(Lecture - 5) The Renaissance - Basic Intro
(Lecture - 5) The Renaissance - Basic Intro
(Lecture - 5) The Renaissance - Basic Intro
Changing Times
in Psychology
• Four major themes: 2. Personal religion – Religion to be
1. Individualism – Great concern with more personal and less ritualistic,
human potential and achievement, religion to be more personally
power of individualism. The belief in experienced than imposed on
the power of the individual to make a people by church.
positive difference in the world
created a spirit of optimism.
Humanism- interest in human beings (as discovering ourselves for the first
time).How do we think, behave and feel? What are we capable of?
• Augustinian priest and biblical scholar, disgusted by present Christianity
• Human intentions are inspired either by God or by Satan: former results in God’s work, latter is
• If people have sinned, they should suffer the consequences
• Intensely personal religion: everyone is answerable to God
• Reformation (1517)- Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the castle church in
• Opposed the idea of sinner paying a fees to reduce the retribution for their sins
• Jesus preached the glory of simple life, devoid of luxury and privilege
• Major reason for the downfall of Catholicism was its assimilation of Aristotle’s philosophy
• Due to all the arguments he had with Erasmus on free will, Luther’s protest against church gave
birth to a new religion Protestantism insisting that every individual has the right to interpret the
Bible in his or her own way
• Dispute over which version of Christianity was correct soon divided Europe
The decline in the church’s authority was directly related to the
rise of a new spirit of inquiry that took as its ultimate authority
empirical observation instead of the scriptures, faith, or
revelation. Gradually, church dogma was replaced by the very
thing it had opposed the most—the direct observation of nature
without the intervention of theological considerations. But the
transition, although steady, was slow and painful. Many
Renaissance scholars were caught between theology and
science because of either personal beliefs or fear of retaliation
by the church. They reported their observations with extreme
caution; in some cases, they requested that their observations
be reported only after their death
The work of a few astronomer-physicists was
most detrimental to church dogma and most influential
in creating a new way of examining nature’s
secrets. That new way was called science.
• Brilliant Mathematician
Which meant that there were at LEAST 11 bodies in the solar system and
not 7 like the church had said
• “I knew this was the man. I was completely confident. I was sure. . . . If there was
the possibility of a death sentence, I wanted him to die. I wanted to flip the
• Ms. Thompson was shown Mr. Poole “I have never seen this man in my life,
I have no idea who he is”
1986 Case
• Today Positivism
• In Baconian science, one proceeds from observation to
generalization (induction); in Galilean science, and later in
Newtonian science, one proceeds from a general law to the
prediction of specific, empirical events (deduction).
• Bacon did not deny the importance of the rational powers of
Baconian the mind, but he believed that those powers should be used
to understand the facts of nature rather than the figments of
science the human imagination.
• What Bacon (1620/1994) proposed was a position
intermediate between traditional empiricism (simply fact
gathering) and rationalism (the creation of abstract
“Empiricists, like ants, merely collect things and use
them. The Rationalists, like spiders, spin webs out of
themselves. The middle way is that of the bee, which
gathers its material from the flowers of the garden and
field, but then transforms and digests it by a power of its
Baconian own. And the true business of philosophy is much the
same, for it does not rely only or chiefly on the powers
science of the mind, nor does it store the material supplied by
natural history and practical experiments untouched in
its memory, but lays it up in the understanding changed
and refined. Thus from a closer and purer alliance of the
two faculties—the experimental and the rational, such
as has never yet been made—we have good reason for
hope. “
• Science should provide useful information
"Right Now” observes and how one interprets what one observes?
Discussion • Examples?
• “The only hypothesis left was that this idea was put in my mind
by a nature that was really more perfect than I was, which had all
the perfections that I could imagine, and which was, in a word,
• Because God exists and is perfect he would not deceive humans thus we can trust
the information provided by our senses
• Descartes concluded (1) that rational processes were valid and that knowledge of the
physical world gained through the senses could be accepted because God would not
deceive us, but (2) that even sensory information had to be analysed rationally in order to
determine its validity.
• Descartes method Intuition + Deduction
• Intuition unbiased and attentive mind arrives at a clear distinct idea such that it’s validity
cannot be doubted
• Once the idea is discovered One can deduce many other valid ideas
• Example: God exists (intuition) We can trust sensory information because God will not
deceive us (Deduction)
• It is important to note that Descartes’s method restored the dignity to purely subjective
• In fact, Descartes found that he could doubt the existence of everything physical (including his
own body) but could not doubt the existence of himself as a thinking being!
• Descartes was a rationalist Logic
above all else
• He was a nativist innate ideas
• But he was also a phenomenologist
studied the nature of conscious
• The mind-body interaction
• The human body operates on physical principles but the mind
does not
• Animal, human behaviors and internal processes could be
explained mechanically.
• Only humans possessed a mind that provided consciousness,
free choice, and rationality.
• Furthermore, the mind was nonphysical and the body physical;
that is, the body occupied space but the mind did not.
• In the process of arriving at the first principle of his
philosophy—“I think, therefore I am”—Descartes believed that
he had discovered the fact that the mind was nonmaterial
• However, they still INTERACT with each other.
• Contribution to Psychology