19th Foundation Training Notebook
19th Foundation Training Notebook
19th Foundation Training Notebook
hPhc Nohiat ower heentm Linte!
BRPL RR fononn Limke
15 Electricityswitched| on in Ahsan
7leemor l9o
1901: Manjil by a Generator (07/12/1901)
oeGeneration started tor
1930: public byPrivate Companies
EPWAPDA(East Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority) formed
RPDB (Bangladesh Power Development Board) formed in place of
1972: Power
wing of EPWAPDA
DESA distributes electricity in greater Dhaka district. t buys electricity from PDB.
pDB distributes electricity to rest of the country
1996: DESCO (Dhaka Electric Supply Company Ltd) formed,
in 1998 it took Mirpur Area,
in 2003 it took Gulshan, Bananai, Baridhara, Uttara,
in 2007 it took Tongi
2008: DESA's operation captured by DPDC. So, DPDC and DESCO are two similar
Govt owned companies to distribute electricity in Present Dhaka district and
part of Narayangonjdistrict.
Govt of Bangladesh
Power Division
DPDC Board
(12 members)
DPDC Management
Managing Director
aye gf (Pilferage /
Fraudulent) :
(Type of Pilferage/
Fraudulent) :
(Is0- O8):
Tile and
11Short be calledthe Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (Employees)
rules shall
These RUles,2017
1.2Definitions:Inthis rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or i.e.,the
Authority" means the authority empowered to make appointments
(a) of Directors' in relation to 'Managing Director, Executive Directors and Company
Board andthe'Managing Director' in relation to all other employees.
20 Posts
21Creation of
of Posts
22Categories and Classification
30Recruitment and Promotion Policies &Guidelines
3.1 Recruitment Policies and
3.1.1Recruitment Policies
3.1.2 Objectives of the policy
3.1.3 Scope of the policy
3.1.4 Strategies of the policy
3.2 Guidelines
3.2.1 Invitation of Applications
3.2.2 Screening
5.0 Leave
5.1Types of leave
(a) Earned Leave () Leave not due
(b) Casual Leave (g) Ex-Bangladesh Leave
(c) Maternity Leave (h) Quarantine Leave
(d) Extra-Ordinary Leave (i) Medical Leave
(e) Accident Leave
6.0 Hoiorarium,Bonus and Allowances
6.1 Honorarium
6.2 Bonus
6.3Shift Duty
Allowancefor combination ofappointment
6.4 Charge allowance
6.5 Travelling Allowance
6.6 Medical Benefit/
6.7 Fringe Benefits
9.0 Retirement, Termination and Resignation etc.
9.1 Retirement-Normal retirement is mandatory upon the employee's
birthday except Executive Director and above. The Executive Director andIManagin,
Orector shall retire from service on bic/bar attainment of 62 years of age but
authority may extend their service up tothe age of 65yearS.
.2 Resignation-Unless otherwise provided in theterms of employment or ot any
ord executed by an employee, a contractual employee may resign trom the
service after giving 2(Two) months' notice in writingor refunding twomonths pay
9.3 Termination- Termination is used when removal of an employee by other
means is not appropriate. When terminating a contractual employee, the employer
must give the following benefits: 120days' notice or 4 (four) months' pay in lieu of
notice (basicpay only) in case of contractual employee.
b8 fo
Managing Director
2 Executive Director (Admin and HR) 1
2 Executive Director (Operation) 5
2 Executive Director (Engineering) 1
2 Executive Director (Finance)
2 Executive Director (ICT and Procurement)
3 Chief Engineer 2
3 General Manager (Fin) 13
3 General Manager (HR) 1
3 General Manager (|CTIT)
Company Secretary
Total (Grade 1-3)
Companies Act 1994 and It's
Ihe Companies Act
>It has 11 segments/parts
>404 sections
>12 schedules
Vypes of Companies:
DOnthe basis of mode of incorporation:
1.Chartered Companies
2. Statutory Companies
3. Registered or incorporated Companies
URegistered or incorporated companies are three types:
1. Companies limited by shares
2. Companies limited by guarantee
3. Unlimited Companies
On1.the basis of
On the basis of numberof members: Holding Company
1. Private Company 2. Subsidiary Company
2. Public Company
On the basis of ownership: the basis of
O On1. BangladeshiCompany
1. Government Company 2. Foreign Company
2. Non-Government Company
Name Clearance (BDT 200)
prescribed format
Preparation of Memorandum and Article of Association in a
(one main copy and two additional copy)
V Preparation of other documents (Form I, VI, IX, X, XIl, XIV, XI)
Payment of required fees (Stamp fee, Registration fee)
Board of Directors
O Aboard of directors is abody of elected or appointed members who jointly
direct and oversee the activities of acompany or organization
of ISO
1. Customer Focus
2. Leadership
3. Engagement of People
4. Process Approach
5. Improvement
6 Evidence based decision making
7. Relationship Management
1. Preparation:
Gap Analysis: Difference between actual performance and ISO standard
hDetermine Context: ldentification of customerS and their requirements
c. Management Support: Willingness to actively support and participation
e. RiskAnalysis: Understanding the problems in process steps, evaluate risks, and
anticipate opportunities.
2. Planning:
Determination of internal team, hire consultants, and certification body
3. Training:
Training on basic things of ISO standard, required documents, how. to implement
ISO sLandard's guideline, method of internal audit.
4. Do the Work
Preparationof necessary documents.
DTrain employees on the new quality management system (QMS).
DUpdate procedures as necessary.
Selection of External Auditor
5. InternalAudit
IExamine the adoption of new procedures and compare with the ISOStandards.
CTaking corrective actions, if necessary.
OReview the system to ensure the readyness to submit an application
6. External Audit
OPerform stage1 audit or document review,
0 Take corrective action (ifany)
GStage 2 audit or Certification audit
OTaking corrective actions, if necessary.
1i| 19ti foundation Training Course
7. Apply for
Important Categories:
ISO 9001 (QMS): Quality Management System
ISO 14001 (EMS): Environmental Management System
ISO 45001 (0HSAS): Occupational Heath &Safety Assessment Series
ISO 27001:
Information Security Management
ISO 31000:
Risk Management
ISO 50001:
Energy Management.etc
12 C Ourse
Rvew 19h oundiio:. L...
E19D06LO8(20240123) Suslkinoh
HistoricalBckgrnd of BD- (Sazzad Zahir, Bir
(retd) Quazi Sajjad Ali Zahir, Bir
Col Protik
Rirth: 11-Apr-1951, Cumilla
Particjpatedin War of Liberation of Bangladesh: in Sector 4
awarded Gallantry Award 'Bir Protik' by the Bangladesh Government for his
He wascontribution during the Liberation War.
authored 65 books and a large number of articles in Bangla and English
He has
newspapers and periodicals in Bangladesh and abroad.
researched and presented more than 3,000 episodes of Television and radio
programmes on various channels, Winning the best TV documentary award in 2013.
Goals Congruent
individuals due to differences ot
Conflict may be defined as friction between
opinions, ideas, beliefs, values, needs or objectives.
together as a team
ConceptofIpeople working
player is Someone who is able to get along with their colleagues
cohesive group
and work togetherina
Team Builling
agreater sense ofcollaboration
DProcess of establishing and developing
and trust between
17| . ! ii e,t( W 19th foundalion fraining
Public Relations- [Shamimul Haque, DGM (HRII
Constitution of Bangladesh
History offthe by the Father of
the Nation,
1971: Declaration of Independence made
26th March, Rahman.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Proclamation of
Provisional Government of Bangladesh issued the
1971: The It declared
10th April,
which served as the interim first constitution of Bangladesh.Republic.
as the fundamental principles of the
'eguality, human dignity and social justice' assemblies were
members of the federal and provincial
n The then East Pakistani Assembly of Bangladesh. The assembly
transformed into members of the Constituent
consisted of 404 members
in 1972. Ihe
Constitution Drafting Committee was formed
After the Liberation War, the Kamal Hossain as its Chairman.
committee included 34 members with Dr.
Proclamation of
began its constitutional journey with an ad hoc constitution under the with
(10 April 1971) investing the President (of the Mujibnagar Government)
independence Order
the power to appoint a Prime Minister.
all executive and legislative authority and
Provisional Constitution of Bangladesh Order,
This proclamation order was replaced by the parliamentary system with a cabinet of
1972 which changed the form of government to a
ministers headed by the Prime Minister.
in January 1975. Through the Fourth
The Constitution was fundamentally amended
system was abandoned and a
Amendment of the Constitution in 1975, the parliamentary
one-party presidential system was introduced.
legislative assembly is unicameralko,
constitution, commonly
Bangladesh 'House of the nation
According to Article 65 ofhouse parliament which is
means there is only
as Jatiya Sangshad.
Whitten Document: divided into 11 pars, Which are fur
written document andare is
The constitution is a addition, there 7 schedules.
subdivided into 153 articles n
Rigid Constitution: without votes of two t
Bangladesh is inflexible. It cannot be amended
Constitution of Parliament
members of the total members of
out the guiding purpose and principles of
that sets
This is the opening statement
is not an indispensable part of theconstitution in
he sense
Constitution. The preamble
it is not enforceable in a court of law.
Unitany Government:
Bangladesh is unitary in nature according to Article 1 of N
The Government of under the Constitution.
governance means allpower centralized
Constitution. Unitary
Fundamental Right:
fundamental rights of the peoples
Part Ill of Bangladesh constitution describes to protection of law, Right to
Bangladesh. Such as, Equality before law, RightFreedom of assembly and Freedom
Prohibition of forced labor, Freedom of movement, are inconsistent w
Religion etc. According to Article 26 of this Part, laws which
fundamental rights shallbe void.
independence of the JudiciarY
Judicial independence is the theory that the judicial system should be independent from th
other wings of the government. In Bangladesh, Chief justice is selected by the President o
the Republic and other Judges of the Supreme Court are appointedafter consultation wit
the Chief Justice.
Parliamentary fom of govermment:
The nature of Bangladeshi Parliament is similar to the Parliament of England. Here, the
Government is run by cabinet lead by the Prime Minister. The President is head of the
Government but executive power is exercised by the cabinet of ministers headed by the
Prime Minister.
Distinction between Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Principles of State Policy:
Part ll of the Constitution of Bangladesh contains the fundamental rights (from Article 26 to
Article 47A). The Fundamental Principles of State Policy (FPSP) are embodied in Part Il ot
the Constitution (Article 8 to Article 25). There is a significant distinction between these two
concepts according to the Constitution of Bangladesh. The Fundamental Principles of State
Policy, is not judicially enforceable but Fundamental Rights are judicially enforceable. What
this means is that, apersons fundamental right has been violated, he or
redress for the violation from the High Court Division. ACCordingly, in case ofshe can seek
violation of a
Fundamental Principle of State Policy, the Constitution has specifically restricted seeking
redress from the Court.
Ordinance making and Declaration of Emergency:
Article 93 of the Constitution allows the President to make Ordinances when the situation is
of the kind that immediate action is necessary according to the President.
2015-16 -APA between Cabinet & different Ministries
2016-17 -APA between Cabinet & different Ministries
-APA between Ministry and it's Organizations
2017-18 -APA between Cabinet & different Ministries
-APA between Ministry and it's Organizations
2018-19 -APA between Cabinet & different Ministries
-APA between Ministry and it's Organizations
-APA between Organization and it's Field levelOffices
(Monitored by Ministry)
2019-20 -APA between Cabinet & different Ministries
-APA between Ministry and it's Organizations
-APA between Organization and it's Field level Offices (Monitoring by
q96 : Soo 43
gfo : J8 3
F19D11L14 (20240215)
Environment conciousness- [Ahsan Rony, Founder, Green Saverl
24 | Co urse Review 19th Foundation Training Course
F19D12L15 (20240220)
Judicial System- [Sabina Yasmin, Addl Session Judge]
Types of Evidence
"Oral Evidence
"Documentary Evidence
-Primary Evidence
25| C urse Review 19th Founda tion Training Course
-Secondary Evidence
-Comparison of signature,writing or seal with others,admitted or proved
-Presumption as to documents thirty years old
Metropotan MagtrateCRut
Appellate Division
High Court Division
Sessions Judge Court
Additional Sessions Judge Court
Joint Sessions Jude Court
CMM Court CJM Court
Additional CJM Court
Metropolitan Magistrate Court
Senior Judicial Magistrate Court
(1stClass Magistrate)
Additional CMM Court (1stClass Magistrate)
Judicial Magistrate Court
(2nd& 3rdClass Magistrate)
Si afSAa(Charge sheet)
2 9 .yrs Rtvic 19th Foundation Train ing Course
F19D13L16 (20240222)- Electricity Act-[Md Alauddin, Chairman- SREDAI
"Law" means any Act, ordinance, order, rule, regulation, bye law, notification or other
legal instrument, and any custom or usage, having the force of law in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh power sector continued to be managed 8& regulated on the basis of the
Electricity Act 1910. Since 1994 a number of policy statements have been issued and
considerable progress has been made with sector unbundling, IPPs were introduced &
corporatization of sector entities took place. In 2003, BERC Act came into effect to create
conducive investment climate, determine tariff & promote competitive market.
Consequently many provisions of the Electricity Act 1910 lost their relevance and have
become redundant. Moreover, reforming the power sector for better service delivery
consumers and cater to increasing demand for electricity called for re-enacting the
Rights of Consumers:
1. Compensation (Section 12)
2. Licensee's obligation to maintain same quality in power supply (Section 16)
3. Consumers are entitled to reconnection on tulfilment of
conditions (Section 201
4. Advance payment of bill (Section 22)
5. Tostop power supply temporarily (Section 23)
6. Investigation of accidents (Section 29)
7. Punishment for offences committed by
electricity employees (Section 43)
Mobile Court (S.51)
The Mobile Court Act, 2009 (Act
punishment for the offences committed underofthis2009)- the Mobile Court may impose
Act, subject to inclusion thereof into
the Schedule of that Act.
Section 5 of the Mobile Court Act, 2009
Magistrate to hold Mobile Court empowers Executive Magistrate or District
within their jurisdiction.
32 .ourse Review- 19 th
Foundation Co
F19D15L17 (20240318)
Cust Complain Mgt System- [Md RabiulHasan, GM (ICT)I
Methods of Customer Service in DPDC:
Customer Desk
Call Center
Facebook Page
KIOSK Machine
onitoring System
" Customer Feedback
" Automatic Notification (SMS) to Higher Authority
"Dash Board
"Complaint trackingthrough VWebsite
"Outbound Call as feedback
" WhatsApp Group for Higher Authority
" Standard time (St) mentioned in Citizen
"Resolve time (Rt)
"Rt>St----Notification (SMS) sent to Higher Authority
"Notification rules
XEN: Rt-St - -
SE: Rt=St*1.25
MD: Rt=St*2
Procurenment Cycle:
1. Need assessment
2. APP
3. Specification
4. OCE
5. Preparation of TD
6. IFT
7. Selling of TD
8. Preparation &Submission of tender
9. Opening &evaluation of Tender
12.Contract signing
13.Contract performance
"Public Procurement Act (PPA) 2006 has g Chapters, 73 Sections and many sub
"Public Procurement Rules (PPR) 2008 has also 9 chapters, 13o Rules &many sub
rules and 14 schedules annexed.
Public funds means any funds appropriated to a
Procuring Entity (PE) under govt. budget, or loan, grants or credits placed at the
disposal of PE through the government by development partners or foreign states
or organIzations.
Procuring Entity (PE) means Procuring Entity having administrative and financial
powers to undertake procurement of goods, works or services using public funds.
IGP Inspector
Additional IGP S
Additional DIG
Additional SP Naik
ASP Constable
38 C o urse
Revi w- 19th Fo n
i i t ,*;t ,
Bangladesh Police:Organization
Polke (9
Ademy )
Donty(1 t
. tratning er)
Police-Population Ratio
>Thailand 1: 224
Malaysia 1:312
India 1: 641
Pakistan 1: 549
Bangladesh 1: 816
Sri Lanka 1: 236
UN Standard for peacetime policing
recommends one police officer for 400 people
) Tafsa re
8) ft sfet (Yd-Q008 1) I
) 3sfss frISA
) gfsf
8) tfayjs qf
) qof
Average System Loss >>>> Total Import, TCotal Sold, then
Month: Aug'2020 132-kVLevel
Level Total Import =824550260
Total Import =820335974 Total Sold =771890924
Total Sold =771890924 System Loss = 6.39
System Loss = 5.91 %
Target 2021-22 7.15%
2008-09 18.18%
Target 2022-23 7.10%
2019-20 6.58% [target 7.48%]
Target 2023-24 7.05%
2020-21 6.69% [target 7.20%]
(1) DPDC Annual Report 2018-19
(2) Executive Summary, DPDC (Jun'21)
(3) APA 2021-22 between Secretary and MD DPDC
XF Loss
not counted Counted
Types of Energy
Energy Sources
> Renewable Energy
> Non-Renewable
Solar 371.71 619.35 991.06
Three Main Solar Panel
.Melted silicon crystals . Variety of materinls
Pure silicon . 18.9% eficiency
-19.9% eficicncy " Most expensive
" 24.4% eficiency
"Moderate cost "Lenst expensive .Shortest lifespan
.Moderate lifespan .As little as 21.4 g
"Longest lifespan "27.2 gC02-eq/kWh
"38.1 gC02-cq/kWh CO2-eq/kWh
spenkor's lecturo)
(wrlte up from other
Theoretical Approachesto understarnd1ng Bangladesh Foreign Policy
Political Realism
Foreign Policy
Major Issues in Bangladesh
Trade &Commerce
Theoretical Approaches
Political Realism
State is the main actor
National interest dictates foreign policy choices
Liberal Internationalism/Neo-Liberal Institutionalism
International institutions matter
humanitarianism also dictates foreign policy choices
Class politics matters more than state or international institutions
International politics is nothing buta class struggle between the Capitalists and the
Core Principles
Article 25 of Bangladesh Constitution articulates the following principles of Bangladesh
Foreign Policy:
Respect for national sovereignty and equality
Non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries
Peaceful settlement of internationaldispute,
Respect for international law and the principles enunciated in the United Nations
Strive for the renunciation of the use of force in international relations
General and complete disarmament;
Upnold the right of every people freely to determine and build up its own social economic
poiical system by wavs and means of its own free choice; and
struggle against
Oupport oppressed peoples throughout the world waging ajust
colonialism or racialism.
Summary &Conclusions
Various theories of IR provide useful frameworks for analyzing
policy. Bangladesh foreo
Bangladesh Constitution articulates the basic principles of foreign policy.
Political regimes and their ideological preferences have shaped the
policy. directions of forein
Bangladesh has made significant
Ithas maintained an active foreigneconomic
policy of
progresses over the past five decades.
In the regional arena, Bangladesh is peace, security, and stability.
connectivity with the members of SAARC and BIMSTEC. to economic cOoperation, trade ang
At the multilateral level,
diplomatic platform to leadBangladesh considers the United Nations to be the highes
the developing nations on
peacekeeping issues. climate change, migration, ant
50 | Course
Review- 19th Found ation
Training Co urse
F19D25L26((20240718)- E-GP. [Jahangir Alam, M
Purchase simply means:
to obtain by paying money or its equivalent:
to buy for a price;
as, to purchase land, or a house.
It is the consensus arouna ne table lo0king for best possible price.
Operations Management:
Operations management may be defined as the design,operation and improvement of the
production system that create the firm's primary product or service.
Production system: The heart of OM is the management of production system.
The production system uses operations resources to transform inputs into some desired
Inputs: Inputs may raw materials, a customer or a finished produçt from another system.
Operations resOurces:
Operation resources consists of 'five P's of operations
People are direct or indirect workforce management'.
Plants include factories or service branches where production are
Parts include that materials (or in the case of services, the supplies)carried out.
that go through
the system
Processes include the equipment and steps by which production is aCComplished.
Planning and control system are the procedures and information management uses
to operate the system.
Manager: People responsible for directing the efforts aimed at helping organizations
achieve their goals.
Managerial roles:
1. Lead
2. Go-between or liaison
Symbol of some worthwhile trait (honesty, hard workingetc.)
4. Monitor
5. Share information
6. Spokesperson
7. Taking initiative
8. Handle disagreement
9. Allocate resources
10. Negotiate
54 Course Revie w- 19th
Foundation Train ing Cours
Managerial performanco: The measure of efficient and effective a manager is -how well
he or she determines and achieves appropriate objectives
HR Planning
Succession Planning
Replacement Planning
What is Etiquette??
Webster's llNew Colege Dictionary defines Etiquetteconvention or by authority.
The forms and practices prescribed by social
How Etiquette Benefit You?
competitive job market
"Differentiates you from others in a settings with a variety of people
"Enables you to be confident in a variety of
"Honors commitment to excellence and quality
" Modifies distracting behaviors and develops admired
NIS Activities in DPDC- [Sharmin Rahman, Manager (HR)I
Natonal integrity
hho SI Transparency Internationl (Ti)- 4N11RIeIN CGCAIE
Governance needs to be
- Eficient
- Responsive
Deprivation is Corruption
No employee shall
Associate himself/ herself with any political organization, front organization of
political parties or othenruise take active part in politics or any political
Absent himself/herself from duties, or leave his/her station without obtaining
permission from his/her controlling officer;
Make any public statementthrough media such as press, radio or television
or e-mail or internet or web-site, unless specifically authorized to do so by the
Company exceptingon Company's day to day routine matters;
59| C Revi e w. 19t h Fo undation Train ing Cours e
part-time work,
office or
employmentor previoussanction
ofthe whetappoihner.
Accept or seek any Otherhonorary, without
payment, stipendiary Or
Punishment and appeal
Grounds for penalty-Where an employee -
(a) Is guilty of negligence to his duties, or
be efficient; or
(b) Is inefficient, or has ceased to
(c) Is guilty of misconduct, or considered corrupt
other persons
(d) Is corrupt, or may reasonably dependents or any of wealth
i) He/she is, or any of his is in
his/her behalf or
him/her or on
his/her known source of income,
OIsproportionate to
has assumed a style of living beyondhis means, o
ii) He/she
more penalties specifiedin clause 7.5A
The authority may impose on him one or
this chapter.
against an order
(a) An emproyee shail have the right to appear once onry
& (b) of this chapter
imposing any penalty specified in clause 7.4 (a) authority imposing the
except censure to the authority next superior to the
penalty, and where the penalty is imposed by an the order of the Board of
Board of Directors
Directors, there shall ordinarily lie no appeal but representation fromthe
may review its own order suomoto or on ieceipt of
employee concerned.
Bar to resign or retire by employees under
prosecution on charge of offences under these
Anemployee under suspension or
his/her own option from service until the case is
rules shall not resign or retire at
61 Co urse Re view- 19th Foun dation Train ing
(20240828)[Mohaimenul Islam, DM(HR))
What is Crisis?
a time of intense ifficulty or danger. be made.
atime, decision must
when a difficult or important
Types of Crisis
o 1. Personnel crisis
o 2. Financial crisis
0 3. Organizational crisis
o 4. Technological crisis
o 5. Natural crisis
o 6. Confrontational crisis
o 7. Human-made crisis
Grisis Management
management involves implementing policies and procedures to defend, mitigate a
prevent a crisis.
Types of crisis management strategies
> Proactive crisis management
> Responsive crisis management
> Recovery crisis management
Stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation
Why Stressed?
Human suffering Leads to stress. But what is human is suffering?
Human is not suffering their life or situations.
63 |Curse
Review. 19th Found ation Train
ing Course
F19D04L35 (20240121)- Audit Objection-[Uttam
Kumar GMEin
Definition of Audit. Fairness of Books
true &
Auditing is a process-- to ensurethe accuracy. Assets &Liabilities.
Records, Vouchers, Registers, Bank statements, All
Audit- To Examine the- Records, Registers, Voucherto ensurethe Accuracy of Acoourt
& the ASsets & Liabilities
Financial Activities.
Audit need for Accountability & Transparence of
01. Meaning of Audit
A to Make Accountability to the management Objecito.
U to Make sure Understandinga the Problem of Audit
D to Take Decision to solve the Problem
| to Act as Intellectual employee.
T to Apply Technique to solve the problem.
[write up by SE TnD]
When Govt Audit is executed, the DGM (Fin) of external audit plays role as the coordinator
between the Audit Team and the office under auditing
AnyAudit Objection should be solved with proper documents and arguments as discussed
withthe relevant parties. No Audit Objection willbe DELETED in future keeping unsolved.
Any Audit Objection should be solved with proper documents and arguments as discussed
with the relevant parties. No Audit Obiection will be DELETED in future keeping unsolved
Data Sources:
Network Operational Data.
NOCS Data, Requirement/Feedback
Grid O&M Data/RequirementFeedback.
Govt.Plan (PWD, RAJUK, City Corporation, Ministry, Railway etc.).
Govt. Mega Project (MRT, Roads, Bridge etc.)
Private Sector Investment Plan
Donor Agency (ADBIJICAWB/China etc.)
CE (P&D)
SE (Design Circle) SE (Distribution Planning) Reneiab
Project DP
System DPSD DP (North) DP (South)
Planning. Planning (Central)
Network Planning
DataCollection from NOcS, Grid O&M, System Services, SCADA.
Existing System Study.
ldentification of drawbacks and alternative solutions on existing network.
ldentification the need and scope of Job for (Transformer, Lines etc.)
Job Preparation and Approval from Management.
Activities for change management of job implementation and Job revision
(Adaptive process).
Load Forecast for medium (01 year to 05 year) and Longterm (03+ years).
Study of future Technology, Policy (PSMP, IEPMP, 8th Five year Plan,
Study result from Ministry) and future market, management instructions et.
Future Need Assessment considering Load demand, customer demand, system
improvement, organizations Goal, Govt. Policy and Master Plan.
67 |Co urse Review. 19th Foundation Train ing Course
ldentification of scope of next Project or Job.
Feasibility Study (Technical end Financial etc.)
Readjustment or Rearrangement of Scope of Works for Ongoing Project
Finalization of Power Evacuation, Source Lines, Substation, Switchgear
of works for ongoing Project (i.e G2G, PDSD etc.)
Types of Projects:
Based on Project Nature:
Investment Project (IP)
Technical Assistance Project (TAP)
Survey and/or Feasibility Study Project (FS)
Based onFunding Source:
GOBfunded project
Foreign funded project
Self-financed project
70 C o urse Revie w- 19 th Fo
undation i iaining Cou ise
rson15L29 (20240318)- NOCS Operation- [Md Mohiul Alam, SE TnD]
Revenue Protection
" Meter Checking and FindingOut Pilferage/ Problems at Customers' Premise
"Supervising the activities of SAEs and Meter Readers
"Being careful about doubtful customers (use of overloads, side connections,
tendency to move away keeping arrear)
Custormer Service
"Taking steps against Customers' Prayer (e.g. New Connection, Name Change,
Tariff Change, Permanent Disconnection, etc.)
"Giving instant technical support (by Control Room)
"Taking steps to fulfill APIPerformance Targets- System Loss, CB Ratio, SAIDI,
SAIFI, etc.
" Maintaining System loss of Various Feeders within Target Figure
Various matters as per the instruction of Executive Engineer
"Being alert about Audit Objections
" Proper Filingof Necessary Papers and Documents
" Making Various reportsessential for office activities and for higher authority
" Trainingup staffs and other officers
Billing System
Manual Bill (up to 2003)
Computerized Bill (since 2001-03)
Center-point of Computerized Billing System: ICT Circle, DPDC
36 NOCS are connectedwith ICT Circle by Optical Fibre Cable
East NOCS has an ICT section, which is connected to the central Billing Server.
Billing Software
Supplied and Supervised by:
Contractor, e.g. SRL (System Resource Limited)
Controlled by ICT Circle
Responsibility: DGM (CT), Revenue
Programs used:
Empower, XBC:
Toenter and process Data- Meter Reading, DCS, Census, etc
Password Protected
Authorization Limited
Controlled by ICT Circle
To retrieve data from Billing Server
by using SQL (Structured Query Language)
Not Password Protected
Data may not be reliable
Billing Schedule:
This is used to perform various billing activities in time.
72|Course Review- 19th foundation raininr
F19D16L40 (20240324)- KPI, Satety, Fire- (Md Ashraf Uddin, M(HR)I
KPI: Key Point Installation
çafrytfuf (KPIDC)
8. GtyJ<EA 7
Benefits of 5S implementation
reduced mistakes or errors from employees
reduced search time in locating files, information and supplies
improved employee safety and morale
improved customer service.
Functions of Management
Cyber Security
Cyber-security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices,
electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks.
"Network security is the practice of securing acomputer network from intruders or
" Application security focuses on keeping software and devices free of threats.
"Information security protects the integrity and privacy of data, both in storage and in
"Operational security includes the processs and decisions for handling and
protecting data assets. The permissions users have when accessing a network and
the procedures that determine how and where data may be stored or shared all fall
under this umbrella.
A threat refers to anew or newly discovered incident with the potential to do harm to a
system or your overallorganization.
There are three main types of threats - natural threats (e.g.,floods or a tornado),
unintentional threats (such as an employee mistakenly accessing the wrong information)
and intentional threats.
[Write up by SE TnD]
Innovation vs Creativity
Creativityis the generation of new idea,
Innovation is converting creative ideas into desired outputs
Facebook Twitter
159Crore Users (Apr'16) 32 Crore Users (Apr 16)
250Crore Users (Apr'20) 38Crore Users (Apr20)
WhatsApp YouTube
100 Crore Users (Apr'16) 100 Crore Users (Apr'16)
200Crore Users (Apr'20) 200Crore Users (Apr'20)
Eacebook is acorporation and online social networking service
with his Harvard College roommates and fellow students Eduardo Saverin,
McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.
Important Events
National News (related)
Recruitment Notice
Recruitment Result
Death News
Retirement NewS
Important Circulars
Performance Data
Billing Schedule
Related Videos
Other relevant Things
SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index) and SAIFI (System Average
Interruption Frequency Index) are two important performance indicators used in the
electrical utility industry to assess the reliability of an electricity distribution system. These
indices help utlities and regulators measure and improve the quality of electricity supply.
Here's how you calculate SAIDI and SAIFI
of the conductor.
In a power generation unit, there are three portions: boiler, turbine, gererator.
In a generator, voltage is measured, its value may be 11-kV(say)
generation, power needs to be sent to transmission. called
During transmission, Current loss (12R), which is
is kept
Loss or Transmission Loss. To make thelow current.low, voltage is increased, because Line
to minimize heat
Power = Voltage >x Current
Voltage is increased by using a Step Up Transformer. Say, from 11-kVto 230-kV.
When the
transmission line
vanous electrical instrumentsarrived in, a city, then we need to reduce the voltage, because
(light fan an fridne if etc.) run in very low
range of 180-240 volt (single phase) and Volage In
360-480 yolt (three phase).
Course Revi e w- 19th
Training Course
31/11-kV Substation
Main Element: Transformer
(this is called Power Transformer in
Other Elements: Substation)
" Auxiliary Transformer
Bus Bar
Bus Section (breaker) [for Alternative
CT (Current Transformer) Supply]
PT (Potential Transformer)
11-kV Feeder (OH/UG)
The Single Line Diagram of 33/11-kV Substation is
The Single Line Diagram of 132/33-kV or higher discussed.
level Substations are exactly same
substation has 2 purpose: (a) to step down the voltage, (b) to
split the power supply
In a substation, when we think without a
only spliting the power supply lines, then it istransformer, step down not
called a Switching Station happening here,
So, In Power Distribution System, we are
1) Power Station (or Power Plant): to having 3 stations:
2) Substation: to step up or down the generate electricity
3) Switching Station: only voltage and splitting the supply lines
splitting the supply lines
11-kV Underground Network
11-kV Underground Network is vastly
approximately 50 RMU(Ring MainUnit) whichusedare inswitching
NOCS Ramna division. There are
Underground Network is not available in all of 36 NOCS, points on the ground.
important and sensitive instalations. because this is made for very
Besides Ramna, there are a few NOCS (e.g.
etc.) which use Shere Bangla, Jigatola, Paribag,
Underground Network Motijheel,
Underground cables passes beside the footpaths, in 4/5 foot depth,
So that in case of any fault in
(beside footpath). Nationally,UGline, the line can be repaired by this is beside footpath
cable should never run digging side of the road
below any building.
11-kV Overhead Feeders contain:
Main Cable from Substion
Poles, 11-kV Line, Distribution
LT Line and
11-kVCustomers Substations
SCADA is in growing need for different industries like the Power Sector, Communication,
What is SCADA?
SCADA is made up of both Software and Hardware elements to create a Monitoring
&Control system used for industrial automation.
Centralized System
Supervision of Equipments
Collection of Data
Data management, Control and Monitor by Humans
Advantages of SCADA
Optimizing Performance
Reliability and Robustness
Maximize Productivity
Improve Quality
Reduce Operating and Maintenance costs
Integrate with Business Systems
Operation of NLDC
day ahead (short term) forecast of s.
National Load Dispatch Centre makes usually one
which generation units plants h
hourly demand over the next day. Then it decides
to difterent parts of h.
committed and how much share each be allocated corresponding economically whil
demand can be met
forecasted load profile so that consumers'
involved in the process N
maintaining the system secure. Five major steps are
(Forecasting' to »Decision implementation'.
The total load of apower system is not constant but varies throughout the day and
reaches a different peak value from one day to another. Therefore it isnecessary to decide
in advance which generators are to startup, when to connect them to the network, the
sequence in which the operating units should be shut down, and for how long. Te
computational procedure for making such decisions is called unit commitment (UC), anda
unit when scheduled for connection to the system is said to be committed.
Types of Transformers:
Transformers can be classified on different basis, like types of construction, types
of cooling etc. (D) On the basis of their use
(A) On the basis of construction:
() Core type transformer and Power transformer:
Distribution transformer:
(0) Shelltype transformer Instrument transformer:
(B) On the basis of their purpose Current transformer (CT)
Step up transformer: Potential transformer (PT)
Step down transformer:
(C) On the basis of type of supply (E) On the basis of cooling employed
Single phase transformer Oil-flled self cooled type
Three phase transformer Oil-filled water cooled type
Air blast type (air cooled)
% Impedance or impedance voltage transformer the voltage drop on full load due to the
The percentage impedance ofreactance
windingresistance and leakage expressed as a percentage of the rated voltage.
For example,
impedance voltage at:
Minimum Tap (Tap-1, 13.49%)
Rated Tap (Tap-9, 12.86%)
Maximum Tap (Tap-21, 12.67%)
101 | Course Review- 19th Foun dation Train ing Course
[write up bySE TnD]
Basic Parameters
1. Current () in Ampere
2. Voltage(V) in Volt (V)
3. Resistance (R) in Ohm (0)
KV, 230KV,KV
Standard Voltages KV, 400 KV, 275 6.6KV,3.3
750 KV,
High Voltage: 33KV, 11240V(1-Phase)
66 KV,(3-Phase),
Medium Voltage: 415V
Low Voltage:
Transformers: changes voltage
Two types (on various basis):
Step Up/ Step Down
l-phase/ 3-phase
Pad mounted/ Pole inounted
V Oiltype/ Dry type
XF (CT and PT)
Distribution XF/AuxiliaryXF/ Instrument
Fower XF/
Standard Transformer Sizes:
10,15.25,50,75,100 KVA
Y Single Phase (11/0.23kV): KVA
V Three Phase (11/0.4 KV): 100,200,250
V Three Phase (33/11 KV): 2.5,5,10,20 MVA
HowTransformer Works ?
Electromagnetic Induction
There are 6 coils inside a transformer- 3 primary coils, 3 secondary coils
Secondary coils are inserted into Primary coils concentrically
No. of turns in Secondary coil is kept less than in Primary coil, so Voltage become
Secondary side maintaining the ratio same (the ratio of no.of turns =the ratio of
Core is used inside the transformer to hold the coils farmly in position.
Transformer oil is used (a) to dissipate heat outside from the coils, and (b)
insulation between thecoils.
Classification of Conductors
According toVoltage:
OLow-tension (Up to 1kV): ANT,
IMedium-tension (Up to 33kV):
uHigh-tension (Up to 132kV): GOPHER, DOG, MERLIN, Grosbeak etc.
Grosbeak, Millard etc.
Advantages &Disadvantages of UG line
"Better general appearance "The major drawback is that they have greater
" Less Prone to damage through
" Low maintenance cost storms or lighting installation cost and introduce insulation
Less chances of faults problems at high voltages compared with
Smallvoltage drops equivalent overhead system.
Insulating Materials
D Impregnated Paper
O Poly Vinyl Chloride
O Polyethylene
DCross Linked
List of Test to be done for UG Cables
1. Type Test
2. Routine Test
3. Sample Test
Type Test
" Insulation
Resistance at Ambient &Maximum Temperature
"Bending Test
"Partial Discharge Test
"Tan Delta Test
"Heating Cycle Test
" Impulse test
followed by a voltage test
"Voltage test for 4h
"Resistivity of semi-conducting Screens
103 | Cu åISe
Reyiew- 19th Found ation
Training Course
Non Electrical Test
oVErall diamete Conductor &Insulation Screen Metal
""Conductor Cables
Thickess Insuiation,
sheath, Filler,metSUTBmetit
of Sheathetc.
Armour, Innet &Outer
Tensile Strenoth/Annealing test
*Ageing test of cable parts non-metal sheaths
" PressUre test t high temperature on insuiations and
"heat shock test
"Hot set test
"Water absorption test
"Shrinkage test
hardness test
"Flammability test
Routine Test Sample Test
"Conductor Diameter
Conductor Resistance "Insulation Thickness
" Partial Discharpe Test
" Sheath Thickness
High Voltage Test
"Insulation Resistance Test " Voltage test for 4 hours
" Hot set test
Classification of Switchgear:
Insulation Medium
Interrupter Medium Driver Operating Mechanism
OCB Spring
-SIS Hydraulic
GCB Pneumatic
ACB Motor
Circu: Breaher
Electric Energy is the Energy generated by the movement of Electrons from one point to
another. The movement of charged particles along/ through a medium (say ire)
constitutes current or electricity.
Resistance: When an Electric Current flows through a bulb or any conductor, the
conductor offers some obstruction to the current and this obstruction is known as electrical
resistance and is denoted by R
Capacitance is the ability of a component or circuit to collect and store energy in the form
of an electrical charge
Capacitors are energy storing devices available in many sizes and shapes. They consist
of two plates of conducting material (usually a thin metal) sandwitched between an
insulator made of ceramic, film, glass or other materials, even air.
Electric Charge: It is the physical Property of the matter that cause it to experience a
force, when placed in an electromagnetic field.
The property of a proton or an electron, which gives rise to electrostatic force between
them is called Electric Charge.
The assembly of apparatus used to change some characteristic (e.g. Voltage, a.c to dc,
frequency, power factor etc)of electric supply is called a sub-station.
Classification of Substation
Transfornmer Substations: They are used to transform power from one voltage level to
another voltage level. They are further classified into Step-up substations, Primary grid
substations, Secondary substations and Distribution substations.
Switching substativns: These substations are.meant for switchingoperations of power lines
without transforming the voltage.
Converting substation: are meant for either converting AC to DCor vice versa. Some are
used to change the frequency from higher to lower or vice versa for industry utilizations
According to constructional features
Indoor substations: All equipment of the substation are installed within the station
buildings. isolators, etc.,
Outdoor substations: All equipment such as transformers, circuit breakers,
are installedoutdoors.
Underground substations: In thickly populated areas where the space is theare laid
the substations
constraint, and cost of land is higher, under such situation
underground equipment installed
Pole mounted substations: This is an outdoor substation with
overhead on a H pole or 4 pole structure.
I. Busbar
1. Bay Marshalling Kiosk (BMK)
2. Cable Trench
2. Bus Disconnecting Switch/Bus Isolator 3. Power and Control Cable
3. Circuit Breaker
4. Current Transformer 4. Control Panel
5. Line Disconnecting Switch/Line Isolator S. Protection Panel
6. Earth Switch 6. Indication Meter
7. Insulator 7. Tariff Meter
8. Potential Transformer 8. Bay Replica and T-N-C Switch
9. Lightning Arrestor 9. Protective Relay
10. Transforiner (Depends on type) 10. Auxiliary Relay
I1. Capacitor Bank (Optional) |1. Battery
12. Wave Trap (Optional) 12. Battery Charger
13.Substation Automation Systenm (Optional)
109| Coursc Review 19th Found ation Training Course
Definition of AIS and GIS terminations
Air Insulated Switchgear(AISE
that has
the busbars air for insulation to
ground. general y
An electric power substation propertiesof
open to airand utilizes insulation
solid metal
Gas Insulated Switchgear (AIS):composite device encapsulatedin bars, transformere tha frame
Agas-insulated switchgear IS a such as circuit breakers, bus sulfur hexafluoridecart"h
houses differcnt electrical devicesthese devices are immersed devices.
etc. AlI barrier
switches, surge arrestors, bordered by
(SF6) inside shielded compart1ments that are
Comiarison oI AIS änd
Attrlbute AIS SF6 gas
High - Initlal
Insulating medium Alr
Low- initial Low ver lifetim
Equipment cost High Over lifetirme
Significantly less
Maintenance cost over the lifetime Signiflcantly high Smaller footprint
Area Larger footprint Less cable
Cabies More cables required
at a dlstance
HV equlpment is
Site preparation, mobilisation cost, More
earth levelling, fencing and road costs Very low
Erection 'and commissioning timne High GIS O&M requires only Some
Operations and maintenance (O&M) Time for AlS O&M is
O&M preliminary checks
than twice that for GIS
No environmental issues
Definition of Busbar
Bus bar:
This is a very low impedance and high current carryingcapacity conductor having
multiple numbers of incoming and outgoing lines electrically connected and
operating at the same voltage.
Various bus bar arrangements:
Single bus bar arrangement
Single bus bar with sectionalizer
o Double bus bar single breaker arrangement
o Double bus bar double breaker
o One and half breaker arrangement
o Ringmain arrangement
Battery Charger
Maintenance: DC System
General Cleaning: Battery Charger and Battery Bank
Nut-bolt tightening
Top up of de-mineralized water tothe desired level
Specific gravity test of cell electrolyte
Cellvoltage measurement
Cell impedance measurement
Cell strap resistance measurement
Load test
The principle faults which occurs inside a power transformer are categorized as,
1. Insulation breakdown between winding and earth
2. Insulation breakdown in between different phases
3. Insulation breakdown in between adjacent turns i.e. inter - turn fault
4. Transformer core fault
E. Internal Faults in Power Transformer
F. Fault in Busbar
Symmetric fault:
of the three phases equally. (Examole
A symmetric or balanced fault affects each
three phase fault)
Asymmetric fault:
not affect each of the three phaseg
An asymmetric or unbalanced fault does
equally. (Example: single phase fault).
Installation order of major equipment in our project: power transformers -> Capacitor
banks with reactor -> 33kV GIS -> 11kV AIS -> Control &Protection panels
Unwilling Customers
Service VWire Change (if not fresh)
Financial Transaction
Bank Unwilling to vending
Vending Crowd-some customers come frequently, even 13 times a
Vending Limit for LTI Customers
Service Charge Demand Charge duplicated in the 1stmonth
BillCorrection (not so restricted)
Meter Storage Problem
Over billing /Accumulated Unit
No Access to Prepaid Data
Arrear Collection of Post paid Period
Common Questions:
PPM charges more than Postpaid Meter ?
What to do in case of card lose?
One meter cardcan recharge another meter ?
Balance is wasted if it is kept in card ?
internal Faults
As a resut of
insulation failure
It it oocUrs the transformer must be
isolated, to do so sophisticated protectionswitched Immediately out off service and
schemes are required
Differential protection provides best protection against such fauits
Extemal Faults (Through Faults)
Mustbe cleared by other protective devices
tauit cument wll pass downstream, but if it fails to do sO, hign
through both sides of
transformer, resulting in mechanical and
thermal damage
Therefore backup protection must be provided
Over voltage
voltage and transient over voltage causes over luxing which increases
iron loss and damages insulation
Substation Automation refers to using data from field eguipment like as CT, PT, CB, DS,
ES and Substation Auxiliary Systems like DC Distribution System, AC Distribution System
by control and protection IED or RTU to facilitate the operator for monitoring all the event
(even the very uneven event) inside the substation and controllingof the power flow of the
Substation to meet the systenm requirement.
IÉD. ellecual Electronic Device
RTU: Remote Terminal Unit
Total Substation power flow monitoring with real time status of substation primary system
Monitoring the substation control operation, protection related event with actual time stamp from GPS
Monitoring of the event from substation auxiliary systems like AC distribution system, DC distribution system, DC
charger, Air conditioning system, Fire Fighting system etc.
Operator can control all the substation feeders from the control table with real time view of other feeders' parameter
Automatic log report of Current, Voltage, Power, p.f, frequency after predefine interval which will reduce the
depend on operator analog data log report.
Indicate the operator if operation is not possible for interlock
Reduce the effort to find the Switchgear authority
Easy fault-finding solution
PART-2: Communication
RS 232/485
some cloud connections)
MQTT (0s used for
PART-3: Software
Software for operators
Software for SAS programmers
Specific for specific communication
1160 4.22%
s35 1.94%
230 0.84%
60 0.22% Hvdro "Wnd
Wind Gas " HFO "HSD "Coal Imoored
0nstalled Capacity of BPDB Power Plants as of August
Classifications of Taxes
number of taxes
Classifications on the basis of incorporates only one tax, it is
Single tax: When the tax system of a person as poll of tax or
head tax
times tax was levied on
Single tax. In ancient different types of taxes, it is called
tax system comprises tax system.
Multiple tax: when the countries in the world folloW
muitiple tax. At present allthe
incidence of tax:
Classifications on the basis of impact and
those persons on
taxes which are paid entirely by incase of direct
Direct tax: Direct taxes are those shifted to others
whom they are imposed. The burden cannot be person(both
Such as income tax, land revenue tax etc. This is basically tax on
physical &legal person).
incidence of this is shifted by the person
Indirect tax: Indirect taxes are those taxes These are basically tax on goods or
paying the tax to others ike his customers.
services, Such as VAT, Customs Duty etc.
Proportional Tax: Aproportional tax is one in which, whatever the size of income,
the rate of taxation remains constant. Here the same percentage is charged on all
tax payers. For example TK 1,00,000 @10% and Tk. 5,00,000 @ 10%
Progressive Tax: Under this system, the rate of taxation increases asthe taxab
income increases. The principle of aprogressive tax is" higher the income, higne
the rate". It is considered more equitable. For example, tax on total income oT 1s
Tk 6,50,000 is 10%, 11,50,000 is 15%, 17,50,000 is 20%. Here tax will increase
more than proportionately.
Training Course
135 | 19|h Founda tion
(20240824) [Fazle Karim, Director,
AIT Extnl
Project of f
Net present value (NPV) is the
NPV: difference between the present value of cash inflows and
Net Present Value
Is Used in
the present value of cash Outtiows over a period of time.
and investment planning to analyze a project's projected
Net Present Value (NPV) is the value of allfuture cash flows (positive and negative) Ove:
the entire ife of an InVestment discounted to the
The Internal
IRR: RateofofReturn
Internal Rate Return (IRR) isthe discount rate that makes the NPV ofa projec
Internal rate of return is a method of calculating an investment's rate of return The tein
internal refers to the fact that the calculation excludes external factors, such as the risk-
tree rate, inflation, the cost of capital, or financial risk.
What Is IRR?
analysis to estimate ha
IRR, or internal rate of return. is a metric used in financial makes the net presen
profitability of potential investments. IRR is a discount rate that
Value(NPV) of allcash flows equal to zero in a discounted cash flow
0= NPV=)
f=l (lt IRR)
C; = Net cash inflow during the period t
Cn =Total initial investment costs
IRR= The internal rate of return
t= The number of time periods
The modified internal rate of return (MIRR) and the internal rate of return (RR) are two
closely-related concepts. The MIRRwas introduced to address a few problems associated
with the IRR. For example, one of the main problems with the IRR is the assumption that
the obtained positive cash flows are reinvested at the same rate at which they were
generated. Alternatively, the MIRR considers that the proceeds from the positive cash
flows ofa project will be reinvested at the external rate of return. Frequently,the external
rate of return is set equal to the company's cost of capital.
Payback Period:
Thepayback period represents the time required for an investment to generate cash flows
that equal its initial cost. It's a simple yet powerful metric used by investors and financial
analysts to assess the risk and return profile of an investment.
smart gríd source and
" The AMI is the nerve Center of any encomoassingthe
with real time
" AMI isa data transportation network Supply abOut
" The g0al of AMI is to provide electricity informed choices energy uSa
CUstorners to make
power consurnption and allow
based on the price at the tine of use.
The Essential Components of AMI
"Smart Meters
"Communication Network Collector
: Meterto Data
OField Area Network (FAN)Collector
OWide Area Network: Data to HES
Acquisition System(MDAS)
" Head End System (HES) or Meter Billing(Prepaid & Postpaid)
" Meter Data Management System(MDMS) with
Head End System(HES) stream of meter ds.
and sofware that receives the may perform
nead-end system is hardware
A Head-end systems alimited
brought back to the utility through the AMI. data available for other
systems to
anount of data validation before either making the
request or pushing the data out to other systerms.
and data collection layer between the
"Head End System that provides acommunication
smart meter infrastructure and the utility's IT systems.
Meter Data Management System (MDMS)
" Meter data management (MDM) refers to software that performs long-term data storage
and management for the vast quantities of datadelivered by smart metering systems.
"This data consists primarily of usage data and events that are imported from the Head.
End System (HES) managing the data collection in advanced metering infrastructure
(AMI) or automatic meter reading (AMR) Systems.
Billing Programmes:
XBC Extra Billingand Collection
4A0 LCourse
RevieW I3Tn Foun dation Train ine
F19D15L79 (20240318)- Call Center-[Md Rabiul Hasan, GM (ICT)I
Dial Number of Call Center:
Call Center: supervision office is SE
Bll Processing
Data Upload
Billing Server AMR Server
HT Customer Bill
AMR Webpage
(Unit Comparison &Phase Problem)
Electricity Bills are processed by collecting meter data through workflows from
AMR meters using GPRS data connectivity.