A Case Study On Heat Rate of Boiler and Turbine in NSPCL Durgapur

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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)

Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

A Case Study on Heat Rate of Boiler and Turbine in

NSPCL Durgapur
Arundhatee Deb1 and Tridip Deb2
Amity School of Engineering, Amity University, Sector-125, Noida, UP, India
NSPCL, Durgapur, Bardhhaman, West Bengal, India

Abstract:-A power plant is used to generate and transmit 98%, boiler is 90% and in turbine the efficiency is around 45
electricity. There are various kinds of power plants depending on to 50%. Thus, the combined efficiency of a power plant is
their input. NSPCL is a thermal power plant of Durgapur Steel around 40%. A lot of heat is rejected in the condenser which
plant situated in West Bengal. It is a joint venture of NTPC and results to a lower efficiency of the turbine. As power plant
SAIL, with a capacity of 120MW (2 units of 60MW capacity
runs on rankine cycle, the main aim is to improve upon the
each.) The plant supplies its entire power to the Durgapur Steel
Plant. Being a thermal power plant it uses coal as a major fuel. cycle efficiency. To improve the cycle efficiency, the pressure
The heat rate of a power plant is the amount required to produce and temperature is increased to a value which present metals
1KWHr of power. This value indicates the efficiency of the power can withstand. Condenser back pressure is lowered as far as
plant. It is done by controlling the fuel, in this case coal and the possible and condensed water from the condenser is heated up
GCV of coal. The higher the heat rate of the power plant the less by extracting steam from the turbine before feeding it to the
efficient it is. boiler. The heating of condensate water by extracting steam
Keywords: Thermal Power Plant, Heat Rate, Flue Gas, Load from turbine is done through in heaters which are called as
Factor, Fly Ash, NSPCL regenerative feed heating process. This increases the
efficiency of the cycle. In power plants, the heat released
I. INTRODUCTION during combustion is to be used to the maximum extent
possible. The heat transferred from combustion to steam and

P ower Plant is a utility Unit which Generates Power and

transmits the Power to another utility called Transmission
Utility. Power Plant generates the Electric Power which is
ultimately power generation is calculated by measuring the
heat rate of the plant. Thus, heat rate of the plant is the
amount of heat required in kCal to generate 1KWHr of power.
finally consumed either by Industrial Units or by This value indicates the efficiency of the plant and its
Domestic/Government or other Units. The Power is generated equipment.
in a Generator or Alternator which is driven by Turbines. The
turbine may be driven by various inputs and the Power Plant The flue gas loss in a Boiler is always higher than any other
is generally named as per the inputs used like thermal power loss [1]. The flue gas loss is minimized by maximum heat
plant use input as coal or oil, Gas power plant use input as extraction in the corrective surfaces of the broiler. The
Natural gas, Nuclear Power Plant use input as Uranium or efficiency calculation by indirect method is the best way to
thorium and so on. Some of these Power Plants like Solar account all the Boiler losses. The important step to improve
Power Plant, Geo Thermal Power Plant, Wind Energy Power the performance of Boilers was the detailed study of the
Plant and Hydro electric Power Plant are Power Plant with broiler in the plant and then calculating the efficiency
renewable resources. However except Hydro Electric Power calculation. A marked improvement was observed in energy
Plants other Power Plants are very rarely available. As per the conservation and increase in overall efficiency of the plant
reports available Hydro Electric Power Plants constitute when fly ash utilization - mentioned methods promise upto 60
nearly 6.7 % of the Global Power Generation and 2.2 % of percent of utilization, fuel switching – reduction in coal
Power Generation globally is through renewable resources. consumption by 1545 tonnes per annum, condenser tube
However nearly 86 % of the world Power Generation is from cleaning – reduction in coal consumption by 360 tonnes per
fossil fuels or non renewable resources consisting of the annum,replacement of bfp cartridges – upto 13,252 kwh of
following- Oil – 32.9 %, Coal – 30.1 % and Natural Gas 23.7 power saved per day, three element mode of operation –
% power savings per hour range from 40 – 130 kw per hour and
converters for lesser loads – power demand goes down by
Power plant runs on rankine cycle. The efficiency of the 4.13 kva, improved power factor [2]. The factors affecting
power plant depends on the combined efficiency of boiler thermal cycle efficiency are the initial steam pressure, steam
turbine and generator. The efficiency of generator is around

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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

temperature, condenser pressure and regenerative feed water the fuel to electrical energy. This conversion is achieved in
heating [3]. four major steps.
The designed heat rate of any power plant is calculated by the 1. First, the chemical energy in the fuel is
designer based on the different parameters taken during converted to thermal energy
designing. The heat rate depends on the power plants steam
2. Then the thermal energy gets converted to
parameters and the different equipments involved in power
kinetic energy
generation. As such, the heat rate for individual power plant
may not be same. If the heat rate during operation is more 3. The kinetic energy gets converted to mechanical
than the designed heat rate, it indicates more energy is energy and
required to generate 1KWHr and the plant is running
4. The mechanical energy gets converted to
inefficiently. If the heat rate is nearly equal or lower than the
electrical energy.
designed heat rate it indicates that the plant is running
efficiently. Hence, in all power plants, heat rates are In each sub process, some energy is lost to the environment;
continuously monitored to establish the condition and some fuel may not be burnt completely, kinetic and
efficient running of the plant. If in a plant, the heat rate is mechanical processes form heat instead of electricity, etc. The
3000 Kcal/KWHr, it means to generate 1 KWHr of power, heat rate of a power plant is the amount of chemical energy
3000 kcal of heat is required. Thus, the heat value of coal and that must be supplied to produce one unit of electrical energy.
the heat rate of the plant are regularly monitored and actions If a power plant converts 100%of the chemical energy in the
are taken to keep heat rate as close to design values. fuel to electricity, the plant would have a heat rate of 860
kcal/kwhr. But due to losses, a modern power plant would
The purpose of a heat rate monitoring and subsequent
have a heat rate of 2200kcal/kwhr {ie, 40%efficient}.
improvement is to maintain the heat rate as close to design
value and to take steps whenever it is higher than the designed Many factors affect the heat rate of the plant.
value of a unit. So, the present study was carried out to
1. The initial design
understand how improving the heat rate can have the benefits
such as less expenditure on fuel, reduction of emissions to the 2. Ambient conditions
environment, less ash produced and amount of wear on the
3. Load factor
equipment.Heat rate improvement will result in an increase in
the net generation of the unit allowing the unit to run at a 4. The fuel that is supplied
higher plant load factor [(actual generation/ generation
5. How the plant is operated and maintained.
B. Heat Rate Generation in Durgapur Steel plant
Unit heat rate:
A. Calculation of heat rate in a power plant
A unit heat rate includes all heat inputs to the boiler. The heat
The heat value of coal is measured as gross calorific value of input to the boiler should include all forms of chemical energy
coal or GCV and is denoted by Kcal/kg. Thus, GCV indicates supplied and gross electrical generation. Heat rate monitoring
the amount of heat which shall be released on burning of 1 kg is focused on identifying heat rate problems and then
of coal. This is the chemical energy released in the boiler. For identifying and implementing corrective actions to eliminate
complete combustion:- the efficiency loss. The power plants today are becoming
better and bigger only to reduce heat rate. Typically a power
C+O2 CO2 + heat (GCV)
plant of the size of 1000MW has a heat rate of around
In Indian power generation, the GCV of coal ranges from 1900Kcal/KWHr. whereas, the design heat rate of NSPCL
3000Kcal/kg to 5000Kcal/kg. This is the heat input to the Durgapur, which is 60MW per unit is 2580Kcal/KWHr. This
boiler. Now the conversion of the heat input to the boiler clearly indicates that the bigger sized power plants are more
determines the efficiency of the power plant. Thus, the heat efficient and heat is efficiently transformed to power.
rate measures the heat required to generate 1 KWHr of power. Generally the electrical efficiency is in the order of 99%. Thus
Heat rate= Heat required to make 1KWHr power it is not considered while calculating the heat rate. So the heat
rate in a power plant is generally limited to the heat rate of
The heat rate of a conventional coal fired power plant is a boiler and the heat rate of the turbine. In all power plants, heat
measure of how efficiently it converts the chemical energy in rates are carefully measured and the reasons for deviations if
any are recorded. Actions are taken to reduce these deviations

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Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

as far as possible, so that the plant runs at the desired  Steam pressure and temperature.
efficiency. In boiler, heat rate depends on the following main
problems:-  Steam flow

1. Dry Flue Gas loss  Feed water temperature and pressure

2. Loss due to combustible (un-burnt carbon) in  Make up water

ash.  Condenser pressure and
3. Radiation loss  Sealing losses inside the turbine.
4. Loss due to moisture in coal. Heat rate variation due to steam pressure
Generally for higher size boilers operating at a pressure If a turbine is operated at a pressure less than the designed
275Kg/cm2 or more and temperature 565oC or more, the pressure but at designed temperature, the enthalpy of steam is
efficiency of boiler is 90-92% and thus total loss is 8-10%. lower than the designed enthalpy. Hence heat energy available
Typically, dry flue gas loss is 4%, loss due to combustible in to steam turbine is less which is depicted in the diagram
ash is 1%, loss due to moisture is 4% and unaccountable loss below. The loss of work done is also shown in the diagram.
is 1%. In NSPCL the design loss for: For running a turbine at a pressure less than the designed
 Dry flue gas= 5.53% pressure, heat rate increases. Typically for each Kg/cm2 the
 Combustible in ash= 1.07% heat rate deviation is 1Kcal/KWHr..
 Radiation loss=2.2%
Loss of
 Total loss= 13.58%
 Efficiency of boiler= 86.42% work done.
Monitoring of heat rate
Heat rate monitoring is done by measurement of certain
parameters of turbine and boiler. In turbine steam pressure,
temperature and flow along with feed water temperature and
pressure is measured in boiler calorific value of coal. Flue gas
exit temperature, chemical analysis of coal, unburnt in fly ash
and bottom ash is measured. The steam and water parameters
of boiler and turbine are taken from the control room
instruments. The coal analysis along with unburnt in fly ash
and bottom ash is done in a chemical laboratory.
Pressure measurements are done by pressure transmitters
mounted on the line whose pressure is to be measured.
Temperature measurements are done by
RTD’s/Thermocouples located in the line whose temperature
is to be monitored. Flow measurement is done by differential
pressure across a pipe line where flow exists. These
transmitters are connected to digital indicators in the control Fig. 1 Loss due to running at low steam pressure
room where all readings as required for heat rate calculations
are available. The Chemistry Department collects the sample Heat Rate variation due to steam temperature
of coal and ash (both fly and bottom ash) and does the If a turbine is operated at a temperature less than the designed
chemical analysis of coal and ash. This is reported daily by temperature but at designed pressure, the enthalpy of steam is
department of chemistry to control room so that heat rate lower than the designed enthalpy. Hence heat energy available
monitoring is possible. to steam turbine is less which is depicted in the diagram
C. Turbine heat rate: below. The loss of work done is also shown in the diagram.
For running a turbine at a temperature less than the designed
In turbine the heat rate for 1000MW plants is generally in the temperature, heat rate increases. Typically for each oC the heat
range of around 1700 Kcal/KWHr. The design value in rate deviation is 0.5 Kcal/KWHr..
NSPCL is 2246Kcal/KWHr. The main inputs for heat rate in a
turbine are:

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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

If a turbine is operated at a higher condenser back pressure

Loss in work than the designed value, then the work done is less and heat
rate increases. This is depicted in the figure below. For 0.1Kg
done. deviation the heat rate deviation is 14 Kcal/KWHr.

Loss in work done.

Fig. 2 Loss due to running at low steam temperature

Heat rate variation due to feed water temperature

If the feed water temperature at the entry of the boiler is less
than the designed temperature there is a loss of work done and Fig.4 Loss due to increase in condenser back pressure
the heat rate increases which is depicted in the figure below.
Typically for each oC the heat rate deviation is 1 Kcal/KWHr.. Heat rate variation due to steam flow and sealing losses.

Loss in work done. If the sealing losses inside the turbine are more than some
steam passes inside the turbine without doing any work. As
such to get the same output, more steam is required. This
increases the heat rate of the cycle as boiler has to generate
more steam. If steam requirement increases by 1 tonne per
hour then heat rate increases by approximately 5 Kcal/KWHr.
As Q is directly proportional to M (mass) so heat rate
increases as mass of steam increases.
Heat rate variation due to make up water
Make up water is given to take care of the steam losses in the
system. The designer designs with no steam loss from the
system. However practically it is very difficult to achieve 0
leakages. It is assumed that some leakages shall always be
present in the system. To take care of the loss of steam make
up water is added to the system. Heat is applied to convert
water into steam. Any leakages involve the heat applied as
loss of the system. Make up water is measured as percentage
of the total steam required. For every increase of 1%make up
Fig. 3 Loss due to low feed water inlet temperature the heat rate increases by 10Kcal/KWHr. The heat rate of
turbine in NSPCL, Durgapur for 30th may and 9th june as
Heat rate variation due to condensor back pressure taken from control room is given below.

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Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

Table: 1




Design Unit-1 Unit-2

Parameter Unit
Value Actual Diff HRD Actual Diff HRD
TG Heatrate Deviation
Load MW 60 53.00 7.0 64.80 -4.8
Main steam temp C 525 525.00 0 0.0 517.50 8 3.4
Steam Press at Turbine I/L bar-abs 91.2 91.20 0 0 93.50 -2 -2

Enthalpy of Steam I/L Kcal/kg 823.54 823.62 818.52

Total Steam Flow T/Hr 232 233.00 -1 258.30 -18

Feed water Temp at Eco I/L C 230.8 215.20 16 13 231.50 -1 -1

Feed water Pr. at Eco I/L bar-abs 118 103.00 15 110.00 8

Enthalpy of Feed water Kcal/kg 243 220.58 238.42
Make up water consmp T/Hr 0 1.00 1 11 3.70 3.70 34
Condenser Back Press. Mbar 91.2 108.00 17 25 114.00 23 34

Aging Factor,sealing steam leakages,Partial

Kcal/kg 0 356 2
Loading losses etc

TG Heat Rate (Gross) Kcal/KWh 2246 2651 405 405 2312 66.23 66




Design Unit-1 Unit-2

Parameter Unit
Value Actual Diff HRD Actual Diff HRD
TG Heatrate Deviation
Load MW 60 53.00 7.0 63.40 -3.4
Main steam temp C 525 525.00 0 0.0 521.70 3 1.5
Steam Press at Turbine I/L bar-abs 91.2 101.00 -10 -11 92.60 -1 -2
Enthalpy of Steam I/L Kcal/kg 823.54 821.04 821.28
Total Steam Flow T/Hr 232 233.00 -1 256.00 -24
Feed water Temp at Eco I/L C 230.8 214.40 16 13 230.60 0 0

Feed water Pr. at Eco I/L bar-abs 118 100.70 17 109.20 9

Enthalpy of Feed water Kcal/kg 243 219.69 237.42

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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

Make up water consmp T/Hr 0 1.00 1 11 4.71 4.71 44

Condenser Back Press. mbar 91.2 116.00 25 36 118.00 27 39

Aging Factor,sealing steam leakages,Partial Loading

Kcal/kg 0 347 28
losses etc

TG Heat Rate (Gross) Kcal/KWh 2246 2644 397.53 398 2358 111.42 111

In NSPCL,Durgapur on 30th may the turbine heat rate was 50Kcal/KWHr. Hence it is difficult to get any improvement in
2651 Kcal/KWHr for unit 1 and for unit 2 is this parameter for unit 2.
2312Kcal/KWHR. And on 9th june the heat rate for unit 1 and
unit 2 respectively were, 2644kcal/KWHR and
2358Kcal/KWHr. For unit 1 the difference in heat rate from The Boiler heat rate depends on:-
designed value is 405 and 389Kcal/KWHr and for unit 2 the
differences are 66 and 111Kcal/KWHr. Thus in unit 1 there is 1. Dry flue gas
a lot of scope for improvement. On detailed analysis, it is Dry Flue Gas loss is the loss in boiler where flu gas
observed that the maximum loss for unit 1 is due to sealing is allowed to escape at a temperature of around
losses which is 356 and 347Kcal/KWHr. This loss is nearly 140oC. the combustion temperature in the boiler is
87.9% and 87.1%. whereas, for unit 2 the sealing losses are 2 around 1300 to 1400oC. heat from flue gas is
and 28Kcal/KWHr. This loss is nearly 3.03% and 25.2%. So extracted in superheaters, economizer and air pre
in unit 1 the sealing leakages are to be immediately attended. heater. Flue gas contains sulphur dioxide which is the
As per NSPCL these leakages can only be attended when the limiting factor for the temperature at which it can be
turbine is opened, which is already planned in the month of thrown into the atmosphere. At below 80oC sulphur
august 2015. dioxide combines with water vapour to form
Heat rate deviation due to make up water is 11 in both the sulphuric acid. As such dry flue gas is released to
days. Whereas for unit 2 it is 34 and 44 for 30th may and 9th atmosphere at temperatures quite above 80 oC.
normally the exit temperature is 140oC.
june respectively. The steam leakages have already been
identified in both the units and shall be attended during As the flue gas per design is to be released to the
available opportunities. In unit 2 the major contributor for atmosphere at 140oC hence there is a heat rate loss
heat rate deviation is make up water which is 39.6% of total which is incorporated in the design. For NSPCL
heat rate deviation. As such it is expected that the deviations Durgapur, the design loss for dry flue gas is 5.53%.
can be controlled by NSPCL. For condenser back pressure, for every increase in 1% of dry flue gas loss the heat
the heat rate deviation is 25 and 36 for unit 1 in both these rate deviation is around 30Kcal/KWHr.
days respectively and for unit 2 is 34 and 39 respectively. It
was checked that in the month of april, the heat rate deviation 2. Combustible in ash.
in both units where nearly 0. This implies the present heat rate Coal contains ash which after combustion forms
deviation was due to very high ambient temperature along either fly ash or bottom ash. The fly ash is taken
with very high humidity. It is expected that as soon as the away along with the flue gas whereas the bottom ash
weather improves the heat rate deviation for these parameters falls at the bottom of the boiler and is removed
shall be under control. The heat rate deviations for other separately. If complete combustion takes place then
parameters are nearly negligible though actions have already entire carbon in the coal shall get burnt and
been taken to minimize these deviations also. It is inferred combustibles in ash shall be nil. However practically
that for unit 1 to improve heat rate deviation, as soon as it is impossible to have complete combustion. As
possible, losses due to steam inside the turbine has to be such combustibles in both fly ash and bottom ash are
attended along with attending the steam leakages outside. Fir provided by the designer. Generally 80% of the ash is
unit 2 the main thrust shall be to attend to steam leakages fly ash and 20% is bottom ash. In NSPCL the design
outside. value for combustibles in fly ash and bottom ash is
It is worth mentioning that the plant is already run 1.07%. For every percentage increase in
continuously for 25 years. As such steam leakage losses inside combustibles, the heat rate deviation is around 30
the turbine of around 50Kcal/KWHr is acceptable and unit 2 Kcal/KWHr.
the heat rate deviation for these parameters is nearly equal to 3. Radiation loss

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Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

The furnace temperature during combustion is 1300- removed by slightly heating the coal. Also moisture
1400oC. Hence the entire inside of the boiler remains is inherently present in the coal which cannot be
at a very high temperature. The boiler is completely removed easily. This moisture is released only during
insulated so that heat loss from the boiler to the the process of combustion. As moisture does not add
atmosphere can be minimized. The design heat loss to any heat value during combustion as such,
for radiation is 2.14% presence of moisture and converting it into water
vapour is taken as a loss during combustion. The
4. Loss due to moisture
design loss due to moisture in NSPCL,Durgapur is
In coal, moisture is present in two forms- moisture 4.78%. Increase in moisture by 1% in coal results to
due to water seepage over the coal which can be a heat rate deviation of 30Kcal/KWHr.




Boiler Losses BOILER #1 BOILER #2

Actual HRD Actual
Diff Diff HRD
Loss % [kacl/kwh) Loss %

Dry Flue gas loss % 5.53 6.68 1.16 38.2 6.32 0.79

Loss due to moisture+ H2 % 4.78 4.98 0.20 6.6 5.02 0.23 6.2

Loss due to unburnt gas % 0.06 0.08 0.03 0.9 0.05 -0.01

Loss due to combustible in Ash % 1.07 4.27 3.19 105.0 4.20 3.13 83.9

Loss due to air moisture % 0.24 0.24 0 0.0 0.24 0.00 0.0

Radition loss+unaccountable loss % 1.9 2.1 0.17 5.6 2.12 0.22

Total losses % 13.58 18.33 4.75 156.24 17.95 4.37 117.08

Boiler Efficiency % 86.42 81.67 82.05

Loss due to HRD of TG 541.1 -55.39


2599 3291 692.19 697.4 2682 82.89 61.7




Boiler Losses BOILER #1 BOILER #2

LOSS Actual HRD Actual Loss
Diff Diff HRD
Loss % [kacl/kwh) %

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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

Dry Flue gas loss % 5.53 6.67 1.14 37.1 6.29 0.76

Loss due to moisture+ H2 % 4.78 4.90 0.11 3.7 4.93 0.14 4.0

Loss due to unburnt gas % 0.06 0.08 0.03 0.9 0.05 -0.01 -0.2

Loss due to combustible in Ash % 1.07 4.71 3.64 118.3 4.14 3.07 85.2

Loss due to air moisture % 0.24 0.24 0 0.0 0.24 0.00 0.0

Radition loss+unaccountable loss % 1.9 2.1 0.17 5.5 2.12 0.22


Total losses % 13.58 18.67 5.09 165.52 17.77 4.19 116.32

Boiler Efficiency % 86.42 81.33 82.23

Loss due to HRD of TG 490.0 43.30


2599 3252 652.64 655.5 2775 175.80 159.6

The heat rate deviation for boiler for unit 1 and 2 was taken a) Volatile matter in coal
for 5th june and 8th june. It is observed that for unit 1 heat rate b) Fineness of the coal
deviation are 156 and 165Kcal/Kwhr. Whereas for unit 2 the c) Air distribution in the boiler
losses are 117 and 116 kcal/KWHr. The pre dominant losses d) Amount of carbon present in the coal
from above are dry flue gas loss and combustibles in fly ash. e) Source of the coal
Losses due to combustibles are nearly 70% and losses due to
The major factors are the ratio of carbon to volatile matter and
dry flue gas are nearly 22%. As such nearly 90% of the loses
fineness. The carbon to volatile matter ratio should be in the
are due to above parameters only.
range of 1.6-2 for best combustion and fineness should be
Measures to be taken to control losses for dry flue gas. around 200 mesh per 1 inch for 70% of coal. Presently in
NSPCL, the fineness of the coal is within norms. The main
The loss in dry flue gas is mainly exchange of heat from flue
reason for poor combustion is the source of coal where the
gas to air in air pre heater not taking place properly. There are
ratio of carbon to volatile matter is more than 2. This is
lot of leakages inside the air pre heater which is contributing
resulting to higher unburn in both fly ash and bottom ash.
to these losses. Losses due to heat transfer in economizer and
NSPCL is trying to change the sources of coal to reduce this
sperheaters is minimum. So NSPCL has taken up a plan to
ratio such that the combustibles in ash can be reduced. The air
reduce the loss in air pre heater. In short term all seals shall
distribution to the boiler is also being studied and improved
be replaced during the next available opportunity and in long
upon for better combustion. It is expected once better coal
term the entire air pre heater shall be replaced to reduce the
with carbon to VM ratio is available the loss due to
dry flue gas loss. In running condition except for maintaining
combustibles in ash shall reduce considerably.
all parameters, no other measure can be taken to reduce these
losses. E. Total losses in NSPCL
Measures to be taken for to reduce losses due to combustible A total loss in unit 1 is around 650Kcal/KWHr. Out of which
in ash losses in turbine is 400 and rest is in boiler. for unit 2 the total
losses is around 175 kcal/kwhr out of which turbine losses are
Losses for combustibles in ash are mainly due to improper
36kcal/kwhr. Rest is in the boiler. so a major thrust is required
combustion and carbon of coal not getting burnt completely.
in unit 1 turbine and in combustible loss in both units so that
Unburnt carbon is found both in fly ash and bottom ash. The
the deviations can be minimized.
design unburnt in fly ash is 1% and the designed un burnt in
bottom ash is 5%. In NSPCL the unburnt in fly ash varies Approximate loss in NSPCL DURGAPUR due to heat rate
from 2%-4% and for bottom ash varies from 6%-9% deviation
The main reason for unburnt being high is improper A chart showing approximate losses due to heat rate deviation
combustion. Combustion depends upon in NSPCL Durgapur is given below.

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Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540


Impact of Parameters deviation on Unit Heat Rate for single unit

HR loss Loss In
Parameters Design Deviation
Kcal/Kwhr Lacs/Year

Load 60

Main Steam Pr before

91.2 1 ksc 1.00 5

Main Steam Temp

525 1 deg c 0.50 3
before QSV

FW temp at HPH-2
230 10 deg c 9 47

Condenser Back
0.089 10 mmbar 13 67

Make up water 0 1.00% 34 175

Combustible in BA ash 6 1% 5 26

Combustible in Fly ash 1 1% 23 119

*** considering 1 kcal cost 0.1 paisa, and Unit sale price 4/-
have been initiated to reduce the heat rate. However lot
remains to be done to bring down the heat rate.
1 kcal/Kwhr / annum savings for the station is equivalent
to Rs10 lacs
In unit1 total losses is arund 650Kcal/KWHr. As such saving
First and foremost gratefully acknowledge the management of
potential for unit 1 is 6500 lakhs per annum and for unit 2 the
NSPCL for allowing me to conduct the study. I express my
heat rate 175 kcal/KWHr and saving potential is Rs. 17500
thanks and gratitude to my mentor in this project, Mr. Tridip
Deb. My thanks and appreciations go to all my teachers at
III. CONCLUSION Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, who have willingly helped
me with their abilities. I am grateful to Mr. B.B. Banerjee for
Heat rate monitoring and adherence is directly related to the
his valuable suggestions. I am thankful to my parents and sister
profitability of a power plant. The study shows that there is a
for their immense support and encouragement especially my
potential of Rs. 82 crores per annum. For NPCL Durgapur, if
mother for her guidance in preparing this manuscript
the heat rate can be brought down to design value. Actions

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Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

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Mechanical Engineering. 4(1): 1-8

www.ijltemas.in Page 20

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