01 Fossil Fuel Power Plant

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Fossil Fuel Power Plant 2.

Combustion process
Definition of fossil fuel power plant: ● The combustion of coal produces heat,
● Fossil fuel is a hydrocarbon-containing which is used to convert water into steam.
decomposed material formed underground ● The steam turbine converts the thermal
from the remains of dead plants and animals energy of the steam into mechanical energy.
millions of years ago that is burned to ● The mechanical energy from the steam
release energy for use. turbine is then used to turn an electric
● Fossil fuel industries extract these energy generator. The generator converts the
sources through drilling or mining, burning mechanical energy into electrical energy.
them to generate electricity, or refining them
as heating or transportation fuel. Coal fired power plants follow the Rankine cycle in
● Because fossil fuels are non-renewable, their order to complete this process. Since they require
supply is finite and will ultimately be plenty of water to be circulated in this cycle, coal
depleted power plants need to be located near a body of water.
● Over 65% of the world's electrical energy The process of coal fired power plants can be seen
comes from steam turbine generators below.
burning fossil fuels.
● Fossil-fueled plants predominantly use coal
(60%), oil (10%), or gas (30%) in dedicated
combustion chambers to generate steam
● Fossil fuel combustion (converting chemical
energy into heat) powered the Industrial
Revolution and is the largest contributor to
climate change and air pollution.

Types of Fossil Fuel Power Plant

➢ Coal-Fired Power Plant
As of 2021, based on Philippine Star the Philippines
1. Characteristics
has 28 coal-fired power plants, many of them
● Coal fired power plants also known as coal
relatively new, thus making most of them unsuitable
fired power stations are facilities that burn
for retirement as proposed by climate activists to help
coal to make steam in order to generate
bring down carbon dioxide emissions caused by coal
use worldwide.
● Pulverized coal is often used in power
plants, where coal is ground into a fine
Types of Coal-Fired Power Plant
powder before being blown into the
Subcritical Steam Plants: Efficiency Range:
combustion chamber.
Typically 30% to 40%
● Generally has lower efficiency compared to
Description: Subcritical steam plants are
natural gas and oil power plants (coal plant
conventional coal-fired power plants where steam is
operating at 32% to 33% efficiency. ).
generated at pressures and temperatures below the
● Generally less flexible in responding to
critical point of water (subcritical conditions). These
changes in electricity demand compared to
plants have lower efficiencies compared to more
natural gas plants.
advanced technologies.
● Typically has higher carbon dioxide (CO2)
Supercritical Steam Plants: Efficiency Range:
emissions and releases other pollutants like
Around 40% to 45%
sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides
Description: Supercritical steam plants operate at
(NOx), and particulate matter.
higher pressures and temperatures than subcritical
plants, reaching the supercritical point of water. This
allows for improved efficiency in converting heat ● Produces fewer CO2 emissions compared to
into electricity. coal and generally has lower emissions of
Ultra-Supercritical Steam Plants: Efficiency pollutants.
Range: Above 45%
Description: Ultra-supercritical steam plants operate 2. Combustion process
at even higher temperatures and pressures than ● Combustion process: Natural gas is burned
supercritical plants, pushing the efficiency higher. in a combustion turbine or combined cycle
They represent a more advanced and efficient plant. In a combined cycle plant, the waste
technology for coal-fired power generation. heat from the combustion turbine is used to
generate additional power in a steam
3. Efficiency turbine.
● Generally has lower efficiency compared to
natural gas and oil power plants (coal plant Natural gas-fired power plants can be categorized
operating at 32% to 33% efficiency. ). into two main types: simple cycle plants and
combined cycle plants.
4. Flexibility
● Generally less flexible in responding to Simple Cycle Natural Gas Power Plant:
changes in electricity demand compared to Description:
natural gas plants. ● In a simple cycle power plant, the primary
component used for electricity generation is
5. Environmental Impact the combustion turbine (also known as a gas
● Typically has higher carbon dioxide (CO2) turbine).
emissions and releases other pollutants like ● Natural gas is burned in the combustion
sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides turbine to produce high-temperature and
(NOx), and particulate matter. high-pressure exhaust gases.
● The high-speed exhaust gases drive a
➢ Natural-Gas Power Plant generator connected to the turbine,
1. Characteristics converting the kinetic energy into electrical
● Natural gas is a fossil fuel. Its purest form is energy.
a colourless and odourless gas and is made Characteristics:
of many gases, of which methane is the most ● Simple cycle power plants are relatively
prominent. It occurs naturally and straightforward and cost-effective to build
approximately consists of 95% hydrocarbon and operate.
methane, the other 5% consists of nitrogen, ● They are often used for peaking power,
carbon dioxide, helium or hydrogen sulfide. which means they are brought online during
It takes millions of years for it to form. periods of high electricity demand.
● Natural Gas is an environmentally friendly ● Quick start-up and shutdown times make
non renewable fossil fuel which is found in simple cycle plants flexible in responding to
underground deposits in its gas phase. It changes in demand.
exists as a gas under atmospheric conditions.
It is basically a hydrocarbon gas mixture Combined Cycle Natural Gas Power Plant:
consisting primarily of methane. It is a clean Description:
fuel with a high efficiency. ● A combined cycle power plant incorporates
● Its efficiency is ranging from 33% to 43% both a combustion turbine (gas turbine) and
(Simple cycle), can reach upwards of 60% a steam turbine in a single integrated system.
(Combined Cylce). ● Natural gas is burned in the combustion
● More flexible and can ramp up or down turbine, similar to a simple cycle plant,
more quickly, making them suitable for producing high-temperature exhaust gases.
handling variations in demand.
● Instead of letting the exhaust gases go to into mechanical energy and making use of
waste, they are directed to a heat recovery that mechanical power to run a generator.
steam generator (HRSG). ● Combined-cycle technology, where oil is
● The HRSG captures the heat from the first combusted in a combustion turbine,
exhaust gases and uses it to generate steam. using the heated exhaust gases to generate
● The steam is then directed to a steam electricity. The exhaust gases are then
turbine, which drives a second generator to recovered and undergo the conventional
produce additional electricity. steam system to heat water in a boiler,
Characteristics: creating steam to drive a second turbine.
● Combined cycle plants achieve higher
overall efficiency compared to simple cycle 3. Efficiency
plants because they make use of the waste ● Oil power plant efficiency rates are around
heat to generate additional power through 40%. It is the percentage of the total energy
the steam turbine. content of the oil that is converted into
● The combination of the combustion turbine electricity. The remaining energy is usually
and the steam turbine creates a more lost to the environment as heat unless it is
thermally efficient and cost-effective power used for district heating.
generation system.
● Combined cycle plants are often used for 4. Flexibility
baseload power generation, providing a ● Oil-fired power plants offer a moderate
continuous and stable power output. degree of flexibility in responding to
● They are well-suited for applications where changes in electricity demand.
both high efficiency and flexibility are
important, making them suitable for various 5. Environmental impact
operational scenarios. ● Oil-fired power plants contribute to
environmental degradation through the
➢ Oil-fired Power Plant combustion of fossil fuels, releasing
1. Characteristics greenhouse gases (such as CO2), pollutants
● Oil, otherwise known as crude, is a thick (including SO2 and NOx), and posing risks
black liquid composed primarily of of habitat disruption, oil spills, and water
hydrogen and carbon. pollution in their life cycle.
● The fuel oil used in oil-fired power plants is
typically a heavy petroleum product that is
refined from crude oil. Availability of Fossil Fuels:
● An oil-fired power plant is a type of fossil According to research based on 2022 data, the current
fuel power plant that burns oil to produce statement of when our reserves will be emptied is
electricity. this:

2. Combustion process
● Thus, oil is burned to heat water. When the
water is heated, it creates steam to spin a
turbine, which has magnetic coils that may
be used to generate electricity. This may be
referred to as the Conventional steam
● Another means of using oil to generate
electricity is the internal combustion
engine, which works by converting the
explosive potential of burning petroleum
sustain the combustion process within the
Working Principle of Fossil Fuel Power Plant boiler.
The process of converting coal into ● Boiler: A boiler functions as a heat
electricity has multiple steps and is similar to the exchanger, utilizing fossil fuels to heat water
process used to convert oil and natural gas into and produce high-pressure steam. The steam
electricity: serves as a potent energy carrier to drive
● Combustion: Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, turbines connected to generators, facilitating
or natural gas, are burned in a combustion the conversion of thermal energy into
chamber. The combustion releases a electricity.
significant amount of heat energy. ● Pollution Control Devices: Deployed to
● Boiler: The heat produced by the adhere to environmental standards, pollution
combustion is used to convert water into control devices like scrubbers and filters
steam in a boiler. The boiler is a large, mitigate emissions of pollutants such as
high-pressure vessel where water is heated sulfur dioxide and particulate matter. These
under pressure. technologies contribute to minimizing the
● Steam Turbine: The high-pressure steam environmental impact of fossil fuel power
flows through a turbine, causing the turbine plants.
blades to rotate. The turbine is connected to ● Turbine: Steam turbines play a pivotal role
a shaft, and as it spins, it drives a generator. in energy conversion, transforming the
● Generation of Electricity: Since, generator kinetic energy of high-pressure steam into
and turbine are connected to the same shaft, mechanical energy. This rotational force is
spinning impeller drives the generator to harnessed to turn an electricity-generating
produce electricity. generator, efficiently converting steam's
● Transmission: This system connects energy into electrical power for broader
power-plants together, and connects distribution.
power-plants to wires of the building to ● Generator: Acting as the final link in the
supply electricity. energy production chain, a generator
converts the mechanical energy derived
from the turbine into electrical energy. This
Equipments used in a Fossil Fuel Powerplant: transformative process results in the
generation of electricity, ready for
distribution to homes, businesses, and
industries, meeting the demands of diverse
electrical needs.
● Condenser: The condenser marks the
conclusion of the steam cycle, where the
high-pressure steam, having driven the
turbine, undergoes a phase change back into
water. This condensed water is then directed
back to the boiler, completing the
continuous loop of water-to-steam
● Fuel Storage and Handling: Fuel storage
● Cooling System: Essential for managing
and handling infrastructure encompasses
excess heat, the cooling system in fossil fuel
facilities and equipment designed to store
power plants employs methods such as
and prepare fossil fuels like coal, oil, or
water or air cooling. This critical component
natural gas for combustion. This ensures a
ensures optimal operating conditions and
reliable and efficient supply of fuel to
prevents overheating during electricity
● Control Systems: Advanced control detrimental effects on human health and the
systems serve as the nerve center of power environment.
plants, overseeing and regulating various ● Resource Depletion: Fossil fuels are finite
parameters like temperature, pressure, and resources, and their extraction can lead to
overall efficiency. These systems enhance environmental degradation. The extraction
operational precision, ensuring optimal and transportation processes can have
performance and compliance with safety and negative impacts on ecosystems and local
efficiency standards. communities.
● Non-Renewable: Fossil fuels are
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of non-renewable resources, meaning that once
Fossil Fuels? they are depleted, they cannot be replaced
A. Pros on a human timescale. This poses a
● Reliability and Stability: Fossil fuel power long-term sustainability challenge for
plants provide a consistent and reliable relying solely on fossil fuels.
source of energy. They can generate
electricity consistently, which is crucial for
meeting the constant demand for power. List of Fossil Fuel Power Plants in the Philippines
● Cost-Effective: Fossil fuels are often Coal-Fired Power Plants
relatively inexpensive, making them 1. Sual Power Corporation
cost-effective for power generation - is the largest and most cost-effective
compared to some renewable energy coal-fired power station in the country with
sources. The initial setup costs for fossil fuel a generating capacity of 1,200 MW
power plants can be lower than those for coal-fired power station located near
certain renewable energy technologies. Lingayen Gulf in Sual, Pangasinan,
● Energy Density: Fossil fuels have a high Philippines.
energy density, meaning they contain a large - It has been providing electricity to the
amount of energy in a small volume. This Luzon grid since 1999 under a build, operate
allows for the efficient storage and and transfer (BOT) scheme with the
transportation of these fuels. Philippine government.
● Base Load Power Generation: Fossil fuel 2. SLTEC Calaca Power Station
power plants are capable of providing a - SOUTH Luzon Thermal Energy Corp.
constant and steady output, making them (SLTEC) has launched the commercial
suitable for base load power generation. operation of Unit lof its 270-megawatt
This is essential for maintaining a stable (MW) coal-fired power plant in Calaca,
power supply. Batangas last Friday.
- acquired the 600MW Calaca-based Batangas
Coal-Fired Thermal Power Plant from the
B. Cons Power Sector Assets and Liabilities
● Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The burning Management Corporation (PSALM).
of fossil fuels releases large amounts of
carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse Natural Gas Power Plants
gases into the atmosphere. This contributes 1. Ilijan Combined-Cycle Power Plant
significantly to climate change and global (KEPCO Ilijan Corporation (KEILCO)
warming. - Maintains and operates the 1,200 MW
● Air Pollution: Fossil fuel combustion also natural gas-fired combined-cycle power
releases pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, plant in Ilijan, Batangas. TeaM Energy owns
nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter, a 20% stake in the Ilijan Power Plant.
which can lead to air pollution and have
- Ilijan Combined-Cycle Power Plant is a - is a oil power plant operated by Panasia
dual-fuel power station in Ilijan, Batangas Energy with a total output of 648 MW
City. located in Limay, Bataan.
- is primarily a natural gas plant and uses
distillate oil as a secondary backup fuel REFERENCES:
source. it is the largest natural gas facility in (https://lupinepublishers.com/environmental-soil-scie
the Philippines. nce-journal/pdf/OAJESS.MS.ID.000158.pdf).
- The plant is designed to draw natural gas
from the Malampaya gas field. https://www.carboncollective.co/sustainable-investin
- The plant is the first power facility in the g/fossil-fuels#:~:text=Around%2060%25%20of%20t
country to use the 500 kV switchyard he%20electricity,steel%2C%20and%20various%20ot
system and reverse osmosis system. The her%20materials.
Ilijan plant's construction began in March
1999 and was commissioned in June 2000. https://energyeducation.ca/encyclopedia/Coal_fired_

2. Santa Rita Power Plant 5/retiring-coal-plants-will-not-be-easy-or-cheap#:~:t
- is a 1,000MW gas-fired power project ext=Currently%2C%20the%20Philippines%20has%
located at Batangas City, Philippines 2028,caused%20by%20coal%20use%20worldwide.
- Owned and operated by First Gen’s
subsidiary, First Gas Power Corporation https://www.britannica.com/science/natural-gas
3. San Lorenzo Combined-Cycle Natural https://www.toppr.com/guides/chemistry/coal-and-pet
Gas-Fired Power Plant roleum/natural-gas/
- is a 500-MW combined-cycle natural https://www.embibe.com/exams/natural-gas/
gas-fired power plant https://www.ispatguru.com/natural-gas-its-characteris
- Owned and operated by First Gen’s tics-and-safety-requirements/.
subsidiary, FGP Corp. (FGP) and located in
Batangas City. https://group.met.com/en/mind-the-fyouture/mindthef
Oil-Fired Power Plants
- Philippines generates oil-powered energy https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=312
from 17 oil power plants across the country. 32
In total, these oil power plants has a capacity https://sciencing.com/oil-power-plant-work-4570209.
of 2056.1 MW. html
1. Malaya Thermal Power Plant
- is a 650MW oil fired power project. It is https://fossilfuel.com/how-fossil-fuels-are-used-to-ge
located in Pililla, Rizal, Philippines. nerate-electricity/
2. One Subic Power
- which operates a 116-megawatt (MW) diesel
power plant inside the Subic Bay Freeport in
Olongapo City.
- One Subic Power is 100% owned by
Bulacan Power Generation Corporation,
which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
3. Bataan Combined Cycle Power Plant

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