TBM Ministry
TBM Ministry
TBM Ministry
TBM has served over 25 years through seasons and has grown into a big family, acquired
partners and has as well raised many ministers for Christ serving in this generation.
TBM has got pillars on which the ministry leans, that is to say; Evangelism, Studying and
teaching the Word of God, Prayer and Love.
The Vision of TBM is majorly centred on the first pillar, that is to say; EVANGELISM and this
should never be forgotten. TBM without Evangelism is TBM leaving its vision behind. The
Vision may grow but cannot be done away with and this (Evangelism) is what makes TBM a
mission team. The gospel must be preached until the end of the age.
STUDYING AND TEACHING THE WORD OF GOD is a must to every believer and that is
why in TBM this is a priority. Jesus told the Sadducees in the book of Matthew 22:29
Any man that claims to be servant of God yet has not the truth of the word of God has
completely nothing good to offer because a blind man cannot lead blind men. The Word of God
is the eye opener thus every belief or revelation must be backed up by the word to be considered
If anyone is truly a servant or believer in the Lord, the Word of God is a must (Joshua 1:8). That
is why in TBM Studying the bible is a life style and continuously encouraged in the life every
member and all efforts must be made to ensure that the word of God is studied and taught.
PRAYER is another area of high priority in TBM. All believers must pray. Prayerlessness is
isolation from God and also deprives you from the Lord’s help (James 4:2). Prayer therefore
must be taught and be encouraged as a life style for every member in TBM.
Lastly, a family is bounded by LOVE. The bible instructs us to continue in Brotherly Love and
do all ministry in Love. Love is a command and a need for every living soul, therefore Love
should be at the fore front of anything done in ministry (1 Corinthians 13:13).
“In TBM we major in the majors and minor in the minors” therefore none of these pillars shall be
TBM holds its missions (evangelism outreaches) at the end of every semester, during the
Easter holiday (from Holy Thursday to Easter Monday) and independence holiday.
The end of semester missions have recently been held immediately after the exams to enable
easy participation of students and take a period of one to two weeks, however it still depends on
what is discussed and agreed upon by the committee as per where to adjust.
When organising missions earlier preparation is key, that is to say all preparations like
negotiations with host, budget making and submission to the patron for approval, identification
of possible sources of income to finance the budget, mobilising for and receiving any
contributions from students and alumni (money, clothing any anything that can be given to the
needy) and advertisement should be in space of at least two months to the date of departure
to allow for effective coordination and mobilisation of resources for the mission.
Other Fellowships, alumni, alumnus churches and partners maybe invited to take part in the
missions however notices should be given early (at least two months ahead) together with
continuous reminders for better preparations both for TBM members and others invited, even the
host where the mission is to take place.
A spiritual mapping exercise (survey) should also be made, a month ahead to the date of
departure and it should provide answers to the questions bellow;
1. Where is the mission going to take place? (Country, district, county, sub county, and
2. How ready is the host to receive the mission team? Are the community authorities (like
the police or LC1 chairpersons) aware of any activity going to take place in their
3. How ready are the church members to participate in the mission activities?
4. How can the new Christian converts be spiritually or even physically supported? Includes
discipleship, baptism etc.
5. Where are the missioners going to stay?
6. What will the missioners eat while at the mission ground?
7. What are the expectations of the host from the mission team?
8. What cultures should the missioners be aware of about the community to ensure respect?
(Especially dressing)
9. What is the nature of the community and how best can the mission team fit the mission
activities to suite the nature of the community? Includes what language should be used,
what is the best time to hold the activities for example the best time for crusade, and what
activities are advised by the host.
10. Any important information to know about the place whether spiritual, cultural, historical,
social, physical etc.
When making the survey (spiritual mapping), the number of missioners should be agreed upon,
the proposed program for the mission should be presented to the host for advice, the contribution
of the host and the fellowship should be clearly stated and agreed upon and it’s also very
important to take note of the spiritual condition of the place where the mission is to take place
(prayer is key). The committee should identify a suitable person to make the survey (spiritual
mapping) one month or earlier to the date of departure.
Church participation should as well be emphasised however the mission team should be fully in
control of all the programs and those that are to participate in the programs for the safety of the
Welfare department
Improving the interaction with in the fellowship members through organising and arranging for
parties or any other engagements (e.g. tea parties, welcome parties, grandaunts’ parties, gift
sharing, birthday celebrations, visiting the sick, paying visits to fellowship members, assisting
those in need etc.) as it may be agreed upon by the committee. Following up and ensuring the
wellbeing of missioners on the mission ground, that is to say; what will they eat?, where and how
are they sleeping and what should be done? etc.
Coordination department
Mobilising all fellowship members for all fellowship programs.
Organising evangelism sessions and outreaches for the fellowship. These could be in side
campus evangelism, street preaching, outreaches in hospitals, church ministry, crusade ministry
and any other as agreed upon by the committee.
Organising discipleship sessions for the newly converted Christians to enrich them with the truth
of the word of God.
The coordination department is also in charge following up the mission preparations and
programs, making sure they are ready and that all members fully adhere to them.
Strengthening the bond between TBM and other fellowships, alumnus churches and pastors, and
other independent partners through inviting them to minister with or to us, join us for prayer
meetings, to attend TBM fellowships or any special events including ceremonial events and
NOTE: The coordination department must always have a program ready to be followed for
Evangelism inside or outside campus and it must be consistent (daily or weekly i.e. given
days in all weeks throughout the regime) as agreed by the committee.
A program should also be made with days dedicated to visit other partner fellowships,
alumnus churches and other alumni
Projects department
Initiating and managing or following up and business (to finance any fellowship events),
awareness projects (like making posters, T. Shirts etc.) and any other projects suggested by the
committee to enhance the running of fellowship activities for example the buying of machines
NOTE: The projects department should have a ready plan for a project or more to finance
every event or evangelism mission for every semester.
Music department
Building and maintaining an independent and readily available choir for the fellowship services,
various occasions, events and evangelism missions. This can be achieved through maintaining
the choir practice day and following all members willing to join the choir.
Treasury department
The treasury department is charge of all the fellowship accounts and is also in charge of
collecting all offertory in any fellowship services and also keeping them.
Only the treasurer is entitled to keeping fellowship money and should only release it with the
permission of the chairperson or an acting chairperson.
The treasurer is supposed to record any details of any money spent in the treasury, give a weekly
accountability of any cash inflows and outflows to the committee during committee meetings
and make semester reports to account for the utilisation of funds. This helps to guide the
committee on which areas to priotise when funding.
Prayer department
Intercession the engine of any institution or body and therefore the prayer secretary is tasked to
keep intersection consistent.
The prayer secretary must have an intersection group and as well involve fellow leaders in every
intercession program.
The prayer secretary is also in charge of coordinating all prayer meetings and altars for the