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Mathematical model of the solar combined cycle power plant using phase
change materials in thermal energy storage system
(Thermodynamic analysis)
Barno Sayfutdinovna Abdullaeva a, *, Dilsora Abduvalieva b, Feruza
Abulkosimovna Rakhmatova c, Mashalbek Erkinovich Yulchiev d
Department of Mathematics and Information Technologies, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Department of Mathematics and Information Technologies, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Bunyodkor avenue, 27, Tashkent, 100070, Uzbekistan
Department of Educational Theory of Pedagogy, Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
Department of Alternative Energy Sources, Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan
Keywords: This research presents a novel mathematical framework for optimizing solar combined cycle power plants, with a
Solar power plant particular emphasis on the exergy analysis of various superheating heat exchanger configurations used in
Energy storage system thermal energy storage. The importance of phase change materials (PCMs) in improving the thermodynamic
Phase change material
efficiency of solar combined cycle power plants is emphasized in this study. The investigation includes three
Hybrid cycle
configurations, two with a single PCM and one with two PCMs. The use of PCMs is intended to increase storage
density, reduce volume, and maintain consistent temperatures, thereby favoring latent energy storage. The
model developed evaluates exergy efficiency and output temperature profiles during the charging and dis
charging processes. The results show that the single PCM configuration has an impressive charging efficiency of
93.12 %, reaching an output temperature of 371 ◦ C in 8 h. The two PCM configurations, on the other hand,
achieve even higher efficiency at 94.89 % during charging, with an output temperature of 367 ◦ C over a slightly
longer 10-hour period. This comparison emphasizes the benefits of using two PCMs, demonstrating increased
exergy efficiency and a marginal increase in output temperature over a single PCM setup. Furthermore, a
comparison of the outcomes resulting from the use of a single type of PCM in exchangers reveals that the
disparity in PCM melting temperatures causes only minor variations in the system’s efficiency. The findings
emphasize the significance of optimal PCM utilization for efficient solar energy retention, particularly during
periods of low radiation.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: bsayfutdinovnaabdullaeva@gmail.com (B.S. Abdullaeva).
ciency of the system improves as the quantity of PCM increases. How The absorbed thermal energy (Eq. (2)) will increase the temperature
ever, this improvement becomes insignificant when the number of PCM of the oil and change its enthalpy.
exceeds three. Klein et al. [36] conducted an investigation into a thermal
( )
energy storage system that utilizes solar gas turbines and stores a sig
Q = m hout,S.F − hin,S.F ,
nificant amount of heat in a concentrated solar power plant. As a means th,S.F HTF,S.F
B.S. Abdullaeva et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 22 (2024) 100579
Solar Irradiation
Solar Collector
Fig. 1. Schematic of the a) solar combined cycle power plant with energy storage system, b) exchanger with PCM.
• Conduction heat transfer is the predominant mode of operation in enthalpy of the molten salt H and C, respectively, in the reservoir. The
PCM. This assumption is substantiated by the fact that the absorber cold and hot tanks are denoted by subscripts, t and t+Δt denote two
applies heat from above to the PCM, thereby preventing any free- consecutive time periods, and subscripts 1 and 2 specify the pre
flowing currents within the PCM. requisites for entering the heat tank and departing from the cold tank,
• Since the PCM has an exceptionally strong bond with the absorber, respectively [41]. The internal enthalpy and energy, which were pre
the contact resistance between the two can be disregarded. viously regarded as variables dependent on temperature, are now
• The average temperature of PCM is denoted by Tpcm, and there is no determined in accordance with Eq. (7) by integrating the vise heat from
temperature gradient in PCM thickness. This assumption is sub the desired temperature to the optional reference temperature of 220 ◦ C.
stantiated when the PCM thickness is low. Tsalt ∫
∫ +273.15
eration is a shell and tube design, with the PCM contained within the
shell and the working fluid flowing through the tubes. The physical Q˙exch,TES represents the overall heat transfer rate between two hot and
properties of PCM investigated in this study are listed in Table 1. cold fluids. Eq. (10) states that the thermal performance of the heat
exchanger is ascertained through the calculation of the logarithmic
average temperature difference and the overall heat transfer coefficient.
2.2. Mathematical model of heat storage ( ˙ )
˙ ṁ HTF,TES 0.8
Q = (UA)des,TES ˙ ΔTlm,TES . (10)
The storage system is an indirect type, consisting of two hot and cold exch,TES ṁ HTF,TES,des
molten salt tanks and a heat exchanger device for transferring heat en During the charging of the heat storage system, the logarithmic
ergy. It is presumed that these tanks are fully insulated and there is no average temperature difference is calculated using Eq. (11).
dissipation of energy from the tanks. The equations governing the con ( ) ( )
servation of mass and energy in the charging process of the storage ΔTlm,TES =
THTF,1− Ts,1 − THTF,2− Ts,2
( ) . (11)
system for molten salt tanks will be expressed as Eqs. (3)–(6). (THTF,1− Ts,1 )
ln T
( HTF,2− − TS,2 )
MC,t+Δt = MC,t − m ⋅Δt
The mass and energy balance equations for the junctions of the
Eqs. (14) and (15) are employed for the mathematical representation
Table 1
of PCMs.
Physical characteristics of PCMs.
Character PCM1 PCM2 mpcm cppcm dTpcm
= qcond,b− pcm − qb (14)
Apcm dt
PCM type Paraffin wax Paraffin wax
Cp (J/kg.K) 3.06 4.53
K (w/m.K) 0.48 0.48 ki
Ub =
ρ(kg/m3) 2303 2262 ei , (15)
Tm (◦ C) 310 340 ( )
qb = Ub Tpcm − Ta
Lf (kJ/kg) 200 180
B.S. Abdullaeva et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 22 (2024) 100579
where, qb is the convective heat transfer between the PCM and the ( ) (
THTF,3− − T2 − THTF,3′− T1″
outside environment. ΔTlm,S.H = ( ) . (22)
Eq. (14) is written for a case where the PCM has a temperature ln T
(THTF,3 T2 )
( HTF,3′− T1″ )
change with respect to time. Naturally, this is completely true when the
PCM is in solid and liquid phase, in order to use this relationship for the
The enthalpy of a working fluid is calculated in relation to temper
phase change process using the capacity method. Equivalent heat of use
ature using Eqs. (23) and (24).
in this method, the temperature change in the phase change process is
considered insignificant (Eq. (16)). 2
hHTF,3 = − 18.34 + 1.498THTF,3 + 0.00138THTF,3 (23)
The governing equation for the absorber is in the form of Eqs. (17) ˙
and (18). 0.98 Q = m (h1″ − h1′ )
Ev f.W
B.S. Abdullaeva et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 22 (2024) 100579
2.4.5. Pump ( )
Eq. (36) expresses the power consumption of the pump as the dif EQ
PCM,ch = − Q C,PCM 1− ; (45)
ference between the enthalpies of input and output.
( ) ( )
˙ Ef − Ei = − QC,PCM
˙ PCM,ch
W = m (h1 − h4 ). [ ( ) ( )]
pump f.w Tm,PCM iph,PCM TST
− mPCM T0 cPPCM ln − +cPPCM ln
The pump’s power consumption, as determined by its isentropic ef T4 Tm,PCM Tm,PCM
ficiency, is as Eq. (37): (46)
2.5. Energy and exergy analysis The results of the modeling of the heat transfer process in the desired
exchangers are presented in this section. The time of the simulation
The energy analysis of the energy storage system comprises two process is different according to the charging or discharging time of each
components: the working fluid input energy and the hidden energy exchanger. Therefore, the results are biased in different time spans. First,
stored within the system, which is determined by Eq. (40) and is the developed model is verified and then the results of the model are
equivalent to the heat loss of the exchanger. presented.
Qchar = mc(Tin − Tout ). (40)
3.1. Validation
Exergy refers to the capacity of an energy source to generate changes
and execute mechanical work. In addition to the form or type of energy
The model has been validated by following the specifications of the
(chemical and thermal), environmental conditions and thermodynamic
experimental study and the two-dimensional assumption of the problem.
conditions (temperature, pressure, and volume) influence the efficiency
Its results have been compared with those of Kibria et al. [43]. The
of a system containing a specific quantity of energy. To address the
experimental study involves an energy storage unit that incorporates a
matter of energy system quality and establish a quantitative benchmark
conduit for the circulation of a working fluid and PCM surrounding it.
for quality assessment, it is imperative to establish a universally
The PCM utilized in this study consists of paraffin wax, which has a
accepted definition of energy quality. When a particular environmental
melting point of 61 ◦ C. The working fluid has a mass flow rate of 70
condition is taken into account, the maximum amount of work that can
gr/min and an inlet temperature of 88 ◦ C during the charging process
be generated from an energy-containing system can serve as a univer
and 25 ◦ C during the discharge process. The initial phase involved so
sally applicable criterion. This standardized energy quality metric is
lidification, commonly known as discharging. Preceding the
known as exergy. Constant-state exergy rate balance for the control
commencement of the experiment, the paraffin wax underwent a gentle
volume is represented by Eq. (41).
heating, surpassing its melting temperature, facilitated by the circula
dEcv ∑ Q ∑ ∑ tion of a heat transfer fluid at 70 ◦ C. Following this, the solidification
= Ėj − Ė + Ėi − Ėe − ĖD = 0.
dt j i e
experiment was initiated. Water at 25 ◦ C was introduced from a
consistent temperature bath, circulating through the tube at a constant
Exergy destruction rate (E) comprises the following components: mass flow rate. Measurements of the inlet and outlet temperatures of the
D heat transfer fluid, along with the PCM temperature, were meticulously
exergy destruction rate of turbine, pump, evaporator, condenser, stor taken and recorded. The solidification experiment concluded upon the
age, and PCM. The exergy rate is caused by heat transfer in the evapo complete solidification of the paraffin wax at the terminal section of the
rator (ĖEV ), which is obtained as Eq. (42):
test apparatus. Upon the conclusion of the solidification experiment, an
( ) immediate transition to the melting phase was executed. The melting
(42) experiment concluded once the entirety of the paraffin wax had ach
ĖEV = Q̇EV − 1
ieved a fully melted state. The heat transfer fluid model is determined
To determine the rate of exergy destruction in PCM storage, Eq. (43) based on the experimental sample as shown in Fig. 2. In the mathe
is formulated. matical model for heat transfer, several assumptions were incorporated
to streamline the analysis. The thermophysical properties of both the
˙ ˙ ˙
E = E + E . (43) heat transfer fluid and PCM remained constant in relation to tempera
ture. Thermal conduction in the axial direction for both PCM and heat
The calculation for the amount of exergy changes that occur during transfer fluid was disregarded. The storage’s initial temperature was
B.S. Abdullaeva et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 22 (2024) 100579
(Fig. 4b). The energy storage mechanism in the concrete system becomes
Inlet Outlet perceptible, with a storage period of 12 h. In this scenario, the exergy
Heat Transfer Fluid
Pressure efficiency is 90.29 % (Fig. 4b), and the mean temperature at the output
PCM is 350 ◦ C. The average temperature of the working fluid converges with
Insulation that of the storage system as the quantity of PCMs increases, leading to a
reduction in irreversibility during the storage process. Consequently,
Fig. 2. Test sample scheme. exergy efficiency is enhanced, showcasing the intricate relationship
between PCM quantity, temperature profiles, and system performance.
uniformly set at the melting temperature. An adiabatic wall condition
3.3. System discharging time
was presupposed. The entry of laminar and simultaneously developing
heat transfer fluid was considered. This set of assumptions provided a
During the system discharging phase, saturated steam is introduced
foundation for the constructed mathematical model, facilitating a
into the system, initiating a transition to the supersaturated state
focused examination of the heat transfer dynamics.
concurrently. In exchanger 1, the discharge process extends over 8 h,
Fig. 3 demonstrates that the simulated model exhibits a discrepancy
during which the steam outlet maintains an average temperature of 284
of 3.5 % in charging time and 8.1 % in discharging time compared to the ◦
C. The system exhibits an exergy efficiency of 90.82 % during this
experimental model. These findings indicate a strong correlation be
period. Fig. 5a illustrates the variations in temperature between the
tween the model’s outcomes and the laboratory results.
outlet and intermediate sections. The discharge process commences with
the PCM in a liquid phase, and, akin to the charging process, a significant
3.2. System charging time temperature difference between the working fluid and the exchanger
creates a robust temperature gradient along the exchanger. This
The temperature of the steam in the outlet section in the exchanger is gradient intensifies with the re-freezing of the PCM and the passage of
shown in Fig. 4. time, resulting in a uniform temperature maintenance as the PCM di
In the examination of the system charging time, as illustrated in minishes in the exchanger.
Fig. 4a, it is evident that the PCMs in exchanger 1 initiate the charging Moving to exchanger 2, the discharge process spans 10 h, main
process in a solid state. This initiates a significant temperature differ taining a steam outlet temperature averaging 287 ◦ C and an exergy ef
ential between the incoming working fluid and the exchanger, leading to ficiency of 88.89 %. Fig. 5b illustrates the temperature variations
an elevated energy storage rate and a substantial decrease in tempera between the middle and outlet sections of the exchanger. Notably, the
ture. The length of the exchanger displays a notable gradient, resulting rate of steam temperature drop during discharge is more pronounced in
in a considerable temperature difference across its three sections. As the exchanger 3, housing PCM with a higher melting temperature,
average temperature of the exchanger rises and the PCM undergoes compared to exchanger 2 with PCM of a lower melting temperature.
melting, the rate of energy storage diminishes, leading to a homogenized Model results for exchanger 3 indicate a temperature decline from 327
temperature distribution. In this specific scenario, it takes 8 h for the ◦
C to 279 ◦ C within eleven hours.
PCM to completely melt, yielding an exergy efficiency of 93.12 % during For the concrete system exchanger, the discharge process requires 5
charging (Fig. 4b). Notably, the output temperature of the system re h, with the steam outlet maintaining an average temperature of 350 ◦ C
duces to 371 ◦ C, emphasizing the impact of the required temperature for and the system achieving an exergy efficiency of 92.54 %. However, the
sustained operation. A comparison of single PCM utilization in ex inefficiency of the concrete system becomes apparent when comparing
changers 2 and 3 reveals a negligible influence on exchanger efficiency. its average outlet temperature and efficiency to alternative heat ex
However, exchanger 3 exhibits a prolonged charging time due to its changers. This observation sheds light on the trade-offs associated with
elevated melting temperature. the concrete system, emphasizing the need for a nuanced evaluation of
Fig. 4a further demonstrates the variations in steam temperature at its performance in practical applications. The discharge characteristics
the outlet of exchanger 2, where a modification in the diagram is logical of each exchanger highlight the impact of PCM properties on the effi
given the utilization of two PCM layers. The complete melting of PCMs ciency and temperature profiles during the energy release phase.
in this configuration necessitates 10 h, resulting in an exergy efficiency
of precisely 94.89 % (Fig. 4b). This mode generates an average output
temperature of 367 ◦ C, slightly higher than the preceding mode
Fig. 3. A comparison between experimental and proposed model results during a) charging time, b) discharging time.
B.S. Abdullaeva et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 22 (2024) 100579
Fig. 4. a) Steam temperature variation in outlet of exchangers, b) exergy efficiency in the charging time.
Fig. 5. a) Steam temperature variation in outlet of exchangers, b) exergy efficiency in the discharging time.
3.4. Efficiency evaluation trend during the charging period for exchanger 1 mirrors that of the
discharge period, as evident in Fig. 6b.
In evaluating the efficiency of the system, Fig. 6 provides a Conversely, the charging process for exchanger 2 concludes with the
comprehensive depiction of the exergy efficiency variations throughout complete melting of its components, resulting in a more rapid charging
the charging process for the exchangers. In the case of exchanger 1, the time and a distinct downward slope in the efficiency graph. Despite
initial decline in system efficiency is attributed to the substantial ingress variations in charging times and efficiency profiles, the performance of
of exergy into the system, surpassing the rate at which it is stored. the system in two scenarios and layouts with single PCMs and steam
However, efficiency sees an upward trend as one of the components temperature in exchangers shows relatively consistent behavior. In both
completely melts, leading to a decrease in the rate of exergy input. This scenarios, as the final stages of charging or discharging approach, the
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