Topic 2 Notes Grade 11
Topic 2 Notes Grade 11
Topic 2 Notes Grade 11
YEAR: 2023
Economics / Topic 2 notes Grade 11 Nkangala District/2023
All of the four participants in the economy consume goods and services and they
have to pay for their consumption.
This topic focuses on final consumption expenditure by households, consumption
expenditure by Government and investment expenditure by firms (capital formation).
Economics / Topic 2 notes Grade 11 Nkangala District/2023
Final consumption by households refers to the total spending by consumers/
households on final goods and services for own use.
Expenditure by non-profit organisation such as churches and old age homes also fall
in this category
It is represented by the symbol C which in the national accounts aggregates.
Classification by nature
When products are classified by their nature, they have four kinds which are:
Durable goods: are products that can be used over a long period of time.
They can last for a many years’ example, cars, houses.
Semi-durable goods: they can be used for more than once but have a limited life
span e.g. clothing, glassware, car tyres
Non- durable goods: are goods that can be used only once. They get used up as
they are consumed e.g. food, petrol, medicine.
Services: are products that are intangible (cannot be seen, touched) e.g. education,
health service, hair salon services
Classification by purpose
This is when final expenditure is classified by reason for usage/ function.
This explains the function that goods (durable, non- durable, semi- durable) are used
E.G. durable goods are classified by the following purposes. (see table on page 4)
Personal transport
Computers and related products
Recreational and entertainment
Other durable goods
Economics / Topic 2 notes Grade 11 Nkangala District/2023
2018 2019
NB: the total expenditure for each type of product is at the top and bolded. This means you can start from the bottom
and add all items to get the total amount.
Economics / Topic 2 notes Grade 11 Nkangala District/2023
Final consumption expenditure by government refers to consumption expenditure by
national, provincial and local governments.
It is represented by the letter G in the national accounts aggregates.
The two ways in which consumption by government is divided are: functional and
Economic classification.
Functional classification
The expenditure is categorised according to the purpose for which the money was
spent. This means the classification shows the type of service which the money
was spent providing.
Purposes (functions) for which government spend money are:
General public services
Public order and safety
Economic affairs
Environmental protections
Housing and community amenities
Recreation, arts and culture
Social protection
Economics / Topic 2 notes Grade 11 Nkangala District/2023
Economic classification
It measures the type of expense that government incurred. This includes expenses
such as:
Salaries and wages of employees
Interest on government debt,
Purchases of goods and services
Gross fixed capital formation refers to investment spending by firms.
Gross capital formation is represented by letter (I) in the national accounts aggregates.
Private businesses, government and State owned enterprises make investments.
Firms invest in capital goods such as machinery and tools, buildings while government
can invest in construction of roads, airports, schools, railways etc.
The money for buying capital goods is obtained from savings.
There are three ways in which investments (capital formation) can be classified,
namely: by kind of industry, type of organisation and type of assets
Kind of industry: This shows money invested in primary, secondary and tertiary
Type of organisation: investments made by general government, Public corporation
and private businesses
Type of assets: this show money invested in different types of assets e.g. buildings,
transport equipment, machinery, construction works.
Economics / Topic 2 notes Grade 11 Nkangala District/2023
There are three main economic aggregates (totals) which are: GDP (total production),
GNI (total income) and GNE (total spending).
Economics / Topic 2 notes Grade 11 Nkangala District/2023
Expenditure method
- It shows the amount spent on final goods produced within the borders of a country
- When using the expenditure method, the money spent by the three sectors in the
economy are added together.
NB: The three methods should give the same value of GDP for the given
Income R million
Compensation of employees 1201990
Net operating surplus 821783
Consumption of fixed capital 350982
Gross value added at factor cost ?
+ other taxes on production 46213
- Subsidies on production 8478
Gross value added at basic prices ?
Plus: taxes on products 263988
Less: subsidy on products 15044
GDP at market prices ?
Economics / Topic 2 notes Grade 11 Nkangala District/2023
- Subtract all interest and profits earned by foreign firms in South Africa e.g. profits of
Coca –Cola.
- Subtract dividends on shares owned by foreign citizens in South Africa.
- Subtract salaries and wages of foreign nationals working in South Africa