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Unit III

Computer Arithmetic & Processor Organization



In this lesson, you will learn about Execution of instructions by a processor, the functional units
of a processor and how they are interconnected, hardware for generating control signals and
microprogrammed control and fixed point and floating-point arithmetic for ALU operation
such as adder and subtractor circuits, high-speed adders based on carry-lookahead logic
circuits, the Booth algorithm for multiplication of signed numbers, logic circuits for division
and arithmetic operations on floating-point numbers conforming to the IEEE standard


1. Fundamental Concepts

 Execution of a complete instruction, Multiple Bus Organization,

Hardwired control, Micro-programmed control

2. Computer Arithmetic

 Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication Algorithm,Division Algorithm

3. Floating Point Arithmetic operations

 Decimal Arithmetic Unit, Decimal Arithmetic Operations


First, we focus on the processing unit, which executes machine-language instructions

and coordinates the activities of other units in a computer. We examine its internal structure
and show how it performs the tasks of fetching, decoding, and executing such instructions. The
processing unit is often called the central processing unit (CPU). Addition and subtraction of
two numbers are basic operations at the machine-instruction level in all computers. And
arithmetic and logic operations, are implemented in ALU of the processor.

A typical computing task consists of a series of operations specified by a sequence of

machine-language instructions that constitute a program. The processor fetches one instruction
at a time and performs the operation specified. Instructions are fetched from successive
memory locations until a branch or a jump instruction is encountered. The processor uses the
program counter, PC, to keep track of the address of the next instruction to be fetched and
executed. After fetching an instruction, the contents of the PC are updated to point to the next
instruction in sequence. A branch instruction may cause a different value to be loaded into the
When an instruction is fetched, it is placed in the instruction register, IR, from where it
is interpreted, or decoded, by the processor’s control circuitry. The IR holds the instruction
until its execution is completed. Consider a 32-bit computer in which each instruction is
contained in one word in the memory, as in RISC-style instruction set architecture. To execute
an instruction, the processor has to perform the following steps:
1. Fetch the contents of the memory location pointed to by the PC. The contents of this location
are the instruction to be executed; hence they are loaded into the IR. In register transfer
notation, the required action is
2. Increment the PC to point to the next instruction. Assuming that the memory is byte
addressable, the PC is incremented by 4; that is
PC←[PC] + 4
3. Carry out the operation specified by the instruction in the IR.
Fetching an instruction and loading it into the IR is usually referred to as the instruction fetch
phase. Performing the operation specified in the instruction constitutes the instruction
execution phase. With few exceptions, the operation specified by an instruction can be carried
out by performing one or more of the following actions:
• Read the contents of a given memory location and load them into a processor register.
• Read data from one or more processor registers.
• Perform an arithmetic or logic operation and place the result into a processor register.
• Store data from a processor register into a given memory location.
The hardware components needed to perform these actions are shown in Figure. The
processor communicates with the memory through the processor-memory interface, which
transfers data from and to the memory during Read and Write operations. The instruction
address generator updates the contents of the PC after every instruction is fetched. The register
file is a memory unit whose storage locations are organized to form the processor’s general-
purpose registers. During execution, the contents of the registers named in an instruction that
performs an arithmetic or logic operation are sent to the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), which
performs the required computation. The results of the computation are stored in a register in
the register file.


Atypical computation operates on data stored in registers. These data are processed by
combinational circuits, such as adders, and the results are placed into a register. A clock signal
is used to control the timing of data transfers. The registers comprise edge-triggered flip-flops
into which new data are loaded at the active edge of the clock. In this chapter, we assume that
the rising edge of the clock is the active edge. The clock period, which is the time between two
successive rising edges, must be long enough to allow the combinational circuit to produce the
correct result. Let us now examine the actions involved in fetching and executing instructions.
We illustrate these actions using a few representative RISC-style instructions


ALU and all the registers are interconnected via a Single Common Bus. Data &
address lines of the external memory-bus is connected to the internal processor-bus via MDR
and MAR respectively. (MDRà Memory Data Register, MAR à Memory Address Register).
MDR has 2 inputs and 2 outputs. Data may be loaded into MDR either from memory-bus
(external) or from processor-bus (internal).

MAR‟s input is connected to internal-bus; MAR‟s output is connected toexternal-

bus. Instruction Decoder & Control Unit is responsible for issuing the control-signals to all
the units inside the processor. We implement the actions specified by the instruction (loaded
in the IR). Register R0 through R(n-1) are the Processor Registers. The programmer can access
these registers for general-purpose use. Only processor can access 3 registers Y, Z & Temp
for temporary storage during program-execution. The programmer cannot access these 3
registers. In ALU,1) “A‟ input gets the operand from the output of the multiplexer (MUX). 2)
“B‟ input gets the operand directly from the processor-bus. There are 2 options provided for
“A‟ input of the ALU. MUX is used to select one of the 2 inputs. MUX selects either output
of Y or constant-value 4( which is used to increment PC content). An instruction is executed
by performing one or more of the following operations:
1) Transfer a word of data from one register to another or to the ALU.
2) Perform arithmetic or a logic operation and store the result in a register.
3) Fetch the contents of a given memory-location and load them into a register.
4) Store a word of data from a register into a given memory-location.
Disadvantage: Only one data-word can be transferred over the bus in a clock cycle.
Solution: Provide multiple internal-paths. Multiple paths allow several data-transfers to take
place in parallel.

Instruction execution involves a sequence of steps in which data are transferred from
one register to another. For each register, two control-signals are used: Riin & Riout. These
are called Gating Signals. Riin=1 = data on bus is loaded into Ri. Riout=1 as content of Ri is
placed on bus. Riout=0, makes bus can be used for transferring data from other registers.For
example, Move R1, R2; This transfers the contents of register R1 to register R2. This can be
accomplished as follows:
1) Enable the output of registers R1 by setting R1out to 1 (Figure 7.2). This places the contents
of R1 on processor-bus.
2) Enable the input of register R2 by setting R2out to 1. This loads data from processor-bus
into register R4.
All operations and data transfers within the processor take place within time-periods
defined by the processor-clock. The control-signals that govern a particular transfer are
asserted at the start of the clock cycle.

Input & Output Gating for one Register Bit

A 2-input multiplexer is used to select the data applied to the input of an edge-
triggered D flip-flop. Riin=1 makes mux selects data on bus. This data will be loaded into flip-
flop at rising-edge of clock. Riin=0 makes mux feeds back the value currently stored in flip-
flop (Figure). Q output of flip-flop is connected to bus via a tri-state gate. Riout=0 makes
gate's output is in the high-impedance state. Riout=1 makesthe gate drives the bus to 0 or 1,
depending on the value of Q.


The ALU performs arithmetic operations on the 2 operands applied to its A and B
inputs. One of the operands is output of MUX and, the other operand is obtained directly from
processor-bus. The result (produced by the ALU) is stored temporarily in register Z. The

1) R1out, Yin
2) R2out, SelectY, Add, Zin
3) Zout, R3in
Instruction execution proceeds as follows:
Step 1 --> Contents from register R1 are loaded into register Y.
Step2 --> Contents from Y and from register R2 are applied to the A and B inputs of ALU;
Addition is performed & Result is stored in the Z register.
Step 3 --> The contents of Z register is stored in the R3 register.
The signals are activated for the duration of the clock cycle corresponding to that
step. All other signals are inactive.

The MDR register has 4 control-signals (Figure). MDRin & MDRout control the
connection to the internal processor data bus & MDRinE & MDRoutE control the connection
to the memory Data bus. MAR register has 2 control-signals. MARin controls the connection
to the internal processor address bus & MARout controls the connection to the memory
address bus.
To fetch instruction/data from memory, processor transfers required address to MAR.
At the same time, processor issues Read signal on control-lines of memory-bus. When
requested-data are received from memory, they are stored in MDR. From MDR, they are
transferred to other registers. The response time of each memory access varies (based on cache
miss, memory-mapped I/O). To accommodate this, MFC is used. (MFC makes Memory
Function Completed). MFC is a signal sent from addressed-device to the processor. MFC
informs the processor that the requested operation has been completed by addressed-device.

Consider the instruction Move (R1),R2. The sequence of steps is (Figure): R1out,
MARin, Read ;desired address is loaded into MAR & Read command is issued. MDRinE,
WMFC; load MDR from memory-bus & Wait for MFC response from memory. MDRout,
R2in; load R2 from MDR where WMFC=control-signal that causes processor's control.
circuitry to wait for arrival of MFC signal.
Storing a Word in Memory
Consider the instruction Move R2,(R1). This requires the following sequence: R1out,
MARin; desired address is loaded into MAR. R2out, MDRin, Write; data to be written are
loaded into MDR & Write command is issued. MDRoutE, WMFC ;load data into memory
location pointed by R1 from MDR.


Consider the instruction Add (R3),R1 which adds the contents of a memory-location
pointed by R3 to register R1. Executing this instruction requires the following actions:
1) Fetch the instruction.
2) Fetch the first operand.
3) Perform the addition &
4) Load the result into R1.

Instruction execution proceeds as follows:

Step1: The instruction-fetch operation is initiated by loading contents of PC into MAR &
sending a Read request to memory. The Select signal is set to Select4, which causes the Mux
to select constant 4. This value is added to operand at input B (PC‟s content), and the result is
stored in Z.
Step2: Updated value in Z is moved to PC. This completes the PC increment operation and PC
will now point to next instruction.
Step3: Fetched instruction is moved into MDR and then to IR. The step 1 through 3 constitutes
the Fetch Phase. At the beginning of step 4, the instruction decoder interprets the contents of
the IR. This enables the control circuitry to activate the control-signals for steps 4 through 7.
The step 4 through 7 constitutes the Execution Phase.
Step4: Contents of R3 are loaded into MAR & a memory read signal is issued.
Step5: Contents of R1 are transferred to Y to prepare for addition.
Step6: When Read operation is completed, memory-operand is available in MDR, and the
addition is performed.
Step7: Sum is stored in Z, then transferred to R1.The End signal causes a new instruction fetch
cycle to begin by returning to step1.

Control sequence for an unconditional branch instruction is as follows: Instruction
execution proceeds as follows:

Step 1-3: The processing starts & the fetch phase ends in step3.
Step 4: The offset-value is extracted from IR by instruction-decoding circuit. Since the
updated value of PC is already available in register Y, the offset X is gated onto the bus, and
an addition operation is performed.
Step 5: The result, which is the branch-address, is loaded into the PC.
The branch instruction loads the branch target address in PC so that PC will fetch the
next instruction from the branch target address. The branch target address is usually obtained
by adding the offset in the contents of PC. The offset X is usually the difference between the
branch target-address and the address immediately following the branch instruction.
In case of conditional branch, we have to check the status of the condition-codes
before loading a new value into the PC. e.g.: Offset-field-of-IRout, Add, Zin, If N=0 then End
If N=0, processor returns to step 1 immediately after step 4. If N=1, step 5 is performed to
load a new value into PC.


The disadvantage of Single-bus organization is only one data-word can be transferred
over the bus in a clock cycle. This increases the steps required to complete the execution of
the instruction. The solution to reduce the number of steps, most processors provide multiple
internal-paths. Multiple paths enable several transfers to take place in parallel.

As shown in figure, three buses can be used to connect registers and the ALU of the
processor. All general-purpose registers are grouped into a single block called the Register
File. Register-file has 3 ports:
1) Two output-ports allow the contents of 2 different registers to be simultaneously placed on
buses A & B.
2) Third input-port allows data on bus C to be loaded into a third register during the same
Buses A and B are used to transfer source-operands to A & B inputs of ALU. The
result is transferred to destination over bus C. Incrementer Unit is used to increment PC by 4.
Instruction execution proceeds as follows:
Step 1: Contents of PC are passed through ALU using R=B control-signal & loaded into MAR
to start memory Read operation. At the same time, PC is incremented by 4.
Step2: Processor waits for MFC signal from memory.
Step3: Processor loads requested-data into MDR, and then transfers them to IR.
Step4: The instruction is decoded and add operation takes place in a single step.

This has separate processing-units to deal with integer data and floating-point data.
Integer unit has to process integer data. (Figure). Floating unit has to process floating point
data. Data-Cache is inserted between these processing-units & main-memory. The integer and
floating unit gets data from data cache. Instruction-Unit fetches instructions from an
instruction-cache or from main-memory when desired instructions are not already in cache.
Processor is connected to system-bus & hence to the rest of the computer by means of
a Bus Interface. Using separate caches for instructions & data is common practice in many
processors today. A processor may include several units of each type to increase the potential
for concurrent operations. The 80486 processor has 8-kbytes single cache for both instruction
and data. Whereas the Pentium processor has two separate 8 kbytes caches for instruction and
Note: To execute instructions, the processor must have some means of generating the control-
signals. There are two approaches for this purpose:
1) Hardwired control and
2) Microprogrammed control.

Hardwired control is a method of control unit design (Figure). The control-signals are
generated by using logic circuits such as gates, flip-flops, decoders etc. Decoder / Encoder
Block is a combinational-circuit that generates required control-outputs depending on state of
all its inputs. Instruction decoder decodes the instruction loaded in the IR. If IR is an 8 bit
register, then instruction decoder generates 28(256 lines); one for each instruction. It consists
of a separate output-lines INS1 through INSm for each machine instruction. According to code
in the IR, one of the output-lines INS1 through INSm is set to 1, and all other lines are set to 0.
Step-Decoder provides a separate signal line for each step in the control sequence. Encoder
gets the input from instruction decoder, step decoder, external inputs and condition codes. It
uses all these inputs to generate individual control-signals: Yin, PCout, Add, End and so on.
For example (Figure 7.12), Zin=T1+T6.ADD+T4.BR; This signal is asserted during time-slot
T1 for all instructions during T6 for an Add instruction. During T4 for unconditional branch
instruction, when RUN=1, counter is incremented by 1 at the end of every clock cycle. When
RUN=0, counter stops counting. After execution of each instruction, end signal is generated.
End signal resets step counter. Sequence of operations carried out by this machine is
determined by wiring of logic circuits, hence
the name “hardwired”.
Advantage: Can operate at high speed.
Disadvantages: 1) Since no. of instructions/control-lines is often in hundreds, the complexity
of control unit is very high.
2) It is costly and difficult to design.
3) The control unit is inflexible because it is difficult to change the design.
Attribute Hardwired Control Microprogrammed Control
Micro programmed control is a
Hardwired control is a control
control mechanism to generate
mechanism to generate control-
control-signals by using a memory
Definition signals by using gates, flip- flops,
called control store (CS), which
decoders, and other
contains the control-
digital circuits.
Speed Fast Slow
Control functions Implemented in hardware. Implemented in software.
Not flexible to accommodate new More flexible, to accommodate new
Flexibility system specifications or new system specification or new
instructions. instructions redesign is required.
Ability to handle Easier.
large or complex Difficult.
instruction sets
Ability to support Easy.
Operating systems& Very difficult.
diagnostic features
Design process Complicated. Orderly and systematic.
Applications Mostly RISC microprocessors. Mainframes, some microprocessors.
Instruction set size Usually under 100 instructions. Usually over 100 instructions.
2K to 10K by 20-400
ROM size -
bit microinstructions.
Chip area efficiency Uses least area. Uses more area.
Microprogramming is a method of control unit design (Figure). Control-signals are
generated by a program similar to machine language programs. Control Word(CW) is a word
whose individual bits represent various control-signals (like Add, PCin). Each of the control-
steps in control sequence of an instruction defines a unique combination of 1s & 0s in CW.
Individual control-words in microroutine are referred to as microinstructions (Figure).
A sequence of CWs corresponding to control-sequence of a machine instruction
constitutes the microroutine. The microroutines for all instructions in the instruction-set of a
computer are stored in a special memory called the Control Store (CS). Control-unit generates
control-signals for any instruction by sequentially reading CWs of corresponding microroutine

Every time new instruction is loaded into IR, o/p of Starting Address Generator is loaded into
µPC. Then, µPC is automatically incremented by clock; causing successive microinstructions
to be read from CS. Hence, control-signals are delivered to various parts of processor in correct
• It simplifies the design of control unit. Thus it is both, cheaper and less error prone implement.
• Control functions are implemented in software rather than hardware.
• The design process is orderly and systematic.
• More flexible, can be changed to accommodate new system specifications or to correct the
design errors quickly and cheaply.
• Complex function such as floating point arithmetic can be realized efficiently.
• A microprogrammed control unit is somewhat slower than the hardwired control unit, because
time is required to access the microinstructions from CM.
• The flexibility is achieved at some extra hardware cost due to the control memory and its
access circuitry.

Organization Of Microprogrammed Control Unit To Support Conditional Branching

Drawback of previous Microprogram control
□ It cannot handle the situation when the control unit is required to check the status of the
condition codes or external inputs to choose between alternative courses of action.
□ Use conditional branch microinstruction.
In case of conditional branching, microinstructions specify which of the external inputs,
condition- codes should be checked as a condition for branching to take place. Starting and
Branch Address Generator Block loads a new address into µPC when a microinstruction
instructs it to do so (Figure). To allow implementation of a conditional branch, inputs to this
block consist of external inputs and condition-codes & contents of IR.
µPC is incremented every time a new microinstruction is fetched from microprogram
memory except in following situations:
1) When a new instruction is loaded into IR, µPC is loaded with starting-address of
microroutine for that instruction.
2) When a Branch microinstruction is encountered and branch condition is satisfied, µPC is
loaded with branch-address.
3) When an End microinstruction is encountered, µPC is loaded with address of first CW in
microroutine for instruction fetch cycle.

A simple way to structure microinstructions is to assign one bit position to each
control-signal required in the CPU. There are 42 signals and hence each microinstruction will
have 42 bits.
Drawbacks of microprogrammed control:
1) Assigning individual bits to each control-signal results in long microinstructions because the
number of required signals is usually large.
2) Available bit-space is poorly used because only a few bits are set to 1 in any given
Solution: Signals can be grouped because
1) Most signals are not needed simultaneously.
2) Many signals are mutually exclusive. E.g. only 1 function of ALU can be activated at a time.
For ex: Gating signals: IN and OUT signals (Figure); Control-signals: Read, Write; ALU
signals: Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Mod.
Grouping control-signals into fields requires a little more hardware because decoding-
circuits must be used to decode bit patterns of each field into individual control-signals.
Advantage: This method results in a smaller control-store (only 20 bits are needed to store the
patterns for the 42 signals)

Techniques of Grouping of Control-Signals

The grouping of control-signal can be done either by using
1) Vertical organization &
2) Horizontal organisation.
Vertical Organization Horizontal Organization
Highly encoded schemes that use compact
The minimally encoded scheme in which
codes to specify only a small number of
many resources can be controlled with a
control functions in each microinstruction are
single microinstuction is called a horizontal
to as a vertical organization.
Useful when higher operating-speed is
Slower operating-speeds.
Short formats. Long formats.
Limited ability to Ability to express a high degree of
express parallel
microoperations. parallelism.
Considerable encoding
of the control Little encoding of the control information.

Microprogram Sequencing
The task of microprogram sequencing is done by microprogram sequencer. Two important
factors must be considered while designing the microprogram sequencer,
1) The size of the microinstruction &
2) The address generation time.
The size of the microinstruction should be minimum so that the size of control memory
required to store microinstructions is also less. This reduces the cost of control memory. With
less address generation time, microinstruction can be executed in less time resulting better
throughout. During execution of a microprogram the address of the next microinstruction to be
executed has 3 sources:
1) Determined by instruction register.
2) Next sequential address &
3) Branch.
Microinstructions can be shared using microinstruction branching.
Disadvantage of microprogrammed branching:
1) Having a separate microroutine for each machine instruction results in a large total number
of microinstructions and a large control-store.
2) Execution time is longer because it takes more time to carry out the required branches.
Consider the instruction Add src,Rdst ;which adds the source-operand to the contents
of Rdst and places the sum in Rdst. Let source-operand can be specified in following addressing
a) Indexed b) Autoincrement c) Autodecrement d) Register indirect & e) Register direct
Each box in the chart corresponds to a microinstruction that controls the transfers and
operations indicated within the box. The microinstruction is located at the address indicated by
the octal number (001,002).
Branch Address Modification Using Bit-Oring
The branch address is determined by ORing particular bit or bits with the current
address of microinstruction. Eg: If the current address is 170 and branch address is 171 then
the branch address can be generated by ORing 01(bit 1), with the current address. Consider the
point labelled in the figure. At this point, it is necessary to choose between direct and indirect
addressing modes. If indirect-mode is specified in the instruction, then the microinstruction in
location 170 is performed to fetch the operand from the memory. If direct-mode is specified,
this fetch must be bypassed by branching immediately to location 171. The most efficient way
to bypass microinstruction 170 is to have bit-ORing of current address 170 & branch address

Wide Branch Addressing

The instruction-decoder (InstDec) generates the starting-address of the microroutine
that implements the instruction that has just been loaded into the IR. Here, register IR contains
the Add instruction, for which the instruction decoder generates the microinstruction address
101. (However, this address cannot be loaded as is into the μPC). The source-operand can be
specified in any of several addressing-modes. The bit-ORing technique can be used to modify
the starting-address generated by the instruction-decoder to reach the appropriate path.
Use of WMFC
WMFC signal is issued at location 112 which causes a branch to the microinstruction
in location 171. WMFC signal means that the microinstruction may take several clock cycles
to complete. If the branch is allowed to happen in the first clock cycle, the microinstruction at
location 171 would be fetched and executed prematurely. To avoid this problem, WMFC signal
must inhibit any change in the contents of the μPC during the waiting-period.

Detailed Examination of Add (Rsrc)+,Rdst

Consider Add (Rsrc)+,Rdst; which adds Rsrc content to Rdst content, then stores the
sum in Rdst and finally increments Rsrc by 4 (i.e. auto-increment mode). In bit 10 and 9, bit-
patterns 11, 10, 01 and 00 denote indexed, auto-decrement, auto-increment and register modes
respectively. For each of these modes, bit 8 is used to specify the indirect version. The
processor has 16 registers that can be used for addressing purposes; each specified using a 4-
bit-code (Figure 7.21). There are 2 stages of decoding:
1) The microinstruction field must be decoded to determine that an Rsrc or Rdst register is
2) The decoded output is then used to gate the contents of the Rsrc or Rdst fields in the IR into
a second decoder, which produces the gating-signals for the actual registers R0 to R15.

Microinstructions With Next-Address Fields

Drawback of previous organization:
□ The microprogram requires several branch microinstructions which perform no useful
operation. Thus, they detract from the operating-speed of the computer.
□ Include an address-field as a part of every microinstruction to indicate the location of the
next microinstruction to be fetched. (Thus, every microinstruction becomes a branch
The flexibility of this approach comes at the expense of additional bits for the address-
field (Figure). Advantage: Separate branch microinstructions are virtually eliminated. (Figure).
Disadvantage: Additional bits for the address field (around 1/6).
• There is no need for a counter to keep track of sequential address. Hence, μPC is replaced
with μAR.
• The next-address bits are fed through the OR gate to the μAR, so that the address can be
modified on the basis of the data in the IR, external inputs and condition-codes.
• The decoding circuits generate the starting-address of a given microroutine on the basis of

Prefetching Microinstructions
Disadvantage of Microprogrammed Control: Slower operating-speed because of the time it
takes to fetch microinstructions from the control-store.
Solution: Faster operation is achieved if the next microinstruction is pre-fetched while the
current one is being executed.
• The main function of microprogrammed control is to provide a means for simple, flexible and
relatively inexpensive execution of machine instruction.
• Its flexibility in using a machine's resources allows diverse classes of instructions to be
• Suppose we add to the instruction-repository of a given computer M1, an entirely new set of
instructions that is in fact the instruction-set of a different computer M2.
• Programs written in the machine language of M2 can be then be run on computer M1 i.e. M1
emulates M2.
• Emulation allows us to replace obsolete equipment with more up-to-date machines.
• If the replacement computer fully emulates the original one, then no software changes have
to be made to run existing programs.
• Emulation is easiest when the machines involved have similar architectures.

Addition and subtraction of two numbers are basic operations at the machine-
instruction level in all computers. These operations, as well as other arithmetic and logic
operations, are implemented in the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) of the processor. In this
chapter, we present the logic circuits used to implement arithmetic operations. The time needed
to perform addition or subtraction affects the processor’s performance. Multiply and divide
operations, which require more complex circuitry than either addition or subtraction operations,
also affect performance. We present some of the techniques used in modern computers to
perform arithmetic operations at high speed. Operations on floating-point numbers are also
Figure shows the truth table for the sum and carry-out functions for adding equally
weighted bits xi and yi in two numbers X and Y . The figure also shows logic expressions for
these functions, along with an example of addition of the 4-bit unsigned numbers 7 and 6. Note
that each stage of the addition process must accommodate a carry-in bit. We use ci to represent
the carry-in to stage i, which is the same as the carry-out from stage (i − 1). The logic expression
for si in Figure 9.1 can be implemented with a 3-input XOR gate, used in Figure a as part of
the logic required for a single stage of binary addition. The carry-out function, ci+1, is
implemented with an AND-OR circuit, as shown. A convenient symbol for the complete circuit
for a single stage of addition, called a full adder (FA), is also shown in the figure.
A cascaded connection of n full-adder blocks can be used to add two n-bit numbers, as
shown in Figure b. Since the carries must propagate, or ripple, through this cascade, the
configuration is called a ripple-carry adder. The carry-in, c0, into the least-significant-bit (LSB)
position provides a convenient means of adding 1 to a number. For instance, forming the 2’s-
complement of a number involves adding 1 to the 1’s-complement of the number. The carry
signals are also useful for interconnecting k adders to form an adder capable of handling input
numbers that are kn bits long, as shown in Figure c.

Addition/Subtraction Logic Unit

The n-bit adder in Figure 9.2b can be used to add 2’s-complement numbers X and Y ,
where the xn−1 and yn−1 bits are the sign bits. The carry-out bit cn is not part of the answer.
It occurs when the signs of the two operands are the same, but the sign of the result is different.
Therefore, a circuit to detect overflow can be added to the n-bit adder by implementing the
logic expression
It can also be shown that overflow occurs when the carry bits cn and cn−1 are different.
Therefore, a simpler circuit for detecting overflow can be obtained by implementing the
expression cn ⊕ cn−1 with an XOR gate.

In order to perform the subtraction operation X − Y on 2’s-complement numbers X and

Y , we form the 2’s-complement of Y and add it to X . The logic circuit shown in Figure can
be used to perform either addition or subtraction based on the value applied to the Add/Sub
input control line. This line is set to 0 for addition, applying Y unchanged to one of the adder
inputs along with a carry-in signal, c0, of 0. When the Add/Sub control line is set to 1, the Y
number is 1’s-complemented (that is, bit-complemented) by the XOR gates and c0 is set to 1
to complete the 2’s-complementation of Y . Recall that 2’s-complementing a negative number
is done in exactly the same manner as for a positive number. An XOR gate can be added to
Figure to detect the overflow condition cn ⊕ cn−1.
Design of Fast Adders
If an n-bit ripple-carry adder is used in the addition/subtraction circuit, it may have too
much delay in developing its outputs, s0 through sn−1 and cn. Whether or not the delay
incurred is acceptable can be decided only in the context of the speed of other processor
components and the data transfer times of registers and cache memories. The delay through a
network of logic gates depends on the integrated circuit electronic technology used in
fabricating the network and on the number of gates in the paths from inputs to outputs. The
delay through any combinational circuit constructed from gates in a particular technology is
determined by adding up the number of logic-gate delays along the longest signal propagation
path through the circuit. In the case of the n-bit ripple-carry adder, the longest path is from
inputs x0, y0, and c0 at the LSB position to outputs cn and sn−1 at the most-significant-bit
(MSB) position.
Using the implementation indicated in Figure a, cn−1 is available in 2(n−1) gate delays,
and sn−1 is correct oneXORgate delay later. The final carry-out, cn, is available after 2n gate
delays. Therefore, if a ripple-carry adder is used to implement the addition/subtraction unit
shown in Figure 9.3, all sum bits are available in 2n gate delays, including the delay through
the XOR gates on the Y input. Using the implementation cn ⊕ cn−1 for overflow, this indicator
is available after 2n + 2 gate delays.
Two approaches can be taken to reduce delay in adders. The first approach is to use the
fastest possible electronic technology. The second approach is to use a logic gate network
called a carry-lookahead network, which is described in the Previous VLSI design Notes.

The usual algorithm for multiplying integers by hand is illustrated for the binary system.
The product of two, unsigned, n-digit numbers can be accommodated in 2n digits, so the
product of the two 4-bit numbers in this example is accommodated in 8bits, as shown. In the
binary system, multiplication of the multiplicand by one bit of the multiplier is easy. If the
multiplier bit is 1, the multiplicand is entered in the appropriate shifted position. If the
multiplier bit is 0, then 0s are entered, as in the third row of the example. The product is
computed one bit at a time by adding the bit columns from right to left and propagating carry
values between columns.

Array Multiplier for Unsigned Numbers

Binary multiplication of unsigned operands can be implemented in a combinational,
two dimensional, logic array, as shown in Figure b for the 4-bit operand case. The main
component in each cell is a full adder, FA. The AND gate in each cell determines whether a
multiplicand bit, mj , is added to the incoming partial-product bit, based on the value of the
multiplier bit, qi . Each row i, where 0 ≤ i ≤ 3, adds the multiplicand (appropriately shifted) to
the incoming partial product, PPi, to generate the outgoing partial product, PP(i + 1), if qi = 1.
If qi = 0, PPi is passed vertically downward unchanged. PP0 is all 0s, and PP4 is the desired
product. The multiplicand is shifted left one position per row by the diagonal signal path. We
note that the row-by-row addition done in the array circuit differs from the usual hand addition
described previously, which is done column-by-column.
The worst-case signal propagation delay path is from the upper right corner of the array
to the high-order product bit output at the bottom left corner of the array. This critical path
consists of the staircase pattern that includes the two cells at the right end of each row, followed
by all the cells in the bottom row. Assuming that there are two gate delays from the inputs to
the outputs of a full-adder block, FA, the critical path has a total of 6(n − 1) − 1 gate delays,
including the initial AND gate delay in all cells, for an n × n array. (See Problem 9.8.) In the
first row of the array, no full adders are needed, because the incoming partial product PP0 is
zero. This has been taken into account in developing the delay expression.

Sequential Circuit Multiplier

The combinational array multiplier just described uses a large number of logic gates for
multiplying numbers of practical size, such as 32- or 64-bit numbers. Multiplication of two
n-bit numbers can also be performed in a sequential circuit that uses a single n-bit adder. The
block diagram in Figure a shows the hardware arrangement for sequential multiplication. This
circuit performs multiplication by using a single n-bit adder n times to implement the spatial
addition performed by the n rows of ripple-carry adders in Figure b. Registers A and Q are shift
registers, concatenated as shown. Together, they hold partial product PPi while multiplier bit
qi generates the signal Add/Noadd. This signal causes the multiplexer MUX to select 0 when
qi = 0, or to select the multiplicand M when qi = 1, to be added to PPi to generate PP(i + 1).
The product is computed in n cycles. The partial product grows in length by one bit per cycle
from the initial vector, PP0, of n 0s in register A. The carry-out from the adder is stored in flip-
flop C, shown at the left end of register A. At the start, the multiplier is loaded into register Q,
the multiplicand into register M, and C and A are cleared to 0. At the end of each cycle, C, A,
and Q are shifted right one bit position to allow for growth of the partial product as the
multiplier is shifted out of register Q. Because of this shifting, multiplier bit qi appears at the
LSB position of Q to generate the Add/Noadd signal at the correct time, starting with q0 during
the first cycle, q1 during the second cycle, and so on. After they are used, the multiplier bits
are discarded by the right-shift operation. Note that the carry-out from the adder is the leftmost
bit of PP(i + 1), and it must be held in the C flip-flop to be shifted right with the contents of A
and Q. After n cycles, the high-order half of the product is held in register A and the low-order
half is in register Q. The multiplication example of Figure 9.6a is shown in Figure b as it would
be performed by this hardware arrangement.
Multiplication of Signed Numbers
We now discuss multiplication of 2’s-complement operands, generating a double-
length product. The general strategy is still to accumulate partial products by adding versions
of the multiplicand as selected by the multiplier bits. First, consider the case of a positive
multiplier and a negative multiplicand. When we add a negative multiplicand to a partial
product, we must extend the sign-bit value of the multiplicand to the left as far as the product
will extend. Figure shows an example in which a 5-bit signed operand, −13, is the multiplicand.
It is multiplied by +11 to get the 10-bit product, −143. The sign extension of the multiplicand
is shown in blue. The hardware discussed earlier can be used for negative multiplicands if it is
augmented to provide for sign extension of the partial products.

For a negative multiplier, a straightforward solution is to form the 2’s-complement of

both the multiplier and the multiplicand and proceed as in the case of a positive multiplier. This
is possible because complementation of both operands does not change the value or the sign of
the product. A technique that works equally well for both negative and positive multipliers,
called the Booth algorithm.
The Booth Algorithm
The Booth algorithm [1] generates a 2n-bit product and treats both positive and negative
2’scomplement n-bit operands uniformly. To understand the basis of this algorithm, consider
a multiplication operation in which the multiplier is positive and has a single block of 1s, for
example, 0011110. To derive the product, we could add four appropriately shifted versions of
the multiplicand, as in the standard procedure. However, we can reduce the number of required
operations by regarding this multiplier as the difference between two numbers:
This suggests that the product can be generated by adding 25 times the multiplicand to the 2’s-
complement of 21 times the multiplicand. For convenience, we can describe the sequence of
required operations by recoding the preceding multiplier as 0 +1 0 0 0 −1 0. In general, in the
Booth algorithm, −1 times the shifted multiplicand is selected when moving from 0 to 1, and
+1 times the shifted multiplicand is selected when moving from 1 to 0, as the multiplier is
scanned from right to left. Figure illustrates the normal and the Booth algorithms for the
example just discussed. The Booth algorithm clearly extends to any number of blocks of 1s in
a multiplier, including the situation in which a single 1 is considered a block. Figure shows
another example of recoding a multiplier. The case when the least significant bit of the
multiplier is 1 is handled by assuming that an implied 0 lies to its right. The Booth algorithm
can also be used directly for negative multipliers, as shown in Figure.

Normal and Booth multiplication schemes

To demonstrate the correctness of the Booth algorithm for negative multipliers, we use
the following property of negative-number representations in the 2’s-complement system.
Booth recoding of a multiplier

Booth multiplication with a negative multiplier

then the upper number is the 2’s-complement representation of −2k+1. The recoded multiplier
now consists of the part corresponding to the lower number, with −1 added in position k + 1.
For example, the multiplier 110110 is recoded as 0 −1 +1 0 −1 0. The Booth technique for
recoding multipliers is summarized in Figure. The transformation 011 . . . 110⇒+1 0 0. . . 0 −1
0 is called skipping over 1s. This term is derived from the case in which the multiplier has its
1s grouped into a few contiguous blocks. Only a few versions of the shifted multiplicand (the
summands) need to be added to generate the product, thus speeding up the multiplication
operation. However, in the worst case—that of alternating 1s and 0s in the multiplier—each bit
of the multiplier selects a summand. In fact, this results in more summands than if the Booth
algorithm were not used. A 16-bit worst-case multiplier, an ordinary multiplier, and a good
multiplier are shown in Figure.

Booth multiplier recoding table

Booth recoded multipliers

The Booth algorithm has two attractive features. First, it handles both positive and negative
multipliers uniformly. Second, it achieves some efficiency in the number of additions required
when the multiplier has a few large blocks of 1s.
Fast Multiplication
We now describe two techniques for speeding up the multiplication operation. The first
technique guarantees that the maximum number of summands (versions of the multiplicand)
that must be added is n/2 for n-bit operands. The second technique leads to adding the
summands in parallel.

Bit-Pair Recoding of Multipliers

A technique called bit-pair recoding of the multiplier results in using at most one
summand for each pair of bits in the multiplier. It is derived directly from the Booth algorithm.
Group the Booth-recoded multiplier bits in pairs, and observe the following.

The pair (+1 −1) is equivalent to the pair (0 +1). That is, instead of adding −1 times the
multiplicand M at shift position i to +1 ×M at position i + 1, the same result is obtained by
adding +1 ×M at position i. Other examples are: (+1 0) is equivalent to (0 +2), (−1 +1) is
equivalent to (0 −1), and so on. Thus, if the Booth-recoded multiplier is examined two bits at
a time, starting from the right, it can be rewritten in a form that requires at most one version of
the multiplicand to be added to the partial product for each pair of multiplier bits.

Multiplication requiring only n/2 summands

Figure a shows an example of bit-pair recoding of the multiplier in Figure and Figure b shows
a table of the multiplicand selection decisions for all possibilities. The multiplication operation
in Figure is shown in Figure as it would be computed using bit-pair recoding of the multiplier.

Carry-Save Addition of Summands

Multiplication requires the addition of several summands. A technique called carry-
save addition (CSA) can be used to speed up the process. Consider the 4 × 4 multiplication
array shown in Figure 9.16a. This structure is in the form of the array shown in Figure, in which
the first row consists of just theAND gates that produce the four inputs m3q0, m2q0, m1q0,
and m0q0. Instead of letting the carries ripple along the rows, they can be “saved” and
introduced into the next row, at the correct weighted positions, as shown in Figure 9.16b. This
frees up an input to each of three full adders in the first row. These inputs can be used to
introduce the third summand bits m2q2, m1q2, and m0q2.

Ripple-carry and carry-save arrays for a 4 × 4 multiplier

Now, two inputs of each of three full adders in the second row are fed by the sum and
carry outputs from the first row. The third input is used to introduce the bits m2q3, m1q3, and
m0q3 of the fourth summand. The high-order bits m3q2 and m3q3 of the third and fourth
summands are introduced into the remaining free full-adder inputs at the left end in the second
and third rows. The saved carry bits and the sum bits from the second row are now added in
the third row, which is a ripple-carry adder, to produce the final product bits. The delay through
the carry-save array is somewhat less than the delay through the ripple-carry array. This is
because the S and C vector outputs from each row are produced in parallel in one full-adder

We discussed the multiplication of unsigned numbers by relating the way the
multiplication operation is done manually to the way it is done in a logic circuit. We use the
same approach here in discussing integer division. We discuss unsigned-number division in
detail, and then make some general comments on the signed-number case.
Integer Division
Figure shows examples of decimal division and binary division of the same values.
Consider the decimal version first. The 2 in the quotient is determined by the following
reasoning: First, we try to divide 13 into 2, and it does not work. Next, we try to divide 13 into
27. We go through the trial exercise of multiplying 13 by 2 to get 26, and, observing that 27 −
26 = 1 is less than 13, we enter 2 as the quotient and perform the required subtraction. The next
digit of the dividend, 4, is brought down, and we finish by deciding that 13 goes into 14 once,
and the remainder is 1. We can discuss binary division in a similar way, with the simplification
that the only possibilities for the quotient bits are 0 and 1.
A circuit that implements division by this longhand method operates as follows: It
positions the divisor appropriately with respect to the dividend and performs a subtraction. If
the remainder is zero or positive, a quotient bit of 1 is determined, the remainder is extended
by another bit of the dividend, the divisor is repositioned, and another subtraction is performed.
If the remainder is negative, a quotient bit of 0 is determined, the dividend is restored by adding
back the divisor, and the divisor is repositioned for another subtraction. This is called the
restoring division algorithm.

Restoring Division
Figure shows a logic circuit arrangement that implements the restoring division
algorithm just discussed. Note its similarity to the structure for multiplication shown in Figure.
An n-bit positive divisor is loaded into registerMand an n-bit positive dividend is loaded into
register Q at the start of the operation. Register A is set to 0. After the division is complete, the
n-bit quotient is in register Q and the remainder is in register A. The required subtractions are
facilitated by using 2’s-complement arithmetic. The extra bit position at the left end of both A
and M accommodates the sign bit during subtractions.

The following algorithm performs restoring division. Do the following three steps n
1. Shift A and Q left one bit position.
2. Subtract M from A, and place the answer back in A.
3. If the sign of A is 1, set q0 to 0 and add M back to A (that is, restore A); otherwise, set
q0 to 1.
Figure shows a 4-bit example as it would be processed by the circuit in Figure.

Non-Restoring Division
The restoring division algorithm can be improved by avoiding the need for restoring A
after an unsuccessful subtraction. Subtraction is said to be unsuccessful if the result is negative.
Consider the sequence of operations that takes place after the subtraction operation in the
preceding algorithm. If A is positive, we shift left and subtract M, that is, we perform 2A− M.
IfAis negative, we restore it by performing A+ M, and then we shift it left and subtract M. This
is equivalent to performing 2A+ M. The q0 bit is appropriately set to 0 or 1 after the correct
operation has been performed.

We can summarize this in the following algorithm for non-restoring division.

Stage 1: Do the following two steps n times:
1. If the sign of A is 0, shift A and Q left one bit position and subtract M from A; otherwise,
shift A and Q left and add M to A.
2. Now, if the sign of A is 0, set q0 to 1; otherwise, set q0 to 0.
Stage 2: If the sign of A is 1, add M to A.
Stage 2 is needed to leave the proper positive remainder in A after the n cycles of Stage 1. The
logic circuitry in Figure can also be used to perform this algorithm, except that the Restore
operations are no longer needed. One Add or Subtract operation is performed in each of the n
cycles of stage 1, plus a possible final addition in Stage 2. Figure shows how the division
example in Figure is executed by the non-restoring division algorithm.

There are no simple algorithms for directly performing division on signed operands that
are comparable to the algorithms for signed multiplication. In division, the operands can be
preprocessed to change them into positive values. After using one of the algorithms just
discussed, the signs of the quotient and the remainder are adjusted as necessary.

We know that the floating-point numbers and indicated how they can be represented in
a 32-bit binary format. Now, we provide more detail on representation formats and arithmetic
operations on floating-point numbers. The descriptions provided here are based on the 2008
version of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Standard.


Recall from Chapter 1 that a binary floating-point number can be represented by
• A sign for the number
• Some significant bits
• A signed scale factor exponent for an implied base of 2

The basic IEEE format is a 32-bit representation, shown in Figure a. The leftmost bit
represents the sign, S, for the number. The next 8 bits, E , represent the signed exponent of the
scale factor (with an implied base of 2), and the remaining 23 bits, M, are the fractional part of
the significant bits. The full 24-bit string, B, of significant bits, called the mantissa, always has
a leading 1, with the binary point immediately to its right. Therefore, the mantissa

has the value

By convention, when the binary point is placed to the right of the first significant bit,
the number is said to be normalized. Note that the base, 2, of the scale factor and the leading 1
of the mantissa are both fixed. They do not need to appear explicitly in the representation.
Instead of the actual signed exponent, E, the value stored in the exponent field is an unsigned
integer E = E + 127. This is called the excess-127 format. Thus, E is in the range 0 ≤ E ≤ 255.
The end values of this range, 0 and 255, are used to represent special values, as described later.
Therefore, the range of E for normal values is 1 ≤ E ≤ 254.
This means that the actual exponent, E, is in the range −126 ≤ E ≤ 127. The use of the
excess-127 representation for exponents simplifies comparison of the relative sizes of two
floating-point numbers. The 32-bit standard representation in Figure 9.26a is called a single-
precision representation because it occupies a single 32-bit word. The scale factor has a range
of 2−126 to 2+127, which is approximately equal to 10±38. The 24-bit mantissa provides
approximately the same precision as a 7-digit decimal value. An example of a single-precision
floating-point number is shown in Figure b.
To provide more precision and range for floating-point numbers, the IEEE standard
also specifies a double-precision format, as shown in Figure c. The double-precision format
has increased exponent and mantissa ranges. The 11-bit excess-1023 exponent E has the range
1 ≤ E ≤ 2046 for normal values, with 0 and 2047 used to indicate special values, as before.
Thus, the actual exponent E is in the range −1022 ≤ E ≤ 1023, providing scale factors of 2−1022
to 21023 (approximately 10±308). The 53-bit mantissa provides a precision equivalent to about
16 decimal digits.
A computer must provide at least single-precision representation to conform to the
IEEE standard. Double-precision representation is optional. The standard also specifies certain
optional extended versions of both of these formats. The extended versions provide increased
precision and increased exponent range for the representation of intermediate values in a
sequence of calculations. The use of extended formats helps to reduce the size of the
accumulated round-off error in a sequence of calculations leading to a desired result.
For example, the dot product of two vectors of numbers involves accumulating a sum
of products. The input vector components are given in a standard precision, either single or
double, and the final answer (the dot product) is truncated to the same precision. All
intermediate calculations should be done using extended precision to limit accumulation of
errors. Extended formats also enhance the accuracy of evaluation of elementary functions such
as sine, cosine, and so on. This is because they are usually evaluated by adding up a number of
terms in a series representation. In addition to requiring the four basic arithmetic operations,
the standard requires three additional operations to be provided: remainder, square root, and
conversion between binary and decimal representations.

We note two basic aspects of operating with floating-point numbers. First, if a number
is not normalized, it can be put in normalized form by shifting the binary point and adjusting
the exponent. Figure shows an unnormalized value, 0.0010110 . . . × 29, and its normalized
version, 1.0110 . . . × 26. Since the scale factor is in the form 2i , shifting the mantissa right or
left by one bit position is compensated by an increase or a decrease of 1 in the exponent,
respectively. Second, as computations proceed, a number that does not fall in the representable
range of normal numbers might be generated. In single precision, this means that its normalized
representation requires an exponent less than −126 or greater than +127. In the first case, we
say that underflow has occurred, and in the second case, we say that overflow has occurred.

Special Values
The end values 0 and 255 of the excess-127 exponent E are used to represent special
values. When E = 0 and the mantissa fraction M is zero, the value 0 is represented. When E =
255 and M = 0, the value ∞ is represented, where ∞ is the result of dividing a normal number
by zero. The sign bit is still used in these representations, so there are representations for ±0
and ±∞. When E = 0 and M = 0, denormal numbers are represented. Their value is ±0.M ×
2−126. Therefore, they are smaller than the smallest normal number. There is no implied one
to the left of the binary point, and M is any nonzero 23-bit fraction. The purpose of introducing
denormal numbers is to allow for gradual underflow, providing an extension of the range of
normal representable numbers. This is useful in dealing with very small numbers, which may
be needed in certain situations. When E = 255 and M = 0, the value represented is called Not a
Number (NaN). A NaN represents the result of performing an invalid operation such as 0/0 or

In conforming to the IEEE Standard, a processor must set exception flags if any of the
following conditions arise when performing operations: underflow, overflow, divide by zero,
inexact, invalid. We have already mentioned the first three. Inexact is the name for a result that
requires rounding in order to be represented in one of the normal formats. An invalid exception
occurs if operations such as 0/0 or √−1 are attempted. When an exception occurs, the result is
set to one of the special values. If interrupts are enabled for any of the exception flags, system
or user-defined routines are entered when the associated exception occurs. Alternatively, the
application program can test for the occurrence of exceptions, as necessary, and decide how to

Arithmetic Operations on Floating-Point Numbers

In this section, we outline the general procedures for addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division of floating-point numbers. The rules given below apply to the
single-precision IEEE standard format. These rules specify only the major steps needed to
perform the four operations; for example, the possibility that overflow or underflow might
occur is not discussed.
Furthermore, intermediate results for both mantissas and exponents might require more
than 24 and 8 bits, respectively. These and other aspects of the operations must be carefully
considered in designing an arithmetic unit that meets the standard. Although we do not provide
full details in specifying the rules, we consider some aspects of implementation, including
rounding, in later sections. When adding or subtracting floating-point numbers, their mantissas
must be shifted with respect to each other if their exponents differ. Consider a decimal example
in which we wish to add 2.9400 × 102 to 4.3100 × 104. We rewrite 2.9400 × 102 as 0.0294 ×
104 and then perform addition of the mantissas to get 4.3394 × 104. The rule for addition and
subtraction can be stated as follows:

Add/Subtract Rule
1. Choose the number with the smaller exponent and shift its mantissa right a number of steps
equal to the difference in exponents.
2. Set the exponent of the result equal to the larger exponent.
3. Perform addition/subtraction on the mantissas and determine the sign of the result.
4. Normalize the resulting value, if necessary.
Multiplication and division are somewhat easier than addition and subtraction, in that
no alignment of mantissas is needed.

Multiply Rule
1. Add the exponents and subtract 127 to maintain the excess-127 representation.
2. Multiply the mantissas and determine the sign of the result.
3. Normalize the resulting value, if necessary.

Divide Rule
1. Subtract the exponents and add 127 to maintain the excess-127 representation.
2. Divide the mantissas and determine the sign of the result.
3. Normalize the resulting value, if necessary.


The hardware implementation of floating-point operations involves a considerable
amount of logic circuitry. These operations can also be implemented by software routines. In
either case, the computer must be able to convert input and output from and to the user’s
decimal representation of numbers. In many general-purpose processors, floating-point
operations are available at the machine-instruction level, implemented in hardware.

Implementing Floating-Point Operations

An example of the implementation of floating-point operations is shown in Figure. This
is a block diagram of a hardware implementation for the addition and subtraction of 32-bit
floating-point operands that have the format shown in Figure a. Following the Add/Subtract
rule, we see that the first step is to compare exponents to determine how far to shift the mantissa
of the number with the smaller exponent. The shift-count value, n, is determined by the 8-bit
subtractor circuit in the upper left corner of the figure. The magnitude of the difference EA−
EB, or n, is sent to the SHIFTER unit. If n is larger than the number of significant bits of the
operands, then the answer is essentially the larger operand (except for guard and sticky-bit
considerations in rounding), and shortcuts can be taken in deriving the result.

The sign of the difference that results from comparing exponents determines which
mantissa is to be shifted. Therefore, in step 1, the sign is sent to the SWAP network in the upper
right corner of Figure. If the sign is 0, then EA≥ EB and the mantissas MA and MB are sent
straight through the SWAP network. This results in MB being sent to the SHIFTER, to be
shifted n positions to the right. The other mantissa, MA, is sent directly to the mantissa
adder/subtractor. If the sign is 1, then EA < EB and the mantissas are swapped before they are
sent to the SHIFTER.
Step 2 is performed by the two-way multiplexer, MUX, near the bottom left corner of the
figure. The exponent of the result, E, is tentatively determined as EA if EA≥ EB, or E B if EA
< EB, based on the sign of the difference resulting from comparing exponents in step 1.
Step 3 involves the major component, the mantissa adder/subtractor in the middle of the figure.
The CONTROL logic determines whether the mantissas are to be added or subtracted. This is
decided by the signs of the operands (SA and SB) and the operation (Add or Subtract) that is
to be performed on the operands. The CONTROL logic also determines the sign of the result,
SR. For example, if A is negative (SA = 1), B is positive (SB = 0), and the operation is A − B,
then the mantissas are added and the sign of the result is negative (SR = 1). On the other hand,
if A and B are both positive and the operation is A − B, then the mantissas are subtracted. The
sign of the result, SR, now depends on the mantissa subtraction operation. For instance, if EA
> EB, then M = MA − (shifted MB) and the resulting number is positive. But if EB > EA, then
M = MB − (shifted MA) and the result is negative. This example shows that the sign from the
exponent comparison is also required as an input to the CONTROL network. When EA= EB
and the mantissas are subtracted, the sign of the mantissa adder/subtractor output determines
the sign of the result. The reader should now be able to construct the complete truth table for
the CONTROL network.
Step 4 of the Add/Subtract rule consists of normalizing the result of step 3 by shifting M to the
right or to the left, as appropriate. The number of leading zeros in M determines the number of
bit shifts, X , to be applied to M. The normalized value is rounded to generate the 24-bit
mantissa, MR, of the result. The value X is also subtracted from the tentative result exponent
E to generate the true result exponent, ER. Note that only a single right shift might be needed
to normalize the result. This would be the case if two mantissas of the form 1.xx . . . were
added. The vector M would then have the form 1x.xx We have not given any details on
the guard bits that must be carried along with intermediate mantissa values. In the IEEE
standard, only a few bits are needed, to generate the 24-bit normalized mantissa of the result.
Let us consider the actual hardware that is needed to implement the blocks in Figure.
The two 8-bit subtractors and the mantissa adder/subtractor can be implemented by
combinational logic, as discussed earlier in this chapter. Because their outputs must be in sign-
and-magnitude form, we must modify some of our earlier discussions. A combination of 1’s-
complement arithmetic and sign-and-magnitude representation is often used. Considerable
flexibility is allowed in implementing the SHIFTER and the output normalization operation.
The operations can be implemented with shift registers. However, they can also be built as
combinational logic units for high-performance.


This chapter explained the basic structure of a processor and how it executes
instructions. Modern processors have a multi-stage organization because this is a structure that
is well suited to pipelined operation. Each stage implements the actions needed in one of the
execution steps of an instruction. A five-step sequence in which each step is completed in one
clock cycle has been demonstrated. Such an approach is commonly used in processors that
have a RISC-style instruction set. The discussion assumed that the execution of one instruction
is completed before the next instruction is fetched. Only one of the five hardware stages is used
at any given time, as execution moves from one stage to the next in each clock cycle.
Computer arithmetic poses several interesting logic design problems. This chapter
discussed some of the techniques that have proven useful in designing binary arithmetic units.
The carry-lookahead technique is one of the major ideas in high-performance adder design. We
now summarize the techniques for high-speed multiplication. Bit-pair recoding of the
multiplier, derived from the Booth algorithm, can be used to initially reduce the number of
summands by a factor of two. The resulting summands can then be reduced to two in a
reduction tree with a relatively small number of reduction levels. The final product can be
generated by an addition operation that uses a carry-lookahead adder. All three of these
techniques—bit-pair recoding of the multiplier, parallel reduction of summands, and carry-
lookahead addition—have been used in various combinations by the designers of high-
performance processors to reduce the time needed to perform multiplication. The important
IEEE floating-point number representation standard was described, and rules for performing
the four standard operations were given.

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