A Seven Level Inverter Using A Solar Power Generation System

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 03 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

A Seven Level Inverter using a Solar Power Generation System

Nisha Xavier1, Sabeena Salam2, Remna Radhakrihnan3

1Mtech Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, KMEA Engineering College, Edathala, Kerala, INDIA
2Assistant Professor, Department of Eletrical Engineering, KMEA Engineering College, Edathala, Kerala, INDIA
3PHD Research Shcolar, Department of Electrical Engineering, CUSAT, Kerala, INDIA

Abstract This paper proposes a new seven level inverter dc power into ac power. Since the output voltage of solar cell
with a solar power generation system, which is composed of a array is low, dc/dc power converter is used in small capacity
dc-dc power converter and a new seven level inverter. The dc- solar power generation system to boost the output voltage
dc power converter integrates a boost converter and a so it can match the dc bus voltage of the inverter. A filter
transformer to convert the output voltage of the solar cell inductor is used to process the switching harmonics of an
array into independent voltage sources with multiple inverter, so the power loss is proportional to the amount of
relationships. The most commonly used solar cell model is switching harmonics. The control circuit not only provides
introduced and the generalized PV model using Mat PWM signals to switches of two power stages, but also traces
lab/simulink is developed. Taking the effect of solar intensity maximum PV module energy as well as real time grid
and cell temperature, the characteristics of PV model are detection and protection. The efficiency of conventional
simulated. This model can be used for analysis of PV boost converter is restricted by duty ratio for higher output
characteristics and for simulation with Maximum power point voltage. Theoretically, when duty ratio is closed to unity the
tracking algorithms. This new seven level inverter is voltage gain will be infinity.
configured using a capacitor selection circuit and a full bridge The conventional multilevel inverter topologies include
power converter. The capacitor selection circuit converts the the diode clamped, the flying capacitor and the cascade H-
two output voltage sources of dc/dc power converter into a bridge types. Diode clamped and flying capacitor multilevel
three level dc voltage, and the full bridge converter further inverters use capacitors to develop several voltage levels.
converts this three level dc voltage into seven level ac voltage. But it is difficult to regulate the voltage of these capacitors.
The proposed system generates a sinusoidal output current In both the diode clamped and flying capacitor topologies 12
that is in phase with the utility voltage and is fed into the power electronic switches are used for seven level inverters.
utility. The new seven level grid connected inverter contains only
six power electronic switches.
Key Words: Maximum power point tracking (MPPT), pulse
width modulation technique (PWM), photovoltaic (PV), This paper proposes the design and implementation of a
multilevel inverter. PV module inverter. The dc-dc converter with maximum
power point tracking control raises the input voltage level
1. INTRODUCTION into a high voltage level. There is only one MPP (MPP-
Maximum Power Point) and this varies according to climatic
The solar energy is becoming more important since it and irradiation conditions. The photovoltaic power
produces less pollution and the cost of fossil fuel energy is characteristics vary with the level of solar irradiation and
rising, while the cost of solar arrays is decreasing. The temperature which make the extraction of maximum power
growing energy demand coupled with the possibility of a complex task. To overcome this problem several methods
reduced supply of conventional fuels, along with growing for extracting maximum power have been proposed. In this
concerns about environmental preservation, has driven paper the maximum power point tracking algorithm uses
research and development of alternative energy sources that Perturb and Observe (P & O) method; the method senses the
are cleaner, renewable and that produce little environmental output voltage and current of solar panel to determine the
impact. Among the alternative sources the electrical energy duty cycle of the DC-DC converter to be increased or
from PV is currently regarded as the natural energy source decreased. The P & O algorithms are widely used in control
more useful, since it is free, abundant, and clean, distributed of MPPT which has simple structure, reduced number of
over the earth and participates as a primary factor of all necessary measured parameters and high tracking speed.
other processes of energy production on earth. The proposed solar power generation system is composed
The power conversion interface is more important to grid of a dc-dc converter and a seven level inverter. The seven
connected solar power generation systems because it level inverter includes a capacitor selection circuit and a full
converts the dc power generated by a solar cell array into ac bridge converter. The seven level inverter contains only six
power and feeds this ac power into utility. An inverter is power electronic switches, which simplifies the circuit
necessary in the power conversion interface to convert the configuration. Since only one power electronic switch is

2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 421
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

switched at high frequency at any time, the switching power

loss is reduced and the power efficiency is improved.

1.1 Photovoltaic System

A Photovoltaic (PV) system directly converts sunlight into

electricity. The basic device of a PV system is the PV cell. Cells
may be grouped into form panels or arrays. The voltage and
current available at the terminals of a PV device may directly
feed small loads such as lighting systems and DC motors. A
Photo voltaic cell is basically a semiconductor diode whose p
n junction is exposed to light. Photovoltaic cells are made of Fig-2: Maximum Power Point (Vmp, Imp)
several types of semiconductors using different
manufacturing processes. The incidence of light on the cell Characteristic IV curve of a practical PV device and the
generates charge carriers that originate an electric current if three remarkable points: short circuit (0, Isc), MPP (Vmp,
the cell is short circuited. Imp) and open circuit (Voc, 0).

1.2 MPPT Technique

Perturb & Observation algorithms are widely used in

MPPT because of their simple structure and the few
measured parameters which are required. They operate by
periodically perturbing (i.e. incrementing or decrementing)
the array termed voltage and comparing the PV output
power with that of the previous perturbation cycle. If the
Fig-1: Equivalent circuit of a PV cell power is increasing, the perturbation will continue in the
same direction in the next cycle, otherwise the perturbation
Fig 1 shows the equivalent circuit of a PV cell. In the figure direction will be reversed. This means the array terminal
the PV cell is represented by a current source in parallel with voltage is perturbed every
a diode. and represent series and parallel resistance MPPT cycle, therefore when the P&O is reached, the P&O
respectively. The output current and voltage from PV cell are algorithm will oscillate around it resulting in a loss of PV
represented by V and I. power, especially in cases of constant or slowly varying
The I-V characteristics of the solar cell circuit can be sets atmospheric conditions. This problem can be solved by
by the following equations. The current through diode is improving the logic of the P&O algorithm to compare the
given by: parameters of two preceding cycles in order to check when
ID = IO [exp (q (V + I RS)/KT)) 1] (1) the P&O is reached, and bypass the perturbation stage.
While, the solar cell output current: Another way to reduce the power loss around the P&O is to
I = IL ID Ish (2) decrease the perturbation step, however, the algorithm will
I = IL IO [exp (q (V + I RS)/KT)) 1] (V + IRS)/ Rsh (3) be slow in following the P&O when the atmospheric
Where, conditions start to vary and more power will be lost.
I: Solar cell current (A) The P&O method operates periodically incrementing or
IL: Light generated current (A) decrementing the output terminal voltage of the PV and
IO: Diode saturation current (A) comparing the power obtained in the current cycle with the
q: Electron charge (1.610-19 C) power of the previous cycle. If the voltage varies and the
K: Boltzman constant (1.3810-23 J/K) power increases, the control system changes the operating
T: Cell temperature in Kelvin (K) point in that direction, otherwise change the operating point
V: solar cell output voltage (V) in the opposite direction. Once the direction for the change
Rs: series resistance () of current is known, the current is varied at a constant rate.
Rsh: shunt resistance () This rate is a parameter that should be adjusted to allow the
balance between faster response with less fluctuation in
steady state. The flowchart of this algorithm is presented in
Fig.3. A modified version is obtained when the steps are
changed according to the distance of the MPP, resulting in
higher efficiency. This is an excellent method to reach the
MPP and it is independently from the PV panel, although this

2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 422
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

method may suffer from fast changes in environmental voltages of the dc capacitors, the capacitor selection circuit
conditions. outputs a three-level dc voltage. The full-bridge power
converter further converts this three-level dc voltage to a
seven-level ac voltage that is synchronized with the utility
voltage. In this way, the proposed solar power generation
system generates a sinusoidal output current that is in phase
with the utility voltage and is fed into the utility, which
produces a unity power factor. This new seven-level inverter
contains only six power electronic switches, so the power
circuit is simplified.

2.1 DC-DC Power Converter

The DCDC power converter incorporates a boost

converter and a current-fed forward converter. The boost
converter is composed of an inductor LD, a power electronic
switch SD1, and a diode, DD3. The boost converter charges
capacitor C2 of the seven-level inverter. The current-fed
forward converter is composed of an inductor LD, power
switches SD1 and SD2, a transformer, and diodes DD1 and
DD2. The current-fed forward converter charges capacitor
C1 of the seven-level inverter. The inductor LD and the
power electronic switch SD1 of the current-fed forward
converter are also used in the boost converter.
When SD1 is turned ON. The solar cell array supplies
Fig-3 Flowchart of the P&O Algorithm. energy to the inductor LD. When SD1 is turned OFF and SD2
is turned ON. Accordingly, capacitor C1 is connected to
2.CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION capacitor C2 in parallel through the transformer, so the
energy of inductor LD and the solar cell array charge
The proposed solar power generation system composed of a capacitor C2 through DD3 and charge capacitor C1 through
solar cell array, a dcdc power converter, and a new seven- the transformer and DD1 during the off state of SD1. Since
level inverter. The solar cell array is connected to the dcdc capacitors C1 and C2 are charged in parallel by using the
power converter, and the dcdc power converter is a boost transformer, the voltage ratio of capacitors C1 and C2 is the
converter that incorporates a transformer with a turn ratio same as the turn ratio (2:1) of the transformer. Therefore,
of 2:1. The dcdc power converter converts the output the voltages of C1 and C2 have multiple relationships. The
power of the solar cell array into two independent voltage boost converter is operated in the continuous conduction
sources with multiple relationships, which are supplied to mode(CCM).
the seven-level inverter. This new seven-level inverter is It should be noted that the current of the magnetizing
composed of a capacitor selection circuit and a full-bridge inductance of the transformer increases when SD2 is in the
power converter, connected in a cascade. ON state. Conventionally, the forward converter needs a
third demagnetizing winding in order to release the energy
stored in the magnetizing inductance back to the power
source. However, in the proposed dcdc power converter,
the energy stored in the magnetizing inductance is delivered
to capacitor C2 through DD2 and SD1 when SD2 is turned
OFF. Since the energy stored in the magnetizing inductance
is transferred forward to the output capacitor C2 and not
back to the dc source, the power efficiency is improved. In
addition, the power circuit is simplified because the charging
circuits for capacitors C1 and C2 are integrated. Capacitors
C1 and C2 are charged in parallel by using the transformer,
Fig-4 Proposed solar power generation system
so their voltages automatically have multiple relationships.
The power electronic switches of capacitor selection The control circuit is also simplified. Thus complexity of the
circuit determine the discharge of the two capacitors while circuit is reduced.
the two capacitors are being discharged individually or in
series. Because of the multiple relationships between then

2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 423
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

2.2 Seven Level Inverter Mode 3: The operation of mode 3 is shown in Fig. 5(c). In
the capacitor selection circuit, SS1 is ON. Since D2 has a
As seen in Fig. 4, the seven-level inverter is composed of a reverse bias when SS1 is ON, the state of SS2 cannot affect
capacitor selection circuit and a full-bridge power converter, the current flow. Therefore, SS2 may be ON or OFF, to
which are connected in cascade. Operation of the seven-level avoiding switching of SS2. Both C1 and C2 are discharged in
inverter can be divided into the positive half cycle and the series and the output voltage of the capacitor selection
negative half cycle of the utility. For ease of analysis, the circuit is Vdc. S1 and S4 of the full-bridge power converter
power electronic switches and diodes are assumed to be are ON. At this point, the output voltage of the seven-level
ideal, while the voltages of both capacitors C1 and C2 in the inverter is Vdc.
capacitor selection circuit are constant and equal to Vdc/3 Mode 4: The operation of mode 4 is shown in Fig. 5(d).
and 2Vdc/3, respectively. Both SS1 and SS2 of the capacitor selection circuit are OFF.
Since the output current of the solar power generation The output voltage of the capacitor selection circuit is Vdc/3.
system will be controlled to be sinusoidal and in phase with Only S4 of the full-bridge power converter is ON. Since the
the utility voltage, the output current of the seven-level output current of the seven-level inverter is positive and
inverter is also positive in the positive half cycle of the passes through the filter inductor, it forces the antiparallel
utility. The operation of the seven-level inverter in the diode of S2 to be switched ON for continuous conduction of
positive half cycle of the utility can be further divided into the filter inductor current. At this point, the output voltage of
four modes, as shown in Fig.5. the seven level inverter is zero. Therefore, in the positive half
cycle, the output voltage of the seven-level inverter has four
Vdc, 2Vdc/3, Vdc/3, and 0.

Fig-5.Operation in the positive half cycle

(a) mode 1 (b) mode 2 (c) mode 3 (d) mode 4
Mode 1: The operation of mode 1 is shown in Fig. 5(a). Fig-6.Operation in the negative half cycle
Both SS1 and SS2 of the capacitor selection circuit are OFF,
so C1 is discharged through D1 and the output voltage of the (a) mode 5 (b) mode 6 (c) mode 7 (d) mode 8
capacitor selection circuit is Vdc/3. S1 and S4 of the full- In the negative half cycle, the output current of
bridge power converter are ON. At this point, the output the seven-level inverter is negative. The operation
voltage of the seven-level inverter is directly equal to the of the seven-level inverter can also be divided into
output voltage of the capacitor selection circuit, which four modes, as shown in Fig. 6. A comparison with
means the output voltage of the seven-level inverter is Fig. 3 shows that the operation of the capacitor
Vdc/3. selection circuit in the negative half cycle is the
Mode 2: The operation of mode 2 is shown in Fig. 5(b). In same as that in the positive half cycle. The
the capacitor selection circuit, SS1 is OFF and SS2 is ON, so difference is that S2 and S3 of the full-bridge power
C2 is discharged through SS2 and D2 and the output voltage converter are ON during modes 5, 6, and 7, and S2 is
of the capacitor selection circuit is 2Vdc/3. S1 and S4 of the also ON during mode 8 of the negative half cycle.
full-bridge power converter are ON. At this point, the output Accordingly, the output voltage of the capacitor
voltage of the seven-level inverter is 2Vdc/3. selection circuit is inverted by the full-bridge power

2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 424
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

converter, so the output voltage of seven level

inverter also has four levels:
Vdc, 2Vdc/3, Vdc/3, 0, Vdc/3, 2Vdc/3, and Vdc.

3. Experimental Results

To verify the performance of the proposed solar power

generation system, a prototype was developed with a
controller based on the DSP chip TMS320F28035. The power
rating of the prototype is 500W, and the prototype was used
for a single-phase utility.

Fig.9 Simulink model of P & O algorithm

Fig 7: Simulink block diagram of solar power generation

Simulation was done on MATLAB R2013a, the results
was shown that the solar inverter has reduced harmonics.

Fig.10 Simulink model of proposed seven level inverter

Fig .8 Simulink model of PV cell

2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 425
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

system can effectively trace the maximum power of solar cell



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2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 426
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


NISHA XAVIER -PG Shcolar and completed B Tech

in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2013
from SNM IMT Maliankara and presently
pursuing M Tech in Power Electronics in KMEA
Engineering College Edathala,Kerala,INDIA

SABEENA SALAM Assistant Professor in KMEA

completed her B Tech in Electrical and Electronics
Engineering and ME in Power Electronics


Scholar in CUSAT.She completed her B Tech in
Electrical and Electronics Engineering and M Tech
in Industrial Drives and Control from Rajagiri
School of Engineering and Technology,
Ernakulam, Kerala,INDIA

2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 427

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