RULES Withdrawal of Certificates of Candidacy
RULES Withdrawal of Certificates of Candidacy
RULES Withdrawal of Certificates of Candidacy
B. Candidacy
The withdrawal of Certificates of Candidacy (COC) is a crucial aspect of Philippine election law.
It involves the voluntary decision of a candidate to remove themselves from the list of official
candidates after the submission of their COC but before the actual election. This process is
governed by the Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines (Batas Pambansa Blg. 881), as well
as relevant jurisprudence and rules issued by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC).
Here is a comprehensive guide to the legal provisions and requirements surrounding the
withdrawal of COCs:
Under Section 73 of the Omnibus Election Code, any person who has filed a COC may
voluntarily withdraw their candidacy. This withdrawal must be in writing and should be
submitted to the same office where the COC was originally filed.
The law sets no limitations on the grounds for withdrawal, making it a personal and voluntary act
on the part of the candidate. A candidate does not need to provide any justification for
withdrawing their candidacy.
However, it bears stressing that there can be no substitution for an independent candidate.
Moreover, no person who has withdrawn his candidacy for a position shall be eligible as a
substitute candidate for any other position after the deadline for filing of Certificates of