 It is assumed that the E meter functions as the local host to all Measuring equip-
ment for installation purposes. Physical installation Measuring equipment

During this activity the equipment is installed at the premises of the consumer. In order to
minimize the costs of physical installation this section provides requirements that reduce
the installation time.

DSMR-M 4.6.33
Description The E meter shall fit on meter boards (installed base).
Rationale In order to reduce the costs for installation, the meter (including mounting hooks)
shall fit on meter boards available in most households to reduce the time spent dur-
ing installation. In existing installations, meter boards can be very small. In this
case installation might only be possible if a short terminal cover is used.
Fit criterion The distance between the holes for mounting the meter on a meter board shall
comply with DIN 43857.
The external housing for single phase meter (including mounting hooks) shall not
exceed the next dimensions: Height = 225 mm, width = 135 mm, depth = 140 mm.
The external housing for polyphase meter (including mounting hooks) shall not ex-
ceed the next dimensions: Height = 330 mm, width = 180 mm, depth = 150 mm.

The length of the meter cover shall guarantee that:

- The cut-out for the installation wires in the meter board are covered up complete-
- There is sufficient space between terminals and the bottom of the terminal cover
for easy mounting of the wires.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.6.34
Description The terminal block of E meter shall be constructed in a standard way.
Rationale The installation of metering equipment requires a substantial investment. For this
reason the E meter shall be constructed in a way that facilitates installation and
reduces the investments needed.
Fit criterion The construction of the terminal block shall comply with DIN 43856.

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History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.6.35
Description The terminal block of E meter shall facilitate a secure connection to the grid.
Rationale One of the major concerns of GO is to provide a safe and secure means for distri-
bution of electricity. Therefore the E meter shall be connected to the grid using ro-
bust wiring.
Fit criterion The construction of the terminal block shall contain connectors suitable for wiring
ranging from 4 mm2 to 25 mm2 for single phase meters, and from 4 mm2 to 35
mm2 for poly phase meters. The type of wires (that must be secured in a safe way)
can be solid cores, composite cores or stranded wires. The terminal block must be
suitable for cable sleeves.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.6.36
Description It shall not be possible to come in contact with the terminal block of the meter.
Rationale The terminal block is protected by the terminal cover. It shall not be possible to
come in contact with the screws of the terminal block.
Fit criterion The cover of the terminal block of the meter shall meet the criteria in IEC 60529
IP31 when installed.
History Sep. 2009 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.6.36a
Description Removal of the terminal cover will not lead to instability of the meter cover.
Rationale When the terminal cover is removed, it must be possible to fix a clamp-on optical head
that counts the impulses per kWh of the impulse led, for accuracy testing purposes.
The meter cover must be stable to use a clamp-on optical head.
Fit criterion The meter cover will stay fixed in place, whenever the terminal cover is removed.
History May 2011 Origin ET Metrology Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.6.37
Description It must be possible to install an external antenna without the need to come in con-
tact with the terminal block or circuit board (PCB) of the meter.
Rationale Low GPRS signal can necessitate the use for an external antenna. For safety rea-
sons it must be possible to install such an antenna without having to come in con-
tact with the terminal block or circuit board (PCB) of the meter.
Fit criterion An external antenna can be installed without having to come in contact with the
terminal block or PCB.
History Sep. 2009 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter

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DSMR-M 4.6.38
Description Terminal blocks of equipment must be designed in a proper way.
Rationale Unintended penetration of the meter by connection wires via the terminal block
must be prevented. It must not be possible to damage internal circuit boards (PCB).
Fit criterion The terminal block shall be constructed in such a way that wires cannot enter the
housing of the meter.
History Nov. 2011 Origin TST Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G me-

DSMR-M 4.6.39
Description The activity of physically installing Measuring equipment shall be completed in a
limited period of time.
Rationale The physical installation is a time-consuming activity and therefore expensive activ-
ity. For this reason the meter shall be constructed in such a way that physical in-
stallation is a relatively quick process.
Fit criterion The completion rates and times to be met are:
E meter G meter
80 %: 10 min 25 min
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G me-
ter Deploy Measuring equipment

At this point in the process the Measuring equipment is physically installed at the premises
of the consumer. At this time the equipment is registering consumption according to the
operational parameters provided by the market participants. Some activities required be-
fore the equipment is deployed are described here.

DSMR-M 4.6.40
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to set location information in the meter after
the meter is physically installed but before the meter is deployed.
Rationale GO’s will set location information in the meter for maintenance reasons. The loca-
tion information typically consists of zip code and house number or geographical
Fit criterion The E meter shall provide functionality to set location information in the meter. The
register size for the location information is set to 48 ASCII characters.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter

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During this activity the configuration and operational parameters of the equipment are ad-
justed after physical installation of the equipment. For this activity ‘Use case: Adjust
equipment’ is invoked over port P3 or P0.

DSMR-M 4.6.42
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to invoke ‘Use case: Adjust equipment’ re-
Rationale After the Measuring equipment is installed it may need adjustment of configuration
or operational parameters. The GO can decide to handle adjustment remotely.
Fit criterion Adjustment of the Measuring equipment shall comply with the description of use
case ‘Use case: Adjust equipment’.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P3 Applicable E meter Perform self-check

DSMR-M 4.6.43
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to invoke ‘Use case: Perform self-check
Measuring equipment’ and retrieve the results locally (P0 or display).
Rationale The GO wants to verify that the metering installation functions correctly before the
installation is completed. Typically personnel that installed the equipment shall in-
voke a self-check as one of the last steps of the installation process.
Fit criterion The result of the self-check that is executed as part of the installation process shall
comply with the description of ‘Use case: Perform self-check Measuring equip-
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter Set up communication

DSMR-M 4.6.45
Description After the Measuring equipment is physically installed, a network attach shall be
established automatically so that the meter can be contacted.
Rationale The final step of installation of Measuring equipment is to set up communication. At
this point in the process a network attach shall be set up automatically.
Fit criterion The meter shall provide functionality to automatically attach to the network.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.6.46
Description The E meter shall indicate on the display that installation of an M-Bus device was
Rationale During installation it is important to have confirmation of a working connection be-
tween E meter and G meter
Fit criterion In manual scroll mode the E meter shall indicate on the display the serial number of

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the successfully installed M-Bus device(s).
History Dec. 2008 Origin I&M Port P2 Applicable E meter; G me-

DSMR-M 4.6.47
Description The activities for the process of installing Measuring equipment (excluding physical
installation) shall be completed in a limited period of time.
Rationale The time between the actual connection to the grid and the moment the installation is
completed shall be limited as during this period the meter may not be configured cor-
rectly. For this reason the period shall be limited.
Fit criterion The completion rates and times to be met are:
P3 P0
99 %: 5 minutes 1 minute
History Nov. Origin TST Port P3, P2 Applicable E meter, G meter
2007 and P0

6.1.6 Use case: Un-install Measuring equipment

This use case provides a description of the process of un-installing Measuring equipment
and the requirements on the equipment needed to support the process. It is emphasized
that the un-install process described here applies to smart metering equipment.
Various triggers exist for un-installing Measuring equipment as indicated in the table be-

Trigger Description
Modification to func- A change in the connection can lead to un-installation of equipment. Con-
tion location sider, for example, a situation where an E connection changes from single
phase to poly-phase. This means the un-installation of a single phase E me-
ter (and a subsequent installation of a poly phase meter).
Malfunctioning In case the GO experiences malfunctioning of equipment he can decide to
equipment replace the equipment.
End of life cycle In case the life cycle of equipment is complete, it is un-installed.

Un-installing Measuring equipment does not address removing equipment temporarily for
(re-) calibration.

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Retrieve Measuring
equipment state

Physical un-installation
Measuring equipment

Reset Measuring
equipment state


Figure 6-6: Un-install Measuring equipment

 Measuring equipment or a part of the Measuring equipment has to be uninstalled.

 Equipment identifiers for the equipment that has to be uninstalled.

 The state of the equipment is retrieved and the equipment has been un-installed.

 The assumption is made that meter data stored in the metering instruments is re-
trieved prior to the process of un-installing the instrument. Therefore only the actual
meter readings are retrieved as part of the un-installation process. Retrieve Measuring equipment state

The first step in un-installing equipment shall be to retrieve the state of the equipment.

DSMR-M 4.6.48
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to invoke ‘Use case: Retreive Measuring
equipment state’.
Rationale The GO wants to retrieve all configuration information and operational parameters

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from the equipment at the time the equipment is un-installed. The personnel per-
forming the un-installation therefore need to retrieve the equipment state just be-
fore the equipment is disconnected.
Fit criterion Retrieval of the state of the equipment that is executed as part of the un-installation
process shall comply with the description of ‘Use case: Retreive Measuring equip-
ment state’.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter Removed Reset Measuring equipment state
DSMR-M 4.6.50
Description The Measuring equipment shall provide functionality to reset its state after the
equipment is physically un-installed. A reset of Measuring equipment shall not af-
fect the metrological part of the instruments in any way.
Rationale The GO can decide that equipment shall be re-used after it is un-installed. For this
purpose the equipment shall provide functionality to reset the state to the default
settings used for pre-configuring the equipment.
Fit criterion The E meter shall provide functionality to reset its state.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G me-

DSMR-M 4.6.51
Description The Measuring equipment shall provide functionality to overwrite user meter data
(only the data that is allowed according to the MID), keys and personal details (in-
cluding interval values) with zero’s (0) after the equipment is physically un-installed.
Overwriting this data shall not affect the metrological part of the instruments in any
way. Keys should be reset to their original values (as listed in the original ship-
Rationale The GO can decide that equipment shall be re-used after it is un-installed. For this
purpose the equipment shall provide functionality to overwrite user meter data (only
the data that is allowed according to the MID), keys and personal details (including
interval values) with zero’s (0). According to European law and legislation it is not
allowed to change the metrological characteristics or functionality in metering in-
struments. By following Welmec 7.2 Issue 4 (Software Guide – measuring Instru-
ments Directive 2004/22/EC –) a compliancy with the software-related require-
ments contained in the MID can be assumed.
Fit criterion Functionality to overwrite user meter data (only the data that is allowed according
to the MID), keys and personal details (including interval values) with zero’s (0) is
provided using the defined security mechanism. Keys should be reset to their origi-
nal value (as listed in the original shipmentfile).
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G me-

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DSMR-M 4.6.52
Description The activity of un-installing Measuring equipment shall be completed in a limited pe-
riod of time.
Rationale Un-installing equipment requires retrieving the state and the actual meter readings
from the equipment. After this ‘virtual’ un-install the physical un-install is executed
(the physical un-install is not included in the times for un-installation).
Fit criterion The completion rates and times to be met are:
P3 P0
80 %: 2 minutes 2 minutes
story Nov. Origin TST Port P3, P2 and P0 Applicable E meter, G meter

6.1.7 Use case: Retrieve Measuring equipment state

This use case provides a description of the process of retrieving the complete state of the
Measuring equipment as defined in section 2.5.1.

Retrieval of Measuring equipment states is utilized for multiple purposes as indicated by

the described triggers:
Trigger Description
Un-install Measuring Before equipment is physically uninstalled the GO will need the current
equipment state of the equipment.
Inconsistencies in In case an inconsistency in the state of the equipment is suspected or ex-
state reported perienced the GO will retrieve the state of the equipment to verify the in-
Unplanned on-site Retrieval of the equipment state is performed as part of the process of un-
maintenance planned on-site maintenance.

 The state of the Measuring equipment is unknown or unavailable to the GO.

 The interval for which to retrieve logging and interaction history (optional)

 The state of the Measuring equipment is available for the GO.

 -none-

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Gather actual meter

readings E

Gather E configuration Gather G configuration

Gather E operational Gather G operational

parameters parameters

Gather logging information

Provide state E and G


Figure 6-7: Measuring Equipment state Gather actual meter readings E

DSMR-M 4.6.53
Description The E meter shall automatically invoke use case Provide actual meter reads as
part of retrieving the state.
Rationale In order to interpret the configuration and operational parameters the actual meter
readings at the time the configuration and parameters were retrieved can be help-
Fit criterion The actual meter readings gathered shall be in accordance with the description of
use case ‘Provide actual meter reads’.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0, P2, P3 Applicable E, Meter

File name: 20190213 Dutch Smart Meter Requirements v4.2.3 Final Main.docx Date: 23-02-2019
Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 130 of 140 Gather E configuration
The E configuration consists of information in the E meter that was inserted by the GO or
the vendor of the meter (refer to section 0 for a complete description of the configuration

DSMR-M 4.6.54
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to retrieve the E configuration.
Rationale Information on the configuration is used for maintenance purposes and for trouble-
shooting the equipment.
Fit criterion The information retrieved as the E configuration shall at least contain the infor-
mation specified in section ‘0’.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter Gather E operational parameters

The operational parameters for E include all parameters that are set on the E meter on be-
half of SC’s (refer to section for a complete description of the operational parame-
ters E).

DSMR-M 4.6.55
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to retrieve the E operational parameters.
Rationale Information on the operational parameters is used for maintenance purposes and
for troubleshooting the equipment.
Fit criterion The operational parameters retrieved for the E meter shall at least contain the in-
formation specified in section ‘’.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter Gather G configuration

The configuration consists of information in the G meter that was inserted by the GO or the
vendor of the meter (refer to section for a complete description of the configuration

DSMR-M 4.6.56
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to retrieve the G configuration.
Rationale Information on the G configuration is used for maintenance purposes and for trou-
bleshooting the equipment.
Fit criterion The information retrieved as the G configuration shall at least contain the infor-
mation specified in section ‘’.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0, P2, P3 Applicable E, Meter

File name: 20190213 Dutch Smart Meter Requirements v4.2.3 Final Main.docx Date: 23-02-2019
Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 131 of 140 Gather G operational parameters
The operational parameters G include all parameters that are set in the G meter on behalf
of SC’s (refer to section for a complete description of the operational parameters

DSMR-M 4.6.57
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to retrieve the G operational parameters.
Rationale Information on the G operational parameters is used for maintenance purposes
and for troubleshooting the equipment.
Fit criterion The operational parameters retrieved for the G meter shall at least contain the in-
formation specified in section ‘’.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0, P2, P3 Applicable E meter Gather logging information

The metering equipment is required to store logging information. This activity is concerned
with retrieving the logging information from the equipment.

Besides logging activities the equipment issues logical errors as well. The errors are pro-
vided to external parties as part of the logging information.

DSMR-M 4.6.58
Description The E meter shall provide logging information and errors from both the E meter and
the G meter.
Rationale The E meter provides logging information to external entities. Logging information
is used to verify the state of equipment and for diagnosis purposes in case of mal-
functioning. The use case has an optional parameter for the period for which to re-
trieve the logging information. In case a value for this parameter is provided, the
provided information shall be logged within the designated period.
Fit criterion The E meter shall provide on request of an external entity the log items for the des-
ignated interval.
History Nov. Origin NTA Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter
2007 (§

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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DSMR-M 4.6.59
Description The E meter shall provide the actual meter readings for E and G, complete state
and logging information.
Rationale For interpretation of the logging the most recent meter reads can be helpful and are
therefore included in the state of the equipment. The logging information is used to
derive how the equipment came in the state it is in.
Fit criterion The state and auxiliary information shall at least contain the following information:
 Complete configuration and operational parameters for E and G meter;
 The actual meter readings for E;
 Last known meter readings for G available in the E meter;
 Complete logging information for the requested interval;
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter Performance
DSMR-M 4.6.60
Description The activity of remotely retrieving the state of Measuring equipment shall be com-
pleted in a limited period of time.
Rationale The state of equipment is retrieved for problem solving. Solving problems when per-
formed remotely is not an ‘online’ activity: maintenance personnel are in other words
not waiting for the state to be retrieved.
Fit criterion The completion rates and times to be met are:
P3 P0
99 %: 1 hour 1 minute
History Nov. Origin TST Port P3, P0 Applicable E meter, G meter

6.1.8 Use case: Perform self-check Measuring equipment

The purpose of this use case is to provide the GO insight in the functioning of the Measur-
ing equipment. For this reason the equipment shall be able to perform a self-check and
report on the outcome.

Trigger Description
Internal event Internal event in the equipment can trigger this use case. Examples of
events that invoke the use case are: firmware upgrade, power up and in-
Install Measuring The self-check is usually performed as part of the process of installing
equipment Measuring equipment.
Unplanned on-site A self-check is performed as part of the process of unplanned on-site
maintenance maintenance
Periodically A self-check is periodically performed.

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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Check memory

Check accuracy
Verify connection E Check battery state

Report self-check G

Report self-check E and G


Figure 6-8: Perform self-check

 The overall condition of the Measuring equipment is unknown to the GO.
 -none-

 The overall condition of the Measuring equipment is known to the GO.

 -none-

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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DSMR-M 4.6.61
Description The Measuring equipment shall automatically execute a self-check each time pow-
er re-occurs on the E meter.
Rationale During a period in which there is no power on the E meter, the meter cannot detect
any malfunctioning and cannot report on any event. It is therefore important to de-
termine that the equipment functions correctly each time it becomes able to report
any malfunctioning.
Fit criterion The Measuring equipment shall verify that it functions correctly after each outage
and each time it is connected to the grid.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter

DSMR-M 4.6.62
Description The equipment shall provide functionality to log the results of a self-check after a
firmware update.
Rationale Immediately after the new firmware is deployed, a self-check is executed by the
equipment. This can be considered as the final check performed during the pro-
cess of a firmware upgrade.
Fit criterion The self-check that is executed as part of the firmware upgrade shall be performed
within 10 seconds after the completion of the firmware update process and shall
comply with the description of the respective self-checks for the different types of
equipment. The result of this self check will be logged in the event log (also in case
of a good result).
History Jan. 2011 Origin TST Port P3 Applicable E Meter Check memory

DSMR-M 4.6.63
Description The Measuring equipment shall be able to perform a consistency check on the
memory in the equipment.
Rationale It is assumed that errors in software lead to inconsistencies in memory. Errors can
be caused by communication failure, intrusion, software defects, hardware defects
etc. For maintenance reasons the result of a consistency check on the memory
gives an overall indication of the condition of the equipment.
Fit criterion The equipment shall verify that the memory of the equipment is consistent.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter

DSMR-M 4.6.64
Description The equipment shall issue a normal error if it detects an inconsistent state of the
Rationale Inconsistencies in memory can lead to incorrect information being exchanged or to
problems with communication. The inconsistent state shall therefore be reported as
quickly as possible.
Fit criterion The error for inconsistent memory shall contain the generic attributes for errors.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P3 Applicable E meter, G meter

File name: 20190213 Dutch Smart Meter Requirements v4.2.3 Final Main.docx Date: 23-02-2019
Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 135 of 140 Check accuracy measurement
Checking of accuracy of equipment can, to certain extend, be performed by the equipment
itself. The ability to determine accuracy and the way this is performed differs per vendor.
The vendor is therefore required to deliver as part of the documentation of the metering
instruments a description of how accuracy drift is determined and what the reliability of the
results is.
DSMR-M 4.6.65
Description The metrological part of the metering instrument shall not be susceptible for accu-
racy drifts during the lifetime of the equipment.
Rationale Accuracy drifts cannot be easily determined, therefore they shall be avoided.
Fit criterion The stability of the measurement system shall be guaranteed, i.e. the accuracy of
measurements shall not exceed the pre-defined level for measurement accuracy
during the lifetime of the equipment.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter Check battery state

Under some circumstances the application of a battery is essential (e.g. in G meters).
However, in all situations where usage of a battery is not essential, equipment without a
battery is preferred albeit that the equipment still has to meet all requirements.

DSMR-M 4.6.66
Description The Measuring equipment using a battery shall be able to determine the remaining
lifetime of the battery.
Rationale In case of a dead battery the G meter is not able to store data and to transmit it
using an RF connection. For the G meter the battery is essential in case of an out-
age. The implementation of the algorithm for determining the remaining lifetime
shall take actual usage of the battery and other aspects that influence the lifetime
of the battery into account.
Fit criterion The method used to determine the remaining use time shall be specified and its
accuracy shall be shown through test reports.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.6.67
Description At the meter factory the moment that the end-of-use time alarm shall be raised
shall be configurable.
Rationale The moment the alarm has to be raised in based on three parameters:
 Expected life time of the battery
 Required length of period between the alarm raise and the end-of-use time
 Usage of battery
Fit criterion The time between the alarm and the end-of-use time of the battery given the ex-
pected lifetime of the battery shall be configurable within the limits of the MID MI-
002, according to a method specified by the meter vendor.

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.6.68
Description The Measuring equipment using a battery shall issue a normal error if the remain-
ing lifetime of the battery meets a predefined threshold.
Rationale GO’s wants to be informed on the lifetime of batteries in order to plan and execute
replacement. The remaining lifetime is predefined and can be used to determine if
replacement of the battery can be combined with other on-site maintenance.
Fit criterion The error for battery lifetime shall contain the generic attributes for errors.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P3 Applicable G meter Check meter display

DSMR-M 4.6.69
Description The equipment shall provide functionality to verify that the complete character and
symbol set of the display is displayable in a readable way.
Rationale Displays are the means to communicate with consumers: meters are required to
display meter readings correctly. If the display does not function correctly (e.g. be-
cause it is broken), consumers will question the reliability of the equipment as a
Fit criterion If any of the character or symbols cannot be displayed correctly the test of the dis-
play fails. This is a visible test.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable E meter, G meter Report self-check G

DSMR-M 4.6.70
Description The G meter shall provide errors that resulted from the self-check to the E meter.
Rationale The E meter handles the logging information (including alarms) for all Measuring
equipment. External systems can access the alarms through the E meter. The G
meter shall therefore provide the alarms to the E meter.
Fit criterion All errors resulting from the self-check performed by G meter are available from the
E meter (via standard event log) after each update of meter reads from the G meter
to the E meter.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P2 Applicable G meter

DSMR-M 4.6.71
Description If the G meter has a display, it shall provide the result of the self-check G on the
display of the G meter if the self-check fails.
Rationale A self-check can be invoked locally (as part of the installation process). Therefore
the meter shall also provide the result of the self-check locally, i.e. on the display.
Fit criterion Each time the self-check is executed, the G meter shall update the display to pro-
vide the result of the last self-check, if the self-check fails.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port n.a. Applicable G meter

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Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
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DSMR-M 4.6.72

Description The E meter shall indicate if the self-check for E and G failed.
Rationale The E meter gathers the results of the self-check for E and receives the results of
the self-check in the G meter.
Fit criterion If any of the verifications of the self-check failed, the self-check shall fail. If all veri-
fications pass, the self-check passes. The result of the self-check shall at least con-
tain the following information:
 Type of failure G;
 Timestamp for the execution of the self-check G;
 Type of failure E;
 Timestamp for the execution of the self-check E;
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter, G me-
ter Performance
DSMR-M 4.6.73
Description The activity of executing a self-check on Measuring equipment shall be complet-
ed in a limited period of time.
Rationale A self-check is performed automatically and in multiple situations, either on pow-
er-up or at regular intervals. In some situations however, a self-check is consid-
ered to be an ‘online’ activity (i.e. someone is waiting for the result).
Fit criterion The completion rates and times to be met are:
99 %: 1 minute after power up
History Nov. Origin TST Port Display Applicable E meter, G me-
2007 ter

6.1.9 Use case: Unplanned on-site maintenance

Under some circumstances on-site maintenance is necessary. Consider a situation where
communication with the equipment is impossible (for a long period of time) or when part of
the functionality of the equipment has become unavailable. It is however important to note
that on-site maintenance is reduced to a minimum under all circumstances.

Trigger Description
Malfunctioning The GO has determined that equipment is not functioning correctly. After
equipment the GO has determined that the problem cannot be solved remotely, the
maintenance has to be performed on-site.

File name: 20190213 Dutch Smart Meter Requirements v4.2.3 Final Main.docx Date: 23-02-2019
Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 138 of 140

Retrieve Measuring
equipment state

Perform communication
Perform self-check

Perform unplanned

Perform self-check


Figure 6-9: Unplanned maintenance on-site

 The equipment needs unplanned on-site maintenance.

 -none-

 The maintenance on the equipment was completed and the equipment functions cor-

 -none-

File name: 20190213 Dutch Smart Meter Requirements v4.2.3 Final Main.docx Date: 23-02-2019
Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 139 of 140 Retrieve Measuring equipment state
DSMR-M 4.6.74
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to invoke ‘Use case: Retrieve Measuring
equipment state’ and present the results on the display and the local O&M device.
Rationale The GO wants to retrieve all configuration information and operational parameters
from the equipment before actual maintenance on the equipment starts.
Fit criterion Retrieval of the state of the equipment that is executed as part of the maintenance
process shall comply with the description of ‘Use case: Retrieve Measuring equip-
ment state’
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter Perform self-check

The self-check verifies that the meter functions correctly and, if not, reports the problems.
Note that the self-check can be executed before and/or after the actual maintenance work
takes place.

DSMR-M 4.6.75
Description The E meter shall provide functionality to invoke ‘Use case: Perform self-check Meas-
uring equipment’ and sent the results to the local O&M device.
Rationale The GO wants to verify that the meter functions correctly before the equipment is actu-
ally deployed. Performing the self-check shall be possibly remotely and locally.
Fit criterion The result of the self-check that is executed as part of the maintenance process shall
comply with the description of ‘Use case: Perform self-check Measuring equipment’.
History Nov. 2007 Origin I&M Port P0, P3 Applicable E meter Perform communication check

The communication check verifies that the meter communicates correctly and, if not, re-
ports the problems. Note that executing the communication check can be executed before
and/or after the actual maintenance work takes place. Perform unplanned maintenance

There are no requirements for performing unplanned maintenance on equipment

File name: 20190213 Dutch Smart Meter Requirements v4.2.3 Final Main.docx Date: 23-02-2019
Author: Netbeheer Nederland – WG DSMR
Version: 4.2.3 Final Page 140 of 140

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