Ec QB Sem Ii 2023-24 Updated - 240421 - 231137
Ec QB Sem Ii 2023-24 Updated - 240421 - 231137
Ec QB Sem Ii 2023-24 Updated - 240421 - 231137
UGC Autonomous
Approved by AICTE | Affiliated to Osmania University
Accredited by NBA | Accredited ‘A’ grade by NAAC |Certified by ISO.
[Common for CSE, CSD, CE and MECH]
Course Coordinator
Dr.Rehana Anjum
Associate Professor
Course Faculties:
Dr Md Sameer Ahmed, Associate Professor
Prof.Anjum Begum, Assistant Professor
Prof.Arshiya Anjum, Assistant Professor
Prof.Sameera Begum, Assistant Professor
Prof. G Thulsi, Assistant Professor
Prof.G Radhika, Assistant Professor
Prof.E.Pushpalata, Assistant Professor
Note: A question bank is versatile and flexible FAQs that cover the entire syllabus of a subject. It is used by students and teache rs for learning and assessment purposes
(UGC Autonomous)
Approved by AICTE/Recognized by Government of Telangana /Affiliated to Osmania University
/Accredited by NBA/Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC / Accredited by NABL
Engineering Chemistry
(Common To All Branches)
1. Represent Quinhydrone electrode and write the electrodic reaction CO1 BTL2
for reduction process.
Single Electrodepotential:
Tendency of an electrode to lose or gain electrons when it is in
contact with its own ionic solution is called as electrode potential.
The tendency of an electrode to lose electrons get oxidised, is
called Oxidation potential,where as,the tendency of an electrode
togain electrons get reduced,is calledReduction potential.
12. What is galvanic cell? Write its anodic and cathodic reactions. CO1 BTL2
A device in which chemical energy is changed to electrical energy.
14. Write half-cell and complete cell reaction for given cell notation. CO1 BTL2
Zn/Zn+ 2 // Ag+/Ag
15. Write a note on Glass electrode. CO1 BTL1
The representation of glass electrode is, Ag/AgCl/0.1N HCl/Glass
membrane. Thepotentialofthe glasselectrode is given as,𝐸𝐺=𝐸0−0.0591𝑝𝐻
18. How does Zinc protect the Iron from corrosion? CO2 BTL2
Galvanising is a method of rust prevention. The iron or steel object is coated in a thin
layer of zinc. This stops oxygen and water reaching the metal underneath – but the
zinc also acts as a sacrificial metal. Zinc is more reactive than iron, so it oxidises rather
than the iron object.
19. A sample of water gives an analysis 13.6 mg/L of CaSO4 , 7.3 mg/L CO2 BTL
of Mg(HCO3)2. Calculate the total hardness and permanent 2
24. When copper is in contact with Iron what will be corroded and why? CO3 BTL2
When copper comes in contact with iron, it makes the process of rusting faster.
This is because copper has higher reduction potential than iron, and makes the
oxidation of iron faster hence rusting
25. 50 ml of sample water consumed 20 ml of EDTA before boiling and CO2 BTL3
5 ml of the same EDTA after boiling. Calculate the total, permanent
and temporary hardness.
26 What is hardness of water? Write its unit. CO3 BTL2
Hardness of Water: Hardness of water is “the characteristic that prevents
lathering of soap”.(Or)It is defined as“ the soap consuming capacity of
Units of hardness:
Parts per million(ppm
Milligrams per litre (mg/L)
Clarke’s degree(°Cl):
Degree French(°Fr):
Relationship between various units of hardness:
1ppm=1mg/L=0.1°Fr=0.07°Cl;1mg/L= 1ppm= 0.1°Fr=0.07°Cl.
27. How can the cation and anion exchanger can be regenerated? CO3 BTL2
The higher the phosphorus content the greater the corrosion resistance, however
the compromise on increased phosphorus content is a decrease in hardness.
29. What do you mean by break point chlorination? CO2 BTL1
32. Define degree of polymerization. CO4 BTL1
Homo polymers: The polymers which are made up of identical monomer units are
called as homo polymer.
Examples: polythene, polystyrene, poly (vinyl chloride), etc.
Co-polymers: The polymers which are made up of different monomers are known
as co-polymers.
Monomers: The small individual molecules which combine with each other to form
large molecules are called monomers.
Examples: Ethylene, vinyl chloride, styrene, etc.
The polymers which can conduct electricity due to extensive conjugation are called as
conducting /conductive polymers.
Nylon 66:
Preparation: It is prepared by the condensation polymerization of adipic acid with
hexamethylene diamine.
The conducting polymers with high conjugation can be easily oxidised of reduced as they
have low ionisation potential. Their conductivities can be increased by creating positive or
negative charge on polymer backbone by oxidation or reduction.
Doping is two types: P-Doping (Oxidative doping) & N-Doping (Reductive doping)
45. Write a applications of poly lactic acid CO4 BTL
Net calorific value = Gross calorific value– Latent heat of water vapors formed
LCV or NCV= HCV– Latent heat of water vapour formed
LCV =HCV– 587cal/g (Latentheatofsteamis587cal/g.)
Moisture High moisture content in coal is undesirable because it, i) Reduces Calorific Value of
The coal with higher volatile content,
Has lower Calorific Value Will give more quantity of coal gas when it is heated in absence of
High ash content in coal is undesirable because it (a) increases transporting, handling, storage
costs, (b) is harder and stronger, (c) has lower Caloific Value.
Fixed Carbon It is the pure carbon present in coal. Higher the fixed carbon content of the coal,
higher will be its Caorific Value
53. Distinguish between Gross and Net calorific value of a fuel. CO5 BTL2
It is defined as the total amount of heat liberated; when unit mass or unit
volume of the
oomtemperature.Measuredheatincludeslatentheat ofwatervapourproduced.
Where,His thepercentageofhydrogen.
NCV = GCV – 0.09H ×587 kcal/kg
54. Give Dulong’s formula and relate HCV to LCV. CO5 BTL2
Higher calorific value or Gross calorific value:
HCV (or)𝐺𝐶𝑉 = 1 /100 (8080 𝐶 + 34500 (𝐻 – 𝑂/8 ) + 2240 𝑆) Cal/g or Kcal/kg
n-Butane = 70 %
Isobutane = 17 %
n-Propane = 11 %
Composites consist of body constituents and structural constituents. The body constituent
encloses the composite and gives it its bulk form. The continuous matrix phase is the body
constituent. The structural constituent determines the internal structure of the composite,
and is known as ‘dispersed phase’. The Matrix phase may be metal, ceramics or polymers.
The dispersed phase can be fiber, particle, flake, whisker et
63. Explain atom economy in green chemistry by taking suitable CO6 BTL2
64. Differentiate between Matrix and Reinforcement in a composite. CO6 BTL2
Matrix phase:
It is a continuous body constituent of composite, enclose the composite and gives it
bulk form. The Matrix phase maybe a metal, ceramic or polymer
Dispersed phase or Reinforcement:
It is a structural constituent of composite ,which determines the internal
structure of composite.
Dispersed phase maybe fibres, particles, flakes and whiskers
65. Define composite material. CO6 BTL1
Composite: A Composite is a material made from two or more different material
swhich have distinct physical and chemical properties those individual materials that
formation of byproducts .A catalyst also lowers active at ion energy of the energy
74. Write any four engineering applications of composite materials. CO6 BTL2
Transportation: Composites are used in the manufacturing of
automobile parts, racing vehicle components and engine parts.
Marine:They are used as propeller shafts, hulls, spars (forracingboats) etc.
Aerospace: They are used in military aircrafts ,helicopters, missiles and
rocket components etc.
Consumer product: They are used in sporting goods like tennis rackets,
and in musical instruments etc.
Composite Applications in Building & Construction
76. a) Write the cell reaction and calculate the emf of the cell at 25o C. CO1 BTL3
Construction and working of Quinhydrone electrode:
The Quinhydrone electrode is an
example of redox electrode, which is
constructed by adding a pinch of
Quinhydrone powder, which is an
equimolar mixture of quinone and
hydroquinone to a acid solution,
under test, taken in a beaker. An
inert Pt electrode is dipped into the
solution for making electrical
contact.The electrode is represented a H+; Q QH/Pt(.aq) 2
It will either act a sanode or cathode depending on the other electrode to which it is
79. Differentiate between Electrolytic cell from electrochemical cell. CO1 BTL2
80. What are reference electrodes? Describe the construction, working CO1 BTL3
and applications of calomel electrode.
Calomel electrode: It consists of mercury at the bottom over which a paste of
mercury mercurous chloride is placed. A solution of potassium chloride is then
placed over the paste. A platinum wire sealed in a glass tube helps in making the
electrical contact. The electrode is connected with the help of the side tube on the
left through a salt bridge with the other electrode to make a complete cell.
The electrode is represented as Pt, Hg/ Hg2Cl2, Cl- (aq) The potential of the
calomel electrode depends upon the concentration of the potassium chloride
81. Write the electrode representation and electrode reaction for the CO1 BTL3
reduction process of Calomel electrode
coated with
DuringDischarging DuringCharging
83. What is Lithium-ion batteries? Explain their advantages and CO1 BTL2
Construction The primary functional components of
a Li-ionbatteryare,
Cathode (+ve): Lithium metal oxide
(Li1-xCoO2)Electrolyte: A non-aqueous
medium used
ntaining complex ([LiPF6])oflithium
Anode and cathode are separated
)whichpermeableto lithiumions.
84. What is reference electrode? Give two examples and represent CO1 BTL2
them and write their electrode reaction for reduction process.
85. Write the electrode representation and electrode reaction for the CO1 BTL3
reduction process of Quinhydrone electrode
Construction and working of Quinhydrone electrode:
The Quinhydrone electrode is an example of redox electrode, which is constructed by
adding apinch of Quinhydrone powder, which is an equimolar mixture of quinine and
hydroquinone to a acid solution, undertest,taken in abeaker.An inert Pt electrode is
dipped into the solution form eletrical contact.
The electrode is represented as H+; Q; QH/Pt.
(aq) 2
86. Write the cell reaction and calculate the EMF of the cell CO1 BTL3
Cu | Cu2+ (0.1 M) || H+ (0.01 M), H2 (1 atm) | Pt
87. Determine the EMF of the following cell at 250C with the help of CO1 BTL3
Nernst equation by finding the net reaction.
Mg | Mg2+ (0.01 M) || Cu2+ | Cu
E0(Mg2+ | Mg ) = - 2.364V & E0( Cu |Cu2+) = - 0.334 V
88. Differentiate between primary, secondary and fuel cell. CO1 BTL2
89. List down the applications of calomel electrode and Nernst equation. CO1 BTL2
1. Nernstequationisusedtostudytheeffectof
2. Nernstequationcanbeusedtocalculatecell
3. Determinationofunknownconcentrationo
foneoftheionicspeciesinvolvedinaredoxre 𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙
SCE Applications
The SCE is used in pH measurement, cyclic voltammetry and generalaqueous
This electrode and the silver/silver chloride reference electrode work inthe
same way. In both electrodes, the activity of the metal ion is fixed by the
solubility of the metal salt.
The calomel electrode contains mercury, which poses much greaterhealth
hazards than the silver metal used in the Ag/AgCl electrode.
90. What is secondary battery? Explain in detail construction, working CO1 BTL3
and applications of lead-acid battery.
Secondary batteries are those batteries which can be recharged by passing electric current
through them and hence can be used over again e.g., lead storage battery.
LeadAcid Battery
coated with
Itisasecondarybattery. n.
DuringDischarging DuringCharging
91. Explain principle and method of determination of hardness of water CO2 BTL3
by EDTA method.
The ion-exchange resins are insoluble, porous; cross linked polymeric materials
(generally these areco-polymers of styrene and di-vinyl benzene). The functional
groups attached to the chains of thepolymersare responsiblefor ion-
Ionexchangeresins areoftwotypes;
1. Cationexchangeresins:
Itconsistsoffixedanions(SO–,COO-)an3 dexchangeablecations(H +ions).
2. Anionexchangeresins:
Itconsistsoffixedcations (N+R3
Regeneration of resins:
When resins get saturated they need to be regenerated. The cation exchange
resin is regenerated byusingdil. HCl, where as anion exchange resinis regenerated
by dil. NaOH.
94. What is cathodic protection? Explain sacrificial anode method of CO3 BTL3
protecting corrosion.
Cathodic protection:
The principle involved in this method is to force the metal to be protected (Parent
metal) to behave like cathode. Therefore, corrosion of the parent metal is
prevented. There are two types of cathodic protections, (a) Sacrificial anodic
protection (b) Impressed current cathodic protection.
95. What is hardness of water? Describe the complexometric method CO2 BTL3
using EDTA for the determination of hardness of water.
Hardness of Water: Hardness of water is “the characteristic that prevents
lathering of soap”. (Or) Itisdefined as “the soap consuming capacity of water”.
Cause of Hardness: Hardness of water is caused by the presence of certain soluble salts of
Ca, Mg,and salts of
some other heavy metals
I. Principle: Hardness of water is estimated by a complexometric titration
which involves EDTA (Ethelene Diamine Acetic Acid) as a complexing
agent. EDTA forms 1:1 stable, colourless complexes with Ca +2/Mg+2 ions
at pH = 9 -10.
During titration, EDTA first combines with freely available Ca +2/ Mg +2 ions of sample water
to form stable and colourless [Ca-EDTA]/[Mg-EDTA] complex and when all freely available Ca
/ Mg +2 ions are complexed with EDTA; further added EDTA displaces EBT from [Ca- EBT/Mg-
EBT] complex. Thus, at the end point the colour of the solution changes from winered to
96. What is corrosion of metals? Describe the mechanism of CO3 BTL3
electrochemical corrosion by
a) Hydrogen evolution and
b) Oxygen absorption
Corrosion of Metals:
Corrosion is a process of gradual deterioration or destruction of metals or
alloys from its surfacedueto unwanted chemical or electrochemical interaction
of metal with its environment.
1. Formation of a layer of reddish brown scale of hydrated ferric oxide
on the surface of iron.Formation of a green film of basic carbonate [CuCO3+Cu
(OH)2] on the surface of Copper
97. What is the principle involved in Cathodic protection? Discuss the CO3 BTL3
two types of cathodic protection.
Cathodic protection:
The principle involved in this method is to force the metal to be protected (Parent
metal) to behave like cathode. Therefore, corrosion of the parent metal is
prevented. There are two types of cathodic protections, (a) Sacrificial anodic
protection (b) Impressed current cathodic protection.
sacrificial anode method
In this method, the metallic structure to be protected is electrically connected to a
more active or anodic metal thanthe metallic structure to be protected. The more
active metal acts as anode and gets corroded slowly; while the parent structure
(metallic structure to be protected) is forced to act as cathode of galvanic cell, hence
protected. Asthis more active metal is sacrificed its life in the process of saving
metallic structure from corrosion, it is known assacrificial anode and, therefore,
thismethod is called as sacrificial anodic protection
The metals which are commonly used as insoluble anodes are Graphite, Scrap
iron, etc.This type of cathodic protection is applied to buried structures such as
tanks and pipelines, since, their operating and maintenance costs are less, and
they are well suited for large structures and long term operations.
98. a) What are the disadvantages of hard water? Explain the methods of CO2 BTL3
removal of hardness of water by Ion – Exchange method.
b) 50 ml of sample water consumed 20 ml of EDTA before boiling
and 5 ml of the same EDTA after boiling. Calculate the total, CO2
permanent and temporary hardness.
The following are the disadvantages when hard water is used for various purpose:
(a) Washing and Bathing : Hard water does not form lather easily with soap is wasted
(b) Drinking : Hard water causes bad effects on our digestive system.
Sometimes, stone formation takes place in kidneys
(c) Cooking : The boiling point of water is increased due to the presence of salts.
Hence, more fuel and timeare required for cooking.
(c) Textile Industry : Hard water causes wastage of soap. Precipitates of
calcium and magnesiumsoap adhere to the fabrics and cause problem
(d) Paper Industry : Calcium and Magnesium salts in water may effect the quality
of paper.
(e) Sugar Industry : Water containing sulphates, carbonates, nitrates
(f) affects the crystallisation of sugar.
Softening of water by ionexchange method: This method is also known as de-
mineralization process.
The ion-exchange resins are insoluble, porous; cross linked polymeric materials
(generally these areco-polymers of styrene and di-vinyl benzene). The functional
groups attached to the chains of thepolymersare responsiblefor ion-
Ionexchangeresins areoftwotypes;
3. Cationexchangeresins:
Itconsistsoffixedanions(SO–,COO-)an3 dexchangeablecations(H +ions).
4. Anionexchangeresins:
Itconsistsoffixedcations (N+R3
Regeneration of resins:
When resins get saturated they need to be regenerated. The cation exchange
resin is regenerated byusingdil. HCl, whereasanionexchange resinis
regeneratedbydil. NaOH.
Nature of metal
Position of the metal in Galvanic Series:
Galvanic series gives real and useful information regarding the corrosion
behaviour of metalsand alloys in a given environment.
When two metals are electrically combined and exposed to corrosive environment
the metal with lower potential acts as anode and undergoes corrosion where as the
metal with higher potential acts as cathode.
b) Purity of metal: In general higher the purity of the metal, lesser the rate of
corrosion. Thus zinc of 99.95 % purity undergoes corrosion at rate of about 5000
times more compared to zinc of 99.999% purity
c) humidity in air: Higher the humidity (moisture content) higher will
be the rate of corrosion. Moisture acts assolvent for O2, H2S, SO2 etc to
furnish the electrolyte essential for setting corrosion cell.
Gases like H2S and SO2 increase the acidity of the medium by their
dissolution in water.
Therefore, the rate of corrosion increases as humidity increases
105. What is chlorination? Explain in detail break point chlorination. CO3 BTL2
Monomers: The small individual molecules which combine with each other to
form largemolecules are called monomers.
Examples: Ethylene, vinyl chloride, styrene, etc.
(Poly = many; Mers = Part):
Polymers are high molecular weight giant molecules formed by linking
together of smallmolecules, monomers, by means of covalent bond/chemical
Examples: poly ethylene, poly (vinyl chloride), Bakelite, etc.
107. Give the preparation, properties and Engineering applications of CO4 BTL3
Nylon 6:6
Nylon 66:
Preparation: It is prepared by the condensation polymerization of adipic acid
with hexamethylene diamine.
They are translucent, whitish, horny, high melting (160 - 2640C) polymers.
They are resistance to high temperature and abrasion.
They are insoluble in benzene and acetone and soluble in phenol, formic
acid etc.
They have good strength and absorb little moisture.
Uses of Nylons:
Nylon 6:6 is used for making socks, dresses, carpets etc.
It is also used in making gears, bearings, bushes etc.
It is used for jacketing electrical ware and protects the electrical
108. Define and write one example for each: CO4 BTL2
a) Polymer
b) Degree of polymerization.
c) Co – Polymer
1. Co-polymerization:
Co-polymerization is the joint polymerization of two or more monomers.
This is mainly to vary the properties of polymers
over a wide range.Examples:
i. Buna-S (SBR)
109. Write the preparation and properties and applications of CO4 BTL3
It is the condensation polymer of phenol and formaldehyde. It is also known as
phenoplast andPF resin.
Preparation: Bakelite preparation involves the following steps:
Step (i):
Phenol and formaldehyde react to form methylol derivatives which act as monomers for
subsequent polymerization
Bakelite is hard, infusible and insoluble strong material.
They have excellent heat, chemical resistance, but are affected by strong
caustic alkalis.
They have good electrical insulation characteristics.
They have good abrasion resistance
For making electrical insulating parts like switches, plug etc.
For making telephone parts, cabinets for radio & television.
In paints and varnishes.
As ion exchange resin in softening of water by ion-exchange method
110. Write the preparation and properties and applications of CO4 BTL3
1) BUNA – S.
2) Kevlar
SBR is a copolymer which is prepared by the co-polymerization of 1, 3-butadiene (75%)
andstyrene (25%)
Properties: Buna-S has the following properties,
High abrasion resistance and load bearing capacity.
Good Resilience.
It swells in oils and solvents.
It gets readily oxidized due to the presence of unsaturation.
Uses: SBR is used for making,
1. Rigid PVC is a colourless, odourless and non-inflammable.
2. It has excellent oil resistance and resistance to weathering.
3. Due to the presence of ‘Cl’ atoms, hardness and stiffness of the polymer
4. It has high chemical resistance , but soluble in ethyl chloride .
Uses of Rigid PVC: It is used for making
1. Leather cloth used for car seat, covers etc
2. Kitchen upholstery, ladies hand bags, plastic rain coats
Baby pants, swim suits etc
Nylon 66:
Preparation: It is prepared by the condensation polymerization of adipic acid with
hexamethylene diamine.
They are translucent, whitish, horny, high melting (160 - 2640C) polymers.
They are resistance to high temperature and abrasion.
They are insoluble in benzene and acetone and soluble in phenol, formic
acid etc.
They have good strength and absorb little moisture.
Uses of Nylons:
Nylon 6:6 is used for making socks, dresses, carpets etc.
It is also used in making gears, bearings, bushes etc.
It is used for jacketing electrical ware and protects the electrical insulation
113. What is polymerization? Explain types of polymerization with BTL-
examples? 2
Types of polymerization:
1. Addition polymerization/Chain growth polymerization:
Addition polymerization is a reaction that yields a polymer which is an exact multiple
of monomers, without the elimination of by-products.
Monomers having double bonds such as alkenes, alkynes, undergo addition
It is induced by heat or light or catalyst.
Example : polyethylene
114. Define biodegradable polymer. Give preparation, properties and CO4 BTL3
applications of poly lactic acid.
Biodegradable polymers are defined as “the polymeric materials that undergo
degradation by environmental factors like sunlight, temperature changes or by the
action of micro organisms like algae, fungi and bacteria” Example: Polylactic acid.
Poly (lactic acid) can be processed by extrusion, injection moulding, film & sheet
casting, and spinning, providing access to a wide range of materials.
Being able to degrade into innocuous lactic acid, PLA is used as medical implants in
the form of anchors, screws, plates, pins, rods, and as a mesh.
Depending on the exact type used, it breaks down inside the body within 6 months to
2 years. In the form of fibres and non-woven textiles, PLA also has many potential
uses, for example as upholstery, disposable garments, awnings, feminine hygiene
products, and diapers
115. Explain the mechanism of conduction in polyacetylene and write the CO4 BTL3
applications of conducting polymers.
P-Doping of polyacetylene:
In p-doping, conducting polymer having conjugation is partially oxidised using a suitable
oxidising agent which leads to the formation of delocalised radical ion called, Polaron. A
second oxidation of this Polaron, followed by radical recombination yields two positive
charge carriers on each chain which are mobile. Thus, these delocalised positive charges are
current carriers for conduction
It is done by reduction process. Conducting polymer is treated with Lewis bases or reducing
1. Rigid PVC is a colourless, odourless and non-inflammable.
2. It has excellent oil resistance and resistance to weathering.
3. Due to the presence of ‘Cl’ atoms, hardness and stiffness of the polymer
4. It has high chemical resistance , but soluble in ethyl chloride .
117. preparation properties and uses of PVC and Nylon 6:6. CO4 BTL2
Poly vinyl chloride (PVC) is obtained by heating a water emulsion of Vinyl
chloride in presenceof benzoyl peroxide or H2O2 in an auto clave under
5. Rigid PVC is a colourless, odourless and non-inflammable.
6. It has excellent oil resistance and resistance to weathering.
7. Due to the presence of ‘Cl’ atoms, hardness and stiffness of the polymer
8. It has high chemical resistance , but soluble in ethyl chloride .
Uses of Rigid PVC: It is used for making
Nylon 66:
Preparation: It is prepared by the condensation polymerization of adipic acid
with hexamethylene diamine.
They are translucent, whitish, horny, high melting (160 - 2640C) polymers.
They are resistance to high temperature and abrasion.
They are insoluble in benzene and acetone and soluble in phenol, formic
acid etc.
They have good strength and absorb little moisture.
Uses of Nylons:
Nylon 6:6 is used for making socks, dresses, carpets etc.
It is also used in making gears, bearings, bushes etc.
It is used for jacketing electrical ware and protects the electrical insulation
The polymers which can conduct electricity due to extensive conjugation are called as
conducting /conductive polymers.
Biodegradable polymers are defined as “the polymeric materials that undergo
degradation by environmental factors like sunlight, temperature changes or by the
action of micro organisms like algae, fungi and bacteria” Example: Polylactic acid.
the advantages of Biodegradable polymer.
119. Give preparation, properties and applications of poly lactic acid. CO4 BTL3
Polylactic acid can be processed like most thermoplastics into fibre and film.
The melting temperature of PLLA can be increased 40-50 °C and its heat deflection
temperature can be increased from approximately 60°C to up to 190 °C by physically
blending the polymer with PDLA (poly-D-lactide).
Poly (lactic acid) can be processed by extrusion, injection moulding, film & sheet
casting, and spinning, providing access to a wide range of materials.
Being able to degrade into innocuous lactic acid, PLA is used as medical implants in
the form of anchors, screws, plates, pins, rods, and as a mesh.
Depending on the exact type used, it breaks down inside the body within 6 months to
2 years. In the form of fibres and non-woven textiles, PLA also has many potential
uses, for example as upholstery, disposable garments, awnings, feminine hygiene
products, and diapers
120. Explain the mechanism of conduction in polyacetylene and write the CO4 BTL3
applications of conducting polymers.
The conducting polymers with high conjugation can be easily oxidised of reduced as they
have low ionisation potential. Their conductivities can be increased by creating positive or
negative charge on polymer backbone by oxidation or reduction. Doping is two types:
P-Doping of polyacetylene:
In p-doping, conducting polymer having conjugation is partially oxidised using a suitable
oxidising agent which leads to the formation of delocalised radical ion called, Polaron. A
second oxidation of this Polaron, followed by radical recombination yields two positive
charge carriers on each chain which are mobile. Thus, these delocalised positive charges are
current carriers for conduction
N-Doping (Reductive doping):
It is done by reduction process. Conducting polymer is treated with Lewis bases or reducing
Calorific value: It is defined as “the total quantity of heat liberated, when a unit
mass or volumeof a fuel is burnt completely” in air or oxygen.
It is obtained as one of the top fractions in the fractional distillation of petroleum. It is easily
liquified and so can be economically stored and transported in cylinders.
Composition Its approximate composition is
n-Butane = 70 %
Isobutane = 17 %
n-Propane = 11 %
Butylene and Ethane = rest.
Calorific Value Its Calorific Value is 27,000 kcals/m3 .
i. It is used as a fuel for domestic cooking.
ii. Used for heating industrial furnaces.
Used as an alternate for Gasoline in automobiles.
122. A sample of coal was found to have the following percentage CO5 BTL3
composition C = 75 %, H = 5.2%, O = 12.1%, N = 3.2 % and ash =
a) Calculate the minimum air required for complete combustion
of 1 Kg of coal.
b) Also calculate the HCV and LCV of coal sample.
(Gross C.V in K. Cal / Kg, C = 8080, H = 34500, S = 2240)
123 Calculate the lower calorific value of fuel if the percentage of
hydrogen in the fuel is 12 and HCV is – 1499 KJ,
124. Calculate the Gross and Net calorific values of a coal having CO5 BTL3
the following compositions, C = 63 %, H = 19 %, O = 03 %,
2 2
S = 13 % and ash=2. Latent heat of steam is = 587 cal/gm.
125. What is analysis of coal? Explain proximate analysis of coal and CO5 BTL4
write its significance and importance.
Analysis of coal:
The composition of coal varies widely and hence it is necessary to analyse the coal
samples so that it helps to know the quality of coal.
It means finding out weight percentage of moisture, volatile matter, fixed carbon and ash in
Significance (or) Importance of Proximate Analysis :
Moisture High moisture content in coal is undesirable because it, i) Reduces Calorific Value of
The coal with higher volatile content,
Has lower Calorific Value Will give more quantity of coal gas when it is heated in absence of
High ash content in coal is undesirable because it (a) increases transporting, handling, storage
costs, (b) is harder and stronger, (c) has lower Caloific Value.
Fixed Carbon It is the pure carbon present in coal. Higher the fixed carbon content of the coal,
higher will be its Caorific Value
126. Explain in detail ultimate analysis of coal and write its significance. CO5 BTL4
Ultimate analysis is also known as elemental analysis that involves determination of chemical
constituents such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur and oxygen, ash , etc. present in the
3. Determination of Sulphur:
Sulphur is determined from the washings obtained from the known mass of coal
burnt in bomb
calorimeter for determination of a calorific value. During this determination, S is
converted into Sulphate. The washings are treated with Barium chloride solution
to convert sulphate into Barium-sulphate which is precipitate. Precipitate is
filtered, washed and heated to constant weight
Determination of Oxygen:
It is determined indirectly by subtracting the sum of percentages of carbon,
hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur and ash from 100 %
% Oxygen = 100 % – % of (C + H + S + N )
127. Describe fractional distillation of petroleum and discuss the uses of CO5 BTL3
petroleum fractions.
i) Removal of Impurities
The impurities present in the oil are the fine water droplets, NaCl, MgCl 2 ,
Sulphur etc. The crude oil is an extremely stable emulsion of oil and salt water.
ii) Fractional Distillation
The purified crude oil is heated in a furnace called oil heater where the
temperature will be around 400 C. Here the oil gets vapourised. The hot vapours
are then sent to the fractionating column It is a tall cylindrical tower consisting of
a number of horizontal stainless steel tray at short distances. Each tray is
provided with a small chimney, which is covered with a loose cap. The tower will
be hot at the lower end and comparatively cooler at the upper end. When the oil
vapours go up in the tower, they become cool and condense. The heavier
compounds having higher boiling points get cooled first and condensed in the
trays whereas the fractions having lower boiling points condense near the top of
the tower.
127. b) Calculate the amount of air required for complete combustion of CO5 BTL3
0.5 Kg of coal.
128. A sample of coal was found to contain the following composition. C CO5 BTL3
= 80 %, H = 5 %, S = 3.2 %, N = 2 % O = 1 % and ash = 12 %,
Calculate minimum amount of air required for complete combustion
of 1 kg coal sample.
129. Define fuel. Explain the classification and characteristics of a good CO5 BTL2
A chemical fuel is defined as any combustible substance used to produce heat
A chemical process which is accompanied by evolution of heat, when a
chemical fuel issubjected to burning in the presence of air or oxygen, is called as
Classification of fuels:
Characteristics of good fuel:
A good fuel should satisfy the following requirements:
1. It should have a high calorific value.
2. An ideal fuel should have moderate ignition temperature.
3. Its moisture content should be low.
4. Low volatile matter content.
5. It should not produce harmful products like CO2, SO2, H2S and other
poisonous gaseson combustion since they pollute the atmosphere.
6. A fuel should have low content of non-combustible matter.
7. It should be economical and easily available.
In case of solid fuel, the size should be uniform
130. An oil analysis gives the following results, C = 85 %, H =12% and O CO5 BTL3
= 3%. Find the weight of minimum air required for burning of 1Kg
of fuel.
131. Calculate the Gross and Net calorific values of a coal having CO5 BTL3
the following compositions, C = 80 %, H =08 %, O = 08 %, S
2 2
= 2 % and ash=2. Latent heat of steam is = 587 cal/gm.
132. a) Define fuel. Describe the requirement of good fuel. CO5 BTL4
b) Calculate the amount of air required for complete combustion of
0.5 Kg of coal.
A chemical fuel is defined as any combustible substance used to produce heat
A chemical process which is accompanied by evolution of heat, when a
chemical fuel issubjected to burning in the presence of air or oxygen, is called as
Characteristics of good fuel:
A good fuel should satisfy the following requirements:
1. It should have a high calorific value.
2. An ideal fuel should have moderate ignition temperature.
3. Its moisture content should be low.
4. Low volatile matter content.
5. It should not produce harmful products like CO2, SO2, H2S and other
poisonous gaseson combustion since they pollute the atmosphere.
6. A fuel should have low content of non-combustible matter.
7. It should be economical and easily available.
133. A sample of coal contains the following by weight C = 81%, H = CO5 BTL4
4%, O = 2%, N= 10%, S= 1% and remainder ash.Calculate the
volume of air required for the perfect combustion of 1 Kg of fuel
assuming STP condition
134. b) An oil on analysis gave the following results. CO5 BTL4
C = 85 %, H = 12 %, O = 3 %. Find the minimum air required for
burning of 1 Kg of fuel.
135. The percentage composition of a sample of coal by weight was CO5 BTL3
found to be C = 76%, H = 5.2% O = 12.8%, N = 2.7%, S = 1.2% and
the remainder is ash. Calculate the minimum weight and volume
required for complete combustion of 1 Kg of coal.
136. What are composites? Explain the properties of composites. CO6 BTL2
Composite: A Composite is a material made from two or more different materials
which have distinctphysical and chemical properties those individual materials that
The two essential constituents of composites are, 1.Matrix phase 2.Dispersed phase
3. Matrix phase:
It is a continuous body constituent of composite, enclose the composite
and gives itbulkform. The Matrix phase may be a metal, ceramic or
Properties :
a)It binds the fibers b) It acts as medium by transmitting & distributing
the externally applied load to the dispersed phase. c) It protects the
individual fibers from chemical reaction and mechanical abrasion. d) It
keeps the reinforcing fibers in the proper position &orientation. e) It
prevents the propagation of brittle crack
4. Dispersed phase or Reinforcement:
It is a structural constituent of composite, which determines the
internal structure ofcomposite.
Dispersed phase may be fibres, particles, flakes and whiskers.
Applications of composites:
Transportation: Composites are used in the manufacturing of automobile
parts,racingvehicle components and engine parts.
Marine: They are used as propeller shafts, hulls, spars (for racing boats) etc.
Aerospace: They are used in military aircrafts, helicopters, missiles and
Consumer product: They are used in sporting goods like tennis rackets, and
in musicalinstruments etc.
Composite Applications in Building & Construction
Principles of Green Chemistry :
The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry are:
1) Prevention : It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste after it is formed.
2) Atom Economy : Synthetic methods should be designed to maximize the
incorporationof all materials used inthe process into the final product.
3) Less Hazardous chemical synthesis : Wherever practicable, synthetic methods should
be designed to use andgenerate substances that possess little or no toxicity to human health
and the environment.
4) Design Safer Chemicals : Chemical products should be designed to preserve efficacy of
function while reducingtoxicity. Reducing
5) Safer solvents and Auxiliaries : The use of auxiliaries substances (eg: solvents, separation
agents etc) should bemade unnecessary wherever possible and innocuous when used.
6) Design for energy efficiency : Energy requirements should be recognized for their
environmental and economicimpacts and should be minimized. Synthetic methods should be
conducted at ambient temperature and pressure.
7) Use of Renewable Feed stocks : A raw material feed stock should be renewable rather
than depleting whenevertechnically and economically practicable.
8) Reduce Derivatives : Unnecessary derivatization (use of blocking groups,
protection/deprotection, temporarymodification of physical/chemical process) should be
avoided whenever possible.
9) Catalysis : Catalytic reagents (as selective as possible) are superior to stoichiometric
10) Design for Degradation : Chemical products should be designed so that at the end of
their function they do notpersist in the environment and break down in to innocuous
degradation products.
11) Real-time analysis for pollution prevention : Analytical methodologies need to be
further developed to allowfor real-time, in-process monitoring and control prior to the
formation of hazardous substance.
12) Inherently safer chemistry for Accident Prevention : Substances and the form of a
substance used in a
chemical process should be chosen to minimize the potential for chemical accidents, including
releases,explosions and fires.
138. a) Discuss the importance of trans esterification of biodiesel and CO6 BTL2
explain its significance.
b) Explain any six principles of Green Chemistry.
Bio diesel is produced from the seeds of Jetropa and Rape seed vegetable oils and
these are not used directly as diesel fuel due to their high viscosities & high flash
point. Therefore Trans – esterification ofVegetable oils is done to reduce the
139. What are composite materials? Give their classification with CO6 BTL2
Composite: A Composite is a material made from two or more different
materials whichhavedistinct physical and chemical properties those individual
materials that combined
The two essential constituents of composites are, 1.Matrix phase 2.Dispersed phase
1. Matrix phase:
It is a continuous body constituent of composite, enclose the composite
and gives itbulkform. The Matrix phase may be a metal, ceramic or
Properties :
a) It binds the fibers b) It acts as medium by transmitting & distributing
the externally applied load to the dispersed phase. c) It protects the
individual fibers from chemical reaction and mechanical abrasion. d) It
keeps the reinforcing fibers in the proper position &orientation. e) It
prevents the propagation of brittle crack
2. Dispersed phase or Reinforcement:
It is a structural constituent of composite, which determines the
internal structure ofcomposite.
Dispersed phase may be fibres, particles, flakes and whiskers.
The properties composites depend on relative amounts (i.e. Concentration),
distribution andorientation of the constituent materials and geometry of the
dispersed phase namely theshape, size.
140. Give principle of green chemistry and explain atom economy and CO6 BTL2
catalysis with examples.
Prevention : It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste after it is formed.
1. Atom Economy : Synthetic methods should be designed to maximize the incorporation
of all materials used inthe process into the final product.
2. Less Hazardous chemical synthesis : Wherever practicable, synthetic methods should
be designed to use andgenerate substances that possess little or no toxicity to human health
and the environment.
3. Design Safer Chemicals : Chemical products should be designed to preserve efficacy of
function while reducingtoxicity. Reducing
4. Safer solvents and Auxiliaries : The use of auxiliaries substances (eg: solvents, separation
agents etc) should bemade unnecessary wherever possible and innocuous when used.
5. Design for energy efficiency : Energy requirements should be recognized for their
environmental and economicimpacts and should be minimized. Synthetic methods should be
conducted at ambient temperature and pressure.
6. Use of Renewable Feed stocks : A raw material feed stock should be renewable rather
than depleting whenevertechnically and economically practicable.
7. Reduce Derivatives : Unnecessary derivatization (use of blocking groups,
protection/deprotection, temporarymodification of physical/chemical process) should be
avoided whenever possible.
8. Catalysis : Catalytic reagents (as selective as possible) are superior to stoichiometric
9. Design for Degradation : Chemical products should be designed so that at the end of
their function they do notpersist in the environment and break down in to innocuous
degradation products.
10. Real-time analysis for pollution prevention : Analytical methodologies need to be
further developed to allowfor real-time, in-process monitoring and control prior to the
formation of hazardous substance.
11. Inherently safer chemistry for Accident Prevention : Substances and the form of
a substance used in achemical process should be chosen to minimize the potential for
chemical accidents, including releases, explosions and fires.
Catalysis : Catalytic reagents (as selective as possible) are superior to stoichiometric reagents
141. Explain properties of matrix and reinforcement phases of composite CO6 BTL2
materials with examples.
Composite: A Composite is a material made from two or more different
materials whichhavedistinct physical and chemical properties those individual
materials that combined
The two essential constituents of composites are, 1.Matrix phase 2.Dispersed phase
1. Matrix phase:
It is a continuous body constituent of composite, enclose the composite
and gives itbulkform. The Matrix phase may be a metal, ceramic or
Properties :
a) It binds the fibers b) It acts as medium by transmitting & distributing
the externally applied load to the dispersed phase. c) It protects the
individual fibers from chemical reaction and mechanical abrasion. d) It
keeps the reinforcing fibers in the proper position &orientation. e) It
prevents the propagation of brittle crack
2. Dispersed phase or Reinforcement:
It is a structural constituent of composite, which determines the
internal structure ofcomposite.
Dispersed phase may be fibres, particles, flakes and whiskers.
The properties composites depend on relative amounts (i.e. Concentration),
distribution andorientation of the constituent materials and geometry of the
dispersed phase namely theshape, size.
142. Explain the classification of composites based on matrix and CO6 BTL2
Composite: A Composite is a material made from two or more different materials
whichhavedistinct physical and chemical properties those individual materials that
The two essential constituents of composites are, 1.Matrix phase 2.Dispersed phase
1. Matrix phase:
It is a continuous body constituent of composite, enclose the composite
and gives itbulkform. The Matrix phase may be a metal, ceramic or
Properties :
a) It binds the fibers b) It acts as medium by transmitting & distributing
the externally applied load to the dispersed phase. c) It protects the
individual fibers from chemical reaction and mechanical abrasion. d) It
keeps the reinforcing fibers in the proper position &orientation. e) It
prevents the propagation of brittle crack
2. Dispersed phase or Reinforcement:
It is a structural constituent of composite, which determines the
internal structure ofcomposite.
Dispersed phase may be fibres, particles, flakes and whiskers.
The properties composites depend on relative amounts (i.e. Concentration),
distribution andorientation of the constituent materials and geometry of the
dispersed phase namely theshape, size.
Classification of composites:
143. Explain the principle of green chemistry with examples. CO6 BTL2
Principles of Green Chemistry :
The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry are:
1) Prevention : It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste after it is formed.
2) Atom Economy : Synthetic methods should be designed to maximize the
incorporationof all materials used inthe process into the final product.
3) Less Hazardous chemical synthesis : Wherever practicable, synthetic methods should
be designed to use andgenerate substances that possess little or no toxicity to human health
and the environment.
4) Design Safer Chemicals : Chemical products should be designed to preserve efficacy of
function while reducingtoxicity. Reducing
5) Safer solvents and Auxiliaries : The use of auxiliaries substances (eg: solvents, separation
agents etc) should bemade unnecessary wherever possible and innocuous when used.
6) Design for energy efficiency : Energy requirements should be recognized for their
environmental and economicimpacts and should be minimized. Synthetic methods should be
conducted at ambient temperature and pressure.
7) Use of Renewable Feed stocks : A raw material feed stock should be renewable rather
than depleting whenevertechnically and economically practicable.
8) Reduce Derivatives : Unnecessary derivatization (use of blocking groups,
protection/deprotection, temporarymodification of physical/chemical process) should be
avoided whenever possible.
9) Catalysis : Catalytic reagents (as selective as possible) are superior to stoichiometric
10) Design for Degradation : Chemical products should be designed so that at the end of
their function they do notpersist in the environment and break down in to innocuous
degradation products.
11) Real-time analysis for pollution prevention : Analytical methodologies need to be
further developed to allowfor real-time, in-process monitoring and control prior to the
formation of hazardous substance.
12) Inherently safer chemistry for Accident Prevention : Substances and the form of a
substance used in a
chemical process should be chosen to minimize the potential for chemical accidents, including
releases,explosions and fires.
Carbon neutral
Catalysis : Catalytic reagents (as selective as possible) are superior to stoichiometric reagents
146. a) Discuss concept and principles of green chemistry. Give one CO6 BTL2
example for clean technology.
b) Explain the classification and general applications of Composites.
Prevention : It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste after it is formed.
1. Atom Economy : Synthetic methods should be designed to maximize the
incorporation of all materials used inthe process into the final product.
2. Less Hazardous chemical synthesis : Wherever practicable, synthetic methods
should be designed to use andgenerate substances that possess little or no toxicity
to human health and the environment.
3. Design Safer Chemicals : Chemical products should be designed to preserve
efficacy of function while reducingtoxicity. Reducing
4. Safer solvents and Auxiliaries : The use of auxiliaries substances (eg:
solvents, separation agents etc) should bemade unnecessary wherever possible and
innocuous when used.
5. Design for energy efficiency : Energy requirements should be recognized for
their environmental and economicimpacts and should be minimized. Synthetic
methods should be conducted at ambient temperature and pressure.
6. Use of Renewable Feed stocks : A raw material feed stock should be
renewable rather than depleting whenevertechnically and economically practicable.
7. Reduce Derivatives : Unnecessary derivatization (use of blocking groups,
protection/deprotection, temporarymodification of physical/chemical process)
should be avoided whenever possible.
8. Catalysis : Catalytic reagents (as selective as possible) are superior to stoichiometric
9. Design for Degradation : Chemical products should be designed so that at
the end of their function they do notpersist in the environment and break down in to
innocuous degradation products.
10. Real-time analysis for pollution prevention : Analytical methodologies
need to be further developed to allowfor real-time, in-process monitoring and control
prior to the formation of hazardous substance.
11. Inherently safer chemistry for Accident Prevention : Substances
and the form of a substance used in achemical process should be chosen to
minimize the potential for chemical accidents, including releases, explosions
and fires.
Catalysis : Catalytic reagents (as selective as possible) are superior to stoichiometric reagents
Applications of composites:
1. Transportation: Composites are used in the manufacturing of
automobile parts,racingvehicle components and engine parts.
2. Marine: They are used as propeller shafts, hulls, spars (for racing boats) etc.
3. Aerospace: They are used in military aircrafts, helicopters, missiles
and rocketcomponentsetc.
4. Consumer product: They are used in sporting goods like tennis
rackets, and in musicalinstruments etc.
Composite Applications in Building & Construction
147. What are composites? Describe the classification of composites CO6 BTL2
Refer 142 answer
148. What are composite materials? Give their classification with CO6 BTL2
Refer 142 answer
149. Explain green catalyst and atom economy with suitable examples. CO6 BTL2
Refer 146 answer
150 Explain twelve principles of green chemistry CO6 BTL2
Principles of Green Chemistry :
The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry are:
13) Prevention : It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste after it is
14) Atom Economy : Synthetic methods should be designed to maximize the
incorporation of all materials used inthe process into the final product.
15) Less Hazardous chemical synthesis : Wherever practicable, synthetic methods
should be designed to use andgenerate substances that possess little or no toxicity to human
health and the environment.
16) Design Safer Chemicals : Chemical products should be designed to preserve efficacy
of function while reducingtoxicity. Reducing
17) Safer solvents and Auxiliaries : The use of auxiliaries substances (eg: solvents,
separation agents etc) should bemade unnecessary wherever possible and innocuous when
18) Design for energy efficiency : Energy requirements should be recognized for their
environmental and economicimpacts and should be minimized. Synthetic methods should be
conducted at ambient temperature and pressure.
19) Use of Renewable Feed stocks : A raw material feed stock should be renewable
rather than depleting whenevertechnically and economically practicable.
20) Reduce Derivatives : Unnecessary derivatization (use of blocking groups,
protection/deprotection, temporarymodification of physical/chemical process) should be
avoided whenever possible.
21) Catalysis : Catalytic reagents (as selective as possible) are superior to stoichiometric
22) Design for Degradation : Chemical products should be designed so that at the end of
their function they do notpersist in the environment and break down in to innocuous
degradation products.
23) Real-time analysis for pollution prevention : Analytical methodologies need to be
further developed to allowfor real-time, in-process monitoring and control prior to the
formation of hazardous substance.
24) Inherently safer chemistry for Accident Prevention : Substances and the form of a
substance used in a
chemical process should be chosen to minimize the potential for chemical accidents, including
releases,explosions and fires.