Delegate Brochure Domestic
Delegate Brochure Domestic
Delegate Brochure Domestic
Proudly announces
Uni qu e l ear n -and -shar e exp er ien ce i n the fastest e m ergi ng m ar ket o f the w orl d Co n fer en ce Asso ci ates
APICS-The Association for Operations Management, USA AST&L- American Council of Transportation and Logistics,USA
Tamil Nadu Technology Development and Promotion Centre (Autonomous Society of CII & Govt. of Tamilnadu)
a unique educational and networking event in South Asia for professionals in the field of Operations Management and Supply Chain Management. The objective of the Conference is to provide a forum for sharing best practices to help industries improve efficiency, service level, profit and competitiveness. The conference is designed to offer practical and relevant information to delegates with excellent education presentations, case studies, and interactive workshops; and to offer extensive opportunities to Sponsors to network with trained professionals, solution providers, consultants and foreign participants. Speakers at the Conference will include a top Indian industrialist, top Indian and international speakers in the field of Supply Chain and Interactive Workshop; and to offer extensive opportunities to Sponsors to network with trained professionals, solution providers, consultants and foreign participants.
P ar ti ci p ati n g in du str i es : M a nufacturing, Logistics, Retail, FMCG, I.T., BFSI, Healthcare, BPO, KPO, etc.
R e g i s t r a t i o n T yp e
+ Add 10% service tax, 2% education cess on service tax and 1% secondary and higher secondary education cess on service tax. Total Tax = 10.3% ^Group is 3 or more persons from the same address of the same organization
Cancellation Policy:
i. If a delegate cancels his registration on or before 31 shall be returned to him.
st st
Au g u s t . 2 0 1 0 , c o m p l e t e r e g i s t r a t i o n f e e s
If a delegate cancels his registration after 31 August 2010 but before 10 only 50% of the registration fees shall be returned. And no cancellation w ill be allow ed after 10 be transferred to another person.
September 2010,
Co n tact :
Pradeep V. Khetan, CFPIM, CSCP Chairman-Delegate Committee Business Process Council C-1 Avon Plaza I, Thakur Complex, Kandivali (E) Mumbai 400101 INDIA Tel: +91 (22) 4256 6491 Fax: +91 (22) 4256 6499