Brookes Police Trust Confidence-Libre
Brookes Police Trust Confidence-Libre
Brookes Police Trust Confidence-Libre
confidence: Dr Stephen Brookes QPM BA(Hons) MCMI
A question of trust Manchester Business School
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adversely affected the level of pride and integrity the system’ but may mistrust the trustworthiness of
which has so long been the hallmark of public service. individuals.
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for policing plans and, as one would expect, plans standard deviations. In relation to ‘confidence’ all
differ from force to force. forces (with one exception) referred to improved
confidence as a priority and, in three cases, this fell
A discourse analysis of all six policing plans for the within the upper +3 standard deviation. Force ‘A’ –
forces within the MSF grouping involved counting and with seven instances – had the least occurrences.
analysing the actual text used with the purpose of However one of its aims included
identifying the underlying meanings:
“To Increase public confidence and satisfaction in the
• Each policing plan was converted to a rich police service through the delivery of a customer focused,
text format document high quality service”.
• This was then imported into NVivo8 for the
purpose of analysing text strings. Neighbourhood policing was described by police
• Common words (such as ‘the’, ‘and’, ‘a’ etc) force ‘A’ as a means of increasing visibility and
were discarded. improving responsiveness of local officers. This in
• An analysis of word frequency was then turn, increases confidence in the police and partners
undertaken and these were then compared to improve quality of life and deal with local concerns.
using the selection process described below.
An analysis was also undertaken in relation to the
From an average of 6,000 words per policing plan, focus on the more serious crimes and incidents.
less than 70 words per plan were relevant for the Force ‘A’ was the most prominent in relation to anti
purposes of the analysis (representing more than +/- terrorism and gun crime and life threatening crime
2 standard deviations from the average (words and a much greater prominence was given to these
generally occurring on 12 or more occasions). areas of challenge than other forces with one
exception. Force ‘B’ and ‘C’ had a similar but lesser
A number of common themes emerged from within focus on anti terrorism and serious and organised
the policing plans in terms of prevalence within the crime and all forces ‘A’ to ‘C’ were high in relation to
documents: gun crime although force ‘C’ had the greatest
emphasis. It was interesting to note that this
• Crime was the highest word frequency in all corresponded to the actual incidence of such crimes.
six plans For example, all three forces were significantly higher
• Working with communities featured strongly than the remaining three forces, force ‘A’ had the
and was within the higher ranges highest incidence of homicide and force ‘C’ the
• A focus on effective performance was highest level of gun crime.
equally prevalent
• Intelligent led approaches were a priority in
all six forces
One could argue that the policing plans were thus
• Local delivery was given priority in all six
reflective of the incidents occurring and were
forces but was particularly strong in police
reflecting known national priorities. Although beyond
force ‘A’
the scope of this paper, the analysis indicated that the
What was of particular interest was an examination cost of dealing with the number of homicide
of the emphasis given to ‘trust’ and ‘confidence’. In investigations was understandably significantly higher
two of the forces ‘trust’ was not mentioned at all in than other forces (with an estimated cost of £1
the policing plan (including police force ‘A’) and in no million per homicide investigation) and yet – through
instance did ‘trust’ represent more than +/- 2 current performance regimes – such incidences were
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only counted as ‘1’ alongside a reported crime of interesting to note the differing focus provided during
burglary (with an average cost of £3k). This is clearly interviews bearing in mind that the same questions
a public value issue and one that could act to the were posed to all groups (within the overall purview
detriment of trust and confidence if services are of creating and demonstrating public value).
perceived to be misaligned with community priorities.
These issues were further explored during the
interviews and focus groups.
public value themes identified during the
field research
field research
The purpose of this paper is not to analyse the full
data set although a brief description will be helpful in
setting the context of the more detailed analysis of
Focus groups and interviews were held with:
trust and confidence which – it is argued – lies at the
• The chief officer team (including the chief heart of public value.
constable, assistant chief constables and
civilian directors
• Two Basic Command Units in two Figure 2 illustrates the coded themes that emerged
geographically different areas: during the research.
o Command Team (Chief Superintendent,
Superintendents, Chief Inspectors and
Inspectors together with civilian
support staff) The focus on ‘performance’ was the most significant
o Operational group (including Sergeants, representing fifteen percent of all coded comments,
Constables and Police and Community closely followed by ‘citizen focus’ (incorporating
Support Officers and civilian support engagement with the public and the community, and a
managers) ‘service’ focus) and ‘territorial policing’.
o Community Focus groups.
It is interesting to note that the chief officer focus
The aim of the field research was to identify the group and those representing the BCU Command
impact that performance regimes were having on the teams were more focused on ‘performance’ than
delivery of policing and to what extent respondents were the BCU Operational Groups or community
believed that a wider public value focus (including group. Conversely, the two BCU Operational
trust and confidence) was either being delivered or Groups and the Community groups were more
was capable of being delivered. focused on ‘trust’ than the two BCU Command
Teams. The chief officer focus group were also more
focused on ‘trust’ with the exception of the BCU2
operational group. When examining the focus given
Based on the transcripts and coding of the various to ‘confidence’, the chief officer group and the BCU
interviews and focus groups a number of key themes
emerged when analysing the data for ‘trust’ and
‘confidence’. These were themed for the purpose of
this research. In analysing the full data set it is
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You can't close it unless you can write one big massive local based issues. If you go back in time to when we
spiel of gumph at the end of it as to why there is no used to go to community meetings on a regular basis you
longer a crime and you are probably easier off creating a would hear the same things coming out time after time –
crime, telling the bloke 'I am going to have to create a things like dog fouling, bushes being overgrown on the
crime.' I will have to go and get the other bloke in sides of paths, fences being down that kind of thing but
[meaning investigated] whether by interview, by arrest or that isn't going to float anyone's boat in terms of the
by appointment and I will interview him and then go to media. But you get a particularly nasty robbery and
the CPS and the CPS will then say 'Well he doesn't really something makes national news that brings in its own
want to do anything about it, all right he might cough to it wake
but he hasn't coughed [admitted the offence] to it so he
can't be cautioned so we will bin it.' So we have now The earlier section of the paper described the
talked about 4, 5, 6 hours of the officer's time never mind difference between ‘trust’ (as an innate quality) based
other person's time around it to make a decision that on individual encounters with the police and
could have been made 8 weeks ago. Two minute job, ‘trustworthiness’ as an accumulation of individual
binned, sorted. The people are happy with that but now encounters leading to improved confidence (at the
we have dragged two people through the whole [criminal institutional level). This requires that trust is built
justice] system that we know when we start is pointless and reinforced. A further example of this need to
because some superintendent somewhere has got a figure build trust was provided by a Police and Community
he wants to achieve.. Support Officer (PCSO). In response to the issue of
‘visibility’ as a trust factor, she said:
This frustration was common place among officers.
Community members also reflected similar When we are seen in public it is commented on how nice
frustrations. One referred to the impact that is felt it is. It’s a simple thing and something that the public
when decisions have to be referred ‘down the line’: might not be able to ring the police about and they will
give you information. A lot of trust is the fact that they
We have been trying to find somewhere for kids to go, call can communicate with the police. We have quite a lot of
them kids they are teenagers and youths. The police say problems on our ward in particular, a lot of people putting
'We will try and do this’.. They are starting actually with trust in to give us statements anonymously. So obviously
us but they have to organise things so they are not the trust that we have in the local officers for the
actually working on the beat. They have got to ask their neighbourhood will not necessarily be put into the trust of
sergeant who involves the rest of the police and they never an officer that just turns up on the door one day to sort
seem to be able to make a decision. Like you said the out that one particular problem.
people who dictate the policies, the chief supers, they
seem to be the ones that have the last say whether In this sense the officer was describing different levels
anything is done or not of trust dependent on the role or ‘agency’ of the
individual and that such trust cannot just be ‘assumed’
Community representatives were clearly aware of the - it is earned or built. She went on to describe the
impact that “number chasing” has on local capacity to positive impact that this ‘trustworthiness’ (at the
deal with local issues. In terms of the wider impact individual neighbourhood level) has had on
on ‘trustworthiness’ a sergeant highlighted the role operational successes:
that the media play in crafting public perception and
feeding tensions that detract from local issues: That has led us to have quite a number of evictions off
our estate which has brought the crime rate down and
I think there is always going to be the major tension that obviously the trust then in the public on that particular
the papers are never going to get that het up about really ward is immense because it has got rid of a problem and I
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think part of that is the communication factor of us be ‘trustworthy’ and thus express confidence in the
walking past the house and them being to nip out and tell longer term. As one community representative
us something. They might not want police turning up on pointed out:
their door but obviously they have got contact numbers for
us and as [another officer] police officers are just too busy As a child growing up I always felt a great respect and a
to deal with it. fear of the police and to some degree still do. But over
the last 3 to 4 years my opinions are changing due to
Similar accounts were provided in both operational incidents that have occurred and my own personal
groups and the community groups. Innate trust can involvement with the police. I witnessed a man breaking
be converted to trustworthiness and so the cycle will into and stealing a satellite navigation system. They didn’t
continue. A sergeant referred to the importance of attend the scene of the crime although I had a good
the visibility of operational activity as both a description in my mind of him but it took the police nearly
determinant of building trust in a community (what eight weeks to contact me by which time all the
this paper refers to as trustworthiness) and how it information had gone ……..”
can also erode trust. In respect of the latter point he
The issue that you focus on in this [building community Institutional and Instrumental Trust
confidence] is trust and the public can see and they know
There is always a tendency to generate an “us and
that we are arresting people, sometimes children for these
offences and they must know that it is target driven and them” debate when balancing public value priorities
because of that I think that reduces the trust. and needs; operational police officers will blame the
superintending ranks, the superintending ranks will
Supervisors were particularly frustrated with some blame the chief officers and the chief officers will
arguing that “we no longer manage people” and blame the national (and sometimes local) politicians.
[another] in describing the use of discretion in the The public are also likely to blame those beyond the
decision of one of his constables not to arrest a neighbourhood or local policing team level.
person that “I will be kicked up the arse by the DCI
[Detective Chief Inspector]” and qualified this by
referring to the principle of discretion that it “is a
With the full support of police force ‘A’, a number of
constable who is supposed to be in charge, not the
public value related questions were included in one of
DCI, not me, the constable – it says it there [in the
the bi monthly surveys as part of this research
constables oath]. He is an officer; he’s an intelligent
project. The public were strongly of the view that
person who is there to make a decision at that time”.
police officers and PCSOs would treat the public with
respect if you had to contact them for any reason and
the majority considered that the police would treat
There is no doubt that police force ‘A’ faces everyone fairly. ‘Visibility’ was clearly important but
significant operational challenges. The community fewer respondents expressed positive views that the
representatives were conscious of this but felt that police would be there when they were needed.
the police only concentrate on ‘serious’ crime and Further questions were asked in relation to the
that local resources are scant. In bridging the gap reputation of the police and levels of confidence at
between perception and reality it will always be the different levels. The public considered that the
accumulation of encounters that will determine force had a strong reputation in dealing with more
whether ‘trusting individuals’ consider the police to serious issues and honesty but that a stronger
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reputation was needed in relation to involving and that trust) requires institutional support if it is to be
informing the public and taking action on publically converted to confidence. The chief constable saw
expressed needs. The public had more confidence in some of the benefits of performance regimes but also
the individual officers in the local area more generally highlighted the potential difficulties which – this paper
but were least confident in policing nationally or at argues – would support the need for institutional
the force level. support in building confidence. He said:
Chief Officers were not necessarily immune to these I think the biggest thing for me is providing clarity on what
issues. we are trying to achieve…. there is a real strength in what
gets measured is what gets done, the caveat to that is you
As the Deputy Chief Constable in this force opined had better make sure it is the right things that are getting
when talking about performance measured because of the impact it does have. But in
terms of where local government was, where the police
….. Everything has become too national and not enough
service was and lots of other areas I think the drive
local issues …… it is actually distorting reality but
towards a performance culture and the understanding of
whether that is right or wrong, that has now created the
that is a real positive. I think the downside of it or the
environment we are working within and it is quite
negative aspects of it is the urban myths and legends that
unhealthy …
grow around what performance is all about and the
impact that this has on both the public but also internally
on more junior staff.
The institutional response therefore appears to be
one of acceptance but also resignation. It is
opportune to compare this chief officer response
The research has suggested that it is more than an
with further responses provided during the
urban myth. In institutional terms the key focus must
operational focus groups which is a lack of
be on providing crystal clear guidance on what is
consistency, often driven by the focus on targets. A
important, why it is measured and how consistency in
sergeant pointed to the difference in approaches that
approaches can be achieved. This will be important
could be described as systemic failures. He said
in building legitimacy in order that both the public and
“There is another thing that really reduces trust in
those who deliver policing can ensure that their
the police” and went on to say that this was “the
trusting behaviour and trustworthy responses are
insistence to be separate from relief to relief
being respected and supported. In the absence of
[different shifts of officers] ..... you come up with a
this, legitimacy may suffer.
good idea, brilliant idea and one sergeant on a relief
will do something completely differently than another If we thus consider the fourth and final element of
sergeant”. He provided a good example. “If I went what this paper describes as the trust cycle – that of
into a bank and said to a teller ‘can you cash this instrumental trust – one can then start to think about
cheque’ and they said ‘well I can’t cash that you will the importance of legitimacy. As the chief officers
have to go to another branch ....that would be point out it is so important to measure what matters
wrong”. but to whose yardstick? A senior member of the
force’s performance department provided a stark
illustration of this difficult challenge:
This highlights the importance of ensuring that
The shared objective is we all want to improve
intrinsic and individual trust (the propensity of the
performance, of course we do, but they all come at that
trustor towards the trustee and the accumulation of
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A balanced public value scorecard was suggested as
an outcome of this research but is beyond the scope
of this paper
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Figure 3: The Determinants of Trust and reputation are illustrated in each quadrant
As the earlier section described, the micro level is including a focus on both thick (closed) trust such as
concerned with personal predispositions to trust and that existing between family members and close
the reflection of their needs by those in a position to friends (or local neighbourhoods) and thin (open)
either positively or negatively reciprocate that trust. trust such as that between relative but cooperating
The accumulation of individual behaviours also strangers (Newton 2007).
impacts the meso (community) level. In turn, the
institutional level will be affected by the intrinsic and Good leadership will be critical in the creation and
individual determinants of trust but focuses on the demonstration of public value and is represented by
longer term impact on confidence. Finally, the the coordinating arrows running both horizontally
institutional response will have an inextricable link and vertically to express both shared leadership
with the instrumental determinants at the macro level (across public institutions i.e. the police in
and either support or inhibit legitimacy. Based on cooperation with partner organisations) and
this research some suggested determinants of trust distributed leadership (in cascading public value aims
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and goals through the police organisation)3. The As Newton argues (2007:359) “Trust may well be a
importance of both social and organizational top-down phenomenon that is influenced by the
networks will be critical to this. nature and operation of social and political
institutions, as much as a bottom up phenomenon
Figure 4 illustrates some potential outcomes of trust built upon patterns of childhood socialization and the
enhancing behaviour. life experiences of individual citizens”.
For more information on public leadership go to
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A final word is offered by a Sergeant with thirteen Delhey, J., & Newton, K. (2003). Who trusts? The
years service that introduces some pragmatism back origins of social trust in seven countries. European
into the discretion debate: Societies , 5: 93-137.
Darwin, F (1887, 1902) ed., The Life of Charles Darwin: Messick, D. M.; McClintock, C. G. (1968).
Autobiography originally published in 1887, (John "Motivational Bases of Choice in Experimental
Murray, London, 1902); and reprinted here from The Games". Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 4:
Life of Charles Darwin, United Kingdom: Senate Press, 1–25
1995, pp. 5-54.
Moore, M (1995) Creating public value: Strategic
Management in Government, Harvard University Press,
Cambridge., MA.
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