Research On MPPT and Single-Stage Grid-Connected For Photovoltaic System

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Research on MPPT and Single-Stage Grid-Connected for Photovoltaic

Department of Electrical Engineering
National Chang-hua University of Education
Bao-Shan Campus, Address: No.2, Shi-Da Road, Changhua City 520
Abstract: - This paper proposes a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system that is consisted of a boost
converter with maximum power tracking, battery charge controller, inverter, and the related control circuits. A
sliding mode controller is designed for controlling the boost converter to output the maximum power of the
solar cells. A control strategy is proposed of a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) impendence adapter
coupling a photovoltaic generator to a battery. The proposed strategy is based on the sliding mode control
theory of continuing systems to permit a direct control of power converter. The PV generator price is even
relatively high, so the user is interested of the optimal coupling of PV generator to electromechanical loads. In
fact, this system uses the optimal coupling in order to have maximum power during the whole operating period.
A grid-connected inverter is designed to transform the maximum output power into the load and utility. The
real power control is using zero-cross and phase-lock circuits that control the inverter output voltage which is
phase lead and synchronized with the utility. A digital circuit is used to detect the phase angles of the load
voltage and current to control the inverter output amplitude to achieve the reactive power load compensation. A
monitor circuit is designed to detect the voltage and frequency variation in the utility. When the photovoltaic
system encounters a voltage and frequency deviation, the monitor circuit immediately disconnects the
photovoltaic system from the utility to prevent the island effect. The proposed system is implemented by using
OP amplifiers and micro controller (PIC16F877A). Both the simulation and experimental results using
MATLAB show the sliding mode controller for maximum power tracking has good performance. The phase
and amplitude control experiments achieve the real and reactive power control. The island effect experiments
demonstrate evidence of the solar cell system protection ability illustrating the proposed grid-connected
photovoltaic system has good operating performance.

Key-Words: - MPPT, Sliding mode control, Battery charger, Lyapunov function, Boost converter

1 Introduction the PV energy which is suitable for low-power

Due to depletion of fossil energy and system. On the other hands, grid-connected system
environmental contamination, a renewable energy does not require the battery bank and has become the
application such as photovoltaic (PV) system has primary PV application for high power applications.
been widely used for a few decades. The PV energy The main purpose of the grid-connected system is to
is free, abundant and distributed through the earth. transfer maximum solar array energy into grid with a
Photovoltaic (PV) systems are solar energy supply unity power factor.
systems, which either supply power directly to The output power of PV cell is changed by
electrical equipment or feed energy into the public environmental factors, such as illumination and
electricity grid. Generally, photovoltaics are temperature. Since the characteristic curve of a solar
considered as an expensive method of producing cell exhibits a nonlinear voltage-current
electricity. Moreover, with the developing of PV characteristic, a controller named maximum power
technologies, application of photovoltaic in grid- point tracker (MPPT) is required to match the solar
connected situations has grown rapidly, which shows cell power to the environmental changes. Many
that photovoltaic are very attractive to pro- duce algorithms have been developed for tracking
environmentally benign electricity for diversified maximum power point of a solar cell. In recent years,
purpose [1-3]. Among the PV energy applications, the research of the PV MPPT control methods has
they can be divided into two categories: one is stand- been paid extensive attention by many specialist and
alone system and the other is grid-connected system. obtained some fruits such as: P&O and fuzzy control
Stand-alone system requires the battery bank to store etc. Because the output energy of the PV arrays

ISSN: 1109-2777 1117 Issue 10, Volume 7, October 2008


changes frequently by the surroundings, improving

the speed of tracking the PV power system could 2 The Boost Converter of Analysis and
obviously improve the system performance.
The existing tracking control methods for the Mathematical Modeling
MPPT can be classified into five categories: (i.) hill- The output energy of the PV arrays is influenced
climbing [1] / perturb and observe (P&O) [2]-[4]. by the surrounding, such as the surrounding
The system then oscillates about the MPP. The temperature, the solar radiation and the terminal
oscillation can be minimized by reducing the voltage of PV arrays etc, the PV arrays characteristic
perturbation step size. However, a smaller curve is shown as Fig.1. Mathematical model of the
perturbation size slows down the MPPT. Hill- solar array can be expresses as Equ. (1) [17][18].
climbing can fail under rapidly changing atmospheric  q 
I = I g − I sat  exp( V ) − 1 (1)
conditions. (ii.) incremental conductance [5-6]; (iii.)  AKT 
open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current [7-9];
(iv.) fuzzy logic control [10]; and (v) neural network where I g denotes a current of a solar array,
control [11]. X. Li et al. introduced the fuzzy V denotes an output voltage of a solar array,
tracking control approaches [10] in 2002. But it is q denotes an electron charge (C) , I sat denotes a cell
very difficult to formulate the fuzzy rules, which are
reverse saturation current (A), K is the Boltzman’s
usually obtained from the trial-and-error procedure.
In 2006, the computational expensive neural network constant (J/K), T is a cell temperature (K), A
was adopted by Tariq et al. [11]. The algorithm denotes the ideality factor。
requires on-line learning in order to make the robot In order to charger the battery, the PV MPPT
perform properly. system adopt step up type DC-DC converter
In this paper, we propose a grid-connected topology system. Fig. 2 presents its system
photovoltaic system that is consisted of a boost structure. Fig. 2 shows the Boost Converter to
converter with maximum power tracking, battery transfer power to load from solar array. In the
charge controller, inverter, and the required control Fig.2, D represents the switch function of the
circuits. we come up with sliding mode control power switch device to control the output energy
strategy [12-16] to solve the problem of MPPT under of the solar array. When D = 0 , power will be
the condition of all kinds of radiation levels. A grid-
switched to open. When D = 1 , power will be
connected inverter [4] is designed to transform the
maximum output power into the load and utility. The switched to close. From Fig.2, we can draw the
real power control is realized using zero-cross and system dynamic model as follows.
phase-lock circuits that control the inverter output 25 dV

voltage which is phase lead and synchronized with 1000w

the utility. A digital circuit is used to detect the phase

angles of the load voltage and current to control the 800w dP
inverter output amplitude to achieve the reactive dP
Output Power (w)

power load compensation. A monitor circuit is 15 dV

designed to detect the voltage and frequency
variation in the utility. When the photovoltaic system 10
encounters a voltage and frequency deviation, the
monitor circuit immediately disconnects the 5
photovoltaic system from the utility to prevent the
island effect. This paper is organized as follows. The
DC-DC analysis and mathematical modeling are 0 5 10 15 20 25
Output Voltage (V)
presented in Section 2, and Section 3 aims at the
MPPT controller design. Section 4 is focused on the
charge controller design. Section 5 is devoted to the Fig.1 The PV arrays characteristic
grid connected Photovoltaic system. simulation and
experimental results are presented in section 6. In
Section 7 concludes this paper.

ISSN: 1109-2777 1118 Issue 10, Volume 7, October 2008


Fig. 2 The circuit diagram of PV DC-DC converter system

di L 3 The DC-DC Controller Design

Vi = L + (1 − D)V0
dt Based on the solar array characteristic curve shown
dV in Fig.1, when the solar array is operating in its
iL = ii − C1 i (2) maximum output power state, we can get
dV0 ∂P / ∂Vi = 0 (6)
i0 = (1 − D)i L − C 2 Where (6) represents maximum power achieved.
∂P ∂ (Vi ii ) ∂ii
V&i = (ii − i L ) / C1 = = Vi + ii = 0 (7)
∂Vi ∂Vi ∂Vi
1 1
i&L = − (1 − D )V0 + Vi (3) From (7), the switch function can be selected,
L L ∂P ∂i
V&0 =
(1 − D )i L −
S ( x) = = ( i Vi + ii ) (8)
C2 C2 ∂Vi ∂Vi
Based on the two states of PV arrays in Fig.1 and
V&i  the system circuit diagram shown as Fig.2, the switch
 
x& =  i&L  control signal can be selected as
V&0  0 S ≥0
  D= (9)
1 S <0
 
 (i − i ) / C  Let
 i L 1
 ∂S ∂S ∂S
S& = T x& = T f ( x) + T g ( x) Deq = 0 (10)
f ( x ) =  (V1 − V0 ) 
 1
(4) ∂x ∂x ∂x
L Therefore, the equivalent control variable is shown
 
 1 (i − i )  below.
 C2 L 0  i0
Deq = (11)
 0 
g ( x) =  V0 / L 
Theorem: For the system shown in (5) and the
switch function (8), if the expression (9) is adopted,
 −iL / C2  they could make the system eventually stabilize at
x& = f ( x) + g ( x) D (5)
the status that switch function is equal to zero from
any initial state.
Let Lyapunov function as

ISSN: 1109-2777 1119 Issue 10, Volume 7, October 2008


1 2 And the switch functions as:

V= S >0 (12) ∂P ∂i
2 S ( x) = = ( i Vi + ii ) (19)
dS dP d dP ∂Vi ∂Vi
V& = S = ⋅ ( )
dt dDeq dt dDeq
Substituting equation (1) into (8), then
∂P ∂i 4 The Charge Controller Design
S= = ( i Vi + ii ) This paper uses pulse charge model to save the
∂Vi Vi power on the lead-acid battery. The pulse width of
 qVi  qI V qVi power transition switch is by the voltage of lead-acid
= I g − I sat  exp( ) − 1 − sat i exp( ) battery to control the charge current. The voltage of
battery full-charged for every cell is about 2.43V so
 qVi  qI satVi  qVi  that total full-charged battery is about 29.16V.Fig. 3
= I g + I sat − I sat exp( ) − exp( AKT ) 
 AKT  AKT   shows the measurement circuit of lead-acid voltage
qVi  qVi  is measured by current sensor.
= ( I g + I sat ) − I sat (1 + ) exp( (13)
AKT 
The measurement of Battery voltage is put into
AKT  microchip, PIC16F877A, to control the pulse width
of power transition switch and also to control the
charge current. As Fig.4 shows, during the current
3.1 When S > 0 charged, the current generated by booster converter
Base on (8) (9) and Fig. 1, the system is operating is provided to battery via pulse charge mode.
in left, the switch function D = 0 , and Vi is increase. According to the voltage of lead-acid battery and
dVi maximum power of solar cell, the battery charged
>0 (14) will be the best adjusted.
dS qI  qVi  dVi
= − sat exp( )
dt AKT  AKT  dt
5 The Grid-Connected Photovoltaic
qVi  qV i  q dVi
− I sat (1 + ) exp( ) (15) System
AKT  AKT  AKT dt This paper proposes the grid-connected
dS photovoltaic system as shown in the Fig.5 which
Bring (14) into (15), then < 0 , so includes solar cell, boost converter and grid-
connected inverter. In the grid-connected city power
S <0 (16) mode, city power is a constant AC and inverter is a
dt voltage source. Therefore, by the technology of
Phase-Locked Loop, it will lock the frequency and
3.2 When S < 0 phase of city power to achieve the synchronization
The system is operating in right, the switch with the city power. The phase and amplitude of
function D = 1 , Vi is decreasing, so output voltage is controlled by inverter to achieve the
dVi real power and the reactive power. Besides, in
<0 (17) normal condition, SW2 and SW3 are shorted. As the
dt city power is out of order, SW2 and SW3 are off to
Finally, substituting equation (17) into (15), then prevent island effect.
dS dS
> 0 and S > 0.
dt dt
Obviously, the system could reach global stability
and the switch function is tending to zero whether
the system is operating in left or in right.

3.3 Control Algorithm

The system control rules can be present as follows.
0 S ≥0
D= (18)
1 S <0 Fig.3 Circuit of Charger Control

ISSN: 1109-2777 1120 Issue 10, Volume 7, October 2008


Fig. 4 Flow Chart of Charger Control

Fig.5 Architecture of Grid Connected Photovoltaic System

ISSN: 1109-2777 1121 Issue 10, Volume 7, October 2008

5.1 Grid Connection Inverter on Real Power Vs (t ) = Vm sin ωt (21)

Reactive Power Controller Design
In the Fig.5 grid connection inverter is a single where Vm is the peak of the city power
phase full-bridge inverter. When M1 and M4 is voltage, ω is the angle frequency of the city power
shorted, the load of the current is passed from M1 to voltage.
M4. Similarly, as M2 and M3 are shorted, the load of The output voltage of grid connection inverter
the current is passed from M2 to M3. By the power Vout (t ) is shown below.
switch, M1 ~ M4, the output DC voltage of boost
Vout (t ) = Vc sin(ωt + δ ) (22)
converter is transformed to AC output. The selection
on PWM switches frequency of M1~M4 is by the Where Vc is the peak of the grid connection
phase-lock circuit and frequency doubler. It uses the inverter. The ω is the angle frequency of grid power.
frequency, 60Hz, of the city power to raise the The δ is the phase difference of the grid connection
frequency to 24kHz and makes the output AC of inverter output voltage and city voltage.
inverter synchronize with the city power. However,
The real power of inverter PS is shown below.
the PWM modulation signal of 24kHz can reduce the
value of inductor, L2, and capacitor, C2, of filter. In VmVc / 2
order to filter the high frequency of PWM to achieve PS = sin σ (23)
60Hz, the L2 and Io need to be adjusted.
If the value of the inductor is too small, the value of The reactive power of inverter QS is shown below.
ripple current gets larger. These will influent both
increasing switch and inductor power lost. Also, if QS =
VC / 2
VC / 2 − (Vm / 2 ) cos σ ] (24)
the value of the inductor is too large, the dynamic
response of inverter will be reduced especially for where X f is inductive reactance of L f .
the non-linear load. Therefore, the selection of
capacitor depends on the operation current and By Equ. (23), to control the angle, δ , of VS (t ) can
switching frequency. control the PS , the real power.
Moreover, the equivalent Series Resistor, ESR, will
By Equ. (24), to control the amplitude, VC , can
directly influent the value of output voltage ripples.
That is because ESR is one of consumption factor of control the reactive power, QS
capacitor. The inner power consumption generates
heat and the lifetime of the capacitor is reduced.
Therefore, the selection of the capacitor depends on
.6 Simulation and Experiment Results
the value of the serial resistor.
So, the frequency selection of inductor and 6.1 Simulation
This paper used Matlab/Simulink to simulate P&O,
1 fuzzy and sliding mode control. Fig. 7 shows
capacitor is less than of f pwm and is greater than
10 comparison of the tracking maximum power which
10 times of as shown in Equ. (20). reveals the sliding mode controller only needs 0.06s,
1 f PWM fuzzy controller needs 0.24s and P&O controller
10 ∗ f output ≤ ≤ (20) needs 1.74s. Therefore, the proposed sliding mode
2π L f C f 10
controller is improved its performance of MPPT. Fig.
Parameters for this paper is f output =60Hz, 8 shows the tracking condition of the sliding mode
controller as the illumination changes. As the time
f pwm =24kHz, L2=2mH and C2=5µF. changes from 1 second to 1.2 second and the
After the solar cells are traced by boost converter isolation changes from 0.6 kW / m 2 to 1 kW / m 2 .
with MPPT, the inverter and the city power will be Hence, the MPPT changes from 14 W to 24.5 W .
paralleled. Therefore, output amplitude and phase of Fig.9 shows the tracking condition of the controller
inverter will directly influent the real power and as the temperature changes. As the time changes
reactive power of the city power. from 2 second to 2.2 second and the temperature
Fig. 5 shows the system circuit for the output
changes from 25 °C to 50 °C . Hence, the MPPT
voltage control mode of inverter is paralleled with
city power. changes from 25 W to 23 W . Fig.10 shows the
tracking condition of the controller as the
The city voltage Vs (t ) is shown below.
illumination changes.

ISSN: 1109-2777 1122 Issue 10, Volume 7, October 2008


Fig. 6 The achievement of real power and reactive power

Fig. 7 The system output power (1 kW / m 2 , 25 °C )

ISSN: 1109-2777 1123 Issue 10, Volume 7, October 2008


Fig. 8 The system output power (illumination change)

Fig.9 The system output power (temperature change)

ISSN: 1109-2777 1124 Issue 10, Volume 7, October 2008

Fig. 10 Sliding algorithm of tracking maximum power point tracker

Fig. 11 Diagram of photovoltaic charger system

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6.2 Experiment current is 0.5A. By adjust the pulse width module it

can get the best charger method. Fig.15 shows
Fig.11 shows the control architecture, the control
zero-cross circuit of output plot. The phase-lock
system comprises Microcontroller PIC16F877A,
circuit demonstrates the circuit can track for the city
MOSFET, L etc. Fig.12 shows the photovoltaic
power of frequency 63Hz (in Fig. 16). Fig. 16 , 17,
system. DC/DC is the charge tracking the maximum
18 show the phase-lock circuit the circuit can track
power. The storage battery is as the load. Fig.12
the city power of 60 Hz, 57Hz, 63Hz.. Fig.12 shows
shows the photovoltaic system of
the photovoltaic system of
MPPT. TP &O = 85.9 sec ,
MPPT. TP &O = 85.9sec , TFuzzy = 16.3sec ,
TFuzzy = 16.3 sec , Tsliding = 8.2 sec . Fig.13 shows
Tsliding = 8.2sec
pulse width module is 0.2 and charge current is 0.1A.
Fig.14 shows pulse width module is 0.8 and charge

Fig. 12 P&O, Fuzzy, Sliding charge curve

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Fig. 13 D=0.2 and charge current=0.1A

Fig. 14 D=0.8 and charge current=0.5A

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Fig. 15 The zero-cross circuit of output plot

Fig. 16 The phase-lock circuit tracking for 60 Hz plot

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Fig. 17 The phase-lock circuit tracking for 57 Hz plot

Fig. 18 The phase-lock circuit tracking for 63Hz plot

ISSN: 1109-2777 1129 Issue 10, Volume 7, October 2008


7 Conclusions References:
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