Boomland BGEM Rewards

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Hunt : first place Premium

Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 4000 5600 7200 8800
2 5600 7200 8800 10400
3 5600 7200 8800 10400
4 5600 7200 8800 10400
5 6400 8000 9600 11200
6 6400 8000 9600 11200
7 7200 8800 10400 12000
8 7200 8800 10400 12000
9 7200 8800 10400 12000
10 8000 9600 11200 12800

Hunt : second place Premium Hunt : second

Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 3000 4200 5400 6600
2 4200 5400 6600 7800
3 4200 5400 6600 7800
4 4200 5400 6600 7800
5 4800 6000 7200 8400
6 4800 6000 7200 8400
7 5400 6600 7800 9000
8 5400 6600 7800 9000
9 5400 6600 7800 9000
10 6000 7200 8400 9600

Hunt : third place Premium

Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 2000 2800 3600 4400
2 2800 3600 4400 5200
3 2800 3600 4400 5200
4 2800 3600 4400 5200
5 3200 4000 4800 5600
6 3200 4000 4800 5600
7 3600 4400 5200 6000
8 3600 4400 5200 6000
9 3600 4400 5200 6000
10 4000 4800 5600 6400

Hunt : 4th place Premium

Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 1200 1680 2160 2640
2 1680 2160 2640 3120
3 1680 2160 2640 3120
4 1680 2160 2640 3120
5 1920 2400 2880 3360
6 1920 2400 2880 3360
7 2160 2640 3120 3600
8 2160 2640 3120 3600
9 2160 2640 3120 3600
10 2400 2880 3360 3840

Hardcore Hunt
Only first place Premium
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 12000 16800 21600 26400
2 16800 21600 26400 31200
3 16800 21600 26400 31200
4 16800 21600 26400 31200
5 19200 24000 28800 33600
6 19200 24000 28800 33600
7 21600 26400 31200 36000
8 21600 26400 31200 36000
9 21600 26400 31200 36000
10 24000 28800 33600 38400
Hunt : first place T1
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 8000 11200 14400 17600
2 11200 14400 17600 20800
3 11200 14400 17600 20800
4 11200 14400 17600 20800
5 12800 16000 19200 22400
6 12800 16000 19200 22400
7 14400 17600 20800 24000
8 14400 17600 20800 24000
9 14400 17600 20800 24000
10 16000 19200 22400 25600

Hunt : second placeT1 Hunt : second place

Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 6000 8400 10800 13200
2 8400 10800 13200 15600
3 8400 10800 13200 15600
4 8400 10800 13200 15600
5 9600 12000 14400 16800
6 9600 12000 14400 16800
7 10800 13200 15600 18000
8 10800 13200 15600 18000
9 10800 13200 15600 18000
10 12000 14400 16800 19200

Hunt : third place T1

Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 4000 5600 7200 8800
2 5600 7200 8800 10400
3 5600 7200 8800 10400
4 5600 7200 8800 10400
5 6400 8000 9600 11200
6 6400 8000 9600 11200
7 7200 8800 10400 12000
8 7200 8800 10400 12000
9 7200 8800 10400 12000
10 8000 9600 11200 12800

Hunt : 4th place T1

Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 2400 3360 4320 5280
2 3360 4320 5280 6240
3 3360 4320 5280 6240
4 3360 4320 5280 6240
5 3840 4800 5760 6720
6 3840 4800 5760 6720
7 4320 5280 6240 7200
8 4320 5280 6240 7200
9 4320 5280 6240 7200
10 4800 5760 6720 7680

Hardcore Hunt
Only first place T1
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 24000 33600 43200 52800
2 33600 43200 52800 62400
3 33600 43200 52800 62400
4 33600 43200 52800 62400
5 38400 48000 57600 67200
6 38400 48000 57600 67200
7 43200 52800 62400 72000
8 43200 52800 62400 72000
9 43200 52800 62400 72000
10 48000 57600 67200 76800
Hunt : first place T2
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 6000 8400 10800 13200
2 8400 10800 13200 15600
3 8400 10800 13200 15600
4 8400 10800 13200 15600
5 9600 12000 14400 16800
6 9600 12000 14400 16800
7 10800 13200 15600 18000
8 10800 13200 15600 18000
9 10800 13200 15600 18000
10 12000 14400 16800 19200

Hunt : second placeT2

Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 4500 6300 8100 9900
2 6300 8100 9900 11700
3 6300 8100 9900 11700
4 6300 8100 9900 11700
5 7200 9000 10800 12600
6 7200 9000 10800 12600
7 8100 9900 11700 13500
8 8100 9900 11700 13500
9 8100 9900 11700 13500
10 9000 10800 12600 14400

Hunt : third place T2

Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 3000 4200 5400 6600
2 4200 5400 6600 7800
3 4200 5400 6600 7800
4 4200 5400 6600 7800
5 4800 6000 7200 8400
6 4800 6000 7200 8400
7 5400 6600 7800 9000
8 5400 6600 7800 9000
9 5400 6600 7800 9000
10 6000 7200 8400 9600

Hunt : 4th place T2

Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 1800 2520 3240 3960
2 2520 3240 3960 4680
3 2520 3240 3960 4680
4 2520 3240 3960 4680
5 2880 3600 4320 5040
6 2880 3600 4320 5040
7 3240 3960 4680 5400
8 3240 3960 4680 5400
9 3240 3960 4680 5400
10 3600 4320 5040 5760

Hardcore Hunt
Only first place T2
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 18000 25200 32400 39600
2 25200 32400 39600 46800
3 25200 32400 39600 46800
4 25200 32400 39600 46800
5 28800 36000 43200 50400
6 28800 36000 43200 50400
7 32400 39600 46800 54000
8 32400 39600 46800 54000
9 32400 39600 46800 54000
10 36000 43200 50400 57600
Bounty Hunt : first place Premium
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 5200 7280 9360 11440
2 7280 9360 11440 13520
3 7280 9360 11440 13520
4 7280 9360 11440 13520
5 8320 10400 12480 14560
6 8320 10400 12480 14560
7 9360 11440 13520 15600
8 9360 11440 13520 15600
9 9360 11440 13520 15600
10 10400 12480 14560 16640

Bounty Hunt : second placePremium
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 3600 5040 6480 7920
2 5040 6480 7920 9360
3 5040 6480 7920 9360
4 5040 6480 7920 9360
5 5760 7200 8640 10080
6 5760 7200 8640 10080
7 6480 7920 9360 10800
8 6480 7920 9360 10800
9 6480 7920 9360 10800
10 7200 8640 10080 11520

Bounty Hunt : third place Premium
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 2800 3920 5040 6160
2 3920 5040 6160 7280
3 3920 5040 6160 7280
4 3920 5040 6160 7280
5 4480 5600 6720 7840
6 4480 5600 6720 7840
7 5040 6160 7280 8400
8 5040 6160 7280 8400
9 5040 6160 7280 8400
10 5600 6720 7840 8960

Bounty Hunt : 4th place Premium
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 2000 2800 3600 4400
2 2800 3600 4400 5200
3 2800 3600 4400 5200
4 2800 3600 4400 5200
5 3200 4000 4800 5600
6 3200 4000 4800 5600
7 3600 4400 5200 6000
8 3600 4400 5200 6000
9 3600 4400 5200 6000
10 4000 4800 5600 6400
Bounty Hunt : first place T1
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 10400 14560 18720 22880
2 14560 18720 22880 27040
3 14560 18720 22880 27040
4 14560 18720 22880 27040
5 16640 20800 24960 29120
6 16640 20800 24960 29120
7 18720 22880 27040 31200
8 18720 22880 27040 31200
9 18720 22880 27040 31200
10 20800 24960 29120 33280

Bounty Hunt : second place T1 Bounty Hunt
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 7200 10080 12960 15840
2 10080 12960 15840 18720
3 10080 12960 15840 18720
4 10080 12960 15840 18720
5 11520 14400 17280 20160
6 11520 14400 17280 20160
7 12960 15840 18720 21600
8 12960 15840 18720 21600
9 12960 15840 18720 21600
10 14400 17280 20160 23040

Bounty Hunt : third place T1
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 5600 7840 10080 12320
2 7840 10080 12320 14560
3 7840 10080 12320 14560
4 7840 10080 12320 14560
5 8960 11200 13440 15680
6 8960 11200 13440 15680
7 10080 12320 14560 16800
8 10080 12320 14560 16800
9 10080 12320 14560 16800
10 11200 13440 15680 17920

Bounty Hunt : 4th place T1
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 4000 5600 7200 8800
2 5600 7200 8800 10400
3 5600 7200 8800 10400
4 5600 7200 8800 10400
5 6400 8000 9600 11200
6 6400 8000 9600 11200
7 7200 8800 10400 12000
8 7200 8800 10400 12000
9 7200 8800 10400 12000
10 8000 9600 11200 12800
Bounty Hunt : first place T2
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 7800 10920 14040 17160
2 10920 14040 17160 20280
3 10920 14040 17160 20280
4 10920 14040 17160 20280
5 12480 15600 18720 21840
6 12480 15600 18720 21840
7 14040 17160 20280 23400
8 14040 17160 20280 23400
9 14040 17160 20280 23400
10 15600 18720 21840 24960

Bounty Hunt : second placeT2
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 5400 7560 9720 11880
2 7560 9720 11880 14040
3 7560 9720 11880 14040
4 7560 9720 11880 14040
5 8640 10800 12960 15120
6 8640 10800 12960 15120
7 9720 11880 14040 16200
8 9720 11880 14040 16200
9 9720 11880 14040 16200
10 10800 12960 15120 17280

Bounty Hunt : third place T2
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 4200 5880 7560 9240
2 5880 7560 9240 10920
3 5880 7560 9240 10920
4 5880 7560 9240 10920
5 6720 8400 10080 11760
6 6720 8400 10080 11760
7 7560 9240 10920 12600
8 7560 9240 10920 12600
9 7560 9240 10920 12600
10 8400 10080 11760 13440

Bounty Hunt : 4th place T2
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 3000 4200 5400 6600
2 4200 5400 6600 7800
3 4200 5400 6600 7800
4 4200 5400 6600 7800
5 4800 6000 7200 8400
6 4800 6000 7200 8400
7 5400 6600 7800 9000
8 5400 6600 7800 9000
9 5400 6600 7800 9000
10 6000 7200 8400 9600
Boss Hunt : 100% Premium
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 30000 42000 54000 66000
2 42000 54000 66000 78000
3 42000 54000 66000 78000
4 42000 54000 66000 78000
5 48000 60000 72000 84000
6 48000 60000 72000 84000
7 54000 66000 78000 90000
8 54000 66000 78000 90000
9 54000 66000 78000 90000
10 60000 72000 84000 96000
Boss Hunt : 100% T1 Boss Hunt : 100%
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 60000 84000 108000 132000
2 84000 108000 132000 156000
3 84000 108000 132000 156000
4 84000 108000 132000 156000
5 96000 120000 144000 168000
6 96000 120000 144000 168000
7 108000 132000 156000 180000
8 108000 132000 156000 180000
9 108000 132000 156000 180000
10 120000 144000 168000 192000
Boss Hunt : 100%T2
Level/Rarity UC Rare Epic Legendary
1 45000 63000 81000 99000
2 63000 81000 99000 117000
3 63000 81000 99000 117000
4 63000 81000 99000 117000
5 72000 90000 108000 126000
6 72000 90000 108000 126000
7 81000 99000 117000 135000
8 81000 99000 117000 135000
9 81000 99000 117000 135000
10 90000 108000 126000 144000

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