Lect 01
Lect 01
Lect 01
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Admin Software quality
This lecture gives a big picture view of what we will cover and why.
The big questions –
There is a huge diversity of software projects in existence –
from web sites and apps, to systems embedded in hardware
(anything from aeroplane sensors to washing machines), from
tiny personal projects to programs running on supercomputers –
how can we know how to test them?
For all these sorts of software projects – what makes them high
(or low) quality? And how can we repeatedly ensure we
produce software of high quality?
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Admin Software quality
Just the --help message alone, for a medium-complexity
program like those used to manage Amazon or Google or Azure
cloud virtual machines, will typically show dozens or even
hundreds of sub-commands, each with many options:
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Admin Software quality
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Admin Software quality
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Admin Software quality
Types of testing
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Admin Software quality
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Admin Software quality
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Admin Software quality
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Admin Software quality
Unit Information
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Admin Software quality
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Admin Software quality
You should attend one lecture per week – you should either
attend in person, attend online (we will use Zoom), or watch
the recorded lecture. (Recorded lectures are available via the
university’s LMS, at https://lms.uwa.edu.au/.)
You should attend one lab/workshop each week, starting in
week two.
If there is room available for you, you are welcome to attend
other lab sessions as well.
In the lab/workshops, we will work through practical exercises
related to the unit material. If you have a laptop, it may be
useful to bring it, but you can use lab computers if not.
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Admin Software quality
Non-timetabled hours
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Admin Software quality
See the unit website for details of the textbooks you will need access
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Admin Software quality
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Admin Software quality
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Admin Software quality
Programming languages
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Admin Software quality
Programming languages
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Admin Software quality
Programming languages
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Admin Software quality
Software quality
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Admin Software quality
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Admin Software quality
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Admin Software quality
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Admin Software quality
Types of testing
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