Share Caf User Manual-2024-2025
Share Caf User Manual-2024-2025
Share Caf User Manual-2024-2025
A student is required to register herself/himself to avail different services under SAMS (e-
Admission) such as online application, payments, selection, intimation, etc. The registration will
be through an OTP (One Time Password) process, hence a mobile number & email ID is very
crucial. Multiple registrations are restricted against single mobile & email ID.
The ONLINE Application Form for all Junior colleges is available in the website, which may be filled up correctly and should be submitted ONLINE on
or before due date & time.
There is no option available for applying offline for the admission. Before filling up the
application form, the applicant should keep ready the scanned copy of the colored photograph.
The applicant/parent has to read carefully the information brochure and instructions before
filling the Degree Online Application Form.
To start using the application for the admission of the applicants into various Degree colleges,
enter the URL: in the browser to land onto the following welcome
screen as shown in Figure 1:
Enter the Name of the Student same as mentioned in your certificate (as in 12th
Standard) in the textbox.
Enter Date of Birth (as per the 12th Standard) in the textbox.
Enter the 10-Digit valid Mobile Number for communication /receiving SMS alert.
Provide a valid and active Email Id for communication/receiving the notifications.
Click the “Generate OTP” button to send the OTP to the mobile number given for
Please Note: This mobile number may either belong to you or to any of your family member
that is accessible to you.
You will receive a verification code/OTP in your Mobile number and Email id provided for
confirming if the mobile number and mail address provided are in active state or not. Check
the mobile number and email id if the OTP is not received within 5 minutes, then click the
Resend button to send the OTP again.
Doing so, you will be taken to the verification page where you have to use the received OTP to
verify authenticity followed by choosing new password as part of your log in credential.
At any point if you want to go back to Login page, Click "Back to Login" link. Refer Fig. 7.
A verification code will be sent to the respective mobile number and mail id.
On successful registration Sign-In with your registered mobile number and password, you will
land onto the following SAMS Degree college admission dashboard, refer Fig. 8, displaying the
list of important menus in the left column along with the important announcements and
Dateline for the online activities with respect to admission:
To start applying Common Application form (CAF) for U.G. Courses, applicants are advised to
download and read user manual before filling up of CAF available in Student CAF Dashboard (as
shown in Fig. 8).
The dashboard will give you the status of your application step- by-step.
Before filling up the application form, you need to go through the important instructions given
to be followed and the list of necessary documents required for your referral.
3.2 Application Form/ CAF Apply
To fill up the Common Application Form (CAF), click on the “Application Form” link shown in
the dashboard, i.e. Fig. 9. Further, a pop-up screen mentioning “Do you want to fill your form
using Digi-Locker” will be shown. If, you have data/ information available on the Digi-locker
portal, then click on “YES” button, otherwise click on “NO” and proceed to fill in your details
with respect to personal details, and educational institution last attended etc.
Figure 9 Dashboard
Applicants can change their Applicant Name and Date of Birth if found incorrect at time of
registration using this option as shown in Fig. 9:
Enter the correct name as per 10th Standard Certificate (if it is incorrect) in the textbox
(Refer Fig. 9).
Enter Date of Birth as per 10th Certificate (if incorrect) in the textbox.
Click submit button to update the correct data in Common Application Form (Refer Fig.
You are provided with options to choose for the Payment Gateway available to proceed with
the payment process.
Choosing the right option, click the Proceed button to make the payment for the application.
Figure 13 Payment Instruction Screen
Going through the instructions enlisted, select the checkbox if you agree to accept the terms
and conditions for making the payment and click the Online Payment option to pay the
requisite amount for the admission into the college and stream selected. Refer Fig. 12.
Once the payment is done, you are redirected to application payment confirmation screen
which can be printed for further use, refer Fig. 13:
After success payment of CAF Fees, click the CAF Apply link in Fig. 8, to fill in your details
with respect to personal details, details of marks secured and educational institution last
attended, etc.
Figure 15 CAF Instruction Screen
Before filling in the application form, you need to go through the instructions given to be
followed and the list of necessary documents required for your referral, (as shown in Fig. 14).
You can fill-in your personal details to apply for admission into degree colleges for the
current year in the respective fields under the Personal Details section, refer Fig. 16
Figure 17 Personal Details Screen
The Name of the Examination Council for the last attended exam gets auto populated.
You can select the name of the examination board as per your preference from the drop-
down menu.
Select the Year of Passing the exam from the drop-down menu.
Choose the Exam Type you have appeared, i.e. either Annual or Supplementary.
Enter your Roll No. in the textbox given as mentioned in your admit card.
Your information including Applicant Name, your Father’s Name, Mother’s Name,
Nationality, Mother Tongue and Marks secured in the respective subjects will be
automatically populated in the respective fields in the application form for CHSE(O)
applicants. Other Board applicant shall fill the details manually in the respective textbox.
Select your Religion, Date of Birth, Gender and the Blood Group you possess from the
respective menus.
Enter your 12-Digit valid Aadhaar number as issued by Govt. of India followed by entering
the Guardian Mobile No. in the space provided for communication.
Aside, you have an “APAAR No.”, Applicant has to enter the “APAAR No.” in the required
field. (which is a non-mandatory field)
If the child is without “Biological or Adoptive Parents” click “Yes” continue or click “No”
to continue Refer Fig.16.
Click the Upload Photo option wherein you can select the photograph either in JPG, BMP
or PNG format Refer Fig. 17.
Figure 18 Upload Photo Screen
On choosing the appropriate photograph, click the Upload button to save the photo.
Click Ok button to upload the photo against your profile.
Please Note: The photo you specify here will be used across CAF, ID Card, Library Card, etc.
The details of the marks secured in the 12th board examination will be displayed for the
respective subjects.
If marks of subject auto populated is incorrect as per the 12 th CHSE(O) result, then you
need to visit your nearest SAMS Resource Center (SRC) to correct the marks.
If your roll no. is auto-validated by the system in case you choose the Yes option for agreeing
that the data provided are correct, then the details of the maximum marks, total marks
secured, subject wise mark details will be auto-populated in the respective fields in Fig. 18.
Other Board applicant whose data doesn’t not auto populate has to select the appropriate
“Stream” and enter the maximum marks and secured marks manually.
If you have passed the +2 Council Exam Compartmentally/Instant, Enter the subject wise
Fail mark for the previous exam along with the Pass mark in the Compartmental exam in the
respective sections Refer Fig. 19
Figure 20 Compartmental Marks Screen
The detailed record of the educational institution that you have attended last can be
selected in this section Refer Fig. 20:
Enter the Location of the School last attended in the given textbox followed by selecting
the name of the District where the school is located.
Select the Year of Joining the school last attended from the drop-down menu.
Click the Next button to proceed further to the next screen, i.e., the Address, Income & Bank
Account Information Section.
The name of the State remains default for the location you have registered.
Select the name of the District from the drop-down menu to which you belong.
Enter the House No., Street/Village, Post Office and Police Station Name in the given
Enter the location Pin Code in the textbox.
For communication enter your WhatsApp Mobile No., Mobile No. and e-Mail address
Fig. 21.
Select the occupation of your Father and Mother from the respective drop-down menus.
Select the income slab from the list in which together your Parents annual income can
be included.
Enter your valid Account Number existing in the bank for transaction purpose.
Re-enter the Account Number to confirm.
Enter Name of the Account Holder
Enter the IFSC Code of your bank account. Doing so, the Bank and Branch Details gets
auto-filled in the respective fields refer Fig. 21.
Click the Next button as shown in Fig. 21 to select the “Reservations and Weightage Info”
Choose the radio button for the category of class to which you belong, i.e. Schedule Class,
Schedule Tribe, Other Backward Class, Socially and Educationally Backward Class and
General, etc.
-If the applicant belongs to Schedule Cast or Schedule tribe then S/he has to provide the
Barcode or Miscellaneous Case No.
If the applicant belongs to PwD then S/he will have to tick on PwD check box. New option
will display as “Nature of Disabilities” and the option under the same will be as follows:
Permanent Disability and Temporary Disability (if temporary disability then the person will
not be considered under the PwD category)
o -If Permanent Disability then as per the PwD act of 2016, the 19 categories are shown
in the drop-down list in the Fig. 22 the applicant have to select one of the categories
and mention the % of disability, if the applicant is below 40% then the applicant will not
be treated under the PwD category.
o -After that the applicant have to mention the UDID no. in the text field in form of
alphanumeric and upload the document.
If the applicant belongs to ESM/ CoM/ SDP, S/he has to select any one category using the
Radio Button and then the applicant has to select the Type of Command under the following
drop-down list as shown in Fig. 22.
Choose the options provided in NCC, NSS Camp, Rover & Ranger, Sports & Games column to
which you belong mention in the Fig. 22.
i. Under NCC, select NCC (B) or NCC (Camp Course), International Level, National Level,
State Level, Best NSS Volunteer Award.
ii. Under NSS Camp: International Level, National Level, State Level, and Best NSS Volunteer
iii. Under Rover & Ranger: Select Rajya Puraskar (RP) or President Recognition (PR).
iv. Under Sports & Games: Select International, National or State.
Moving on further to choose the options for subjects into various courses like +3 Arts, Science,
Commerce, B.A. Law, Integrated 4-Years B.A. B.Ed./B.Sc. B.Ed. in Government, Aided,
Private and Self-Financing colleges, you are redirected to the Option Info screen wherein you
are given the option to choose for the subject names from the respective menus.
Choose the appropriate radio button for the HEIs type into which you are interested to
enroll yourself, i.e., either Govt./Aided/Private, Self-Financing, or Sanskrit.
Select the name of the District from the drop-down menu wherein you are interested to
take admission.
Depending on the location, select the College Name from the drop-down list followed by
choosing the name of the Stream for which admission is desired.
Selecting the Stream for which admission is desired, the previous year cut off marks for the
1st selection for the category selected is auto-displayed.
You need to select the subject from the list of subject options given.
Choose either Yes or No if you are interested to reside in hostel or not.
After the applicant will choose Yes, Information related to the hostel: like availability of
hostel, seat strength as per the category will be mention as shown in the Fig. 23.
Once you are done with the 1st option HEIs/Subject, click the 2nd Option button to select for
the HEIs/Subject.
Here, you can select a minimum of 5 options and a maximum of any number of options for the
Figure 25 CAF Preview
Click on the preview where applicant could see their entire CAF before submitting the CAF if
they find any issue they could click on the “EDIT” button to edit any fields or they could click
“SAVE & PROCEED” as shown in the Fig. 24.
The system prompts an alert message to click OK for submitting the application, else click
CANCEL to modify the application.
Figure 26 Alert Message Screen
Clicking OK, the system will again ask you whether to submit your CAF information or not, refer
Fig. 25.
If you are sure to submit the application, then click the “OK” button as highlighted in Fig. 25.
After clicking ok system prompts a final alert message once submitted, you are not allowed to
edit any information as shown in Fig. 26.
Once the application fee is complete in all respects and submitted along with the fee paid,
you can now generate a printout of the same choosing the Print option, refer Fig. 28.
Figure 28 CAF Print
Approving the undertaking mentioned in the CAF and verifying the details of the application as
entered, the application copy needs to be signed by your parents/guardian, mentioning the
date and place along with your full signature in the space mentioned.
Once the college is allotted to the applicant, the applicant could download the intimation
letter after login into his/her existing student login and download the intimation letter by
clicking on the intimation letter tab as shown in the Fig. 29 Download intimation. After
downloading the Intimation Letter, applicant should report at his/her allotted HEI along with
the supporting documents.
Figure 29 Download Intimation Screen