Maintenance Manual For Aeroplane VL-3E-1: Registration Number: Serial Number: Date
Maintenance Manual For Aeroplane VL-3E-1: Registration Number: Serial Number: Date
Maintenance Manual For Aeroplane VL-3E-1: Registration Number: Serial Number: Date
aeroplane VL-3E-1
Registration number:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
0. Table of contents
0. Table of contents ........................................................................................................................................ 2
1. General ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 General safety information ............................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Equipment list .................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.1 Propellers ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2.2 Engines ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2.3 Engine specifications - Rotax 912 ULS........................................................................................ 5
1.2.4 Engine specifications - Rotax 914 F Turbo ................................................................................. 5
1.3 List of disposable replacement part and operational fluids ........................................................ 6
1.3.1 Engine components ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.2 Landing gears components .......................................................................................................... 6
1.3.3 Operational fluids ......................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.4 Fuel .................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Recomended tightening torque values ........................................................................................... 7
1.5 Weight and balance informations .................................................................................................... 7
1.5.1 Aeroplane empty weight and centre of gravity ........................................................................ 7
1.5.2 Instructions how to fill out the „Weighting protocol“ ............................................................. 8
1.5.3 Aeroplane operating weight and centre of gravity .................................................................. 9
2. Inspections of aeroplane ......................................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Pre-flight inspection ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.2 Periodical inspections...................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Instructions for filling out the Maintenance Checklist ........................................................... 10
3. Structures .................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Fuselage............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1.1 Fuselage design............................................................................................................................ 11
3.1.2 Allowable maintenance .............................................................................................................. 11
3.2 Wing .................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.2.1 Wing design ................................................................................................................................. 12
3.2.2 Allowable maintenance .............................................................................................................. 12
3.2.3 Disassembly of wings ................................................................................................................. 13
3.2.4 Assembly of wings ...................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.5 Pictures of important check points – assembly of wings ....................................................... 15
3.3 Tail units ........................................................................................................................................... 16
3.3.1 Tail units design .......................................................................................................................... 16
3.3.2 Allowable maintenance .............................................................................................................. 17
3.3.3 Disassembly of tail units............................................................................................................. 17
3.3.4 Assembly of tail units ................................................................................................................. 19
3.4 Cockpit and seats ............................................................................................................................. 22
3.4.1 Allowable maintenance .............................................................................................................. 22
3.4.2 Dissasembly and assembly of seats .......................................................................................... 22
3.5 Canopy .............................................................................................................................................. 23
3.5.1 Allowable maintenance .............................................................................................................. 23
3.6 Aeroplane control lines ................................................................................................................... 24
3.6.1 Allowable maintenance .............................................................................................................. 25
3.7 Landing gears ................................................................................................................................... 26
3.7.1 Allowable maintenance .............................................................................................................. 26
3.7.2 Disassembly and assembly of wheels ....................................................................................... 26 Replacement of tire on main wheels ......................................................................................... 26 Replacement of tire on nose wheel ........................................................................................... 27
3.8 Brake system ..................................................................................................................................... 29
3.8.1 Filling of the brakes circuit by brake liquid and venting ....................................................... 30
3.8.2 Replenish of the brake liquid ..................................................................................................... 31
3.8.3 Clearence and exchange of the brake disc and pads .............................................................. 31
date of issue:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
date of issue:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
1. General
1.1 General safety information
For maintenance of the aeroplane VL-3E-1, it is necessary to accept all technical instruction given
by the following documentation:
Maintanance Manual for aeroplane VL-3E-1
Pilot Operating Handbook for aeroplane VL-3E-1
Maintenance Manual and service instructions for engine ROTAX 912ULS
Maintenance Manual and sevice instructions for used propeller
All other documentation delivered with the aeroplane VL-3E-1 if appropriate
Airworthiness of the aeroplane VL-3E-1 depends on observance of suggested maintenance
technique. Intervals between annual aeroplane inspections is necessary to adapt according current status
of operation of the individual aeroplane, independently on the prescribed annual inspection system. Such
things as climatic effects, manner of hangaring, used runways quality and all possible other factors must
be respected. This Maintenance Manual describes servicing and maintaining procedures corresponding
with average conditions under which are operated aeroplanes of UL category.
1.2.1 Propellers
Technical description of propellers and instruction for the maintenance and annual repairs of the
propellers are listed in the propellers Maintenance Manuals.
Fixed propeller:
PESZKE 1700/1950-A-3B (3-blades)
DUC Flash El-912-15 (3-blades)
Hydraulically adjustable propeller:
Woodcomp KW-20W (2-blades)
DUC H-FSH-2-D-PV-I-1730 (2-blades)
MT Propeller MTV-33-1-A/175-200 (2-blades)
Electrically adjustable propeller:
Woodcomp SR3000/2WN (2-blades)
1.2.2 Engines
Aeroplane VL-3E-1 is powered by aircraft engines produced by Bombardier-Rotax GmbH
company. Technical description of engines and instruction for the maintenance and annual inspection
and repairs of the engines are listed in the engines operating manuals.
Rotax 912 ULS is 4-cylinder, 4-stroke liquid/air-cooled engine with opposed cylinders, with dry
sump forced lubrication, with separate oil tank, automatic adjustment by hydraulic valve tappet
and 2 carburetors. The engine is equipped by mechanical fuel pump, dual-electronic ignition,
electric starter, propellers speed reduction unit and air intake system.
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
Max. take – off: 73,5 kW / 100 hp
Max. continuous: 69 kW / 95 hp in 5500 RPM
Cruising: 66 kW / 90 hp in 4800 RPM
Engine RPM:
Max. Take-off: 5800 RPM max 5 min
Max. Continuous: 5500 RPM
Cruising: 4800 RPM
Idling: 1400 RPM
Cylinder head temperature:
Minimum: 60 °C
Maximum: 120 °C
Oil temperature:
Minimum: 50 °C
Maximum: 130 °C
Operating: 90 °C – 100 °C
Fuel pressure (if the fuel gauge and sensor are instaled):
Minimum: 0,15 bar
Maximum: 0,40 bar
Max. take - off: 84,5 kW / 115 HP
Max. continuous: 73,5 kW / 100 HP in 5500 RPM
Cruising: 55,1 kW / 74 HP in 5000 RPM
Engine RPM:
Max. take-off: 5800 RPM max 5 min
Max. continuous: 5500 RPM
Cruising: 5000 RPM
Idling: 1400 RPM
Cylinder head temperature:
Minimum: 75 °C
Maximum: 135 °C
Oil temperature:
Minimum: 50 °C
Maximum: 130 °C
Operating: 90 °C – 110 °C
Fuel pressure: (if the fuel gauge and sensor are instaled):
Minimum: 0,15 bar
Maximum: 0,35 bar
Nominal : 0,25 bar
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
For more information about applicable operational fluids see Operators Manual Rotax 912ULS. For
ROTAX engine components contact your Rotax dealer. For other components contact your VL-3 dealer
or directly the VL-3 aeroplane producer:
Customer support JMB Aircraft s.r.o
phone: +420 775 253 133 (ENG,FR)
1.3.4 Fuel
Based on experience from the operation of aircraft VL-3 we strongly recommend to use
quality prescribed fuel only! Using the poor quality fuel can cause a major failure in the fuel system!
Don’t use fuels than contain more then 10% of ethanol! These fuels have not been tested by
ROTAX company and are not permited for use!
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
For other suitable fuel types refer to the engine ROTAX Operator’s Manual and ROTAX
Service instruction SI-912-016 for selection of the correct fuel.
Permissible combination of weight the crew, fuel and luggage it is necessary to respect
admissible position of centre of gravity and maximum take-off weight as they are given in Pilot
Operating Handbook – chapter 6. Weight and balance.
Empty weight of the aeroplane is calculated for a plane with full basic equipment, i.e. including
outside painting, battery, flight and navigation instruments and with maximum level of working fluids
(engine oil, hydraulic fluid, brake fluid, engine coolant). The aeroplane is without crew, fuel and baggage.
1. Switch ON scales, put jacks on scales and reset scales - displays of all scales shows zero!
2. Put the aeroplane on three scales with jacks – see fig.1,2
3. Put bubble level on centre of canopy frame – see fig.3
4. Fit the aeroplane into horizontal position by screwing of back jack – see fig.4
(reference level is given by the canopy frame)
5. Check configuration of the aeroplane undercarriage – for retraction of wheels must be available
free space at least 25 cm under all wheels!
6. Read indicated values on the scales, measure requested dimensions and put all data into
“Weighting protocol” for centre of gravity calculation – see chapter 1.5.2.
Empty “Weighting protocol” is listed in chapter 10.Attachements
7. Calculate the weight and CG position of empty aeroplane according to procedure given in the
example of Weighting protocol for wheels extended.
8. Switch on instrument panel and by “Landing gear controler”retract undercarriage
9. Read indicated values on the scales and put all data into new “Weighting Protocol”
Calculate the weight and CG position of empty aeroplane according to procedure given in the
example of “Weighting Protocol” for wheels rectracted.
Empty “Weighting protocol” is listed in chapter 10.Attachements
10. Update empty weight of the aeroplane on the label in the cockpit and calculate useful load of
aeroplane = admissible weight of the crew, considering weight of fuel and weight of baggage.
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
fig.1 - Two front jacks with scales fig.2 - Back jack with scale
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
Weighting protocol 2
4 3
C.G. position 7 8
Gr × a 62,0 × 4071 x T(mm) = 814
xT = =
m 310
10 11
C.G. position in % of depth of M.A.C.
x T-b-xsat 814 - 533 - 68 x bsat = 17,2 %
xbsat = × 100 = x 100
bsat 1236
Operational weight and CG of the aeroplane must be always newly calculated before each flight.
Allowed aeroplane operational CG limits is: CG = 21 - 34 % M.A.C.
Based on knowledge of empty weight and CG of the aeroplane and knowledge of arms and
weights of individual items (crew, fuel and baggage) calculate operational weight and CG of the
aeroplane for extended and retacted undercarriage. Details are given in Pilot Operating Handbook -
chapter 6.2.2 - CG calculation.
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
2. Inspections of aeroplane
For the safe operation of the aeroplane is necessary to observe prescribed periods and content
of service inspections and maintenance. Failure to observe these inspections reduce airworthiness and
safe operation and may cause serious malfunctions of aeroplane!
Observe these periodical inspections, but always respect the current technical condition of
the aeroplane. If you discover damage or other unsafe condition, do not wait for the periodic
inspection, and promptly repair the defect!
The basis of the aeroplane safe operation and airworthiness is thorough care of all aeroplane
components. Maintenance base are regular inspections of aircraft after 25,50,100,1000,2000 flight hours.
The details content of the periodical inspections are described in the “Maintenance Checklist” -
chapter 10.Attachment of this Maintenance Manual.
System of service inspection of the engine is described in the Maintenance Manual issued by
the engine manufacturer.
System of service inspection of the propeller is described in the Maintenance Manual issued
by the propeller manufacturer.
1. Before making periodic inspection of aerolpane print a new copy the "Maintenance
Checklist" listed in chapter 10.Attachment of this Maintenance Manual
2. Complete details of airplane and date of inspection
3. Select and mark the type of performed inspection
4. Fill in a name of mechanic and quality inspector
5. When performing aeroplane inspection follow step by step items of "Maintenance
6. Each item execution indicate by mark in the appropriate square
7. In the end of „Maintenance Checklist“ to confirm the performed inspection by signatures
(mechanic,quality inspector)
8. Keep the completed „Maintenance Checklist“ for the next service period
9. All found defects of airplane and their elimination write into the Maintenance Log
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
3. Structures
3.1 Fuselage
For the purpose of greasing any semisolid grease (NO SILICONE) can be used, e.g. plastic grease
ISO 6743/9 CCEB2, (DIN 51502 KP2K-30). For application use a small brush (diameter 1cm). The
grease must be applied on the next points of fuselage:
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
3.2 Wing
For the purpose of greasing any semisolid grease (NO SILICONE) can be used, e.g. plastic grease
ISO 6743/9 CCEB2, (DIN 51502 KP2K-30). For application use a small brush (diameter 1cm).
Greasing is best done if the wings are removed from the fuselage. The grease must be applied on
the next points of wing:
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
1. By wings drain valves drain fuel from both main wings fuel tanks
2. Buttress the ends of both wings by 2 supports
3. Remove upholstery of both pilot seats
4. Dismount both composite seats
5. Remove upholstery on both sides of cockpit (front of the seats) and remove side covers
6. Cut all plastic tapes for fixation fuel hoses and electrical cables of main fuel tanks on both
7. Dismount cover of the main wings pin on the right side of tunnel between seats
8. Remove the tapes covers the connections wings-fuselage
9. Secure the ailerons in neutral position by glue tape for further disassembly
10. Disconnect ailerons long pushrods of control lines of both ailerons under the seats. Then
secure the ailerons in neutral position by a tape prior to further disassembly
11. Disconnect the control lines of both flaps – open the flaps into the position for landing and
disconnect the both short pushrods near by flaps. Then close both flaps by hand and
secure the flaps in closed position by a tape prior to further disassembly
12. Using the steel mounting rod, turn the safety pin of the wings for angle 180 deg.
13. Using the steel mounting rod, by oscillating motion pull out the safety pin rearwards
14. Both wings pull out approx. 20 cm from the fuselage
15. Disconnect all cables of electric installation and all fuel hoses of both main fuel tanks
16. Blind ends of the all fuel hoses in the fuselage and in both wings and secure all the blinds
by clips – see fig.6 (1)
17. Disconnect 2 hoses of the pitostatic system between the left wing and the fuselage and
blind all free ends of Pittot.static hoses and fuel hoses by tape – see fig.6 (2)
18. Secure spacers on the 2 main wings tenons by plastic tapes – see fig.6 (3)
19. Pushrod of aileron wrapped by foam material – see fig.6 (4)
20. Remove both wings from the fuselage and place them into a supports – by leading edge of
wings downwards
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
fig.7 - Fuel hoses and electric cables fig.8 - Fuel hoses and electric cables
connection in left wing connection in right wing
fig.9 - Hoses of pitotstatic system – connection fig.10 - Main tenons of wings – greasing
fig.11 - Connecting pin of wings - assembly fig.12 - Connecting pin of wing – ensuring
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
fig.13 - Short pushrod of wing flaps – ensuring fig.14 - Long pushrod of ailerons – ensuring
After final assembly of wings check the freedom of movement and limit angles of ailerons and wing flaps!
Protocol of Aeroplane leveling and angles of control surface is listed in chapter 11.Attachements
date of issue:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
For the purpose of greasing any semisolid grease (NO SILICONE) can be used, e.g. plastic grease
ISO 6743/9 CCEB2, (DIN 51502 KP2K-30). For application use a small brush (diameter 1cm).
Greasing is best done if the elevator and rudder are removed from the fuselage. The grease must
be applied on the next points:
6 hinges of elevator
2 hinges of rudder
1. Remove the 2 pcs of cotter nuts M6 from foot control ropes on the rudder. To release the
right rope of foot control is necessary to deflect the rudder to the right, to release the left
rope of foot control is necessary to deflect the rudder to the left. Bolts M6x25 to pull out
and release both ropes of foot control - see fig.16
2. By socket wrench remove the self-locking nut M6 from lower hinge of rudder - see fig.17
3. By pendulum motion and by pressure upward pull of the rudder from hinges - see fig.18
4. Rudder impose to the stand.
Elevator left:
1. Remove the 2pc of M6 self-locking nuts from control lever of the left elevator - see fig.19
2. By pendulum motion and by pressure to the left to pull out left half of elevator from
stabilizer hinges.
3. Remove 2pcs of washers 6x1mm and elevator save to the stand.
4. Elevator control lever adjust in stabilizer hinge by assembly pins. - see fig.20
Elevator right:
1. Remove the stops of control ropes from trim tab on the right half of the elevator.
2. Remove the 2pc M6 self-locking nuts from control lever of the right elevator. see fig.19
3. By pendulum motion and by pressure to the right to pull out right half of elevator from
stabilizer hinges.
4. Remove 2pcs of washers 6x1mm and elevator save to the stand.
5. Elevator control lever adjust in stabilizer hinge by assembly pin. - see fig.20
1. Remove elevator control lever from main hinges of stabilizer. Do not lose 2pcs of the
bronze washers 6x0,5mm between main stabilizer hinges and elevator lever!
2. To cut and pull out the safety wire, which ensures 12pcs hexagon screws M4x20 of the
stabilizer composite cross - see fig.21
3. Step by step dismantle all hexagon screws and remove the composite cross from the
4. By pressure to the back pull out the stabilizer from the fuselage. Bowden with ropes of trim
tab pull out from the plastic hoses of stabilizer.
5. Stabilizer impose to stand.
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
fig.16 – Ropes of foot control connection fig.17 – Lower pin of the rudder ensuring
fig.20 – Elevator contol lever fig.21 – Imbus screws and safety wire
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
1. Bowdens with ropes of trim tab control put through the plastic tubes in the stabilizer. Be
sure to match the right direction of the trim tabs control! (upper bowden from trim lever
put into lower plastic tube in stabilizer) - see fig.22
2. Stabilizer to put by 2 major pins into the slot of the fusselage.
3. From behind deploy composite cross on the stabilizer and put all 12pcs imbus screws
M4x20. Step by step tighten all screws by torque 1,67Nm.
4. Heads of hexagon screws ensure by safety wire and mark it by red colour - see fig.23
5. All stabilizer hinges and both sides of the elevator lever grease by vaseline - see fig.24
6. Between the 2 main hinges of stabilizer insert the elevator control lever - do not forget to
put 2pcs of the bronze washers diam.8x0,5mm between main stabilizer hinges and both
sides of elevator lever. Elevator control lever adjust in stabilizer hinges by 2 assembly pins
- see fig.25
Elevator right:
1. Put 2pcs of washers 6x1mm on the 2 screws of right elevator. All 3 pins of elevator hinges
grease by vaseline - see fig.26
2. Take the right elevator and put the 2 bowdens with ropes of trim tab control through the
plastic tubes in the right elevator. At the same time the right half of the elevator to put on
the stabilizer. By pendulum motion and pressure to the left, put 3 pins of elevator into
stabilizer hinges - see fig.27
3. Screws of the right elevator put into control lever of the elevator and secure it by 2pcs self-
locking nuts M6. For assembly you must always use new self-locking nuts! Gradually
tighten the self-locking nuts by torque 5,9Nm a mark it by red color. - see fig.28
4. Secure control ropes of trim tab by stops and mark by red color. Check the trim tab
freedom and the right direction of movement.
Elevator left:
Assembly procedure of the left elevator is very similar to assembly procedure of the right.
1. Put 2pcs of washers 6x1mm on the 2 screws of left elevator. All 3 pins of elevator hinges
grease by vaseline - see fig.26
2. Take the left elevator and to deploy it on the stabilizer. By pendulum motion and pressure
to the right put 3 pins of elevator into stabilizer hinges.
3. Screws of the left elevator to put into control lever of the elevator and secure it by 2pcs self-
locking nuts M6. For assembly you must always use new self-locking nuts! Gradually
tighten the self-locking nuts by torque 5,9Nm a mark it by red color. - see fig.28
4. Assembly long pushrod of elevator control line with elevator lever by bolt M6x25. Slightly
tighten the cotter nut, insert split pin and mark it by red colour. - see fig.28
1. The 2 pins of rudder and 2 hinges in the fuselage grease by vaseline – as on the elevator.
2. Rudder put into the fuselage. By pendulum motion and downward pressure to deploy
pins of the rudder into the fuselage hinges. - see fig.29
3. The lower pin of the rudder ensure by self-locking nut M6 – use socket wrench lenght
17cm. During the assembly you must always use new self-locking nuts! The self-locking
nut tighten and check free movement of rudder - see fig.30
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
4. Connect the ropes of foot control. To hook up the ropes of foot control is necessary to
deflect the rudder to the right for right rope and to the left for left rope assembly. Bolts
M6x25 insert from the top and bottom of the forks fit the washer 6x1mm and cotter nuts
M6. Slightly tighten the nuts, insert cotter pins and mark it by red colour - see fig.31
After final assembly of tail units check the freedom of movement and limit angles of rudder, elevator
and proper function of trim!
Protocol of Aeroplane leveling and angles of control surface is listed in chapter 11.Attachements
fig.22 – Bowdens of trim tab in stabilizer fig.23 – Imbus screws and safety wire
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fig.30 – Lower pin of the rudder fig.31 – Ropes of foot control connection
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fig.32 – Cockpit and seats fig.33 – Instrument panel and control sticks
Leather upholstery:
Impregnation is recommended in periods of 3 to 6 months. Suitable preparation, recomendably
contains jojoba oil. For washing and cleaning we suggest contacting a specailized company. It is
also possible to use special cleaning products for leather furniture.
Textile upholstery:
For washing and cleaning use solid or foam cleaning products for textile and carpets. We do not
recommend to use for cleaning cold water, it can caused deformation of the upholstery shape.
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
3.5 Canopy
Canopy is made from the composite frame and plexiglas produced by company Josef Weiss
Plastic GmbH. The canopy frame is formed by a composite profile. The canopy opens out forward and
is pushed up by two gas springs.
Removing of scratches
Scratches on the plexiglass, witch are not too deep can be removed polishing by cleanser
Fly-Away-Set (
Small smear of semisolid greas can be applied on joints of gass springs of the canopy.
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
For the purpose of greasing any semisolid grease (NO SILICONE) can be used, e.g. plastic grease
ISO 6743/9 CCEB2, (DIN 51502 KP2K-30). For application use a small brush (diameter 1cm). The
grease must be applied on the next points of landing gears:
bearings and movable connecting parts of nose leg
gearing of the closing mechanism of main legs
Assembly and disassambly of wheels can be done by the person authorized and trained by
aeroplane producer or aeroplane dealer! Procedudes provided in this chapter applies to service wheels
and brakes BERINGER only!
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
After the wheel assembly carefully remove the aircraft from the lifts and check the correct functioning
of wheels and brakes!
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
Service of brakes can be done by the person authorized and trained by aeroplane producer or
aeroplane dealer! Procedures provided in this chapter applies to service wheels and brakes
The hydraulic brake system of aeroplane consists of 2 brake hydraulic cylinders, connecting brake
hoses, 2 hydraulic disc brakes and parking brake. Brake cylinders are placed on the foot control pedals
and the brakes are installed directly on the main wheels. Both main wheels are braked independently, so
make it easier to control the aircraft during taxiing. - see fig.42,fig.43
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
Filling and venting of brake circuit can be done by the person authorized and trained by
aeroplane producer or aeroplane dealer!
Procedudes provided in this chapter applies to service wheels and brakes BERINGER only!
Each brake brake must be filled, replenished and vented separately!
1. It is recomended to place polypropylen foil on the cockpit floor of aeroplane under both
brake pumps to prior re-filling brake circuits.
2. Open the red cap of the brake liquid tank and remove rubber stopper.
3. Release parking brake by parking brake control.
4. Attache the hose of syringe or hand pump on the intlet of brake liquid.
5. Loosen the screw of brake liquid inlet.
6. By syringe or hand pump fill in brake circuit with brake liquid.
7. Press down few times the brake pedal in the cockpit – the air bubles will be eliminated
from the brake circuit.
8. Once again refill brake liquid into the brake circuit.
9. Repeat steps 6 - 7 untill all air bubles are eliminated from the brake circuit.
10. Close parking brake and press down few times the brake pedal in the cockpit.
11. Release parking brake once again press down few times the brake pedal in the cockpit.
12. Tighthen the screw of brake fluid inlet on the brake.
13. Put back rubber stopper on brake liquid tank, close the cap and check it for leakage.
14. Press down several times the pedal of the brake and check proper function of main brake
and also parking brake.
15. Check the motion of the brake pedals – each brake pedal can decrease max.1,5 cm.
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
1. It is recomended to place polypropylen foil on the cockpit floor of aeroplane under both
brake pumps to prior re-filling brake circuits.
2. Open the red cap of brake liquid tank and remove rubber stopper.
3. Fill up the brake liquid into brake liquid tank. The correct brake fluid level reaches tightly
to the closed rubber stopper.
4. Close the red cap of brake liquid tank on the brake pump and check it for leakage.
5. Press down several times the pedal of the brake and check proper function of main brake
and also parking brake.
6. Check the motion of the brake pedals – each brake pedal can decrease max.1,5 cm.
Contamination of the brake discs, or brake pads decrease the effectiveness of the brakes. In this
case is possible to clean the brake discs and pads by Perchlorethylen. If the cleanup does not help, it is
necessary to replace brake pads. For spare parts see chapter 1.3.2 Landing gears components.
1. Remove main wheel according the procedure described in the chapter
2. Remove the 3 screws M8 from the caliper. Preheating of the caliper to 60-80°C can help to
remove screws - see fig.45
3. Clean space around the pistons by a dry cloth - see fig.46
4. Push back the pistons with one finger (no force is needed).
If you cannot push back the piston with one finger, caliper must be checked and rebuilt.
5. Put on new pads and asedembly back plate with crankcase. Put blue Loctite 243 on the end
of each screw M8 and all of them.
6. Then torque by moment 25 Nm each screw (respect torque value is very important).
7. Put a drop of yellow color between each screw M8 and back plate. For more details please
visit web sites BERINGER: – SUPPORT.
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
fig.45 – Main leg with brake BERINGER fig.46 - Clean space around the pistons
3.9 Engine
Before any maintenance or manipulation with the engine read carefully original engine
ROTAX manuals. On the engine is allowed to perform only the following basic maintenance. For more
difficult service work, please contact dealer or an authorized ROTAX service center!
Basic technical description of Rotax engines is listed in the chapter 1.2.2 Engines
fig.47 - Right side view of engine fig.48 - Left side view of engine
1. Preheat the engine oil by short engine run to reach temperature at least 50°C.
2. Remove upper and lower engine cowlings.
3. Put suitable vessel for oil under oil reservoir, on the right side of the engine, open cap of
the oil reservoir and remove the bolt in the bottom of the oil reservoir. Drain old engine oil
into the vessel - see fig.49,fig.50
4. Replace the bolt of the oil reservoir back and secure it by wire.
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VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
5. Put suitable vessel under oil filter and dismantle the oil filter. Turn by hand several times
propeller and drain old engine oil into the vessel.
6. Replace new oil filter and tighten it. – for oil type see chapter 1.3.1 Engine components.
7. Infuse into oil reservoir 4 liters of new engine oil – for engine oil and filter type see chapter
1.3.3 Operational fluids - see fig.51
8. Close cap of the oil reservoir.
Notice: All applicable engine oils are listed in the ROTAX engine Maintenance Manual.
1. Never open cap of cooling system when engine is warm!!! Wait until the engine has cooled down!
2. Do not mix different kind of coolants!
Notice: 1) All applicable engine coolants are listed in the ROTAX engine Maintenance Manual.
date of issue:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
On the fuel system is allowed to perform only the following basic maintenance. For more
difficult service work, please contact dealer or an authorized ROTAX service center! The entire fuel
system must be kept clean! For the operation, use only high quality fuel intended for the operation of
the engine ROTAX. Any impurities in the fuel system can cause engine failure!
Fuel system have two main fuel tanks, which are an integral parts of the both wings. Fuel level
sensors are located inside the main wing tanks. Further a coarse filter, fuel tank selector, and fine filter
are also parts of the fuel system. For draining of main tanks use two valves located on the bottom
surface of the wings.
Basic diagram of the fuel system:
date of issue:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
Note: 1) It is necessary to keep the correct direction of the fuel filter involvement - inlet –
2) Approved types of gasoline are listed in Pilot Operating Handbook and in the
manuals of Rotax engine.
1. The hydraulic fluid level in the hydr.power unit tank must be regularly checked and
replenished - low hydraulic liquid level can cause malfunction of the hydraulic system!!!
2. The entire hydraulic system must be kept clean! Any impurities in the hydraulic system can
cause hydraulic system failure!
3. For the operation, use only recommended hydraulic liquid intended for the operation of
hydraulic system.
4. Event of any malfunction of the hydraulic system immediately contact dealer or the
manufacturer of the aircraft!
5. Reparation of hydraulic system can be done only by an authorized service!
date of issue:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
The hydraulic system of aircraft consist of hydraulic power unit, 3 hydraulic actuators, 3 hydraulic
locks, 2 throttle-valves, emergency hand pump and hydraulic hoses. Position sensors of landing legs are
located directly on the closing mechanism of undercarriage. Emergency releace of gears is independent
of the function of main hydraulic power unit!
Basic diagram of the hydraulic system:
date of issue:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
Into the hydraulic system replenish only original hydraulic fluid SHELL Aerofluid 41. Do not
mix different types of hydraulic fluids! Wall of the plastic hydraulic fluid tank must be alwyas clean
and transparent!
For maintenance, repairs of hydraulic system contact your VL-3 dealer or directly the VL-3
aeroplane producer:
Customer support JMB Aircraft s.r.o
phone: +420 775 253 133(ENG,FR)
date of issue:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
3.12 Propeller
Before any maintenance or manipulation with the propeller read carefully original propeller
manuals. On the propeller is allowed to perform only the following basic maintenance. For more
difficult service work, please contact dealer or an authorized propeller service center!
The ultralight aeroplane VL-3 is offered with several types two, or three blade fixed and in flight
adjustable pitch propellers according to customer. New high-tech wood-carbon propellers with high
elastic carbon fibers have unique design and gives the propellers aeroelastic quality. Maximal revolutions
of the propeller decrease during aircraft acceleration. Optimal choice of propeller is a matter of discussion
with our design department.
For the first stage of washing use plenty of water with a little of car shampoo or dish washing
detergent. Wipe down the dirts and water with a soft sponge. Remove water with dissolved detergent
with plenty of fresh water and dry with suitable soft cloth or synthetical buckskin.
Observe the inspection periods of propeller and pay attention to the condition surface of the
propeller. Even a small visible cracks can be a symptom of propeller damage! Propeller servicing can
be done in authorized service only!
date of issue:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
4. Utility Systems
4.1 Pitot-static system
If you do not fly cover Prandtl tube by safety cap! Before the flight do not forget the cap to
take off!
The pitot-static system consists of a Prandtl tube under the wing, pressure lines (plastic pipes) for
connection with airspeed indicator, altimeter and avionic pressure transducer - see fig.57
Keep the pitot-static system clear to assure its correct function. Water and debris can cause
malfunction of the system! If water gets inside the system disconnect hoses from the instruments and
slightly blow into the system away from the instruments to the Prandtl tube.
date of issue:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
Never use water or organic solvents for washing of the instrument panel! For instruments use
cleaning spray for electronic appliances and very fine soft cloth. Respect the instructions received with
the cleaning spray.
Each aeroplane has specific instrument panel with instruments and avionics according to
customer requirements. The basis of instrument panel is laser burnout from duralumin sheet.
Design and equipment of instrument panel by instruments and avionics is carried out with regard to the
proper function of all individual devices.
Willfully do not tamper into aircraft avionics! For maintenance, repairs and modifications of
avionics contact your VL-3 dealer or directly the VL-3 aeroplane producer:
6. Electrical System
Design and equipment of electrical system is approved by the manufacturer. Any improper
interference with the electrical system, or any subsequent changes are sctrictly forbidden!
Each aeroplane has specific electrical system according installed instruments and avionics of the
airplane. Design of electrical system is carried out with regard to the proper function of all aeroplane
devices. In the technical documentation of each aeroplane are given complete, detailed wiring diagrams
of electrical instalation.
6.1.1 Test of back-up battery (plane on the ground) – applies for EFIS Garmin only
Procedure for endurance testing of system providing back-up power to electronic ignition system:
1. Start the aircraft using normal starting procedures, including turning ON the back-up
master switch.
2. Select engine operation based on the use of only the electronic ignition module provided
with back-up battery power.
3. PULL the 5 amp breaker feeding the back-up master switch, confirm engine continues to
4. Pull the 7,5 amp breaker feeding pins 6,7,8 of the IBBS, confirm the engine continues to
5. Perform the following test A or test B:
date of issue:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
6. Turn off the Back-up Master Switch and confirm that the engine turns off.
7. IF all these tests pass, the IBBS system is functioning properly, record the result in the
aircaft log book.
8. IF any of these tests fail, the IBBS is not functioning properly and corrective action must
take place. If the IBBS no longer meets the endurance testing requirement, the back-up
battery may need replacement.
9. Retun all pullable breakers to the normal ON position and ensure aircraft engine is
properly returned to the off position by following normal run and shut down procedures.
10. After completing these tests, recharge the IBBS product by operating the system normály
for up to two hours. This may done by operating the aircraft in condition known to not
require back-up power or by powering the aircraft systém on a suitable groung power
source as described in the section: Ground Base recharging.
Basic schema and technical data of the engine electrical system is described in the engine
operating manual.
For maintenance, repairs and modifications of aeroplane and engine electrical system contact
your VL-3 dealer or directly the VL-3 aeroplane producer:
date of issue:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
All intended repaires of coating and painting must be at first consulted with the producer of the
aeroplane. It is allowed to glue stickers on both sides of fuselage and on lower part of the wings. On the
upper surface of wings are allowed to glue no dark stickers only, because the dark stickers absorb sunlight
and it is dangerous for reducing the strength of aeroplane composite construction. Composite parts keep
their strength level up to temperature 80°C (176°F). Stickers on the wings surfaces can also disturb laminar
flow along airfoil of wings.
8. Structural Repair
Repaires or changes effecting integrity of surface and/or geometry of airframe components are
forbidden! Intention or necessity to do such airframe repaires must be consulted directly with the
aeroplane producer. I this case contact your VL-3 dealer or directly the VL-3 aeroplane producer:
date of issue:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
1 - 46 August 2016
date of issue:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
10. Attachements
Weighting protocol
Protocol of Aeroplane leveling and angles of control surfaces
Maintenace Checklist (list of aeroplane periodical inspections)
date of issue:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
Weighting protocol
Total weight
m (kg) =
m = Gr + Gleft + Gright =
C.G. position
Gz × a x T(mm) =
xT = =
date of issue:
VL-3E-1 Maintenance Manual
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