ESO201A Tutorial 4
ESO201A Tutorial 4
ESO201A Tutorial 4
4. Heat loss from the device to the surroundings is negligible and thus heat transfer
from the hot fluid is equal to the heat transfer to the cold fluid.
Analysis The inlet specific volume and the mass flow rate of air are
We take the entire heat exchanger as the system, which is a control volume. The mass
and energy balances for this steady-flow system can be expressed in the rate form as
The initial mass and the relations for the final and exiting masses are
Noting that the spring is linear, the boundary work can be determined from
where the enthalpy of exiting fluid is assumed to be the average of initial and final enthalpies of
the refrigerant in the cylinder. That is,
Final state properties of the refrigerant (h2, u2, and v2) are all functions of final pressure
(known) and temperature (unknown). The solution may be obtained by a trial-error approach
by trying different final state temperatures until Eq. (1) is satisfied. Thus, we obtain