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Undergraduate track program: Education and Psychology

1. Olympiad winner’s skill set

To win the Olympiad, you should have a firm grasp of education and psychology concepts,
 basics of social studies, biology and school mathematics;
 features of interpersonal communications;
 basics of biological and sociocultural evolution;
 basics of economics, cultural studies, political science and jurisprudence;
 basics of botany, zoology, human anatomy and physiology;
 basic tools of problem solving algorithms
 specifics of social, biological, mathematical theories, hypotheses, laws, patterns, limits of
their applicability to living systems;
 methods of scientific research.
You should also have a solid command of the following skills:
 Applying basic set of research methods in social science, biology and mathematics in
interdisciplinary approach;
 Identifying cause-and-effect relationships;
 Using mathematical methods in educational research;
 Making informed decisions based on morality;
 Acknowledging social responsibility.

2. List of degree programs covered by subject area

2.1. List of bachelor’s programs

37.03.01 Psychology
37.03.02 Conflictology
44.03.01 Pedagogical education
44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education
44.03.03 Special (defectological) education
44.03.04 Vocational training (by industry)
44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two training profiles)

2.2. List of Specialist Programs

37.05.01 Clinical psychology
37.05.02 Psychology of professional activity
44.05.01 Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior

3. Сontent

Education & Educational Research

Topics in Social Studies:

Topic 1. Systemic structure of society.
Topic 2. Social institution.
Topic 3. Multivariate social development and global problems of the 21st century.
Topic 4. Man as a subject of social relations and conscious activity.
Topic 5. Development of education; its functions as a social institution, social significance and
personal meaning of education.
Topic 6. Education. Worldview, its types.


Topic 7. Knowledge of the world, its forms; types of knowledge. Truth.

Topic 8. Spiritual culture of society, its types and forms.
Topic 9. Deviant behavior and its types.
Topic 10. Social groups, youth subculture, youth policy.
Topic 11. Fundamentals of economic theory. Economic systems, their types and features of

Topics in Mathematics:
Topic 1. Algebra and the beginnings of analysis.
Numbers, roots and powers. Logarithms.
Linear, quadratic, rational, irrational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric equations and
Derivative and its application
Integral and its application
Topic 2. Geometry
Planimetry: triangles, quadrilaterals, circle
Stereometry: parallelism and perpendicularity, polyhedra, bodies of revolution Coordinate and
vector geometry
Topic 3. Probability theories and statistics.
Elements of combinatorics, probability theory and statistics. Probabilities of events. Examples of
using probability and statistics in solving applied problems.

Special Education

Topics in Biology:
Topic 1. Biology as a science. Subject and tasks of biology. Levels of organization and properties
of living nature.
Topic 2. Cell as a biological system. Cellular theory of the structure of organisms. Cell structure
and integrity. Cellular, chromosomal, mutation theories. Topic 3. Chemical composition of living
things. Metabolism.
Topic 4. Basics of genetics. Genetic mechanisms.
Topic 5. Virus is a non-cellular form of life. Human viral diseases. Topic 6. Reproduction and
development of organisms. Classification of reproduction methods. Topic 7. Heredity and
variability. Basic genetic concepts. Topic 8. Diversity of life on Earth. Elements of botany and
Topic 9. The human body and its health. Human anatomy and physiology: structure and function
of the body's major systems, including the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. Human
hygiene and healthy lifestyle. Basic principles of health, disease prevention and the influence of
the environment on human health.
Topic 10. Evolution of living organisms.

Social Studies Topics:

Topic 1. Natural and social in man.
Topic 2. Global problems of our time and solutions.
Topic 3. Morality and law; social norms and social control; its functions and types, self-control.
Topic 4. Social conflict.
Topic 5. Trends in family development in the modern world, the problem of single-parent families,
demography, ethnic communities.
Topic 6. Social inequality. Politics as a sphere of social life.
Topic 7. Rational economic behavior.
Topic 8. Functions of the state and law, their relationship. Legal status of the individual


Educational Psychology

Biology Topics:
Topic 1. General biology. Basic concepts and principles of biology. General biological patterns.
Topic 2. The organism as a biological system. Diversity of the organic world.
Topic 3. Man and his health. Integrity of the human organism.
Topic 4. The principle of connection between structure and function. Structure and functions of
human organs and organ systems.
Topic 5. Genetics - the theoretical basis of selection. Biotechnology. Genetic engineering. Cloning.
Topic 6. Supraorganismal systems.
Topic 7. Ecology and nature conservation.
Topic 8. Worldview and value system in the field of environmental protection.
Topic 9. Methods of biological research. Work with biological drugs and devices. Analysis and
interpretation of biological information.

Social Studies Topics:

Topic 1. Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution. Human activity.
Topic 2. Socialization. Social norms and values.
Topic 3. Individual, individuality. Personality as a holistic formation, a product of socio-historical
development, a bearer of consciousness and self-awareness.
Topic 4. Diversity, interconnection and mutual influence of social institutions. Value-normative
foundations of the activities of social institutions. Topic 5. Social dynamics. Models of social
Topic 6. Social norms and social control, social conflict.
Topic 7. Cognitive activity. Scientific knowledge: specificity, structure. Levels of scientific
Topic 8. Fundamentals of the functioning of the economic, political and legal systems of society.
Topic 9. Basic laws and patterns of development of society, features of its social, economic,
political and spiritual spheres.
Topic 10. Politics. Human rights and responsibilities.
Topic 11. Modern information society and its impact on humans.

Applied Psychology
Topics in Biology:
Topic 1. General biological patterns.
Topic 2. Biological systems. Properties of living things. The cell as a structural and functional unit
of living things. Cellular structure of organisms.
Topic 3. Genetic diseases and their impact on behavior and mental state.
Topic 4. Man and his health. The integrity of the human body, endocrine glands and their
hormones; nervous and humoral regulation.
Topic 5. Genetic diseases and their impact on behavior and mental state.
Topic 6. Biotechnology, genetic engineering, cloning.
Topic 7. The essence of evolution.
Topic 8. Methods of biological research. Work with biological drugs and devices. Analysis and
interpretation of biological information
Topic 9. Biosphere and its protection.
Social Studies Topics:
Topic 1. Society and nature, society and culture.
Topic 2. Globalization, its processes, main directions and consequences.
Topic 3. Directions, forms and types of social dynamics.


Topic 4. Cognitive activity. Scientific knowledge.

Topic 5. Economic activity and its measures; macroeconomic indicators; economic growth and
economic development.
Topic 6. The concept of norm; technical and social norms; functions and main types of social
Topic 7. Family, its functions and typology.
Topic 8. Ethics of science.
Topic 9. Concept and principles of legal status.

Topics in Biology:
Topic 1. Methods of scientific knowledge. Structure and functions of the main cell organelles.
Topic 2. Asexual and sexual reproduction. Embryonic and postembryonic periods of ontogenesis.
Individual development of organisms.
Topic 3. Evolutionary teaching. The main provisions of the theory of Charles Darwin. Driving
forces of evolution: mutations, variability, natural selection.
Topic 4. Main systematic groups of organisms. Classification of living organisms.
Characteristics of the main kingdoms and types.
Topic 5. The internal environment of the body and homeostasis. Mechanisms of maintaining
Topic 6. Nervous system and its functions. Structure and functions of parts of the nervous system.
Reflex activity of the nervous system.
Topic 7. Higher nervous activity. Conditioned and unconditioned reflexes. Consciousness and
Topic 8. Analyzers and sense organs. Structure and functions of analyzers. The importance of the
sense organs for the life of the body.
Topic 9. Behavior of organisms.Congenital and acquired forms of behavior. Instincts and learning.
Topic 10. Fundamentals of ecology. Ecosystems and their components, patterns of ecosystems.
Topics in Mathematics:
Topic 1. Fundamentals of algebra. Equations and inequalities, their solutions. Systems of linear
Topic 2. Functions and their properties. Linear, quadratic and exponential functions. Graphs of
functions and their analysis. Topic 3. Statistics and probability. Basic concepts of statistics: mean,
median, mode. Elements of probability theory, probability distributions. Topic 4. Mathematical
logic. Basic logical operations and their application. Logical expressions and truth tables. Topic 5.
Elements of mathematical analysis. The concept of limit and continuity of a function. Derivatives
and their applications.
Topic 6. Discrete mathematics. Combinatorics and basic principles of counting. Graphs and their
Topic 7. Mathematical model and its application. Construction and analysis of mathematical
models. Examples of application of models.
Topic 8. Basic geometric figures and their properties.
Trigonometric functions and their applications.
Topic 9. Mathematical methods. Using statistical methods to analyze data. Research models and

4. Recommended references
4.1. Reading list

Education & Educational Research

Sources in Russian Topic


Social Studies
Боголюбов Л.Н., Лазебникова А.Ю., Иванова Л. Ф. Topic 1. System structure society.
[и др.]. Человек и общество. Обществознание. Topic 10. Social youth subculture, youth
Учебник. Ч. 2. Москва: Просвещение, 2006. 194 с. policy. Topic 11. Fundamentals of
URL: // economic theory. Economic systems,
http://www.cdodd.ru/storage/files/2/7360.pdf their types And peculiarities
Истомина О. Б. Обществознание (право, Topic 3. Multivariate public
социология, культурология): основы подготовки development and global problems of 21st
абитуриентов к вступительному испытанию: century.
Учебно-методическое пособие. Иркутск : Аспринт, Topic 4. Man as a subject of social
2021. 210 с. URL: // relations and conscious activity.
https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47245844 Topic 8. Spiritual culture of society, its
types and forms.
Topic 9. Deviant behavior and its types.
Касарова В. Г., Меньшова Е. П., Пронина М. Н., Topic 3: Multivariability of social
Дремлюгин Д. М. Обществознание : учебное development and global problems of the
пособие для иностранных учащихся XXI century.
подготовительного факультета. Москва: Topic 4: Man as a subject of social
Московский автомобильно-дорожный relations and conscious activity.
государственный технический университет Topic 5: Development of education; its
(МАДИ), 2023. 114 с. URL: // functions as a social institution, social
https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=50303724 significance and personal meaning of
Topic 8: Spiritual culture of society, its
types and forms.
Topic 10. Social groups, youth
subculture, youth policy.
Topic 11. Fundamentals of economic
theory. Economic systems, their types
and peculiarities of functioning.
Кузнецов А. Л. Обществознание: Topic 3: Multivariability of social
учеб. пособие для иностранных граждан development and global problems of the
подготовительного факультета. М.: МАДИ, 2019. XXI century.
100 с. Topic 4: Man as a subject of social
URL: // https://www.madi.ru/1216-elektronnaya- relations and conscious activity.
biblioteka-podgotovitelnogo-fakulteta-dlya-ino.html Topic 5: Development of education; its
functions as a social institution, social
significance and personal meaning of
Topic 6: Education. Worldview, its
Topic 8: Spiritual culture of society, its
types and forms.
Topic 10. Social groups, youth
subculture, youth policy.
Topic 11. Fundamentals of economic
theory. Economic systems, their types
and peculiarities of functioning.


Меньшова Е. П. Практические занятия Topic 3: Multivariability of social

по дисциплине «Обществознание». development and global problems of the
В 2 ч. Ч. 1. Человек и общество. XXI century.
Духовная и экономическая сфера. Topic 4: Man as a subject of social
М.: МАДИ, 2018. 100 с. relations and conscious activity.
URL: // Topic 8: Spiritual culture of society, its
https://www.madi.ru/1216-elektronnaya-biblioteka- types and forms.
podgotovitelnogo-fakulteta-dlya-ino.html Topic 11. Fundamentals of economic
theory. Economic systems, their types
and peculiarities of functioning.
Шульман Р. Е., Казанова Н. В., Мельникова Е. В. [и Topic 1: Systemic structure of society.
др.]. Обществознание. Разбор тестовых заданий Topic 2: Social institution.
вступительного испытания для поступающих в Topic 3: Multivariability of social
ВолгГТУ. Волгоград: Волгоградский development and global problems of the
государственный технический университет, 2020. XXI century.
52 с. URL: // Topic 4: Man as a subject of social
https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43056375 relations and conscious activity.
Topic 5: Development of education; its
functions as a social institution, social
significance and personal meaning of
Topic 7: Cognition of the world, its
forms; types of knowledge. Truth.
Topic 10. Social groups, youth
subculture, youth policy.
Topic 11. Fundamentals of economic
theory. Economic systems, their types
and peculiarities of functioning
Гордин Р.К. Это должен знать каждый Topic 2: Geometry
матшкольник. Москва: МЦНМО, 2021. 53 с. URL: // Planimetry: triangles, quadrilaterals,
https://old.mccme.ru/free-books/pdf/gordin.pdf circle Stereometry: parallelism and
perpendicularity, polyhedra, solids of
revolution Coordinate and vector
Васильева О.Н., Ильенко Н.А., Раскина Л.С., Topic 1: Algebra and Beginnings of
Блинова Т.А. Методическое пособие для Analysis.
предварительного этапа обучения математике на Numbers, roots and degrees.
русском языке как иностранном. 4-е изд., перераб. Logarithms.
и доп. М.: МАДИ, 2018. 100 с. URL: // Linear, quadratic, rational, irrational,
https://www.madi.ru/1212-elektronnaya-biblioteka- exponential, logarithmic and
podgotovitelnogo-fakulteta-dlya-ino.html trigonometric equations and inequalities
The derivative and its applications
The integral and its applications


Ильенко Н.А., Васильева О.Н., Блинова Т.А. Topic 1: Algebra and Beginnings of
Методические указания для самостоятельной Analysis.
работы по математике для иностранных граждан Numbers, roots and degrees.
подготовительного факультета (индивидуальные Logarithms.
задания). – М.: МАДИ, 2017. – 116 с. URL: // Linear, quadratic, rational, irrational,
https://www.madi.ru/1212-elektronnaya-biblioteka- exponential, logarithmic and
podgotovitelnogo-fakulteta-dlya-ino.html trigonometric equations and inequalities
The derivative and its applications
The integral and its applications
Мерзляк А.Г. Номировский Д.А., Поляков В.М. Topic 1: Algebra and Beginnings of
Математика. Алгебра и начала математического Analysis.
анализа. 11 класс: углублённый уровень. Москва: Numbers, roots and degrees.
Просвещение, 2024. 412 с. URL: // Logarithms.
https://www.litres.ru/book/arkadiy- Linear, quadratic, rational, irrational,
merzlyak/matematika-algebra-i-nachala- exponential, logarithmic and
matematicheskogo-analiza-70523824/ trigonometric equations and inequalities
The derivative and its applications
The integral and its applications
Удалова Н.Н. Математика. Наглядный справочник Topic 1: Algebra and Beginnings of
для подготовки к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ. Москва: Эксмо, 2019. Analysis.
304 с. URL: // Numbers, roots and degrees.
https://vk.com/doc11604988_587092108 Logarithms.
Linear, quadratic, rational, irrational,
exponential, logarithmic and
trigonometric equations and inequalities
The derivative and its applications
The integral and its applications
Topic 2: Geometry
Planimetry: triangles, quadrilaterals,
Stereometry: parallelism and
perpendicularity, polyhedra, solids of
Coordinate and vector geometry
Topic 3: Probability Theories and
Elements of combinatorics, probability
theory and statistics. Probabilities of
Examples of the use of probability and
statistics in solving applied problems.

Шабунин М. И. Математика: пособие для Topic 1: Algebra and Beginnings of

поступающих в вузы /— 7-е изд., испр. и доп. — М.: Analysis.
Лаборатория знаний, 2016. — 747 с. URL: // Numbers, roots and degrees.
https://postypashki.ru/wp- Logarithms.
content/uploads/2020/09/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%8 Linear, quadratic, rational, irrational,
2%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B8% exponential, logarithmic and
D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%9F%D0%BE%D1%81%D trigonometric equations and inequalities
0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%B5_%D0%B4%D0 The derivative and its applications


%BB%D1%8F_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%81%D1% The integral and its applications

82%D1%83%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%8E%D1%89% Topic 2: Geometry
D0%B8%D1%85_%D0%B2_%D0%B2%D1%83%D Planimetry: triangles, quadrilaterals,
0%B7%D1%8B_%D0%A8%D0%B0%D0%B1%D1 circle
%83%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BD.pdf Stereometry: parallelism and
perpendicularity, polyhedra, solids of
Coordinate and vector geometry
Topic 3: Probability Theories and
Elements of combinatorics, probability
theory and statistics. Probabilities of
Examples of the use of probability and
statistics in solving applied problems.

Ященко И. В., Высоцкий И. Р., Забелин А. В. и др. Topic 1: Algebra and Beginnings of
ЕГЭ. 4000 задач с ответами по математике: все Analysis.
задания «Закрытый сегмент», задания 1–12 Numbers, roots and degrees.
(профильный уровень), задания 1–20 (базовый Logarithms.
уровень), все прототипы, ответы. Москва: Экзамен, Linear, quadratic, rational, irrational,
2021. 703 с. URL: // https://go.11klasov.net/3756-ege- exponential, logarithmic and
4000-zadach-s-otvetami-po-matematike-bazovyy-i- trigonometric equations and inequalities
profilnyy-urovni-zakrytyy-segment-yaschenko-iv-i- The derivative and its applications
dr.html The integral and its applications
Topic 2: Geometry
Planimetry: triangles, quadrilaterals,
Stereometry: parallelism and
perpendicularity, polyhedra, solids of
Coordinate and vector geometry
Topic 3: Probability Theories and
Elements of combinatorics, probability
theory and statistics. Probabilities of
Examples of the use of probability and
statistics in solving applied problems.

Sources in English Topic

Social Studies
Conrad Matthew. Worldview Education: A Topic 6: Education. Worldview, its
Contemporary Expression of Freud's Hope for the types.
Future" May 2021.
30 р.
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20339.45604 URL: //


Oparaduru John, Onyemauche John. Deviant Topic 9: Deviant (deviant) behaviour

behaviours in schools: and its types.
implication for counselling.
Lab: John Oparaduru's Lab March 2021 URL: //
Rodriguez Noreen Naseem, Swalwell Katy. Topic 2: Social institution.
Social Studies for a Better World: An Anti-oppressive Topic 8: Social relations. Spiritual
Approach for Elementary Educators sphere.
(Equity and Social Justice in Education). W W Norton
& Co Inc., 2021.233 р.
URL: //
al studies

Spiel Christiane, Schwartzman Simon, Busemeyer Topic 5: Development of education; its

Marius R.. functions as a social institution, social
The contribution of education to social progress significance and personal meaning of
Rethinking Society for the 21st Century: education.
Report of the International Panel for Social Progress
Publisher: Cambridge University Press. January 2018.
53 р.
URL: //
Manes Michelle. Mathematics for Elementary Topic 1: Algebra and Beginnings of
Teachers. Honolulu, HI. University of Hawai`i at Analysis.
Mānoa. 2018. Topic 2: Geometry
URL: //: https://pressbooks- Topic 3: Probability Theories and
dev.oer.hawaii.edu/math111/ Statistics.

Lynn Marecek, MaryAnne Anthony-Smith, Andrea Topic 1: Algebra and Beginnings of

Honeycutt Mathis. Algebra and Trigonometry 2e A. Analysis.
Proofs, Identities, and Toolkit Functions URL: //:

Rozhkovskaya N. Blue Book of Mathematics for

Topic 1: Algebra and Beginnings of
Elementary School Teachers. Kansas State University,
2021, 167 р. Numbers, roots and degrees.
URL: //:
Linear, quadratic, rational, irrational,
on.pdf exponential, logarithmic and
trigonometric equations and
Functions and their properties
The derivative and its applications
The integral and its applications
Thomas Hyun. Acing the New SAT Math. Greenhall Topic 1: Algebra and Beginnings of
Publishing Thousand OAKS, CA, 2016. 445 р. Analysis.
URL: //: Topic 2: Geometry


https://www.google.ru/books/edition/Acing_the_SAT_ Planimetry.
Subject_Tests_in_Math_Leve/zTqEs72RwtAC?hl=ru Topic 3: Probability Theories and
&gbpv=1&dq=inauthor:%22Thomas+Hyun%22&prin Statistics.

Special Education
Sources in Russian Topic
Билич Г. Л., Зигалова Е.Ю. Биология для Topic 2: The cell as a biological system.
поступающих в вузы. Москва: Издательство Cellular theory of the structure of organisms.
«Э», 2018. 784 с. Клеточная теория. URL: Cell structure and integrity. Cell, chromosome,
https://www.google.ru/books/edition/%D0%91 mutation theories.
Лернер Г. И. Биология: новый полный Topic 1: Biology as a science. Subject and tasks
справочник для подготовки к ЕГЭ. Москва: of biology. Methods of biological sciences.
АСТ: Астрель, 2015. 412 с. Levels of organization and properties of living
URL:https://go.11klasov.net/1202-biologiya-2- things.
knigi-2014-i-2010-god-polnyy-spravochnik- Topic 2: The cell as a biological system.
dlya-podgotovki-k-ege-lerner-gi.html Cellular theory of the structure of organisms.
Cell structure and integrity. Cell, chromosome,
mutation theories.
Topic 3: Chemical composition of living things.
Topic 4: Fundamentals of genetics. Genetic
Topic 5: Virus is a non-cellular life form. Viral
diseases of humans.
Topic 6: Reproduction and development of
organisms. Classification of reproduction
Topic 7: Heredity and variability. Basic genetic
Biotechnology. Genetic engineering. Cloning.
Topic 8: Diversity of living things on Earth.
Elements of botany and zoology.
Topic 9: Man and his health. Human anatomy
and physiology: structure and functions of the
main body systems, including nervous,
endocrine and immune systems. Human
hygiene and healthy lifestyle. Basic principles


of health, disease prevention and environmental

impact on human health.
Topic 10. Evolution of living organisms.
Topic 11. World outlook and value system in
the field of environmental protection.
Environmental factors and their influence on
living organisms. Biosphere and its protection.
Максимов В. И., Остапенко В. А., Фомина В. Topic 1: Biology as a science. Subject and tasks
Д., Ипполитова Т. В. Биология человека: of biology. Methods of biological sciences.
Учебник / Под ред. В. И. Максимова. СПб.: Levels of organisation and properties of living
Издательство «Лань», 2015. things.
368 с. URL: https://www.klex.ru/11gs Topic 6: Reproduction and development of
organisms. Classification of reproduction
Topic 7: Heredity and variability. Basic genetic
Topic 9: Man and his health. Human anatomy
and physiology: structure and functions of the
main body systems, including nervous,
endocrine and immune systems. Human
hygiene and healthy lifestyle. Basic principles
of health, disease prevention and environmental
impact on human health.
Topic 10. Evolution of living organisms.
Topic 11. World outlook and value system in
the field of environmental protection.
Environmental factors and their influence on
living organisms. Biosphere and its protection.
Пасечник В.В., Каменский А.А., Рубцов Topic 10. Evolution of living organisms.
A.M. [и др.]. Биология. 11 класс: учеб. для Topic 11. World outlook and value system in
общеобразоват. организаций: углубл. the field of environmental protection.
уровень. Москва: Просвещение, 2022. 320 с. Ecological factors and their influence on living
URL:https://www.litres.ru/book/vladimir- organisms. Biosphere and its protection.
Шевырёва Т.В., Соломина Е.Н. Биология. 7- Topic 8: Diversity of living things on Earth.
9 классы. Методические рекомендации. Elements of botany and zoology.
Москва: Просвещение. 2017. 155 с. URL: Topic 9: Man and his health. Human anatomy
and physiology: structure and functions of the
2434/Shevyreva_Solomina_Biologiya_7_9kl.. main body systems, including nervous,
pdf endocrine and immune systems. Human
hygiene and healthy lifestyle. Basic principles
of health, disease prevention and environmental
impact on human health.
Ярыгин В.Н. Биология: учебник и практикум Topic 1: Biology as a science. Subject and tasks
для вузов. Москва: Издательство Юрайт, of biology. Methods of biological sciences.
2024. 378 с. (Высшее образование). URL: Levels of organization and properties of living
https://urait.ru/bcode/535523 things.
Topic 2: The cell as a biological system.
Cellular theory of the structure of organisms.


Cell structure and integrity. Cell, chromosome,

mutation theories.
Topic 3: Chemical composition of living things.
Topic 10. Evolution of living organisms.
Topic 11. World outlook and value system in
the field of environmental protection.
Environmental factors and their influence on
living organisms. Biosphere and its protection.
Social Studies
Бойченко, И. Н. Обществознание / И. Н. Topic 1: Natural and social in man.
Бойченко. – Покров: Издательство Topic 2: Global problems of our time and ways
"Саратовский источник", 2023. 156 с. URL: of solving them.
https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54628227 Topic 3: Morality and law; social norms and
social control; its functions and types, self-
Topic 4: Social Conflict.
Topic 5: Trends of family development in the
modern world, the problem of single-parent
families, demography, ethnic communities.
Topic 6: Social Inequality. Politics as a sphere
of social life.
Topic 7: Rational economic behavior.
Topic 8: Functions of the state and law, their
interrelation. Legal status of an individual.
Касарова В. Г., Меньшова Е. П., Пронина Д. Topic 1: Natural and social in man.
М., Дремлюгин М. Н. Обществознание : Topic 2: Global problems of our time and ways
учебное пособие для иностранных учащихся of solving them.
подготовительного факультета. Москва : Topic 3: Morality and law; social norms and
Московский автомобильно-дорожный social control; its functions and types, self-
государственный технический университет control.
(МАДИ), 2023. 114 с. URL: Topic 4: Social Conflict.
https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=50303724 Topic 5: Trends of family development in the
modern world, the problem of single-parent
families, demography, ethnic communities.
Topic 6: Social Inequality. Politics as a sphere
of social life.
Topic 7: Rational economic behavior.
Topic 8: Functions of the state and law, their
interrelation. Legal status of an individual
Кузнецов А. Л. Обществознание: Topic 1: Natural and social in man.
учеб. пособие для иностранных граждан Topic 2: Global problems of our time and ways
подготовительного факультета. М.: МАДИ, of solving them.
2019. 100 с. Topic 3: Morality and law; social norms and
URL: // https://www.madi.ru/1216- social control; its functions and types, self-
elektronnaya-biblioteka-podgotovitelnogo- control.
fakulteta-dlya-ino.html Topic 4: Social Conflict.
Topic 5: Trends of family development in the
modern world, the problem of single-parent
families, demography, ethnic communities.


Topic 6: Social Inequality. Politics as a sphere

of social life.
Topic 7: Rational economic behavior.
Topic 8: Functions of the state and law, their
interrelation. Legal status of an individual
Меньшова Е. П. Практические занятия Topic 1: Natural and social in man.
по дисциплине «Обществознание». Topic 2: Global problems of our time and ways
В 2 ч. Ч. 1. Человек и общество. of solving them.
Духовная и экономическая сфера. Topic 3: Morality and law; social norms and
М.: МАДИ, 2018. 100 с. social control; its functions and types, self-
URL: // https://www.madi.ru/1216- control.
elektronnaya-biblioteka-podgotovitelnogo- Topic 4: Social Conflict.
fakulteta-dlya-ino.html Topic 5: Trends of family development in the
modern world, the problem of single-parent
families, demography, ethnic communities.
Topic 6: Social Inequality. Politics as a sphere
of social life.
Topic 7: Rational economic behavior.
Topic 8: Functions of the state and law, their
interrelation. Legal status of an individual

Sources in English Topic

Bastawros Dr. Human Reproduction Topic 6: Reproduction and development of
Publisher: Iowa State University Digital Press, organisms. Classification of reproduction
2023 URL: methods.
Fowler Samantha, Roush Rebecca, Wise Topic 1: Biology as a science. Subject and
James. Concepts of Biology. Rice tasks of biology. Methods of biological
Universityeet. Houston, Texas. 2024. 615 р. sciences. Levels of organization and properties
URL: // of living things.
https://openstax.org/details/books/concepts- Topic 2: The cell as a biological system.
biology Cellular theory of the structure of organisms.
Cell structure and integrity. Cell, chromosome,
mutation theories.
Topic 3: Chemical composition of living
things. Metabolism.
Topic 4: Fundamentals of genetics. Genetic
Topic 5: Virus is a non-cellular life form. Viral
diseases of humans.
Topic 6: Reproduction and development of
organisms. Classification of reproduction
Topic 7: Heredity and variability. Basic
genetic concepts
Biotechnology. Genetic engineering. Cloning.
Topic 8: Diversity of living things on Earth.
Elements of botany and zoology.


Topic 9: Man and his health. Human anatomy

and physiology: structure and functions of the
main body systems, including nervous,
endocrine and immune systems. Human
hygiene and healthy lifestyle. Basic principles
of health, disease prevention and
environmental impact on human health.
Topic 10. Evolution of living organisms.
Topic 11. World outlook and value system in
the field of environmental protection.
Environmental factors and their influence on
living organisms. Biosphere and its protection.
Heath Van Horn Mathew J.. Mastering Topic 7: Heredity and variability. Basic
Enterprise Networks. Publisher: Embry- genetic concepts
Riddle Aeronautical University, 2024. URL: // Biotechnology. Genetic engineering. Cloning
Hove Michael J. and Martinez Steven. Topic 1: Biology as a science. Subject and
Biological Psychology. Publisher: ROTEL, tasks of biology. Methods of biological
2024 URL: // sciences. Levels of organization and properties
https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks/textbook of living things.
Simons Amanda. Chromosomes, Genes, and Topic 6: Reproduction and development of
Traits: An Introduction to Genetics. Publisher: organisms. Classification of reproduction
ROTEL, 2024 methods.
URL: // Topic 7: Heredity and variability. Basic
https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks/subjects/ genetic concepts
biology Biotechnology. Genetic engineering. Cloning.
Social Studies
Nichols Ryan, Charbonneau Mathieu, Topic 1: Natural and social in man.
Chellappoo Azita and others. Cultural Topic 2: Global problems of our time and ways
Evolution: A Review of Theoretical of solving them.
Challenges. Evolutionary Human Sciences,
2024. Р. 1–25. URL: //
Sharon Besser. Making Language Visible in Topic 2: Global problems of our time and ways
Social Studies: of solving them.
A Guide to Disciplinary Literacy in the Social Topic 3: Morality and law; social norms and
Studies Classroom. Ruslana Westerlund 2024. social control; its functions and types, self-
222 р. URL: // control.
https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/1 Topic 4: Social Conflict.
0.4324/9781003302711 Topic 5: Trends of family development in the
/making-language-visible-social-studies- modern world, the problem of single-parent
sharon-besser-ruslana-westerlund families, demography, ethnic communities.
Topic 6: Social Inequality. Politics as a sphere
of social life.
Topic 7: Rational economic behavior.


Topic 8: Functions of the state and law, their

interrelation. Legal status of an individual
Tonja r. Conerly, Kathleen Holmes, Asha Lal Topic 2: Global problems of our time and ways
Tamang, North Hennepin. of solving them.
Introduction to Sociology. Rice University. Topic 3: Morality and law; social norms and
Houston, Texas. 2021. 653 р. social control; its functions and types, self-
URL: // control.
https://openstax.org/details/books/introductio Topic 4: Social Conflict.
n-sociology-3e Topic 5: Trends of family development in the
modern world, the problem of single-parent
families, demography, ethnic communities.
Topic 6: Social Inequality. Politics as a sphere
of social life.
Topic 7: Rational economic behavior.
Topic 8: Functions of the state and law, their
interrelation. Legal status of an individual

Educational Psychology
Sources in Russian Topic
Билич Г. Л., Зигалова Е.Ю. Биология для Topic 2: Biological systems. Organism as a
поступающих в вузы. Москва: Издательство biological system.
«Э», 2018. 784 с. Клеточная теория. URL:
Лернер Г. И. Биология: новый полный Topic 1: General biology. Basic concepts and
справочник для подготовки к ЕГЭ. Москва: principles of biology. General biological laws.
АСТ: Астрель, 2014. 350 с.
Levels of organization of living nature
Topic 2: Biological systems. Organism as a
knigi-2014-i-2010-god-polnyy-spravochnik- biological system.
dlya-podgotovki-k-ege-lerner-gi.html Topic 3: Man and his health. Integrity of the
human organism.
Topic 4: Principle of structure-function
relationship. Structure and functions of human
organs and organ systems.
Topic 5: Basics of heredity, genetic diseases and
their influence on behavior and mental state.
Genetics - theoretical basis of breeding.
Topic 6: super organismal systems.
Topic 7: Ecology and nature conservation.
Максимов В. И., Остапенко В. А., Фомина В. Topic 3: Man and his health. Integrity of the
Д., Ипполитова Т. В. Биология человека: human organism.


Учебник / Под ред. В. И. Максимова. СПб.: Topic 4: Principle of structure-function

Издательство «Лань», 2015. 368 с. URL: // relationship. Structure and functions of human
https://www.klex.ru/11gs organs and organ systems.
Topic 5: Basics of heredity, genetic diseases and
their influence on behavior and mental state.
Genetics - theoretical basis of breeding.
Topic 6: super organismal systems.
Topic 7: Ecology and nature conservation.
Пасечник В.В., Каменский А.А., Рубцов Topic 6: super organismal systems.
A.M. [и др.]. Биология. 11 класс: учеб. для Topic 7: Ecology and nature conservation.
общеобразоват. организаций: углубл.
уровень. Москва: Просвещение, 2022. 320 с.
Ярыгин В.Н. Биология: учебник и практикум Topic 1: General biology. Basic concepts and
для вузов. Москва: Издательство Юрайт, principles of biology. General biological laws.
2024. 378 с. (Высшее образование). URL: Levels of organization of living nature
https://urait.ru/bcode/535523 Topic 2: Biological systems. Organism as a
biological system.
Topic 3: Man and his health. Integrity of the
human organism.
Topic 4: Principle of structure-function
relationship. Structure and functions of human
organs and organ systems.
Topic 5: Basics of heredity, genetic diseases and
their influence on behaviour and mental state.
Genetics - theoretical basis of breeding.
Topic 6: Superorganismal systems.
Topic 7: Ecology and nature conservation.
Social Studies
Боголюбов Л.Н., Лазебникова А.Ю., Topic 8: Fundamentals of functioning of
Иванова Л. Ф. Человек и общество. economic, political and legal systems of society.
Обществознание. Учеб. для учащихся 10–11 Topic 9: Basic laws and regularities of society
кл общеобразоват. Учреждений. В 2 ч. Ч. 2. development, peculiarities of its social,
11 кл.М.: Просвещение, 2006. 281 с. URL: // economic, political and spiritual spheres.
http://www.cdodd.ru/storage/files/2/7360.pdf Topic 10. Politics. Human rights and duties.
Topic 11. Modern information society and its
impact on a human being.
Истомина, О. Б. Обществознание (право, Topic 1: Man as a result of biological and socio-
социология, культурология): основы cultural evolution. Human activity.
подготовки абитуриентов к вступительному Topic 2: Socialisation. Social norms and values.
испытанию : Учебно-методическое пособие Topic 3: Individual, individuality. Personality
Иркутск : Аспринт, 2021. 210 с. URL: // as an integral formation, a product of socio-
https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47245844 historical development, a carrier of
consciousness and self-consciousness.
Topic 4: Diversity, interrelation and mutual
influence of social institutions. Value and
normative bases of social institutions' activity.
Topic 5: Social Dynamics. Models of social


Topic 6: Social norms and social control, social

Topic 8: Fundamentals of functioning of
economic, political and legal systems of society.
Topic 9: Basic laws and regularities of society
development, peculiarities of its social,
economic, political and spiritual spheres.
Topic 10. Politics. Human rights and duties.
Кузнецов А. Л. Обществознание: Topic 1: Man as a result of biological and socio-
учеб. пособие для иностранных граждан cultural evolution. Human activity.
подготовительного факультета. М.: МАДИ, Topic 2: Socialization. Social norms and values.
2019. 100 с. Topic 3: Individual, individuality. Personality
URL: // https://www.madi.ru/1216- as an integral formation, a product of socio-
elektronnaya-biblioteka-podgotovitelnogo- historical development, a carrier of
fakulteta-dlya-ino.html consciousness and self-consciousness.
Topic 4: Diversity, interrelation and mutual
influence of social institutions. Value and
normative bases of social institutions' activity.
Topic 5: Social Dynamics. Models of social
Topic 6: Social norms and social control, social
Topic 8: Fundamentals of functioning of
economic, political and legal systems of society.
Topic 9: Basic laws and regularities of society
development, peculiarities of its social,
economic, political and spiritual spheres.
Topic 10. Politics. Human rights and duties.
Topic 11. Modern information society and its
impact on a human being.
Меньшова Е. П. Практические занятия Topic 1: Man as a result of biological and socio-
по дисциплине «Обществознание». cultural evolution. Human activity.
В 2 ч. Ч. 1. Человек и общество. Topic 2: Socialisation. Social norms and values.
Духовная и экономическая сфера. Topic 3: Individual, individuality. Personality
М.: МАДИ, 2018. 100 с. as an integral formation, a product of socio-
URL: // https://www.madi.ru/1216- historical development, a carrier of
elektronnaya- consciousness and self-consciousness.
biblioteka-podgotovitelnogo-fakulteta-dlya- Topic 4: Diversity, interrelation and mutual
ino.html influence of social institutions. Value and
normative bases of social institutions' activity.
Topic 5: Social Dynamics. Models of social
Topic 6: Social norms and social control, social
Topic 8: Fundamentals of functioning of
economic, political and legal systems of society.
Topic 9: Basic laws and regularities of society
development, peculiarities of its social,
economic, political and spiritual spheres.
Topic 10. Politics. Human rights and duties.


Topic 11. Modern information society and its

impact on a human being.
Никифоров, Ю. С. Обществознание: Topic 1: Man as a result of biological and socio-
Подготовка к ЕГЭ : учебное пособие / Ю. С. cultural evolution. Human activity.
Никифоров, Н. А. Валеева. 2-е издание, Topic 2: Socialisation. Social norms and values.
переработанное и дополненное. – Ярославль Topic 3: Individual, individuality. Personality
: Ярославский государственный as an integral formation, a product of socio-
педагогический университет им. К.Д. historical development, a carrier of
Ушинского, 2021. 215 с. URL: // consciousness and self-consciousness.
https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47268279 Topic 4: Diversity, interrelation and mutual
influence of social institutions. Value and
normative bases of social institutions' activity.
Topic 5: Social Dynamics. Models of social
Topic 6: Social norms and social control, social
Topic 7: Cognitive activity. Scientific
cognition: specificity, structure. Levels of
scientific cognition.
Topic 8: Fundamentals of functioning of
economic, political and legal systems of society.
Topic 9: Basic laws and regularities of society
development, peculiarities of its social,
economic, political and spiritual spheres.
Topic 10. Politics. Human rights and duties.
Topic 11. Modern information society and its
impact on a human being.

Sources in English Topic

Bastawros Dr. Human Reproduction Publisher: Topic 2: Biological systems. Organism as a
Iowa State University Digital Press, 2023 URL:
biological system.
Topic 3: Man and his health. Integrity of the
on/ human organism.
Topic 5: Basics of heredity, genetic diseases and
their influence on behaviour and mental state.
Genetics - theoretical basis of breeding.
Fowler Samantha, Roush Rebecca, Wise James. Topic 1: General biology. Basic concepts and
Concepts of Biology. Rice Universityeet. principles of biology. General biological laws.
Houston, Texas. 2024. 615 р. URL: // Levels of organisation of living nature
https://openstax.org/details/books/concepts- Topic 2: Biological systems. Organism as a
biology biological system.
Topic 3: Man and his health. Integrity of the
human organism.
Topic 4: Principle of structure-function
relationship. Structure and functions of human
organs and organ systems.
Topic 5: Basics of heredity, genetic diseases and
their influence on behaviour and mental state.
Genetics - theoretical basis of breeding.
Topic 6: Superorganismal systems.


Topic 7: Ecology and nature conservation.

Topic 8: Methods of biological research.
Working with biological preparations and
instruments. Analysing and interpreting
biological information
Heath Van Horn Mathew J.. Mastering Topic 5: Basics of heredity, genetic diseases and
Enterprise Networks. Publisher: Embry-Riddle their influence on behaviour and mental state.
Aeronautical University, 2024. URL: // Genetics - theoretical basis of
https://eaglepubs.erau.edu/mastering- breeding.селекции.

Hove Michael J. and Martinez Steven. ТTopic 1: General biology. Basic concepts and
Biological Psychology. Publisher: ROTEL, principles of biology. General biological laws.
2024 URL: // Levels of organisation of living nature.
https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks/textbooks/ Topic 3: Man and his health. Integrity of the
biological-psychology human organism.
Topic 5: Basics of heredity, genetic diseases and
their influence on behaviour and mental state.
Genetics - theoretical basis of breeding.
Topic 6: Superorganismal systems.
Topic 7: Ecology and nature conservation.
Topic 8: Methods of biological research.
Working with biological preparations and
devices. Analysing and interpreting biological
Ryan Nichols, Mathieu Charbonneau, Azita Topic 1: General biology. Basic concepts and
Chellappoo and others. Cultural Evolution: A principles of biology. General biological laws.
Review of Theoretical Challenges. Evolutionary Levels of organisation of living nature
Human Sciences, 2024. Р. 1–25. URL: // Topic 2: Biological systems. Organism as a
https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/evolu biological system.
tionary-human-sciences/article/cultural- Topic 3: Man and his health. Integrity of the
evolution-a-review-of-theoretical- human organism.
challenges/F1DAA0367EBB4F7866F9B624D Topic 4: Principle of structure-function
B2D9BEA relationship. Structure and functions of human
https://doi.org/10.1017/ehs.2024.2 organs and organ systems.
Topic 5: Basics of heredity, genetic diseases and
their influence on behaviour and mental state.
Genetics - theoretical basis of breeding.
Topic 8: Methods of biological research.
Working with biological preparations and
devices. Analysing and interpreting biological
Simons Amanda. Chromosomes, Genes, and Topic 5: Basics of heredity, genetic diseases and
Traits: An Introduction to Genetics. Publisher: their influence on behaviour and mental state.
ROTEL, 2024 Genetics - theoretical basis of breeding.
URL: // Topic 6: Superorganismal systems.
Social Studies


Conrad Matthew. Worldview Education: Topic 2: Socialisation. Social norms and values.
A Contemporary Expression of Freud’s
Hope for the Future" May 2021. 30 р.
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20339.45604 URL: //
27075 _
Ryan Nichols, Mathieu Charbonneau, Azita Topic 1: Human being as a result of biological
Chellappoo and others. Cultural Evolution: A and socio-cultural development.
Review of Theoretical Challenges. Evolutionary of evolution. Human activity.
Human Sciences, 2024. Р. 1–25. URL: //
Sharon Besser. Making Language Visible in Topic 2: Systemic structure of society.
Social Studies: Topic 3: Social institution.
A Guide to Disciplinary Literacy in the Social Topic 4: Social Dynamics. Models of social
Studies Classroom. Ruslana Westerlund 2024. development.
222 р. URL: // Topic 7: Fundamentals of economic theory.
https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10. Economic systems, their types and peculiarities
4324/9781003302711 of functioning.
/making-language-visible-social-studies- Topic 8: Social relations. Spiritual sphere.
URL: //
Tonja r. Conerly, Kathleen Holmes, Asha Lal Topic 1: Man as a result of biological and socio-
Tamang, North Hennepin. Introduction to cultural evolution. Human activity.
Sociology. Rice University. Houston, Texas. Topic 2: Socialisation. Social norms and values.
2021. 653 р. Topic 5: Social dynamics. Models of society
URL: // development.
https://openstax.org/details/books/introduction- Topic 6: Social norms and social control, social
sociology-3e conflict.

Applied Psychology
Sources in Russian Topic
Андреева А. Д. и др. Преподавание Topic 4: Man and his health. Integrity of the
психологии в школе. 3–11 классы: учебно- human body, glands of internal secretion and
методическое пособие / Российская акад. their hormones; comparison of nervous and
образования, Психологический ин-т, humoral regulation.
Российская акад. образования, Московский
психолого-социальный ин-т; под ред. И. В.
Дубровиной. - 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Москва:
Московский психолого-социальный ин-т;
Воронеж: НПО "МОДЭК", 2007. 798 с. URL:


Билич Г. Л., Зигалова Е.Ю. Биология для Topic 2: Biological systems. Properties of
поступающих в вузы. Москва: Издательство living things. Cell as a structural and functional
«Э», 2018. 784 с. Клеточная теория. URL: unit of living. Cellular structure of organisms.

Лернер Г. И. Биология: новый полный Topic 1: General biological laws. Levels of

справочник для подготовки к ЕГЭ. Москва: organisation of living nature
АСТ: Астрель, 2015. 412 с. Topic 2: Biological systems. Properties of
URL:https://go.11klasov.net/1202-biologiya-2- living things. Cell as a structural and functional
knigi-2014-i-2010-god-polnyy-spravochnik- unit of living. Cellular structure of organisms.
dlya-podgotovki-k-ege-lerner-gi.html Topic 3: Heredity and variability.
Topic 4: Man and his health. Integrity of the
human body, glands of internal secretion and
their hormones; comparison of nervous and
humoral regulation.
Topic 5: Basics of heredity, genetic diseases and
their influence on behaviour and mental state.
Genetics - theoretical basis of breeding.
Topic 6: Biotechnology, genetic engineering,
Topic 7: The essence of evolution.
Topic 8: Methods of biological research.
Working with biological preparations and
instruments. Analysing and interpreting
biological information
Максимов В. И., Остапенко В. А., Фомина В.
Д., Ипполитова Т. В. Биология человека:
Учебник / Под ред. В. И. Максимова. СПб.:
Издательство «Лань», 2015.
368 с. URL: https://www.klex.ru/11gs
Шевырёва Т.В., Соломина Е.Н. Биология. 7- Topic 3: Heredity and variability.
9 классы. Методические рекомендации. Topic 4: Man and his health. Integrity of the
Москва: Просвещение. 2017. 155 с. URL: human body, glands of internal secretion and
https://rubskoshi1.gosuslugi.ru/netcat_files/67/ their hormones; comparison of nervous and
2434/Shevyreva_Solomina_Biologiya_7_9kl.. humoral regulation.


Topic 5: Basics of heredity, genetic diseases and

their influence on behaviour and mental state.
Genetics - theoretical basis of breeding.
Ярыгин В.Н. Биология: учебник и практикум Topic 1: General biological laws. Levels of
для вузов. Москва: Издательство Юрайт, organisation of living nature
2024. 378 с. (Высшее образование). URL: Topic 2: Biological systems. Properties of
https://urait.ru/bcode/535523 living things. Cell as a structural and functional
unit of living. Cellular structure of organisms.
Topic 3: Heredity and variability.
Topic 4: Man and his health. Integrity of the
human body, glands of internal secretion and
their hormones; comparison of nervous and
humoral regulation.
Topic 5: Basics of heredity, genetic diseases and
their influence on behaviour and mental state.
Genetics - theoretical basis of breeding.
Topic 6: Biotechnology, genetic engineering,
Topic 7: The essence of evolution.
Social Studies
Боголюбов Л.Н., Лазебникова А.Ю., Topic 1: Society and Nature, Society and
Иванова Л. Ф. [и др.]. Человек и общество. Culture.
Обществознание. Учебник. Ч. 2. Москва: Topic 2: Globalisation, its processes, main
Просвещение, 2006. 194 с. directions and consequences.
URL: // Topic 3: Directions, forms and types of social
http://www.cdodd.ru/storage/files/2/7360.pdf dynamics.
Topic 4: Cognitive activity. Scientific
Topic 5: Economic activity and its measures;
macroeconomic indicators; economic growth
and economic development.
Topic 6: The concept of norms; technical and
social norms; functions and main types of social
Topic 7: Family, its functions and typology.
Topic 8: Ethics of science.
Topic 9: The concept and principles of legal
Бойченко, И. Н. Обществознание / И. Н. Topic 1: Society and Nature, Society and
Бойченко. – Покров: Издательство Culture.
"Саратовский источник", 2023. 156 с. URL: Topic 2: Globalisation, its processes, main
https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54628227 directions and consequences.
Topic 3: Directions, forms and types of social
Topic 4: Cognitive activity. Scientific
Topic 5: Economic activity and its measures;
macroeconomic indicators; economic growth
and economic development.


Topic 6: The concept of norms; technical and

social norms; functions and main types of social
Topic 7: Family, its functions and typology.
Topic 8: Ethics of science.
Topic 9: The concept and principles of legal
Истомина О. Б. Обществознание (право, Topic 1: Society and Nature, Society and
социология, культурология): основы Culture.
подготовки абитуриентов к вступительному Topic 2: Globalisation, its processes, main
испытанию: Учебно-методическое пособие. directions and consequences.
Иркутск : Аспринт, 2021. 210 с. Topic 3: Directions, forms and types of social
URL: dynamics.
//https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47245844 Topic 6: The concept of norms; technical and
social norms; functions and main types of social
Topic 8: Ethics of science.
Касарова В. Г., Меньшова Е. П., Пронина М. Topic 1: Society and Nature, Society and
Н., Дремлюгин Д. М. Обществознание : Culture.
учебное пособие для иностранных учащихся Topic 2: Globalisation, its processes, main
подготовительного факультета. Москва: directions and consequences.
Московский автомобильно-дорожный Topic 3: Directions, forms and types of social
государственный технический университет dynamics.
(МАДИ), 2023. 114 с. URL: // Topic 4: Cognitive activity. Scientific
https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=50303724 cognition.
Topic 5: Economic activity and its measures;
macroeconomic indicators; economic growth
and economic development.
Topic 6: The concept of norms; technical and
social norms; functions and main types of social
Topic 7: Family, its functions and typology.
Topic 8: Ethics of science.
Topic 9: The concept and principles of legal
Кузнецов А. Л. Обществознание: Topic 1: Society and Nature, Society and
учеб. пособие для иностранных граждан Culture.
подготовительного факультета. М.: МАДИ, Topic 2: Globalisation, its processes, main
2019. 100 с. directions and consequences.
URL: // https://www.madi.ru/1216- Topic 3: Directions, forms and types of social
elektronnaya-biblioteka-podgotovitelnogo- dynamics.
Меньшова Е. П. Практические занятия Topic 1: Society and Nature, Society and
по дисциплине «Обществознание». Culture.
В 2 ч. Ч. 1. Человек и общество. Topic 2: Globalisation, its processes, main
Духовная и экономическая сфера. directions and consequences.
М.: МАДИ, 2018. 100 с. Topic 3: Directions, forms and types of social
URL: // https://www.madi.ru/1216- dynamics.


Липский Б. И. [и др.] Обществознание. Topic 1: Society and Nature, Society and

Базовый и углубленный уровни: 10—11 Culture.
классы: учебник для среднего общего Topic 2: Globalisation, its processes, main
образования. Москва: Издательство Юрайт, directions and consequences.
2024. 346 с. Topic 3: Directions, forms and types of social
URL: // https://urait.ru/bcode/544784 dynamics.
Topic 5: Economic activity and its measures;
macroeconomic indicators; economic growth
and economic development.
Topic 6: The concept of norms; technical and
social norms; functions and main types of social
Topic 9: The concept and principles of legal
Никифоров, Ю. С. Обществознание: Topic 1: Society and Nature, Society and
Подготовка к ЕГЭ : учебное пособие / Ю. С. Culture.
Никифоров, Н. А. Валеева. 2-е издание, Topic 2: Globalisation, its processes, main
переработанное и дополненное. – Ярославль directions and consequences.
: Ярославский государственный Topic 3: Directions, forms and types of social
педагогический университет им. К.Д. dynamics.
Ушинского, 2021. 215 с. URL: // Topic 4: Cognitive activity. Scientific
https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47268279 cognition.
Topic 5: Economic activity and its measures;
macroeconomic indicators; economic growth
and economic development.
Topic 6: The concept of norms; technical and
social norms; functions and main types of social
Topic 7: Family, its functions and typology.
Topic 8: Ethics of science.
Topic 9: The concept and principles of legal
Шульман Р. Е., Казанова Н. В., Мельникова Topic 1: Society and Nature, Society and
Е. В. [и др.]. Обществознание. Разбор Culture.
тестовых заданий вступительного Topic 2: Globalisation, its processes, main
испытания для поступающих в ВолгГТУ. directions and consequences.
Волгоград: Волгоградский государственный Topic 3: Directions, forms and types of social
технический университет, 2020. 52 с. URL: dynamics.
// https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43056375 Topic 5: Economic activity and its measures;
macroeconomic indicators; economic growth
and economic development.
Topic 6: The concept of norms; technical and
social norms; functions and main types of social
Topic 7: Family, its functions and typology.
Topic 8: Ethics of science.
Topic 9: The concept and principles of legal

Sources in English Topic



Bastawros Dr. Human Reproduction Topic 3: Heredity and variability.

Publisher: Iowa State University Digital Press, Topic 5: Basics of heredity, genetic diseases
2023 and their influence on behaviour and mental
URL: state. Genetics - theoretical.
Fowler Samantha, Roush Rebecca, Wise Topic 1: General biological laws. Levels of
James. Concepts of Biology. Rice organisation of living nature
Universityeet. Houston, Texas. 2024. 615 р. Topic 2: Biological systems. Properties of
URL: // living things. Cell as a structural and functional
https://openstax.org/details/books/concepts- unit of living. Cellular structure of organisms.
biology Topic 3: Heredity and variability.
Topic 4: Man and his health. Integrity of the
human body, glands of internal secretion and
their hormones; comparison of nervous and
humoral regulation.
Topic 5: Basics of heredity, genetic diseases
and their influence on behaviour and mental
state. Genetics - theoretical basis of breeding.
Topic 6: Biotechnology, genetic engineering,
Topic 7: The essence of evolution.
Topic 8: Methods of biological research.
Working with biological preparations and
devices. Analysing and interpreting biological

Hove Michael J. and Martinez Steven. Topic 1: General biological laws. Levels of
Biological Psychology. Publisher: ROTEL, organisation of living nature
2024 URL: //
Topic 2: Biological systems. Properties of
living things. Cell as a structural and functional
s/biological-psychology unit of living. Cellular structure of organisms.
Topic 3: Heredity and variability.
Topic 4: Man and his health. Integrity of the
human body, glands of internal secretion and
their hormones; comparison of nervous and
humoral regulation.
Topic 5: Basics of heredity, genetic diseases
and their influence on behaviour and mental
state. Genetics - theoretical basis of breeding.
Topic 6: Biotechnology, genetic engineering,
Topic 8: Methods of biological research.
Working with biological preparations and
instruments. Analysing and interpreting
biological information
Nichols Ryan, Charbonneau Mathieu, Topic 7: The essence of evolution.
Chellappoo Azita and others. Cultural
Evolution: A Review of Theoretical
Challenges. Evolutionary Human Sciences,
2024. Р. 1–25. URL: //


Simons Amanda. Chromosomes, Genes, and Topic 5: Basics of heredity, genetic diseases
Traits: An Introduction to Genetics. Publisher: and their influence on behaviour and mental
ROTEL, 2024 state. Genetics - theoretical basis of breeding.
URL: // Topic 6: Biotechnology, genetic engineering,
https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks/subjects/ cloning.
Social Studies
Oparaduru John, Onyemauche John. Deviant Topic 6: The concept of norms; technical and
behaviours in schools: implication for social norms; functions and main types of
counselling. Lab: John Oparaduru's Lab social norms.
March 2021 URL: //
Nichols Ryan, Charbonneau Mathieu, Т Topic 1: Society and Nature, Society and
Chellappoo Azita and others. Cultural Culture.
Evolution: A Review of Theoretical
Challenges. Evolutionary Human Sciences,
2024. Р. 1–25. URL: //
Tonja r. Conerly, Kathleen Holmes, Asha Lal Topic 1: Society and Nature, Society and
Tamang, North Hennepin. Culture.
Introduction to Sociology. Rice University. Topic 2: Globalisation, its processes, main
Houston, Texas. 2021. 653 р. directions and consequences.
URL: // Topic 3: Directions, forms and types of social
https://openstax.org/details/books/introductio dynamics.
n-sociology-3e Topic 5: Economic activity and its measures;
macroeconomic indicators; economic growth
and economic development.
Topic 6: The concept of norms; technical and
social norms; functions and main types of
social norms.
Topic 7: Family, its functions and typology.
Topic 8: Ethics of science.

Sources in Russian Topic
Билич Г.Л., Зигалова Е.Ю. Биология для Topic 1: Structure and functions of the main
поступающих в вузы. Москва: Э, 2018. 781 с. organoids of the cell.


Лернер Г. И. Биология: новый полный Topic 1: Structure and functions of the main
справочник для подготовки к ЕГЭ. Москва: organoids of the cell.
АСТ: Астрель, 2015. 412 с.
Topic 2: Reproduction and individual
development of organisms. Sexless and sexual
knigi-2014-i-2010-god-polnyy-spravochnik- reproduction. Embryonic and postembryonic
dlya-podgotovki-k-ege-lerner-gi.html periods of ontogenesis.
Topic 3: Evolutionary doctrine. Basic
provisions of the theory of C. Darwin. Driving
forces of evolution: mutations, variability,
natural selection.
Topic 4: Main systematic groups of organisms.
Classification of living organisms.
Characteristics of the main kingdoms and types.
Topic 5: Internal environment of the organism
and homeostasis. Mechanisms of homeostasis
Topic 6: The nervous system and its functions.
Structure and functions of the nervous system
departments. Reflex activity of the nervous
Topic 7: Higher Nervous Activity. Conditioned
and unconditional reflexes. Consciousness and
Topic 8: Analysers and sensory organs.
Structure and functions of analysers.
Importance of the sensory organs for the
organism's vital activity.
Topic 9: Behaviour of organisms. Congenital
and acquired forms of behaviour. Instincts and
Topic 10. Fundamentals of ecology. Ecological
factors and their influence on organisms.
Ecosystems and their components.
Максимов В. И., Остапенко В. А., Фомина В. Topic 2: Reproduction and individual
Д., Ипполитова Т. В. Биология человека: development of organisms. Sexless and sexual
Учебник / Под ред. В. И. Максимова. СПб.: reproduction. Embryonic and postembryonic
Издательство «Лань», 2015. periods of ontogenesis.
368 с. URL: https://www.klex.ru/11gs Topic 3: Evolutionary doctrine. Basic
provisions of the theory of C. Darwin. Driving
forces of evolution: mutations, variability,
natural selection.
Topic 4: Main systematic groups of organisms.
Classification of living organisms.
Characteristics of the main kingdoms and types.


Topic 5: Internal environment of the organism

and homeostasis. Mechanisms of homeostasis
Topic 6: The nervous system and its functions.
Structure and functions of the nervous system
departments. Reflex activity of the nervous
Topic 7: Higher Nervous Activity. Conditioned
and unconditional reflexes. Consciousness and
Topic 8: Analysers and sensory organs.
Structure and functions of analysers.
Significance of sense organs for organism's vital
Topic 9: Behaviour of organisms. Congenital
and acquired forms of behaviour. Instincts and
Topic 10. Fundamentals of ecology. Ecological
factors and their influence on organisms.
Ecosystems and their components.
Пасечник В.В., Каменский А.А., Рубцов Topic 1: Structure and functions of the main
A.M. [и др.]. Биология. 11 класс: учеб. для organoids of the cell.
общеобразоват. организаций: углубл. Topic 2: Reproduction and individual
уровень. Москва: Просвещение, 2022. 320 с. development of organisms. Sexless and sexual
URL:https://www.litres.ru/book/vladimir- reproduction. Embryonic and postembryonic
pasechnik/biologiya-11-klass-uglublennyy- periods of ontogenesis.
uroven-68292992/ Topic 3: Evolutionary doctrine. Basic
provisions of the theory of C. Darwin. Driving
forces of evolution: mutations, variability,
natural selection.
Topic 4: Main systematic groups of organisms.
Classification of living organisms.
Characteristics of the main kingdoms and types.
Topic 5: Internal environment of the organism
and homeostasis. Mechanisms of homeostasis
Topic 6: The nervous system and its functions.
Structure and functions of the nervous system
departments. Reflex activity of the nervous
Topic 7: Higher Nervous Activity. Conditioned
and unconditional reflexes. Consciousness and
Topic 8: Analysers and sensory organs.
Structure and functions of analysers.
Significance of sense organs for organism's vital
Topic 9: Behaviour of organisms. Congenital
and acquired forms of behaviour. Instincts and


Topic 10. Fundamentals of ecology. Ecological

factors and their influence on organisms.
Ecosystems and their components.
Погребняк Т. А., Скоркина М.Ю., Topic 1: Structure and functions of the main
Хорольская Е.Н. [и др.] Олимпийский organoids of the cell.
тренажер. Биология 5–11 классы: учебно- Topic 2: Reproduction and individual
методические пособие. Белгород: БелГУ, development of organisms. Sexless and sexual
2021. - 127 с. reproduction. Embryonic and postembryonic
URL:https://search.rsl.ru/ru/search#q=%D0%9 periods of ontogenesis.
E%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BF%D Topic 3: Evolutionary doctrine. Basic
0%B8%D0%B9%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8 provisions of the theory of C. Darwin. Driving
%D0%B9%20%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B5% forces of evolution: mutations, variability,
D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%B5%D1%8 natural selection.
0.%20%D0%91%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BB Topic 4: Main systematic groups of organisms.
%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D1%8F Classification of living organisms.
Characteristics of the main kingdoms and types.
Topic 5: Internal environment of the organism
and homeostasis. Mechanisms of homeostasis
Topic 6: The nervous system and its functions.
Structure and functions of the nervous system
departments. Reflex activity of the nervous
Topic 7: Higher Nervous Activity. Conditioned
and unconditional reflexes. Consciousness and
Topic 8: Analysers and sensory organs.
Structure and functions of analysers.
Importance of the sensory organs for the
organism's vital activity.
Topic 9: Behaviour of organisms. Congenital
and acquired forms of behaviour. Instincts and
Topic 10. Fundamentals of ecology. Ecological
factors and their influence on organisms.
Ecosystems and their components.

Шевырёва Т.В., Соломина Е.Н. Биология. 7- Topic 1: Structure and functions of the main
9 классы. Методические рекомендации. organoids of the cell.
Москва: Просвещение. 2017. 155 с. URL: Topic 2: Reproduction and individual
https://rubskoshi1.gosuslugi.ru/netcat_files/67/ development of organisms. Sexless and sexual
2434/Shevyreva_Solomina_Biologiya_7_9kl.. reproduction. Embryonic and postembryonic
pdf periods of ontogenesis.
Topic 3: Evolutionary doctrine. Basic
provisions of the theory of C. Darwin. Driving
forces of evolution: mutations, variability,
natural selection.
Topic 4: Main systematic groups of organisms.
Classification of living organisms.
Characteristics of the main kingdoms and types.


Topic 5: Internal environment of the organism

and homeostasis. Mechanisms of homeostasis
Topic 6: The nervous system and its functions.
Structure and functions of the nervous system
departments. Reflex activity of the nervous
Topic 7: Higher Nervous Activity. Conditioned
and unconditional reflexes. Consciousness and
Topic 8: Analysers and sensory organs.
Structure and functions of analysers.
Significance of sense organs for organism's vital
Topic 9: Behaviour of organisms. Congenital
and acquired forms of behaviour. Instincts and
Topic 10. Fundamentals of ecology. Ecological
factors and their influence on organisms.
Ecosystems and their components.

Ярыгин В.Н. Биология: учебник и практикум Topic 1: Structure and functions of the main
для среднего профессионального organoids of the cell.
образования. Москва: Издательство Юрайт, Topic 2: Reproduction and individual
2024. 378 с. development of organisms. Sexless and sexual
URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/536659 reproduction. Embryonic and postembryonic
periods of ontogenesis.
Topic 3: Evolutionary doctrine. Basic
provisions of the theory of C. Darwin. Driving
forces of evolution: mutations, variability,
natural selection.
Topic 4: Main systematic groups of organisms.
Classification of living organisms.
Characteristics of the main kingdoms and types.
Topic 5: Internal environment of the organism
and homeostasis. Mechanisms of homeostasis
Topic 6: The nervous system and its functions.
Structure and functions of the nervous system
departments. Reflex activity of the nervous
Topic 7: Higher Nervous Activity. Conditioned
and unconditional reflexes. Consciousness and
Topic 8: Analysers and sensory organs.
Structure and functions of analysers.
Significance of sense organs for organism's vital
Topic 9: Behaviour of organisms. Congenital
and acquired forms of behaviour. Instincts and


Topic 10. Fundamentals of ecology. Ecological

factors and their influence on organisms.
Ecosystems and their components.
Гордин Р.К. Это должен знать каждый Topic 8: Basic geometrical figures and their
матшкольник. Москва: МЦНМО, 2021. 53 с. properties.
URL: // https://old.mccme.ru/free- Trigonometric functions and their applications.
Васильева О.Н., Ильенко Н.А., Раскина Л.С., Topic 1: Fundamentals of algebra.
Блинова Т.А. Методическое пособие для Equations and inequalities, their solutions.
предварительного этапа обучения Systems of linear equations.
математике на русском языке как Topic 2: Functions and their properties.
иностранном. 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. М.: Linear, quadratic and exponential functions.
МАДИ, 2018. 100 с. URL: // Graphs of functions and their analysis.
Мерзляк А.Г. Номировский Д.А., Поляков Topic 1: Fundamentals of algebra.
В.М. Математика. Алгебра и начала Equations and inequalities, their solutions.
математического анализа. 11 класс:
Systems of linear equations.
углублённый уровень. Москва:
Topic 2: Functions and their properties.
Просвещение, 2024. 412 с. URL: // Linear, quadratic and exponential functions.
https://www.litres.ru/book/arkadiy- Graphs of functions and their analysis.
merzlyak/matematika-algebra-i-nachala- Topic 3: Statistics and probability.
matematicheskogo-analiza-70523824/ Basic concepts of statistics: mean, median,
Elements of probability theory, probability
Topic 4: Mathematical logic.
Basic logical operations and their application.
Logical expressions and truth tables.
Topic 5: Elements of mathematical analysis.
The concept of limit and continuity of a
Derivatives and their applications.
Topic 6: Discrete Mathematics.
Combinatorics and basic counting principles.
Graphs and their properties
Topic 7: Mathematical model and its
Constructing and analysing mathematical
Examples of model applications.
Topic 8: Basic geometrical figures and their
Trigonometric functions and their applications.
Topic 9: Mathematical methods. Using
statistical methods to analyse data. Models and
research methods.
Удалова Н.Н. Математика. Наглядный Topic 1: Fundamentals of algebra.
справочник для подготовки к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ. Topic 2: Functions and their properties.


Москва: Эксмо, 2019. 304 с. URL: // Topic 3: Statistics and probability.

https://vk.com/doc11604988_587092108 Topic 4: Mathematical logic.
Topic 5: Elements of mathematical analysis.
Topic 6: Discrete Mathematics.
Topic 7: Mathematical model and its
Topic 8: Basic geometrical figures and their
Topic 9: Mathematical methods
Шабунин М. И. Математика: пособие для Topic 1: Fundamentals of algebra.
поступающих в вузы /— 7-е изд., испр. и доп. Topic 2: Functions and their properties.
— М.: Лаборатория знаний, 2016. — 744 с. Topic 3: Statistics and probability.
URL: // https://postypashki.ru/wp- Topic 4: Mathematical logic.
content/uploads/2020/09/%D0%9C%D0%B0% Topic 5: Elements of mathematical analysis.
D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%8 Topic 6: Discrete Mathematics.
2%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%9F%D Topic 7: Mathematical model and its
0%BE%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B8 application.
%D0%B5_%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F_%D Topic 8: Basic geometrical figures and their
0%BF%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%83 properties.
%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%8E%D1%89%D0% Topic 9: Mathematical methods
Ященко И. В., Высоцкий И. Р., Забелин А. В. Topic 1: Fundamentals of algebra.
и др. ЕГЭ. 4000 задач с ответами по Topic 2: Functions and their properties.
математике: все задания «Закрытый Topic 3: Statistics and probability.
сегмент», задания 1–12 (профильный Topic 4: Mathematical logic.
уровень), задания 1–20 (базовый уровень), Topic 5: Elements of mathematical analysis.
все прототипы, ответы. Москва: Экзамен, Topic 6: Discrete Mathematics.
2021. 703 с. URL: // Topic 7: Mathematical model and its
https://go.11klasov.net/3756-ege-4000-zadach- application.
s-otvetami-po-matematike-bazovyy-i- Topic 8: Basic geometrical figures and their
profilnyy-urovni-zakrytyy-segment-yaschenko- properties.
iv-i-dr.html Topic 9: Mathematical methods
Математическая модель и её применение.

Sources in English Topic

Bastawros Dr. Human Reproduction Publisher: Topic 2: Reproduction and individual
Iowa State University Digital Press, 2023 development of organisms. Sexless and sexual
URL: reproduction. Embryonic and postembryonic
https://iastate.pressbooks.pub/humanreproducti periods of ontogenesis.

Fowler Samantha, Roush Rebecca, Wise James. Topic 1: Structure and functions of the main
Concepts of Biology. Rice Universityeet. organoids of the cell.
Houston, Texas. 2024. 615 р. URL: // Topic 2: Reproduction and individual
https://openstax.org/details/books/concepts- development of organisms. Sexless and sexual


reproduction. Embryonic and postembryonic

periods of ontogenesis.
Topic 3: Evolutionary doctrine. Basic
provisions of the theory of C. Darwin. Driving
forces of evolution: mutations, variability,
natural selection.
Topic 4: Main systematic groups of organisms.
Classification of living organisms.
Characteristics of the main kingdoms and types.
Topic 5: Internal environment of the organism
and homeostasis. Mechanisms of homeostasis
Topic 6: The nervous system and its functions.
Structure and functions of the nervous system
departments. Reflex activity of the nervous
Topic 7: Higher Nervous Activity. Conditioned
and unconditional reflexes. Consciousness and
Topic 8: Analysers and sensory organs.
Structure and functions of analysers.
Significance of sense organs for organism's vital
Topic 9: Behaviour of organisms. Congenital
and acquired forms of behaviour. Instincts and
Topic 10. Fundamentals of ecology. Ecological
factors and their influence on organisms.
Ecosystems and their components.
Hove Michael J. and Martinez Steven. Topic 2: Reproduction and individual
Biological Psychology. Publisher: ROTEL, development of organisms. Sexless and sexual
2024 URL: // reproduction. Embryonic and postembryonic
https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks/textbooks/ periods of ontogenesis.
biological-psychology Topic 3: Evolutionary doctrine. Basic
provisions of the theory of C. Darwin. Driving
forces of evolution: mutations, variability,
natural selection.
Topic 5: Internal environment of the organism
and homeostasis. Mechanisms of homeostasis
Topic 6: The nervous system and its functions.
Structure and functions of the nervous system
departments. Reflex activity of the nervous
Topic 7: Higher Nervous Activity. Conditioned
and unconditional reflexes. Consciousness and
Topic 8: Analysers and sensory organs.
Structure and functions of analysers.
Significance of sense organs for organism's vital


Topic 9: Behaviour of organisms. Congenital

and acquired forms of behaviour. Instincts and
Topic 10. Fundamentals of ecology. Ecological
factors and their influence on organisms.
Ecosystems and their components.
Simons Amanda. Chromosomes, Genes, and Topic 3: Evolutionary doctrine. Basic
Traits: An Introduction to Genetics. Publisher: provisions of the theory of C. Darwin. Driving
ROTEL, 2024 forces of evolution: mutations, variability,
URL: // natural selection.
Lynn Marecek, MaryAnne Anthony-Smith, Topic 1: Fundamentals of algebra.
Andrea Honeycutt Mathis. Topic 2: Functions and their properties.
Algebra and Trigonometry 2e A. Proofs, Topic 3: Statistics and probability.
Identities, and Toolkit Functions URL: //: Topic 4: Mathematical logic.
https://openstax.org/books/algebra-and- Topic 5: Elements of mathematical analysis.
trigonometry-2e/pages/1-1-real-numbers- Topic 8: Basic geometrical figures and their
algebra-essentials properties.
Manes Michelle. Mathematics for Elementary Topic 1: Fundamentals of algebra.
Teachers. Honolulu, Equations and inequalities, their solutions.
HI. University of Hawai`i at Mānoa. 2018. Systems of linear equations.
URL: //: https://pressbooks- Topic 2: Functions and their properties.
dev.oer.hawaii.edu/math111/ Linear, quadratic and exponential functions.
Graphs of functions and their analysis.
Rozhkovskaya N. Blue Book of Topic 1: Fundamentals of algebra.
Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers. Equations and inequalities, their solutions.
Kansas State University, 2021, 167 р. Systems of linear equations.
URL: //: Topic 2: Functions and their properties.
https://www.math.ksu.edu/~rozhkovs/math320 Linear, quadratic and exponential functions.
_Bversion.pdf Graphs of functions and their analysis.
Thomas Hyun. Acing the New SAT Math. Topic 1: Fundamentals of algebra.
Greenhall Publishing Thousand OAKS, CA, Equations and inequalities, their solutions.
2016. 445 р. Systems of linear equations.
URL: //: Topic 3: Statistics and probability.
Acing the SAT Subject Tests in Math Level 1 Basic concepts of statistics: mean, median,
and Level 2 - Google Books mode.
Elements of probability theory, probability

2.1 Recommended online courses

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Online courses in English Link Summary

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Howard College OER https://howardcollege.libguid A collection of open
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Introduction to University https://www.youtube.com/wa Lecture 2. Binomial theorem
Mathematics: Lecture 2 - tch?v= and set.
Oxford Mathematics 1st Year UCev1nEiGqI&list=PL4d5Zt
Student Lecture

University of Aberdeen - https://on.abdn.ac.uk/courses/ The University of Aberdeen

Online Access Course in access-maths-5/ offers an online mathematics
Maths course that lets you study at
your own pace and earn a
qualification equivalent to
Scotland's National 5. This
course covers a range of topics
essential for university
admission, especially for those
pursuing teacher training.
Open University - Free Online https://www.open.edu/openle The Open University provides a
Mathematics Courses arn/education- variety of free online
development/university- mathematics courses, including
ready/free-online- subjects like differential
mathematics-courses equations and statistics. These
courses aim to help students
develop foundational skills for
advanced studies.


Online courses in Russian Link Summary

Social Studies
Training course for the https://www.lektorium.tv/soci This course is designed to
Olympiads in Social Science. ology equip students for the Social
Part 1: Sociology Studies Olympiad. You will
learn strategies for tackling
Olympiad tasks and delve into
the sociology component,
which is a crucial part of your
Training course for the https://www.lektorium.tv/polit This course focuses on
Olympiads in social studies. ical-science preparing students for the
Part 2: Political Science and Social Studies Olympiad. You
Philosophy will acquire skills to tackle
Olympiad tasks while
exploring key topics in
political science and
USE 2024 from scratch. 1.1 https://www.youtube.com/wat This course is designed to
HUMAN BEINGS ch?v=Bygz5xdB_wM&list=P equip students for the Social
LSG9hd_TnN_Dt_ZWSMRE Studies Olympiad. You will
wot6ASdt7Im1t develop the skills needed to
address Olympiad challenges
while delving into essential
Topics in political science and
Social Studies. USE. Basic https://stepik.org/course/1201 The course progresses from
theory 40/promo?search=473031831 basic topics to more advanced
1 ones, covering:
- Human and Society
- Social Relationships
- Economics
- Politics and Law
Additionally, there are
questions included to assess
your understanding.
Maximum education https://maximumtest.ru/free- The online classes include the
lessons/matematika following subjects:
- Graphical applications of


- Definition and analysis of

- Prisms
- Logarithmic equations
- Area of triangles
- Trigonometric circle
- Trigonometry in geometry
Lectorium. Probability and https://www.lektorium.tv/prob The course "Probability and
Statistics. Grade 7 ability-statistics Statistics for Grade 7" offered
by the NSU Department of
Mechanics and Mathematics is
designed to be engaging and
enjoyable, much like a
textbook with a twist! It covers
everything from table creation
to graph theory, all presented
in concise lectures lasting 7 to
10 minutes.
Lectorium. Linear algebra and https://www.lektorium.tv/linej Mathematics is an ancient yet
analytical geometry naya-algebra perpetually relevant science.
Many challenges encountered
by individuals can be
expressed as mathematical
Hundred https://sotkaonline.ru/ The online school provides an
opportunity to study theory and
apply it in the classroom using
simulators. All lessons are
available for viewing in
recorded format.
Foxford https://foxford.ru/catalog/cour Foxford Online School offers
ses/matematika?srsltid=AfmB 8-month mini-group courses in
OorV_IlTI_IPp7ppQIr2OkW maths for USE 2025. Students
wqf9odXE9cFe2mYxAdTcnq can study the subject in depth
U2IkbvW and receive support from

Special Education
Online courses in English Link Summary

Introduction, Course https://www.youtube.com/wat The course explores

Organization of MIT 7.016 ch?v=KlVHqq38KJU&list=P fundamental concepts in
Introductory Biology, Fall LUl4u3cNGP63LmSVIVzy58 biochemistry, molecular
2018 4-ZbjbJ-Y63&index=1 biology, and genetics. It


includes topics such as

chemical bonds and molecular
interactions, lipids and
membranes, the structure of
amino acids, peptides, and
proteins, as well as enzymes
and metabolism. Additionally,
it covers carbohydrates,
glycoproteins, and nucleic
MIT 7.01SC Fundamentals of https://www.youtube.com/wat The Fundamentals of Biology
Biology ch?v=PzY0MWEEE6U&list= course focuses on the basic
PLF83B8D8C87426E44 principles of biochemistry,
molecular biology, genetics
and recombinant DNA. These
principles are essential for
understanding basic life
mechanisms to consolidate the
biological knowledge needed
to understand many issues in
everyday life, from human
health and disease to loss of
biodiversity and environmental
Biology in Focus Chapter 1: https://www.youtube.com/wat The course covers the
Introduction - Evolution and ch?v=uzHJluGAh_c&list=PL following subjects:
the Foundations of Biology yNjAlVqsujEP9y- - Fundamental concepts and
bx6gR4s82APqcRaC5&index principles of biology
=1&pp=iAQB - General biological patterns
- Biological systems
- The organism as a biological
- Human anatomy and
- Essential principles of health
protection, disease prevention,
and the environmental
influences on human health
- Basics of genetics
- Ecology
Social Structure https://www.youtube.com/wat Topics covered:
ch?v=- Theories of social institutions.
BVeSykcQeE&list=PLbKSbF Definition and essence of
social institutions.


Social institutions https://www.youtube.com/wat The online course focuses on
ch?v=9KR1bad76qg&list=PL the Topic of Social Institutions.
Social institutions - education, https://www.youtube.com/wat The course is designed to
family, and religion ch?v=vStLGBTKMBQ&list= explore the following topics:
Abg4G7BILVAMYx&index= - Social Institutions
3&pp=iAQB - Education
- Factors influencing nuclear
and extended families
- Religion: belief and
- Social dynamics
- Models of social
- The multifaceted nature of
social development and global
challenges of the 21st century
- Risks associated with societal

Online courses in Russian Link Summary

Lectorium https://www.lektorium.tv/kreb An in-depth course about
s-cycle energy metabolism is one of
the key topics for
understanding how living
organisms function. The Krebs
cycle is a complex series of
chemical reactions within the
human body. They occur in all
cells that use oxygen in the
process of respiration.
Lecture theatre: Biosensors https://www.lektorium.tv/bios In this course, you will explore
ensors the molecular structure of
various sensory systems and
gain insights into the intricate
functioning of the nervous


Webium https://webium.ru/catalog/biol Webium Online School

ogiya-ege provides courses designed to
help students prepare for the
USE in biology. These courses
feature a comprehensive study
of the subject, with a focus on
practical application. Students
can work on sample
assignments and receive expert
guidance throughout their
learning journey.
TurboEGE. https://www.sravni.ru/ege- The courses offer diverse
oge/top-biologiya-ege/ learning formats, including
mock tests and expert
counseling. This approach
enables students to gain
essential knowledge while also
familiarizing themselves with
the format of USE tasks.
99 points https://www.sravni.ru/ege- The course offers preparation
oge/top-biologiya-ege/ for the Unified State Exam in
Biology with the aim of
obtaining score of 100 points.
Students can study at their own
pace and receive support from
experienced teachers
Lecture theatre: Genetics https://www.lektorium.tv/gene The course will introduce you
tics to fundamental concepts and
contemporary research in
genetics. We will start with the
DNA molecule, the molecular
basis of heredity, and then
delve into an in-depth
exploration of its functional
Social Studies
Lectorium Social Studies https://www.lektorium.tv/soci Throughout this course, you
alscience will revisit essential social
science terminology and
concepts, gaining insight into
how to scientifically
characterize social phenomena
and their significance within
society as a cohesive system.


Additionally, the course will

enhance your practical skills,
enabling you to illustrate
theoretical principles of social
sciences with relevant
examples and apply your
knowledge effectively in
crafting abstracts, reviews,
essays, or creative projects.
Online course on preparation https://www.lektorium.tv/soci The course provides:
for the RANEPA al- - An understanding of the
Schoolchildren Olympiad science?_ga=2.92209370.116 various approaches to defining
2428063.1724332361- "social" as a distinct type of
1700050250.1724332360&_gl relationship.
=1*16b2uck*_gcl_au*MTM3 - The ability to differentiate
NjcxMjQ1Ni4xNzI0MzMyMz between statements derived
U5*_ga*MTcwMDA1MDI1 from sociological concepts and
MC4xNzI0MzMyMzYw*_ga those based on common sense.
_YSG27FE6BZ*MTcyNDQx - Familiarity with sociological
NTI1Ni4yLjEuMTcyNDQxN texts, theories, and concepts.
TM0OC4zNi4wLjA.#rec2916 - Insight into the principles of
68915 constructing sociological
Lectitorium Social Studies. https://www.lektorium.tv/soci Preparation for Olympiads in
Presidential Physics and al- social studies. Part 1.
Mathematics Lyceum No. 239 science?_ga=2.92209370.116 Sociology
2428063.1724332361- This course explores the nature
1700050250.1724332360&_gl of social science Olympiads
=1*16b2uck*_gcl_au*MTM3 and their significance. Students
NjcxMjQ1Ni4xNzI0MzMyMz will learn effective strategies
U5*_ga*MTcwMDA1MDI1 for tackling Olympiad tasks
MC4xNzI0MzMyMzYw*_ga and delve into the "Sociology"
_YSG27FE6BZ*MTcyNDQx section, which is crucial for
NTI1Ni4yLjEuMTcyNDQxN winning an Olympiad.
Webium - webium.ru https://webium.ru/catalog/obsc Webium offers online social
hestvoznanie-ege/ studies courses that include
webinars, interactive
homework assignments, meme
jokes from instructors and a
powerful positive vibe, virtual
realities. Students have access
to a private account where


class notes, scripted notes and

cheat sheets are stored.
USE 2024 from scratch. 1.1 https://www.youtube.com/wat Topic 1: Human being as a
HUMAN BEINGS ch?v=Bygz5xdB_wM&list=P result of biological and socio-
LSG9hd_TnN_Dt_ZWSMRE cultural development.
USELand - ege-land.ru https://www.kp.ru/putevoditel/ USELand offers innovative
ege/luchshie-onlajn-kursy- social studies courses that are
podgotovki-k-egeh/ suitable for all students
planning to take the USE in
this subject. The courses
include a variety of learning
formats and mock tests.
Social Studies. USE. Basic https://stepik.org/course/1201 The course progresses from
theory 40/promo?search=473031831 basic topics to more advanced
1 ones, covering:
- Human and Society
- Social Relationships
- Economics
- Politics and Law
Additionally, there are
questions included to assess
your understanding.
Thematic simulator for https://thenewschool.ru/trainer The simulator is designed to
preparation for the USE in /social_studies reinforce theoretical
social studies knowledge across all topics
outlined in the codifier, while
also identifying and addressing
any potential gaps in
understanding. It is based on
the Open Bank of USE tasks
(fipi.ru and os.fipi.ru). This
course features 909 exercises,
ensuring that after completing
them, you will be fully
prepared to tackle the test
component with confidence
Yandex. Tutor https://yandex.ru/tutor/subject/ Yandex.Tutor is an online
?subject_id=11 platform that provides
personalized lessons with
skilled instructors to help
students prepare for the USE in
social studies. Learners can
choose a schedule that suits


them and receive tailored

feedback on their progress.

Educational Psychology
Online courses in English Link Summary

Human Body Systems https://youtu.be/0JDCViWGn- The course is devoted to the

Overview (Updated 2024) 0?si=d2eWmKvsqqs3mHeW study of human body systems.
Functions are described and
examples of the structure of the
body systems are discussed.
Biology in Focus Chapter 1: https://www.youtube.com/wat The course covers the
Introduction - Evolution and ch?v=uzHJluGAh_c&list=PL following subjects:
the Foundations of Biology yNjAlVqsujEP9y- - Fundamental concepts and
bx6gR4s82APqcRaC5&index principles of biology
=2 - General biological patterns
- Biological systems
- The organism as a biological
- Human anatomy and
- Essential principles of health
protection, disease prevention,
and the environmental
influences on human health
- Basics of genetics
- Ecology
Research Methods and https://youtu.be/YOppeXzFkB The course is devoted to the
Techniques s?si=wSNRFXQKPBEODsYo study of the topic: ‘Methods of
biological research’
Environmental Value Systems https://youtu.be/LP8ox5XWq The course is devoted to the
AA?si=1_IBZKxWPCiAQ1f study of the topic: "World view
X and value system in the field of
environmental protection".
Social Structure https://www.youtube.com/redi The online course presents the
rect?event=video_description following topics: Theories of
&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbD Social Institutions. Definition
g2bzB1WGc4X1hnZkc4Y2E2 and essence of social
VldIR3RKZjNEd3xBQ3Jtc0ts institutions. Social structure.
OWluVHhlNTVOa0pfd21DR Social groups.


Social institutions https://www.youtube.com/wat Online course topics:
ch?v=9KR1bad76qg&list=PL Social institution.
bKSbFnKYVY2_9HVzVoAb Social dynamics. Models of
g4G7BILVAMYx social development
Social institutions - education, https://www.khanacademy.org The course provides basic
family, and religion /test-prep/mcat/society-and- information about functioning
culture/social- peculiarities of social
structures/v/institutions- institutions.

Online courses in Russian Link Summary

Teach-in https://teach- This course covers the
in.ru/lecture/2021-07-05- following topics:
Dubynin-2#00:00:19 - Central Nervous System
(CNS) and spinal cord
- Overview of the nervous
- Development of the nervous
- Brain development
- Structure and membranes of
the brain
- Anatomy of the spinal cord
- Grey matter in the spinal cord
- Functions of the spinal cord


- Transverse sections of the

spinal cord
Teach-in https://teach- This course focuses on the
in.ru/lecture/2021-07-12- following topics:
- Visual sensitivity
- The sensory system
- The anatomy of the eye
- The crystalline lens
- The retina
- The optic nerve and visual
centers in the brain
- Cones and rods
Teach-in https://teach- The course covers the
in.ru/lecture/2021-07-16- following topics:
Dubynin-1#00:00:19 - Vestibular and auditory
- The internal ear
- The vestibular system
- The auditory system
Webium https://webium.ru/catalog/biol Webium Online School
ogiya-ege/ provides courses designed to
help students prepare for the
USE in biology. These courses
feature a comprehensive study
of the subject, with a focus on
practical application. Students
can work on sample
assignments and receive expert
guidance throughout their
learning journey.
TurboEGE. https://www.sravni.ru/ege- The courses offer diverse
oge/top-biologiya-ege/ learning formats, including
mock tests and expert
counseling. This approach
enables students to gain
essential knowledge while also
familiarizing themselves with
the format of USE tasks.
99 points https://www.sravni.ru/ege- The course offers preparation
oge/top-biologiya-ege / for the Unified State Exam in
Biology with the aim of
obtaining the score of 100
points. Students can learn at


their own pace and receive

support from experienced
Social Studies
stepik.org I. Kant BFU https://stepik.org/course/2111The course covers 45 topics
5/promo?auth=registration&se organized into five sections:
arch=5013846352 - Philosophy (Man and
- Sociology
- Political Science
- Economics
- Jurisprudence
stepik.org https://stepik.org/course/6809 The course delves into the
8/promo?search=5013886047 concept of globalization,
addressing key questions such
- What is globalization?
- The globalization of the
- The multifaceted nature of
globalization processes.
- The contradictions inherent in
You will have the opportunity
to assess your understanding
and engage with relevant
Webium - webium.ru Webium provides engaging
https://webium.ru/catalog/obsc online social studies courses
hestvoznanie-ege/ featuring webinars, interactive
homework assignments, and
humorous meme jokes from
instructors, all infused with a
vibrant, positive atmosphere
and virtual experiences.
Students can access a personal
account that stores class notes,
scripted materials, and cheat
sheets for easy reference.
2024 from scratch. 1.1 https://www.youtube.com/wat Topic 1: Man as a result of
HUMAN BEING ch?v=Bygz5xdB_wM&list=P biological and socio-cultural
LSG9hd_TnN_Dt_ZWSMRE evolution.
wot6ASdt7Im1t evolution. Human activity.


USELand https://www.kp.ru/putevoditel/ The courses offer diverse

ege/luchshie-onlajn-kursy- learning formats, including
podgotovki-k-egeh/ mock tests and expert
counseling. This approach
enables students to gain
essential knowledge while also
familiarizing themselves with
the format of USE tasks.
Social Studies. USE. Basic https://stepik.org/course/1201 The course is implemented
theory 40/promo?search=473031831 from the simplest topics to
1 more complex ones:
- Man and society;
- Social relations;
- Economics;
- Politics & Law
Mock tests are included for you
to assess your progress.

Applied Psychology
Online courses in English Link Summary

Biology: Cell Structure I https://youtu.be/URUJD5NEX This course focuses on the

Nucleus Medical Media C8?si=35tbaxrpCoVv7A1D exploration of the cell as a
biological system. It covers the
cellular theory regarding the
structure of organisms, the
integrity and organization of
cells, as well as theories related
to cellular, chromosomal, and
Genetics Basics - Introduction https://youtu.be/b93KDVQIvl The course covers the basics of
| Don't Memorise 8?si=JvuDdUGvpa6tNSX0 genetics, genetic mechanisms.
Biology in Focus Chapter 1: https://www.youtube.com/wat The course covers the
Introduction - Evolution and ch?v=uzHJluGAh_c following subjects:
the Foundations of Biology - Fundamental concepts and
principles of biology;
- General biological patterns;
- Biological systems;
- The organism as a biological
- Human anatomy and
- Essential principles of health
protection, disease prevention,


and the environmental

influences on human health;
- Basics of genetics;
- Ecology.
Social Structure https://www.youtube.com/wat The online course presents the
ch?v=StMXdmt9etE following topics: Theories of
Social Institutions. Definition
and nature of social
Social institutions https://www.youtube.com/wat Online course topics:
ch?v=9KR1bad76qg Social institution.
Social dynamics. Models of
social development
Social institutions - education, https://www.youtube.com/wat Topic. Social institution.
family, and religion ch?v=vStLGBTKMBQ Education, family, religion

Online courses in Russian Link Summary

Teach-in 100 hours of school https://teach- This course centers on the
biology. Human anatomy and in.ru/lecture/2021-07-09- autonomic nervous system,
physiology Dubynin-1 covering the following topics:
- Classification of the nervous
https://teach- system;
in.ru/file/synopsis/pdf/one- - Sympathetic and
hundred-hours-of-school- parasympathetic divisions;
biology-M.pdf - Distribution of neurons that
regulate internal organs within
the spinal cord;
- Neurotransmitters involved
in the sympathetic and
parasympathetic systems;
- Effects of the sympathetic
and parasympathetic systems
on internal organs;
- Cranial nerves;
-Diagram illustrating the
autonomic nervous system.
Teach-in 100 hours of school https://teach- The course is devoted to:
biology. Human anatomy and in.ru/lecture/2021-07-12- Structure of the large
physiology Dubynin-1 hemispheres.
Dubynin Vyacheslav
White matter
Basal ganglia


Cortex of the large

Functions of the cerebral
Phylogenetic features of the
cortex of the large hemispheres
Teach-in 100 hours of school https://teach- The course focuses on the
biology. Human anatomy and in.ru/lecture/2021-07-23- topic: Needs and Emotions.
physiology Dubynin-1
Webium https://webium.ru/catalog/biol Webium Online School offers
ogiya-ege/ courses to prepare for the USE
in biology, which include in-
depth study of the discipline,
practice orientation in the
tasks. Students can solve
sample assignments and
receive expert counselling
TurboUSE. https://www.sravni.ru/ege- The courses offer diverse
oge/top-biologiya-ege/ learning formats, including
mock tests and expert
counseling. This approach
enables students to gain
essential knowledge while also
familiarizing themselves with
the format of USE tasks.
99 points https://www.sravni.ru/ege- The course offers preparation
oge/top-biologiya-ege/ for the Unified State Exam in
Biology with the aim of
obtaining the score of 100
points. Students can study at
their own pace and receive
support from experienced
Social Studies
Stepik https://stepik.org/course/2111 The course covers 45 topics
I. Kant BFU 5/promo?auth=registration&se organized into five sections:
arch=5013846352 - Philosophy (Man and
- Sociology;
- Political Science;
- Economics;
- Jurisprudence;


Stepik Social Studies 11th https://stepik.org/course/6809 The course is devoted to the

grade 8/promo?search=5013886047 problem of developing the
world community, the ways of
forming the social structure are
Lectorium https://www.lektorium.tv/soci This course is tailored for high
alscience?_ga=2.38760483.10 school students gearing up for
32749877.1724411990- the BSE and USE exams in
675722842.1724411989&_gl= "Social Studies." It covers
1*1ld0450*_gcl_au*Nzk3NT essential social science
gxMTgyLjE3MjQ0MTE5OD terminology and concepts,
k.*_ga*Njc1NzIyODQyLjE3 along with the key topics
MjQ0MTE5ODk.*_ga_YSG2 included in the school
7FE6BZ*MTcyNDQxMTk5 curriculum for social studies.

Online courses in English Link Summary

5 Kingdoms | Animals, plants, https://youtu.be/G3EShHv7 The course explores the
fungi, bacteria & protists W04?si=jVpQ9z05DuQo8Q2 diversity of living things on
y Earth
Evolution https://youtu.be/fI7IV3x- The course focuses on the
dGI?si=6xnjh_hWkSJwTzpi study of the evolution of
living organisms
How the Environment Affects https://youtu.be/I7STZsY_- The course presents the basic
Our Health. Ps?si=_EsGvudjr1udxuAl principles of health
Centers for Disease Control promotion, disease prevention
and Prevention (CDC) and environmental influences
on human health.
Oxford Mathematics https://www.youtube.com/wa The course introduces
Introduction to University tch?v=aS6R3epK3ms&t=159 concepts and modes of
Mathematics: Lecture 1 - s mathematical thinking.
Oxford Mathematics 1st Year Lecture 1, Algebra. Natural
Student Lecture numbers and induction.


Introduction to University https://www.youtube.com/wa Lecture 2. Binomial theorem

Mathematics: Lecture 2 - tch?v=UCev1nEiGqI and set.
Oxford Mathematics 1st Year
Student Lecture

University of Aberdeen - https://on.abdn.ac.uk/courses/ The University of Aberdeen

Online Access Course in access-maths-5/ offers an online mathematics
Maths course that lets you study at
your own pace and earn a
qualification equivalent to
Scotland's National 5. This
course covers a range of topics
essential for university
admission, especially for
those pursuing teacher

Online courses in Russian Link Summary

Teach-in 100 hours of school https://teach- The course focuses on the
biology. Human anatomy and in.ru/lecture/2021-07-19- following topics:
physiology Dubynin-1#00:02:47 - Body Sensitivity: including
cutaneous sensitivity, pain
sensitivity, muscular
sensitivity, and internal
- Sensory Systems: covering
cutaneous sensitivity, pain
sensitivity, muscular
sensitivity, and internal
- Visual Aid: "Sensory Centers
in the Spinal Cord and Brain."
Teach-in 100 hours of school https://teach- The course centers on the
biology. Human anatomy and in.ru/lecture/2021-07-19- following Topics:
physiology Dubynin-2#00:00:19 - Learning and Memory
- Physiological Foundations of
Mental Activity
- The Biological Significance
of Acquired Reflexes
- Different Types of Memory


- Short-Term Memory
- Imprinting
- Associative Learning
- Key Principles of Memory
and Learning
Additionally, the course
includes a visual representation
titled "Diagram of the Learning
Teach-in 100 hours of school https://teach- The course covers the
biology. Human anatomy and in.ru/lecture/2021-07-23- following topics:
physiology Dubynin-2#00:07:39 - Unconditional and
Conditional Inhibition
- Temperament Types
- Inhibition Mechanisms:
- Inhibitory Inhibition
- External Inhibition
- Conditional Inhibition
- Fading Inhibition
- Differential Inhibition
- Delayed Inhibition
- Types of Higher Nervous

Additionally, there is a visual

aid titled "Scheme of
Temperament Properties."
Maximum education https://maximumtest.ru/free- The online classes include the
lessons/matematika following subjects:
- Graphical applications of
- Definition and analysis of
- Prisms;
- Logarithmic equations;
- Area of triangles;
- Trigonometric circle;
- Trigonometry in geometry.
Lectorium. Probability and https://www.lektorium.tv/prob The course "Probability and
Statistics. Grade 7 ability-statistics Statistics for Grade 7" offered
by the NSU Department of
Mechanics and Mathematics is
designed to be engaging and


enjoyable, much like a

textbook with a twist! It covers
everything from table creation
to graph theory, all presented
in concise lectures lasting 7 to
10 minutes.
Lectorium. Linear algebra and https://www.lektorium.tv/linej Mathematics is an ancient yet
analytical geometry naya-algebra perpetually relevant science.
Many challenges encountered
by individuals can be
expressed as mathematical


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