Iso 15099 2003
Iso 15099 2003
Iso 15099 2003
First edition
Reference number
ISO 15099:2003(E)
© ISO 2003
ISO 15099:2003(E)
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Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ v
1 Scope...................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Symbols ................................................................................................................................................. 2
3.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.2 Symbols and units ................................................................................................................................ 2
3.3 Subscripts.............................................................................................................................................. 4
4 Determination of total window and door system properties ............................................................ 5
4.1 Thermal transmittance.......................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Total solar energy transmittance ........................................................................................................ 9
4.3 Visible transmittance .......................................................................................................................... 10
5 Vision area properties ........................................................................................................................ 10
5.1 Glazing layer optics ............................................................................................................................ 10
5.2 Glazing system optics ........................................................................................................................ 11
Vision area heat transfer .................................................................................................................... 13
6 Frame effects....................................................................................................................................... 20
Area and lineal thermal transmittance.............................................................................................. 20
6.2 Governing equations for calculating thermal transmittance.......................................................... 20
6.3 Geometric representation and meshing ISO 15099:2003
........................................................................................... 20
Solid materials..................................................................................................................................... 23
6.5 Effective conductivity — Glazing 6c9c4647f7c9/iso-15099-2003
cavities ........................................................................................ 23
6.6 Effective conductivity — Unventilated frame cavities .................................................................... 23
6.7 Ventilated air cavities and grooves................................................................................................... 30
7 Shading devices.................................................................................................................................. 31
7.1 Definitions............................................................................................................................................ 31
7.2 Optical properties ............................................................................................................................... 32
7.3 Slat type of shading ............................................................................................................................ 34
7.4 Ventilation ............................................................................................................................................ 39
7.5 Total solar energy transmittance and thermal transmittance ........................................................ 50
8 Boundary conditions .......................................................................................................................... 50
8.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 50
8.2 Reference boundary conditions ........................................................................................................ 50
8.3 Convective heat transfer .................................................................................................................... 51
8.4 Longwave radiation heat transfer ..................................................................................................... 55
8.5 Combined convective and radiative heat transfer........................................................................... 58
8.6 Prescribed density of heat flow rate ................................................................................................. 59
Annex A (informative) Solution technique for the multi-layer solar optical model ................................... 60
Annex B (normative) Thermophysical fill gas property values ................................................................... 62
Annex C (informative) Examples of calculated values for optical properties of slat type of shading
devices ................................................................................................................................................. 64
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 69
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 15099 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 163, Thermal performance and energy use in the
built environment.
ISO 15099:2003
This International Standard describes a procedure for calculating indices of merit of many window and door
products. The method provided in this International Standard allows the user to determine total window and
door product indices of merit, viz thermal transmittance, total solar energy transmittance and visible light
The procedures give the actual thermal performance of fenestration products for use in building energy
analysis and for the evaluation of products in specific building applications. These procedures can also be
used to produce data to compare products by using the standardized boundary conditions given either in this
International Standard or taken from the appropriate International or National Standards (e.g., ISO 12567-1,
ISO 10292, ISO 9050). This International Standard is also intended as a reference document for the
description of models used in computer programs for detailed calculation of the thermal and optical
transmission properties of window and door systems.
This International Standard gives detailed models for thermal and optical transmission in windows. These
detailed models are necessary in many types of window to get agreement between calculations and tests.
Traditionally, windows have been characterized by separately calculating the “dark” or “night-time” thermal
transmittance and the solar energy transmittance through the fenestration system. The thermal transmittance
without the effect of solar radiation is calculated using the procedures given in ISO 10292 (for the vision
portion) and the total solar energy transmittance, without taking into account the actual temperatures of the
various panes, is obtained using ISO 9050. These calculations require the use of reference conditions that are
not representative of actual conditions. In this International Standard the energy balance equations are set up
for every glazing layer taking into account the solar absorption and actual temperatures. From these energy
balance equations, the temperatures of the ISOindividual
15099:2003layers and gaps are determined. This is the only
standard that takes into account these complex interactions. This more detailed analysis provides results that
can then be expressed as thermal transmittance and τS-values and these values can differ from the results of
simpler models.
Individual indices of merit obtained using fixed reference boundary conditions are useful for comparing
products. However, the approach taken is the only way of calculating the energy performance of window
systems for other environmental conditions including those conditions that may be encountered during hot box
Finally it must be emphasized that this International Standard is intended for use in computer programs. It was
never intended as a “simplified calculation” procedure. Simplified methods are provided in other International
Standards. It is essential that these programs produce consistent values and that they are based on a sound
standard methodology. Although more complicated than the formulae used in the simplified standards, the
formulae used in this International Standard are entirely appropriate for their intended use.
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies detailed calculation procedures for determining the thermal and optical
transmission properties (e.g., thermal transmittance, total solar energy transmittance) of window and door
systems based on the most up-to-date algorithms and methods, and the relevant solar and thermal properties
of all components.
Products covered by this International Standard include windows and doors incorporating:
a) single and multiple glazed fenestration products with or without solar reflective, low-emissivity coatings
and suspended plastic films;
b) glazing systems with pane spacing of any width containing gases or mixtures of gases;
metallic or non-metallic spacers;
frames of any material and design;
g) projecting products.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 8301, Thermal insulation — Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties —
Heat flow meter apparatus
ISO 8302, Thermal insulation — Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties —
Guarded hot plate apparatus
ISO 9050, Glass in building — Determination of light transmittance, solar direct transmittance, total solar
energy transmittance, ultraviolet transmittance and related glazing factors
ISO 9288, Thermal insulation — Heat transfer by radiation — Physical quantities and definitions
ISO 9845-1, Solar energy — Reference solar spectral irradiance at the ground at different receiving
conditions — Part 1: Direct normal and hemispherical solar irradiance for air mass 1,5
ISO 10077-2:2003, Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters — Calculation of thermal
transmittance — Part 2: Numerical method for frames
ISO 10211-1, Thermal bridges in building construction — Heat flows and surface temperatures, Part 1:
General calculation methods
ISO 12567-1, Thermal performance of windows and doors — Determination of thermal transmittance by hot
box method — Part 1: Complete windows and doors
3 Symbols
3.1 General
Symbols and units used are in accordance with ISO 7345 and ISO 9288. The terms, which are specific to this
International Standard, are listed in Table 1.
I +i ( λ )
spectral heat flow rate of radiant solar energy between ith and i + 1th glazing layers
travelling in the external (+) or internal (−) direction
I −
i (λ )
Table 1 (continued)
3.3 Subscripts
4.1.1 General
This International Standard presents procedures by which detailed computations can be used to determine
the thermal transmission properties of various product components, which are then used to determine the
thermal transmission properties of the total product. Where national standards allow, test procedures may be
used to determine component and total product properties.
The total properties for window and door products are calculated by combining the various component
properties weighted by either their respective projected areas or visible perimeter. The total properties are
each based on total projected area occupied by the product, At. The projected component areas and the
visible perimeter are shown in Figure 1.
1 perimeter length at sight line - - - - -
Figure 1 — Schematic diagram showing the window projected areas and vision perimeter
Clause 4 describes the procedure for calculating thermal transmittance, total solar transmittance and visible
transmittance for the complete product. 4.1 describes the procedure for calculating thermal transmittance. The
effect of three-dimensional heat transfer in frames and glazing units is not considered. 4.1.4 describes an
alternative procedure for calculating edge of glass and frame thermal indices Ude, Ueg, Ut and Ufr, which are
used in area-based calculations. Clause 5 describes the procedure for calculating the required centre-glass
properties τsgv and τgv. Clause 6 describes the procedure for calculating the linear thermal transmittance, Ψ,
which accounts for the interaction between frame and glazing or opaque panel. Clause 7 contains the
procedure for dealing with shading devices and ventilated windows. Clause 8 describes the procedure for
determining and applying boundary conditions. The thermal transmittance of the fenestration product is given
∑ AgvU gv + ∑ A f U f + ∑ lΨ Ψ
Ut = (1)
where Agv and Af are the projected vision area and frame area, respectively. The length of the vision area
perimeter is lΨ, and Ψ is a linear thermal transmittance that accounts for the interaction between frame and
glazing or the interaction between frame and opaque panel (e.g., a spandrel panel).
The summations included in Equation (1) are used to account for the various sections of one particular
component type; e.g. several values of Af are needed to sum the contributions of different values of Uf
corresponding to sill, head, dividers and side jambs.
Figure 2 illustrates the division into components for the alternative approach described in 4.1.4, in which the
edge-of-glass and divider-edge areas are 63,5 mm (2,5 in) wide. The sum of all component areas equals the
total projected fenestration product area.
C Centre-of-glass 1 installation clearance
E Edge-of-glass 2 projected area
F Frame 3 rough opening
D Divider 4 interior
DE Divider-edge 5 exterior
The thermal transmittance can be found by simulating a single environmental condition involving
internal/external temperature difference, with or without incident solar radiation. Without solar radiation, the
thermal transmittance is the reciprocal of the total thermal resistance.
U gv = (2)
q int( I
s = 0)
U gv = (3)
T ni − Tne
where qint(Is = 0) is the net density of heat flow rate through the window or door system to the internal
environment for the specified conditions, but without incident solar radiation, in W/m2. The condition “without
solar radiation” is used because all effects on the thermal resistances due to incident solar radiation are
incorporated in the total solar energy transmittance or τS-value [see Equation (14)], and Tni and Tne are the
environmental temperatures, as defined in Equation (7).
Rt is found by summing the thermal resistances at the external and internal boundaries, and thermal the
resistances of glazing cavities and glazing layers. See Figure 3.
n n
1 1
Rt =
h ex
+ ∑ R i +∑ R gv,i + hint (4)
i =2 i =1
t gv,i
R gv,i = (5)
λ gv,i
and the thermal resistance of the ith space, where the first space is external environment, the last space is
internal environment and the spaces in between are glazing cavities, (see Figure 3):
T f,i − T b,i −1
Ri = (6)
1 gap
2 glazing
h cv T ai + hr Trm
Tn = (7)
h cv + hr
where hcv and hr are determined according to the procedure given in Clause 8.
Ψ = L2D − U f l f − U gv l gv (8)
where L2D is thermal coupling coefficient determined from the actual fenestration system.
L p 2D − U p l p
Uf = (9)
Lp2D is thermal coupling coefficient determined from the frame/panel insert system;
lp is the internal side exposed length of foam insert (minimum 100 mm);
An alternative method is available for calculating frame thermal transmittance, Ufr. Using this method it is
unnecessary to determine the linear thermal transmittance, Ψ. Instead, the glass area, Agv, is divided into
centre-glass area, Ac, plus edge-glass area, Ae, and one additional thermal transmittance, Ueg, is used to
characterize the edge-glass area. If dividers are present then divider area, Adiv and divider thermal
transmittance, Udiv are calculated, as well as corresponding divider edge area, Ade and thermal transmittance,
Ude. The following equation shall be used to calculate the total thermal transmittance:
Ut =
∑U cg Ac + ∑U fr Af + ∑U eg Ae + ∑U div Adiv + ∑U de Ade (10)
where Ufr, and Ueg can be determined from the following equations:
Φ fr
U fr = (11)
l f (T ni − Tne )
Φ eg
U eg = (12)
l eg ( Tni − T ne )
and where lf is projected length of frame area and leg is the length of edge of glass area and is equal to
63,5 mm. These lengths are measured on the internal side. The quantities Φfr and Φeg are heat flow rates
through frame and edge-glass areas (internal surfaces), respectively, including the effect of glass and spacer,
and both are expressed per length of frame or edge-glass. The calculations shall be performed for each
combination of frame and glazing with different spacer bars.
The summations included in Equation (10) are used to account for the various sections of one particular
component type; e.g., several values of Af must be used to sum the contributions of different values of Ufr
corresponding to sill, head and side jambs.
It should be noted that the two different approaches entail different definitions of frame thermal transmittance,
denoted Uf and Ufr. The primary difference is that the Ufr includes the some of the heat transfer caused by the
edge seal, whereas Uf does not. The comparison of frame properties for two different products is only
meaningful if the same calculation procedure has been used in both cases.
The Ut values for windows calculated by the two methods may differ because of differences in the way frame
and edge heat transfer is treated at the corners, particularly because the three dimensional effects are
neglected. This difference is more pronounced for smaller windows. The choice of leg = 63,5 mm is made to
reduce the discrepancy between the two alternative approaches.
4.2.1 General
The total solar energy transmittance of the total fenestration product is:
τs =
∑ τ g A g + ∑τ f A f (13)
where τg and τf are the individual total solar energy transmittance values of the vision area and frame area,
respectively. The summations are included for the same reason that they appear in Equation (1) and shall be
applied in the same manner to account for differing sections of one particular component type.
NOTE Equation (13) includes an assumption that the solar transmittance of the edge of glass is the same as that of
the centre of glass area. ISO 15099:2003
4.2.2 Vision area total solar energy6c9c4647f7c9/iso-15099-2003
The total solar energy transmittance can be determined for conditions involving internal/external temperature
difference and any level of incident solar radiation. It is found by calculating the difference between the net
heat flow rate into the internal environment with and without incident solar radiation.
q int − q int ( I s = 0 )
τS = (14)
qint is the net density of heat flow rate through the window or door system to the internal
environment for the specified conditions, in W/m2;
qint(Is = 0) is the net density of heat flow rate through the window or door system to the internal
environment for the specified conditions, but without incident solar radiation, in W/m2.
The net density of heat flow rates, qint and qint(Is = 0) are calculated in 5.3.1 [Equation (27), for index i = int].
For a glazing assembly in which a shading device is involved, the amendments to the equations of 5.2 as
given in 7.2 shall be applied.