Emi With Pyq

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ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION coil at t = 2 s to that at t = 1 s will be : (a) 2 (b) 0·8 (c)

MAGNETIC FLUX: 1·6 (d) 4 [2023]

1. A circular loop of radius r, carrying a current I lies in y-z 5. A square shaped coil of side 10 cm, having 100 turns is
plane with its centre at the origin. The net magnetic flux placed perpendicular to a magnetic field which is
through the loop is : (a) directly proportional to r (b) zero (c) increasing at 1T/s. The induced emf in the coil is (a)
inversely proportional to r (d) directly proportional to I [2024] 0.1V (b) 0.5V (c) 0.75V (d) 1V [2023]
2. A closely wound coil having 100 turns carries a current of 2 6. A coil of N turns is placed in a magnetic field B such that B is perpendicular to
A. If the magnetic flux linked with coil is 2 x10 -5 Wb, find the the plane of the coil. B changes with time as B =B0 cos (2t/T), where T is the
radius of the coil [2023] time period. The magnitude of emf induced in the coil will be maximum at
1. A rod PQ of resistance R lies across frictionless conducting rails in a constant (a) t = nT/8 (b) t = nT/4 (c) t=nT/2 (d) t =nT
uniform magnetic field B , as shown in the figure. Assuming that the rails 7. The magnetic flux through a coil of resistance 5  increases with time as : =
have negligible resistance, the force required to pull the rod to the right at (2.0 t3 + 5.0 t2 + 6.0 t) mWb Find the magnitude of induced current through
constant velocity v is : (a) 0 (b) B/v (c) vBl/R (d) B2l2v/R the coil at t = 2 s. [2024]
[2024] 8. State Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction.
[2024, 19, 17, 15, 09]
9. Describe, with the help of a suitable diagram, how one
can demonstrate that emf can be induced in a coil due
to the change of magnetic flux. Hence state Faraday’s
2. Figure shows a rectangular conductor PSRQ in which law of electromagnetic induction. [2015]
movable arm PQ has a resistance ‘r’ and resistance of 10. When a bar magnet is pushed towards (or away)
PSRQ is negligible. The magnitude of emf induced when from the coil connected to a galvanometer, the
PQ is moved with a velocity v does not depend on : pointer in the galvanometer deflects. Identify the
(a)magnetic field ( B ) (b) velocity (v) (c) resistance phenomenon causing this deflection and write the
(r) (d) length of PQ [2023] factors on which the amount and direction of the
deflection depends. State the laws describing this
phenomenon [2016, 13]
11. A long straight current carrying wire passes
normally through the centre of circular loop. If the
current through the wire increases, will there be an
induced emf in the loop? Justify [2017]
12. A rectangular loop of sides 25 cm and 20 cm is
lying in x-y plane. It is subjected to a magnetic field B =
3. A planar loop is rotated in a magnetic field about an (5t2 + 2t + 10) k^ , where B is in Tesla and t is in
axis perpendicular to the field. The polarity of induced seconds. If the resistance of the loop is 4 , find the emf
emf changes once in each : (a) 1 revolution (b) 1/2 induced and the induced current in the loop at t = 5 s.
revolution (c) 1/2 revolution (d) 3/4 revolution [2023] [2023]
4. The magnetic flux (in SI units) through a coil varies with 13. The figure shows a rectangular conductor PQRS
time as = 3t2 + 4t + 7. The ratio of emf induced in the in which the arm PQ of length 10 cm and resistance 0·4
is free to move. It is kept in a uniform magnetic field B
= 0·2 T acting perpendicular into the plane of PQRS. If
arm PQ is moved with a velocity v of 5 cm/s as shown,
find : (a) the current induced in the loop, and (b) the
power required to move the arm. (Resistances of arms
PS, SR and RQ are negligible.) [2023]
16. Figure shows a rectangular loop conducting PQRS
in which the arm PQ is free to move. A uniform
magnetic field acts in the direction perpendicular to the
plane of the loop. Arm PQ is moved with a velocity v
towards the arm RS. Assuming that the arms QR, RS
and SP have negligible resistances and the moving arm
PQ has the resistance r, obtain the expression for (i) the
current in the loop (ii) the force and (iii) the power
14. A conducting rod PQ of length 20 cm and
required to move the arm PQ.[2013] [I = BLv/r,
resistance 0·1  rests on two smooth parallel rails of
F=vB2L2/r, P= v2B2L2/r]
negligible resistance AA and CC. It can slide on the
rails and the arrangement is positioned between the
poles of a permanent magnet producing uniform
magnetic field B = 0·4 T. The rails, the rod and the
magnetic field are in three mutually perpendicular
directions as shown in the figure. If the ends A and C of
the rails are short circuited, find the (i) external force
required to move the rod with uniform velocity v = 10 17. State Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.
cm/s, and (ii) power required to do so [2020] Figure shows a rectangular conductor PQRS in which
the conductor PQ is free to move in a uniform magnetic
field B perpendicular to the plane of the paper. The field
extends from x =0 to x =b and is zero for x >b. Assume
that only the arm PQ possesses resistance r. When the
arm PQ is pulled outward from x =0 to x =2b and is
then moved backward to x =0 with constant speed v,
15. A rectangular conductor LMNO is placed in a obtain the expressions for the flux and the induced emf.
uniform magnetic field of 0.5 T. The field is directed Sketch the variations of these quantities with distance 0
perpendicular to the plane of the conductor. When the <x <2b. [2010]
arm MN of length of 20 cm is moved towards left with a
velocity of 10 ms–1, calculate the emf induced in the
arm. Given the resistance of the arm to be 5 (assuming
that other arms are of negligible resistance) find the
value of the current in the arm. [1V , 0.2A] [2013]
18. Figure shows a rectangular conducting loop PQRS Compare (i) the emf induced, and (ii) the current in the
in which arm RS of length ' l' is movable. The loop is two loops. Justify your answers. [2023, 20, 19, 10]
kept in a uniform magnetic field ‘B’ directed downward 22. A square loop of side 20 cm starts moving at t = 0
perpendicular to the plane of the loop. The arm RS is with a velocity of 5 cm/s towards a region of uniform
moved with a uniform speed ‘v’. Deduce an expression magnetic field as shown in the figure. Specify the time
for (i) the emf induced across the arm ‘RS’,(ii) the interval(s) during which induced emf is produced in the
external force required to move the arm, (iii) the power loop.
dissipated as heat. [as Q7]

23. A square coil of side 10 cm having 100 turns is

19. The figure shows a rectangular conducting frame suspended in a magnetic field of 100 mT so that its
MNOP of resistance R placed partly in a perpendicular plane is normal to the field. The coil is rotated through
magnetic field ⃗B and moved with velocity ⃗v as shown 90° in 0·2 s. Calculate the average emf induced in it.
in the figure. Obtain the expressions for the (a) force [2023]
acting on the arm ‘ON’ and its direction, and (b) power 24. When a conducting loop of resistance 10  and
required to move the frame to get a steady emf induced area 10 cm2 is removed from an external magnetic field
between the arms MN and PO. [2019] acting normally, the variation of induced current in the
loop with time is shown in the figure. Find the (i) total
charge passed through the loop. (ii) Change in magnetic
flux through the loop. (iii) Magnitude of the magnetic
field applied. [2020]

20. Sketch the change in flux, emf and force when a

conducting rod PQ of resistance R and length l moves
freely to and fro between A and C with speed v on a
rectangular conductor placed in uniform magnetic
field as shown in the figure [2016]
25. A 0·5 m long solenoid of 10 turns/cm has area of
cross-section 1 cm2 . Calculate the voltage induced
across its ends if the current in the solenoid is changed
from 1 A to 2 A in 0·1 s [2019]
26. A small flat search coil of area 5 cm2 with 140
closely wound turns is placed between the poles of a
21. Two identical circular loops, one of copper and powerful magnet producing magnetic field 0·09 T and
the other of aluminium are rotated about their then quickly removed out of the field region. Calculate
diameters with the same angular speed in a magnetic (a) change of magnetic flux through the coil, and (b) emf
field directed perpendicular to their axes of rotation. induced in the coil [2019]
27. A square loop of side 10 cm with its sides parallel perpendicular to the plane of the loop. If the wire is
to X and Y axes is moved with a velocity of 8 cm/ s flexible, the loop takes a circular shape.
in the positive X-direction containing a magnetic Reason (R) : The force acting on each point of a current
field in the positive Z-direction. The field is non-uniform carrying loop, in a magnetic field perpendicular to its
and has a gradient of 10–3 T cm–1 along the negative X- plane, is radially outward. [2023]
direction (i.e. it increases by 10–3 T cm–1 as one moves in 5. Use Lenz’s law to determine the direction of the
the negative X-direction). Calculate the emf induced. induced current when a rectangular conducting loop
[2019] abcd in xy plane is moved into a region of magnetic
28. The magnetic field through a circular loop of wire field which is directed along z axis [2023]
12 cm in radius and 8·5  resistance, changes with time
as shown in the figure. The magnetic field is
perpendicular to the plane of the loop. Calculate the
induced current in the loop and plot it as a function of

6. State Lenz’s law. Show that it is consistent with the

principle of conservation of energy [2024, 23, 19, 17]
7. Predict the polarity of the capacitor in the situation
described below :

1. A bar magnet is dropped in a hollow metallic cylinder
along its vertical axis. The acceleration of the falling
magnet will be : (a) zero (b) equal to g (c) less than g (d) 8. A bar magnet is moved in the direction indicated by the
greater than g [2023] arrow between two coils PQ and CD. Predict the
2. The direction of induced current in the loop abc is (a) direction of the induced current in each coil.
along abc if I decreases (b) along acb if I increases (c)
along abc if I is constant (d) along abc if I increases

3. Assertion (A) : Lenz’s law is a consequence of the law of conservation of

energy. Reason (R) : There is no power loss in an ideal inductor [2024] 9. What is the direction of induced currents in metal rings
4. Assertion (A) : A planar loop of irregular shape carrying 1 and 2 when current I in the wire is increasing
current is subjected to a magnetic field acting steadily?
Write the expression for the instantaneous value of the
e.m.f. induced in the wire. (ii) What is the direction of
the e.m.f.? (iii) Which end of the wire is at the higher
potential? [2011]
4. An aeroplane is flying horizontally from west to east
10. A rectangular loop and a circular loop are moving
with a velocity of 900 km/hour. Calculate the potential
out of a uniform magnetic field to a field-free region
difference developed between the ends of its wings
with a constant velocity ‘v’ as shown in the figure.
having a span of 20 m. The horizontal component of the
Explain in which loop do you expect the induced emf to
Earth’s magnetic field is 5  10–4 T and the angle of dip
be constant during the passage out of the field region?
is 30. OR A jet plane is travelling towards west at a
The magnetic field is normal to loops.
speed of 1800 km/h. (i) Estimate voltage difference
developed between the ends of the wing having a span
of 25 m if the earth’s magnetic field at the location has
a magnitude of 5 x10–4 T and dip angle is 30 0. (ii) How
will the voltage developed be affected if the jet changes
11. A rectangular loop of wire is pulled to the right, its direction from west to north? [2015]
away from the long straight wire through which a 5. A wheel with 8 metallic spokes each 50 cm long is
steady current I flows upwards. What is the direction of rotated with a speed of 120 rev/min in a plane normal to
induced current in the loop? the horizontal component of the Earth’s magnetic field.
The Earth’s magnetic field at the plane is 0.4 G and the
angle of dip is 60°. Calculate the emf induced between
the axle and the rim of the wheel. How will the value of
emf be affected if the number of spokes were increased?
MOTIONAL EMF: OR A metallic rod of length 40 cm is rotated with a
1. A metal rod of length 2m is rotated with a frequency 60 rev/s about an axis frequency of 300 rpm about a vertical axis passing
passing through its centre and perpendicular to its length. A uniform through its centre. If a uniform magnetic field of 0·2 T
magnetic field of 2T perpendicular to its plane of rotation is switched on in acts vertically downward, find the emf induced between
the region. Calculate the emf induced between the centre and the end of the (i) the ends of the rod, and (ii) the centre and one end of
rod. [2024]
the rod [2023, 13]
2. A horizontal straight metallic rod of length 4 m is held 6. A conductor of length ‘l’ is rotated about one of its ends
at some height above the surface of Earth, in east-west at a constant angular speed ‘’ in a plane perpendicular
direction. If it is allowed to fall from rest, find the : (a) to a uniform magnetic field B. Plot graphs to show
emf induced in the rod 2 s after it starts falling, (b) variations of the emf induced across the ends of the
polarity of the emf induced, and (c) the end of the rod conductor with (i) angular speed  and (ii) length of the
which is at the higher potential. The horizontal conductor l. [2020]
component of earth’s magnetic field is 0·3x 10 -4 Wb/m2 7. A copper coil is taken out of a magnetic field with a
and take g = 10 m/s2. [2023] fixed velocity. Will it be easy to remove it from the same
3. A horizontal straight wire of length L extending from field if its ohmic resistance is increased? [2019]
east to west is falling with speed v at right angles to the
horizontal component of Earth’s magnetic field B. (i)
8. An iron bar falling through the hollow region of a thick 9. The currents flowing in the two coils of self-inductance L1
cylindrical shell made of copper experiences a retarding =16 mH and L2 =12 mH are increasing at the same rate. If
force. What can you conclude about the nature of the the power supplied to the two coils are equal, find the ratio
iron bar? Explain. [2019] of (i) induced voltages, (ii) currents and (iii) the energies
9. The motion of copper plate is damped when it is allowed stored in the two coils at a given instant [2014]
to oscillate between the two poles of a magnet. If slots 10. Obtain the expression for the magnetic energy stored in
are cut in the plate, how will the damping be affected? an inductor of self-inductance L to build up a current I
[2012] through it. [2014, 13, 12]
SELF INDUCTION: 11. The current flowing through an inductor of self-
1. Which of the following statements is not correct? (a)Lenz’s inductance L is continuously increasing. Plot a graph
law is the consequence of law of conservation of energy. showing the variation of (i) Magnetic flux versus the
(b) The magnitude of induced emf in a coil is directly current (ii) Induced emf versus dI/dt (iii) Magnetic
proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux. (c) potential energy stored versus the current. [2014]
Inserting an iron core in a coil decreases its self- 12. A plot of magnetic flux () versus current (I) is shown in
inductance. (d) An emf can be induced in a straight the figure for two inductors A and B. Which of the two has
conductor by moving it perpendicularly through a uniform larger value of self-inductance?
magnetic field. [2023]
2. A metal detector is based on : (a) Self-induction (b) Mutual
induction (c) Electrical resonance (d) Power transmission
3. The current in a coil of 15 mH increases uniformly from zero to 4 A in 0.004 s.
The emf induced in the coil will be : (A) 22·5 V (B) 17·5 V $ (C) 15·0 V (D) 12·5V 13. Current in a circuit falls steadily from 5.0 A to 0.0 A in
[2024] 100 ms. If an average emf. of 200 V is induced, calculate
4. Consider a solenoid of length l and area of cross-section A with fixed number of the self-inductance of the circuit. [2011]
turns. The self-inductance of the solenoid will increase if : (A) both l and A are 14. Derive an expression for self-inductance of a long
increased (B) l is decreased and A is increased (C) l is increased and A is solenoid of length l, cross-sectional area A having N
decreased (D) both l and A are decreased [2024] number of turns. [2009, 08]

5. Figure shows the variation of inductive reactance XL of two ideal inductors of MUTUAL INDUCTION:
inductance L1 and L2 with angular frequency ‘’. The value of L1/L2 [2024] 1. Two coils are placed near each other. When the current in one coil is
changed at the rate of 5A/s, an emf of 2mV is induced in the other. The
(a) 3 (b) 1/3 (c) 3 (d) 1/3 mutual inductance of the coils is [2024]
(a) 0.4mH (b) 2.5 mH (c) 10mH (d) 2.5mH
6. Define the term ‘self-inductance’ of a coil. Write its S.I. 2. Assertion (A) : The mutual inductance between two coils is maximum when
unit. [2015, 14, 12, 10, 09] the coils are wound on each other. Reason (R) : The flux linkage between two
7. A current of 1 A flows through an inductor connected to a 200 V dc source. When coils is maximum when they are wound on each other. [2024]
it is connected to 200 V, 50 Hz source, only 0.5 A current flows. Calculate the
self-inductance of the inductor [2024] 3. A 100-turn coil of radius 1·6 cm and resistance 5·0 ohm is co-axial with a
8. Obtain an expression for self-inductance of a coil in terms of its geometry and solenoid of 250 turns/cm and radius 1·8 cm. The solenoid current drops from
permeability of the medium. [2024]
1·5 A to zero in 25 ms. Calculate the current induced in the coil in this field. Plot a graph showing variation of (i) magnetic flux
duration. (Take 2 = 10) [2024] and (ii) the induced emf in the coil as a function of  [2013]

4. Two coplanar and concentric circular loops L1 and L2 are placed coaxially with
their centres coinciding. The radii of L1 and L2 are 1 cm and 100 cm
respectively. Calculate the mutual inductance of the loops. (Take 2= 10)

5. A small circular loop of area 6/ cm2 is placed inside a long solenoid at its
centre such that its axis makes an angle of 60° with the axis of the solenoid.
The number of turns per cm is 10 in the solenoid. The current in the solenoid
changes uniformly from 5 A to zero in 10 ms. Calculate the emf induced in
the loop. [2024]

6. Define mutual inductance and write its S.I. units. [2024,

15, 14, 12, 09]
7. Define mutual inductance of a pair of coils and write on
which factors it depends.
8. Obtain the expression for mutual inductance of a pair of
long coaxial solenoids each of length l and radii r1 and r2
(r2 >>>r1). Total numbers of turns in the two solenoids
are N1 and N2 respectively [2024, 14]
9. Obtain the expression for the mutual inductance of a
pair of coaxial circular coils of radii r and R (R >r)
placed with their centres coinciding [2008]
1. A circular coil of radius 8 0 cm and 40 turns is rotated
about its vertical diameter with an angular speed of 25
rad /s in a uniform horizontal magnetic field of
magnitude 3x 102 T. The maximum emf induced in the
coil is : (a) 0·12 V (b) 0·15 V (c) 0·19 V (d) 0·22V [2023]
2. A rectangular coil of N turns and area of cross-section A is rotated at a steady
angular speed in a uniform magnetic field. Obtain an expression for the emf
induced in the coil at any instant of time. [2024]
3. With the help of a diagram, briefly explain the construction and working of
an ac generator. [2024]
4. A coil is mechanically rotated with constant angular
speed  in a uniform magnetic field which is
perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the coil. The
plane of the coil is initially held perpendicular to the

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