Assignment 03
Assignment 03
Assignment 03
Assignment 03
Exercise 01
A 4-bit binary number is represented as A3A2A1A0, where A0 is the LSB. Design a logic circuit that will
produce a HIGH output whenever the binary number is greater than 0010 and less than 1000.
Exercise 02
Exercise 03
a. Design a combinatorial circuit that detects the parity of a 4-bits sequence coded on the inputs A,
B, C and D. The output P = F(A,B,C,D) is equal to 0 if the number of 1’s is even (Ex : 011) and 1
otherwise (Ex:010).
b. Implement this circuit by using (16 x 1) Mux
Exercise 04
a. Design the logic circuit that compute the two's complement of a 3 bit binary number.
b. Express the logic diagram of this circuit by using half adders circuits.
c. Express the logic diagram of this circuit by using 8x1 Muxes.
d. Express the logic diagram of this circuit by using 1x8 Demuxes.
Exercise 05
Consider the Boolean function : x = ab’ + b’c + a’bc’ . Implement this function by using :
The National Higher School of Artificial Intelligence 2023/2024
Digital systems First Year
Exercise 06
0 0
1 y
Exercise 07
a. Design the combinational circuit that converts a 3-bit binary number to its gray code.
b. Implement this circuit by using Decoder 3x8 and Or gates.
c. Implement this circuit by using two Decoders 2x4 and Or and Not gates.