A Technical Seminar on the Development and Application of the Response Spectrum Method for Seismic Design of Structures
LECTURE # 3 1-2 June 2007
Dr. Liam Finn served as Professor and Head of Civil Engineering, and Dean of Applied Science at the University of British Columbia in the period 1961 to 1998. From 1999 to 2005 he was Anabuki Professor of Geodynamics at Kagawa University in Japan and Consultant to the Anabuki Construction Company. Finn is Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering; an Overseas Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge, UK; Honorary Professor, Metallurgical Institute, Beijing and Honorary Fellow of the Chinese Soil Dynamics Society. He is also an Honorary Member of the Japanese Geotechnical Society. Finn has published over 350 papers in geotechnical earthquake engineering and was a pioneer in the development of nonlinear dynamic effective stress analysis and Lagrangian analysis for large flow deformations. He gave the Mallet-Milne Lecture on Earthquake Engineering in London, UK, in 2005. He has international consulting experience primarily on dams, dikes, offshore platforms and underwater pipelines. Finn is a member of the committee responsible for the seismic provisions of NBCC 2005
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Vancouver, BC
to demonstrate what variables control ground motion amplification to explain the simple code procedure for estimating amplification factors which incorporates the control variables To construct site specific response spectra -----------------------------------------------------------------------------An overview of site response analysis
Liam Finn
Amplification of incoming motions in soft soil sites with respect to adjacent rock motions, Idriss et al. 1989. Note effect of shaking intensity and lack of field data
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Liam Finn
Aftershock data
Amplification of strong and weak motions at Treasure Island(TRI) soil site with respect to rock motions at Yerba Buena Island (YBI), Jarpe et al. 1989 Note effects of intensity and period
Liam Finn
Elastic layer on elastic half space, Finn and Wightman 2003 Incoming wave a = A sint = A sin (2/T)t Amplification ratio = at/ao = 1/ [ + s/2] when T1= T Note effect of impedance ratio = s Vss/r Vsr
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Liam Finn
Key finding: We can represent all short and long period amplification factors by 2 corresponding sets of factors Fa and Fv based on site conditions specified by Vs30
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Liam Finn
Fa = (1050/ Vs30)ma
Fv = (1050/ Vs30)mv
Vref of 1050m/s is the reference velocity for California For Fa = Fv = 1.0 General Equations are
Log Fa = ma(Log Vref Log Vsite) Log Fv= m v(Log Vref Log Vsite)
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(1) (2)
Liam Finn
The Challenge How to to classify the site unambiguously develop amplification factors keep process as simple as possible
Liam Finn
The factors given by Eqns. (1) and (2) are continuous. Too complicated for routine design. To simplify the procedure 5 site classes were selected, covering 5 different ranges in shear wave velocity, Vs30; A, B, C, D and E Fa and Fv were determined for each site class
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Liam Finn
Liam Finn
Liam Finn
Mapped Spectral Acceleration at Short-Periods Ss = Sa(0.2) Site Class A B C D E F Ss 0.25 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.5 * Ss = 0.50 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.7 * Ss = 0.75 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2 * Ss = 1.00 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.9 * Ss 1.25 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 *
Liam Finn
Mapped Spectral Acceleration at One-Second Period S1 = Sa(1.0) Site Class A B C D E F S1 0.1 0.8 1.0 1.7 2.4 3.5 * S1 = 0.2 0.8 1.0 1.6 2.0 3.2 * S1 = 0.3 0.8 1.0 1.5 1.8 2.8 * S1 = 0.4 0.8 1.0 1.4 1.6 2.4 * S1 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 2.4 *
Liam Finn
NBCC 2005 adopted the NEHRP Fa and Fv factors But decided to adopt Site Class C as the Reference Ground Condition. All factors for Site Class C are now 1.0. Factors for other Site Classes are scaled to preserve the relative amplifications of the original NEHRP factors
Liam Finn
Site Class A B C D E F
NOTE: Use straight line interpolation for intermediate values of Sa(0.2). aSite-specific geotechnical investigation and dynamic site response analyses shall be performed.
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Liam Finn
Site Class A B C D E F
NOTE: Use straight line interpolation for intermediate values of S1.0. aSite-specific geotechnical investigation and dynamic site response analyses shall be performed.
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Liam Finn
Site demand is specified by Spectral Acceleration Response Spectrum - a function of period T: Sa(T). Spectrum Amplitudes depend on Site Location Soil Conditions; 5 NEHRP site classes; A, B, C, D, E. Canadian RGC = Site Class C A Base Spectrum is given for Reference Ground Conditions, RGC, at the site.
Liam Finn
Site C
T [s]
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Liam Finn
Coping with Different Site Conditions Essential Steps for Designer Identify the Site Class of the building site Select amplification factors appropriate for the Site Class of the building Use these factors to modify the Site Class C spectrum to get the site specific spectrum
Liam Finn
= Fv x Sa(2.0)/2 T 4.0s Sa(0.2), Sa(0.5), Sa(1.0) and Sa(2.0) are for Site Class C Use values of Fa and Fv for sites D & E in Tables and to construct Site Class D & E spectra
Liam Finn
Fa and Fv Values at Site D For Sa (0.2) = 0.96 For Sa (1.0) = 0.34 Fa =1.10 Fv = 1.20
[0.96 x1.1], {[0.96 x1.1] or [0.66 x1.2]}, [0.34 x1.2], [0.18 x1.2] 1.06, 0.79, 0.41,
1-2 June 2007
Liam Finn
Site C
Site D
T [s]
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SRA is an alternative method for determining site specific response spectra. The structural engineer needs a general knowledge of the state of the art to interact effectively with the geotechnical engineer. A general outline of the state of the art is presented here.
Liam Finn
Soft Soil
outcrop motion
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Liam Finn
Selection of type of analysis: Equivalent linear or nonlinear analysis Selection of input motions
Liam Finn
In general, equivalent linear analyses are considered to have reduced reliability as ground shaking levels increase to values greater than 0.4g in the case of softer sols or where the maximum shear strain amplitudes exceed 1%-2%. For these cases, true nonlinear site response programs may be used. The computer program DESRA-2, originally developed by Lee and Finn (1978), is perhaps the most widely recognized nonlinear one dimensional site response program. Other nonlinear programs include MARDES (Chang et al,1991), D-MOD (Matasovich, 1993) and SUMDES (Li et al., 1992).
Liam Finn
Liam Finn
Liam Finn
Linear scaling so that PGA of selected records site PGA Scale the motions to match the design response spectrum over a desired period range. For the BC Schools Seismic Retrofit Program input motions were scaled to match the design spectrum for Site Class C over the range 0.5s-1.5s. How is the spectral matching done? Tim Little will deal with this in his lecture.
Liam Finn
The main reason for using multiple input motions is to protect against the great uncertainty associated with ground motion predictions: For BC the range is median/2 median x 2 For the BC Schools retrofit program 10 input motions are used per site. The number of motions should be sufficient to yield reliable statistics for the response parameters: Median, mean and standard deviation of spectral values
Liam Finn
Liam Finn