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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Chief Administrative Officer / CON acting for and on behalf of The President of India invites E-Tenders against Tender No 31-CAO-C-SC-2024
Closing Date/Time 07/11/2024 15:00 Hrs. Bidders will be able to submit their original/revised bids upto closing date and time only. Manual offers
are not allowed against this tender, and any such manual offer received shall be ignored.


Doubling of track between Guntur - Bibinagar section - (i) Execution of Earth work (ii) Extension of
minor Bridges & RUBs (iii)Construction of platforms, service buildings, Foot over Bridge, Cover over
platforms (v) Construction of MSE walls (iv) Collection of Ballast & dumping (v) Supply of P.Way
Name of Work
materials , Transportation of P.way materials, laying & linking of track , Assembling & insertion of
Points & Crossings and other miscellaneous works including Electrification & Signaling works from
Km.4.665 to Km 10.00 between Pagidipalli (including) and Bommaipalli (including) stations.
Bidding type Normal Tender
Tender Type Open Bidding System Two Packet System
Tender Closing Date Time 07/11/2024 15:00 Date Time Of Uploading Tender 15/10/2024 14:50
Pre-Bid Conference Required No Pre-Bid Conference Date Time Not Applicable
Advertised Value 401818035.75 Tendering Section GENERAL
Bidding Style Single Rate for Each Schedule Bidding Unit
Earnest Money (Rs.) 2159100.00 Validity of Offer ( Days) 90
Tender Doc. Cost (Rs.) 0.00 Period of Completion 12 Months
Contract Type Works Contract Category Expenditure
Are Joint Venture (JV) firms allowed
Bidding Start Date 24/10/2024 Yes
to bid
Ranking Order For Bids Lowest to Highest Expenditure Type Capital (Works)


S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule D-Earth Work 43422657.83
011031 63249.04 cum 220.94 13974243.12 AT Par 13974243.12
Description:- Earthwork in filling in embankment, guide bunds, around buried type abutments, bridge gaps, trolley refuges,
platforms etc. with contractor's own earth conforming to Soil Quality Class SQ1/SQ2/SQ3, after preparation of foundations as
applicable, benching in existing banks wherever required, spreading in layers with motor grader, bringing the moisture
1 content to OMC, mechanical compaction to specified density and dressing of bank to final profile as per RDSO Specifications:
RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest correction slips. Note: 1) Foundation preparation, Benching including additional
earthwork on account of this, wherever required, shall be paid extra under relevant schedule item for benching. 2) Payment
for Earthwork under this item shall be made based on the cross section measurements calculated (i) with original ground
profile of existing bank based on initial ground levels before doing benching and (ii) final profile of the bank worked out with
final levels as per prevailing guidelines. Using Soil Class SQ1
011032 11183.73 cum 268.50 3002831.50 AT Par 3002831.50
Description:- Earthwork in filling in embankment, guide bunds, around buried type abutments, bridge gaps, trolley refuges,
platforms etc. with contractor's own earth conforming to Soil Quality Class SQ1/SQ2/SQ3, after preparation of foundations as
applicable, benching in existing banks wherever required, spreading in layers with motor grader, bringing the moisture
2 content to OMC, mechanical compaction to specified density and dressing of bank to final profile as per RDSO Specifications:
RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest correction slips. Note: 1) Foundation preparation, Benching including additional
earthwork on account of this, wherever required, shall be paid extra under relevant schedule item for benching. 2) Payment
for Earthwork under this item shall be made based on the cross section measurements calculated (i) with original ground
profile of existing bank based on initial ground levels before doing benching and (ii) final profile of the bank worked out with
final levels as per prevailing guidelines. Using Soil Class SQ2
012011 10939.17 cum 104.10 1138767.60 AT Par 1138767.60
Description:- Earthwork in cutting in formation, trolley refuges, side drains, level crossing approaches, platforms, catch
water drains, diversion of nallah & finishing to required dimension and slopes to obtain a neat appearance to standard profile
inclusive of all labour, materials, plant & machinery, leading all cut spoils either to make spoil dumps or for filling in
embankment with leads within 2 km on either side of edge of the cutting(s) including all lifts, ascent, descent, loading,
3 unloading, bailing & pumping out water, if required, clearance of site and all other works incidental thereto for completing the
work as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest updated correction slips and to the satisfaction of
the Engineer-in-Charge. Note: (i) All usable earth arising from cut spoils shall be led into bank formation and Unusable spoils
shall be dumped / stacked away from toe of embankment. (ii) All hard rock /and boulders not fit for filling will be stacked by
the contractor and will be property of the Railways. (iii)Cut trees shall be property of Railways and to be deposited in the
railway godown unless specified otherwise in the Conditions of Contract. In all conditions and classifications of soil except rock
012012 2344.11 cum 240.17 562984.90 AT Par 562984.90
Description:- Earthwork in cutting in formation, trolley refuges, side drains, level crossing approaches, platforms, catch
water drains, diversion of nallah & finishing to required dimension and slopes to obtain a neat appearance to standard profile
inclusive of all labour, materials, plant & machinery, leading all cut spoils either to make spoil dumps or for filling in
embankment with leads within 2 km on either side of edge of the cutting(s) including all lifts, ascent, descent, loading,
4 unloading, bailing & pumping out water, if required, clearance of site and all other works incidental thereto for completing the
work as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest updated correction slips and to the satisfaction of
the Engineer-in-Charge. Note: (i) All usable earth arising from cut spoils shall be led into bank formation and Unusable spoils
shall be dumped / stacked away from toe of embankment. (ii) All hard rock /and boulders not fit for filling will be stacked by
the contractor and will be property of the Railways. (iii)Cut trees shall be property of Railways and to be deposited in the
railway godown unless specified otherwise in the Conditions of Contract. Soft rock not requiring blasting
012013 1562.74 cum 344.00 537582.56 AT Par 537582.56

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- Earthwork in cutting in formation, trolley refuges, side drains, level crossing approaches, platforms, catch
water drains, diversion of nallah & finishing to required dimension and slopes to obtain a neat appearance to standard profile
5 inclusive of all labour, materials, plant & machinery, leading all cut spoils either to make spoil dumps or for filling in
embankment with leads within 2 km on either side of edge of the cutting(s) including all lifts, ascent, descent, loading,
unloading, bailing & pumping out water, if required, clearance of site and all other works incidental thereto for completing the
work as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest updated correction slips and to the satisfaction of
the Engineer-in-Charge. Note: (i) All usable earth arising from cut spoils shall be led into bank formation and Unusable spoils
shall be dumped / stacked away from toe of embankment. (ii) All hard rock /and boulders not fit for filling will be stacked by
the contractor and will be property of the Railways. (iii)Cut trees shall be property of Railways and to be deposited in the
railway godown unless specified otherwise in the Conditions of Contract. In hard rock requiring blasting
012014 781.37 cum 855.33 668329.20 AT Par 668329.20
Description:- Earthwork in cutting in formation, trolley refuges, side drains, level crossing approaches, platforms, catch
water drains, diversion of nallah & finishing to required dimension and slopes to obtain a neat appearance to standard profile
inclusive of all labour, materials, plant & machinery, leading all cut spoils either to make spoil dumps or for filling in
embankment with leads within 2 km on either side of edge of the cutting(s) including all lifts, ascent, descent, loading,
unloading, bailing & pumping out water, if required, clearance of site and all other works incidental thereto for completing the
6 work as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest updated correction slips and to the satisfaction of
the Engineer-in-Charge. Note: (i) All usable earth arising from cut spoils shall be led into bank formation and Unusable spoils
shall be dumped / stacked away from toe of embankment. (ii) All hard rock /and boulders not fit for filling will be stacked by
the contractor and will be property of the Railways. (iii)Cut trees shall be property of Railways and to be deposited in the
railway godown unless specified otherwise in the Conditions of Contract. In hard rock with hammer / chisel / pavement
breaker etc. where blasting is not permitted due to special circumstances and if specifically ordered in writing including
drilling and all incidental works thereto.
012030 13630.71 cum 1726.83 23537918.95 AT Par 23537918.95
Description:- Mechanical manufacturing of blanketing material by using only hard and durable stone crushed in mechanical
crusher to different gradations, wet mixing of the same in designed proportion in Pug mill or wet mix plant to have uniform
7 gradation including all incidental transportation, laying over finished formation in uniform layer(s) with motor grader,
compaction with suitable vibratory roller to specified density and finishing to correct profile, complete as per RDSO
Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest correction slips. Note: This item shall be used only when entire
constituent of blanketing material is mechanically manufactured by crushing of hard and durable stone into desired gradation
of designed proportion.

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule E-Minor bridges, RUBs & MSE walls - USSR items 28913204.21
022011 2682.15 cum 189.63 508616.10 AT Par 508616.10
Description:- Earthwork in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator)/Manual Means for foundations and floors
of the bridges, retaining walls etc. including setting out, dressing of sides, ramming of bottom, getting out the excavated
1 material, back filling in layers with approved material and consolidation of the layers by ramming and watering etc. including
all lift, disposal of surplus soil up to a lead of 300m, all types of shoring and strutting with all labour and material complete as
per drawing and technical specification as directed by Engineer in charge. Note: This item will be used for excavation work in
connection with other miscellaneous works also like side drains, foundation for OHE masts and other miscellaneous structures
in connection with Gauge Conversion, Doubling, New lines. All kinds of soils
022012 280.22 cum 387.70 108641.29 AT Par 108641.29
Description:- Earthwork in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator)/Manual Means for foundations and floors
of the bridges, retaining walls etc. including setting out, dressing of sides, ramming of bottom, getting out the excavated
2 material, back filling in layers with approved material and consolidation of the layers by ramming and watering etc. including
all lift, disposal of surplus soil up to a lead of 300m, all types of shoring and strutting with all labour and material complete as
per drawing and technical specification as directed by Engineer in charge. Note: This item will be used for excavation work in
connection with other miscellaneous works also like side drains, foundation for OHE masts and other miscellaneous structures
in connection with Gauge Conversion, Doubling, New lines. Soft rock (not requiring blasting)
022013 260.22 cum 708.17 184280.00 AT Par 184280.00
Description:- Earthwork in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator)/Manual Means for foundations and floors
of the bridges, retaining walls etc. including setting out, dressing of sides, ramming of bottom, getting out the excavated
3 material, back filling in layers with approved material and consolidation of the layers by ramming and watering etc. including
all lift, disposal of surplus soil up to a lead of 300m, all types of shoring and strutting with all labour and material complete as
per drawing and technical specification as directed by Engineer in charge. Note: This item will be used for excavation work in
connection with other miscellaneous works also like side drains, foundation for OHE masts and other miscellaneous structures
in connection with Gauge Conversion, Doubling, New lines. Hard rock (requiring blasting)
052040 212.89 cum 1984.58 422497.24 AT Par 422497.24

4 Description:- Supply and laying of coarse sand including consolidation with all labour, lead, lift, tools, plants, crossing of
tracks as per drawing and technical specification as directed by the Engineer in charge in case loose slush is encountered at
site of foundation before casting the foundation or laying the filtering media.
025012 1571.40 cum -183.97 -289090.46 AT Par -289090.46
Description:- Deduct if Plasticiser has not been used in Design Mix Concrete of any grade as per approved mix design or use
5 of 40mm graded stone aggregate in place of 20mm graded stone aggregate in any grade of concrete. Note: Deduction to be
made for quantity of concrete. Deduction for using 40mm graded stone aggregate in place of 20mm graded stone aggregate
in any grade of concrete.
022040 614.88 cum 2646.72 1627415.19 AT Par 1627415.19
Description:- Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated Cement Concrete of
specified grade as per approved Design Mix (mixed in Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from approved
plants) using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality in RCC raft foundation & Pile cap
6 including finishing, using Plasticiser in approved proportions (as per IS:9103), to modify workability without impairing strength
and durability complete as per specifications and direction of the Engineer in charge. Note: 1. Payment for cement,
reinforcement and shuttering shall be made extra under relevant item. 2. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved
proportion to increase workability with minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete unless it is
specifically approved citing reasons for not using plasticiser at the stage of Mix Design and in that case deduction shall be
made as per relevant item.
022051 1214.59 cum 2718.70 3302105.83 AT Par 3302105.83

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated Cement Concrete of
specified grade as per approved Design Mix (mixed in Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from approved
plants) using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality for the following Reinforced
7 cement concrete structural elements up to height of 9.0 m from foundation top level, including finishing, using Plasticiser in
approved proportions (as per IS:9103), to modify workability without impairing strength and durability complete as per
specifications and direction of the Engineer in charge. Note: 1. Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall be
made extra under relevant item. 2. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability with
minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete unless it is specifically approved citing reasons for
not using plasticiser at the stage of Mix Design and in that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item. Abutment &
022052 1428.52 cum 2718.70 3883717.32 AT Par 3883717.32
Description:- Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated Cement Concrete of
specified grade as per approved Design Mix (mixed in Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from approved
plants) using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality for the following Reinforced
cement concrete structural elements up to height of 9.0 m from foundation top level, including finishing, using Plasticiser in
8 approved proportions (as per IS:9103), to modify workability without impairing strength and durability complete as per
specifications and direction of the Engineer in charge. Note: 1. Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall be
made extra under relevant item. 2. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability with
minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete unless it is specifically approved citing reasons for
not using plasticiser at the stage of Mix Design and in that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item. Wing wall and
Return wall
022054 636.25 cum 2682.71 1706874.24 AT Par 1706874.24
Description:- Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated Cement Concrete of
specified grade as per approved Design Mix (mixed in Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from approved
plants) using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality for the following Reinforced
cement concrete structural elements up to height of 9.0 m from foundation top level, including finishing, using Plasticiser in
9 approved proportions (as per IS:9103), to modify workability without impairing strength and durability complete as per
specifications and direction of the Engineer in charge. Note: 1. Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall be
made extra under relevant item. 2. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability with
minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete unless it is specifically approved citing reasons for
not using plasticiser at the stage of Mix Design and in that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item. Approach slab
at formation level, Dirt wall/ ballast wall at formation level
022070 480.00 Metre 231.77 111249.60 AT Par 111249.60
10 Description:- Providing and fixing Weep Holes in Abutments, Wing walls and Return walls etc., of new bridges with 110mm
dia UPVC pipe Type A ISI marked with all contractor's men, material, transportation, all taxes as per specifications and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
051060 644.96 cum 1528.47 985802.01 AT Par 985802.01

11 Description:- Providing and laying Pitching with Stone Boulders, weighing not less than 35kg each with voids filled with
spalls on slopes, laid over prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of embankment complete as
per drawing and Technical Specifications (filter media to be paid separately under the relevant item).
052240 117.64 cum 2109.60 248173.34 AT Par 248173.34
Description:- Supplying, spreading and filling coarse sand (no cohesive materials to be used) of approved quality including
12 watering and ramming in foundation, behind the abutment, wing wall, retaining wall in layers not exceeding 150mm thick
including its compaction as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. The rate includes all lead, lift, ascent, descent, crossing of
Railway line etc. complete with contractor's labour, materials, tools and plant.
022034 226.14 cum 2665.18 602703.81 AT Par 602703.81
Description:- Providing and laying in position Plain cement concrete of specified Nominal Mix for miscellaneous works like
13 side drains, foundation for OHE masts and other miscellaneous structures excluding the cost of Cement, centering and
shuttering - All work up to plinth level : 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand (zone-III) : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
024010 462.84 cum 2911.40 1347512.38 AT Par 1347512.38
Description:- Providing and casting machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated Cement Concrete of specified
grade as per approved Design Mix, mixed in Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from approved plants,
(Cast in-Situ/Pre-cast) in bottom/top slab, side walls, toe wall and sumps haunch filling head walls, thrust bed or any other
component using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality of RCC box of any size
14 including finishing, Plasticiser in approved proportions (as per IS:9103), to modify workability without impairing strength and
durability, complete as per drawings and technical specifications as directed by Engineer in charge. Note: 1. Payment for
cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall be made extra under relevant item. 2. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in
approved proportion to increase workability with minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete
unless it is specifically approved citing reasons at the stage of Mix Design and in that case deduction shall be made as per
relevant item.
022053 9.42 cum 2754.70 25949.27 AT Par 25949.27
Description:- Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated Cement Concrete of
specified grade as per approved Design Mix (mixed in Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from approved
plants) using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality for the following Reinforced
cement concrete structural elements up to height of 9.0 m from foundation top level, including finishing, using Plasticiser in
15 approved proportions (as per IS:9103), to modify workability without impairing strength and durability complete as per
specifications and direction of the Engineer in charge. Note: 1. Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall be
made extra under relevant item. 2. Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability with
minimum possible quantity of cement for all grade of Design Mix Concrete unless it is specifically approved citing reasons for
not using plasticiser at the stage of Mix Design and in that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item. Abutment cap,
Pier Cap, Inspection Platform & Pedestal over Pier cap, Fender wall, Diaphragm wall etc.
051030 516.03 cum 1003.45 517810.30 AT Par 517810.30
Description:- Supplying of stone boulders weighing not less than 35 kg each at specified bridge locations.
052250 516.03 cum 334.09 172400.46 AT Par 172400.46

17 Description:- Providing Boulder Backing behind wing wall, return wall, retaining wall with hand packed boulders & cobbles
with smaller size boulders toward the back including all lead, lift, labour & other incidental charges as complete work in all
respect. Payment for boulder/cobbles will be done extra.
025031 4967.72 Sqm 605.99 3010388.64 AT Par 3010388.64


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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : All types of bridge sub-
structures, e.g. pier, abutment, wing wall, retaining wall, RCC box type foundations, Abutment cap, Pier Cap, Inspection
Platform & Pedestal over Pier cap, Fender wall, Diaphragm wall etc. up to 5m above ground level
031030 492.18 cum 2646.72 1302662.65 AT Par 1302662.65
Description:- Providing and launching in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated Cement Concrete
of specified grade as per approved Design Mix (mixed in Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from approved
plants) using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality for the Precast Prestressed (Pre-
tensioned) concrete girder/slab in contractor's casting yard, including finishing, using Plasticiser in approved proportions (as
19 per IS:9103), to modify workability without impairing strength and durability, complete as per specifications and direction of
t h e Engineer. Note: 1. Payment for Shuttering, Cement, Reinforcement, HTS cables including stressing and launching of
girder/slab in position shall be made extra under relevant items. However, deduction shall be made in case of slab as per
relevant item. 2. For pre-cast item, loading in transport vehicle in casting yard is included and shall not be paid extra. 3.
Plasticiser shall invariably be used in approved proportion to increase workability with minimum possible quantity of cement
for all grade of Design Mix Concrete unless it is specifically approved citing reasons for not using plasticiser at the stage of
Mix Design and in that case deduction shall be made as per relevant item.
041321 92.55 MT 1468.89 135945.77 AT Par 135945.77
20 Description:- Launching in position, by any approved method, pre-fabricated Steel Girders, precast PSC girders/slabs, casted
at casting bed developed at site, to correct alignment and level over the bed block / pedestal with all required arrangements,
complete in all respect. PSC girders / slabs
031040 2.92 MT 205387.39 599731.18 AT Par 599731.18
Description:- Providing, fabricating & fixing in position to exact design profiles, H.T.S. cables of all classification made from
Low Relaxation strands conforming to IS:14268- latest version in Prestressed (Post-tensioned) Concrete girders/slabs etc.
including supplying, cutting, making into cables with necessary spacers, colour coding, protecting with water soluble oil at all
time, anchoring of cables, supplying and placing spiral corrugated type galvanized metal steel ducts sheathing made up of
21 Cold Rolled Cold Annealed (CRCA) mild steel conforming to IS:513 of required diameter/ thickness, vent pipe, placing,
bending, routing, fixing, stressing & grouting of cable ducts with cement grout, Anchorage sets in required number with
provision for future prestressing if any including all lead and lift with contractor's own materials, labour, equipments etc.
complete as per drawings & specifications. Rate also includes covering anchorage pads with epoxy mortar of approved quality
to avoid corrosion. Cement for grouting to be paid separately. Payment shall be made in terms of weight of HTS cables as per
052210 28.00 Each 744.16 20836.48 AT Par 20836.48
Description:- Providing cast in situ bridge number plaques as per Railway drawing in cement concrete 1:2:4 mix using
22 20mm hard stone aggregate embedded in 30mm notch in Bridge parapet coping duly engraving the letter and figures and an
arrow indicating the direction of flow and finishing the top exposed surface with cement mortar 1:3, painting letters and
figures with two coats of black enamel paint on two coats of white background with all labour, tools, cement, paint etc. with
all leads and lifts.
052220 28.00 Each 1148.22 32150.16 AT Par 32150.16
Description:- Providing cast in-situ plaques for bridge foundations details of size 45cmx45cmx5cm in cement concrete 1:2:4
23 mix using 20mm hard stone aggregate embedded in 30mm deep notch over abutment & piers, engraving the letters &
figures with CM 1:3 and finished smooth including painting letters and figures with 2 coats of black enamel and plaque with
white enamel with all labour, tools, cement, paint, curing etc. as a complete job.
051090 387.00 cum 378.66 146541.42 AT Par 146541.42
24 Description:- Laying Boulder Apron on river bed for protection against scour with stone boulders supplied by Railway with
voids filled with spalls complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications.
052200 4.00 Each 258.36 1033.44 AT Par 1033.44

25 Description:- Painting the HFL mark and Danger level mark, year of HFL on bridge abutments and piers with ready mixed
paint as per standard in two coats over one coat of primer with all materials, labour, tools, scaffolding, all lead and lift etc.
including writing complete.
031080 14.07 cum 2646.72 37239.35 AT Par 37239.35

26 Description:- Supplying and laying in position specified grade precast prestressed cement concrete ballast retainers of size,
as directed by Engineer In-charge. Payment for Shuttering, Cement, reinforcement, HTS cables, anchorage cones, stressing of
cables and grouting of the ducts will be done extra.
052150 2447.06 cum 2355.72 5764588.18 AT Par 5764588.18

27 Description:- Providing and laying of filter media consisting of granular materials of GW, GP, SW groups as per IS:1498
(latest) in required profile behind boulder filling of abutments, wing walls / return walls etc. above bed level with all labour
and material complete job as per drawing and technical specification of RDSO Guidelines.
024020 147.82 cum 2646.72 391238.15 AT Par 391238.15
Description:- Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated Design Mix Cement
28 Concrete, mixed in Mobile Concrete Batching/Mixing Plant at site or RMC from approved plants, of specified grade (cast in-
situ) using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality in Drop and curtain wall and alike
structures below bed level, complete in all respect as per drawings and technical specifications to the satisfaction of
Engineer-in-Charge. Note: Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall be made extra.
052130 40.00 Metre 402.61 16104.40 AT Par 16104.40
Description:- Providing weep holes by making suitable opening or drilling in existing Brick Masonry / Plain / Reinforced
29 Concrete abutment, wing wall/return wall with 110 mm dia UPVC pipe (working pressure 4kg/sqcm) extending through the full
width of the structure complete and repairing the same with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand). Rate is excluding
the cost of cement which shall be paid extra.
031191 60.00 Metre 531.18 31870.80 AT Par 31870.80

30 Description:- Providing and fixing in position GI Drainage Spouts of required length with Grating in RCC slab and filling
bitumen along kerb as shown in drawing with contractor's pipes, bitumen, tools, equipment, lead, lifts etc. complete as per
specifications and as directed by Engineer in-charge. 50mm dia. Drainage Spouts
031192 60.00 Metre 1142.50 68550.00 AT Par 68550.00
31 Description:- Providing and fixing in position GI Drainage Spouts of required length with Grating in RCC slab and filling
bitumen along kerb as shown in drawing with contractor's pipes, bitumen, tools, equipment, lead, lifts etc. complete as per
specifications and as directed by Engineer in-charge. 100mm dia. Drainage Spouts
025051 240.00 Metre 116.16 27878.40 AT Par 27878.40
32 Description:- Extra over 025040 for drilling of holes and insertion of dowel bars in case of Jacketing Extra for drilling 32mm
dia. holes for jacketing / anchoring
025052 240.00 Metre 13.00 3120.00 AT Par 3120.00
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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

33 Description:- Extra over 025040 for drilling of holes and insertion of dowel bars in case of Jacketing Extra for inserting of
dowel bars of specified dia. (cost of rods to be paid extra)
052020 9.98 cum 1940.44 19365.59 AT Par 19365.59
Description:- Providing and laying 300mm thick (average) Dry Stone flooring with boulders of not less than 35kg each in
34 weight, hand packed with surface levelled off to the correct section with hammer dressing as necessary on the ground
including filling the gaps with quarry spalls and ordinary sand complete including cost of supply of all materials, labour, lead,
lift, tools, plants, crossing of tracks and the like as per drawing and technical specification as directed by Engineer in charge.
053011 16.00 Set 24417.36 390677.76 AT Par 390677.76
Description:- Designing and developing Detailed structural and working Drawings for following items for ROB/RUB/Bridge
based on Railway's approved GADs, duly collecting necessary data from Railways and R&B authorities, duly designing
35 members and submission of check plot duly getting proof-checked by Railway approved institutes, submitting for Railway's
verification and approval, making corrections duly incorporating suggestions in drawings/designs, further submission of
original in transparent film paper and soft copy (CD) for Railways approval etc. with contractor's technical expertise and
instruments, labour, consumables, repeatedly attending till final approval etc., complete as directed by Engineer in-charge.
Open / Pile / Well Foundation for piers/abutments
053012 12.00 Set 7592.80 91113.60 AT Par 91113.60
Description:- Designing and developing Detailed structural and working Drawings for following items for ROB/RUB/Bridge
based on Railway's approved GADs, duly collecting necessary data from Railways and R&B authorities, duly designing
36 members and submission of check plot duly getting proof-checked by Railway approved institutes, submitting for Railway's
verification and approval, making corrections duly incorporating suggestions in drawings/designs, further submission of
original in transparent film paper and soft copy (CD) for Railways approval etc. with contractor's technical expertise and
instruments, labour, consumables, repeatedly attending till final approval etc., complete as directed by Engineer in-charge.
RCC Bed Block
022033 168.00 cum 2533.99 425710.32 AT Par 425710.32
Description:- Providing and laying in position Plain cement concrete of specified Nominal Mix for miscellaneous works like
37 side drains, foundation for OHE masts and other miscellaneous structures excluding the cost of Cement, centering and
shuttering - All work up to plinth level : 1:2:4 (1 Cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-III) : 4 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal
052100 2000.00 Sqm 464.90 929800.00 AT Par 929800.00
38 Description:- Applying pre-packed cement based polymer mortar of strength 45 Mpa (28 days) for replacement of spalled
concrete with average thickness of 10mm as per manufacturer's specification and approved procedure.

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule F-RBG, PF, FOB & COP, Minor bridges, RUBs & MSE walls - DSR Items 47546559.05
2.6.1 2390.04 cum 205.45 491033.72 (-) 20.00 392826.98

1 Description:- EARTH WORK // Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/manual means over
areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including getting out and disposal of excavated
earth lead upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-in-charge. // All kinds of soil
2.7.1 200.00 cum 412.95 82590.00 (-) 20.00 66072.00

2 Description:- EARTH WORK // Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/manual means over
areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including getting out and disposal of excavated
earth lead upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-in-charge. // Ordinary rock
2.7.2 50.00 cum 711.35 35567.50 (-) 20.00 28454.00
3 Description:- EARTH WORK // Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/manual means over
areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including getting out and disposal of excavated
earth lead upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-in-charge. // Hard rock (requiring blasting)
2.27 675.15 cum 2161.20 1459134.18 (-) 20.00 1167307.34
4 Description:- EARTH WORK // Supplying and filling in plinth with sand under floors, including watering, ramming,
consolidating and dressing complete.
2.31 8000.00 Sqm 14.50 116000.00 (-) 20.00 92800.00

5 Description:- EARTH WORK // Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees and saplings
of girth up to 30 cm measured at a height of 1 m above ground level and removal of rubbish up to a distance of 50 m outside
the periphery of the area cleared.
4.1.6 1334.20 cum 6670.25 8899447.55 (-) 20.00 7119558.04

6 Description:- CONCRETE WORK // CEMENT CONCRETE (CAST IN SITU) // Providing and laying in position cement concrete
of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level : // 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse
sand (zone-III) derived from natural sources: 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size derived from natural sources)
4.10 151.00 Sqm 370.85 55998.35 (-) 20.00 44798.68

7 Description:- CONCRETE WORK // DAMP-PROOF COURSE // Providing and laying damp-proof course 40mm thick with
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-III) derived from natural sources: 4 graded stone aggregate 12.5mm
nominal size derived from natural sources)
4.6.1 78.30 cum 8130.65 636629.89 (-) 20.00 509303.91
Description:- CONCRETE WORK // Providing and fixing at or near ground level precast cement concrete in kerbs, edgings
8 etc. as per approved pattern and setting in position with cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand), including the cost of
required centering, shuttering complete. // 1:1.5:3 (1 Cement: 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) derived from natural sources : 3
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from natural sources).
4.1.3 982.94 cum 7365.15 7239500.54 (-) 20.00 5791600.43

9 Description:- CONCRETE WORK // CEMENT CONCRETE (CAST IN SITU) // Providing and laying in position cement concrete
of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level : // 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse
sand (zone-III) derived from natural sources : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from natural sources)
5.1.2 261.91 cum 8364.20 2190667.62 (-) 20.00 1752534.10
Description:- REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE // CAST IN SITU // Providing and laying in position specified grade of
10 reinforced cement concrete, excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement - All work up to plinth
level : // 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand (zone-III) derived from natural sources: 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size derived from natural sources)
5.3 142.03 cum 10719.30 1522462.18 (-) 20.00 1217969.74

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Description:- REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE // CAST IN SITU // Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended
11 floors, roofs having slope up to 15 degree landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases
and spiral stair cases above plinth level up to floor five level, excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and
reinforcement with 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) derived from natural sources : 3 graded stone aggregate 20
mm nominal size derived from natural sources).
5.9.1 1384.68 Sqm 307.95 426412.21 (-) 20.00 341129.77
12 Description:- REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE // FORM WORK // Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping
etc. and removal of form for // Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete
5.9.2 200.00 Sqm 669.55 133910.00 (-) 20.00 107128.00
13 Description:- REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE // FORM WORK // Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping
etc. and removal of form for // Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, butteresses, plinth and string courses etc.
5.9.3 442.60 Sqm 766.55 339275.03 (-) 20.00 271420.02
14 Description:- REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE // FORM WORK // Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping
etc. and removal of form for // Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform
5.9.5 735.36 Sqm 608.35 447356.26 (-) 20.00 357885.01
15 Description:- REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE // FORM WORK // Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping
etc. and removal of form for // Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers
5.9.6 225.00 Sqm 804.25 180956.25 (-) 20.00 144765.00
16 Description:- REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE // FORM WORK // Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping
etc. and removal of form for // Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts
5.9.15 20.00 Sqm 307.95 6159.00 (-) 20.00 4927.20

17 Description:- REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE // FORM WORK // Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping
etc. and removal of form for // Small lintels not exceeding 1.5 m clear span, moulding as in cornices, window sills, string
courses, bands, copings, bed plates, anchor blocks and the like
5.12 2.00 cum 9673.50 19347.00 (-) 20.00 15477.60
Description:- REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE // PRE-CAST RCC // Providing, hoisting and fixing above plinth level up to
18 floor five level precast reinforced cement concrete work in string courses, bands, copings, bed plates, anchor blocks, plain
window sills and the like, including the cost of required centering, shuttering but , excluding cost of reinforcement with 1:1.5:3
(1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) derived from natural sources : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived
from natural sources).
5.18.1 4.32 Sqm 1580.90 6829.49 (-) 20.00 5463.59
Description:- REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE // PRE-CAST RCC // Providing precast cement concrete Jali 1:2:4 (1
19 cement : 2 coarse sand(zone-III) : 4 graded stone aggregate 6mm nominal size ), reinforced with 1.6 mm dia mild steel wire,
including centering and shuttering, roughening cleaning, fixing and finishing in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand)
etc. complete, excluding plastering of the jambs, sills and soffits. // 50 mm thick
6.1.2 14.90 cum 6658.25 99207.93 (-) 20.00 79366.34
20 Description:- MASONRY WORK // Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in
foundation and plinth in: // Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)
6.13.2 185.90 Sqm 1018.05 189255.49 (-) 20.00 151404.39

21 Description:- MASONRY WORK // HALF BRICK MASONRY // Half brick masonry with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular)
bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level. // Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4
coarse sand)
6.38 104.40 cum 8890.80 928199.52 (-) 20.00 742559.62
Description:- MASONRY WORK // EXPOSED BRICK WALL // Providing and laying Autoclaved Aerated concrete(AAC) blocks
22 masonry 100 mm/ 125 mm thick with Grade-1 AAC blocks of density 551 to 650 kg/cum conforming to IS:2185 (Part 3) in
super structure above plinth level up to floor V level in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand ). The rate includes
providing and placing in position 2 Nos 6 mm dia M.S. bars at every third course of masonry work.
6.4.2 273.02 cum 8288.35 2262885.32 (-) 20.00 1810308.26

23 Description:- MASONRY WORK // Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in
superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in : // Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse
7.1.1 1860.99 cum 6653.45 12382003.92 (-) 20.00 9905603.14

24 Description:- STONE WORK // RANDOM RUBBLE MASONRY // Random rubble masonry with hard stone in foundation and
plinth including levelling up with cement concrete 1:6:12 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand : 12 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size) upto plinth level with : // Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 293.60 Sqm 4425.35 1299282.76 (-) 20.00 1039426.21
Description:- CLADDING WORK // Providing and fixing 18 mm thick gang saw cut, mirror polished, premoulded and
prepolished, machine cut for kitchen platforms, vanity counters, window sills, facias and similar locations of required size,
25 approved shade, colour and texture laid over 20 mm thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), joints treated
with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups, including rubbing, curing, moulding and polishing of
edges to give high gloss finish etc. complete at all levels. // Granite stone slab of colour black, Cherry/Ruby red // Area of slab
over 0.50 sqm
9.1.1 1.34 cum 131576.95 176313.11 (-) 20.00 141050.49

26 Description:- WOOD AND P.V.C. WORK // FRAMES AND TRUSSES // Providing wood work in frames of doors, windows,
clerestory windows and other frames, wrought framed and fixed in position with hold fast lugs or with dash fasteners of
required dia & length (hold fast lugs or dash fastener shall be paid for separately). // Second class teak wood
9.20.1 22.00 Sqm 3086.10 67894.20 (-) 20.00 54315.36
Description:- WOOD AND P.V.C. WORK // Providing and fixing 25 mm thick shutters for cup board etc. : // Providing and
27 fixing ISI marked flush door shutters conforming to IS : 2202 (Part I) decorative type, core of block board construction with
frame of 1st class hard wood and well matched teak 3 ply veneering with vertical grains or cross bands and face veneers on
both faces of shutters. // 35 mm thick including ISI marked Stainless Steel butt hinges with necessary screws
9.96.1 24.00 Each 260.30 6247.20 (-) 20.00 4997.76

Providing and fixing aluminium sliding door bolts, ISI marked anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS :
1868), transparent or dyed to required colour or shade, with nuts and screws etc. complete : // 300x16 mm
9.48.2 1000.00 Kg 197.70 197700.00 (-) 20.00 158160.00


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Description:- WOOD AND P.V.C. WORK // MISCELLANEOUS-WOOD WORK // Providing and fixing M.S. grills of required
pattern in frames of windows etc. with M.S. flats, square or round bars etc. including priming coat with approved steel primer
all complete. // Fixed to openings /wooden frames with rawl plugs screws etc.
9.51.2 88.00 Sqm 812.40 71491.20 (-) 20.00 57192.96

30 Description:- WOOD AND P.V.C. WORK // MISCELLANEOUS-WOOD WORK // Providing and fixing fly proof galvanized M.S.
wire gauge to windows and clerestory windows using wire gauge with average width of aperture 1.4 mm in both directions
with wire of dia 0.63 mm all complete. // With 12 mm mild steel U beading
9.100.1 40.00 Each 60.05 2402.00 (-) 20.00 1921.60

Providing and fixing aluminium handles, ISI marked, anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868)
transparent or dyed to required colour or shade, with necessary screws etc. complete : // 125 mm
9.97.2 40.00 Each 104.40 4176.00 (-) 20.00 3340.80

Providing and fixing aluminium tower bolts, ISI marked, anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868 )
transparent or dyed to required colour or shade, with necessary screws etc. complete : // 250x10 mm
9.101.1 20.00 Each 35.50 710.00 (-) 20.00 568.00

Providing and fixing aluminium hanging floor door stopper, ISI marked, anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as
per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour and shade, with necessary screws etc. complete. // Single rubber stopper
9.117.1 13.50 Metre 232.55 3139.43 (-) 20.00 2511.54
Description:- WOOD AND P.V.C. WORK // GYPSUM BOARD PARTITIONS // Providing and fixing factory made uPVC door
frame made of uPVC extruded sections having an overall dimension as below (tolerance +/-1 mm), with wall thickness 2.0
34 mm (+/- 0.2 mm), corners of the door frame to be Jointed with galvanized brackets and stainless steel screws, joints mitred
and Plastic welded. The hinge side vertical of the frames reinforced by galvanized M.S. tube of size 19 X 19 mm and 1mm (+/-
0.1 mm) wall thickness and 3 nos. stainless steel hinges fixed to the frame complete as per manufacturer's specification and
direction of Engineer- in-charge // Extruded section profile size 48x40 mm
9.118.2 2.55 Sqm 2008.55 5121.80 (-) 20.00 4097.44
Description:- WOOD AND P.V.C. WORK // GYPSUM BOARD PARTITIONS // Providing and fixing to existing door frames. //
30 mm thick factory made Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) door shutter made of styles and rails of a uPVC hollow section of size
60x30 mm and wall thickness 2 mm (+/- 0.2 mm), with inbuilt decorative moulding edging on one side. The styles and rails
mitred and joint at the corners by means of M.S. galvanised/ plastic brackets of size 75x220 mm having wall thickness 1.0
35 mm and stainless steel screws. The styles of the shutter reinforced by inserting galvanised M.S. tube of size 25x20 mm and 1
mm (+/- 0.1 mm) wall thickness. The lock rail made up of 'H' section, a uPVC hollow section of size 100x30 mm and 2 mm
(+/- 0.2 mm) wall thickness fixed to the shutter styles by means of plastic/ galvanised M.S. 'U' cleats. The shutter frame filled
with a uPVC multi-chambered single panel of size not less than 620 mm, having over all thickness of 20 mm and 1 mm (+/-
0.1 mm) wall thickness . The panels filled vertically and tie bar at two places by inserting horizontally 6 mm galvanised M.S.
rod and fastened with nuts and washers, complete as per manufacturer's specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
9.46.3 7.00 Metre 482.30 3376.10 (-) 20.00 2700.88

36 Description:- WOOD AND P.V.C. WORK // MISCELLANEOUS-WOOD WORK // Providing and fixing chromium plated brass
curtain rod having wall thickness of 1.25mm with two chromium plated brass brackets fixed with C.P. brass screws and PVC
sleeves etc., wherever necessary complete : // 25 mm dia
9.21.2 12.00 Sqm 1881.95 22583.40 (-) 20.00 18066.72
Description:- WOOD AND P.V.C. WORK // Providing and fixing 25 mm thick shutters for cup board etc. : // Providing and
37 fixing ISI marked flush door shutters conforming to IS : 2202 (Part I) non-decorative type, core of block board construction
with frame of 1st class hard wood and well matched commercial 3 ply veneering with vertical grains or cross bands and face
veneers on both faces of shutters: // 30 mm thick including ISI marked Stainless Steel butt hinges with necessary screws
9.63.3 24.00 Each 53.05 1273.20 (-) 20.00 1018.56

Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidised M.S. tower bolt black finish, (Barrel type) with necessary screws etc. complete :
(copper oxized as per IS: 1378) // 150x10 mm
9.62.2 24.00 Each 165.90 3981.60 (-) 20.00 3185.28

Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidised M.S. sliding door bolts with nuts and screws etc. complete : (copper oxidized as per
IS: 1378) // 250x16 mm
10.28 700.00 Kg 612.25 428575.00 (-) 20.00 342860.00
Description:- STEEL WORK // Providing and fixing stainless steel ( Grade 304) railing made of Hollow tubes, channels,
plates etc., including welding, grinding, buffing, polishing and making curvature (wherever required) and fitting the same with
40 necessary stainless steel nuts and bolts complete, i/c fixing the railing with necessary accessories & stainless steel dash
fasteners , stainless steel bolts etc., of required size, on the top of the floor or the side of waist slab with suitable arrangement
as per approval of Engineer-in-charge, (for payment purpose only weight of stainless steel members shall be considered
excluding fixing accessories such as nuts, bolts, fasteners etc.).
11.37 30.00 Sqm 935.60 28068.00 (-) 20.00 22454.40
Description:- FLOORING // CERAMIC GLAZED TILES // Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles of size 300x300 mm
41 (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622 of approved make in colours such as
White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand), Jointing with grey
cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/sqm including pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigment etc., complete.
11.41.2 315.00 Sqm 1416.65 446244.75 (-) 20.00 356995.80
Description:- FLOORING // VITRIFIED FLOOR TILES // Providing and laying vitrified floor tiles in different sizes (thickness to
42 be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorption less than 0.08% and conforming to IS: 15622, of approved make, in
all colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), jointing with grey cement slurry @
3.3 kg/ sqm including grouting the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc., complete. // Size of Tile 600x600
11.37A 81.90 Sqm 938.50 76863.15 (-) 20.00 61490.52
Description:- FLOORING // CERAMIC GLAZED TILES // Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed floor tiles conforming
43 to IS : 15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer ) of approved make in all colours, shades except burgundy, bottle
green, black of any size as approved by Engineer-in-Charge in skirting, risers of steps and dados over 12 mm thick bed of
cement Mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm including pointing in
white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete.
11.20.3 1566.00 Sqm 983.95 1540865.70 (-) 20.00 1232692.56

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Description:- FLOORING // TILE FLOORING // Chequerred precast cement concrete tiles 22 mm thick in footpath &
44 courtyard, jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of tiles, including rubbing and cleaning
etc. complete, on 20 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand). // Dark shade pigment using ordinary
12.41.2 112.50 Metre 319.75 35971.88 (-) 20.00 28777.50
Description:- ROOFING // Providing, fixing and embedding sand cast iron accessories for rain water pipes in the masonry
45 surrounded with 12 mm thick cement mortar of the same mix, as that of masonry (lead caulking will be paid for separately):
// Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing
with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion, (i) Single socketed pipes. // 110 mm
12.50 20.00 Sqm 671.55 13431.00 (-) 20.00 10744.80
Description:- ROOFING // Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for
unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS :
5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. // Providing and fixing precoated galvanised iron profile sheets (size, shape
46 and pitch of corrugation as approved by Engineer-in-charge) 0.50 mm (+ 0.05 %) total coated thickness with zinc coating 120
grams per sqm as per IS: 277, in 240 mpa steel grade, 5-7 microns epoxy primer on both side of the sheet and polyester top
coat 15-18 microns. Sheet should have protective guard film of 25 microns minimum to avoid scratches during transportation
and should be supplied in single length upto 12 metre or as desired by Engineer-in-charge. The sheet shall be fixed using self
drilling /self tapping screws of size (5.5x 55 mm) with EPDM seal, complete upto any pitch in horizontal/ vertical or curved
surfaces, excluding the cost of purlins, rafters and trusses and including cutting to size and shape wherever required.
12.41.1 10.00 Metre 213.00 2130.00 (-) 20.00 1704.00
Description:- ROOFING // Providing, fixing and embedding sand cast iron accessories for rain water pipes in the masonry
47 surrounded with 12 mm thick cement mortar of the same mix, as that of masonry (lead caulking will be paid for separately):
// Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing
with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion, (i) Single socketed pipes. // 75 mm diameter
13.12 3338.00 Sqm 461.85 1541655.30 (-) 20.00 1233324.24

48 Description:- FINISHING // CEMENT PLASTER IN TWO COATS // 18 mm cement plaster in two coats under layer 12 mm thick
cement plaster 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) and a top layer 6 mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand)
finished rough with sponge.
13.26 300.00 Sqm 214.30 64290.00 (-) 20.00 51432.00
49 Description:- FINISHING // Extra for plastering: // Providing and applying plaster of paris putty of 2 mm thickness over
plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete.
13.37.1 1800.00 Sqm 32.45 58410.00 (-) 20.00 46728.00
50 Description:- FINISHING // INTERIOR FINISHING // White washing with lime to give an even shade : // New work (three or
more coats)
13.44.1 2500.00 Sqm 97.60 244000.00 (-) 20.00 195200.00
51 Description:- FINISHING // EXTERIOR FINISHING // Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of required shade : //
New work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.84 kg/10 sqm)
13.45.1 100.00 Sqm 245.00 24500.00 (-) 20.00 19600.00
52 Description:- FINISHING // EXTERIOR FINISHING // Finishing walls with textured exterior paint of required shade : // New
work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.28 ltr/10 sqm) over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20kg/10
13.50.1 46.08 Sqm 61.45 2831.62 (-) 20.00 2265.30
53 Description:- FINISHING // EXTERIOR FINISHING // Applying priming coat: // With ready mixed pink or Grey primer of
approved brand and manufacture on wood work (hard and soft wood)
13.50.3 50.00 Sqm 55.50 2775.00 (-) 20.00 2220.00
54 Description:- FINISHING // EXTERIOR FINISHING // Applying priming coat: // With ready mixed red oxide zinc chromate
primer of approved brand and manufacture on steel galvanised iron/ steel works
13.48.3 50.00 Sqm 140.05 7002.50 (-) 20.00 5602.00
Description:- FINISHING // EXTERIOR FINISHING // Finishing with Deluxe Multi surface paint system for interiors and
55 exteriors using Primer as per manufacturers specifications : // Painting Steel work with Deluxe Multi Surface Paint to give an
even shade. Two or more coat applied @ 0.90 ltr/10 sqm over an under coat of primer applied @ 0.80 ltr/10 sqm of approved
brand and manufacture
13.48.2 46.08 Sqm 144.90 6676.99 (-) 20.00 5341.59
Description:- FINISHING // EXTERIOR FINISHING // Finishing with Deluxe Multi surface paint system for interiors and
56 exteriors using Primer as per manufacturers specifications : // Painting wood work with Deluxe Multi Surface Paint of required
shade. Two or more coat applied @ 0.90 ltr/10 sqm over an under coat of primer applied @0.75 ltr/10 sqm of approved brand
and manufacture
13.1.2 552.00 Sqm 282.00 155664.00 (-) 20.00 124531.20
Description:- FINISHING // CEMENT PLASTER (IN FINE SAND) // 12 mm cement plaster of mix : // 1:6 (1 cement: 6 fine sand)
13.48.1 50.00 Sqm 158.95 7947.50 (-) 20.00 6358.00

58 Description:- FINISHING // EXTERIOR FINISHING // Finishing with Deluxe Multi surface paint system for interiors and
exteriors using Primer as per manufacturers specifications : // Two or more coats applied on walls @ 1.25 ltr/10 sqm over and
including one coat of Special primer applied @ 0.75 ltr /10 sqm
13.46.1 50.00 Sqm 166.85 8342.50 (-) 20.00 6674.00

59 Description:- FINISHING // EXTERIOR FINISHING // Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade : //
New work (Two or more coat applied @ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20
kg/10 sqm)
15.2.1 430.62 cum 2007.10 864297.40 (-) 20.00 691437.92

60 Description:- DISMANTLING AND DEMOLISHING // Demolishing cement concrete manually/ by mechanical means
including disposal of material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer - in - charge. // Nominal concrete 1:3:6 or
richer mix (i/c equivalent design mix)
15.31 100.00 Sqm 173.15 17315.00 (-) 20.00 13852.00
61 Description:- DISMANTLING AND DEMOLISHING // Dismantling tiled roofing with battens, boarding etc. complete
including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead.
15.7.4 200.00 cum 1698.45 339690.00 (-) 20.00 271752.00


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Description:- DISMANTLING AND DEMOLISHING // Demolishing brick work manually/ by mechanical means including
stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-
charge. // In cement mortar
15.10.2 400.00 cum 2372.30 948920.00 (-) 20.00 759136.00

63 Description:- DISMANTLING AND DEMOLISHING // Dismantling dressed stone work ashlar face stone work, marble work
or precast concrete work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable and disposal of unserviceable
material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge : // In cement mortar
16.1 1000.00 Sqm 180.50 180500.00 (-) 20.00 144400.00
Description:- ROAD WORK // ROADS // Preparation and consolidation of sub grade with power road roller of 8 to 12 tonne
64 capacity after excavating earth to an average of 22.5 cm depth, dressing to camber and consolidating with road roller
including making good the undulations etc. and re-rolling the sub grade and disposal of surplus earthwith lead upto 50
16.91.2 263.00 Sqm 1011.20 265945.60 (-) 20.00 212756.48
Description:- ROAD WORK // MISCELLANEOUS // Providing and laying factory made chamfered edge Cement Concrete
paver blocks in footpath, parks, lawns, drive ways or light traffic parking etc, of required strength, thickness & size/ shape,
65 made by table vibratory method using PU mould, laid in required colour & pattern over 50mm thick compacted bed of sand,
compacting and proper embedding/laying of inter locking paver blocks into the sand bedding layer through vibratory
compaction by using plate vibrator, filling the joints with sand and cutting of paver blocks as per required size and pattern,
finishing and sweeping extra sand. complete all as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. // 80 mm thick C.C. paver block of M-
30 grade with approved color design and pattern.
16.4 525.00 cum 865.80 454545.00 (-) 20.00 363636.00
Description:- ROAD WORK // ROADS // Laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specified sizes to WBM
66 specifications in uniform thickness, hand picking, rolling with 3 wheeled road/vibratory roller 8-10 tonne capacity in stages to
proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening / binding material to fill up interstices of coarse
aggregate, watering and compacting to the required density .
16.75 5.00 cum 8277.55 41387.75 (-) 20.00 33110.20
Description:- ROAD WORK // MISCELLANEOUS // Providing and laying C.C. pavement of mix M-25 with ready mixed
67 concrete from batching plant. The ready mixed concrete shall be laid and finished with screed board vibrator , vacuum
dewatering process and finally finished by floating, brooming with wire brush etc. complete as per specifications and
directions of Engineer-in-charge. (The panel shuttering work shall be paid for separately). (Note:- Cement content considered
in this item is @ 330 kg/cum. Excess/less cement used as per design mix is payable/ recoverable separately).
17.7.4 3.00 Each 1679.60 5038.80 (-) 20.00 4031.04

68 Description:- SANITARY INSTALLATIONS // Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I. brackets, 15 mm C.P. brass pillar
taps, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the
walls wherever require: // White Vitreous China Flat back wash basin size 550x 400 mm with single 15 mm C.P. brass pillar tap
17.4.1 3.00 Each 5268.85 15806.55 (-) 20.00 12645.24
Description:- SANITARY INSTALLATIONS // Providing and fixing white vitreous china flat back or wall corner type lipped
69 front urinal basin of 430x260x350 mm and 340x410x265 mm sizes respectively with automatic flushing cistern with standard
flush pipe and C.P. brass spreaders with brass unions and G.I clamps complete, including painting of fittings and brackets,
cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required : // One urinal basin with 5 litre white P.V.C. automatic
flushing cistern
17.2.1 3.00 Each 5540.55 16621.65 (-) 20.00 13297.32
Description:- SANITARY INSTALLATIONS // Providing and fixing white vitreous china pedestal type water closet (European
70 type W.C. pan) with seat and lid, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe, with manually controlled
device (handle lever), conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the
walls and floors wherever required : // W.C. pan with ISI marked white solid plastic seat and lid
17.22A 3.00 Each 886.25 2658.75 (-) 20.00 2127.00
71 Description:- SANITARY INSTALLATIONS // Providing and fixing CP Brass 32mm size Bottle Trap of approved quality &
make and as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
17.32.4 3.00 Each 1817.20 5451.60 (-) 20.00 4361.28

72 Description:- SANITARY INSTALLATIONS // Providing and fixing mirror of superior glass (of approved quality) and of
required shape and size with plastic moulded frame of approved make and shade with 6 mm thick hard board backing : //
Rectangular shape 1500x450 mm
17.33 9.00 Each 942.15 8479.35 (-) 20.00 6783.48

73 Description:- SANITARY INSTALLATIONS // Providing and fixing 600x120x5 mm glass shelf with edges round off,
supported on anodised aluminium angle frame with C.P. brass brackets and guard rail complete fixed with 40 mm long
screws, rawl plugs etc., complete.
17.34.2 3.00 Each 463.00 1389.00 (-) 20.00 1111.20
Description:- SANITARY INSTALLATIONS // Providing and fixing toilet paper holder : // Vitreous china
17.73.2 3.00 Each 600.35 1801.05 (-) 20.00 1440.84

75 Description:- SANITARY INSTALLATIONS // Providing and fixing PTMT towel rail complete with brackets fixed to wooden
cleats with CP brass screws with concealed fittings arrangement of approved quality and colour. // 600 mm long towel rail
with total length of 645 mm, width 78 mm and effective height of 88 mm, weighing not less than 190 gms.
17.32.2 3.00 Each 1158.95 3476.85 (-) 20.00 2781.48

76 Description:- SANITARY INSTALLATIONS // Providing and fixing mirror of superior glass (of approved quality) and of
required shape and size with plastic moulded frame of approved make and shade with 6 mm thick hard board backing : //
Rectangular shape 453x357 mm
18.33.1 3.00 Each 10102.50 30307.50 (-) 20.00 24246.00
Description:- WATER SUPPLY // C.I. SLUICE VALVES/ FIRE HYDRANTS & FIXTURES // Constructing masonry Chamber
60x60x75 cm inside, in brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) for sluice valve, with C.I. surface box
77 100mm top diameter, 160 mm bottom diameter and 180 mm deep ( inside) with chained lid and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1
cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size ) , i/c necessary excavation, foundation concrete
1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and inside plastering with cement mortar
1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick, finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design : //
With common burnt clay F.P.S.(non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
18.32.1 2.00 Each 1712.15 3424.30 (-) 20.00 2739.44

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Description:- WATER SUPPLY // C.I. SLUICE VALVES/ FIRE HYDRANTS & FIXTURES // Constructing masonry Chamber
78 30x30x50 cm inside, in brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) for stop cock, with C. I. surface box
100x100 x75 mm (inside) with hinged cover fixed in cement concrete slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded
stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), i/c necessary excavation, foundation concrete 1:5:10 ( 1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10
graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size ) and inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12mm
thick, finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design : // With common burnt clay F.P.S.(non
modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
18.11.1 100.00 Metre 485.20 48520.00 (-) 20.00 38816.00

79 Description:- WATER SUPPLY // C.P.V.C. PIPES // Providing and fixing G.I. Pipes complete with G.I. fittings and clamps, i/c
making good the walls etc. concealed pipe, including painting with anti corrosive bitumastic paint, cutting chases and making
good the wall : // 15 mm dia nominal bore
18.12.3 500.00 Metre 417.95 208975.00 (-) 20.00 167180.00
80 Description:- WATER SUPPLY // C.P.V.C. PIPES // Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings including
trenching and refilling etc.-External work // 25 mm dia nominal bore
18.8.1 200.00 Metre 441.15 88230.00 (-) 20.00 70584.00
Description:- WATER SUPPLY // C.P.V.C. PIPES // Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having
81 thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, i/c fixing the pipe with clamps
at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and the cost of cutting chases
and making good the same including testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge, Concealed work,
including cutting chases and making good the wall etc. // 15 mm nominal dia Pipes
18.8.2 1000.00 Metre 513.75 513750.00 (-) 20.00 411000.00
Description:- WATER SUPPLY // C.P.V.C. PIPES // Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having
82 thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, i/c fixing the pipe with clamps
at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and the cost of cutting chases
and making good the same including testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge, Concealed work,
including cutting chases and making good the wall etc. // 20 mm nominal dia Pipes
18.48 4000.00 Litre 9.70 38800.00 (-) 20.00 31040.00

83 Description:- WATER SUPPLY // C.I. SLUICE VALVES/ FIRE HYDRANTS & FIXTURES // Providing and placing on terrace (at all
floor levels) polyethylene water storage tank, IS : 12701 marked, with cover and suitable locking arrangement and making
necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow pipes but without fittings and the base support for tank.
18.16.1 5.00 Each 303.85 1519.25 (-) 20.00 1215.40
84 Description:- WATER SUPPLY // BRASS FITTINGS // Providing and fixing brass stop cock of approved quality : // 15 mm
nominal bore 10.00 Each 74.80 748.00 (-) 20.00 598.40
85 Description:- WATER SUPPLY // Providing and fixing uplasticised PVC connection pipe with brass unions : // 30 cm length //
15 mm nominal bore
18.22.2 3.00 Each 190.10 570.30 (-) 20.00 456.24
86 Description:- WATER SUPPLY // Providing and fixing uplasticised PVC connection pipe with brass unions : // Providing and
fixing C.P. brass shower rose with 15 or 20 mm inlet : // 150 mm diameter
18.15.1 20.00 Each 303.85 6077.00 (-) 20.00 4861.60
87 Description:- WATER SUPPLY // BRASS FITTINGS // Providing and fixing brass bib cock of approved quality : // 15 mm
nominal bore
18.9.3 300.00 Metre 370.65 111195.00 (-) 20.00 88956.00
Description:- WATER SUPPLY // C.P.V.C. PIPES // Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having
88 thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings This includes jointing of pipes &
fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in
Charge.-External work // 25 mm nominal dia Pipes
19.35.2 10.00 Metre 3051.55 30515.50 (-) 20.00 24412.40

89 Description:- DRAINAGE // Extra for depth beyond 45 cm of brick masonry chamber : // Providing and laying Non Pressure
NP-3 class (Medium duty) R.C.C. pipes including collars/spigot jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of
1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete // 600 mm dia RCC pipes.
20.2.1 50.00 Metre 1916.40 95820.00 (-) 20.00 76656.00
Description:- PILE WORK // Boring, providing and installation bored cast-in-situ reinforced cement concrete piles of grade
M-25 of specified diameter and length below the pile cap, to carry a safe working load not less than specified, excluding the
90 cost of steel reinforcement but including the cost of boring with bentonite solution and temporary casing of appropriate
length for setting out and removal of same and the length of the pile to be embedded in the pile cap etc. by percussion
drilling using Direct mud circulation (DMC) or Bailer and chisel technique by tripod and mechanical Winch Machine all
complete, including removal of excavated earth with all its lifts and leads (length of pile for payment shall be measured up to
bottom of pile cap). // 450 mm dia piles 325.00 Kg 433.95 141033.75 (-) 20.00 112827.00
Description:- ALUMINIUM WORK // Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with
extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS:
733 and IS: 1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e.
91 at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free,
straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing /
paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-
charge. (Glazing, paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) : // For fixed portion // Anodised aluminium (anodised
transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) 250.00 Kg 531.80 132950.00 (-) 20.00 106360.00
Description:- ALUMINIUM WORK // Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with
extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS:
733 and IS: 1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e.
at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free,
92 straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing /
paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-
charge. (Glazing, paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) : // For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators
including providing and fixing hinges/ pivots and making provision for fixing of fittings wherever required including the cost of
EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket required (Fittings shall be paid for separately) // Anodised aluminium (anodised transparent
or dyed to required shade according to IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15)

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21.3.1 51.75 Sqm 1019.80 52774.65 (-) 20.00 42219.72

Description:- ALUMINIUM WORK // Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with
extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS:
733 and IS: 1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e.
at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free,
93 straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing /
paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-
charge. (Glazing, paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) : // Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door,
window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural
drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item): // With float
glass panes of 4.0 mm thickness (weight not less than 10kg/sqm)
21.17 50.00 Kg 560.85 28042.50 (-) 20.00 22434.00
Description:- ALUMINIUM WORK // Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with
extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS:
733 and IS: 1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e.
at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free,
straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing /
94 paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-
charge. (Glazing, paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) : // Providing and fixing anodised aluminium grill
(anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS: 1868 with minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) of
approved design/pattern, with approved standard section and fixed to the existing window frame with C.P. brass/ stainless
steel screws @ 200 mm centre to centre, including cutting the grill to proper opening size for fixing and operation of handles
and fixing approved anodised aluminium standard section around the opening, all complete as per requirement and direction
of Engineer-in-charge. (Only weight of grill to be measured for payment).
22.14.2 51.84 cum 14275.75 740054.88 (-) 20.00 592043.90
95 Description:- WATER PROOFING // Grading roof for water proofing treatment with // Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand)
4.3.1 222.68 Sqm 307.95 68574.31 (-) 20.00 54859.45
96 Description:- CONCRETE WORK // CEMENT CONCRETE (CAST IN SITU) // Centering and shuttering including strutting,
propping etc. and removal of form work for : // Foundations, footings, bases for columns 104.10 cum 8683.80 903983.58 (-) 20.00 723186.86
Description:- REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE // DESIGN MIX CONCRETE // Providing and laying in position ready mixed
or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate
derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended
proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing
97 strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering,
shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete. Note:
Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the
cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have
discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement. // All works upto plinth level // Concrete of M25 grade
with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum 37.42 cum 10306.20 385658.00 (-) 20.00 308526.40
Description:- REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE // DESIGN MIX CONCRETE // Providing and laying in position ready mixed
or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate
derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended
proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing
98 strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering,
shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete. Note:
Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the
cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have
discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement. // All works above plinth level upto floor V level //
Concrete of M25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum
10.20 1038.10 Kg 140.15 145489.71 (-) 20.00 116391.77
Description:- STEEL WORK // Providing and fixing bolts including nuts and washers complete.
11.20.2 213.48 Sqm 1160.00 247636.80 (-) 20.00 198109.44
Description:- FLOORING // TILE FLOORING // Chequerred precast cement concrete tiles 22 mm thick in footpath &
100 courtyard, jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of tiles, including rubbing and cleaning
etc. complete, on 20 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand). // Medium shade pigment using 50%
white cement 50% Grey cement
12.4.1 70.00 Metre 822.15 57550.50 (-) 20.00 46040.40

101 Description:- ROOFING // SHEET ROOFING // Providing ridges or hips of width 60 cm overall width plain G.S. sheet fixed
with polymer coated J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8 mm dia G.I. limpet and bitumen washers complete. // 0.80 mm thick with
zinc coating not less than 275 gm/sqm
12.5.1 784.80 Metre 1370.40 1075489.92 (-) 20.00 860391.94

102 Description:- ROOFING // Providing valleys of 90 cm wide overall in plain G.S. sheet fixed with polymer coated J, or L hooks,
bolts and nuts 8 mm dia G.I. limpet and bitumen washers complete : // 1.60 mm thick with zinc coating not less than 350
13.63.1 2800.00 Sqm 121.45 340060.00 (-) 20.00 272048.00
103 Description:- FINISHING // Painting with aluminium paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade . //
Two or more coats on new work
6.4.1 20.25 cum 8512.10 172370.02 (-) 20.00 137896.02

104 Description:- MASONRY WORK // Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in
superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in : // Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse
8.3.2 36.00 Metre 418.85 15078.60 (-) 20.00 12062.88


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Description:- CLADDING WORK // Providing and fixing 18 mm thick gang saw cut, mirror polished, premoulded and
prepolished, machine cut for kitchen platforms, vanity counters, window sills, facias and similar locations of required size,
approved shade, colour and texture laid over 20 mm thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), joints treated
with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups, including rubbing, curing, moulding and polishing of
edges to give high gloss finish etc. complete at all levels. // Providing edge moulding to 18 mm thick marble stone counters,
Vanities etc., including machine polishing to edge to give high gloss finish etc. complete as per design approved by Engineer-
in-Charge. // Granite work 9.00 Each 119.95 1079.55 (-) 20.00 863.64
106 Description:- ROOFING // Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for
unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS :
5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. // Coupler // 110 mm 9.00 Each 132.00 1188.00 (-) 20.00 950.40

107 Description:- ROOFING // Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for
unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS :
5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. // Bend 87.5 degrees // 110 mm bend 6.00 Each 115.95 695.70 (-) 20.00 556.56

108 Description:- ROOFING // Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for
unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS :
5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. // Shoe (Plain) // 110 mm Shoe
12.43.2 12.00 Each 309.50 3714.00 (-) 20.00 2971.20
Description:- ROOFING // Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for
unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS :
109 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. // Providing and fixing unplasticised -PVC pipe clips of approved design to
unplasticised - PVC rain water pipes by means of 50x50x50 mm hard wood plugs, screwed with M.S. screws of required
length, including cutting brick work and fixing in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) and making good the wall etc.
complete. // 110 mm
12.51.5 4.00 Sqm 422.50 1690.00 (-) 20.00 1352.00
Description:- ROOFING // Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for
unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS :
110 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. // Providing and fixing precoated galvanised steel sheet roofing accessories
0.50 mm (+0.05 %) total coated thickness, Zinc coating 120 grams per sqm as per IS: 277, in 240 mpa steel grade, 5-7
microns epoxy primer on both side of the sheet and polyester top coat 15-18 microns using self drilling/ self tapping screws
complete : // Crimp curve
12.7.1 40.00 Metre 811.85 32474.00 (-) 20.00 25979.20

111 Description:- ROOFING // SHEET ROOFING // Providing and fixing 15 cm wide, 45 cm overall semi-circular plain G.S. sheet
gutter with iron brackets 40x3mm size, bolts, nuts and washers etc., including making necessary connections with rain water
pipes complete. // 0.80 mm thick with zinc coating not less than 275 gm/sqm
4.5.1 66.02 cum 9277.75 612517.05 (-) 20.00 490013.64
Description:- CONCRETE WORK // CEMENT CONCRETE PRECAST // Providing and fixing up to floor five level precast cement
112 concrete string or lacing courses, copings, bed plates, anchor blocks, plain window sills, shelves, louvers, steps, stair cases,
etc., including hoisting and setting in position with cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand), cost of required Centering
complete. // 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) derived from natural sources: 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size derived from natural sources)
4.2.5 5.83 cum 8843.45 51557.31 (-) 20.00 41245.85
Description:- CONCRETE WORK // CEMENT CONCRETE (CAST IN SITU) // Providing and laying cement concrete in retaining
113 walls, return walls, walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, columns, piers, abutments, pillars, posts, struts,
buttresses, string or lacing courses, parapets, coping, bed blocks, anchor blocks, plain window sills, fillets, sunken floor etc.,
up to floor five level, excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and finishing: // 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand (zone-III)
derived from natural sources : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from natural sources)
15.3 916.32 cum 2928.10 2683076.59 (-) 20.00 2146461.27
114 Description:- DISMANTLING AND DEMOLISHING // Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means including
stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer - in- charge.
15.9.2 219.00 cum 2027.10 443934.90 (-) 20.00 355147.92

115 Description:- DISMANTLING AND DEMOLISHING // Demolishing stone rubble masonry manually/ by mechanical means
including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge : // In cement mortar
4.3.2 44.78 Sqm 669.55 29982.45 (-) 20.00 23985.96

116 Description:- CONCRETE WORK // CEMENT CONCRETE (CAST IN SITU) // Centering and shuttering including strutting,
propping etc. and removal of form work for : // Retaining walls, return walls, walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters,
buttresses, plinth and string courses fillets, kerbs and steps etc.

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule G-Steel - Minor bridges, RUBs & MSE walls - USSR Items 25266381.50
025082 257111.85 Kg 98.27 25266381.50 AT Par 25266381.50

1 Description:- Supply of steel reinforcement of approved brands/makes for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting,
bending, placing in position and binding all complete. Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more of
approved brands/makes.

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule H- RBG, PF, Minor br., RUBs & MSE walls: NS Items 17885513.90
NSCON02028 405.00 Sqm 95.00 38475.00 AT Par 38475.00
Description:- Consultancy work for developing structural design for Pro. Site Office and Rest House building (Foundation to
1 be designed to cater for ground floor + first floor) and submit the RCC drawings including proof checking for the approval of
Railways with contractor's Structural Engineers, all stationery, all taxes etc., complete to the conditions of contract,
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

NSCON02034 1.00 Each 27690.00 27690.00 AT Par 27690.00

Description:- Preparation and submission of elevation plan (i.e Architectural plan) for the proposed station building ..............
2 The elevation plan should be supplied for 3 alternatives out of which one will be selected with modifications if any, suggested
by Railways and after approval the same shall be submitted in 3 prints as well as in soft copy with all contractor's equipment,
technical personal, taxes, stationery etc., complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
NSCON03001 100.00 cum 696.00 69600.00 AT Par 69600.00
Description:- Providing and spreading moorum for platforms /approach roads / circulating areas with locally available
moorum of approved quality upto a thickness as specified by the Engineer, including spreading in layers of about 200mm
3 thick (in loose) levelling, sectioning to profile, watering and compacting the layers using mechanical compaction equipment
with all lead and lift, royalty, etc, complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Note: The
quantity will be calculated and paid for based on cross sections of finished profile of bank. Moorum should be approved by
AXEN/XEN before using.
NSCON11005 7650.00 Sqm 1038.00 7940700.00 AT Par 7940700.00
4 Description:- Providing Kadapa natural stone 40-50 mm thick unpolished (2X2 feet) flooring over 20mm thick sand bed.
Note: The rate inclusive of transportation of Kadapa stone from a distance of 330 Kms.
NSCON17001 14.00 Each 7480.00 104720.00 AT Par 104720.00
5 Description:- Preparation and submission of Completion drawings of Major / Minor bridges d)Size above A-0 size. Note: Unit -
Each drawing
NSCON07001 92.55 cum 2278.00 210828.90 AT Par 210828.90
Description:- Transportation of precast PSC slabs from the casting point
NSCON10005 1500.00 Sqm 6329.00 9493500.00 AT Par 9493500.00

7 Description:- Providing Reinforced earth Structures including all cost like excavation, facia material and its placement,
assembling, joining with facing elements and laying of the reinforcing elements.etc and complete as per the direction of
Engineer in charge.

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule I-P.way Laying & Linking - USSR Items 67360900.90
171014 661.85 MT 105.42 69772.23 AT Par 69772.23

1 Description:- Loading of rails of any section and length up to 13 metres in Wagons / Truck / trailer including lead up to 50
metres and lift up to 5 metres. In Wagon where mechanical handling is possible a n d traffic block is not required or in
171053 661.85 MT 78.08 51677.25 AT Par 51677.25
Description:- Unloading of rails of any section and length up to 13 metre, in neat manner for Railway usage from
2 departmental material train (DMT) or contractor's / Railway's Truck/trailer including lead up to 50 metre, lift up to 5 metre and
stacking in prescribed manner. From Wagon where mechanical handling is possible and traffic block is not required or in
Truck / trailer.
171022 135.00 MT 201.26 27170.10 AT Par 27170.10
Description:- Loading of tongue rail, stock rail, switch assembly and crossings of any section and length, SEJ, Glued joint
3 etc. with / without P.Way fittings and fastenings, in Wagon / Truck / trailer including lead up to 250 metre and lift up to 5
metre. In wagons not involving traffic block or on lines, not opened to traffic but handling by mechanical means is not
173012 135.00 MT 144.34 19485.90 AT Par 19485.90
Description:- Unloading of Switches / Crossings / SEJ Rails / Glued Joints of any rail section and length with or without P.Way
4 fittings & fastenings in neat manner for Railway usage from departmental material train (DMT) or contractor's / Railway's
Truck/Trailer with lead up to 250 metre & lift up to 5 metres. From DMT - Not involving traffic block or on lines, not opened to
172014 3738.00 MT 81.45 304460.10 AT Par 304460.10
Description:- Loading of 52kg / 60kg PSC normal line and special sleepers up to 2.75 metre length in Depot / Station / Mid-
section between stations in a neat manner to departmental material train (DMT) or contractor's / Railway's Truck/Trailer with
5 crane or any other means including crossing of one track with free lead up to 250 metre and lift up to 5 metre, if required with
contractor's labour, tools & plants, machinery, consumables etc. Note: In case of any damage to sleeper during loading,
penalty @ 50% of the all inclusive cost of sleeper shall be levied. In Wagon where mechanical handling is possible and traffic
block is not required or in Truck / trailer
172062 3738.00 MT 102.00 381276.00 AT Par 381276.00
Description:- Unloading of 52kg / 60kg PSC line and special sleepers up to 2.75 metre length in Depot / Station / Mid-section
between stations in neat manner for Railway usage from departmental material train (DMT) or contractor's / Railway's
6 Truck/Trailer with crane or any other means including crossing of one track and lead up to 250 metre & lift up to 5 metre with
contractor's labour, tools & plants, machinery, consumables etc. Note: In case of any damage to sleeper during loading,
penalty @ 50% of the all inclusive cost of sleeper shall be levied. From DMT - Not involving traffic block or on lines, not
opened to traffic
172022 484.00 MT 185.30 89685.20 AT Par 89685.20
Description:- Loading of 52kg / 60kg PSC line and special sleepers beyond 2.75 metre length including existing fittings and
fastenings in Depot / Station / Mid-section between stations in a neat manner to departmental material train (DMT) or
7 contractor's / Railway's Truck/trailer with crane or any other means including crossing of one track with free lead up to 250
metre and lift up to 5 metre, if required with contractor's labour, tools & plants, machinery, consumables etc. Note: In case of
any damage to sleeper during loading, penalty @ 50% of the all inclusive cost of sleeper shall be levied. In wagons not
involving traffic block or on lines, not opened to traffic but handling by mechanical means is not possible
172072 484.00 MT 116.11 56197.24 AT Par 56197.24
Description:- Unloading of 52kg / 60kg PSC special sleepers beyond 2.75 metre length in Depot / Station / Mid-section
between stations in neat manner for Railway usage from departmental material train (DMT) or contractor's / Railway's
8 Truck/Trailer with crane or any other means including crossing of one track and lead up to 50 metre & lift up to 5 metre with
contractor's labour, tools & plants, machinery, consumables etc. Note: In case of any damage to sleeper during loading,
penalty @ 50% of the all inclusive cost of sleeper shall be levied. From DMT - Not involving traffic block or on lines not opened
to traffic
172041 167.00 MT 150.99 25215.33 AT Par 25215.33

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- Loading, leading and unloading of all types of P.Way fittings and all other miscellaneous material except Rails,
sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different leads. Note: Lead shall be the shortest
motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. Lead up to 5 Km
172042 167.00 MT 194.32 32451.44 AT Par 32451.44

10 Description:- Loading, leading and unloading of all types of P.Way fittings and all other miscellaneous material except Rails,
sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different leads. Note: Lead shall be the shortest
motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. Lead beyond 5 Km and up to 10 km
172043 167.00 MT 253.88 42397.96 AT Par 42397.96

11 Description:- Loading, leading and unloading of all types of P.Way fittings and all other miscellaneous material except Rails,
sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different leads. Note: Lead shall be the shortest
motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. Lead beyond 10 Km and up to 20 km
172044 167.00 MT 327.18 54639.06 AT Par 54639.06

12 Description:- Loading, leading and unloading of all types of P.Way fittings and all other miscellaneous material except Rails,
sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different leads. Note: Lead shall be the shortest
motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. Lead beyond 20 Km and up to 30 km
172045 167.00 MT 429.92 71796.64 AT Par 71796.64

13 Description:- Loading, leading and unloading of all types of P.Way fittings and all other miscellaneous material except Rails,
sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different leads. Note: Lead shall be the shortest
motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. Lead beyond 30 Km and up to 50 km
172046 167.00 MT 655.64 109491.88 AT Par 109491.88

14 Description:- Loading, leading and unloading of all types of P.Way fittings and all other miscellaneous material except Rails,
sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different leads. Note: Lead shall be the shortest
motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. Lead beyond 50 Km and up to 100 Km
172047 167.00 MT 991.65 165605.55 AT Par 165605.55

15 Description:- Loading, leading and unloading of all types of P.Way fittings and all other miscellaneous material except Rails,
sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different leads. Note: Lead shall be the shortest
motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. Lead beyond 100 Km and up to 150 Km
172048 108550.00 MT-Km 3.42 371241.00 AT Par 371241.00
Description:- Loading, leading and unloading of all types of P.Way fittings and all other miscellaneous material except Rails,
16 sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different leads. Note: Lead shall be the shortest
motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. Extra for every Km per MT beyond 150 Km over item no.
172051 4357.00 MT 52.20 227435.40 AT Par 227435.40

17 Description:- Transportation of Rails, sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different
leads. Note: 1. Lead shall be the shortest motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. 2. Loading and
unloading shall be paid extra under relevant items. Lead up to 5 Km
172052 4357.00 MT 95.53 416224.21 AT Par 416224.21

18 Description:- Transportation of Rails, sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different
leads. Note: 1. Lead shall be the shortest motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. 2. Loading and
unloading shall be paid extra under relevant items. Lead beyond 5 Km and up to 10 km
172053 4357.00 MT 155.10 675770.70 AT Par 675770.70

19 Description:- Transportation of Rails, sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different
leads. Note: 1. Lead shall be the shortest motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. 2. Loading and
unloading shall be paid extra under relevant items. Lead beyond 10 Km and up to 20 km
172054 4357.00 MT 228.39 995095.23 AT Par 995095.23

20 Description:- Transportation of Rails, sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different
leads. Note: 1. Lead shall be the shortest motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. 2. Loading and
unloading shall be paid extra under relevant items. Lead beyond 20 Km and up to 30 km
172055 4357.00 MT 331.13 1442733.41 AT Par 1442733.41

21 Description:- Transportation of Rails, sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different
leads. Note: 1. Lead shall be the shortest motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. 2. Loading and
unloading shall be paid extra under relevant items. Lead beyond 30 Km and up to 50 km
172056 4357.00 MT 556.85 2426195.45 AT Par 2426195.45

22 Description:- Transportation of Rails, sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different
leads. Note: 1. Lead shall be the shortest motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. 2. Loading and
unloading shall be paid extra under relevant items. Lead beyond 50 Km and up to 100 Km
172057 4357.00 MT 892.86 3890191.02 AT Par 3890191.02

23 Description:- Transportation of Rails, sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different
leads. Note: 1. Lead shall be the shortest motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. 2. Loading and
unloading shall be paid extra under relevant items. Lead beyond 100 Km and up to 150 Km
172058 2004220.00 MT-Km 3.42 6854432.40 AT Par 6854432.40

24 Description:- Transportation of Rails, sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different
leads. Note: 1. Lead shall be the shortest motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. 2. Loading and
unloading shall be paid extra under relevant items. Extra for every Km per MT beyond 150 Km over item no. 172057
161011 1260.00 Each 212.20 267372.00 AT Par 267372.00
Description:- Quick cutting with abrasive rail cutter of all types of rail sections including wear resistant, head hardened rails
25 up to 110 UTS, with contractors tools & plants, equipment, consumable with all lead & lift etc. complete as directed by
Engineer in-charge. Abrasive Rail Cutter will be as per RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/1 (Rev. 01 of 2012) with latest status of
RDSO; Rail Cutting Wheel Abrasive Disc will be as per RDSO Specification No.TM/SM/2 (Rev. 01 of 2020) 60 Kg - 110/90 UTS -
Outside Track
161041 3399.00 Each 50.55 171819.45 AT Par 171819.45
Description:- Drilling holes of 16 mm to 32 mm dia. with Rail Drilling machine including chamfering with appropriate
26 chamfering tools in all types of rail section with contractor's tools & plants, equipment, consumable with all lead & lift etc.
complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge. Rail Drilling Machine will be as per RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/3, dated
24.04.1991. Outside Track
123013 210.00 Each 110.53 23211.30 AT Par 23211.30

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- Providing Centre Line / Rail Level, reference Pegs on formation at an interval of 30 metres on one side or at
27 centre of proposed / existing track, as directed by engineer in-charge for linking of new track / CTR / Deep Screening / Lifting /
Lowering works, duly embedding in formation including marking with contractor's paint. Note: (1) Rails/tie bar of suitable size
bar shall be supplied by the Railways from nearest Stores Depot. In case of hard wood peg, the hard wood will be supplied by
the contractor. (2) Excavation and concrete work, if required, will be paid separately. With contractor's hard wood pegs of 50
mm dia and 60 cm long
123030 19530.00 cum 44.61 871233.30 AT Par 871233.30
Description:- Spreading of ballast, from existing stacks available along formation on top or at cess, in required uniform
thickness, compaction of ballast layer laid on new formation at all the locations with smooth wheeled power roller of 8-10
28 tonne capacity to sufficient number of passes to form consolidated ballast bed of approximately 250mm thickness to a width
of 4m symmetrical to centre line of proposed track in correct line & level with all ascents & descents, as directed by Engineer
in-charge. Note: Item is inclusive of (a) providing ramp for taking roller to formation and removing the same & making good
formation after completion of work; (b) redistribution & leveling of excess ballast while rolling to obtain uniform plane
cambered surface.
085016 19530.00 cum 1255.68 24523430.40 AT Par 24523430.40
Description:- Manufacturing, supply and stacking of machine crushed Track Ballast conforming to RDSO Specification (IRS-
29 GE-1) with latest correction slips at Railway depot or nominated location. Note: Distance of nearest quarry mentioned in each
sub-item is only for the purpose of selecting the items for preparation of estimates/tender schedule, based on the minimum
distance between nearest quarry and centre of supply points and will not affect the selection of quarry during physical supply
in any way till prescribed specification is met fully. When distance of nearest quarry is more than 50 km and up to 100 km
123041 5208.00 TRM 255.83 1332362.64 AT Par 1332362.64
Description:- Linking of BG track (except at LC, Bridges and SEJs) with any type of rail section and sleeper of specified
density, on ballast bed spread and compacted with suitable roller, over prepared formation including leading free rails/welded
panels available along the alignment on to formation, leading and spreading all fittings and fastenings, spreading of sleepers
30 at specified spacing, squaring, placing of rails over sleepers and fixing rails to sleepers with all types of fittings and fastenings
to correct gauge & alignment, lubrication of fittings and fastenings with contractor's grease as per IRPWM standards with
contractors labour, tools, consumables, with all lead, lifts etc. complete and raising, levelling and initial packing of track to
make it fit for 30 kmph and meet other prerequisites prescribed in Indian Railway Track Machine Manual for deployment of
Tamping Machine. Note: 1.Rail cutting and Hole drilling shall be paid separately. 2.Spreading of ballast and compaction shall
be paid separately under relevant item. For sleeper density of 1660 sleepers per km
072042 15.00 Set 44921.93 673828.95 AT Par 673828.95
Description:- Laying and linking of turnouts of all types including diamond crossings & Derailing switches with 52Kg / 60Kg
rail section on PSC sleepers on prepared ballast bed for New lines or during total closure of section at indicated location as
31 per standard drawing, duly leading sleepers, rails, switches, crossings, fastenings including rail cutting, drilling, fixing of all
components, fittings with housing of tongue rails as per requirement of signaling, preparing ballast bed, filling and spreading
of ballast as required, linking of turnout with track, attending track parameters including lifting, providing one round of
packing to make track fit for 20 kmph speed including lubrication of fittings/fastenings, complete as directed by Engineer in-
charge. 1 in 12 Turnouts
131011 6100.00 TRM 89.98 548878.00 AT Par 548878.00
32 Description:- Through packing of track, as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of Indian Railways Permanent Way
Manual For PSC sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1540 Sleepers/Km or more
131052 10.00 Set 12857.58 128575.80 AT Par 128575.80
Description:- Through packing of points and crossings, derailing switches including gauging, fittings recoupment, ballasting
33 as required, elimination of sag and to the required alignment after Deep Screening as per procedure prescribed in latest
edition of IRPWM complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Note: This work shall be operated in exceptional cases with
written approval at DEN level when UNIMAT is not available and immediate packing is required to pass train over it. 1 in 12
PSC layout
171072 710.19 MT 21.46 15240.68 AT Par 15240.68

34 Description:- Unloading of all type of rails of length 130 metre and beyond from end unloading rake and keep the panels in
head-up position at specified distance from centre of track clear from any infringement.. Note: Contractor has to keep Oxygen
and Acetylene gas with cutter as standby during the period of work. Not involving traffic block
062013 1358.00 Each 307.99 418250.42 AT Par 418250.42
Description:- Through Sleeper Renewal (TSR) with PSC sleepers involving removal existing sleepers of any type along with
fittings from track, insertion of PSC sleepers lying along the cess / formation / slope / toe within 5 metres height with all
35 fittings to specified spacing, gauge and squareness, one round of through packing to make track fit for 20 kmph speed,
dressing of ballast to standard profile, all in accordance with the latest provisions of IRPWM and stacking of all released
material neatly at specified places within an average lead of 100 m as directed by Engineer in-charge. For PSC wider base
sleepers - For location of work not involving deep screening
063020 3320.00 Sleeper 24.35 80842.00 AT Par 80842.00

36 Description:- Through renewal of Metal / GFN liners in running track condition after cleaning of rail foot at liner seat,
greasing of liner, liner seat and sealing of liner contact area at rail foot including removing, cleaning & lubrication of ER Clip &
Insert Eye and re-driving the same with contractor's grease graphite of approved quality with all lead & lift.
063100 1500.00 ERC 44.66 66990.00 AT Par 66990.00
Description:- Removing seized ERC from SGCI inserts of existing track by using suitable approved chemicals and re-fixing
after greasing of insert eye and ERC with Contractor's grease of specified quality as per provisions of IRPWM, as directed by
37 Engineer in-charge. Note: 1.List of Seized ERC along with location shall be prepared after inspection of SSE/P.Way and marked
prior to execution of this item. 2. Due care shall be taken to avoid any damage to the sleeper 3.A penalty of 50% of the basic
cost of new sleeper in nearest sleeper factory shall be levied on each, if SGCI insert is broken or sleeper gets cracked in the
063110 1500.00 RM 5.25 7875.00 AT Par 7875.00
38 Description:- Lubrication of gauge face of rail on curves, cross overs, points & crossings, turn-in curves and at locations as
required with contractor's grease graphite grade "O" IS 408 and as directed.
071011 2.00 Set 26669.25 53338.50 AT Par 53338.50


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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- Under Traffic Block: Dismantling of existing BG turnouts, diamond crossings and derailing switches with all
types of rails and sleeper layout, removing rails, switches, crossings, sleepers & fastenings, leveling of ballast to correct
profile & stacking all the released materials, sleepers, fastenings, rails, switches & crossings including segregating & stacking
at specified locations in a neat and countable manner, within the lead of 250m & all lift, clear of infringements, crossing of
track, if any complete, as directed. Note: 1. This item shall be operated only when existing turnout is replaced either with new
turnout in case of TTR or with plain track when existing turnout is no more required at that location. 2. Rail cutting will be
paid extra under relevant item. 3. Laying of new turnout or plain track on prepared ballast bed, as required, shall be paid
separately under relevant item. 1 in 8½ Turnout (Under Traffic Block)
071012 2.00 Set 30595.82 61191.64 AT Par 61191.64
Description:- Under Traffic Block: Dismantling of existing BG turnouts, diamond crossings and derailing switches with all
types of rails and sleeper layout, removing rails, switches, crossings, sleepers & fastenings, leveling of ballast to correct
profile & stacking all the released materials, sleepers, fastenings, rails, switches & crossings including segregating & stacking
40 at specified locations in a neat and countable manner, within the lead of 250m & all lift, clear of infringements, crossing of
track, if any complete, as directed. Note: 1. This item shall be operated only when existing turnout is replaced either with new
turnout in case of TTR or with plain track when existing turnout is no more required at that location. 2. Rail cutting will be
paid extra under relevant item. 3. Laying of new turnout or plain track on prepared ballast bed, as required, shall be paid
separately under relevant item. 1 in 12 Turnout (Under Traffic Block)
064052 1000.00 Each 110.77 110770.00 AT Par 110770.00
41 Description:- Gas cutting of rail of various sections with contractor's tools & plants, as directed by engineer in-charge : Rail
section of 52Kg and above
071030 3.00 Set 3927.85 11783.55 AT Par 11783.55
Description:- Dismantling the existing BG Buffer-stop laid with rails & wooden/ST sleepers including leading the dismantled
42 Buffer stop materials to nominated places within station yard limits and stacking as material-wise and classification-wise duly
releasing all fittings carefully without causing any damage with all contractor's labour, tools, with all lead and lifts, crossing of
tracks if any, etc., complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
072032 5.00 Set 60237.20 301186.00 AT Par 301186.00
Description:- Assembling on temporary staging and insertion of all types of turnouts including diamond crossings and
derailing switches on prepared ballast bed during traffic block, manually or by contractor's cranes, at specified location with
52Kg / 60Kg rail section on PSC sleepers with Railways rails/sleepers available anywhere within 500m as per standard
43 drawing, duly leading sleepers, rails, switches, crossings, fastenings etc. including rail cutting, drilling, fixing of all
components, fittings etc. with housing of tongue rails as per requirement of signaling including crossing of track, filling and
spreading of ballast in crib and shoulder as required, linking of turnout with existing track, attending track parameters
including lifting, providing one round of packing to make track fit for 20 kmph speed including lubrication of
fittings/fastenings, complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer in-charge. Note: Required P.Way fittings shall be
supplied at the SSE/P.Way stores. 1 in 12 Turnouts
153012 5.00 Each 52764.51 263822.55 AT Par 263822.55
Description:- Dismantling of existing Turnout by removing switches, rails, crossings, check rails, sleepers and all fixtures
and stacking all released materials, removing ballast and muck by excavating up to required depth, preparation of formation
44 bed, laying of pre assembled Turnout by Railway's T-28 machine, linking of track with all fittings, filling up of ballast duly
screened, packing, adjusting, opening & housing of switch, testing operation of switch assembly and attending track
parameters, so as to make track fit for 20 kmph speed including disposing off muck to indicated places up to free lead after
the block working etc. complete. Note: Rate includes making necessary preparation for T-28 machine movement like
preparation of approaches, transportation and laying of wooden sleepers/blocks, etc. 1 in 12 Turnout
073012 20.00 Set 15720.77 314415.40 AT Par 314415.40
Description:- Lifting for increase in ballast cushion of existing points & crossing layouts up to 75mm or part thereof including
45 approach and exit sleepers including one round of through packing, correcting the disturbed sleeper spacing, tightening of
fittings, boxing of ballast and ramping out on either side at slope not steeper than 1 in 1000 or as directed. Note: Item will be
paid only when lifting is 50mm or more. 1 in 12 Points & Crossing
061021 5335.00 TRM 38.70 206464.50 AT Par 206464.50
Description:- Dismantling and removing rail of all section & length from track, laid on any type & density of sleeper by
46 removing fish plates, fastenings & fish bolts and other materials including stacking all released materials within an average
distance of 500 metres as directed by Engineer in-charge. Note: 1.Cutting of rails shall be paid separately. 2.Work to be done
under traffic block. For Through Rail Renewal work
061031 5335.00 TRM 39.90 212866.50 AT Par 212866.50
Description:- Insertion of rails of all types & length in track, laid on any type & density of sleeper to the specified gauge
47 under traffic block. Rates include fastening of rail with sleepers with standard set of fastenings and fixing of fish plates and
bolts or, if required, providing gap for welding and stacking of released material without infringement within 250m as directed
by Engineer-in-Charge. Note: Rail drilling and cutting to be paid separately. For Through Rail Renewal work
137072 20.00 Set 1110.71 22214.20 AT Par 22214.20
Description:- Marking, inscribing, painting, writing, bordering etc. on new / old iron surface at various locations of Points &
Crossings with details of turn-in / turn-out reference station mark on rail web for one set, duly preparing surface with
48 contractor's wire brush and applying two coats of yellow synthetic enamel paint of approved quality as background and
stenciling the details to suitable size, as described for every curve reference station mark / switch / crossing details with black
enamel paint of approved quality complete, as directed : Note: Stenciling of letters is only permitted. No hand written letters
are accepted. 1 in 12 Turnout
202030 20.00 Each 1056.00 21120.00 AT Par 21120.00
Description:- Manufacturing, supplying and fixing Curve Indicator / Point Indicator / SEJ Boards to be provided at various
49 locations on formation, made out of MS sheet 2mm thick of size 450mm x 300mm duly fixed with MS frame of 25mm x 25mm
x 3mm angle welded to 50mm x 50mm x 3mm MS angle, 1000mm long post split and bent 100mm at bottom end with all
lead & lift as per specification and including painting of details with enamel paint, as directed by Engineer in-charge
(Earthwork & concreting will be paid separately)
202021 10.00 Each 6231.22 62312.20 AT Par 62312.20


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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- Manufacturing, fabricating and supplying retro-reflective Engineering Indicator boards, made of 2mm thick
aluminium sheet or 3mm thick aluminium composite sheet, face to be fully covered with high intensity encapsulated type
heat activated retro-reflective sheeting conforming to type-IV of ASTM-D4956-01 in yellow & black or other colour
combination including subject matter, message, symbols, borders etc. as approved by Engineer In-charge or as per IRPWM
guidelines, pasted on substrate by an adhesive backing which shall be activated by applying heat and pressure conforming to
class-2 of ASTM-D-4956-01 and fixing the same with suitable sized aluminium alloy rivets @ 20 cm c/c to back-support frame
of M.S. angle iron of size 25mm x25mm x 3mmprovided all along the edges of board with theft resistant measures back side
of board shall be with non-peelable weatherproof paint, consisting of one coat of zinc chromate primer and two coats of
epoxy paint. Vertical post shall have black & white anti-corrosive paint or powder coating complete, as directed. Caution
Indicator Board of size 1400mmx400mm with back support frame fixed to vertical post of MS angle of size
50mmx50mmx6mm of 3650 mm long
202022 20.00 Each 5388.98 107779.60 AT Par 107779.60
Description:- Manufacturing, fabricating and supplying retro-reflective Engineering Indicator boards, made of 2mm thick
aluminium sheet or 3mm thick aluminium composite sheet, face to be fully covered with high intensity encapsulated type
heat activated retro-reflective sheeting conforming to type-IV of ASTM-D4956-01 in yellow & black or other colour
combination including subject matter, message, symbols, borders etc. as approved by Engineer In-charge or as per IRPWM
51 guidelines, pasted on substrate by an adhesive backing which shall be activated by applying heat and pressure conforming to
class-2 of ASTM-D-4956-01 and fixing the same with suitable sized aluminium alloy rivets @ 20 cm c/c to back-support frame
of M.S. angle iron of size 25mm x25mm x 3mmprovided all along the edges of board with theft resistant measures back side
of board shall be with non-peelable weatherproof paint, consisting of one coat of zinc chromate primer and two coats of
epoxy paint. Vertical post shall have black & white anti-corrosive paint or powder coating complete, as directed. Speed
Indicator Board of equilateral triangular shape having each side of 1000mm with back support frame fixed to vertical post of
MS angle of size 50mmx50mmx6mm of 3650 mm long
202024 20.00 Each 7524.70 150494.00 AT Par 150494.00
Description:- Manufacturing, fabricating and supplying retro-reflective Engineering Indicator boards, made of 2mm thick
aluminium sheet or 3mm thick aluminium composite sheet, face to be fully covered with high intensity encapsulated type
heat activated retro-reflective sheeting conforming to type-IV of ASTM-D4956-01 in yellow & black or other colour
combination including subject matter, message, symbols, borders etc. as approved by Engineer In-charge or as per IRPWM
52 guidelines, pasted on substrate by an adhesive backing which shall be activated by applying heat and pressure conforming to
class-2 of ASTM-D-4956-01 and fixing the same with suitable sized aluminium alloy rivets @ 20 cm c/c to back-support frame
of M.S. angle iron of size 25mm x25mm x 3mmprovided all along the edges of board with theft resistant measures back side
of board shall be with non-peelable weatherproof paint, consisting of one coat of zinc chromate primer and two coats of
epoxy paint. Vertical post shall have black & white anti-corrosive paint or powder coating complete, as directed. Termination
Indicator Board of Circular shape having diameter of 1000mm with back support frame welded to vertical post of MS angle of
size 50mmx50mmx6mm of 3950 mm long
211060 10.00 Each 417.41 4174.10 AT Par 4174.10

53 Description:- Supply and fixing in position pre-cast cement concrete Fouling Mark as per approved drawing at station yard,
duly painting the top surface and slopes with white enamel paint in two coats and inscribed letters with black of Fouling Mark,
complete in all respects with all labour, materials including cement, tools and plants etc.
211260 6.00 Each 375.65 2253.90 AT Par 2253.90
Description:- Manufacture and supply of Precast Kilometer Posts of size 1.15 x 0.50 x 0.075 m in RCC 1:2:4 mix, engraving
letters and leading to work spot, fixing in position with CC 1:3:6 concrete duly making pits of size as required, painting the
54 post, writing the letters on both sides of the post with 2 coats of enamel paint of approved quality to the Railways
drawings/IRPWM with contractor's materials, cement, steel, labour, tools, plant, with all lead and lifts etc., complete as per
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Note: Excavation, Concrete and steel work will be paid under
relevant items.
211270 30.00 Each 515.80 15474.00 AT Par 15474.00
Description:- Manufacture and supply of Precast gradient Posts of size 1.65 x 0.60 x 0.075 m in RCC 1:2:4 mix, engraving
letters and leading to work spot, fixing in position with CC 1:3:6 concrete duly making pits of size as required, painting the
55 post, writing the letters on both sides of posts in 2 coats with enamel paint of approved quality to the Railways
drawings/IRPWM with contractor's materials, cement, steel, labour, tools, plant, with all lead and lifts etc., complete as per
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Note: Excavation, Concrete and steel work will be paid under
relevant items.
211250 3.00 Each 14080.46 42241.38 AT Par 42241.38
Description:- Manufacturing and fixing buffer stop with Railway supplied rails, cutting, including bending of rails as per plan
56 ,with all contractor's labour, materials, tools, plants etc. and all lead and lift including crossing of track where necessary and
as directed by Engineer in charge at site. Note: Excavation, fixing rails in cement concrete, drilling of holes will be paid
082011 5000.00 cum 95.74 478700.00 AT Par 478700.00
Description:- Recoupment of ballast in running line with railway's stone ballast from existing stacks available along
57 alignment either on top of cutting or on cess or at toe of bank by head leads or by any other means and spreading to make
up deficiency in the required profile with contractor's labour, tools & plants, as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Note: Payment
shall be made based on ballast stack measurement. For average lead up to 50m and lift up to 5m
082012 10000.00 Each 24.80 248000.00 AT Par 248000.00
Description:- Recoupment of ballast in running line with railway's stone ballast from existing stacks available along
alignment either on top of cutting or on cess or at toe of bank by head leads or by any other means and spreading to make
58 up deficiency in the required profile with contractor's labour, tools & plants, as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Note: Payment
shall be made based on ballast stack measurement. Extra over item no. 082011 for each additional average lead of 50m or
part thereof when total average lead exceeds 50m, but up to 250m. Note: This item may be used only in exceptional
circumstance under prior order on record.
091011 698.00 Each 2050.62 1431332.76 AT Par 1431332.76
Description:- Manufacturing and Supply of Alumino thermic welding portions of 52Kg/60 Kg/60EI-R260 as approved by RDSO
for welding of rails 52Kg/60Kg/60EI-R260 kg for 25mm gap by the process of AT welding along with complete accessories
59 confirming to the specification laid down in Indian Railway Standard specification No.IRST-19-2020 up to date correction slips
with Single shot crucible fitted with Automatic Tapping Thimble, 3 pieces pre fabricated mould (Zircon washed) manually
pressed using compressed air petrol/LPG pre heating for execution of welding of rail joint as directed by the engineer in
charge at site. Note: 1. The accessories along with welding portion shall be supplied as per Annexure-I of the IRUSSOR - 2021.
2. Rate is inclusive of transportation of above to SSE/P.Way stores. For 60Kg 90 UTS Rails
092011 698.00 Each 4020.86 2806560.28 AT Par 2806560.28

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- 25mm gap 'in-situ' welding during traffic block and finishing of weld to meet the prescribed tolerances and
pass all stipulated tests with all required labour, materials, consumables, tools, equipments etc. to complete the work in all
respect as per IR's "Manual for Fusion Welding of Rails by Alumino - Thermic Process" with latest correction slips, including
60 marking of welded joint, painting weld collar with anticorrosive paint, restoration of track near weld joint to original position
and fixing of joggled fish plate at new weld, to be removed after passing of weld in USFD test as directed by Engineer in
charge. Note: 1. Welding shall be carried out only by trained welder having valid competency certificate using RDSO
approved Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece prefabricated mould (ZIRCON WASHED) manually pressed, Single shot
crucible fitted with auto tapping thimble and Compressed Air Petrol/LPG preheating technique as per RDSO Specification No
IRST/19-2020 with latest amendment. 2. Hydraulic Weld trimmer shall be used for chipping and profile Grinder for finishing. 3.
Only required nos. of Joggled fish plates shall be supplied by Railway at nearest P. Way Stores and the same shall be returned
at nearest P. Way Store or at other location as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge after release from track. All other items
required shall be supplied by the Contractor. For 60 Kg - 90 UTS Rail
211210 4596.00 Day 606.09 2785589.64 AT Par 2785589.64
Description:- Arranging labour as and when required by the Engineer in charge, for various works under SSE/P.Way, with
61 contractor's T&P, equipments, hand signal flags, etc. as per specifications, special conditions and detailed scope of work as
furnished in the tender and as directed by the Engineer in charge. Note: Item shall be operated with prior approval of
concerned Sr. DEN / DEN in charge.
135012 1000.00 TRM 46.48 46480.00 AT Par 46480.00
Description:- De-stressing of LWR/CWR track of any density under traffic line block with contractor's labours, tools,
equipments and consumables inclusive of all lead & lift. Activities include cutting of LWR/CWR into convenient panels of
specified length, removal of ERCs, liners, greasing of ERCs and liner contact area, lifting rails and keeping them on rollers
62 provided at every 15 sleepers, working out elongation of rail ends depending on prevailing site conditions, pulling rails with
the help of Hydraulic Tensor to achieve the desired elongation, cutting rails, as required, removing rollers and placing rail in
position, re-fixing ERCs & liners and adjustment of gap at SEJs : Note: (1) Welding of rail joints will be paid separately. (2) Rail
cutting and Hole drilling shall be paid separately. (3) Opening and closing of LC if required will be paid separately. (4) As per
procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM & CE's Circulars for destressing of LWR/CWR, if any. With Contractor's
Hydraulic Rail tensor
135013 5335.00 TRM 43.36 231325.60 AT Par 231325.60
Description:- De-stressing of LWR/CWR track of any density under traffic line block with contractor's labours, tools,
equipments and consumables inclusive of all lead & lift. Activities include cutting of LWR/CWR into convenient panels of
specified length, removal of ERCs, liners, greasing of ERCs and liner contact area, lifting rails and keeping them on rollers
63 provided at every 15 sleepers, working out elongation of rail ends depending on prevailing site conditions, pulling rails with
the help of Hydraulic Tensor to achieve the desired elongation, cutting rails, as required, removing rollers and placing rail in
position, re-fixing ERCs & liners and adjustment of gap at SEJs : Note: (1) Welding of rail joints will be paid separately. (2) Rail
cutting and Hole drilling shall be paid separately. (3) Opening and closing of LC if required will be paid separately. (4) As per
procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM & CE's Circulars for destressing of LWR/CWR, if any. Without Rail tensor
013051 5335.00 RM 134.69 718571.15 AT Par 718571.15
Description:- Provision of barricading with contractor's bamboos / ballies vertical post of 100mm dia. planted at every 2m
interval, projecting at least 1.5m above ground level and driven firmly (minimum 0.5m) inside ground and including painting
64 verticals & horizontals with red luminous paints / strips at alternative bay on barricade. Barricades shall be maintained
through out the execution of the work and shall be removed in workman like manner on completion of the work only after
instruction of Engineer in-Charge. Note: (1) 60% payment shall be made on provision of barricading at work-site and balance
40% payment after removal of barricades. (2) The released bamboos / ballies shall be the property of the Contractor. With 3
horizontal bamboo / balli members of minimum 50mm dia. spaced equally
155011 5000.00 TRM 16.42 82100.00 AT Par 82100.00
Description:- Carrying out pre-tamping, during tamping and post-tamping work for tamping track with all types of rails,
sleepers & sleeper density by various Track Tamping machines, like CSM,DUO/3X Machines which include : (1) Re-adjustment
of ballast, heaping-up of ballast, filling-up of cavities in tamping zone by picking ballast from stacks / shoulders / crib of
adjoining track up to lead of 50 m to ensure effective packing; (2) Clearing of ballast on sleepers to make them visible to
operator, (3) Clearing of ballast over rail foot to facilitate holding of rail by rollers of TTRM; (4) Digging, screening and
replenishment of ballast at mud pumping / rounded ballast in sleeper crib location; (5) Tightening of loose fittings
65 immediately before & after tamping; (6) Replacement of broken / missing fittings supplied by Railway; (7) Correcting
displaced sleepers to position along with squaring; (8) Re-setting of worked-out / fallen fittings. (9) Removing and re-fixing
joggled fish plates & wooden blocks, wherever necessary; (10) Manual consolidation of ballast in crib / shoulders; (11)
Removing and refixing of traction bonds during the block in electrified sections (12) Dressing of ballast Note: 1. Tamping
blocks are not identical & it may be given at any time either during day or night. 2. Stages of payment a) 30% of the rate will
be paid on completion of pre tamping attention, b) Balance 70% of the rate will be paid on completion of post tamping. 3.
Recovery at the rate of twice the above applicable rate will be effected in case contractor fails to carry out pre/during/post
operation. 4.Payment shall be made only once in irrespective of numbers of TTRM packing round and after restoration of
normal speed and restoration of complete ballast profile. For day time block working
155012 5000.00 TRM 18.40 92000.00 AT Par 92000.00
Description:- Carrying out pre-tamping, during tamping and post-tamping work for tamping track with all types of rails,
sleepers & sleeper density by various Track Tamping machines, like CSM,DUO/3X Machines which include : (1) Re-adjustment
of ballast, heaping-up of ballast, filling-up of cavities in tamping zone by picking ballast from stacks / shoulders / crib of
adjoining track up to lead of 50 m to ensure effective packing; (2) Clearing of ballast on sleepers to make them visible to
operator, (3) Clearing of ballast over rail foot to facilitate holding of rail by rollers of TTRM; (4) Digging, screening and
replenishment of ballast at mud pumping / rounded ballast in sleeper crib location; (5) Tightening of loose fittings
66 immediately before & after tamping; (6) Replacement of broken / missing fittings supplied by Railway; (7) Correcting
displaced sleepers to position along with squaring; (8) Re-setting of worked-out / fallen fittings. (9) Removing and re-fixing
joggled fish plates & wooden blocks, wherever necessary; (10) Manual consolidation of ballast in crib / shoulders; (11)
Removing and refixing of traction bonds during the block in electrified sections (12) Dressing of ballast Note: 1. Tamping
blocks are not identical & it may be given at any time either during day or night. 2. Stages of payment a) 30% of the rate will
be paid on completion of pre tamping attention, b) Balance 70% of the rate will be paid on completion of post tamping. 3.
Recovery at the rate of twice the above applicable rate will be effected in case contractor fails to carry out pre/during/post
operation. 4.Payment shall be made only once in irrespective of numbers of TTRM packing round and after restoration of
normal speed and restoration of complete ballast profile. For night time block working
155013 15000.00 TRM 9.00 135000.00 AT Par 135000.00

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- Carrying out pre-tamping, during tamping and post-tamping work for tamping track with all types of rails,
sleepers & sleeper density by various Track Tamping machines, like CSM,DUO/3X Machines which include : (1) Re-adjustment
of ballast, heaping-up of ballast, filling-up of cavities in tamping zone by picking ballast from stacks / shoulders / crib of
67 adjoining track up to lead of 50 m to ensure effective packing; (2) Clearing of ballast on sleepers to make them visible to
operator, (3) Clearing of ballast over rail foot to facilitate holding of rail by rollers of TTRM; (4) Digging, screening and
replenishment of ballast at mud pumping / rounded ballast in sleeper crib location; (5) Tightening of loose fittings
immediately before & after tamping; (6) Replacement of broken / missing fittings supplied by Railway; (7) Correcting
displaced sleepers to position along with squaring; (8) Re-setting of worked-out / fallen fittings. (9) Removing and re-fixing
joggled fish plates & wooden blocks, wherever necessary; (10) Manual consolidation of ballast in crib / shoulders; (11)
Removing and refixing of traction bonds during the block in electrified sections (12) Dressing of ballast Note: 1. Tamping
blocks are not identical & it may be given at any time either during day or night. 2. Stages of payment a) 30% of the rate will
be paid on completion of pre tamping attention, b) Balance 70% of the rate will be paid on completion of post tamping. 3.
Recovery at the rate of twice the above applicable rate will be effected in case contractor fails to carry out pre/during/post
operation. 4.Payment shall be made only once in irrespective of numbers of TTRM packing round and after restoration of
normal speed and restoration of complete ballast profile. New Line Section, not opened for traffic
131021 2000.00 TRM 77.12 154240.00 AT Par 154240.00
Description:- Picking up of slacks in track of all sleeper density, duly opening up ballast, gauging, alignment, correcting
68 longitudinal & cross levels, packing, boxing of ballast and dressing the same under traffic conditions as per procedure
prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM and as directed by Engineer in-charge. Note: In-charge section Engineer should identify
locations requiring packing and obtain prior approval of DEN/XEN before execution of the work when there is no Zonal Track
Maintenance agency deployed in the section. For PSC Sleeper
081023 1300.00 TRM 444.55 577915.00 AT Par 577915.00
Description:- Manual deep screening of Plain track/ turnouts as per procedure prescribed in IRPWM, June 2020 or latest, on
PSC sleepers of any density and throwing away screened muck arising out of screening on toe of bank or on cess, if low or on
69 spoil banks above top of cutting (including throwing and leveling, if required beyond minimum 5m from the edge of cutting
which are up to 3m deep or alternatively carting it up to 50m for disposing it off beyond cutting or platforms) as per direction
of Engineer in-charge, including cutting cess for effective drainage on both sides, one round of kutcha packing with screened
ballast and further attending to track parameter to make track fit for 20 kmph speed complete in all respect. Note : Payment
shall be made for length along main line only for turnouts. Depth of 250 mm below bottom of sleeper - For Plain Track :
083010 500.00 TRM 154.00 77000.00 AT Par 77000.00
Description:- Lifting and packing for regrading the existing PSC sleeper track to required height / level in stages not
exceeding 75mm or part thereof at a time, providing permissible ramp for the track, insertion of moorum / sand / stone
70 ballast uniformly under the existing track and placing the same to safe approved gradient, gauge, cushion including levelling
and one round of through packing to allow train movement at restricted speed of 30 kmph for a specified length with all leads
& lifts and fixing, marking, painting rail level pegs at every 30m interval. Note: Lifting of track shall be done in stages as per
procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM to get the proposed final level as per approved working profile, as directed by
Engineer in-charge.
083011 500.00 TRM 23.82 11910.00 AT Par 11910.00
71 Description:- Extra for additional lift over 75mm for every 50mm lift or part thereof up to 275mm for item nos. 083010 for
each TRM.
083020 500.00 TRM 533.39 266695.00 AT Par 266695.00
Description:- Regrading the existing track by lowering up to required depth in stages by cutting the formation top
maintaining the depth of existing cushion finally, not exceeding 75mm in one stage including one round of through packing
and making track fit for 30kmph speed at each stage of lowering as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM and
72 subsequent picking up of sags / slacks and attending to misalignment / cross level defects during train operation, providing
required ramp-in and ramp-out for safe passage of trains, including cutting trenches across track at every 30m interval to the
required final formation level complete, and fixing, marking, painting rail level posts, tie bars at every 30m interval as
directed by engineer in-charge. Note: The item shall be only operated only when formation is required to be cut for lowering
of existing track.
084010 2000.00 cum 44.29 88580.00 AT Par 88580.00
73 Description:- Loading Railway's ballast, collected at yard / depot into Railway's BOB / BKH / any other type of open wagon,
using Mechanical Loader or any other method with all lead and lifts, as directed by Engineer in-charge.
084020 500.00 cum 105.05 52525.00 AT Par 52525.00
74 Description:- Leading and loading Railway's Ballast collected at yard / depot into Railway's covered wagon using any
approved method with lead up to 250m & all lifts as directed by Engineer in-charge.
084041 500.00 cum 45.35 22675.00 AT Par 22675.00

75 Description:- Unloading of ballast from Railway's Hopper Wagons, quantity distribution as per pre-defined site requirement,
clearing infringements/jammed ballast, distributing the unloaded ballast uniformly over the track, profiling and boxing
following all prescribed safety norms. Under Traffic Block Conditions:
084042 1500.00 cum 34.45 51675.00 AT Par 51675.00

76 Description:- Unloading of ballast from Railway's Hopper Wagons, quantity distribution as per pre-defined site requirement,
clearing infringements/jammed ballast, distributing the unloaded ballast uniformly over the track, profiling and boxing
following all prescribed safety norms. Under Conditions not requiring Traffic Block:
065031 2.00 Set 5969.88 11939.76 AT Par 11939.76
Description:- Assembling and Laying of Improved Switch Expansion Joint (SEJ) on PSC sleepers of any rail section as per
RDSO drawing including leading of SEJ rails, sleepers, fittings for a free lead of 250 metres, cutting of rails, drilling of holes as
77 required and lubrication of SEJ, gauging, aligning rails, providing temporary connection with adequate welding gap with
adjoining rails, providing reference posts at SEJ, first through packing of SEJ portion to make track geometry fit for 30 kmph
speed and making ballast profile as per IRPWM. Note: (1) Rail cutting and hole drilling shall be paid separately.(2) One set
comprise complete SEJ on both rails at SEJ. Under Conditions not requiring Traffic Block
065032 3.00 Set 6566.87 19700.61 AT Par 19700.61
Description:- Assembling and Laying of Improved Switch Expansion Joint (SEJ) on PSC sleepers of any rail section as per
RDSO drawing including leading of SEJ rails, sleepers, fittings for a free lead of 250 metres, cutting of rails, drilling of holes as
78 required and lubrication of SEJ, gauging, aligning rails, providing temporary connection with adequate welding gap with
adjoining rails, providing reference posts at SEJ, first through packing of SEJ portion to make track geometry fit for 30 kmph
speed and making ballast profile as per IRPWM. Note: (1) Rail cutting and hole drilling shall be paid separately.(2) One set
comprise complete SEJ on both rails at SEJ. Under Traffic Block Conditions
065040 3.00 Set 8085.69 24257.07 AT Par 24257.07

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

79 Description:- Dismantling & removing existing SEJ (Switch Expansion Joint) assembly during line block and its replacement
with plain track as of adjoining section with all fittings including rail cutting and drilling of holes and renewal of special
sleepers with PSC Sleepers as directed and aligning rails, providing fishplates and bolts/ temporary connection with adequate
welding gap with adjoining rail and ensuring proper track geometry for 30 kmph speed. The release material shall be stacked
as directed by Engineer in charge.
156012 30.00 Set 9376.40 281292.00 AT Par 281292.00
Description:- Carrying out pre-tamping, during tamping and post-tamping works for tamping of Turnouts of all types Under
Traffic Block Conditions which include :(1) Re-adjustment of ballast, heaping-up of ballast, filling-up of cavities in tamping
zone by picking ballast from stacks / shoulders / crib of adjoining track up to lead of 50 m to ensure effective packing; (2)
Clearing of ballast on sleepers to make them visible to operator; (3) Clearing of ballast over rail foot to facilitate holding of rail
by rollers of UNIMAT; (4) Digging, screening and replenishment of ballast at mud pumping / rounded ballast in sleeper crib
80 location; (5) Tightening of loose fittings including check rails immediately before & after tamping; (6) Replacement of broken /
missing fittings supplied by Railway; (7) Correcting displaced sleepers to position along with squaring; (8) Re-setting worked-
out / fallen fittings; (9) Removing and re-fixing joggled fish plates & wooden blocks, OHE bonds & other obstructions, wherever
necessary ;(10) Removing and re-fixing stretcher bar, as directed; (11) Adjustment in opening and housing of switch for
testing operation of points (12)Manual consolidation of ballast in cribs and shoulders; (13) Stages of payment a) 30% of the
rate will be paid on completion of pre tamping attention, b) Balance 70% of the rate will be paid on completion of post
tamping; (14) Recovery at the rate of twice the applicable rate will be effected in case contractor fails to carry out any of the
pre/during/post operation. 1 in 12 Turnouts (Under Traffic Block Conditions)
157032 50.00 Night 3310.06 165503.00 AT Par 165503.00
Description:- Providing lighting arrangements with halogen lamps on and around machine during machine working in night
time blocks, with contractor's generator, consumables, all necessary electrical fittings, operators etc. Note: 1. Lighting
81 arrangement is to be provided as per advance planning of Night Blocks and written communication. 2. In case lighting
arrangement is made available but not used due to non-availability of block, payment @ 60% of the item rate shall be made.
3. In place of Halogen, LED lamps of equal lumen capacity may be used with the approval of Engineer -in-Charge. 4. If lighting
arrangement fails during block, recovery shall be made twice the rate per day. CSM / DUO / 3X with or without DGS (7.5 KVA
generator and 8x500 W)
083030 6360.00 TRM 22.66 144117.60 AT Par 144117.60
Description:- Boxing and profiling of ballast as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM including cess dressing
82 on both sides of track. The work will include removing excess ballast from track and putting the same in crib and shoulder by
leading to a maximum of 50m including crossing of track, deweeding on ballast section etc and as directed by Engineer-In
121020 2.00 Each 11524.99 23049.98 AT Par 23049.98
Description:- Dismantling existing sand humps in yards from end of turnout to end of sand hump. Scope includes
83 dismantling of track and brick / stone masonry on either sides of track, removing sand and earth to the required level
including clearing site and stacking released materials within maximum lead of 250m, clear of infringement, complete and as
123091 500.00 TRM 178.64 89320.00 AT Par 89320.00
Description:- Shifting / Slewing the existing or newly assembled track of any rail section with any type of sleepers and any
84 density under line block to correct locations & alignment and attending to one round kutcha packing to run safely at 20KMPH
speed with all contractors tools and consumables complete and as directed by Engineer in-charge. Maximum Shifting /
Slewing up to 1 metre
124031 1000.00 Each 1068.34 1068340.00 AT Par 1068340.00
Description:- Providing Caution Watchman at a location where caution order is imposed and ensuring to be on continuous
85 vigil and exhibit necessary hand signals to the trains for their passage over caution spot. Note: 1) Prescribed protection
equipment shall be supplied by Railways and the same shall be returned after work is over. 2) If Contractor fails to post
watchman at any time during one day, penalty at double the accepted rates will be levied and 3) The watchman nominated
by the contractor will be screened for suitability as per Railway norms. For one shift ( 12 Hrs)
124044 2.00 Each 2642.43 5284.86 AT Par 5284.86
Description:- Preparation of completion drawings of yard in AutoCAD, showing all the details, such as circulating area,
approach road, platform shelter, platform, FOB etc., showing relevant particulars to appropriate scale as per IR's Engineering
Code on approved quality, transparent media as per details supplied by Railways, including submission of check print for
86 proof checking, duly incorporating the suggested corrections and modifications and supplying the final plot on approved
quality & transparent media with six copies of ammonia prints complete and soft copy, as directed by Engineer in-charge
Note: (i) Drawings shall be prepared by using latest drawing making softwares AutoCAD, Work station etc. and printing shall
be done on high end latest plotters. (ii) Stage Payment - (a) For check print - 40% (b) For Paper tracing - 40% (c) For Ammonia
print & soft copy - 20%. Completion drawing of way side station
136041 156.00 Gang Day 12315.25 1921179.00 AT Par 1921179.00
Description:- Maintenance of track on main line & loops, Points & crossings etc. including special attention to section for
carrying out various maintenance works listed in Indian Railways P.Way Manual / Bridge Manual for safe running of goods and
passenger trains with contractor's tools / labours etc. complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge. Note: Contractor shall
87 arrange one gang at any point of time comprising of minimum specified labours with sufficient experience in P.Way working.
One mobile Gang comprising of 15 physically fit labours plus 1 Mate. Note: (1) In case, contractor provides less no. of
Labour/Mate or for non availability of vehicle, payment will be deducted for each such person or non-availability of vehicle @
20% of the accepted item rate, separately for each shortfall. (2) The Contractor shall keep one pick up Truck of minimum 1.5T
payload capacity with Driver all the time and all expenditures for running at an average of 80 kms per day shall be born by
the Contractor.
136060 50.00 Each 1567.39 78369.50 AT Par 78369.50
Description:- Replacing existing glued joint rail with cut rails or with glued joint rail or insertion of glued joint by cutting
88 existing track under traffic condition by cutting rails, refixing with all rail sleeper fastenings and providing required gaps for
carrying out welding as an alternative to drilling holes or joining rails with fish plates duly drilling holes as required including
stacking of released material and as directed by engineer in-charge. Note: (1) Drilling holes & rail cutting will be paid
separately. (2) Transportation of materials to the site of work from supply points, if more than 250m, shall be paid separately.
136072 19.00 Each 2239.07 42542.33 AT Par 42542.33
89 Description:- Fixing of Wooden Distance Block of size 1.0m x 0.3m x 0.15m between track and platform wall. With
Contractor's hard wood block.
137011 12720.00 RM 47.27 601274.40 AT Par 601274.40

90 Description:- Anti-corrosive painting of rail outside track on rail bottom, web, foot and fishing plane with two coats of
thickness of 100 microns each by bituminous black paint confirms to IS-9862 of reputed make including surface preparation,
as a complete job as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM. For 60 Kg Rails
211021 30.00 Each 220.96 6628.80 AT Par 6628.80

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- Erection or removal of temporary Engineering Indicator Board or any other board at specified locations without
causing infringement to track etc. complete and as directed. For erection
211022 30.00 Each 179.15 5374.50 AT Par 5374.50
92 Description:- Erection or removal of temporary Engineering Indicator Board or any other board at specified locations without
causing infringement to track etc. complete and as directed. For removal
211070 300.00 Day 453.03 135909.00 AT Par 135909.00
93 Description:- Providing and erecting water proof Gypsy Tent of size 3m x 3m for a specific period of time and removal of the
same after completion of work or as directed by Engineer in-charge.
211081 300.00 Each 82.95 24885.00 AT Par 24885.00
94 Description:- Providing furniture temporarily at site work in good condition at different locations as per direction of Engineer
In-charge and removing the same after completion of work. Office Table of size 1.2m x 0.9m per day
211082 1200.00 Each 34.16 40992.00 AT Par 40992.00
95 Description:- Providing furniture temporarily at site work in good condition at different locations as per direction of Engineer
In-charge and removing the same after completion of work. Office Chairs with cushioned seat, back and arms per day
211120 100.00 Each 129.83 12983.00 AT Par 12983.00
96 Description:- Fixing vertically the unserviceable PSC sleepers at locations of tress-passing, railway boundary or to make
temporary store by excavating trench, fixing PSC sleeper in trench and filling back open trench.
124021 300.00 Each 2979.59 893877.00 AT Par 893877.00
Description:- Working of the Railway Push Trolley by arranging one Head trollyman along with 3 trollymen as per Railway's
97 rules and stipulations for conducting inspections by Railway officials and as directed by Engineer in-charge. Note: 1)
Labourers supplied should be of skilled in case of head trollyman and semiskilled in case of trollymen and capable of pushing
trolley in all gradients, and levels duly observing all safety precautions as per the manual. 2) The labour engaged should be
physically fit for strenuous work, literate and meeting prescribed medical category. For Full day (8 hrs )
131032 12720.00 TRM 118.77 1510754.40 AT Par 1510754.40
Description:- First or Second Through Packing of track of all sleeper density including giving a general lift, as desired to
98 eliminate sag after Deep Screening work, lifting of track, lowering of track and major realignment of curves and formation
rehabilitation as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM. Note: General lift is normally 25 mm and isolated lift
may be up to 50 mm. For PSC Sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1660

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule J-Steel - RBG, PF, FOB & COP - DSR Items 15900970.71
10.2 106813.34 Kg 111.95 11957753.41 (-) 20.00 9566202.73
1 Description:- STEEL WORK // Structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work,
including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete.
5.22.6 43647.52 Kg 89.65 3913000.17 (-) 20.00 3130400.14

2 Description:- REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE // STEEL REINFORCEMENT // Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level. // Thermo-Mechanically Treated
bars of grade Fe-500D or more.
5.22A.6 44678.86 Kg 89.65 4005459.80 (-) 20.00 3204367.84

3 Description:- REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE // STEEL REINFORCEMENT // Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete above plinth level. // Thermo-Mechanically
Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more.

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule K-Cement - Minor bridges, RUBs & MSE walls - USSR Items 9904907.58
025072 1364.63 MT 7258.31 9904907.58 AT Par 9904907.58
Description:- Supply and using Cement at Worksite Ordinary Portland Cement 53 grade of approved brands/makes

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule L-Laying & Linking of track - NS ITEMS 3845867.60
NSCON19005 19530.00 cum 182.00 3554460.00 AT Par 3554460.00
Description:- Transportation of Railway's stone Ballast by means of contractor's own rail lorry that can run on BG track/
1 Road lorry including loading by mechanical means or manually. Leading and unloading the same at required site including
ballast profile with all contractor's men and materials, lorry, fuel, consumables, tools, all leads and lifts etc., complete as per
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. a) Lead upto 5 Km.
Per Track
NSCON21011 6360.00 18.00 114480.00 AT Par 114480.00
Description:- "Design mode tamping of track by taking fly levels with contractor's total station instruments and computation
of lifting / lowering of track using the railways tracks surfacing software and marking the values on footing of the rail at 10m
intervals and taking the coordinates of rail on every 10m interval with using the contractor's 'total station instruments' and
2 computing the slews required to correct the mis-alignments of the straight track and marking the values on footing of the rail
with contractor's paint duly constructing the implantation distances of OHE masts and any other structure nearby and
submission of L-section and lifts / slews required at 10m interval in 3 sets of hardcopy and softcopy with contractor's
instruments, paint including contractor's labour, their own computers, plotters, staff, measuring tape consumables, men and
material, skilled / un-skilled men including transportation of instruments to the site of work including crossing of track
complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Note : Tamping of track will be done by track tampers / Tamping
NS 300.00 Each 540.00 162000.00 AT Par 162000.00
Description:- Supply of Water tankers daily twice (once in day & Night time) for 30 days during Pre Pre NI, Pre NI & NI Period.
NSCON17003 1.00 Each 9140.00 9140.00 AT Par 9140.00

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- Preparation and submission of Completion Working Plan and Section (5 KM project sheets) showing
longitudinal section for every 5.00 Kms length duly marking kilometres, chainages, existing ground levels, completed
4 formation levels, rail levels, completed/ existing bridges, level crossings, gradients, curves, notes and other relevant
particulars to appropriate scale as per Railway Engineering code, prepared in AUTO CAD on 75 Micron thickness film including
submission of check print for proof check, to incorporate corrections and modifications, as suggested by the Railway
administration as per details given by Railway with contractor's materials, labour, tools, plant etc., as per special conditions
and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Note: Unit Each Refers to - Each 5 KM project sheet
NSCON17004 6.36 Per Track KM 910.00 5787.60 AT Par 5787.60
Description:- Preparation and submission of LWR/CWR plans and Track diagrams separately in duplicate in originals for
Construction of new BG line between ...... and ......... stations from Km ...... to Km ......... showing details of weldings, location
of SEJs, track details, P-way material details, notes and other relevant particulars as per Railway Engineering code to
5 appropriate scale prepared in AUTO CAD on 75 Micron thickness film of appropriate thickness along with six copies of
ammonia prints showing the existing particulars in Indian Ink and completed in Red ink as per the details given by Railway
with contractor's materials, labour, tools, plant etc., including incorporation of corrections and modiications as suggested by
Railway administration, including submission of check prints for proof check and obtaining approval of drawing from
competent authority as required sizes by railways and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule M-SOR Supply Portion (SIGNAL) 19971184.00
Please see Item Breakup for details. 78730.00 AT Par 78730.00
Description:- (SOR NO. 101) Supply of CLS Post 140mm dia to specification IRS:S 6-81 Rev.3 or latest (Inspection by RITES)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 103314.00 AT Par 103314.00
2 Description:- (SOR NO 102)Supply of CLS Ladder set complete with staging/platform, supports, cast iron ladder base/Shoe.
(Inspection by RITES)
103 17.00 Numbers 3476.00 59092.00 AT Par 59092.00
Description:- Supply of Surface Base 140mm dia. CLS post as per DRG.. No. S 2011/M (Inspection by RITES)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 315460.00 AT Par 315460.00
Description:- (SOR NO 104)Supply of Metallic (MS) colour light Signal Unit.(Inspection by RITES)
106 4.00 Numbers 4938.00 19752.00 AT Par 19752.00
5 Description:- Supply of Offset Bracket to suit 140mm dia CLS post with two numbers of U bolts and nuts complete.
(Inspection by RITES)
107 4.00 Numbers 4740.00 18960.00 AT Par 18960.00
6 Description:- Supply of Calling On Signal Unit complete with U Bolts as per RDSO DRG. No. SA.24351 (Adv.) or latest.
(Inspection by RITES)
108 4.00 Numbers 6083.00 24332.00 AT Par 24332.00
7 Description:- Supply of Ground type position light shunt signal complete with base, pipe, arrow mark and hoods as per
RDSO DRG. No. SA 23840 or latest.(Inspection by RITES)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 71354.00 AT Par 71354.00
8 Description:- (SOR NO. 110) Supply of Junction type / Direction type route indicator as per specification IRS:S 66-84 Amd. 1
or latest. (Inspection by RITES)
114 10.00 Numbers 267.00 2670.00 AT Par 2670.00

9 Description:- Supply of vitreous enamel coated board of 230mm dia. (A, P, G, C, IB markers) made of 2mm thick sheet as
per following colour scheme: 1)'G' marker - Yellow back ground, black letters 2) Other boards - White background, black
letters. (Inspection by RITES)
201 100.00 Numbers 16216.00 1621600.00 AT Par 1621600.00
10 Description:- ( SOR NO 201 (a) Supply of GKP type Location Boxes Full size as per drg. No. S&T/MFT/T.2378. (Inspection by
203 100.00 Numbers 853.00 85300.00 AT Par 85300.00

11 Description:- Supply of relay fixing frame for full location box. The frame shall be of approximate size 940mmx150mm and
made with powder coated MS angle of 25mmx25mmx 3mm. The frame shall have suitable holes to fix in full location box.
(Inspection by Consignee)
205 20.00 Numbers 7124.00 142480.00 AT Par 142480.00
12 Description:- (SOR NO 205 (a)) Supply of Hylam sheet, resin bonded, grade P3 as per IS specification IS 2036 of 1974 or
latest of following size: Hylam Sheet of size: 2400mm x1200mmx6mm. (Inspection by Consignee)
301 20.00 Numbers 2902.00 58040.00 AT Par 58040.00
Description:- Supply of GI termination box (10 SWG) for point machine of size 45 cmx23 cmx12 cm with double coat of
13 enamel paint (outside: Black & inside: white) along with 2no's of MS angle of size 50x50x6mm of length 1000mm each, 2
numbers of 40mm GI pipe of length 450 mm & 150 mm with nuts/washers and teak wood plank of size 40 mmx25 mm for
fixing of terminals. (inpection by Consignee)
401 40.00 Numbers 8294.00 331760.00 AT Par 331760.00
14 Description:- Supply of Track feed battery charger to work on 110V AC for charging1or 2 or 3 or 4 lead acid cell of 80AH
(10Amps) used in track circuit as per RDSO Specn. No. IRS.S.89/2013 Ver 1.0 latest. (Inspection by RDSO)
402 100.00 Numbers 1546.00 154600.00 AT Par 154600.00
Description:- Supply of Track lead junction boxes fibre glass as per DRG.No.CWM-00597 of F.R.P material to and
15 specification IRS:S 23 along with fixtures i.e., one MS angle 50mmx50mmx5mm, 0.9m long, two numbers of G.I pipes of 25
mm dia, 500 mm long along with nuts and bolts and 500 mm long (grommet bushes, 60 mm ARA terminals-2 No's).
(Inspection by RITES)
403 500.00 Metre 80.00 40000.00 AT Par 40000.00
16 Description:- Supply of Galvanised Wire rope 6/19 steel, 6 mm dia with fibre core as per specification IS 3459/2004 or latest.
(Inspection by Consignee)
405 80.00 Numbers 2313.00 185040.00 AT Par 185040.00
Description:- Supply of B type chokes to as per specification IRS: S65- 83 Amd.1 or latest. (Inspection by RDSO)
406 160.00 Numbers 3315.00 530400.00 AT Par 530400.00


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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

18 Description:- (SOR NO 406 (a) )Supply of Stationary low maintenance secondary lead acid cells as per RDSO specification
IRS: S88-2004 or latest. This includes supply of inter cell connectors, bolts, nuts, acid level indicating floats and vent plugs.
2V, 80AH (Inspection by RDSO)
407 5.00 Numbers 277.00 1385.00 AT Par 1385.00
Description:- Supply of Hydrometer as per IS: 3104 (Part II)-1982 or latest (Inspection by Consignee)
408 500.00 Per Unit 10.00 5000.00 AT Par 5000.00
20 Description:- Supply of Distilled water for topping of secondary cells as per specification IS 1106 or latest.(Per Unit = Ltr)
(Inspection by Consignee)
409 500.00 Numbers 30.00 15000.00 AT Par 15000.00
Description:- Supply of Porcelain insulators for secondary lead acid cells. (Inspection by Consignee)
412 60.00 Numbers 358.00 21480.00 AT Par 21480.00
22 Description:- Supply of Track Feed Regulating Resistance disk type 0 to 30 as per DRG. No. SA 20161 66/M or latest. To be
procured from RDSO approved firms. (Inspection by Consignee)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 917740.00 AT Par 917740.00

23 Description:- (SOR No. 501) Relays-Metal to Carbon Supply of Plug-in type miniature tractive armature Non-AC immune, DC
neutral line relay complete with plug board, retaining clip/ATC Clip and connectors as per specifications BRS 930, IRS:S 23-88
Amd. 1 or latest, IRS: S 34-68 Amd.6 or latest, IRS: S 67-85 Amd. 3 or latest (as applicable). (Inspection by RDSO)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1358010.00 AT Par 1358010.00

24 Description:- (SOR NO.502) Supply of 24 V DC plug-in type miniature tractive armature, AC immune relay complete with
plug board, retaining clip/ATC Clip and connectors as per IRS: S 23-88 Amd. 1 or latest, IRS: S 34-68 Amd. 6 or latest, IRS: S
60-78 Amd. 1or latest, IRS: S 67-85 Amd. 3 or latest (as applicable).(Inspection by RDSO)
503 40.00 Numbers 4806.00 192240.00 AT Par 192240.00
Description:- Supply of AC immune, plug-in type, Style 'QTA2', 2F/1B DC Neutral track relay for railway signalling track
25 circuits with coil resistance 9 ohm, complete with plug board, retaining clip and connectors as per specifications: BRS 939A &
966 or Latest, IRS:S 23-88 Amd. 1 or latest, IRS: S 34-68 Amd. 6 or latest, IRS: S 67-85 Amd. 3 or latest (as applicable) with
interlocking code FGHKX. (Inspection by RDSO)
504 50.00 Numbers 5841.00 292050.00 AT Par 292050.00
Description:- Supply of ECR 4F/4B' for 110V AC lit LED signals, complete with plug board, retaining clip and connectors as
26 per RDSO specification No.STS/E/Relays/AC Lit LED Signal/09-2002 Amd. 1 or latest, BRS 941A, IRS: S 23-88 Amd. 1 or latest,
IRS: S34-68 Amd. 6 or latest, IRS: S 67-85 Amd. 3 or latest (as applicable). The interlocking code for this unit shall be ABDHK
(with ATC clips). (Inspection by RDSO)
505 1.00 Numbers 4349.00 4349.00 AT Par 4349.00
27 Description:- Supply of Failsafe electronic flasher device 24V DC, 3A as per RDSO specification RDSO/SPN/173/2002 Amd. 2
or latest. (Inspection by RDSO)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 100066.00 AT Par 100066.00
Description:- SOR NO.601)Supply of powder coated Relay rack universal type as per DRG. No. S&T/MFT/291. The relay rack
28 shall be supplied with scaffolding, stainless steel nuts and bolts for fixing the rack, supporting angles, frame mounting
triangle base with 'J' bolts, insulation of required numbers and suitable inner frames to suit Q style relays / K50 pre wired tag
blocks.(Inspection by Consignee)
602 4.00 Numbers 7585.00 30340.00 AT Par 30340.00
Description:- Supply of powder coated Cable termination rack of size 880mm x 2075mm made using 50mm x 50mm x 6mm
29 (6mm thickness) MS angles. The cable termination rack shall be supplied with stainless steel nuts and bolts for fixing the
rack, tripod bases and reel insulators (for K rack, P rack and power rack), cable ladder of 400mm width and 2075mm length
with two angles of size 40mm x 40mm x 5mm (5mm thickness) and supporting flats of size 25mm x 25mm. Suitable holes
shall be drilled to fit hylam sheet as per standard practice (Inspection by Consignee)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 868400.00 AT Par 868400.00
Description:- (SOR NO.603) Supply of Terminal Block
604 20.00 Set 64.00 1280.00 AT Par 1280.00
31 Description:- Supply of mini WSB markers for modular terminals WAGO Model No. or similar - 100 Nos. (Inspection by
Please see Item Breakup for details. 123500.00 AT Par 123500.00
32 Description:- (SOR NO. 605)Supply of non-deteriorating type of fuse holders and fuse links 240V AC/DC as per specification
IRS: S 78-2006 or latest, IS 13703 (Part 2):1993 knife edge type fuse of E1 fuse link type (up to 20A)
701 1.00 Kilometre 191009.00 191009.00 AT Par 191009.00
33 Description:- Supply of 60 core Indoor Cable with 0.6mm conductor diameter as per specifications IS 694:2010 or latest,
IRS: S 76-89 Amd. 3 or latest. (Inspection by RDSO)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1252920.00 AT Par 1252920.00
Description:- (SOR NO. 702) Supply of PVC insulated Wire Coils
801 2.00 Numbers 110464.00 220928.00 AT Par 220928.00
35 Description:- (SOR NO 801 (a)) Supply of Battery Charger of Various capacity 230V AC / 110V DC, 30A single phase,
signalling / telecom. Installation as per specification IRS: S 86-2000 Amd. 4 or latest. (Inspection by RDSO)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 97350.00 AT Par 97350.00
Description:- (SOR NO 802)Supply of Transformer - Rectifier as per specification IRS: S 91-2014 Ver. 1.0 or latest.
804 1.00 Numbers 190261.00 190261.00 AT Par 190261.00

37 Description:- (SOR NO 804 (c) )Supply of Earth Leakage Detector (ELD) with configuration specified by Engineer In charge
and as per specification RDSO/SPN/256/2002 or latest with insulated tester, test probes, Mounting stand and Fuse board to
isolate from distribution board as per requirement of channels. Twelve channel Earth Leakage Detector. (Inspection by RDSO)
905 1.00 Set 497388.00 497388.00 AT Par 497388.00
Description:- (SOR NO 905 (a))Supply of Data Logger of following capacity for remote monitoring of signalling parameters
38 and power supply arrangements with network as per specification IRS: S 99- 2006 Amd. 3 or latest with 64 input digital card
as a spare and fuse monitoring PCBs for monitoring at least fifty 2A fuses with inbuilt modem cards for networking. Data
Logger with 512 digital inputs and 32 analog inputs (Inspection by RDSO)
908 1.00 Pair 53172.00 53172.00 AT Par 53172.00
39 Description:- (SOR NO 908 (d) ) Power supply and communication for RTU Supply of 4 wire leased line modem. (Inspection
by Consignee)

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

909 1.00 Numbers 49373.00 49373.00 AT Par 49373.00

40 Description:- (SOR NO 909 (g)) Supply of communication and other accessories for Datalogger Supply of Protocol Converter
for Electronic Interlocking including software required for networking. (Inspection by Consignee)
910 1.00 Numbers 13177.00 13177.00 AT Par 13177.00
41 Description:- Supply of 80 column Dot Matrix Printer Model No. Epson LQ300/LX300 or similar with serial port. (Inspection by
911 2.00 Numbers 66716.00 133432.00 AT Par 133432.00

42 Description:- Supply and installation of Fault analysis terminal for analysis of fault and generating reports for data logger
installed at stations with minimum 19 inch display terminal with i5 processor 4GB RAM, HDD 1 TB, Windows 10 Licensed or
better.(Inspection by Consignee)
912 2.00 Per Unit 69582.00 139164.00 AT Par 139164.00
43 Description:- Supply of Safety Point Alarm unit to alert ASM to set the points against the blocked line. (Per Unit = Per
Station) (Inspection by Consignee)
1001 50.00 Numbers 3715.00 185750.00 AT Par 185750.00
44 Description:- Supply of Thermo shrink jointing kit for jointing underground 0.9mm dia conductor 6 quad cable as per
specification IRS: TC 77-2012 Rev. 3 (Amd. 1 to Amd. 3) or latest. (Inspection by RDSO)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 85288.00 AT Par 85288.00
Description:- (SOR NO 1002) Supply of Various Telephones and Telephone Power Supply unit
Please see Item Breakup for details. 280070.00 AT Par 280070.00
Description:- (SOR NO 1003) Supply of Various Telecom Cable
1004 4.00 Numbers 3740.00 14960.00 AT Par 14960.00
47 Description:- (SOR NO 1004 (c) )Supply of Krone Termination Box complete with mounting Krone termination of 100 pair
(Inspection by Consignee)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 47250.00 AT Par 47250.00
Description:- (SOR NO 1006)Supply of VF Transformer and accessories
Please see Item Breakup for details. 55840.00 AT Par 55840.00
Description:- (SOR NO 1007) Supply of Emergency Socket Box and emergency socket pin
1008 2.00 Numbers 11167.00 22334.00 AT Par 22334.00
50 Description:- (SOR NO 1008 (c)) Supply of Maintenance Free Batteries of following capacity of AMARAJA/EXIDE/Panasonic or
equivalent brand. 12V/100 AH (Inspection by RDSO)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 3711709.00 AT Par 3711709.00
Description:- (SOR NO 1009) Supply of OFC Related items
Please see Item Breakup for details. 345860.00 AT Par 345860.00
Description:- (SOR NO 1010) Supply of IP Based CCTV Camera (Inspection by Consignee)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 147042.00 AT Par 147042.00
Description:- (SOR NO 1011) Supply of Miscellaneous Telecom Items
1101 4.00 Numbers 7027.00 28108.00 AT Par 28108.00

54 Description:- (SOR NO 1101) Supply of Electric Key Transmitter (EKT) rotary type complete as per DRG. No. SA 22601/Alt 4
or latest and specification IRS: S 21-2001 Rev. 1.0 or latest. The ward number shall be as specified by the Engineer in-charge.
(Inspection by RDSO)
1302 4.00 Numbers 15500.00 62000.00 AT Par 62000.00
55 Description:- (SOR NO 1302)Supply of Filter Unit for use in conjunction with block instrument as per specification IRS: S 68-
89 or latest. (Inspection by Consignee)
1303 4.00 Numbers 2604.00 10416.00 AT Par 10416.00
56 Description:- (SOR NO 1303 )Supply of Block Bell Equipment as per specification IRS: TC 44-88 with Amd. 1 or latest.
(Inspection by Consignee)
1304 8.00 Numbers 14721.00 117768.00 AT Par 117768.00
57 Description:- Supply of Teak Wood Block Counter suitable for DAIDO / NBT block instruments as per standard drawing. &
instructions of engineer in charge (Inspection by Consignee)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 414777.00 AT Par 414777.00
58 Description:- (SOR NO 1404) Supply of Spare Cards for High Availability Single Section Digital Axle Counter (HASSDAC) as
per specification RDSO/SPN/177/2012 Ver. 3.0 or latest. The spare cards shall be supplied as per the make of SSDAC and to
the version as specified by the engineer in-charge.(Inspection by RDSO)
1405 1.00 Set 133197.00 133197.00 AT Par 133197.00
Description:- (SOR NO 1405)"Supply of Tool kit consisting of the following. a) Digital multi meter - Model 187 of Fluke make
or Model Rish 18S of Rishabh Make or similar suitable for Digital Axle Counter. b) Train simulator c) Extender card d) Dummy
Wheel e) Square Drive T Handle - Model 1733 of Taparia Make f) 19mm, 3/8 inch square drive socket made of Chrome
59 Vanadium steel - Model 19H of Taparia make or similar. g) Ring Spanner (Flat) of size 17 x 19mm - Jhalani Make or equivalent.
h) Double ended open jaw spanner no. 895 (Deflector plates) i) Spanner of size 17 x 19mm - Jhalani or Everest or Taparia
Make. j) Spanner of size 19 x 24mm - Jhalani or Everest or Taparia Make. k) Ring Spanner of size 24 x 26mm - Jhalani or
Everest or Taparia Make. l) Screw Driver No. 902 - Taparia Make or equivalent. m) Screw Driver No. 935 - Taparia Make or
equivalent. n) Carrying bag for tools" (Inspection by Consignee)
1406 2.00 Numbers 83799.00 167598.00 AT Par 167598.00

60 Description:- (SOR NO 1406) Electronic earth tester Model No. 4680B Meco make or higher version or similar. The earth
tester shall be non-contact type without requirement of auxiliary electrodes and shall have 4 digit 9999 LCD display with
ground resistance range from 0.25 to 1500. (Inspection by Consignee)
1501 50.00 Set 16837.00 841850.00 AT Par 841850.00
Description:- "Supply of basic material to construct unit Maintenance Free Earth as per specification RDSO/SPN/197 Ver. 1.0
or latest consisting of the following: a) Copper bonded steel electrode 3m long, 17mm diameter with copper bonding
thickness mini 250 micron and UL listed and marked - 1 No. b) Earth enhancement compound of RDSO approved brand
61 supplied in sealed bags of minimum 10kg - 3 Nos. c) Copper strip with dimensions 150 x 25 x 6mm to terminate earth rod - 1
No. d) Copper strip with dimensions 300 x 25 x 6mm Main Equi- potential Earth Bus bar (MEEB) - 1 No. e) Copper strip of with
dimensions 150 x 25 x 6mm Sub Equi- potential Earth Bus bar (SEEB) - 1 No. f) 35 Sq.mm multi-strand PVC insulated Copper
Cable (15 meter)." (Inspection by RITES)

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

1503 500.00 Metre 546.00 273000.00 AT Par 273000.00

Description:- Supply of 50mm x 6mm GI tape for interconnecting earth electrodes. (Inspection by Consignee)
1504 1.00 Set 65725.00 65725.00 AT Par 65725.00
Description:- "Real time Earth measuring Device of split core structure, High Accuracy, Resistance Range 0.01 100,
63 Detector Light and Sound Alarm, IP-54 protection, RS-485 Communication, with extended 4 digit LCD of Koble or Similar make
(Model No. KOBLE 2800KB VER 3.0 or similar) : a) Main detector Unit -01 No b) LCD Enclosure fitted with Aviation Plugs-01 No.
c) Rs-485 Connector with 0.5 Mtr Cable-01 No. d) RMCU with PFC -01 No. e) All other connecting cables with accessories"
(Inspection by Consignee)
1505 100.00 Kg 175.00 17500.00 AT Par 17500.00
Description:- Supply of GI wire (8 SWG). (Inspection by Consignee)
1701 10.00 Numbers 78.00 780.00 AT Par 780.00
Description:- Supply of piezo buzzers working on 24 V DC reputed make. (Inspection by Consignee)
1703 50.00 Numbers 51.00 2550.00 AT Par 2550.00
Description:- Supply of PVC Conduit pipe 3m length, 25mm dia with required number of bends. (Inspection by Consignee)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 22200.00 AT Par 22200.00
Description:- (SOR NO 1705)Supply of Lugs and Eyelets: (Inspection by Consignee)
1706 5.00 Numbers 5274.00 26370.00 AT Par 26370.00
Description:- Supply of Corium Z 105 Battery cleaner and terminal conditioner of 500ml tin can. (inpection by Consignee)
1707 100.00 Numbers 18.00 1800.00 AT Par 1800.00
69 Description:- Supply of LED holders with LEDs of size 5 mm with 0.5 Watt resistance. To be supplied as per requirement of
site in-charge. (Inspection by Consignee)
1708 10.00 Numbers 300.00 3000.00 AT Par 3000.00
70 Description:- Supply of Solid State Buzzers with different frequencies in metallic / plastic casing working on 12V - 24V - 60V.
(Inspection by Consignee)
1712 200.00 Numbers 195.00 39000.00 AT Par 39000.00

71 Description:- Supply of Universal Locks with one steel key for every ten locks or part there of (For example, if locks ordered
is 10, 1 key is to be supplied and if locks ordered is 20, 2 keys to be supplied. However, 2 keys to be supplied if locks ordered
is between 11 and 19).
1715 1.00 Numbers 22602.00 22602.00 AT Par 22602.00
Description:- Supply of Electric Track Drilling machine shall be suitable for operating on 110V, 50Hz AC / DC fully insulated
72 and no-load RPM shall be 1900 / 1000 and the power input is 550W. Machine with suitable inter changeable track mounting
stand and drilling to be designed with adjustable facility and along with a set of 20 no's of 7.2 mm dia Bosch MSS drill bit, Drill
check dia. 13 mm and drilling dia in steel 8 mm/13 mm along with packing accessories. (Inspection by Consignee)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 443146.00 AT Par 443146.00
Description:- (SOR NO 1716) Supply of following items for Station: (Inspection by Consignee)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 8900.00 AT Par 8900.00
74 Description:- (SOR NO 1717) Supply of transparent plastic cover of superior quality of Various Size. The sheet shall have
provision for hanging.
1718 50.00 Per Unit 358.00 17900.00 AT Par 17900.00
Description:- (SOR NO 1718)Printing, binding and supply of the following Registers with latest proforma as given by
engineer in-charge. Each register shall be of 100 pages. 1) Station Asset Register 2) Deficiencies 3) Officer Inspection Book 4)
Station Message Book 5) Infringement Measurement Book for Signaling Assets 6) Route Cancellation Register 7) Relay Room
Key Register 8) Selection Circuit Testing Register 9) Cable Testing Register 10) Signal Maintenance Record 11) Battery
75 Maintenance Register 12) Mechanical Signaling Register 13) Axle Counter Maintenance Register 14) SSDAC / HASSDAC/
MSDAC Maintenance Register 15) Block Instrument Maintenance Register 16) Track Circuit Maintenance Register 17)
Mechanical Lifting Barriers Maintenance Register 18) Electrical Lifting Barriers Maintenance Register 19) Electrically Operated
Point Maintenance Register 20) Electronic Interlocking Maintenance Register 21) Location Box Maintenance Register 22)
Earth Testing Record Register 23) Joint Inspection of Points and Crossings Register 24) Joint Inspection of Track Circuits 25)
Joint Inspection of Track Circuits with OHE 26) Diesel Generator / Solar Panel Register 27) UFSBI maintenance register (Per
Unit = Per Regr.)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 226834.00 AT Par 226834.00
Description:- (SOR NO 1719)Supply of Various Tools for S&T installation
1722 200.00 Metre 358.00 71600.00 AT Par 71600.00
77 Description:- (SOR NO 1722 (a)) Supply of HDPE pipe of various diameter with material grade PE 100 as per specification IS
Specification 4984: 1995 up to latest amendment. HDPE pipe of 110mm Dia. (Inspection by RITES)
1724 1.00 Numbers 377600.00 377600.00 AT Par 377600.00
Description:- (SOR NO 1724) Supply of Cable Route Locator set consisting of receiver with active line trace frequency,
78 passive line trace and depth measurement on active line tracing with 5 watts cable line transmitter with frequency indicator,
power indicator, frequency mode sheet, power 'ON' & 'OFF' indicator mode toggle induction mode. High voltage warning and
suitable rechargeable cells for both transmitter and receiver with suitable charger with carrying case. Make RIDGID SeekTech
SR-20/ Stanlay ST-Loc 10 or equivalent or better as approved by Engineer In charge. (Inspection by Consignee)
1725 1.00 Numbers 317822.00 317822.00 AT Par 317822.00
Description:- Supply of portable Cable Fault Locator (Metallic Time Domain Reflectometer) suitable in RE / Non-RE Railway
79 territory with all accessories for locating faults such as loop and break in various twisted pair cables such as underground
telecom quad cables, signalling cables, telephone jelly filled cables, LAN etc. Instrument to be supplied with protective nylon
carrying bag and Operator's manual. (Inspection by Consignee)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 749140.00 AT Par 749140.00
Description:- (SOR NO 1801) Supply of Spares and accessories for UFSBI

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule N-SOR Labour Portion (SIGNAL) 44725032.00
2501 16.00 Kilometre 1472.00 23552.00 AT Par 23552.00

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- Location survey for cable route and preparation of tentative cable route plan as per the instructions of
Engineer in- Charge.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2271250.00 AT Par 2271250.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2502) "Excavation of trench, including marking of cable alignment, clearing of jungle, roots of trees,
2 bushes, trial pits if required, refilling with excavated soil, ramming and consolidation after laying of cables complete to the
finished item of work in all type of Soil including soft rocky area as per RDSO Sketch No. SDO!CABLE LAYING!003, as directed
by engineer incharge."
NS 1000.00 Per Unit 679.00 679000.00 AT Par 679000.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2503 (a))Cutting of Rock, concreting after cable laying with 1 cement: 2 sand: 4 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size and curing of concrete to the required number of days, except in bridges, culverts, level
3 crossings, track crossings, cable pits and rocky soil including marking of cable alignment, clearing of debris etc., complete to
the finished item of work as directed by engineer in-charge. All the material is to be arranged by contractor Depth of 300mm
and width of 300mm where rock is visible from surface, concreting to ground level as per Drg No.SK/CN/NEW/1.(Per
NS 500.00 Per Unit 188.00 94000.00 AT Par 94000.00
4 Description:- (SOR NO 2505)Digging of cable trench to a depth of not less than 30 cm in rocky terrain/difficult terrain
Concreting the trench with 150mm thick concrete with 1 cement: 2 sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size. All
the material is to be arranged by contractor. (Per Unit=RMT)
NS 1000.00 Per Unit 2264.00 2264000.00 AT Par 2264000.00

5 Description:- (SOR NO 2506) Track crossing/ Road Crossing by Horizontal Boring method at culverts/track/pucca road as per
SCR Drg. No. 5770. This also includes insertion of HDPE pipe of 110 mm/G.I Pipe of 100 mm in the bore drilled (HDPE pipe/ GI
pipe is to be supplied by Railway). (Per Unit= RMT)
NS 500.00 Per Unit 1139.00 569500.00 AT Par 569500.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2507) Trenching under Rails for crossing the track (Track Crossing) and refilling of trenches as per
SCR Drg. No. 5768. The track crossing shall be done at right angles. The depth of cable trench shall be 1.2 meter below the
6 rail flange. The depth between top cable and the level of rail flange of the rail shall never be less than 1.0 meter. The ballast
shall be stacked separately while making the trench and the earth soil shall be stacked separately. While re-filling the trench,
the earth soil has to be filled first to the ground level and the ballast has to be properly put in the track. This work has to be
done under supervision of supervisor of S&T and supervisor of P.Way. (Per Unit=RMT)
NS 100.00 Per Unit 211.00 21100.00 AT Par 21100.00
7 Description:- (SOR NO 2508) Breaking of metal/ tar road and refilling after laying the cables as per drawing no.SDO/CABLE
LAYING/010. The surface of the road shall be concreted to match with the old surface.(Per Unit=RMT)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1252000.00 AT Par 1252000.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2509) Cable laying and meggering.
NS 30.00 cum 1562.00 46860.00 AT Par 46860.00
9 Description:- (SOR NO 2512) Supply and Filling sand in trench/under floors/OFC chambers, complete as per instruction of
engineer in charge.
NS 100.00 Numbers 1796.00 179600.00 AT Par 179600.00

10 Description:- (SOR NO 2513) Excavation of coil pit up to a depth of 1 meter and dia of 1.5 meter for providing coil at
location box, point, signals etc., This includes back filling and ramming of trench / pit after laying the cable and consolidation
of soil.
NS 2.00 Per Unit 9924.00 19848.00 AT Par 19848.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2514) Cable Duct behind Relay Room/Goomties of 1.8 m dia. and 1.2 meter depth consisting of brick
11 work of 254 mm thickness of proportion 1:6 with sand filling after coiling of cables. The top of sand filling covered with
concreting of size 1.3 meter dia. and 200 mm depth of proportion 1:1.5:3. Outside of the duct should be plastered with
cement mortar in a ration of 1: 6 to achieve smooth finishing. All materials including cement, chips of size 20 mm and second
class bricks etc. to be supplied by the contractor.(Per Unit = Each)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 80930.00 AT Par 80930.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2516) "Cable laying at culverts/bridges -Low flood level- to take the cables underground across the
drain bed at a depth of 1.2 meter for crossing small culverts with low flood level. After making the trench, the cable trench
12 shall be further dug at an interval of 4 meter to a depth of 0.5 meter and at such intervals concrete supports of 300mm X
500mm to a height of 0.7 meter shall be constructed using 1:3:6 concrete. The pipe shall pass through this concrete at
proper height so that the pipe with cables inside it rests in the cable trench at 1 .2 Mtr depth. The concrete supports so cast
shall be cured for a period of 5 days before filling the trench. During the curing period of 5 days, the culvert portion of cable
laying shall be protected by keeping a watchman day and night."
Please see Item Breakup for details. 17650.00 AT Par 17650.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2517) Cable laying at culverts/bridges -High flood level : Excavation of cable trench of 300mm width
and 800 mm depth in the ramp from the foot of the culvert on to the top of the culvert by storing the ballast and the
13 excavated soil separately and laying of HDPE/DWC/GI pipe( to be supplied by Railways). The pipe is to be laid , the cables
required are to be drawn using bends( to be supplied by Railways) as per the drawing No.SK.15/11. After drawing the cables
the bends are to be concreted to a size of 300mmX1000mmX1000mm using required shuttering with 1 cement: 3 sand: 6
graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size and curing for required days. Except the HDPE/GI/DWC pipe and bends, all other
material is to be arranged by the contractor.
NS 500.00 Numbers 1204.00 602000.00 AT Par 602000.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2521) Supply, transporting and installation of Concrete (RCC) Route Indicators at intervals of 50
14 meters as per instructions of engineer in charge as per drawing no. SK 12/10.They should be of standard RCC with letters
"SCR S&T cable" as per type of cable laid to drawing. In case of telecom quad cable joint locations it shall be painted with
GREEN and ORANGE colour for normal indication of cable path.
NS 30.00 Numbers 734.00 22020.00 AT Par 22020.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2522) Providing of channel ramps for drawing cables at bridge/culvert entries duly providing GI bend/
15 flexible conduit 8 cm diameter and constructing channels from a depth of 0.8 meters to surface as per Drg no 15-D7 of
IRSEM. (Concreting to be done at the ratio of 1:4:8 - Cement, sand and fine metal). All required material to be supplied by
Please see Item Breakup for details. 79420.00 AT Par 79420.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2523) Provision and laying cement concrete (including transportation of all the material).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 160000.00 AT Par 160000.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2525) Jungle Cutting
NS 3000.00 Per Unit 2174.00 6522000.00 AT Par 6522000.00

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

18 Description:- (SOR NO 2529) Supply, placing and covering of RCC duct from Home to Home as per SCR Drg. No. 5778.(Per
Unit = RMT)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1680970.00 AT Par 1680970.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2601) Location box foundation and erection
NS 4.00 Numbers 559.00 2236.00 AT Par 2236.00
20 Description:- (SOR NO 2602) Installation in location box at RE cuttings and wiring of all power supply equipments viz.,
Chargers, Transformers, Trans-rectifiers etc., as per the detailed specifications.
NS 110.00 Per location 178.00 19580.00 AT Par 19580.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2603) Test lamp arrangement in LBs/RE cuttings (Auto mobile handle type).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 81952.00 AT Par 81952.00
22 Description:- (SOR NO 2605) Supply and fixing of following Teak wood reapers/ Blocks after applying two coats of wood
NS 100000.00 Per Unit 14.00 1400000.00 AT Par 1400000.00
23 Description:- (SOR NO 2606) Cable termination including fixing terminals, fuses, LDs, Meggering of cables and recording the
readings.(Per Unit = Per Conductor)
NS 200.00 Per Unit 338.00 67600.00 AT Par 67600.00

24 Description:- (SOR NO 2607) Fixing relay bases, wiring in location boxes, bunching, fixing of relays as per circuit diagram.
This includes fixing of condensers, resistance, 6 way / 1 way terminals/ WAGO, ND type fuses, LED indicators for fuses as per
type fuses. (Per Unit = Per Relay)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 104760.00 AT Par 104760.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2608) Supply, painting and fixing of gland plate for Location box as per site requirement.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 660750.00 AT Par 660750.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2609) Tie Bar Fencing
Please see Item Breakup for details. 229480.00 AT Par 229480.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2610) Excavation of pit in and around the existing location boxes very carefully without damaging
the working cables and shifting and turning the location boxes to clear of the infringement as instructed by the Railway
27 representative at site. The work includes, ensuring the safety of the signalling system, releasing the cable coils to give access
for shifting/turning the location boxes. Necessary masonry work and earth work in and around the location boxes to the
required level shall be done as instructed by the Railway representative at site. If the existing earth connections to the
location boxes are disturbed, the earth wires shall be properly reconnected. [All materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
Please see Item Breakup for details. 12390.00 AT Par 12390.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2612) Alterations to painted termination/ wiring particulars of functions in the existing apparatus
28 cases, cable termination boxes, etc., on the PVC/ nylon sleeves and painting of new nomenclature on the existing signalling
gadgets. This work includes carrying out alterations of particulars on the inner side of the doors of apparatus cases, re-
numbering of apparatus cases and cable termination boxes (Paints and all other miscellaneous materials required for the
work shall be supplied by the Contractor).
NS 100.00 Numbers 6652.00 665200.00 AT Par 665200.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2701) Fabrication, supply and erection of conventional Earth to Signalling/Telecom equipments -
Excavation of earth and providing earth pipe of size 50mm dia. 3.5mm thick 2.0 m. long G.I. pipe of heavy quality with
29 masonry tub constructed around at earth locations as specified by site Engineer. Alternate layers of 30kgs-charcoal and
30kgs-common salt to be filled in the pit while closing. The pipe perforation etc., to be carried out as per drawing No. SK
10/10. The earth pipe to be connected to the function with cable as supplied by Railways. The reading should be painted on
the masonry tub. The masonry tub of 300 mm x 300 mm x 300mm (along with Kundi) should be covered with cement slab.
NS 6.00 Numbers 24286.00 145716.00 AT Par 145716.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2702) Provision of ring earth by providing & connecting conventional earths with copper catenary
wire as required at site as per instructions site in charge. Excavation of earth and providing earth pipe of size 50mm dia,
3.5mm thickness, 2.0m long GI pipe of heavy quality along with masonry tub constructed around at earth locations as
specified by site Engineer. Alternate layers of charcoal (30 kg) and common salt (30 kg) to be filled in each pit while closing
the pipe perforation etc., to be carried out as per drawing no. G/SG/09/2002. The masonry tub of 400x400x450mm, 50mm
30 thickness should be cover with cement slab to be provided each conventional earth. Masonry tub shall be filled with river
sand after completion of earthing. Conventional earths to be wrapped with catenary wires before excavated in earth along
with use of proper clamps and nuts. All earths to be connected with each other by use of copper catenary wire or suitable
cable provided by Railways. Minimum two number Earth pipe to be connected inside the location/function with suitable cable
(cable will supplied by railways). Excavations of trench of 0.5m minimum depth for inter connection of 4 conventional earths
by catenary wire. Catenary wire should be welded through arc welding to the GI pipe with copper clamps. The earth reading,
DOI & DOM should be painted on the masonry tub. (All the men and the materials to be supplied by the contractor except
catenary wire/Cable).
NS 1.00 Per location 285013.00 285013.00 AT Par 285013.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2704) EMI/ Earthing arrangements to achieve earth value less than 1 Ohm (minimum 8 maintenance
31 free earth) for EI at central location or end Goomties for object controllers as per RDSO specification as required for the EI
system as per Rly. Br.letter No.2010/Sig/SGF/EI (Ansaldo) dated 22.06.2011 or latest shall be followed. All materials shall be
supplied by the contractor including Maintenance free earthing.
NS 1.00 Numbers 315000.00 315000.00 AT Par 315000.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2705) Supply and Installation of "A"-Type LPS (ERICO or similar make) Model No: System 3000 or
similar. a) Air Terminal - 1No. b) Insulated 2m FRP Mast Black -1No. c) Upper Termination Kit -1No. d) Lower Termination Kit -
32 1No. e) Lightning Event Counter -1No. f) Down Conductor - 30 Mtrs. g) GI pipe 50mm dia and 3.5 mm thickness as per SCR
Drawing No.5777. h) Installation to be done as per SCR Drawing No.5777. Installation also includes fixing of LEC Counter with
suitable MS box enclosure and running of down conductor through PVC pipes and connecting the same to nearby earth
electrode. All material required for installation will be provided by contractor.
NS 150.00 Numbers 156.00 23400.00 AT Par 23400.00

33 Description:- (SOR NO 2708) Supply and Erection of RCC precast slabs with hook to cover Earth pits of dimensions as shown
in IRSEM drg no 19-D6. All the required materials for this work i.e. stones, cement, iron and sand etc. are to be supplied by
NS 500.00 Per Unit 31.00 15500.00 AT Par 15500.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2710) Earthing and soldering of cable armour.(Per Unit = Per cable)
NS 100.00 Set 6338.00 633800.00 AT Par 633800.00

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- (SOR NO 2711) Installation of single earth(maintenance free) including the following:- welding and fixing of
copper tape (used as bus bar) welding of cadmium bronze cable to copper plate using material supplied vide item no. 1,2 of
SPD of Sch-A . All the material supplied for mounting of copper tape, exothermic weld materials, tools and fixtures for welding
copper tapes shall be arranged by contractor. a) Digging /Auguring/Boring of single earth pit of 100mm to 125 mm dia to the
depth of approx. 2.8 meter. b) Insertion of 3.0 meter electrode and penetrating it at least 0.2 meter by pushing gently with
sledge hammer where the natural soil is assumed. c) Filling of earth pit with earth enhancement compound (EEC) in slurry
35 from and backfilling. d) Carrying out exothermic weld connection on single earth electrode to a copper tape of 150X25X6mm.
e) Carrying out exothermic weld connection on the copper tape of 150X25X6mm on earth electrode for connecting two 35 Sq
mm cables for redundancy. f) The exothermic welding material for bonding the earth system shall be procured from RDSO
approved firms, which includes graphite moulds, clamps, weld metal powders. g) Digging a trench to a depth of at least 0 .5
Mtr. and run the two 35 Sq mm earth conductor (procured against supply item) from earth pit to MEEB. h) Routing and
termination of two 35 sq mm earth conductors in trench from earth pit to 300X25X6mm MEEB, which is to be fixed inside the
equipment room with two insulation studs. i) 300X300X300 mm (inside dimension) concrete earth pit with a concrete lid,
approx 50mm thick with pulling hooks, shall be provided to cover the pit. Back side of the cover will be painted in black and
date of the testing and earth resistance value shall be written.
NS 100.00 Per Unit 34.00 3400.00 AT Par 3400.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2712) Routing and connecting all the equipments in the equipment/relay room to MEEB/SEEB with
36 16/10 sq mm copper cable using copper lugs with stainless steel nuts and bolts and fixtures. The work includes laying and
routing the copper cable in PVC pipes/conduits and fixing them on wall as directed by engineer in charge. PVC pipes/conduits
willbe supplied by Railway. (Per Unit = RMT)
NS 600.00 Per Unit 294.00 176400.00 AT Par 176400.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2713) Provision MS flat connection from Earth pit to LBs/Signals including supply and laying of MS Flat
37 of size 40X6mm at site, supply of GI bolt of size M12X40mm with two Nuts along with two plain washers and one spring
washer, drilling of holes in MS flat of different sizes at site, cutting with bending and twisting of MS flat as required at site,
painting of MS Flat with one coating of red oxide as primary and two coats of anti-corrosive black paint and drilling of holes in
Location Boxes at site.(Per Unit = RMT)
NS 30.00 Per Unit 349.00 10470.00 AT Par 10470.00

38 Description:- (SOR NO 2714) Welding for jointing MS flat 6mm thick X 40mm width of different lengths strips connecting
from Earth to location boxes/Signal post/Signal Unit for better continuity. Prior approval of welding material to be taken from
Engineer In charge. (Per UNit = Each Weld)
NS 17.00 Numbers 15360.00 261120.00 AT Par 261120.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2801) Foundation and erection of Colour light signal which includes a) Excavation of pit, casting
concrete foundation as per SCR Drg. No. 5772 using metallic templates, for erection of Colour light Signals up to 4 aspects
(foundation bolts, cement, river sand, stone jelly of size 20/20mm dia and all other miscellaneous materials required for the
work shall be supplied by the contractor). b) Erection of surface base, signal post, mounting of Colour Light Signal up to 4
aspects complete on signal post / offset bracket, LED fixing, plumbing of the signal through sealing gap between Surface
base and signal post, fixing of ladder with platform complete and concreting of ladder shoe, fixing of number plates, marker
39 board, termination tail cables, wiring of signal unit, provision of EWS locks, and painting of one coat of red oxide and two
coats of aluminium/enamel paints. When the aspect is fixed on offset bracket using 'U' bolts and nuts, a through bolt shall be
provided by drilling of hole in the signal pole to prevent the offset bracket from sliding down. (Supply of surface base, offset
bracket, CLS pole, CLS aspects complete, ladder with shoes and platform, LED aspects, current regulators and wire coils will
be supplied by Railways). ('U' bolts and nuts, through bolts and nuts, cement, stone jelly 20/25mm dia, river sand, Signal
Colour Rings, all fixing bolts and nuts, teak wood, paints PVC/Nylon sleeves, enamelled number plates, enamelled marker
boards, EWS locks, and all other miscellaneous materials for the work shall be supplied by the contractor). @40<37@
Payment after completion of work mentioned at (a) and remaining 40 % after completion of work at (b))
NS 5.00 Numbers 6805.00 34025.00 AT Par 34025.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2802) Foundation & erection of Shunt signal which includes a) Excavation of pit and casting concrete
foundation as per Drg. No. SG/CN/02/10 using metallic templates, for erection of ground type colour light Shunt signal.
(Foundation bolts and nuts, cement, river sand, stone jelly of size 20/25mm and all other miscellaneous materials for the
40 work shall be supplied by the contractor). b) Erection of Ground type shunt signal complete including surface base, signal
post, LED aspects, number plate, termination of tail cables, wiring of signal unit, provision of EWS locks and painting of one
coat of red oxide and two coats of Aluminium /.enamel paint, (Supply of Ground type shunt signal complete including surface
base, signal post, LED unit is to be supplied by Railways). [ EWS locks, enamelled number plates, bolts and nuts, lead wool,
paints and all other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the contractor). @40<37@ Payment after completion of
work mentioned at (a) and remaining 40 % after completion of work at (b))
Please see Item Breakup for details. 9420.00 AT Par 9420.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2804) Fixing of junction type route indicator - 1 way to 6 way - complete / fixing of additional limb to
41 the existing route indicators, termination of tail cables, wiring as per approved circuits diagram, provision of required number
of EWS locks, wire mesh and painting. (Supply of junction type Route Indicators - complete and additional limb is not covered
in this schedule). [Fixing bolts and nuts, EWS locks, wire mesh, PVC/Nylon sleeves, paints and all other miscellaneous
materials shall be supplied by the contractor].
NS 3.00 Numbers 1998.00 5994.00 AT Par 5994.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2806) Fixing of Offset brackets using 'U' bolts and nuts, erecting of Calling On Signals/'A' marker
lights, termination of tail cables and wiring, provision of EWS lock, number plates/ markers boards and painting. The work also
42 includes drilling suitable holes on the CLS post and provision of a through bolt with nut to prevent the Off-set bracket from
slipping down. (Supply of Calling On Signal / 'A' marker light, LED aspect / holders and bulbs, wire coils and off set brackets
will be supplied by Railways). ['U' bolts and nuts, through bolts with nut, EWS lock, Enamelled number plates, PVC/Nylon
sleeves, paints and all other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the contractor.
NS 5.00 Numbers 4194.00 20970.00 AT Par 20970.00

43 Description:- (SOR NO 2810) Provision of SCREEN on signals when they fall within 2 meters from the live conductor by
expanding metal (size 20mm x 60mm strand 3.25 mm wide and 1.6mm thick) as per the instruction of site engineer in
charge. This includes supply of all materials including connection with earth electrode as per SCR Drg. No. 5767.
NS 30.00 Numbers 487.00 14610.00 AT Par 14610.00

44 Description:- (SOR NO 2812) Supply and fixing of cross bar on signal (signal not in use) made of hard wood of size 1000mm
x 100mm x 20mm. The cross bar shall be painted white as per Signal Engineering Manual. All material required for
installation shall be supplied by contractor.
NS 500.00 Sqm 760.00 380000.00 AT Par 380000.00

45 Description:- (SOR NO 2815) Strengthening of foundations of signals, Full/Half location boxes up to a height of 30 cm, by
carrying out the earth work around the foundation, ramming of the earth, carry out masonry work from bottom of earth work
using country stones and cement masonry to prevent the earth from slipping down the bank.
NS 2.00 Numbers 6460.00 12920.00 AT Par 12920.00

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- (SOR NO 2901) Fixing of universal point machines and wiring on PSC/Wooden sleepers as per standard
46 drawing. Wiring as per circuitry includes fixing & wiring of point contactor unit frames and controlling relays, fixing and wiring
of point termination box, fixing of crank handle ward plate of required configuration and Ground connections, P-clamp
insulations, setting, stretcher bars etc., [All miscellaneous material required such as nuts, bolts, washers are to be arranged
by contractor]
NS 14.00 Per Unit 12067.00 168938.00 AT Par 168938.00
Description:- (SOR NO 2902) Installation, termination of cable in termination box, wiring, testing and commissioning of High
47 Thrust point Machine. This includes fixing of point machine on MS plate fixed on sleepers complete with fixing of anti theft
covers, MS termination boxes, ground connections, required insulation, crank handle ward (wherever required) etc. This also
include necessary adjustment and smithy work, drilling of holes on tongue rails, supply of all miscellaneous material such as
flat, angle, bolt, nuts, pins etc. (Per Unit = Per Point Machine)
NS 100.00 Numbers 505.00 50500.00 AT Par 50500.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3001 )Fixing of Track lead junction box on angles (50 x 50 x 6 mm size), drilling one hole on either
48 side of the box of suitable size and fixing track lead junction box by the side of the track, drilling 4 holes of 7.2 mm dia. on
Rail, connecting double track leads with bond pins, running track lead wire, termination of track lead wire on ARA terminals
duly fixing the same inside the TLJB Teak wood board bolted inside the track lead junction box. (Fixing angles, bolts, nuts and
teak wood boards to be supplied by the contractor).
NS 40.00 Numbers 1509.00 60360.00 AT Par 60360.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3002) Wiring of Track circuits feed end, relay end complete with TLDs, batteries, chargers, Chokes,
49 track relays, double lead wires, providing insulation etc,. Connected with track commissioning of track circuit including
provision of bracket for TLD covers and painting. Anti-tilting arrangement has to be done for chargers & batteries. All
miscellaneous material required for installation shall be supplied by contractor.
NS 300.00 Numbers 149.00 44700.00 AT Par 44700.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3005)Painting of particulars of Glued Joint on rails/track circuit no. on TLJ boxes as per particulars
50 issued by Engineer in charge. Before painting on surface of the Glued Joint Rails/TLJ boxes shall be cleaned thoroughly.
Painting shall be done with approved quality of standard paints like Asian/Johnson/ Nicholas /Berger etc. All the men and
materials shall be arranged by the contractor and the colours scheme shall be as per the instructions of Engineer in charge.
NS 500.00 Per Unit 134.00 67000.00 AT Par 67000.00

51 Description:- (SOR NO 3006)Drilling of four no's of 7.2mm holes, per rail joint on web of the rail , providing bond wires with
wire rope. (Bond pins single groves are to be supplied by contractor - Wire rope for bonding will be supplied by Railways).
(Per Unit = Per Rail Joint)
NS 8.00 Numbers 5314.00 42512.00 AT Par 42512.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3102)Fabrication, Supply and fixing of CALLING ON instruction boards, STOP boards/ BSLB/Shunting
52 Limit Board/Auto section board or any other board with engineering grade reflective sticker of size 600X1000 mm GI sheet,
with MS angle of 75X75X6 mm with 6 meter length including paint, excavation of pit and concrete foundation etc. as per the
instructions of sight in-charge. All necessary materials to be arranged by the contractor).
NS 8.00 Numbers 1563.00 12504.00 AT Par 12504.00

53 Description:- (SOR NO 3103) Provision of foundation for the signal warning boards/ calling on boards/all types of boards. (A
pit of size 400 mm x 400 mm x 1500 mm is to be dug and cement concrete foundation in the pit in the ratio 1:3:6 to be
casted. The rail post/MS angle is to be erected up right in the foundation.
NS 3.00 Per Unit 4204.00 12612.00 AT Par 12612.00

54 Description:- (SOR NO 3202) Installation and wiring of token/token-less block Instrument in ASM's room with suitable
foundation including fixing of LD's, terminals, fuses & earth connections and any other ancillary works. (Per Unit= Per
Please see Item Breakup for details. 99840.00 AT Par 99840.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3205) Crank Handle Box/ KLCR Box for Crank Handle
NS 2.00 Numbers 3575.00 7150.00 AT Par 7150.00
56 Description:- (SOR NO 3206) Manufacturing and fixing of glass fronted box ( key box) made out of teak wood of size
406X254X75 mm.
NS 1.00 Lumpsum 5406.00 5406.00 AT Par 5406.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3207) Fixing of PVC pipes & bends, drawing of required wires through the same up to functions like
57 control telephone, Dy.control telephone, magneto phones inside SM's office as per circuit diagram. This includes supply and
fixing of required DPDT and rotary switches, PVC pipes and bends 25mm dia with 2mm wall thickness, Lightening dischargers
and painting of particulars.
NS 100.00 Per Unit 703.00 70300.00 AT Par 70300.00
58 Description:- (SOR NO 3208) Fabrication, supply and fixing aluminium ladder of size 25 X 25 X 5mm, 200mm width,
arrangements for drawing various wires in the battery, equipment and relay rooms. (Per Unit = RMT)
NS 10.00 Per Unit 701.00 7010.00 AT Par 7010.00

59 Description:- (SOR NO 3209) Erection of CT Rack/Relay rack 1way/2way/4way with scaffolding suitably concreting tri-pod
bases using J-bolts, fixing rack support of size 50 x 50 x 6 mm on to the wall. Reel insulators are to be provided for insulating
the rack from the scaffolding & tri-pod bases. (Per Unit = Per one way Rack)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 83200.00 AT Par 83200.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3212) Fixing of the following on Pre-erected Relay Racks
NS 1.00 Per Unit 22237.00 22237.00 AT Par 22237.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3213 (b)) Indoor Painting including particulars of CT rack, relay rack, Equipment particulars (IPS, Data
61 logger, UFSBI, ELD, Charger, battery particulars, block instrument, VDU and any other equipments in relay room/ IPS room /
Battery room / Telecom room / Maintenance room / SM room), earthing particulars including ring earth particulars outside as
applicable and any other indoor particulars as per technical specification for following stations: More than Three Road Station
(Per Unit = Per Station/ Goomty)
NS 1.00 Numbers 36208.00 36208.00 AT Par 36208.00

62 Description:- (SOR NO 3214) Installation, testing and commissioning of Data Logger which includes the software
configuration, validation, taking test print, networking to nominated location for monitoring, changing of EPROMS if any and
alterations to data base in HQ/SSE offices where ever required.
NS 2.00 Per Unit 7286.00 14572.00 AT Par 14572.00
63 Description:- (SOR NO 3217) Implementation, testing and commissioning per station of point reversal alarm. (Per Unit = Per
NS 2.00 Numbers 1798.00 3596.00 AT Par 3596.00

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- (SOR NO 3220) Supply & Installation of Proximity switch (CE approved) for relay room door & connecting with
the data logger as per the following specifications. 1. Supply and fixing of different sizes of PVC casing/pipes as required by
Railway at site by fixing/clamping to the wall or laying in floor for indoor wiring purposes. Necessary hardware materials such
64 as Galvanized screws and washers, wooden pegs, teak etc, deep boxes, Junction boxes, Normal bends or diversion bends etc.
to be arranged by the contractor. 2. Supply & fixing of PVC Flexible pipe of 25/40/50mm dia sizes of reputed make. 3.
Drawing of fresh new wires from the relay base/proximity switch to another relay base/Data logger as per the new wiring
without affecting the other wires. This also includes testing of wires using buzzer of the new wires drawn once before
soldering and once after soldering.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 17640.00 AT Par 17640.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3221) Fabrication of Keys and Plate configuration for points
NS 3.00 Per Unit 1239.00 3717.00 AT Par 3717.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3224) Provision of PA system and telephone communication at stations/ tents as per the instructions
66 of Railway representative at site. Signalling cables available may be used for the communication. (Hiring of PA system
equipments shall be done by the Contractor and telephone will be provided by Railway) [All other miscellaneous materials
required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor]. (per unit= Per Tent Per day)
NS 100.00 Numbers 19.00 1900.00 AT Par 1900.00
67 Description:- (SOR NO 3227) Fixing of LEDs along with Jewels, Resistors, Sleeves duly drilling holes and soldering including
drawing of wires, bunching and lacing. (All materials to be supplied by the contractor).
NS 300.00 Square Foot 669.00 200700.00 AT Par 200700.00
68 Description:- (SOR NO 3228) Supply and installation of wire mesh (Gl) with welded MS flat /Aluminium frame and fixing on
windows/ ventilators of different sizes as to be given by engineer.
NS 100000.00 Per Unit 7.00 700000.00 AT Par 700000.00
69 Description:- (SOR NO 3301 (b)) Transportation of materials from any Stores to Site and vice- versa including loading and
unloading. Lead above 50 Kms (Per Unit = PTPK)
NS 100.00 Per Unit 593.00 59300.00 AT Par 59300.00
70 Description:- (SOR NO 3302)Arranging skilled labour at S&T Stores for loading/ unloading/stacking of departmental
materials. (Per Unit = Man Day)
NS 10.00 Per Unit 10266.00 102660.00 AT Par 102660.00
71 Description:- (SOR NO 3303) Segregation, stacking, loading, unloading and transportation in 6 MT capacity vehicle from
Store to Scrap Depot or Store to Store within a city as per instruction of Engineer In charge. (Per Unit = Per Load)
NS 100.00 Per Unit 1091.00 109100.00 AT Par 109100.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3304) Hiring of JCB machine (in good condition) for levelling and dressing ground/dismantling
72 structures including disposal of debris through dumpers etc., with contractors labour, JCB machine, machine operator, fuel
etc. The contractor shall arrange road permit for vehicle for all the states of operation, as per instructions of engineer in
charge (Per Unit = Per Hour)
NS 160.00 Numbers 328.00 52480.00 AT Par 52480.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3402 (a)) Initial Charging of Secondary Cells with uninterrupted Power Supply: - 2 volts 80 AH
NS 1.00 Numbers 21746.00 21746.00 AT Par 21746.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3404) Installation, wiring, earth connections with SEEB, testing and commissioning of IPS system.
74 Wires/cables shall be supplied by Railways, Charging of battery is covered elsewhere. Minor items like casing/capping,
Ladder, insulators, Lugs, Lacing of cables etc., where required to be supplied by contractor. Grouting and masonry work of the
IPS to be done. Work includes installation of charged batteries and their wiring with IPS.
NS 1.00 Numbers 11802.00 11802.00 AT Par 11802.00
75 Description:- (SOR NO 3405) Installation, Calibration and commissioning of Earth Leakage detector 8 to 12 channels as per
instructions of engineer in charge.
NS 100.00 Numbers 87.00 8700.00 AT Par 8700.00

76 Description:- (SOR NO 3406) Supply and wiring of Polymeric Positive Temperature Co- Efficient Device self resetting type
(PPTC) of 2A rating suitable for railway applications of reputed make. The PPTC fuse shall be wired by soldering suitable
flexible wire on both ends (all material except flexible wire has to be arranged by contractor).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 61952.00 AT Par 61952.00
77 Description:- (SOR NO 3501) Arranging of sufficient staff by contractor and giving test to the railway in charge in the
following stages as per instructions.
NS 100.00 Per Unit 103.00 10300.00 AT Par 10300.00

78 Description:- (SOR NO 3502) Testing to check integrity of gears (Field correspondence) i.e. One Signal Unit (with or without
route)/Track Circuit/LC Gate/One Point machine/One Block Instrument/One Slot etc. This item will be applicable after one
round of complete testing of gears by the contractor in presence of Railway Supervisor. (Per Unit = Each)
NS 2.00 Per Unit 29427.00 58854.00 AT Par 58854.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3503 (a) ) Testing and commissioning the entire signalling installations jointly with the Railway
79 representative at site at the Stations/ LC gates/IBS/Auto Signalling covered under various schedules of the Contract, and
ensuring that all the signalling gears are installed and adjusted as per the existing rules. Testing and commissioning of
Stations (up to 5 roads) (Per Unit = Per Station)
NS 4.00 Set 37152.00 148608.00 AT Par 148608.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3702) Installation (including power supply arrangements if required), testing and commissioning of
SSDAC/HASSDAC. The work consists of: a) Fixing of axle counter track device consisting of Tx-Rx coil assembly for each
detection point drilling holes in the rails as per the marking given by the site in charge. b) Fixing of rails deflector plates on
80 either side of each detection points as per the marking given by the site in charge. c) Fixing of evaluators inside pre-erected
location boxes on the nominated planks along with VR assembly duly providing anti-vibration arrangements, fixing terminals
and wiring as per the instructions of site in-charge. d.) Routing cables from Tx/Rx coil assembly through pre laid GI/HDPE pipe
arrangements of track crossing and entering the location box and termination (60 % Payment after installation & Testing and
40% after commissioning).
NS 10.00 Numbers 9564.00 95640.00 AT Par 95640.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3705) Supply, erection and fixing of retro reflective type BPAC Warning boards/IBS Legend Board of
81 size 1000X600X3mm. The boards shall be provided with Retro Reflective type BPAC Warning boards. MS Angle, stone jelly of
size 20 / 25mm dia, river sand, cement, fixing bolts and nuts, paint and all other miscellaneous materials required for the
work shall be supplied by the contractor.
NS 2.00 Set 31950.00 63900.00 AT Par 63900.00

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- (SOR NO 3901 (c)) Design of SIP in Auto Cad. Initially, contractor shall submit 3 copies for approval of
82 Railways. One set will be returned duly approved for making a fair copy or for re-submission for approval after incorporating
the changes as required by Railways. After carrying out changes, three Hard copies to be submitted for Railway Approval.
After approval, Auto Cad copies to be submitted in USB pen drive along with approved copy in Tracing film and six copies of
final approved drawing (Ammonia Print or print as approved by Railway) in properly bound booklet along with its scanned
copy. For a Four-Line Station
NS 2.00 Set 17070.00 34140.00 AT Par 34140.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3902 (c) ) Design of SWRD in Auto Cad. Initially, contractor shall submit 3 copies for approval of
Railways. One set will be returned duly approved for making a fair copy or for re-submission for approval after incorporating
83 the changes as required by Railways. After carrying out changes, three Hard copies to be submitted for Railway Approval.
After approval, Auto Cad copies to be submitted in USB pen drive along with approved copy in Tracing film and six copies of
final approved drawing (Ammonia Print or print as approved by Railway) in properly bound booklet along with its scanned
copy. For a Four-Line Station
NS 100.00 Per Unit 1000.00 100000.00 AT Par 100000.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3903) Preparation of Table of Control based on SIP issued in Auto Cad in A3 size. Initially, contractor
shall submit 2 sets of document for approval of Railways. One set will be returned duly approved for making a fair copy or for
84 re- submission for approval after incorporating the changes as required by Railways. After carrying out changes, two sets of
Hard copies to be submitted for Railway Approval. After approval, Auto Cad copies to be submitted in USB pen drive along
with approved copy in Tracing film and two sets of final approved drawing in properly bound booklet along its scanned copy.
(Per Unit = Per Route)
NS 2.00 Set 89345.00 178690.00 AT Par 178690.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3904(c) ) Design in AUTOCAD and submission of two draft copies of Complete Outdoor Particular
such as Cable Route Plan, Cable Corage Plan, Cable Termination Rack/Power Rack Particular, Track Bonding, and Location
Box Particular along with NI wiring/NI Relay Disposition chart. One copy will be returned either duly approved or for
85 resubmission for approval after incorporating the changes as required by Railways. After approval, one approved Tracing film
copy & six copies (Ammonia Print or print as approved by Railway) of above drawings along with six copies of SIP and SWRD
in Plastic Covers. All above drawing to be scanned including SIP & SWRD, bound in 6 different booklet with Rexin Cover (Each
booklet shall have minimum 10 spare plastic transparent sheet) and a soft copy to be submitted in a Pen Drive for following
categories of Stations: For a Four-Line Station (Up to 60 Location Boxes)
NS 2.00 Set 10145.00 20290.00 AT Par 20290.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3905 (c) ) Design of Cable Route Plan (Distant to Distant) including details of all track
86 crossing/Horizontal boring/Cable Loop/ Cable Joints etc. in AUTOCAD & submission of coloured paper copies for approval. After
approval, Auto Cad copies to be submitted in USB pen drive along with approved copy in Tracing film and six copies of final
approved drawing in plastic cover (Ammonia Print or print as approved by Railway) in properly bound booklet along with its
scanned copy. For a Four-Line Station
NS 2.00 Set 8676.00 17352.00 AT Par 17352.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3906(c)) Design of Cable Distribution Plan in AUTOCAD & submission of Three paper copies for
87 approval as per the practice of SCR. After approval, AUTOCAD copies to be submitted in USB pen drive along with approved
copy in Tracing film and six copies of final approved drawing in plastic cover (Ammonia Print or print as approved by Railway)
in properly bound booklet along with its scanned copy. For a Four-Line Station
NS 2.00 Set 7941.00 15882.00 AT Par 15882.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3907 (c) ) Design of Track Bonding Plan in AUTOCAD & submission of Three paper copies for
88 approval. After approval, AUTOCAD copies to be submitted in USB pen drive along with approved copy in Tracing film and six
copies of final approved drawing in plastic cover (Ammonia Print or print as approved by Railway) in properly bound booklet
alongwith its scanned copy. For a Four-Line Station
NS 2.00 Per Unit 110160.00 220320.00 AT Par 220320.00

89 Description:- (SOR NO 3908 (c)) Design of Circuit Diagrams in AUTOCAD consisting of the items as mentioned below &
submission of Three paper copies for approval (i) Wiring Diagrams (ii) Relay Disposition Charts (iii ) Contact Analysis and Fuse
Particulars (iv) Termination Chart for Panel Interlocking (v) CT Rack Particulars For a Four-Line Station (Per Unit = Per Station)
NS 110.00 Per Unit 584.00 64240.00 AT Par 64240.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3909) Design of Location Box Drawings in AUTOCAD (Including Contact Analysis, Fuse Particulars,
90 cable particulars etc) and submission of Three paper copies for approval in A4/A3 white papers. After approval, AUTOCAD
copies to be submitted in USB pen drive along with approved copy in Tracing film and six copies in Ammonia print of final
approved drawing in plastic cover in properly bound booklet along with its scanned copy. (Per Unit = Per Location Box)
NS 2.00 Per Unit 22032.00 44064.00 AT Par 44064.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3910 (c)) Supply of Original Tracing of Circuit Diagrams consisting of the items as mentioned below
91 along with softcopy in CD after incorporating all the corrections. (i) Wiring Diagrams (ii) Relay Disposition Charts (iii ) Contact
Analysis and Fuse Particulars (iv) Panel Termination Chart (iv) Panel Termination Chart For a Four-Line Station (Per Unit = Per
NS 2.00 Per Unit 2203.00 4406.00 AT Par 4406.00

92 Description:- (SOR NO 3911 (c) ) Supply of Original Tracing of Location Box Drawings (Including Contact Analysis, Fuse
Particulars etc) along with softcopy in CD after incorporating all the corrections. For a Four-Line Station (Per Unit = Per
NS 1.00 Per Unit 2203.00 2203.00 AT Par 2203.00
93 Description:- (SOR NO 3912 (c)) ) Alteration of Existing SWRD & submission of Three paper copies for approval For a Four-
Line Station (Per Station = Per Unit )
NS 500.00 Per Unit 17.00 8500.00 AT Par 8500.00
Description:- (Per Unit = 3916 (a)) Supply of Ammonia Prints or Print as approved by Railways A3 size (Per Unit = Per Sheet)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 72430.00 AT Par 72430.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3917) Circuit Diagrams
NS 500.00 Per Unit 8.00 4000.00 AT Par 4000.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3918) Scanning of Documents from the approved Tracing film A3 Page (Per Unit = Per Page)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 82724.00 AT Par 82724.00
Description:- (SOR NO 3919) Fabrication and Supply of Different Boards
NS 4.00 Per Unit 179.00 716.00 AT Par 716.00
98 Description:- (SOR NO 3921) Making photocopies & binding of the SWR literature in English/Hindi/Diglot form as per Railway
practice.(Per Unit = Each Booklet)
NS 100.00 Per Unit 56.00 5600.00 AT Par 5600.00

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- (SOR NO 4001) Removal of existing 'Q' style / K-50 contact clips along with its wire from the relay base by
carefully tracing out from the bunch of wires and taking out unwanted wires from the same as per the alterations shown in the
99 circuit diagram issued by Railways. Drawing of fresh new wire from the relay base to another relay base as per the new wiring
as shown in the circuit diagram without affecting the other wires. This also includes testing of wires using buzzer of the new
wires drawn once before soldering, once after soldering (This includes of wires required for data loggers.) (Per Unit = Per
NS 50.00 Per Unit 2123.00 106150.00 AT Par 106150.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4003) Shifting of existing working functions like signals/Shunt/ Calling on/Points/Track circuits etc.
100 from old cable to new laid cables carefully without affecting the traffic under disconnection/blocks, This work also includes
releasing the existing tail cables from the relevant gears and re- surfacing the earth excavated as instructed by Railway
representative at site. (Per Unit = Per Cable)
NS 1.00 Set 7832317.00 7832317.00 AT Par 7832317.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4101) "Supply of Hot Standby Electronic Interlocking System (Centralised/ Distributed) excluding
Panel Processor (Hot Standby) with Signalling functions up to 125 functions as per function table enclosed along with 5%
101 spares for the cards/modules/PCB, connectors/couplers, fuses, all relays, crimp contact, convertors etc. used, tools, manuals
and Instruments as per RDSO specification RDSO/SPN/192/2019 ver. 2.0 or RDSO/SPN/ 203/2011 ver. 1.0 or latest. Note:
Payment will be made for only vital bit as per function table attached by Railways, no payment will be made for non Vital bits
such as Counter bits, SM key Bits, Read back bits and any potential free contact bits of DC-DC converter or Modem of EI."
NS 60.00 Per Unit 71250.00 4275000.00 AT Par 4275000.00

102 Description:- (SOR NO 4102) Incremental rate for vital signalling functions in EI SYSTEM over and above 125 functions under
item No 4101 along with spares for the cards/modules/PCB, connectors/couplers, fuses, all relays, crimp contact, convertors
etc. to the extent of 5% of item no. 4101 & 4102.(Per Unit = Per Funct ion)
NS 3.00 Numbers 226320.00 678960.00 AT Par 678960.00
103 Description:- (SOR NO 4104) Supply of commercial grade operator VDU of size 55" Full HD, with backlit LED, with HDMI/DVI
port, Inbuilt Speaker, required HDMI/DVI cables for connectivity and other miscellaneous item required for installation
NS 3.00 Numbers 182900.00 548700.00 AT Par 548700.00

104 Description:- (SORN NO 4105) Supply of fan less embedded industrial grade computers (Similar to Moxa V2406A or better )
with all accessories such as key board, mouse, antivirus etc. of industrial grade as per approved Specification as
recommended by RDSO (TAN No. STS/TAN/3007 Version 1.0 or latest)
NS 1.00 Per Unit 659159.00 659159.00 AT Par 659159.00

105 Description:- (sor no 4106)Installation, wiring, testing, soldering of all EI equipments, earthing of EI Equipment, Relay Racks
and Power Equipment etc. including supply of power cable and Documents/Manuals (six set) etc. for EI under item no. 4101.
(Per Unit = Per EI System)
NS 1.00 Per Unit 253418.00 253418.00 AT Par 253418.00

106 Description:- (SOR NO 4107) Design and Drawing of Interface and Application Logic for complete indoor signalling work for
new EI station up to 200 Routes as per TOC. Initially, contractor shall submit 1 copy for approval of Railways. Final copy shall
be submitted after incorporating correction if any. (Per Unit = Per EI System)
NS 1.00 Numbers 25604.00 25604.00 AT Par 25604.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4109) Commissioning of Electronic Interlocking system.
NS 10.00 Per Unit 1246.00 12460.00 AT Par 12460.00
108 Description:- (SOR NO 4110) Training of Railway Personnel in installation, commissioning, testing, trouble shooting and in
diagnosing faults using diagnostic tools/flow charts including supply of necessary documents (Per Unit = Man Day)
NS 10.00 Per Unit 1368.00 13680.00 AT Par 13680.00

109 Description:- (SOR NO 4111) Training on application software for designing, change in the logics and converting it suitable
for system and loading the programme into the working system for alteration of SIP/TOC. The training should be
comprehensive with complete document. (Per Unit = Man Day)
NS 1.00 Numbers 126896.00 126896.00 AT Par 126896.00
110 Description:- (SOR NO 4112) Supply of portable work station to run along with EI configuration tool, Data Inputs, Simulation,
Functional testing, diagnostic and troubleshooting.
NS 50.00 Per Unit 4098.00 204900.00 AT Par 204900.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4113) Fabrication, Transportation and fixing of aluminium ladder at site made of Aluminium angle of
111 size 38mmx5mm width 280mm ,Flat size 25 mm x 5mm with powder coated colour as desired by engineer in charge at site
and fixing, Drilling of suitable holes for fixing of Hylam sheet 3mm thickness on ladder and 2 No's of PVC trough 100 mm with
cover fixed on Hylam sheet along the ladder with all fixtures necessary ancillary materials required for fixing to be supplied
and as directed by engineer in charge at site.(Per Unit = RMT)
NS 1.00 Numbers 354447.00 354447.00 AT Par 354447.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4114) Supply, fabrication, installation and fixing of panel operator consol with arrangement to fix 55"
112 VDU's -Reset boxes, and other S&T gadgets. This shall be made of not less than 18mm thick plywood or better materials with
storage facility of approved colours with contractors' materials, lead, lift and manpower as per the instructions of engineer in
charge and as per the enclosed drawing.
NS 3.00 Numbers 11286.00 33858.00 AT Par 33858.00
113 Description:- (SOR NO 4115) Supply and installation of offline UPS 1000VA, 30 min backup as per instructions of engineer in
NS 1.00 Numbers 18699.00 18699.00 AT Par 18699.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4401) Fabrication and supply of wall mounted maintainer's Tool Kit frame made out of MS sheet 10
114 gauge with powder coated as desired colour at site of size 1.5 Mtrs. Length X0.8 Mtr. Width X 0.15 Mtr. Depth with all fixtures
for mounting individuals, tools inside the board and in front with Acrylic sheet 4mm thickness with locking arrangements and
all necessary fixtures to fix on wall.
NS 2.00 Numbers 72290.00 144580.00 AT Par 144580.00
115 Description:- (SOR NO 4404) Supply and Installation of HP/OEM approved document Scanner/Printer/Fax A3/Legal size
Resolution in dpi 300, speed in PPM 20, ADF capacity 50, Flat Bed Size NA, Document size Legal or latest or similar.
NS 300.00 Per Unit 784.00 235200.00 AT Par 235200.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4406) Providing the services of Computer oriented Technical manpower to carryout works like
116 drawing, computation, write up etc., between 08:00 Hrs to 20:00 Hrs of the day with all expenses of transportation,
accommodation, food, consumables etc., with all ascents, descents, taxes, octorio, cess, fees, duties with contractors cost
etc., as per special conditions/specifications/ regulations and as directed by engineer in charge.(Per Unit = Man Day)
NS 400.00 Per Unit 640.00 256000.00 AT Par 256000.00

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- (SOR NO 4407) Provision of Lookout person round the clock in 12 Hours shift beat from Up Home Signal to
Down Home signals to avoid theft of signalling assets.(Per Unit = Man Day)
NS 14.00 Per Unit 4102.00 57428.00 AT Par 57428.00
118 Description:- (SOR NO 4408) Arranging of skilled and unskilled workers with required tools during point blocks for removal
of S&T assets to give way for track machines and re-fixing the removed assets after insertion/removal of point. (Per Unit =
Per Point)
NS 4.00 Per Month 64951.00 259804.00 AT Par 259804.00

119 Description:- (SOR NO 4409) Provision of one skilled and 2 unskilled staff round the clock to attend to teething trouble of the
installation along with SI/CSI after the installation has been brought into commissioning. The work includes routine
maintenance, failure restoration as per the direction of the SI/CSI.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 286619.00 AT Par 286619.00

120 Description:- (SOR NO 4501) Releasing of the following equipments without causing damage, stacking neatly at a
centralised place near the site of work as shown by the in charge, and handing over the same to the Stores depot as per the
inventory made.
NS 10.00 Numbers 922.00 9220.00 AT Par 9220.00
121 Description:- (SOR NO 4601) Installation, wiring, testing & commissioning of 2 wire DTMF Selective Calling Telephone with
power supply.
NS 50.00 Joint 1449.00 72450.00 AT Par 72450.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4602) Straight through / derivation with/without transformer joints: Installation Thermo shrinkable
122 jointing kits for straight through / derivation joints for LC gate, pump houses etc where VF transformers are not required and
derivation joint by using 2T transformer ( to be housed in the joint) . This includes tapping of nominated Quad at a specific
location shown by the Railway Engineer at site to the jelly field cable already laid. All material including valco tapes except
thermo shrinkable jointing kit shall be supplied by the contractor.
NS 10.00 Numbers 340.00 3400.00 AT Par 3400.00
123 Description:- (SOR NO 4606) Fixing of 12/10 pair weather proof C.T. Box WAGO type and termination of 6 quad jelly filled
cable on teak wood plank of size 375mm x 250 mm x 20 mm thickness
NS 4.00 Numbers 375.00 1500.00 AT Par 1500.00
124 Description:- (SOR NO 4607) Installation of 100/50/20 pair Krone terminal Box on teak wood plank of size 330X200X25 mm
plank and wiring. Teakwood plank and other materials like screws, bolts etc to be arranged by the contractor.
NS 1.00 Per Unit 2670.00 2670.00 AT Par 2670.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4608) Termination of telecom cable at cable hut and panel room, fixing of block filter units and cable
termination boxes to the wall in panel room, wiring VF transformers, block filter units, block bell equipment including drawl of
125 cable through GI / PVC pipe, termination on to terminals and doing other works associated with commissioning of derivation of
block working as per instructions of supervisor in charge of work. Note: Cables, CTB, Filter units, Block bell equipment, VF
Transformers, GI Pipe, and Cement will be supplied by Railways. All other materials including Angles, PVC pipe etc will be
arranged by the Contractor. (Per Unit = LS)
NS 4.00 Numbers 3922.00 15688.00 AT Par 15688.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4609) Installation and commissioning of 4 Wire way station control equipment as detailed below: a)
126 The way station equipment & Power supply unit are to be mounted on a rack as per Drg. No. CORE/S&T/ALD /SK/436/95. b)
The internal wiring should be wired between VF Repeater/ VF Transformer bay and MS Angle rack then to be extended to
Dy.SS/ASM Table as per drawing shown in the sketch (All the wiring materials are to be provided by the contractor) except
way station equipment & power supply unit
NS 30.00 Numbers 3292.00 98760.00 AT Par 98760.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4610) Testing and commissioning of the system: This work involves the Testing of Underground six
127 quad cables in each repeater section after laying and jointing. These readings to be recorded and supplied to Railway
Engineer. This involves all the tests to be carried out such as measurement of loop resistance, insulation test, frequency
attenuation, cross talk and noise level etc,
Please see Item Breakup for details. 31400.00 AT Par 31400.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4611) Provision of Emergency Socket
NS 5.00 Numbers 17545.00 87725.00 AT Par 87725.00
129 Description:- (SOR NO 4613) Supply & installation of Rack 19" wall mount 17U with front glass door and lock and key
including the following: 1. 1U Cable manager - 1 No. 2. 1U Cantilever tray - 1 No. 3. AC distribution box 5X5 amps - 1 No. 4.
Front panel H/W PKT of 10 Sets - 1No. 5. Cooling fan of 230V AC operated
NS 25.00 Kilometre 7410.00 185250.00 AT Par 185250.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4614) Laying of HDPE duct 40/33 mm dia in the trenches and in protective works already provided.
NS 25.00 Kilometre 10956.00 273900.00 AT Par 273900.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4615) Blowing of armoured optic fibre cable (OFC Cable supplied by Railways) into the duct supplied
131 vide other NS item of supply portion by using blowing machine and associated works. 10% of OFC length to be blown extra on
both ends of Duct i.e. total 20% of Duct length. Before blowing the duct integrity shall be tested. If any defect is found during
duct integrity test, the entire length of HDPE duct from one chamber to another chamber is to be replaced by the contractor
at his own cost. Payment will be made as per the length of Duct from which OFC is Blown.
NS 25.00 Kilometre 1750.00 43750.00 AT Par 43750.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4616) Carrying out Duct Integrity test for PLB HDPE Duct, 40/33 mm Dia, as per specification.
NS 20.00 Numbers 6344.00 126880.00 AT Par 126880.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4617) Excavation of jointing pit and provision of RCC/FRP joint / Loop chambers of 90 Cms. Inner dia
133 60 Cms depth and 3mm thickness with two pieces of top cover with hooks each and bottom cover with hole for drainage and
cable entry as per Drg. No. RAILTEL/SR/OFC/ 2009/12 and as directed by Engineer to be provided at every joint location and
at every Kilometre loop etc., The chamber shall be filled with sand mixed with anti-stermic power, back filling and ramming of
trench after HDPE duct laying, splicing and commissioning.
NS 10.00 Numbers 9398.00 93980.00 AT Par 93980.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4618) Supply and Installation of OFC joint enclosure and splicing of Optic fibre cable (24 fibres) and
134 testing as per technical specification No. GR OJC-2/02 Sept 2003. Supply of Splice Enclosure (24 fibre) shall be of TVS make
Part No.1500-L18X-XX or similar as per Board specification of TEC.& as per RDSO/SPN/TC/68/2014 Revision 1.0 amd 1 or
latest . All materials including Fusion splicing machine used for fibre splicing and, OTDR for testing and other testing
materials if any shall be arranged by the contractor.
NS 6.00 Numbers 23712.00 142272.00 AT Par 142272.00

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135 Description:- (SOR NO 4619) Supply and installation of rack mounted 24 fibre Distribution Management System (FDMS) of
size 1U, of Reputed/Branded company make as per specification RDSO/SPN/TC/37/2020 Revision 4.0 with latest amendments.
The FDMS shall include 24 SC-PC/Required adaptors having insertion loss less than or equal to 0.1dB and 2 4 numbers 900
micron 1.5m SC-PC/Required pigtails.
NS 4.00 Lumpsum 7769.00 31076.00 AT Par 31076.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4621) Testing of fibres between short haul station in both direction after splicing the required fibres
NS 500.00 Metre 102.00 51000.00 AT Par 51000.00
137 Description:- (SOR NO 4622) Supply and installation of 45mmx 45mm PVC channels for drawing switchboard cables at OFC
cable huts and at stations as indicated by Railway Engineer at site.
NS 100.00 Per Unit 48.00 4800.00 AT Par 4800.00

138 Description:- (SOR NO 4623) Supply and fixing of different sizes of PVC casing /Pipes as required by Railway at site by fixing
/clamping to the wall for indoor wiring purposes. All the material required for fixing PVC casing/Pipes are to be supplied by
contractor. (Per Unit = RMT)
NS 2.00 Numbers 83721.00 167442.00 AT Par 167442.00
139 Description:- (SOR NO 4624) Supply and installation of 230 volts AC / 48 volts, 25 Amps DC (2 + 1 configuration) SMPS
battery charger as per RDSO spec. RDSO/SPN/TC/23/99 (Ver-4) Amdt.-1 or latest.
NS 2.00 Set 104042.00 208084.00 AT Par 208084.00
140 Description:- (SOR NO 4625) Supply and installation of 48 volts 200 AH maintenance free VRLA battery in charged condition
as per RDSO specification IRS:S-93/96(B) (Amd. 1 ) or latest. (2 volts 200 AH - 24 Nos. each set).
NS 2.00 Numbers 16625.00 33250.00 AT Par 33250.00

141 Description:- (SOR NO 4626) Supply and installation and commissioning of voltage stabilizer 5 KVA, single phase, servo
controlled, wide range voltage stabilizer as per specification, input voltage range from 135 volts AC - 300 volts AC with
changeover / bye pass switch.
NS 2.00 Numbers 41962.00 83924.00 AT Par 83924.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4627) Supply and installation of 19" - 42 U Rack complete with fittings for housing SDH equipment,
FDMS, DDF and other equipment like cable managers, completely wired using krone module and other equipment like
runaway ladders etc., as per technical specification below. It should be able to lock all the equipment with only order wire
142 Telephone outside the rack. The rack should be of APW President / Rittal make or similar. The components of the rack are
specified below. It includes transportation and installation of rack in prefab/building at specified stations. 1. Rack S33 42U
600'W x 600D - 1 No. 2. Fixed side panels 42U x 600 D - 2 Nos. 3. Front Glass door plain 42U/600W - 1 No. 4. Rear MS Door
Plain 42U/600W - 1 No. 5. Castor with brakes-2 Nos. 6 Fans directly mounted on the top 48V DC 90 CFM-2 Nos. 7. Krone
mounting bracket - 01 Nos. 8. MCB Mounting panel with MCBs - a. 32 Amps, MCBs(DP) - 2 Nos. & 6Amps MCBs (DP) - 6 Nos. 9.
Earth continuity Kit - 01 No. 10. Equipment Trays - 5 Nos. 11. Channel with cable loops 42U - 2 Nos "
NS 1.00 Numbers 311694.00 311694.00 AT Par 311694.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4628) Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of managed expandable rack type STM-4,
equipped STM-1, ADM S1.1, as per technical Specification no.GR No.: TEC/GR/TX/SDA- 003/02/APR-2010 with 2 Nos.STM-1
aggregate Optical interface upgradable to STM-4, 21 E1s, and minimum 8 Nos. of 10/100 base T Ethernet port, Order wire,
143 Power supply unit, sub rack, DDF, Installation materials, manuals and other accessories. The equipment should be
TEC/BSNL/RDSO approved .The equipment should be fully wired for its ultimate capacity and provide redundancy for Power
supply and Synchronisation. It shall be possible to use the full capacity of the equipment by adding additional tributary cards.
The up gradation of STM-1 to STM-4 shall be without change of any internal hardware o f t h e S T M equipment. T h e STM
equipment shall have in-built L2 switch for Ethernet ports. Make -Tejas or similar.
NS 1.00 Numbers 43247.00 43247.00 AT Par 43247.00
144 Description:- (SOR NO 4629) Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of LI (Optical) card for branching for STM-1
suitable for working STM in the deployed section.
NS 1.00 Numbers 274869.00 274869.00 AT Par 274869.00
Description:- (SOR NO 4630) Supply and installation of programmable Primary Digital Drop Insert Multiplexer fully wired for
30 Channels complete with all accessories from RDSO approved vendor as per RDSO specification IRS TC 68-2012 Rev.0 (with
latest amendment) including connectors and cables required for installation including 100 pair Krone type MDF. Each channel
card shall have minimum four channels per card. The single sub rack shall be capable of being equipped up to min. 60
145 Channels without additional power supply unit. The MUX shall be wired & equipped with following circuits: 1. 2 Wire/4 Wire
E&M VF circuits (Minimum 16 No. Ckts) 2. FXO circuits: 6 nos. 3. FXS circuits Subs/Hotline circuits along with ringer card etc.:
08 No's 4. Acquisition card as per design 5. Data User manual. 6. This also includes connecting all pigtails, optical patch cords
etc to the SDH equipments. This also includes connection of SDH and primary MUX equipment with all interface cards to the
48V Bus including termination on DDF taking PVC cable over runway or a wall and termination of VF interface circuits to the
Krone Termination box
NS 1.00 Numbers 71031.00 71031.00 AT Par 71031.00
146 Description:- (SOR NO 4632) Supply of FXO (exchange end interface card) as per specification No. IRS-TC 68/2012 rev.o
amd.1 with latest amendments, to be installed in Primary Drop insert Multiplexer having minimum 8 channels per station.
NS 1.00 Numbers 80730.00 80730.00 AT Par 80730.00

147 Description:- (SOR NO 4633) Supply of FXS (subscriber line or hot line interface card) as per specification No. IRS-TC
68/2012 rev.0 amd.1 with latest amendments to be installed in Primary Drop Insert Multiplexer. Facility to drop 4 channels
per station should be available.
NS 2.00 Set 426.00 852.00 AT Par 852.00
148 Description:- (SOR NO 4635) Installation of power supply unit (230V AC input, 12V DC output and 7AH battery) at ASM
NS 10.00 Numbers 1142.00 11420.00 AT Par 11420.00

149 Description:- (SOR NO 4637) Digging of cable pit for the required depth and width to locate the cable at a specific location
shown by the Railway Engineer at site to attend the cable fault and refilling the same after attending the cable fault by the
Please see Item Breakup for details. 146352.00 AT Par 146352.00

150 Description:- (SOR NO 4638) Maintenance of 6 quad cables till handing over or at least for six months. This includes regular
testing of Quad parameter from Station to Station, EC socket testing and recording in format specified by Railways. This item
will commence only after joint testing of 6 quad cables with required parameters in a block section.
NS 1.00 Numbers 41930.00 41930.00 AT Par 41930.00

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

151 Description:- (SOR NO 4640) Supply & erection of lattice type tripod towers of GI 15 meters of height as per SCR Drawing
No. SC 23000- 23012, casting of foundation with 1:2:4, 20mm metal and river sand to be used. Provision of earth electrode
near the tower and connect the same to tower which is to be erected above the station building/at the site shown by the site
Engineer of the Railways. Cement shall be supplied by Rlys. Work includes installation of the antenna, drawing the cable and
installation of the battery and 25W set and commissioning the system. 25W set, cable, antenna, battery will be supplied by

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule O-Non-SOR Supply Portion (SIGNAL) 6864108.13
NS 1.00 Numbers 51200.00 51200.00 AT Par 51200.00
Description:- Supply and installation wiring and commissioning of NI panel made out of MS sheet 16 guage of size 1200mm
1 height x length 1200mm x depth 600mm with powder coated and also two relay frames fixed inside the panel for fixing of
relays and wiring and all the internal wiring between signals, track circuits upto termination point with 200 wagos duly wired.
(Inspection by consignee)
NS 1.00 Station 57676.36 57676.36 AT Par 57676.36

2 Description:- Non Interlocking Circuit wiring of NI Rack/ CT Rack in Relay Room for one station. This includes wiring of relay
base plate to other base plate, to IDF, to tag block, wiring of circuits as per approved NI wiring diagram, jumpering and
soldering after testing, power equipment, NI operating panel, key lock, test boards,etc., fuse boards etc.(Unit = per station)
NS 1.00 Numbers 187500.00 187500.00 AT Par 187500.00
Description:- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 1 Loop Addressable fire alarm Panel which consists of
display board which will have 160 Character Display board which will have 160 Character Display with Touch key pad, Mother
board which will have CORTEX 32 Bit Processor, Inbuilt RS-485 Networking Circuit for peer to peer networking, Inbuilt USB 2.0
3 Port for upload and download the configuration tools, two inbuilt programmable inputs, two inbuilt NAC's and Three
programmable relays and 4 Loop card circuits. power supply board which will have SMPS fully protected board, which its
operates on 120 to 220V AC +/- 10% with 50/60 Hz, battery backup 24V DC with built-in charger. the panel have IP-50 rating
optional: for BMS integration MODBUS converter, Graphical Software, Software for TCP/IP module, provision for Auto dialler
approval UL listed. As per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/SPN/217/2018 ver 2.0 or latest. (inspection By RDSO)
NS 20.00 Numbers 6750.00 135000.00 AT Par 135000.00

4 Description:- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Addressable Multi detector combination of heat cum
smoke, with isolator base binary coded address setting. Dual LED's for 360 degress visibility. Sleek low-profile housing design.
Regular 100mm base. IP Rating : IP -42. Approval: UL listed. (Inspection by RDSO)
NS 1.00 Numbers 7500.00 7500.00 AT Par 7500.00

5 Description:- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Sounder cum strobe 24V operated 85db sounder output,
75Cd flasher controlled through addressable control module (As per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/SPN/ 217/2012 ver 2.0 or
latest) (Inspection by RDSO)
NS 300.00 Metre 300.00 90000.00 AT Par 90000.00
6 Description:- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 2C X 1.5 sqmm unarmoured fire survival cable (As per
RDSO specification No. RDSO/SPN/ 217/2018 ver 2.0 or latest) (Inspection by RDSO)
NS 1.00 Numbers 61600.00 61600.00 AT Par 61600.00
7 Description:- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of power supply unit 24VDC, 5Amps, (As per RDSO
Specification No. RDSO/SPN/217/2018 ver 2.0 or latest) (Inspection by RDSO)
NS 200.00 Metre 1271.19 254238.00 AT Par 254238.00
8 Description:- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Resettable type Analogue LHS cable, (As per RDSO
Specification No. RDSO/SPN/217/ 2018 ver 2.0 or latest) (Inspecttion by RDSO).
NS 1.00 Numbers 90042.37 90042.37 AT Par 90042.37
9 Description:- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Analogue Controller for LHS cable, (As per RDSO Spec No.
RDSO/SPN/217/ 2018 ver 2.0 or latest).(Inspection by RDSO)
NS 1.00 Numbers 24000.00 24000.00 AT Par 24000.00
10 Description:- Supply of digital cross talk measuring set as per spec. no IRS-TC 45/88 with latest Amd.(Inspection by
NS 20.00 Per location 4600.00 92000.00 AT Par 92000.00
Description:- Supply and Installation of DIN Rail.(Inspection by consignee)
NS 1.00 Numbers 25000.00 25000.00 AT Par 25000.00
Description:- Digital Psopho meter make APLAB Model No.1072 refer technical specifications.(Inspection by Consignee)
NS 3.00 Numbers 53000.00 159000.00 AT Par 159000.00
Description:- DC-DC Converters to suit existing EI at PGDG (Inspection by consignee)
NS 1.00 Station 1555500.00 1555500.00 AT Par 1555500.00
Description:- Re-Design of interface drawing, application logic and equivalent circuits (unit= per statiion)
NS 1.00 Station 301950.00 301950.00 AT Par 301950.00
Description:- Factory acceptance test at our premises/Railway premises (Inspection by Consignee)
NS 1.00 Station 301300.00 301300.00 AT Par 301300.00
Description:- Site acceptance test and commissioning (inpection by Consignee)
NS 1.00 Station 400000.00 400000.00 AT Par 400000.00
17 Description:- Wiring and laddering materials for alteration of interface wiring including datalogger. Alteration in existing
relay room, alteration in indoor wiring including datalogger (Inspection by Consignee)
NS 1.00 Station 340000.00 340000.00 AT Par 340000.00
Description:- Alteration in indoor wiring including datalogger (Inspection by Consignee)
NS 1.00 Station 300000.00 300000.00 AT Par 300000.00
Description:- Supply of asmade documents (Inspection by Consignee)
NS 1.00 Station 24900.00 24900.00 AT Par 24900.00
Description:- Supply of 25 watts VHF sets with connecting feeder cable base unit, antenna(6dB), hand set, battery of 12V
DC 80 AH cap., connectors, 230V AC/12VDC/10A charger along with related accessories of GM 338 of Motorola make or
equivalent make. (Inspection by Consignee)

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NS 1.00 Station 1202850.70 1202850.70 AT Par 1202850.70

21 Description:- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of all items covered under Electronic Interlocking equipment at
Bommaipalli for first year (12 months) (Inspection by Consignee)
NS 1.00 Station 1202850.70 1202850.70 AT Par 1202850.70
22 Description:- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of all items covered under Electronic Interlocking equipment at
Bommaipalli for second year (12 months) (Inspection by Consignee)

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule A1-Electrical OHE -SOR; Part-I; Foundation Items 6744368.62
Please see Item Breakup for details. 33070.00 109.98 69440.39
Description:- 2(a) (i)- Concrete for foundations and plinth in hard soil. In M10 grade
Please see Item Breakup for details. 36340.00 109.98 76306.73
Description:- 2(a) (ii)-Concrete for foundations and plinth in rocky soil M10 grade.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 3054000.00 109.98 6412789.20
Description:- 2(b) Concrete for foundations and plinth in other than hard soil and rock
Please see Item Breakup for details. 88500.00 109.98 185832.30
Description:- 2 (c) Reinforced Concrete M15 grade

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule A2-Electrical OHE - SOR; Part-II; Non-Foundation Items 10769186.04
Please see Item Breakup for details. 59656.00 70.92 101964.04
Description:- 1(a)Preparation of Designs and drawings.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 11358.00 70.92 19413.09
Description:- 1(c) Preparation of Station Working Rules and Instructions
Please see Item Breakup for details. 4600.00 70.92 7862.32
3 Description:- 1(d) Supply and installation of SWR boards and Flexi Sheets (Fixed on Decolum Sheets) at nominated places
including supply of power block caps.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 105100.00 70.92 179636.92
Description:- 3(a) Erection of Traction masts and main masts and LT supply Transformer station.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 399000.00 70.92 681970.80
Description:- 3(b) Erection of fabricated steel work such as TTC, Portals etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 266000.00 70.92 454647.20
Description:- 3(c) Erection of fabricated Small Part Steel work etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 75105.00 70.92 128369.47
Description:- 3(e) Supply and erection of Guy rod assembly.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 68700.00 70.92 117422.04
Description:- 3(g) Supply of steel reinforcement for RCC work.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1363400.00 70.92 2330323.28
Description:- 4(a)(i) Supply and Erection of Single bracket assembly without insulator for conventional OHE.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 19350.00 70.92 33073.02
Description:- 4(a)(ii) Extra on 4(a) (i) for supporting two OHEs.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 27345.00 70.92 46738.07
Description:- 4(b)(i) Supply without Insulator and erection of a pull off arrangement for Conventional type OHE.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 285368.00 70.92 487750.99
Description:- 6(a) Erection of regulated conventional OHE.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2981.00 70.92 5095.13
Description:- 7(d) Manual erection of all Aluminum 25 kV Feeder / Return conductor (spider).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 952.00 70.92 1627.16
Description:- 7(e) Erection of copper cross feeder wires (37/2.25 mm HDBC).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 549165.00 70.92 938632.82
15 Description:- 8(a) (v) Supply and erection of regulating equipment (3 pulley type) with counter weight assembly for
conventional OHE.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1275.00 70.92 2179.23
Description:- 8(a) (xii) Marking of "Y" - Measurement at BWA locations.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 43810.00 70.92 74880.05
17 Description:- 8(b)(ii) Supply without Insulator & erection of materials for termination of Double Overhead equipment
conductors (Regulated).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 25850.00 70.92 44182.82
18 Description:- 8(b)(iii) Supply without insulator and erection of material for termination of all aluminum 25KV feeder/return
conductor (single spider).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 47350.00 70.92 80930.62
19 Description:- 8(b)(ix)Supply (other than Insulators) and erection of materials for termination of copper cross feeder with
Please see Item Breakup for details. 108816.00 70.92 185988.31
Description:- 9(a)Supply with out insulator and erection of anti creep with galvanised steel wire for conventional OHE.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 13850.00 70.92 23672.42


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Description:- 10(a) Extra on Item 6(a) for supply and erection of additional fittings at a turn-out,diamond crossing or
Please see Item Breakup for details. 23380.00 70.92 39961.10
Description:- 11(a) (i) Supply and erection of 25 kV solid core cut-in insulator.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 26950.00 70.92 46062.94
Description:- 11(a) (ii) Supply and erection of 25 kV solid core suspension insulator.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 24600.00 70.92 42046.32
Description:- 11(b) Supply without insulator and erection of 25 kV Post Insulators.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 122945.00 70.92 210137.59
Description:- 12(a) Supply without insulator and erection of 25 kV section insulator assembly (Conventional type).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 3765.00 70.92 6435.14
Description:- 12(d) Erection of cermic/ Glasss Fibre PTFE type short neutral section assembly.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 197320.00 70.92 337259.34
Description:- 13(a)Supply and erection of 25 kV Single Pole Isolator with out earth contact assembly (without Insulators)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 3744.00 70.92 6399.24
Description:- 13(e) Extra on item 13 (a),(b) or [c] for an inter locking device.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 98750.00 70.92 168783.50
Description:- 15(a) Supply and erection of all type of copper jumpers.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 26910.00 70.92 45994.57
30 Description:- 15(e) Supply of materials and erection of large copper jumper wire 160 sq mm between cross feeders and
Please see Item Breakup for details. 115000.00 70.92 196558.00
Description:- 16(a) Supply and erection of structure bonds.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2900.00 70.92 4956.68
Description:- 16(a)(ii) Dismantling of structure bonds.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1450.00 70.92 2478.34
Description:- 16(a)(iii) Re-erection of structure bonds.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 69000.00 70.92 117934.80
Description:- 16(a)(iv) Supply and erection of structure bonds during NI working.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 16350.00 70.92 27945.42
Description:- 16(b) Supply and erection of longitudinal bond.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2580.00 70.92 4409.74
Description:- 16(b)(ii) Dismantling of longitudinal bond.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1290.00 70.92 2204.87
Description:- 16(b)(iii) Re-erection of longitudinal bond.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 16350.00 70.92 27945.42
Description:- 16(b)(iv) Supply and erection of longitudinal bond during NI working.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 10760.00 70.92 18390.99
Description:- 16(c) Supply and erection of transverse and special bonds.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 3120.00 70.92 5332.70
Description:- 16(c)(ii) Dismantling of transverse and special bonds.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 3120.00 70.92 5332.70
Description:- 16(c)(iii) Re-erection of transverse and special bonds.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 21520.00 70.92 36781.98
Description:- 16(c)(iv) Supply and erection of transverse and special bonds during NI working.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 13800.00 70.92 23586.96
Description:- 16(aa) Drilling of holes on rails.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 15256.00 70.92 26075.56
Description:- 17(a) Supply and erection of Earth electrode.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 5500.00 70.92 9400.60
Description:- 17 (c) Supply and erection of earth bus.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 888.00 70.92 1517.77
Description:- 17(d) Supply and erection of Copper strips for equipment earthing.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 15900.00 70.92 27176.28
Description:- 26(a)(i) Supply and erection of Aluminium Bus-Bar 36 /28 mm
Please see Item Breakup for details. 227400.00 70.92 388672.08
Description:- 26(a)(ii) Supply and erection of 18 mm Copper Bus-bar.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 94425.00 70.92 161391.21
Description:- 26(a)(iii) Supply and erection of all types of Copper connnectors..
Please see Item Breakup for details. 32460.00 70.92 55480.63
Description:- 26(b)(i) Supply and erection of all types Aluminium Bus-Bar and connectors(36/28)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 11160.00 70.92 19074.67
Description:- 27(a) Oil filtration, erection, testing and commissioning of 10/25 kV / 240 volts, 25 kVA LT supply transformer.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 22368.00 70.92 38231.39
52 Description:- 28 Supply and Erection of 25 kV Drop out fuse switch for all oil/dry type L.T.Supply transformerss of all
Please see Item Breakup for details. 664.00 70.92 1134.91
53 Description:- 30(b)(iii) Supply and erection of anticlimbing device etc : L.T. stations

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Please see Item Breakup for details. 32425.00 70.92 55420.81

Description:- 31(a) Transfer of equipment from one mast or support to other.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 23000.00 70.92 39311.60
Description:- 31(b) Provision of an additional bracket assembly / assemblies on a mast or support.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 31185.00 70.92 53301.40
Description:- 31(d) Dismantling of existing over Head Equipment
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1495.00 70.92 2555.25
Description:- 31(e) Dismantling feeder wire/Return Conductor.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 12700.00 70.92 21706.84
Description:- 31(f) Splicing and extension of Over head conductors.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2540.00 70.92 4341.37
Description:- 31(g) Dismantling of a section Insulator assembly
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2540.00 70.92 4341.37
Description:- 31(g)(ii) Dismantling of a PTFE type short nutral section assembly from existing electrified lines.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 10330.00 70.92 17656.04
Description:- 31(h) Slewing of Equipment
Please see Item Breakup for details. 5165.00 70.92 8828.02
Description:- 31(i) Dismantling of an Isolator
Please see Item Breakup for details. 24150.00 70.92 41277.18
Description:- 31(k)(i) Dismantlement of OHE mast / structure by cutting.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 23000.00 70.92 39311.60
Description:- 31(k)(ii) Dismantlement of Uprights of TTCs/Portals by cutting.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 57200.00 70.92 97766.24
Description:- 31(l)(i) Retrieval of traction masts, main masts, TTC uprights etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2600.00 70.92 4443.92
Description:- 31(n) Dismantlement of guy rod
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2600.00 70.92 4443.92
67 Description:- 31(o) Releasing of Multiple Cantilever Cross arm assemblies where single bracket assembly is leftover on MCC
after modification
Please see Item Breakup for details. 13305.00 70.92 22740.91
Description:- 31(p) Dismantlement of drop arms/ booms / temporary masts.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 5700.00 70.92 9742.44
Description:- 31(r) Dismantling of Cantilever assemblies including insulators.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 520.00 70.92 888.78
Description:- 31(s) Dismantling of fabricated steel & SPS
Please see Item Breakup for details. 4890.00 70.92 8357.99
71 Description:- 31(t)(i) Dismantling of a regulating equipment (3-pulley type) with counter weight assembly for Conventional
Please see Item Breakup for details. 3625.00 70.92 6195.85
Description:- 31(t)(iii) Dismantling of anticreep with galvanised Steel wire.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1340.00 70.92 2290.33
Description:- 31(t)(iv) Dismantling of copper jumper
Please see Item Breakup for details. 5160.00 70.92 8819.47
Description:- 31(t)(v) Dismantling of material of termination of over head equipment (Reg.)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1125.00 70.92 1922.85
75 Description:- 31(t)(vii) Dismantlement of materials of termination of all aluminum 25 KV feeder/ return conductor (single
Please see Item Breakup for details. 9200.00 70.92 15724.64
Description:- 31(t)(xi) Dismantling of existing droppers
Please see Item Breakup for details. 46000.00 70.92 78623.20
Description:- 31(t)(xii) Re-adjustment of OHE spans including erection of droppers
Please see Item Breakup for details. 15765.00 70.92 26945.54
78 Description:- 32/3(a) Erection of Traction masts and main masts of Switching stations and LT supply Transformer station
under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 133000.00 70.92 227323.60
Description:- 32/3(b) Erection of fabricated steel work such as TTC, portals SPS etc. under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 5200.00 70.92 8887.84
Description:- 32/3(e) Extra charges on erection of Guy rod assembly under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 45500.00 70.92 77768.60
81 Description:- 32/4(a) (i) Extra charges on Erection of Single braket assembly suitable for Conventional type OHE (Regulated)
under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 74810.00 70.92 127865.25
Description:- 32/6(a) Extra charges on Erection of regulated conventional OHE under power block.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1369.50 70.92 2340.75
83 Description:- 32/7(d) Extra charges on Manual erection of all Aluminum 25 kV Feeder / Return conductor (spider) under
power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 380.80 70.92 650.86
Description:- 32/7(e) Extra charges on Erection of copper cross feeder wires (37/2.25 mm HDBC) under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 9775.00 70.92 16707.43

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

85 Description:- 32/8(a) (v) Extra charges on Erection of regulating equipment (3 pulley type) with counter weight assembly for
Conventional OHE under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 4510.00 70.92 7708.49
86 Description:- 32/8(b) (ii) Extra charges on Erection of materials for termination of Double Overhead equipment conductors
(Regulated) under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 11592.00 70.92 19813.05
87 Description:- 32/9(a) Extra charges on Erection of anti creep with galvanised steel wire suitable for Conventional OHE.
(Regulated) under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2980.00 70.92 5093.42
88 Description:- 32/10(a) Extra charges on erection of additional fittings at a turn out diamond crossing or overlap under power
Please see Item Breakup for details. 6220.00 70.92 10631.22
Description:- 32/11(a) (i) Extra charges on Erection of 25 kV solid core cut-in insulator under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 4650.00 70.92 7947.78
Description:- 32/11(a) (ii) Extra charges on Erection of 25 kV solid core suspension insulator under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 6200.00 70.92 10597.04
Description:- 32/11(b) Extra charges on Erection of 25 kV Post Insulators under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 7740.00 70.92 13229.21
92 Description:- 32/12(a) Extra charges on Erection of 25 kV Section Insulator assembly suitable for Conventional type OHE
under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1373.00 70.92 2346.73
93 Description:- 32/12(d) Extra charges on Erection of cermic/ Glasss Fibre PTFE type short neutral section assembly under
power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 7175.00 70.92 12263.51
94 Description:- 32/13(a) Extra charges on Erection of 25 kV Single Pole Isolator with out earth contact assembly under power
Please see Item Breakup for details. 5320.00 70.92 9092.94
Description:- 32/15(a) Extra charges on Erection of all types of copper jumpers under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2660.00 70.92 4546.47
Description:- 32/15(e) Erection of large copper jumper wire 160 Sq mm between Cross feeder and OHE under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 350.00 70.92 598.22
Description:- 32/26(a)(i) Extra charges on Erection of Aluminium Bus-Bar 36 /28 mm under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1260.00 70.92 2153.59
Description:- 32/26(a)(ii) Extra charges on Erection of 18 mm Copper Bus-bar. under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 255.00 70.92 435.85
Description:- 32/26(a)(iii) Extra charges on Erection of all types of Copper connnectors under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 460.00 70.92 786.23
Description:- 32/26(b)(i) Erection of all types Aluminium Bus-Bar and connectors(36/28) under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 32425.00 70.92 55420.81
Description:- 32/31(a) Extra on Transfer of equipment from one mast or support to other under power block.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 11500.00 70.92 19655.80
102 Description:- 32/31(b) Extra on Provision of an additional bracket assembly / assemblies on a mast or support under power
Please see Item Breakup for details. 31185.00 70.92 53301.40
Description:- 32/31(d) Extra charges on Dismantling of Existing Over Head Equipment under power block.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 12700.00 70.92 21706.84
Description:- 32/31(f) Extra on Splicing and extension of Over head conductors under power block.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2540.00 70.92 4341.37
Description:- 32/31(g) Extra charges on Dismantling of a section Insulator assembly under power block.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2540.00 70.92 4341.37
106 Description:- 32/31(g)(ii) Extra charge on Dismantling of a PTFE type short nuetral section assembly from existing electrified
Please see Item Breakup for details. 5165.00 70.92 8828.02
Description:- 32/31(h) Extra charges on slewing of equipment under power block.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 16100.00 70.92 27518.12
Description:- 32/31(k) Extra charges on Dismantlement of OHE mast / structure by cutting under power block.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 57200.00 70.92 97766.24
Description:- 32/31(l)(i) Extra charges on Retrieval of traction masts, main masts, TTC uprights etc. under power block.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2600.00 70.92 4443.92
Description:- 32/31(n) Extra charges on Dismantlement of guy rod under power block.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2600.00 70.92 4443.92
111 Description:- 32/31(o) Extra charges on Releasing of Multiple Cantilever Cross arm assemblies where single bracket
assembly is leftover on MCC after modification under power block.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 5700.00 70.92 9742.44
Description:- 32/31(r) Extra charges on Dismantling of Cantilever assemblies including insulators under power block.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 390.00 70.92 666.59
Description:- 32/31(s) Extra charges on Dismantling of fabricated steel & SPS under power block.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 4890.00 70.92 8357.99
114 Description:- 32/31(t)(i) Extra charges on Dismantling of a regulating equipment (3-pulley type) with counter weight
assembly for Conventional OHE under power block.

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Please see Item Breakup for details. 3625.00 70.92 6195.85

Description:- 32/31(t)(iii) Extra charges on Dismantling of anticreep with galvanised Steel wire\ under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1340.00 70.92 2290.33
Description:- 32/31(t)(iv) Extra charges on Dismantling of copper jumper under power block.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 5160.00 70.92 8819.47
117 Description:- 32/ 31(t)(v) Extra charges on Dismantling of material of termination of over head equipment (Reg.) under
power block.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1125.00 70.92 1922.85
118 Description:- 32/31(t)(vii) Extra charges on Dismantlement of materials of termination of all aluminum 25 KV feeder/ return
conductor (single spider) under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 4600.00 70.92 7862.32
Description:- 32/31(t)(xi) Extra charges on dismantling of existing droppers under power block.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 23000.00 70.92 39311.60
Description:- 32/31(t) (xii) Extra charges on re-adjustment of OHE spans including erection of droppers under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 22806.00 70.92 38980.02
Description:- 32/43 Splicing of all types of booms under power block
Please see Item Breakup for details. 52400.00 70.92 89562.08
Description:- 33/ 3(a) Extra on erection rate for steel work done manually under item No. 3(a)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 332375.00 70.92 568095.35
Description:- 33 / 3(b) Extra on erection rate for steel work done manually under item No. 3(b)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 29928.00 70.92 51152.94
Description:- 33/ 6(a) Extra on erection rate for stringing work done manually under item 6(a), 7(d)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 5400.00 70.92 9229.68
Description:- 34 (f) (i) Earth work in excavation and filling including compaction in Normal soil.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 30050.00 70.92 51361.46
Description:- 34 (l) Pitching and grouting on side slopes with contractors stone including plastering
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1160.00 70.92 1982.67
Description:- 36(a) Unloading of all type of Steel Structures.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1880.00 70.92 3213.30
Description:- 36(b) Loading of all type of Steel Structures.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 106.00 70.92 181.18
Description:- 37(a) Unloading of all type of Copper & Aluminum conductors.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 106.00 70.92 181.18
Description:- 37(b) Loading of all type of Copper & Aluminum conductors.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2875.00 70.92 4913.95
Description:- 39(a) Erection of released guy rod.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 80500.00 70.92 137590.60
Description:- 39(b) Erection of released bracket assembly.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 5750.00 70.92 9827.90
Description:- 39(d) Erection of released termination.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 3265.00 70.92 5580.54
Description:- 39(e) Erection of released additional fittings at turnouts, diamond crossing and over laps
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1470.00 70.92 2512.52
Description:- 39(i) Erection of released copper jumper
Please see Item Breakup for details. 66250.00 70.92 113234.50
Description:- 40 Supply and erection of Number Plates on existing masts
Please see Item Breakup for details. 57015.00 70.92 97450.04
Description:- 43 Splicing of all types of booms

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule B1-Electrical OHE - Non-SOR; Part-I; Steel Items 25215146.53
Please see Item Breakup for details. 7102500.00 55.42 11038705.50
1 Description:- 3(a)Supply of Traction masts and main masts of switching stations, LT supply transformer station as per RDSO
drawings and IS Specifications.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 5431125.00 55.42 8441054.48
2 Description:- 3(b)Supply of fabricated steel work other than masts such as TTC's (with 8.0m and 5.5m booms), portal sets
(with all components) as per RDSO drawings and IS specifications.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 3690250.00 55.42 5735386.55
Description:- 3[c]Supply of Fabricated steel work other than mast, TTC's, portals, such as SPS,special fabricated steel etc.

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule B2-Electrical OHE -Non-SOR; Part-II; Copper Items. 2422140.33
Please see Item Breakup for details. 595000.00 60.90 957355.00
Description:- 6(a)(iv) Supply of 5mm dia solid round hard drawn copper wire as RDSO specification.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 124200.00 60.90 199837.80

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- 7(e) Supply of 37/2.25 mm (150 sq.mm) hard drawn bare copper cross feeder wire as per latest RDSO
Please see Item Breakup for details. 302000.00 60.90 485918.00
Description:- 15(a)(i) Supply of 160 sq.mm Annealed Stranded Copper jumper wire as per specification.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 333500.00 60.90 536601.50
Description:- 15(a)(ii) Supply of 130 sq.mm Cadmium copper large span wire as per specification.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 6670.00 60.90 10732.03
Description:- 15(a)(iii) Supply of 105 sq.mm Annealed Stranded Copper jumper wire as per specification.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 144000.00 60.90 231696.00
Description:- 15(a)(iv) Supply of 50 sq.mm Annealed Stranded Copper jumper wire as per specification.

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule B3-Electrical OHE - Non-SOR; Part-III; Insulator Items. 4989868.78
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2127500.00 52.96 3254224.00
Description:- 4(ax)(i) Supply of Stay & Bracket insulator set for item 4(a)(i) (iii) (v).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 114950.00 52.96 175827.52
Description:- 8(bx)(i) Supply of 9-ton insulators for item no. 8(b)(i) /(ii)/(iii)/(v)/(vi)/(vii)/(viii)/(ix).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 137950.00 52.96 211008.32
Description:- 8(bx)(ii) Supply of 9-ton insulators for item no.8(b)(i) /(ii)/(iii)/(v)/(vi)/(vii)/(viii)/(ix) for polluted zone.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 229950.00 52.96 351731.52
Description:- 9(ax)(i) Supply of 9-ton insulators for item no.9(a), (b),(c).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 114950.00 52.96 175827.52
Description:- 11(ax)(i) Supply of 25KV solid core insulators for item no 11(a)(i),(ii).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 68975.00 52.96 105504.16
Description:- 11(ax)(ii) Supply of 25KV solid core insulators for item no 11(a)(i),(ii) for polluted zone.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 149450.00 52.96 228598.72
Description:- 11(bx) Supply of 25KV Post insulator for 11(b).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 114960.00 52.96 175842.82
Description:- 12(ax) Supply of bar insulator + 9 T Cut in Insulator for item No.12(a).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 113835.00 52.96 174122.02
Description:- 13(ax) Supply of Post & Operating rod insulators for item Nos.13(a).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 89685.00 52.96 137182.18
Description:- 28(x) Supply of 25 KV Post insulators for item 28.

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule B4-Electrical OHE-Non-SOR; Part-IV; General Items. 4755370.66
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1179360.00 49.14 1758897.50
Description:- 7(a) Supply of All Aluminum 25 kV Feeder / Return Conductor (single spider) as per latest RDSO specification.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 727608.00 49.14 1085154.57

2 Description:- 12 (d) PTFE Short Neutral Section Assembly Complete [Phase Break] Suitable for 107 Sq.mm Grooved Copper
Contact Wire and 65 Sq. mm Cadmium Copper Catenary Wire as per RDSO Specification no.TI/SPC/OHE/SNS/0000 Rev.1 with
A& C slip no.1 or latest.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 312928.00 49.14 466700.82
3 Description:- 27(a)(ii)Supply of 10 kVA, 25 kV/240V, L.T. Supply Transformer (oil type) as per RDSO spec. No.ETI/PSI/15
(11/92) or latest.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 190648.00 49.14 284332.43
4 Description:- 27(a)(iii)Supply of 25 kVA, 25 kV/240 volts LT supply Transformers (Oil type) as per latest RDSO Specification
No. ETI/PSI/15 (11/92) or latest.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 29064.00 49.14 43346.05
Description:- 28(a) Supply of link pull rod for 25 KV D.O.fuse switch as per latest RDSO spec.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 8300.00 49.14 12378.62
Description:- 31(f)(i) Supply of Contact wire Splice.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 3270.00 49.14 4876.88
Description:- 31(f)(ii) Supply of catenary wire Splice.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 18750.00 49.14 27963.75
Description:- 31(f)(iii) Supply of Large span wire ending clamp.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 20000.00 49.14 29828.00
Description:- 53 Transportation of released/New TrD materials.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 197560.00 49.14 294640.98
10 Description:- Breaking of mass concrete by using pneumatic breaker (tractor mounted) incl.disposal of debris out of the
yard limits incl. crossing of tracks, rehandling etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 26640.00 49.14 39730.90
Description:- Supply and erection of burried rail arrangement in all aspects with railway supplied rail.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 60000.00 49.14 89484.00
Description:- 41(a)(i) Supply and erection of caution boards for 25kV traction.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 54000.00 49.14 80535.60

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Description:- 41(a)(ii) Supply and erection of danger boards for 25kV traction.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 54000.00 49.14 80535.60
Description:- 41(a)(iii) Supply and erection of public caution boards.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 31000.00 49.14 46233.40
Description:- 41(a)(iv) Supply and erection Danger board for L.C. gate height gauge.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 105000.00 49.14 156597.00
Description:- 41(a)(v) Supply and erection of working limit board.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 5000.00 49.14 7457.00
Description:- 41(a)(vi) Supply and erection of shock treatment chart.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 105000.00 49.14 156597.00
Description:- Supply and erection of retro reflective sigma boards.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 11200.00 49.14 16703.68
19 Description:- 41(b)(i)Supply and erection retro reflective signal board at warning neutral section 250m as per latest RDSO
Please see Item Breakup for details. 11200.00 49.14 16703.68
20 Description:- 41(b)(ii)Supply and erection retro reflective signal board at warning neutral section 500m as per latest RDSO
Please see Item Breakup for details. 11000.00 49.14 16405.40
21 Description:- 41(b)(iii)Supply and erection retro reflective signal board at warning neutral section 'DJ ON' as per latest RDSO
Please see Item Breakup for details. 11000.00 49.14 16405.40
22 Description:- 41(b)(iv)Supply and erection retro reflective signal board at warning neutral section 'DJ OFF' as per latest
RDSO specification.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 16000.00 49.14 23862.40
Description:- 41(b)(v)Supply and erection retro reflective Engine stop board as per latest RDSO specification.

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule B5-Electrical OHE - Non-SOR; Part-V: Tools & Plants for maintenance. 1104324.00
Please see Item Breakup for details. 90850.00 AT Par 90850.00
Description:- Earth Electrode 4.0 mtrs (RI.No.222-1)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 200010.00 AT Par 200010.00
2 Description:- Rachet Lever Hoist (Pull lift) 3.2 Tonne Capacity.As per RDSO SPEC: TI/SPC/OHE/TOOLPL/1991 Rev-1,
Please see Item Breakup for details. 81184.00 AT Par 81184.00
3 Description:- Supply of safety 33000 volts electrical hand gloves, seamless natural latex rubber of size :300mm,
Colour:Cream with stand test potential:33000 volts , maximum working potential:7500 Volts as per IS:4770-1991 of
Please see Item Breakup for details. 7000.00 AT Par 7000.00
Description:- Indusrial Safety Helmet (PNG), Guarantee ( in Months ) 12 months.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 76300.00 AT Par 76300.00
5 Description:- Rail Jumpers made of multistrand copper PVC Cable 248/0.457mm size with suitable clamps at both ends as
per RDSO specification no ETI/OHE/3/(2/94) with A& C slip No. 1(04/95) or latest and as approved by Engineer-3 meter length.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 41640.00 AT Par 41640.00
6 Description:- Rail Jumpers made of multistrand copper PVC Cable 248/0.457mm size with suitable clamps at both ends as
per RDSO specification no ETI/OHE/3/(2/94) with A& C slip No. 1(04/95) or latest and as approved by Engineer-5 meter length.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 64340.00 0.00 64340.00

7 Description:- Rail Jumpers made of multistrand copper PVC Cable 248/0.457mm size with suitable clamps at both ends as
per RDSO specification no ETI/OHE/3/(2/94) with A& C slip No. 1(04/95) or latest and as approved by Engineer-13 meter
Please see Item Breakup for details. 70800.00 AT Par 70800.00
Description:- Come along clamps LS
Please see Item Breakup for details. 70800.00 AT Par 70800.00
Description:- Come along clamps catenary.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 46000.00 AT Par 46000.00
Description:- Come along clamps Contact
Please see Item Breakup for details. 54280.00 AT Par 54280.00
Description:- Heavy duty pulley 3Tone.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 34440.00 0.00 34440.00
Description:- Heavy duty pulley 1Tone.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 114460.00 AT Par 114460.00
Description:- Pull lift 0.75Tone.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 152220.00 0.00 152220.00
Description:- Pull lift 1.5Tone.

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule B6-Electrical OHE-Part VI: Additional equipments for 2 X 25kV system. 4408970.50
Please see Item Breakup for details. 48417.80 AT Par 48417.80
1 Description:- Supply & Erection of Eye rod 1.8 Mtr.Long 20mm DIA with Fasteners counter weight as per RDSO DRG.

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Please see Item Breakup for details. 155101.05 AT Par 155101.05

2 Description:- Supply & Erection of Set of cast iron counter weight (140 Kg) consisting of 03 nos. 40 Kg. (RI no. 5092) &
one20Kg. for regulating equipment.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 272350.20 AT Par 272350.20
3 Description:- Supply & Erection of Three Pulley ATDas per RDSO specification for 2400kgf Tension as per RDSO specification
no.TI/SPC/OHE/ 3PHTATD/ 0150 With ACS 1.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 436550.31 AT Par 436550.31
Description:- Supply & Erection of 12.24 mm dia ACSR Raccoon with suitable fasteners.(AEC)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 291632.74 AT Par 291632.74
Description:- Supply & Erection of 20mm dia galvanized steel conductor with suitablefasteners.(BEC)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 398060.00 AT Par 398060.00
Description:- Supply & Erection of Tee connector for BEC end and lug for connection.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 186077.50 AT Par 186077.50
Description:- Digging of trench 300mm deep.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 178634.40 AT Par 178634.40
Description:- BEC Laying and Back filling of trench 300mmdeep
Please see Item Breakup for details. 133125.00 AT Par 133125.00
Description:- Supply & Erection of MS Flat for earth 50 mm x 6mm
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2159656.50 AT Par 2159656.50
10 Description:- Supply & Erection of 25KV 1600Amps DP Isolator with out insulator earth contact assembley terminal
connectors & Interlock as per RDSO Specification.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 19420.00 AT Par 19420.00
Description:- Supply without Insulator and erection of 9Tonne Insulator for termination of AEC.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 121500.00 AT Par 121500.00
Description:- Cable Route Maker for B.E.C.@ Distance of 150m.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 8445.00 AT Par 8445.00
Description:- Supply & erection of a single earth electrode.

S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule C1-Electrical arrangments to station buildings, RBGE Rooms, Platforms, FOB's, Circulating Above/
area etc. between Pagidipalli and Bommaipalli stations Below/Par
Please see Item Breakup for details. 30000.00 AT Par 30000.00

01 Description:- Supply and concealed laying in Roof/Wall/Slab/floor of size OD 32 mm dia 2 mm thick UPVC conduit pipe (ISI
marked) HMS (Heavy Mechanical stress) FRLS with all required accessories such as deep boxes, bends, junction boxes etc.
including grooving (if required), masonary work and labour charges etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 36000.00 AT Par 36000.00
02 Description:- Supply and concealed laying in Roof/Wall/Slab/floor of size OD 25 mm dia 2 mm thick UPVC conduit pipe (ISI
marked) HMS (Heavy Mechanical stress) FRLS with all required accessories such as deep boxes, bends, junction boxes etc.
including grooving (if required), masonary work and labour charges etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 84812.00 AT Par 84812.00
Description:- Wiring with two runs of 1.5 Sq.mm. 1100 V and one run of flexible copper conductor 1.5 Sq.mm. 1100 Volts
03 FRLS PVC inulated wires ISI makred (Phase, neutral and earth) in the UPVC conduit pipe with 6A flush modular type switch
including 2 way switches where ever required, 6A bell push modular type switch, ceiling rose, bulb holder and modular type
plate cover to G.I. switch control box including all labour charges complete for light points, ceiling fan point and exhaust fan
points etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 13366.00 AT Par 13366.00
04 Description:- Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of 6A 5 pin modular plug socket with 6A modular control switch
on existing control board with wiring
Please see Item Breakup for details. 12120.00 AT Par 12120.00
05 Description:- Supply and fixing of 16A 5 pin flush power plug and socket and 16A switch control (5 in one) GI box with Top
plate cover control for power plug point connection and all labour charges etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2554.00 AT Par 2554.00
06 Description:- Supply and fixing of 20/32/40 Amps metallic plug & socket (industrial type) with 25/32 Amps SP MCB housed in
GI switch box with necessary connections.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 65871.00 AT Par 65871.00
07 Description:- Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of 20 Watts 1200 mm LED tube light fitting with lamp including
wiring, connecting etc. as per latest PCEE's specification
Please see Item Breakup for details. 141351.00 AT Par 141351.00
08 Description:- Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of 28 W Energy Efficient BLDC ceiling fan with Remote as per
latest PCEE's specification
Please see Item Breakup for details. 27624.00 AT Par 27624.00
09 Description:- Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of Energy Efficient Exhaust fan of 300 mm sweep with louvers
including necessary holes and masonary work etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 14400.00 AT Par 14400.00
10 Description:- Supply, laying, connecting and commissioning of single core 1.5 Sq.mm. 1100 PVC (FRLS) insulated multi
stranded copper conductor wires confirming to IS:694/1990 and ISI marked in existing PVC conduit pipe
Please see Item Breakup for details. 40000.00 AT Par 40000.00
11 Description:- Supply, laying, connecting and commissioning of single core 2.5 Sq.mm. 1100 PVC (FRLS) insulated multi
stranded copper conductor wires confirming to IS:694/1990 and ISI marked in existing PVC conduit pipe
Please see Item Breakup for details. 39600.00 AT Par 39600.00
12 Description:- Supply, laying, connecting and commissioning of single core 4.0 Sq.mm. 1100 PVC (FRLS) insulated multi
stranded copper conductor wires confirming to IS:694/1990 and ISI marked in existing PVC conduit pipe for circuit points

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Please see Item Breakup for details. 39200.00 AT Par 39200.00

13 Description:- Supply, laying, connecting and commissioning single core 6 Sq.mm. 1100 V PVC (FRLS) insulated multi
stranded copper wires confirming to IS:694/1990 and ISI marked in existing PVC pipe for sub distribution boards as run of
supply mains/higher including all labour charges
Please see Item Breakup for details. 15000.00 AT Par 15000.00

14 Description:- Supply, laying, connecting and commissioning of single core 10 Sq.mm. 1100 Volts PVC (FRLS) insulated multi
stranded copper wires confirming to IS:694/1990 and ISI marked in existing PVC pipe for sub Distribution boards as run of
supply mains/Higher including all labour charges
Please see Item Breakup for details. 417000.00 AT Par 417000.00
15 Description:- Supply, laying, connecting, testing and commissioning of 4 core 120 Sq.mm. LT XLPE UG cable 1100 Volts as
per IS:7098/Part-I/1988 or latest
Please see Item Breakup for details. 296500.00 AT Par 296500.00
16 Description:- Supply, laying, connecting, testing and commissioning of 4 core 70 Sq.mm. LT XLPE UG cable 1100 Volts as
per IS:7098/Part-I/1988 or latest
Please see Item Breakup for details. 216500.00 AT Par 216500.00
17 Description:- Supply, laying, connecting, testing and commissioning of 4 core 50 Sq.mm. LT XLPE UG cable 1100 Volts as
per IS:7098/Part-I/1988 or latest
Please see Item Breakup for details. 55500.00 AT Par 55500.00
18 Description:- Supply, laying, connecting, testing and commissioning of 4 core 25 Sq.mm. LT XLPE UG cable 1100 Volts as
per IS:7098/Part-I/1988 or latest
Please see Item Breakup for details. 168000.00 AT Par 168000.00
19 Description:- Supply, laying, connecting, testing and commissioning of 4 core 16 Sq.mm. LT XLPE UG cable 1100 Volts as
per IS:7098/Part-I/1988 or latest
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1842000.00 AT Par 1842000.00
20 Description:- Supply, laying, connecting, testing and commissioning of 2 core 150 Sq.mm. LT XLPE UG cable 1100 volts as
per IS:7098/Part.I/1988 or latest.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 510000.00 AT Par 510000.00
21 Description:- Supply, laying, connecting, testing and commissioning of 2 core 70 Sq.mm. LT XLPE UG cable 1100 Volts as
per IS:7098/Part-I/1988 or latest
Please see Item Breakup for details. 112500.00 AT Par 112500.00
22 Description:- Supply and fixing of GI wire of size 8 SWG for providing earthing interconnections along the UG cables with all
other connected accessories
Please see Item Breakup for details. 32500.00 AT Par 32500.00
Description:- Supply and laying of 50 mm dia of B class GI pipe including all accessories etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 37750.00 AT Par 37750.00
Description:- Supply and laying of 100 mm dia B class GI pipe including all accessories etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 124650.00 AT Par 124650.00
25 Description:- Supply and laying of HDPE pipe of PE-80 grade in PN-4 size 4" inner dia and outer dia 110 mm and wall
thickness minimum 4.3 mm, maximum 4.8 mm with 'T' joints, bolts, elbows etc. including all other connected accessories
Please see Item Breakup for details. 715000.00 AT Par 715000.00
26 Description:- Supply and laying of HDPE pipe of PE-80 grade in PN-4 size 2" inner dia and outer dia 63 mm and wall
thickness minimum 2.5 mm, maximum 2.8 mm with 'T' joints, bolts, elbows etc. including all other connected accessories
Please see Item Breakup for details. 838500.00 AT Par 838500.00
27 Description:- Excavation of cable trench in ordinary soil to depth of 1250x450mm filling the trench (after laying the cables)
to bring the original condition
Please see Item Breakup for details. 174000.00 AT Par 174000.00
28 Description:- Excavation of cable trench under rock/CC/Tar/RCC road/Track and making good providing cement concrete
after laying the cable
Please see Item Breakup for details. 243000.00 AT Par 243000.00
Description:- Supply and fixing of HT/LT cable route indicators as per the details given in the drg. No. DEE/CN/BZA/2001/23
Please see Item Breakup for details. 95200.00 AT Par 95200.00
Description:- Horizontal drilling of bores at a depth of 2 metres suitable for crossing LT XLPE UG cables
Please see Item Breakup for details. 200375.00 AT Par 200375.00
Description:- Design, Fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of cubicle type 14 SWG LT weather proof (out
door type) main distribution board panel with copper busbar of 600 Amps capacity including Ammeter, voltmeter, selector
switches and RYB indication and Digital KWH meter with RS485 Port meters CT's of suitable ratio etc. in general confirming to
Rly. spec. No. B/E.CN/Spec/01 with the following switch gear. For each outgoing MCCBs LED indication in on position to be
31 provided, MCCB should be provided with Ammeter, Voltmeter, selector switches and RYB indicaton lamps. LT panel board
should confirming to IS:8263, MCCB's should be confirming to IS:2516. Arrangements of switch should be lockable &
shutdown condition to avoid electrician and MCCBs feeder details stricking on the panel 1x320 A 4 pole MCCB 50 KA
incoming, 3x100 A TP MCCB 25 KA out going, 3x63 Amps TP MCB 10 KA out going, 2x40 Amps TP MCB 10 KA outgoing, 4x32
Amps TP MCB 10 KA outgoing, 1x50 KVAR power capacitor and 1x320 Amps Change over switch 1 No. Three phase Electronic
Energy meter with CT's of suitable ratio
Please see Item Breakup for details. 4600.00 AT Par 4600.00
Description:- Construction of masonry plinth of suitable size for installation of LT main distribution board panel with all
32 connected works including required hardware etc. complete. The scope also includes fixing of the panel on the masonry plinth
with suitable clamps and connected hardware. This work is to be executed as per the planning and instructions of Railway site
Please see Item Breakup for details. 98882.00 AT Par 98882.00

33 Description:- Supply & fixing of 8 way Vertical TPN distribution board fixed on wall with the following switches 1x160 Amps
25 KA 4 pole MCCB for incoming and 4 Nos. of 63 Amps TP MCB, 4 Nos of 32 Amps TP MCB, 4 Nos. of 20 Amps DP MCB, 4 Nos
of 10 A SP MCBs for outgoing
Please see Item Breakup for details. 23532.00 AT Par 23532.00


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Description:- Supply and fixing of 6 way TPN double door with lock & key distribution board with 1x32 TP MCB for incoming
and 3 Nos. of 20 Amps DP MCB, 6 Nos. of 20 A SP MCBs outgoing including internal connections, grouting, earthing, fixing,
testing and all labour charges etc. including cable entry box and trunking arrangement
Please see Item Breakup for details. 182000.00 AT Par 182000.00
Description:- Supply, fixing, connecting, installation, testing and commissioning of Automatic change over panel complete
35 for colour light signaling system having 3 phase supply 150 Amps capacity with all connected accessories viz. Rotary selector
switch, air break contractor, MCCBs, MCBs, LEDs, alarm buzzer, alarm reset micro switch etc. meeting RDSO technical
specification No. TI/SPC/PSI/CLS/0020 with latest amendment
Please see Item Breakup for details. 58562.00 AT Par 58562.00
Description:- Supply, fixing, connecting, installation, testing and commissioning of Automatic change over panel complete
36 for colour light signalling system having 3 phase supply 60 Amps capacity with all connected accessories viz. Rotary selector
switch, air break contractor, MCCBs, MCBs LEDs alarm buzzer, alaram reset micro switch etc. meeting RDSO technical
specification No. TI/SPEC/PSI/CLS/0020 with latest amendment
Please see Item Breakup for details. 21240.00 AT Par 21240.00
Description:- Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of CLS junction box as per Drg No. 01/2022-4/2/AT
Please see Item Breakup for details. 24000.00 AT Par 24000.00
38 Description:- Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of Weather proof terminal box with Bimetallic bus bar with
clamp bolts nuts including all accessories etc. (For AT) as per Drg No. E.252/TrD/HQ/AT-JB/2022-23 (Alt-1)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 6432.00 AT Par 6432.00
39 Description:- Supply, fixing and commissioning of 160 A 4 pole MCCBs with 25 KA breaking capacity (for AT terminal box as
per enclosed Drawing).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 3890.00 AT Par 3890.00
40 Description:- Supply, fixing and commissioning of 63 A 4 pole MCCB with 16 KA breaking capacity (for AT terminal box as
per enclosed Drawing).
Please see Item Breakup for details. 501630.00 AT Par 501630.00
Description:- Supply, erection and commisioning of 5 mtr long dip galvanised octagonal pole with 130 mm bottom A/F & 70
41 mm top A/F made up of 3 mm thick HT sheet along with base plate of size 200x200x12mm, M16x600 long 'J' type EN 8 grade
foundation bolts, 1000 mm long single/double arm bracket (as per site requirement) with concrete foundation and plinth in
hard soil including excavation of soil, tamping of concrete grouting with Bakelite sheet and MCB (for mounting inside the base
compartment of Pole) with all accessories
Please see Item Breakup for details. 86796.00 AT Par 86796.00
42 Description:- Supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of 40 Watts AC LED street light luminaries with glass IP 65 including
all connected accessories etc. as per latest PCEE's Specification
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1872.00 AT Par 1872.00
43 Description:- Fixing and commissioning of LED street light fitting on wall with 1.2 mtr/required length of ISI marked 'B' class
GI pipe/Bracket (as necessary) of 2" dia/suitable dia with clamps, bolts and nuts etc. including internal connections complete
Please see Item Breakup for details. 37000.00 AT Par 37000.00
44 Description:- Supply of FRP ladder type cable tray of size 310mmx80mmx3mm thickness including all accessories. The
entire work has to be carried out as per the instruction and guidelines of Railway site Engineer
Please see Item Breakup for details. 13350.00 AT Par 13350.00

45 Description:- Erection of FRP ladder type cable tray of size 310mmx80mmx3mm thickness along with supply and fixing of
clamping arrangements at regular intervals by MS strip of size 40mmx5mm thick including powder coating. The entire work
has to be carried out as the instructions and guidelines of Railway site Engineer.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 804513.00 AT Par 804513.00
Description:- Design, Supply, installation, commissioning including transportation of complete set of 10 kWp solar
photovoltaic system including connecting to the existing grid/local supply through suitably designed power conditioning unit
46 (PCU) on the roof top of building. Complete set consists of Solar panels, module mounting structure, junction boxes, power
conditioning unit (PCU), Import & Export metering, cable and other accessories as per RDSO specification No.
RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev-0) Amdt. 4 October 2012 or latest. The Solar Photovoltaic system (SPVS) to be erected
over terrace of building and the output is to be connected at Main distribution board (The rate Excludes annual Maintenance
Contract cost)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 125000.00 AT Par 125000.00
Description:- Supply, fixing, installation & commissioning of 2 Ton 5 star capable of delivering 24000 BTU/hr and above with
operating on refrigerant R-410A/R-32 INVERTER Model Cool type split AC unit with high wall mounted Single Split indoor unit
47 and outdoor condencing unit Hermetically sealed compressor suitable for operation on 230V, 50Hz, 1Phase AC supply capable
of performing Heat cool dehumidifying air circulating and filtering with cooling and condensing units with 3 mts of copper
piping, insulation kit and 4 mts of 4 core copper flexible chord with cordless remote control etc. inclduing suitable wall
mounting bracket for fixing of outdoor unit, dual barrier coating in order to protect coil from oxidigation
Please see Item Breakup for details. 9500.00 AT Par 9500.00
Description:- Supply and fixing of Extra Copper pipe for Split AC (if required as per condition)
Please see Item Breakup for details. 9432.00 AT Par 9432.00
Description:- Design, supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of ON delay timer circuit arrangements for 2 platform
49 lightings ON/OFF operation in 1.6 mm thick CRCA sheet enclosure of 16"x12"x8" size with door and lock & key arrangement
comprises following switchgears including stickering and all other connected accessories complete. a) 2 Nos. of micon 225
Timer b) 2 sets of 3 pole contactor 45A AC1 (25A AC3) c) 2 sets of ON push button with elements d) 2 sets of LED indication
lamps e) 8 way/2 sets of 4 way terminal connector & internal wiring arrangements
Please see Item Breakup for details. 23100.00 AT Par 23100.00

50 Description:- Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of SMC cable termination junction Box of size 250x200x105 with
shock proof, rust proof, fire resistant, weather proof with IP65 potection suitable for termination of 2/4 core LT UG cables upto
70 sq.mm., 3 phase 415 volts including hylam sheet, heavy duty terminal connections, clamping arrangements etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 26000.00 AT Par 26000.00
Description:- Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of SMC cable termination junction Box of size 340x200x105 with
51 shock proof, rust proof, fire resistant, weather proof with IP65 protection suitable for termination of 2/4 core LT UG cables
upto 150 sq.mm., 3 phase 415 volts including hylam sheet, heavy duty terminal connections, clamping arrangements
etc.Note: Makes as per approved list of CEE/C/SC
Please see Item Breakup for details. 4260.00 AT Par 4260.00

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52 Description:- Supply, erection and commissioning of 3 phase 4 way loop-in/loop-out junction box of size 10"x10"x6" with
suitable hinged door, adequately gasketted to maintain insect proof, having locking arrangements to be fixed on wall/pole
including all required connected accessories. The box shall be served with two prime coating of red oxide & finished with ash
colour paint
Please see Item Breakup for details. 6400.00 AT Par 6400.00
Description:- Supply and Erection of cable junction box size 167 x 125 x 82 as per IS 14772
Please see Item Breakup for details. 4108.00 AT Par 4108.00
54 Description:- Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of DP metal enclosure with One No. of 40 Amps DPMCB
including provision for timer & contactor fixing with all necessary accessories etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2250.00 AT Par 2250.00
Description:- Supply & fixing of timer switch series FM/1 Quartz of type QT(Daily) suitable to operate on 240 V AC, 50 Hz.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 3440.88 AT Par 3440.88

56 Description:- Supply and Fixing of AC operated heavy duty 230 /440 Volt power contactor 32 Amps conforming to IS:13947-
4-1/IEC:947-4-1 having provision of mechanical interlocking, Din rail mounting type including making connections, testing etc.
as required.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 95350.00 AT Par 95350.00
Description:- Supply and erection of Earth electrode of 48.4 mm outer dia & 40 mm inner dia, 3.1 m long steel tube
57 galvanised with welded MS galvanised lug as per drawing No. ETI/OHE/P/7021 & RDSO specification No.
TI/SPC/PSI/ERTHNG/0210 or latest including excavation of pit, protective concrete box with cover and all other connected
materials like GI wire, charcoal, salt etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 16500.00 AT Par 16500.00
58 Description:- Supply, Laying and connecting of GI flat of size 50x6 mm with all accessories such as bolts and nuts etc.
complete for earthing interconnections
Please see Item Breakup for details. 16122.00 AT Par 16122.00
Description:- Supply, fabrication, fixing and connecting of MS sheet iron box of size 1.10 Mtrs. x 1.50Mtrs. x 0.55 Mtrs. MS
59 sheet not less than 16 SWG and 4 Nos. of 200 Amps Fuse cutouts with masonry plinth, clamps, bolts, nuts and locking
arrangements. The box shall be painted with two coats of red oxide and two coats of siemens grey paint with all accessories
for supply points
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2500.00 AT Par 2500.00

60 Description:- Design, fabrication, supply, erection and commissioning of suitable size MS sheet iron box, MS sheet not less
than 16 SWG with clamps, bolts, nuts, washers, box shall be painted with two coats of red oxide and two coats of Siemens
Grey paint with all accessories for supply points
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1935.00 AT Par 1935.00
Description:- Fabrication, Supply and fixing of clamping arrangements for LED station name boards, necessary cross
61 arms/rag bolts to fix the boards at a specified location to wall/roof is also to be supplied by the contractor as advised by Site
Engineer. The wiring is to be made by 2 Nos. of 1.5 sq.mm. PVC insulated multi stranded copper wire through 1/2" PVC
conduit pipe/casing and capping/PVC flexible pipe of good quality along with 14 SWG bare copper wire for earth continuity
Please see Item Breakup for details. 248283.00 AT Par 248283.00

62 Description:- Suppy, fixing, testing and commissioning of LED based station Name Board in English/Telugu/ Hindi on the
basis of number of letters per board in RGB colour complete with all connected accessories. The complete board shall
confirms to specification No. GTL/E/M /SPEC /LED/10/1
Please see Item Breakup for details. 52480.00 AT Par 52480.00
Description:- Design, fabrication, supply and fixing of LED double side glow sign boards with high quality LED's with
63 computerised vinyl stickering lettering in 'Telugu', 'Hindi', 'English'. The signage pictorials shall be as advised by Site
Supervisor with all other connected accessories complete as per RDSO specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0086-2009 (Rev.
'0') Amdt-1
Please see Item Breakup for details. 5000.00 AT Par 5000.00
Description:- Fabrication, Supply and fixing of GI clamping arrangements for single side/double side glow boards of
64 25"x25"/49"x25"/other required sizes etc. necessary GI cross arms/GI rag bolts to fix the boards at a specified location to
wall/roof is also to be supplied by the Contractor as advised by site Engineer. The wiring is to be made by 2 Nos. of 1.5
sq.mm. PVC insulated multi stranded copper wire through 1/2" PVC conduit casing and capping along with 14 SWG bare
copper wire for earth continuity
Please see Item Breakup for details. 4324.00 AT Par 4324.00

65 Description:- Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of a) 3 Nos. of 6 Amps one way with LED indicator switch, b) 3
Nos. of International socket, 16/6 Amps (shuttered), c) 1 No. 16 A SP Tiny Trip MCB, d) 2 Nos. of Plastic Enclosures with cover
for surface mounting including fixing of charging point on the wall complete with all other connected accessories etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1868.00 AT Par 1868.00
Description:- Supply and fixing of suitable rack arrangements for cell charging a) supply of 18 SWG sheet steel of size 0.38
66 mtr. x 0.3 mtr. and Bending to required shape & drilling of 4 Nos. of holes at the top of the sheet, b) Painting of above items
for one coat of Red-oxide and two coats of ivory colour including fixing on the wall complete with all other connected
accessories etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 397228.00 AT Par 397228.00
Description:- Design, Fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 16 Mtrs. special steel plates high mast
shaft system, including wiring with PVC insulated copper flat cable complete made up of two sections as per the specification
No. SCR/EL/HMTL/2002/01 enclosed with all accessories except those mentioned as separate item in this schedule. (i) Supply
and fixing of accessories for 16 M high mast including head frame, stainless steel wire rope 6mm dia. double drum winch,
67 motor, galvanized lantern carriage arrangements suitable for 9 luminaires and with its control gear box with all connected
material (ii) Excavation of earth design & casting M 20 concrete foundation for 16 mtrs high mast with all connected works
and supply of required materials (iii) Supply and fixing of foundation bolts manufactured from special steel along with nuts,
washers, anchor plates and templates with all connected material (iv) Supply, fixing and commissioning of 3 phase non
reversible power tool for electrical operation of raising and lowering of lantern carriage with all connected materials as per
the specification No. SCR/EL/HMTL/2002/01
Please see Item Breakup for details. 165024.00 AT Par 165024.00

68 Description:- Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of Energy saving IP65 flood light luminaries with high power LED
Light of 200 Watts including all connecting accessories as per PCEE's Specification No. SCR/LED (OD)/Light Fittings/003
(Amdt.5) - 2023 or latest
Please see Item Breakup for details. 4000.00 AT Par 4000.00


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Description:- Supply, fixing and connecting of copper cable of 2 core x 4 sq.mm with all connected accessories Note: Makes
as per approved list of CEE/C/SC
Please see Item Breakup for details. 4339.00 AT Par 4339.00
70 Description:- Supply, fixing and connecting of 4 pole 100 Amps MCCB, 25 KA to be fixed at existing LT control panel board
complete with all connected accessories etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 4939.00 AT Par 4939.00

71 Description:- Supply, fabrication and erection of protective fencing around the high mast with 50mm dia x 1.5 mtrs. long
medium class GI pipe 10 Nos. and ornamental chain made of 5mm dia rod shackles and length of not less than 18.5m of each
round including all masonry works for retaining wall as per site required.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 13200.00 AT Par 13200.00
72 Description:- Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1.4 kVA, 24 V DC inverter pure sine wave output, single
phase input/single phase output and internal cable connection
Please see Item Breakup for details. 22968.00 AT Par 22968.00
73 Description:- Supply and fixing of 12V 100 AH SMF battery with 3 years warranty including wire leads, connections etc.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1650.00 AT Par 1650.00
Description:- Supply and providing of UPS cum battery rack up to 4 batteries of 100 AH capacity
Please see Item Breakup for details. 20000.00 AT Par 20000.00
75 Description:- Dismantling of RSJ/RCC/Tublar/Platform poles and handing over the same to the concerned supervisor of
maintenance his stores.
Please see Item Breakup for details. 1000.00 AT Par 1000.00
76 Description:- Preparation and submission of completion drawings in A3 size with all relevant details and executed Wiring
diagrams. The drawings shall be submitted in 1+6 copies etc. along with AUTOCAD CD


Schedule Schedule M-SOR Supply Portion (SIGNAL)

Item- 1 (SOR NO. 101) Supply of CLS Post 140mm dia to specification IRS:S 6-81 Rev.3 or latest (Inspection by RITES)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 SOR NO 101(a) 4.5m long Numbers 12.00 4710.00 56520.00
2 2 SOR NO 101(b) 3.5m long Numbers 5.00 4442.00 22210.00
Total 78730.00
(SOR NO 102)Supply of CLS Ladder set complete with staging/platform, supports, cast iron ladder base/Shoe. (Inspection by
Item- 2
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 SOR NO 102 (a) Ladder for 4.5m post as per DRG.. No. SA 23153, S Set 12.00 6432.00 77184.00
2033 or Latest
2 2 SOR NO 102 (b) Ladder for 3.5m post as per DRG.. No. SA 23150, S Set 5.00 5226.00 26130.00
2033 or latest
Total 103314.00
Item- 4 (SOR NO 104)Supply of Metallic (MS) colour light Signal Unit.(Inspection by RITES)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 104 (a) 2 aspect complete as per DRG.. No. SA. 23003/A/M Numbers 8.00 12998.00 103984.00
(Adv.) with latest amendment and specification IRS: S 26-64 or
2 2 (SOR NO 104 (b) 3 aspect complete as per DRG.. No. SA. 23002/A/M Numbers 12.00 17623.00 211476.00
(Adv.) with latest amendment and specification IRS: S 26-64 or
Total 315460.00
(SOR NO. 110) Supply of Junction type / Direction type route indicator as per specification IRS:S 66-84 Amd. 1 or latest.
Item- 8
(Inspection by RITES)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 110 (a)) One way as per DRG. No. SA 23401 Numbers 2.00 15187.00 30374.00
2 2 (SOR NO 110 (b) Two way as per DRG. No. SA 23402 Numbers 2.00 20490.00 40980.00
Total 71354.00
(SOR No. 501) Relays-Metal to Carbon Supply of Plug-in type miniature tractive armature Non-AC immune, DC neutral line
Item- 23 relay complete with plug board, retaining clip/ATC Clip and connectors as per specifications BRS 930, IRS:S 23-88 Amd. 1 or
latest, IRS: S 34-68 Amd.6 or latest, IRS: S 67-85 Amd. 3 or latest (as applicable). (Inspection by RDSO)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO.501 (a) ) QN1- 8F/8B, 24 V DC. The interlocking code: Numbers 100.00 4400.00 440000.00
ABCDF. (Inspection by RDSO)
2 2 (SOR NO.501 (b) ) QN1-12F/4B, 24 V DC. The interlocking code: Numbers 100.00 4283.00 428300.00
ABCDE. (Inspection by RDSO)
3 3 (SOR NO.501 (g) ) QNN1-4F/4B, 24 V DC, The interlocking code: Numbers 10.00 4944.00 49440.00
ACEHJ. (Inspection by RDSO)
Total 917740.00
(SOR NO.502) Supply of 24 V DC plug-in type miniature tractive armature, AC immune relay complete with plug board,
Item- 24 retaining clip/ATC Clip and connectors as per IRS: S 23-88 Amd. 1 or latest, IRS: S 34-68 Amd. 6 or latest, IRS: S 60-78 Amd.
1or latest, IRS: S 67-85 Amd. 3 or latest (as applicable).(Inspection by RDSO)

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S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

1 1 (SOR NO.502 (a) ) QBCA1- 2HF/4B, Interlocking code: BCEJK as per Numbers 10.00 8307.00 83070.00
specifications BRS 943 or Latest (Inspection by RDSO)
2 2 (SOR NO.502 (b) ) QNA1- 8F/8B, Interlocking Code: ABDGH as per Numbers 100.00 4738.00 473800.00
Spec BRS 931 A or Latest (Inspection by RDSO)
3 3 (SOR NO.502 (c) ) QNA1-12F/4B, DC Neutral Line Relay, Interlocking Numbers 100.00 4413.00 441300.00
Code: ABDFH as per Spec BRS 931 A or Latest (Inspection by RDSO)
4 4 (SOR NO.502 (d) ) QNA1K-6F/6B, Interlocking Code: CDEKY as per Numbers 20.00 5062.00 101240.00
Spec BRS 931 A or Latest and RDSO letter No.STS/E/Relays/UEA (PI)
dated 30/05/97 (Annexure-II). (Inspection by RDSO)
5 5 (SOR NO.502 (e) ) QSPA1- 8F/4B, The interlocking code: ABDEJ, Numbers 40.00 6465.00 258600.00
Spec BRS 933A or latest. (Inspection by RDSO)
Total 1358010.00
SOR NO.601)Supply of powder coated Relay rack universal type as per DRG. No. S&T/MFT/291. The relay rack shall be
supplied with scaffolding, stainless steel nuts and bolts for fixing the rack, supporting angles, frame mounting triangle base
Item- 28
with 'J' bolts, insulation of required numbers and suitable inner frames to suit Q style relays / K50 pre wired tag blocks.
(Inspection by Consignee)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 601 (a) ) 1 Way (Inspection by Consignee) Numbers 2.00 7474.00 14948.00
2 2 (SOR NO 601 (b) ) 2 Way (Inspection by Consignee) Numbers 2.00 14847.00 29694.00
3 3 (SOR NO 601 (c) ) 4 Way (Inspection by Consignee) Numbers 2.00 27712.00 55424.00
Total 100066.00
Item- 30 (SOR NO.603) Supply of Terminal Block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 603 (a) ) Terminal block: 1 way Poly butylene Numbers 500.00 97.00 48500.00
Terephthalate (PBT) of size 60mm (link centre to centre) as per
RDSO DRG. No. SA23745/Alt.5 or latest, SA23746/Alt.5 or latest,
S23747/Alt.5 and specifications IRS: S 75-2006 Rev. 2.0 (Tentative)
or latest, IRS: S 23-88 Amd. 1 or latest. (Inspection by RDSO)
2 2 (SOR NO 603 (b) ) Terminal block: 6 way Poly butylene Numbers 1500.00 406.00 609000.00
Terephthalate (PBT) of size 25mm (link centre to centre) as per
RDSO DRG. No. SA23756/Alt.3 or latest, S23757/Alt.4 o r latest and
specifications IRS: S 75-2006 Rev. 2.0 (Tentative) or latest, IRS: S
23-88 Amd. 1 or latest. (Inspection by RDSO)
3 3 (SOR NO 603 (c) ) "Supply of modular terminal block (WAGO or Set 300.00 703.00 210900.00
similar) as per RDSO specification RDSO/SPN/189/2004 Ver. 3.0 or
latest consisting the following parts: a) 2 conductor disconnect
terminal block - 6 numbers b) End / intermediate plate suitable for
2 conductor disconnect terminal - 1 number c) Screw less end stop
similar to WAGO Model No. 249-117 - 2 numbers d) Insulated
jumper WAGO Model 280-402 - 5 numbers e) Din Rail - 0.1 metre
per set (in length of 1 metre for every ten set)" (Inspection by
Total 868400.00
(SOR NO. 605)Supply of non-deteriorating type of fuse holders and fuse links 240V AC/DC as per specification IRS: S 78-2006
Item- 32
or latest, IS 13703 (Part 2):1993 knife edge type fuse of E1 fuse link type (up to 20A)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO. 605 (a) ) Fuse holder 20A capacity (Inspection by RDSO) Numbers 350.00 220.00 77000.00
2 2 (SOR NO. 605 (b) ) Fuse link 1A / 2A / 6A / 10A / 16A / 20A as Numbers 1500.00 31.00 46500.00
specified by Engineer In charge. (Inspection by RDSO)
Total 123500.00
Item- 34 (SOR NO. 702) Supply of PVC insulated Wire Coils
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO. 702 (a) ) Multi-strand, single core, copper conductor Per Unit 200.00 1153.00 230600.00
16/0.2 (16 wires, diameter of each wire is 0.20mm) (0.5sq.mm)
wire coil as per specifications IS 694:2010 or latest, IRS: S 76-89
Amd. 3 or latest. Length of coil should be 100m. Colour of coil to be
specified by Engineer in charge.(Inspection by RDSO)(Per Unit =
2 2 (SOR NO. 702 (b) ) Multi-strand, single core, copper conductor Per Unit 40.00 2908.00 116320.00
28/0.3 (28 wires, diameter of each wire 0.30mm) flexible wire coil
as per specifications IS 694:2010 or latest, IRS: S 76-89 Amd. 3 or
latest. Length of coil should be 100m. Colour to be specified by
Engineer in charge. (Inspection by RDSO)(Per Unit = Coil)
3 3 (SOR NO. 702 (c) ) Supply of 35 Sq.mm PVC insulated multi-strand, Metre 2000.00 391.00 782000.00
single core, copper conductor 277/0.4 (277 wires, diameter of each
wire is 0.4mm) cable as per IS:694 or latest, IRS: S 76-89 Amd. 3 or
latest. Cable to be supplied in 100-meter coil. Colour to be specified
by Engineer in charge. (Inspection by RITES)
4 4 (SOR NO. 702 (e) ) Supply of 10 Sq.mm PVC insulated, multi-strand, Metre 1000.00 124.00 124000.00
single core, copper conductor 140/0.3 (140 wires, diameter of
conductor 0.3mm) cable as per IS: 694 or latest, IRS: S 76-89 Amd.
3 or latest. Cable to be supplied in 100 meter coil. (Inspection by

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Total 1252920.00
Item- 36 (SOR NO 802)Supply of Transformer - Rectifier as per specification IRS: S 91-2014 Ver. 1.0 or latest.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 802 (a)) Transformer-rectifier set with 110V AC input, 24V- Numbers 1.00 19470.00 19470.00
30V DC output, 1A. (Inspection by RDSO)
2 2 (SOR NO 802 (b)) Transformer-rectifier set with 230V AC input, Numbers 3.00 25960.00 77880.00
24V-30V DC output, 5A. (Inspection by RDSO)
Total 97350.00
Item- 45 (SOR NO 1002) Supply of Various Telephones and Telephone Power Supply unit
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 1002 (b) ) 4 wire train traffic control equipment with DTMF Numbers 4.00 5617.00 22468.00
signalling way station equipment and way station control telephone
as per specification IRS : TC 60-2007 Amd. 1 or latest. (Inspection
2 2 (SOR NO 1002 (c) ) Desk type 2 wire, 12 way DTMF selective calling Numbers 10.00 6282.00 62820.00
group telephone (Selective Calling / Group Telephone) complete as
per specification IRS: TC 80-2000 Amd. 1 or latest with suitable
power supply unit. (Inspection by RDSO/RITES)
Total 85288.00
Item- 46 (SOR NO 1003) Supply of Various Telecom Cable
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 1003 (b) ) Switch board cable 10 Pair / 0.6mm dia. as per Metre 500.00 35.00 17500.00
TEC 68080:2002 or latest. (Inspection by Consignee)
2 2 (SOR NO 1003 (c) ) Switch board cable 20 Pair / 0.6mm dia. as per Metre 1000.00 88.00 88000.00
TEC 68080:2002 or latest GR WIR 0603 March 2002 or Latest
(Inspection by Consignee)
3 3 (SOR NO 1003 (d) ) 50 Pair cable of 0.5mm dia, polythene insulated, Metre 500.00 304.00 152000.00
polythene sheathed, jelly filled underground telephone cable with
poly aluminium moisture barrier, annealed copper conductor,
polythene jacketed double steel tape armoured as per specification
IRS: TC 41/97 Amd. 3 or latest. (Inspection by Consignee)
4 4 (SOR NO 1003 (g) ) UTP CAT 6 Cable (Roll is 305 Mtr) of Metre 610.00 37.00 22570.00
D.LINK/AMP/KRONE or similar make (Inspection by Consignee)
Total 280070.00
Item- 48 (SOR NO 1006)Supply of VF Transformer and accessories
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 1006 (a) )Supply of VF Transformer with impedance ratio Numbers 30.00 909.00 27270.00
470 : 600 ohms or 1120 : 600 (Type 4) or 1120 : 470 (Type 3) as
per specification IRS : TC 22-76 or latest.(Cylindrical) (Inspection by
2 2 (SOR NO 1006 (b) Supply of VF Transformer 2T assembly of type 2 Numbers 20.00 999.00 19980.00
with impedance ratio 470: 1120 ohms as per specification IRS: TC
76 -2000 with Amd. 1 or latest.(Cylindrical) (Inspection by
Total 47250.00
Item- 49 (SOR NO 1007) Supply of Emergency Socket Box and emergency socket pin
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 1007 (a) ) Supply of emergency socket box of FRP Set 10.00 5195.00 51950.00
material as per specification RDSO/SPN/TC/44/2002 Ver. 3.0 with
Amd. 1, 2,3, Corrigendum 1 or latest, DRG. TCDO/RE/001/2002 Ver.
0.1 or latest, TCDO/RE/001/2002/1 with socket six pin flat
(Inspection by RITES/RDSO )
2 2 (SOR NO 1007 (b) ) Supply of emergency socket six pin flat with 6 Set 10.00 389.00 3890.00
pin suitable plug as per specification IRS: TC 42-87 with Amd. 1, 2,
3 or latest. (Inspection by Consignee)
Total 55840.00
Item- 51 (SOR NO 1009) Supply of OFC Related items
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 1009 (a) )Supply of Permanently lubricated HDPE Duct Kilometre 25.00 66223.00 1655575.00
with outer diameter of 40mm and inner diameter of 33mm as per
specification RDSO/SPN/TC/45/2013 Revision 2.0. The length of the
duct shall be 1km. Two end plugs shall be provided along with the
drum. (Inspection by RDSO)
2 2 (SOR NO 1009 (b) ) Supply of Plastic couplers - Slip fit / push type Numbers 50.00 85.00 4250.00
for permanently lubricated HDPE duct. (Inspection by Consignee)
3 3 (SOR NO 1009 (f) ) Supply of appropriate OFC patch cords (1.5 Numbers 30.00 1770.00 53100.00
meter long) as per direction of Engineer In charge, having insertion
loss less than or equal to 0.1dB as per Telecommunication
Engineering Centre (TEC) standard TEC 87070:2009 with GR
TEC/T/OFC- OFJ/155/2013 or latest. (Inspection by Consignee)

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4 4 (SOR NO 1009 (g) ) "Supply of OFC integrated access with following Numbers 6.00 240421.00 1442526.00
specifications: 1. The device shall be of 1U or 1.5U height and shall
be mountable in 19"" rack 2. The device's optical module shall be
integrated in the unit and shall support dual core OFC. 3. The
device shall have four 100 Mbps Ethernet ports for surveillance /
smoke detectors. 4. The device shall support an optical distance of
up to 40km. 5. The device shall support six 2 Wire / 4 Wire ports
(each port shall be configurable) to support axle counter / UFSBI /
control phone / EC / RTU applications, one TELNET / SNMP port, two
RS232 ports and four potential free contacts. 6. The device shall
support dual DC power supply from 18V DC to 72V DC. 7. The
device shall support auto changeover feature on E&M interfaces
from copper (quad cable) to optic medium (OFC) and vice versa. 8.
The device shall have programmable option as required for each
port." (Inspection by RITES)
5 5 (SOR NO 1009 (h) ) Supply of Core Alignment Fusion Splicing Numbers 1.00 259600.00 259600.00
Machine of model Fujikura 88S+ or Similar TEC Spec TEC/GR/OSM-
01/04/SEP- 12 or latest. (Inspection by Consignee)
6 6 (SOR NO 1009 (i) ) Supply of smart OTDR (35/37 DB) as per Numbers 1.00 175230.00 175230.00
specification TEC/GR/TX/OTD-002/04/AUG-19 of Viavi of 100A series
or Similar. (Inspection by Consignee)
7 7 (SOR NO 1009 (j) ) Supply of Laser Source meter as per Numbers 1.00 88783.00 88783.00
specification no.TEC/GR/TX/OPM-001/04/NOV-13 of model Viavi OLS
35 or similar. (Inspection by Consignee)
8 8 (SOR NO 1009 (k) ) Supply of Power meter as per specification Numbers 1.00 32645.00 32645.00
TEC/GR/TX/OPM- 001/04/NOV-13 of model Viavi OLS 35 or Similar.
(Inspection by Consignee)
Total 3711709.00
Item- 52 (SOR NO 1010) Supply of IP Based CCTV Camera (Inspection by Consignee)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 1010 (a) ) Supply of IP based day and night high resolution Numbers 10.00 27500.00 275000.00
camera spec with IP 66 rated water proof, dust proof for outside
application with RDSO SPEC. RDSO/SPN/TC/65/2013 ver. 6 or latest.
2 2 (SOR NO 1010 (b) ) Supply of 32 Channel NVR as per Numbers 1.00 28500.00 28500.00
RDSO/SPN/TC/65/2013 ver 6 or latest.
3 3 (SOR NO 1010 (c) ) Supply of network 8 port switch with Ethernet Numbers 2.00 2300.00 4600.00
and SFP port rg 45 10m network interface, product, delink model or
similar, dgs-1008d
4 4 (SOR NO 1010 (f) ) Supply of 10TB internal hard disc with power Numbers 1.00 29349.00 29349.00
and SATA data cables suitable for 16 channel super NVR.
5 5 (SOR NO 1010 (g) ) Supply of 2 TB external hard disc of Numbers 1.00 8411.00 8411.00
Seagate/WD or similar make
Total 345860.00
Item- 53 (SOR NO 1011) Supply of Miscellaneous Telecom Items
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 1011 (a) ) Supply of 2-conductor disconnect / test terminal Numbers 1000.00 52.00 52000.00
blocks (WAGO) or similar with pivoting knife disconnect and test
port as per specification RDSO/SPN/189/2004 Ver. 3.0 or latest.
WAGO Model No. 280-870 or similar. (Inspection by RDSO/RITES)
2 2 (SOR NO 1011 (b) ) Supply of 3 in 1 modular crimping tool for RJ45, Numbers 1.00 574.00 574.00
RJ11, CAT-5/ CAT-6 Ethernet cable cutter crimping tool IMP make of
Standard, D-Link, i-Ball, Belkin, Tech NXT, Fluke or Terabyte make.
(Inspection by Consignee)
3 3 (SOR NO 1011 (c) ) Supply of single line RJ11 Rosette box. Numbers 10.00 32.00 320.00
(Inspection by Consignee)
4 4 (SOR NO 1011 (e) ) Supply of Ethernet to E1 Converter (Ethernet Numbers 2.00 47074.00 94148.00
port to G.703) with four Ethernet ports to one E1. The converter
shall have the provision of dual AC / DC power supply. (Inspection
by Consignee)
Total 147042.00
(SOR NO 1404) Supply of Spare Cards for High Availability Single Section Digital Axle Counter (HASSDAC) as per
Item- 58 specification RDSO/SPN/177/2012 Ver. 3.0 or latest. The spare cards shall be supplied as per the make of SSDAC and to the
version as specified by the engineer in-charge.(Inspection by RDSO)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 1404 (a) ) Signal Conditioner Card or Phase Detection Card Numbers 1.00 41220.00 41220.00
for HASSDAC (Inspection by Consignee)
2 2 (SOR NO 1404 (b) ) Signal Conditioner Card or Phase Detection Card Numbers 1.00 41141.00 41141.00
3 3 (SOR NO 1404 (c) ) Modem Card or Communication Card for Numbers 1.00 41141.00 41141.00
4 4 (SOR NO 1404 (d) ) Dual micro controller logic card or CPU Card for Numbers 1.00 110256.00 110256.00
5 5 (SOR NO 1404 (e) ) Relay Driver card for HASSDAC Numbers 1.00 41141.00 41141.00
6 6 (SOR NO 1404 (f) ) DC-DC converter card for HASSDAC Numbers 1.00 24684.00 24684.00
7 7 (SOR NO 1404 (g) ) Axle detectors (each set consists of 2 numbers Numbers 1.00 55951.00 55951.00
Tx and 2 numbers Rx coils)

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8 8 (SOR NO 1404 (h) ) Reset box for HASSDAC Numbers 1.00 59243.00 59243.00
Total 414777.00
Item- 67 (SOR NO 1705)Supply of Lugs and Eyelets: (Inspection by Consignee)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 1705 (b) ) Copper lugs 10sq.mm of reputed make. Numbers 500.00 12.00 6000.00
2 2 (SOR NO 1705 (c) ) Copper eyelets to suit 16/0.2 wire Dowell's or Numbers 5000.00 3.00 15000.00
similar make.
3 3 (SOR NO 1705 (d) ) Copper eyelets to suit 10.sqmm wire Dowell's or Numbers 200.00 6.00 1200.00
similar make.
Total 22200.00
Item- 73 (SOR NO 1716) Supply of following items for Station: (Inspection by Consignee)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 1716 (a) ) Supply of Feather lite table of Model No. V-MT Numbers 3.00 29573.00 88719.00
1890 & V- 2D+1F or similar
2 2 (SOR NO 1716 (b) ) Supply of Godrej CH7 model or similar Numbers 2.00 4018.00 8036.00
3 3 (SOR NO 1716 (c) ) Supply of Godrej PCH5d13R model or similar Numbers 6.00 5516.00 33096.00
4 4 (SOR NO 1716 (d) ) Supply of Godrej PCH 5002T model or similar Numbers 3.00 10671.00 32013.00
5 5 (SOR NO 1716 (e) ) Supply of Godrej shelf storage of 916 x 486 x Numbers 3.00 26479.00 79437.00
1981 mm or similar
6 6 (SOR NO 1716 (f) ) Supply of steel stools 18" height neatly finished Numbers 10.00 489.00 4890.00
and painted.
7 7 (SOR NO 1716 (g) ) Supply of Fibre table of 4 Feet x 2 Feet one Set 2.00 2099.00 4198.00
number and fibre chairs two numbers. They should be of standard
make and quality like Neelkamal or Similar.
8 8 (SOR NO 1716 (i) ) Supply of HDPE jerry can of 20 litres capacity. Numbers 10.00 154.00 1540.00
The jerry can shall be supplied at site as per the requirement of site
in- charge.
9 9 (SOR NO 1716 (j) ) Supply of Godrej Navtal Locks with diameter of Numbers 10.00 563.00 5630.00
50mm with 3 keys.
10 10 (SOR NO 1716 (k) ) Supply of key chains with ring and plastic name Numbers 40.00 34.00 1360.00
plate of dimensions 60mm x 20mm x 3mm. The plastic name plate
shall be engraved with station name on one side and key
particulars on the other as specified by the site in-charge.
11 11 (SOR NO 1716 (m) ) Supply of Aluminium Step ladder of 5 feet Numbers 2.00 9122.00 18244.00
height of Bathla make or similar.
12 12 (SOR NO 1716 (n) ) Supply of Electrostatic Rubber Matting of Per Unit 50.00 2390.00 119500.00
thickness 2mm as per IS-15652/2006 with suitable adhesive
material. (Per Unit = sqm)
13 13 (SOR NO 1716 (o) ) Supply of Alkosign felt notice board of size 4' x Numbers 1.00 9281.00 9281.00
3' with glossy fibre doors having locking arrangements.
14 14 (SOR NO 1716 (q) ) Supply of Printer for maintenance terminal at Numbers 2.00 16135.00 32270.00
station - HP LaserJet 1020 Plus or similar.
15 15 (SOR NO 1716 (r) ) Supply of Double key lock for relay room. Numbers 4.00 1233.00 4932.00
Total 443146.00
(SOR NO 1717) Supply of transparent plastic cover of superior quality of Various Size. The sheet shall have provision for
Item- 74
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 1717 (a)) A2 size circuit diagram sheets. (Inspection by Numbers 100.00 59.00 5900.00
2 2 (SOR NO 1717 (b)) A3 size circuit diagram sheets. (Inspection by Numbers 100.00 30.00 3000.00
Total 8900.00
Item- 76 (SOR NO 1719)Supply of Various Tools for S&T installation
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

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1 1 (SOR NO 1719 (a) ) Supply of Tool Kit as under - 1. Standard Tool Set 2.00 46332.00 92664.00
Bag (CANAVAS) - 1 No. 2. Soldering Iron (Make Soldern / Philips) -
60W / 230V -1 No. 3. Digital Multimeter - True RMS Meter (Philips /
Fluke / Rishabh Rish 18S) Upto 20M, 10A, 5kHz, 2mV to 750V AC,
200V DC - 1 No. 4. Screw Driver set of 6 pieces (Taparia Make) - 1
No. 5. Cutting plier 6" (Taparia Make) - 1 No. 6. Side Cutter (Wire
cutter) 6" (Taparia Make) - 1 No. 7. Nose plier 6" (Taparia Make) - 1
No. 8. Wire stripper (Taparia Make) - 1 No. 9. Fiber tape 3m length -
1 No. 10. Scale 6" (for measuring tongue rail opening) - 1 No.
(Transparent Plastic Material) 11. Pop spanner wrench 6mm to
22mm (Auto adjustable spanner) of Taparia make - 1 No. 12. Pop
spanner wrench 10 mm to 30 mm (Auto adjustable spanner) of
Taparia make - 1 No. 13. Pop spanner wrench 15mm to 41mm
(Auto adjustable spanner) of Taparia make - 1 No. 14. Hacksaw
frame with blade 6", 4" width (for cutting cable) - 1 No. 15. Hammer
3.0 lb - 1 No. 16. Chisel 6" (for cutting bond wire) - 1 No. 17. Poker
8" (for removing bond wire, bond pin) - 1 No. 18. Heavy duty Screw
Driver 12" with plastic handle (Taparia Make) - 1 No. 19. Test piece
(Point wedge piece) - 1 No. 20. Multi colour rechargeable LED torch
light - 1 No. 21.Universal key - 1 No. 22. Box spanner for 6 way
terminals (13mm) - 1 No. 23. Nylon brush (for cleaning purpose) - 1
No. 24. Sealing plier - 1 No. 25. Crimping Tool (1.5 to 16sq.mm) - 1
No. 26. Feeler gauge - 1 Set 27. TSR Meter (for testing condition of
track circuit) - 1No. 28. Wooden Block (60mm x 60mm) - 1 No. 29.
Track shorting clips - 1 No. 30. Tester - 1 No. 31. Flat file 12" length
x 1" width - 1 No. 32. Clip on meter - 1 No. 33. Digital Earth meter -
1 No.@10"46@ Meggar - 1 No. (Inspection by Consignee)
2 2 (SOR NO 1719 (b) ) Supply of true RMS 5 digit 60000 counts digital Numbers 2.00 15157.00 30314.00
multi meter with the following specification. 1. Frequency range -
6Hz to 1MHz mV AC. 2. Bandwidth - 10kHz. 3. AC voltage range -
1mV - 1000V, ± 0.5%. 4. DC voltage range - 1µV - 1000V, ±0.05%.
5. AC current range - 1µA - 10A, ± 0.5%. 6. DC current range - 1nA -
10A, ± 0.2%. 7. Capacitance range - 1pF - 10000µF. 8. Data logging
- 32000 Readings. 9. Dual display - Available. 10. Other features -
Shall have temperature measurement, diode, continuity, duty cycle
measurement, self battery voltage measurement, low pass filter,
Min, Max and Average value recording, back light, bar graph,
protective rubber holster. (Inspection by Consignee)
3 3 (SOR NO 1719 (c) ) Supply of Clip On Meter of Model Fluke 317 or Numbers 2.00 20086.00 40172.00
similar with the following specification. 1. True RMS responding. 2.
Voltage - DC 600V, AC 600V, DC accuracy - ±1% + 4 digit. 3. AC
accuracy - ±1.5% + 5 digit 4. Current - DC 600A, AC 600A, AC
accuracy: - ±1.5% + 5 counts, AC / DC current measurement. 5.
Unique 40A low frequency measurements capability with 0.01A
resolution. 6. Special filter circuit to enable accurate measurement
of PWM output. 7. Additional measurement of resistance 8.
Continuity check feature 9. Data hold features with large, easy to
read backlight display. 10. Calibration certificate 11. 1 year
warranty (Inspection by Consignee)
4 4 (SOR NO 1719 (d) ) Supply of Surveyor's Wheel (rodometer). Numbers 2.00 4245.00 8490.00
(Inspection by Consignee)
5 5 (SOR NO 1719 (e) ) Supply of pH / TDS meter of reputed make like Numbers 2.00 999.00 1998.00
Wasser Professional or similar. TDS meter shall have professional
grade titanium electrode with auto temperature correction for
higher accuracy. (Inspection by Consignee)
6 6 (SOR NO 1719 (f) ) Supply of Distilled water plant/Demineralised Numbers 1.00 27468.00 27468.00
plant of 10 Litre/Hr , make Laptech/shivam or similar. (Inspection
by Consignee)
7 7 (SOR NO 1719 (g) ) Supply of Analog Insulation Tester of model No. Numbers 4.00 4961.00 19844.00
Meco MC 941 or similar- 500V/1000 M Ohms (Inspection by
8 8 (SOR NO 1719 (h) ) Supply of Analog Earth Tester of WACO make or Numbers 1.00 5884.00 5884.00
similar along with test kit and leather case or similar (Inspection by
Total 226834.00
Item- 80 (SOR NO 1801) Supply of Spares and accessories for UFSBI
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 1801 (a) ) Input card compatible with existing UFSBI Numbers 1.00 13424.00 13424.00
system (Inspection by RDSO)
2 2 (SOR NO 1801 (b) ) Output card compatible with existing UFSBI Numbers 1.00 34198.00 34198.00
system (Inspection by RDSO)
3 3 (SOR NO 1801 (c) ) CPU card compatible with existing UFSBI system Numbers 1.00 29439.00 29439.00
(Inspection by RDSO)
4 4 (SOR NO 1801 (d) ) Control & Communication card compatible with Numbers 1.00 25233.00 25233.00
existing UFSBI system (Inspection by RDSO)
5 5 (SOR NO 1801 (e) ) MODEM compatible with existing UFSBI system Numbers 1.00 28878.00 28878.00
(Inspection by RDSO)
6 6 (SOR NO 1801 (f) ) DC-DC Converter (Hot standby Type) (Inspection Numbers 1.00 48000.00 48000.00
by RDSO)
7 7 (SOR NO 1801 (g) ) SAM unit (Inspection by RDSO) Numbers 1.00 6435.00 6435.00
8 8 (SOR NO 1801 (i) ) Reset box Inspection by RDSO) Numbers 1.00 15929.00 15929.00

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9 9 (SOR NO 1801 (i) )Flat cable set ( Inspection by RDSO) Numbers 1.00 2596.00 2596.00
10 10 (SOR NO 1801 (k) ) Supply of MODEM compatible with existing Pair 2.00 78970.00 157940.00
UFSBI system to work on backup media (either VF-channel on OFC
P/Mux or 2 MBPS E1 channel from STM or direct dark single mode 1-
Core, optic fiber cable up to 30 Km distance). The required type
must be mentioned while ordering. (Inspection by RDSO)
11 11 (SOR NO 1801 (l) ) Supply of Industrial grade E1 Modem (with 1+1 Numbers 1.00 204130.00 204130.00
hot standby E1 uplink) for UFSBI with 6 no. of RS232 & 8 nos. E&M
VF channel (individually configurable to 2/4 wire by simple
hardware switch) suitable for connecting UFSBI Block along with UP
& DN Line HASSDAC and 100% spare channels. Working on dual DC
24/48 Volts supply in hot-standby mode. (Inspection by RDSO)
12 12 SOR NO 1801 (m) ) UFSBI Block Telephone (Complete with PTT Numbers 1.00 6308.00 6308.00
Handset) (Inspection by Consignee)
13 13 (SOR NO 1801 (n) ) Automatic media changeover of Modems Pair 5.00 35326.00 176630.00
working on redundant channels for data transmission on OFC/Quad
compatible with existing UFSBI Inspection by Consignee)
Total 749140.00
Schedule Schedule N-SOR Labour Portion (SIGNAL)
(SOR NO 2502) "Excavation of trench, including marking of cable alignment, clearing of jungle, roots of trees, bushes, trial
pits if required, refilling with excavated soil, ramming and consolidation after laying of cables complete to the finished item
Item- 2
of work in all type of Soil including soft rocky area as per RDSO Sketch No. SDO!CABLE LAYING!003, as directed by engineer
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 2502 (a)) Depth of 1200mm and width of 300mm (Per Unit Per Unit 20.00 98750.00 1975000.00
= RKM)
2 2 (SOR NO 2502 (d)) Depth of 600mm and width of 600mm (Per Unit Per Unit 3.00 98750.00 296250.00
= RKM)
Total 2271250.00
Item- 8 (SOR NO 2509) Cable laying and meggering.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 2509 (a)) Laying different type of cables in the trench. Per Unit 150000.00 7.00 1050000.00
Termination covered elsewhere. (Per Unit = RMT)
2 2 (SOR NO 2509 (b)) Meggering of cable laid, before and after laying Per Unit 500.00 319.00 159500.00
(before closing of trench). (Per Unit = Per Cable )
3 3 (SOR NO 2509 (c)) Meggering of cable already terminated. (Per Unit Per Unit 500.00 85.00 42500.00
= Per Cable)
Total 1252000.00
(SOR NO 2516) "Cable laying at culverts/bridges -Low flood level- to take the cables underground across the drain bed at a
depth of 1.2 meter for crossing small culverts with low flood level. After making the trench, the cable trench shall be further
dug at an interval of 4 meter to a depth of 0.5 meter and at such intervals concrete supports of 300mm X 500mm to a
Item- 12 height of 0.7 meter shall be constructed using 1:3:6 concrete. The pipe shall pass through this concrete at proper height so
that the pipe with cables inside it rests in the cable trench at 1 .2 Mtr depth. The concrete supports so cast shall be cured for
a period of 5 days before filling the trench. During the curing period of 5 days, the culvert portion of cable laying shall be
protected by keeping a watchman day and night."
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 2516 (a)) Trenching across the drain bed to a depth of 1.2 Per Unit 100.00 110.00 11000.00
meter with 30 cm width in all types of soil, laying of DWC/GI/RCC
pipes supplied by Railways, refilling with excavated soil, ramming
and consolidation after 5 days. (Per Unit = RMT)
2 2 (SOR NO 2516 (b)) Digging of pit of size of Per Unit 30.00 2331.00 69930.00
300mmX500mmX500mm in already dug cable trench of 1.2 meter
depth and casting of RCC support of 300mm X 500mm X 700mm
size over the DWC/HDPE/GI pipe supplied by Railways, carrying the
cables using shutters with 1 cement: 3 sand: 6 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size including shuttering, centring and
cost of cement, curing etc. Except the HDPE/GI/DWC pipe and
bends, all other material is to be arranged by the contractor. (Per
Unit = Per Support)
Total 80930.00
(SOR NO 2517) Cable laying at culverts/bridges -High flood level : Excavation of cable trench of 300mm width and 800 mm
depth in the ramp from the foot of the culvert on to the top of the culvert by storing the ballast and the excavated soil
separately and laying of HDPE/DWC/GI pipe( to be supplied by Railways). The pipe is to be laid , the cables required are to
Item- 13 be drawn using bends( to be supplied by Railways) as per the drawing No.SK.15/11. After drawing the cables the bends are
to be concreted to a size of 300mmX1000mmX1000mm using required shuttering with 1 cement: 3 sand: 6 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size and curing for required days. Except the HDPE/GI/DWC pipe and bends, all other material is
to be arranged by the contractor.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 2517 (b)) Concreting of portion of the pipe at the bend Per 10.00 1765.00 17650.00
near the culvert as per the drawing SK.15/11. location
Total 17650.00
Item- 16 (SOR NO 2523) Provision and laying cement concrete (including transportation of all the material).
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

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1 1 (SOR NO 2523 (a)) Providing and laying in position cement concrete cum 10.00 5007.00 50070.00
of specified grade including the cost of centring and shuttering :-
1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand (zone-III) : 6 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
2 2 (SOR NO 2523 (b)) Centring and shuttering Sqm 50.00 587.00 29350.00
Total 79420.00
Item- 17 (SOR NO 2525) Jungle Cutting
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 2525 (a)) Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank Sqm 16000.00 10.00 160000.00
vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees and saplings of girth up to 30
cm measured at a height of 1 m above ground level and removal of
cleared jungle to a distance of 50 m outside the periphery of the
area cleared (Measurement is to be done as per area cleaned).
Total 160000.00
Item- 19 (SOR NO 2601) Location box foundation and erection
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 2601 (a)) Excavation of pit, casting concrete foundation Numbers 100.00 15324.00 1532400.00
and erection of apparatus case Full size as per SCR Drg. No. 5781
and fixing of 1 No.of 'E' type lock for the front door, latching
arrangement for backdoor, fixing of Hylam sheet (Hylam sheet
supply is covered elsewhere and Wooden Reapers also can be used
in place of Hylam sheet for which supply & fixing covered
elsewhere) and painting the apparatus case inside and outside with
one coat of red oxide, two coats of aluminium paints outside and
white paint inside including painting of termination, equipment and
number particular on location box (foundation bolts and nuts, 'E'
type lock, cement, river sand, stone jelly of size 20/20mm, paints,
varnish, fixing bolts and nuts and all other miscellaneous material
required for the work shall be supplied by the contractor).
2 2 (SOR NO 2601 (b)) Excavation of pit, casting concrete foundation Numbers 10.00 10809.00 108090.00
and erection of apparatus case half size as per Drg.
No.SK/CN/1/89/B/1, fixing one 'E' type lock for the front door and
latching arrangements for the back door and painting the apparatus
case inside and outside with one coat of red oxide and two coats of
aluminium paints outside and white paint inside (foundation bolts
and nuts, painting of particular, E type locks, cement, river sand,
stone jelly of size 20/20mm and nuts and all other miscellaneous
material required for the work shall be supplied by the contractor)
3 3 (SOR NO 2601 (d)) Basement plastering of Full/Half location box. All Numbers 110.00 368.00 40480.00
the required men and materials are to be arranged by the
Total 1680970.00
Item- 22 (SOR NO 2605) Supply and fixing of following Teak wood reapers/ Blocks after applying two coats of wood primer.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 2605 (f)) Hard wood Planks for Keeping Equipment in the Per Unit 60.00 510.00 30600.00
Full Box: 940mm x 20mm x 300mmapproximately after applying
two coats of black enamel paint. (Per Unit = Per Plank)
2 2 (SOR NO 2605 (g)) Hard wood planks suitable for Half Box 40mm Per Unit 10.00 452.00 4520.00
thick x 450mm x 470mm approximately after applying two coats of
black enamel paint. (Per Unit = Per Plank)
3 3 (SOR NO 2605 (h)) Supply and fixing of Teak Wood planks of sizes cum 0.50 65659.00 32829.50
as instructed by the site in-charge with smooth finishing surface to
be provided where ever required such as in location boxes relay
room, equipment room and battery room, Fine wood polish of
approved quality to be applied for two times after thorough
application of emery paper. Fixing bolts and wood polish supplied
by the contractor.
4 4 (SOR NO 2605 (f)) Supply & fixing Hard Wood planks of 40mm thick cum 0.50 28005.00 14002.50
and not less than 200 mm width with smooth surface, and painting
with black enamel paint painting (Hardwood, paints, fixing bolts is
to be arranged by contractor).
Total 81952.00
Item- 25 (SOR NO 2608) Supply, painting and fixing of gland plate for Location box as per site requirement.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 2608 (a)) Full Location Box Numbers 130.00 776.00 100880.00
2 2 (SOR NO 2608 (b)) Half Location Box Numbers 10.00 388.00 3880.00
Total 104760.00
Item- 26 (SOR NO 2609) Tie Bar Fencing
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

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1 1 (SOR NO 2609 (a)) Fixing of Tie Bar Fencing panels supplied by Per Unit 400.00 1035.00 414000.00
Railways duly transporting to the site (Goomties/Mid section
Locations) from Centralised location. Cutting, drilling, jointing with
nut and bolts wherever required as per site requirement for
protecting goomties /location boxes. After fixing of the tie bar,
panels to be painted with two coats of aluminium paint and
levelling the earth wherever required. All required materials other
than tie bar fencing panels should be arranged by the
contractor/agency.( Per Unit = Per Meter)
2 2 (SOR NO 2609 (b)) Excavation of pit to size of 450mmx 450 mm x Numbers 150.00 1645.00 246750.00
450mm and concreting the same with 1:3:6 aggregate 20mm for
erecting the tie bar fencing panels, curing and white washing the
Total 660750.00
(SOR NO 2610) Excavation of pit in and around the existing location boxes very carefully without damaging the working
cables and shifting and turning the location boxes to clear of the infringement as instructed by the Railway representative at
site. The work includes, ensuring the safety of the signalling system, releasing the cable coils to give access for
Item- 27 shifting/turning the location boxes. Necessary masonry work and earth work in and around the location boxes to the
required level shall be done as instructed by the Railway representative at site. If the existing earth connections to the
location boxes are disturbed, the earth wires shall be properly reconnected. [All materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 2610 (a)) Shifting of apparatus case (Full) Numbers 50.00 4053.00 202650.00
2 2 (SOR NO 2610 (b)) Shifting of apparatus case (Half) Numbers 10.00 2683.00 26830.00
Total 229480.00
(SOR NO 2612) Alterations to painted termination/ wiring particulars of functions in the existing apparatus cases, cable
termination boxes, etc., on the PVC/ nylon sleeves and painting of new nomenclature on the existing signalling gadgets. This
Item- 28 work includes carrying out alterations of particulars on the inner side of the doors of apparatus cases, re-numbering of
apparatus cases and cable termination boxes (Paints and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the Contractor).
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 2612 (a)) Alteration to painting particulars (apparatus Numbers 10.00 1239.00 12390.00
case - Full size)
Total 12390.00
(SOR NO 2804) Fixing of junction type route indicator - 1 way to 6 way - complete / fixing of additional limb to the existing
route indicators, termination of tail cables, wiring as per approved circuits diagram, provision of required number of EWS
Item- 41 locks, wire mesh and painting. (Supply of junction type Route Indicators - complete and additional limb is not covered in this
schedule). [Fixing bolts and nuts, EWS locks, wire mesh, PVC/Nylon sleeves, paints and all other miscellaneous materials
shall be supplied by the contractor].
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 2804 (a)) 1 way route indicator Numbers 2.00 2156.00 4312.00
2 2 (SOR NO 2804 (b)) 2 way route indicator Numbers 2.00 2554.00 5108.00
Total 9420.00
Item- 55 (SOR NO 3205) Crank Handle Box/ KLCR Box for Crank Handle
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 3205 (b) ) Supply, installation and wiring of KLCR relay Numbers 6.00 10740.00 64440.00
24V DC AC immunized with 4F/4B contacts. This also includes
termination of cable and required wiring in KLCR box.
2 2 (SOR NO 3205 (C) ) Fabrication and Supply of Box suitable for 8 Numbers 2.00 17700.00 35400.00
No's KLCRs
Total 99840.00
Item- 60 (SOR NO 3212) Fixing of the following on Pre-erected Relay Racks
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 3212 (a) ) Fixing of approximately 200 no's of 6 way/ 1 Set 10.00 735.00 7350.00
way terminal block horizontally on 6mm Hylam sheets which in turn
to be fixed to rack with all supports as per instructions of SSE in
charge. Materials such as bolts, nuts and supporting flats to be
supplied by the contractor only.
2 2 (SOR NO 3212 (B) ) Cutting and fixing of Hylam sheet of 6 Lumpsum 10.00 155.00 1550.00
mm/3mm thickness to suit to 1 way relay rack and fixing the
following with contractors screws, bolts and nuts and fixing strips,
condensers and resistances of various values - 50 No.
3 3 (SOR NO 3212 (C) ) Fixing of non-deteriorating fuse holders with Numbers 50.00 8.00 400.00
LED indications and resistors and negative terminal strips on 6mm
Hylam sheet with contractors screws, bolts and nuts.
4 4 (SOR NO 3212 (d) ) Preparation of Contact Analysis for 'Q' style Per Unit 200.00 19.00 3800.00
relays as per detailed technical specification. (Per Unit = Per Relay)

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5 5 (SOR NO 3212 (e) ) Fixing relay bases on the relay frames erected Numbers 100.00 701.00 70100.00
in Relay Room, Wiring of all types of relays by drawing various
sizes of wires/multi core cable, fixing fuses, condensers,
resistances, LEDs etc and wiring duly soldering the same as per
approved circuit diagram, testing point to point before soldering
and after soldering, bunching and lacing as per detailed technical
specification. Numbered ferrules shall be provided for each wire.
Different colour codes and sizes of wire to be used as per standard
practice. This also includes, provision of all PVC sleeves required to
be provided. Copper lugs to suit to 16/02 wire and neat bunching,
lacing with Modi Nylon / Twine thread and using PVC dotted tape
with buttons. This also includes soldering all the wires in the relay
room with Rosin core of IS Spec. 1921 @40<37@ Tin and 40%
Led). Soldering should be done as per standard practice. This also
includes inserting the clips, point to point testing as per the circuit
diagram and plugging relays to Relay bases (except Inter-cables,
relays other materials such as Rosin core, flux, nylon thread. PVC
dotted tape should be supplied by the contractor). Point to point
testing should be done in the presence of Engineer-in-charge as
instructed in two stages, one before soldering and the other after
Total 83200.00
Item- 65 (SOR NO 3221) Fabrication of Keys and Plate configuration for points
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 3221 (a)) Fabrication, fixing of required configuration of Numbers 20.00 319.00 6380.00
key for point machine for grouping of crank handle.
2 2 (SOR NO 3221 (b)) Fabrication, fixing of required configuration of Numbers 20.00 563.00 11260.00
grouping plate in point machine for grouping of crank handle.
Total 17640.00
(SOR NO 3501) Arranging of sufficient staff by contractor and giving test to the railway in charge in the following stages as
Item- 77
per instructions.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 3501 (a) ) Stage -1: Testing of wires drawn point to point Per Unit 80.00 677.00 54160.00
using buzzer. (Before and after soldering.) (Per Unit = Per Sheet )
2 2 (SOR NO 3501 (b) ) Stage -II: Making a simulation test board Per Unit 2.00 3896.00 7792.00
plywood 3mm approximately size 1.5 x 1meter. Painted according
to the yard layout fixing 1 way /2-way switches in its approximate
position for track circuit, point setting lamp holders and lamps.
Carrying out testing using simulation board after energising of
internal circuit. (Per Unit = Per Road)
Total 61952.00
Item- 95 (SOR NO 3917) Circuit Diagrams
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 3917 (b) ) Preparation of A-3 size drawings as at site. Per Unit 500.00 140.00 70000.00
Providing one print on tracing paper on in standard format.
Drawings are to be prepared on polyester tracing film of double
side 50 microns thickness. (Polyester tracing film and other
consumables are to be arranged by the contractor.) (Per Unit= Per
sheet of A-3 size)
2 2 (SOR NO 3917 (d) ) Arranging rexin cloth bound booklets and Per Unit 10.00 243.00 2430.00
binding (Per Unit = Each Booklet)
Total 72430.00
Item- 97 (SOR NO 3919) Fabrication and Supply of Different Boards
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 3919 (a)) Preparation of Station Working Order Diagram Per Unit 2.00 9391.00 18782.00
(SWOD) on non-transparent acrylic sheet of thickness 4mm with
aluminium beading and hanging support with screen printing,
lettering and yard diagram. (Per Unit = Per Yard/ Per Station)
2 2 (SOR NO 3919 (b)) Preparation of Track Bonding Diagram on non- Per Unit 2.00 9291.00 18582.00
transparent acrylic sheet of thickness 4mm with aluminium beading
and hanging support with screen printing, lettering and bonding
diagram. (Per Unit = Per Yard/ Per Station)
3 3 (SOR NO 3919 (d))Manufacture and supply of laminated board of Per Unit 20.00 2268.00 45360.00
size 45cm x 60cm and 12mm thick with printed instructions as
directed by engineer in-charge. (Per Unit = Per Board)
Total 82724.00
Item- (SOR NO 4501) Releasing of the following equipments without causing damage, stacking neatly at a centralised place near
120 the site of work as shown by the in charge, and handing over the same to the Stores depot as per the inventory made.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 4501 (a)) Releasing of hand plunger lock single/double Set 2.00 1808.00 3616.00
along with switch extension pieces, stretcher bars, point/ trap
indicators and other fixtures carefully without damaging the
materials, accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as
instructed by Railway representative at site.

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2 2 (SOR NO 4501(c)) Releasing of existing apparatus cases (Full/ Half/ Numbers 50.00 2275.00 113750.00
Quarter size) without damage after releasing the shelf planks,
Terminal blocks, Fuse Blocks, Terminal Boards, Relays of all types
EKTs, Secondary Cells, power equipments, 'E' type locks, etc., and
breaking the concrete foundation. After releasing, the resultant pits
are to be closed and consolidated by ramming and levelling. The
released materials shall be accounted and stacked at a place as
instructed by Railway representative at site.
3 3 (SOR NO 4501 (d)) Breaking of concrete and releasing of STOP Numbers 10.00 1196.00 11960.00
board/Warning board/ LEGEND boards along with rails, accounting
and stacking them neatly at a place as instructed by Railway
representative at site. Also the resultant pits shall be re-surfaced
and consolidating by ramming and levelling.
4 4 (SOR NO 4501 (e)) Breaking of concrete and releasing the existing Numbers 30.00 1518.00 45540.00
cable termination boxes, after releasing the base plank, Terminal
blocks, Fuse Blocks, Terminal Boards, cut rails, pipes, etc., closing
the resultant pits and consolidating it by ramming and levelling.
The released materials shall be accounted and stacked neatly at a
place as instructed by Railway representative at site.
5 5 (SOR NO 4501 (f)) Releasing of existing Block Instruments (all Numbers 4.00 1342.00 5368.00
types), Block counters, batteries, block filter, block bell equipment
etc., carefully without any damage, accounting and stacking them
neatly at a place as instructed by Railway representative at site.
6 6 (SOR NO 4501 (g)) Releasing of existing relay racks/ cable Per Unit 5.00 1497.00 7485.00
termination racks along with all the terminals, fuse blocks, relays,
with jacks, holding clips etc., 50 way boards, terminals, connecting
wires, cables etc., carefully without causing any damage,
accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as instructed by
Railway representative at site. After releasing, the floor shall be
levelled and cement plastered. (Per Unit = Per Rack)
7 7 (SOR NO 4501 (h)) Releasing of existing SM's control panel Set 1.00 3979.00 3979.00
including base plank, and other gadgets connected very carefully
without causing any damage to the panel, accounting and stacking
them neatly at a place as instructed by Railway representative at
site. The resultant pit in the flooring shall be removed of all cable
bits, levelled and cement plastered.
8 8 (SOR NO 4501 (j)) Releasing of existing Axle Counter field Set 3.00 955.00 2865.00
equipment (transmitters & receiver coils) on the rails at the
entry/exit track circuits without causing any damage. Excavating
the under the track for removing track devices, connecting cables
and duly covering the cable duct. Disconnecting and removing of
Amplifier (electronic junction box and other associated equipment
from the location box and transporting to a central location for
9 9 (SOR NO 4501 (k)) Dismantling and releasing of existing Colour Set 20.00 2333.00 46660.00
light Signals complete (up to 4 aspects) with or without Route
Indicators, calling on signals, shunt signals etc., carefully without
any damage to the gadgets, accounting and stacking them neatly
at a place as instructed by Railway representative at site. The work
includes breaking the concrete foundation, closing the resultant pit
and resurfacing it by ramming and levelling.
10 10 (SOR NO 4501 (i)) Releasing of existing Route Indicators of different Numbers 4.00 1167.00 4668.00
types including tail cables, carefully without causing any damage,
accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as instructed by
Railway representative at site.
11 11 (SOR NO 4501 (m)) Releasing of existing ground type shunt signals Numbers 4.00 1662.00 6648.00
along with surface base, signal post etc carefully without any
damage, accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as
instructed by Railway representative at site. The work also includes
breaking and removal of concrete foundation and refilling of the
resultant pit by ramming and levelling.
12 12 (SOR NO 4501 (n)) Dismantling and releasing of existing Point Numbers 6.00 2042.00 12252.00
machines (all types) including ground connections and other
accessories available complete without any damage to the gadgets,
accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as instructed by
Railway representative at site.
13 13 (SOR NO 4501 (o)) Releasing of existing TLD boxes with stumps Numbers 30.00 121.00 3630.00
terminals after releasing all the bond wires. The released materials
shall be accounted and stacked neatly at a place as instructed by
Railway representative at site.
14 14 (SOR NO 4501 (q)) Releasing of Secondary cells and battery stands Set 1.00 4083.00 4083.00
available in the battery room along with connecting strips, wires
and terminal boxes carefully without causing any damage to the
batteries, accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as
instructed by Railway representative at site. After releasing any
holes in the walls/ flooring shall be filled with cement mortar and

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15 15 (SOR NO 4501 (r)) Releasing of all Power equipments (IPS, charger Set 1.00 9565.00 9565.00
etc.) including equipment stands, terminal boards, power panel
etc., in the IPS room carefully without causing any damage to the
equipments after disconnecting all the supply wires. The released
equipments shall be accounted and stacked at a place as instructed
by Railway representative at site. After releasing any holes in the
walls/ flooring shall be filled with cement mortar and plastered.
16 16 (SOR NO 4501 (s)) Releasing of existing control equipments - Set 1.00 4550.00 4550.00
complete including way station equipments, telephones, power
supply for way station equipment and telephones, along with all
wiring, accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as
instructed by Railway representative at site.
Total 286619.00
(SOR NO 4611) Provision of Emergency Socket
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 4611 (a) ) Fabrication, installation and fixing of emergency Numbers 10.00 2046.00 20460.00
socket post, box and emergency socket as per the drawing No.
OHE/1.6A/94. These emergency socket posts to be fixed along with
the cable route at an interval of not more than 1 Km. Rail post will
be provided by Railway
2 2 (SOR NO 4611 (b) ) Strengthening the foundation of EC Post Numbers 20.00 222.00 4440.00
3 3 (SOR NO 4611 (c) ) Painting and numbering of EC post with two Numbers 20.00 325.00 6500.00
coats of two colours of one feet each band with enamel paint of
approved quality make like Asian, Nicholson and Berger and as
directed by engineer in charge at site.
Total 31400.00
(SOR NO 4638) Maintenance of 6 quad cables till handing over or at least for six months. This includes regular testing of
Quad parameter from Station to Station, EC socket testing and recording in format specified by Railways. This item will
commence only after joint testing of 6 quad cables with required parameters in a block section.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 (SOR NO 4638 (a) ) Replacement of EC socket wherever found Numbers 5.00 249.00 1245.00
missing broken or defective i n the above section a s p e r technical
specification. EC socket will be provided by Railway
2 2 (SOR NO 4638 (b) ) Replacement of EC box with top plate for Numbers 5.00 870.00 4350.00
mounting rectangular 6 pin EC socket in the above section as per
technical specification. EC box will be provided by Railway.
3 3 (SOR NO 4638 (c) ) Localisation and restoration of fault at /beneath Per Unit 5.00 7703.00 38515.00
EC socket as per technical specification. This include testing of EC
socket, finding fault with fault locator, Taking out underground
derivative joint, Restoration of derivative joint and safeguarding
derivative joint in ground. (Per Unit = Per Location)
4 4 (SOR NO 4638 (d) ) Localisation and restoration of fault on main Per Unit 10.00 10041.00 100410.00
cable as per technical specification. This involves localisation of
fault with fault locator, digging out coil pit, jointing cable (Jointing
Kit will be provided by Railways) and closing of coil pit. (Per Unit =
Per Location)
5 5 (SOR NO 4638 (e) ) Periodical testing of underground 6 quad cables Per Unit 2.00 916.00 1832.00
in all the block sections once in every month as per technical
specification and instructions of engineer in charge. (Per Unit = Per
Block Section)
Total 146352.00
Schedule Schedule A1-Electrical OHE -SOR; Part-I; Foundation Items
Item- 1 2(a) (i)- Concrete for foundations and plinth in hard soil. In M10 grade
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material cum 10.00 2486.00 24860.00
2 2 Erection/Labour cum 10.00 821.00 8210.00
Total 33070.00
Item- 2 2(a) (ii)-Concrete for foundations and plinth in rocky soil M10 grade.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material cum 10.00 2560.00 25600.00
2 2 Erection/Labour cum 10.00 1074.00 10740.00
Total 36340.00
Item- 3 2(b) Concrete for foundations and plinth in other than hard soil and rock
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material cum 1000.00 2433.00 2433000.00
2 2 Erection/Labour cum 1000.00 621.00 621000.00
Total 3054000.00
Item- 4 2 (c) Reinforced Concrete M15 grade
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material cum 20.00 3687.00 73740.00

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2 2 Erection/Labour cum 20.00 738.00 14760.00

Total 88500.00
Schedule Schedule A2-Electrical OHE - SOR; Part-II; Non-Foundation Items
Item- 1 1(a)Preparation of Designs and drawings.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Per Track 8.00 7457.00 59656.00
Total 59656.00
Item- 2 1(c) Preparation of Station Working Rules and Instructions
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 2.00 5679.00 11358.00
Total 11358.00
1(d) Supply and installation of SWR boards and Flexi Sheets (Fixed on Decolum Sheets) at nominated places including
Item- 3
supply of power block caps.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 2.00 2300.00 4600.00
Total 4600.00
Item- 4 3(a) Erection of Traction masts and main masts and LT supply Transformer station.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour MT 100.00 1051.00 105100.00
Total 105100.00
Item- 5 3(b) Erection of fabricated steel work such as TTC, Portals etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour MT 75.00 5320.00 399000.00
Total 399000.00
Item- 6 3(c) Erection of fabricated Small Part Steel work etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour MT 50.00 5320.00 266000.00
Total 266000.00
Item- 7 3(e) Supply and erection of Guy rod assembly.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 15.00 4487.00 67305.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 15.00 520.00 7800.00
Total 75105.00
Item- 8 3(g) Supply of steel reinforcement for RCC work.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour MT 2.00 34350.00 68700.00
Total 68700.00
Item- 9 4(a)(i) Supply and Erection of Single bracket assembly without insulator for conventional OHE.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Set 200.00 6362.00 1272400.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Set 200.00 455.00 91000.00
Total 1363400.00
Item- 10 4(a)(ii) Extra on 4(a) (i) for supporting two OHEs.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 10.00 1799.00 17990.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 136.00 1360.00
Total 19350.00
Item- 11 4(b)(i) Supply without Insulator and erection of a pull off arrangement for Conventional type OHE.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 5.00 5175.00 25875.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 294.00 1470.00
Total 27345.00
Item- 12 6(a) Erection of regulated conventional OHE.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Per Track 8.00 20709.00 165672.00
2 2 Per Track 8.00 14962.00 119696.00

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Total 285368.00
Item- 13 7(d) Manual erection of all Aluminum 25 kV Feeder / Return conductor (spider).
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Kilometre 1.00 242.00 242.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Kilometre 1.00 2739.00 2739.00
Total 2981.00
Item- 14 7(e) Erection of copper cross feeder wires (37/2.25 mm HDBC).
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Kilometre 0.50 1904.00 952.00
Total 952.00
Item- 15 8(a) (v) Supply and erection of regulating equipment (3 pulley type) with counter weight assembly for conventional OHE.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 15.00 34656.00 519840.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 15.00 1955.00 29325.00
Total 549165.00
Item- 16 8(a) (xii) Marking of "Y" - Measurement at BWA locations.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 15.00 85.00 1275.00
Total 1275.00
8(b)(ii) Supply without Insulator & erection of materials for termination of Double Overhead equipment conductors
Item- 17
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 10.00 3866.00 38660.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 515.00 5150.00
Total 43810.00
8(b)(iii) Supply without insulator and erection of material for termination of all aluminum 25KV feeder/return conductor
Item- 18
(single spider).
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 10.00 2134.00 21340.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 451.00 4510.00
Total 25850.00
Item- 19 8(b)(ix)Supply (other than Insulators) and erection of materials for termination of copper cross feeder with gantries.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Set 10.00 4245.00 42450.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Set 10.00 490.00 4900.00
Total 47350.00
Item- 20 9(a)Supply with out insulator and erection of anti creep with galvanised steel wire for conventional OHE.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 8.00 12153.00 97224.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 8.00 1449.00 11592.00
Total 108816.00
Item- 21 10(a) Extra on Item 6(a) for supply and erection of additional fittings at a turn-out,diamond crossing or overlap.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 5.00 2174.00 10870.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 596.00 2980.00
Total 13850.00
Item- 22 11(a) (i) Supply and erection of 25 kV solid core cut-in insulator.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 20.00 858.00 17160.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 20.00 311.00 6220.00
Total 23380.00
Item- 23 11(a) (ii) Supply and erection of 25 kV solid core suspension insulator.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 25.00 892.00 22300.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 25.00 186.00 4650.00
Total 26950.00
Item- 24 11(b) Supply without insulator and erection of 25 kV Post Insulators.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 50.00 368.00 18400.00

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2 2 Erection/Labour Each 50.00 124.00 6200.00

Total 24600.00
Item- 25 12(a) Supply without insulator and erection of 25 kV section insulator assembly (Conventional type).
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 5.00 23041.00 115205.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 1548.00 7740.00
Total 122945.00
Item- 26 12(d) Erection of cermic/ Glasss Fibre PTFE type short neutral section assembly.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 1.00 2392.00 2392.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 1.00 1373.00 1373.00
Total 3765.00
Item- 27 13(a)Supply and erection of 25 kV Single Pole Isolator with out earth contact assembly (without Insulators)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 10.00 18297.00 182970.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 1435.00 14350.00
Total 197320.00
Item- 28 13(e) Extra on item 13 (a),(b) or [c] for an inter locking device.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 2.00 1872.00 3744.00
Total 3744.00
Item- 29 15(a) Supply and erection of all type of copper jumpers.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 50.00 1842.00 92100.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 50.00 133.00 6650.00
Total 98750.00
Item- 30 15(e) Supply of materials and erection of large copper jumper wire 160 sq mm between cross feeders and OHE.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 15.00 1661.00 24915.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 15.00 133.00 1995.00
Total 26910.00
Item- 31 16(a) Supply and erection of structure bonds.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 250.00 315.00 78750.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 250.00 145.00 36250.00
Total 115000.00
Item- 32 16(a)(ii) Dismantling of structure bonds.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 20.00 145.00 2900.00
Total 2900.00
Item- 33 16(a)(iii) Re-erection of structure bonds.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 145.00 1450.00
Total 1450.00
Item- 34 16(a)(iv) Supply and erection of structure bonds during NI working.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 150.00 315.00 47250.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 150.00 145.00 21750.00
Total 69000.00
Item- 35 16(b) Supply and erection of longitudinal bond.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 50.00 198.00 9900.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 50.00 129.00 6450.00
Total 16350.00
Item- 36 16(b)(ii) Dismantling of longitudinal bond.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 20.00 129.00 2580.00
Total 2580.00

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Item- 37 16(b)(iii) Re-erection of longitudinal bond.

S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 129.00 1290.00
Total 1290.00
Item- 38 16(b)(iv) Supply and erection of longitudinal bond during NI working.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 50.00 198.00 9900.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 50.00 129.00 6450.00
Total 16350.00
Item- 39 16(c) Supply and erection of transverse and special bonds.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 20.00 382.00 7640.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 20.00 156.00 3120.00
Total 10760.00
Item- 40 16(c)(ii) Dismantling of transverse and special bonds.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 20.00 156.00 3120.00
Total 3120.00
Item- 41 16(c)(iii) Re-erection of transverse and special bonds.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 20.00 156.00 3120.00
Total 3120.00
Item- 42 16(c)(iv) Supply and erection of transverse and special bonds during NI working.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 40.00 382.00 15280.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 40.00 156.00 6240.00
Total 21520.00
Item- 43 16(aa) Drilling of holes on rails.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 300.00 46.00 13800.00
Total 13800.00
Item- 44 17(a) Supply and erection of Earth electrode.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 8.00 1355.00 10840.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 8.00 552.00 4416.00
Total 15256.00
Item- 45 17 (c) Supply and erection of earth bus.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Metre 50.00 71.00 3550.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Metre 50.00 39.00 1950.00
Total 5500.00
Item- 46 17(d) Supply and erection of Copper strips for equipment earthing.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Metre 2.00 407.00 814.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Metre 2.00 37.00 74.00
Total 888.00
Item- 47 26(a)(i) Supply and erection of Aluminium Bus-Bar 36 /28 mm
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Metre 50.00 283.00 14150.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Metre 50.00 35.00 1750.00
Total 15900.00
Item- 48 26(a)(ii) Supply and erection of 18 mm Copper Bus-bar.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Metre 150.00 1390.00 208500.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Metre 150.00 126.00 18900.00
Total 227400.00
Item- 49 26(a)(iii) Supply and erection of all types of Copper connnectors..
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

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1 1 Supply/Material Each 25.00 3726.00 93150.00

2 2 Erection/Labour Each 25.00 51.00 1275.00
Total 94425.00
Item- 50 26(b)(i) Supply and erection of all types Aluminium Bus-Bar and connectors(36/28)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 20.00 1600.00 32000.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 20.00 23.00 460.00
Total 32460.00
Item- 51 27(a) Oil filtration, erection, testing and commissioning of 10/25 kV / 240 volts, 25 kVA LT supply transformer.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 4.00 78.00 312.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 4.00 2712.00 10848.00
Total 11160.00
Item- 52 28 Supply and Erection of 25 kV Drop out fuse switch for all oil/dry type L.T.Supply transformerss of all capacities
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 4.00 5327.00 21308.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 4.00 265.00 1060.00
Total 22368.00
Item- 53 30(b)(iii) Supply and erection of anticlimbing device etc : L.T. stations
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 4.00 166.00 664.00
Total 664.00
Item- 54 31(a) Transfer of equipment from one mast or support to other.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 25.00 1297.00 32425.00
Total 32425.00
Item- 55 31(b) Provision of an additional bracket assembly / assemblies on a mast or support.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 20.00 1150.00 23000.00
Total 23000.00
Item- 56 31(d) Dismantling of existing over Head Equipment
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Per Track 4.50 6930.00 31185.00
Total 31185.00
Item- 57 31(e) Dismantling feeder wire/Return Conductor.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Kilometre 0.50 2990.00 1495.00
Total 1495.00
Item- 58 31(f) Splicing and extension of Over head conductors.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 1270.00 12700.00
Total 12700.00
Item- 59 31(g) Dismantling of a section Insulator assembly
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 2.00 1270.00 2540.00
Total 2540.00
Item- 60 31(g)(ii) Dismantling of a PTFE type short nutral section assembly from existing electrified lines.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 1.00 2540.00 2540.00
Total 2540.00
Item- 61 31(h) Slewing of Equipment
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Each 10.00 1033.00 10330.00
Total 10330.00
Item- 62 31(i) Dismantling of an Isolator

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S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

1 1 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 1033.00 5165.00
Total 5165.00
Item- 63 31(k)(i) Dismantlement of OHE mast / structure by cutting.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 15.00 1610.00 24150.00
Total 24150.00
Item- 64 31(k)(ii) Dismantlement of Uprights of TTCs/Portals by cutting.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 2300.00 23000.00
Total 23000.00
Item- 65 31(l)(i) Retrieval of traction masts, main masts, TTC uprights etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 5720.00 57200.00
Total 57200.00
Item- 66 31(n) Dismantlement of guy rod
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 260.00 2600.00
Total 2600.00
31(o) Releasing of Multiple Cantilever Cross arm assemblies where single bracket assembly is leftover on MCC after
Item- 67
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 260.00 2600.00
Total 2600.00
Item- 68 31(p) Dismantlement of drop arms/ booms / temporary masts.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour MT 5.00 2661.00 13305.00
Total 13305.00
Item- 69 31(r) Dismantling of Cantilever assemblies including insulators.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 25.00 228.00 5700.00
Total 5700.00
Item- 70 31(s) Dismantling of fabricated steel & SPS
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour MT 2.00 260.00 520.00
Total 520.00
Item- 71 31(t)(i) Dismantling of a regulating equipment (3-pulley type) with counter weight assembly for Conventional OHE.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 978.00 4890.00
Total 4890.00
Item- 72 31(t)(iii) Dismantling of anticreep with galvanised Steel wire.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 725.00 3625.00
Total 3625.00
Item- 73 31(t)(iv) Dismantling of copper jumper
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 20.00 67.00 1340.00
Total 1340.00
Item- 74 31(t)(v) Dismantling of material of termination of over head equipment (Reg.)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 20.00 258.00 5160.00
Total 5160.00
Item- 75 31(t)(vii) Dismantlement of materials of termination of all aluminum 25 KV feeder/ return conductor (single spider)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 225.00 1125.00
Total 1125.00
Item- 76 31(t)(xi) Dismantling of existing droppers

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S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

1 1 Each 20.00 460.00 9200.00
Total 9200.00
Item- 77 31(t)(xii) Re-adjustment of OHE spans including erection of droppers
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Each 20.00 2300.00 46000.00
Total 46000.00
32/3(a) Erection of Traction masts and main masts of Switching stations and LT supply Transformer station under power
Item- 78
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour MT 15.00 1051.00 15765.00
Total 15765.00
Item- 79 32/3(b) Erection of fabricated steel work such as TTC, portals SPS etc. under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour MT 25.00 5320.00 133000.00
Total 133000.00
Item- 80 32/3(e) Extra charges on erection of Guy rod assembly under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 520.00 5200.00
Total 5200.00
32/4(a) (i) Extra charges on Erection of Single braket assembly suitable for Conventional type OHE (Regulated) under power
Item- 81
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 100.00 455.00 45500.00
Total 45500.00
Item- 82 32/6(a) Extra charges on Erection of regulated conventional OHE under power block.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Per Track 5.00 14962.00 74810.00
Total 74810.00
Item- 83 32/7(d) Extra charges on Manual erection of all Aluminum 25 kV Feeder / Return conductor (spider) under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Kilometre 0.50 2739.00 1369.50
Total 1369.50
Item- 84 32/7(e) Extra charges on Erection of copper cross feeder wires (37/2.25 mm HDBC) under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Kilometre 0.20 1904.00 380.80
Total 380.80
32/8(a) (v) Extra charges on Erection of regulating equipment (3 pulley type) with counter weight assembly for Conventional
Item- 85
OHE under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 1955.00 9775.00
Total 9775.00
32/8(b) (ii) Extra charges on Erection of materials for termination of Double Overhead equipment conductors (Regulated)
Item- 86
under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 451.00 4510.00
Total 4510.00
32/9(a) Extra charges on Erection of anti creep with galvanised steel wire suitable for Conventional OHE. (Regulated) under
Item- 87
power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 8.00 1449.00 11592.00
Total 11592.00
Item- 88 32/10(a) Extra charges on erection of additional fittings at a turn out diamond crossing or overlap under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 596.00 2980.00
Total 2980.00

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Item- 89 32/11(a) (i) Extra charges on Erection of 25 kV solid core cut-in insulator under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 20.00 311.00 6220.00
Total 6220.00
Item- 90 32/11(a) (ii) Extra charges on Erection of 25 kV solid core suspension insulator under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 25.00 186.00 4650.00
Total 4650.00
Item- 91 32/11(b) Extra charges on Erection of 25 kV Post Insulators under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 50.00 124.00 6200.00
Total 6200.00
32/12(a) Extra charges on Erection of 25 kV Section Insulator assembly suitable for Conventional type OHE under power
Item- 92
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 1548.00 7740.00
Total 7740.00
Item- 93 32/12(d) Extra charges on Erection of cermic/ Glasss Fibre PTFE type short neutral section assembly under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 1.00 1373.00 1373.00
Total 1373.00
Item- 94 32/13(a) Extra charges on Erection of 25 kV Single Pole Isolator with out earth contact assembly under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 1435.00 7175.00
Total 7175.00
Item- 95 32/15(a) Extra charges on Erection of all types of copper jumpers under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 40.00 133.00 5320.00
Total 5320.00
Item- 96 32/15(e) Erection of large copper jumper wire 160 Sq mm between Cross feeder and OHE under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 20.00 133.00 2660.00
Total 2660.00
Item- 97 32/26(a)(i) Extra charges on Erection of Aluminium Bus-Bar 36 /28 mm under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Metre 10.00 35.00 350.00
Total 350.00
Item- 98 32/26(a)(ii) Extra charges on Erection of 18 mm Copper Bus-bar. under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Metre 10.00 126.00 1260.00
Total 1260.00
Item- 99 32/26(a)(iii) Extra charges on Erection of all types of Copper connnectors under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 51.00 255.00
Total 255.00
32/26(b)(i) Erection of all types Aluminium Bus-Bar and connectors(36/28) under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 20.00 23.00 460.00
Total 460.00
32/31(a) Extra on Transfer of equipment from one mast or support to other under power block.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 25.00 1297.00 32425.00
Total 32425.00
32/31(b) Extra on Provision of an additional bracket assembly / assemblies on a mast or support under power block.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

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1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 1150.00 11500.00

Total 11500.00
32/31(d) Extra charges on Dismantling of Existing Over Head Equipment under power block.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Per Track 4.50 6930.00 31185.00
Total 31185.00
32/31(f) Extra on Splicing and extension of Over head conductors under power block.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 1270.00 12700.00
Total 12700.00
32/31(g) Extra charges on Dismantling of a section Insulator assembly under power block.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 2.00 1270.00 2540.00
Total 2540.00
32/31(g)(ii) Extra charge on Dismantling of a PTFE type short nuetral section assembly from existing electrified lines
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 1.00 2540.00 2540.00
Total 2540.00
32/31(h) Extra charges on slewing of equipment under power block.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Each 5.00 1033.00 5165.00
Total 5165.00
32/31(k) Extra charges on Dismantlement of OHE mast / structure by cutting under power block.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 1610.00 16100.00
Total 16100.00
32/31(l)(i) Extra charges on Retrieval of traction masts, main masts, TTC uprights etc. under power block.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 5720.00 57200.00
Total 57200.00
32/31(n) Extra charges on Dismantlement of guy rod under power block.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 260.00 2600.00
Total 2600.00
Item- 32/31(o) Extra charges on Releasing of Multiple Cantilever Cross arm assemblies where single bracket assembly is leftover
111 on MCC after modification under power block.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 260.00 2600.00
Total 2600.00
32/31(r) Extra charges on Dismantling of Cantilever assemblies including insulators under power block.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 25.00 228.00 5700.00
Total 5700.00
32/31(s) Extra charges on Dismantling of fabricated steel & SPS under power block.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour MT 1.50 260.00 390.00
Total 390.00
Item- 32/31(t)(i) Extra charges on Dismantling of a regulating equipment (3-pulley type) with counter weight assembly for
114 Conventional OHE under power block.

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S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

1 1 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 978.00 4890.00
Total 4890.00
32/31(t)(iii) Extra charges on Dismantling of anticreep with galvanised Steel wire\ under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 725.00 3625.00
Total 3625.00
32/31(t)(iv) Extra charges on Dismantling of copper jumper under power block.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 20.00 67.00 1340.00
Total 1340.00
32/ 31(t)(v) Extra charges on Dismantling of material of termination of over head equipment (Reg.) under power block.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 20.00 258.00 5160.00
Total 5160.00
Item- 32/31(t)(vii) Extra charges on Dismantlement of materials of termination of all aluminum 25 KV feeder/ return conductor
118 (single spider) under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 225.00 1125.00
Total 1125.00
32/31(t)(xi) Extra charges on dismantling of existing droppers under power block.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Each 10.00 460.00 4600.00
Total 4600.00
32/31(t) (xii) Extra charges on re-adjustment of OHE spans including erection of droppers under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Each 10.00 2300.00 23000.00
Total 23000.00
32/43 Splicing of all types of booms under power block
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 2.00 11403.00 22806.00
Total 22806.00
33/ 3(a) Extra on erection rate for steel work done manually under item No. 3(a)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour MT 100.00 524.00 52400.00
Total 52400.00
33 / 3(b) Extra on erection rate for steel work done manually under item No. 3(b)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour MT 125.00 2659.00 332375.00
Total 332375.00
33/ 6(a) Extra on erection rate for stringing work done manually under item 6(a), 7(d)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Kilometre 4.00 7482.00 29928.00
Total 29928.00
34 (f) (i) Earth work in excavation and filling including compaction in Normal soil.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour cum 100.00 54.00 5400.00
Total 5400.00

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34 (l) Pitching and grouting on side slopes with contractors stone including plastering
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Sqm 50.00 601.00 30050.00
Total 30050.00
36(a) Unloading of all type of Steel Structures.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour MT 20.00 58.00 1160.00
Total 1160.00
36(b) Loading of all type of Steel Structures.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour MT 20.00 94.00 1880.00
Total 1880.00
37(a) Unloading of all type of Copper & Aluminum conductors.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour MT 2.00 53.00 106.00
Total 106.00
37(b) Loading of all type of Copper & Aluminum conductors.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour MT 2.00 53.00 106.00
Total 106.00
39(a) Erection of released guy rod.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 575.00 2875.00
Total 2875.00
39(b) Erection of released bracket assembly.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 20.00 3857.00 77140.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 20.00 168.00 3360.00
Total 80500.00
39(d) Erection of released termination.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 575.00 5750.00
Total 5750.00
39(e) Erection of released additional fittings at turnouts, diamond crossing and over laps
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 5.00 653.00 3265.00
Total 3265.00
39(i) Erection of released copper jumper
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 147.00 1470.00
Total 1470.00
40 Supply and erection of Number Plates on existing masts
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 250.00 219.00 54750.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 250.00 46.00 11500.00
Total 66250.00
137 43 Splicing of all types of booms

S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

1 1 Supply/Material Each 5.00 11403.00 57015.00

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Total 57015.00
Schedule Schedule B1-Electrical OHE - Non-SOR; Part-I; Steel Items
3(a)Supply of Traction masts and main masts of switching stations, LT supply transformer station as per RDSO drawings and
Item- 1
IS Specifications.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material MT 100.00 71025.00 7102500.00
Total 7102500.00
3(b)Supply of fabricated steel work other than masts such as TTC's (with 8.0m and 5.5m booms), portal sets (with all
Item- 2
components) as per RDSO drawings and IS specifications.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material MT 75.00 72415.00 5431125.00
Total 5431125.00
Item- 3 3[c]Supply of Fabricated steel work other than mast, TTC's, portals, such as SPS,special fabricated steel etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material MT 50.00 73805.00 3690250.00
Total 3690250.00
Schedule Schedule B2-Electrical OHE -Non-SOR; Part-II; Copper Items.
Item- 1 6(a)(iv) Supply of 5mm dia solid round hard drawn copper wire as RDSO specification.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Kg 1000.00 595.00 595000.00
Total 595000.00
Item- 2 7(e) Supply of 37/2.25 mm (150 sq.mm) hard drawn bare copper cross feeder wire as per latest RDSO specification.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Kg 200.00 621.00 124200.00
Total 124200.00
Item- 3 15(a)(i) Supply of 160 sq.mm Annealed Stranded Copper jumper wire as per specification.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Kg 500.00 604.00 302000.00
Total 302000.00
Item- 4 15(a)(ii) Supply of 130 sq.mm Cadmium copper large span wire as per specification.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Kg 500.00 667.00 333500.00
Total 333500.00
Item- 5 15(a)(iii) Supply of 105 sq.mm Annealed Stranded Copper jumper wire as per specification.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Kg 10.00 667.00 6670.00
Total 6670.00
Item- 6 15(a)(iv) Supply of 50 sq.mm Annealed Stranded Copper jumper wire as per specification.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Kg 250.00 576.00 144000.00
Total 144000.00
Schedule Schedule B3-Electrical OHE - Non-SOR; Part-III; Insulator Items.
Item- 1 4(ax)(i) Supply of Stay & Bracket insulator set for item 4(a)(i) (iii) (v).
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Set 500.00 4255.00 2127500.00
Total 2127500.00
Item- 2 8(bx)(i) Supply of 9-ton insulators for item no. 8(b)(i) /(ii)/(iii)/(v)/(vi)/(vii)/(viii)/(ix).
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 50.00 2299.00 114950.00
Total 114950.00
Item- 3 8(bx)(ii) Supply of 9-ton insulators for item no.8(b)(i) /(ii)/(iii)/(v)/(vi)/(vii)/(viii)/(ix) for polluted zone.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 50.00 2759.00 137950.00
Total 137950.00
Item- 4 9(ax)(i) Supply of 9-ton insulators for item no.9(a), (b),(c).
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 50.00 4599.00 229950.00
Total 229950.00

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Item- 5 11(ax)(i) Supply of 25KV solid core insulators for item no 11(a)(i),(ii).
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 50.00 2299.00 114950.00
Total 114950.00
Item- 6 11(ax)(ii) Supply of 25KV solid core insulators for item no 11(a)(i),(ii) for polluted zone.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 25.00 2759.00 68975.00
Total 68975.00
Item- 7 11(bx) Supply of 25KV Post insulator for 11(b).
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 50.00 2989.00 149450.00
Total 149450.00
Item- 8 12(ax) Supply of bar insulator + 9 T Cut in Insulator for item No.12(a).
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 20.00 5748.00 114960.00
Total 114960.00
Item- 9 13(ax) Supply of Post & Operating rod insulators for item Nos.13(a).
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Set 15.00 7589.00 113835.00
Total 113835.00
Item- 10 28(x) Supply of 25 KV Post insulators for item 28.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 15.00 5979.00 89685.00
Total 89685.00
Schedule Schedule B4-Electrical OHE-Non-SOR; Part-IV; General Items.
Item- 1 7(a) Supply of All Aluminum 25 kV Feeder / Return Conductor (single spider) as per latest RDSO specification.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Kilometre 6.00 196560.00 1179360.00
Total 1179360.00
12 (d) PTFE Short Neutral Section Assembly Complete [Phase Break] Suitable for 107 Sq.mm Grooved Copper Contact Wire
Item- 2 and 65 Sq. mm Cadmium Copper Catenary Wire as per RDSO Specification no.TI/SPC/OHE/SNS/0000 Rev.1 with A& C slip
no.1 or latest.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 1.00 727608.00 727608.00
Total 727608.00
Item- 3 27(a)(ii)Supply of 10 kVA, 25 kV/240V, L.T. Supply Transformer (oil type) as per RDSO spec. No.ETI/PSI/15 (11/92) or latest.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 4.00 78232.00 312928.00
Total 312928.00
27(a)(iii)Supply of 25 kVA, 25 kV/240 volts LT supply Transformers (Oil type) as per latest RDSO Specification No. ETI/PSI/15
Item- 4
(11/92) or latest.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 2.00 95324.00 190648.00
Total 190648.00
Item- 5 28(a) Supply of link pull rod for 25 KV D.O.fuse switch as per latest RDSO spec.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 6.00 4844.00 29064.00
Total 29064.00
Item- 6 31(f)(i) Supply of Contact wire Splice.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 10.00 830.00 8300.00
Total 8300.00
Item- 7 31(f)(ii) Supply of catenary wire Splice.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 10.00 327.00 3270.00
Total 3270.00
Item- 8 31(f)(iii) Supply of Large span wire ending clamp.

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S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

1 1 Supply/Material Each 50.00 375.00 18750.00
Total 18750.00
Item- 9 53 Transportation of released/New TrD materials.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour MT-Km 2500.00 8.00 20000.00
Total 20000.00
Breaking of mass concrete by using pneumatic breaker (tractor mounted) incl.disposal of debris out of the yard limits incl.
Item- 10
crossing of tracks, rehandling etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Numbers 20.00 9878.00 197560.00
Total 197560.00
Item- 11 Supply and erection of burried rail arrangement in all aspects with railway supplied rail.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 2.00 8700.00 17400.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 2.00 4620.00 9240.00
Total 26640.00
Item- 12 41(a)(i) Supply and erection of caution boards for 25kV traction.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 25.00 2200.00 55000.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Numbers 25.00 200.00 5000.00
Total 60000.00
Item- 13 41(a)(ii) Supply and erection of danger boards for 25kV traction.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 20.00 2500.00 50000.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Numbers 20.00 200.00 4000.00
Total 54000.00
Item- 14 41(a)(iii) Supply and erection of public caution boards.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 20.00 2500.00 50000.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Numbers 20.00 200.00 4000.00
Total 54000.00
Item- 15 41(a)(iv) Supply and erection Danger board for L.C. gate height gauge.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 10.00 2900.00 29000.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Numbers 10.00 200.00 2000.00
Total 31000.00
Item- 16 41(a)(v) Supply and erection of working limit board.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 50.00 2000.00 100000.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Numbers 50.00 100.00 5000.00
Total 105000.00
Item- 17 41(a)(vi) Supply and erection of shock treatment chart.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 10.00 450.00 4500.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Numbers 10.00 50.00 500.00
Total 5000.00
Item- 18 Supply and erection of retro reflective sigma boards.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 50.00 1900.00 95000.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 50.00 200.00 10000.00
Total 105000.00
Item- 19 41(b)(i)Supply and erection retro reflective signal board at warning neutral section 250m as per latest RDSO specification.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 10.00 920.00 9200.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Numbers 10.00 200.00 2000.00
Total 11200.00
Item- 20 41(b)(ii)Supply and erection retro reflective signal board at warning neutral section 500m as per latest RDSO specification.

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S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

1 1 Supply/Material Each 10.00 920.00 9200.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 200.00 2000.00
Total 11200.00
Item- 21 41(b)(iii)Supply and erection retro reflective signal board at warning neutral section 'DJ ON' as per latest RDSO specification.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 10.00 900.00 9000.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 200.00 2000.00
Total 11000.00
41(b)(iv)Supply and erection retro reflective signal board at warning neutral section 'DJ OFF' as per latest RDSO
Item- 22
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 10.00 900.00 9000.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 200.00 2000.00
Total 11000.00
Item- 23 41(b)(v)Supply and erection retro reflective Engine stop board as per latest RDSO specification.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 10.00 1400.00 14000.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Each 10.00 200.00 2000.00
Total 16000.00
Schedule Schedule B5-Electrical OHE - Non-SOR; Part-V: Tools & Plants for maintenance.
Item- 1 Earth Electrode 4.0 mtrs (RI.No.222-1)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 50.00 1817.00 90850.00
Total 90850.00
Rachet Lever Hoist (Pull lift) 3.2 Tonne Capacity.As per RDSO SPEC: TI/SPC/OHE/TOOLPL/1991 Rev-1, STR:TI/STR/007
Item- 2
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 15.00 13334.00 200010.00
Total 200010.00
Supply of safety 33000 volts electrical hand gloves, seamless natural latex rubber of size :300mm, Colour:Cream with stand
Item- 3
test potential:33000 volts , maximum working potential:7500 Volts as per IS:4770-1991 of
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 100.00 811.84 81184.00
Total 81184.00
Item- 4 Indusrial Safety Helmet (PNG), Guarantee ( in Months ) 12 months.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 50.00 140.00 7000.00
Total 7000.00
Rail Jumpers made of multistrand copper PVC Cable 248/0.457mm size with suitable clamps at both ends as per RDSO
Item- 5
specification no ETI/OHE/3/(2/94) with A& C slip No. 1(04/95) or latest and as approved by Engineer-3 meter length.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Each 50.00 1526.00 76300.00
Total 76300.00
Rail Jumpers made of multistrand copper PVC Cable 248/0.457mm size with suitable clamps at both ends as per RDSO
Item- 6
specification no ETI/OHE/3/(2/94) with A& C slip No. 1(04/95) or latest and as approved by Engineer-5 meter length.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 20.00 2082.00 41640.00
Total 41640.00
Rail Jumpers made of multistrand copper PVC Cable 248/0.457mm size with suitable clamps at both ends as per RDSO
Item- 7
specification no ETI/OHE/3/(2/94) with A& C slip No. 1(04/95) or latest and as approved by Engineer-13 meter length
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 20.00 3217.00 64340.00
Total 64340.00
Item- 8 Come along clamps LS
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 20.00 3540.00 70800.00
Total 70800.00
Item- 9 Come along clamps catenary.

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 20.00 3540.00 70800.00
Total 70800.00
Item- 10 Come along clamps Contact
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 20.00 2300.00 46000.00
Total 46000.00
Item- 11 Heavy duty pulley 3Tone.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 20.00 2714.00 54280.00
Total 54280.00
Item- 12 Heavy duty pulley 1Tone.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 20.00 1722.00 34440.00
Total 34440.00
Item- 13 Pull lift 0.75Tone.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 20.00 5723.00 114460.00
Total 114460.00
Item- 14 Pull lift 1.5Tone.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 20.00 7611.00 152220.00
Total 152220.00
Schedule Schedule B6-Electrical OHE-Part VI: Additional equipments for 2 X 25kV system.
Item- 1 Supply & Erection of Eye rod 1.8 Mtr.Long 20mm DIA with Fasteners counter weight as per RDSO DRG. No.ETI/OHE/SK/588.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 20.00 2245.23 44904.60
2 2 Erection/Labour Numbers 20.00 175.66 3513.20
Total 48417.80
Supply & Erection of Set of cast iron counter weight (140 Kg) consisting of 03 nos. 40 Kg. (RI no. 5092) & one20Kg. for
Item- 2
regulating equipment.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Set 15.00 9589.81 143847.15
2 2 Erection/Labour Set 15.00 750.26 11253.90
Total 155101.05
Supply & Erection of Three Pulley ATDas per RDSO specification for 2400kgf Tension as per RDSO specification
Item- 3
no.TI/SPC/OHE/ 3PHTATD/ 0150 With ACS 1.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 15.00 16839.25 252588.75
2 2 Erection/Labour Numbers 15.00 1317.43 19761.45
Total 272350.20
Item- 4 Supply & Erection of 12.24 mm dia ACSR Raccoon with suitable fasteners.(AEC)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Kilometre 7.00 59353.06 415471.42
2 2 Erection/Labour Kilometre 7.00 3011.27 21078.89
Total 436550.31
Item- 5 Supply & Erection of 20mm dia galvanized steel conductor with suitablefasteners.(BEC)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Kilometre 7.00 40093.45 280654.15
2 2 Erection/Labour Kilometre 7.00 1568.37 10978.59
Total 291632.74
Item- 6 Supply & Erection of Tee connector for BEC end and lug for connection.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 200.00 1831.12 366224.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Numbers 200.00 159.18 31836.00
Total 398060.00
Item- 7 Digging of trench 300mm deep.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

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1 1 Erection/Labour Kilometre 7.00 26582.50 186077.50

Total 186077.50
Item- 8 BEC Laying and Back filling of trench 300mmdeep
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Erection/Labour Kilometre 7.00 25519.20 178634.40
Total 178634.40
Item- 9 Supply & Erection of MS Flat for earth 50 mm x 6mm
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Metre 500.00 200.97 100485.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Metre 500.00 65.28 32640.00
Total 133125.00
Supply & Erection of 25KV 1600Amps DP Isolator with out insulator earth contact assembley terminal connectors & Interlock
Item- 10
as per RDSO Specification.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Set 30.00 67980.00 2039400.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Set 30.00 4008.55 120256.50
Total 2159656.50
Item- 11 Supply without Insulator and erection of 9Tonne Insulator for termination of AEC.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 20.00 688.00 13760.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Numbers 20.00 283.00 5660.00
Total 19420.00
Item- 12 Cable Route Maker for B.E.C.@ Distance of 150m.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 500.00 186.00 93000.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Numbers 500.00 57.00 28500.00
Total 121500.00
Item- 13 Supply & erection of a single earth electrode.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 1 Supply/Material Numbers 5.00 1191.00 5955.00
2 2 Erection/Labour Numbers 5.00 498.00 2490.00
Total 8445.00
Schedule C1-Electrical arrangments to station buildings, RBGE Rooms, Platforms, FOB's, Circulating area etc. between
Pagidipalli and Bommaipalli stations
Supply and concealed laying in Roof/Wall/Slab/floor of size OD 32 mm dia 2 mm thick UPVC conduit pipe (ISI marked) HMS
Item- 01 (Heavy Mechanical stress) FRLS with all required accessories such as deep boxes, bends, junction boxes etc. including
grooving (if required), masonary work and labour charges etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 supply & material Metre 600.00 38.00 22800.00
2 02 Erection Metre 600.00 12.00 7200.00
Total 30000.00
Supply and concealed laying in Roof/Wall/Slab/floor of size OD 25 mm dia 2 mm thick UPVC conduit pipe (ISI marked) HMS
Item- 02 (Heavy Mechanical stress) FRLS with all required accessories such as deep boxes, bends, junction boxes etc. including
grooving (if required), masonary work and labour charges etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 supply & material Metre 1000.00 24.00 24000.00
2 02 Erection Metre 1000.00 12.00 12000.00
Total 36000.00
Wiring with two runs of 1.5 Sq.mm. 1100 V and one run of flexible copper conductor 1.5 Sq.mm. 1100 Volts FRLS PVC
inulated wires ISI makred (Phase, neutral and earth) in the UPVC conduit pipe with 6A flush modular type switch including 2
Item- 03
way switches where ever required, 6A bell push modular type switch, ceiling rose, bulb holder and modular type plate cover
to G.I. switch control box including all labour charges complete for light points, ceiling fan point and exhaust fan points etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 supply & material Metre 182.00 348.00 63336.00
2 02 Erection Metre 182.00 118.00 21476.00
Total 84812.00
Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of 6A 5 pin modular plug socket with 6A modular control switch on existing
Item- 04
control board with wiring
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 supply & material Numbers 82.00 96.00 7872.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 82.00 67.00 5494.00
Total 13366.00

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Supply and fixing of 16A 5 pin flush power plug and socket and 16A switch control (5 in one) GI box with Top plate cover
Item- 05
control for power plug point connection and all labour charges etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 supply & material Numbers 40.00 207.00 8280.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 40.00 96.00 3840.00
Total 12120.00
Supply and fixing of 20/32/40 Amps metallic plug & socket (industrial type) with 25/32 Amps SP MCB housed in GI switch box
Item- 06
with necessary connections.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 supply & material Numbers 2.00 1031.00 2062.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 2.00 246.00 492.00
Total 2554.00
Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of 20 Watts 1200 mm LED tube light fitting with lamp including wiring,
Item- 07
connecting etc. as per latest PCEE's specification
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 supply & material Numbers 117.00 445.00 52065.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 117.00 118.00 13806.00
Total 65871.00
Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of 28 W Energy Efficient BLDC ceiling fan with Remote as per latest PCEE's
Item- 08
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 supply & material Numbers 53.00 2525.00 133825.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 53.00 142.00 7526.00
Total 141351.00
Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of Energy Efficient Exhaust fan of 300 mm sweep with louvers including
Item- 09
necessary holes and masonary work etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 supply & material Numbers 12.00 1864.00 22368.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 12.00 438.00 5256.00
Total 27624.00
Supply, laying, connecting and commissioning of single core 1.5 Sq.mm. 1100 PVC (FRLS) insulated multi stranded copper
Item- 10
conductor wires confirming to IS:694/1990 and ISI marked in existing PVC conduit pipe
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 supply & material Metre 1200.00 10.00 12000.00
2 02 Erection Metre 1200.00 2.00 2400.00
Total 14400.00
Supply, laying, connecting and commissioning of single core 2.5 Sq.mm. 1100 PVC (FRLS) insulated multi stranded copper
Item- 11
conductor wires confirming to IS:694/1990 and ISI marked in existing PVC conduit pipe
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 supply & material Metre 2000.00 18.00 36000.00
2 02 Erection Metre 2000.00 2.00 4000.00
Total 40000.00
Supply, laying, connecting and commissioning of single core 4.0 Sq.mm. 1100 PVC (FRLS) insulated multi stranded copper
Item- 12
conductor wires confirming to IS:694/1990 and ISI marked in existing PVC conduit pipe for circuit points
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 supply & material Metre 1100.00 32.00 35200.00
2 02 Erection Metre 1100.00 4.00 4400.00
Total 39600.00
Supply, laying, connecting and commissioning single core 6 Sq.mm. 1100 V PVC (FRLS) insulated multi stranded copper
Item- 13 wires confirming to IS:694/1990 and ISI marked in existing PVC pipe for sub distribution boards as run of supply
mains/higher including all labour charges
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 700.00 50.00 35000.00
2 02 Erection Metre 700.00 6.00 4200.00
Total 39200.00
Supply, laying, connecting and commissioning of single core 10 Sq.mm. 1100 Volts PVC (FRLS) insulated multi stranded
Item- 14 copper wires confirming to IS:694/1990 and ISI marked in existing PVC pipe for sub Distribution boards as run of supply
mains/Higher including all labour charges
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 200.00 67.00 13400.00
2 02 Erection Metre 200.00 8.00 1600.00
Total 15000.00

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Supply, laying, connecting, testing and commissioning of 4 core 120 Sq.mm. LT XLPE UG cable 1100 Volts as per
Item- 15
IS:7098/Part-I/1988 or latest
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 500.00 784.00 392000.00
2 02 Etection Metre 500.00 50.00 25000.00
Total 417000.00
Supply, laying, connecting, testing and commissioning of 4 core 70 Sq.mm. LT XLPE UG cable 1100 Volts as per
Item- 16
IS:7098/Part-I/1988 or latest
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 500.00 560.00 280000.00
2 02 Erection Metre 500.00 33.00 16500.00
Total 296500.00
Supply, laying, connecting, testing and commissioning of 4 core 50 Sq.mm. LT XLPE UG cable 1100 Volts as per
Item- 17
IS:7098/Part-I/1988 or latest
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 500.00 400.00 200000.00
2 02 Erection Metre 500.00 33.00 16500.00
Total 216500.00
Supply, laying, connecting, testing and commissioning of 4 core 25 Sq.mm. LT XLPE UG cable 1100 Volts as per
Item- 18
IS:7098/Part-I/1988 or latest
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 300.00 156.00 46800.00
2 02 Erection Metre 300.00 29.00 8700.00
Total 55500.00
Supply, laying, connecting, testing and commissioning of 4 core 16 Sq.mm. LT XLPE UG cable 1100 Volts as per
Item- 19
IS:7098/Part-I/1988 or latest
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 1200.00 111.00 133200.00
2 02 Erection Metre 1200.00 29.00 34800.00
Total 168000.00
Supply, laying, connecting, testing and commissioning of 2 core 150 Sq.mm. LT XLPE UG cable 1100 volts as per
Item- 20
IS:7098/Part.I/1988 or latest.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 3000.00 585.00 1755000.00
2 02 Erection Metre 3000.00 29.00 87000.00
Total 1842000.00
Supply, laying, connecting, testing and commissioning of 2 core 70 Sq.mm. LT XLPE UG cable 1100 Volts as per
Item- 21
IS:7098/Part-I/1988 or latest
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 1500.00 311.00 466500.00
2 02 Erection Metre 1500.00 29.00 43500.00
Total 510000.00
Supply and fixing of GI wire of size 8 SWG for providing earthing interconnections along the UG cables with all other
Item- 22
connected accessories
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 7500.00 12.00 90000.00
2 02 Erection Metre 7500.00 3.00 22500.00
Total 112500.00
Item- 23 Supply and laying of 50 mm dia of B class GI pipe including all accessories etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 100.00 267.00 26700.00
2 02 Erection Metre 100.00 58.00 5800.00
Total 32500.00
Item- 24 Supply and laying of 100 mm dia B class GI pipe including all accessories etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 50.00 700.00 35000.00
2 02 Erection Metre 50.00 55.00 2750.00
Total 37750.00
Supply and laying of HDPE pipe of PE-80 grade in PN-4 size 4" inner dia and outer dia 110 mm and wall thickness minimum
Item- 25
4.3 mm, maximum 4.8 mm with 'T' joints, bolts, elbows etc. including all other connected accessories
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 450.00 259.00 116550.00

2 02 Erection Metre 450.00 18.00 8100.00
Total 124650.00
Supply and laying of HDPE pipe of PE-80 grade in PN-4 size 2" inner dia and outer dia 63 mm and wall thickness minimum
Item- 26
2.5 mm, maximum 2.8 mm with 'T' joints, bolts, elbows etc. including all other connected accessories
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 6500.00 91.00 591500.00
2 02 Erection Metre 6500.00 19.00 123500.00
Total 715000.00
Excavation of cable trench in ordinary soil to depth of 1250x450mm filling the trench (after laying the cables) to bring the
Item- 27
original condition
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Erection Metre 6450.00 130.00 838500.00
Total 838500.00
Excavation of cable trench under rock/CC/Tar/RCC road/Track and making good providing cement concrete after laying the
Item- 28
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Erection Metre 500.00 348.00 174000.00
Total 174000.00
Item- 29 Supply and fixing of HT/LT cable route indicators as per the details given in the drg. No. DEE/CN/BZA/2001/23
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 1000.00 186.00 186000.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 1000.00 57.00 57000.00
Total 243000.00
Item- 30 Horizontal drilling of bores at a depth of 2 metres suitable for crossing LT XLPE UG cables
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Erection Metre 50.00 1904.00 95200.00
Total 95200.00
Design, Fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of cubicle type 14 SWG LT weather proof (out door type)
main distribution board panel with copper busbar of 600 Amps capacity including Ammeter, voltmeter, selector switches and
RYB indication and Digital KWH meter with RS485 Port meters CT's of suitable ratio etc. in general confirming to Rly. spec.
No. B/E.CN/Spec/01 with the following switch gear. For each outgoing MCCBs LED indication in on position to be provided,
MCCB should be provided with Ammeter, Voltmeter, selector switches and RYB indicaton lamps. LT panel board should
Item- 31
confirming to IS:8263, MCCB's should be confirming to IS:2516. Arrangements of switch should be lockable & shutdown
condition to avoid electrician and MCCBs feeder details stricking on the panel 1x320 A 4 pole MCCB 50 KA incoming, 3x100
A TP MCCB 25 KA out going, 3x63 Amps TP MCB 10 KA out going, 2x40 Amps TP MCB 10 KA outgoing, 4x32 Amps TP MCB 10
KA outgoing, 1x50 KVAR power capacitor and 1x320 Amps Change over switch 1 No. Three phase Electronic Energy meter
with CT's of suitable ratio
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Set 1.00 193875.00 193875.00
2 02 Erection Set 1.00 6500.00 6500.00
Total 200375.00
Construction of masonry plinth of suitable size for installation of LT main distribution board panel with all connected works
Item- 32 including required hardware etc. complete. The scope also includes fixing of the panel on the masonry plinth with suitable
clamps and connected hardware. This work is to be executed as per the planning and instructions of Railway site Engineer
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial cum 2.00 1900.00 3800.00
2 02 Erection cum 2.00 400.00 800.00
Total 4600.00
Supply & fixing of 8 way Vertical TPN distribution board fixed on wall with the following switches 1x160 Amps 25 KA 4 pole
Item- 33 MCCB for incoming and 4 Nos. of 63 Amps TP MCB, 4 Nos of 32 Amps TP MCB, 4 Nos. of 20 Amps DP MCB, 4 Nos of 10 A SP
MCBs for outgoing
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Set 2.00 47008.00 94016.00
2 02 Erection Set 2.00 2433.00 4866.00
Total 98882.00
Supply and fixing of 6 way TPN double door with lock & key distribution board with 1x32 TP MCB for incoming and 3 Nos. of
Item- 34 20 Amps DP MCB, 6 Nos. of 20 A SP MCBs outgoing including internal connections, grouting, earthing, fixing, testing and all
labour charges etc. including cable entry box and trunking arrangement
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Set 4.00 4870.00 19480.00
2 02 Erection Set 4.00 1013.00 4052.00
Total 23532.00

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Supply, fixing, connecting, installation, testing and commissioning of Automatic change over panel complete for colour light
signaling system having 3 phase supply 150 Amps capacity with all connected accessories viz. Rotary selector switch, air
Item- 35
break contractor, MCCBs, MCBs, LEDs, alarm buzzer, alarm reset micro switch etc. meeting RDSO technical specification No.
TI/SPC/PSI/CLS/0020 with latest amendment
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 1.00 180000.00 180000.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 1.00 2000.00 2000.00
Total 182000.00
Supply, fixing, connecting, installation, testing and commissioning of Automatic change over panel complete for colour light
signalling system having 3 phase supply 60 Amps capacity with all connected accessories viz. Rotary selector switch, air
Item- 36
break contractor, MCCBs, MCBs LEDs alarm buzzer, alaram reset micro switch etc. meeting RDSO technical specification No.
TI/SPEC/PSI/CLS/0020 with latest amendment
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 1.00 56562.00 56562.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 1.00 2000.00 2000.00
Total 58562.00
Item- 37 Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of CLS junction box as per Drg No. 01/2022-4/2/AT
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 2.00 9500.00 19000.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 2.00 1120.00 2240.00
Total 21240.00
Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of Weather proof terminal box with Bimetallic bus bar with clamp bolts nuts
Item- 38
including all accessories etc. (For AT) as per Drg No. E.252/TrD/HQ/AT-JB/2022-23 (Alt-1)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 2.00 11500.00 23000.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 2.00 500.00 1000.00
Total 24000.00
Supply, fixing and commissioning of 160 A 4 pole MCCBs with 25 KA breaking capacity (for AT terminal box as per enclosed
Item- 39
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 1.00 6082.00 6082.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 1.00 350.00 350.00
Total 6432.00
Supply, fixing and commissioning of 63 A 4 pole MCCB with 16 KA breaking capacity (for AT terminal box as per enclosed
Item- 40
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 1.00 3540.00 3540.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 1.00 350.00 350.00
Total 3890.00
Supply, erection and commisioning of 5 mtr long dip galvanised octagonal pole with 130 mm bottom A/F & 70 mm top A/F
made up of 3 mm thick HT sheet along with base plate of size 200x200x12mm, M16x600 long 'J' type EN 8 grade foundation
Item- 41 bolts, 1000 mm long single/double arm bracket (as per site requirement) with concrete foundation and plinth in hard soil
including excavation of soil, tamping of concrete grouting with Bakelite sheet and MCB (for mounting inside the base
compartment of Pole) with all accessories
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 30.00 10536.00 316080.00
2 02 ERection Numbers 30.00 6185.00 185550.00
Total 501630.00
Supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of 40 Watts AC LED street light luminaries with glass IP 65 including all connected
Item- 42
accessories etc. as per latest PCEE's Specification
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 36.00 2211.00 79596.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 36.00 200.00 7200.00
Total 86796.00
Fixing and commissioning of LED street light fitting on wall with 1.2 mtr/required length of ISI marked 'B' class GI
Item- 43
pipe/Bracket (as necessary) of 2" dia/suitable dia with clamps, bolts and nuts etc. including internal connections complete
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 7.20 260.00 1872.00
Total 1872.00
Supply of FRP ladder type cable tray of size 310mmx80mmx3mm thickness including all accessories. The entire work has to
Item- 44
be carried out as per the instruction and guidelines of Railway site Engineer
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 50.00 620.00 31000.00

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

2 02 Erection Metre 50.00 120.00 6000.00

Total 37000.00
Erection of FRP ladder type cable tray of size 310mmx80mmx3mm thickness along with supply and fixing of clamping
Item- 45 arrangements at regular intervals by MS strip of size 40mmx5mm thick including powder coating. The entire work has to be
carried out as the instructions and guidelines of Railway site Engineer.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 50.00 217.00 10850.00
2 02 Erection Metre 50.00 50.00 2500.00
Total 13350.00
Design, Supply, installation, commissioning including transportation of complete set of 10 kWp solar photovoltaic system
including connecting to the existing grid/local supply through suitably designed power conditioning unit (PCU) on the roof
top of building. Complete set consists of Solar panels, module mounting structure, junction boxes, power conditioning unit
Item- 46
(PCU), Import & Export metering, cable and other accessories as per RDSO specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008
(Rev-0) Amdt. 4 October 2012 or latest. The Solar Photovoltaic system (SPVS) to be erected over terrace of building and the
output is to be connected at Main distribution board (The rate Excludes annual Maintenance Contract cost)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Set 1.00 754402.00 754402.00
2 02 Erection Set 1.00 50111.00 50111.00
Total 804513.00
Supply, fixing, installation & commissioning of 2 Ton 5 star capable of delivering 24000 BTU/hr and above with operating on
refrigerant R-410A/R-32 INVERTER Model Cool type split AC unit with high wall mounted Single Split indoor unit and outdoor
condencing unit Hermetically sealed compressor suitable for operation on 230V, 50Hz, 1Phase AC supply capable of
Item- 47
performing Heat cool dehumidifying air circulating and filtering with cooling and condensing units with 3 mts of copper
piping, insulation kit and 4 mts of 4 core copper flexible chord with cordless remote control etc. inclduing suitable wall
mounting bracket for fixing of outdoor unit, dual barrier coating in order to protect coil from oxidigation
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 2.00 61000.00 122000.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 2.00 1500.00 3000.00
Total 125000.00
Item- 48 Supply and fixing of Extra Copper pipe for Split AC (if required as per condition)
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 10.00 900.00 9000.00
2 02 Erection Metre 10.00 50.00 500.00
Total 9500.00
Design, supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of ON delay timer circuit arrangements for 2 platform lightings ON/OFF
operation in 1.6 mm thick CRCA sheet enclosure of 16"x12"x8" size with door and lock & key arrangement comprises
Item- 49 following switchgears including stickering and all other connected accessories complete. a) 2 Nos. of micon 225 Timer b) 2
sets of 3 pole contactor 45A AC1 (25A AC3) c) 2 sets of ON push button with elements d) 2 sets of LED indication lamps e) 8
way/2 sets of 4 way terminal connector & internal wiring arrangements
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Set 1.00 9232.00 9232.00
2 02 Erection Set 1.00 200.00 200.00
Total 9432.00
Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of SMC cable termination junction Box of size 250x200x105 with shock proof,
Item- 50 rust proof, fire resistant, weather proof with IP65 potection suitable for termination of 2/4 core LT UG cables upto 70 sq.mm.,
3 phase 415 volts including hylam sheet, heavy duty terminal connections, clamping arrangements etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 5.00 4370.00 21850.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 5.00 250.00 1250.00
Total 23100.00
Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of SMC cable termination junction Box of size 340x200x105 with shock proof,
rust proof, fire resistant, weather proof with IP65 protection suitable for termination of 2/4 core LT UG cables upto 150
Item- 51
sq.mm., 3 phase 415 volts including hylam sheet, heavy duty terminal connections, clamping arrangements etc.Note: Makes
as per approved list of CEE/C/SC
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 5.00 4950.00 24750.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 5.00 250.00 1250.00
Total 26000.00
Supply, erection and commissioning of 3 phase 4 way loop-in/loop-out junction box of size 10"x10"x6" with suitable hinged
Item- 52 door, adequately gasketted to maintain insect proof, having locking arrangements to be fixed on wall/pole including all
required connected accessories. The box shall be served with two prime coating of red oxide & finished with ash colour paint
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Set 5.00 600.00 3000.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 5.00 252.00 1260.00
Total 4260.00
Item- 53 Supply and Erection of cable junction box size 167 x 125 x 82 as per IS 14772

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S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount

1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 10.00 640.00 6400.00
Total 6400.00
Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of DP metal enclosure with One No. of 40 Amps DPMCB including provision for
Item- 54
timer & contactor fixing with all necessary accessories etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Set 2.00 1904.00 3808.00
2 02 Erection Set 2.00 150.00 300.00
Total 4108.00
Item- 55 Supply & fixing of timer switch series FM/1 Quartz of type QT(Daily) suitable to operate on 240 V AC, 50 Hz.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Set 2.00 900.00 1800.00
2 02 Erection Set 2.00 225.00 450.00
Total 2250.00
Supply and Fixing of AC operated heavy duty 230 /440 Volt power contactor 32 Amps conforming to IS:13947-4-1/IEC:947-4-
Item- 56
1 having provision of mechanical interlocking, Din rail mounting type including making connections, testing etc. as required.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Set 2.00 1720.44 3440.88
Total 3440.88
Supply and erection of Earth electrode of 48.4 mm outer dia & 40 mm inner dia, 3.1 m long steel tube galvanised with
welded MS galvanised lug as per drawing No. ETI/OHE/P/7021 & RDSO specification No. TI/SPC/PSI/ERTHNG/0210 or latest
Item- 57
including excavation of pit, protective concrete box with cover and all other connected materials like GI wire, charcoal, salt
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Set 50.00 1355.00 67750.00
2 02 Erection Set 50.00 552.00 27600.00
Total 95350.00
Supply, Laying and connecting of GI flat of size 50x6 mm with all accessories such as bolts and nuts etc. complete for
Item- 58
earthing interconnections
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 250.00 56.00 14000.00
2 02 Erection Metre 250.00 10.00 2500.00
Total 16500.00
Supply, fabrication, fixing and connecting of MS sheet iron box of size 1.10 Mtrs. x 1.50Mtrs. x 0.55 Mtrs. MS sheet not less
Item- 59 than 16 SWG and 4 Nos. of 200 Amps Fuse cutouts with masonry plinth, clamps, bolts, nuts and locking arrangements. The
box shall be painted with two coats of red oxide and two coats of siemens grey paint with all accessories for supply points
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Set 1.00 15000.00 15000.00
2 02 Erection Set 1.00 1122.00 1122.00
Total 16122.00
Design, fabrication, supply, erection and commissioning of suitable size MS sheet iron box, MS sheet not less than 16 SWG
Item- 60 with clamps, bolts, nuts, washers, box shall be painted with two coats of red oxide and two coats of Siemens Grey paint with
all accessories for supply points
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Set 1.00 2100.00 2100.00
2 02 Erection Set 1.00 400.00 400.00
Total 2500.00
Fabrication, Supply and fixing of clamping arrangements for LED station name boards, necessary cross arms/rag bolts to fix
the boards at a specified location to wall/roof is also to be supplied by the contractor as advised by Site Engineer. The wiring
Item- 61
is to be made by 2 Nos. of 1.5 sq.mm. PVC insulated multi stranded copper wire through 1/2" PVC conduit pipe/casing and
capping/PVC flexible pipe of good quality along with 14 SWG bare copper wire for earth continuity
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 3.00 516.00 1548.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 3.00 129.00 387.00
Total 1935.00
Suppy, fixing, testing and commissioning of LED based station Name Board in English/Telugu/ Hindi on the basis of number
Item- 62 of letters per board in RGB colour complete with all connected accessories. The complete board shall confirms to
specification No. GTL/E/M /SPEC /LED/10/1
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Each 21.00 9458.40 198626.40
2 02 Erection Each 21.00 2364.60 49656.60
Total 248283.00

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

Design, fabrication, supply and fixing of LED double side glow sign boards with high quality LED's with computerised vinyl
Item- 63 stickering lettering in 'Telugu', 'Hindi', 'English'. The signage pictorials shall be as advised by Site Supervisor with all other
connected accessories complete as per RDSO specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0086-2009 (Rev. '0') Amdt-1
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Square 40.00 1312.00 52480.00
Total 52480.00
Fabrication, Supply and fixing of GI clamping arrangements for single side/double side glow boards of 25"x25"/49"x25"/other
required sizes etc. necessary GI cross arms/GI rag bolts to fix the boards at a specified location to wall/roof is also to be
Item- 64 supplied by the Contractor as advised by site Engineer. The wiring is to be made by 2 Nos. of 1.5 sq.mm. PVC insulated
multi stranded copper wire through 1/2" PVC conduit casing and capping along with 14 SWG bare copper wire for earth
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Erection Numbers 10.00 500.00 5000.00
Total 5000.00
Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of a) 3 Nos. of 6 Amps one way with LED indicator switch, b) 3 Nos. of
Item- 65 International socket, 16/6 Amps (shuttered), c) 1 No. 16 A SP Tiny Trip MCB, d) 2 Nos. of Plastic Enclosures with cover for
surface mounting including fixing of charging point on the wall complete with all other connected accessories etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 4.00 881.00 3524.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 4.00 200.00 800.00
Total 4324.00
Supply and fixing of suitable rack arrangements for cell charging a) supply of 18 SWG sheet steel of size 0.38 mtr. x 0.3 mtr.
Item- 66 and Bending to required shape & drilling of 4 Nos. of holes at the top of the sheet, b) Painting of above items for one coat of
Red-oxide and two coats of ivory colour including fixing on the wall complete with all other connected accessories etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 4.00 367.00 1468.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 4.00 100.00 400.00
Total 1868.00
Design, Fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 16 Mtrs. special steel plates high mast shaft system,
including wiring with PVC insulated copper flat cable complete made up of two sections as per the specification No.
SCR/EL/HMTL/2002/01 enclosed with all accessories except those mentioned as separate item in this schedule. (i) Supply
and fixing of accessories for 16 M high mast including head frame, stainless steel wire rope 6mm dia. double drum winch,
motor, galvanized lantern carriage arrangements suitable for 9 luminaires and with its control gear box with all connected
Item- 67
material (ii) Excavation of earth design & casting M 20 concrete foundation for 16 mtrs high mast with all connected works
and supply of required materials (iii) Supply and fixing of foundation bolts manufactured from special steel along with nuts,
washers, anchor plates and templates with all connected material (iv) Supply, fixing and commissioning of 3 phase non
reversible power tool for electrical operation of raising and lowering of lantern carriage with all connected materials as per
the specification No. SCR/EL/HMTL/2002/01
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Set 1.00 353252.00 353252.00
2 02 Erection Set 1.00 43976.00 43976.00
Total 397228.00
Supply, fixing, connecting and commissioning of Energy saving IP65 flood light luminaries with high power LED Light of 200
Item- 68 Watts including all connecting accessories as per PCEE's Specification No. SCR/LED (OD)/Light Fittings/003 (Amdt.5) - 2023
or latest
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 9.00 16431.00 147879.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 9.00 1905.00 17145.00
Total 165024.00
Supply, fixing and connecting of copper cable of 2 core x 4 sq.mm with all connected accessories Note: Makes as per
Item- 69
approved list of CEE/C/SC
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Metre 100.00 30.00 3000.00
2 02 Erection Metre 100.00 10.00 1000.00
Total 4000.00
Supply, fixing and connecting of 4 pole 100 Amps MCCB, 25 KA to be fixed at existing LT control panel board complete with
Item- 70
all connected accessories etc.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 1.00 3577.00 3577.00
2 02 Erection Numbers 1.00 762.00 762.00
Total 4339.00
Supply, fabrication and erection of protective fencing around the high mast with 50mm dia x 1.5 mtrs. long medium class GI
Item- 71 pipe 10 Nos. and ornamental chain made of 5mm dia rod shackles and length of not less than 18.5m of each round including
all masonry works for retaining wall as per site required.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 1.00 3986.00 3986.00

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2 02 Erection Numbers 1.00 953.00 953.00

Total 4939.00
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1.4 kVA, 24 V DC inverter pure sine wave output, single phase input/single
Item- 72
phase output and internal cable connection
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 1.00 13200.00 13200.00
Total 13200.00
Item- 73 Supply and fixing of 12V 100 AH SMF battery with 3 years warranty including wire leads, connections etc. complete
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 2.00 11484.00 22968.00
Total 22968.00
Item- 74 Supply and providing of UPS cum battery rack up to 4 batteries of 100 AH capacity
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply/Meterial Numbers 1.00 1650.00 1650.00
Total 1650.00
Dismantling of RSJ/RCC/Tublar/Platform poles and handing over the same to the concerned supervisor of maintenance his
Item- 75
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Dismantling Numbers 20.00 1000.00 20000.00
Total 20000.00
Preparation and submission of completion drawings in A3 size with all relevant details and executed Wiring diagrams. The
Item- 76
drawings shall be submitted in 1+6 copies etc. along with AUTOCAD CD
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 01 Supply&Erection Set 1.00 1000.00 1000.00
Total 1000.00


Important : All documents uploaded and remarks / confirmation entered by the bidders against any eligibility condition
shall be opened as part of technical bid only

Standard Financial Criteria

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
The tenderer must have minimum average annual contractual turnover of V/N or 'V' whichever is
less; where V= Advertised value of the tender in crores of Rupees N= Number of years
prescribed for completion of work for which bids have been invited. The average annual
contractual turnover shall be calculated as an average of "total contractual payments" in the
previous three financial years, as per the audited balance sheet. However, in case balance sheet Allowed
1 No No
of the previous year is yet to be prepared/ audited, the audited balance sheet of the fourth (Mandatory)
previous year shall be considered for calculating average annual contractual turnover. The
tenderers shall submit requisite information as per Annexure-VIB, along with copies of Audited
Balance Sheets duly certified by the Chartered Accountant/ Certificate from Chartered
Accountant duly supported by Audited Balance Sheet.
If JV firms are allowed to participate, Financial eligibility of the JV Firm shall be adjudged based on
1.1 No No Not Allowed
satisfactory fulfillment of the Para No.17.15.2 of Part-I of IRSGCC-2022 [including upto ACS no.6]
NOTE: If the tender is not accompanied by the certificate(s) in support of financial eligibility as
1.2 No No Not Allowed
above, the tender shall be rejected. No post-tender correspondence will be entertained.

Standard Technical Criteria

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
(a)The tenderer must have successfully completed or substantially completed any of the
following categories of works during last 07 (seven) years, ending last day of month previous to
the one in which tender is invited[Even though the work might have commenced before the
1 qualifying period]: Three similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 30% of No No
advertised value of the tender, or Two similar works each costing not less than the amount equal
to 40% of advertised value of the tender, or One similar work each costing not less than the
amount equal to 60% of advertised value of the tender.
In case of tenders for composite works (e.g. works involving more than one distinct component,
such as Civil Engineering works, S&T works, Electrical works, OHE works etc. and in the case of
major bridges - substructure, superstructure etc.), tenderer must have successfully completed or
substantially completed any one of the following categories of works during last 07 (seven)
years, ending last day of month previous to the one in which tender is invited: Three similar
1.1 works each costing not less than the amount equal to 30% of advertised value of each No No
component of tender, or Two similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40%
of advertised value of each component of tender, or One similar work each costing not less than
the amount equal to 60% of advertised value of each component of tender. Note: Separate
completed works of minimum required values shall also be considered shall also be considered
for fulfillment of technical eligibility criteria for different components.

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

The total value of similar nature of work completed during the qualifying period and not the
payments received within qualifying period alone, shall be considered. In case, final Bill of similar
nature of work has not been passed and final measurements have not been recorded, the paid
amount including statutory deductions will be considered. If final measurements have been
1.2 recorded and work has been completed with negative variation, then also the paid amount No No Not Allowed
including statutory deductions will be considered. However, if final measurements have been
recorded and work has been completed with positive variation but variation has not been
sanctioned, original agreement value or last sanctioned agreement value whichever is lower
shall be considered for judging eligibility.
In case JV firms are allowed to participate, Technical Eligibility of the JV Firm shall be adjudged
1.3 based on satisfactory fulfillment of the Para No.17.15.1 of Part-I of IRSGCC-2022 [including upto No No Not Allowed
ACS no.6]
The works executed by tenderer for any Govt. / Govt. bodies / PSUs and public listed company
1.4 (as detailed in Note for Para No.10.1 of part-I of IRSGCC 2022 including upto ACS no.6) shall only No No Not Allowed
be considered for fulfilling of Technical Eligibility Criteria.
The work experience certificate shall be in the name and style of the tenderer participating or as
per provisions under Clause 17.15 of Part-I of IRSGCC 2022 (including upto ACS no.6) for JV Firm,
if eligible to participate. However, in case the tenderer is submitting the certificate issued to a JV
1.4.1 No No Not Allowed
firm of which the tenderer is a member, the credentials proportionate to his share in the JV will
be considered. The tenderer shall submit an attested copy of relevant JV Agreement along with
the Tender.
The work experience certificate shall be issued by an officer not below the rank of JA Grade or Bill
passing Officer in Railways and Bill passing Officer/Executive In-charge of work in other Govt. /
1.4.2 No No Not Allowed
Govt. bodies / PSUs. The certificate should bear the signature and seal of the issuing officer,
name of the department etc.
Note for Para No.10.1 of Part-I of IRSGCC (including upto ACS no.6); Work experience certificate
from private individual shall not be considered. However, in addition to work experience
certificates issued by any Govt. Organisation, work experience certificate issued by Public listed
company having average annual turnover of Rs 500 crore and above in last 3 financial years
excluding the current financial year, listed on National Stock Exchange or Bombay Stock
Exchange, incorporated / registered atleast 5 years prior to the date of closing of tender, shall
1.4.3 also be considered provided the work experience certificate has been issued by a person No No
authorized by the Public listed company to issue such certificates. In case tenderer submits work
experience certificate issued by public listed company, the tenderer shall also submit along with
work experience certificate, the relevant copy of work order, bill of quantities, bill wise details of
payment received duly certified by Chartered Accountant, TDS certificates for all payments
received and copy of final/last bill paid by company in support of above work experience
Defination of Similar Work :- The proposed tender is a composite nature tender having Four(4)
distinctive works, i.e 1) Earth work in formation & Bridges value of Rs.12.54 Cr, 2) Laying &
1.5 No No Not Allowed
Linking for a value of Rs.7.12 Cr, 3)Electrical (TrD)& General value of Rs.7.02 Cr, 4) S&T value of
Rs.7.15 Cr.
Defination of Similar Work :- A. Similar Nature of work for Civil Engineering Portion: i)Earth work
in formation & Bridges value of Rs.12.54 Cr. -" Execution of earth work/blanketing in formation in
embankment/cutting with mechanical compaction and construction of bridges. A contractor who
possess experience of earth work/blanketing with mechanical compaction in one contract and of
1.5.1 construction of bridges in another contract will also be eligible with a value of each individual No No Not Allowed
work as per values of completed works mentioned in technical eligibility criteria.- Note: If the
instant tender does not involve any bridge work, then the requirement of construction of bridges
is not mandatory." ii)Laying & Linking for a value of Rs.7.12 Cr.-"Any Railway track work /track
maintainance works"
Defination of Similar Work :- B. Electrical Engineering Portion for a Value of 7.02 Cr. -""(i)
Definition of Electrical component of Work:- "Erection, testing and commissioning of 25 kV
Overhead Electric Equipment in Railways. (OR) At least one work of construction of transmission
line of 66kV or above voltage of requisite value as per the technical eligibility criteria AND should
also have experience of having energized at 25 kV AC at least 10 TKM OHE work or 20% of TKM
as per tender whichever is more from a single completed or ongoing work. (OR) Provision or
modification to sub-stations /switching stations, switch gear equipments, control and protection
equipment, reactors, power factor correction equipment, transformers or any other power
equipment in 25 kV Railway Sub-stations/Switching stations or 66kV and above Electrical sub-
station of any PSU/Govt. Agencies AND should also having experience of having energized at 25
kV AC at least 10 TKM OHE work or 20% of TKM as per tender whichever is more from a single
completed or ongoing work." (ii) Eligibility as per IE Rules 1956 with latest amendment: The
Tenderer should have valid Electrical Contractor's License Grade "A"/33 kV or above issued by
Government Electrical Licensing Board (OR) the site Supervisor should posses necessary "A"
1.5.2 grade/33kV or above License issued by Government Electrical Licensing authority to carryout No No Not Allowed
works of appropriate voltage. The license should have been issued on a date prior to date of
tender opening. Note: If the contractor is not having the experience in Electrical General works
as per clause 7 of standard General Conditions of Contract, he may execute Electrical General
works through a subcontractor having eligibility as below: "The subcontractor shall have
successfully completed at least one work similar to work proposed for subcontract in last 5
years, ending date of submission of proposal by Contractor to Railway. Costing not less than 35%
value of work to be subletted, through a works contract". a) Similar Nature of Electrical General
works for sub contractor is as follows: Works of wiring / cabling or installation and commissioning
of electrical items (other than on coaches) such as lights, fans, pumps, charging arrangements,
earthing etc (with or without supply of items / equipments) for 230V, 1phase or 415V, 3phase
system or higher voltages. b) Electrical License for sub contractor: The tenderer or his site
supervisor should have minimum valid 'B' Grade Electrical Contractor's License issued by State
Electrical Licensing Board. The License should have been issued on a date prior to the date of
Tender opening. Clear scanned copy is to be submitted along with the tender

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Defination of Similar Work :- C.S&T portion: for a value of Rs.7.15 Cr. "Execution of Panel
Interlocking or Electronic Interlocking with MACLS either Indoor or Outdoor works or Both. "OR"
Alteration to Existing Panel Interlocking/ Electronic Interlocking with MACLS either Indoor or
1.5.3 Outdoor works or Both." OR "Provision of IBS works in panel Interlocking or Electronic Interlocking No No Not Allowed
sections." OR "Provision of Automatic signaling with Axle counter/Track circuits or both
together." OR "Provision of UFSBI/BPAC's at Panel Interlocking stations/Electronic Interlocking

Bidders shall confirm and certify on the behalf of the tenderer including its constituents as under:

S.No. Description
1 I/we the tenderer (s) am/are signing this document after carefully reading the contents.
2 I/We the tenderer(s) also accept all the conditions of the tender and have signed all the pages in confirmation thereof.
I/we hereby declare that I/we have downloaded the tender documents from Indian Railway website www.ireps.gov.in . I/we have verified
the content of the document from the website and there is no addition, no deletion or no alteration to the content of the tender document.
In case of any discrepancy noticed at any stage i.e. evaluation of tenders, execution of work or final payment of the contract, the master
copy available with the railway Administration shall be final and binding upon me/us.
I/we declare and certify that I/we have not made any misleading or false representation in the forms, statements and attachments in proof
of the qualification requirements.
I/We also understand that my/our offer will be evaluated based on the documents/credentials submitted along with the offer and same
shall be binding upon me/us.
I/We declare that the information and documents submitted along with the tender by me/us are correct and I/we are fully responsible for
the correctness of the information and documents, submitted by us.
I/we certify that I/we the tenderer(s) is/are not blacklisted or debarred by Railways or any other Ministry / Department of Govt. of India
7 from participation in tender on the date of submission of bids, either in individual capacity or as a HUF/ member of the partnership
I/we understand that if the contents of the certificate submitted by us are found to be forged/false at any time during process for
evaluation of tenders, it shall lead to forfeiture of the Bid Security and may also lead to any other action provided in the contract including
banning of business for a period of upto two year. Further, I/we and all my/our constituents understand that my/our offer shall be
summarily rejected.
I/we also understand that if the contents of the certificate submitted by us are found to be false/forged at any time after the award of the
9 contract, it will lead to termination of the contract, along with forfeiture of Bid Security/Security Deposit and Performance guarantee and
may also lead to any other action provided in the contract including banning of business for a period of upto two year.
I/We have read the clause regarding restriction on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land border with India and
certify that I am/We are not from such a country or, if from such a country, have been registered with the competent Authority. I/We
hereby certify that I/we fulfil all the requirements in this regard and am/are eligible to be considered (evidence of valid registration by the
competent authority is enclosed)

Partnership firm/Joint Venture (JV) / Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) / Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) etc.

S.No. Description
Partnership firm/Joint Venture (JV) / Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) / Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) etc. Please submit a
certificate in the prescribed format (please download the format from the link given below). Non submission of the certificate, or
1 submission of certificate either not properly filled in, or in a format other than the prescribed format shall lead to summary rejection of
your offer.
( Click here to download the Format of Self Certification)


Important : All documents uploaded and remarks / confirmation entered by the bidders against any compliance condition
shall be opened as part of technical bid only.


S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
Please enter the percentage of local content in the material being offered. Please enter 0
for fully imported items, and 100 for fully indigenous items. The definition and Allowed
1 No Yes
calculation of local content shall be in accordance with the Make in India policy as (Optional)
incorporated in the tender conditions.
Uploading of other relevant documents connected to the tender; such as Declaration
regarding employment of Retired Engineer/ Retired Railway officer, NEFT Form, List of Allowed
2 No No
Personnel/Organization, List of Plant/machinery, Particulars of works on hand and (Optional)
completed (As per the formats attached in the list of Documents)etc.
applicable, the tenderers should submit proforma attached in DOCUMENTS. In case, the Allowed
3 No No
tenderer/s failed to upload BID CAPACITY PROFORMA along with offer, their/his offer shall (Mandatory)
be considered as incomplete and will be rejected summarily.
4 Following documents shall be enclosed No No Not Allowed
In case of Sole Proprietorship Firm, the documents to be attached with the tender are:
(i)An undertaking that he is not blacklisted or debarred by Railways or any other Ministry
/ Department of Govt. of India from participation in tender on the date of opening of
bids, either in individual capacity or as a member of the partnership firm or JV in which Allowed
4.1 Yes Yes
he was / is a partner/member. Concealment / wrong information in regard to above shall (Optional)
make the contract liable for determination under Clause 62 of the General Conditions of
Contract.(ii) All documents in terms of Para 10 of the Tender Form (Second Sheet) of
IRSGCC 2022(Including upto ACS no.6)

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

In case, the tenderer is bidding on behalf of HUF the documents to be attached with the
tender are : (i) A copy of notarized affidavit on Stamp Paper declaring that he who is
submitting the tender on behalf of HUF is in the position of 'Karta' of Hindu Undivided
Family (HUF) and he has the authority, power and consent given by other members to
act on behalf of HUF. (ii)An undertaking that the HUF is not blacklisted or debarred by
4.2 Railways or any other Ministry/Department of Govt. of India from participation in tender Yes Yes
on the date of opening of bids, either in individual capacity or as member of JV in which
the HUF was / is a member. Concealment/wrong information in regard to above shall
make the contract liable for determination under Clause 62 of the General Conditions of
Contract.(iii) All other documents in terms of Para 10 of the Tender Form (Second Sheet)
of IRSGCC 2022 (Including upto ACS no.6)
In case, the Tenderer is a Partnership Firm, the following documents shall be submitted:
(i)A notarized copy of the Partnership Deed or a copy of the Partnership Deed registered
with the Registrar. (ii)A notarized or registered copy of Power of Attorney in favour of the
individual to tender for the work, sign the agreement etc. and create liability against the
firm.(iii)An undertaking by all partners of the partnership firm that they are not
blacklisted or debarred by Railways or any other Ministry / Department of the Govt. of Allowed
4.3 Yes Yes
India from participation in tenders/contracts as on the date of submission of bids, either (Optional)
in their individual capacity or in any firm/LLP in which they were/are partners/members.
Any concealment/wrong information in regard to above shall make the bid ineligible or
the contract shall be determined under Clause 62 of the General Conditions of Contract.
(iv)All other documents as mentioned in Para 18 of the tender form (second sheet) of
IRSGCC-2022(Including upto ACS no.6)
In case tenderer is a LLP Firm registered under LLP Act-2008, the following documents
shall be submitted: (i)A copy of LLP Agreement (ii)A copy of Certificate of Incorporation
(iii)A copy of Power of Attorney/Authorization issued by the LLP in favour of the individual
to sign the tender on behalf of the LLP and create liability against the LLP. (iv)An
undertaking by all partners of the LLP that they are not blacklisted or debarred by
Railways or any other Ministry / Department of the Govt. of India from participation in
4.4 tenders / contracts as on the date of submission of bids, either in their individual Yes Yes
capacity or in any firm/LLP or JV in which they were / are partners/members.
Concealment / wrong information in regard to above shall make the contract liable for
determination under Clause 62 of the Standard General Conditions of Contract (v)All
other documents in terms of Para 10 of Tender form(2nd sheet) of IRSGCC- April-2022
Part-I(Including upto ACS no.6). (vi) All other documents as per Clause 14 of IRSGCC -
April -2022- Part I (including upto ACS no.6)
In case the Tenderer is a Company registered under Companies Act-2013:-The
tenderer(s) shall submit the following documents: (i)The copies of MOA (Memorandum of
Association) / AOA (Articles of Association) of the company (ii)A copy of Certificate of
Incorporation (iii)A copy of Authorization/Power of Attorney issued by the Company
(backed by the resolution of Board of Directors) in favour of the individual to sign the
tender on behalf of the company and create liability against the company. (iv)An
undertaking that the Company is not blacklisted or debarred by Railways or any other Allowed
4.5 Yes Yes
Ministry / Department of Govt. of India from participation in tender on the date of (Optional)
opening of bids, either in individual capacity or as a member of the partnership firm or JV
in which the Company was / is a partner/member. Concealment / wrong information in
regard to above shall make the contract liable for determination under Clause 62 of the
General Conditions of Contract. (v)All other documents in terms of para 10 of tender
form (2nd Sheet) of IRSGCC-2022(Including ACS no.6) (vi) All other documents as per
Clause 14 of IRSGCC -April -2022- Part I(including upto ACS no.6)
In case the Tenderer is a Registered Society & Registered Trust, the following documents
shall be submitted: (i)A copy of Certificate of Registration (ii)A copy of Memorandum of
Association of Society / Trust Deed (iii)A copy of Power of Attorney in favour of the
individual to sign the tender documents and create liability against the Society/Trust.(iv) Allowed
4.6 Yes Yes
A Copy of rules and regulations of the society (v)All other documents in terms of Para 10 (Optional)
of Tender form(2nd sheet) of IRSGCC- April-2022 Part-I(Including upto ACS no.6). (v) All
other documents as per Clause 14 of IRSGCC -April -2022- Part-I(Including upto ACS
In case JV Firms are allowed to participate: JV firm should upload Memorandum of
Understanding [MOU] as per the format attached as annexure to the tender in Allowed
4.7 Yes Yes
DOCUMENTS. Submission of all other documents by JV firm / Members of JV should also (Optional)
be as per Cl.No.17.14 of Part-I of IRSGCC-2022(Including upto ACS no.6)
The Bid Security shall be deposited either in cash through e-payment gateway or
submitted as Bank Guarantee bond from a scheduled commercial bank of India. The
Bank Guarantee bond shall be as per Annexure- VIA and shall be valid for a period of 90
days beyond the bid validity period. Tenderers may refer Para 5 of IRSGCC -2022 -Part-I
(including up to ACS no.6) for other details in regard to payment of bid security. The
original Bank Guarantee should be delivered in person to Dy.CE/C/Plg./SC, Room Allowed
5 Yes Yes
no.206A, 2nd floor, Rail Nirman Nilayam, S.C. Railway, Secunderabad -500025. Note: As (Optional)
per ACS no.5 issued by Railway Board vide letter No.2022/CE-I/CT/GCC-2022/Policy
dt.20.10.2023, "The original Bank Guarantee should be delivered in person to the oficial
nominated as indicated in the tender document before closing date for submission of
bids (i.e., excluding the last date of submission of bids (Authority: PCE/SC's
lr.no.W.496/Policy/Vol.IX, dt:31.05.2024).

General Instructions

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
The successful bidder shall submit "Performance Guarantee" amounting to FIVE percent
1 No No Not Allowed
(5%) of contract value after award of the work.

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

The General Conditions of Contract governing the performance of the works covered by
this tender are the IRS GCC-2022 [including upto ACS no.6]. A soft copy of the Indian
Railway Standard General conditions of Contract is uploaded in the attached documents
to the tender for reference. Hard copy of IRSGCC (with up-to-date correction slip) may be
perused in the office of the Chief Administrative Officer/ Construction/ South Central
2 Railway / Secunderabad - 500071. The tenderer/s is/are deemed to have kept No No Not Allowed
himself/themselves fully Informed of the provisions of the IRS General conditions of
Contract including all corrections and Amendments issued up to date (as on date,IRS
GCC-2022 upto ACS no.6 shall be considered) while submission of offer and any claim
that he/they is/are not aware of any amendment or correction slip to the IRSGCC shall
not be entertained.
STUDY OF DRAWINGS AND LOCAL CONDITIONS: The drawings for the works can be seen
in the office of the Chief Administrative Officer, Construction, S.C.Railway, Secunderabad
- 500071 or in the office of the concerned field Deputy Chief Engineer / Construction /
S.C.Railway . It should be noted that these drawings are meant for general guidance
only and Railway may suitably modify them during the execution of work according to
the circumstances without making the Railways liable for any claims on account of such
changes. If there is any variation between the description in the tender and the detailed
plans, the Engineer-in-Charge will operate the correct description and his decision is final
3 No No Not Allowed
and binding on the tenderer/ Contractor. The Tenderer/Contractor is required to inspect
the sites of works and acquaint himself with the site conditions, availability of
approaches for transporting of men and materials, space and other factors relating to
the works, availability of labour, electricity and water, etc., before quoting his rates. The
extent of lead and lift involved in the execution of works and any difficulties involved in
the execution of work should also be examined before formulating the rates for
complete items of works described in the schedule. The Tender submitted will be
deemed to have been made after such inspection.
DRAWINGS FOR WORKS: The percentage rates for the schedule items and itemized rates
for the non-scheduled items quoted by the tenderer as may be accepted by the railways
will, hold good irrespective of any changes, modifications, alterations, additions,
omissions in the locations of structures and detailed drawings, specifications and/or the
manner of executing the work. It should be specifically noted that some of the detailed
drawings may not have been finalised by the Railway and will, therefore, be supplied to
4 the contractor as and when they are finalised on demand. No compensation whatsoever No No Not Allowed
on this account shall be payable by the Railway Administration. No claim whatsoever will
be entertained by the Railway on account of any delay or hold up of the works arising
out of delay in approval of drawings, changes, modifications, alterations, additions,
omission and the site layout plans or detailed drawings and design and/or late supply of
such material as are required to be arranged by the Railway or due to any other factor
on Railway Accounts.
Manual tenders, supporting documents etc., sent by Post/FAX/Courier or in Person SHALL
5 No No Not Allowed
All requisite documents are to be properly submitted online only and the bidders should
5.1 No No Not Allowed
ensure that the content of the documents uploaded is distinctly legible/readable.
CORRIGENDUM NOTICE ON IREPS: [I]Railway may modify the tender document by
issuing online corrigendum through "www.ireps.gov.in" 15 days prior to the tender
closing date. For the purpose of CORRIGENDUM in the tender, NIT period is splitted as
6 No No Not Allowed
under: (a) ADVERTISEMENT PERIOD: The time during which all information pertaining to
tender shall be available but offers cannot be submitted (b) OFFER SUBMISSION PERIOD:
15 days prior to closing of tender, during which tenderers can submit their offer.
If the Bid of a Tenderer is seriously unbalanced in relation to the Engineer's estimate of
the cost of work to be performed under the contract, the Railways may require the
7 tenderer to produce detailed price analysis for any or all items of the Tender Schedule, No No Not Allowed
to demonstrate the internal consistency of those prices with the construction methods
and schedule proposed.
Applicable for the tenders with eligibility criteria: The offer of Tenderer(s) who do not
enclose Work Experience Certificate & Financial eligibility Certificate with requisite
8 details, and supporting documents along with their Tender to establish their credentials No No Not Allowed
shall be summarily rejected, even though they are working contractors or contractors on
approved list.
The offer shall be evaluated only from the certificates/documents submitted along with
8.1 No No Not Allowed
the tender offer.
Any Certificate /Documents offered / submitted / received after the tender opening shall
8.2 No No Not Allowed
not be given any credit and shall not be considered.
8.3 Attestation of documents may be self attested or attested by a Gazetted Officer. No No Not Allowed
Railway reserves the right to verify the authenticity of the documents/information
8.4 No No Not Allowed
TAXES: if rates of existing GST or cess on GST for Works Contract is increased or any
new tax /cess on Works Contract is imposed by Statute after the date of opening of
tender but within the original date of completion/date of completion extended under
clause 17 & 17A of Part-II of IRSGCC-2022 (including upto ACS no.6) and the Contractor
9 thereupon properly pays such taxes/cess, the Contractor shall be reimbursed the amount No No Not Allowed
so paid. Further, if rates of existing GST or cess on GST for Works Contract is decreased
or any tax/cess on Works Contract is decreased / removed by Statute after the date of
opening of tender, the reduction in tax amount shall be recovered from Contractor's
bills/Security Deposit or any other dues of Contractor with the Government of India.
This tender complies with PUBLIC PROCUREMENT POLICY ORDER-2017 dated
15.06.2017. Please enter the percentage of local content in the material being offered.
10 Please enter 0 for fully imported items, and 100 for fully indigenous items. The definition No No Not Allowed
and calculation of local content shall be in accordance with the Make in India policy as
incorporated in the tender conditions.
Tenderer(s) shall note that conditional/alternate offer will not be considered and will
11 No No Not Allowed
summarily be rejected, even though such condition makes them as the lowest tenderer.

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

After opening of the tender, any document pertaining to the constitution of sole
proprietorship Firm/Partnership Firm/ Registered Company/ Registered Trust/ Registered
Society/ HUF/LLP etc. shall be neither asked nor considered, if submitted. Further, no suo
12 moto cognizance of any document available in public domain (i.e, on internet etc) or in No No Not Allowed
Railway's record/office files etc. will be taken for consideration of the tender, if no such
mention is available in the tender offer submitted{Asper clause no. 14(iv) Part I of
IRSGCC 2022 including upto ACS no.6}
As per clause no.5 part I of IRSGCC 2022 (including upto ACS no.6) the details of
13 No No Not Allowed
exemptions/discount of Bid Security payment is as follows:
i) Any firm recognized by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) as
13.1 No No Not Allowed
'Startups' shall be exempted from payment of Bid Security.
iii) Labour Cooperative Societies shall deposit only 50% of Bid Security as mentioned in
13.2 No No Not Allowed
the tender

Special Conditions

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
Bidders should carefully read all the conditions and the Special Conditions alongwith
Special Conditions - General & Technical, which are annexed to the tender document in
the DOCUMENTS attached to the tender. These special conditions form part of the tender
1 No No Not Allowed
document and will supplement to the conditions of IRSGCC-2022 [including upto ACS
no.6]. Where the provisions of these special conditions are at variance with IRSGCC and
other documents mentioned above, these Special Conditions shall prevail.
2 No No Not Allowed
tender/technical bid will be evaluated based on bid capacity formula detailed as
Annexure-VI of IRSGCC 2022 (including upto ACS no.6). NOTE: i)The Tenderer(s) shall
furnish the details of existing commitments and balance amount of ongoing works with
tenderer as per the prescribed proforma of Railway for statement of all works in progress
and also the works which are awarded to tenderer but yet not started upto the date of
opening of tender. In case of no works in hand, a 'NIL' statement should be furnished.
3 No No Not Allowed
This statement should be submitted duly verified by Chartered Accountant.(ii) The
available bid capacity of tenderer shall be assessed based on the details submitted by
the tenderer. In case, the available Bid Capacity is lesser than estimated cost of work put
to tender, his offer shall not be considered even if he has been found eligible in other
eligibility criteria/tender requirement. (iii) In case, the tenderer/s failed to submit the
above statement along with offer, their/his offer shall be considered as incomplete and
will be rejected summarily.
Rates of Earth work items: As per IRU standard specifications for formation works, Bridge
works and P.Way works IRUSSOR 2021 & CPWD specifications 2019 for DSR 2021, the
specification of GE:G-0014 has been superseded by RDSOs latest specification GE:IRS-
4 No No Not Allowed
0004. Accordingly, wherever GE:G-0014 is mentioned in item description, the same
should be read as GE:IRS-0004 and work shall be executed as per GE:IRS-0004
specifications and no additional payment will be made in this regard.
This work involves measurement of works by contractor (cost of tender is more than Rs.
5 5 crs). Contractor has to make his own arrangements for recording measurements from No No Not Allowed
time to time. No additional payments will be in this regard.


S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
1 I/ We have visited the works site and I / We am / are aware of the site conditions. No No Not Allowed
[1]I/We have read the various conditions of the tender attached hereto and hereby agree
to abide by the said conditions. I/We also agree to keep this tender open for acceptance
for the period mentioned in the tender document [NIT HEADER] from the date fixed for
opening the same and in default thereof, I/We will be liable for forfeiture of my/our Bid
Security submitted. [2] I/We offer to do the work at the percentage rates quoted by
me/us in the attached schedule and bind myself/ourselves to complete the work within
the period of completion given in this tender document[NIT HEADER] from the date of
issue of letter of acceptance of this tender. I/We also hereby agree to abide by the IRS
GCC (including upto ACS no.6) and Special Conditions of contract and to carry out the
works according to the IRU Standard Specifications for formation works, Bridge works
and P.Way Works 2021 laid down by Indian Railway, CPWD Specifications 2020 for
2 No No Not Allowed
Horticulture, Land scaping and CPWD Specifications 2019 Volume 1 and Volume 2 laid
down by Central Public Works Department, New Delhi for DSR-2021 items for the
present contract. [3]. The full value of the earnest money paid shall stand forfeited
without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the railway if [a]I/We do not submit
the Performance Guarantee within the time specified in the Tender document; [b] I/We
do not execute the contract document within seven days after receipt of notice issued by
the Railway that such documents are ready: and [c] I/We do not commence the work
within fifteen days after receipt of orders to that effect. [4]. Until a formal agreement is
prepared and executed, acceptance of this tender shall constitute a binding contract
between us subject to modifications, as may be mutually agreed to between us and
indicated in the letter of acceptance of my/our offer for this work.
I/We understand that no post-tender correspondence will be entertained. However, if any
clarification is required by the Railway, the same will be sought from the tenderer. Also,
3 No No Not Allowed
I/We are aware that any Certificate/ Documents offered after the tender opening shall
not be given any credit and shall not be considered.
I/we do hereby solemnly affirm and state on behalf of the tenderer including its
4 No No Not Allowed
constituents as under:

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

[i] I/We the tenderer(s) am/are signing this document after carefully reading the
contents. [ii]I/We the tenderer(s) also accept all the conditions of the tender and have
signed all the pages in confirmation thereof.[iii]I/we hereby declare that I/we have
downloaded the tender documents from Indian Railway website www.ireps.gov.in . I/we
have verified the content of the document from the website and there is no addition, no
deletion or no alteration to the content of the tender document. In case of any
discrepancy noticed at any stage i.e. evaluation of tenders, execution of work or final
4.1 payment of the contract, the master copy available with the railway Administration shall No No Not Allowed
be final and binding upon me/us. [iv] I/We declare and certify that I/We have not made
any misleading or false representation in the documents, forms, statements attached in
proof of the qualification requirements. [v] I/We also understand that my/our offer will be
evaluated based on the documents/credentials uploaded along with the offer and the
same shall be binding upon me/us. [vi] I/We declare that the information and the
documents attached alongwith the tender by me/us are correct and I/We are fully
responsible for the correctness of the information and the documents submitted by us.
I / We indemnify and save harmless the Railway from and against all actions, suit
proceedings losses, costs, damages, charges, claims and demands of every nature and
description brought or recovered against the Railways by reason of any act or omission
5 of the Contractor, his agents or employees, in the execution of the works or in his No No Not Allowed
guarding of the same. All sums payable by way of compensation under any of these
conditions shall be considered as reasonable compensation to be applied to the actual
loss or damage sustained, and whether or not any damage shall have been sustained.
I/We are aware that: Should the Railway decide to negotiate with a view to bring down
the rates, the tenderer called for negotiations should furnish the following form of
declaration before commencement of negotiations. I/We ------------------------- do declare
that in the event of failure of contemplated negotiations relating to Tender No. ...........,
dt............ Item No. opened on dt:.......... my original tender shall remain open for
acceptance on its original terms and condition. I also declare that I am aware that during
6 this negotiations, I cannot increase the originally quoted rates against any of the No No Not Allowed
individual items and that in the event of my doing so the same would not be considered
at all i.e., reduction in rates during negotiation alone would be considered and for some
items if I/we increase the rates, the same would not be considered and in lieu my
originally quoted rates alone would be considered and my offer would be evaluated
accordingly. I/We are also aware that the validity of such negotiated offer will be 30 days
from the date of negotiations or the validity of original offer, whichever is later.

6. Documents attached with tender

S.No. Document Name Document Description

1 ElectricalGSSpecifications2.pdf Electrical GS Specifications
2 FormatforBankGuarantee11.10.2019ver-2.pdf Bank Gauarntee
3 PublicprocurementMakeinIndia.pdf Public Procurement Make in India
4 STTenderDocumentBMMPEI.pdf SNT Portion Tender Document
5 STTechnicalSpecificationsBMMP.pdf SNT Technical Specification
6 STSpecialConditionsofContractBMMP.pdf SNT Special Conditions of Contracts
7 REFERENCEDRG_1_1.pdf Reference Drawings 1
8 REFERENCEDRG2.pdf Reference Drawings 2
9 REFERENCEDRG_3.pdf Reference Drawings 3
10 REFERENCEDRG_4.pdf Reference Drawings 4
11 Agt_format_for_JV_withACS-3_GCC-2022._1.pdf Agt format JV
12 BG_format_for_BID_SECURITYGCC-2022_1.pdf BG format
13 MOU_format_for_JV_firms_with_GCC-2022_1.pdf MOU format JV
14 IRGCC-2022uptoACS.6.pdf IR GCC 2022 upto ACS6
15 PROFORMA_for_BIDCAPACITYcorrected22.08.2022.pdf Proforma for BID CAPACITY
16 Spl.Condns-Technical-EWandMinorBrConcWorks.pdf Special Conditions EW minor br
17 Spl.Condns-Technical-for-BUILDINGSCOPsFOBsWORKSHOPS.pdf Spl Conditions BUILDINGS
19 G-18GuidelinesanddrawingsofREwallforsidingsontrialbasis1.pdf Guidelines and drawings of RE wall
20 MSEWallGuidelineDraftG231.pdf MSE walls Guidelines
21 SPECIAL_CONDITIONS-TECHNICAL_for_TRACK_LINKING13-04-2022.pdf Spl Cond Tech for Track Linking
22 milestoneconditions.pdf mile stone conditions
23 SpecialconditionsTechnicalforSupplyofballastver5-25.03.21.pdf Spl Conditions for ballast
24 DetailsofEachSchedule.pdf Details of Each Schedule
26 Listofapprovedbrands-make.pdf APPROVED LIST OF BRANDS
Spl conditions Mesasurement of works by
28 SpecialConditions-Measurementofworksbycontractor28.08.21-Ver-1.pdf
Conbtractor 28 08 21 ver 1

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Tender No: 31-CAO-C-SC-2024 Closing Date/Time: 07/11/2024 15:00

This tender complies with Public Procurement Policy (Make in India) Order 2017, dated 15/06/2017, issued by Department of
Industrial Promotion and Policy, Ministry of Commerce, circulated vide Railway Board letter no. 2015/RS(G)/779/5 dated
03/08/2017 and 27/12/2017 and amendments/ revisions thereof.

As a Tender Inviting Authority, the undersigned has ensured that the issue of this tender does not violate provisions of GFR
regarding procurement through GeM.


Designation : Dy.CE/C/Plg

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