Orm Ased Odes: Guidebook

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for adoption of

Form Based Codes

Background Studies
for adoption of

Form Based Codes

Front and back cover image: Location: Pune

Background Studies
Source: Author

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October 2023
Background Studies Background Studies

Quotes from Honorable Prime

Minister’s Post Budget-2023 speech
Dated: 02.03.23

“Well-planned cities are going to be the need of “India has overtaken several countries in terms of
the hour in the fast-paced environment of India in metro network connectivity”
the 21st century”
“75 percent of waste is being processed today
“Development of new cities and the modernization when compared to only 14-15 percent in 2014”
of services in the existing ones are the two main
aspects of urban development” “Our new cities must be garbage-free, water
secure, and climate-resilient”
“Urban planning will determine the fate of our
cities in Amritkal and it is only well-planned cities “The plans and policies that the government is
that will determine the fate of India” making should not only make life easier for the
people of the cities but also help in their own

4 5
Acknowledgement Foreword by Director NIUA

Our sincerest gratitude to the following institutions /

experts for being an inspiration by adopting various The rapid and unprecedented growth of Indian cities, characterized by chaotic
policies and providing their valuable feedback and urbanization, severe congestion, and escalating environmental degradation,
suggestions: has taken urban planners by surprise. Conventional urban planning
methods have given rise to a multitude of challenges, including inflexible
• Smt. D. Thara, Addl Secretary- Ministry of Housing and unyielding plans, a disconnection from investment planning, resulting in
& Urban Affairs, GOI poor implementation, and a failure to comprehensively address the intricate
• Shri Kunal Kumar, Joint Secretary and Mission interplay between spatial and functional aspects. It is now imperative that
Director, Smart Cities Mission, GOI the field of urban planning undergoes a fundamental shift towards a people-
• Shri Anshul Mishra, Member Secretary, Chennai centric development paradigm that takes into account the diverse needs of all
Metropolitan Development Authority, GoTN residents, with a particular focus on the underprivileged segments of society.
• Shri Avinash Patil, Joint secretary at Urban
Director, National Institute of
Development Department, Dy Director, Town In his recent post-budget speech, the Hon'ble Prime Minister not only
Urban Affairs (NIUA)
Planning Department, Pune, GoM emphasized the pivotal role of planning and governance in urban
• Chief Architect and Planner, JNPA-SEZ, Mumbai development but also stressed the urgent need to direct our efforts towards
• Shri Rajesh Phadke, Consultant Planner, JNPA- spatial planning, transport planning, and urban infrastructure. To fulfill the
SEZ, Mumbai Prime Minister's vision, it is imperative that we foster a climate of innovation,
develop a versatile array of planning tools, fortify our human resources with
efficiency, and augment the capabilities of urban local bodies to create a
plethora of opportunities.

In line with the vision of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, the National Institute of
Urban Affairs is nudging the urban eco-system through its seven-pronged
approach: (1) Data for Action; (2) Evidence-Based Integrated Planning; (3)
Demonstrate to Scale, (4) Equip to Institutionalize and Empower, (5) Innovate
and Co-create, (6) Foster Collaborations and Alliances; and (7) Invest in cities
of tomorrow; has developed a Guidebooks for the adoption of Form-Based
Codes and its Standard Operating Procedures.
Team - Our special thanks to -
These Guidebooks offer practical tools for managing brownfield sites of
• Creative Footprints - • The team at National Institute of varying scales at the city level. They outline a step-by-step process to transition
- Adarsha Kapoor, Sr. Urban Designer Urban Affairs for their guidance and towards adopting Form-Based Codes in India, streamlining the development
- Somi Chatterjee, Sr. Conservation Architect support - process for all stakeholders and facilitating business operations.
- Dr. Sanjeev Kr. Lohia, Former MD & CEO, - Hitesh Vaidya, Director
IRSDC - Sreenandini Banerjee Moreover, in addition to the Guidebooks, the NIUA is poised to launch a
- P.S. Uttarwar, Sr. Planner, Former AA. Comm. - Debjani Ghosh comprehensive training program. This program is specifically designed to
(Plg), DDA, provide guidance and support to practitioners, professionals, and students,
- Sudhir Vohra, Sr. Architect • Expert reviewers for their invaluable enabling them to embrace and refine this innovative approach. Through these
- Shubashis Dey inputs - concerted efforts, we are paving the way for a new era of urban development
- Vivek Chandran - R. Srinivas, Urban Planning Advisor, in India, one that is in harmony with the vision of our Hon'ble Prime Minister
- Prasanth Narayanan MoHUA, GOI, Ex-Chief Town and focused on sustainable growth and inclusive prosperity.
- Saparya Varma, Sr. Conservation Architect Planner, TCPO, New Delhi
- Somya Johri, Sr. Conservation Architect - Dr. Sujata Govada, Urban Designer,
- Ashim Manna, Sr. Urban Designer (Ekatra- Founding Director of the ISU, CEO/
DRC) MD of UDP International
- Sheeba Amir, Sr. Urban Planner (Ekatra-DRC) - Dr. Ajay Khare, Former member Hitesh Vaidya
- Shinjini Bhattacharyya, Conservation Architect NMA and Director, SPA Bhopal
- Md Sadaf Hussain, Urban Designer - Dr. Sumana Bhattacharjee, Senior
- Dilmeet Singh, Urban Designer specialist in Climate Mitigation
- Paras Mongia, Urban Planner Strategies (IPCC)
- Vinshi Raj, Urban Regenerator - Dr. Adil SMH, Senior Green Building
- Chetan Aggarwal, Architect and Sustainability Expert, Built
Environment Simulation Specialist,

6 7
Background Studies Table of Contents

Table of Contents

01 03
Introduction Other Policies and Regulations
1.1 Study Background 20 3.1. Area Based Planning Norms 60
1.2. Note on Response to Heritage 22 3.2. Public Space Norms 70
3.3 Plot and Building Development 76

02 04
Demonstration of application of Guidebook Expert Reviews
2.1. Demonstration of application 28 4.1. Comments from Expert Reviewers 82
2.2. Social Infrastructure Requirements 30
2.3 Physical Infrastructure Requirements 32
2.4 Outdoor Space Plan (OSP) 36
2.5 Low Carbon Mobility Plan (LCMP) 40
2.6 (Re)generation Opportunity Plan (ROP) 42
2.7 Property Development Plan (PDP) 46
2.8 Interface Regulation Plan (IRP) 48
2.9 Community Building Program (CBP) 50
2.10 Sample Property Development Card 52

8 9
Background Studies List of Figures/ Tables/ Abbreviations/
Table ofDefinitions

List of Figures List of Tables

Fig. 1: Satellite image of the location inspiring the hypothetical test case������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 Table 1: Application of Guidebook and SOPs���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21
Fig. 2: Assumed character of the Test Case���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 Table 2: Population Calculation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29
Fig. 3: Land use distribution����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29 Table 3: Area statement������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29
Fig. 4: Blue-Green Open Space Network Map������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36 Table 4: Requirements of Educational Facilities in the Test Case��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30
Fig. 5: Man-Made Blue-Green Open Space Network Map������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37 Table 5: Requirements of Healthcare Facilities in the Test Case���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30
Fig. 6: Public Plazas and Terraced Open Space Map of the Test Case����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38 Table 6: Requirements of Open Spaces in the Test Case��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31
Fig. 7: Street Hierarchy, Junction Type and Shared Parking Map of the Test Case����������������������������������������������������������������� 40 Table 7: Requirements of Socio-Cultural Facilities in the Test Case����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31
Fig. 8: Mobility Network Plan of the Test Case������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41 Table 8: Requirements of Commercial Centers in the Test Case���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31
Fig. 9: Proposed Land Use Map of the Test Case�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42 Table 9: Miscellaneous Facilities required in the Test Case�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31
Fig. 10: Real Estate Value Map of the Test Case��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43 Table 10: Water Requirement/ Consumption in Residential land use zone in the Test Case���������������������������������������������������32
Fig. 11: Infrastructure Holding Capacity Map of the Test Case������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 44 Table 11: Water Requirement/ Consumption in Commercial land use zone in the Test Case��������������������������������������������������32
Fig. 12: Assessment of Real Estate Market Demand and Infrastructure Holding Capacity for the Test Case������������������������� 45 Table 12: Water Requirement/ Consumption in Industrial land use zone in the Test Case������������������������������������������������������32
Fig. 13: Map of Public Passages through Open Spaces within Plots and Construction Restricted Zone within Township ����� 46 Table 13: Electricity Consumption/ Requirement in the Test Case������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������33
Fig. 14: Map of Heritage Regulations and Marker Elements within CBALP of the Test Case ������������������������������������������������� 47 Table 14: Sewage Treatment Requirement in the Test Case���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������33
Fig. 15: Map showing proposed types of interfaces����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 48 Table 15: Solid Waste Management in Residential Use Zone within the Test Case����������������������������������������������������������������34
Fig. 16: Map showing different Activities and Spillovers within the CBALP of the Test Case �������������������������������������������������� 50 Table 16: Solid Waste Management in Commercial and Institutional Use Zone within the Test Case�������������������������������������34
Fig. 17: Map showing Special Design Provisions within the CBALP of the Test Case ������������������������������������������������������������ 51 Table 17: Sample PDC- Volumetric parameters�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������52
Fig. 18: Gazette Notification for Land Pooling Policy for GMDA���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61 Table 18: Sample PDC- Interface Regulations�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������53
Fig. 19: Sizing up parking space (ITDP Street Design Guidelines)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 64 Table 19: Sample PDC- Street Design Regulations�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������54
Fig. 20: Parking Zone Map, Pune��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 65 Table 20: Sample PDC- Waterfront Regulations����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������55
Fig. 21: Pune Public Parking Policy, Pune������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 65 Table 21: Sample PDC- Green Space Regulations������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������55
Fig. 22: Electric Vehicle Policy, Delhi���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66 Table 22: Sample PDC- Plot/ Building Regulations������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������56
Fig. 23: National Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Management������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67 Table 23: Sample PDC- Plot/ Building Regulations������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������57
Fig. 24: Solar Power Policy, Telangana������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 68 Table 24: Sample PDC- Climate Resilience Regulations���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������57
Fig. 25: Tamil Nadu Solar Energy Policy, Tamil Nadu�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69 Table 25: TOD Zones, TOD Policy, Uttar Pradesh�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������62
Fig. 26: Urban Street Design Guidelines, Pune����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 71 Table 26: Incentives for developers, Green Building Policy, Maharashtra��������������������������������������������������������������������������������76
Fig. 27: SOP for Restoration and Management of Existing Water Bodies, Delhi��������������������������������������������������������������������� 72 Table 27: Incentives for consumers, Green Building Policy, Maharashtra��������������������������������������������������������������������������������76
Fig. 28: Stormwater Master Plan, Pune����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 73
Fig. 29: Manual on Stormwater Drainage Systems (Vol. I & II)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 74
Fig. 30: Demonstration of Sponge Performance, Marutha Nagar bio-park, Coimbatore��������������������������������������������������������� 74
Fig. 31: Green Building Policy, Maharashtra ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 76
Fig. 32: Development Regulation provisions for Heritage Conservation, Chennai������������������������������������������������������������������ 78

10 11
Background Studies List of Figures/ Tables/ Abbreviations/
Table ofDefinitions

List of Abbreviations
AAI Airports Authority of India SOP Standard Operating Procedures
ABD Area Based Development TDR Transferable Development Rights
AF Active Frontage TOD Transit Oriented Development
AI Artificial Intelligence UFR Urban Form Regulations
AMRUT Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation UNFCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
AR Artificial Reality URA Urban Redevelopment Authority
BBL Building Bye-Laws URDPFI Urban and Regional Development Plans Formulation and Implementation Guidelines
BTL Build-To-Line VW Vehicular Way
BUA Built-Up Area w.r.t. with respect to
CBALP Character Based Area Layout Plans
CBP Community Building Program
DCR Development Control Regulations
EoDB Ease of Doing Business
EWS Economically Weaker Section
FAR Floor Area Ratio
FBC Form Based Codes
FC Facade Controls
FSI Floor Space Index
GC Ground Coverage
GDA Green Development Area
GIS Geographic Information System
GPR Ground Penetrating Radar
HRIDAY Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana
IoMT Internet of Moving Things
IPT Intermediate Para Transit/ Public Transport
IRP Interface Regulation Plan
IT Information Technology
LAP Local Area Plan
LCMP Low Carbon Mobility Plan
LDS Low-Emissions Development Strategy
LP Layout Plans
MUZ/ MFZ Multi-Utility Zone
NMT/ NMV Non-Motorized Transport/ Vehicles
NUTP National Urban Transport Policy
OSP Outdoor Space Plan
PDC Property Development Cards
PDP Property Development Plan
PHPDT Peak Hour Peak Direction Traffic
PT Public Transport
PW Pedestrian Way
ROP (Re)generation Opportunity Plan
RoW Right of Way
SAP Special Area Plan

12 13
Background Studies List of Figures/ Tables/ Abbreviations/
Table ofDefinitions

List of Definitions

Form Based Codes Form Based Codes (FBC) is an area-based regulatory tool to facilitate Property Development Property Development Plan (PDP) governs development of plot and its
incremental development or transformation of Urban Built Form (and Plan resultant form through below-mentioned components:
Public Realm) to enhance, inherent or acquire a desired character. It is a
performance-oriented, bottom-up approach, and applicable to brownfield • Size and shape of plot
and greenfield areas. • Character of development
• Suitable approach of Heritage Response
Character Based Area An area that is distinct by the virtue of identity defining feature is called a
• Public Passages through plots
Character Based Area (CBA). The Character thus identified may generate
from its functionality, visual quality of built form and/ or landscaping et al • Public spaces within plots
enabling the urban realm to impart a collective experience. Such areas • Plots with marker elements
are often contiguous to an anchor, like railway, metro or bus stations/ • Prohibited and regulated areas of protected monuments
terminals, water bodies, heritage building/ precinct, university, business
district, wholesale market, industrial park, etc. Areas without an anchor with Interface Regulation Interface Regulation Plan (IRP) provides various types of interfaces (i.e.,
a uniform identity defining features like urban villages, plotted residential Plan Build-To-Line) including response to heritage.
neighborhoods, farmhouse zones, slums, organically developed areas, etc.
can also be referred as CBAs. CBAs are usually bound by physical features
like roads, green areas, water bodies, railway lines, etc. Community Building Community Building Program (CBP) is a plan with all existing and future
Program activities, spillover that defines the Character and function of an area.
Character Based Area Each CBA will require a Layout Plan to regulate its urban form. Such Layout
Layout Plan Plans will be referred as Character Based Area Layout Plans (CBALP).
These will be a set of plans to regulate the development of public realm and
its adjoining urban forms.

Urban Form Urban Form Regulations (UFR) are tools which originate from CBALPs
Regulations and can be used to regulate the design of urban form (building and open
spaces). These regulate the qualities of public realm created by plot/
building frontages. These, when applied to brownfield sites, may require
removal, amendment or at least rationalization of some conventional
clauses in Development Control Regulations and Building Bye-Laws.

(Re)generation (Re)generation Opportunity Plan (ROP) provides assessment of areas

Opportunity Plan where:
1. Market demand and Infrastructure capacities are suitable for mix of
uses and growth
2. Infrastructure augmentation is required for future growth
3. Introduction of design measures and activities can induce market

Low Carbon Mobility Low Carbon Mobility Plan (LCMP) would consider existing transport
Plan (LCMP) network, augmentation required to sustain future growth and also provide
the street widths, location of shared parking and interchange facilities.
Outdoor Space Plan Outdoor Space Plan (OSP) proposes the Blue and Green infrastructure
(OSP) network by augmenting and adding to existing types of spaces like:
1. Natural green space
2. Natural water body and its Right of Way
3. Man-made green spaces (Private, Public, Paid, Unpaid)
4. Man-made water bodies and their Right of Way (Private, Public, Paid,
5. Plazas and Terraces (Private, Public, Paid, Unpaid)
The above spaces shall also include private properties, plazas and public

14 15
Background Studies Preface

Built form of Indian cities seldom conform

to a predetermined aesthetics. Its visual Executive Summary
character is a result of function, climatic
condition, available resources (material and
craftsmanship) and a combination of the
aforementioned. This Guidebook is an instrument to achieve the urban transformation agenda initiated by the Government
of India. It provides tools to implement the Form Based Codes (FBC) approach for Indian cities - the
The Form Based Codes approach
Character Based Area Layout Plan (CBALP), Urban Form Regulation (UFR) unique to corresponding
recommended in this Guidebook is
CBALP and Property Development Cards (PDC) for improving public realm by meeting the demands of
performance-oriented. Aesthetics and
live-work-recreate, safety, sustainability and resilience, including brownfield areas.
functionality are considered as determinants
of Character and indicators of performance-
Urban form in India is heterogeneous, and layered. Its planning is increasingly gravitating to address
oriented Form Based Codes.
qualitative aspects of incremental growth, from the earlier quantitative approaches. This is evident
The Guidebook focuses on uniformity in the in the emergence of approaches like Local Area Planning, Layout Planning, Special Area Planning,
quality of functional aspects of Character. Area Based Development, Smart City Project, Transit Oriented Development et al. to upgrade public
Active frontages, enhanced connectivity, realm. Addressing this need, Character Based Area (CBA) has been introduced as a physical planning
climate responsive urban form, et al. are area defined through its existing or desired quality of public realm. Improvements in the latter, boosts
fundamental functional aspects of Character outdoor activities that increases social interaction, community building, business potentials and has
to make cities livable and resilient. environmental benefits. And, the resultant incremental improvement of living condition, infrastructure
and mobility, makes it a viable format of development.
Aesthetics is also considered a determinant
of performance and recommends tools to
This Guidebook details out a process to adopt FBC in India. It also comprises the Standard Operating
regulate or generate a desirable form. It does
Procedures (SOPs) for preparing CBALP and its corresponding UFRs. The plot specific DCRs and
not prescribe a predetermined aesthetic. SOP
UFRs shall be compiled in PDCs to streamline the development process for all end-users, thereby
II identifies tools for regulating or generating
enabling Ease-of-Doing Business (EoDB).
Urban Aesthetics.
The CBALP enlists overlays of Layout Plans for (re)generation opportunities, mobility network, outdoor
space network, interface regulation and property and community development. This would inform the
generation of UFRs (of CBALP) that enable functional design regulations of -
1. Public realm, through organization and utilization of streets, open-spaces, waterfronts
2. Plots, through buildable envelope, pedestrian way, public place within plots, projection across Public
Right of Ways, etc
3. .Interface of Plots with Public Realm, through Build-to-line, Active Frontages, Colonnades, etc

The Guidebook also provides tools for cities to regulate aesthetics of the facades through establishing
proportions, material, colour etc.

The recommended FBC approach is performance-oriented and prioritizes on optimum utilization of

resources (trunk infrastructure, road network, environmental assets etc) where the CBALP conforms
with the capacity of infrastructure. The emerging UFRs will regulate the design of public realm. Execution
of the latter will be contextual, and demand-driven, hence flexible to factor specifics such as land
restructuring, use, articulation of frontages, open-spaces, building facades et al.

To leverage from the FBC approach, a dynamic portal with the above outputs is recommended.

16 17
This chapter explains the background of preparation
of the Guidebook for adoption of Form Based Codes
and the methodology adopted.

18 19
Background Studies Chapter 1 | Introduction

1.1 Study Background Development Acts of most cities emphasize provisions’, ‘relaxed Ground Coverage’
on Planning tools and thereafter jump to and flexible FAR norms. The same can be
the plot level building regulations. The achieved by rearticulating the application
tools necessary for regulating Urban Built of conventional tools through adoption of
The Indian Railway Stations Development During the webinars, town planners and Environment, like regulating plans, facade Form Based regulations, like Build-to-line,
Corporation Limited (IRSDC), the nodal agency for administrators from various cities across the controls etc are not acknowledged in the Active Frontage, Buildable Volumes etc.
the redevelopment of railway stations in India, has country emphasized on a wider application of Development Acts. Most Development
developed the Manual for Station Redevelopment these codes to address the following gaps in city Acts, assume that the Planning Regulations d. Gaps in the Building Bye-Laws - The
including Commercial Development—that adopts planning, which could be bridged through a Form published as an Addendum to Master updates in the Development Control Norms
a Form Based Codes approach, a first-of-its-kind Based Codes approach - Plans would address these requirements. need to be reflected in Building Bye-Laws.
in India, equivalent to Building Bye-Laws in a However, even the Planning Regulations Additionally, norms for mixed use, mode-
city. Form Based Code (FBC) is a tool to regulate 1. Cities working on adopting Transit Oriented do not touch upon these critical aspects. wise parking, green building requirements
building forms and mix of uses, by regulating the Development (TOD) can benefit through the for mixed use etc. need to be reflected in
interface between buildings, streets, frontages and Form Based Codes approach in regulating b. Gaps in planning processes - Indian Building Bye-Laws.
public spaces. This approach aims to conserve TOD based Urban Development. To achieve metropolitan cities like Delhi, Mumbai, etc.
energy by using land efficiently and creating a this, it was recommended that the IRSDC’s follow the hierarchical system of planning In the context of the above, the need for formulating
built environment that encourages the use of Non- codes be further expanded for application comprising of regional plans, master a set of model codes applicable for cities across
Motorized Transport (NMT), improves access to across cities. plans, development plans, zonal plans, India based on joint exercises with some sample
public transit, and promotes resource-efficient layout plans, sector plans, etc. The smaller city planning agencies, emanated.
infrastructural growth. 2. The introduction of Layout Regulating Plans cities have lesser overlays, yet follow the
and Property Development Cards were same principles. The hierarchical system The recommended Form Based Codes approach
Conventional planning emphasizes plotting of appreciated. However, to make the IRSDC's of planning is a top down approach with tries to address all the aforementioned gaps and
land through segregation of land uses. Zoning codes useful for city wide application, following no possibility of incorporating bottom-up start from preparation of Character Based Area
is considered as the means to isolate the aspects could also be integrated - planning requirements. As a result, the Layout Plans (CBALP), Urban Form Regulations
incompatible and integrate compatible land uses, a. Urban Design Vision and .Regulation hierarchical system of planning has led to (UFR) and lead up to plot specific Property
so as to create a healthy built-up environment. b. Environment and Disaster Mitigation Plans shifting of focus from building quality urban Development Cards (PDC) which forms the bridge
In conventional planning, function distribution c. Sustainable Infrastructure Strategy environment to ensuring suitable allocation between UFRs and Building Bye-Laws.
on a land parcel is governed by local land use d. Social (demographic) Development Cards of resources starting from city planning
regulations - and permissible parameters like e. Facade and Public Space Regulation to local area planning. The approaches The guidebooks and the SOPs are intended to
Floor Area Ratio (FAR), Ground Coverage (GC), Guidelines and Cards for sustainable urban development, like cater to the following -
Height restrictions, Setbacks and Parking. Over TOD, Compact Cities etc. emphasize on Document Application
a period of time, the conventional planning 3. Representatives from cities like Mumbai, integrated-comprehensive planning of all Guidebook for Useful for all readers, especially
techniques have evolved with introduction of Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chennai etc. also showed stages of the planning hierarchy, while adoption of for administrators deciding to
contemporary tools like Town Planning Schemes, interest in jointly developing such codes ensuring bottom-up planning of urban Form Based adopt Form Based Codes (FBC)
Local Area Planning, Land Pooling, etc. At the thereby learning from IRSDC's experience. areas. This is a gap identified by various Codes approach.
same time plot-level regulations have remained Additionally, the head of the institutions at NITI planning agencies in the conventional
static with limited or no updates. Additionally, Aayog, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs It gives a complete overview of
planning processes. Some Indian agencies,
alWWl stages of adoption of the
during the preparation of IRSDC's manuals it was and Ministry of Railways, also emphasized like IRSDC, DDA, MMRDA, Bengaluru- FBC approach.
felt that the planning documents like Layout Plans on the need for building a mechanism of DULT have now started addressing these
SOP-I: Useful for planning agencies
and the regulatory tools like FAR, GC, Height handholding and capacity building of city gaps in their planning processes through Preparation and experts preparing to
etc. are generally disconnected and required an planning and administrative agencies. introducing new planning tools and of Character institutionalize and prepare
intermediate regulatory tool to ensure sustainable processes. Based Area CBALPs.
urban development. 4. Identified areas of Gap - The following areas Layout Plan
of gap had been identified in the conventional c. Gaps in the Development Control SOP-II: Useful for planning agencies
In IRSDC’s manuals, the above gap was bridged planning and regulatory processes, which Regulations - The Development Control Preparation of and experts preparing to
through further detailing of Layout Planning stages, have been addressed through this Guidebook Regulations for most cities use conventional Urban Form institutionalize and prepare
introduction of Property Development Cards and for adoption of Form Based Codes and SOPs. tools like FAR, Ground Coverage, Setbacks Regulations Urban Form Regulations and
creating Plot Level design regulations. These and ECS based parking norms. Most Property Development Plans.
codes were developed over a period of more than a. Gaps in legal frameworks - It has been sustainable planning techniques have All documents are explained in simple terms
two years culminating with a National Webinar to found that the existing legal framework for emphasized on principles like ‘0-setbacks’, such that even readers with moderate language
collect feedback from experts across the country city planning is restrictive towards adoption ‘Demand Management based parking and technical skills can understand.
and abroad. of Form Based Codes approach. The Table 1: Application of Guidebook and SOPs

20 21
Background Studies Chapter 1 | Introduction

1.2 Note on Response to Heritage

Indian cities have three types of architecture. The Type 3s are the utility architecture. Their The least desired response is demolition and kitsh of sorts et al. This form of mimicking is an
Type 1 are the prominent structures that are utility overrides all other criteria determining form. substituted by new building that may disregard the ethical issue which robs the craft and the creator
built assuming an eternal presence. These are These are flexible, spatially efficient and adaptive architectural features of that replaced. The further its dignity.
ceremonious, high in visibility and style, made across time, usually non-influential in terms of the new building is from the existing or traditional
at a high cost and its scale overrides functions. architecture and visibility. Shops, bazaars, utility architectural form, more likely it is instigated from a The other end of the spectrum is an arrogant or
Protected Monuments are also a part of the Type units around offices, et al – that fulfill everyday change in political ideology (vindictive or malicious a contrast, which bears no semblance with the
1 and so are buildings like the Taj Lands’ End functions and indelibly implanted in our cognitive vandalism), a lack of imagination and a disinterest context and is inserted with the sole purpose of
Hotel and Sensex building in Mumbai, the Howrah maps but whose architecture is rarely a point of in need-negotiation. The credibility of reasons ‘upsetting’ to the point of denigrating the traditional
Station of West Bengal, or the India Gate of Delhi. discussion – form the Type 3’s. like lack of fund; difficulty in maintenance, lack of form. While some may argue that insertion of new
availability of material and/or workmanship, stated is not necessarily to denigrate, but rather legitimize
The Type 2 form an integral part of a city`s general To form a way forward, the spectrum of to justify demolition is seldom credible. In terms contemporary taste – this fact is insubstantial. The
character and the image of the city. Architecturally, transformation evident in our historic environs and of economics, the state reasons is but a broken- CABE report have amply demonstrated the high
these are often slightly muted forms of Type 1s, a the reasons that cause the transformation was window-syndrome. and long-term loss due to bad design. Such studies
high architecture of a certain period of time. These closely observed during our project period. If we are needed and yet to be conducted for India. An
lend a sense of place and are the springboard of put the state of conservation in a graded spectrum, The intermediatory stage, when degeneration of arrogant design would literally use a contrast to
collective memory and receptacle for the lifestyle ie from the most to least desired state; the most historic buildings is at the onset, is a vulnerable create a visual tension and detract attention away
which establishes the past-future continuum. The desired shall be continuity of historic structures state. Usually, the state of disrepair invites further from the historic buildings in a cluster.
bulk of these are residences, usually privately through extension of its life. The least desired is degeneration, than the otherwise (also explained
owned or even may be factory workers’ housing its demotion and the intermediate is a vandalized through a broken-window-syndrome as used in Depending on the skill of the designer, a contrasting
and are often unprotected. These are vulnerable state. The latter state extends nearly the normal Behavioral Studies). When degeneration is not (not arrogant) insertion could also be a value
to demolition to give way to ‘development’, making lifespan of the building material and construction prevented or allowed to foster, these conditions addition. Imagine a condition where at edge of a
the Type 1s increasingly more valuable than it is. quality, indicating its potential to be adapted for the can be explained through acquisitional, tactical historic city, a plot that had a landmark is being
This form of rarity (stemming from an irreversible future. and play vandalism. It may also stem from a redeveloped. Such plots could offer an opportunity
loss) is counterproductive as artificial uniqueness, reason finding base in slow violence where past to insert a contemporary form that offer a cross-
limits participation offering any substantive reason. . hen buildings are upgraded and its lifespan
W or remnants of the past is deemed unacceptable fading of aesthetics (a restrained form visible from
For example, a certain type of Zaminari estate is intentionally extended by users, it boosts due to change in ideology or association with the historic city and a more modern one towards
(Type 1) was prevalent among rich Bengalis innovation in technology, improves quality of tragedy. Sometimes the reasons combine a lack the urban extension) by considering vision-cones.
across the State. The architecture of these were work and reinforces sense of belonging among of imagination, intent and obsolescence. Afterall, with the development in digital surfaces,
a queer hybrid of proto-modern, late Mughal user-groups who may or may not be the local the possibilities of experimenting with facia design
and few local Sultanate features, few hyperlocal community. The continued need negotiation stems There is a spectrum within which the above is endless.
features unique to Bengal while incorporating few from users attributing values such as age-bias parameters can be applied to generate an
British ones. Valorizing the feudal lord`s taste, (reflecting the sense of ownership and legacy), aesthetic. This spectrum relates to the intent Between the two extremes ie Pastiche and
their retinue built respective residential clusters cost-effectiveness (where continuity or swapping behind the aesthetics of the built form. At the most Arrogant, exists three graded choices – Traditional
across older neighbourhoods of Kolkata. While use and choosing to upgrade infrastructure to conservative or self-limiting approach to generate Reference, Contemporary Reference and Modern.
individually these buildings may merit a Grade III continue function, is preferred as a pragmatic an aesthetics form is Patishe or an imitation ie, when A Traditional Reference would imply that dominant
or lower, as a cluster, these impart an urban form approach), physical appearance (recognition of architects literally recreates the same architectural features of the older or existing form remain
(form of based codes) characteristic of Calcutta artistic features or collective remembrance or and ornamental feature of the erstwhile traditional unchanged and contemporary insertions are
between late 1800`s to early 1960`s. Now that a cultural tribute) – were noted as reasons that form. While this may be a valid approach for subtly woven into it. This is, for the want of a better
older residential quarters comprising Type 2s garnered support for conservation of historic monuments, or for historic houses that are rare or expression, a path of least resistance, usually
and few Type 1s have undergone demolition, buildings. When city managers expend efforts to one of a kind, or even when cost or availability of preferred by local authorities and sanctioning
there is an increased interest in ‘saving’ Type 1s embed such values among user groups, simple material and craftsmanship are accessible, it may agencies. Much of its form, details and material
and reusing the same to project a certain life and conservation and maintenance efforts may prevent not under circumstances discussed as follows. are borrowed from the existing local forms but
lifestyle. The projection is often not to taste and wastage on infrastructure, lower cost of living and When the knowledge system is compromised or may have been 'watered-down components lifted
nor is it completely truthful. lower emission. when a traditional feature is reduced to a ‘look’, from the past' to show modernity. It takes little

22 23
Background Studies Chapter 1 | Introduction

imagination (and skill) to produce such solutions

but when handled sensitively it could produce
some visually appealing results, especially in
cases of extension or addition of a new block in
the fore and backgrounds of a historic building or

The Contemporary Reference is comparatively

bold and subtle simultaneously. It is possibly the
most accepted in historic environs today where,
save the basic proportions and unifying features
taken from traditional mass-void correlation, colour
and proportions, the detailing is contemporary.
Such buildings have a visual identity but without
detracting the eye from the historic environs
completely. As the idea is mutual respect, it
complements historic environments and are
made with good quality material. While this is an
ideal solution, Contemporary Reference requires
significant practice and to be involved with the
local community, and their aspirations.

The ‘Modern Traditional’ is an unambiguous

derivative and is expected to be a result of a Form
Based Codes Approach. Here, there is a subtle
and functional inclusion of traditional features, for
example, projection lines in the form of shading
devises, or building orientation to minimize
absorption of sun-rays or perhaps placement of
trees which is a part of an overall landscaping
theme. This requires a skilful hand and a good
understanding of its historical surroundings as it
runs the risk of monotony or encouraging arrogant

24 25
of application of
This chapter contains a sample demonstration of
application of the Guidebook and SOPs. The case
considered is hypothetical.

26 27
Background Studies Chapter 2 | Demonstration of application of the Guidebook

2.1 Demonstration of application

A hypothetical case has been considered to test For the purpose of demonstration, the land use subsequent sections where CBALP overlays are
the application of the Guidebook and the SOPs. Assumed its an characteristics and applicable benchmarks have explained.
extension of
been referred from a metropolitan city, which
Following context has been assumed for the
has a regional plan and development plan. The The assumed land use characteristics is for
Development Control Norms from the development 250 Ha of land area which comprise of existing
1. Test Case is a Township located in a dense
plan have been adopted. It is also assumed that areas, future proposed areas, natural zones to be
part of a city and is along a Sea Front.
part of the area is brownfield, while the remaining preserved, etc. Refer tables and figure below for
2. It shall house employees from a Port and allied
areas are vacant land parcels for future growth. details.
Other assumptions will become clearer in the
3. It is designed with wide roads, green open
spaces and support facilities.
4. It has two entries and is accessible through an
Township Redevelopment Land Use Category Area (in Ha.)
arterial road. Residential Excluding Gaothan 79.22
FSI 2.5
5. The township is planned with amenities like Gaothan 17.54
Township's Estimated Residential Population 60,000
commercial plaza, parks, auditorium, hospital, Commercial 22.5
Total Existing Area in Hectares 102
schools, etc. Public / Semi-Public (PSP) 16.63
Proposed Population Density in PPH 588 Natural Green 16.05
New Residential Development surrounding the Natural Blue 5.56
Township Area Man-made Green 16.11
Fig. 1: Satellite image of the location inspiring the hypothetical FSI 2.5 Man-made Blue 3.83
test case Total Proposed Residential Population in Test 18,800 Warehousing 15.98
Case Industrial 22.37
Roads 49.16
Proposed Population Density in PPH 250
Total 264.95
Additional Proposed Residential Area in Hect- 36.88
ares within Township Table 3: Area statement
Additional Proposed Residential Population 9220
within Township
Total Residential Population (Township Rede- 69,220
velopment + New Residential Development)
Gaothan/ Village Abadi (Jaskhar)
Proposed Population 7,734
Total Area in Hectares 20.46
Proposed Population Density in PPH 378
Total Residential Population (Township) 76,954

Table 2: Population Calculation

Fig. 3: Land use distribution

Fig. 2: Assumed character of the Test Case

28 29
Background Studies Chapter 2 | Demonstration of application of the Guidebook

2.2 Social Infrastructure Requirements

The Test Case consists of few existing social horizon years, techniques for efficient utilization of Categories of Open Amenities Required Existing / Available Additional Area in
infrastructure. Based on the horizon year land to attain its full value/ potential benefits through Spaces Amenities Amenities Proposed Ha
population projection, additional amenities are the process of Accommodation Reservation must Housing Area Park 1 for every 15000 population 1 (0.5 Ha) 5 2.6
required to meet future demands. Planning for be adopted. Horizontally and vertically mix of use served per unit
different levels of amenities is critical in brownfield is to be promoted. The emphasis is on multiple Neighborhood Park 1 for every 15000 population 0 5 5.1
served per unit
areas (already developed) but can be restructured use of zones/ areas through social amenities and
Natural Green Spaces - 16.05 Ha - -
through TDR rights and redevelopment schemes. activities, and is reflected in the CBALP. Tables
In greenfield areas (new development) considering below depict the quality and quantity of social
the continuous growth of population for different infrastructure required for the Test Case area. Table 6: Requirements of Open Spaces in the Test Case

Categories of Amenities Required Existing / Available Additional Area Categories of Socio Cultural Amenities Required Existing / Available Additional Amenities Area in
Educational Facilities Amenities Amenities Proposed in Ha Facilities Amenities Proposed Ha
Play School 1 for every 2500 population served 2 31 2.5 Anganwadi - Housing Area/ 1 for every 5000 population 1 15 0.3 to
per unit Cluster served per unit 0.5
Primary School 1 for every 5000 population served 2 15 6.2 Community Room 1 for every 45000 to 1 Lakh 0 15 1.2
per unit population served per unit
Secondary School/ Sr. 1 for every 7500 population served 2 10 18.5 Community Hall, Mangalkary- 1 for every 15000 population 1 Community Center 5 1.0
Sec. School per unit alaya, Barat Ghar/ Library served per unit
Junior College 1 for every 1.25 lakh population 1 - - Religious Facilities at neigh- 1 for every 5000 population 3 Temples 5 0.2
served per unit borhood/ housing cluster level served per unit
School for Physically 1 for every 45000 population served 0 1 to 2 1.4
Challenged per unit Table 7: Requirements of Socio-Cultural Facilities in the Test Case

Table 4: Requirements of Educational Facilities in the Test Case

Categories of Amenities Required Existing / Available Additional Amenities Area in
Commercial Centers Amenities Proposed Ha
Convenience 1 for every 5000 population 0 (Small scale retail & eat- 15 2.3
Categories of Amenities Required Existing / Available Additional Area in Shopping served per unit eries are available)
Healthcare Facilities Amenities Amenities Proposed Ha Local shopping 1 for every 15000 population 0 (Small scale shopping 5 2.4
Dispensary 1 for every 15000 population 0 5 0.4 to including service center served per unit centres are available)
served per unit 0.6
Table 8: Requirements of Commercial Centers in the Test Case
Nursing Home, Child 1 for every 45000 to 1 Lakh 1 Private Hospital (20 - -
Welfare and Maternity population served per unit having beds)
Centre 25 to 30 beds
Polyclinic 1 for every 1 Lakh population 1 Government - - Miscellaneous Amenities Required Existing / Available Additional Amenities Area in
served per unit having some Polyclinic Amenities Proposed Ha
observation beds (2 beds) Cremation Ground/ 1 for every 2 Lakh population served 1 - -
Family Welfare Centre 1 for every 50000 population 0 2 0.1 Burial Ground per unit
served per unit Post Office 1 for every 15000 population served 0 5 0.04
Diagnostic Centre 1 for every 50000 population 0 2 0.1 per unit
served per unit Bank with extension 1 for every 15000 population served 0 5 As per
Intermediate Hospital 1 for every 1 Lakh population 1 Government - - counters and ATM per unit require-
(Category A) served per unit Hospital facility ment

Table 5: Requirements of Healthcare Facilities in the Test Case Table 9: Miscellaneous Facilities required in the Test Case

30 31
Background Studies Chapter 2 | Demonstration of application of the Guidebook

2.3 Physical Infrastructure Requirements

The water consumption in the case area is area per unit and standard requirement for water For power/ electricity supply and consumption, the A. Residential Water Sewage (@80% of
calculated as per broad land use categories ie, consumption in liter per capita per day (LPCD). data required is population of the Test Case for Category (LPCD/ water supply is ex-
residential, commercial and industrial. The base horizon year analysis, units or kWh consumption Sqm) pected to reach the
data required for this process in case of residential Requirement of sewage treatment in the Test Case per person per day and number of electric sub-
Low Density 8.1 6.48
(low/ medium/ high density) is average dwelling unit is calculated as the emphasis is on the percentage stations required in kV, for population to be served. Residential
size in square meters is calculated by considering of water to reach the sewers with minimum waste Medium Density 10.07 8.05
density, family size, standard requirement for water or losses in the water supply system. Ideally, The equation to calculate electricity consumption Residential
consumption in liter per capita per day (LPCD) and 80% of the water can be treated before reaching per unit is: High Density 15.75 12.6
percentage of water losses / wastage. sewers if managed and only 20% is black water E = P*(t/1000) Residential
which requires further treatment. Considering B. Commercial
For commercial and industrial use zones, floor adoption of systematic infrastructure planning, where; E = energy measured in Joules or kilowatt- Category
area per unit in square meters, occupancy per unit and sustainable measure in the CBALP to avoid hours (kWh), P = power units in watts, and t = time Commercial Office 9 7.2
in square meter per person and occupancy load wastage of water, total water consumption (use over which the power or energy was consumed. C. Industrial
as occupancy calculated; is to be divided by floor wise) and sewage treatment is as follows: Use of sustainable measures like solar panels by
Industrial (Textile) 9 7.2
individual property/ plots and solar power plant at
Industrial (Paper) 9 7.2
area level, depending upon climatic conditions, is
Residential Per DU Family Water Total Water Water Losses/ Wastage Water Consumption emphasized at the CBALP level. Table 13: Sewage Treatment Requirement in the Test Case
Category Unit Size Required Consumption @50% additional (LPCD/ Sqm)
Size (LPCD) (LPCD)
Low Density 100 4 135 540 810 8.1 Following table depict the calculations for electricity
Residential demand and supply for the Test Case area:
Medium 67 4 135 540 675 10.07
Density Population of Electricity Consumption (1000 Units Electric Sub-Station (@ 1 Sub-Station of 11 kV for a
Residential Horizon Year or 2.74 kWh/ Person/ Day ) population of 15,000)
High Density 45 5 135 675 709 15.75 76,954 persons 210853.96 kWh/ Day 5 Electric Sub-Stations
Table 14: Electricity Consumption/ Requirement in the Test Case
Table 10: Water Requirement/ Consumption in Residential land use zone in the Test Case

Commercial Floor Occupancy Occupant Load Water Total Water Including Total Water
Category Area Per (Sqm/Per- (Occupancy/ Required Consumption Fire @100% Consumption
Unit son) Floor Area) (LPCD) additional (LPCD/Sqm)
Commercial 150 10 15 45 675 1350 9

Table 11: Water Requirement/ Consumption in Commercial land use zone in the Test Case

Commercial Floor Occupancy Occupant Load Water Total Water Including Total Water
Category Area Per (Sqm/Per- (Occupancy/ Required Consumption Fire @100% Consumption
Unit son) Floor Area) (LPCD) additional (LPCD/Sqm)
Industrial 1000 10 100 45 4500 9000 9
Industrial 1000 10 100 45 4500 9000 9

Table 12: Water Requirement/ Consumption in Industrial land use zone in the Test Case

32 33
Background Studies Chapter 2 | Demonstration of application of the Guidebook

For solid waste management, planning through Other hazardous waste like e-waste, chemical
sustainable techniques for treatment of each waste, pharmaceutical waste etc. are to be
category of waste is necessary to maintain the processed separately as per standard procedure
surroundings environment as clean, healthy and to protect the environment.
Following tables depict the requirement of
For this, measures adopted start at household/ management of solid waste generated in the Test
domestic level. This aims to segregate waste at Case, as per designated land use:
source, through reduce, reuse and recycle (3 R
approach) before residues are disposed, collected,
transported, recovered and processed.

Residential Use Per DU Family Solid Waste to Total Solid Waste Total Solid Waste
Category Unit Size be generated generated in residential generated in residential
Size (Kg/Person/Day) zone (Kg/Person/Day) zone (Kg/Person/Day/Sqm)
Low Density 100 4 0.6 2.4 0.02
Residential Refuse
Medium Density 67 4 0.6 2.4 0.04
High Density 45 5 0.6 3 0.07
Residential Refuse

Table 15: Solid Waste Management in Residential Use Zone within the Test Case

Commercial Floor Occupancy Occupant Load Solid Total Solid Waste Total Solid Waste
Category Area (Sqm/person) (Occupancy/ Waste to be generated in generated in
Per Unit Floor Area) generated (Kg/ residential zone residential zone
Person/Day) (Kg/Person/Day) (Kg/Person/Day/
Commercial 150 10 15 0.2 3 0.02

Table 16: Solid Waste Management in Commercial and Institutional Use Zone within the Test Case

34 35
Background Studies Chapter 2 | Demonstration of application of the Guidebook

2.4 Outdoor Space Plan (OSP)

Fig. 4: Natural Blue-Green Open Space Network Map Fig. 5: Man-Made Blue-Green Open Space Network Map

Step 1: The base map of OSP for Test Case is Step 2: Based on Situation Analysis, proposals
generated considering the following information: for additional outdoor/ open spaces are planned:

1. All existing natural blue and green areas are 2. All man-made blue and green assets are 1. In brownfield area provision of large green that are easily accessible and provide for
mapped, for analysis and preservation to mapped. This makes the dearth of such assets and open spaces is challenging. Therefore, multiple activities, utilities, management of
mitigate against disaster. A large percentage (organized green and public spaces such as private property(ies) in the built up areas natural slope and water catchment etc.
of this natural green area is located at the parks, playgrounds, plazas, water fronts, etc are incentivized to provide such spaces at 3. Plans address four requirements: Natural
north-west, along industrial use zone. A for recreation) in the brownfield area evident. different levels. This will enhance the health Green with Natural Blue, Natural Green with
natural blue-green area is at the north-east Promoting such spaces will enhance the and wellness of residents, and increase the Man-Made Blue, Man-made Green with
and adjacent to primary roads and existing character and quality of life in the area, besides supply of green and open spaces. Natural Blue and Man-Made Green with Man-
Gaothan. At the center of the township is the providing space for emergency evacuation 2. In greenfield areas, a network of blue-green Made Blue.
main institutional zone supporting a mix of and storm water management. spaces are planned across the township. It
activities of surrounding residential zone. provides a hierarchy of recreational spaces

36 37
Background Studies Chapter 2 | Demonstration of application of the Guidebook


Fig. 6: Public Plazas and Terraced Open Space Map of the Test Case

Step 3: Demarcation of public plazas and

terraced open spaces public / private plots:

1. Plazas and public terraces increase potential is not available. This will enable an equitable
for activities and revenue. distribution of public space and resource in
2. Designated functional space for public plaza the planned area.
at ground level of large residential, institutional 4. Providing an additional FAR to existing areas
and commercial plots with direct access from and reclaiming of encroached open/ green
the main street with active frontages is a areas through Green TDR are adopted for the
fundamental requirement. purposes.
3. Public space on terraces have been
recommended where space at ground level

38 39
Background Studies Chapter 2 | Demonstration of application of the Guidebook

2.5 Low Carbon Mobility Plan (LCMP)

Fig. 7: Street Hierarchy, Junction Type and Shared Parking Map of the Test Case Fig. 8: Mobility Network Plan of the Test Case

Step 1: Based on the function, capacity and Step 2: The proposals for road and junction Step 3: All junctions are demarcated following
level of service of each road, a proposed LCMP improvement consisting of sidewalks and footpaths road geometry and design and categorized as:
is prepared: to augment the mobility network is prepared: 1. Roundabouts.
2. Regular junctions (Signalized or Signal free).
1. Road Right of Ways (RoW) for existing roads road junctions were mapped to generate a 1. Roads are hierarchically categorized as 3. Mid-block NMT crossing.
and carriageway widths were analyzed and structure of existing road network. primary, secondary and tertiary. Further, 4. Road Geometry Improvements.
demarcated. 4. It has been observed that the existing street connected networks (Vehicular Ways) are
2. Map of existing transport network was prepared network follow a pattern but lacks the hierarchy made for enhanced accessibility and mobility. Step 4: Streets and adjoining spaces are
considering: and necessary transport infrastructure for PT, 2. PT, IPT and NMT routes are aligned on identified for:
• Public Transport (PT) IPT and NMT services. complete streets and through open spaces 1. Transport Interchange locations and types.
• Intermediate Para Transit (IPT) within plots (Pedestrian Ways). 2. Shared Parking Facility for public within
• Non Motorized Transport (requirements for properties.
footpath, cycle tracks etc) (NMT)
3. Referring the Master Plan for Test Case area, Step 5: TDR Mechanism for land sharing is
the existing road hierarchy, grid pattern and proposed.

40 41
Background Studies Chapter 2 | Demonstration of application of the Guidebook

2.6 (Re)generation Opportunity Plan (ROP)

Fig. 9: Proposed Land Use Map of the Test Case Fig. 10: Real Estate Value Map of the Test Case

Step 1: Existing and proposed use premise (Built Step 2: Market demand for various use types
or Un-Built) is demarcated after referring to the and asset classes, w.r.t. parameters mentioned
Master Plan for Test Case area. below are assessed:

The predominant land use in the existing/ 1. Zones of impact based on real estate values • Existing and Planned Utility
developed area of the township is residential and high feasibility are mapped : • Plot size and Geometry
(centrally distributed) followed by commercial • Connectivity along Primary and Secondary • Consultation/ Survey for demand
(majorly in south-west side) and institutional roads • Any other suitable Parameter
(spatially distributed across the whole area). The • Access to transit facility 2. For all zones created based on aforementioned
Industrial use zone is located at the periphery in • Place making and Urban Aesthetics (Blue, aspects, the BUA demand is assessed and a
north-west side along with adjoining warehousing Green, Heritage) volumetric map is generated.
zone. All the Master Plan use premises are
recommended to allow mix of uses.

42 43
Background Studies Chapter 2 | Demonstration of application of the Guidebook

Step 4: In this step, the values generated from

Market Demand in Step 2 and Infrastructure
capacity in Step 3 are overlapped onto the land Zone 1
use map used as the base.
Zone 2

The intersecting areas provide:

Zone 3
Zone 1 with adequate infrastructure and Real
Estate market demand, making it suitable
for mixed use.

Zone 2 with high market demand while requiring

infrastructure augmentation to capitalize it,
thereby encouraging mixed use by:
1. Improving/ upgrading infrastructure
2. Adoption of decentralized
infrastructure and sustainable mobility
by Plot developers.

Zone 3 with excess infrastructure and where

market demand needs to be generated to
boost property values, by promoting features
of public realm like park-facing areas, plaza-
facing areas etc.

Fig. 11: Infrastructure Holding Capacity Map of the Test Case

Step 3: The Infrastructure Holding Capacity is

calculated as mentioned below:

1. Data available in the Land Use Plan is used on horizon year’s population demand. Various
to assess available trunk infrastructure that amenities are then mapped onto different land
could be utilized for the overall planning of use zones.
the CBALP. The land use zone-wise water 3. Infrastructure capacities in terms quantum
consumption, solid waste generation and of additional floor space that can be
power consumption is calculated based on accommodated are then finalized using the
standards. PHPDT on roads considering all limiting BUA and base FAR.
modes of transport like PT, IPT, NMT etc. is 4. For Solid Waste, the city should have a policy,
also calculated based on road capacity. regulations and designated area(s) within
2. For social infrastructure, additional basic identified open space(s) for decentralized
amenities are enlisted and calculated based Waste Management. Fig. 12: Assessment of Real Estate Market Demand and
Infrastructure Holding Capacity for the Test Case

44 45
Background Studies Chapter 2 | Demonstration of application of the Guidebook

2.7 Property Development Plan (PDP)

Fig. 13: Map of Public Passages through Open Spaces within Plots and Construction Restricted Zone within Township Fig. 14: Map of Heritage Regulations and Marker Elements within CBALP of the Test Case

Step 1: Collating all the overlays prepared earlier Step 2: All zones where expansion under and Step 3: Zones with heritage and where Step 4: The location of High-rise towers as
to demarcate mandatory development actions on above public roads, green areas and water bodies architectural/ design controls (like heritage marker elements are mapped while ensuring that
each plot. For example: are restricted, have been mapped, while all precinct) are applicable have been mapped along their shadows do not block access to sunlight
remaining areas have no restrictions in expansion with the following: for nearby buildings. All buildings hence receive
1. From LCMP, all Pedestrian Ways and Vehicular above or below public spaces. The aforementioned atleast two hours of sunlight on shortest day of the
Ways passing through plot are mapped. conditions manifests as three types of zones- 1. Protected and unprotected Heritage (Natural year.
2. From OSP, all public spaces required within and Built) are located
plots are marked. 1. Zones where expansions are prohibited above 2. Areas of design controls are demarcated
or under it. 3. Plots that are subject to norms of the following
2. Zones where expansions are only prohibited are demarcated:
above ground. • Prohibited, Regulated Areas
3. Zones where expansions are prohibited either • View corridor, Vision Cone
above or below ground depending upon • Conservation Zones, Green Buffers, any
existing conditions. other

46 47
Background Studies Chapter 2 | Demonstration of application of the Guidebook

2.8 Interface Regulation Plan (IRP)


Fig. 15: Map showing proposed types of interfaces

Step 1: IRP is proposed to regulate interfaces

of plots with public spaces, where it is mandatory
to provide active frontage, pedestrian colonnade,
facade controls and their combination.

IRP is proposed by demarcating the following- Types of interfaces that are proposed-
1. Mandatory active frontages on plots abutting,
primary, secondary roads, green areas, water 1. Active Frontage
bodies 2. Active Frontage and Colonnade
2. Mandatory pedestrian colonnades along 3. Active Frontage and Facade Controls
frontages facing western and southern sun, as 4. Active Frontage, Colonnade and Facade
per the sun path diagram Controls
3. Facade controls for plots within prohibited and
regulated area of Heritage assets.

48 49
Background Studies Chapter 2 | Demonstration of application of the Guidebook

2.9 Community Building Program (CBP)

Fig. 17: Map showing Special Design Provisions within the CBALP of the Test Case

Step 3: All open/ public spaces are proposed to

Fig. 16: Map showing different Activities and Spillovers within the CBALP of the Test Case be Universally Accessible. Activities which require
special attention have been designated separately:

Step 1: All existing and proposed community Step 2: The existing and expected spillover E - Outdoor seating and vending around small 1. Zones requiring specific design measures for
facilities, amenities and spaces were mapped. zones of all activities onto the outdoor space and scale commercial children, such as a buffer of 250m radius from
These included and were not limited to educational, designated time of day/ week, were mapped. F - Vending stalls and spillover from eating joints school premises.
Govt. office/ institutional, hospitals,small and large- around Large Commercial 2. Zones requiring geriatric and child-friendly
scale commercial (retail and market zones), mall/ Types of spillovers mapped, ranged from- G - Entry/ exit and parking around Malls/ shopping design; such as interchange points, crossing
shopping complex, temple/ heritage structure, complexes facilities, public spaces et al.
public plazas, unpaid public space and paid private A - Parking, entry/ exit of educational institutes H - Festivals and gatherings around religious 3. Zones requiring preservation and promotion
spaces etc. B - Vending stalls around government institutes institutes (Heritage Properties); such urban forests, buffers
C - Emergency entry/ exits, medical stores around J - Vending stalls and gatherings at Public Plazas of conservation zones, precincts with traditional
Hospital art, craft, skills, monuments etc.
D - Entry/ exit during community functions

50 51
Background Studies Chapter 2 | Demonstration of application of the Guidebook

2.10 Sample Property Development Card

PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT CARDS NO. [CITY/PLOT UID/YEAR] IR Interface Regulations Applicable Regulations/ Measurements (As per CBALP-
Plot Area 500 sq.m. Interface Regulation Plan and applicable UFRs)
VP Volumetric Parameters Applicable Regulations/ Measurements (Development IR.1. Build-to-Line Side 1 Side 2 Side 3 Side 4
Control Norms/ Local Byelaws) Distance from Plot 3m 1.5 m 1.5 m 1.5 m
VP.1. Applicable F.A.R./ F.S.I. 2.5
IR.2. Active Frontage Y Y Y Y
VP.2. Applicable Ground 50 % IR.3. Colonnade Y Y -- --
Coverage IR.4. Facade Control- -- -- -- --
VP.3. Use Premise as LP/ Residential/ Commercial/ Public-Semipublic/ Industrial/ (H) 1. Proportions and
CBALP Transportation/ Social Infrastructure (Educational/ Hospitals) offsets
etc 2. Colour
3. Material Palette
VP.4. Permissible mix of use 66% Residential All use premises to have
33% Commercial atleast-
33% Social Infrastructure 20% residential MINIMUM ACTIVE
20% commercial or social FRONTAGE 50%
infrastructure or both
VP.5. Mandatory Setbacks Frontage adjoining open spaces- 3m, to be maintained as E3
public space without boundary wall,
Frontage abutting another plot- N.A. SI
VP.6. Maximum permissible h= 150m, above natural ground level N.G
.L. 4

height of Superstructure
VP.7. Maximum permissible d= 4.5m, below natural ground level
depth of underground
structure SI




.L. 4
N.G d

Table 18: Sample PDC- Interface Regulations



Built to Line

Property Line

Table 17: Sample PDC- Volumetric parameters

52 53
Background Studies Chapter 2 | Demonstration of application of the Guidebook

OS Street Applicable Regulations/ Measurements (As per CBALP- Outdoor Space OS Waterfront Applicable Regulations/ Measurements (As per CBALP- Outdoor
-S Regulations Regulation Plan, Community Building Program and applicable UFRs) -W Regulations Space Regulation Plan, Community Building Program and applicable
Street, junction and Mid-block identification Activities and spillovers UFRs)
Name Water body Waterfront
W.D.1. Side 1 Man-Made Man-Made Green


W.D.2. Activities • Water Transport Non-Polluting and Barrier-Free

Permitted • Recreation activities like:


• Viewing Deck • Spillover of adjacent properties


Public Plaza




• Pedestrian Ways



Name Hierarchy R.O.W. Adjoining Footpath Dead Multi- Walkable Cycle

Land Use Width Width Utility Space Track

Side 1
Side 1 Primary 20 m Residential
L.H.S. 3.5 m -- 1m 2.5 m 1.5m
R.H.S. 4.5 m 0.5 m 1.5 m 2.5 m 1.5m
Side 2 Secondary 15 m Green
L.H.S. 3.5 m -- 1m 2.5 m --
R.H.S. 2m -- -- 2m --

Table 20: Sample PDC- Waterfront Regulations

OS Green Space Applicable Regulations/ Measurements (As per CBALP- Outdoor Space
-G Regulations Regulation Plan, Community Building Program and applicable UFRs)
Name- Types of Green-
GS1- Side 1 Man-Made
Activities Permitted-
• Spaces for revenue generation
Type of Junction: 4 arm, regular, pedestrian and • Recreation SIDE 2

cyclist crossing • Festivals

• Community Functions/ Events
• Vending Spaces near entry/ exit

• Public Utilities

• Sports facilities
Zebra Crossing Cycle Track • Multi-Activity Recreation


Walking Space

Table 21: Sample PDC- Green Space Regulations

Kerb Ramp

Table 19: Sample PDC- Street Design Regulations

54 55
Background Studies Chapter 2 | Demonstration of application of the Guidebook

PR Plot/ Building Applicable Regulations/ Measurements (As per CBALP- (Re)generation PR Plot/ Building Applicable Regulations/ Measurements (As per CBALP- (Re)generation
Regulation Opportunity Plan, Property Development Plan and applicable UFRs) Regulation Opportunity Plan, Property Development Plan and applicable UFRs)
Buildable Envelope Component Regulation Name Description Colonnade Any other control
C Min. 5.5 m PW1 Pedestrian Way along Side 1 Y --
Pedestrian Way through
property Buildable Envelope C+H Max. 150 m PW2 Pedestrian Way along Side 2 Y --
PP1 Max. 10 m PW3 Pedestrian Way along Side 3 -- --
Active Frontage
3 PP2 Max. 7.5 m
4 Pedestrian Way through
property Buildable Envelope

SI 3 Active Frontage
2 PP1
Permitted Permitted
Projection Projection
Colonnade Pedestri- SI
an Way with Active PW 2
Frontage 2
Permitted Permitted
Projection Projection
Marker Element- N.A.
Table 22: Sample PDC- Plot/ Building Regulations PW


BUILD-TO- LINE Colonnade Pedestri-

an Way with Active

Table 23: Sample PDC- Plot/ Building Regulations

CR Climate Applicable Regulations/ Measurements (As per applicable Green Building

Resilience UFRs)
All Guidelines mentioned in Climate Resilience Regulations in SOP-II to apply
Table 24: Sample PDC- Climate Resilience Regulations

56 57
Other Policies and
This Chapter contains some of the policies related
to area planning and urban asset management.
The policies mentioned in this section are indicative
of ongoing actions in various cities which support
adoption of Form Based Codes approach.

58 59
Background Studies Chapter 3 | Other policies and regulations

3.1 Area Based Planning Norms

There has been increasing number of policies,

programs and plans that indicate the need for Area
A. Land Pooling Policy:
Based Planning. The object and key provisions of Case of Guwahati
these Area Plans are discussed in this Section. Metropolitan Area
Also note, Guidebook II details a simplified
process, outputs and key performance indicators Owing to shortage of land for infrastructure
of such policies, programs and plans. development and difficulty in its acquisition, the
Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority
Policies for Area Planning concerned with diverse (GMDA) has notified Land Pooling Policy for
building blocks of Form Based Codes are: Guwahati Metropolitan Area, 2025. This policy
1. Norms and guidelines for Area Based involves transfer of ownership to land pooling
Planning agency and a part of it is returned to the owner.
• Land Pooling Policy (Case of Guwahati)
• Parking policy (Case of Pune) 1. The norms for Land Pooling involves
• TOD policy (Case of Uttar Pradesh) categorization for land assembly into:
• Green Development Area policy (Case of • Category I - 100 bigha and above land
Delhi) assembled through Developer Entity.
• Electric vehicle policy (Case of Delhi) • Category II - Land assembled by Land
• Waste management policy (Case of Indore) Pooling Agency from many land owners.
• Solar Power policy (Case of Telangana) Land to be returned to respective land owners
• Solar Power policy (Case of Tamil Nadu) and Developer Entities within 5km of pooled
2. Norms and guidelines for Public Space land subject to planning requirements.
• Street Design Guidelines (Case of Pune)
• Treatment and Design of Waterbodies 2. Development Control Norms
(Case of Delhi) • FAR 400 for group housing.
3. Norms and guidelines for Plot/Building • 15% of residential FAR for EWS housing. Fig. 18: Gazette Notification for Land Pooling Policy for GMDA
• Green Building Policy (Case of • Commercial and PSP FAR as per GMDA’s Source: https://gmda.assam.gov.in/sites/default/files/swf_
Maharashtra) norms. utility_folder/departments/gmda_webcomindia_org_oid_4/
• Conservation of Heritage Buildings/ • Off street parking - 2 ECS/100 sqm of Built menu/document/Gazette%20Notification%20No.%2053%20
Up area (residential developer entity) dt.%2026-02-16%20-Land%20Pooling%20Policy%20for%20
Precincts/Natural Features (Case of Pune)
• Off street parking - 0.5 ECS/100 sqm of
Norms and Guidelines for Plot to Public Space Built Up area (EWS housing)
Interface- • Basement upto 2m from plot line allowed.
• Tradeable FAR allowed for development
Today, norms and guidelines for design of (tradeable in the same planning zone for
interface between the plots/buildings and public projects above 30 bigha).
space are absent in the absolute sense. Cities that
have initiated the modernization of Building bye- 3. Land Use distribution under this policy
laws are addressing the norms for the design and • Gross Residential - 51%
treatment of such interfaces as follows: • Commercial - 5%
• Plot Frontages; • Industrial - 5%
• Building Line; • Recreational - 15%
• Building Facade. • Public and Semi Public - 12%
• Roads and Circulation - 12%

60 61
Background Studies Chapter 3 | Other policies and regulations

B. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Policy (Draft): C. Green Development Area Policy:
Case of Uttar Pradesh Case of Delhi
The aim of the policy is to promote mix of uses, pedestrianization, NMT streets and shared common Delhi`s Green Development Area (GDA) Policy focuses on preparation of Integrated GDA plan and
spaces. Uttar Pradesh’s TOD Policy’ 2022 delineates TOD Zones based on spatial geometry such as framework for development areas such as green belts and low density residential areas and plots. The
Transit Corridors and Radial Transit Zones and includes identification of high potential areas other policy prescribes FAR and landscape guidelines to create city-level hubs for green living and recreation
than the respective TOD Zones. These high potential areas will be demarcated in the Master Plan. with special focus on green economy. The GDA policy also promotes food production and horticulture
The policy also requires preparation of Zonal Plans for approval of TOD projects. This policy provides to ensure food security at regional level and a regional-level environmental buffer to tackle the impacts
exhaustive Value Capture Finance mechanism including fund management to support the improvement of environmental changes.
in infrastructure.

1. Guiding Principles 3. Special conditions for Farmhouses

Transit Project TOD Zone • Delineation of GDA boundary. Special guidelines for farmhouses based on:
• Replacement of earlier provisions for Green • Right of Way (RoW)
Lucknow Metro Corridor TOD • Access road width
Kanpur Metro Corridor TOD • Comprehensive framework defining mix of • Setbacks
uses and density for green development. • Maximum Built Up area
Radial TOD zone on
Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS • Environmentally sustainable development • Building height
RRTS Stations
norms for land owners. • Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Meerut Metro Corridor TOD • Connectivity and infrastructure for areas
Agra Metro Corridor TOD
within and around GDA. 4. Provision of infrastructure and connectivity
• Provision of three grades of development. in the GDA
• Private initiative for land development in • Preparation of GIS-based Integrated GDA
Table 25: TOD Zones, TOD Policy, Uttar Pradesh
GDA. plan.
Components of Zonal Plan for TOD zones Proposals and Projections • Development of service providing agencies. • Integration with Master Plan and Zonal
• Situation analysis • Preparation of proposed Land Use map.
2. Applicable norms • Provision of physical and social
• Delineation of TOD Zone boundary. • Implementation of proposals of Master Plan in
The norms define three grades of development infrastructure.
• Demand and Gap Assessment. Zonal Plan.
based on: • Development of zonal roads.
• Co-ordination with different departments and • Building Bye-Laws for TOD Zone.
• Land area
integration with projects and schemes. • Identification of redevelopment projects/areas.
• Road access 5. Implementation Framework
• GIS-based mapping of physical and social • Improvement of physical and social
• Green rating • Single-Window System for GDA policy
infrastructure (existing and proposed). infrastructure.
• Permitted activities implementation.
• Land Ownership details. • Market feasibility analysis of existing and
• Online portal for Green Development
• Traffic and Transportation survey. proposed TOD projects.
• Study of proposals of Master Plans and • Consultation with stakeholders.
• Suitable incentives for landowners.
respective Sector Plans.
• Study of current, floating and expected
Population distribution and density.
• Calculation of FAR distribution as per TOD
• Develop Traffic and Transportation Model,
reflecting expected infrastructure facilities as a
result of TOD development.

62 63
Background Studies Chapter 3 | Other policies and regulations

D. Parking Policy:
Case of Pune Municipal Corporation

Fig. 19: Sizing up parking space (ITDP Street Design Fig. 20: Parking Zone Map, Pune Fig. 21: Pune Public Parking Policy, Pune
Source: https://www.pmc.gov.in/sites/default/files/project- Source: https://www.pmc.gov.in/sites/default/files/project- Source: https://www.pmc.gov.in/sites/default/files/project-
glimpses/PMC-public-parking-policy-English-revised- glimpses/PMC-public-parking-policy-English-revised- glimpses/PMC-public-parking-policy-English-revised-
March2016-Final.pdf March2016-Final.pdf March2016-Final.pdf

“ One car parking occupies space equivalent to With the change in occupational pattern and Municipal Corporation of Pune has developed The Parking Demand Management includes:
one affordable housing unit in India. It is important economic growth, urban India has experienced a policy for traffic and parking (demand) • Creation of parking districts
to prioritize people and not cars while supplying rise in aspirations and private motor vehicles. This management and to increase reach of public • On and off street parking management
parking spaces in the city “ has increased the demand for on and off-street transport network. The policy specifies targets • Off-street parking structures
parking in core areas of cities. The space wasted to reduce traffic during peak hours in the Central • Technology for on and off-street parking
and cost of infrastructure for parking facilities, Business District and other dense parts of the city. • Parking Pricing
come at a disproportionately high expense to the Pune has been divided into 3 parking zones based • Organizational structure for implementing
exchequer. on intensity of development which have different parking policy
demands for traffic and parking. The base rates • Enforcement, police involvement and
Due to exponential rise in vehicles count annually, for on-street parking varies in different parking supporting measures
the supply for parking infrastructure always proves zones. • Parking revenue management
inadequate. This encourages unauthorized and
adhoc parking spaces inconveniencing the public
and adding to pollution and congestion levels. To
address this situation, some urban local bodies
have devised parking policies to regulate demand.

64 65
Background Studies Chapter 3 | Other policies and regulations

E. Electric Vehicle Policy: F. National Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste
Case of Delhi Management
1. Guiding principles for implementation of Increase in waste generation in cities have led the
Delhi EV Policy Govt. of India to undertake multiple initiatives at
• Consultative approach national level for its efficient management. The
• Time-bound policy implementation National Action Plan for Solid Waste management
• Equitable access to infrastructure/ services in compliance with Hon’ble National Green Tribunal
• Technology and business model agnostic Order Dated 5th February, 2015 in the Matter of OA
approach No. 199 of 2014, Almitra H. Patel & Anr. Vs Union of
• Dedicated funding source India & Ors. enlists indicative measures for States
• Dedicated institutional setup and Union Territories to adopt. These measures
may be used as guidelines for the individual urban
2. Pillars of Delhi’s EV policy local bodies across India.
• Driving EV adoption
• Charging Infrastructure The proposed action plan for formulation and
• Recycling Ecosystem implementation:
• Funding i. Quantum of waste generation,
• Job Creation ii. Indicative action plan and
• Policy Implementation iii. Suggested/ Indicative guidelines for drafting
DPR / Plan to implement and accordingly
3. Delhi’s approach to incentive design estimate cost to accomplish target.
The policy includes purchase incentives for various
vehicle segments: Components to be covered for action plan and
• Incentives to improve cost parity of EVs indicative guidelines include:
Buses • Collection of Waste
• Promote scrapping of old and more • Segregation of waste
polluting vehicles • Storage of Waste
Fig. 22: Electric Vehicle Policy, Delhi • Motor vehicle tax exemptions • Transportation of waste Fig. 23: National Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste
Source: https://ev.delhi.gov.in/files/Accelerating-Electric- • Technology-agnostic incentive allocation Management
• Processing of waste
Mobility-in-Delhi8497bf.pdf • Facilitating financing for EVs • Disposal of waste Source: https://cpcb.nic.in/uploads/MSW/Action_plan.pdf

• Rehabilitation or reclamation of dump sites

4. Purchase Incentives
To align towards sustainability and affordability The policy also includes purchase incentives for
various vehicle segments:
G. Waste Management Policy: Case of Indore Municipal
wrt. urban mobility, the Government of Delhi has
• Electric 2 wheelers Corporation
formulated the Electronic Vehicle Policy to promote
and increase the consumption of EVs upto 24% • Auto-rickshaws and good carriers
Indore Municipal Corporation has divided the • Waste Generation and Segregation
of the total vehicle usage by 2024. This aims to • E-Rickshaw
city into 19 zones and 85 wards wherein all the • Waste Collection and Transportation
improve the air quality by reducing emissions from • E-Carts
households are covered by the door-to-door • Weighbridge facility
vehicles thereby improving the quality of life in • E-Cars
collection system. The high waste generating • Waste Processing
Urban Environment. • Buses
areas are catered by bulk collection system.
Solid Waste Management in Indore is carried out
The detailed aspects of Indore’s Solid Waste in different stages namely:
Management Policy: • Primary Collection
• Secondary Collection

66 67
Background Studies Chapter 3 | Other policies and regulations

H. Solar Power Policy: I. Solar Power Policy:

Case of Telangana Case of Tamil Nadu
All governments have shifted their attention to The Tamil Nadu Solar Energy Policy emanates
renewable and clean energy sources, like Solar from the Special Report on Global Warming (SR
Power. The latter is believed will relieve the power 15, 2018) by the Intergovernmental Panel for
grid and shift the demand onto non-renewable Climate Change (IPCC) that estimates a 1.5° C
sources of energy. To efficiently manage the rise in global temperature.
growing demand for power leading to rapidly
depleting conventional sources of power, the To address this situation, the Government of
Govt. of India seeks to increase solar capacity to Tamil Nadu has formulated their policy intending
100 GW by 2022 and 200 GW by 2050. To achieve to drastically reduce carbon dioxide emissions by
this, government has set various regulatory de-carbonising the existing energy systems. It also
mechanisms and policy interventions. incentivizes promotion of Solar Energy systems.

Telangana has huge potential in generating solar In order to implement the policy guidelines, the
energy as the state receives adequate sunshine following framework has been adopted:
over 300 days a year. Government here is • Provision of Solar Energy Vision
implementing the Telangana Solar Power Policy • Enlisting the policy objectives
2015 to efficiently generate solar power. • Defining the scope of the policy
• Defining solar energy targets
To encourage generation of solar power and • Legislative framework for policy
ensure EoDB, provisions for the Solar Rooftop • Solar Energy grid feed-in
Projects and Solar Parks have been prepared. • Solar Energy feed-in tariffs
Their key features are as follows: • Solar Energy Implementation models
• Expeditious approvals through single- • Solar Energy mandates and programs
window clearance • Incentives
• Conversion to Non-agricultural land status • Grid connectivity and energy evacuation
Fig. 24: Solar Power Policy, Telangana • Exemption from Land Ceiling Act • Awareness creation, education and Fig. 25: Tamil Nadu Solar Energy Policy, Tamil Nadu
Source: https://www.tssouthernpower.com/
• Transmission and Distribution charges for capacity building Source: https://teda.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/
telanganastatesolarpowerpolicy wheeling of power • Solar Energy research SOLARPOLICY2019.pdf
• Power scheduling and Energy Banking • Monitoring and Evaluation
• Electricity Duty • Highlighting the role of state agencies
• Cross subsidy Surcharge
• Bill settlement
• Grid Connectivity and Evacuation facility
• Payment of Development Charges and
Layout fee and permission from Gram
• Refund of VAT
• Refund of Stamp Duty
• Open Access
• PCB clearances
• Provisions under the Factories act

68 69
Background Studies Chapter 3 | Other policies and regulations

3.2 Public Space Norms

A. Street Design Guidelines:

Public Space comprises streets, green areas/ Case of Pune
plazas and water bodies. The current policy
Urban Street Design Guidelines have been
framework includes guidelines and norms for
prepared in addition to other studies and projects
streets wherein different cities have adopted
related to Comprehensive Urban Mobility in
street-design guidelines. On the other hand,
accordance with the National Urban Transport
design guidelines for green areas/plazas, water
Policy (2006). The ultimate aim of these guidelines
bodies and waterfronts are absent and the design
is to enable easy implementation of street design
for green areas/plazas and water bodies are
by standardizing the regulations based on different
conceived as part of public projects.
street types and elements. The preparation of
Urban Street Design Guidelines is a priority of
Therefore cities need to formulate, adopt and
the Pune Municipal Corporation to enhance the
implement guidelines for different components of
quality of urban streetscape by focusing on various
public space mentioned above. The guidelines
features related to walkability and transportation.
should emanate from the Area Based Planning Fig. 26: Urban Street Design Guidelines, Pune
approach with respect to Blue Green Network plan Urban Street Design Guidelines, Pune provide Source: https://www.itdp.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/
as laid out in the CBA plan. design norms for following elements of streets- Urban-street-design-guidelines.pdf

Pedestrian Related Elements

1. Footpath Carriageway Elements
2. Railings 1. Carriageway design
3. Bollards 2. Shoulders
4. Universal accessibility for footpaths 3. Road markings
5. At grade pedestrian crossing 4. Traffic Signage
6. Mid block crossing 5. Traffic signals
7. Pedestrian refuge island 6. Universal design for traffic signal
8. Grade separated pedestrian crossings 7. Medians
9. Pedestrian Signals 8. BRT lanes
10. Universal accessibility- Tactile paving 9. Traffic calming measures
11. Universal accessibility-Curb ramp and slope 10. Speed breakers
Road Side Elements
12. Universal design for pedestrian grade
1. Multi-Utility Zone (MUZ)
2. Bus stops
Cycle Related Elements 3. Street Lights
1. Cycle track 4. Tree Plantation
2. Intersection design for cyclists 5. Hoardings, Advertisements
3. Cycle box 6. On street parking
4. Merging - de-merging cycle lane 7. Parking Bay design
5. Paint marking cycle priority lane 8. Auto rickshaw stands
9. Utilities and Services
1. Curb extensions Other Elements
2. Turning radius 1. Storm water management
3. Channelizer 2. Street furniture
4. Roundabouts 3. Garbage containers
5. Tight turns 4. Public toilet
6. Universal accessibility for intersection and 5. Universal design for street furniture and street
crossing signage

70 71
Background Studies Chapter 3 | Other policies and regulations

B. Treatment and Design of Waterbodies: C. Stormwater Master Plan:

Case of Delhi Case of Pune
Vision and Objectives Stormwater Master Plan aims to reduce urban
flooding events in the city by integrating the policy
1. Substantial enhancement of water quality of with existing building permissions, which protect
water bodies the natural water bodies and provide appropriate
2. Ground water recharge size for clean water passage.
3. Enhanced capacity for accommodating
monsoon flows, thereby mitigating local Some principles recommended in the Storm
flooding water Management Master Plan of Pune are-
4. Provision of much needed public space for all
irrespective of gender / age • Identification of roads and streams/ nallahs
5. Positive impact on local micro-climate that will drain the watershed.
6. Enhanced value of nearby properties • Demarcation of nodes on the network.
7. Improvement of social conditions and public • Design as per Central Public Health and
health of the surrounding areas Environmental Engineering Organization Fig. 28: Stormwater Master Plan, Pune
(CPHEEO) manual.
Source: https://www.pmc.gov.in/sites/default/files/project-
Approach • Catchments area to be classified depending
on the proposed land use of the area.
1. Cleaning of a water body • Rational formula to be used for calculation of
2. Restoring the ecological value of a water body flood flow.
3. Creating Economic value for the city • Hydraulic capacity of the drains to be computed
by using Manning’s Formula.
Principles & Priorities • Proposed Land use as per Development Plan
(DP) to be considered for design.
1. Cleaning of the existing water body to ensure • Adequacy of existing nalla and drains to be
Fig. 27: SOP for Restoration and Management of Existing water quality meets the standards prescribed checked and adequate size of drains to be
Water Bodies, Delhi by the Water Quality Assessment Authority, designed.
Government of India.
Source: https://cityoflakesdelhi.com/wp-content/
2. Trapping and cleaning of existing water inlets
Water-Bodies_FINAL.pdf into the water body.
3. Removal of historical sludge and its
Addressing the abuse of natural water bodies management
in the region of Delhi caused by pollutants from 4. Creation of enhanced capacity to hold
gray water from areas without sewer management monsoon flows on the site.
infrastructure, encroachments and dryness of 5. Restoration of the larger catchment of the
lakes, the Delhi Jal Board has prepared a Standard water body and its reconnection to the water
Operating Procedure (SOP) for the restoration body to increase collection of storm water.
and management of existing water bodies with the 6. Where appropriate, creation of ghats in an
aim to restore, rejuvenate and preserve natural environmentally friendly manner.
water bodies and wetlands. The case of Rajokri 7. Creation of ecologically designed easy to
Lake rejuvenation has been used as a reference maintain landscapes for public use.
for preparing SOPs for restoring water bodies 8. Putting in place management regimes that are
involving multiple stakeholders. sustainable for the long term.

72 73
Background Studies Chapter 3 | Other policies and regulations

D. Stormwater Management Policy:

Case of Coimbatore, Marutha Nagar Bio Park


Fig. 29: Manual on Stormwater Drainage Systems (Vol. I & II)

Source: http://cpheeo.gov.in/cms/manual-on-storm-water-

The Manual on Stormwater Drainage Systems

Volumes I and II, are to address the urban flooding
in cities by managing surface water runoff and
establishing a storm water drainage network.
Volume I of the manual guides survey, planning and
design considerations for drainage systems and
recharge structures and highlights case examples.
Volume II consists of operation, maintenance and
management of stormwater drainage systems,
stormwater recharge structures, pumping stations,
etc. and emphasizes on inspection, analysis and
constant monitoring.

Fig. 30: Demonstration of Sponge Performance, Marutha

Nagar bio-park, Coimbatore

74 75
Background Studies Chapter 3 | Other policies and regulations

3.3 Plot and Building Development

A. Green Building Norms: B. Conservation of Heritage Buildings/Precincts/

Case of Maharashtra Natural features: Case of Pune
To ensure the construction of green buildings in Development Control and Promotion 5. Grant of Transferable Development Rights
residential and commercial zones, the Govt. of Regulations for Pune Municipal Corporation to owners/lessees of heritage buildings/
Maharashtra has laid down the Green Building (DCPR-2017) heritage precincts
policy. This is with an objective to incentivize Source: https://www.pmc.gov.in/sites/default/files/DCR_ Compensation for FSI to be provided in the
developers and buyers to invest in Green Buildings. PUNE_FINAL.pdf form of Transferable Development Rights
(TDR) to the respective owners, as mentioned
Vision Pune Municipal Corporation has laid out guidelines in the TDR regulations.
“ We envision an urban Maharashtra with a thriving for the conservation of assets of historic and
construction sector as a backbone for economic cultural significance such as heritage buildings, 6. Maintaining Skyline
progress while balancing environmental concerns heritage precincts and natural features in the Listed buildings and Heritage precincts to
and setting new benchmarks for sustainability. " Development Control and Promotion Regulations, maintain the skyline as defined by the Heritage
2017. The DCPR (2017) includes formation of Conservation Committee in consultation with
Scope Heritage Conservation Committee to detail out the the local public and Municipal Commissioner.
The policy covers future developments such guidelines related to treatment of built heritage
as commercial buildings, residential buildings, and allied features such as signage control. The 7. Restrictive Covenants
offices, IT parks, banks, shopping malls, hotels, guidelines also include incentive uses for heritage The restrictive regulations on the leasehold
hospitals, airports, stadiums, convention centers, buildings and grading of heritage assets. plots to continue as per the existing regulations.
educational institutions (colleges, universities), However, in case of conflict between the
libraries, museums, etc. stakeholders, the restrictive covenants to
Fig. 31: Green Building Policy, Maharashtra 1. Applicability
Source: https://maharashtra.mygov.in/en/task/maharashtra- The guidelines are applicable to assets such 8. Grading of the listed buildings/Listed
green-building-policy/ as Heritage Buildings, Heritage Precincts and Precincts
Natural features. The guidelines give authority to the Municipal
The incentives are laid down wrt different Commissioner to classify the heritage buildings
stakeholders: 2. Preparation of List of Heritage Buildings, into Grade-I, II and III.
• Developers: Government provides rebates on • Consumers: Consumers are entitled to Heritage Precincts and Natural Features
development charges to developers seeking property tax rebate for a period of five years The list is prepared by consultation between 9. Signs and outdoor display structures
Green Building certification according to the from receiving the Occupancy Certificate the Municipal Commissioner and Heritage The display and advertising signages to be
rating secured. based on the Green Building rating of the Conservation Committee. prepared conforming the Part X of National
property. Building Code.
3. Restriction on development,
Redevelopment/repairs etc. 10. Composition of Heritage Conservation
Development, redevelopment and repair Committee
works, etc. to be performed only by due The Heritage Conservation Committee to be
consultation between the local public, Municipal constituted by the Municipal Commissioner
Commissioner and Heritage Conservation comprising of members defined in the
Committee. guidelines.

4. Incentive uses for Heritage Buildings 11. Heritage Conservation Fund

Table 26: Incentives for developers, Green Building Policy, Table 27: Incentives for consumers, Green Building Policy, Commercial/Office Use of the heritage building The funds for maintenance and repair of
Maharashtra Maharashtra
to be done only by prior approval from the Heritage assets to be maintained, at the
Source: https://www.maharashtra.gov.in/Site/Upload/ Source: https://www.maharashtra.gov.in/Site/Upload/
Acts%20Rules/Marathi/Notification%20for%20Green%20 Acts%20Rules/Marathi/Notification%20for%20Green%20 Heritage Conservation Committee and the disposal of Municipal Commissioner.
Building%20Policy.pdf Building%20Policy.pdf Municipal Commissioner.

76 77
Background Studies Chapter 3 | Other policies and regulations

C. Development Regulation provisions for Heritage

Conservation : Case of Chennai
The provisions for Development Regulations 1. Criteria for Listing of Heritage Buildings 3. Major provisions relating to heritage
for Heritage Conservation emanates from the and Precincts conservation in the Development
critique of general Heritage Conservation norms, A. Historical Regulations
understanding the feasibility and applicability • Date / Period of construction • No development, redevelopment or repair
thereby acknowledging the need for city specific • Trends exhibited by the building work allowed without prior permission.
guidelines and norms. It regulates treatment of • Associated with events • MS, CMDA to act in consultation with the
Heritage buildings at the city level by providing • Associated with persons Heritage Conservation Committee.
guidelines related to identification of heritage B. Architectural • Changes, repairs, additions, alterations and
buildings and criteria for grading. It also includes • Design renovations of religious buildings based on
framework for actions and implementation with • Style religious codes laid down in sacred texts
the involvement of concerned authorities and • Designer/Builder are permitted, in accordance with original
stakeholders. The policy also provides incentives • Physical conditions structure, architecture, designs, aesthetics
and compensation for land owners in the form of • Design Integrity and other special features.
TDR. C. Cultural
• Community Context 4. Grading of listed buildings/precincts
SEQUENCE OF ACTIONS • Grade-I: Heritage buildings/precincts of
1. Finalizing the evaluation criteria. 2. Screening of heritage buildings national or historical importance (Minimal
2. Public Notification inviting suggestions for • Screening of Heritage buildings and changes allowed only if necessary).
heritage conservation. precincts with reconnaissance survey. • Grade-II: Heritage buildings/precincts
3. Involvement of different stakeholders and • Inventory making and photo documentation. of regional or local importance (Internal
consultation. • Further screening followed by evaluation changes and adaptive reuse to be allowed).
4. Public notification of initial draft list. and overall rating. • Grade-III: Important for town spaces
5. Consultation with owners of draft listed • Categorization into Grade I, II and III based (External and internal changes and
buildings and precincts. on overall rating. adaptive reuse to be allowed).
6. Multiple public consultation workshops
within the Metropolitan area. 5. TDR
Fig. 32: Development Regulation provisions for Heritage 7. Re-examine the list based on suggestions • Private owner to be compensated in
Conservation, Chennai case of rejection of development rights in
and place it before Heritage Conservation
Source: https://www.pmc.gov.in/sites/default/files/DCR_ Committee. Heritage buildings/Precincts.
PUNE_FINAL.pdf 8. Final approval and Gazette notification.
6. Repair Fund
• Separate repair fund to be created at the
disposal of MS, CMDA for disbursement
in consultation with Heritage Conservation

78 79
Expert Reviews
This chapter includes the comments received from
the expert reviewers. The Guidebook and SOPs have
been updated to address the inputs from reviewers.

80 81
Background Studies Chapter 4 | Expert Review

4.1 Comments from Expert Reviewers

lesser focus on building use than conversional in the context of India. Following a basic
zoning regulations. This explanation may also law of economics, when the supply of new
A. Expert Reviewer- R. Sriniwas, be included. dwelling units either plotted or group housing
Urban Planning Advisor, MoHUA, GOI, Ex-Chief Town Planner, TCPO, New Delhi in a neighborhood goes down, the price of
• Character based Layout Plan Application housing invariably increases. This needs to
• It is important to map the CBALP especially desirable to amend certain building regulations Requirement, its approval process and be addressed once Form Based codes are
with regard to plot level details. For greenfield by removing contradictions by an amendment approval criteria needs to be elaborated. It adopted.
planned townships, the digital records are for ‘removal of Ground coverage’ with modified would be desirable that step-by-step Process
normally available, however, for brownfield setbacks. Evidence: work out Area Statement for Character based Layout Plan approval to • The true intent of the form-based approach is to
towns , the digital records especially the legacy of Project plots and height. be highlighted. The approval authority has reorient the planning process to regulate only
data of land and property are not available. to be clearly stated and who will convey the the public realm – the scale and mass of the
Hence, it is imperative to have the digital • In the consultation process, it would be approval and at what hierarchic level. All layout building, its setbacks, height and integration with
records. Plot level inventory can facilitate the desirable to identify the stakeholders. Table 1 submission to be made online with minimum the pedestrian and automobile environments. A
extent of redevelopment/retrofit which may be need to include the stakeholders viz., Resident documentation in order to bring the ease in the Form Based Code is not intended to regulate
proposed based on adopting the FBC. Welfare Associations/Community Building approval process. the private realm, which would be how the
Organizations/Elected Ward Representatives. building is used, its aesthetics, colors, design,
• The concerned report clearly need to bring out • Presently as Indian cities follow Building bye- internal components, and so on. Hence it may
the difference between a layout plan and local • Indian cities have well laid zoning regulations laws or Development Control Regulations be perceived as design oriented not planning
area plan and the FBC will be applicable in which also encourages mixed uses. Form- which have pan city enforcements, while Form oriented by the State TCP Departments.
both the case. The LAP can explicitly tell about based code that requires complying with Based codes have to be applied in accordance
areas conducive for redevelopment or retrofit extensive, predetermined design standards as with neighborhood or community needs which • The interpretation should not become a
depending on the existing condition of buildings well as a lengthy process of public review and will be area specific. The enforcement of FBC conflict point as it is quite possible people may
and while the layout plan can precisely tell subsequent approval should rather be a quick should avoid subjective interpretation. Hence,to oppose redevelopment and there may not be
the configuration of plots and arrangement of process duly taking into consideration of above begin with the applicability should rather be at any unanimity amongst them towards form
buildings, roads, pedestrian/cycle track, open mentioned stakeholders. ward level. based code. However, it is quite possible it may
spaces, and other infrastructure within a larger witness increase in property related litigations.
area such as a neighborhood. There is a need • It has to be ensured that FBC which require • The performance parameters have been Alternatively, through Area based strategies,
to identify FBC Area or Zone depending on private buildings to shape public space through mentioned but how the FBC shall emphasize we can have area specific regulations that
development typology and area characteristic. the use of building form standards with specific standards and parameters are to be quantified could be dovetailed with FBC.
requirements for building placement. Hence, in for form with predictable physical outcomes
• The adoption of FBC on area basis should this regard consensus building becomes crucial (build-to lines, frontage type requirements, etc.) • The key to this approach would be in
demarcate the CBALB based on existing for the overall betterment of the society. rather than relying on numerical parameters distinguishing between form and aesthetics
property lines, streets and public space (FAR, density, etc.) whose outcomes are rather in building design. Planners normally focuses
boundaries , important landmarks etc. The • It would be desirable to include a section difficult to predict. on building elements that are defined, such
report may add that how the application of (preferably in tabular form) on Concept of as height, ground coverage , setbacks and
drone can facilitate effective implementation Form Based Codes clearly explaining how they • The reports do mention regarding Economically the placement of entry and exits, rather than
of FBC. Drones have extremely high accuracy, are different from conventional Master Plan Weaker Section or Affordable Housing. How on subjective elements like architectural style,
with aerial mapping reaching centimeter-level Regulations/Development Control Regulations this can be facilitated especially if there is a color and design. Hence, the FBC needs to
accuracy and mapping accuracy generally as the latter traditionally focused on the proposal for in-situ redevelopment ? address this issue.
reaching 1:1000. However, generation of plot segregation of land-use types, permissible
maps at a scale of 1:500.The plot maps shall property uses, and the control of development • Form Based cost in its practice may vary widely • What could be the road map of adoption
comprise of base map overlain by different intensity through simple numerical parameters from one neighbourhood to the other, and may and how the State TCP Departments/Urban
layers of topographical features, man-made (e.g., FAR, dwellings per acre, height limits, have implications on housing costs, market Development Authorities/ Urban Local Bodies
structures, land parcel information, ward/zone setbacks, parking standards). rents and economic development. If a form- can adopt especially when Master Plan process
boundary information, etc. based code is drafted by the ULBs /UDAs and in the country realizing the Euclidean zoning
• How FBC creates a predictable public realm by put into effect in a way that allows politicians to non-segregated and mixed uses to ensure
• Form-based codes emphasize the appearance including specific standards for the design of and other stakeholders to micro-manage every efficiency in land use. Perhaps ,understanding
and qualities of the public realm, the places streets and open spaces, and focusing primarily element of a development proposal, it may needs to be developed that by FBC, more land
created by buildings. Hence, it would be on the physical form of development, with a become a barrier to the efficient entry of real would be under the public realm and bring more
estate investment into a local market especially efficiency in land use pattern

82 83
Background Studies Chapter 4 | Expert Review

B. Expert Reviewer- Dr. Sujata Govada, should be to promote transit and pedestrian
oriented development and avoiding car
• Is it possible to include transit friendly
Urban Designer, Founding Director of the Institute for Sustainable Urbanisation (ISU), CEO/ streets, paving, landscaping, utilities, waste
Managing Director of UDP International (Hong Kong, China, India, Philippines and USA) dependence. management, signage and wayfinding in Street
Design Regulations.
Overall • FBCs to be climate responsive and addressing • Any bonus plot ratio through relaxation of
• The effort put in to develop the FBC Guidebook resilience while integrating natural and built building heights etc should be done more for • It should be Waterfront Design Regulations, as
and the SOPs is commendable, the documents resources is good. public good rather than private gain. Water Front Design Regulations seems odd.
are well written and illustrated with simple
graphics. • FBCs to create 24x7 walkable, safe and • Good to indicate the different type of CBALP • It should be Open Space and Green Areas
comfortable and liveable urban environment is overlays it should be Outdoor Space Plan of rather than Open Green Areas and how about
FBC Guidebook good. Open Space Plan. Also consider having indoor including public space or public realm not just
• FBCs should not just cater to plot owners, open spaces or public rooms like in Singapore, limiting to within properties.
developers and administrators, they should • There is a tendency for FBCs to create similar but these need to be managed and maintained
also think about the people, community looking plans, this should be avoided so you well thought. • Use of CBALPs and URFs and PDCs to
representatives, NGOs etc. can create context sensitive sustainable implement and regulate FBCs is good, although
developments. • It is good you have indicated the timeline for the Build Institutional Capacity is mentioned, it
• The city should have a common vision developed preparation of CBALPs needs more a little more elaboration and detail
with community involvement to begin with and • The emphasis should be on walkability in should be included so agencies understand
city level principles and strategies formulated India cities before getting into liveability and • A bit more introduction to CBA and URF might the need and importance of capacity building
within FBCs can be prepared. resilience. be good so users understand the background as well as community engagement. FBCs to
rather than getting into definitions directly. be accepted will require a lot of sensitisation
• Integration of FBCs in the Planning Process is • Recommendation for hybrid and advanced through capacity building workshops within
indicated clearly, but the relationship of FBCs FBCs is good, but ideally these should tie into • Using a generic template to explain the CBAs institutions as well as workshops for the
with respect to existing zoning of the area the city vision, strategies and principles for and URFs is good, but perhaps it could be community and various stakeholders so there
should be clear and implementation will take specific areas along with the preparation of larger area as the chosen template seems too is a sense of ownership only then FBCs can
time and may happen in a phased manner. CBALP as well as the formulation of UFR. simple and small in area also the CBD area successfully be implemented.
seems much smaller in contrast, and typically
• Noted that the implementation of FBCs is a • The graphics are good and easy to understand. TOD should be in the CBD area which should • Digital Dynamic CBA platform properly
consultative process and good to recognize The proposed integration of FBCs with the be larger as well and there should be more supported by IT services is important for users to
that it may vary from place to place and needs planning and regulatory framework is clear but open space and green area in your template. be able to access FBCs and related information
to developed by the concerned local authorities maybe good to have a time frame to indicate but also to ensure it is EoDB friendly. Yes,
working together with various stakeholders how long it will take. • The type of transit or the lack of it also defines Singapore is a good example for this.
based on the specific context. Applying same the character of an area in addition to public
codes across the board for various cities or for • CBAs definition is clear especially with existing open space, interface between plots/buildings • PDCs is in an easy to understand format so
different areas within the city may not work wel.l local examples, but it would be good to indicate and open space . it will be useful for various users, perhaps the
how small or large these areas can be, would graphic can be misread as 100% site coverage
• Using as performance oriented and area based be good as well. • FBCs also need to promote transit and is permissible. Also, it would be good to show a
approach for FBCs with a Dynamic portal pedestrian oriented development to be more couple PDC example one low rise and another
offering flexibility is good so that the codes are • What is it going to cost to develop and implement successful otherwise difficult to deal with issues for high rise development as well.
not too prescriptive and rigid. FBCs and how long will it take to get this done related to car dependence, traffic congestion
and where will the funding come from, it would and pollution. • Again, as is the case with CBA and URF it will
• Seems to be focussed on market responsive be good to tie these in rather than just talking be good to give a little more introduction for
urban development for value maximization, about benefits. • Be careful with abbreviations, better to use PDCs as well rather than starting with definition.
it should not be just economic value, more PPPW for Public Pedestrian Passage Way
importantly social value and ecological value • Good to consistently mention walkability along and PVPW for Public Vehicular Passage Way • FBC Readiness Checklist is good but there
should be considered and given enough with liveability so that you are addressing the rather then PPP which refers to Public Private could be cities that are barely ready or with less
weightage as well. issues currently plaguing many Indian cities Partnership and PVP which refers to Player than 25% readiness as well so good to have
such as traffic congestion, pollution. The aim Versus Player. these two perhaps 5% ready and 15% ready

84 85
Background Studies Chapter 4 | Expert Review

categories and good to indicate how long it will street and transport networks included as well SOP II
take to implement based on the % ready so as informal areas as well • Under Category C: Plots/ Buildings it is good to • Should also include maximize public benefit not
cities have an idea whether it takes less than 1 include set back, site coverage etc. just optimization of land and other resources.
year, 2 years or 3 years etc hopefully not longer • Good to see Consultation Process included
than that to implement FBCs. here as part of the preparation of CBALPs • Would it be more clear to say MR, MR(H) and • In some instances of adaptive reuse of heritage
indicating timeline as well. OR for Mandatory Regulations, Mandatory buildings, it may be good to allow limited
• It is good to have SOP I and SOP II to better Regulations for Heritage Areas and Optional sensitive additions to create better use of space
understand CBALPs and URFs can be • Good to see Community Building Program Regulations, but which are OR some of these while making the development viable without
prepared. But it will be helpful to have SOP for included in here, also good to encourage EWS could include incentives to ensure public reducing the character or heritage value of the
Capacity Building and Stakeholder engagement and affordable housing as part of performance benefit. site.
with Stakeholder Engagement Cards SECs indicators. Perhaps good to include education
as well as for community and various other and awareness as a performance indicator for • Shouldn’t the pedestrian pathway also form Conclusion
stakeholders as it is equally important to have community engagement as well. part of the open space and not necessarily the • It may be good to include an international and
the authorities and the community to be on road space. local pilot case study that have already been
board as well. • The graphics are simple and clear for CBA developed so users can better understand
overlays and good the Low Carbon Mobility • Good to have detailed typical street sections as how FBCs can contribute to better urban form
• Also good to set up an FBC Committee including Network Plan is included. So mention on transit well in addition to the local reference images. while helping to improve the quality of life of the
public sector, professionals, public sector, and mobility should be mentioned earlier in the people in cities in India.
academia and community members to ensure FBC guidebook as well. • Good universal accessibility is a requirement
that FBCs are developed and implemented for streets.
well. • Reclaiming not just land but also streets for
transit use, bikeways and pedestrian pathways • Also, good to include performance indicators
SOP -I etc is a way to discourage car usage as well and checklists consistently throughout as
• It is good that FBC approach is performance indicated in SOP I .
oriented but it should also focus on improving • Good to add indoor spaces of respite especially
the environment, quality of life of citizens in during inclement weather and using Green • Some typos need to be corrected for example
addition to optimization of resources while TDR is good. it should be still water in place of sill water and
being pedestrian and transit oriented, as well for in place of fro.
as environmentally friendly. • Checklists and Performance Indicators should
be included consistently for all overlay similar • 50% to 80% active street frontage is good could
• In the identification of special areas it could to that included for ROP. we push it to 60% to 90% to have streets that
also include pedestrian areas, waterfront areas are more engaging with continuity.
and heritage areas as well. • Multi-level Pedestrian linkages and open space
can be included as part of the Open Space • Additional regulations for heritage and high-
• Perhaps a line or two for data categories like Plan. density areas is much needed and is welcomed.
Public/ Private Ownership Map, Circle and
Market Rate Map, Land Use map, Built/Unbuilt/ • There should also be prioritization of • Not sure your graphic representation for plots/
Encroachment map similar to other categories, Development Plans as it may be difficult and buildings is accurate, the line should cover the
informal areas should be captured as well. unlikely that everything is developed at the buildings on the ground floor as well.
same time.
• In the analysis sections it is good to see existing • PPPWs can be maximized but PVPWs should
be minimized as much as possible rather than
be encouraged.

86 87
Background Studies Chapter 4 | Expert Review

C. Expert Reviewer- Dr. Ajay Khare, suitably develop FBC and UFRs.
The Property Development Card – is of great
regularization process of unauthorized / illegal
colonies as existing norms fall short in addressing
Prof. Ajay Khare, PhD (Leicester, UK), MArch.(York, UK), M. Arch. (SPA N.Delhi), FIIA
Professor (HAG) and Dean Research & Faculty Welfare help to those with property in Prohibited and these specific requirements. This is because
School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal, India. (Ministry of Education, Govt. of india) Regulated Areas. As the PDCs are applicable existing norms are land based and cannot provide
Former Member, National Monuments Authority, (Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India), even at plot level, it will very clearly articulate solutions for the strict requirements of social and
Former Director, (Founder) SPA Bhopal, (2009-2014) options of development at the very onset. This physical infrastructure, green area and even
will prevent the issues arising from ambiguity parking. Planning in such areas need to be based
The proposition in the documents ( Form Based leads to productivity (Ease of Doing Business and tentativeness due to complications in the on availability of resources, including space and
Codes) – i.e. to streamline the process of or EODB). It is therefore necessary to inform norms and even how monuments were notified hence look for customized negotiations (like the
transformation of brownfield sites can be a useful what can and cannot be achieved legally and originally. In fact – this is the essence of EoDB. requirement in Regulated and Prohibited areas).
tool for upgrading areas in and around monuments how to generate appropriate options.
and historic cities in general. ii. These codes can encourage Brownfield Therefore - keeping the above points in
Practical experience is – solutions cannot just regeneration, for example, say, a slum area. considerations, the proposed Codes are apt
To share an experience that highlights the be ‘height-based alone’; but rather a region (or Urban Regeneration – can happen only when for-
aforementioned - context) appropriate solution. Such solutions there is an incentive to plot owners. And, when i. .Area-Based Approach and
During my tenure at the National Monument shall take into cognisance of Form, Plot Area disincentivized – they will find ways of meeting ii. Smaller towns and cities. The latter types of
Authority, we were shouldered with the responsibility and the Buildable Volume – as a causal effect their requirements in a manner that neither towns and cities are the essence of the country,
to handle project applications to develop (new of each other and not in a standalone manner. help the area, nor the enforcement agencies. and their requirements are context driven.
construction in) the area defined as the Regulated The articulation and approach of this code, For plot owners to opt for the best option, the Such forms of Codes as proposed, respond
and Prohibited zones in the AMASR Act. The simplifies generation of options and buildable planning documents, need to articulate in to context-specificity and being solution-driven
number of applications were overwhelming and volumes – therefore creating a ground for a manner that is comprehensible for a non- are more compatible.
included areas with monuments that were both constructive negotiations and contextual technical person. The articulation in third
– famous and not; ranging in density. Now, most prioritization. dimension of the proposed documents is a Another word of note – is that these documents
Regulated zones of most urban areas do not For example – cases like Mumbai and Pune good solution, in filling this gap. Such forms of reflect learnings from Indian towns rather than
have Heritage byelaws responsive of heritage as (Shanivarwara) both have this dilemma. While graphical articulation appeal to all, irrespective “looking to the west”. It has captured how smaller
required as per AMASR Act. Few cities like Delhi, Mumbai may require a standalone treatment, of levels of literacy, and helps end-users towns have developed necessary customized
and in places like Jabalpur, where development the case of Pune required a priority on and stakeholders, visualize the potentials solutions (for example Gangtok) and how they
pressure are yet to manifest – were prioritized maintaining the visual lines. (including monetary returns) of a proposed have responded to ‘character-based areas’
over complex cases like Mumbai, Ahmedabad, - form of development. approach, through their layout planning process.
where the rate of transformation is extreme. Even Further, as the Codes are contextually driven, This is a very useful exercise.
these cities with Heritage Byelaws have a complex the layers in historic towns, which impart its Another example of note is the locations where
procedure of its application to facilitate essential characteristics can be included and responded metro-lines, especially in the case of underground Moving forward – besides the three-dimensional
need-based transformations. suitably. Which means, one evolves a format ones, local authorities are prioritizing on articulation, the Codes also embed need to have
of development where heritage is synonymous preparation of LAPs in such areas. This is because greater synergy between disciplines like Urban
Herein, comes the role of these Codes – which to upgradation/ better quality of development. the authorities (and stakeholders) have realized Planning and Design, Conservation, Landscaping,
can address two important aspects – that betterment charges alone is only a fraction to transform Indian cities. Integrated multi-
i. .
It synchronizes response to existing laws Another strong point of these codes is their of the benefits. The introduction of metro is likely disciplinary planning is the future of area planning
and regulations. Regulated area and its ability for directing this course of action is to bear higher benefits including improvement approaches. In fact – the New Education Policy
provisions regarding development control is enhanced by articulation in third dimension. of connectivity, revenue potential and other may just be able to address this gap in education by
under a Parliamentary Act. This cannot simply And, as these Codes can encourage externalities associated with it. This is especially removing silos of discipline by integrated learning
be overlooked (For example, in the case of regeneration, what can be hoped is that it true (and the reality) for tier 2 cities like Lucknow, and application. In fact, it will benefit the Planners
Regulated zone of Jogeshwari cave, Mumbai, provides the necessary support to develop Jaipur, Bhopal. In fact in the case of Bhopal – and all stakeholders concerned with mandate of
the applicant had already received permits to historic settlements to sustain home-grown the Local Area Plans, are being used to manage city management to create a platform for evolving
construct 30 floors and had approached NMA and culture-based economies. For that matter development city in parts in-lieu of a Master Plan suitable (and logical) incentives and negotiations.
for permission / clearance.) wherein, projects even the inherent logic of the original layout (yet to be adopted and notified). The stakeholder engagement process may be
are not informed a-priori. The codes can serve including the wayfinding features, gradation furthered to delve into processes of guideline
to inform projects of compliances in advance, in densification and volumes etc – evident in Now, another form of pressure, where the preparations too, for development planning.
so that development is uninterrupted and our historic areas may be used as reasons to proposed Codes are applicable is to shape the

88 89
Background Studies Chapter 4 | Expert Review

D. Expert Reviewer- Dr. Sumana Bhattacharya, E. Expert Reviewer- SMH Adil,

Senior specialist in Climate Mitigation Strategies (IPCC) Senior Green Building and sustainability expert,
Built Environment Simulation Specialist, CEO, GEED
3. Mainstream sustainable form of development
Very good piece of work done and relevant through FBC. Indicate the benefits and how My sector specific inputs/ feedback on FBC
considering even the Hon` PM`s speech covered resilience and liveability is achieved through it. Guidebooks and SOP`s are as follows:
such topics. In this regard perhaps exploring more details
on how to achieve gender inclusivity, child 1. May address/ incorporate the following aspects
This is a non-prescriptive and handholding friendly, affordable housing, urban finance and in sections on Green Building and others:
tool to streamline the processes for brownfield economy, sponge cities, recharge areas, net i. Adoption of weather resilience and some
transformation and aligns with the new vision for zero et al, will help. sort of index
Indian cities, being promoted by the Government ii. Wind pattern and Natural ventilation
of India, MoHUA and other allied bodies/ missions 4. Introduction of urban gardening/ farming and iii. Surface/ Volume ration and related
like NIUA, GATI and JAL Shakti. While individual management of urban forests – People`s thermodynamics
agency/ Mission focus on isolated mandates the involvement in these aspects regulates urban iv. Window to wall ration
Guidebook and SOPs are providing an integrated environment. For example, during urban v. Adoption of high-performance computing
framework and have enlisted actions to achieve farming, people can grow small organic for optimisation
necessary outcomes. These documents, add to produce and superwise its quality. And, through vi. Problem definition and objective function
the repertoire without overriding existing ones. forestry management, specifically planting of vii. Disaster management, flood and
Infact, if we notice carefully, area-based exercises, native species, are instrumental to control air earthquake considerations
such as the SMART City, AMRUT, PRASAD, would quality and ambient temperature. viii.Adoption of new construction methods
have benefited if such frameworks were used.
5. Real estate bonds, green bonds and even 2. May note that to achieve environmental
Some of the additional areas to explore and carbon markets – explore tools like these to sustainability and to ensure pedestrian priority,
incorporate may be: increase participation/ interest of participants material selection and enabling fire and life
1. Create a decision trees – this will encourage in improving the public and green spaces when safety, respectively are the key.
users by identifying actionable points. you are sequestering carbon. Improving the
The issue is, the process for brownfield quality of life for people in the urban spaces 3. In the section on Vision for Indian Cities, include
transformation is complex and several aspects if made tradeable, benefits for real estate water-averse/ management and streamlining
need to be covered. The decision tree helps development and boosts revenue capture. supply chain for garbage as means to achieve
by breaking the complex processes into When quality and feasibility is converted into set goals.
smallest steps and indicates when a stage real estate shareable bonds, it becomes easier
is completed clearly. It will also provide to incentivize everyone to participate. 4. In the definition of Character based area,
alternative approaches, chart out expected include ‘Climate’ as a function.
challenges and need for customization, yet 6. Trying to integrate the other planning tools of
ultimately handhold progress. It also becomes Ministry and agencies in the documents.
convenient for administrators to visualize the
process and participate.

2. Include drafting a GHG inventory – This may

be a graded process, depending on the quality
of available data. Say, it can be in three tiers,
where the middle is optimum data and third
level is an advanced one.

90 91
Background Studies Chapter 4 | Expert Review

Other Documents

Guidebook SOP I SOP II Manuals for Station Redevelopment

including Commercial Development

Guidebook Guidebook Guidebook

for adoption of for adoption of orfora
ffor dadoption
option of
adoption o

Form Based Codes Form Based Codes FForm Based

orm B ased Codes
Preparation of Preparation of
Character Based Area Layout Plan Urban Form Regulations

These Manuals and Guidebooks were prepared

by IRSDC Ltd. through testing on on-
going projects and adopted in 2021 after
an India-wide consultative process involving
key sector experts. The manuals have been
applied to plan for Indian station
Guidebook explains all tools and processes to SOP-I provides tools and processes for SOP-II provides tools and processes for redevelopment projects at Nagpur, Bijwasan
adopt Form Based Codes and its component creating CBALP. formulating .UFRs applicable to various CBALP. (New Delhi), Chandigarh, Amritsar, etc.
parts, like CBALP, UFR, PDC.



92 93
Background Studies Chapter 4 | Expert Review

“The Standard Operating Procedures I and II viz., Preparation of Character Based Area Layout Plan “Very good piece of work done and relevant considering. This is a non-prescriptive and handholding
and Preparation of Urban Form Regulations along with Guidebook for adoption of Form Based Codes tool to streamline the processes for brownfield transformation and aligns with the new vision for Indian
-Case Studies have assumed much significance especially as Ministry of housing and Urban Affairs cities, being promoted by the Government of India, MoHUA and other allied bodies/ missions like NIUA,
have been advocating area based strategies through Special Assistance to States to implement Urban GATI and JAL Shakti. While individual agency/ Mission focus on isolated mandates, the Guidebook and
Planning Reforms as formulation of Local Area Plans and Town Planning Scheme have been identified SOPs are providing an integrated framework and have enlisted actions to achieve necessary outcomes.
as one of the reforms. Both the SOPs and Guidebook are comprehensible and Town Planners working
in State Town and Country Planning Department, Urban Development Authorities and Urban Local The idea of Property Development Cards and dynamic portal would facilitate implementation of Real
Bodies can use these documents while taking up area based strategies.” estate bonds, green bonds and even carbon markets. With this we can also imagine exploring tools
like these to increase participation/ interest of participants in improving the public and green spaces
R.Srinivas, when you are sequestering carbon. Improving the quality of life for people in the urban spaces if made
Consultant (Urban Planner) M/o Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt. of India. tradeable, benefits real estate development and boosts revenue capture. When quality and feasibility
Former Town and Country Planner, TCPO, MoHUA , is converted into real estate shareable bonds, it becomes easier to incentivize everyone to participate.”
Director (Ahmedabad Smart City Development Limited)
Dr. Sumana Bhattacharya
Senior Advisor, Climate Change at Iora Ecological Solutions
Expert in review, development, management and implementation of programmes and projects in the areas of
Climate Change, GHG inventorisation, Ecosystem Assessment, and Low Carbon Development.
She is a key member for engagements on climate change policy development, finance and governance issues at
“The effort put in to develop the FBC Guidebook and the SOPs is commendable, the documents are a national and state level.
well written and illustrated with simple graphics. Integration of FBCs in the Planning Process is indicated
clearly, and as understood from the guidebook, its implementation may be done in a phased manner
over a period of time. Using performance oriented and area based approach for FBCs with a dynamic
portal offering flexibility is good and will ensure that the regulations are neither too prescriptive nor rigid.
FBCs lays emphasis on climate responsiveness and addresses resilience while integrating natural and
built resources, which is good. PDCs are in an easy to understand format, which may make it useful for
wide range of users. Additional regulations for heritage and high density areas is much needed and is “It is good to note that the Guidebook and SOPs integrate Green Building parameters as part of area
welcomed.” planning and regulation. The integration of Green Building Guidelines into Property Development Cards
lay the ground for cities to adopt Green Building Passports.”
Dr. Sujata Govada
Founding and Managing Director, UDP International SMH Adil
Adjunct Associate Professor at CUHK Built Environment Simulation Specialist, CEO, GEED
Vice President (International Relations) and Founding Member of Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design (HKIUD) Licensed ECBC Master Trainer,
Vice President of AIA HK Certified Energy Manager, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, M/o Power Govt. of India
Global Trustee of the Urban Land Institute and ExCo member of ULI North Asia

“The proposition in the documents (Form Based Codes) – i.e. to streamline the process of transformation
of brownfield sites can be a useful tool for upgrading areas in and around monuments and historic
cities in general. As the regulations are contextually driven, the layers in historic towns, which impart
its characteristics can be included and responded suitably. Which means, one evolves a format of
development where heritage is synonymous to upgradation/ better quality of development. The Property
Development Card – is of great help to those with property in Prohibited and Regulated Areas. As the
PDCs are applicable even at plot level, it will very clearly articulate options of development at the very
onset. This will prevent the issues arising from ambiguity and tentativeness due to complications in the
norms and even how monuments were notified originally. In fact – this is the essence of EoDB. As a
reviewer, I have understood the immense value of these regulations and guidelines, and I would look
forward to further Consultation and adoption processes.”

Prof. Ajay Khare,

Professor (HAG) and Dean Research & Head CHCR
School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal, India. (M/o Education, Govt. of India)
Former Member, National Monuments Authority, (M/o Culture, Govt. of India),
Former Director, (Founder) SPA Bhopal, (2009-2014)

94 95
Background Studies References

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• National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP), 2006 - https://mohua.gov.in/upload/uploadfiles/files/TransportPo- https://asi.nic.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/national-conservation-policy-final-April-2014.pdf
licy(3).pdf • National Heritage Byelaws - http://www.nma.gov.in/view-heritage
• NUTP, 2014, Institute of Urban Transport (India) - https://www.changing-transport.org/wp-content/up- • CPWD Handbook of Conservation of Heritage Buildings - https://cpwd.gov.in/Publication/Conservation-
loads/E_K_NUMP_India_2014_EN.pdf & http://www.iutindia.org/ Hertbuildings.pdf
• National TOD Policy, 2017 - https://mohua.gov.in/upload/whatsnew/59a4070e85256Transit_Oriented_De- • DCPR, Pune, 2017 - https://www.pmc.gov.in/sites/default/files/DCR_PUNE_FINAL.pdf
velopoment_Policy.pdf • Development Regulation provisions for Heritage Conservation, Chennai - http://www.cmdachennai.gov.
• Delhi TOD Policy, 2021 - http://uttipec.nic.in/upload/uploadfiles/files/Notified%20TOD%20Policy%2030%20 in/pdfs/seminar_heritage_buildings/Development_Regulation_provisions_for_Heritage_Conservation_in_
July%202021.pdf CMA.pdf
• Haryana TOD Policy, 2016 - https://tcpharyana.gov.in/ncrpb/TOD%20Policy-9.2.2016.pdf
• UP TOD Policy for RRTS Stations - https://shaktifoundation.in/initiatives/value-capture-finance-vcf-for-sus- 5) Climate and Disaster Mitigation/ Adaptation/ Resilience/ Energy Efficiency:
tainable-transport-infrastructure/ • Climate Risk Management - https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/GIZ_NIDM_Climate%20RiskManagementFrame-
• Toolkit for Land Use Transport Integration and Density of Urban Growth, 2013 - https://smartnet.niua. work.pdfhttps://www.changing-transport.org/wp-content/uploads/E_K_NUMP_India_2014_EN.pdf
org/sites/default/files/resources/file_1215201402295859.pdf • National Policy on Disaster Management (NPDM) - https://www.mha.gov.in/sites/default/files/2022-08/
• Sizing up Parking Space (ITDP Street Guidelines), Pune, 2016 - https://www.pmc.gov.in/sites/default/files/ NPDM-101209%5B1%5D.pdf
project-glimpses/PMC-public-parking-policy-English-revised-March2016-Final.pdf • National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP), 2019 - https://ndma.gov.in/sites/default/files/PDF/ndmp-
• Electric Vehicle Policy, Delhi, 2022 - https://ev.delhi.gov.in/files/Accelerating-Electric-Mobility-in-Del- 2019.pdf
hi8497bf.pdf • National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) - https://static.pib.gov.in/WriteReadData/specificdocs/
2) Sustainable Solid Waste Management/ Stormwater Management/ Solar Power/ Water bodies: • Draft National Energy Policy, 2017 - https://www.niti.gov.in/sites/default/files/2022-12/NEP-ID_27.06.2017.
• National Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Management - https://cpcb.nic.in/uploads/MSW/Action_ pdf.pdf
plan.pdf • Scoping study for Policy Initiatives to minimize Urban Heat Island Effect for Low Carbon Urban Growth
• Indicative Guidelines for Restoration of Water Bodies, CPCB - https://cpcb.nic.in/wqm/Ind-Guide- - https://shaktifoundation.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Scoping-Study-for-Policy-Initiatives-to-Minimize-Ur-
lines-RestWaterBodies.pdf ban-Heat-Island-effect1.pdf
• SOP for Restoration of Existing Water Bodies, Delhi - https://cityoflakesdelhi.com/wp-content/up- • Management of Urban Flooding, 2010 - https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/NDMA/12.pdf
loads/2022/10/ SOP-for-Restoring-Managing-Existing-Water-Bodies_FINAL.pdf • Urban Flooding, Standard Operating Procedures - http://amrut.gov.in/upload/uploadfiles/files/SOP_Ur-
• Manual on Stormwater Drainage Systems, CPHEEO (Vol. I & II) - http://cpheeo.gov.in/cms/manu- banflooding_5May2017.pdf
al-on-storm-water-drainage-systems---2019.php • AMRUT 2.0, Operational Guidelines, 2021 - https://mohua.gov.in/upload/uploadfiles/files/AMRUT-Opera-
• Stormwater Master Plan, Pune - https://www.pmc.gov.in/sites/default/files/project-glimpses/Storm_Water. tional-Guidelines.pdf
• Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Solar Energy - https://mnre.gov.in/solar/current-status/ 6) Miscellaneous:
• Solar Power Policy, Telangana - https://www.tssouthernpower.com/telanganastatesolarpowerpolicy • Indicators for Child-Friendly Local Development (I-CHILD), 2016 - https://smartnet.niua.org/sites/default/
• Solar Energy Policy, Tamil Nadu - https://teda.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/SOLARPOLICY2019.pdf files/resources/indicatorsl.pdf
• Toolkit for Enabling Gender Responsive Urban Mobility and Public Spaces, (Vol I.) World Bank - https://
3) Green Building/ Development/ Infrastructure: documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/099651410192229435/pdf/IDU01ef8184c02ec004af50ae850e22d-
• Government Incentives to IGBC-rated Green Building Projects - https://igbc.in/igbc/redirectHtml.Green 67ee8c62.pdf
• Growth and Sustainable Development in India - https://www.teriin.org/projects/green/pdf/National_SPM.pdf • Projects on Inclusive Cities - https://niua.in/inclusive-cities-centre
• Green Highways, Ministry of Road transport and Highways - https://morth.nic.in/sites/default/files/Green_ • Affordable Housing in Partnership - https://mohua.gov.in/upload/uploadfiles/files/7AHP-Guidelines.pdf
Highways_Policy.pdf • Discourses on Affordable Housing in India and Best Practices under PMAY-U - https://pmay-urban.gov.
• Green Hydrogen Policy, Ministry of Power - https://powermin.gov.in/sites/default/files/Green_Hydrogen_ in/storage/materials/Discourses-of-Affordable-Housing-in-India.pdf
Policy.pdf • National Urban Rental Housing Policy - https://mohua.gov.in/upload/uploadfiles/files/National_Urban_
• Green Building Policy, Maharashtra - https://maharashtra.mygov.in/en/task/maharashtra-green-build- Rental_Housing_Policy_Draft_2015.pdf
ing-policy/ • Affordable Housing Policy, Haryana, 2013 - https://tcpharyana.gov.in/Notifications_Judgements/Notifica-
• Cool Roof Policy, Telangana, 2023 - https://www.telangana.gov.in/PDFDocuments/Telangana-Cool-Roof-Pol- tion_AFFORDABLE_HOUSING_POLICY_2013_Finalised%2018.08.2013.pdf
icy-2023-2028.pdf • Reforms in Urban Planning Capacity in India - https://www.niti.gov.in/sites/default/files/2021-09/Urban-
4) Conservation/ Restoration/ Preservation of Heritage Properties and Precincts: • National Urban Policy Framework, 2018 - https://smartnet.niua.org/sites/default/files/resources/nupf_final.
• Improving Heritage Management in India - https://www.niti.gov.in/sites/default/files/2020-06/Improving-Her- pdf

96 97
Background Studies


National Institute of Urban Affairs
1st Floor, Core 4B, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003, INDIA
Phone: (+91 11) 24634971, 24643576
• Email: niua@niua.org • Website: www.niua.in

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