Numerical Analysis On Transitions and Symmetry-Breaking Inthewakeofa Apping Foil
Numerical Analysis On Transitions and Symmetry-Breaking Inthewakeofa Apping Foil
Numerical Analysis On Transitions and Symmetry-Breaking Inthewakeofa Apping Foil
DOI 10.1007/s10409-012-0158-8
cussed the relation of the transition process with thrust gener- ∇ · u = 0, (3)
ation. In this paper, we will numerically study the transition
where u is the velocity, p is the pressure, and f is the exter-
of flow patterns in the wake of flapping foils and investigate
nal force. The boundary conditions are given as follows: At
their relation with thrust generations.
the inlet boundary, a uniform flow with velocity U = 1, and
We will use the immersed boundary method [23–27] to
the normal gradient of the pressure is set to be zero; At the
numerically simulate Godoy-Diana et al.’s experiment and
outlet, the velocities are extrapolated from the interior and
investigate the transition process from the KVS to the RKVS
the normal gradient of the pressure is also zero; At the lat-
and its relation with thrust generation. Moreover, the numer-
eral boundaries, the gradient of tangential velocity is zero,
ical simulation offers some details of flow patterns, which
the normal velocity is zero and the normal gradient of the
are not available in experiments, so that the complete scenar-
pressure is also zero. The non-slip boundary conditions are
ios on flow patterns can be observed. The rest of this paper
applied to the surfaces of the foil where the fluid velocity is
is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the mathemat-
the same as that of the foil.
ical models for the flows around the flapping foils and the
The computational region ranges from −3D to 19D in
numerical method. Section 3 presents the numerical simula-
the horizontal (or streamwise) direction (x direction), and
tion results on thrust or drag under different Strouhal num-
from −8D to 8D in the vertical direction with the origin at
bers and their relation to the flow patterns. Finally, we will
summarize the results of the present study in Sect. 4. the centre of the semicircle. The number of uniform grids is
240 × 120 with Δx = Δy = 0.025 in the rectangular region
of −D < x < 5D and −1.5D < y < 1.5D, the grids are then
2 Mathematical model and numerical method stretched towards the boundary with the size growth ratio of
1.04 (see Fig. 2). The time step is 0.002.
2.1 A simple model for flapping foil
(2) Calculate the volume forces by VOF airfoils, we will calculate the drag coefficient defined as
f = Φ[uun+1 2
rig − ũ ]/Δt,
u (5) Cd = F1 ds, (10)
ρU 2 L
where u rig is the velocity of the foil.
where F1 is the force acting on the airfoil surface in the
(3) Correct the intermediate velocity using the volume streamwise direction.
forces We performed simulations of the case with Re = 255,
u ∗ − ũu St = 0.22 and AD = 1.07, using different time steps and grid
= f. (6) resolutions. For the time step of 0.002 and 0.001, the drag
coefficients equal to 0.552 and 0.563, respectively. For the
(4) Calculate the intermediate velocity u ∗∗ , compute the grid width of 0.025 and 0.01, the drag coefficients equal to
pressure and update the fluid velocity u n+1 0.552 and 0.549, respectively. The differences in the results
u ∗∗ − u ∗ obtained by using different time steps and mesh resolutions
= ∇h pn , (7) are sufficiently small.
∇h · u ∗∗ 3 Numerical results
∇2h pn+1 = , (8)
u n+1 − u ∗∗ The parameters in the present simulation are taken from the
= −∇h pn+1 . (9) experiment by Godoy-Diana et al. [22]: the Reynolds num-
ber Re = 255, the uniform oncoming flow U = 1 and fluid
Here, the projection method is used to decouple the solu- density ρ = 1. We will take different Strouhal numbers St
tion of velocity and that of pressure. In time advancing, and flapping amplitudes AD to study how the flow patterns
the Adams–Bashford and the Crank–Nicholson schemes are are dependent on these parameters and compare the results
used for the convective and the diffusive term, respectively. obtained with the previous experiments of Godoy-Diana et
The spatial discretization is based on the finite volume ap- al. [22].
proach. Figure 4 is plotted for a fixed St = 0.22 and different
The immersed boundary code has been developed by values of AD , equal to 0.36, 0.71, 1.07, 1.77 and 2.80, respec-
our research group. To validate the code, one testing case is tively. The left column is for vorticity contours, the middle
implemented. In this numerical example, we investigate the one for time averaged streamwise velocity contours and the
laminar flow induced by the harmonic in-line oscillation of right one for the time averaged streamwise velocity compo-
a circular cylinder. According to Ref. [28], the key param- nent in the near wake. The first row at AD = 0.36 is the typ-
eters are Re = Umax D/ν = 100, KC = Umax /( f D), where ical case of low-amplitude pitching which produces a KVS,
Umax is the maximum velocity of the cylinder motion; D de- and the mean flow is a typical wake profile which character-
notes the diameter of the cylinder and f is the frequency of izes drag. By increasing the amplitude AD to 0.71, the vor-
the oscillation. The translational motion is given by the har- tices of alternating signs are aligned with the symmetry line
monic oscillation of x(t) = −Ac sin(2π f t), where Ac denotes of the wake. When the amplitude increases to AD = 1.07,
the amplitude of the cylinder motion. Figure 3 shows the the rotation direction of vortices changes and the flows in
time history of the in-line force. From this figure, it is seen wakes transit from KVS to RKVS, and the mean flow is a
that the present numerical result is in agreement with that of typical jet profile which characterizes thrust. By further in-
Ref. [29]. creasing amplitude to 1.77, the vortex streets start to become
For studying the propulsive performance of flapping deflected and asymmetric to the center line. As the ampli-
tude increases to 2.8, a symmetry breaking is observed in the
RKVS. These plots clearly demonstrate that as the flapping
amplitude increases, the flow patterns transit from KVS to
RKVS and finally become deflected RKVS with symmetry-
Similar scenarios can be found by fixing the ampli-
tude to AD = 1.07 and taking different Strouhal numbers,
St = 0.10, 0.22, 0.30, 0.40 (see Fig. 5). It is also observed
that the transition from RKVS to the deflected RKVS oc-
curs when the Strouhal number St or flapping frequency f is
higher than a critical value.
The bifurcation diagram for parameters St and AD is
plotted in Fig. 6, which indicates different regimes of flow
patterns: The KVS is located in the lower area, while the
Fig. 3 Time history of the in-line force RKVS is located in the upper-right area. The regime of
1554 G.-Y. He, et al.
aligned vortices is in between and the deflected RKVS is in The bifurcation diagram offers transition paths for different
the region of largest St and A/D. These parameter regimes Strouhal numbers and flapping amplitudes.
are qualitatively in agreement with the experimental results.
Fig. 4 Instantaneous vorticity contours (left column), time-averaged streamwise velocity contours (middle column) and time-averaged
streamwise velocity component in the near wake (right column) for fixed Re = 255 and St = 0.22, from top to bottom. a AD = 0.36;
b AD = 0.71; c AD = 1.07; d AD = 1.77 and e AD = 2.8
Figure 7 shows the dependency of the drag coefficient flapping amplitude could affect thrust generation. For larger
on the flapping amplitude AD for different Strouhal numbers. St, the increase in flapping amplitude could significantly im-
For the smallest St, there is no thrust generation even for prove the thrust generation.
large AD . As soon as St is larger than a threshold value, the
Numerical analysis on transitions and symmetry-breaking in the wake of a flapping foil 1555
Fig. 5 Instantaneous vorticity contours for fixed Re = 255 and AD = 1.07. a St = 0.10; b St = 0.22; c St = 0.30; d St = 0.40
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