Step2e 4 2
Step2e 4 2
Step2e 4 2
6 - Winning material: A
1) 1. Taxc8
2) 1. Dxc7 (1. Txc7? De1#; 1. Dxa4 Dxh2+ 2. Kf1 Dh1+)
3) 1. Txe5
4) 1. ... Pxe1 (1. ... Pxe5? 2. Lxe5)
5) Drawing
6) 1. ... Lxc4 (1. ... Dxc4? 2. Lb3)
7) 1. Lxd5+ (1. Dxd5+? Lf7)
8) 1. Txd7 (1. Lxd7 Kf6)
9) 1. Dxe5 (1. Txe5? Ld6)
10) 1. ... Txc6 (1. ... Lxc6? 2. Pxe6) 2. Pxc6 Lxc6
11) 1. ... Pxd6 (1. ... Txd6? 2. Txe8+; 1. ... Dxd6 2. Txe8+)
12) 1. ... Lxd4 (1. ... Dxd4? 2. Txh8+)
26 – Mate in two: A
1) 1. ... De1+ 2. Txe1 Txe1#
2) 1. ... Dxe1+ 2. Txe1 Txe1#
3) 1. Df8+ Txf8 2. Txf8#
4) 1. De6+ Lxe6 2. Lxe6#
5) 1. ... Dxf2+ 2. Txf2 Txf2#
6) 1. Dc6+ Lxc6 2. Lxc6#
7) 1. d5+ exd5 2. cxd5#
8) 1. Tg6+ Dxg6 2. Dxg6#
9) 1. Df8+ Txf8 2. Txf8#
10) 1. Df5+ gxf5 2. Lxf5#
11) 1. Lg6+ fxg6 2. fxg6#
12) 1. ... De4+ 2. dxe4 fxe4#
44 - Thinking ahead: A
1) 1. Kg3 Dc6 (1. ... Dh5 2. Tc1+ Dd1 3. Txd1#; 1. ... Kf1 2. Tc1+ Ke2 3. Txh1)
2) 1. Ld6 Lxc4+ 2. Txc4 Txd6
3) 1. ... Lxb2 2. Db5+
4) 1. ... f5 2. Kd4
5) 1. Lxf5 Tgc4 (1. ... Tcc4? 2. Te8+)
6) 1. ... c2 2. Kb6 c1D 3. Td8+
7) 1. Dxb4 Dxd5 2. Dc3
8) 1. ... Lxe3+ 2. Pxe3
9) 1. ... Tf2+ 2. Kg1 Txf1+
10) 1. ... Dxa3 2. Lxf7+
11) 1. c8D Txc8+ 2. bxc8T (2. bxc8D? stalemate)
12) 1. ... Ld6 2. Dxe4
45 - Thinking ahead: B
1) 1. Dc5 Pc6 (1. ... Db6+ 2. Dxb6 axb6 3. Lxd4)
2) 1. Dg8+ Kh6 (1. ... Kf6 2. Ld8#) 2. g5#
3) 1. Tg7+ Kxf6 2. Da1#
4) 1. Tc8+ Kg7 2. Txb8 (2. d8D? Tb1+) 2. ... Lxb8 3. d8D
5) 1. g6 De7 (1. ... Df4 2. Dd8#; 1. ... Db6 2. Df7#)
6) 1. ... f3 2. Tf1
7) 1. ... gxf4 2. Tee2 (2. Te1 Txg2; 2. Txa2 bxa2+ 3. Kxa2)
8) 1. ... Tf3+ 2. Ka5 Txf4
9) 1. ... Dxe5+ 2. Kh1 (2. Kg1 Dxd4+; 2. g3 De2+)
10) 1. Lc4 Te7 (1. ... Ta5? 2. Te8+)
11) 1. f4 Dxf4 2. Dxg3+ (2. Dxf4 Pe2+) 2. ... Dxg3 3. Txg3+
12) 1. ... Txg5 2. Dd2+ (2. Df6+? De7)
46 - Thinking ahead: C
1) 1. Lxg7 Tg5+ 2. Kf1 Txg7
2) 1. ... Pd4 2. Dd1 Pc6
3) 1. ... a3 2. Dd4
4) 1. ... Dxb4+ 2. Ka2 (2. Ka1? Th1+; 2. Kc1 Th1+)
5) 1. Tc8 Tb1+ 2. Kc2 Kxd7
6) 1. Ta4 Pxc2 2. Dxc2 Lxb3
7) 1. Kf3 Td2 (1. ... Txh2? 2. Tc8+)
8) 1. Tb1 Tc1 2. Taa1 d1D 3. Txc1+
9) 1. Pexf4+ (1. Phxg4+? Kf5 2. Lg4+ Kg5) 1. ... Kf5 2. Lg4#
10) 1. Pg6 Pb4
11) 1. c7 Dxd5+ 2. Lxd5 Lxd5+
12) 1. Td1+ Ld5 (1. ... Ke8? 2. Td8#; 1. ... Kc8 2. g7 Tg8 3. Td8+)
47 - Test / Mix: A
1) 1. Dd8+ Kb7 2. Pa5# (2. Qb8+? Qxb8) (mate in two)
2) 1. ... Dxb6 (1. ... Kb8 2. Dd6#) (getting out of check)
3) 1. ... Ld5 2. Txb6 Lxe4 (double attack: bishop)
4) 1. Pb5 Dc6 2. Lxd6 (double attack: knight)
5) 1. ... Pg4 2. Pg3 Lxb2 (discovered attack)
6) 1. Txe7+ Txe7 2. Dxg8 (eliminating the defence: luring away + material)
7) 1. Dxe5+ Kd7 2. De6# (mate in two)
8) 1. Dxb8 (1. Lxd6? Txb7 2. Lxb7 exd6)
9) 1. De4 0-0 2. Dxe5 (pinning)
10) 1. ... Pc4 2. De2 Txf4 (eliminating the defence: chasing away + material)
11) 1. ... c4 (1. ... a5 2. Pd3#) (defending against mate)
12) Drawing
48 - Test / Mix: B
1) 1. Lh5
2) 1. Lb6 Lc7 2. Lxa5 (double attack: bishop)
3) 1. ... Kh6 (1. ... Kg8? 2. Dd5+) (1. ... Kg6? 2. De4+) (getting out of check)
4) 1. ... De5 (double attack: queen)
5) 1. ... Txd4 2. Dxe4 Txe4 (eliminating the defence: capturing + material)
6) 1. ... Pxd4 2. Dxd7 (2. Lxd4 Dxa4) 2. ... Pxe2# (discovered attack)
7) 1. Dh6+ Kg8 2. Df8# (mate in two)
8) 1. De5 f6 2. Dxd6 (double attack: queen)
9) 1. ... Ph7 2. Lh4 Dxe3 (eliminating the defence: chasing away + material)
10) 1. ... Pd3+ (double attack: knight)
11) 1. Txf8 (1. Tc3 Tba5) (defending against mate)
12) 1. Txg7+ Txg7 (1. ... Kh8 2. Df8#) 2. Dxe5 (eliminating the defence: luring away + material)
49 - Test / Mix: C
1) 1. Dd4 (1. Df6 Pe6) 1. ... Pe6 2. Dxa7 (double attack: queen)
2) 1. Lc4 (pinning)
3) 1. Td1 (1. Dxc1 Txc1+) (getting out of check)
4) 1. Da4 (1. Dd5 Pc5) 1. ... Pc5 2. Dxa5 (double attack: queen)
5) 1. ... Lxf3 2. Dxf3 Lxg5 (eliminating the defence: capturing + material)
6) 1. ... Le3+ 2. Kh2 Txf1 (eliminating the defence: chasing away + material)
7) 1. ... Lg6 (1. ... Lxd3? 2. Dxd3+ Kg8 3. Dg3+)
8) 1. ... De3+ 2. Kf1 De1# (mate in two)
9) 1. Lxf8 Kxf8 2. Lxd7 (eliminating the defence: luring away + material)
10) 1. Db2 (1. h3 Df3+ 2. Kh2 Df2+ 3. Kh1 Dxg3) (defending against mate)
11) 1. Lc7 (defending against mate)
12) 1. Pb6+ axb6 2. Dxd8# (discovered attack)
50 - Test / Mix: D
1) 1. Te5 Pce4 2. Txf5 (double attack: rook)
2) 1. Dh4# (1. Df7+ Pxf7; 1. Db4+ Kf6) (mate in one)
3) 1. Th4 Lg4 2. Th8# (mate in two)
4) 1. Db4 Pb6 2. Dxa5 (double attack: queen)
5) 1. Txd5 Dxd4 2. Txd4 (eliminating the defence: capturing + material)
6) 1. ... d5 2. Ld3 Txf3 (eliminating the defence: chasing away + material)
7) 1. Lb5 Ld7 2. Lxc6 (pinning)
8) 1. ... De5 2. Tfe1 Dxc5 (double attack: queen)
9) 1. f3 (1. Db3 c4) (defending against mate)
10) 1. ... Pxb3 2. cxb3 Txd3 (eliminating the defence: luring away + material)
11) 1. Pf5 De6 2. Dxg7+ (double attack: 2 pieces)
12) 1. Pc6 De8 2. Pxb8 (double attack: knight)
51 - Test / Mix: E
1) 1. ... Tb6 (1. ... Te5? 2. Pg6+ Kg8 3. Pxe5 fxe5 4. Te7) (defending: moving away)
2) 1. Dc3 Pce5 2. Pc7+ (double attack: queen)
3) 1. ... Lc5 (pinning)
4) 1. ... Lc5+ 2. Kg2 Txd1 (discovered attack)
5) 1. ... Kg7 (1. ... fxe6? 2. Df8#) (1. ... Kf5? 2. Dxf7#) (getting out of check)
6) 1. ... Pd3+ 2. Kd2 Pxc1 (double attack: knight)
7) Drawing
8) 1. ... e4 2. Pxe4 Pxe4 3. Lxe4 Lxa1 (double attack: pawn)
9) 1. ... g4 2. Le2 Lxe4 (eliminating the defence: luring away + material)
10) Drawing
11) 1. Dd4 Dg6 2. Dxc4 (double attack: queen)
12) 1. Kc1 (defending against mate)
52 - Test / Mix: F
1) 1. ... Lxf2+ 2. Txf2 Dxc4 (discovered attack)
2) 1. ... Te2+ (1. ... Txc8? 2. Pxd6+ Ke6 3. Pxc8) 2. Kh3 Txd2 (choose the right capture)
3) 1. Da3# (mate in one)
4) 1. c4 Lc6 2. Lxe6 (eliminating the defence: chasing away + material)
5) 1. ... Lh3+ 2. Kg1 Tf1# (mate in two)
6) 1. ... Lb5 (pinning)
7) 1. Dc4 Le7 2. Dxd5 (double attack: queen)
8) 1. ... Pxf3+ 2. Lxf3 Lxg5 (eliminating the defence: capturing + material)
9) 1. Ld2 (defending against mate)
10) 1. De4 f5 2. Dxd4 (double attack: queen)
11) 1. Ld6 a5 2. Lxf8 (double attack: bishop)
12) 1. Lf7+ Kxf7 2. Dxd8 (eliminating the defence: luring away + material)
54 - Test / Mix: H
1) 1. ... Le5+ 2. Ka3 Ta1# (mate in two)
2) 1. De2 Ta1 (1. ... Kf7 2. Dxf1) 2. Dh5# (double attack: queen)
3) 1. Th4 (1. Pf4? Txh5+ 2. Pxh5 Dh8)
4) 1. Pd4+ Kd5 2. Lf7# (mate in two)
5) 1. Pa4 (1. Pd5 Tb2+) (discovered attack)
6) 1. Lxe7 Pxe7 2. Txa5 (eliminating the defence: luring away + material)
7) 1. Tg2
8) 1. Df3 c6 2. Pxf5 (double attack: queen)
9) 1. ... Dd8 (defending against mate)
10) 1. ... Pb6 2. Db3 Dxe2+ (eliminating the defence: chasing away + material)
11) 1. ... Ph3+ 2. Kg2 Dxf3# (mate in two)
12) 1. Dd4 e5 2. Dxc4 (double attack: queen)
55 - Test / Mix: I
1) 1. Db5+ Pd7 2. Dxb7 (double attack: queen)
2) Drawing
3) Drawing
4) 1. Pb6 Pf6 2. Pxa8 (discovered attack)
5) 1. De3 e6 2. Dxh6 (double attack: queen)
6) 1. ... Td1+ 2. Kxd1 Dxd3+ (eliminating the defence: luring away + material)
7) 1. ... Pd2 2. Dc2 Pxf1 (double attack: knight)
8) 1. Te6 (pinning)
9) 1. ... Kf6 (1. ... Kxf5/d5? 2. Pe7+; 1. ... Kf7? 2. Pe5+) (getting out of check)
10) 1. ... Pc3+ 2. bxc3 d5# (mate in two)
11) 1. Tg1 (1. Lg1 Dxf3#; 1. Ta8+ Kf7) (defending against mate met pennen)
12) 1. De7+ Kd5 2. De6# (mate in two)
56 - Test / Mix: J
1) 1. Lf5 (pinning)
2) 1. ... Da5+ 2. Pc3 Dxg5 (double attack: queen)
3) 1. Lxf5 Dxh3 2. Lxh3 (eliminating the defence: capturing + material)
4) 1. Td2 (1. Df2 Dxd1+) (defending against mate)
5) 1. Pe7+ Kh7 2. Tf7# (mate in two)
6) 1. Lg6+ hxg6 2. Dxd5 (discovered attack)
7) 1. De4 g6 2. Dxc6 (double attack: queen)
8) 1. ... Db8# (mate in one)
9) 1. Pb6 Dd8 2. Pxa8 (double attack: knight)
10) 1. b6+ Ka8 2. Pc7# (mate in two)
11) 1. Pd5 Dg7 2. Txe6 (eliminating the defence: chasing away + material)
12) 1. Ld5 Ld7 2. Lxe4 (double attack: bishop)