Received 15 December 2015; revised 29 January 2016; accepted 1 February 2016; posted 2 February 2016 (Doc. ID 255667);
published 8 March 2016
We produce a 3 mJ, two-cycle (11.4 fs), 1 kHz, carrier- lasers, which allows a trade-off between the gain bandwidth and
envelope phase (CEP)-stable laser source at 1.7 μm via a the damage threshold of the nonlinear crystals [7,8]. While a
three-stage Ti:sapphire-pumped optical parametric chirped- number of kHz-repetition rate, few-cycle, high-energy IR
pulse amplifier in BiB3 O6 . We achieve a pump-to-signal OPCPA sources have been reported [9–13], only two of these
conversion efficiency of 18% in the last stage, which is, to systems yielded mJ-level near-octave pulses (two cycles and be-
the best of our knowledge, the highest yet achieved for near- low): the 3 kHz, 1.2 mJ, 2.1 μm source pumped by a Yb:YAG
octave bandwidth amplification. A f-to-2f measurement laser in [10] and the 1 kHz, 1.5 mJ, 1.6 μm source pumped by
shows a CEP instability of 165 mrad over 1 h. This is an a Ti:sapphire laser in [13]. While commercially available Yb:
ideal light source for generating isolated attosecond pulses YAG pump lasers with hundreds of mJ of pump energy
in the soft x-ray region. © 2016 Optical Society of America may facilitate OPCPA output energies scaled to tens of mJ
in the future, the pump-to-signal conversion efficiency of the
OCIS codes: (320.7090) Ultrafast lasers; (190.4970) Parametric
Yb:YAG-pumped near-octave OPCPA in [10] was limited to
oscillators and amplifiers. around 7%. On the other hand, the previously reported highest efficiency in a Ti:sapphire-pumped near-octave OPCPA was
12%, achieved in a BiB3 O6 (BIBO)-based system [13]. Better
understanding of the Ti:sapphire pumping scheme is interest-
ing, since researchers can develop such an OPCPA either by
Attosecond science, emerging at the onset of the 21st century, making use of the existing Ti:sapphire lasers in their labs or
has opened a new era of understanding electron dynamics and by taking advantage of the mature high-energy Ti:sapphire
correlations which occur on attosecond timescales [1]. So far, products that have become available from several companies.
isolated attosecond pulses as short as 67 as have been generated In this Letter, we report a method for further increasing the
in an extreme ultraviolet (XUV) wavelength range by using pump-to-signal conversion efficiency of a Ti:sapphire-pumped
spectrally-broadened Ti:sapphire lasers operating in the visible near-octave, mJ-level OPCPA to 18% by designing the ideal
to near-infrared spectral region [2]. Rapid development of Ti:sapphire pumping bandwidth and center wavelength for
few-cycle, long-wavelength driving lasers has occurred in recent optimizing the complex phase matching (PM) between a
years to further reduce the pulse duration toward 24 as (one linearly stretched polychromatic pump pulse and a nonlinearly
atomic unit of time) and cover the water-window region of stretched seed pulse. The implementation of this technique in
the soft x-ray domain for ultrafast chemistry, condensed matter, a BIBO-based OPCPA yielded 3 mJ, two-cycle, 1 kHz, carrier-
and biologic applications [3]. Such light sources, however, are envelope phase (CEP)-stable pulses at 1.7 μm.
limited to low brightness because of the low pulse energy of In BIBO, it has been calculated previously that 780 nm light
available few-cycle IR driving lasers and the dramatically is optimal for pumping an octave-spanning spectrum centered
reduced single-atom response due to the quantum diffusion at 1.6 μm when using Type 1 PM [14]. Rather than tailoring
of electron wave packets [4–6]. Therefore, the development the pump bandwidth and central wavelength for optimizing
of high-energy few-cycle IR laser sources is in strong demand. PM conditions, however, many BIBO-based optical parametric
IR pulses with both high-pulse energies and few-cycle amplification (OPA) and OPCPA systems have been content
durations are primarily enabled by optical parametric chirped to operate with pump wavelengths centered instead around
pulse amplification (OPCPA) pumped by few-picosecond (ps) 800 nm, which corresponds conveniently to the peak gain
Fig. 3. Schematic setup of the OPCPA system. BS1, 20% reflection beam splitter; BS2, 10% reflection beam splitter; Si BW, silicon window at
Brewster’s angle.
Letter Vol. 41, No. 6 / March 15 2016 / Optics Letters 1145
Wavelength (µm)
(a) (b) These authors contributed equally to this work.
0.9 0.5 0.9 0.5
0.8 0 0.8 0
0.7 0.7
-200 -100 0 100 200
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